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Is your tomato harvest coming along nicely?

Previous thread: >>4247332

Extra materials:

>Cradle Planet

>Vanadis Heart Manga

>Special Drama CD - Episode.01: What Miorine Wants
>Drama CDs part 1-2

>Suletta & Miorine Japan Tour

>Light Novel
https://files.catbox.moe/kawi6k.zip (Vol1 Raw)
https://zeonic-republic.net/translation/[ZeonicScanlations]_Witch_from_Mercury[Vol01].pdf (Translated)

>Houseki no Hibi, the finale insert song by AiNA THE END

>Doujinshi folder
>Doujin Anon's ko-fi

>All About Mercury ZIP
>Accompanying TL Notes

>Misc Translations (including the School Assembly Drama CD)
Translated MajoRaji snippets:

>Asticassia School Festival BD rips
>School Festival Drama CD (parent directory contains WfM-related scans, including non-/u/ doujins)
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OG is still the best
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The last one.
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Do not repost
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Episode 04: Unseen Trap
>Suletta joins Earth House after Chuchu knocks out two bullies

A somewhat insubstantial and sloppy episode (why can't Nika help both Suletta and Chuchu in the make-up exam? What's with store-brand Felsi and Petra? How come no one thinks to make sure they didn't do the exact same thing to Suletta's unit they did to Chuchu's the last time?) that is saved by some good character stuff and brutal ethnic violence.

Nika making such an effort to be Suletta's friend is kind of sad on a rewatch. No matter what Shaddiq and Dawn of Fold are pressuring her to do, she wants to be a good senpai so bad.

Showing Chuchu having six burly worker dads and never elaborating further is an excellent move.

Miorine's so gay this episode. Suletta being her groom is a mutually beneficial sham, but she makes Suletta wear the Holder colors and tells her to be more conscious of her role as her groom. When El4n is offering Peil House's help in Suletta's exam, Miorine rushes over, puts an arm over Suletta's shoulder and makes herself both Suletta's spotter and mechanic with no experience doing either.

While this leads to Suletta visiting Miorine's depression nest of a room and Suletta telling more of herself, Miorine's approach ultimately fails. After her unit is sabotaged, she keeps pushing Suletta (instead of just retaking the test later) until she cries and then just reminds her of her dream, which just makes her cry harder. Suletta doesn't have her stubbornness and needs a gentler approach.

There's a more desperate side to her behavior; Suletta isn't actually getting anything out of their deal now that Delling agreed not to scrap Aerial.

Other Miomio highlights include her telling Suletta to give up on her altruistic dream and claims that Chuchu calling her a space cracker makes her just as bad as the people who just sent mobile suits after protesters like her family. Miorine was so close to getting that Chuchu knuckle sandwich.
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One of the funny episodes from the series. So proud of Miorine for marking her territory in front of El4n.
When Miorine rushes over, I like to think she was probably rushing all over the campus trying to find Suletta.

I also appreciated how she tried to push Suletta further even if she didn't do it... gently. They are so awkward and I love it.

This show gets better on rewatches.
>spotter and mechanic
You wouldn't call her a trophy girl for nothing
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Will Suletta turn into a tanuki in that SD spin-off? She's a beastwoman after all
They really made Suletta a beastwoman with the purpose of being Miorine’s protector. Yumes will get mad again like that time they got mad that Suletta was a whipped dog to Miorine’s cute cat lol
So what are those Eritchs and what is Prospera?
Yumes didn't even watch the anime and BD, they're that pathetic like their boy.
Suletta is not that dark
I wish we can also talk about the novel, many good sulemio stuffs there.
Be the change you want to see, Anon. What are some highlights?
Not sure what kind of being the Ericht's will be but there should be 12 in all, one for Ariel/ErichtPrime and the 11 Ericht-bits.
Yeah, so far I've really enjoyed Miorine's story in particular and how well it all fits together. She's definitely my favorite character.

Not that Suletta isn't great too. Her trash-talking Guel shyly is very funny and good character work.
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Does Suletta like Grumpy Miorine or Smiley Miorine more?
Suletta likes every Miorine
Ahegao Miorine is her favorite.
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Episodes 05 and 06: Reflection in an Icy Eye & A Gloomy Song
>Suletta gets to know and duels the person known as Elan Ceres

To get this out of the way, Suletta obviously has a crush on El4n and the attempts to explain that away are prime examples of motivated reasoning. Let's talk about something more interesting.

He's had a rough life and he's unraveling mentally, but El4n sure isn't very likable. Taking his anger out on Suletta while submitting to whatever Peil is doing to him, even going back to be killed, is some loser shit. El5n > El4n. It's also funny how S2 seems to forget El0n is complicit in murder and turns him into a funny meme guy.

