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Updates and Discussion for English and Japanese games, visual novels, RPGs, etc which contain yuri.
Last Thread: >>4247339
Lists of Yuri Games:
https://www.mediafire.com/folder/4oc1uvr5vl96m/Yuri (Generally non-VN games)
http://store.steampowered.com/curator/6864182-Hella-Yuri/ (Anything available on Steam with lesbians in it)
https://vndb.org/g1986?fil=tagspoil-0.tag_inc-1986 (VNs tagged Yuri Only)

Yuri Game CGs:

New here? Need a starting point? Try the /u/ recommendation survey results:

Related threads:

Yuri Gacha General: >>4236995
Hat World: >>4107813
Neptunia: >>3779723
Signalis: >>4230341
LIly LYric cyCLE: >>3649128
Baldur's Gate 3: >>4203885
Life is Strange >>4228323

Gamedev idea thread: >>4223220
Personal Yuri Projects thread: >>4225806
-There is a new free yuri VN called Carpe Noctem that was released on Steam.
-Sakura Isekai Adventure 2 is out already. A quick sequel to Isekai Adventure 1. Shocker.
-Tacticon is still going and some high profile CRPG/4X games with yuri content are still on sale for 20 hours. Hurry it up.
-CrocApoca!! [Crocodile maiden at the End of the World] will definitely come out on the 30th of August. Believe it.
Still rough around the edges and in EA, but it's a very charming story you can fully complete already. They are adding CGs and other stuff over time. If you got money lying around and wanna support a small yuri dev, this is a good place to do it. No I'm not involved in the project.
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Women can multitask.
Nah. Buying an early access game is encouraging the developer to never finished it (and why would they? they already got paid).
Show me a finished product and we'll talk.
That's not true all the time, it depends on the dev. You just have to look for the red flags.
Extremely bad logic. Generally you get more money from a finished product. And besides that, in most cases you finance the completion or addition of content, especially for small devs. This isn't a kickstarted game. Income from Early Access supporters is pretty much the only way to do it. Consider the 100 bucks you need to pay just to get the game on Steam.
I said it already, but the entire story is finished already, in text form anyway. Everything else is just improving the experience. Judge the game on its writing and then decide.
>This developer is different!
Nah. Buying an early access game is encouraging the developer to never finished it (and why would they? they already got paid).
Show me a finished product and we'll talk.
If the game is finished, then why keep it as early access rather than just do the official release and then add the new content as patches?
If you want my money then show me a finished product.
I see reading is beyond you. Ypu aren't worth anyone's time or effort.
Can you adjust the font size in settings?
Sorry but no. "Buy an unfinished beta, pay to playtest and maybe I will throw crumbs at you" isn't any more acceptable just because an indie developer is the one doing it, or because Steam never does anything about it (the oldest early access scam is from 2013!).
Why don't you try it instead of asking?
I dunno, why don't you stick a gun in your mouth and see how many times you can pull the trigger?
Oh half-assed non-arguments and buzzwords. The trademarks of the disingenious
Here is the deal retard: Nobody gives a shit what you do. You are not worth my time and you will never be relevant to the topic. If you don't pledge for kickstarters or early access games, then shut your fucking mouth when the adults are talking about those things. Nobody needs to hear you say you won't get involved, this does not contribute to the convo or the game's success.

Or to use your low-intelligence vernacular: Your shitposts are scamming my eyes out of worthwhile posts to read.
Either that guy is shitposting or has never actually paid attention to anything.

If you're possibly referring to Project Zomboid, I haven't played that game myself but from what I've seen, everyone who's bought and played it seems happy and content with it, even if it still is in EA. Heck the last update was in June so it's not been abandoned and it looks like it's just the sort of thing that provides a full experience but the dev just wants to keep adding to it constantly.
And yes it being indie does make it more acceptable, considering a lot of those projects are made by a single person.
So yes, it does depend on the dev. If you're so sure of your belief, you should provide an example of a shitty yuri game that never left EA where the devs ran off with the money.
Early access is an instituted scam; let me tell you why:

>They get people to pay to playtest their game, when they pay people to do it, do it themselves or do free beta tests for everyone to participate (like many publishers do).
>Developers get to release an unfinished beta and get paid for it; they don't need to finish the product because they already got the money. Steam is full of games that have been for almost a decade on Early Access with no updates on sight.
>Being on early access makes the game immune to criticism: players can't complain or criticize the product because the developer goes "it's still early access, it's not finished yet"
>As a player you get to play an unfinished version and by the point the developer releases more content you already moved on to other games or got tired of the game.
>As a player you get to play an unfinished version so the developer can do a 180º on the game's design and you can't do anything about it because you already paid for it. It's very different from buying an unfinished game: if you don't like you can just refund it, while the early access game can turn into something completely different and you can't refund because you already played for several hours

As a consumer you have no reason to support early access. It literally doesn't benefit you in the slightest while being completely in favor of the developer.
Didn't read past the first sentence. I can't accept being scammed out of my time by your lazy logic that you abandoned halfway through. Paying you attention is a waste of my ressources. This will be my last response to you as well. Next time someone talks to people who support things financially about a game don't waste their time by talking about how you don't do it. What a joke.
Well, you should. I'm trying to open your eyes so you can stop supporting toxic practices and literal scammers.
You must be from /v/, you're honestly dumb as fuck.
You keep saying they CAN do this, they CAN do that and we're saying that, yes that sometimes happens, but not ALL the time and you need to be smart and look for the warning signs that you're signing up for a scam.
If you've ever played a good video game you can tell pretty quickly if a game is a piece of shit that the devs are just shoveling out for a quick buck and when something has actual love and passion put into it.

