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This thread is for:
*Screenshots, pages, and discussion about general series, current or old, not covered by an existing thread, be it yuri, fanservice, subtext or goggles.
*Canon and non-canon both welcome.
*News reports about things relevant to our interest.
*Original content that doesn't fit any specific thread topics.
*Pretty much anything that doesn't have or need its own thread.

Previous thread:>>4246420
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Is she going to be more pathetic as a Yaya compared to Mei from Jelee?
Vtuber is AOTS
Is that a rape dogwhistle?
real life vtubers have said worse things than rape
How do they get away with it?
It's not rape if she does it willingly in order to pay off her dad's debts to the yakuza.
Have you seen the kind of people who watch and donate to vtubers?
I've read yuri.
I stay noighded.
Not all of them do, there is a high rate of YouTubers getting 'cancelled'- they quit for a while, design a new character, and go back to work. Or they move to TikTok.
Is it really a thing in JAVs? We'll need a few examples. For science.
We are living an age of neo-yurism now.
What does that even mean?
>watch the deer girl anime
>the deer girl detects the MC is a virgin
>one of the female classmates says the MC is keeping herself for her
is this really yuri or just vtuber nonsense
It's post-yuri.
are there girls kissing?
>oogami-san and cerebus!

Why is it so uncommon in yuri manga to have friends/sisters support a yuri protagonist as she tries to be with her crush? This is the only manga I've read where mc had supporting sisters (which could've been friends), are there any other manga that have this kind of element?
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Dream of the future. Imagine a festival with all these names.
>30 minutes in, not a single song has been played
>JELEE had a breakdown on stage
>the MyGo bassist ran off
>the TogeToge guitarist quit the band again
We need more warrior/wizard yuri.
>oblivious/tsundere, double tsundere, mutually affectionate but shy, any dynamic works in either direction
>going on adventures and shit, cleaving dudes apart with a blade or an axe, or frying them with fireballs and lightning, hunting for treasure in an ancient warlock's tower only to discover he's imprisoned a cosmic horror beyond human comprehension, slaying a dragon or some bullshit
>can accommodate all kinds of designs, fighter can be an amazon with rippling muscles only draped in enough fur-trimmed leather to maintain something resembling modesty, or a handsome knight in full ensemble or just the classic Dragon Quest-style hero with a cape and circlet look
>magic girl can be a big booby mage who stores her MP in her giant tits spilling out of her top, healing her lover after she wades into the fray and facetanks swords and arrows, by breastfeeding her, or the more modest wizard robe look, or both; clingy robe with huge breasts

There's lots of untapped ground but yuri is eternally trapped in the isekai genre to be about schoolgirl drama but sometimes they shoot fireballs and there's some demon lord bullshit or proletariat revolution happening in the background that isekai'd girl ominously references sometimes.
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Taiyaki is finally expanding into sister/sister incest. via sister/mother/sister incest.
We need more horny girl yuri
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Looking for this?
I find all anime girl rock bands implausible since none of them are on heroin. HTT at least had tea and cakes instead.
Ah, thank you
I watched GBC, but not MyGo. How do they compare, yuri wise?
It's not the 80s anymore
I'm tired of all the fantasy isekai crap. I just want to live in a world that has live houses on every street corner packed with girl bands who look like they are about to drop their instruments and make out with each other at any moment.
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90s is fine too.
Show By Rock
They're zoomer posers they wouldn't know heroin from corn meal
Sis, you just described a possible isekai world.
And also, this could be what music is like in either the Saki or MahoAko worlds if either of them covered such topics.
Too many male bands.
>>We need more warrior/wizard yuri.

I had an idea for a "fantasy story" based on the idea that the main couple is a warrior and a sorceress, but during the final fight with the demon king (a woman), a UFO crashes into the castle and from it comes out an alien girl who is looking for another alien girl who had crashed before (which everyone mistakes for a shooting star).

The idea is not only the main couple, but a romance between the alien girl and one of the 4 generals (female) of the Demon King, later the other alien girl would be added with the witch of the forest (the final boss.

All characters would have big boobs and would mostly wear variations of thigh high stockings/boots.
>an alien girl who is looking for another alien girl who had crashed before
Is that you, Yashiro?
>All characters would have big boobs
Ah sorry, wrong alien.
All things said this was a pretty gay chapter for their first date
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Remember to buy your local release of green manga once it's available.
>volume split in half for no reason
>the price of one half is already higher than the price for the full japanese volume
>the title is wrong
Instead of giving money to these leeches, buy the japanese edition.
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(catbox doesn't seem to work today)
The Bushiroad rabbit hole is insane. I don't listen to anything but girl bands anymore. It's like, new Slayer album came out, oh who cares, but when Roselia comes out with a new single I pant like a dog.
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I've always liked it when two magic users in the party get together. Opens up the possibility of sharing magical energy through physical contact.
Every other girl is paired up (MC x Wheels and Tall girl x Ninja) so she wins by default.

Oh boy Elaina turned another girl gay, news at 11
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Yeah, they all come in pairs.
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2.5D Seduction
These were not the pairings i was expecting
GBC has the confession on top of being the NinaMomo show, so if you're looking for something that's close to maintext commitment and feels like it's specifically focused on a couple/relationship, it's the better fit.

MyGO has a lot of drama, shippable relationships, and strong feelings between girls, some of which could be easily interpreted to be romantic. It's focus is much more spread across the entire band however so there's no easily identifiable "main ship". Rather, the large number of well-developed relationships provides the basis for multiple fan ships.

Management has shown signs of being responsive to fan demand by e.g. providing extra content for ships that have notable popularity. There is one ship which fans clearly latched onto following MyGO's airing (with well-deserved popularity), but it's based moreso on a fun/exciting dynamic than clear romantic subtext. IMO Love Live's NicoMaki makes a good comparison -- very satisfying shipping, but maintext deliverance is unlikely and arguably even besides the point.
>teasing is more fun than clear maintext relationship
Why is japan like this.
>management has-
No they ain't.

If you want a Yaya you need to look at the Hawk Wings girls, apparently they're 5 important girls on that group.
The year is 21XX, the birth rate is at all time low due to the popularity of Yuri. Same-sex marriage is now legal in japan, leading to mass hysteria as mangaka scramble to to come up with new plot points. Lesbian brothels and bars have become so popular that regular ones struggle to keep up a customer base, and women are quitting their job to create their own economic ecosystem of exchanging money with eachother for sexual favors. Yuri has now consumed every genre, and every new season is swarmed with adaptations of explicit Yuri, or new anime original Yuri stories. Those not writing Yuri were forced to switch over if they wanted to simply pay the bills. But worst of all, the /u/ sticky has STILL not been updated
>No they ain't.
As someone who picked up the JP gacha app due to MyGO, let me give an example. In 2023, Garupa finally introduced 5-star character cards in its 6th year of operation, shifting the meta so that 4-star cards, abundant and previously the strength ceiling, became second tier.

One of Garupa's traditions is having limited "Birthday" cards that release on a corresponding character's birthday. These birthday cards are 4-star, and were released for all the older band characters a long time ago. In May this year however, the first birthday card for a MyGO character was released.

On top of being only 4-stars, birthday cards also have a pretty bad skill so they are almost worthless in terms of meta. However, the gacha they are released on has a 100-pull ceiling along with basically no other useful cards in the pool (the permanent 5-star pool is there with now a 3% drop chance, but it's the same pool present for literally every other gacha). 100-pulls is ~20000¥. By comparison, for the new regular event gatchas that happen ~3 times a month, you are guaranteed a new 5-star in 50 pulls.

In other words, there's literally no reason to pull on Birthday gachas unless you just irrationally stan a character and are willing to throw ~20000¥ away that could be much better spent on gachas with rate-ups for new 5-star characters.
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Anyhow, with much hesitation, I decided to roll on the first MyGO birthday gacha. Garupa cards come attached with (two) voiced story segments that unlock while updating the card. I listened to the story:
- The first story scene was a literal copy of the birthday event story that you get to see for free after logging in on the character's birthday. I assume all birthday cards work that way, but still, what a rip-off. The scene itself is just basic birthday fluff involving all the MyGO members.
- The second story scene turned out to be a 1-on-1 conversation featuring the characteristic bickering of the aforementioned fun/popular MyGO ship.

So, there's a fan website for Garupa that datamines the app and provides literally all the non-game content of the app for free, so I didn't actually need to whale if I wanted to see this story. (I don't typically use that functionality because Garupa has 7 years of content so there's not even any point to trying to catch up with all of it). But anyway, the reward I got for irrationally whaling for a meta-worthless birthday card was content for the most popular MyGO pairing.

I'm satisfied and much less worried about whaling for the next one.
>bushiroad dropped the only series with explicit yuri
If Ave Mujica doesnt make up for it I'm going to be very disappointed.
>bushiroad dropped the only series with explicit yuri
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D4DJ got EOS?
Based on what?
I've fantasised a lot about a yuri anime adaptation of DQ3. Full female party, one of each class, at first they all hate each other (except for Erdrick, who loves everyone and is loved by them in return), but as they adventure together they grow close to each other and start hooking up.
The ideal pairs would be ErdrickxPriestess (who later becomes a Sage), WarriorxWitch, MerchantxThief, and Martial ArtistxGadabout. Each pair would get a sex scene, along with some minor swinging and a harem scene with Erdrick (who of course ends up having magic babies with Sage to establish her bloodline).
Because it came out right when capeshit was at the top of the world? And also right when Naruto ended so shonenhomos needed a similar series to fill up the void.
Not quite. Bushiroad basically gave sold the IP to Donuts, the company that worked on the game. Apparently it wasn't bringing in enough revenue so it was that or kill it entirely.

I mean that makes sense, a dj franchise isn't nearly as marketable as cute girls in a band or dancing

Why yuri of course!
>akebi chan has a yuri tag on mangadex
nice but I dont see that tag on the official jap sites
To be fair, Donuts seem to have enough faith in the franchise to keep it running for the next few years or so, starting a new record label to release future music, promising to continue lives, and continuing the story starting with ABCD
A lot of shit that has a yuri tag on mangadex does not have on official sources, though Akebi's publisher has called it a yuri series in tweets before.

Kadokawa bought out Doga Kobo
YoruKura caused this.
>series i was following on mangadex has their girls love tag removed
no worse feeling
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The most popular ship of 2.5D Seduction. Practically canon.

Nobody draws hetshit for this series by the way.
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I remember something like that recently happening, iirc the anons from the releases thread were having fun about it
its happened to like 6 or so series for me so far
so sorry to hear that sis, maybe you are just cursed
Have they said anything about the animes...
I'm happy that Lilysa's wives get along.

When the childhood friend finally gives up the ghost for mc-kun and goes after Lilysa's pussy in earnest will truly be the funniest thing to ever happen in manga
So the 'up to interpretation' suits bought the 'up to interpretation' staff.
Any sliver of hope for explicit yuri from them in the future is now gone.
ive learned my lesson and been burned too many times to blindy trust this kind of series
>sliver of hope
There was no such thing.
Reminder that nothing ever happns sisters won.
>the 'up to interpretation' suits
What are you talking about? That was Bandai Namco.
Kadokawa published the infamous article:
>Kadokawa and Bandai Namco Attempt to Walk Back
>"we're sorry, next time we'll redact all the yuri from the start!"
Bad. No more Kirara adaptions or gay originals by Doga Kobo, they will probably do exclusively isekaishit and haremshit.
Bandai Namco forced the "correction", Kadokawa just publishes the magazine. They also produced the Mahoako anime, they don't have a specific agenda. And Dogakobo didn't need anyone's help to underdeliver on yuri anyway.
As I said before here, this the only way out for companies to get over schedulling issues, having their own animation studios.
Funny enough maybe now you will get those CUNE and comic flapper animes lol
What do you expected Kadokawa to do, say no and never get any interview even again from bandai?
From the article it seems that Kodokawa themselves have been promoting the idea that the idea that no explicit indication of a wedding happening was ever in the anime, it was all editor speculation.
It's obviously just parroting the Bandai narrative mind you, but still a sell-out approach to it.
It's hilarious how brazenly they've been dancing around the elephant in the room with their "walk back".
This is basically every single japanese magazine or site ever, it's just not worth discussing, it's not like Kadokawa does not own subsidiaries that publish explicit yuri.
>golden age of yuri
The good times were when they didn't even got married and just played house!
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Heh, good luck on getting more weddings after this, corporates definitely wisened up after the damage control they had to do.
If you really want to be a victim, you will certainly be, and whether Kadokawa buys Dogakobo or Dogakobo sells Kadokawa is nothing more than an excuse.
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>you really want to be a victim
We don't have to try hard about that, apparently.
>it was all editor speculation
I thought GWitch would change things, but things changed GWitch instead.
G Witch BDs still ended stating officially they are married, so ultimately whatevee argument you are making is pointless now.
Hope you enjoyed it, restrained as it was, cause that's all you're getting.
The anime itself was already clear enough, regardless I am not sure why are you suddenlu acting like yuri manga and novels does not exist anymore, I already got what I wanted a hundred times, I am not particulary worried every single source of yuri out there won't.
>whatevee argument you are making
I was just hoping that a successful maintext yuri original would positively influence the industry so we'd get more of them, but it seems that the industry chose to double down on the non-explicit instead.
Considering that Sanzigen has almost exclusively been producing Bushi anime since the latter bought a stake in the company in 2019, it's likely that any future animated content will be with a different studio.
>manga and novels
Glad to see you know your place.
I am not sure what deluded fantasy scenarios you made in your head, but yuri is a niche industry and this will not change, people are not going to stop watching isekai to watch yuri romance adaptations like Sasakoi.
>to watch yuri romance adaptations like Sasakoi
Not even if it actually came out!
You had a lot of explicit content last season, what you didn't got were canon couples out of it.
I wholeheartedly agree, hoping for yuri anime originals is entirely unreasonable, it's never going to happen again.
GWitch was a fluke, and the corporate response to is what shows how things really stand.
>you had a lot of subtext last season, what you didn't get was maintext
That's kind of the point.
>golden age of yuri
>not a single title got licensed in AX 2024
we're not in the golden age, we're in the stone age. Yurifags are unfortunately terminally online and never buy anything
Get out of here poser.
If you are talking about yuri focused original anime, they will happen in the same rate they always happened, very little content but compatible with the industry, if you are talking about explicit yuri elements in original anime, we are getting far more than we used to.
NTA, but are you actually afraid of the word yurifag? I use it all the time here.
>compatible with the industry
Don't use words like subtext and maintext if you don't understand what they mean.
US licensing has nothing to do with the japanese yuri industry.
Who said I afraid of the word fag, nigger? I just know it's not the preferred term on /u/ and the post it's coming with is mostly insulting and irrelevant to the Japanese industry.
It's just not what most anime watchers want, there is no way around this.
>it's not the preferred term on /u/
So first you complain about anon speaking for people other than himself, and immediately after you do the same.
I'm perfectly fine with yurifag, learn some self-irony.
>they will happen in the same rate they always happened
So literally once in a decade?
We're not talking about subtext here.
The US market is very significant nowadays.
Do you think Japanese producers don't consider overseas markets when they greenlight something?
I'm not complaing about them speaking for other people. I don't think they're a yuri fan to begin with.
I've been here since 2008, and if there's one thing that has stayed consistent through the years, it's the whining. It never goes away.
>everyone who disagrees with me is a troll.jpg
It's almost like there are plenty of things to whine about.
Yes, if you are talking about explicit original anime focused on the romantic relatioship of two girls and not just anime with explicit or implicit yuri elements that are mostly irrelevant.
I don't think you're a troll even though you're disagreeing with me. But I do think that anon is for the reasons I outlined.
>golden age of yuri
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They sure dont make them like they used to
I miss late 2000s yuri
It's technically the golden age. The genre is more popular than it has ever been.
Though maybe it's because anime and manga got more popular in general.
Not really, no. Most of the industry models are working with licenses with fixed fees, they get paid like 5k dollars for each manga volume, a ridiculous low ammount. Most anime and manga published in the US does not have any merch avaliable whatsoever, only big titles.
If you find a time machine you can go back to the 2000s and discuss the 10 ongoing series being released every 3 mknths if you want.
There will never be another Candy Boy...
/u/'ve been whining and seething over trivialities for 20 years, maybe it's time /u/'d grow a pair and learn how to cope.
I don't know what your source is but according to this, they do pay royalty fees.
It would be insane for Japanese publishers to sell the right of popular manga without royalty.

Also we know that there are anime made for the west (not the only reason but a big reason) like Vinland saga, it's much more popular in the West than in Japan.
i cope through whining
They don't sell with royaltis, royaltis are inherently part of copyright and protected by law in most countries, even so just a part of it goes to the publisher and the copyright is broken down by every indepedent part involved in the production of the work, which of course includes work for hire like the author.
Either way it's not a fixed fee. The US have a really big market, AX is the second biggest anime con for a reason. With China cracking down on gay stuff, America is by far the choice for yuri growth in the future
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The deer anime changed a line to refer include girls instead of just guys. And this isn't the first time the director has done something like this.
I mean the answer was 0 anyways so it never really mattered regardless. Neat change I guess.
She's dated her sister.
you gals told me this show wasnt yuri...
That article is from 10 years ago, things have changed since then thanks to the increase of digital only releases
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It's fine anon. After all Lilysa's and the rest of the girls' homosexuality has been secured, but Mikari still has a chance to end up with Okumura. Although the author has been setting up Mikari to be lesbian and to go out with Bakipyo or Lilysa, time will tell if they dare to betray the hetfags. Japanese fans on twitter seem to support the yuri though.
Which japanese word did he change?
That just Mash of fgo
Manga: これまで付き合ってきた異性は何人?
Anime: これまで付き合ってきた男性もしくは女性合わせて何人?
Why isn't Kanata happy to have her cheek munched by a hot brazilian?
Why doesn't Masaki just let the dork vampire suck her dry right away?
SO what was the first time?
Anon, royaltis are a very small % of the money, they probably are making more money with the fee except for the few million seller titles they have on the US.
But did she claim to have dated at least one girl in the anime?
It's cool but things like this just further illustrate the nature of the source content.
In Sabagebu, they completely cut the chapters where the MC crushes on ikemen.
Sabagebu did not follow the manga at all
He could have included that characterization though.
I wish Asumi would realize how much she misses Nanao and have phone sex with her next chapter.
Asumi would never forget someone
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It's funny to speak out of ignorance, looking at the Doga Kobo catalog, the studio has a ton of crap aside from the yuri stuff that we only know, what's more don't forget that they are making the second season of the wafuhetfag harem (Oshi no Ko) this season.

I don't know if that's a good or bad example, the anime had yuri (pretty explicit) but the het was stupidly existent, it didn't feel any different than something like Ultimate Girl where there's a Tomoyo who was somewhat taken seriously, but the MC couldn't stop lusting after the guy who wasn't a good choice as a "couple"
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>Lesbian inclusion added
It's the GOLDEN AGE of yuri Alright
>The deer anime changed a line to refer include girls instead of just guys
Yep, we're in the golden age
I think CCS would be remembered a lot differently if the show literally ended with Sakura getting raped by Tomoyo
GL short film.
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But Oshi No Ko is a yuri show.
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>lesbian mangaka writing about evil sociopathic rapist lesbians
>straight male mangaka writing about supportive and wholesome lesbian friendship
What has the world come to?
The LATAM dub added another line in the first episode, where one girl said Koshi was keeping herself a virgin for that girl.
Well, Tomoyo wouldn't be Tomoyo if she were the kind of girl who'd do that.
Is there any esl yuri? Other than kotonoha amrilato please
Speaking of Tomoyo, I remember in a previous general thread, it was mentioned that the fate of another version of Tomoyo was not particularly good, in contrast to Sakura and the Chinese boy who are supposed to always be together.
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One of my favorites.
Just like my hero Goku!
Violence is Kuwabara's fetish. And Kuwabara is most likely a pen name.

Kuwabara can refer to a charm to ward off evil spirits, which implies protection from harm or misfortune. Meanwhile, Tamotsu means "to protect."

Together, the name implies a double layer of protection, which could be seen as a humorous way for Kuwabara to signify the intention to safeguard identity and privacy. In this context, it could indeed be viewed as a joke or a clever strategy to protect the mangaka from any potential backlash or criticism.
CLAMP has said that Sakura will always fall in love with Syaoran, regardless of what form Syaoran takes. Could be a girl, could be a dog, Sakura will still be over him.
Tomoyo bonded with the Chinese girl over their yayaness and they have lesbian sex daily in her mansion. I read it in a doujin so it must be canon.
I'm not going to complain because Nanoha technically does something similar, with Nanoha and Fate, where they are always together even with differences in continuity, by the way, is there anything official regarding Tomoyo, will she always be a Tomoyo?
Honestly, very little of ZenKowa is original. There are story and character elements of KitaKawa, Can't Defy the Lonely Girl, and Kimi to Mitai Race ga Aru.

