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Previous thread >>4188804
Yori best girl

I've seen a lot of people speculate Himari will top when they finally have sex for the first time, but I'm also wondering how much of an appetite Himari has for a more feminine Yori.

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Posted in the other thread, but anyone wondering why quality is inconsistent and there's so much QUALITY: The studio has yet to put out a decent production
This show is sadly not the exception to their rep https://anidb.net/creator/66586
Feminizing tomboys should be publishable by death. Having said that, Yori would probably turn into a wet mess in bed and let Himari have her way with her.
I predict Himari will top at least initially, if only to assuage Yori's fears about being pushy and forcing her.

But first, a 30 chapter Miki arc.
I've been thinking about how much they fumbled sunny spot this week. The song is the big finale of this first arc and in the manga it makes sense to have a monologue while Yori sings because it's not like we could hear it. So it's a pretty baffling choice to keep the monologue going now that they have a song, making it so that once again you can't hear it. Even just from the production committee side I'd want to make sure the songs and artist they're promoing through the anime actually got heard so people will buy the single or whatever.
Makes sense, but I wonder why Seiyuu Radio also looks like shit. Blew the budget on top-shelf seiyuu and animating boob touching scenes?
Can't wait for Shiho to ruin the rest of the anime with her bullshit
What anime?
Wdym I thought that the monologue was a nice touch
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The biggest tragedy was, Yori's monologue and the song's lyrics were saying the exact same thing at the exact same time almost the whole sequence. Separately, they both sound good and touching and all that, but why purposely overlap them on top of each other to clash?

Also, I'm mildly annoyed the full version of the song wasn't immediately made available anywhere simultaneously with that episode airing. D4DJ Groovy Mix JP has a short version slightly different from the TV version now, but that's it.

Hey, maybe they can sneak in a YoriHima sex chapter in the middle of whatever side couple shitshow Takeshima's got brewing this time. We might see it happen in 4 months IRL time, as opposed to 3 years.
Can't wait for Shiho to improve the rest of the anime with her bullshit
Shiho cute
Hopefully if not a sex chapter, then at least a cuddling/comfort chapter, given how Himari is Miki's best friend and there's no way she won't be feeling like shit after the latest chapter.
How do I become as cool as Yori-senpai?
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Actually that's a great idea and something we could realistically expect within this volume. Take it slow.
As far back as chapter 1, and probably years ago in the story, Himari knew
it is nice but this is an anime about girls being in a bands, writing original songs and playing them. Yori makes a big deal about writing that song for Himari and we don't even get to hear it properly. As >>4213967 says they're also both saying similar things so why not just let the music speak for itself.
It's a yuri anime with a girl band, not a girl band anime with yuri. AdaShima didn't focus on table tennis either.
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sure but they did actually make the song and animate them playing it. They just didn't need to have a monologue on top when they are, sometimes literally, saying the same thing.
But this manga has a lot of focus on the music. In adashima it was used so they could waste time together. Here, the music is part of the plot, it is important to the characters.
Anyone else excited for Shiho in the anime?
I don't know
can you repeat the question?
One is called Whisper Me a Love Song, the other isn't called Two Autists Playing Table Tennis.
Would be more accurate to call it "Two Autists Dealing with their Hang-Ups Poorly".
>series is called Whisper Me A Love Song
>they dont whisper when they sing
Dropped. Call me back when we get "Mongolian Throat Sing Me A Love Song"
Well, things are heating up in the drama department!
Tight uncensored handholding
Meritocracy slaps.
>Ugh, ix-nay on the arms-exay
I can't believe Shiho also stole a sizable chunk of the anime budget, it wasn't that good but it is obvious that they put more resources on Laureley's song.
>they straight up gave up drawing the drums
It's really hard to say what it's worse, the production or the official english subs. At this point just release a slide of pages from the manga with the seiyuu reading the script.
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JC Staff has tried that with the yakuza househusband show. Replies were not positive
This show will surprise me if the final episode isn't an absolute mess and if it gets there with 0 delays. Goddamn, Iceblade Sorceror was a mess and I knew this would be
Yuri adaptations are so cursed and Sasakoi is getting the worst effects of the curse
Rude. The drums are there. Mari is just so small you can't see them.
Why the fuck do they never learn?
They've accelerated beyond two episodes per volume, even skipping over Yori and Himari's first date as a couple entirely. Get ready, they're going to get all the way to the end of the culture festival leaving a trail of blood from all the cuts.
Syncing the monologue with the lyrics is artistically the better choice imho. It gave me goosebumps while watching.
Mari is in Kao's pocket.
>They've accelerated beyond two episodes per volume, even skipping over Yori and Himari's first date as a couple entirely. Get ready, they're going to get all the way to the end of the culture festival leaving a trail of blood from all the cuts.
I bet they really want to end the cour with Himari and Yori kissing under the fireworks
That's the end of volume 6 so they wouldn't need to speed up from two episodes per volume if that's where they wanted to end it.
>Caught up with the manga
Why can't Kino just admit she wants Yori shempai to finger blast her all night long?
need to entice the readers so they keep up with the upcoming shit arc that's going to be Miki's obesession
The QUALITY of the some of these scenes just means the Festival kiss is gonna look really fucking good right.
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their matching straps.....
they've been doing 2 to 3 chapters per episode the whole time and while the last episodes have covered a lot I think it was just to get them on track for a volume 6 ending. Currently it looks like this:
>episode 1: ch 1 - 3
>episode 2: ch 4 - 5 (vol 1 ends)
>episode 3: ch 6 - 8
>episode 4: ch 8 - 10 (vol 2 ends)
>episode 5: ch 11 - 13
>episode 6: ch 14 - 17 (vol 3 ends)
>episode 7: ch 17 - 20 (vol 4 ends)