People know full well what they're signing up for with an early access game and you forget that part of the process is FEEDBACK that people WANT TO GIVE and consider the project worth financially supporting.

You are fucking stupid and I will not reply to anything you say anymore because you're acting like a broken record, if you want to feel like you won, feel free to reply and get the last word in, creep.
>nobody gives a shit what you do
>immediately launches into a big angry rant

I dunno it kinda sounds like you give a shit lol
Good old "three sentences are sooo long and ranty" anti-intellectualism. I understand that reading is a heavy burden that not everyone is capable of or comfortable with, but if you have ever managed to read through a book, nay a magazine article, you will realize that 1 1/2 paragraphs are neither a rant nor some long investment.
Also, unsurprisingly, you mistake contempt for anger.
>You keep saying they CAN do this, they CAN do that and we're saying that, yes that sometimes happens, but not ALL the time
Just because people aren't victims of home invasions 24/7 it doesn't mean that you shouldn't close your doors.

>and you need to be smart and look for the warning signs that you're signing up for a scam.
Well, the developer claiming that "the game is already totally finished" is a very big red flag; it's basically trying to trick people into buying something they wouldn't buy otherwise by promising it's a finished product already (when it isn't; otherwise they would make it the official release).

>If you've ever played a good video game you can tell pretty quickly if a game is a piece of shit that the devs are just shoveling out for a quick buck and when something has actual love and passion put into it.
Plenty of games can and have been ruined with patches or updates, and they're supposedly finished games. Early access developers ruin their titles all the time because the game is early access and its design isn't set on stone, early adopters can be damned.
>still have Fallout 4 in my library that I never finished

What are the yuri potential again? I remember being annoyed the MC being a wife
Like with every modern Bethesda game, it's all about the mods you have installed.
There are mods to get rid of the forced marriage intro (or making it gay, this is Fallout, they have the tech). But even if you are forced to be a bislut, there are several female companions to romance even in vanilla.
You are talking about a fucking visual novel here, you absolute moron. And if you had spent a single second checking out the link you would know that the only things being added are QOL things like CGs, backgrounds and music. You cant fuck up a VN whose plot is completely finished. You can already finish the game like a book. Now shut up and go into the corner of shame where you belong.
>You are talking about a fucking visual novel here

>And if you had spent a single second checking out the link you would know that the only things being added are QOL things like CGs, backgrounds and music.
Well, those are pretty important elements for a visual novel. It sounds like it's still a very unfinished product right now.

>You cant fuck up a VN whose plot is completely finished.
Oh, you absolutely can. Change dialog here and there, remove scenes or insert horrible scenes, add a shitty epilogue or an awful extra chapter that ruin or invalidates the story as a whole, there are plenty of ways to ruin a VN.
What are your personal best yuri games?
Moron central much? The plot isnt going to get changed. It is done. The only way this could happen is if a bunch of people gave feedback about how something should be changed, but you already proudly declared EA devs dont get feedback and don't listen to it, because they are free of criticism. You are so bad at this. The others were right, talking to you is a waste of effort.
FLOWERS and Kindred Spirits
If you use phrases like shut your fucking mouth, it automatically means you're angry. Absolutely frothing at the mouth because anon dared to voice her opinion on early access games. You get set off pretty easily, huh?
>The plot isnt going to get changed. It is done.
As long as the game is still on Early Access the plot isn't done and can be changed at any time. Being able to make radical changes is one of the advantages of being Early Access.

>The only way this could happen is if a bunch of people gave feedback about how something should be changed
Which is, ironically enough, one of the bad things about Early Access that I forgot to mention previously.
A good videogame or visual novel is good because it's the creator's vision, the story they wanted to tell and the game they wanted to make. By relying on feedback from random people the game changes from an unified vision to what the loudest people on the internet want it to be, many times ignoring genuine criticism and recommendations because you aren't part of the loudest Steam curator / Discord clique.

>but you already proudly declared EA devs dont get feedback and don't listen to it, because they are free of criticism.
I never said they never listened to feedback; I just said that being Early Access gives them an immunity safety blanket. You didn't like something about the game? too bad, early access, it's not finished yet (which is technically true, but still makes its use malicious).
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Best yuri game? Signalis I guess.
Best high budget yuri VN? Flowers.
Best indie yuri VN? Please Be Happy.
Best game with yuri options? Volcano Princess.
Best mainstream game with some yuri? Horizon Forbidden West.
Best CYOA with yuri options? Book of Hungry Names.
Contempt is something you cannot comprehend either it seems. But keep telling yourself that you can sense anger in the written word when you can barely read.
Surprised that they haven't announced Horizon 3 yet; it's easily one of Sony's most successful franchises right now.
Big games take many years to develop. It has been clear that it would be a trilogy from the start
I must be the only one here who doesn't care about Horizon at all.
I played about 2 hours of the first one and it just felt like the most generic AAA safe slop with all the generic overdone mechanics without any creativity at all.
Good for you. Moving on.
Please go back to /v/ and never come back
No it's NOT good for me.

