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Continued from >>4229679
Translation Thread >>4199643
Buythread >>3944605
Raw Thread >>4230584

https://mangadex.org/chapter/19cadba5-b63f-4539-8078-cd1afe39746b (Love Live flowers ch3)
https://mangadex.org/chapter/b141ccf2-e69f-4919-b10f-853d7231c6c4 (Will You End This Love? ch16)
https://mangadex.org/chapter/a976a88d-9bf4-4908-b119-9612a2166cda (Idol x Idol Story ch43)
https://mangadex.org/chapter/14d63372-b492-49c5-89eb-02650f9ad2e8 (K-On Shuffle ch48)
https://mangadex.org/chapter/bb9620cd-6e16-4e81-9faa-56f1607aad12 (OL at Her Limit ch11-1)
https://mangadex.org/chapter/dfdf9bcb-8a2e-4c4f-8290-a34c832c6f94 (Gal to Iinchou ch10)
https://mangadex.org/chapter/c5f551dc-9382-48d2-8253-7e17c6a21036 (My Girlfriend is Devilishly Sweet ch2-2, pic related)
https://mangadex.org/chapter/4b2372ec-be8f-4805-a2c0-279be59b43b2 (Seeking a Beauty ch4)
https://mangadex.org/chapter/5d8978f4-077c-4fbb-95c1-0b5dc36144e0 (Saki ch275)
https://mangadex.org/chapter/bf278833-f3e0-454e-8bdd-bda358d3fda6 (Pastel Love ch28)
https://mangadex.org/chapter/46264516-dd8a-48e2-8baa-8e815dd5d5a8/ (Bocchi the Rock ch78)
https://mangadex.org/chapter/9efdf476-afd6-49a4-8bd8-65b61ce451e8 (My Stepmother Made Me Fall For Her ch2)
https://mangadex.org/chapter/bd527f1e-9af8-4d58-9e12-a74e79b192ea (If You Can't Kill Me, Love Me ch8)
https://mangadex.org/chapter/421953ae-a1a9-4978-8867-ba8c519b899f (Outsider Paradise ch13)
Shiawase Trimming ch18-19

High School Girl at the Convenience Store ch0-2
>High School Girl at the Convenience Store ch0-2
Oh yes what I really needed was a "yuri" series which is 95% guys hitting on girls.
I would say glasses are more of a priority since literally 0% of those chapters feature that.
Normality and Monsters ch7
I hate the pic.
Sugar Girl Drip ch5
Yeah there's nothing about that and the manga is pretty sweet
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>not "salutations"
>not "Top o' the morning to you!"
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>A Face You Shouldn't Show ch7
>barely adult bottom stalker who is cute enough to be not creepy
This shit is way more annoying than this book makes it out to be. I realize this isn't the author's intent but the way the blonde one treats the kid makes her also seem like an inexperienced barely-adult. I really had to suspend my disbelief when she lets the kid into where she lives, gives out her place of work, then gives her real contact info. Still a good read though with nice art.
Next chapter will get a lot of discussion here
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oh my gOD its SATAN TRIPS
>Fugue Across Worlds 26
Reminder that Io pissed herself while waiting for Misa.
I thought it was when they were already talking
And girl howdy does she look great in them
It's like Hitodenashi, but good.
Sweets, Elf and a High School Girl ch13

Chou to Teikoku ch8

>Chou to Teikoku ch8

Well at least it's not force marriage
>Chou to Teikoku ch8
This will only end in tears.
Chimidoro Ice-cream ch15
>sees scary stranger assaulting her bedridden onee-san
>jumps into bed with them
More imoutos should be like that
>pulls person on the bed against her
>"it's so cool"
Why do you lie to me?
It's not fair, why are bi-sluts always so sexy
The austrian painter took a lot of things about the weird nose people from tsarist Russia so maybe.
Antisemitism and ethnic cleansing were a worldwide thing, not just a Germany thing.
Stalin literally said, "Hey Hitler, stop killing our Jews before we get a chance to kill them!"
? No it's not, idiot.
Yuri Kagi ch2
The Role of the Femme Fatale ch1
so its "im not a succubus!" but without monster girls
A certain group of people have been kicked out of contries/kingdoms/etc. a record 109 times in history. And I can assure you that number doesn’t come from WW2 either.
>The Role of the Femme Fatale ch1

Man didn't False Marigold just get the axe?