Since most anons likely haven't read the last one, Isanuma's whole inspiration seems to stem from Lucia's younger years when she hated the main character, Ena (Kurumi).
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This but unironically.
That's cool, characters proceed to act gay anyway, might as well
You are late by at least 100 years if you want something original in fiction
How could someone ever think Be-Con works are ending when he is so good at communicating?
Yeah, but in ZenKowa's case, it seems to be taken all from decently recent series that were all fairly popular or praised. Kuwabara was even the horseracing manga's artist for example and now has Can't Defy the Lonely Girl's editor overseeing ZenKowa. Meanwhile, YH seemingly greenlit ZenKowa with the deliberate intent of creating a new toxic yuri series to bank on KitaKawa's continuting popularitity. The only reason it seems so tame thus far is likely due to what KyouKano's author mentioned about YH editors wanting to build a solid base for the story and characters and make them go slow the first few volumes. So volume 4 and beyond of ZenKowa could start being a complete trainwreck in the making.

This bitch gon give me a heart attack

Honestly one of the best in the genre, hands down

Wish we'd get more of this

Keep shilling 2.5d

You'll make more yuri happen!
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lmao Jesus
ok but Naoi is hot so everything should be forgiven
And now, I laugh at the people who think the het comments would be kept and that the anime wouldn't change anything from the manga,
The staff that successfully meme marketed the show clearly know the audience for a show about a bunch of girls interacting and no actual boys introduced as love interests. There's lots of het for waifufags, no reason to keep pointless het lines
It's a bad translation from Google. いろいろ means "various things", not "everything. I'd suggest hitting the thumbs down for the "Is this translation accurate" in the screenshot.
Would /u/ give birth to your favorite pairing's science baby?
>EOP uses MTL
>MTL spews out bad translation
>"This mangaka is so bad at communicating"
Not that it makes it better in regards to misunderstandings.
That doesn't make any sense unless your favourite pairing is two grannies or some humanxmonster girl pair with incompatible fertilisation methods.
"I finished up a few things" isn't nearly as panic inducing unless you're looking to be panicked.
Just checked it out and it seems it will be another case much like Komi-san, where the spic dub is miles funnier than the original and makes it watchable.
So exactly the same sentence, but specifically added dating girls as an option.
This writer is cool in my book.
This is every spic dub ever, especially of the stuff of the burgerish nature.
Anime onegai, right? They even added one Utena x Loco joke in the mahoako dub, the absolute yurifags.
I need to watch that dub
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On youtuba!
No, the Utena x Loco joke
What does doka yuri mean?
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Why is a detonator talking to a house?
It's the 2 kanji that make up the word "yuri".
Better not because kanji are male
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Bonus points if you can tell what gives up the person who took this picture is a woman
No ecchi shit in sight.
Wrong and Watanare has ecchi scenes, including Renako grabbing Ajisai bare naked breasts (which were even censored in the digital version).
Yeah. Keep coping about that. Ecchi isn't just MahoAko levels

The copies of ol and JS Chan?


Yea yea women don't have sex drives and prefer to lightly kiss or else they'll just be as bad as men
>The copies of ol and JS Chan?
Buying Citrus it means it's a latina

Woo! Onee-loli wins again!
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Zoomer kino.
It's curious how every zoomer yuri author is an unhinged dyke
I hope it gets an anime some day.
yaoi proportions
Not even close.
I love these two so much
inkya gyaru>green manga
Does ZenKowa give anyone else Perfect Blue vibes? It's basically where the MC starts going mental because of the rift between her true self and her public facade.The mother fills the role of the manager that tries to live through her.
You can tell from the outline of Teru's nose that Iko is just sticking her face in the crook of Teru's neck but at full speed it seriously looks like they're kissing as they fly away. I suppose it could also be that iko is kissing Teru's cheek.
oh sweet
>threads of me and you
clothing yuri or spider yuri?
Multicore yuri
Why are all zoomies gyarus?
the sanrio mats on the right give it away easily
What's old is now new again.
We need more chubby/curvy yuri
It's not hard to be better than green manga.
Is anyone taking that 2.5 seduction shill seriously?
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Only in hair color. Lilysa more resembles Velma in Scooby Doo, but instead of inspecting mysteries, she's inspecting female bodies.
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It's funny how /a/ is calling the MMC a cuck for having little to no interest in the girls and saying that Mikari will fuck him despite not knowing a single thing about heterosexual sex.

All me btw.
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>boring and trying to be sarcastic 600 character post drawing very far-reaching conclusions from the fact that they're both in wedding dresses but not looking at each other.
But the girls throw themselves at him.
Unironically annoyed how many times this has happened lately.
Who are they looking at then?
your mom
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*at Lilysa
The photographer.

Cause there is yuri in it?


At this point, I'm just waiting for another couple to happen
This is the most honest answer, I find it hard to believe that no people here have family and photos of weddings or other celebrations where everyone looks at the cameras (with the exception of people who don't want to be there)
>> despite not knowing a single thing about heterosexual sex.
the character or /a/?

Not anymore, they literally had a whole chapter where the nurse (the one in the yuri relationship) acknowledged that Lilysa and Mc-kun are just friends, another one graduated and the childhood friend is all that's left and even that is tenuous
>Only one bouquet
>Momo has a rose
Looking at the audience is not really a problem in this case due yo how it's setup
Unless that shit have a Joou-sama no Ecchi kind of ending, no one would be bothered enough to care no matter how much you shill.
But until then, girls throw themselves at the male MC
/a/ doesn't even know women exist.

Yea and happy Sugar life has Sato fucking guys till she gets her loli, the new succubus one has her devour a bunch of guys till she gets her new girlfriend

Nothing is perfect, but it's just crazy that the male harem is just dropped ans all the girls are in various stages of romance with each other

>a couple of panels at the end of an ecchi manga


>a full arc of yuri

A real contest
The rose is a reference to リコ's idea of what Momo should give Shamiko for her birthday.
>momo not in suit
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Momo sucking on Shamiko's big honking titties!
Milky demon breast milk powers up magical girls!!
The Itou Hachi experience.
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>always get wedding dress art
>never get actual weddings
It hurts a little...
That would be nice
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Sophie is going to die.
Not enough brainrot and skull emojis
>Haremfags dont like your series
>I-I'll just put in yuribait! Yurifags will eat that shit up!
Pathetic. Hs should've just stuck to one or the other instead of halfassing both. Only thing more sad is people shilling his slop for free.
That's actually a set with greenscreen.
Yuri with rabbit and duck
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Least horny ShamiMomo fan.

Oh I remember reading a chapter before she graduated that she felt bad they weren't together as Lilysa and the CF looked on

But good to know that was a ruse and she's just a raging dyke

Not bait if they pulled through on it
Unless the anime speedruns through the male MC parts and gets to the yuri soon, the anime is not worth the time.

No I agree, it still plays it straight till the Mangaka gets tired of het haremshit
You can always watch it at 2x speed.
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>series became a national sensation
>got an anime deal
Guy made it yuri because he's free to do whatever he wants.
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She just wanted to see Mikari being tsundere and cute.
aquatope was yuri tho
It's shit.
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>solid yuri manga
>ruined by shitty ending
why is this so common? why do they keep falling at the finish line
And it's not even shit for not being yuri, it's just another embarassing male wish fulfillment fantasy, it's just another series which is popular because they put dozens of million in marketing and it was on a big magazine.
Japs can't into endings.

Being made by the Kaguya-sama author helps.
Imagine this kind of dedication for posting yuri instead of het series. This troll has made more posts about that het harem shit than NareNare, Mayonaka punch, HoshiTele and AyaHiro combined.
I think the dude just wants someone to talk to, must be, he must be a lonely retarded faggot
We don't watch garbage like this.
It's always the same anon folks, last season his thing was Hibike, he knows anons with eventually get upset (deservedly so) and so he is basicallly nonstop baiting with this series, even samefagging discussions.
And yet they're much more high-quality posts than over half the whining and concern-trolling that makes up 90% of the generals.
Really, you should be learning from this guy on simply enjoying yuri instead of throwing tantrums over every dumb shit.
No one is upset other than you. If you can't stand the general being used for its intended purpose, you can always leave.
You sure are delusional about your posting, probably about other stuff about yourself which we all guess what. Everyone is allowed to talk shit about whatever you are talking about and you and there is nothing you can do about it. If you really wanted to talk about this series you would have gone to reddit already. So keep talking to yourself to grab whatever attention you can.
>dedication for posting yuri instead of het series
How is that a bad thing?

The funny thing is what I can read, it's an anon giving real reasons why a series can be considered yuri, without hiding the truth, while the other anon is just complaining like an idiot.
and the form of the posts is completely different, here I see people bringing facts, while with the "eupho anon" that you mention, it was simply someone who pretended very hard that a shameless bait was yuri and ignored any facts that did not agree that his delusions.
It wasn't really a solid yuri manga at all, but it was a good ending that made perfectly sense, she did terrible shit during the series and was rewarded with love, the other stalker did terrible things to her and was rewarded with disgust and hatred, she couldn't reconcile those two situations, she didn't believe in their feelings at all.
>real reasons why a series can be considered yuri
So, shilling.
>without hiding the truth
Not mentioning the series is a het haremshit show is hiding the truth
I can't believe you idiots are falling for het anon shilling his hetshit series.
For information Lilysa confesses to MC-kun but backs out because she is worried about ruining the club vibe. And no, it's not some fake BS, she fully acknowledges it's romantic love but also worries that he loves Mikarin more.
We got the message in the first time he posted about it, we are not interested in reading an hourly summary about a het series with a male protagonist because it has minor yuri elements, this is what is getting anons upset and he knows what he is doing, it was exactly the same thing he did with Hibike, the only difference is that he had to headcanon in bad faith to justify his posting.
Whether there is legit yuri content or not ultimately is pointless because most anons here will not read a het harem series for yuri scraps when they could as well be reading a yuri series. So if he is portraying the series in bad faith doesn't even matter, there is no reason to post about it more than once.
>It wasn't really a solid yuri manga at all
i liked it
>she did terrible shit during the series and was rewarded with love, the other stalker did terrible things to her and was rewarded with disgust and hatred
one was more like an inept stalker obsessed with her childhood friend who was really obvious and always had their plans foiled, and only wanted to hurt the girl getting in her way, typical cat and mouse dynamic. She was just shy and became more of a tsundere in the 2nd half, and became friends the with the girl she was trying to kill. The other stalker gained pleasure from seeing the one she loved in pain and suffering, and was competent and was fully committed to killing the other girl.
She threw a boiling bowl in the head of the other girl anon, she was a monster too, this is why she couldn't accept their feelings as honest, because she understood how the other stalker felt, she knew from where she was coming from and she didn't think she was wrong at all.
>She threw a bowling bowl in the head of the other girl anon,
is fine

Still I think a worse punishment would be for her to become more normie unlike her mom, killing her self was the easy way out

Well get used to it for the next 24 weeks or actually talk about Yuri and drown the discussion out you worthless faggot
Kwtk should do an autobiographical manga at some point it'd be wild
This het manga shilling needs to end.
You've made your case, you can stop now.
whoah, yuribait in a manga about cosplay, a thing that's full of yuribait?

Still has a cannon couple so it goes past bait retard
>Posting males
Again btw

Hay have you read sherbert above a sea of fog?

It's pretty good for a manwa and has an extremely interesting premise and an underutilized setting for the genre.
>It's another case of autistic anon is too retarded to understand all girls in het harem series love MC and if they are together woulf make exceptions for him

Fuck off ESL
It has a very charismatic art, I guess last chapter solved on of the main issues with the series which was why Sherbet was in love with Granita so fast, when turns out they were fighting the first times they meet
yuri side couples in haremshit is not unheard of.
how many series there are where the haremettes ditch the mc to be together? i can think of one.
Why is one not enough of an example? People always use Hibike is THE undeniable proof that every girl in every anime and manga ever will end up with men.

Ngl, considering the story of the unforgettable witch just introduced how fucked those time loopsare, I'm really worried how bad it is for Sherbert and Grantia

>very charismatic art

Yes!! No one has talked about how good it looks, even with the vibrant color pallette it looks like it was drawn on parchment paper
Well in this case they seem to be shorter "time loops", though more likely they just had their memories taken away from them rather than an actual time loop
Cute dorks

Based on that one panel that implies Sherbert was murdered, it probably is both a loop and memory loss
How could she have looped if she died and never got to make a deal in the first place?

Considering we really don't know the rules of the ship yet, your guess is as good as mine
It's just last chapter gave me an impression that she keeps reaching the same point and making the same deal, the only alternative I can think of is that the deal activates when she dies.

Oh like the save cube in sister and giant

That makes sense. But the deal being, "I want the mean pirate lady to fall in love with me?"
Would be curious if Granita was already in love with her and this causes them to keep "looping" because the only way to make someone who is alrrady in love with you fall in love with you would be for that person not to be in love with you on the first place.

Wait so it's possible Grantia made the deal instead of sherbet? Out of what guilt?
Maybe, if we accept there is some soet of time loop happening, then it may be the case they each keep making a deal when something happens to the other or that the deal itself is what is causing the reason they want to "loop" in the first place

This is surprisingly heavy for a story about a horny lesbian in an arranged marriage trying to get the eyes of the handsome female pirate captain on a ghost ship

I guess the real question is how intricate they'll get
The thing about non japanese yuri web comic is that their market is so new they just don't have any standard for how stories should play out, so they just write what they want regardless of how autistic it is

Which I love dearly, I'm more interested when Mangakas take risks like that, especially with such a niche setting and with yuri sometimes getting stagnant on the types of stories being told
Not Japanese, not yuri. Simple as.
>side characters
That's meaningless, doesn't make the series yuri by any means. But of course, if you only posted them nobody would complain. The issue is trying to sell this whole haremshit as yuri.

So I love Amy isn't yuri?
Still not reading your hetshit.
Just report and ignore. Talking about haremettes being friendly with each other is as off-topic as it can get.
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Remember the General Manio Thread? That was a great time.
better than any of the hetshit that has been discussed here rn
better than *every general thread in the history of /u/
Dropped it by the first chapter. Too gross for me.
she said on the app only stream that she had a kept man she described as a pos, tough luck, maybe try a keeping a girl next time
I dopped it when they start doing the thing that bleeds, it's with in the first 3 iirc.
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>yuri side couples in haremshit is not unheard of.
Mai-Hime is an example of that, a series flooded with het with less important side yuri than people pretend (the nun with domestic violence issues is still fresh in my mind)

There's also Horizon which ends up adding more yuri couples and other couples, I think the Maken-ki manga but the anime is so bad it kills the interest and the HJ samurai anime (with the main het couple without any romantic chemistry) which had a side yuri couple that appeared in an OVA in the second season, recommended if you just want to reaffirm how good QB is as a series.

these would be real examples and not garbage like hetgatari and other genuinely dishonest series that hate yuri.

No, eupho is an example of what happens when your series is written and directed by people who use adolescence as an excuse to pretend that "yuri porn" isn't real romance (same as Nasu)
It was so fun compared to these pointless argument
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Yuniko and Noriko are at it again.
Only if you don't love Amy.
>ditching the hot latina who wants to get in your panties for the blonde yandere who's one bad day away from a mass murdering
Uh oh the dyke police is coming
Blonde is rich as fuck and can get away with it, it's fine
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>Iron Maiden
>in Anno Domini MMXXIV
they're still active it seems
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Haneda Usa said in on twitter that there won't be a new chapter this week as he stopped being human due to a toothache. As is common knowledge, yuri makes a human and if you are not a human, there is no way to make yuri.
Whoa... That's deep...
When you think about it, there’s a lot of staged wedding photos where the couple is looking at the camera for the shot
>only men can like ecchi
You are a man
Amateur alignment of all the books. It's all jagged and crooked and shit and the lengths are all wrong which exacerbates the issue.
Slime Taoshite PV 2 was released
Girls in wedding dresses is not meant to be controversial, nips don't have issues with pinshots like this, unless of course it looks like they are inviting the watcher or something.
Great Value Adashima
Only 5 more days until we find out if Naoi really is a part-time prostitute. Remember, a normal part-time job wouldn't let her support 2 people and her dad doesn't seem to work.
I rewatched Robocop after playing the game and "conveniently" got recommended that Korean Robocop fried chicken commercial and it just sent me down a rabbit hole of Korea and Japan's temporal obsession with Robert Cop in the time around its release, putting him in commercials and making their own B-flicks about men(or often women) being injured in some way and getting cool robot bodies to fight evil.
And it just made me melancholy because bruh imagine if yuri had 2010s/2020s energy in the late 80s/early 90s, we'd have so much robot girl/android yuri.

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She's actually bassist in the band.
Not your blog
Well, her dad did tell her that "someone like her" can't achieve happiness. So, either she did something really screwed up in the past or her current part-time job is shady af.
fetish trash. this is the only place this shit is relevant as well, nobody gives a shit otherwise.
Yes it is
Yo! I'm about to eat.
Volumes 1-3 got an announcment about them being reprinted AGAIN.
I don't think she is supporting her dad anon, he most likely spent all his money drinking or betting and needed more cash in that moment. I'm going to bet he is just projecting naoi's mother into her.
Naoi has a really nasty scar on her arm, so it's likely something bad happened in the past. Also, there's hints that Naoi used to be like Kurumi, so it's possible she blew up and did something really stupid to rebel which made everyone in her life hate or abandon her.
Turns out there were thousands of people on /u/ all along.
She is just an abuse victim being treated like shit by her dad and suffering the consequences when she tried to fight back, she is just a kid, she didn't do anything
Yo Shirow, stop wasting time and go finish the final chapter of Pandora already.
He isn't the writer, he only created the concept.
>imagine if yuri had 2010s/2020s energy in the late 80s/early 90s
I do that literally all the time, I daydreamed about yuri with cool looking girls, beautifully draw animation and all of those old stylish hairstyles...

Watching Gundam Zeta something I couldn't stop thinking was "what if this was yuri" it'd be so good
I think japanese yuri follows a formula and I've been done with it for a while now, it's why Sherbet is currently my favorite yuri work who's still running, and it's mega popular in Korea by the looks of it
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He's been the idea guy all series.
Wish he was the art guy instead
It was like literally just me complaining about Manio drawing a hetshit sex scene in the last chapter of her latest garbage and you pretending everyone besides me loved it.
So who was the guy who made all that clown yuri stuff everyone loved which was only ever uploaded in that thread?
What is up with all the adashima stuff lately? There has been a rise in all the official stuff but also there is like 5 times the ammount of fanart each day and so on, seems like volume 6 (manga) already is sold out and it's not even out in the stores yet.
That is what happens when half of all yuri couples created since are Adashima clones, the source will get more popular.
You know... maybe it's possible you are right and social media plataforms are using AI to identify images and actually thinking Adashima is far more popular than it is and promoting it more

And now they are married and adopted a couple of kids

Bibi was a good call

>one bad day away from a mass murdering

And you don't want a bad bitch like that?
My predictions for the next 2 chapters of ZenKowa: Naoi backstory. Kurumi accepts her despite her baggage but doesn't want to do it in a trashy hotel. They leave and catch Isanuma with the teacher. Naoi records it. Kurumi takes Naoi home with her and they do it after Kurumi realizes if everyone else gets to do whatever they want, why can't she? Kurumi uploads the video of Isanuma and the teacher online and reaffirms Naoi's vow to Destroy It All.
But... what did the teacher even do to her to deserve to have his life destroyed like this lol
He knew what he was signing for when he took a job as a teacher at an all-girls high school.
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I like this dude's art
He sided with her mortal enemy after Kurumi did him all those favors. Face it, the lesson is people always expect something in return on some level.
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You bought Shiho's music, right?
i havent bought a CD in almost 20 years
Time to start again.
Call me when they release a vinyl.
I will fax to you
no cassette?
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This and the Houkago Tea Time 45 singles box are kino.