And the next four will probably be something like:
>episode 8: ch 21 - 23
>episode 9: ch 24 - 26 (vol 5 ends)
>episode 11: ch 27 - 30
>episode 12: ch 31 - 32 (vol 6 ends)
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I can't believe the production is so bad they have to skip episode 10 entirely... Also episode 8 has the title of chapter 25 so it's going to adapt/skip through at least five chapters. I'm sorry, but there are no breaks on this train.
Maybe they want to end the season on onee-chan no baka.
oh shit I didn't notice I skipped past episode 10, sorry. But damn, if they're up to chapter 25 next week then we really are doing a whole volume per episode now, huh? On one hand at least you don't run into typical yuri adaptation problem of leaving arcs unfinished, on the other this production barley has the budget to animate a normal episode, never mind ones with an extra 3 minutes since keep adding by cutting the op and ed.
Damn, they even forgot to draw Yori's microphone stand on the shots without the 3D model. I feel bad for the mangaka, imagine the happiness of getting your manga adapted crush by the realization that the anime is a steaming pile of dog vomit.
And the art is good in the manga too. This is basically the Berserk 2016 of yuri.
The anime has tons of issues but stop exaggerating.
Are we even going to get the festival kiss with all the content they have to cut to blaze through Shiho's arc?
There's a chance it either gets cut, which would be a fucking tragedy, or they rush so fast we'll see it by episode 9.
It hasn't ruined the enjoyment for me at least but its the most obvious example of development/production issuse in recent memory.
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hyperbole aside it looks like it'll be in the stage play too. I wonder how much that will adapt? If I remember right Yagakimi's stage play just covered the anime the first time round, then for the second run they added the manga's ending.
>manga ending
Did they do the sex scene?
well okay, they adapted nearly everything in the manga.
It's the same theater company that's putting on sasakoi so if you're curious then you can check it out subbed.

I don't think mangakas care that much about their anime as long as they don't change the story without their consent. Most are probably just grateful for the increased exposure they get.
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Only couple who had segs life
Kaori locked in her golden ticket early and now gets to sit back and watch the various dramas unfold in her circles unbothered.
You say that now but Miki was the same way before Eku decided to give her drama. No one is safe.
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a production assistant replied to that viral tweet about how band the band sections were this week apologizing and saying they upload episodes 3 days before they air which is why there are so many mistakes.