Girl works really quick to get a new series up
more like it ended because the author wanted to do this new series instead, same as what happened with previous before that

Well I thought she chickened out of "be careful Onee-san" but good to know she did it on her own terms
Reading the last chapter, I thought the resolution would be a cop out, but this is pretty cool actually. I wonder if the twist is that both of them are skin monsters but just the black haired doesn't know.
>You may be "quirky" now, but when you're an adult you'll use it to your advantage
This monster fumbled an art ho, I just know it.
Most likely it was planned to be this size, CUNE has been doing this for a while now, some authors even announcing how many volumes they will have from the start.
Fae x Youkai yuri would be fun.
Fun concept, basically
>What if we made prison for kids even more retarded
Idk imagine being told you had to score pussy in a week

And considering this isn't the first time I've seen this concept, I'd say this one is better and has better art
The concept of roles is usually to play a family, not this retardation, MC hiding below her desk isn't even cringe behaviour, sounds exactly how a normal kid would actually react to suddenly being pushed this and the whole class knows about it.
Would it even be that hard? Everybody is forced to play along, it shouldn't be that much of a hassle to find someone who is either willing to help or has a role that aligns with yours.
At this point I expect someone to just get the bullied girl role and the whole class to cheer MC kicking her in the belly
Imagine the poor girl whose role is "Yaya".
The problem with that one is that it's been too long, should have been shorter and more focused.
This one already has 24 chapters
I give this author credit for immediately came back with a new manga after their last one ended. Most mangaka take break between serialization.
Speaking of roles, what happened to the zodiac manga? And why no one translates the werewolf one?
Usually those breaks are not intended, they just didn't find a new job yet
Zodiac one the author bailed out on it, the werewolf one it seems the translators said it was too hard and they don't believe the current level of yuri translators can handle a series like this where a single sentence easily can hint the outcome of the arc
Eight Beat de Narashite (Bang Dream, TaeAri)

High School Girl at the Convenience Store ch3

Magic of Stella ch84

I Want to Make Black-Knight Fall in Love With Me ch5
Her Mountain, Her Ocean ch42
I like these dorks
Am I About to Join a Kill-Or-Be-Killed Love Triangle? ch1
First Time Exhibitionism Play! Lesbian Sex Lovin' University Girls.
the autism is strong with this one
>Hurt your feet
>Can't go to school for a month
This is like 2 or 3 days max to heal.
Now this is /u/.
I thought the Japanese were high-tech, you're telling me they still haven't invented crutches over there?

I wonder what the hanger-on's deal is, probably not a normal human right.
Some sprains can easily take a couple of weeks to fully heal. Though you'll be able to limp your way to school in a week.
>love triangle
>lovers suicide
All we need is cheating and this would be the perfect /u/ manga
What a insane premise.
Eh, it's just your generic protagonist in crazy school with cute weird girls setting.
Looks like we're getting some Chi Tang/You Yu alone time next chapter. I'm glad that there's no conflict surrounding their new roommates, but their presence in the story came at the price at no new relationship developments
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The stairs strike again... They can't keep getting away with this... Stairs must be one of the all time greatest villains in yuri. Also, I'm convinced that she's dead and all of this is just some weird dream.
Fucking nips, a fucking cold, stairs, the weakest of all humans dying to the most trivial shit, the only time I ever saw someone falling the stairs was because the retard was jumping, hit the roof with his head and slipped as he was losing consciouness.
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>I Want to Make Black-Knight Fall in Love With Me ch5
Damn, critical hit
i really like Her Mountain, Her Ocean anyone know anything similar to that?
>This is Obviously a Yuri Manhua
Ano Koro no Aoi Hoshi
I warned you about stairs, I told you sis
I told you about stairs
Naked kabedon always leads directly to sex, right?
Pastel Love is very similar. I've said before that it's Her Mountain, Her Ocean, if Chi Tang and You Yu did more romance-like things.
thanks i'll check them out
They seem repressed, it might be delayed sex.
Like this a lot, china would have an incredible GL scene if weren't for the censorship.
>He fell for the propaganda
Your social credit has increased by 0.000003%!
is there a better translation somewhere i tried reading it and some parts didnt make semse
None that I know of, the guy TL'ing it is ESL unfortunately, but the TL gets a little better further on
>I Want to Make Black-Knight Fall in Love With Me ch5
Very cool. I'm still waiting for Frost to pull out one of the handles on her armor as a crystal sword or something.
Outsider Paradise ch14
Very gay chapter.
i see

Even if they ate each other out, it wouldn't be nearly as gay as this
Ladies of the Scarlet Devil Mansion ch6 (Touhou)

