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>is an alien in a human supremacist empire, still got to the top
>his own people kicked him out for being too militant, still loyal to them
>studies art of other cultures, uses it to defeat them
>other imperials rule by fear, his crew follows him out of genuine respect
>only weakness is the force which he hates because it can't be understood by rational reason
>genuinely believes the Empire is a better model of government and more capable of keeping the galaxy safe than the Republic
>single handedly revives what's left of the Empire and almost btfo's the New Republic
>basically hannibal/rommel archetype in Star Wars universe

How the FUCK did Disney manage to make him so lame? He should've been the most iconic Star Wars villain on screen since Vader.
Thrawn was always cringe, like some dude who read the book summary, he was so “smart”
Just watch Farscape and pretend Scorpius is blue.
>He should've been the most iconic Star Wars villain on screen since Vader.
lmao even
it's just some blue faggot
get a grip, you retarded fuck
Because that beta bitch Filoni couldn't let his angsty pre-teens be beaten.
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>He should've been the most iconic Star Wars villain since Vader.
He was. Fans enjoyed and loved the EU for decades before Disney/Lucas started to think about making shitty sequels to retcon over the real canon. It's literally what kept Star Wars alive and so popular in between the long bouts where Lucas himself wasn't doing anything with the franchise. He's a real ungrateful prick to act as if the kids who grew up enjoying his kid's stories are wrong for also enjoying the EU sequels when he took too long to make any himself while they were still growing up.
the whole
>empire is a human supremacist organisation
is nulore made up by faggot progressive liberals.
Originally the Empire was lead by an alien Grand Vizier
Kek, no it wasn't. That already was a stupid ass retcon by Lucas made decades after the OT was successful. The human supremacist comes directly from OT since there are zero aliens shown in the Empire on screen or mentioned anywhere plus all supporting material saying they treated aliens horribly. The only aliens the Empire uses are bounty hunters and the Imperials are shown to be disgusted by their presence.
wrong. They had aliens even in the og trilogy. People get confused because stormtrooper costumes all look the same.
The idea the Empire was ever explicitly human only never existed, it was just fanon based on assumptions.
the Imperials are disgusted by bounty hunters not aliens lol
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Every single notable inquisitor or megalomaniacal antagonist in Star Wars has been based (in appearance, in characterization or often times both) on Scorpy anyway. Whether anyone wants to admit it or not.
Thrawn was around way before Scorpius.
>human supremacist empire
go find your dictionary if the words are too big for you to comprehend
Lame? He was one of the best parts of two TV shows

The Empire being human supremacist was EU lore
>The Empire being human supremacist was EU lore
Prove it.
I remember at least some of that EU being in the Han Solo prequel trilogy. Starts with him having a Catman Chewie stand in.
No it wasn't its quite literally a Disney retcon

>sauces include a book from 1994
Zoomer detected
the wiki is shit, it mass purged anything not Didney

Btw that source explicitly mentions Alien members of the Empire

>There were several undertones that carried over into anti-droid sentiment and anti-female chauvinism, which also manifested against Human females, who were almost universally barred from the higher echelons of power in the Empire's military and government
kek its quite literally made up libtard propaganda. They had females, even female aliens.
false. I was born in the 80s
Lucas particularly liked using aliens that looked demonic to be bad guys in the Empire and Sith.
It literally makes no sense the Sith who are a bunch of fucking aliens would make an empire that was suddenly anti-alien while still having high ranking aliens
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It happens sometimes
You aren’t fooling me, Zoomer

>link from EU Star Wars RPG before the Disney era
>mentions Empire being human supremacist

Look at the section on the Wookie freedom fighter.