I'm not from /v/, the word slop just works well and sounds good.
why is the gas tube not fully enclosed by the stock
I refuse to believe anyone doesn’t at least think the robot dinosaurs are cool
Conceptually a robot dinosaur animal thing is a neat idea but I found the designs to be over complicated and visually noisy. It also didn't help that I was playing the PS4 version so it was blurry.
A better question would be what exactly is the gas tube cycling. Or why is the mag so far away from the trigger.
My best guess is that it's the postapocalypse and everything they have is strictly home made.
I've never played it either, but honestly that's mostly because I'm too tired of open world craft em ups. It looks fine and chill for fans of that genre though.
I'm sick of that sort of thing too but I gave it a shot because the store I got it from made a mistake and sold it for 2 dollars so I thought it would be a good deal.
But yeah if someone loves shitty crafting and generic open world crap, I can see why it would get popular.
No it doesn't; it's just their latest meaningless buzzword.
It does and I've been using the word slop to describe crap like my mother's cooking for over a decade, young lady.
Painting lies just dropped, any kind Nee-san who buys it let us know if it's yuri before Hella yuri gets to it
Why don't you buy it yourself?
I'm still waiting for the day we finally get an RTS with /u/ content.
Back log too long
Grim Grimoire? It's not conventional but still.
Me too sis
God forbid people ask questions about games in the yuri games thread. I know its drowning out all the other valuable discourse.
I heard the Spellforce 3 expansion has some but I’ve never gotten around to personally trying it and could never find a definitive answer about whether it was even real.
>it's easily one of Sony's most successful franchises right now.
thats 100% because its bundled with everything imaginable. Ive never met a single person in real life who as actually played a horizon game, just feels like sony is trying to artificially prop it up
>yuri game thread
>cant discuss yuri games
go back to /v/
You wish.
The current CEO of the Playstation brand is one of Guerrilla Games' founders and former CEO. Basically he's using his current job as a platform to force his own product into consumers. Basically the same shit that woman Lorraine Williams did a couple decades ago (read about it and you will understand what I'm talking about).
They also bundled on everyone steam account right? Dumbass
Lilja and Natsuka Painting Lies just released.
is it good, yes or no?
Horizon has no redeeming qualities whatsoever, and you should be ashamed for defending it. At least ask Ubisoft for a payment if you're doing their work for them.
What about the lesbians?
It makes chudcels seethe, so its GOTY in my book.
Wait, Ubisoft? Wrong dev...
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Than go back to the hellhole you spawned from. It's a chud website.
Asking the important questions I see.
You two are legitimately /v/tards. This time it's not a joke. The retardation, the overconfidence, the pointless vendetta about vidoe-game industry bullshit nobody cares about, the lies and the incessant bullshit. Especially in context with shitting on Horizon which /v/ hates.

Thousands upon thousands of people have bought, played and liked Horizon. Fucking accept it you whiny bitches. The. End.
>popular means good
/v/ attitude again.
>I know nobody who played or enjoyed this game (because I have no social life)
>it is objectively bad and nobody can like this except some specific retards who like [insert game mechanics] (like every genre)
>I played 2 hours of it/I didn't play it at all, but I know everything about it and can totally decide how good or bad it is
>but when someone says that many people like it and think it's a quality game... popularity doesn't mean good!
This is pathetic. Horizon has yuri, it's a quality game series, it's on topic and it's better than most low budget garbage we usually have to deal with. The only reason freaks keep making a fuss about this game in particular is that crossboarders legitimately bring their /v/ stink here. It's unironically all their contact with the game. They don't act up about some niche yuri games, because nobody on /v/ has ever heard of them, so they can't parrot opinions. But Horizon is the bane of /v/'s existence because it has a "strong female protagonist" and is "woke" and "AAA". All their triggers in one game.

Now get out of here.
>Thousands upon thousands of people have bought, played and liked Horizon.
And 20 million people bought Cyberpunk 2077. I'd say by your margin that'll make it even more in topic. It also has roughly the same amount of /u/ as Forbidden West.
Yes and right now Cyberpunk is a good game, loved by millions and has been discussed in these threads many times. Did you actually think you wouldn't be exposed as a tourist with this post? Because I have some bad news for you. /u/ has no problem with Cyberpunk and Judy is the best romance option. Too bad.
That's because the moment it does get announced, another open world game will also enter development and come out just before Horizon to steal its thunder. It's funny that it happened twice.
>A redditor calling other crossboarders
Ironic. Even more Ironic how you switch your boogeyman board every time. Also, you corporate bootlickers aren't the only ones who can play the ad hominem game.
Literally not a single word in this post made any sense or connected to anything I said. You are literally just a buzzword machine. Trolls like you should have gone extinct long ago. I will acknowledge you for the /v/ troll you are and be done with it. You don't get to be treated like a person worth conversing with. Adios.
Oh /u/ has some problems with Cyberpunk whenever it suits /u/. I've seen enough bitching in these very threads, mostly using 'Judy was supposed to be bi' as the reason.
Whatever, ancient nonetroversy. She is a lesbian only option in the game right now and even if she somehow wasn't, she is the f/f option and the best LI. If you are so obssessed with Panam you can use the gay mod for her to have your threesome.
Don't give idiots legitimacy by bringing up their old bait.
I'll hold you to those words when the shitfling will happen again.
If it happens it's because of idiots like you giving the trolls a target.
Anon, I'm a different poster.
Judy is bi though, she will fuck female V and tranny (male) V.
I said don't bore me with old bait.
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Honestly, what a well written and sweet romance this was (and still will be I hope). Proper build-up is really rare in RPG romances with self-insert protags, because they usually suck ass. But due to how Arue's romance works you have to put a lot of care and slow investment into it, not to mention all the very optional, but quality parts of this questline. You are actually rewarded with a better outcome if you have her with you on most major missions as they directly give you chances to have vital interactions with her.

I don't know if this music plays during every romantic moment with all characters, but this is probably the most memorable music track in the game next to the main theme and I will always associate it with Arue and Commander's tender moments now.