I have a couple of those on cd

Found them at a goodwill of all places
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Anything involving Manio is always great.
Why is she so fucking small like holy womanlet
Severe illness when she was a child.
Wasn't Momo the one with a troubled childhood?
I don't remember much about Momo's childhood, but Shamiko was the one who got a double curse
Yes, but she was saved early on and had her memories sealed/erased, meanwhile Shamiko spent most of her childhood on the hospital because she was close to dying, which is honestly very on the face since Ito also basically spent most of her life in the hospital and Shamiko's biggest fear as show when they looked inside her is basically going back to the hospital.
Momo was some ukranian child soldier or something like this.
After or before becoming a meguca?
The consequences of Fate Stay/night have been a disaster for the average weeb's perception of magical systems.
Before, Sakura found her and sealed her memories and started teaching the stuff of the light clan to Momo. Momo was searching for her but she is basically currently inside Shamiko or something.
All the nutrients went to her boobs.
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You call that small?
My biggest dream is a Madoka magica x Mahoako crossover with Homura becoming a villain and battling Utena to see who gets the chance to sexually abuse Madoka
Dragon's Crown yuri
I don't see how this is different from regular Madoka, you just added Utena to it.
Reread Girl Friends again. May very well be the first yuri series ive read 16 years ago. It set me up to love yuri for all the years to come. While the manga itself has elements i cannot tolerate in yuri anymore (all that boyfriend stuff and not enough yuri fluff) it was great seeing the purity aspect still intact. I actually think Morinaga made me a purityfag of the highest degree. I also love her other works. But if i had to grade Girl Friends today, i dont think i could give it a rating above 8. Maybe not even above 7. Still, a classic that moved me to find one of my favorite things in my life. I dont know how many hours ive spend consuming this wonderful genre. I am glad i was born so i can know yuri.
I love boomer yuri of that era, and the mangaka that still make it.
Hana and Hina After School is her absolute best work imo.
I was about to start rereading Hana to Hina. Kawaii Koneko-chan is also good but less girly yuri fluff and more adult yuri. I think i will enjoy Hana to Hina more than Girl Friends.
Even after so long I still love this series, I still remember looking daily to see if a new chapter was uploaded, back then there weren't that many yuri series out so I didn't have many reference for what a yuri series really was, so I was honestly confused when Mari suddenly got a boyfriend, I honestly though this was how the story was ending and when the story sudden changed perspective and who was the protagonist to Akko it blew my mind, none of the heterosexual romances I tried reading back then (and was burned out because neither romcoms or shoujo were particulary interesting due to how onesided they were) ever tried to do something like this, it was not a story about one character trying to win the other over or being oblivious to the person already in love with him/her but two people honestly falling in love with each other, it was really amusing to read Mari trying to run away due to her insecurities and Akko not giving up after all even though she also was going over the same stuff.
Hana to Hina is more of what you would expect of a more modern yuri series.
Morinaga and Hakamada Mera's works are my ideal kind of yuri. Cutesy style, with lots of angst and misunderstanding from not communicating properly, childhood innocence, and a happy ending. Even now, i would still rate girl friends a 10, and its probably what made me go from liking yuri, to obsessing over it.
Salomelic by Hakamada Mera is probably the series ive reread the most, although it is only a volume long. I also really like the 'oh, what im feeling is love' scenes in yuri
It's very like what you would expect from a story from back then, a lot of angst, the story makes clear both girls love each other, but they never actually get together. It's kinda sad it wasn't published nowadays were it would have gotten at least 3 volumes with far more pages.

If I had a major complaint, it wasn't the boyfriend that annoyed me, it was the whore with the 6 boyfriends who had the audacity to say "two girls can't fall in love with each other" while also going "I want to find true love!!"
The hypocrisy is exactly the point of her character

And I get that, but it doesn't make that any less annoying

It's like the 3 sisters in sweet blue flowers fawning over one guy and one of them dated a girl for all of 5 minutes and then still married a male teacher years later
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Is Dungeon People yuri-friendly?
someone said theres a male character they take interest in later, but i dont know if it was just a shitposter or not. cant tell with this shitty general sometimes
Yes anon, the adaptation no one ever mentioned before is a golden mine of yuri, some of you never learn.
Nobody ever said that, concern troll
Exactly, nobody ever mentioned the series before, which makes this series not yuri
The first 4 volumes are on nyaa, just check for yourselves.
I skimmed through them, there's one instance of a bad guy that after being defeated blushed at MC because she was cool and asked for her name and to meet again, but it seems he was just acting and later started an investigation on the fake name she gave him.
Then there's a party of male adventurers who are good guys, led by the blonde dude you see in the OP, and they usually get a focus extra at the end of each volume, so there might be something being set up with them for later, but the anime won't cover it.
I'm too lazy to actually read the dialogues and stuff though, so I'm not sure about the relationships.
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zoomer kino
It's an adaptation of dokakui (ドカ食い), which means over-eating.

Combined with the other words in the phrase, ドカ食い気絶部 would mean "Over-Eating Until You Pass Out Club", and the phrase the author used would be "Overdosing on Yuri Until You Pass Out Club".
Honestly I have no doubts that Teru and Iko might get something, but it'll be a tiny fraction of the work
It's actually sold out in my country
Sounds like people remembered to buy it. Good.
>/u/ will talk about all yuri and yuri-friendly manga ever
Stop overrating the manga/LN retards here. I'm pretty sure they miss stuff all the time. RPG fudousan wasn't super mentioned here until the anime
There's so many manga and LN being released that they need the long titles explaining premises. No way people here can check on all of them and get all the yuri and yuri-friendly shit
At best, people here will notice the famous stuff and the stuff that has yuri tags. But what about the untagged stuff that is still yuri-friendly and has no het?
"LN/mangatards on /u/ didn't mention it" is a shit argument
pretty sure youre replying to bait, anon
dumb question, but Is the manga used in the japanese manga made out of better material or something compared to the american localized copies from companies like yen press? i cant tell if its just because most of the ones i have are pretty new, but the paper for the JP copies use really smooth paper that feels comfortable to flip through, meanwhile the american copies use paper that keeps sticking to my fingers and feels odd to flip through
Must be a shit country to support the most boring yuri manga like that.
What i disliked was, while both of them never had sex with a guy, it was up in the air if Mari and Akko didnt kiss guys. Like, that one summer Akko got with the guy and they went to a love hotel and since Akko is bad with alcohol her recollection is just her waking up naked and seeing the dude not getting it up. What happened before that? Did they make out all the way until the hotel? She did get naked, after all. Mari, too. It is implied she did not kiss her boyfriend but you could interpret it as him kissing her and she just pushing him/running away. It is never really brought up. It still somehow retained the yuri purity since both Mari and Akko shared their first times together but if i would read a yuri manga today where it is implied a girl had sex or a kiss with a guy i just instantly close the tab and if it was on mangadex i make sure to leave a low rating.
>pic rel
also what happened to Anemone? The first 20 chapters made it into my top 5 yuri and are a prime example of what modern yuri is, but it devolved into some weird stuff where it feels like the mangaka just doesnt know where to go with the story so she just works through every trope she knows. Where is the hugging kino? The kissing. Exploring new things with the main couple? More future plans? Mashiro's health problems and Nagisa wanting to become a doctor for her? More of that. Instead we get the usual third-wheel character. I never was this disappointed in a work.
You know we are not the only ones doing it, right? There are sites, blogs, twitter accounts doing the same work like yurinavi and similar. I scroll through raw sites everyday myself, that's how I discovered Mabataki yori hayaku!! for example.
Also RPG was published in Kirara, how can you miss it? I guess you're talking from an EOP /a/nimefag's POV considering the "LN/mangatards".
>it feels like the mangaka just doesnt know where to go with the story so she just works through every trope she knows
Look at this positively, as a sign that an anime adaptation is secured. It goes something like this: after getting the 3-5 volumes of manga needed for the anime, the publisher tells the author to drag out the story as much as possible to cover 2-3 years while the anime is in production and a little more time while it's on the air and all the while being immune to axe, no matter how shitty the sales are.
If Anemone gets an anime adaption with budget it will break me. The whole early adaption even just until their kiss would warrant rewatching the whole season multiple times. Heck, ive reread Anemone atleast four times now. I should do it again. Give it enough time and it will still give you that warm fuzzy feeling only yuri delivers. Ill believe your words regarding the possible anime adaption, nee-sama.
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>but if i would read a yuri manga today where it is implied a girl had sex or a kiss with a guy i just instantly close the tab and if it was on mangadex i make sure to leave a low rating
Kirara anime usually has budget.
>I follow over 9000000000000000 retards trackin shit, trust me sis
Sugoi monogatari, onee-sama
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I agree. It feels like sasakoi, except this time the side characters are much less interesting than the original pair.
Pic related should have been the volume 6 cover.
This and Kase-san should have ended already. If you have no new idea then just wrap the whole thing up.
>making fun of people that actively keep up to date with yuri releases
Weird thing to do on /u/.
>implying they're not going to skip the Nagisa/Mashiro fluff including the kiss and sleeping together to get as much of the yayaception drama in
Anemone never had much substance to it but was prime will-they-won't-they. The tension was crazy, if vanilla, and I loved the artist's sense of physicality between the two. Ever since they got together it derailed in classic fashion and is very phoned in. Makes me appreciate Lonely Girl ending when it did.
go back, retard.
pic rel was such a shitshow. dropped it halfway in.
I'm making fun of anon for fucking lying. There's no reason I should trust his claims of how many people he's following. First it was just people here, but now it's twitter and whatever?. Anon got caught for having a shitty argument and had to go and exaggerate and lie about following shittons of people
Damn, relax with those slurs, neesan.
animeonlies are scum
You aren't making any sense.
First of all you aren't talking with only one person.
Then you treat following yuri sources for yuri releases like it's somehow a bad thing and automatically assume someone is lying for saying they follow such sources? For what purpose?
Finally you exaggerate and lie by saying someone exaggerated and lied about following shittons of people when the original claim was simply to follow the few yuri dedicated sources that more or less cover everything (and even more than necessary).
You sound insane. How do you think people discover new series to buy and read? Oh, right, reading manga and LN is for retards.
What made Anemone great (past tense) was a woman that just loves yuri and wanted to pack everything she loves about yuri into her work. Two innocent and pure girls slowly but surely finding out about each other and themselves. Falling in love in the cutest ways, step by step. Naginagi and Mashirocchi interacting with each other, looking at each other, blushing at each other; it was all so very well done. It had me squirming and flailing with my feet like i was in love myself too many times. And each afterword of the mangaka was basically just saying "I cant wait to draw this and that for every yuri enjoyer and for myself". After the mainpair arc everything just became so shallow. All the little things mentioned were absent with the other pairings. I just didnt felt the yuri. I guess she really has to keep the ball rolling now that its so popular.
The problem is the amount of titles there are and you can't expect everyone to read everything that exists to see what has or doesn't have yuri, I'm referring more to titles that are not categorized or published as yuri, that for some reason end up having yuri, for example if it weren't for the anime or that I decided to watch that anime, I wouldn't have found out that the giant cat series had yuri.

There are also other factors, such as the adaptation removing possible het and only leaving possible yuri, people exaggerating elements that are not so important or people who do not understand or assume things.
Lol if some shit has yuri
People will know. It's that simple
No anon! What about some random lesbians that show up for 5 seconds and hug? You may be missing those! Any japanese site or social media specialiazed on yuri you folloe is useless!
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>the adaptation removing possible het
They're only going to do this for gacha games. Never for anything else, regardless of how much the adaptation may benefit from removing the male MC
>also what happened to Anemone? The first 20 chapters made it into my top 5 yuri and are a prime example of what modern yuri is, but it devolved into some weird stuff where it feels like the mangaka just doesnt know where to go with the story so she just works through every trope she knows.

It's called "who knows if a new series will stick because editors and audiences are fickle so ride this bitch all the way into the ground"
That's why I said possible Het and not Het in its entirety (like Aokana and yes, Nekopara)
But my point is that minimal yuri is simply ignored in favor of series where yuri is more prominent or important, one could even say that the "torture with food" anime had a certain shiptease of the princess with the vampire girl and the main torturer.

This doesn't make the series completely yuri, but it might be interesting for some people.
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>it might be interesting for some people
No, it doesn't. Nobody here is going to watch a full season of a het anime just for one line where a woman says she has bad luck with men (proving again that it's hetshit, not yuri). Every series you watch and talk about is not yuri and nobody here has any idea of what the fuck you are talking about because we only watch yuri here. You need to fuck off to /a/ already.
That's why I state it as a possibility, not as a truth, and believe me, these "yuri surprises" are widely hated by "normal people", but my point is to say that there is nothing yuri about them is as false as saying that they are het series.
>these "yuri surprises" are widely hated by "normal people"
These "yuri surprises" need to exist first.
Calm down, buddy, it's just a cartoon.
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>esl downie clashes against concern troll
But even the suggestion of a possibility of yuri (no matter how small) is openly hated by them or they directly say any excuse to deny yuri in one way or another.

Meanwhile, het subtext and literal yaoi bait are considered canon and no one complains about it.

>Drops a very good OL manga


I hope Kase-san keeps going till well into adult hood

I love the idea that we just keep seeing those 2 chug along

Also without it, wings of yuri will have no serials
Speaking of Hot Anemone, I incidentally stumbled upon one of the author's het oneshots that predated the serialization, and couldn't help but notice that the guy was drawn with much less detail than the girl. I wonder if it was a case of deep in the closet yuri mangaka.
You know damn well people only show up for the girls so you could literally half-ass the dude's design and no one would care. He could be a literal stick figure or stock Unreal asset model and people would probably like it more for the novelty of it. Look how many generic harem/LN garbage anime adaptations barely even advertise the male character in their promo posters.
A bunch of Sasakoi related songs appeared in my Youtube feed (and none of them were from the anime and most of them were Laurelei songs) so it seems that the theory that they rushed the anime to promote the music was mostly true.
Music was always going to be a big revenue stream
it's flopping though
Sasakoi lacks a good relatable MC like Renako that's why it's flopping.
the anime literally doubled the manga sales, it was 500k before the anime and nown is over a million
We're talking about music sales
The obi on volume 9 says 800k and it was released a few days before the anime started.
Read Himari no Mawari, you can tell exactly how the author had to come up with an excuse het romcom premise while wanting to write yuri instead. It's basically a full-on bait and switch.
The anime was already supposed to be finished and the last two episodes have at least two new songs for the festivals if not even more as insert songs. They released the album anyway because they couldn't wait out the delay of the anime.
Their main product is the manga, you can easily tell by how little time the music got on the anime, if they can manage to sell some it's better though. You have to remember this isn't backed by any big company like SONY like say for example Bocchi was, so they have the same expectations because they are not investing the same ammount of money in promoting it.

Yes, because it got reprints due to all promotion the anime got and then it increased 200k in total sales in a short period.
This is about Dungeon People, which so far has no het in the anime
Someone said "people here don't mention it, so not even /u/ friendly"
I pointed out how retarded that logic is.
Rather than admit he's wron, he proceeds to lie about twitter or whatever (why not mention these other sources in the first post, then? Because it's a lie he had to make up to cover his ass after getting caught with a shitty argument)
This isn't about some clear hetshit with yuri side characters
It's 2 girls as mains and lots of weak arguments towards any future het that don't seem trustworthy. I don't think the show will be super romantic or anything but can be interesting if it keeps up with no het
>lots of weak arguments towards any future het that don't seem trustworthy
Again, the manga is freely available for anyone to read, anything that's going to be in the anime is right there, judge for yourself.
You didn't point anything, you just showed how ignorant you are about how the yuri community in general works and now you immediately started acting like a paranoid schizophrenic accusing people of lying and conspiring and I am pretty sure no matter what ammount of het the series has you will dismiss it in favor of you own headcanons anyway, there is no point in you even asking if something is yuri when you just want to call everything yuri after all.
Any recommendations for pretty stealth yuri art that I could print a s frame to hang on my wall?
How stealthy must it be? Can both girls be visible?
I want it to look like wall art and not a yuri CG. Power level hiding, but artsy figures is fine.
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The trick is to choose two characters you know are yuri, and look for an artsy image where there's just the two of them not interacting in a suggestive manner.
So, when I say someone is lying and shitposting, I'm an schizo, but it's fine for you to make up shit about me calling everything yuri even if it's super het?
Try not being a hypocrite, next time
I don't want spoikers, so I'll stick with the anime
Cope and seethe.
>Cope and seethe.
Huh, you can jump off a windows for all I care, I just addressed your concerns.
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Just don't post about this trash here, this is the yuri board, not your psychiatric where you talk about your many delusions.
>hanging lolis on your wall
i feel like that would have the opposite effect
but if it turns out there is yuri in one form or another, isn't that what the general is supposed to be for? establishing a yuri possibility is very different from pretending that a het series is yuri.

It's entertainment, it's not suicide, the worst thing that can happen to you is that you get angry because the anime turned out to be shit, but if that happens to be the case, it helps you appreciate what's really good.
Normal people who see a picture with kids just think it's a picture with kids, not a pedo's daydream, you've spent too much time on the internet.
Besides I just posted a few random examples, I told you you should choose the characters yourself.
What happened to /u/? Why are people in here defending girls having past boyfriends? Or shit on the concept of purity in a yuri context? Do zoomers really miss the fundamentals? What yuri is about? The meaning? White lilys? The message of it? Why all of it goes hand in hand? If you dont even get this why do you even bother coming here? Am i being baited?
>it's not suicide
You missed the point entirely.
First you bring up concerns about het and information itt, so I inform you that you can check the source material for free if you want, but you tell me you won't and for some reason you act like that's supposed to upset me.
But it doesn't, I just don't care that much about you anon.
No, the problem is that I am a different person from the one who asked if that anime was yuri and also the one who didn't trust the information.

but as I said before, an adaptation can remove the possible het (which happened and was mentioned in this thread) and the possible yuri can be made more prominent, or the other way around.
>I am a different person
Then why in the world would you reply to a merely informative post that's not even addressed to you with "cope and seethe".
Is that your catchphrase?
Then you are just proving you were always arguing in bad faith, makes absolute no sense for you to even give a shit if the information is true or not if your position is to delude yourself they want to turn every single anime adaption ever made into yuri for some reason, why not talk about the russian girlfriend anime here too? There is as much chance they will suddenly off the main protagonist and replace him with a girl.

As for establishing a yuri possibility, not a single person anywhere, in both western, japanese and chinese communities brought up so far, so whatever "yuri possibility" (you) may bring up will be just another stretch that will dismiss any contradictory canon in favor of whatever narrative you made in your head, just like we have been seeing posted here for the last months and more specifically the last days.
Yes, a normal person looking at some adult guy with posters of anime little girls surely they won't think anything about it.
So in 2024 you can't have innocent art that portrays children anymore. Even though they're overused in all sorts of classic illustrations and modern advertisements.
Wtf is wrong with people.
Ok MJ, you can go back to your tomb now.
>overused in all sorts of classic illustrations and modern advertisements
Didn't you know? Cartoon children are 100 times more vulgar than realistic or real ones!
It's ironic that the ones accusing of pedophilia left and right are actually the ones with the dirtiest minds.
Real children have their parents protecting them, but who's gonna think of the pixels?!
>Cartoon children are 100 times more vulgar
But isn't the issue that the people looking at cartoon children would supposedly assault real children?
So shouldn't it be even more dangerous to feed them real children imagery?
I can't wrap my head around this.
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>How dare you accuse me
>It's totally normal to display official merchandise of children
>People have been doing this for centuries now
>They are not even real!
>Only someone with a dirty mind would look at my pure room and think I have second intentions here
>You know what? Get the fuck out, I am going to call the police on you, you clearly are projecting something here
With how irrational humans become at the mere trace of something child-like being found in even the most abstract contexts, I wouldn't be surprised if children were outright banned from being depicted in any form in the near future.
Banning is a slippery slope.
>Banning is a slippery slope.
Reminds me of the "safety" measures being taken on modern AI generators, that are perfectly capable of displaying the most gruesome, violent scenes imaginable, but they'll censor nipples.