Bel, who'd have been familiar with Lfrith, says there's no way Prospera could have built a suit as good as Aerial in-house. This seems like enough confirmation that Delling helped build it.

Miorine's got it bad. She refers to herself as Suletta's bride multiple times when talking with Nika, who immediately gets what she means. The scene where Nika asks Mio if she's fine with Suletta and El4n having their space floaty moment and Mio jokes about being fine with minor two-timing is probably the closest she has come to confiding in someone in a long time, not counting yelling at staff. She also wears a magnificently smug smile as Suletta beats El4n at 18:40 of episode 6.

As for their direct interactions, Mio is upset at Suletta accepting a challenge from El4n without consulting her. Her attempt to make Suletta rely on her more last episode clearly failed after she made her cry. Unlike last episode, Suletta doesn't let Mio boss her around and goes on the date despite Mio trying to stop her. Suletta might have been close to telling Mio to stuff it, until she realizes she can't act so possessive. She's after all the one who rebuffed Suletta's previous attempts to get closer. Her words of encouragement before the duel aren't any kinder than last episode, but Suletta seems to understand the intent behind them.
Cyber newtypes and princesses

El4n is clearly based on Four Murasame, the ill-fated cyber newtype love interest from Zeta Gundam. The original UC continuity revolves around newtypes, people who have had some sort of a mental or spiritual awakening that would ideally enable them to chart a new direction for humanity away from war and towards harmonious co-existence, but who are usually just put into big robots to mow down mass production units, because that awakening comes with improved reflexes and minor precognition.

In a further cynical twist, Zeta introduces cyber newtypes, who have gained something like newtype skills not through an awakening but human experimentation on war orphans that tends to lead to major mental problems. Being a cyber newtype or equivalent in a Gundam show almost always ends in tragedy. In WfM, Eri is the only true newtype equivalent, being able to survive the Datastorm, while the witches are cyber newtypes. Suletta's somewhere between.

Many Gundam shows like to give the hero two love interests, one of whom is generally more earthy and the other ethereal (Fa vs. Four, Flay vs. Lacus, Sochie vs. Diana, Fraw vs. Lalah, Katejina vs. Shakti, Chen vs Char). The earthy types win on occasion (Four is ethereal and loses), unless they're up against a princess-type, who is almost always also ethereal. They often represent ideals like peace and transcendence the hero strives for, and thus their relationship is often desexualized. Amusingly, the losers of the love triangles often get kiss or even sex scenes the princesses don't.

Miorine is the very rare earthy princess (she plays video games on the toilet while El4n reads Schopenhauer in a bare room). She doesn't represent an ideal, but grows into someone who pursues ideals like peace and justice, even separate from her relationship with Suletta. Fittingly, the first FeMC Gundam also de-idealizes the princess.
I like how Miorine isn't toxic and doesn't mind seeing Suletta befriended with El4n.
I really didn't like how Suletta took Miorine for granted these episodes.
In such an early episode it does make sense.
She had met her like last week. She didn't know better at the time.
But the same thing can be said about El4n. And Miorine gave up her escape plan for Suletta even though she just met her.
She absolutely does mind, but she lets Suletta do it and even accompanies her to where El4n is supposed to pick her up.

From Suletta's perspective, Miorine's a weird, rude girl she has accidentally tied herself to. When she tries to make friends with her, Miorine yells at her and when she tries to have a life outside dueling, Miorine acts controlling. Every time they talk about their relationship, Miorine presents it in terms of a mutually beneficial arrangement. Can't blame Suletta for not having a very high opinion of her yet.

El4n at least acted nice to her for a couple of episodes.
>says bad things about mio
>praise el4n
Why are you here?
Miorine has always been those things though, and I thought Suletta liked her that way? So it doesn't really make sense.
That's just what's in the show, Anon. And El4n isn't actually a good guy. He just assumes Suletta's a enhanced human and turns into an asshole when it turns out she can pilot a Gundam without dying. He just approached Suletta better than Miorine.
I think Suletta generally likes the Byronic hero thing, i.e. tortured, difficult, mysterious, attractive, high status, but she needs some tenderness to go along with it. She's initially intrigued by Miorine, but her rudeness starts driving her away. Next episode when Miorine shows she does care about her and wants to protect her, she's instantly smitten.
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To be fair El4n was also rude. Suletta just doesn't like seeing people being alone and cold.
>She absolutely does mind, but she lets Suletta do it and even accompanies her to where El4n is supposed to pick her up.
I know, just saying she trusts Suletta that much because she knows Suletta won't cheat on her.
El4n is initially kind and polite to Suletta every time they meet, starting when he brings her food in episode two. he only turns into a dick in episode five. By that point Suletta was already involved enough to want an explanation for what happened.
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>Arguing with a yume about El4n

Watch Kana being based (timestamp 24:30)


She really likes her role as Suletta.