LiaoLiao ch44
Well present chanel (since this is happening in the past) would probably eat penpen, but not the way you want her to.
>anon is the archetypal 5'10" cool beauty onee-san
you are aware your experience is not typical, yes?
Like the art, hate the themes.
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Is she an owl?
What happened to that post-apocalyptic manga about two girls killing ghosts and looting their random drops? Did it ever get more chapters or did I just forget the name?
Are you sure you didn't read western fiction about two black lesbians in new york?
Otherside Picnic?
>chapter title is "misunderstanding"
>disregard without reading
No, it's much more recent. There's one tall girl and one short, lolish girl. They go around in gear and gas masks in old abandoned neighbourhoods hunting ghosts that have TVs for heads (if I recall). Scavenging the items these ghosts drop is their income.
Scavengers another sky?
Yeah, that one.
Adachi and Shimamura (Moke ver.) ch39.1
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Time for the kidnapping arc?
Suletta and Miorine in a Long-Distance Relationship Have a First Date (Gundam, SuleMio)
The issue is trying to lift shimamura by yourself
Cute, but can anyone explain what’s the point of creating a doujin if there’s no sex in it?
Least horny SuleMio fan.
Doujins don't have to have sex in them. They're just self-published fanfiction in the form of a Japanese comic book. As for why someone would create fanfiction of characters they like in a cute situation, you can probably figure it out yourself. People draw and write heaps of SFW fanworks every day.
Most authors are not aiming to become hentai authors.
they are probably simply unable to. see how many regular authors can't even draw a kiss. lack of experience
Honestly, understandable. I've tried writing smut but I'm not even sure about most things so I always end up giving up lol.
Retarded secondary. Please do the world a favor and kill yourself.
The association of hentai with doujins is something only the west does.
It's pointless.
I thought the point of djs are to show us what the anime can't show. Sulemio was married, but instead of them having sex, the author showed us more than 30 pages of fluff, first date and first kiss. I just think it was slightly a waste.

Must be the reason, yeah.

Nothing horny about the question, just genuine curiosity.
Look, I don't want to take any dig at Gundam but
>I thought the point of djs are to show us what the anime can't show
>the author showed us more than 30 pages of fluff, first date and first kiss.
I get you, but they were married, I mean why can't the author improve the imagination a little? The perfect dj scenario for Sulemio should be the wedding night.
>I thought the point of djs are to show us what the anime can't show
The point of djs is to show whatever the artist wants to show. Also the anime couldn't show a kiss so even by your definition it fits.
Kisses and dates don't need that many pages.
"Needs" are irrelevant, doujinshi offer the freedom to indulge.
No sex is a major bummer though
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Well, first let's point out some general stuff
>The author may be very young, some start doing doujins as literally as kids
>The author may not be confortable enough with yuri yet, it takes a while for some people for different "reasons".
>The author may not want or enjoy drawing intimacy or lewd
>There are already a lot of lewd or R18 sulemio doujins and so you may actually grab other audiences who are not into R18 stuff this way.

That said, the author has another doujin, though I don't think it's R18, she used to only do BL until a while ago and Gundam is probably what got her into yuri, looking at her pixiv which was created in 2009 for her to post pokemon fanart, I'm going to guess she must be around 24-25 now and by the evolution of her art in the last months it's likely she may be pushing for an actual career.
Thank you, stalker-chan.
Maitake did exclusively SFW stuff and was one of the best MadoHomu artists.
>Yuri is pointless if there's no sex
Anyone has got recommendation for yandere type?
>yuri show gets more content
>people bitch anyway
If I liked non-yuri romance, I'd have that opinion about them too. Romance is lame without sex. In official materials, I can understand why they don't do it. But fans with talent should always go for sex, it's the best. It's so sad to keep things tame.
Well said.
Retarded opinion.
So yuri is just a fetish for you then
>couple have intimate relations
Concession accepted
Straw man
Concession accepted. Again. Funny thing is I'm not even attacking them. It's a fetish because they get off to lesbian porn, and that's why they're on /u/. Was simply asking for confirmation, but the replies is all the confirmation I needed
Sure, Cathy Newman. You've won yet another debate.
Actual 10 year old coomer spotted. Kill yourself.
>lesbian porn
Thanks for telling us what you classify Yagakimi as.
This is true. It's not romance if they don't have sex in doujins, >>4241996 is nothing but a slice of life dj.
Be the change
Unfortunately I have zero talent.
Then work.
All you need is money for comissions
Yuu and Touko have sex.
Though the author said it's not yuri.
High School at the Convenience Store ch4
That's her problem, not mine.
>10 year old coomer
Hot. She needs an onee-san to correct her.
Personally I only started watching lesbian porn after becoming a yurifag.
I stopped after becoming a yurifag.
Teatime For Dreaming Maids ch16

Shinohayu ch117

Daughter of Evil and Miss Devil ch22
Based answer
>Daughter of Evil and Miss Devil ch22
This releases far too slowly so I just switched over to the batoto one which is 40 chapters ahead as well
But it's the same translation or MTL?
Official translation
Will check out thanks
A Story About Buying a Classmate Once a Week ch2

Give My Heart to You ch10
>I approve removing the reading of the het porn manga
I spoke too soon.
Found up to 68.5, this story is really good when the plot picks up
>classmate 2
I have seen enough hentai to know how this one ends
As much as some of us wrinkle our noses at this, this read-aloud results in their first conversation where they learn something about each other. Miyagi learns that Sendai isn't at all what she thought she was, and Sendai learns how the good popular girl image she forces herself to wear is perceived from the outside, and also becomes interested in this weird Miyagi.
thanks for recommending this one i love it so far
It's not like any of them cared about it, Miyagi just buys shit for no reason and Sendai was just doing what she was told to.
SS Girls indeed
you used to have to do 10-20 in a federal penitentiary to get that kind of indoctrination
Pedolesbo out
Gyaru Maid to Akuyaku Reijou: Ojou-sama no Happy End shika Katan! ch5