The awful thing here is someone actually has all the negima volume

Fanatism over sexuality, children, religion, and many other such topics that are considered contentious, is a pillar of modern human society.
It's just really fun to be outraged.
I see nothing wrong in that image.
All of that was always roleplaying/irony/exaggeration/whatever you wanna call it. They were never serious opinions, if you really think that's what /u/ was about, you got played.
*American. It's a direct result of their puritan origins.
Don't reply to faggots who dismiss yuri as delusions, it's the trademark of /a/ shitters.
Funny I don't see any yuri series ever being dismissed here, only the ones where the girls are in relationships with guys, are in love with guys, have only male love interests, the author confirmed is not yuri and so.
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Sorry, still yuri.
Which does Dungeon no Naka Hito falls into?
I doubt that
None, because no one is calling this series a yuri series to begin with as there is no content inside the series that could be interpreted as yuri to be dismissed, the closest you have to romantic feelings are boys crushing on MC, you can check yourself here: https://rawxz.si/jp-manga/%e3%83%80%e3%83%b3%e3%82%b8%e3%83%a7%e3%83%b3%e3%81%ae%e4%b8%ad%e3%81%ae%e3%81%b2%e3%81%a8/

You have to stop acting like the default state of everything is yuri and everything is yuri until proven otherwise, yuri is a genre and the contents of the series have to fit within a yuri context, this author even did stuff for kirara and never once he even slightest hinted the girls had romantic feelings for each other and you can easily check this remains true here, he follows a very heteronormative mindset.
whyd strawberry marshmallow get a full bluray and dvd releases in america (even the OVAs), but wataten and uzamaid dont have a single dvd/bluray release? even the uzamaid officially licensed manga only had one volume released in english
The public wasn't so conscious of anime and loli content back then, social media was also just starting, it's not a subject most western publishers nowadays want to touch anymore.
NTA you're replying to, but I was the one asking if Dungeon People was yuri-friendly. Thanks for letting me know that it is. As long as the MC isn't lusting after dudes, I'm cool with it.
>You have to stop acting like the default state of everything is yuri and everything is yuri until proven otherwise
That's how this board has always operated, if you don't like it you can always fuck off. You're the one who doesn't fit in, freak.
No, this is just you and other poor retards having the same old tired arguments for more than a decade and doubling down every single time, it doesn't matter if there is absolute no romantic interactions between the girls, it doesn't matter if the only love interests are guys, it doesn't matter if it's an adaptation of a source material that already has show in a definite way it's not yuri and it doesn't even matter if the girls are literally part of a harem and have said they are in love with the protagonist. You just never learn and keep playing a game that is only amusing for you idiots and cringe for everyone else looking at it.
So many words to say you don't understand this baord and its culture. If you don't fit in you should find some other place to b a pest in instead of trying to change this place to your liking.
So little words and you just don't understand yuri is not a fetish.
Your newfag opinions are worthless.
getting tired of baitpost vs shitpost wars
I doubt you like yuri even a bit. You only seem to come to this board to cause trouble. You try to shut down discussion at every opportunity, you call shippers delusional, you call yuri series like HSL het, you act like an authority on this board despite having been here for less than a year or two, you call the mods and anyone who disagrees with you trannies.
You're basically undistinguishable from an anti-yuri troll from /a/, so why should we take anything you say into account?
It's not, you fucking imbecile. You are just a troll.
NTA but you are the pest here.
I don't get it
male in the bottom right.
You know, according to certain files that were just released, two girls were forced to do lesbian acts with each other.
You are just mixing all anons you dislike into the same one, so take your meds, you can have all bisluts you want in yuri and it will still be yuri as long the narrative is about the girls getting together and not with the guys. And this may not even be really the case of Satou since she felt absolutely nothing doing it with them and every single person in her life who made her feel any emotion, positive or negative was a girl.
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Even McDonald's commercials have girls looking at each other, but the official art of your favorite anime doesn't.
Nothing says "yuri" here is defined as "Sasakoi/Yagakimi-tier canon"
Shows like Sympho, Madoka and Nanoha have always been welcome. As long as there's no het, it's OK. Cope and seethe
My concerns is that everyone claiming it's het, is a shitposter using shitty and majimatard-tier logic. Not trustworthy
> not a single person anywhere, in both western, japanese and chinese communities brought up so far,
Stiop lying about following these people .You only follow the voices in your head. Voices in your head aren't sources
If none of the girls are into guys, then it belongs here
>*Canon and non-canon both welcome.
>Non-canon welconme
>This thread is for:
>Screenshots, pages, and discussion about general series, current or old, not covered by an existing thread, be it yuri, fanservice, subtext or goggles.
Now, fuck off canontard
Yuri can be a fetish
See: MahoAko, Valkyrie Drive, SonoHana and others
It can also be moore. Shipping girls not confirmed as het, is not fetishism
>You are just mixing all anons you dislike into the same one
You do the same shit when you start ranting at people you hate about how they want to push het harems as yuri or whatever
Not everyone against you is the 2.5 Seduction retard
have sex, femcels
Read the OP to this thread and tell me how someone watching a show about 2 girls not confirmed to be het with yuri googles is a pest and doesn't belong
The list about the purpose of this thread says googles is one of the things this thread is for. Non-canon is also welcome
Canontards are the real pests
>Is this yuri?
>No, the only portrayal of romantic interest is from guys interested in the girls
>Well I am going to ship them anyway
As always the whole discussion was in bad faith, as we have seen the whole last month, even if the girls are in explicit love with guys or dating them they will also will also be shipped here, so there was never any point in answering if the series was yuri or not.
I'm not even going to give the retard a reply when they once again completely disregard the fact that the anon originally asked if it was yuri-friendly, not yuri. There's a difference between the two terms.
NTA but gochiusa is a yuri-friendly series, if there were guys suddenly showing up just to be in love with Cocoa or Chino i would not read it anymore
What animes in OP?
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If you're going to talk about which series will or won't become yuri by the end, you should be required by law to mention which pairings you've been right/wrong about (ideally with receipts). That way we can separate the yuri radars from the yuri goggles.
Guys with one sided love are irrelevant
What do you think about Madoka before the movie?
One of the most famous shows here and yet (before Rebellion had Homu go all AI YO) the only explicit love was a het love triangle with Saya and Hitomi both in love with the violin dude
And Sayaka dropping out of the competition for him out of self-hate after finding out she's a lich, an animated corpse with her soul in a physical object that can't be separated too far from her (the soul gem)
People had no problem discussing the show here and even shipping Sayaka with Kyouko
In Dungeon People, dudes have unreciprocated crushes, but if the girls aren't het themselves, that's all that matters
Dudes crushing on girls is not the same as the girls being het.
Stop making up shit. I won't defend actual hetshit posted here. I think the retards talking about 2.5 harmtrash should fuck off Dungeon People is not the same because the girls aren't shown to love any boy, unlike 2.5 harem
Why is that relevant in a thread for googles amongh other stuff, where non-canon is welcome?
The OP that has been like that for years shows that canontards like you are utter newfags and can't even read
I personally have no problem with goggles as long as they are acknowledged as such. But some people are arguing that the shows are more than just goggles (or will become so in the future), which is an entirely different claim.
That's Mahiru drawing
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Kano only turns away for a moment and her girlfriend has sold out to the corporations again.
Are there more cases where even the MC recognizes which is the best couple in her own series?
I wonder how Rebellion haters think they belong here when they defend that the only worthy part of Madoka is the one where the only explicit romance is het
At least Rebellion made Homura's feeling explicit
Remember: only canon matters. If the only explicit canon romantic feelings are het, the show doesn't belong here. Thus, the TV show doesn't belong, while Rebellion does. You can only praise the TV show as a necessary prequel to Rebellion
Or maybe sticking too hard to what is canon and explicit is a mistake and newfag retardation
You said yourself, the narrative is about Sayaka having her heart shattered, meeting Kyouko and then licking each other's wounds. Slow Start had a male character showing up and having romantic interest in Eiko, you know why no one cared? Because Eiko is portrayed in love with Kiyose and she even pointed out herself she didn't give a shit about him. But you can be pretty sure if Koi suddenly added male characters to Gochumon and had them especifically be there to be in love with the protagonists the readers would be furious because they can read into the narrative, even Sharo never outright put her feelings for Rize in words like this.

You also have Shadows House where the guys are non stop talking or thinking about how much in love they are with the protagonists. Nothing is stopping shippers as we have seen, but you would have to be an idiot to call it yuri friendly just because the girls are not reciprocating yet, and no sorry but the subtext from Rosemary and Maryrose is very short lived as they basically show up in one arc and vanish to never be seen again in the next one. Dungeon People does not even have Clay interacting that much with Belle to begin with but instead training with male adults or monsters for most of the time, the only other characters in the series that have their own subplots are especifically boys who show to be interested in them. Is this what you want to call yuri friendly? Every series with male characters lusting over the girls but who still didn't hear a no from them?
And Sayaka still didn't show explicit feelings for Kyouko. A het girl doesn't stop being het because the first boy she likes rejected her
It's hypocritical to reject Dungeon People and defend Madoka TV
Dungeon people is still yurier than TV KyouSaya. If dudes liking the girls is already bad for you, one of the girls liking a dude and that being the only explicit romance is 10000 times worse even she ends up heartbroken
At least be consistent with your canon retardation. As it is it's all arbitrary nonsense "Dungeon People bad because I say so. Madoka TV good because I say so"
There's a very similar scene in Watanare where Renako blissfully fantasizes about Mai X Ajisai.
Maybe Eku was the bad influence on Teren all along.
Did she also recommend him to add the incest too?
When I was watching Madoka for the first time, I thought the violin retard was Sayaka's brother or friend or something, but turned out it's fucking het, really grossed me out, when I talked about this with a friend, he said Sayaka is a character which the author used to criticize the type of woman (especially Asian) who are obsessed with man to the point of self destruction, I'm not sure how correct this interpretation is, what's /u/'s take on it?
Except... I didn't bring up Madoka at all, you did. And I am also not the one who is ignoring the two main characters to focus on side characters, you are. And more especifically ignoring how Homura was portrayed in the TV show, to the point Rebellion just said it out loud. Though you are absolute right about one thing in regards to the TV show, it follows a heteronormative standard where heterosexual relationships can be as explicit they want, but homosexual ones need to be folded a thousand times and Rebellion just made very clear this was actually the case. You seem to have some issues understanding what a narrative is, whether there is subtext between Sayaka and Kyokou has always been a point of contention, but there is no doubt the narrative is about them getting closer to the point it could be interpreted as having some romantic undertone, though if the show was specifically about Sayaka and Kyouko, I am not sure I would recommend it as yuri friendly either, probably not, really depends how much of the story would be Sayaka breaking her heart over a guy. Dungeon People is not about Clay and Belle growing closer and the only romantic text you will find in the series is from guys, just less present then it is with Shadows House. You can be pretty sure this one isn't recommended to yuri fans anywhere is because they all can read into the narrative with this one too.
It's just a common female stereotype in japanese media.
I used Madoka to show you're wrong about the board rejecting non-explicit stuff
Before Rebellion, the only explicit romance was het
You're going "non-canon good when Madoka. Non-canon bad when Dungeon people" and being arbitrary as hell
If you want to reject Dungeon People because het is the only explicit thing, you need to reject Madoka as well except for Rebellion
Stop the hypocrisy. 0 het from the girls in Dungeon People vs 1 of the girls being het in Madoka
Madoka is worse. Unless you want to focus on non-canon non-explicit stuff, in which case yoyur autistic focus on what's canon and explicit falls apart
When exposed as a hypocritical morong, the Canontard can only spout convoluted excuse text walls
As expected. This is why these retards focusing on canon and explicit shouldn't be taken seriously
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What a curious girl. But as they say, curiosity killed the cat. Suzuha can get herself embroiled in a complicated situation involving ridiculously huge emotions.
Seeing how she moves, imagine how this girl fucks in bed. Shion will also need her own wheelchair.
So what actually happened in the cheer accident with Kanata?
Did she overshoot her jump?
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Kanata can only fly when someone very important is looking at her, which is why she couldn't do it without Megumi in high school and that's why Megumi was so nervous when she found out that Kanata was flying when another girl was looking at her.
Okay, but that's not what I asked.
This board rejects non yuri stuff not non explicit stuff, which you clearly have a hard time understanding the difference. You also seems to be confusing subtext with not canon. And also seems to believe there is no such thing as bisexuality either.

Dungeon people is not a subtext series. The only consistent narrative from the author in regards to feelings are the boys attracted to girls, the girls are not show to have any interest or attraction to each other in a explicit way and neither they have the usual responses you could construct as subtext, the girls are not growing closer to each other, they are not learning how to adore each other. So in regards to the question if this is yuri friendly series, unless you want to see girls acting in a platonic way with each other and then being the object of desire of guys, then no.

The narrative of Madoka and Homura is Homura having an obsession over Madoka that is usually interpreted as romantic subtext, while Madoka's feelings are a lot more vague, or at the least from that particular iteration of Madoka who is the protagonist of the series, meanwhile Sayaka's narrative is about her letting go of her feelings and growing closer to Kyouko, in a way that some interpret as having romantic subtexts, while others question if she is really over him. So if you want a yuri friendly series I could easily recommend Madoka, though if the scope of the series was only Sayaka and Kyouko probably wouldn't.
The show has been frustratingly vague on that flashback. What I gather is that she saw the other girl fall and she fell herself but not as hard.
>and then being the object of desire of guys
You haven't shown any proof of this yet.
I posted the link to the raws, surely you can read and see by yourself the chapters that feature either Rata or Len.
Nice text wall about what you scum call “delusions and headcanons that don’t belong here”’
The only explicit yuri in Madoka is Rebellion Homura. Everything else is explicitly friendships with one of the girls being explicitly het vs the 0 explicit het girls in Dungeon
Any romance in Madoka that isn’t the het love triangle or Rebellion Homura is objectively what you define “headcanons and delusions”
No text walls will change this. So just accept “headcanons and delusions” are welcome in the board
You have no objective arguments. Just subjectivity
If Dungeon is “non-yuri” to you so is Madoka TV . You’re just revealing that your judgement is arbitrary and subjective and thus, you aren’t fit to judge what belongs here and what doesn’t
Not valid evidence in English board where people don’t know JP. Easy to lie about the content to people who don’t know the language
Go read it yourself retard
Is it translated?. I din’t know JP
>So just accept “headcanons and delusions” are welcome in the board
No. Yuri is welcome on this board. Series without are not
Nyaa has 3 volumes in english.
>Anon is just now after a decade learning that subtext is subjective
You either have common sense or not, though I suppose you already made clear enough you too autistic to see where the line between platonic and something more is, and thus you just call everything yuri.
Then you can't make objective calls about what belongs and doesn't and what counts as subtext beyond stuff with clearly het girls
Which Dungeon has none. While Madoka has one
Then only Rebellion belongs and the TV supremacists are retards who should fuck off
Maybe we should rename the board zero guys since you are saying it's not about how girls feel about each other
Dungeon has zero yuri pairs. Madoka has one.
But I am
In Madoka TV what the girls feel for each other is objectively friendship. Only in Rebellion does Homura change to love explicitly. And Sayaka only feels love explicitly for a boy.
In Dungeon none of the main girls show explicit love for guys.
Thus, only Rebellion is yuri. TV Madoka, like Dungeon is "not yuri" "headcanons and delusions". In fact it's even worse than Dungeon, because Dungeon: 0 explicit het main girls. Madoka: 1 explicit het main girl
Madoka has 0 explicit yuri pairs. Even after Rebellion, love is only from Homura to Madoka. Madoka still doesn't reciproacte. And I was judging the TV show anyways, which was defended here for years before the movie came out and has 0 explicit yuri romance. The only explicit romance is het
I'll never understand how people who can't read Japanese stand the JP art boards because there is a constant stream of art with lengthy Japanese captions. That would annoy the hell out of me.
The sad thing is that you could argue in bad faith like you are already doing every subtext series in existence is not yuri, but you will still never be able to convince anyone your delusions are in fact yuri.
So because a series with a het couple was discussed on /u/ we have to discuss more het series?
The only one arguing in bad faith is you
There's no objective waty to tell what is subtext and what is delusions
Subtext: show you like
Delusions: show you dislike
That's it
Show without dudes? Yuri.
>There's no objective waty to tell what is subtext and what is delusions
But delusions don't belong in this board.
Why not?
But how can you objectively tell what is subtext and delusions to determine what belongs and what doesn't?
There's no objective difference. Thus ,you're claiming subtext doesn't belong. And the only part of Madoka that belongs is the movie, as everything else is objectively friendship. And thus "delusions"
And still is And there's still retards who think the show with no yuri is better than the movie with Homura expressing explicit love for Madoka and that the movie is soulless cashgrab that ruins the perfect show despite the show being not yuri beyond "delusions and headcanons". And Dungeon is not het because none of the girls have shown het feelings
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Vtuber Legend's second episode was pretty good
There's a catch, I just know it.
Found it.
Well it's legit yuri and there's romantic developments later but the "catch" is that there's a lot of lewd jokes, many which are het jokes
No het jokes in the anime so far. Removed or you lying about lewd stuff? Like the retard who tried to push MahoAko fans as "het hentai fans" and not "real yuri fans" and claiming that Baiser peeping on LocoLever as a voyeur with 0 romantic love towards any of them is the same as if a dude did it and thus through convoluted logic was "pseudo ffm"?
The samurai fears the hue.
I can take a few het jokes here and there as long as they don't act into them.
They literally showed Kanata crashing into/falling together with the other girl. All the other jumps we've seen thus far have the jumper falling straight back down to the base that threw them, but for Kanata's failed jump she was clearly moving sideways even before she saw the other girl.

It's pretty clear that Kanata's jump was the cause of the accident, not the other girl. The only part that's ambiguous is whether Kanata or her base/throwers were "at fault" (episode 2 also talked about Kanata not being with her usual team because she was the only 1st year participating in the competition). However, who was to "blame" for the accident doesn't really matter. The main point of the accident is to explain to us why Kanata currently has a trauma regarding cheerleading, which she is hiding from Megumi because of their shared promise/dream.
Apparently that’s how you greet people in Brazil.
>But how can you objectively tell what is subtext and delusions to determine what belongs and what doesn't?
The amount of male characters.
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>The only part that's ambiguous is whether Kanata or her base/throwers were "at fault"
Considering the captain girl straight out told her to apologize to the pyramid girls, it was probably Kanata's fault.
Her being mentally scarred by the whole thing only makes sense if she's the one responsible after all.

NTA but if she was a concern troll, she's doing a very poor job of it
Hey /u/, is Mayonnaise Punch yuri?
Yes? The whole point of subtext is that it's an interpretation and people will use social cues and tropes to recognize those, though I supposenm if you are a porn addicted faggot you may have trouble with those.
Kissing is a common way to greet people here.
No, Patrick, Mayonnaise Punch is not yuri.
The vampire is fucking gay and the vapid bitch MC promised her she'll let her eat her once their youtube channel gets 1 million subs.
So far it's fanservice level, the vampire dreams of the MC naked and really wants to get close to her, which is portrayed as if it was a romantic thing, but then it's revealed that she just wants her blood.
NTA but you seriously gotta calm down anon. I think they're referring to the sausage game that was shown in the first episode.
Basically what >>4254060 said, and also the PV had some non-generic looking male characters in it, so I'm being cautious.
>I think they're referring to the sausage game
Not any anon in this conversation but the novels do have a lot of dick jokes, especially if you add chat's reactions. Not that it matters, girls can joke about whatever they want while asking each other for marriage.
Sei had real experience, she was a lesb Jav actress before
Every yuri should have dick jokes.
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OH MY GOD. The live action makes this more intense than I expected. I'm struggling here.
Is that legit from the LN? Big if true
top: narenare cheer for you
bottom: mayonaka punch
She needs glasses
She didn't say no
its not a proper Brazilian greeting unless its on the lips with tongue
Don't worry, she did that.
It's Brazil, not France
>the PV
What PV? I've watched two of them and the only males I saw were most likely incidental characters.
No one will report her?
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I can't watch Nokotan without the LATAM dub.
Haters will say it's still not yuri. Somehow.
Go the fuck back.
Rape is like saying hello in Japan.
we need more female on female train groping scenes
You don't understand how often wanting someone's blood is a sexual thing for vampires. If it's someone specific it's clearly romantic
Madoka TV's delusion then.
Has 1 male character one of the girl likes, and said girl shows no such explicit interest in girls
Dungeon is subtext. 0 male characters the girls like
Doesn't sound like an strong argument to reject Dungeon and protect Madoka TV
Explain how is Dungeon is subtext, how does it imply the girls have romantic feelings for each other?
the only two humans in a deep dark dungeon, one must wonder what they do for entertainment
Girls being within spitting distance of each other is gay.
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>Dungeon has 0 het girls
And you will continue shilling hetshit on /u/ even if the manga shows that, right?
Red flag
If the anime shows that, I'd stop
I won't believe any claims about the manga I read here
Too many retards lying. This place isn't trustworthy. If people had accounts, I could see if someone is trustworthy by looking at their post history. But when everyone is anon? The claims become "trust me sis" and I can't trust
Unless you can post a link to imgur or something showing one of the 2 girls being het
I won't read the manga and spoil myself, but I'm willing to check a page that confirms straight attraction from any of the 2 girls
Objective is another red flag. There legit is an entire population of people who think it's okay when they have opinions but other people can't.
Oh, sorry, "keep discussing off topic things on /u/"

And far too many more retards keep posting hetshit on /u/. When's the last time those "retards lying" actually lied?
The common narratives understood as subtext are Homura obsessing over another girl beyond what someone would expect from friendship, which was correlated (though arguably not in a definitive way) in Rebellion with more context and Sayaka and Kyouko bonding beyond what some but not everyone saw as romantic in nature. If you want to call those just friendship then go ahead, until the author puts the pen down there is no absolute truth. Like I told you, you could claim every single subtext series is actually just friendship or misleading, you would look like a retard, but you could make this claim, you either have common sense and enough intelligence to read inbetween the lines or you don't and it seems to me from your previous posts you lack both.

