In retrospect it's kinda insane how they managed to pull this off.8 movies over the span of 10 years, with the majority of the cast being child actors.... and it didn't turn out shit
>>207460161The later movies are so gray and boring.
>7 books>8 moviesjust hollywood things
>>207460161I'm not really into Harry Potter, but it definitely is. They probably had a method and certain things probably were left to be not as good they wish they could be.
>>207460417book 7 is 4 time as long as book 1tho most of it is filler and unnecessary world building
>>207460161I still love Emma Watson :(
whoever did the color grading for the last 3 movies needs to be beaten in the back of the head by a blunt object
>>207460502We know, Harv. We know.
>>207460161It did turn into shit, but that's because the last few books were shit
>>207460568Nah the last movies are decent, especially compared to modern slop
>>207460568Last few books were great. Movies turned to shit because of David Yates
>>207460708How so?
I dont care about harry potter but I'll admit the first one is KINO and comfy af
>>207460460It was basically Rowling bulshitting her way into Harry winning against voldemort despite being a worse wizard with less experience by having a massive background info dump
>>207460502Every year aound Christmas time, I watch them all and fall in love all over again. Say what you will about Emma's talents as an actress, but I doubt the TV show Hermione will evoke similar feelings.
>>207462300Anyone with any sense of what good filmmaking looks like knows Yates ruined the last four movies. He was a complete nobody TV director they yanked off the street.
>>207460161>it didn't turn out shitsure buddy
>>207460161>In retrospect it's kinda insane how they managed to pull this off.>8 movies over the span of 10 years, with the majority of the cast being child actors.... and it didn't turn out shit
>>207462320it’s thanks to Chris Columbus, he really knows how to capture that childhood fantasy atmosphere, along with the dedication to real sets/special effects where he could
>>207460161They should have taken a few more years and done the books right. The kids could have easily been college aged and it would’ve have still worked.
>>207462396There’s nothing wrong with a classic David vs Goliath story
>>207462320roastie brained pleb
>>207460161>and didn't turn out shitI know current hollywood and movie industry is rotted to the core, but come on anon
>>207463072The films made fucking bank kys
this is what happens when your cast is primarily filled with europeans, and not american pedophiles and rapists.
>>207460161>8 films>only 2 of them are good >"How'd they pull it off?"
>>207463227>filmsMovies, and capeshit tier at that
i think 3 is really good. i don't know why they copied the dark tone for the next films though becuz ostensivly the 4th isn't meant to be so dark until the very end
>>2074632501 and 2 are classics, 3 is maybe a bit too long, but still decent, 4 is the best out of the series, 5 is kinda shit, 6 is good, 7 and 8 are decent.
>>207463332violent and rough sex with 2005-2011 emma
>>207463332She will always be the cutest actress ever.
>>207463353>2005already a hag by then
>>207463377would this be a slytherwhore or a huffleskank?
>>207463408Wait a second, I dont think that's Olivander's wand
>>207463408this makes me nauseous
>>207463227I never said they weren’t successful, I said they should have taken slightly more time and been more accurate to the books. There’s no real reason they couldn’t have - and it would’ve have smashed out the one single complaint some people have.
>>207463408which character in the movies was this?
>>207463596luna lovegood in the ravenclaw common rooms, every wednesday night
>>207463513What complaints do people have? I get complaints about 7 pt 1 because it was mostly filler, but what's wrong with 7 pt 2?
>>207460161>and it didn't turn out shitLol
>>207462571She's actually not bad in the first one. She's obviously just been told to be snobbby and snarky and she's surprisingly natural at it with decent timing. It was only later when they de-Karened her character and Watson actually started to try acting that Hermione became lame. And yeah I still love her too
>>207463309No they're all considered pretty mediocre by people that have more knowledge of film than you
>>207463747idk who this is but if it’s a “film critic” you should just delete your post
>>207460502She's gone, anon...
>>207464634my Emma fap folder lives eternal
>>207463725For the later movies there is so little resemblance to Hermione that Emma was just interpreting herself.
Id love to rewatch the movies again but sadly i hate rewatching because i start remembering the plot and visuals pretty quickly so it gets boringOnly works when the last time i watched a movie was long ago
>>207465593Makes me wonder how Emma would have done with SPEW. There's not a trace of it in the movies.
>>207460161>and it didn't turn out shitYeah, it was just horrible unwatchable crap, from start to finish.
>>207463048The first one has a lot of unnecessary CGI though, but I agree it looks very good overall
Emma introduced me to the concept of "the wall". Teenage me thought she became a heroin addict like Culkin, but nah turned out this is just what happens to pretty young girls.
Half Blood Prince is the best one.
>>207460161It was tanking towards the end. Just coasting on the momentum of the earlier ones.
>>207462865Is this the new snapposting?
>>207463280The first four movies had personality and dynamic color grading, then David Yates came in with his Gears of War vision and went monochrome with every shot.
>>207467711>Emma introduced me to the concept of "the wall"She's still hot tho? That one unfortunate picture doesn't really count, you can find a bad picture of any actor
someone post the fake pantyshot
>>207467979>thoopinion discarded
>>207462396>less experiencedundoubtedly>worse wizardehh i'd argue voldy was exceptional at horcruxing and other types of necromancy/dark arts but Harry showed great potential and squared off against serious threats, wizards and creatures alike
>>207467445They had a big budget for the first one, but I guess they didn't want to go all in with expensive props knowing if they fluffed the whole series gets canned. Once they knew they struck gold then they had an open chequebook
>>207460161It is really impressive that they kept all the same actors (sans Dumbledore) on board, having them age appropriately with each release and having the movies mature in tone at the same rate of the target audience.I could shit on the last 4 movies for being generic star wars battles and boring fetch quests but the way they pulled it all off was truly lightning in a bottle.
>>207468218we will NEVER EVER get something like this or LotR from Hollywood again
>>207468218>mature in toneLMAO
>>207468383Obviously he means more mature than the tone of the first 2-3 movies which are basically kids movies. The later movies have romance kissing implied nudity and more serious deaths and violence
>>207468383ah fuck off, you know what he meant
Has anyone seen that documentary about Daniel's stuntman who became paraplegic during the filming of DH 1?
>>207460161It is impressive that a 7 book series managed to get fully adapted. I doubt we will ever see this level of commitment ever again.
>>207469227Gundam :)