Should’ve translated the older chapters first. Went back and read them and they were quite good, especially chapter 6
She is not what she seems.
Oh hey, it's Pazuzu.
Reject false idols indeed
I really like when main characters show physical attraction towards other women. Early on, it's always just the pretty eyelashes
And gushing over hair.
It seems to me some authors go out of the way to make this point, I am pretty sure some of them at some point disliked how some works portrayed canonical yuri couples as just bordeline asexual.
She's such an idiot, I love her
A nice welcome after reading a bunch of 'they keep blushing when looking at each other, therefore they are dating' stories
Too bad the gyaru is too dense to get what her lady actually wanted at that moment.
How the fuck does all of that just lead into
>I'll design your uniform to look like my maid clothes?

It's so retarded. It's so dumb that I can't suspend my disbelief for it
>Thinking something naughty?
>Hand starting at the knees and slightly snaked up the thigh
Being a gyaru is a naughty thing.
Please Spoil Me, Hinamori-san! ch16

Does Japan not understand the concept of crutches?
Nips are just fucking soft, I had to walk long distances to school using crutches for several months and that wasn't even the worst part, the fucking class was like on the eight floor.
Thats just mean
Yeah, while I somewhat enjoy this one, the MC is an annoying mix of sociable and somehow completely retarded.
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Adachi is so autistic it's adorable
It makes sense to me. She assumed she was staring at her ribbon and wanted to shorten her skirt.
A proper girl wanting to be more fashionable makes perfect sense for a gyaru but she has no reason to think her master would make advances on a maid.
It's a (fictional) gyaru trope, I immediately knew she was going to do exactly what she did.
Nope, sorry, there's objectively no way you lead the conversation with that kind of talk and you're thinking on a simple skirt shortening.
Its normal friendly banter
You mean relatable?
Citrus+ vol6 extras

Doukyonin ga Fuantei deshite ch10

Your Scent is a Little Sweet ch45

Their Story ch229-241

Onee-sama and Giant ch18
>Onee-sama and Giant ch18
Sad this got axed, I even commented about it on my amazon review, which was the only one.
It didn't get axed tho?
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>author is promoting a new arc on Twitter
>she lacks critical information
Anon is joking because the author complained there was only one amazon review from a confused user who thought the series got axed
I can't keep up with all these young'uns and their references.
>Onee-sama and Giant ch18
Why is "everything" in this chapter in "quotes?"
They are all being ironic, "legitimate code" means slut.
The Japanese 「quotation marks」are quite versatile. Sometimes they're used for actual quotes, sometimes emphasis, and sometimes just for chuuni stuff, and it's often tricky for translators to determine how to utilise them in English. (Don't even get me started on that thing where they put the dots next to certain words.)
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Leaving them as is would be preferable to translating them to quotation marks. Italics are a good alternative too.
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>"safe" and "comfortable" flight
I hope they did a flip.
just sounds like an average Boeing flight with modern plane seating
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>Leaving them as is
Most fonts don't have glyphs for them, so you'll end up with characters that at best don't match the style of the rest of the text, and at worst have wildly different spacing that needs to be manually adjusted. It's better to just use quotation marks for actual quotes, bold text/italics for emphasis, and either quotation marks or a different font for chuuni lingo.
is it worth continuing adachi to shimamura idk if i like it so far
What parts are you ambivalent about?
the part where she yaps on the phone
What Does the Poisonous Butterfly Dream Of? ch4

Childhood Friend, Big Love ch48
Is the english title pure bullshit?
>What Does the Poisonous Butterfly Dream Of? ch4
That's pretty good, wish I only found out about it once there were more chapters out.
Though the art is kinda strange.
It's safe and comfortable as long as Rodan and Ghidorah didn't fight on their flight path and there's no Godzilla on the airport.
Still better chances than flying with boeing
Is this the beginning of Junko's redemption and eventual addition to Hinako's harem?
Usually redemption don't starts with betrayal and attempted murder.
Keyword: usually. This story rarely does things the usual way.
Sure but saying this defeats the point of your question, no? How can we predict the unpredictable?
>the Edge
Is this Arifureta with lesbians?
>Hitokiri Shoujo Koushaku Reijou no Goei ni Naru ch1