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Should have sent Lars Mikkelsen on a diet before shooting his scenes and/or used a better tailor for his uniform. It's nice to have the voice from the series, but his body didn't quite project "mastermind with iron discipline and will of steel", especially around the kitchen. Then there's Hollywood's usual problem that most writers, including Filoni, can't write smart people with smart plans. Instead we get various iterations of the SOON meme, peppered with "I, uh, meant for that to happen" whenever the protagonists plot armor their way through some scheme of his. This already sabotaged his gravitas in Rebels and it continued on in Ahsoka. Doesn't help that the way the protagonists escape his grasp happens in the most cartoonish lame ways possible, without any cost or lasting consequences for the good guys whatsoever, so it makes him look even less of a threat.
not the og trilogy
you have any fucking idea how old SW is kiddo?
Older than you, Zoomoid. Like I said, it was an EU thing, not the movies.
PS: If they wanted to keep his imposing threat status I could envision 2 possible scenarios from the top of my head. If he stays a bad guy who has to die eventually, have him achieve at least something that makes him look like a foe not to be trifled with. Glass the planet surface after takeoff with that star destroyed of his, or at least let him take out that fucking caravan of crab people.
Scenario 2 is to keep his honorable antagonist with a higher goal persona from the new novels and give him some larger threat that he's after. Aren't the Grysk from the novels still an open ended thread? That way, make it obvious that he doesn't want to kill the good guys, as they could still be assets in the fight to come.
Bonus points in both scenarios, if he had been allowed to keep and use his Tie Defender squadrons.
Were you born in the 70s? no, you are a retard.
It's amazing how completely Disney has killed any hype for this franchise. Filoni's supposed upcoming movie has a working title of "Heir to the Empire" and not even majority of turbo autist fans give a fuck.

Lars isn't even fat but guess he's just old dude and I think it was a mistake to make Thrawn old. Who cares what age he is in canon. He should've debuted at his peak in live action. But Filoni's take on Thrawn is terrible anyway, he's way too obviously evil and just comes across as generic evil imperial. Normies who had never before known about the character should've been "wow, who is this?" but instead nobody cares. But I don't think there was any chance that Thrawn could be cool as long as he's stuck inside Filoni's cartoon verse (which never should've been mixed into live action).
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>zoomer still insisting he’s right
Yeah the pro-human thing never existed in the og or eu.
It started to appear post prequels, as liberal writers tried to insert their racist headcanon about how butt ugly aliens represent minorities and humans equal wypipo
FWIW I remember the Young Jedi Knights series had an arc with an alien supremacist org (masquerading as an alien pride org) trying to recruit Chewbacca’s family.
nobody wants cringe blue spaceman
You are simply wrong you pointed yo a website dated 2007 you actual zoomer shit for brains.
Now provide a source that explicitly mentions it during the og trilogy.
It literally did. That's literally why Thrawn was even a fucking thing. He was an alien admiral which was highly unusual since they hated aliens, so he must be a badass to get into such a high position. The empire was using aliens as disposable slave labor. This was all before prequels. Stop making shit up.
was that the 90s? see, the lore was retconned majorly post prequels.
Disney went even harder, a bunch of the disney writers out read said they retconned the Empire to be more "racist" despite it making no sense still.
I said EU here >>206183155
and here >>206183712
. Never said it was in the movies. Now go play Fortnite, fr fr no cap. People born before Obama was president are talking.
Thrawn would be evidence to disprove it dummy.
The wiki even tries to say the republic was more speciesist than the fucking Empire lol.
None of it makes sense
It’s just zoomers and lorelets larping
Post one alien in the empire in the original trilogy.
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This was actually played with in some of the only good SW EU novels, the Young Jedi Knights had a villain called the Diversity Alliance who hated humans because the Empire had mistreated aliens.

But as they point out in that very book, the Empire mistreated everyone, they blew up Alderaan and killed billions of humans, the Rebel Alliance that defeated them was also primarily humans. It was an instance of aliens who were victims ignoring the fact that they were not victimized FOR being aliens, and that the blame for this did not lie with humans specifically but with the tyranny of Palptine.

In the end they steal/develop a plague to kill all humans, but are thwarted by the protagonists who reflect on the fact that these people allowed their resentment of the past to turn them into monsters.

