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>The main places to read fics

>An old archive of fics compiled and shared by a kind anon (note that this is not a curated collection, just a very extensive archive)

Post links to fics and discuss them and fanfiction in general. Link fics you like, your own stuff, it's all good as long as it's yuri.
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>KnM fanfiction where Chikane does a horse riding competition against Amane Ootari from Strawberry Panic
>KnM fanfiction where Chikane must save Himeko by dueling Seto Kaiba in a Children's Card Game
>KnM fanfiction where an enemy Stand User tries to find a Golden Bow and Arrow set in Mahoroba
>KnM fanfiction where Saiki Kusuo drops in.

All the crossovers! Even the ones that don't make sense!
>that one knm fic where himeko is shipped with naruto
now wait a damn minute
I was recommended To The Stars as a rare sci fi that makes accurate tech predictions. It's really long and I am only a few chapters in. But so far the sci fi setting is not accurate at all and the Madoka characters are butchered.

Does it get better?
All of SuspiciousZucchini's fics... gone...
Backup everything
I actually fucking screamed. Holy shit, not even a century long hiatus, but actual deletion of their work. They were the best light cannon author in the whole fandom, debatably.
I'm either blind or not looking correctly, but there seems to be a terrible lack of Strike Witches fics.
I still miss Mongol.
Sis? They're right here
Either Genghis Khan, or a biker group
I'm writing again.
nvm I think you just need an account to see them now
sorry for calling you a bitch
Nice. Let me know if you post anything. I still reread The Crane and The Sea every once in a while.
Virage, is that you? Anyway I did post one Bg3 fic.
If you delete your account on ao3 do your comments get deleted as well? Or do they get changed to "this comment has been deleted"?
Accurate to what? It's a chatGPTcommietopia with an immortal magical girl oligarchic shadow-cabinet on the side, dude. Temper your expectations accordingly. Also, all of the characters have got like a thousand years of life experience behind them by the beginning of the story so changes are expected. Indeed, these form the cruxes of their personal arcs explored within the story.

Let go of your ego and let the story speak for itself, sister.
NTA but they seem to have let the story speak for itself and it did so poorly, hence their response to it.
She ended her post with essentially the following
>will the story be more accomodating of my expecations after the first few chapters?
which is quite literally the opposite of approaching a fic with an open mind.
The comments stay as they are, but the username changes to “Account Deleted”
>the opposite of approaching a fic with an open mind.
Reading the first few chapters of a fic and then asking if it gets better IS approaching it with an open mind. I dunno why you're taking anon not liking the fic as some sort of personal attack.
And you acting as if that better is an objective and an absolute metric. TtS IS a stellar work that stands above the vast majority of fics out there in scope, ambition, inventiveness, worldbuilding, storytelling and featured yuri. It's objectively great. And it's completely ok to not like it or to not want to read it for any number of subjective reasons.
>They were the best light cannon author in the whole fandom
It's rare to see combined arms military yuri so that's a shame
What's a more humiliating piece of clothing to use as an impromptu mouth gag, pantyhose or a sock? Pantyhose has the advantage of being able to be tied around the other girl's head but a sock smells like feet so that has that going for it. I've never written BDSM before so I'm a little stuck.
That girl's own panties. But between those two choices I'd say the sock.
I think a sock. Smells worse, less sexy for anyone else than a foot fetishist. If that is the case then the pantyhose.
as a foot fetishist, I like pantyhose more than socks so it'd still be worse
I have a fanfiction story, but I’m not ready to polish it to archive of our own yet, how do I post it here at have you lot review it and tell me how terrible it is?

Upload a PDF?
You could drop it on pastebin and hope somebody here will take a look at it.
OK. Thanks for the advice.
Are works in progress acceptable or do you prefer completed first drafts?
I don't promise anything, but the closer to complete it is, the more likely you are to get useful advice no matter who reads it.
what are some decent crossover fics? i know of that fairy tail and bleach one but i can't think of any others
Clarify what you mean by a crossover fic and anything specific you're looking for in one. As crossover stuff can cover quite the spread of integration of each work; from barely more than taken powers/concepts/characters to full fusion verses.

Anyways, I'd recommend looking at fics tagged with the Wondercroft ship. For it's a really good pairing

If there are certain aspects you want to focus on, such as plot, characterization, or spelling and grammar, it may be helpful to specify too
I have a pastebin but it’s auto saved to private

Fixed it.

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