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>Stay at my side forever

Previous thread: >>4269981

Extra materials:

>Cradle Planet

>Vanadis Heart Manga

>Special Drama CD - Episode.01: What Miorine Wants
>Drama CDs part 1-2

>Suletta & Miorine Japan Tour

>Light Novel
https://files.catbox.moe/kawi6k.zip (Vol1 Raw)
https://zeonic-republic.net/translation/[ZeonicScanlations]_Witch_from_Mercury[Vol01].pdf (Translated)

>Houseki no Hibi, the finale insert song by AiNA THE END

>Doujinshi folder
>Doujin Anon's ko-fi

>All About Mercury ZIP
>Accompanying TL Notes

>Misc Translations (including the School Assembly Drama CD)
Translated MajoRaji snippets:

>Asticassia School Festival BD rips
>School Festival Drama CD (parent directory contains WfM-related scans, including non-/u/ doujins)
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>last thread
I’m glad everyone is starting to notice how insulting Pina’s fanarts are to our fandom. She portrays Suletta like she’s a giant infant while Miorine’s a sex addict. Most of her arts contains diaper play I think.
100%. Sure, some sex is nice every now and then, but Pina’s headcannon, so to speak, is just too much.
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Suletta definitely likes talking about Miorine to people, but I don't think Miorine would talk about Suletta to anyone other than close friends. She wouldn't try to hide her, but she likes to separate her private and public lives.

Most of her arts contains diaper play I think.
Let's not lie on the Internet.
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>Art schizos are back.
I get you don't like her stuff, but nobody cares, you can block her, close your eyes, hide the posts with her art.

>Suletta definitely likes talking about Miorine to people, but I don't think Miorine would talk about Suletta
No silly, I'm talking about Miorine being a tsundere, she's shy and never says how she feels, unlike Suletta. Even that Blu-ray ad (probably post-epilogue) isn't free of it, Eri literally says "admit it makes you happy". It also happened in the AsticassiaFest CD-drama, Miorine is "ranting" about Suletta's surprise was embarrassing just to be interrupted by Eri saying "but it made you happy".

Give it a rewatch.


After their conversation she had no shame in displaying dominance saying she will only dance with Suletta.

I think Prospera did the same thing in the characommentary.
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CrosSing announced a new season and japanese Sulemiofags are asking for Lynn and IchiKana singing Houseki no Hibi.
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TL-nee, onegai.

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The point of these threads is to share our thoughts with you.
I just saw her latest Sulemio art on twitter and there is a literal diaper text there. Smh.
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There's a huge difference between what you think about Sulemio (the pairing) and what you think about a Sulemio artist. Again, I get you don't like it because I don't like it either, but I'm not vocal about it, I rather talk about Miorine's white pubes and how it may influence in the way she has sex with Suletta.
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I really like this artist @belletaku
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You mean this >>4280648?

Insisting someone who draws a picture of a pregnant woman and her partner buying clearly labeled baby diapers is a sexual deviant is quite revealing, you know.
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Stupid idiot, can't you see this anons is just an art schizo? Ignore and move on.
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It be cool if they could sing it in their Miorine and Suletta voice, but hey I'll take whatever!
Is there any Mio oujo x maid Suletta fics out there? I feel like that's the easiest AU they could make with them
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>Cute Sulemio 4koma Theatre

>Summer's Coming

>(But putting the aircon on is a waste)
>Then let's sleep separately.

>No way.

>Guess there's no other choice then...

>This makes it slightly more bearable, right?
>Suletta...are you even listening?
>Hm? You wanna do it? Fine~
Still awaiting for a kiss scene and hopefully more content like Audio Drama, etc.. I know Zeonic is translating the novels, thats going to take time to finish
I don’t think we’ll get an official kiss for a while
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That's the incubation party dresses
Threadly reminder Miorine is super lucky to have Suletta.
I doubt that because the song is AiNA-tier, it was funny to know "houseki no hibi" allegedly trended in Japan.

