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Updates and Discussion for English and Japanese games with gacha mechanisms.

Heaven Burns Red:>>4108312
Granblue Fantasy:>>3925924
Fate: >>4087624
MagiReco: >>4044936
Blue Archive:>>4067383
Uma Musume:>>4065621
Project Sekai:>>4059497
Love Live: >>4083587
Idolm@ster: >>4003779
D4DJ: >>3860005
World Dai Star:>>4013431
Azur Lane:>>4035279
Assault Lily:>>4002982
Girls Frontline:>>3862584
Path to Nowhere:>>4070823
Project Moon: >>4106215
Bushiroad: >>4107106

Previous: >>4083713
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fine, I'll push through 1999's janky translation for the deer yuri
Lunar New Year is approaching in about two months and some of the most rewarding events come out of this celebration. R1999 has an upcoming special program this week and after the 1.6 news, I wonder what HSR has cooked up for their first event (if they are).
I'm absolutely a nosy bitch, so I do enjoy the drama that happens between the two games, which occurs more commonly than I thought.
there's drama between hsr and r99?
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Merry Christmas Phoneplayers.
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Anyone here played echocalypse? i heard that even if you chose the FeMc the game will still show the male mc in cg's and stuff, is it true?
Never heard of it. It became irrelevant 2 days after release. It's not really comparable whatsoever. Aside of the shitty gacha rates maybe.
There was never drama between R1999 and HSR lmao.
>1.6 news
Meaning the free 5* and meltdown from Genshin fans. Thought that was obvious.
>free 5*

Please don't get my hopes up, anon.
You should know the HSR free 5* is a guy
if only it was mei instead....
...at least we get 1 (or 3) regular pass out of it. Hate that we still don't have a 4star IMG DPS.

As much as the current HSR story sucks ass, I'm really looking forward to the upcoming characters. Though I will say, I'm starting to feel that the character designs are getting too 'samey'. Colors, motifs, or whatever.
>4star IMG DPS
Meant to say 5star.

Jessica is releasing in a few days. Actually feels great that I can finally prefarm for characters now. Also, does anyone feel that 6 weeks for each event feels way too long?
I’m happy enough with 6 weeks. Can play through the event whenever I have time for it and at my own pace. Perfect sidegame material.
Does Vertin feel attracted to Arcana?
Yes, but she feels attracted to all girls so it doesn't matter
>Z and Katz gay ping pong in chapter 4
Okay, that was nice
Yeah, I guess that's reasonable. I personally prefer the 1.1 duration though, felt just right.

Wouldn't it be the other way around? I recall Arcana's reaction to Vertin's 'supposed' tattoo.
Arcana called Vertin gorgeous too
I’d only be fine with 4w if they proportionately increased all currency income.
Holy shit, she's an actual fucking deer. What the hell, Jennifer?
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I plan to finally make a Reverse:1999 thread because it deserves one, but I need to know if people will actually migrate there. Last call, state your support or objections now.
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You have my duck.
No. It is already half dead
I’m indifferent. I will talk about it there whenever I post instead of staying here though if you do make a thread.
Even without much discussion, the thread will easily stay alive with all the art there is to post.
It's gonna turn into an image dump general that has the same few images posted every single thread after the old one gets to the image limit.
It's long overdue

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Okay, here's the thread. Let me know if any other resources should be added to the pastebin.
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I can't believe Tsuru is fucking dead. Comiket just got awkward for the HachiTsuru artists.
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434 Not Found (isya) released a Towa Tsugai doujin: https://www.melonbooks.co.jp/detail/detail.php?product_id=2260085
Well, one of the artists I'm familiar with is used to working with dead characters...
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This is the year Emma gets a Haru gf.
What is the state of Arknights rn? Is it worth comming back? I remember dropping it years ago because it took too much time. Is yuri part doing well? For some reason there isn't a dedicated thread for it.
The thread died recently and there's not been a new one yet. If you were invested in the Rhine Labs ships (specifically Saria/Silence) then it might be worthwhile to come back since Lone Trails seems like it was the definitive end to that plot line. Otherwise wait several months to see if they let Degenbrecher talk to a girl, and enjoy actually getting to sweep stages for materials.
It was never really an IP that produced heavy yuri content anyway
Towa Tsugai story translated to English: https://twitter.com/Rin01120/status/1746450729026699322