I know there are probably some special moments if you go demon, angel or gold dragon too, but azata seems to be made for the Arue romance. Humming the song of Elysium together, seeing the spectral butterflies embrace both of them during her redemption, growing flowers from love. It's too perfect. I especially love that one line about what she thinks her love feels like.
"Like freedom."
Because being able to feel true love is what broke her demonic chains. That's azata as fuck.
Thousands upon thousands of people also bought The Last of Us 2 and the ryona-bait Tomb Raider trilogy. Guess the game that, by design, isn't fun, has the lesbian mc suffering while the staight woman antagonist gets off scot free is /u/ relevant now. The reboot trilogy of a beloved adventure game series that got rid of the /u/ character after the first game and tripled down on the ryona pandering too.
Stop talking about off-topic shit.
About as on-topic as Horizon and Cyberpunk
>games with yuri
>games without yuri
>totally the same
No, I don't care about your shitposting. Just leave or get deleted.
Last of Us 2 has yuri in it, you bint.
A lesbian being in a game is not yuri by itself. And regardless, you don't care about yuri, you only brought it up because the game offends you. You going on about the Tomb Raider games proves you only care about your retarded agenda. I will not repeat myself. Keep your off-topic shit out of here.
Even discussing gameplay of yuri-relevant games is considered "off-topic" in these threads.
Irrelevant. Talking about a non-yuri game is objectively off-topic in all instances. Leave your whataboutisms at the door.
Mental illness.
I’ve played far far worse games for the yuri than hzd
>A lesbian being in a game is not yuri by itself.
A lesbian in a relationship is, though. Ellie got a girlfriend for most of the game. That the relationship broke apart is her fault, is all.
I largely preferred if it was in the main game instead of having me poney up more money for the dlc. But yeah, HZD isn't a bad game. Just also not groundbreaking, but games also don't need to be.
Back to /v/intendo you go
I mean every edition of the game you can get right now, especially the Steam version port, already includes the DLC.
It's the OST for all love interest scenes. Still a good piece.
Rabi Ribi and Crymachina for non-VN/gacha
Male x female is het; she is objectively bisexual.
I hate this low IQ bait so much. It's just pathetic, because even 20 seconds of research would prove you wrong.
Judy only romances female voice + female body type V. That is the only way to be a proper woman in this game. You can attach a non-canon dick to your character, because this is Cyberpunk and people can graft whatever they want to their body. That does not make V a tranny. Unless you consider V a trans MAN, but she is refered to with female pronouns at all times and she calls herself a woman. Female voice + female body V is 100% a woman according to everything in the game. No tranny backstory, nothing. The damn dick doesnt even exist in the sex scene.

So once and for all we eliminate this poorly thought out bait. Get fucked.
Tbh I was glad they broke up, they had 0 chemistry, hopelly if they ever make a TLOUS3 they will give Ellie a good lesbian girfriend and not a bislut with someone else kid.
What's the VN called that is supposed to come out next month? The cinematic one with the hundreds of CGs?
Honestly I'm curious about painting lies too. It seems like it should be fluffy Yuri but I had a look at the writer on vndb and they've written some degenerate stuff.
An all-ages yuri vn by the guy who wrote euphoria and kuroinu is definitely something.
I may pick it up over the weekend out of sheer curiosity.
With those credentials I refuse to touch anything they create by principle. Also the entire point is that nobody here can even confirm it if has any yuri at all (I highly doubt it).
The reviews on steam so far say it's yuri, but I still don't want to give money to a guy like this, knowing what he created before.
Both VNs are extremely misogynistic (even for hentai) so I wouldn't be surprised if Painting Lilies has filth like corrective rape or the like.
Everlasting Flowers just got the LGBTQ tag on steam, and on vndb it also claims to have girl x girl romance.
Ah that was the one I was asking about here >>4260960
Yeah we know it's yuri, because unlike some works, this one is advertised as such.
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Exactly. Anyone who can unironically write male domination garbage and mysoginy is nearly irredeemable. We aren't talking about some Shoujo mangaka who wrote some generic het SoL romance manga and then switched to generic yuri SoL to mix it up.