>delayed by a season
>still time-crunched to hell and back
I want to see what they would've put out in winter.
This show was delayed too? I thought only Jelee was delayed from last fall?
People underestimate how strict the issue of schedules and contracts that have to be fulfilled is, if Toei was willing to almost kill digimon (anime) to not lose a slot in the schedule, anything bad is possible.

Now I question if these people would put faith and effort in the BD.
The only advantage is that it helps humiliate Eupho even more this season, even with lower production values, this anime is still better.
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>I want to see what they would've put out in winter.

Would've devolved into Evangelion's marker scenes by episode 3
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we're already starting to approach this level
That's a rare modern example of a chibi comedy scene that is all but extinct in anime.
It really, really isn't.
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there's something about how thick the lines are compared to other times they've done it just makes it seem kind of odd.
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I don't think that shot was even that bad compared to the rest of the anime

>the trying-out-clothes scene and Shiho in general in episode 6
>almost all of the band scenes

It's also close enough to the manga. I know people complain about lazy adaptations just tracing the manga but considering the sheer lack of time/talent/budget the studios adapting this have, almost every time they tried to go off and do their own thing it looks way worse.

I've seen people wonder if the artstyle was changing just for the "normal" models multiple times per episode and that could be another symptom of the production hell this went through.
yeah it's kinda sad that this adaptation will primarily be remembered for it's production issues. I'm also not sure how normal it is to bring in a new production assistant to work on the last 3 episodes of a show so I can't say if that's a good sign or not. The fireworks kiss is likely going to be episode 9 so that's beyond what he can go back and tweak.
Full version when
It really really is. Unless you're a hetshitter who will defend het over yuri if production is good
In that case, go to /a/
More behind the scenes details
I wouldn't call Hibike het, it has way more yuri than het.
Novel spoilers: it ends in het, no girls get together
Kumiko gets together with Suuichi
Fuck off
That's in the novels, but the anime has so few scenes with them that it can hardly be called a relationship (wouldn't be surprised if they don't have them get together at all but that might happen even if it would be bullshit).
Meanwhile a yuri couple got an entire movie for themselves, and two more are practically confirmed to have gotten together (not to mention Kumiko's confession to Asuka).
what a mess. I feel for everyone still working on it but it sounds like we're in for a bumpy ride till the finale.
It's a shame that between this and Villainess looking like a mid 2000s digipaint show that only Yuri is my Job came out decent from this newest batch of Yuri Hime adaptations.
>So now its time for the heavier stuff. Did you know what scummy business Yokohama and Cloudhearts are during with the Sasakoi? They use outsourcing studios, giving them nothing to work with and in the end the outsourcing studios are the ones with the backlash.
Zero cross-reference and QA lol
It was very easy to tell what must've happened with the concert scene. Different people working on it with no communication and quality assurance.
>next episode delayed for several hours in HiDive
and so it starts. I guess they couldn't get material to sub in time because it's being finished last minute
Yeah, knowing who the rat that is posting this is, he's probably got slight drips of information and dramatising that shit. He feeds off clout and loves dramatising shit to fit a narrative. (That and he's just a creep with a penchant for sexual harassment.)
Couldn't tell you for sure where the line between the truth and the exaggerated lies, but take some of the stranger details with a grain of salt.
>It will now premiere on Saturday, June 1 at 10:30 PM ET / Sunday, June 2 at 02:30 UTC

That's one hell of a delay.
So are gooks animating this?
sakugabooru guy was saying similar today.
>Decided that Sasakoi spurring the same type of clueless fanfiction about its production imploding as YOI Adolescence's cancelation did is the truest form of queer solidarity (but seriously that viral Twitter thread wraps clear issues with absolutely nonsense & no understanding of how anime is made)
>Don't go bother a probably young and clueless fan, just know that anyone online can type whatever and gain traction if it's about an inflammatory topic. I admit that treating "they use outsourcing studios" as a world-shattering reveal made me smile, at least

while it's undeniable that there are production issues and crunch happening it seems like that thread doesn't know the ins and outs of industry enough to lay out the hows and whys properly. In saying all that though, they have claimed to be contacted by other staff and will be dropping "more bombs" later.
all I know is Takeshima Eku deserved better than this
It's actually over this time.
>June 8: Recap of episodes 1 & 2
>June 15: Recap of episodes 3–6
>June 22: Episode 9
>June 29: Episode 10