It's only text so you might want to check out the videos with it: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL8QCB3EtJxyznecvbUJF-iVU0KTHLkaxG

Hopefully somebody smarter than me would be able to merge the two.
Thumbnail looks like they're about to tuck into a joint
Why is there a thread about Blue Archive then?
more popular game and it's actually get lots of fanarts with some being yuri which justify a thread even with less yuri pandering in the actual game compared to others gacha.
So it's just a glorified image dump? With the filenames someone could mistake it for one person looking on danbooru to make a single post a day just to keep it floating.
New atelier gacha seems to be Yuri from my 30 minutes of play. Even the summon animation is Yuri.
The seiyuu of the alpha lesbian troupe leader in World Dai Star is getting Takarazuka troupe members to play the game, think that counts as some kind of gayception.
I love this game.
Now this is a lie because I've seen so much yuri fanart
Might try it out.
Franka and Liskarm got a short manga that was pretty cool and gay, Saria and Silence plot finally came through pretty much how you'd expect it to, Talulah was revealed to have pretty blatantly had a wife in the past, some stuff like a new ship randomly dropping on Valentines day happened, and although they haven't gotten much they still haven't forgotten Sora x Texas or Scav's thing with Provence. Bunch of other stuff too but that's what comes to mind first.
But ya know, time sink is still a time sink.
Talulah got a new ship after the latest story chapter...but it's more of a "hatesex" kind of ship than the wholesome thing she had with Alina.
How's Towatsugai doing right now? Does its future as a Gacha look bright?
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They announced another stage play, a concert, more character songs, and the 1st anniversary units are Karasu and Hakuchou getting married. I don't trust Square Enix but they're at least trying for now. Hoping for a manga spinoff.
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World Dai Star update: very yuri Valentine's event, two of the girls (Hatsumi and Lilja) are confirmed to have been casually dating for over a year, lots of flirting and some licking. You can check out the TLs to see if you want to get into it. The two bottom links are the card side story, which is the most blatant part.
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As expected Tsuru's gift is resurrection. Or literally being unable to die, though it takes time to reassemble after blowing herself to bits. And she's inviting everyone to abandon CAGE with her, spoiling they've all died before and would never be allowed back to a normal life. A fitting turning point for the anniversary.
She wants Hachidori to kill someone for her, and Hachidori went along with it unquestioningly since she saw it as a choice between being executed in jail or being backstabbed by Tsuru once it's over, and in her words "this grim reaper is hot."
Is Taka coming soon? Apparently this karasu is pretty good, but if Taka is on her way I'd rather wait for her
She's unlockable in the recent Main Story.

It seems Karasu's festival style is indeed strong. 1267 on max level with all cell released. Two double power up (phy atk & damage up). Can't say after the event though since there's still a multiplier
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You know how a lot of joseimuke/yumejoshi games have one girl and three to five love interests? There's a Chinese-only one with a girl option. From what I can gather, it's another showbiz dressup game, but with your coworkers: 绝对演绎