Personally I enjoy subtext series for what they are, I have my own personal interpretation of them, but they are just not worth fighting over when you could support hundreds of explicit yuri series instead. Though the most important part is what I already told you, even if you dismiss every single subtext series as just friendship, Dungeon People (and other delusions of your own) will still not even have subtext and turns out you can't even point to a single instance to make an argument about it.

Also, one last thing you retard, we didn't establish subtext is subjective. it's literally part of definition of the word, you cannot have subtext without the ability to interpret text, you would take everything at face value, it's inherently subjective to the person reading it you moron.
>when's the last time those "retards lying" actually lied?
Literally last season.
The only question here is why you don't just leave for reddit? They have accounts there, they have a lot of delusional people, they won't allow spoilers, they will ban anyone going against the narrative, it's the perfect hugbox for you.
Why do you care so much about /u/?
Yup, just check the character profile in the novel
Lesbian javs only I hope...
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Wake up, /u/
>When's the last time those "retards lying" actually lied?
You do it all the time with LycoReco by claiming it has het romance.
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>lesb Jav actress
>Lesbian javs only I hope
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So many good moments
There are JAV actresses that does both het and lesb
thatd just be a JAV actress then. why else would they specify lesb
? Season 2 is probably gonna be announced soon though.
I'm sorry to stop you from lying freely.
Then you talk about it when it happens, instead you keep bringing it up yourself just so other idiots get baited and provoke you into another pointless discussion of a series that aired a long time ago.
because it's rezu(a genre) actress not lesbian actress
It's 2 years old, not 20. Calm down already.
>A shitposter said something once

>Yuri is about girls not being into guys not about girls being into each other
Guess someone is so paranoid he can't even read anymore.
Romance no.

>Majimatard or the people claiming Gundam Witch is not yuri?
Oh, you mean the executives and staff of those shows?
Where's the Kai here, idiot?
The only major characters promoted by this trailer are girls. The only dudes seem to be side characters
>side characters
Just like Kai, but he was still enough to ruin the anime.
Na Nare is a much safer bet right now since no such side character was ever shown.
You could, you know, read the manga? All this 'proof' thing does is asking people to post het, or else you'll keep posting het series.
How do we know YOU are not lying? Can't trust anyone, after all.
>the existence of nameless male NPCs is enough to ruin the show
You're a retard. Did the violin tard or any other males present in Madoka ruin the show for you?
How about Nanoha? or Shuumatsu Train?
Link the proof to imgur or something
You can't make a claim without proof and I'm not willing to spoil myself. My proof is the anime itself
Prove me wrong or I'll keep defending and posting about the anime. Cope and seethe
Hence the 'if', anon.
I can't predict the future, and neither can you.
Any relevant male is shown and named in promos and the first episode. These are clearly NPCs. To say it's unsafer than Na Nare (which looks to be worse because they throw too many characters and plotlines at the screen and the timeline makes no sense (if MC already competed last year as a first year, how is she not a 2nd year already and treated as a first year still and told she has 2 of her 3 years left?)) is retarded. Mayonaka hasn't shown any more relevant males than that show
So basically when people tell you to read the manga, which has the proof, you won't do it, but in the same sentence you tell others to watch the anime, which has proof of... what, exactly? Certainly not of any yuri.
That logic makes the first episode of Love Lab a great yuri anime, according to you.
I don't care if they're secondary or tertiary characters, since this is strictly subtext any semblance of het will make it go down the drain.
And these males were relevant enough to warrant dedicated space in the PV, on top of having distinctive designs, that's enough for me to be wary.
And the writing quality has little to do with this, well written het is still het.
>Any relevant male is shown and named in promos and the first episode.
Like the violinfag in Madoka Magica. Oh wait, he appears in episode 3.
Shut up, Tomoko.
>the executives and staff of those shows
When exactly did they say G-Witch is not yuri?
Even if there is a Kai, how does that matter? Or you the schizo who thinks Kai won in Aquatope because he simply exists?
I don't know why Kaicuck(Majimaschizo) keeps browsing /u/.
>posting het on /u/
Which you'll ignore and continue posting het. Prove the anime is yuri. No, the lack of males isn't enough. Post a romantic moment between the two girls.

So you missed the whole 'up for interpretation' drama? Lucky you, who lives under a rock.
>up for interpretation
They told you to watch the anime yourself, not "This is not yuri." If you want to prove otherwise, post the exact quote of them saying it's not yuri. Also, why do you keep ignoring the BD extra that confirmed once and for all that Suletta married Miorine?
If it was Madoka who was in love with a boy you can bet anons here would've scorned it.
wasnt madoka deconfirmed as 'true yuri' by the producers or director or something by basically saying it wasnt romantic/sexual attraction
You post a romantic moment in Madoka before Rebellion. Objectivelly romantic and not intended as friendship
You don't get to ask me to post evidence if you yourself refuse to post evidence. I only post what I see at least as subtext with no het from the main girls. I'd stop if I had proof of the girls being het. Just a page in imgur. Can't be that hard. It can even be in JP. I'll use google to MTL it
Anons here still defend KyouSaya anyways with the "bisexual Sayaka" cope
>few seconds
Few seconds with just them on screen, not as background props.
The male students in ShikaNoKo are generic, these ones obviously had some character designer work put on them.
He said that Homura's love isn't sexual. Which can be explained because of trauma and deification of Madoka and self-hatred. Basically Homura being a purityfag and thinking feeling sexual towards Madoka is "tainting her". So she shouldn't have those feelings. Of course, a lot of denial can be present (she has those feelings, but is in absolute denial about them)
Homura's mental state is a mess
Fuck off already, het shipper.
Just like the males in Shikanono are generic male students, these are "generic manzai duo" and "generic TV announcer guy". They don't have any extra work put in them, you delusional retard
Even the males in Shuumatsu Train were less generic, and look at the show. No het at all

Yea but Gen is a massive woman hater so can we really take what that faggot says at face value?
>S-shut up! This male character in another anime didn't have het with the MC, so obviously it won't happen this time either!
Scraping the bottom of the barrel with these arguments.
Why does some anon being wary of male characters upset you so much?
If you really were so secure in your conviction that there won't be any het, I'd expect you to just laugh at him and move on.
Well, it's not like that faggot wrote the series ending that's airing at the end of the year or anything.
>male character: just exists
>any of the female characters: don't give a single fuck about him
>anon: the show is ruined, it's not even yuri friendly
Is this the High Standards I see mentioned so often here?
>any of the female characters: don't give a single fuck about him
We've literally seen 1 episode out of 12, the males haven't even appeared yet.
The schizos think >>4254329(open the image) this constitutes as Kai winning. "High standard" is just code for "We are anti-yuri schizos and will never say anything is yuri."
Being disingenuous about G-Witch doesn't help with any arguments you have on other shows
The male character that 'just exists' today will be the love interest tomorrow.

We will never say anything not yuri is yuri. Shitposters, however, will.
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I stand by what I said
Which isn't very promising for the future, since that massive woman hater has determined what the series ends with.
Everyone keeps ripping off Adachi and Shimamura, but what if they made Adachi and Adachi or Shimamura and Shimamura?
>Everyone keeps ripping off Adachi and Shimamura
i wish
Shimamura and Shimamura that's Compensated Adachi and Shimamura at the beginning of the story.
In the movie, anon. In the movie.
Fuck off, Kaicuck.
We still need Tarumi and a girl that looks suspiciously like Adachi.
>if MC already competed last year as a first year

Nobody said this. The accident shown in episode 1 happened only recently with Kanata's new highschool that she'd just started at in the current year. The same highschool that Megumi couldn't enter due to being in the hospital and is studying in order to transfer into after she gets better.

Kanata and Megumi were previously teammates in MIDDLE school, where Megumi was captain of the cheer team, and which won the national championships (but only after Megumi got hospitalized). Kanata's experience as a jumper for a national champion middleschool is part of the justification for how quickly she gained a regular position in her new highschool team.
They're talking about a competition "last year" where MC already was the only one selected from the first years
The massive "woman hater" has written every Madoka anime thing but Magia Record. It's not like he only wrote movie 4
Also, for a "woman hater" TV madoka and Rebellion both have happier endings for the women and less tragedy than Magia Record anime (which he didn't touch)
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Dont worry, we still got yuuki
>The other day, I experienced an endoscope and a colonoscopy. I was pretty nervous at first, but it was quite the experience. Wondering when it'll happen only for the physical to be over in a second. I definitely recommend getting checked out if you find the time!
Is there any "I can fix her" yuri manga besides Zenkowa and KitaKawa?
Apricot fuzz
That's just a TL error from the subs.

At the start of episode 2, they're talking about the upcoming prefectural tournament in August. The Japanese school year starts in April.

As for the line that was translated as "last year", the actually word the senpai used was この間の (kono aida no) which means "The recent".
Would help if CR didn't fuck up. Show¡s already a confusing mess and they make it worse
>Cope and seethe
But the only one doing that is you?
>Is it yuri?
Yes, it is yuri.
I'm not the one posting incoherent text walls to defend hypocrisy and raging about "not yuri" or whatever and trying hard and failing to be an objective judge of what belongs and doesn't
Narenare is great because each girl has her own girlfriend.
If only that was the show
Instead it's confusing bullshit where you don't know what's going on, who is who, who wants to do what and even the relationships are a confusing mess
A SoL drama shilling a prefecture shouldn't need to be this confusing
How stupid do you have to be to not understand cgdct?
Can't wait for the inevitable Anna/Nodoka kiss. I'm surprised none of the others have wondered why she's the only one Anna doesn't kiss.
How incompetent can the staff be to make a nonsense confusing CGDCT?
Don't need to kiss in public when they've already had sex in private.
>Anon believes he is pointing out hypocrisy when in reality he is just learning he is too autistic to understand subtext is an interpretation and a discussion and all this time everyone has been just using common sense to determine what likely has romantic undertones implied.
If anything you are just showing you are not really confortable with subtext as you claim to be, it makes perfect sense why your reference for yuri is not how the girls interact with each other but how they interact with men instead, this way it doesn't really matter if there is anything you could interpret as subtext or not, you will make your own delusion out of it anyway.
Quite a few of those who attended an early screening of the first 3 episodes said on twitter that it would be a good idea to show it on TV in the same way. Gotta take into account the cultural sensitivities of children raised by tiktok and their tiny attention spans. Come on, who in the <current year> would wait 3 episodes for the whole story to unfold when they can post deer memes right away?
>muh common sense
Excuses. "muh romantic intent" is as subjective in Madoka as in Dungeon
Subtext: show you like
Delusions: show you dislike
Thjere's no other objective difference and all yohur posts fail to prove me wrong, just the same excuses about common sense and subjective bullshit
If you really want to go full guardian against non-yuri, you need to reject "subtext"
Being a subtextfag and yet rejecting shipping in non-het shows you don't like as "delusions" is contradictory. There's no objective difference, no mater how much copium you consume to pretend otherwise
Which show? Narenare?
Are the girls het? Is an objective
Are their interactions gay enought? Subjective as hell, can't be objectively measured if we want to include subtext. If we limit ourselves to maintext, it IS objective and easy to determine
Thus, why it's the first question the only one that matters to decide objectively what belongs here or doesn't. Unless you want the board to be maintext only, which is also objective, but that's a lost battle, subtextfags aren't leaving. So people should accept any and all shows with non-het girls as MCs posted here. It's that or try to ban all subtext
Yes, the shows I like are the ones where the girls have dynamics you could interpret in a romantic way, thanks for pointing this out. Though unlike you I understand what is not subtext, what subtext really is and what is the difference from main text. All you are doing is arguing that subtext should not be considered yuri, something which I would also be fine with because like I told you, I am comfortable with what subtext is and not particularly worried if others are considering them yuri or not.
Then, you as a subtextfag are defending what you call delusions and not yuri and have 0 right to call out when others do it with shows you don't like
>dynamics you could interpret in a romantic way
This is extremely subjective if you don't want to limit yourself to maintext and thus isn't a good standard of what belongs and doesn't
Yes anon it is subjective, this is the point, you are not the author, you don't know the intentions behind the text, this isn't exclusive to yuri, we make assumptions based on our knowledge of the work and common sense, but in the end of the day it's just fiction, authors can write nonsense, break internal consistency, write contradictions or even retcon the truth and there is nothing we can do about it. We just have faith we understand what the author is doing and authors understand what they are doing themselves. You can say whatever you want about Dungeon People, but you are not getting girls rubbing foreheads while talking about how important they are to each other. There are no guarantees, but you should be able to see which one is likely to have a romantic underline to it.
> There are no guarantees, but you should be able to see which one is likely to have a romantic underline to it.
Objectively none of them
You don't have any arguments to defend some subtext and call other subtext delusions
It's all the same: shows about girls not confirmed het that don't confirm yuri. If you want to call some shows "not yuri" and "delusions" that objectively applies to all subtext. Since we can't get rid of subtext, all you can do is cope and accept all shows where the MCs are girls who aren't confirmed het
>It's all subjective
>but there's some objective line that allows me to separate subtext and delusions
Retard can't even make up his mind and keeps contradicting himself

Too late, Ronaldinho, we know the truth now.
Can't believe Ronaldinho actually went to jail for smuggling yuri manga.
>Hours of shitposting and walls of text about the next Rinkai
Kys all of you kys right now
Last season we had Sasakoi (before it collapse, rushed and couldn't even finish), GBC and Jelly
This season there's nothing, thus people being drawn to shows like Dungeon
Nanare, Vtuber and Mayonaka Punch are all yuri, dumbass.
We have Mayonaka Punch, Nare Nare, the Vtuber show and the deer anime so there isn't like we are oyt of options right now, unless you are a newfag (to anime) and you want to follow more than 4 shows per season.
I use my judgement based on how the girls interact with each other, I will call something yuri when it looks like yuri to me and I will call something delusional when it looks delusional to me, this a board and the premise of this board is to discuss what is relevant to itself or not, some stuff is after all, objectively not yuri too.