This seems to be based on a novel, uploader has put the yuri tag we know we can't blindly trust those, so can anyone confirm there is no bullshit with this one? Otherwise I will just delete the post.
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>read shuukura WN
>they kiss
>still no cunnilingus nor rimjob
Also who is the real top?
They are getting there
I can confirm this is yuri.
Source: Trust me sis
The front or the back hole?
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>Hitokiri Shoujo Koushaku Reijou no Goei ni Naru
>autistic katana girl protecting a noble woman(white)
>and with a protective maid to boot
I have literally fantasized about this exact scenario before
>But is it yuri
I googled this a bit and there is art from the novel of them kissing, so it should be safe?
She will use her samurai skill to carefully remove the oujo sama's long and curly pubes
How dishonourable
I think at least another 200 chapters should be spent on development that will result in them at least taking off their panties while having sex, and everything else after that.
Again, I'm glad English is my first language. Because I wouldn't know where to start in explaining why this makes the reader uncomfortable.
Is it so hard for a native English speaker to say "quotation marks in English are often used to express irony or sarcasm, so putting the words 'safe' and 'comfortable' in quotation marks makes it sound like the flight is going to be neither safe nor comfortable"?
>can anyone confirm
Why don't you follow the LN thread? Or just check the author's twitter?
you mean dishornyable?
Kaijuu Iro no Shima ch25
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Five years. Five fucking years.
They're gonna replace it by a yuri manga
But that would bring Miyagi's motives into great question, both for the reader and for Sendai-san. By this point, the reader already knows that the only thing Miyagi needs Sendai for is to vent her frustrations and fix her low self-esteem. And if Miyagi would have a yuri manga on her shelf, that means she's familiar with the idea of girls loving girls and that means she probably has ulterior motives regarding Sendai. When they made their "contract", Sendai stated several times that sex is out of the question, even though she has little reason to believe that Miyagi is interested in her sexually. Imagine then her reaction if Miyagi had made her read aloud something like Asumi-chan. Pure Sendai-san would never agree to make such a contract!
>remove... long and curly pubes
It never happened.
But if it did it would have had foxgirls.
Another Bocc Disease carrier
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Oh god, is she in Wales? Someone get this poor girl out of there now!
I'm enjoying this new breed of complete chaos yuri like this or the drooling retard gyaru one
Mute Girl ch73

Pastel Love ch29

inno(s)cent (Love Live Hasunosora, SayaKaho)
>hasn't posted since January
Why did she forsake us?
Because I just saw this on mangadex with the tag and asked in the appropriate thread where it would be posted if it was appropriate content for it.
It's not like Miyagi is retarded and doesn't know what lesbians or yuri is, she buys a lot of manga but mostly don't read any of them, she just wanted to show something outrageous to sendai and get a reaction from her, she isn't trying to make her wet.
>Recognizes everyone but the aunt
Ah so she actually had a lore reason to remove the uncle
>Pastel Love ch29

>What if I kissed you? How would you feel you fucking bitch? What if I put my fingers inside you? It's funny to you? What if I ate your pussy like this? Still enjoying playing dyke you retard?
Dangerous game they are playing
>Pastel Love
Damn Zen, I didn't know you had that in you. I'm sorry, I was not familiar with your game.
I'm pretty sure there is no lore reason, she just doesn't know her. Unless the author is playing 4D mind games and intends for the reader to read both the old version and the updated one where the uncle had never even existed.
Reading the old version won't be necessary, but it seems to me the author is playing woth the format
>Keep an Eye on You 33
Yaay more yuri action.
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>even has the obligatory bloody kiss
>manga also picked a better artist than this LN art
Really looking forward to more of this
I'm still surprised that there's no licenced english version of that feet yuri LN with Sulemio's VA. It seems so popular.
Licensing in the US is very complicated, half a year of legal bureocracy and they only license each volume individually, so it's logical for them to wait to have as much content out to cut costs on this.
There is a lot of isekai to license, please understand. The yuri license limit of one title this year has been used up by Iruma's LN.
The what now?
A Story About Buying a Classmate Once a Week ch2
and yet they have no problem license 30 yaoi LNs every year.
It's bizarre. Fujos are probably the only ones who are still buy LNs, even isekai LNs are dying
So this series ended with that?
Vol 3 just started. How could it be the end?
I think it's a hot new meme about discussing new chapters as if they were the last.
>Onee-sama and Giant ch18
I'm very glad that this manga exists

Even for an isekai, it has teeth and I really really like that it has a purpose for offworlders unlike the Executioner and Her Way of life
>The Role of the Femme Fatale ch1

The premise is what a yurifag in charge of a girls school would come up with

After reading the hidden Lillies of Prudence Prep, I'd agree
>I'm very glad that [Onee-sama and Giant] exists
Too bad it was axed...
That joke didn't even take off nee-san

Please drink your lavender and bergamot tea
Hana ni Arashi ch153
Ashita no Ashita ch7
Elis is going to squish poor carla at this rate.
Urasekai Picnic Ch. 71
How many chapters left for False Marigold?
15 is the last.
5 more
Half of 10.
Missed opportunity to lick the blue hand.
Koukaku no Pandora volume 18


volume 19 scheduled for December 10 2024
anything similar to the summer you were there? i just finished but i didnt feel nothing
So you are saying your felt something
My wish is to fall in love with you until you die
Chrizokonai no hairaeth
A monster wants to eat you
White maidens werewolf
Black black lotus
Inside Mari (I know the premise is weird, but trust me it's indespuitably yuri, but if it helps it's a bit like .hack//sign)
Barefoot Nina
The girl in the birdcage
How the fuck is White maidens werewolf even similar you fucking drug addict
Did it end in Japan on vol. 25 or it is still ongoing?
Hey, my drug addiction is totally unrelated...
It's not 1 to 1 but it's a tragedy from what the translated chapters show