Peak tsundere Miorine.
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TL-nee, onegai


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Novelization of episode 17 is out.
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>Kana gets hyped because she got THE Sulemio card and shows off their smile.
>Somehow anon made it about Guel.
Get out. We're talking about Kana being a very based yurifag.
>Remember when a lot of hetshippers call Miorine toxic and a bitch for being blunt towards Suletta? It turns out that Suletta like it when Miorine tells her everything, and that she always tell Mio everything as well lol.
Pretty based
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>So tireddddddd
>But you've finally got some time off~

>'Time off' - it's only one day
>What could I even do with that little?
>(You've got work tomorrow too)

>That's not true~
>Why don't I show you something fun we can do all day....?

>A taco party!
>Spending the whole day eating...!?
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>I'm stuffed!
>You sure did go for it.

>Back then you basically survived on cup ramen and tomatoes, right?
>You didn't take much care with your diet.
>You think?

>I'm really glad you've started eating properly...
>Thanks to that, your thighs are even plumper...

>Gyaaah! I'm sorry! Forgive me!
>After this, they 'did' it.
For the first one:

Miorine: Haahhhh. I'm soooooo tireeed.
Suletta: Excited to finally be on vacation/holiday?

Miorine: I'd hardly call it a 'vacation', it's only a single day off. You can't do anything with that amount of time.
(Plus you're working tomorrow anyways.)

Suletta: That's not true... *kiss* You have all day tomorrow to look forward for something really enjoyable...?
Miorine: Mmmm....

Suletta: Taco PARTY!!!
Miorine: You meant spending the whole day eating all of this...?!

I'm not the usual TL-anon but the other one. So if they wanna take another crack at it go for it.
>The ocean! Amazing!!

>Well, the REAL ocean's size would be way more impressive than this~
>(Looks like Chuchu's enjoying herself)

>(Who's that over there?)
>(Isn't she the transfer student?)

>(Totally harmless)



>Are you alright!

>(What a relief)

>Mhm, I'm fine.

>(The holder really is amazing...)
>(So cool!)

>Looks like it's just the two of us, Miorine-san.

>...Looks like it is.
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Thank you very much!

Mind translating this too? >>4260916
When she overclocks that scooter with the same suit she wore in episode 3, that was so funny.
It's a shame we don't see her driving more things in general.

Also with how she hmmph'd her attitude to Nika in episode 6, she was so smug at the end of the battle. Her waiting with Suletta for the agreed on time was sweet.

They're so bad with communicating to each other, but their background kind of justifies it.

She's such a perfect wreck. At this point during my first watch I thought she was just being controlling and manipulative with ulterior motives. The next episode really sold me on her.
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Oh snap. I prefer the way you did Miorine's third line. Mine's a bit stiff.

I'm off to bed so maybe tomorrow unless the other TL would like to, but it's basically the same as the show. Just some mentions of Suletta unable to stop her emotions overflowing, Miorine feeling huge guilt over what she's about to do etc.
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Yeah, Miorine yelling at Suletta for giving her a dumb nickname or acting possessive is funny, but it's also her almost fucking up the best thing that ever happened to her because she doesn't know how to build a positive relationship with a peer. At least Suletta's learned that Miorine berating her doesn't really mean anything; she starts crying when El4n calls her annoying but realizes it's a pep talk when Miorine does the same to her.
The woes of translating fellow TL-anon. It's a real struggle sometimes.

>>4260916 As for this... It is more or less the same as what's in the show, I can translate the non-dialogue bits if you'd like but the essence is the same.

Where did you find these raws?
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Not the requester, but thanks.

>I can translate the non-dialogue bits if you'd like but the essence is the same.
That's what I want TL-nee, the novelization is just giving extra flavour we didn't know we needed.


That dude wrote the most unhinged death threat to someone who reposted a page from a dj.
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I like this thread
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So here's my attempt at translating the non-dialogue bits (the spoken lines are the same from the episode).

The Darilbalde was overridden by my own drones/gun-bits and are going to pierce through. The left arm was the next to part to fly off.

[We're going to buy matching rings and have a wedding... etc.]

Her emotions were overflowing with no sign of stopping.
Suletta's words were not (just) echoing the results of the duel if she were to win, these words were her own - these were Suletta's true innermost feelings.

Miorine, all alone, heard a simple chime/melody and those words so clearly, she gripped her student handbook tightly. Her hand was wavering.