It's actually really poignant, and it is 100% the reason why the EU was scrapped, because it 1:1 captures every single thing that people hate about woke anti-white nonsense, and then made it into a villain.
the original point zoomer was that the ORIGINALS and the early EU never had this as a thing.
Go back to tiktok already
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>the original point zoomer was that the ORIGINALS and the early EU never had this as a thing.
stormtrooper #84374. lucas told me.
An anon earlier said the Empire hated bounty hunters because they were aliens.
When the actual reason was they hated them because they were criminals. Since the Empire was the LAW even if they were evil.
Diversity Alliance, that was it. Had no idea it caused so much seethe though. Then again, with a name like that, it kind of had to.
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They killed him in Disney
>my headcanon is correct! and what's obviously shown on screen is wrong!
some of the bounty hunters are human, you are retarded
The Empire is all about muh rules and bounty hunters are crims.
Oh, I missed that you'd already mentioned them. Man that was a good series. It's really jarring how vast the gulf in quality is between old third-party SW stuff that nobody even knew about and the modern mainline Star Wars products. It's like the whole world lost 20 points of IQ after 1999.
in the 90s nobody gave a fuck. that kind of "activists gone too far" plots were common because everyone except some marginal lunatics agreed with the sentiment. now the lunatics are running these industries which is why normal people don't watch star wars anymore.
for me i regret not getting into the 90s eu stuff more before it became slop.
I recall it had a slightly more edgier and darker vibe to it than the og.
read a book
Anon, they also didn't have black Imperial officers, is the Empire a white supremacist organization too?
Yeah, they had a lot of really gruesome stuff, like when the Solo twins get abducted by the Neo-Sith academy, and Jason murders the shit out of another kid with a lightsaber. I still remember how horrific the description was, because he cut him in half in zero-G so shit and blood started floating around the room in globules, mentioned the strench.

Really great series, gonna go see if I still have them, maybe they hold up.
that was my point earlier. The idea that the Empire was human supremacist never existed originally, even Lucas's new canon still didn't support it.
It started off as fanon, but as Liberal writers became increasingly involved in the EU stuff they fell over themselves to make their fanon canon.
This reached its peak with the Disney take over, where they fell over themselves to emphasise the Empire was an analogy of Pinochet, nazis etc.
And it STILL doesn't make sense because they made the "racist" First Order be founded by a black woman.
It was EU before Disney, chief. Just accept it.

>he didn’t watch the Raimi cut of Return of the Jedi
No it wasn't. You still haven't provided proof, besides pointing to retcons
He's a dork that went out like a bitch in his best depiction.
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leader of the Empire btw
For the most part, yes it was back then. Lucas was making it as evil as possible, so kids could easily understand.
>trash prequel retcons made way after the fact
lol no. This is literally Disney retcons you are suffering from the mandela effect.
literally predates your 2007 source kiddo by almost a decade
My wife is a direct blood relative of Rommel’s
My daughter was super psyched when she learned that Erwin in AoT was based on her relative
The family changed their name after moving to France after the war
You're backwards. Disney made the Empire diverse. Lucas had them as white supremacists.
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If the Empire was never supposed to be human centric then why were everyone of the advisors human. Surely it wouldn't have been that hard to make a few alien costumes for how short their appearance was
Thrawn's real biggest flaw is the fact he kept dangerous and potentially disloyal people under his command, which killed him.
Near humans are a thing, it was suppose to be ambiguous.
I mean even palpatine in his first appearances looked alien.

Speaking of Disney has retconned certain aliens to be human, like the infamous ass ugly alien in the bar scene. Now they are just weird looking humans
>Pellaeon returned the other's gaze without flinching, feeling a small flicker of pride at the achievement. Many of the Emperor's top commanders and courtiers had never learned to feel comfortable with those eyes. Or with Thrawn himself, for that matter. Which was probably why the Grand Admiral had spent so much of his career out in the Unknown Regions, working to bring those still-barbaric sections of the galaxy under Imperial control. His brilliant successes had won him the title of Warlord and the right to wear the white uniform of Grand Admiral—the only nonhuman ever granted that honor by the Emperor.