Thanks TL-nee.

We know anon, both are so lucky.
I hope someone will give the summary from the first one
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What’s this? From where?
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New Gundam/G-witch choco wafers
Miorine loves her wife's choco wafers iykwim
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I like the image of Miorine having Suletta as a trophy assistant/secretary who is always wearing her school uniform at the office.
I love the fact that Miorine hide the dragon inside of her bosom.
Source (timestamp 18:36)

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Episode 18: Our Empty Selves
>Aftermath of the betrayal

Miorine continues to not react the way you'd expect, as in episode 10. Rather than being crushed by guilt, she's making funny surprised faces. She'd be outright hateful if it wasn't for that scene where she's unconsciously imitating Suletta's way of fiddling with her hands.

She has an interesting arc where she starts off as self-centered and transactional, gains a girlfriend and friends, starts a business for and with them, forms an altruistic vision for the business and then throws away Suletta and Earth House for the vision, going back to entirely transactional relationships with people she mostly dislikes. The way she thinks she's strong and must sacrifice her own happiness to protect her weaker loved ones when she's actually exposing her own back... She's even the one who suggests bringing Aerial to Quinharbor.

Watching Suletta in this episode is even more painful than the last two episodes. If Mio meant her explanation for dumping her to sound insane and evil, it didn't work. Suletta's fully accepted it and blames herself. Yet she keeps looking after the tomatoes. The things Lauda says to her are cruel, but maybe there's some kindness there. He knows what it's like to be cast aside as useless. As far as he knows, it probably would be better for Suletta to just have a clean break from Mio.

In a neat touch, the dark green uniform looks way worse on her than the white one, as it doesn't set off her hair and skin tone.

The way Suletta's loved ones keep subjecting her to the most mentally destructive experiences possible, fully believing they're acting in her best interests, approaches black comedy.

For all that Prospera is incredible at manipulating Mio, she doesn't seem to understand Suletta at all. Did she really think she could go through with her plan to betray Mio and start a massacre with her right there? Maybe she does think Suletta is her little automaton like she implied to Mio.
The only thing I liked in this episode was Miorine's new design. I never enjoyed the kicking-Suletta episodes.
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>Cinnamon roll hairdo episode.

Chuchu mvp, I thought she was going to shit talk about Miorine and punch her, but nope, asked Suletta why she isn't upset and even encouraged her to talk to Miorine and try to make over.

>Rather than being crushed by guilt, she's making funny surprised faces.
I used to think that, but she does have an empty expression at the end of the episode, like always she's bottling up her emotions. Then episode 19 happened and Sulemiofags celebrated it.

>The things Lauda says to her are cruel, but maybe there's some kindness there.
Anon, please tell me you weren't bullied. Lauda is just being a douchebag, no good intentions, kindness or whatever, he was projecting himself and his shitty insecurities. Geez, try not to be a Jeturkfag.
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TL-nee... Please.
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>Chuchu mvp
I'm a little disappointed in how she's handled in general, though she's a good friend to Suletta here. The only really violent hooligan thing she ever does is beat up the two bullies. After that she's all talk and not even a little bit sympathetic to Dawn of Fold actually doing something to oppose Spacian hegemony. Her turn here feels less like personal growth and more her just realizing no one's buying the college radical act so she might as well stop.

>he was projecting himself and his shitty insecurities
Maybe kindness was a bad way of putting it, but he sees himself in Suletta and tells her to do what he wishes he could do himself, cruelly.

I made a point there about Guel probably being worse at the job than Lauda (the one thing he's done independently of Miorine is fail to submit the report to the shareholders on time), but had to cut it for space. I do like their chunky mobile suits, though.
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This is tagged as spoilers for vol 3, so I guess it's a new scene?

>Walk me to my room
>I'm not your friend -
>I'm your wife now, understood?
>So you're saying 'yes' to my proposal?


>A kiss? Why?
>One of my to-do list items was 'if my proposal is a success, kiss her'.