>The release schedule of episodes 11 & 12 is undetermined pending further notice.
Be honest with me, does this mean they can recover and deliver better quality or are we still fucked? A 3 week delay is so long to me.
GUP and Madoka greet you.
oh it's fucked for real.
episode 8 made it up to the end of the flashback in 25
it's fucked, the episodes will be as >quality as the rest of the show
right now i guess they're not close to finished
it seems like their aim was to cover up to volume 8 and finish the aki/shiho arc but who knows how that'll pan out now with these delays.
Besides the visual issues, I can guess the problems with the pacing, why cover too much: A foolish idea of not ending in the middle of Aki/Shiho arc, even it'd be better for pacing. They wanted the anime to have more finality to it. But Aki/Shiho take over way too soon for the anime to finish before their stuff starts.
At that point they had 2 choices:
1)Go for better pacing and end the anime in the middle of the arc
2)Rush and try to finish the whole arc. Looks like they chose 2
If they want to reach volume 9 for the school festival band battle, then the pacing they went with is very weird. First six episodes to cover the Himari/Yori stuff in the first three volumes (and a bit of vol. 4) and then six episodes for volumes 4 to 9? They should've sped the first part up by a couple episodes, that way the overall pacing is still way too fast but at least more evenly spread.
Maybe they wanted Himari and Yori to have as many episodes to themselves as possible before they lose focus? They're the MCs. And have been the subject of most of the anime's promotion. If they don't have at least half the show to themselves, it could be a problem
I wounder how much the director changing might have played into this? the first director boarded episode 1 so they must have had a plan but perhaps after the switch the new director wanted to try and cover more. It could just as easily be incompetence though, given the current state of things.
Any times I've see an anime get delayed it never looks any better for it. At this point they'll just be trying to push out what they're contractually obligated to. I didn't watch Wonder Egg Priority so this is just going off what I remember people talking about but it got similarly delayed with a recap episode and the finale being pushed back months. When the finale did air half of the episode was just more recap footage and the rest was lackluster minimal animation. I think even sasakoi's bluray has been delayed so who knows if they'll even be many fixes on them.
Regalia's latest episodes were decent in my opinion so there is still some hope left, the problem of that show was that the shota was a very bad antagonist.
Regalia was also by a decent studio thst have shown they could deliver
Even before the reset episodes didn’t look near as bad as Sasakoi’s recent episodes
I wish ACTAS was doing TV yuri instead of just movies (GuP and PriPri). Instead all they do recently for TV is het
so do we have anything to look forward other than QUALITY after 2 recaps and the shitfest of an arc thats coming to the manga?
it's fucked how Asahi out of all studios put out a better anime despite having the same budget
>better anime
It was better, but not much better to be honest.
More than anything it was the difference in source material that propelled it up compared to Sasakoi, certainly not the adaptation quality.
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stage play and a yet to be officially announced anthology.
Holy hell what happened?

Episode 8 has been delayed until 02/06 02:30 UTC . Due to it airing on Sunday, it will need to be manually ripped so it should be out on Sunday sometime.


Release schedule for the rest of the month:

08/06: Recap
15/06: Recap
22/06: Episode 9
29/06: Episode 10

Episode 11 ~ 12 do not have a release date.

It's actually so fucking over
Wanting attention takes away your ability to look back?

Why do we tolerate Shitho again?
Because Aki is great and can easily put Shiho in her place (bottom).
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I've seen the stupid complaints "where are the boys in this world?" "why does everybody in the story treat being a lesbian as totally normal?", but I, for one, found it refreshing this story didn't engage in the tired "b-b-but we're both girls!" tripe.