This is from the Heir to the Empire.

Pretty cool. Why did they change their name? Erwin from AoT even had Rommel's birthday if I recall correctly.
I dont think this was ever a thing in the Lucas films
>zoomer accusing a different anon now

Give it up
that isnt proof, thats just proof theres zero restrictions to an alien reaching the top. He was just notable for being the first.
That’s not his royal majesty Sheev Palpatine (pbuh). Be gone, Rebel scum.
you lost hard retard.
In the new Thrawn novels (written by the same guy) the Imperials at the academy all treat Mitthraw’nuorodo like shit
One of the Diversity Alliance characters was named after the lady from Clownfish TV who wrote fanmail to the author back in the day.
From what I’ve heard, even though Rommel wasn’t an ideologue, and even though he was a professional soldier, and not a Nazi partisan, they were worried about being targeted in France
The name change still hinted at the great man’s achievements, though. They go by Renard these days.
I think it’s kinda cute
Actual cope LMAO. What’s your fortnite k-d, kidd?
I am the head of the Galactic Empire. I am its pinnacle!"
―Mas Amedda[8]
I only know one Grand Vizier of the Empire, and his name is Xizor.
>Sheev's apprentice was an alien
>his right hand alien was an alien
>he gave the title of grand admiral to an alien
many such cases.
>implying he didn’t introduce humanocentrism just to increase hatred in the galaxy and get more powerful off of it
why would aliens be exempt from being treated like shit?
Star Wars is a setting where humans have no home world, its been forgotten and interactions with aliens have become so normal no one even bats an eyelid at an alien.
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>he declares the Empire anti-alien
>proceeds to promote aliens and have aliens in highly visible positions to cause mass cognitive dissonance and frustration.
sublime troll
I don’t have it with me, but the very first Star Wars Essential Guide to Characters published before the prequels explicitly said that Palpatine hated aliens but found them useful in a few case like Thrawn and the Noghri. Also, Palpatine supports a policy of sexism which repeatedly sabotages the female Admiral Daala’s career as less-capable male officers are promoted over her.
also Sheev practices the religion of a bunch of ancient evil aliens.
Why would he even have a human supremacist ideology as an end goal.
Hes essentially applying an ancient alien philosophy to the Empire.

Palpatine hating aliens really doesn't make sense.
Neither does sexism, the Moff council had females.
eu is so gay
He has a grand total of ONE alien in the Imperial forces. That was emphasizing just how capable Thrawn was. All other aliens were disposable slaves used up in harsh conditions until they die. Only the shitty prequels and new writers coming in changed that to suddenly le Sheev was all about the aliens!
if anything if they have a human bias for grunts that indicates they view humans as canon fodder.

While Sheev continually promotes aliens to high positions
Palpatine’s original right hand was a human woman.
so now he isn't sexist? but the first Vizier, essentially the leader. Was an Alien.

On one hand he has an alien the other a woman. Yet we are seriously supposed to believe hes a sexist alien hater.
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Wrong. She's an Umbaran.
They thought he was inferior

Palpy’s shitposting was unmatched

See >>206185996
He did. It's openly stated somewhere that Palpatine just used whoever he needed to use, and played everybody off against each other because he got off on the chaos and hatred it engendered.

He went full sorcerer overlord, inducing fear and misery to empower himself.
>yfw he probably put sand in Vader’s room and blamed a random Imperial he didn’t like
Zoomers BTFO
boom, gottem
a tool of a more civilised age
>1994 retcon
>he still recruited them to be his disciples
You owned yourself
based oldfag with sources. zoomers have brainrot from watching too many ragebait youtube videos.
OT is 70s and 80s kiddo.
Its blatantly some libshits headcanon hes shoehorning in.
kek, why are you doing this to yourself
Great hyper space war with Richard madden as exar kun
the fact the original is not cited but a revised 1994 version indicates its a retcon.
You are just proving the other anon right but you are too fucking stupid to understand
Yes, that was the canon and had been for over a decade until Lucas retconned it to pretend there Palpatine loved Aliens and women and put them all over the empire.
A revised 1994 version of the og 1980s guide is a retcon.
The retcon is literally that Palpatine hated aliens when this was never stared in the og and not Lucas intent going forward.
He was actually well written in the books
Disney writers are DEI hacks and shat all over the source material from the Zahn literature.

