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I don't understand who this show is for.
>every woman is strong and powerful and can hold their own against men in physical confrontation
>90% of the cast is a minority
>you're suppose to be rooting for the people who want to subvert control of the universe
>the emperor is portrayed as a spineless cuck faggot
>men are easily manipulated and emotionally toyed with by women
>Ragnar Lothbrok is pretty much typecast as unhinged now

Imagine this show the other way around.
>in this universe mostly dominated by women a magical order, exclusively consisting of men, mostly white, wants to subvert genetic lines to create more controllable rulers and shadowpuppet the galaxy
Would anyone root for the latter?
They're literally a cope version of the golden path. Anyone who read the books knows they are an order of retards bent on controlling destiny for themselves.
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bruh have sex
Anon it's just slop trying to capitalize on the surprisingly good nuDune movies. Just let its viewers dwindle like ROP and it'll fuck off eventually.
i like dunc 1 & 2 but i have no drive to watch this
wtf even is this?
You are not missing anything. I have a friend who says he actually fell asleep halfway through episode two and only woke up because his TV started playing some war movie after it was over.
Damn, There has been so many things I planned on watching and then lost all interest. like joker 2.
Yeah I'm in the same position. I was really hoping this show would be a fun expansion to the movies and perhaps introduce an interesting side story, some good characters or some fun lore. But nah, it's just [The Message] over and over again.
You can tell the showrunners hated how Paul Atreides was portrayed in the movies.
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This is the writer and showrunner. Hope it helps OP.
Fucking really? God damn, way to confirm all my worst fears.
>every woman is strong and powerful and can hold their own against men in physical confrontation
>you're suppose to be rooting for the people who want to subvert control of the universe
>the emperor is portrayed as a spineless cuck faggot
>men are easily manipulated and emotionally toyed with by women

All of these are present in the books and straight out of Frank's LSD riddled leftoid mind
>t. hasn't read them
I no longer want to watch this show
>>in this universe mostly dominated by women a magical order, exclusively consisting of men, mostly white, wants to subvert genetic lines to create more controllable rulers and shadowpuppet the galaxy
I'd watch that. It might not be good or particularly well-written but at least it would be something original in today's world.
That being said no one like >>206070475 would ever make a show about an order of men trying to fix a problem.
I've read all the Frank books and you're dellusional if you think his leftism didn't seep into the books
It's one of those cases where we aren't supposed to root for the protagonist (Paul) but the reader ends up doing iy anyway because he's based. I only like the first book really, but the rest of the Frank written books have some interesting ideas in them.
This. A lot of women I know who saw the Dune movies say the same thing. It's kinda like the Warhammer 4ok conundrum. The human's aren't particularly nice, but they're better than the alternative so you might as well root for them.
You might not like Paul, but his mother isn't better and neither is his GF so you might as well root for him.

If you're as jaded and dead inside as I am, consider The Penguin. It's better than it looks.
10/10 for Hutt vore fetishists

Frank Herbert isn't a Leftist, he was actually a me.ber of the Republican party and even helped them out by writing speeches for them and in his books showed how governments can be tyrannical.

Frank Herbert was homophobic and transphobic and he was not a Leftist.
I never made the connection before but Dune must actually have inspired Warhammer quite a bit.
Most of the modern sci fi genre takes stuff from Dune
Yeah, a lot of the empirical aspects of Warhammer are pretty much straight from doom.
I didn't notice
It's a modern show with modern messaging. How the movies managed to get made is anyone's guess.
>5 mins into the show
>"yeah, i fucked around in my free time and discovered the voice"
>random club scene straight out of some cw show
Absolutely dreadful, instead of showing origins of great houses and shit, we get whatever this is
The power of propaganda like this is lost immediately when I can just picture Tariq Nasheed jerking off in his bedroom about being sodomized by fat slave traders in the 1800s.
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>First 5 minutes
>Atreides are bad guys who lie
>All rulers of the great families are greedy power hungry bad guys who need guidance from women
>Manipulate rulers to breed new rulers who they can control for reasons
>Majority of bene gesserit are white in what is a diverse cast otherwise
>First 20 minutes is literally women talking
I don't think this is for us lads.
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it's all so tiresome
I fucking died inside when the bitch casually brings up having learned the voice in her spare time and she just invented that shit on her own. Writing is dead.
Funniest part is that's actually in the book too. Granted it's a book written by Brian Herbert, Frank's son as a cashgrab but still.
I fell off the fucking second Mother Sacred revealed her plan to make "more controllable rulers" through a genetic archive. I remember thinking to myself, "oh so this is the plot setting up the villains", but we're actually suppose to root for these people?

