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Updates and Discussion for English and Japanese games, visual novels, RPGs, etc which contain yuri.
Last Thread: >>4234928

Lists of Yuri Games:
https://www.mediafire.com/folder/4oc1uvr5vl96m/Yuri (Generally non-VN games)
http://store.steampowered.com/curator/6864182-Hella-Yuri/ (Anything available on Steam with lesbians in it)
https://vndb.org/g1986?fil=tagspoil-0.tag_inc-1986 (VNs tagged Yuri Only)

Yuri Game CGs:

New here? Need a starting point? Try the /u/ recommendation survey results:

Related threads:

Yuri Gacha General: >>4236995
Hat World: >>4107813
Neptunia: >>3779723
Signalis: >>4230341
LIly LYric cyCLE: >>3649128
Baldur's Gate 3: >>4203885
Life is Strange >>4228323

Gamedev idea thread: >>4223220
Personal Yuri Projects thread: >>4225806
Recent news:
Seraphim Slum was released for free on Steam
A Tithe in Blood demo came out
Final DLC for Pathfinder WotR adds epilogue with some nicer conclusions for romances + a free patch for an improved Lawful Evil route
Operation Eventide Act 1 for free on itch.io
New CRYMACHINA DLC lets you play as the mentally retarded lesbian dog girls

Steam summer sale is still going. Basically every yuri game in existence is on sale.
What's the point of making a new thread when the previous one died due to inactivity and there is nothing to talk about?
Unless Elden Ring is allowed; I want to talk about the game somewhere.
I don't trust elves. She's going to drain the blood from their bodies to use in a ritual or something.
Uh we make new threads because after 300 posts it can't be bumped further. Also elden ring discussion is fine, go ahead.
>thread goes way over bump limit
>died from inactivity
Go nuts, the thread bobby will whine but no one cares about him.
Unless it's about the yuri parts, don't rant about Elden Ring here. Why not go to /v/ for that?
Vintage OP.
I was trying to mock the anti-western crowd with Japan's idea of Dungeons and Dragons game.
It also happens to be a classic.
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To get back at actually yuri related games than ED DLC slop, it happened, Heaven Burns Red got its global english release announcement.
I didnt put it into the news section, because that's a gacha game and should be mentioned in the gacha thread. But yeah this is (mostly) good news.
It'll reach EoS in 1 year global.
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Just like Arknights and Azur Lane and Blue Archive did, right?
>Deleting posts discussing a yuri game
Are those yuri geared like HBR? Because, let's be real, yuri is a niche not necessarily drawing gacha players in the west.
What are you smoking there anon?
Thread police kun spammed reports. Many such cases...
Maybe Key art and the story will draw people in if the yuri doesn't. Or maybe HBR should do like those three gachas and shove tits and ass into the screen
What attracts most players to HBR is the plot and the emotional journey. It's a key work, a Jun Maeda work. You got to these to cry and laugh, not necessarily to be horny.
They do, don't worry. Plenty of it.
What's the incentive to drop money on it anyway?
Yuri is anathema to the western audiences who play gacha.
Depends on your mental illness. Some do it for gameplay stuff (way more than in most gacha), some are genuine waifufags.
Recently there have been a lot more yuri styles, so yurifags also have a reason to destroy their savings.
Wish they did yuri ecchi, like Azur Lane or Nikke.
Those dont do yuri. They are het shitshows. Pressing to women together for a guy to jerk off on isn't yuri fanservice. These are all self-insert garbage moments.
Not nearly as much or as badly as those others. There are only a handful of really egregious styles.
I honestly wanna know what you flick your bean to if not two sexy women
There is a difference between watching actual porn and being a horny retard for normal yuri works. And unsurprisingly yuri porn doesnt involve a fucking guy, so any of these male self-insert games should be eradicated.
Unless the self-insert was stated to be female.
All this is hypothetical, as we know they don't do this.
I dont like female self-inserts either, but that at least reaches the bare minimum of not being the worst thing in the universe.
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Reply to this post if you know of a game with a gun wielding lesbian that isn't shit. I know I will not get any good replies because I'm psychically linked to games about gun lesbians so I would already know about any that exist but just in case.
I know about Signalis, of course.
Prey 2017.
I should clarify that I do not consider games that let you choose your gender to count in this regard.
Unless the romance or relationship or whatever is actually exclusive to the femc, otherwise, I do not care for playersexual mechanics.
Also I already know about that game and I did not care for it, thank you for the suggestion anyway.
I tried.
Thank you.
In fact, I may actually give it another shot when I clear up my current backlog. I don't care for immersive sims but I'm always willing to try again for games people consistently praise.
What about cyberpunk 2077? You technically choose your gender but Judy is lesbian only.
Perfect Dark
Fear Effect
>Based totalitarian uberGermachina giving big boobs to droids
I played Perfect Dark many a moon ago and I don't remember it being lesbians.
Well there's Cyberpunk. Judy is exclusive to the female PC.
There's an upcoming RE4-like game that took its visual design from Signalis, might be yuri, since the devs said they support LGBT and stuff on forums.

