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File: 安達としまむら 38.png (1.61 MB, 1449x1040)
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Thread to post and discuss untranslated yuri manga.

Yuri magazines

Non-yuri magazines with some yuri series

Various raws

Web releases calendar

Buyfag thread >>3944605

Previous thread >>4230584
Adachi actually meant the moon. Tsuki sure was big that festival night.
She called Shimamura's ass fat?
>Can't hear confession over the sound of fireworks
Classic. Is that how they celebrate the Fourth of July in Japan?
Too bad it's only goes downhill from here.
Agreed, it gradually becomes unfocused and the times jumps around so much. It's hard to take anything seriously when you get interrupted by side contents and time skip every other chapter.
The main plot ends at volume 7 of the novel, after that it's basically an anthology of different moments in both of their lives together.
Moke will probably adapt a kiss and end the manga. As much as I would love to read a semi adult arc of Adachi and Shimamura the same way as Kase san does, I doubt it would keep selling after that. Mark me: I am doomposting this manga will only last another couple of volumes.
Volume 8. Iruma considers the school trip the "ending".
I'm still mad that they didn't kiss during their school trip, there we're a lot of perfect moments for their first kiss.
The whole point is how their relationship was stagnant at that point because Shimamura still had all her shields up. Neither was really ready for dating yet, Adachi just wanted to make sure she was in a position no one would replace her and Shimamura was very likely afraid saying no could break them up (basically what she asked herself during valentines if Adachi had other meaning).
Is process of them moving away from this state ever written?
I haven't read the novel but /u/ says the story starts jumping around after v8.
Yes, in volume 8 Shimamura realizes she is a shitty girlfriend and starts making efforts to communicate to Adachi she actually loves her too, even though Adachi points out how she sounds really unconvincing when she says it and then Shimamura actually manages to make Adachi embarassed by talking about how they gay for each other in the middle of the class with everyone listening while Shimamura just doesn't give a shit anymore, in volume 11 Shimamura and Adachi talk about sex and Shimamura tells Adachi it's too early for her as she can tell Adachi is really horny, but they start getting more touchy from that point onwards. Volumes 9,10, 11, SS and 99 keep jumping the timeline, but we have Shimamura preparing to have sex with Adachi for the first time and some details of how their first kiss went, which tasted like blood because Adachi was biting her tongue from being too nervous. And well they are basically a gay married couple until literally the end after this point.
I would argue dropping your shields and being ready for a committed relationship is as good a time as any to make out.
Thank you anon.
Let the autist have their autistic slow burn, I hope Adachi's mom cleans her room because it was probably smelling like an aquarium there
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This teacher feels like a predator.
Chimidoro Icecream is a good replacement for the hole left by Awakened Yuri Kisser.
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what's with fireworks and romantic scenes

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