This brown haired girl with red eyes is always included with the other three guys and you can pay real money for her character box and merch.
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Anything yuri in Wuthering Waves?
Hard to say with only a closed beta test available, I checked out footage from multiple channels and didn't really see anything of note.
For the record, their previous game Punishing Gray Raven didn't have anything going for it yuri-wise. There's like 1-2 "pairs" that are subtext at best and go nowhere, and they're made irrelevant because if the player gives them enough gifts they will love you instead.
Has anyone been keeping track of Ex Astris (is it even a gacha)? Seems like the main characters are all females.
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I think I'll just try it out for the combat. I saw this from a yurifag i follow, how deep does this go?
So out of these games witch have Yuri content that is more then just schizo fanfic
Define schizo fanfic
Out of the ones I play, D4DJ is definitely the most explicit
The game has none or very little Yuri content and most of the related content is just overly exited /u/ anons shipping characters they like
World Dai Star has two girls canonically dating and many of the other girls are explicitly attracted to other girls.
Out of the ones I know
>magia record
One explicitly lesbian character and plenty of ships that are varying levels of being supported by the text
>assault lily
Explicit but in the class s way where everything is a metaphor
Honkai Impact is rather explicit with its gayness but also has some of self-insert shit.
Genshin is the baiting capital of the world because it's so popular that if they confirmed anything there would be deaths in the streets. Real easy to find gay fancontent as a result and I would be lying if I said I didn't enjoy some of the pairs.
HSR has like one pair they tease and most of that is filling in the gaps with your knowledge of their HI3 incarnations
>project moon
They teased one pairing but one half dies at the end of the chapter and if they ever outwardly confirmed anything Korean incels would have an uprising. Fandom has an ample amount of queer fanwork that's way out proportion vs how queer the game's actually are.
Has a character who's explicitly lesbian and the game plays into the gay shipping hard. Game is still rather new so who knows if they'll pay it off.

Wait who's confirmed gay? I'm only starting chapter 3 on it
>Explicit but in the class s way where everything is a metaphor
Every time I see a remark like this directed at Assault Lily I can tell the poster either only watched the anime or didn't play Last Bullet.

The non-animated media and the game are where it's at. Araya alone is propositioning somebody in every appearance (usually Ichi); the stage productions have onscreen kisses, an ex and present partner fighting over someone, a teacher who is obliquely called a ho for being involved with multiple students, an antagonist who groomed her sidekick without realizing it, etc. There are also characters like Seren who are confirmed to be in love with someone but not in a relationship yet.

Back to >>4161414 's question, even if I doubt its sincerity, some of the more obvious pairings in Last Bullet I can fit in the character limit:
- Kanaho/Takane (abovementioned kiss)
- Himeka/Haruna (the latest Valentine's event hangs a big lampshade on it)
- Araya/Ichi and Araya/Kusumi (Araya confirmed to be in love with both, one gag storyline has Ichi sleeping with her because Nonsense April Fools Reasons, Araya chose Alfheim over her other options to be with them)
- Ena/Chikaru (all of Hervarar are on guard against Ena because she tried to get Chikaru to transfer out of Herensuge to be with her and referred to the transfer paperwork as her "love letter")
- Seren/Raimu (childhood friends pairing that carries on where their Ludojo storylines left off)
- Fuuka/Mitake (Fuuka admired and respected Mitake when they were rivals, pursued Mitake to be her second after Mitake returned to Herensuge with a tanked reputation, is reliant on Mitake in private and turns into a whiny baby around her if drunk. Mitake isn't as overt about it but has lines and scenes showing she reciprocates or accepts Fuuka's feelings.)
- ShenYu doesn't need much more explanation but they are pushed by writers in multiple storylines and the relationship has evolved quite a fair bit
The Marvelous Matilda!
Oh, the big Yaya gays for Sonetto?
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Thank you all for the suggestions
How Yuri is the gacha Atelier games ? I've seen a few scenes between the 2 MC who looked pretty cute, but I'm not sure if it's the usual Atelier bait, or something legit
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Duet Night Abyss is starting their CBT soon. Gameplay looks fun so I’ll keep an eye out for yuri.
Biggest red flag for now is picrel, but I assume it’ll be like Genshin. Have to wait for CBT to tell.
> Players will take on the roles of two protagonists with different backgrounds and statuses, experiencing two parallel and intertwined main stories simultaneously. No need to bid farewell. As time perpetually flows forward, As the two shores will eventually meet, You will meet each other one day.
It’s not like Genshin’s. Won’t bother with this if you can’t make both female.
The Atelier gacha is a terrible Atelier and a terrible gacha. The devs were pretty good at doing everything wrong, even if they are willing to improve stuff based on complaints.