But you are right, I am not the author, I can easily be proven wrong and even delusional about something I considered to be the author's and the publisher intentions. The conclusion you are reaching is exactly the same anons who don't consider subtext to be yuri have reached a long time ago, which by itself it's not so different from the standard the industry itself adapts, publishers don't want readers to have wrong expectations, even if ultimately they do plan to follow up with explicit yuri. If maintext yuri was the standard for animation, then maybe the concept of subtext itself would become irrelevant for this board.
I thought he was a frog.
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Yes, it's called reading and watching the series and making a subjective judgement over what you are watching, in some cases basically using your brain to tell what is likely to be yuri or not. Does Hoshikuzu have yuri subtext, why do you think people think so you fucking retard?
Not our fault that you can't follow anything more complex that Peppa pig.
Like spaghetti.
The plot progression is a little messy but the relationships are fucking easy to see, retard.
Let's not start going schizo over Nanare please
Torako is shit for being a former Tokyo Revengers fag, outside of that she is a very sheltered girl regarding sex and romance so she follows the usual comphet narrative. I've read that infamous manga chapter and the word "boyfriend" appears only one time and that's all, also at this point I'm pretty sure they will change it to koibito or lover in the anime.
You're the only one who gives a shit about "delusion", and "non-yuri".
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That's part of the mistery, it will be addressed in future episodes or even in the next episode.
I could live with maintext being the only accepted yuri works, but I will never accept works where the girls don't show the slightest romantic inclination towards other girls, yuri is not about the abscence of het, it's about girls in love.
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It's over. Masaki is used goods now.
Het for itself says nothing the narrative, a girl can be in a heterosexual relationship and leave him to be in a relationship with another girl, it's the premise of many yuri series after all, but a narrative about a girl falling in love with a guy is obviously not yuri because it lacks the elements that define yuri, which is a girl in love with another girl, this is why the absence of het is not as pertinent, as it does not inherently defines the relationship of the girls as romantic in nature.
You fail to understand that subjective bullshit is not a valid argument of what belongs here
Since we can't reject and ban all subtext, the lack or presence of het is the next best objective argument
Thus, you need to stop seething about "not-yuri" "delusions"
Imagine if I started saying all Hananare fans should fuck off and that the show doesn't belong because I see it as too nonsensical and badly done in everything, including relationships to be yuri. So confusing and convoluted I legit see it as less romantic than Dungeon
>super subjective
Not as subjective as you believe to be, right now we have at least a handful of anime that aren't het nor yuri, like Rinkai and other shows that I don't remember. From my part I think that anything that is below Fantasista Doll level of subtext isn't yuri.
There is no such thing as the next bext, it's outright irrelevant as it says nothing about the relationship of the girls, yuri is not about men.
Subtext levels don't exist and can't be measured objectively
It's maintext, "subtext (shows not confirmed yuri where the girls aren't het)" and het. That's all the levels and categories
Then, do you want hetshit discussed here?
We need some objective way to separate subtext from outright hetshit. The only objective way is "the girls are not het"
If subtext levels are so objective and shit, why does everyone swear cheershit is super valid subtext and yet I see it as too conovluted and less gay than even Dungeon People (which apparently doesn't count)?
1.76m flat chested chick x 1.55m chick with huge boobs
We already have which is the narrative itself, a story about a girl and a boy in love is not yuri, but a story about a girl not in love with a boy is also not yuri.
Too bad we can't ban subtext. "narrative" is too subjective if we accept subtext. Thus we have to accept every work with girls not confirmed straight
Garloid yuri
As long as that confusing cheerleading mess that is seen as yuri, so is Dungeon People
I see it as less gay than Dungeon People
Do you want your precious cheer show banned because "not yuri"?
Give me an objective definition of yuri that includes subtext
How do we objectively tell girls are in love in shows where they say they're friends?
No, (you) accept it and then (you) get upset when others point out they can't see any implied romance there and so they can't think of those series in a yuri context.
Garfield yuri
I mean, cheertards also got upset when I can't see any romance or coherent narrative in their show
Poor john got cucked by a dyke and now he is talking to an imaginary fat cat
Is /u/ even yuri? How is yuri today?
They need to get her a gf
I am not watching the show, so maybe there isn't any at all, it's up to cheerfags to make a point as to why they believe there is yuri subtext.
I'll "point out" I ccan't see any implied romance in Madoka TV and can't see it in a yuri context
Only Rebellion has something. The TV show only has worth as a needed prequel to Rebellion
Yet some people here act like Rebellion is soulless shit cashgrab and only the non-yuri TV show is good. What are these people doing in a yuri board?
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Tarumi belongs to old women.
You're always conveniently "not watching the show" when double standards are pointed out
Kill yourself and stop inserting yourself in discussions
But according to yunico’s vague tweets this could be the gayest original anime ever !!11!!
Not everything here needs to be 100% romantic yuri, jeez. Stop being such an autist about this and let other people enjoy what they like.
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Do you like the city of Bangkok?
You belong to an old woman
Remember when some other yuri person said the same about Jelly?
Do you want me to act like you and "defend" a show I never read or watched?
There is 100% romantic, there is 10% romantic, there is 1% romantic and then you also have 0% romantic.
He's not even a consistent autist because he defends subtext that isn't 100% romantic like Madoka
I want you to shut up
I wish
Doesn't matter, a show doesn't need to have romance to be discussed here. You would know this if you weren't a newfag trying to push your retarded standards on the whole board.
There is 100% romantic, 0% romantic or outright het
You can't objectively measure anything beetween 100% and 0%
Objectively all subtexts defended here are 0% like Dungeon People
Aaaah so yuri is just friendship after all, not sure why even bring up het when girls with boyfriends or husbands can be friendsnwith each other.
If "yuri is just friendship" is what you took from my posts, then you simply don't understand what this board is about. I recommend you to go somewhere else, because /u/ will never be what you want it to be, you simply don't "get" this board and its culture, and there's no changing that, you simply don't fit in.
>oh no, this Anon is arguing with me attacking [show] I like and I'm stuck in an autistic argument for days with him
>as response I'll do the same with [other show] I don't like and the people that like it, that sure will show that other Anon and not just prolong the shitposting
Just being on /u/ and trying to enjoy something is like rolling the become-target-from-a-schizo gacha, it's amazing
I cannot objectively meansure authoral intention, but as a person with a brain I can easily tell when two girls are not acting gay with each other.
The gotcha tone of this post really betrays your trolling intentions.
So please tell us about all this yuri without any romantic intention, explicit or believed to be implied, please post the examples.
You're stupid or you aren't watching Nare Nare, the first if you're the same anon that didn't know that parkour-chan pretty much stalking that other girl it's strong enough subtext for the second episode of a show.
You can't .You just have delusions, like you claim the people who defend shows you don't like like Dungeon People do
If it's not 100% yuri, it's deludsions and there's no objective evidence otherwise
"muh brain" "muh common sense" are excuses that have no objective relevancer
hibike is more yuri than whispering
NTA bit show us a pic or something as proof that there's some yuri between the girls. A girl finding another girls hot or two girls caring at least to some Naruto/Sasuke level it's enough for me.
(you) get upset when others point out they can't see any implied romance there and so they can't think of those series in a yuri context.
>stalking , strong subtext
Making up shit because the writers can't bother giving them actual interactions or for parkour chan even a personality beyond "say 4 words per episode and then make random anime noises", I think they didn't want to pay her seiyuu too much
You can't convice me there's any gay to this nonsense. Thus why pretend there's objective ways to measure "subtext levels" is retarded
All yuri is either one or the other, me having to explain this to you further proves my point.
The hater told me to "read the manga". Since that's a valid argument, I'll tell you "watch the show". Either way, it's subjective. So you may not see what I see, and that's fine as long as you don't go full retard trying to decide objectively what belongs and doesn't like the other anon is trying to do and failing
And there is nothing wrong with you thinking like this, whether it's a delusion or not, the author will give the answer or won't.
You're a newfag or a troll. That's just standard audiovisual storytelling I even dare to say that it's just standard storytelling if you are a capable writer.
Then, you can accept it's fine to have shows you don't like here as long as they're not het and stop sperging about it and trying to act like an objective judge?
It's quite telling that the only ways you can think of relationships between female characters is either romance or friendship.
Yuri is something else entirely that can't be shoehorned into these boxes. It's a special feeling that only blooms between girls. If you can't understand this, you can't call yourself a yurifag.
No. it's substandard storytelling that conveys nothing, makes me hate every second wasted on these pointless retards and makes the show more confusing and obnoxious to watch
>Not a single example
Dungeon Meshi, happy now?.
Aaaqh yes, where the only explicit romance is a dude lusting after Fallin, like in Dungeon People.
Given that Dungeon People is out, so is Meshi
Kui made that relationship chart to make sure there's no confusion and everyone is clear
>Not knowing about the standard kuudere trope
And that's why I call you a newfag, I tend to dislike that character trope but the Nare Nare kuudere is pretty straightforward in my opinion, she obviously wants to be closer to that other girl and, for sonething that happened in episode 2, it's a promising yuri development
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Here I will even help you, point to me the series where there is no romance (implied or explicit) but this special feeling that only blooms between girls.
So straightfoward that you need to make up shit that isn't in the show itself. Maybe that is the purpsose, letting audiences make up shit and do the writer's work for them. No need to write motivations, interactions or anything else when the audience can do your work for you
Isn't that exactly what you asked for? You asked for a yuri show with no romance or implied romance and I gave you just that.
Oh anon, you can post whatever you want, but I will give my opinion on it if I think it's yuri or not based on my own personal judgment which you are not obligated to agree. Like I told you, I will call delusional anything I find delusional, if you want to call every single subtext delusional I won't stop you, if you want to look like a retard it's not my job to stop you.
>missing the point this hard
>make up shit that isn't in the show itself
You clearly didn't even watch it.
>I can describe yuri
>But I can't describe a single series that fit my description
>In the movie.
Ah, classic Kyoani
Wait you're really a autist? Sorry but that's how subtext (in the narrative sense) works, they shoe you scenes wherr things happen and you need to interpret them without the help of any type of a internal monologue.
>Shimamura and Shimamura
They already did
Lucky Star, Hidamari Sketch, Nanoha, Love Live, Granbelm, Yuuki Yuuna, Vividred, Lycoris Recoil, Yama no Susume, Saki, Shoujo Shuumatsu Ryokou, etc.
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>Obunai-san sneaks into anon's room to personally explain the story in terms for the youngest.
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>No, Obunai-san, please don't, I beg you! My head's going to explode!
The only one looking like a retard is you loudly proclaiming that you're gonna be arbitrary and follow no real objective logic, and still expect to be taken seriously
WfM was the biggest thing in years.
I watched it. Maybe the CR fuckup about the previous competition got me biased against the show because it had me too confused trying to figure out a timeline and wether MC was first or 2nd year
Subtext gives you hints or something. This is literally giving you nothing and wasting your time on pointless shit
Are you talking about the Vtuber show? As a former vtuberfag I can't trust their interactions. Their skill to make it look like actual vtuber banter gave me a uncanny valley sort of reaction wherever I watch the show. I know that they're fictional vtubers and that they meant it when they talk about having sex and romance with other girls but I can't buy it.
Her character just exists for the animators to show off. Which, good for them. but not very yuri. When watching the show itself doesn't give you any more information about the characters than sakuga clips, you've got a problem. They forgot they had to write a character and she's not a doll to show off animation
Was business yuri existing in real life also a problem for you in seiyuu radio?. It's not like Vtubers invented business yuri. Seiyuu and idols (which are the focus of Seiyuu Radio) also do it. What about any idol show in general?
Parkour-chan greets only the girl that she stalked after watching her talking with the MC. Interpret that however you want to see if you know about visual storytelling.
My problem with Seiyuu Radio was the withewashing of the idol business after showing me how fucked up idolfags can be. I'm not a idolfag so I never had a problem with idol yuri.
Show is a mess throwing 9000 things at the wall to see what sticks. Forgive me if I can't remember every single interaction and want the writers to do their work instead of making up shit to explain the nonsense interactions
Oh so not a single one of those series has anything romantic explicit or implicit? Only a vague special feeling, is that so?
Yes, not the guy talking about this series who he admits has never read or watched is yuri and the relatioships in Madoka.
Yes, actually .Objectively none of them have any more romance than Dungeon People
It's either maintext or not. And they all fall in not maintext, so any romance is subjective intepretations "delusions", not something objectively present
Well, this is the industry in general, they profit from mental illness and get upset when mentally ill people act like mentally ill people.
You're probably just a zoomer with ADHD.
I watched the first 2 episodes and they're yuri enough. Not super romantic or anything, but as long as it doesn't go het, it can be enjoyable in a dry season.
I see no objective reason to dismiss it and yet keep other subtexts like Madoka or the cheer nonsense here. All arguments against these show that protect other subtexts are arbitrary nonsense that follow no objective logic. Thus, shouldn't be taken seriously
But they have this vague special feeling that cannot be described you were talking about?
I'm someone who wants the show to focus on SOMETHING. And also some actual yuri interactions instead of "random anime kuudere noises" "runs away" and no real interaction
>but as long as it doesn't go het,
Again, your whole standard for yuri has nothing to do with women, you are just afraid of men.
Well, yes. It's what defines subtext, and separates it from maintext and hetshit
I know but you can't show me those problens and then try to convice me that those people are just a few bad apples when we know that's not the case, I can even buy the total fantsy of wotas being some sort of cannon fodder like in AKB0048 but not that other shit
So, if it goes het, it can still be yuri?
How do you define subtext in an objective way that is different from maintext and hetshit?
Nare Nare is posted because yuri related things happened, the kuudere got jealous and Anna is smooching girls but I haven't seen anything posting yuri related things about Dungeon, just like nobody posted anything about other anime with a mlstly female cast with no het until the season ended and the few anons that watched them told us that yeah, those shows didn't have a iota of yuri. Remember that even the dance betwen the "group mom and dad" from Arnsnotoria was posted here.
>yuri related things happened, the kuudere got jealous
All I can see is delusions from anyone pretending that shitty writing is gay or anything if they reject dungeon. But it's OK. Subjectivity and different opinions. This is why we shouldn't pretend there's an objective measure to this, because there isn't
Where one person sees gay, another sees nothing
>Anna is smooching girls
The "it's a greeting/typical behavior in her country" excuse. Are we going to 'pretend fucking Prisma Illya is yuri now because of the kisses?
Oh no, Teru got outed!
Are you being dense on purpose? Did you ignore everything I wrote?
I am an idolfag and I love idol yuri.
And again, you don't understand how this board views yuri.
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Who should I believe? Some Japanese randos or a dear and long-acquainted local schizo? This constant need to make choices is so tiring…
Maybe just watch it yourself and keep quiet until you form your own opinion? Come on, that's bullshit, no one on the internet does that. Tell me my opinion, am I paying for the internet for nothing?
Maybe they should've aired the first 3 episodes at once, yeah. I can only judge the first 2, and it's all "super confusing mess and bunch of characters doing nonsense",
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The fact that Dungeon don't have even that little amount of subtext tell me it's a show not worthy of my time as a yuri fan.
I don't care if you don't want to watch the show. I care if you want to push your views as ultimate objective and a way to judge what belongs here and doesn't
For me, Dungeon is more worth my time than cheershit right now. But I won't force anyone to agree unlike the people pretending there's any objectivity to this beyond "girls aren't het"
Is that a girl walrus?
Teru is a chick magnet.
My girl literally could have had hot steamy shower sex right then and there. Biggest fumble in yuri history probably.
Head full of Iko, not much space fot other girls
How is Nokotan hard to follow?
Translate that please. I don't understand what he means by Nanare being punched by yuri.
Not wanting a series that may be yuri to be het is part of enjoying yuri.
When they have some yuri report it, like we always did with similar shows, until then stop the shitposting.
Oh yes, subtext is not when there is implicit meaning in the text, it's literally some bullshit so vague it cannot be understood contradicts the definition of subtext itself.

Of course not because het is not about girl in love with another girl, it's inherently not yuri. but the lack of het does not change the nature of the relationship between girls. Rather it's just changing how you especifically feel about it. You don't really believe yuri is about girls who love each other, for you yuri is about girls who don't love men, it doesn't matter how they feel about each other, it's not about them, it's about men and how you feel about them.
>watch dungeon show
>loli has only one bed in her room
>get excited
>loli says she'll build a room for Clay
>get sad
Why is it always like this?
The ones shitposting are the people pretending there's any objectivity to this
There isn't. I don't see the PA Work cheerleading mess as yuri and I can't change the minds of fans. You don't see the dungeon show as yuri and can't change my mind. It's that simple
If I'm shitposting, so are the cheershit shills
You haven't given me a better objective definition of subtext
How is it separated from maintext and hetshit, objectively?
>sees a serial kisser and some girls reacting with jealousy to the serial kisser kissing other girls
>not yuri

>sees girls just existing
Yes, Simple
We are posting what we think are yuri scenes, you can do the same thing if you think Dungeon is yuri. That's how things work here.
I already told you, the word already has a definition, there is no discussion over what is the definition of subtext, it has existed for centuries. It's just an implicit secondary meaning in maintext, which is either something the author did intentionally or the readers believe he did, you will never be able to prove the author's intention, only the author is able to and even the author may contradict his own work if wills to. We are all telling you why we don't believe certains works have subtext and why we believe some do, it's up to you to decide if you agree or not. If you don't, then you don't.
So you agree with me this is subjective and thus there's no objecive reason to reject shows as long as they aren't het. Which was my entire argument. I don't want to convince anyone of the show being yuri. I just want people to stop acting like there's an objectivity to this beyond "the girls aren't het"
didn't read any of the last 400 posts
This is inherently of any discussion about subtext, it's like arguing an opinion is subjective, it wouldn't be an opinion otherwise. Girls are not het is just something without any inherent value to subtext discussions.
"girls are not het" is the only objective definition of subtext that separates it from both maintext and het
If girls are clearly and objectively gay, it's maintext.
But then, if you accept that, then you can accept someone seeing a show you dislike as yuri and stop trying to change that someone's mind or seeing said yuri interpretations as an attempt to change your mind and thus not valid if you can't be convinced
When we talk about anime we always had a "wait and see" approach, yes including the Dungeon and Deer cases, because the better thing to do is to judge a show for itself (Ange Vierge, Lapis Re:Lights and even Blue Reflection Ray are yuri even if the source or related material it's het) but that don't mean that every show with no het will be yuri and you would need to deal with it if that's the case
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Yuri Hime better release an artbook of Inkya gal one day.
do you like yuri, Anon?
But there isn't any objective way to say what is yuri and isn't when dealing with non-maintext non-het works (what is called subtext). It's all subjective interpretation, as seen with the cheer show
If you want an stricter objective control, we need to reject any and all subtext, including favourites like Madoka (with the exception of Rebellion. But we'd need to ban everyone saying Rebellion's a shit sequel that ruins the TV show because they're defending the non yuri show over the yuri movie) and most people here'd reject that
When a anime ends the anons that watched until the end tell us if there were yuri scenes or not and that's all.
"Girls are not het" holds as many value as saying "the sky is not purple" as far subtext is concerned, you will still have to go over the same process of reading or watching the work and reaching your own conclusions about their relationship.

I am not putting a gun in your head and telling you to do anything, A question was asked and I gave my reasoning for a work I have read, no I don't believe there is an implication of romantic interest between girls and I also believe the narrative is building up the guys as love interests for later.
If it has objective yuri scenes, it's maintext. Subtext is scenes that can be interpreted as such in non-het works that don't confirm anything.
Again, what you want is to reject subtext and most people here won't agree with that.
One again I'm calling on the mods to just ban these people. They've been doing this nonsense every single thread.
You're just stubbornly refusing to accept you agree with me. Stop it already. This is what I'm saying, we agree. Why do you keep replying?
If muh girl feelings are so crucial for subtext, then what separates subtext from maintext? Any objective romance feelings is maintext and thus disqualifies from subtext
Subtext is defined by the girls not being het. That's the key. Allowing for subjective yuri intepretation. The moment yuri feelings are spelled out and clear, it's maintext
No anon, subtext can exist in the presence of het, just like maintext. The hurdle of "feelings between girls" just gets raised higher in the presence of het needed to convince yuri fans that it's really worth it, but that's a subjective process just like every other aspect of watching chinese cartoon girls make googly eyes at each other.

Het has never stopped some yuri fans from enjoying some series before (you brought up KyouSaya from Madoka yourself, and there are KumiRei fans from Eupho even today) so claiming that no het is part of an "objective" definition of subtext is plain delusional.

Other anons are fully comfortable with all of their yuri experiences being subjective -- despite you attacking other anons for pretensions of "objectivity", you're literally no better and a complete hypocrite only clinging to the "het" line because it's a convenient justification for your random obsession with some dumb Dungeon anime.
>r random obsession with some dumb Dungeon anime.
Not worse than the random obssession with some dumb nonsensical Cheer anime tourism ad
>, subtext can exist in the presence of het, just like maintext
Thanks for proving anything you say is worthless
>treating baitphoniunm ship as valid
That's peak delusions and you lose any right to call out anyone for being obssesed with any shows or "delusional". Next, you'll say harem girls can clearly be yuri while lusting for some male MC
Arguing nonstop for several days in a row should be a bannable offense. By that point it no longer matters who's right or what the discussion is about, it's just plain shitposting. It's a sign that you care more about arguing than the topic itself, and you need a vacation to cool your head and touch some grass.
No, you can have works where the girls are not het and still not yuri, but you cannot have works where the girls are yuri and also het, those are not mutually exclusive to each other. Aside from being a very misogynistic view of yuri which turns it to be about men and not about women.
I think "as long as there's no het, it can count" is better than "anything and everything can be yuri, even ultra het stuff as long as you're delusional enough"
Tell that, to >>4254730 who claims het and yuri can coesxist
>workx that are not het and not yuri
Objectively all subtext. If there's any clear objective yuri, it becomes maintext. The reason you need interpretation is because there's no objective yuri. And the reason interpretation doesn't contradict the work is because it's not het
But I need to argue thtough ultra convoluted logic how my way of subjective interpretation is totally different from this guy's subjective interpretation.
It's not the same because I say so
I don't think he is claiming Eupho is yuri, seems to me he is just making a point people will find subtext anywhere regardless of het existing or not, as long they believe the girls actually are in love with each other. Though Eupho is the classic example of a delusion that defies common sense as the series already answered this question and the answer was "no it's not yuri, now fuck off."
SheepD said on X that she was asked by her sister to why did she choose yuri, but she couldn't answer it. So to break up the shitposting warzone, how about (you), /u/? Why yuri? It's an age old question that seems to change throughout the years.
I mean, he's still saying I'm wrong for rejecting het and that yuri subjectivity means anything and everything can be yuri, even het
I didn't choose yuri, yuri chose me.
I have good news and bad news.
It's not any less rational than you claim that anything and everything can be yuri, as long as it's not het.
How? He's saying even stuff with clear het girls lusting after males can be seen as yuri
I'm saying the intepretation is valid as long as it doesn't contradict the source (said contradiction being het).
Holy fuck
>Dungeon is not yuri because the girls could have male love interests that lust after them
>it's Ok if the girls lust after males and males lust after them back, it can still be yuri this is a rational belief
This is starting to make 0 sense.
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She keeps releasing new art so it wasn't complete anyway.
>Het has never stopped some shitposters from shitposting on /u/ with some series before
Whoa... Yuri needs me? Yuri wants me to lead to revolution...
For the billionth time, shipping is more than welcome on /u/. Acting like there's evil invaders out to destroy the board by posting interpretive yuri is just ridiculous and laughable.
Shipping is no excuse to post hetsluts from hetshit series.
You can find subtext anywhere as anyone can interpret anything any way they want, but as far as defining it as an actual yuri series is a different thing, male to female love narratives are not yuri and the only way to argue this back would be with a female to female love narrative, which subtext cannot provide, otherwise it wouldn't be subtext but maintext. Going back to Madoka, since Sayaka was moving on from the boy you can argue her narrative with the boy ended there, but if Sayaka was still trying to be with him until the end, no one would argue (with inteligence) she has feelings for Kyoko as it would contradict maintext and it would not be a yuri narrative, now if Sataya would be in love with him until the end but she ultimately decides she loves Kyoko more than it would be a yuri narrative (and Sayaka would be a real dirty bislut).