It's never too late to see the light of yuri... is what I want to say, but you cannot trust creatures like that. Remember, the premise is about a girl that has every disability in the known universe too, a cripple. The most vulnerable and pitiful a woman can be. What an encouraging basis for a yuribaity story...
it most likely has yuri
holy fuck that artstyle
Once again some idiot is losing his mind over artstyles instead of subject matter. The real issue with this is that it's clearly a lolrandom trashfire. The premise is dating fucking objects that look like dating partners after putting on magic glasses.
Unless this is the funniest game ever written it is not gonna be worth your time. And lolrandom humor is not predestined for greatness.
Is complaining about artstyle just the new dogwhistle for complaining about black and brown characters existing? I'm thinking yes.
>Fat people
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>holy fuck that artstyle
>open it
>sprites are drawn in the basic-ass Western mobile romance game a-la "Choices" artstyle
I don't see anything particularly offensive about them. What is a crime is the (lack of) anti-aliasing on these.
i just dont like the artstyle because it's the same, safe milquetoast artstyle for every indie, romance western game out there
The problem is that these posters aren't yuri fans, these are waifufags. They need to imagine that they are dating the girls themselves, so they need them to operate within their personal fetishes. Which is just weeb artstyles. Only a generic sex doll will do.
>holy fuck that artstyle!
>I was just saying it looks generic
Anon, you need to learn how to express your thoughts better. Or how to lie more believably.
>They need to imagine that they are dating the girls themselves
To be fair, it looks like a blatant self-insert game. Who else are you supposed to imagine dating the girls, Generic Jane?
Well the promotional blurb for the game does say it's you who's dating these characters.
That's why self-insert shit is the lowest form of yuri. Like I said, people who play this are waifufags, not yuri fans.
Seems pretty ambitious to have a 100-character dating sim with voice acting for a studio's first game. Also seems like dealing with men is unavoidable, but you can keep it friendly (or hostile) I guess.
Well as I already pointed out, the premise is lolrandom humor, so it's not going to be high effort work. It's some brainstorm idea that every normal dev would have discarded. Oh you are dating your table lamp? Isn't that so quirky.
>some brainstorm idea that every normal dev would have discarded
People say this about every indie game with a moderately unusual premise, while the dev team actually sounds like they're having a ton of fun working on their silly little quirky project.
I’m gonna go out on a limb and say that most of the budget of this game went towards the sprites and a few lines of dialogue for each character and every single other aspect of the game is going to be the absolute bare minimum level of effort.
I think we can all agree that some out-of-the-box ideas are more sensible than others. There are games that only get attention for being stupid and quirky, but then they are usually substanceless. Not what you want for a yuri dating game.
Just take that shmup with the alien girt that defeat enemies by making them fall in love with her mentioned last thread. That thing is also quirky and unusual, but the difference is that the game has really solid gameplay that is fun no matter how dumb the premise is. Having a solid base can make up for the risk.
I can tell from this trailer already that the gameplay is insipid and that due to the crappy concept it will just be a bunch of lolrandom humor. That's kinda all it can be.
Well, she certainly looks prettier in that image
I played it and it's pretty much exactly what you would expect from looking at the promo materials.
I didn't pay mind to the author until now and it kinda caught me off-guard. I had to check his twitter to confirm it is the same guy, but yeah. Apparently he just has a massive range.
Best yuri VN story: SeaBed
Best yuri VN couple: Erika and Chidori (Flowers)
Best yuri game story: Signalis
Best yuri couple in a game: Lily and Deathpolca (Demons Roots)
>Best yuri game story: Signalis
How about a story that's a bit more comprehensible for people with room temperature IQ like me?
>Best yuri game story: Signalis
I love Signalis, but let's not pretend that "hey do you know what The King in Yellow is look look here's another reference to it wow and here's a Bible quote in German for you isn't this deep" is "best yuri game story".
What would you nominate over it?
On second inspection, since you've separated "VN games" and "game games", I guess it wins by default.
How is everyone jumping on Signalis of all things when this disgusting troll is literally promoting the het rape game Demons Roots? How can somebody miss this mockery of yuri?
I have more respect of Luxaren Allure or Crymachina when it comes to storytelling, over someone trying to be pseudo-deep and vague. Crymachina feels like it would fall into the same camp, but it handles its ideas far more directly and genuinely than Signalis, which just throws a bunch of cosmic horror tropes into a pot as a backdrop for an RE clone. Both games are about androids who were/are human, but I sure as hell have more investment in Leben and her crew.

A good story needs good characters and tajectory. Signalis falls into the Souls game pit of you just finding out what went wrong before the game started and going through the ruins of that to deal with the leftovers. The entire purpose of the game is stuck in the past and ends with a mediocre conclusion no matter what. Most of the game you spend piecing the "story" together while realizing that there isnt actually any plot.

It's an issue many new authors fall into: Worldbuilding > everything else.
>I played it
>doesn't confirm whether it has yuri
The hell is wrong with you?
Nights of Azure then
did hanako died or in vacation? there hasn't been a hella yuri update in a while
She has last posted on July 9th, so it hasn't been that long. Probably busy.
It's an all-female cast and everybody is gay. I don't know what to add.
Neither of these things are clear if you don't say it you numpty. So you could have said at least that much.
I'm baffled that people are confused about that part. It's the central conceit of the VN. I thought the unclear part was whether or not there's some fucked up shit in there.
No, literally nothing about the trailer or description or promotional material made clear whether there is yuri in this game. That is why so many people asked, you dumbass.
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Best yuri game story is Hat World
Good joke.
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Our favourite perk is back in Fallout: London.
Always good when being a lesbian is a perk.
Found the guy who didn’t play Hat World
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VNs: Kindred Spirits, Fatal Twelve, Chrono Jotter, Expression Amrilato, Little Lily Princess, VA-11 Hall-A, Perfect Gold
Games: Signalis, Volcano Princess, Mary Skelter 2, modded Rimworld
Crymachina would be there if the gameplay was much more refined and/or it was much cheaper. Still need to read a couple of the big VNs too.
Bad joke.
>Fallout: London.
We get new Fallout game?
>Sakura Isekai Adventure 2
Oh, it that one artist that can't draw vaginas.
It’s one of those total conversion mods. Jury’s out on whether it’s as terrible as the last couple big ones.
It's not that hard to draw a line on a 2D character's crotch.
Last couple TCs or last couple games? Because the former have the advantage of NOT being developed by Bethesda
Or different body types.
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I get to have TWO dragon children? This family just keeps growing in the weirdest way.
Of course this balances out that I had to kill Wendu and Camellia.
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It's not even headcanon, Aivu is thinking the same thing! This is too adorable...
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>literally nothing about the trailer or description or promotional material made clear whether there is yuri in this game
>one of the protags is literally named Lilja (Lily)
Doesn't get more yuri than that.
You can also get dragonlings to your floating island if you hatch the dragon eggs in Ivory Sanctum in act 3.
If you knew how many characters named Lily or Yuri I have seen who are not lesbians (or even female) you'd probably start drinking.
I actually did that! But those just hang out with my Free Crusaders, they don't treat Commander as their mom.
>characters named Lily or Yuri
>are not lesbians (or even female)
Stolen valor.
>characters called Yuri, but aren't female (let alone lesbians)
We were literally cursed for years with Yuri on Ice ruining all google searches with the wrong gay shit.
It’s the only Fallout game where they very clearly meant for only the male PC to be playable and then tossed the female PC in at the last minute, which is really weird for Bethesda as they typically just make Player-sexual-/u/ games. While the husband gets the intro and backstory of being a soldier (and an in-game song dedicated to this backstory), the wife is a lawyer, meaning that none of the in-game reasons as for why she’s able to use weapons or power armor apply to her. They were just trying to flip 3’s “child looking for their parent” on its head, but it comes across as very clumsy, and you have to wonder why they decided this was the game they really decided to go all out on romance with, the one where you start out married no matter what.
I think you have to be extremely delusional to think any Fallout game favors female protags. Fallout 2 literally defaults to the Vault Dweller from the first game having been a man.
There is absolutely nothing in Fallout 4 that indicates selectable sex of the protag was an afterthought when that is a staple of the franchise and they never deviated from that once. You can say whatever you want about Bethesda games being low quality boring sandboxes, but they always put weight on customization. Even if the characterisation is as shallow as a puddle, they will let you go through an extensive character creator every single time, because that's one thing their fanbase expects. Playing female characters is standard.