...or it can be just that they added a trans character.
If you're talking about Nightmare Operator, I've seen it and it looks rad as heck.
>one died due to inactivity and there is nothing to talk about?
Just from you thinking the thread died from "inactivity" shows that /u/ is booming so much there's even newfags.
I always say we got a lot of crossboarders here, but in this case there is not much room to argue. This dumbass doesn't know /u/'s bump limit is lower than on some other boards.
>games people consistently praise.
A game being praised by the masses doesn't make it good. In fact is a huge red flag because it means it's aimed at the lowest common denominator.
I see people and communities I generally trust and respect praising it, plus I did play it myself for a few hours before dropping it and I could tell it was a quality game, just not for me, which is why I'm willing to give it another shot at some point.
Don't worry, I don't just blindly follow the crowd, I'm able to tell when someone is shit. In fact I can tell if a game is complete rancid shit just from watching 10 seconds of gameplay and I've been right every time.
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Always wanted to try it
>I did play it myself for a few hours before dropping it and I could tell it was a quality game, just not for me, which is why I'm willing to give it another shot at some point.
Forcing yourself to play a game you didn't like (again, not liking something doesn't mean you believe it is bad) just because everyone praises it is a very depressing thing to do.
Willing to give something another shot when I have the time to do so and have nothing else to do isn't the same thing as forcing myself.
There have been several games I didn't initially like then tried again and fell in love with.
It's going to be okay, anon, it's all going to be okay.
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god that's hot
Get that anti-/u/ garbage outta here.
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>western VN
it's shit.
It's worse than that.
That VN is literally a homophobic anti-lesbian author tract made by some /v/ posters.
You're suspiciously knowledgeable about all this. I don't even know the memes they use on other boards, let alone the personal projects they do.
Dude...you are in the game thread...you should know basic shit like that.
The game is pretty infamous, I've heard of it on multiple sites. Sorry your images got deleted though.
fuck sake dude, just take the L.
Stop trying to push that lesbophobic shit on us.
I don't care if anyone reads it or not. I'm just curious what about it caused you to develop this kind of psychosis. It's like reading one chapter of My Girlfriend is not Here Today and and then throwing a tantrum every time it's mentioned by claiming the author thinks all lesbians are cheating whores and is also from /v/ for some reason. Fascinating behavior, to say the least.
>on men
Except, apparently, for the ones MC falls in love with.
We call it 'lesbophobic' because it has that same attitude towards lesbian relationships, but not het ones.
Mind telling me which characters those are? Or will you admit you are just making shit up?
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So anyway, I've been playing Detective Ridelle, it's a pretty cute puzzle detective game so far. I'm a sucker for clever-detective and plucky-sidekick dynamics, and these characters are pretty cute.
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I've been playing this and it's been a good time. A story about a couple of ghosts recruiting a girl to help girls get together so they can see how women make love to pass on
Widely beloved here for a reason. Also fun note, it was the first steam game with explicit adult content.
Where? Those typically come with an 18+ DLC option I'm not seeing but all I see is the soundtrack and drama CDs
Ah, the Full Chorus. Didn't mention it was adults only until going to the page itself. If I'm in July, did I miss anything