But then Yori dropped this one chapter after Shiho made Himari her manager and I had forgotten about these lines.
I feel like that was something Eku completely forgot about / didn't think she'd make it that far
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Looks like a JRPG protag on the Wii.
Because shiho is literally best girl and she did nothing wrong.
Fixes on BDs are usually modest these days, since discs are no longer a very important revenue driver. Some of the worst scenes may get fixed, but not too much. Since the studio will also have other, more pressing commitments, BDs could easily get delayed for more than a year. Don't expect miracles.
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I know this is the last of the show's worries, but man, it's a bummer how they're in such a hurry they have to comb through each chapter and remove anything that's deemed not strictly necessary to progress the main plot. We end up losing lots of charming moments like Aki catching Shiho actually being tense about passing the audition.
Shiho is already a divisive character so it's a shame that they've cut some of the smaller moments that humanize her, like that one and Hajime comforting her after the concert. Those are both moments that remind you she's still a dumb teen who worries about stuff like everyone else.
Also as much as I liked the alternate ending with Laureley it was surreal watching it knowing they can barley afford to animate the actual episodes. They could have used that time and money on episodes 9 to 12 but here we are with a two week delay.
They also cut the entire scene of Himari actually learning about the band feud from Shiho herself while at cooking club, which also had more moments between Laureley members. I do really like the ED though, it must've been commissioned to a different team uninvolved with animating the episodes themselves and so we got this weird amalgamation of episodes that can barely hold together and a well-made ED.
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the volume 10 extras are going to be awkward.
I mean it's different, right there is more of a "do I have to be jelaous of every girl she is with" rather than the tripe of we can't date because we are both girls and that's impromper
>anime production is a disaster
>all the cute shiho moments are getting cut
So I'm guessing I should just start reading the manga from chapter 1 rather than from the point the anime ends?
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As far as production disasters go, one of the anime that jumps to my mind first is Marchen Madchen, and this anime is already following in its footsteps

>episodes 9 and 10 delayed 2 weeks
>last 2 episodes left completely in the air (Marchen Madchen's last 2 episodes were initially delayed 9 months but didn't actually air until 13 months later)

Ignoring the art and animation falling apart, the anime follows closely enough to the manga until about episode 6/chapter 15, so chapter 16 (or the Vol. 2 extra) would be a good place to start.

...which was what I was going to say but there were a few good scenes sadly cut from as early as chapter 9.
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Vol. 3 extra*
Might as well tell anon to read from the start, it's worth it for the art alone even if the anime hadn't started cutting too much stuff out yet. That said, I'm sad Yori's dad was completely cut.
why make an "anime" if you don't have any budget for it?
You definitely should. Art is cute so why not just start from the beginning. Shouldn't take too much of your time.
True. It's just the last time I did something like this was for WataYuri but when I went back and read the start of the manga it didnt seem like the anime skipped anything.
There's more to production problems than just budget. Watch Shirobako to know about everything that can go wrong during the creation of an anime.
Why are there people acting like this is the only anime with production problems? There are much more embarrassing cases (God Eater anyone) or that one where the animation studio changed because the author didn't like the result.
>google God Eater anime
Gee, maybe because your first comparison is almost 10 years old. Recency is kind of relevant.
For all its faults, the God Eater anime at least *looked* good and had actual directing, however questionable it was.
New anime with Female MC never
The shameful part is that these people aspired to more than they could really handle and in the end they couldn't handle it.

What's annoying about the Sasakoi adaptation, is that some people clearly come with the attitude of "this is yuri and that's why it's bad" and that there's no mention that the production problems aren't as dramatic as some try to make them out to be.
They're not? This thread has already mentioned girls und panzer, magica record and wonder egg. People are just bewildered and/or sad that this anime which was already delayed a whole season still managed to fumble getting the final episodes out. On top of that we just came off of two other yuri hime anime's releasing just fine when sasakoi is arguably the more popular title of the three, as well as GBC and jelly grabbing a lot of attention from the yuri crowd this season. It makes its failures look worse even if there are others that fucked up way more.
I think Sasakoi it is dying thanks to its potential rather than for being just a cheap adaptation, the anime was in production just when MyGo was exploding in popularity so it was kind of obvious that they discarded their original plan to make it just another love story and their new plan was to monetize the musical part of the story (part that Takeshima has no rights over with the exception of the characters and the bands names) and that's why we are in this mess right now. So no, it isn't the yuri or the budget the problem here.
That makes sense, so it's more of an adaptation with production problems and it's more of a multimedia project with production problems, it may seem similar but the second one has more "things" involved.