Are you insane? They want to undermine all freedom in the galaxy because they're right and everyone else is wrong? This is like hyper-wrongthink-Hitler and they're suppose to be the good guys? Fuck me.
How many Dune books has Brian released so far?

Bad writing being in the book does not make it less bad.
I mean, the Dune fans hate it, so, yeah, both the book and the show are bad. Anything not written by Frank is non canon if you ask me, crazy that they decided to adapt this of all things.
You see, they want a WOMAN ruler so it's okay.
He only wrote the two books, right? I don't actually know a lot about the Dune books, I just enjoyed the movies and did not enjoy the TV show.
He wrote like 20 books. Well co-autored with another author Kevin J. Anderson, who is a producer on the show iirc. It's basically official fanfic made as a cashgrab, just the son milking his dad's intellectual property for money. The latest one came out just a couple of years ago.
Oh if you mean Frank, he wrote 6 books originally.
>free chicken
Oh yeah, I meant Frank, should have specified that. I'll look into those 6 then. Is there a "first" one I should read first or just in release order?
I really think I could enjoy the Dune universe and I love to read.
Hollywood suits have never stopped looking for a new GoT. Wheel of Time failed, Foundation failed, the Witcher failed. Now it's Brianslop time.
What of Rings of Power? Surely that'll be the next PHENOMENON!
Yeah, that too, of course.
Yeah, release order. Read Dune, then Messiah, then Children of Dune. That's the original trilogy. Then the last 3 books if you want more, but I don't like them personally. They skip like 3000 years after the original trilogy. And then if you like those you can read the Brian books, but wouldn't recommend.
Alright, neat, thank you Anon!
Let's be real, if this series had a straight white blond blue-eyed male as protagonist no one ITT would be complaining about writing issues or whatever. You're all just mad that it is portraying something you don't like.
it would be more pleasant to look at but still shit. cw shows have hot casts but they're still garbage
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They adapted Brian Herbert
Rule of thumb: if it says "Brian" on the cover, avoid like the plague.
The average American media in 2024
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Couldn't have said it better myself.
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I think Brian comes across as funny likable guy in interviews, I have nothing against him as a person, but the man has no idea what Dune needs and should never have written a page in his life.
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Interesting books are written by interesting people. When you read Brian's prefaces to the latest edition of Frank's original books, it becomes very clear that he's not an interesting person.
>alison schlopker
Does he even write them? I thought he teamed up with some shit tier sci fi writer to shit out all those books
>>Ragnar Lothbrok is pretty much typecast as unhinged now
And I love him for it. He's my hero.
>>in this universe mostly dominated by women a magical order, exclusively consisting of men, mostly white, wants to subvert genetic lines to create more controllable rulers and shadowpuppet the galaxy
>yfw that's actually what happens by the time of Heretics and Chapterhouse
is this the book version of shovelware?
So far the only quibble I have with the show is them fucking up the timeline. 116 years after the Butlerian Jihad should have the Corrinos on Kaitan because Salusa Secundus was rendered a rad-tox wasteland a century prior.
>in this universe mostly dominated by women a magical order, exclusively consisting of men, mostly white, wants to subvert genetic lines to create more controllable rulers and shadowpuppet the galaxy

It's called World's End Harem
Wait, we're supposed to root for the bene-gesserit? I thought they are the villains and Ragnar, the princess and the rapist from Broadchurch are the heroes
I'm pretty sure the showrunner wants you to root for the women, yes.
Warhammer has almost no original ideas, its just pulp scifi anyway.
/a/ is the most retarded board on this site by far.
>every woman is strong and powerful and can hold their own against men in physical confrontation
>90% of the cast is a minority

I dropped it after 30 minutes because of that. I want sci-fi to be set in a different world, not 2024 Hollywood.
unironically got 'em
I've seen gay women sisterhood order of witches thing in Wheel of Time
I've seen Ragnar finding faith in Sol
I've seen boring politics with houses and kings/emperors