It's not, it's not what anyone with common sense would do, but as we have seen with Kumiko and Reina, people will make whatever mental gymnastics they can.
Nobody has a problem with that other than you.
Sometimes I wonder if these cyclical conversations are not just the idolspammer arguing with himself in an attempt to reach 1000 posts faster and have an excuse to spam more threads.
We discuss things from a very different perspective, we see the world in a very different way. The very fact that you have to ask this question proves you don't share that perspective or worldview at all, you see /u/ as simply some kind of yuri forum as opposed to a community with its own culture.
I'm so glad the next issue of Yuri Hime comes out in 2 days. Too bad some of the best series keep being on hiatus though...
That's literally what shipping is. If you could only post about girls from yuri series it'd just be regular old discussion.
Thanks for telling everyone you were not here in 2019 and you know jackshit about this board.
It's not something that complex or planned, just 2 groups of people with their own mental problems and refusing to accept any other point of view.
The yuri board is not a yuri forum, but a community with it's own culture
Holy schizo.
Then nobody likes yuri other than me. Unfortunate, yet true, thing to say on the yuri board
NTA but this is a very suspicious answer for a simple question
>Is this girls sucking a cock together yuri?
>The board has it's own culture...
Maybe it's time for us to ban the word culture here because I am starting to think it's some red flag
I know more than the schizo who thinks everything bad that happens to him is the work of some evil mastermind out to spite you in particular. A mastermind only you know about
You're acting like a deranged chuuni character from anime
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An underage prostitute, also a waitress at a cosplay cafe, also the bassist of an aspiring band, Naoi Sakura saves us.
Unfortunately that would require mods to give a fuck about the board, which they simply don't. Moderating /u/ is a chore for them, they don't want to engage with the board in any way more than the bare minimum of cleaning up obvious shitposts to keep appearances. Even when they do something they fuck it up by doing retarded shit like nuking entire threads instead of simply banning the offending trolls to send a message.
This isn't even exclusive to /u/, mods across 4chan seem to be actively hate this site and make it a worse place.
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It's almost like mods are just feds haha
Yeah, dude, you keep proudly showing off you newfag badge. Tell me when your posting anniversary is.
Who is "we" and who gave you the authority?
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I'm a zoomer living in Eastern Europe, most of the people I knew during my childhood were catholics. I used to consider homosexuals to be 'icky' as a teen because of their influence, so I avoided yuri when I first got into anime/manga. One day, I saw someone praising YagaKimi on the internet, and decided to make an exception and read it. I instantly fell in love with the manga and yuri in general, it unironically cured my homophobia.
Is KyouKano on break again?
I'm going to be so annoyed if Kuwabara really names her Sakura after withholding her name for so long. I'm really hoping it's Hikari or something to do with light, to contrast the Kuro eraser from chapter one.
Obviously I ignored the retarded strawman part of your post.
If you don't understand what /u/ culture is, stop posting and lurk moar (not on the general, on threads that actually post yuri).
How dare anons in the yuri board discuss yuri!
You're just showing you're an schizo if you think hundreds of posts you don't like can be a single person you hate speaking to himself
Cool, why don't you leave then? What keeps you here when you clearly hate it?
Shipping is yuri too.
Oh, I understand very well what culture means here, gender bending, futanari, ffm and so on.
I think cosplay waitress is the most likely. Purely because Kuwabara will likely use it as a kink setup for Naoi to wear cat ears and a maid outfit and be punished for being a naughty kitty by Kurumi.
>who is we
People who actually care about yuri and don't want to see excuses to post clear hetshit
>who gave you that authority
No one unfortunately. So it seems the place will keep getting worse until we're discussing how the girls of "I reincarnated as the harem hero with my slave harem who all love to fuck me" are actually yuri
You get what you pay for, after all.
Who do you think this guy is?
Not with hetshit
Shipping is fanfiction, fanart and the dinamic of a relationship at worst, if none of those things exist they have no place here. I have a Shana/Kasumi fanfic (yes I know it's a crackship) but the general is no place to discuss it.
I don't know. I don't care. He's not me. People that aren'pt him can make posts you hate. Deal with it
Damn, at this point it's a de facto bi-monthly manga.
That's your opinion, and it's far from universal. Shipping has historically been one of /u/'s pillars (or the yuri fanbase in general really), if you disagree you can keep it to yourself or fuck off, you are not changing the way this board is.
I'm not accusing you of being him, just wanted to know if you knew him to determine how new you are.
Answer clearly and without lying: were you in these general threads during the year 2019?
I see we got a detective here lol
It makes my heart go kyun, simple as.
Why, so you can keep shitposting?
>Why the fuck do you think this board has a rule that forbids posting images of males?
Because this board exists to dump yuri pictures, and this rule makes it clear that bisexual images do not fall into tha category. That's the only reason, anything regarding discussion is irrelevant.
Again shipping is the act of shipping that means fanart, fanfiction and maybe something about the dinamics of the relationship of 2 female characters. Fanart gets posted here, fanfics have their thread and dinamics have their place in other threads (mostly the yuri in non-yuri manga/anime or the shonen thread because shonen girls are the ones that are shipped)
Why would I wanna remember the conflict beetween 2 schizos 5 years ago?. You and your enemy are not so important. All I remember is one of the 2 posting hetshit and poor gore edits to own his enemy- I think one of the images had Digimon girls?
Why do you care so much about what gets posted to /u/?
So, personal interpretation of girls of said bisexual image can't be yuri why?
Isn't the claim that board culture is any and all girls can be interpreted as yuri, no matter how het?. Now girl in bisexual threesome images don't count? Why don't they count? Think about it
Then why can't images with males be posted in /u/?
Why don't you?
Because interpretation or whatever doesn't apply to pictures. The rule is simply, if there's a male involved, it gets deleted. It's not about it being yuri or not, it simply breaks a fundamental rule.
The same does not apply to shipping girls, there is no rule about it and we've been doing it for ages. Character sexuality is irrelevant for shipping. Hell, all canon aspects are ultimately irrelevant for shipping, this is a very basic aspect of shipping you should understand.
> if there's a male involved, it gets deleted. It's not about it being yuri or not, it simply breaks a fundamental rule.
And why is that a fundamental rule in the yuri board?
Because this is an imageboard, things are judged purely on the content of the image, and the same can't be applied to abstract concepts like entire series or pairings.
I've noticed a trend that popular artists that sell well tend to take more breaks. It's like not needing to worry about money demotivates their drive to work.
See >>4254822
This is a porn board first and foremost. We split off from /h/ specifically so there could be a place to post yuri images with no males.
And why is the contents of the image against rules?
To make life easier for the jannies who don't want to have to figure out every time whether it's an obsessive "cute and canon" shitposting or an innocent panel from a manga or a shot from an anime where a male character is just present, of course.
Because there's a male in it.
Why was the split needed if males aren't an obstacle to yuri. If girls fucking males can be interpreted as yuri? Why did people want a place to post images with no males? It¡s almost like they saw that hetshit is indeed not yuri and girls fucking males can't be interpreted as yuri
Because I'm not autistic and I know to let other people enjoy what they like even if I'm not into it.
Now you aswer, why do you act like police and backseat mod for a board you've been in for so little?
I don't think there is anyone who could fit this definition on YH outside of Namori, I could understand authors with anime taking breaks because they usually are involved one way or another, anyone else probably has an actual job which they may have to prioritize now that burgers fucked the world's economy
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So basically you let people post het, ffm and futa. If you don't post those yourself.
Citrus+ is almost always on break anymore after Citrus blew up like it did. Yuri Is My Job's mangaka wouldn't be able to afford months long mental health rest break if money was an issue. KyouKano's mangaka has also started taking more frequent breaks once the manga started really taking off etc.
You have a backwards understanding of this board. The culture was born as a result of the rules, not the other way around. You're making big mistake by trying to retroactively explain the rules from the current culture.
Whether something is yuri or not is irrelevant to the rules, the rules only exist to ensure this a board where yuri images are posted and yuri can be discussed, and by yuri they mean all forms of yuri, including shipping.
>It's just a containment thread bro
We are now on the third containment thread for offtopic content on the catalog
No anon, I'm just pointing out that your argument is both unpersuasive and incoherent.

On the one hand, you're trying to convince anons who have actual standards and are busy following worthwhile yuri content that your shilling for a random non-het series is worth our attention (and which you can't even post any shipfuel for, deliberately ignoring available sources and arguing purely on the basis of hypotheticals).

On the other, you're throwing up bad faith hysterical strawmans to try to establish your own arbitrary standard for excluding discussion about well-established /u/ material (e.g. KyouSaya).

In the end, you're just an autistic retard spamming the board with kneejerk drivel. You cry about "critics" and "objectivity" when you're the minority, but are happy to apply the same behaviour to stuff you don't care about, and hypocritically appeal to groupthink mentality (using "we" like you represent the board).

It's your ADHD mental problems and inferiority complex which leads you to attacking one of the few original yuri anime which IS worth getting the board universally hyped for, a relationship-focused maintext yuri which one of the writers claimed could make up for the G-Witch controversy, and instead decide to obsess over a random "non-het" series that no other yuri fan even cares about.
Answer the question.
If one of those forms was hetshit, then there wouldn't be any need to ban males
Males and girls lusting after them are not yuri and the rules reflect that
Why post offtopic content? Why does an offtopic containment thread even exist?

The question being why people care about the board, and why should people post on topic things, and shouldn't post off topic things?
>You are just mixing all anons you dislike into the same one
After everything I've read in this thread, I can confidently say no, it really is one guy, he has confirmed every allegation and used all of his catcphrases just today.
When Citrus started the magazine wasn't monthly and the series remained bimonthly. Citrus+ was never consistent. Watayuri usually has more pages than most series. so taking a break isn't that much of a deal. there isn't any data suggesting Kyoukano is doing that well.
Why do YOU care about the board? What's your connection with this board? What do you gain from policing what is or is not on-topic for it?
A picture with a male in it is het. A yuri picture of two girls from a het series is not.
Why don't you?
Obvious samefag.
Now you answer.
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Obvious butthurt
>On the one hand, you're trying to convince anons who have actual standards and are busy following worthwhile yuri content that your shilling for a random non-het series is worth our attention (and which you can't even post any shipfuel for, deliberately ignoring available sources and arguing purely on the basis of hypotheticals).
I already said I wasn't trying to convince anyone.
>On the other, you're throwing up bad faith hysterical strawmans to try to establish your own arbitrary standard for excluding discussion about well-established /u/ material (e.g. KyouSaya).
I was pointing out hypocrisy and double standards. I've no problem with KyouSaya if you allow for interpretation of any non-het show. Otherwise, it's hypocritical and arbitrary to pretend there's an objective way to tell which non-het shows are subtext and which are delusions
>It's your ADHD mental problems and inferiority complex which leads you to attacking one of the few original yuri anime which IS worth getting the board universally hyped for, a relationship-focused maintext yuri which one of the writers claimed could make up for the G-Witch controversy
Incredible how you fell for empty marketing right after the jelly fiasco (wasn't some yuri person, Teren or whoever, hyping it up as super ultra yuri?)
I'm not trusting a writer that can't even write a coherent show. Also, marketing like that is common. Aldnoah Zero staff also said it'd surpass Gundam and they ended up exposed as hacks
>and instead decide to obsess over a random "non-het" series that no other yuri fan even cares about.
How many people care about a show is not an objective argument for anything
More people gave a fuck about GBC than they did Sasakoi anime. Is GBC gayer than Sasakoi anime then? Only a deranged retard'd claim so
Then a show with a male that girls lust after is not yuri and thus people claiming it is need to fuck off
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What were our favorite things again... Fries...? And yuri?
Answer the question.
Whether the show itself is yuri or not is irrelevant, the only thing that matters is what parts of it are discussed and posted here.
I really hope her job's interesting, because it's been brought up a ton in the recent chapters. We still don't know what it is after all of this time, just that she was grossed out by her dad showing up where she works.
That was the answer.
If you refuse to answer then I have no reason to believe any of your concern is genuine, and all the reason to believe you're just stealthly trolling.
What do you gain from posting non yuri shit on the yuri board? What connection, other than shitposting, do you have with the board? Why are you so surprised that people wanting to discuss a topic on a place specifically designed for that topic don't like when something that is not that topic is discussed?
>there isn't any data suggesting Kyoukano is doing that well
I'm just going to take this chance to say that volumes 1, 2 and 3 of KyoKano got another reprint.
Also volume 5 will be released this month so we'll have the usual extra chapter.
You want me to justify why do I not post het, futa or ffm on /u/? Because this is the yuri board.
>I was pointing out hypocrisy and double standards
Literally the same point can be applied to you regarding "non-het". KyouSaya and KumiRei are sliding points on a scale. Both involve some degree of het, and both objectively do involve "girls who have feelings about other girls" (contrary to your strawman here >>4254749).

Your declaration that KyouSaya is okay but KumiRei is automatically trolling is nothing but arbitrary hypocrisy. The truth is that if you're not autistic, you can tell when people are discussing yuri with you in good faith, without any "objective" line beyond which you have to automatically chimp out at them.

Yuri is fundamentally subjective. Het does play a factor in people's perception of yuri, but there's no universal "objective" rule about if or how much het disqualifies it.
>girls who have feelings about other girls"
Said feelings being friendship. Otherwise Madoka'd be maintext and Hetphonium wouldn't be het
I never said KyouSaya is OK. But it's too late to kick delusional KyouSaya tards out,. But just because these delusional parasites are there, it doesn'tmmean I accept them
>but there's no universal "objective" rule about if or how much het disqualifies it.
Then your arguments against Dungeon People are irrelevant. Not that I care about that show anymore. Non-yuri trash like cheershit, GBC, Jelly, Madoka and everything that isn't maintext
Girls' feelings do matter after all,. So, hetshit? subtext shit? not yuri
i think i hate this general
It's an indication it's doing better than expected, but I doubt it's pulling numbers close to the big titles.
>here's why a widely celebrated type of yuri is actually trash and it shouldn't be posted here

Mask status: off.
Girls feelings matter. Not being het is not the only thing needed for yuri. Maintext is the only stories where the girls feelings are yuri
In subtext, in all of them they're friendship non yuri shit
Accepting your trash has led to hetshitters now demanding that delusions about het girls are yuri
Fuck off. Only maintext is yuri. I have been convinced and turned into a maintext die-hard
>Sasakoi (and maybe Seiyuu Radio) was the only yuri last season
GBC had a romantic confession.

>Vtuber Legend is the only yuri this season
Also Nokotan
Did it not cross your mind that the people presenting you with those arguments could be different anons? Like I pointed out multiple times, I only joined this conversation because you were being a two-faced hypocrite.

I don't care if you post about Dungeon whatever because I'm only planning to follow one anime this season (NareNare) regardless of yuri levels. I don't particular agree with the other anon either, but only one of you were acting like a hysterical retard.
Well, I have rejected my hypocrisy. Now I'll be a consistent maintext militant
Thus, fuck off with that non-yuri friendship tourism ad. You don't belong. Go watch real yuri like Vtuber Legend or maybe Nokotan
I could be your frog, anon. Together we wouldn't be so cold and lonely.
Me too. Bring back the corporals and lieutenants.
>Yuri Bear Storm is the acid version of Madoka Magica
>Shikanoko is the comedy version of Yuri Bear Storm
Where will this chain of inspiration go next?
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All the time you waste shitposting here could have been put to better use by reading yuri.
Shikanoko is just lesbian Kill Me Baby.
I actually read all the yuri already...
Mein Führerin... they made more yuri...
>Posting males
The following will stay here: Sal Jiang, Iori Miyazawa and Saburouta...
Because it generally requires at least one of the girls to have agency as a character. Hence why I'm not fond of double uselessbian stories.

>not Jin Takemiya

Fake fan
Has anyone ever read Kuwabara's Oneshot, The Annoying Regular at My Part-Time Job?

It's about a failed mangaka who gets a job as a waitress at a cafe. She's annoyed by a female customer who happens to be a more successful manga artist (who draws yuri manga) than herself. But the customer seems to be having trouble with inspiration recently.

The waitress starts off as having a crush on her male co-worker and the female customer annoys her by pointing it out. Then later on it's revealed the male co-worker has a crush on the female customer and they exchange contact info. It pisses the waitress off. However, the female customer never calls him, so it's likely she only did it to get a rise out of the waitress.

Over time, the waitress becomes more and more focused on and annoyed by the female customer to the point she basically forgets about the guy altogether. Turns out the customer used the waitress' likeness in her latest manga without her permission. She saw her as a muse and had been observing her the entire time. But the waitress views it as the customer trying to make a fool of her.

Eventually the waitress pours hot coffee on the customer, and getting no reaction from that, she kisses her too. After this, they part ways for some time as the waitress was fired for attacking a customer. Timeskip to them having an awkward meetup where it turns out they're working together on an upcoming manga project, because the waitress was inspired to get back into manga again. The end.

Does this sound like a good manga /u/?
>The waitress starts off as having a crush on her male co-worker
>Does this sound like a good manga /u/?
Fact Kuwabara did aikatsu yuri doujins
Kuwabara likes using men for drama. Isanuma is another example. Either her seeming seething hatred for Kurumi is actually love, or she'll fall for some other girl eventually, possibly Azuma when she quits being a doormat.
But the guy gets btfo and yuri wins.
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Kuwabara loves violence. Here's a woman giving another woman a bloody hicky in a dark, disgusting alley while the woman begs her to stop and can't stop her because she's too physically strong. Then the victim tells the woman to die.
>she's selling a photobook of herself in maid outfit
More female yuri mangaka should do this.
If there was a yuri news thread where it got one post a month about a new announcement I would be there instead.
slow burn romance?
Looks gay, too.
This bitch really said -_-
i had a dream today where yuri espoir got an anime adaptation, which is weird, because i only read the first volume like a year ago
Yeah I'm interested to see Manio and Kashikaze in maid outfits.

Idk how'd I handle that, its too menhara for the general yuri crowd but has too many SOL moments for the kitakawa crowd

More importantly I want more chapters!
Here's a menhera short from Kuwabara about a girl and her new "pet" kitty.


Another masterpiece!
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Yes, truly Kuwabara revolutionalized menhera. Here's a panel of a girl stomping on the back of another girl's head.
I find it funny that most readers are only aware of Kuwabara's tame works on mangadex etc., while most of the messed up stuff is basically uknown.

- Bloody hickeys
- Non-consensual hickeys in dark, gross alleys
- Stomping on the other person
- Coercing the other person into cutting their hair
- Throwing hot coffee on the other person
- Pet play and keeping the other person as a sex slave against their will

Since ZenKowa is likely meant to bank on KitaKawa, these elements could come into play. Kuwabara seems to have a thing for women with sharp, vampire-like teeth that can draw blood.

Very based of him!


Absolutely based
Trying way too hard.
Bases on what?
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Still the best anime original

What? I'm a bottom and like to be bit


Why yuri of course!
I think many readers miss the point of ZenKowa. Yeah, Naoi's gotten less bitter as time went on, but her observations of truths other characters don't want to admit is her main role. Kurumi still hasn't fully snapped. Naoi's role here is likely to keep pushing until Kurumi has the epiphany she needs to finish breaking her attachment to her good girl persona.

Though Isanuma getting caught with the teacher might be the straw that breaks the camel's back and has Kurumi embrace her dark side and decide to release a video of it.

But the main takeaway is that Naoi's here to finish Kurumi's spiral, not that Kurumi needs to show Naoi how much integrity she has, because it was largely false integrity from the start.
Naoi just wants pussy, the only thing Kuwabara is thinking is how this dyke is gay.
Naoi's goal isn't sex here, she just saw through Kurumi's lie about not wanting something in return. Naoi is actually really angry at Kurumi for her stunt with her dad, in fact she almost ditched Kurumi before deciding to take her to bandage her face. It's why the "halt" sfx near Naoi's foot was included in that scene.
Yeah, she wants pussy in return
And yet Kurumi could still remain in denial and refuse.

The funny thing would be if it's a fakeout where in chapter 14 they don't do it, but after a bit more stress (Isanuma and the teacher) Kurumi flips and then they do it in chapter 15 instead.
Kuwabara only draws fake menhera.
You mean because none of them actually have tragic endings due to Kuwabara's soft side?
Depends what you consider a tragic ending.
I'm curious, is there any yuri series that has been translated to Spanish but not English?
Yeah, giving your characters any motivation other than "I'm going to act like a psychotic bitch just because" and playing big literature by spending the first dozen chapters on setting up and creating a psychological portrait of the characters is clearly not what an audience holding their breath for vomit and an endless cycle of cheating needs.
But that's okay, Sensei will get first after vol. 3 axe and will be smarter from now on.
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We need more chuunibyou yuri. the closest i can think of is 'The Witch, The Broom, and The Black-rimmed Glasses', but most of the chuuni stuff in that is in a flashback
I'm finally catching up on last season (starting with Sasakoi), what was the verdict on Shuumatsu Train and Seiyuu Radio in the end? Nothingburgers?
Seiyuu Radio has always been and will always be yuri.
seiyuu radio was good, but it had a few moments where it felt like it was trying too hard to be dramatic but just came off as really dumb (like the challenge in episode 7, or the over-the-top bully), but i enjoy the characters and the theres plenty of yuri to work with.
I havent finished shuumatsu train yet, but it was okay from what i watched, and i heard the ending was nice.

sasakoi however is unfinished, i wouldnt bother watching till they at least release the final episodes
pretty unlikely since there aren't many Spanish speakers who know Japanese. However, there are plenty of stuff that's only available in Chinese or Vietnamese
There's actually plenty of manga whose Spanish translations are faster than the English ones (I guess because of lack of usual scanlator drama and attention-whoring), that's why I asked.
Shuumatsu Train is goggleable. It's fun but not very memorable.
Seiyuu Radio is rival yuri, though the visual direction is pretty subpar.
Emphasis on direction and not budget.
Who thought those snoots looked good?
>Pet play and keeping the other person as a sex slave against their will
Where? I need stuff like this
Seyuu Radio is very gay but also very uncomitted to it, it's one of those series the author could literally have the girls making out in any scene and it wouldn't feel out of place, but it always falls short of putting this in actual words or actions, aside from sexual harassing.
ZenKowa largely blames the adults for the childfren's problems. Kurumi's messed up because her parents suck. Naoi's messed up because her parents suck. Kokoro's parents just want to tune her issues out and pretend they don't exist. And Isanuma and the others almost certainly have shitty parents too.

Let's go back a generation. Kurumi's mother is likely messed up because her mother is the same pretend nothing's wrong type like Kokoro's mother is. Based on the phone call her granddaughter suspciously losing her phone didn't ring any alarm bells apparently. And Kurumi's mom being "like usual" most likely meant she's having a meltdown that grandma wants to pretend isn't happening so Kurumi assumed she was abandoned. And who knows, maybe the teacher's parents made him become a teacher even if he hates the profession.