Unless that changes
The only tragedy is the lack of translations
The third and final part of the final chapter hasn't come out yet, but once it does, it will end at volume 26.
Joy That You're Here (Bocchi the Rock, RyoNiji)

The Guy She Was Interested In ch91
>The Guy She Was Interested In

My predicition with this one is they'll never even kiss before this ends. Since this is solely targeted at the biggest normalfags now, a kiss might be considered off-putting
I need the next chapter of the samurai and princess already...it's been five years since the last good action series (Gunbured)
Normalfags aren't sticking around for 100 chapters of a manga where a main character explicitly has feelings for another girl if they have a problem with girls kissing
>100 chapters
oh its like 3 pages a chapter, relax
At this pace it's going it'll probably be up to 300 by the time they finally do kiss.
Have you not read murciélago or Onee-sama and the giant?
Murcielago ENG volume comes out like every 17 months
Never in my life would I ever think that fucking School of Rock of all things would get a mention in a yuri manga.
Happiness Rides a Broomstick ch21-23.5
holy shit. I remember reading the first couple chapters thinking how it was pretty cool and I can't wait to see where it's going. And now it's been half a decade for 20 chapters, half of them with the MCs apart it feels
>web manga
>short format
>gen z as fuck
>weird colour just because
This manga makes me feel old and from another time, everything about it screams to me social media. I do like the art but nothing happens.
That's a good way to approach reading yuri nowadays. You never know when the author is going to Roll Over and Die.
Yeah, and assuming that the average manga is 28 pages long, then chapter 100 will be the 12.5 chapters mark. Which doesn't seem like a ton, but given that the whole premise is no longer relevant (The guy she had a crush on was indeed a girl, and she now has a crush on the girl) it's about time for the relationship between the two MC's to start revving up. I'm not sure if the author wants to stall or what, but they've had so many opportunities for any sort of romance but have never pulled the trigger
eh, why would they? got a good thing going getting volume releases and lots of promotion. probably won't get anything explicit until it's about to end, unless the author simply drops it without bothering/drops dead
Sasakoi shows that you can prolong the suffering of your work indefinitely if you just keep adding more couples to it and refuse to let it end.
You don't even need to do that, just more add dumb drama like Yamada to Kase.
Cope. Shiho improved Sasakoi.
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What is this, some sort of homosexual academy?
>What Does the Poisonous Butterfly Dream Of? ch4
Reika's a real bitch.
Doukyonin ga Fuantei deshite ch11
The author has made some pretty explicit yuri before that didn't beat around the bush. I think she's probably figuring out how much she wants to milk this series, as the explosive popularity came at a surprise and she could be fumbling a cashcow depending on what direction she goes.
>Not even 3 volumes
Pinky Candy Kiss ch8
any manga like Ano Koro no Aoi Hoshi i really like it and i want something similar
Pastel Love
Her Mountain, Her Ocean
Can't Defy The Lonely Girl
A Love Yet To Bloom
i see thanks cant defy was nice too i've read that one im also reading her mountain and i love it so far i'll check out the other too you mentioned
How so?
Characters are too small, it's not even they are young, just small.
Imagine how long you can milk a cow if you only squeeze out a small carton’s worth each week.
Fine, I’m gonna read your green manga now
This isn't how cows work
Be warned, more than half of them are basically filler
Most bugs are small
2 volumes and multiple pop ups, including overseas at international Kinokuniya stores. The author's already merchandising hard and people are buying. My local Kino was selling special acrylic placards for 80 USD
It's good when you read in one go
Which is the right thing to do and any yuri series doing great is good for yuri in general
If anything there’s not enough filler because of the 4 page format
It's utterly mediocre no matter how you read it.
Sherbet ch27
Sherbet is the polar opposite of Yuni.
>Toriko realizes that the walls at Sorawo's apartment are too thin for them to have sex
And that isn't a good thing
We known how they have sex and it would be better to do it at the otherside if they don't want anyonr to hear
Tsurezure Biyori

If you haven't already read it. It's more happy-go-lucky though.
Yeah, I think the lewd noises are the least of their worries if they are considering what implications them having sex might have on neighbors. Of course the might get lucky(?) and be left alone to have regular sex rather than Urasexkai
Why is kishiel calling her mom idgi
It's always good not to be a whore. Especially when the option is Kishiel, the village's cum-dumpster.
My Little Girl