Nothing to see in this shit. Let's move on.
>my penis is bigger than yours!
"That's a misunderstanding. The uncivilized african evolved in a dry, hot climate. Having a penis flop about when not engorged aided in heat dispersal. Same reason for your big ugly lips and your nappy hair. If we were to compare actual erect size, you'd see we were both within a standard deviation of one another."
A chud receiving some humiliation from superior Human.
They don't do a good job of making you believe the Bene Gesserit are particularly skilled, all the men are retards so controlling them wouldn't take a day of training.
>surprisingly good nuDune movies
The what?
>I don't understand who this show is for.
and yet women won't watch sci-fis.
>based on anti-cannon cashgab books by hack son who seems to despise his father's legacy.
>takes a universe where women are already (or will be) the single most powerful faction pulling the strings and somehow manage to make them even more overpowered.
>shit pacing, shit casting, shit production values.

Yeah I checked in out of morbid curiosity then checked out after 20 mins. Utter garbage. Lol at how they managed to make the Emperor's court look like a small community council meeting though.
This. The Emperor is suppose to be one of the smartest most skilled people in existence and he folds like a fag the moment he meets any resistance.
The few scenes I remember from that planet I was kinda baffled the emperor lived so... small. They showed grand views of his palace from above, sure, but the entire palace might as well consist of 2 small rooms and a hallway for all I know. In the first episode there's this wedding, and it's done in the emperor's throne room and I'm sitting there wondering why? You don't have a banquet hall or some ritual place to do this? You had to re-use the tiny-ass room the emperor sits in on the worlds tiniest cuck-chair?

For a universe like Dune, where things are suppose to FEEL grand in scale, everything sure feels fucking tiny in the show.
>trekkiefags think they're people again
reeks of incel itt
it's big production company slop and you'll learn to like it
Dude they put strong women in Dune???? How could they????? Strong women were NEVER part of the original stories!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>you're suppose to be rooting
I hate this mentatlity, why the fuck do you have to root for anyone. Why can't you watch a show merely to see how things unfold and where the story goes? Why do you require a need to empathize and identify with the goals of the characters? I bet you were someone who got mad when Penguin killed Vic.
what the fuck are you talking about Paul is literally within the right in the story fucking retards my God
BG women were never physically stronger than men in canon
You've clearly not read the books and consumed too much of that critical grifter juice. Read the books, consume less.
>Paul is literally within the right in the story
Paul literally becomes a tyrant and kills billions of people to enact his master plan to save the universe. He actively spends most of the books and the movies trying to avoid this eventuality, but it's the only way that keep Chani alive...a little longer anyway.
mirroring is the whole point of what they do, they want you to "imagine the reverse" as though the two exist on equal planes and "entertainment" is for that. Nothing is reversible and never the way they suggest it is, forwards or backwards.
The book this show is based on was not written by Frank Herbert. This isn't Dune, it's Dune fanfiction.
He hired a writer best known for writing young adult Star Wars books.
Frank also created Mentats as a hard counter to the Bene Gesserit.
I know some of you NPCs find the concept of relating to humanity strange and alien, but the people that aren't just cattle actually like that.
everyone was homophobic back then you dolt
We already know where the story goes. The Bene Gesserit get BTFO'd by an angsty teenage boy that marries the pincess and pumps babies into his brown waifu.
So the women is an Harkonnen who got sent to some wasteland of a planet and she built the temple place by herself? with the help of house Harkonnen? with the other sisters she met on the battlefields? Like where did this temple come from?
It's only been 4 minutes and I'm confused
Paul is a bitch that doesn't have the balls to do what he knows is necessary. That's why he fucks off to the desert and leaves all the hard parts to his son.
>hard logic is the counter to a bunch of women

Yeah, that makes sense.
>bookfags ruin the thread
I wonder if this was what OP wanted...
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I miss being a bookfag during /GOT/
I can't even fathom how fucked up the mind of someone like Frank Herbert must be if he considered the Bene Gesserit and their Great Plan to be the righteous good guys
How can you not like God Emperor? it's the absolute best of the original six books.