Don't bother with /u/ stuff. The writing is obnoxiously bad. Every character is a one trait character with absolutely 0 depth, and the story about as generic "there's someone bad, so let's beat them" anime shit as you can imagine. None of what makes Atelier interesting to begin with is in there.
BRS is supposedly EoS’ing in May
I can only hope that it’s true and that filth will be gone after they ruined the franchise with it
Good, they will learn nothing though
Of course they won’t
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Cool imagery. Karasu washed out and Hakuchou shadowed.
>Hakuchou almost tells Karasu she loves her but chickens out
>flashback Komadori puts it right out there saying "hey it's okay if you take Tsubame from me since I know you're madly in love with that other girl and it wouldn't mean anything"
And now Karasu broke up with Hakuchou, Fukurou broke up with Flamingo, and Karasu and Fukurou are bound to pair up.
Dark days. Especially for Fukurou.
Azur Lane’s devs are making an open world game - Azur Promilia (only female playable characters).
I won’t get my hopes up because of who the devs are, but if they follow the same pattern as all the other Genshin-likes it might have a FemC option.
from all the stuff they showed why are they trying so hard to hide the male mc?
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Another game to look forward to I guess
There's a female and male mc and the antiyurifags are already creating enemies in their head, literally rent free.
So judging from the chinks outrage about the female mc what are the chances of her getting removed?
That never worked to be honest
Have you not seen any of the gfl2 drama? these people are crazy
NTA but I don'y think any of that worked, I get videos mocking gfl waifufags from time to time on my Youtube feed and even without watching them it seems that they have a new meltdown at least every two weeks.
genshin and star rails are the peak of the market right now, the most popular male only mc gacha game is far behind it and there still the old gachas like fgo, gbf to remind everyone that female mc option will never be a problem for the majority of players.
Aren't Korean gamers the ones who are uber misogynist right now? Like Project Moon getting harassed IRL for stuff in Limbus Company?

Seems like having a female MC option in Chinese mobile game is somehow even more common than a Japanese one.
And people laugh at them. Let them seethe and cry.
Is there any yuri in it? Or are Koreans just sperging out?
In short koreans spregged out because girls were not naked enough. Blamed it on cryptofeminists among artists. And before you might get interested in this shit studio(the solution was obviously to fire the alleged cryptofeminists), no. There is no yuri in their works. The best you get is half-winks in direction of npcs noone care about. Hetshit on the other hand...

Another W for China somehow
the drama is starting, the chances of them removing the femc might not be low
From what I've read, some ronery fuckwits had to be reassured that no male characters would be in the gacha. That's it.
It's getting really sad how the antiyuri fans keep bringing up how x game will be bad because yuri fans are annoying to them but most of the time all I see are yuri fans making fanarts or discussing ships in their own place, I really want to come across with one of those scary yuri schizo that can make Ack look normal.
Sadly, that only exists in their schizo delusions.
>Female MC
>All-female action gacha
Such a near-perfect gacha game, I'm really excited
>but most of the time all I see are yuri fans making fanarts or discussing ships in their own place
To be honest, hoyoverse community can be pretty scary. From what i've seen, there's multiple examples of artists harassed by yurifags or fujos for drawing het. Thats one of the main arguments of anti-yurifags to "gatekeep" yurifags and from what I see, it can be real. I know at least 2 artists bullied. One is a well known yuri artist here, she got bullied for... idk drawing ships that someones didn't like i think?
The another is a yuri/solo artist that got harassed by yurifags for drawing 1 single straight ship (Qiandai以宇 / @qiandaiyiyu)
I don't get why people don't just enjoy the game instead of being angry at shit outside of the game all the time. Can't be healthy.
>gacha game
The irony is staggering.
Nowhere in that post does it imply that it’s a perfect game (that is a gacha), just that it’s the perfect gacha game (as in the best you’re getting out of a gacha).
Not that I agree, but still.
Beta started and female mc is the only available one currently. And thus both versions of the mc can be female as of the beta. Hopefully it makes it this way to live.
>erasing males from existence
holy based
>except the shity faceless male self insert
not so based
Retard. They also retconned a (supposedly) subtext-y pair and the devs have vocally been against yuri and the concept of a female mc, going as far as banning those 2 words and confirming the mc as male.
Don’t ever bother with self-insert games like this, they hate you and yuri just as much as they hate male characters that aren’t their self-insert.
When you hear that they hate male charas I thought it also works for male mc, but I never thought chink hate yuri that much until now. The self-inserting harem mind is root worse than I thought. That's why games like HBR aren't selling well there.
Is Towa Tsugai still alive? Because I've just read the very good news that Blue Reflection Sun is going to shut down this May.
It isn’t that chinks hate yuri, self-inserters of any nationality tend to hate yuri.
>When you hear that they hate male charas I thought it also works for male mc
That only applies to classical waifufags, which are a dying breed that has been entirely replaced by the modern self-inserter.
Dunno what state it's in but yeah, it's still alive.
I wish TowaTsugai was a better gacha, the only thing worth about it is the story, everything else is below average it's super boring to play.
I agree, it need a better gameplay overall.
Also wish it's not published by SE. It's so unstable to support.