Just be happy that it's not the Fallout 1 or 2 days where playing female protag means your unique interactions is whoring yourself out to men for money (while male protags unique interactions tend to be having sex with female NPCs for the male power fantasy instead).
Fo4, of all of the Fallout and TES games, is the singular one with such a distinct difference between it's protags and a consequential plotline that it's clear that the male protag is what was being thought of. All the TES games pretty much have you as a prisoner because reasons you get to make up in your head with no distinction of significance in your choice of race/class that's MQ relevant. For the Fallouts before 4, you were a Vault dweller, a tribal, another vault dweller and a courier and it didn't really matter what your sex was. Then comes 4 that has very strong backstory (in comparison to the other titles) and a plot more suited to a shitty action movie or much more linear game than Fo4 is. Nate is absolutely the intended playable character by the beats of the plot and to think otherwise is foolish.
Bethesda is a dogshit developer; that's why.
Piper is also clearly modeled to invoke similarity to the wife.
Once again, delusional. Every Fallout game except New Vegas is clearly made for a male protagonist. Female protagonists always have the short end of the stick and are always treated like they can only survive by the grace of males.
Male protags are universally the canon ones in Fallout lore and even back in the day when they gave you some premade options, there were always more male premades than female ones. Even Fallout Tactics was made with the quintessential dude in mind.

You literally can go to the Brotherhood of Steel in most games, find some women in there and they just accept that it's a Brotherhood and their sex is irrelevant or just there to keep their numbers up. Fallout is a surpremely sexist world where women are mostly a commodity. Unique female choices usually boil down to seducing some ugly as fuck man to get easy access to some place or some money/items.

And then you come along to pretend that Fallout 4 was exclusively made for the male protag (with absolutely zero reasoning) and that this is somehow unique to the series or that the female option was not intended, even though it was always planned, because that is literally just how these games are made.
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>real name is Yurisa
>avatar name is Lily Hopes
>she's hope(lessly) in love with the heroine
>And then you come along to pretend that Fallout 4 was exclusively made for the male protag (with absolutely zero reasoning)
Here is a song that Lynda Carter recorded for the game, referencing the male main character’s backstory. None of this applies to the female MC, as she’s just a lawyer, and there’s no song for her.
That is completely irrelevant.
>an example of Bethesda putting resources into fleshing out the backstory for only one gender of the main character is irrelevant in a conversation about a game only putting resources into fleshing out the backstory for one gender
>a single example of someone making a vague song based on one backstory that means shitall for the 100+ hour game
>this must mean they never intended to make a female protagonist
>this is somehow worse than the first game's protag being canonically male
No, somehow stuff like Frontier managed to be more retarded and lore-breaking that Todd could ever dream of
The Frontier was so offensive on so much levels
Living proof of why developing videogames is a privilege and not a right.
No, you can develop games, however writing for them should be gatekept as much as possble
>everybody is gay
So, since it looks like there are no kisses or sex, do the two MCs at least become girlfriends?
Spelled out as such?
No, those two are strictly subtext, what were you expecting from Bushiroad?
I mean, I tolerate the subtext obsession of anime cause that's pretty much all there is in that field, but why would I bother with a subtext VN when there's plenty of maintext options?
Yeah I am not wasting time or money to read subtext
If I'd known beforehand I wouldn't have bothered either.
Prepare for "it's totally maintext!" mental gymnastics we always see for anime to begin here soon.
Wow, so it's just side lesbians?
We anime now, who the fuck asked for subtext VNs.
From the Steam page review, it looks like there's a bait kiss with no romance involved:

> Are the two girls on the package lovers?
It's not love, but a bond.
They trust and need each other.
Because there is no sexual connotation, their bond is closer.
It's not about identification or restraint but respecting each other as separate individuals and being wings to travel different worlds.
There is a kiss scene.
>It's not love
Waste of time.
If it's not advertised as yuri then it isn't yuri.
Nowhere in the teasers, ads, twitter account or game page has Lilja and Natsuka Painting Lies ever been advertised as yuri.
That UI is pretty crap, looks like a placeholder.
>Because there is no sexual connotation, their bond is closer.
This guy is the literal target audience of yuri bait.
The saving grace of VNs was that they at least were explicit, if this becomes the new trend I don't see a point anymore.
Don't worry, you'll always have western LGBT[...] crap.
I'll be waiting for english Ever Maiden to heal me.
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Not really. They have a weird co-dependence thing going on. They do kiss though.