Highly recommend reading at least the first four books. God Emperor of Dune is the best imo. The last two of Frank's books start getting weirder and they end on a cliffhanger because he died, but if you read them I do recommend reading Brian's two books just to see where they went. I didn't like them but I'm glad I gave them a shot.
This, I enjoy his work but the underlying message of feminist supremacy and liberalism is repulsive.
Clearly it isn’t for insecure fragile beta males like you.
It's actually pretty common for fiction writers to give women some exclusive magical power to compensate for them not really standing out in any other areas except child-birth. Male muscles, societal leader roles, bravery and such are so hard-baked into the notion of storytelling by now that women literally get free magic because what else are they suppose to do.
NTA, but I appreciate your recommendation Anon. /lit/ is fucking unusable for this type of thing, which is a shame.
>>in this universe mostly dominated by women a magical order, exclusively consisting of men, mostly white, wants to subvert genetic lines to create more controllable rulers and shadowpuppet the galaxy
>Would anyone root for the latter?
You described The Wheel of Time, and yes.
good to know you didn't read Frank's books
It takes WoT like 12 books to get that based.
This is literally what liberal globalists believe in real life, the undermining of family and every traditional societies that is, not sure about the breeding program to turn every men into docile eunuchs though.
Was considering watching this show because I liked the actor, and some heroic anon is spamming this webm and I saw this is actually episode 1. The synopsis involves BLM racists, and other shit. Glad I won’t be subjecting myself to trash like.
But Ragnar is the protagonist, he's the only one standing up against the evil witches.
I love how everyone ITT just calls him Ragnar because that's the only role anyone actually remembers him from and no one knows what his actual name is, in the show or IRL. I'm not dissing the guy, it's just funny to notice.
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Is she in it?
I didn't even like Vikings but I like the actor, I genuinely enjoy seeing him playing crazy eyed viking in everything. I was half-bored watching the Dune show until he appears and btfo the witch truth seeking.
>he doesn't know
A demographic pivot has occurred regarding women and fantasy / science fiction. What has historically been male power fantasy genres and explorations of intriguing scientific / cultural questions of humanity's past and future, has suddenly become increasingly popular with women.

The highest grossing book genre in the world is romantasy (romance fantasy novels). Game of Thrones, Wheel of Time, Star Trek, Star Wars and their ilk are all now targeting the female audience, essentially assuming that the men will show up regardless.

So now, every single science fiction / fantasy show that comes out is written for women, by women. We've come full cycle where the women are multifaceted characters and the men are pretty boy props or evil villains. This also changes the core of adventure and exploration and philosophy that these genres used to focus upon. Now they are simply character dramas for women with scifi / fantasy settings.

No action, no heroic quests, no complex philosophical questions, no good vs. evil, just politics and plotting and romance and backstabbing.

It wont' change anytime soon because Hollywood is run by gays and women now. They took one white guy from Texas (Taylor Sheridan) to write manly movies / shows and now he's nearly a billionaire because the male audience is so fundamentally underserved, but apparently Hollywood hates money and doesn't care.
ok ai bot post
mysterious and unknown power that makes the witches actually interesting and terrifying... the lore is that some 30 something bitch made it up... to protect her sisters!!! go girl power!!!
>essentially assuming that the men will show up regardless
Which is funny because its just not happening.
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>Taylor Sheridan
But all his shows are the exact same slop we're already getting. People spending 3 seasons talking at each other with nothing actually happening but characters, romances and betrayals. Yellowstone is essentially just that dragged out over 50 fucking episodes.
It's just the only example I can think of of a Hollywood outsider making content targeting straight men. It doesn't have to be good, it just is the only thing catering to the desires of male viewers.

I'd argue that a better example of what you're talking about is Spartacus (2010). Full of action, violence and fucking but also brimming with plot and the traditional nobility and brotherhood male viewers want to watch and associated with. I cannot think of a single show from Taylor Sheridan that matches that description.