Also, having insight into a character's mind doesn't change their actions. Yes, Kokoro's mental deteroriation is interesting to see, but it doesn't change how she'll act in the end. And Kuwabara almost seemed to gloat at people assuming she was just a typical heroine type while not realizing the plan for her character.
I think anon was talking about >>4255006 where the crazy girl was holding the other girl hostage, dressed her like a cat, and treated her like one. She licked her and stuff too, so sex slave is implied.
Kuwabara has some interesting story ideas. A yuri story where a woman goes back in time and hooks up with her female ancestor. (Reminds me of that Futurama episode) Anyway, the woman who went back in time got amnesia and her ancestor takes her in like a stray cat. Since the future woman doesn't remember her name, her ancestor names her after a cat she used to own.

>She carried her to her room and when she woke up, she started throwing up (that's the worst). She lent her a T-shirt and tried to talk to her but she said she had no memory of it and laughed (that's the worst).
The woman being from the future was a commenter's theory, because the woman apparently didn't remember even her own name, so the woman who took her in had to name her.
Both are nothing burgers that will never commit to anything
And people say Kuwabara isn't original...

The fun drama would be finding out the amnesiac is already married or something.
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Do chuunis actually exist nowadays or is it like the delinquent stereotype in manga? Where they were some odd cultural fixation from the 80s/90s but thanks to crackdowns they're basically nonexistent or not the tens-of-thousands-large gangs they were at their apex, and that's why their media portrayal is always some wrong-time-period pastiche where the girls have long ass skirts and souvenir jackets and constantly threatening people with balisongs, and the guys are running around with pompadours and riding ostentatious ass motorcycles?

But like chuunis would be for the late 90s-00s? Do you see this shit existing in the post-web 2.0 age? Feels like there's never been anything besides the stereotype of "muh sealed power in muh convenience store medical eyepatch" that's existed fucking forever.

I feel like chuuni yuri would be like if there was a yuri manga about hip-hop but it's a bunch of Japanese gen alpha girls who only constantly reference late 80s/early 90s gangsta rap and early 90s hood films but there's also the incongruity of contemporary technology like smartphones, social media, etc.
Yeah typing out and reading it I just realized I described green manga but now it's with rap music.
According to VNDB 月明りのラズベリィ~つんデれII~is apparently translated to Spanish but not English

Go learn French. They're mega weebs and sometimes translate stuff faster.
>yuri manga about hip-hop
catcher in the rhyme?
All the potential chuuni girls got eaten up by social media and now they're brainrotted zoomers. Very tragic...
I think chuuni is more associated with the shounen 2deep4u fantasy type of media, Fate/Stay night is a classic chuunige for example.
I feel like the real 2020s chuuni manga would be a yuri manga about a high school girl who has a secret double life as a popular vtuber but also struggles to turn off her online persona so she'll refer to her "lore" and snap at random people like she's playing an online game and have to apologize for screaming racial slurs at small children in a McDonald's.
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Jesus christ we're deep into summer now ain't we
Chuuni girl who tries to act like Shizuma-sama IRL, but fails miserably all the time.
There's a bunch of yuri gag manga that's
>Shizuma-samamaxxing school idol
>but she's actually a pathetic retard behind the scenes and only one girl is privy to it

We're just stapling the chuuni angle to it and adding more failure.
they're not wrong tho
Zenkowa ended in 10 chappies
Pretty good read
it ended already? lol, some people here tried hard to make it the next kitakawa and it wasn't nearly as exciting
Does anyone know of a smutty yuri manga that has an official english physical release?
I'm looking for a present to give to someone.

Gushing over magical girls has one
Why is everything ending? Is there a yuri rapture going on or something...
new mangas take their place retard
No it doesn't. Digital only.
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I feel like I missed an explanation in Princess principal. Why would Mary be next in line to the throne and not Charlotte?
Also, it never delivered, and the only explicit romance is het.
Whatever, we're used to it, let's move on to the next one.
It's for the best it got the axe.
Even if you knew, would you remember the answer by the time the next movie comes out?
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The next episode of Nanare is written by Yuniko and it will finally make sense to the anon. Or not.
...Because her parents were born earlier? I don't get what needs an 'explanation' here in the first place, unless there's some specific plot detail implying she should be later that I'm forgetting.
Oh ok. I thought they were sisters
I wish I knew moonspeak.
No tusks, so yes.
Looks like it's going to be a good one. Seems like we will get a flashback to when parkour girl met Shion and fell in love with her at first sight.
Why don't Ange and Princess just kill everyone, adopt Mary, establish a democratic government, then retire after Dorothy becomes president so they can live in peace together?
Are they dumb??
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I've been watching a bunch of girl band lives lately and I find it amusing to decide which members are tops, bottoms, or such bottoms that they need to ask permission to use the bathroom. It's a little bit bizarre though when they affect a tough persona onstage but still do that extremely feminine Japanese thing of waving both hands in the air super quickly at the end of the show.
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Whoever says that is a hetfag, like this one: >>4255121

Each one has its own thing in a different way, the big difference is that Seiyuu Radio is an adaptation that will possibly never get a second season and Shuumatsu Train is a fun ride (get it?) more romantic than you might expect but much more can be done (if you change the MC for a boy, no one would doubt the romance)
>>I guess because of lack of usual scanlator drama and attention-whoring
That would make sense, if you have a fandom more concerned with bringing more content instead of being idiots who think they are better than the rest, it is natural that that would end up happening.
Then why all the plot of making Charlotte the queen if she was never in the sucession line to begin with?
Anon, what the fuck are you talking about? Mary was second in line, Princess was fourth in line. What is confusing here?
So three thirds of Albion's GDP will never be allocated to iPS cell research?

>Mary was second in line
I didn't vote for her!
What did sensei mean by this?
She wants to take Koshi's innocence.
Always have to double check that I didn't click on /a/ when anons start talking about Kuwabara.
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Someone won a tankobon autographed by some obscure mangaka. Very cute drawings, I wish this mangaka was better known on /u/.
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Kabocha said on twitter that disturbing kids when they're studying is bad.
Manio said on twitter that drawing line art drives her crazy, that she wants to delete her account but won't because it gives her an edge in talks with other creators, that she was never interested in even drawing manga as a hobby and really doesn't want to draw manga, and that every Kitakawa reprint lets her survive a little longer.
I find it funny that at first Kuwabara compared Kurumi to a mouse, but after some character development Kuwabara's been drawing Kurumi as a dog recently.
Both are just worthless scraps, your time is better used reading some other yuri series
Oh no it's foreshadowing Naoi will lose an eye and become a pirate!
really doubt it, if she hates drawing that much then she wouldn't choose to become a mangaka. It takes a lot of time and dedication to become a professional mangaka and since most mangaka are poor, parents won't force their children to choose this path
Unfortunately, the only way to save the world from new manioshit is to systematically buy up ktkw volumes after every reprint. The whole world is being held hostage, but there's nothing to be done about it.
It seems to me she likes drawing, not drawing manga, those are very different things, she should try becoming just an illustrator, though losing schedules in this case is basically killing your career...
She could do oneshots, or try to push to have Kitakawa animated. Maybe with an original ending where they do go through the murder-suicide, but survive.
She did on oneshot recently, but it was het.
>but survive.
I'm actually excited about ZenKowa this month just because them going to the hotel was foreshadowed in the volume 1 bonus chapter. Meaning it's likely a significant turning point in the story.

Also, Kokoro knocking the glass off the table last chapter is based on a Japanese supterstition. In Japanese culture, there is a belief that when something breaks while you are thinking about someone else, it can be an ominous sign or a bad omen related to that person or relationship. This superstition is rooted in the idea that the breaking of an object symbolizes a break or disturbance in the relationship or connection with the person you are thinking about.
Anyways, what happened to Nakatani Nio? The shota manga ended in 2021 but I've found nothing since.
Though it's a bit sad that we've seen established yuri authors moved to het but no established het author has moved to yuri
I've seen no reason to believe that manga of hers was het. No one has provided a summary for it, or even a name.
>Who is Iruma who even had het animes
If Manio manages to not die of starvation just by reprints, then Nakatani even more so.
The shota manga (which isn't really shota, because the love interest of his is of the same age) started in 2021 and ended last year with 4 volumes. Whether she has interest in doing yuri again or not is to be seen, but careerwise this proved to be a dumb move, most authors never have the popularity she had or the established base of consumers she had and she tried her luck in a very competitive market where her previous works have little to zero influence.
She just needs to collaborate with Be-Con to make Isekai Kitakawa and set it in the same universe as Onee-sama Giant.
Basically, Kokoro got 25% of the focus of chapter 13 just so it could foreshadow her relationship with Kurumi worsening soon.
>Anon-chan, why didn't you do your algebra homework? You're literally in middle school.
>I was too busy having sex with my JD girlfriend to do it.
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>Also, it never delivered, and the only explicit romance is het.
>Whatever, we're used to it, let's move on to the next one.
I'm not "used to it" in manga since the overwhelming majority of manga I read is only yuri, but I've dropped Zenkowa because I thought it was garbage and guess what? It ended like a pile of shit in the ground

It's garbage, just like Kitakawa, funny how this always happens.
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>that missing horn
I'm thinking of mangaka but yeah Iruma is a rare exception.
I'm really hoping Aka Akasaka would do some yuri after OnK is done but that's just a pipe dream.
The only thing I found was on a webpage of involuntary comedy and apparently she drank the "woke" Kool-aid and did a manga about dissabilities? Or something like that and flopped because obviously the market segment she gained with Yagakimi was the yuri niche and maybe a chunk of the romance segment (outside of the yuri niche) and none of them care about things like her new manga.
Aka will never do it because the magazines he publishes won't do yuri and so it's basically asking him to just make less money. He already had a work simultaneous to ONK that flopped very hard.
>Aka Akasaka
Hope not. His writing is trash.
You’re on a board that only discusses gay women and you’re calling things woke are you actually retarded, the right hate gays and hate women even more they shouldn’t even be mentioned
More like the audience he writes for is trash and so he just gave up.

Retards like him don't care, I get that this is 4chin but this is litterally the pro woman romance board

Especially when you consider that being a fan of this genre also makes you "woke." Get over your culture war bullshit
Why do you think that word is in quotation marks? From what I've read some people told her that the yuri crowd was the same as that other crowd so she ruined her chances to use Yagakimi's success to become a established mangaka.
Is WYJ really that anti yuri? I don't think we have any precedent to say that
nah he can be a hack but he can write interesting romance and his girls are cute so who cares
They have their own audiences, they know what is popular with them and what is worth investing, it's not the case of not being able to profit from yuri, but it's just enough for them.

>nah he can be a hack but he can write interesting romance
He stopped midway into Kaguya of doing so, he got divorced and basically said he was too butthurt to keep writing like that, OSNK is just a pathetic harem and his other series was really really bad.
>and his girls are cute so who cares
He is only writing now, he said he doesn't want to draw anymore.
Nah modern chuunis exist but they're just posers. None of them have ever had to deal with the utter apocalyptic dread that they're an utterly normal teenager and concocted insane delusions to compose something of an inner life.
They just show up in an eyepatch and talk about hidden powers and that their uncle works at Nintendo. None of them were ever in the trenches.
I was talking only about market niches and segments, not about your retarded burguer politics. It's a fact that those groups aren't a real market segment (they don't value their entertainment on a similar way, ie we value more a manga with GL than one without GL but with BL) so thinking that you can market the same manga to us, fujos and other real niches in the same way (or even if there's any point of trying to sell it to us in the first place) so buying that bullshit it's a recipe for failure, that was my entire point.
They didn't though, the magazine she published Yagakimi is a yuri magazine, it's a shonen magazine. And she just published another story for the shonen audience.
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>He is only writing now, he said he doesn't want to draw anymore.
that's suck then, I like his designs.
KanaKane was meant to be. I don't even read or watch OnK but I love the ship
It had fights, sports or even mecha? The last thing I knew was that she wrote a time traveling sci-fi more suited for a seinen magazine but the real problem of Natakani as a mangaka was to jump from a yuri romance to a bland "shonen" manga, even doing a edgeshit or even a gore manga were a better way to break their image as a yuri mangaka.
The first two English volumes are on nyaa, the other two aren't out yet: https://nyaa.si/view/1822346
They told me to watch Deer Girl.
>Watched the second eoisode of the Deer Girl anime.
>They gave the MC two options, pseud bestality or incest
>She didn't choose so she now belongs to a Deer girl and to her sister.
It was fun.
Maybe the artist fucked it up but that seems to be more like humping instead of the other option
It's not a shota manga in that it has romance with a shota, he's just the main character. And most of all it's just pretty bland, the concept feels like Shimeji Shimulation without any of the charm. Unsurprising that it wasn't successful.
He isn't the artist of OSNK
Battle manga, fantasy, action, adventure, not sure about mecha, and so on... they also did a lot of romances, yuri and SOL stuff too, it's a very mixed magazine that keeps experimenting with different stuff.

As far the magazine concerned this isn't an issue, as it would fit with their audience, the issue is that Yagakimi was popular with audiences outside of the magazine and they obviously won't follow her to non yuri works.
>conspiracy theories
Ah yes, but when I say that the lizard people are among us seducing our princesses I get called a loony.
Can you retards shut the fuck up? We the rest of the world don't give a fuck if you Americans are on the left, right, up, down or underground.
And deer girls seducing JKs also mascot-like creatures manufacturing a good vs evil fight to profit from magical girl merchandise.

You're on a NSFW board, you don't get to get on your high horse

Idk why you're here if you want fags to be up against a wall
I would like Mahoako more if Alice and Sulfur were focused on a bit more

You're right, let's talk about Manio instead
Is there anything that can surprise us in the next seasons? Right now I'm only hoping for more yuri monents in the S2 of Slime Taoshite.

You mean Magenta?
Nope, I do mean Sulfur. She's underused, but not nearly as much as Alice.
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Fried bunny having the time of her life.
>the /pol/tard is a snarky Maniohater
I am once again justified in being a Manio fan.

No Manio is fine, just think it's a default for this board to shit talk her

Oh in that case, definitely

But when it gets back up and running it'll be Roboko for a few chapters
It's funny because "author mad at drama adaption" actually became a news on some news sites.
Everyone just reacts the same
>It's just one of them kirara dykes at it again
I'm happy she gets to enjoy an anime and live action adaptations one after the other, she deserves it.
I get the impression some authors are just happy to interact with cute actresses and looking at them play lesbians.
About lesbians, by lesbians, for lesbians, WITH lesbians!
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I'm more interested in Arata Iri.
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I can't decide whether this general or the yuri game thread is more autistic.
People that like yuri are legit from all over the place from the politic (and autistic) spectrum, it's why we tend to avoid talking about politics, tostop having too much autism
With all the doomposting to bring you down, always remember, that no matter what you think about yuri being popular or not, in the end we have the strongest allies in otaku culture, sexy cosplay girls
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>I like his designs.
>He isn't the artist of OSNK
Are the mods jerking off or something? I've been reporting this bullshit here and in the HBR thread for the last hour o so, and it's still up.
What's wrong with HBR?

Some guy is being a huge homophobe and keeps calling for gays to get camped
Will she survive this scene?
Why are Magic star subs screwy? A lot of them show up above the older speech instead of below it...
MagicStar is not a subber, they only rip subs as they are in the original source. The timing is just poorly made in the official subs, and it's not only this drama but all drama in general. It's already a good thing they don't read bottom to up like the AyaHiro's ones.
Isn't this Raimon too girly looking?
There should be way more yuri harems.
Wasn't that some of the things that the mangaka got mad about? Or at least that was how I interpreted the video without knowing any real japanese.
I'm trying to read them bottom up because I'm too tired to try to fix them. But holy shit does it make me dizzy
Isn't Darkness from a male MC harem anime? Or am I getting the character wrong?
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Does anyone remember the name of that Chinese manga that's about a writer who becomes roommates with some hot bitch and they become friends with benefits? There some nonsense about vampires too.

I remember the art being hot so I should keep tabs on it when/if it updates.
Forget the deer, this is the superior ship.
i hope theyre blood related. tired of fake incest
Based department on speed dial
you are, that's Marie Rose
Yeahl. After a rewatch of episode 1 and 2 to clear my head and ideas, I think Hana Nare is pretty good and gay (you have the serial kisser but also yuri stalking). If you pay any basic attention, this show is not hard to follow. I dunno why I ever thought otherwise
Kanata's gonna have to confess to Megu someday that she fucked up in prefecturals and has some psychological trauma that is keeping her from participating, though.
Damn, I saw the X hair clip and just assumed.
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I ship Marie and Honoka desu. Bwessed.
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Why is posting a thread about girls who should get fucked gay against the rules?
We already have a thread for that
While I didn't see that, I feel like my thread was more in the abstract about pairings you wanted it to happen to rather than explicitly porn. Maybe if that thread gets archived, I'll try remaking mine.
I'm with you. Discussion and fantasies are always gonna be more interesting than yet another porn dump.
>Kashimashi in sticky
>Cant discuss Kashimashi in general
Nanase wins in the anime.
That's not Fuuko's voice.
Who would you want instead?
I would want some more dommy mommy type instead of sickly sweet
IMO she sounds exactly like I imagine Fuuko would, almost retarded sounding when she is playing nice.
The softness is right but I imagined her with a deeper, more normal voice.
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>wdym itty bitty kitty idol loli menhera voice instead of seductive mature onee-san step on me voice?
oh no no Fuuko sisters
Seems /u/ is having their own Makima incident (Character people imagined sounding deeper and more "mommy dommy" and then were dissapointed by how she's actually voiced)
I didn't expect dommy mommy I expected a normal 15 year old anime girl.
yeah she sounds like a loli lmao. Hopefully we'll have someone more fitting if this ever gets an anime
That's a normal teen anime girl. You're retarded if you think that sounds loli
One of them needs to be Itou Miku instead.
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I just want Fuuko to have cool foxy seductive voice, am I asking for too much?
Watch as Nanase ends up sounding like the sexiest woman alive
>I love yuri BUT [10k word essay about the most anti yuri rhetoric ever]
Sums up 90% of all general threads.
Better than Fuuko's, I'm pretty sure she will sound like a tomboy.
Matsuri all over again.
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drew qiutong
>dripping in semen
Are you serious
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>outspoken lesbian who has sex with multiple girls
>takes revenge on the guy who brainwashed her
>immediately goes back to being a lesbian
>treats the hetero girls like they deserve
A series truly ahead of its time.
He always does this when the thread is dying, sometimes he just posts child porn when no one is looking anymore.
Have never seen CSEM in here. And no loli or underage teen anime girls doesn't count. Loli yuri is still yuri. Cope and seethe, censor
I can understand in part why they are so "scared" of incest, but it is still a work of fiction, although they have no problem with the yandere/obsessive sister, they do not consider her as a serious romantic interest.
POV: something
This is the same in hetshit. It's why NBR is so super common, why the OreImo ending was a mess (writer wanted full BR incest ending, higher ups didn't let him and what was released was a compromise after lots of arguing) and why after OreImo, the writer went with NBR in Eromanga-sensei. So, blood related incest will never be serious because it won't be allowed
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>Yūka Sugai (left in image above) returns as protagonist Itsuki Harumoto, a 27-year-old woman who has complex feelings about her ex-girlfriend. Yurika Nakamura (right) stars as Fuyu Hayashi, Itsuki's ex-girlfriend and new boss. The new season will follow Itsuki and Fuyu's relationship in the year between their separation and their reunion, as well as what happens after they reunite.

>The first season of the Chaser Game W series premiered earlier this year on January 8. Unlike the first live-action Chaser Game series, which directly adapts the manga, Chaser Game W features an original story and characters centering around two lesbians working in the game industry.

Has anyone watched the first season? How was it?

I know nothing about the first season or the manga (which apparently isn't a yuri), but I followed Yukkaa when she was still an idol (Keyakizaka46), was a big fan of Yukkanen ship.
If I were a billionaire I would fund a glut of independently-produced incest series
She sounds exactly like Ryūgu Rena (AKA Nagisa in StoPani), though Rena isn't exactly a 'normal' character
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>episode has no OP or ED, so I have to watch the whole 24 minutes
If Sasakoi does that again, I'm dropping it.
They bang, but thr bislug comeback to her husb because drama, end in cliffanger
Cute roommates manga by mintarou that looks easy to TL. She says she is going to delete it today for some reason.
>She says she is going to delete it today for some reason.
Mental illness
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oh that was good
How it should have ended.
Pierced nipples but no pierced ears is a rare combination.

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