>BR Sun
Alienated the fanbase and low quality, no question asked, served them right, also fuuu Kishida.

Let me know when China and Korean have game that female-only roster without any self-insert implication.
>Fuck kishida
Tried to kill it the first time by trying to market it as male MC harem game but was vetoed, somehow got his way for sun and got to add his very obvious self insert. Game predictably failed immediately and was only kept alive because I suspect they were personally funding the game(200k for months despite the having almost no player base). The best gift that br sun gave was showing that male SI aren't viable which is why we got resleriana with a femc instead
Didn’t Kishida say something batshit crazy like “Blue Reflection is a game for men made by men”
Like… wasn’t the director for the first game literally a woman?
Yes and he said it in response to people getting mad at his self insert. If rumors are to be believed he's on his way out of koei
>If rumors are to be believed he's on his way out of koei
Really? Where is that being said? As long as he stopped getting any say in the creative process, I wouldn't mind if he stayed on as an artist for Gust games.
Mostly people from twit and 5ch so grain of salt
>Let me know when China and Korean have game that female-only roster without any self-insert implication.
Didn't a chinese company make the Sin: Nanatsu no Taizai gacha?
Taiwan, not China.
That's even funnier considering that the first game was born out of "focusing on the concepts of interaction between girls and personal growth through sharing experiences with people"

But I know I heard that comment about Blue Archive during this year's anniversary, which is also a massive L
Why is blue archive even here when it's hetro slop.
>Let me know when China and Korean have game that female-only roster without any self-insert implication.
For China at least, Honkai Gakuen 2?
Some people don’t actually care about the relationships and are here just for porn
There are also some that delude themselves by ignoring the self-insert but I don’t think we have many of those here
Either way, no one actually cares about BA
There's some crumbs, here and there
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Female MC, the black haired person seems to be a girl (I am not sure) she hugs her in one of the trailers, so eh... might be some subtext there.

How’s Assault Lily? Seems like it’s coming to global.
Does anyone know what the gacha/income/dailies are like? I’m hesitant to pick up yet another gacha honestly
So late? I tried it before, but it's heavily multiplayer focused and that's obviously a problem when you aren't in Japan. There's no way anyone would dare localizing this game.. right?
Can't say much about it, other than that it looked HEAVY on the power creep. The game shoved me through what couldn't have been more than at best 2 years of progression within a day, and I was only left with ??? and one very powerful unit.

What I can say though is that the gacha is weird as hell. You get let's call it "characters", but that is rather rare, and then cards. These cards are what you shove into your "character", giving you stats and I think abilities? It's been a while. That was definitely a game that felt it's complicated for the sake of being complicated. I can't imagine how a global version would work so late in the game's life cycle.
It is? Didn't know it was still around.
that's 90% of yuri dipshit

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