Just bought a physical copy, there's also a manga for it that has more side stuff
Just some topless shots and written descriptions of schmex I think.
Ano route any day now...
Full chorus just adds vo and after game stuff
What are the thoughts on "Please be Happy" I kinda want it but idk
It's super precious and has great production values. Must play in terms of VNs.
Okay!! I'll get it then, thank you.
Are there any other vns in a similar nature to Wanting Wings? Kinda smut but kinda cute?
I don't think kindred spirits has a patch, it's just all there from the beginning. There's just plot and relationship development before the sex happens.
It's all agitprop for moving to New Zealand. You will NOT get a vampire gf just because you move to Wellington!
It has a dlc for the 18+ stuff. It's called "Full Chorus"
That can't stop me from trying!!!
lol try gaslighting someone else bud I saw what we do in the shadows
I don't think you've been on /v/ enough the retards there prides themselves on being incels and nazis the would love self inserting into roles like this
If you don't see why the second half of your comment is intentionally anti-lesbian and makes this games completely irrelevant and anti-/u/, then you are purposely playing dumb.
Now don't bring this shit up here ever again.

At this point I know that the idiot who keep posting it here specifically does it to cause this argument every thread. So do as I always tell you people: Report and move on. The mods already decided the game is off-topic. Obey the rules.
What's up with all these indie lesbian detective games lately?
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>Operation Eventide Act 1 for free on itch.io
I don't really get it. This game has good CGs and seems to have a lengthy act 1, but nobody talks about it here. Does being on itch really reduce visibility this much?
First I find out hobbit girls aren't real and now this
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That isn't what full chorus adds
For fucks sake, stop trying to deny reality. The base Kindred Spirits took out all its sexual content and Full Chorus is now the only way to get it back.
In countries where sexual content like this is blocked, Kindred Spirits is available and Full Chorus is not.
I'm mostly just confused because Full Chorus was listed as an Adults Only game while the base game wasn't
As someone who actually played Kindred Spirits before Full Chorus, you're full of shit. It wasn't a particularly explicit game, but it was definitely an H-game
And when did you play it? In 2014? You absolute retard, I'm talking about after Full Chorus released.
I can't speak for third world countries, but right now the original version is absolutely marketed as a mature game with nudity and sexual content in the US, and Full Chorus isn't treated like an 18+ patch would be.
Yes, actually. The original game was an H-game. Full Chorus basically just made the game fully voiced
I already know the original was an H-game. The point you somehow fail to understand is that they changed that when Full Chorus came out.
But they didn't? You're claiming that the original version removed all the sexual content and that's factually untrue
fond memories but the amount of CG is lacking compared to other VNs
Definitely buy full chorus too. It's nice to hear every line voiced.
It's kinda stupid that without it half the voiced scenes are sex scenes where I skip through the various moaning sounds anyway.
I bought Kindred Spirits when it was first released on steam. It had the sex scenes in it, and there was a bit of press about it since it was the first anime styled game to have its sex scenes stay in its steam release. Why be confidently wrong? Are you trying to say they removed content from the original version AFTER the initial release? That's just plain wrong.

