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Why are some of these ships so long lasting? Marisa and Alice have been together longer than my parents, ffs. I mean, you don't hardly see any new Konata x Kagami doujins, but Marisa x Alice still come out on the regular. I'm satisfied by it, but wonder why.
...because touhou is still ongoing to this day alongside having an active fanbase whereas the only thing people remember about lucky star was the 2007 anime? seems pretty obvious. same thing happens in other long lasting series like pokemon, people are still drawing Cynthia x Dawn for example.
Yeah, but I hardly see any Ash x Misty.
Het shippers in general are not nearly as dedicated as yuri or fujo shippers. Add to that Touhou fans being dedicated as fuck in general, and you got one of the most active yuri fanbases in history.
Also, AshxMisty is a shit-tier pair.
Don't think that one was ever popular, certainly not by the time Pixiv came around in 2005. Fanart is focused on the games a lot more than the tv series (though it is true that the new girl MC is getting paired pretty regularly with another girl right now), and the yuri pairings tend to outlast the het ones in general.
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Plus size Reimu
because those aren't touhous, those are cookie characters.
the eye kissing flandre is really funny lmao
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rarest/hardest to find ship?
throw a dart at two random touhou names out of the 200 that exist, most likely you'll find a pair that has little to no art.
There is actually a page to do just that.

I got Mokou and Renko, which indeed has no art.
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Whaaat hu is that
I can't tell
sanae parsee and hecatia.
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Thank you.
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What do you think would happen if Reimu met a nasty, tricky youkai who pointed behind her in guise of a warning for danger - just to kiss her on the cheek once she turned her head!?
ask ZUN.
Retaliate by kissing her on the lips.
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>Ta dah! What do you think of this cheongsam? Does it suit me, Meira?
>Y...you fool! That is too revealing! Don't show yourself like that to anyone but me, you hear?
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How accurate is this?
>shou x seija
did the artist throw two darts at a list of names for that one?
Seems it's his personal rareship.
Kanako conquered Suwako ages ago and their war still wages on bed.
>My hands can fit around your waist! Are you making sure to eat enough?!
>No matter how busy you get with work, you can't neglect proper meals!

>What's this fuss all of a sudden...? Thank you for worrying about me, though...
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Wasn't Akyuu supposed to die last week?
that's just a dumb meme, irl time is not Gensokyo time, otherwise all the humans would be middle aged hags by now.
Every game so far has taken place in the same year as its release, and there is no indication that time passes any differently in Gensokyo (otherwise Akyuu's reincarnation would be meaningless).
It's a given that main human characters are subject to comic book time (even if we're extra generous and assume Reimu and Marisa were somehoe young children in EoSD, they'd still be past cake age by now), but Akyuu is so connected to her age and short lifespan that it's a glaring thing to overlook.
So that means that Reimu and Marisa should in their 30s now. With Sakuya and Meiling possible into their 40s?
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Meiling is not human, she's a youkai of an unspecified species. I also forgot Sumireko, who should be 25+ by now.
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New: >>4296519

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