Although in this sense, I think that anime should take the typical CG route for presentations, which is not cheaper but what it does is save time, which is also important.

>> sasakoi is arguably the more popular title of the three, as well as GBC and jelly grabbing a lot of attention from the yuri crowd this season.

That reminds me of a tweet (in Japanese) that mentioned the scene of the Yuyuyu S3 band, due to the popularity of the 3 series of bands this season, Sasakoi is included there (I mention it just out of curiosity)
I hadn't considered the ambition of the project wanting to hype up the music more to be a factor but it does make sense, we even saw that this week where the episode was cutting corners at every turn (placing the camera behind characters so they they didn't need to animate them talking, few to none background characters in the hallways or streets) but still having a new ending featuring Laureley's song. The stage play has also been hyping up the live music performances with a lot of bts of the girls practicing. And yes, the fact that it'd be a part they didn't have to pay Takeshima royalties for would have definitely incentivized them.
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Interesting collaboration.
Now this makes me want one with Show By Rock too, it would make sense.
Why is it with Hello Kitty and not Show By Rock? Somethings off here.
Probably just cos they currently don't have anything SBR-related to promote right now. That and it's just Sanrio's thing to have Hello Kitty to collab with literally every property on the planet.
I can never remember Maa-chan's real name.
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cute! though it does make me sad again about the production problems as this was really meant to be its moment and there's always going to be somewhat overshadowed by the delays and such.
Overall it's not as bad as some make it out to be (WUG was much worse) but there's no denying that the anime will be remembered for that, plus it doesn't have the same hype as other troubled productions, to sustain itself when the last episodes of the anime come out.
>they both get an ear bud

That's actually extremely adorable
>not sharing wired earphones
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>says this
>yet is somehow upset that they are together
I don't get it. How does it make any sense?
She wants to be the middle spoon.
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I agree, especially a collab with Mashumairesh. Himari and Yori in a way act similar to Howan and Himeko. And not just them, Kaori and Mari are very similar to Ruhuyu and Delim in personality and how they interact. Mari even sounds so much like Delmin that I had to check to see if they had the same seiyuu. Even a couple of the scenes from the Mashumairesh (and STARS!!) anime are similar to scenes in Sasakoi. A Sasakoi x Mashumairesh collab would have been just perfect.
She wants them to make up, not make out.
I love those parallels in both series, it makes me love both more.
>she didn't know that one would lead to the other
Amateur mistake.
There are two very big differences between Himeko and Yori, though.
They're sharing the same Bluetooth channel, so arguably they're on a higher level closeness by being in the same wavelength.
The truth is that Shiho is the one Miki loves. The incest setup was just a red herring. That's why she wanted them to be friends again, so that Shiho would start visiting their house again.
You wish
Yes, those spiral ponytails are huge.
So when is the next episode?
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>get a new chapter before a new episode
Well at least we'll have something to talk about. How will Miki's wild ride go?
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I miss Howan and Himeko.
more leaks by the guy form last time. Nothing that new desu.

>80-90% of Yokohamas were moved onto other projects, removed and left uncredited, or just quit.
>Episodes were only finished hours before airing (production assistant already posted about some being finished 3 days before).
>Episode 8 was so down the wire the subs had to be delayed.
>Staff didn't know the 2 week delay was going to happen and the subs reflect that as they show the title for episode 9 at the end instead of "Prelude".
>Leaker claims the delay happened because their last thread went viral and reached JP twitter.
>Episode 9 is mostly finished, episode 10 is still being worked on.
>Thread says episode 11 started production a few days ago but then says ep11 and 12 haven't been started yet and that none of the staff know if they'll air on TV or just be bluray releases.
>Bluray fixes for past episodes will only happen if the higher-ups think it's worth it (unlikely).
Ichijinsha needs better bargaining power so they can assure they don't get a studio and staff that causes delays. Sadly, all the "good ones" are busy and booked for other shows that are "safe bets."
>no episodes 11 and 12 done with storyboards and animatics like the last two episodes of Evangelion
No animation studio is exempt from screwing up in every way, there is nothing safe, not even with successful or popular franchises.
>don't clean the skin and oils off your girlfriend's ear bud and just jam it into your own ear

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