>Stay by my side
>Clean my room twice a week
>Hug me 3 times a day
>I will
>Get better quickly, too
>I'll try to!

>Say you love me
>I love you

Asking her to get better made me think it's post ending, but there's no marks. Is this meant post depression, pre-ending I guess?
>she doesn't seem to understand Suletta at all
That's intentional. Her obsessing over Eri has lead her to neglect Suletta. While Elnora still loves her it's not as much as Eri and she just makes assumptions with no knowledge.
>not even a little bit sympathetic to Dawn of Fold actually doing something to oppose Spacian hegemony
Well she doesn't know that. All she knows it terrorists are shooting at her.
Personally I think her growth is fine. After getting a win on the "spacians" in the grassley duel and finding out Sophie and Norea were terrorists she probably doesn't want to see herself go down that path.
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The cinnamon roll hairstyle is Miorine’s best look by a mile and it’s a goddamn crime she loses it literally ten seconds before she meets back up with Suletta

Yes I understand the symbolism being used here but screw that I want my aesthetic
It just feels deeply humiliating to have a mom who's far more interested in your girlfriend's personality than yours, even if it isn't for a nice reason. Suletta's such a saint for taking all them back.

Them being Earthians seems like a reasonable guess, particularly since Norea used bullets in space. It's not the only such omission, but it feels like Chuchu should have grappled more with the politics of what's happening, as the resident pro-Earthian radical. Then there's the question of why exactly she wants to learn to pilot military mobile suits. Surely she doesn't plan to join Dominicus?

It probably involves too many bad memories for her to go back to it during the time skip, too, So much sadness and lost opportunities in their lives.
That's not Sulemio, sis.
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Will there be more G-Witch down the road anons?
She's posting the other Gundam series, she was here since months ago.
SD G-Witch cards?
Whenever SRW starts texting back.
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Thanks TL-nee.
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SuleMio in HK
B51さん is gone on twitter...
Eventually yes
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Bruh why?
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Episode 19: Not the best way
>Prospera secures Miorine's victory

This part of the show works way better on a rewatch when there aren't two-week breaks between episodes and discourse on the Internet. There really is just one episode between the betrayal and Miorine's plan going to hell.

I was way off about Quinharbor being in Japan. They're above Egypt as they descend from space, so somewhere in the Levant seems more likely.

The Suletta scenes this episode are so good. The 25-episode deadline is starting to loom, so brief scenes will need to do a lot. These are some of the most successful ones, first establishing how crushed Suletta is and then showing her how no matter what she has lost or what her origins are, she has a place in Earth House. The kids were wise to let her be until she left her room herself. Raiding the fridge for ham is an affirmation of life.

One thing I hadn't noticed earlier is that based on her interview with Bel, Feng Jun seems to know there are Gundams near Quinharbor. If so, she could have alerted Mio to Prospera's duplicity, but she, not unreasonably, thinks Mio and Prospera are in cahoots. Ironically, Mio seems to have liked Feng Jun and seen her as an ally. She even hoped she'd uncover something about Prospera when she authorized her to visit the hangar in Plant Quetta.

Most people probably wanted Mio to get some kind of a comeuppance for betraying Suletta, but when it comes it's horrifying. Often anime characters feel responsible for rather odd things, but this one really is on her. She knew Prospera was malicious, but thought she was clever enough to contain her. She hurt Suletta because she thought she was too immature to see through Prospera, but didn't once question her explanation of QZ. (Suletta immediately figures out the massacre was caused by her mom). Still, it's hard not to feel bad for a 17-year-old girl trying to make herself feel better by watching videos of her ex-girlfriend she thinks she'll never see again.
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Miorine's approach to the election was always doomed. The weapons consortium that makes its money by encouraging proxy wars on a planet it has reduced to 90s Somalia is not going to vote for you if you campaign on being the peace candidate. That's why they all decide to support her when they think she suppressed the riots with mobile suits and sparked another war.