That's weird take. Summary of the kiss scene:
The disabled girl, Lilya, writes a script for a puppet show for their and their friends' Christmas party. It's a summary of their arc/drama, ending in their counterparts exchanging vows in front of their friends and kissing. The others then egg them on to play it out.
Looks like the weird take is right since the one act that would normally turn their relationship into romance has an excuse for it, which is typical of yuri subtext.
Of course it leaves a window open to the interpretation that deep down they're really in love, but still has no yuri resolution, which is also typical of subtext.
Never thought I'd see the day that "muh interpretation™" would take over even visual novels.
Bandai Namco would be proud.
If it becomes the new trend is because giants like Bushiroad are going all-in on the VN market. I doubt old hands are going to start writing subtext VNs.
This is some shameless yuribait.
Did you people really expect someone who wrote extremely misogynistic VNs to actually do yuri?
Pretty sure old hands would still have to abide by their employer's requirements.
This must be the first time I genuinely wish for something yuri-ish to crush and burn, keep your gacha writing off my VNs.
Old hands as in devs who made/still make VNs. If their possible new employer giant wants them to write subtext VNs it's because the yuri VN market caught their attention. Those aren't going anywhere.
Nippon Ichi also tried the same stunt a few years back, they released two sorta yuri VNs that didn't seal the deal, and I'm pretty sure they failed miserably.
I mean, from a business standpoint subtext and bait are the way to go: that way you can profit from both fanbases without alienating either.

G-Witch proved that going too explicit is a bad move from a business standpoint; I don't see anything like it happening ever again.
Do you people live inside the walls or something?
I agree as far as anime goes, but yuri VNs have a decades old history of explicitness behind them, and I don't think it's a very popular medium with the mainstream audience, so I'm not sure if they'll find the similar market they're obviously probing for.
>and I don't think it's a very popular medium
Exactly; they want to make VNs mainstream and the way to go is removing everything about the medium that may be offensive to mass audiences.
>G-Witch proved that going too explicit is a bad move from a business standpoint
The G-Witch controversy was entirely self-manufactured for no reason by Bandai Namco and it anything the pushback they got until they had to relent proves the opposite.
lord is this guy stupid
Still not sure I can see it happening, the main reason VNs are niche is too much text for too few pictures, the attention span of the mainstream is short.
>until they had to relent
Did they?
If you're referring to what this article is about, they did anything but:
I'm not talking about the "open to interpretation" controversy; I'm talking about how G-Witch revolving around a yuri relationship alienated casual anime audiences, mecha fans and Gundam fans at the same time to the point where Bandai Namco had to revive the SEED movie project to mitigate the damage done to the Gundam brand and gave IBO of all shows a refreshed image ("it wasn't so bad after all").
You live in an alternate reality.
Uh, the sales data is public. G-witch had the best merch sales since like 2005.
No it didn't. Only Aerial moved units but after a few months into the show it it got outsold by the same UC merch and kits. The rest of G-Witch kits, even Aerial Rebuild, are collecting dust and being sold at heavy discounts.
That Bandai Namco financial report explained that it was mostly their gacha games and UC kits that made money for the Gundam franchise during that time.
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>alienated casual anime audiences, mecha fans and Gundam fans at the same time
>the year G-Witch aired was the most profitable in ages
Must've been all those IBO sales, huh.
You can literally see the sales spike in 2022. And the gacha excuse is such a copout when a minute ago you were talking about massive brand damage. Just take the L already.
/m/ did a detailed analysis of those numbers and revealed that it was a lot of factors (like the first heavy push of Gunpla since COVID) that brought those numbers; G-Witch had nothing to do and int was even detrimental in the long run.

You can ask them if you don't believe me.
How did people like this even get here?
/m/ got mindbroken over the yuri and huge chunks of the board were actively hoping it'd fail, so that's really not credible in the slightest. Wanna try again?
Why are you trying to cope that yuri made something fail (when it didn't) on the yuri board? You seem lost.
>Mrs Freeze in Suicide Squad
Are we not gonna talk about this?
>You can ask the board with the most biased opinion on G-Witch what they think about G-Witch
I'm good, thanks.

>it got outsold by the same UC merch and kits
Bandai's public financial report does not mention which kits brought how much money. You gonna back that up with a source?
/m/ are the biggest Gundam marks on the west; the fact they hated the show is pretty telling.

I don't have it with me right now but they released kit numbers. Basically the best kit of 2022 and 2023 was a Sazabi re-release.
Why would we?
You really need to stop talking. You didn't like G-Witch. That's fine, me neither. But your ignorance hurts to read.
It's not ignorance, it's the facts and why we will never get another mainstream Japanese yuri media again.
Steins;Gate became very popular with mainstream audiences so it isn't outside the realm of possibility.
Do we have a term for this kind of lesbian, one that is only made as a gimmick or for a diversity quota?
Umineko too. Fate Stay Night. Do you know how many VNs were released between those? Or from Steins Gate to now? The next SG ain't happening because big publishers (or a big publisher anyway) are moneyhatting yuri VNs now.
I copyright DEI dyke.
What about DEIke?
You mean Nora Fries, the woman that was married to Mr. Freeze, who is a man? How is that yuri?
/m/ is biased and not representative of the Gundam fanbase at large. Not the majority, let alone all of it.
You're already infringing on my copyright.
Suicide Squad Mrs Freeze is an Elseworld gender-swapped Mr Freeze who's still married to a frozen Nora. She's also the most stereotypical ugly dyke you'll ever see.
Don't forget how the DC universe already has a psychopatic murderous supervillainess with ice powers they could use instead.
Using an existing female character isn't diverse enough, it should be replacing an existing male character too.
If you can find that data and what region it applies to, this conversation is moot. Unless you're talking about the one screenshot of toynes sales ranking, in which case lol lmao. One (1) metal Sazabi is equivalent to 132 HG Aerial sales by value.