There was no Ashoka in the books about Thrawn.
>EU slop
People need to stop giving Disney money. They are fucking awful to their fans and have shit on everything the Fans actually liked. I can not comprehend the mindset of an established fan culture being so hated and ignored by the people controlling the franchise.
its a little hard, you cant legally acquire anything SWs anymore with out Disney's brand on it.
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>Not spending money is hard
How retarded are you?
ok retard but its not even about money, its just fact that if you love star wars, its increasingly impossible to get hold of Star wars

Save your anti-consumerism spiel for your communist friends
I am reasonably convinced Thrawn was at least inspired by Domel from Yamato
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>I recall it had a slightly more edgier and darker vibe to it than the og.
The EU had edgy parts right until the end.
Fate of the Jedi was the last big series and had a jedi beat an ancient Force demoness's avatar by shoving her broken arms down her mouth and tearing her throat apart until her head popped off, and that demon itself looks like something straight out of some 2000s creepypasta.
absolutely. In fact Star Wars was most likely inspired by Yamato
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it's hard to get edgier and darker than the Vong
Literally WHO?? What film is this guy from?
>literally humanoid tyranids
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>Sheev was trying to build a military empire to fight the Vong
Sheev did nothing wrong and was actually the good guy
They are just orcs.
Gay Niggers From Outer Space
You'll say that no matter what they are.
>they're just bugs
>they're just squids
>they're just sharks
>they're just angry humans from another galaxy
>they're just blah blah blah
Just saying their design was boring.
Legacy of the Force > NJO.
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what shits me is how people don't acknowledge Lucas was a massive weeb. the Empire is quite obviously modelled after Imperial Japan.
It has an Emperor, a Shogun with a sword, Kabuto helms and a massive navy
It's Lucas' fault. He made the 'galaxy' incredibly small. There was nothing left in it that wasn't explicitly already explored and known. Before the Disney bullshit, all Jedi had been killed off and only new ones could be created, there were not really any new Sith, the only bad guys were the Imperial Remnant and maybe some angry alien species that weren't a big deal. The only "new" threats of significance had to come from outside the galaxy and necessarily needed to be extra dangerous and spooky to be worthwhile. Due to Lucas not thinking about anything past the OT, making any good sequels would always lead to something like the Vong.
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I wish they let some japanese schizos like Kojima or Yoko Taro make Star Wars games.
But knowing Disney they'd be afraid of getting mogged.
No, retard. Empire is modeled after America with Nixon becoming dictator. It has a Japanese influence, namely Kurosawa.
sorry, we get obligatory token kurosawa mentions at the most
please kys retard
the entire part about Vader being lectured to about him being a practitioner of the old ways and his moral code is a direct reference to samurai and Japan modernising
>can't accept Lucas' own admission because it makes him seethe
>Lucas changed his opinion of what Star Wars was about multiple times.
>claimed it was based on things after the film

He didnt even write it btw
Muslims orcs.
Wasted digits.

>He didnt even write it btw
Yes, he did. Dumbass.

>Lucas changed his opinion of what Star Wars was about multiple times.
No, he didn't. He was consistent about that, ever since the first drafts of "Star Wars."

>In enlarging the treatment to what became a nearly two-hundred-page rough draft, Lucas was continually aided by the transference of his Apocalypse Now ideas to the fantasy realm. Some of his notes scribbled on yellow legal pads are: “Theme: Aquilae is a small independent country like North Vietnam threatened by a neighbor or provincial rebellion, instigated by gangsters aided by empire. Fight to get rightful planet back. Half of system has been lost to gangsters … The empire is like America ten years from now, after gangsters assassinated the Emperor and were elevated to power in a rigged election … We are at a turning point: fascism or revolution.”