The things she considered to be precious was aligned with Suletta's, that's why she was going to betray herself. [Unsure about this line]
With all of that in mind, she was riddled with guilt, and that she will be left standing there. [Also unsure]

Admittedly the part that I'm unsure of is the line after Miorine's hand wavers, but hopefully the feeling/sentiments gets across

I'm the other TL-anon here. Hello again.

I didn't refresh the thread before posting my response so I didn't see your initial response. I'm happy you liked how I reworded that part though! It's always a fine line between making something sound natural and not changing what's being said too much.
Translating makes me so stressed out but it feels rewarding at times.
wait, the novel have reached episode 17?
While Suletta has off-screen moments with Earth House to get her more socially adjusted to people her age, Miorine is just used to being brash and aggressive to everyone.

The way that Miorine sits with her on the bench and calls him out for making her wait (bad date manners)... Suletta can tell that she cares.

Miorine says that she has a 'curfew' to follow to show her possessiveness.. I wonder who found Suletta waiting on the bench in the evening first, since El4n never showed up?

Shame we don't get additional small details like that in the novel
It must be or else >>4260916 is liar. Where the hell is the translation the Zeonic guy said he'd do of the full volume?
I actually forgot to quote you here sorry anon. Here's my TL >>4261232.

I've also never heard of that guy before or... his threat.

What page of what dj did he freak out about? Was it his dj?
>It must be or else >>4260916 is liar.
My, should I be offended or flattered?
I don't think it's in the volume, I'm pretty sure it's from the latest gundam ace issue.

Thank you very much, other-TL-anon!
I hope you had a good rest.

Nah. Last year, on twitter, someone posted a scanlated page from SRMO's dj 'what happens after kissing?' I don't know the name, it's the futa one. And this user quoted the tweet saying something like "I'm going to crush you with Aerial and use the paste as tomato fertilizer", not a death threat exactly but very hostile and unhinged, if you check the profile they hate Guel.
What is SRMO? I keep seeing that on twitter
>hate Guel.
who wouldn't?
Can someone explain these set of images?
First letters of each of the syllables making up SuleMio. It's an R instead of an L because Japanese doesn't distinguish between those two.
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Nevermind, wrong chink. Wowowowonanana only hates Guel, she shared that Memel's VA interview btw.

Nips pronounce Sulemio as Suremio.

Poster here, no idea. It's an extra rare art where Suletta makes Miorine cry during an argument.
Just a few thoughts on the lines you were unsure of - my interpretation of it would be:
>On the verge of betraying Suletta, someone who cared deeply for her, Miorine could only stand there tormented by guilt.

The 「自分を大切におもってくれている」 is modifying 'Suletta' and the 自分 is referring to Miorine, as she's been the subject of the past few lines. So 'A person who cares about me (Miorine), Suletta'. The を is then marking that something is going to be done to Suletta, which is why it's Suletta Miorine is betraying, not herself. Or at least that's how I parsed it!

Also I think in the first line it's talking about Darilbalde fighting it's own drones, which were overrode by Aerial. So 自分のドローン (His/it's own drone) is once again modified by what came before which is オーバーライドされた (been overridden.) 'Darilbalde was pierced by the drone it was fighting, one of it's own which had been overridden'.

I totally feel you in terms of trying to strike a balance between making it natural vs changing too much. I always worry about someone calling me out for being too liberal with the tl, which makes me hem too close to overly literal tls at times.

Also for anyone who doesn't keep up, the recent releases thread just shared a new sulemio doujin someone put on exh.
>Miorine is just used to being brash and aggressive to everyone.
It's interesting that the only person she's been polite to so far was Feng Jun, seemingly because of their business arrangement. I'll save it for the next episode, where she's polite to a second person.

>Miorine says that she has a 'curfew' to follow to show her possessiveness
Considering where her mind jumped when Suletta said she wanted to go on dates, I guess she was thinking about sex here too. Thank you Hags for saving Miorine from such thoughts.

>I wonder who found Suletta waiting on the bench in the evening first
I like to think Miorine went back to check up on her like 15 minutes later and stayed with her for a while. Then he called El4n a bastard and took Suletta to the greenhouse where she taught her to take care of the tomatoes.
What's the context of pic related?
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>On the verge of betraying Suletta, someone who cared deeply for her, Miorine could only stand there tormented by guilt.
Oh my, that's so dramatic.

Thanks TL-nee, Japanese is a really fucked language.

I confused chinese twitter schizos, but here's the context >>4261256
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>It's an extra rare art where Suletta makes Miorine cry during an argument.
How can Miorine ever lose an argument? What did Suletta say?
Suletta could eternally win every argument against everyone in her family by bringing up a certain 17th birthday, but she's too nice to do it.
That's toxic though, you don't bring that up again once you already forgave the other person for it.

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