OL At Her Limit ch11-2

Yuri Obsession ch220-223

Shinmai Renkinjitsu ch14.5
>OL At Her Limit ch11-2
Why are the chapters so short?
She's at her limit.
All-Out Attack

Witches' Tea Party 2 (Touhou)
>oh no, we're trapped in a shitty hentai blackmail plot, what do we do?
>rape the blackmailer, obviously
Finally some quality writing.
She only has one bf (1) and multiple girlfriends baka, don't paint her as some het slut
It only takes one.
Kill yourself
It is enough to not consider her a valid choice anymore, if she had ex-bf and now multiple gfs it would be ok, but it is clear she is ok with that one guy and just plays around to get new girl toys.
Where are your manners
One drop rule
Kiyota-san wa Yogosaretai ch14
I am pretty sure everyone else saw it too
>The class dykes are at it again
Aren't they all dykes?
This is a normal school, not sasakoi, so only 50% of the females are dykes
Apricot Fuzz ch1-2
uh oh, new mental illness kino that will break /u/ just dropped.
So... I wonder if the dad is actually hitting her at all and she isn't kust doing this yo get attention from the other girl.
Is this the sequel to Peach Fuzz?
Goddamn this was bad.
No, that's Nectarine Fuzz.
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Big Stepsis vs Little Stepsis ch30
So much better than Zenkowa.
A Curtain Call for You ch1-2 (noighd ver) + ch4
that better be a fakeout crisis of self-confidence
sounds like your stereotypical hetshit harem anime
I'd love if more action Yuri like this got adapted but then there's the coin flip of it being given to a bad studio. MagiRevo was honestly lucky, and even The Executioner to an extent.
My Stepmother Made Me Fall For Her ch3
can never have too many of these
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ch3 is out too
well this escalated quickly
It's like the author read the popular menhera yuri and tried to half-ass it themselves trying for some easy success. This is garbage.
Pretty interesting so far, very /u/ too.
>more low quality, bandwagon menherashit
I sleep
I agree up to a point, but there are rare cases where it doesn't apply. For instance, your mom doesn't qualify for the gold star, but her ratio of male partners rounds to zero anyway on account of the astronomical denominator.
Finally something you can call Walmart K-wa and not be disingenuous about it.
I don't know anon, saying his mom is not a whore is not that good of a rethoric
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>try to find Hitokiri manga raw
>get novel spoiler
oh nyoooo
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>mangaka said it's not yuri
Happy news for me, didn't even bother reading that garbage, fuck anti yuri edgy shit
>contextless tweet

You really got em by the ropes champ!
>anti yuri
Now you're just making shit up.
Oh God, I haven't been so happy reading yuri for a long, long time.
There are girls and they're talking to each other and touching each other, it's yuri.
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Yes... Hahaha... Yes!
The thing is, it's actually tagged as yuri in comic walker too, either the author is trolling or he is hinting at some non yuri development, so if there is something else going on I hope he makes shit more clear.

>all that Kanji

Not every one has an N3, asshole
>check mangaka's profile
>I draw girls with disgusted faces, transvestite men and crossdressing boys
I have a very bad premonition.
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Then it doesn't belong here. Simple as.
By your logic Futari Escape does.
The Lost Polaris Ab (Bang Dream, SakiUi, TomoTaki)

Outsider Paradise ch15
In just 3 chapters the fuzzers did more (no homo) yuri stuff than the escapists (totally homo, you just haven't trained well enough) in 4 volumes.
>Outsider Paradise ch15
I don't know why but this is the manga that makes me excited to read the most.
I can respect more an author that straight up admits his series is not yuri and gives up on easy sales than authors being cryptic and baiting with bullshit like "it's yuri if you think it's yuri".
However he should talk with his editor to remove the tag on Comic Walker.
why is this board so obsessed with melodramafest that's filled with mentally ill characters?
Akebi-chan ch77
Because this board is filled with mentally ill people
author is just a troll
ZenKowa must be selling well, with all the bandwagonning.
If he knows what kind of insecure hysterics he'll have to interact with, he won't engage in this kind of "trolling". If he doesn't know what kind of insecure hysterics he has to interact with, then he doesn't know shit about the yuri audience at all.
It's not even close to Zenkowa, which is an extremely watered down "menhera" story, if it can even be called menhera.
>insecure hysterics
Doesn't exist except on /u/.
Znkwsisters… Only had to skip one chapter due to the author's illness and we are already knocked off the pedestal. How do we cope?
the author releases the chapters in 4 parts, 1 part every week, so each chapter is around 16 pages. still kinda short but feels like less work to translate at least
Finally a date chapter is coming.
Wth he just self axed the manga...
You really gotta respect how far these girls will go to get into character
>Our middle school play was ten years ago. Are you sure we need to get married?
>more low quality, bandwagon menherashit
I wake
Nips are far worse, they stay quiet but they also decide not to pay for it anymore, I agree with what anon said, he probably lost consumers with what he said.
I doubt their date will look gay at all!
I wonder if the flashback ended now.
Talking about mental illness, our favorite trash eating lesbians are back
>Kimochi Warui kara Kimi ga Suki 8
We like fun
Her girl friend's not here today
Thanks, Kitakawa.
They are just a loud minorty.
The manga is fine but the background is too green it’s kinda annoying
I wouldn't call Zenkowa menhera. That was a ruse from the author, because Kuwabara wanted Kurumi and Naoi to start off with the worst first impression of each other that was possible and to build their relationship up from there.