>“To not make a decision is a decision. It happens in all countries when a certain force, which everybody thinks is wrong, begins to take over and nobody decides to stand up against it, or the people who stand up against it can’t rally enough support. What usually happens is a small minority stands up against it, and the major portion are a lot of indifferent people who aren’t doing anything one way or the other. And by not accepting the responsibility, those people eventually have to confront the issue in a more painful way, which is essentially what happened in the United States with the Vietnam War.”

>Lucas: Anakin Skywalker starting hanging out with the Emperor, who at this point nobody knew was that bad, because he was an elected official.
>Kasdan: Was he a Jedi?
>Lucas: No, he was a politician. Richard M. Nixon was his name. He subverted the senate and finally took over and became an imperial guy and he was really evil. But he pretended to be a really nice guy. He sucked Luke’s father into the dark side.
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I personally like the more obscure corners of the EU where things just keep getting weirder.
you are a retard. Stop breathing. People pointed out Yamato is an influence even though Lucas never mentioned it
>noooo star wars is my ultra political anti-conservative propaganda film

No you are retarded again. Lucas first stated Star Wars was a western for a new generation
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So, it can be confirmed. SW IS a live action anime?
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Already done.
Thrawn is kind of a Gary Stu, but he's so damn likeable that he gets away with it in the Thrawn Trilogy in Legends.

>some retard officer allows Luke to get away, almost endangers the Chimera and offers nothing in response
>Thrawn goes Vader for one of the few moments in the trilogy and kills the guy because he is that incompetent
>later on another officer is in a similar situation, tries something novel to attempt to deal with Luke's fightee but ultimately fails
>Thrawn commends him on this attempt because he tried to think on his feet to deal with a scenario not really covered in Imperial training manuals, tasks him with studying this situation to apply it properly in the future to correct this
>Pellaeon's commentary after this about "they were willing to fight for him before, but now they were willing to die for him" cements in Pellaeon's mind that they have a fighting chance with Thrawn at the lead
This won him a lot of fans. It's simple leadership skills conveyed in a way that fits into established story beats, and it has nothing to do with 'art equals understanding enemies', he was just weeding out incompetence and promoting quick-thinking action.
Part of Star Wars success is possibly is due to people subconsciously recognising Japanese influence. The Japan is cool phenomenon.
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Fun fact. Scorpius' actor Wayne Pygram, appeared as Grand Moff Tarkin briefly at the end of Revenge of the Sith.
Should have just had the Sith be the new bad guys.
It would have worked beautifully for a new non-Disney trilogy.
>hinted at but not revealed in the OT
>revealed in the PT
>resurface as a legitimate threat in a new trilogy
I always imagined after the OT Sith became like terrorists. Doing random attacks on the new republic.
They could have had the reverse plot of the originals, where a small group of Sith rebels gradually rise to power by the end of the trilogy.
Does he ever play a good guy?
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>How the FUCK did Disney manage to make him so lame?
>How the FUCK did Disney manage to make him so lame? He should've been the most iconic Star Wars villain on screen since Vader.
Uh cause the empire are dumb and bad and stupid and nazis
Bad guys in Disney wars only exist for our heroes to beat without breaking a sweat to show you how pathetic nazis are
Top 2 and bottom 2 don't even look like they're form the same scene. This is even stupider than the Atlantis-Nadia autism.
Because TELEVISION is a low budget medium
That's how the OT worked. Bad guys were comically evil black/grey-clad fascists and good guys were white-clad heroes who always triumphed.
no way it was more grey than that. The Empire was the legitimate government and law and had normal people working for it.
Then you have the differences in morality between Vader, the Grand Moff and Palpatine.
You even had good people collaborating with the Empire.
If you date him, yes
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I'm not talking about morality, I'm saying that the bad guys have to be humiliated according to Disney. They can't ever beat the good guys like they could in the OT
>studies art of other cultures, uses it to defeat them
this shit is so retarded, disney tier

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