On the other hand, despite this apparent "brand damage" you keep talking about, Bandai seems to have no issue talking about WfM positively in interviews: https://www.bandainamco.co.jp/files/ir/integrated/pdf/en_2023_integrated_2.pdf
>this conversation is moot
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Do you play games with no yuri but have extremely shippable girls even if they have a het endgame? Just played one entirely about the relationship between two girls trying to save each other while the male love interest had 3 lines total in the game.
Isn't that game sufficiently dead already?
>It should be replacing an existing male character too.
This but unironically.
Are these people just trying to gaslight everyone into forgetting that gunpla was sold out everywhere when wfm was airing?
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I'm stuck, where do I find the last trigger?
What game?
And no, why would I support hetshit?
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Fuck's sake. Every single day.
I played a game with a friend recently that was surprisingly yuri even though it seemed nothing like that.

>Scott Pilgrim vs The World
Damn Beat 'em Up had two girls kissing on screen with a press of a button and we high fived at the end. The end. There is nothing "deep" in it. So don't look for that.
It's based on a scene from the comic where Kim and Knives kiss while drunk. Knives dated Scott for a bit at the start before he moved on to Ramona and Kim used to like him in high school. The comic literally goes "let us never speak of this again - and they never spoke of that again" when Scott catches them in the act, but someone on the game development staff was based and turned it into a regular occurrence.
Huh, didn't know that. And now I am actually glad they kept it like this. As an outsider to that story I could enjoy it without the het in mind. I just saw two girls kissing the whole time. To this day I still don't understand Knives ability.

With that in mind we also played Full Metal Furies and that game has a full female cast. Except the enemies of course. Absolutely nothing explicit yuri but with the right imagination. Just wanted to put it out there.
When I was younger and we had barely any games was explicit yuri. Don’t really need to anymore.
I get where you are coming from but I remember being floored that you can flirt with other woman in Fallout 1 as a woman. And these days I was replaying F1 and accidentally ‘slept’ with a woman I helped and was surprised you could even do it. F2 suffers a lot from the weird porn plot in New Reno but I guess the question is: it was harder to include that type of stuff (gay stuff) than it os today.

Bethesda locking F4’s protagonist to always be ‘married’ at the beginning shows that it either was intentional (they don’t really like gay stuff in their games) or they didn’t think it was an issue. And that is telling in itself.

Tim Cain being gay certainly helped!
Isn't this pretty much FF7?

I even had a hard time trying to buy Calibarn a few months after the finished airing. I just know for a fact that if that comment was posted on the WfM thread, they'll get a solid beatdown from the factcheckers.
Yes, I will take explicit lesbians over Japanese subtext "yuri", thanks.
Holy shit, you are on /u/ you /pol/ piece of shit. If /u/ had it's way ALL male characters would be replaced with women. You overreached tourist. Your "muh diversity and replacement" shit doesn't work here.
You are better off looking for a guide or going to the old forums. I doubt most people here have played Luxaren Allure recently enough to remember anything. Sorry.
>I was replaying F1 and accidentally ‘slept’ with a woman
I just recently played all of Fallout 1 and that never happened. Prostitutes refuse to sleep with female Vault Dweller and there is no companion romance in the game, so that's pretty much the only option.
>locking marriage in Fo4
Once again, universally seen as the biggest mistake of the game. They were trying too hard to have the save your child narrative and thought whatever, the spouse dies anyway, so people will be fine with it.
However, Fo4 is the first game where you can romance all your female companions as a female protag (and really the first Fallout game with proper romance mechanics to begin with).

Tim Cain being gay is the only reason a (joke) gay marriage was in Fallout 2, yes. He was also the one who advocated for a female protagonist option to appeal to the incredibly small female fanbase they had back then. Man was a real trooper. But he directed at a time where this is a drop of water on a hot stone. This doesnt make the writing of these old games any less mysognistic. It doesn't change that only heterosexual characters are treated seriously. Of course with modern F2 mods you can make that game a perfect lesbian experience, but that's like saying Fallout 4 is good, because modders made it bearable.
>extremely shippable girls even if they have a het endgame
Please... don't bring shit like that here. This is by far and wide considered off-topic for this thread and the board. The absolute lowest we will go is a girl with no het where the girls are shippable and even then, it would have to be intentional strong subtext.
And before some retard does their
>b-b-but there are threads about het works!!!!!
spiel, remember that those are image dumps that only post yuri art. They are not discussing the het game. Because it is off-topic. The same applies here.
Calibarn was the top 2 selling toy (by total value of sales) in 2023 according to the same rating that placed the metal Sazabi first in 2022: https://www.toynes.jp/ranking_year2023/
Beaten only by an anniversary kit of the Zeta Gundam, and with FM Aerial in the third place. In total, there are 4 WfM kits in the top-10 list for 2023. Sure, WfM kits did not completely overtake the sales of kits from every other show in the franchise, but calling it a commercial failure is just moronic.
Also refer to this in the future:
Cloud got a tad more to say than three lines him and Tifa also kiss these days

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