>they removed content from the original version AFTER the initial release
Yes retard, how many times do I need to repeat this? When they added Full Chorus they turned the original into an all ages version.
I never bought Full Chorus, and my version of the game has sex scenes in it, even though it has received updates on the day FC came out, so it's not like they were retroactively patched out. I don't know what exactly you mean by "they turned it into an all ages version".
I really like how every character says something about yuri in that screen, but I wish you could click on them to hear that line.
Yeah, I checked my version as well; I also haven't purchased full chorus and I can see NIPPLES! I feel like I would've heard more of a ruckus on the steam forums and here if they had removed content.
The simple answer here is that /v/ tourists are brain damaged, hence the rage and delusions.
They just fucking announced season 2 of Alternative. Is this some voodoo shit?
Charlie from Smiling Friends if she lesbian
I've had this on my wishlist, but I wasn't sure about the quality of the puzzles based on the reviews. I like a decent escape room style puzzle.
Fear Effect 2, if you wanna be specific.
I think Sedna also had some gay stuff but I never got around to playing it.
FE1 had no yuri at all, FE2 is universally disliked for how bad it is and Sedna is just dumb.
Fear Effect Sedna has Hana and Rain kiss, so they aren't even being coy.
Do people dislike 2? It's been actually forever but I remember it having approximately the same amount of jank and bullshit puzzles as 1, just with slightly less tanky controls. I remember thinking the whole cyberpunk Big Trouble in Little China setting was really cool in both games.
FE1 is treated as a classic, FE2 like a failed sequel and Sedna like the black sheep of the series.
I've been able to solve all the puzzles myself up until the point I'm at the scene of a murder. This one's a few steps up from that and I'm not entirely sure where to start with it, but it was late and I couldn't think anymore. I'll give it another shot.
I'm having a great time with Fear And Hunger 2, now that i recruited the hot ginger and started to dominate every normie freak around.
I wish there was a Lovecraftian grimdark weird fiction rpg around with good yuri...
Then again, i have Signalis to play after i'm done with F&H but its not the same feel, looks fire thou
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Managed to finish it. Only had to use the hint button two or three times. The first time I probably could have figured it out on my own with some more effort but the others two I would have totally been lost on. But the hints were enough for me to figure it out, I didn't need to look up any walkthroughs or anything. I'm not the greatest at puzzles but I was still able to make it work, so a more seasoned puzzler might breeze through it, maybe, but the fact that i was able to finish at all means they're not too hard. It was relatively short but it was very cute and I liked the two main characters. I hope the sequel bait in the post-credits pays off.

>Credited their cats as production supervisors
I'm a sucker for cheesy shit like this.
I tried the first Wayhaven book now and I can definitely see what these complaints/assessments are about.
The writing 100% feels like most of the love interests were written as boytoys for an otome protag. Obviously you got the choice, but it's kinda blatant.
As for the way skill checks work, it's just really obtuse how to properly build what you want. I managed to make a semi-competent protag, but the skill checks feel purposely over the top sometimes.

From the synopsis of the second book it sounds like the story continues pretty seamlessly. I wonder if this will actually remember my choices properly unlike some stuff I expereinced in Fallen Hero.
Perhaps if you bought it before Full Chorus got released, you kept them. I'm sure you would've had people complaining about removing and paywalling content they already owned otherwise
Sure, perhaps that's the case. However, Mangagamer still promotes the base game with sex scene CGs, and none of the sources describing what Full Chorus adds mention it being an 18+ patch for a game that now doesn't have any nipples. Everywhere I checked, it just says it adds full voice acting, commentary, audio dramas and some new CGs. I don't care enough about this argument to create a new Steam account, purchase the base game and see if it still has nipples in 2024, so I guess we'll never know for sure.
Wayhaven doesn't have that much branching so there's not much that can go wrong.
Other than the love interest the only big choice in book 1 is if you went out for drinks and got stuck with the mayor's son having a crush on the MC instead of getting the reporter/ex route.
I thought that the new cgs were the NSFW ones because full chorus is listed as AO while the game itself isn't? I might be wrong, I didn't know
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Anyone played ?
It's a simple and short VN but I believe it has its charm. I only played the first one and the "DLC" where they work as maids for a tavern or smth. I have to try the sequels
Sakura games are low quality fast food, but they are inoffensive slop, so it's fine.
Yeah, I played all WC yuri games. >>4249777
Is right, its the fast food of yuri VNs. No substance but filling enough.
Make sure to get the 18+ patch if you got it on steam.
>Final DLC for Pathfinder WotR
That DLC is so good. More Arue content is generally welcome. Wish there was more companion stuff in the game, but this is a huge improvement already. Don't even care about all the new classes and backgrounds (aren't there like 100 by now?) and this is still the best DLC in the game.
I played it as well thanks to your recommendation, really liked it and hoping for the continuation.
I'm wondering if I'm missing some of the stories, what's the relationship between Ridelle and Lucy whether it has been explained in the game itself?
The DLC was fine, but man do I hate Owlcat's encounter design in the main game.
I thought the new arena in this DLC actually addressed the flaws with the combat pretty well. It felt way more like BG3 battles, a bit more puzzle like and creative rather than "build one broken alchemist and two meatshields" of the base game.
Then again, I have never played on Unfair difficultry or did a Swarm run, so I don't know true suffering.
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Playing an atheist aasimar is kinda hilarious.