He just writes boring mediocre family dramas that spend way to long not going anywhere and is pretty much summarized in your own words:
>No action, no heroic quests, no complex philosophical questions, no good vs. evil, just politics and plotting and romance and backstabbing.
I have no idea how people like you defend this shit.
Fair enough.
So what would you guys have prefered the show be about? They can't use any of Frank's shit, that's going in the movies.
I would have greatly enjoyed seeing the events of the movies from another factions perspective. Or we could have explored another of the great houses and how they handled the change in governance of Arrakis. How about if we used the movie to flesh out the emperor a bit more? The burdens of juggling the great houses while also being an authoritarian leader to maintain his position could have been fun. Maybe something more alternative? Like a fake documentary talking about the nature and creatures that live on some of the planets in that universe? The season could even end on Arrakis as a nice "final episode".

I'd watch all of that if done well.
Oh yeah Spartacus is a great example! I can't think of any show as masculine and enjoyable as Spartacus in recent memory.

I liked Wind River and Sicario. I loved what he did with the assassin at the end and watching the cartel get a taste of their own brutality. Never seen Yellowstone, but assumed it was similar masculine TV.
That's soon 15 years ago Anon...
It's bad because women are powerful no 4209683406340968346834968
Let's just conveniently forget how the epic women's super plan was baleeted from the MAN with the boiling powers
>Let's just conveniently forget how the epic women's super plan was baleeted from the MAN with the boiling powers
Lady Jessica is not a man.
>and enjoyable
Up until the prequel. Seasons 2 and 3 were sloptacular.
HBO is complete trash now and this will definitely be cancelled. Apple is the only company that even makes the occasional kino now and even most of their shows are overly emotional slop that focus way too much on badly written personal drama.
So if we're acknowledging genetic differences is it acceptable to admit that black people have lower IQs because of genetics?
Frank was literally a life long Republican and wrote speeches for them for free.
>in this universe mostly dominated by women a magical order
that sounds awesome!! Imagine all the porn of bigg momma milkes chrushing the empire of men?
>exclusively consisting of men, mostly white, wants to subvert genetic lines to create more controllable rulers and shadowpuppet the galaxy
so, every movie ever?
star wars, star trek, logan's run, the original dune,The Fifth Element,Battle Los Angeles, etc?
Paul is the only one with a clue. Chani is clueless and basically advocates for the complete destruction of her own people and Paul is the only reason any of them survive at all.
Same. And I've read all the books and love even the crappy Scifi miniseries since it was relatively close to the novels. Have zero interest in this feminist slop
So … does that mean he agrees?
Every example you've listed has been subverted and colonized by woke faggots such as yourself, just like this one. Just admit that you despise white men having anything they like.
> >every woman is strong and powerful
if that bitch was so strong and powerful then why did she burn?
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>n-no ignore history! focus on the last 2 decades only!
is being "crazy" a requirement to be a Trump supporter?
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Why the fuck didnt they just take post god emperor timeline and did something with that?
>Bene tleilax and Ix shit
>factions returning from scattering
>two sexy ass sisterhoods battling. Other with sexual oppression and other with mindfuck magic
>ancient enemy returning from distant galaxies
>teenage duncan clone v12405 getting fucked by sexy ass bitch trying to imprint herself to him but in turn duncan uses tleilaxu genetic magic to imprint himself to her and they become fuck machines addicted to eachother
so much potential
They're already setting it up to be the Emperor and Ragnar taking on the Bene Gesserit sisterhood. We have the Richese technocrats set up to be opposed to both of them, and they have almost got thinking machines (but maybe without arafel, still pretty dangerous).

And we already know that in 10k years, the BG and the Emperor are still running shit, and visions inspired by worms (like what Ragnar had) are leading the way. Richese still survives in some format but subordinate to Ix.

They have a tight window to try and show something intredasting, but there is plenty there to work with.
They want that for 2028 into the 2030's, to follow on from whatever they do with the DUNC film series and this TV show. This is because they will be using much of the same cast.
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fish speakers FTW
>Duncan and Murabella trapped on a no-ship and screwing themselves to death because it's so damn good
I loved that plot device in the later novels. I don't think I could have finished Chapterhouse without it.
>Lol at how they managed to make the Emperor's court look like a small community council meeting though.
That's all any HBO genre fiction is going to be. Perpetually stuck trying to chase the high of the critical acclaim of early GoTs.
It should have ended in bros kissing t b f.
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down-low coon
can someone post that meme about creating a comic where the person you disagree with is dumb and silly while the person you agree with is very smart and correct
this is just that
these people are insufferable
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