Their relationshipi is the polar opposite of everyone else's in the series. They have no delusions about the other one being this perfect person and they're starting to see the other's good points. A solid foundation for a relationship. Meanwhile, everyone else in the series has a twisted "love" because they don't see the other person for what they really are. Which leads to disillusionment and resentment.
That either Isanuma and the teacher or Kokoro are going to get their teeth metaphorically kicked in by the end of the volume.
The first volume got a reprint around the time volume 2 came out, which indicates it's doing okay, but I wouldn't call it a runaway success. I can see it getting a volume 4 and maybe 5, but that might be about it.
I don't understand the manga industry sometimes. Why does something like Virgins' Empire (which doesn't seem that particularly popular) can run forever while most other yuri manga struggle not to get axed?
i'd rather have 10 virgins' empire than a single zenkowa
Virgins' Empire is from a magazine with 2 to 3 times more circulation numbers than most magazines that usually publish yuri, so even if it's not a popular yuri works, just for being in a magazine with more readers it's also probably has a more stable ground than most yuri series too.
Otome no teikoku also risked to be axed some volumes ago because the couples were going nowhere and a lot of chapters were wasted on stipid things and fans had to buy 10 volumes each to save it.
yes, we need more Mana cucking
being in a popular magazine means more competition though. Jump manga gets exed all the time even though they're more popular than most manga on the market
Same, but Virgin's Empire's continued existence does baffle me
>Same, but Virgin's Empire's continued existence does baffle me
Strange we can't get anime out of it, so many chapters, girls main cast between schoolgirls, varied girls types.
It can be easily short yppe of anime for each chapter made multiple seasons.
I will never understand why VE or Murcielago never got anime, even cheap one.

I think the Mangaka for murciélago has gone on record that he doesn't want to get it adapted

But probably because he wants it done right by a real studio who won't kneecap him
Sexiled ch31-3
Did the author say yet if this is the last volume or if it will continue beyond the Light Novel? (the WN had started a new arc but it ended because the LN was going to start).
Think about it this way. If a relatively mainstream magazine decides to have exactly one yuri manga to fill out a very niche part of their readership, they don't need it to sell that well, a stable number would suffice. They would keep it around as some sort of diversity token. Meanwhile a series in Yuri Hime faces tough competition from other yuri authors waiting in the wing. The magazine itself would cycle through underwhelming series fast in search for the next Citrus or Sasakoi
I just want to see the faces of their families when they see their not only kissing but letting everyone know that they officially became girlfriends
>My dyke daughter is gay what a surprise
Asumi-chan is Interested in Lesbian Brothels! Volume 5 Extras
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The fundamental difference between FWB and girlfriends.
Why hasn't Nanao made the maid she's fucking wear a french maid outfit? is she stupid?
Basically, growth is unlikely for a seinen magazine focuserd on older demographics in a market which already is very competitive, focusing on having a more diverse lineup and maintaining the consumers they have makes more sense than risking new titles the consumer.may not enjoy. Having a magazine structure focused on metrics to get bigger titles make sense for a magazine that has seen tangible growth in the last decade like Yuri Hime.
This is the girl who self-sabotaged herself into being FWB with her crush instead of lovers, of course she's stupid. Dumb, even.
Workplace abuse or domestic abuse?
Remember, kids: hospital across the street, graveyard down the road.
Really liked how the villainess showed some attraction to the maid, usually these sorts of stories just have the MC hit on her love interest ad naseum and it gets old quick.
Slow Loop ch15
Lily's Complex ch3
For a chapter full of shitty boys, the author sure made sure she would be 10 times gayer than usual
Somehow her being at the basketball game was gayer than any of the sex scenes
If I Could Become a Magical Girl Sequel ch4 (MahoAko)
Cool monster design
Please let the alt girl be dating a pink type
This funnily feels like the artist is going "I'm in too deep already, might as well go full Magical Resonance and La Verite"
to bad Alice isn't there for evil Magenta to play with
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Koroshi Korosare Sankaku Kankei ni Watashi ga Ima kara Hairun desu ka? ch. 2
You're supposed to read it in an app with chroma keying support, so you can choose whatever background you want (I usually go for some public domain b movie clips).
While I do think it was a fun chapter, from the character design to the jokes... the author is just making bocchi in another setting, I know we hear this a lot nowadays, but it's very blatant here
I would enjoy it more if it was just about Hononka and her USAGF and the two uselessbians slowly getting together.

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