And before someone says this is off-topic, I specifically made this character like this to make the romance with the super religious demon lady as awkward as humanly possible. Opposites attract, right?
>do I hate Owlcat's encounter design in the main game
I don't hear you over the sound of my dinosaur/pig/dragon/mamoth cavalry charge
>the atheist angel born and the religious demon
Ah yes
I intended to play it as angel, but ended up with azata. Can't say no to dragon rides... IIRC succ waifu is embarassingly smitten the 1st second moment you pick that path, she gushes like a little girl. And that's like two hours after she first saw your face, at that point.
>Mythic Power plays
Match made in... some plane of existence for sure.

Azata are technically also divine I think and from the heaven adjacent plane Elysium, so of course religious demon lady will get all kinds of (purely) excited. Incidentally my aasimar is Musetouched, which means there is azata in her anyway.
On top of that I made a Chaotic Good character, which is like fast track to Azata path, without knowing that at all. So I guess history will repeat itself. Only this time the literal angel descendent doesn't give a crap about the gods.
>Only this time the literal angel descendent doesn't give a crap about the gods.

Oh, musetouched is basically aasimar but from azata like you said. So no angel, unless it's a mutt with parents that fucked with both those branches.

IIRC Aasimar got changed to be a term for human with all sorts of celestial species blood (or actually, often probably just planar influence, not really DNA from sexual relationships), angels being only one option.
I only skimmed over the summary (there are like 200 things to choose for your character, holy shit), but I think you're mostly right. I do remember there being an option that said something like "you are generally related to the divine, but it's impossible to say which faction". So I could have gone with the undecided mutt route too.

Atheist azata is still funny. Even moreso when you have to lead a crusade in the name of Iomedae, who I constantly insist I don't work for at every turn. I even told Ember that people who believe in gods are cowards who can't get shit done by themselves.
Why is Ember not romancable anyway? She is at least 4 times as old as my character... Stupid eleves and their slow puberty.
>"you are generally related to the divine, but it's impossible to say which faction"
That is the generic aasimar option. The character record says what you picked, also can tell based on which special innate ability (was it lesser restoration once per day, for azatablooded/musetouched?) you have.
Also forgot: Ember is for adoption
>That is the generic aasimar option
Yes I know, I was just saying the option exists.
>special innate ability (was it lesser restoration once per day, for azatablooded/musetouched?)
Glitterdust actually. It sounds really useless, but it's an AoE spell that blinds enemies and makes invisible enemies visible. It's actually quite good.

She is as tall as my character and four times older. If she wasn't mentally retarded this would be very weird! I guess she can be the child of this gay marriage.
yeah, it's far from useless, early on you can brute force a lot by physical combat and use very little magic, but invisibility is one of the harder to tackle things, where you just might *need* some spell or ability to fuck bastards using invisibility over.
I can't remember if it works against mirror image though.
Pathfinder elves are head taller than humans (aasimar are as tall as humans iirc).
It's a complete opposite of DnD AND AS IT SHOULD BE
If my divine heritage was some pocket dust I would also become atheist.