I think Mio probably realizes this, but she doesn't really have an alternative if she doesn't want to compromise her new-found sense of ethics. Instead she thinks she'll be able to pull it off just with the strength of her will and intelligence. This is the same stubbornness that made her pressure Suletta into completing the exam blind. Mio is highly intelligent (and the stuff she does in the final episodes implies a genius-level intellect) and used to relying on herself. Unfortunately, she's forgetting the part where her last completely independent plan involved stranding herself in space in a suit rapidly running out of oxygen.

If everything went to plan and Prospera was on the level, I wonder what she would have done. The Earthians immediately throw out her plan to open a factory there because it does nothing about Spacian exploitation. The thing they like is her treating Earth House as equals, but she's kind of burned that bridge already. For now they're waiting to see what the hell is up with her, but they aren't going to be her friends and coworkers unless she makes things right with Suletta.

I remember someone here insisting Mio wasn't wrong to betray Suletta because this episode allegedly claims it was not the best way but the only way she had available to her. You may argue that it applies to her if you want, but it's only said about Martin and Eri here.

I try to avoid talking about Guel, but his immediately ditching Mio after claiming he can't trust her with the negotiations is very funny. Then he refuses to help the kid get into a school. Not everyone is cut out to be the hero.
lol... he's really stupid
>Feng Jun
It's so sad that Miorine didn't even knew she died. She was one of the few people who was good to her.
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Himmel is back
Girls Band Kawaii...
Retarded Japs attacking them for editing/removing G*el from Mogumo's fanart. Not only hetshitters either.
If she really believes Prospera and Miorine are allies like she implies to Bel, she dies thinking Miorine is a villain who had her killed.

I like her a lot. She's so confident and cunning, yet just about the only adult with uncompromised morals. When she found out her bosses wanted to put down Benerit, she went rogue to find a peaceful solution and is ultimately the reason the story has a happy end.
The other day saw Sulemio talking about how people shouldn't use the logo because they aren't oficial staff and I was baffled, why are they like this.
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I thought it was a chinese fan who cut Memel out of the picture.

I really liked the sexual tension betwen her and Belmeria.

Sis, you're taking about the same people who shittalked about the Sulemio zine, a zine is basically a western doujinshi.
They found out about it because someone made a post about where the profits went to, takashi Ohashi retweeted it btw.
>Child porn: good
>Zines: bad

Okay Japan, keep getting mogged by China and Korea
We talked about it 2-3 months ago sis, but I should've been more specific.
Playing devil's advocate, if I understood correctly, they got pissed because the zine circle used a sulemio official art in their FAQ card and site, and jumped into strange schizo conclusions.
And I already said I saw some days ago them talking about not using the logo, like not even Nintendo or Disney care about that shit
I don't know, with the zine their argument was "copyright", it may be the same thing this case.
B51 uploaded a wallpaper which had Guel cut out too.
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>I really liked the sexual tension betwen her and Belmeria.
The only way to undo Milfchar's evil mind break and make he good again is to send a big beautiful woman to flirt with and threaten her. Bel's such a bottom.

I like how in addition to the canon couple, there's lots of potential subtext ones, some more plausible than others: Wendy/Nyla, Chuchu/Nika, Sabina/Nika, Maisie/Ireesha, Sophie/Norea, Sophie/Either sister, Prospera/Mio, Prospera/Bel, Feng Jun/Bel...
Did they just report her then removed or she's the one who left the twitter?
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>nip chick edited that Mogumo festival pic and posted HER phone wallpaper on HER personal twitter account
>retarded nips (90% Memel shipwhales getting "offended" and some self-righteous Sulemio fags from Nipland) suddenly seethe hard at it
If that was really the case then girl should've ignored the yumewhales or block the shitposters. As soon as Mogumo or any drawfag, animator or even the official anime account uploads his stuff on Twatter for FREE, everyone can easily download them and do whatever the fuck they want with it.
Man... I really liked her wholesome and ecchi SuleMio stuff since the G-witch TV broadcast started though. Wish I downloaded all her drawings
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I will give credit to Miorine that she managed to get way further in the plan than could have been reasonably expected. Sure it wouldn’t have worked even if Prospera hadn’t actively sabotaged it, but the fact that she somehow managed to avoid the negotiations collapsing means that she is pretty good at this. She just needs to listen to people other than her girlfriend’s evil mom.
Great, we lost a great artist 'cause people can't stand the idea of two women being a couple.