I don't know why you insist on making your elf go naked at all time (minus cape) or why you decided to censor it on a red board, but I like your dedication.
Admittedly, my class is Witch of the Veil (yes, this character is a fucking mess) so I actually got the See Invisibility spell at level 4 or so. But when that spell slot is exhausted, I can still dust some people.
So you are saying elf children are as tall as human adults? This really is a mess. I got it already, don't date the retarded child. Keep her as a pet.
It's the other way, I wanted a comparison but I forgot to take the human on the left's clothes off. Also the reason why I forgot the cape in.
It's a PITA (the mod used for that needs to be installed/uninstalled by running a bat file, gotta restart game) so I never redid the pics.

Yes it looks stupid but effort to redo it for shitposting purposes.

>insist on making your elf go naked at all time
I'm actually a huge fan of plate armor, to the point of having a STR-based ECB build with Crane Wing stuff and 10 DEX. Suboptimal but aesthetic. The conflicts we have to face.

Damn, I wish I had more free time to finally finish Kingmaker. That nymph sex is so close. But damn epic and the free DAI memed all my attention away
I think she is a teenager height-wise, but in reality more like a young adult, her growth was likely stunted considering her age, due to how she has to live and all the physical/psychological trauma (awwww).

I think she's "barely legal" and physically, she might actually be fully mature (just tiny/scrawny due to malnutrition when growing up).
>Ember was born in Kyonin the same year the Worldwound was opened." Which is 100 years +- few years.
Quick googling:
>Elves reach physical adulthood around the age of 20, though they aren't considered to be fully emotionally mature by other elves until closer to the passing of their first century, once they've experienced more, held several occupations, and outlived a generation of shorter-lived people.

What I mean with the "adopt" tho, she needs some long care and better life first, before she's ready for anything.
She will likely stay "weird" though.
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Seeing that Nocthiccula statute every time on the loading screen in act 4 makes me wish her "romance" was more involved.

>I thought the new arena in this DLC actually addressed the flaws with the combat pretty well.
I actually agree. And even the trash mob fights in this DLC weren't as tedious as in the main game.
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There's no pre-existing relationship. They met at the start of the game. They just mesh really well because one's a detective and the other is a reporter. I got this scene at the very end (before credits), if there's some way for you to have missed that? I got all the puzzelle pieces, but I think all that unlocks is the sequel tease scene.
I will say this - the fact that there isn't a Log feature so you can scroll back and re-read dialogue you've already seen like most VNs would have was a pain in the neck a few times, and I found it's worse with gamepad because one button press might skip past an extra thing of speech. I don't think I missed anything important but it was enough to make me go back to keyboard.
What I'm confused is Ridelle knows Lucy's family name for some reason and I don't think It was explain anywhere in the game.
Because she found her work ID in her safe. It was in there with her camera. It's in your clues tab.
... unless you didn't open Lucy's safe? I didn't think it was optional but if you didn't open the safe then the game probably still assumed you did it and kept references to it anyway?

So basically, even if you the player never saw the ID and Camera because you didn't do her room's puzzles, it was written into the game's script anyway, so later dialogue would still reference it. But I'm just assuming all this and it's very possible you just forgot about it?
I opened all the safes, my question is why Ridelle surprised with Lucy's family name?
She knows her from somewhere or something that's what I'm curious about.
(if it's just my reading skill not enough, please forget about it)
Oooooh, no no, okay sorry, you're an ESL anon? I don't mean this as an insult, but it's an english thing. Her name is Lucy Goosey, which is a very silly sounding name. For one, it just straight up sounds silly like if my name was C. Lee Billy (Silly Billy). It sounds like Loosey Goosey, which sometimes is used like "we're getting all loosey goosey" which would mean you're all relaxed and silly (like if you're drunk or just super casual). It's just a joke about her name. Lucy Goosey is a silly name. That's all.
I see, thanks for explaining. Now I get the reference.
I thought the game had a prequel or something that's why I asked this question.

Unrelated to this game, if anyone has other recommendations about puzzles, or mystery games with 2 female leads please let me know.
Sounds a bit too goggly for my tastes. She is literally known for seducing people to achieve her goals. Should never take her advances seriously.

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