Sincerely hope the lot of them keel over and fucking die.
Nah, some GL people like het couples too, they just think the Gorilla is that important.
Funny considering he's literally an outsider for suletta and miorine.
"They" as in none-GLfags I mean btw
I think you’re conflating two different things
They think it's disrespectful to edit someone art, it's just a nip thing. I remember some months ago a mangaka a threw a fit because some kid colored her manga on Twitter and nips were defending the mangaka and saying it was rude while everyone else was "lol chill is just a kid"
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>stopped posting sulemio pics since last week
>lazy sisters barely post any new WFM info
Pls... at least repost the newest official WFM merch
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Buy Gundam chocolate wafers and you'll get these special Sulemio cards
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>Itajaga sweets
I thought Suletta was excitingly staring at a naked Miorine
Did they just complain or they literally reported her? I don't get how they just kicked her that way easily.
Could be she just deactivated, but Twitter basically doesn't have human moderation anymore. You can get any account taken down with a big enough report campaign.
I don't think the twitter banned her with such a stupid reason, that's just low.
She probably just deleted her account. I don't think Guelies could mass such a force to get an account banned, if there even is such a thing.
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I love the scooter scene from episode 8, I've been blessed to see Mio Mio's face since this >>4281807 couldn't.

>lazy sisters barely post any new WFM info
Fuck you anon, people have a life aside from posting and talking about anime lesbians on 4chan, I used to imagedump too.
Yeah, she likely deleted it herself.
As far as I could tell it was mainly fellow JP sulemiofags who shit on her for disrespecting Mogumo's art, but whether that's what caused her to delete her account is just speculation.
Can't blame her for getting sick of the moral police though.
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Should have been Pina baka
They look older here and Suletta looks handsome
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She's back on BlueSky. Go make an account and tell her we still love her, miss her SuleMio illustrations and want her back on Twitter, sisters
Dont stop coming here then. Stay!
Welp Miorine is truly giving off dem smug gf vibes in that pic
She knows she's going to have a dose of tanussy.
uh what was that again?
More like everyone should go there and leave Muskrat' app forever
Bluesky is better than Musk's anyway.
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This artist predicted the "things I want to do with Miorine" lost.
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More Miopussy.
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Yeah, Miorine was in a pretty good place before Prospera got to her. She had her flaws, but also friends and a girlfriend who helped mitigate them and kept her grounded. In a scenario where Prospera catches a bullet at Plant Quetta, Miorine would have turned out fine.

I kind of enjoy Prospera's manipulation of Miorine because she's so good at it, but man is it cruel. Even putting aside all the deaths, she has to rig so many things to get Miorine in that position that it isn't in any way a reasonable punishment for her character flaws.
Well, yeah? The point of Prospera's manipulating Miorine wasn't some sort of narrative karma caused purely by Miorine's character flaws, it was a very deliberate act on Prospera's part specifically to make Miorine suffer because of who she is, Delling's daughter. The disproportionate suffering is the point because Miorine being an extended target of Prospera's revenge scheme at all is entirely disproportionate to begin with.

Which depending on your perspective, makes it either all the more egregious or all the more hilarious that she ultimately lives in peace with her family - /including/ Miorine.
It's definitely a lot chiller due to having less users, but how the hell do you even search for images of ladies kissing? At most I'll see furry art and men kissing on my feed without following anyone.
B51's new fanart
I miss her tweets about Sulemio...
bluesky has different feeds, and there's a yuri one in particular. besides that you look up the ships you like or find out if artists you already like are on there, and see what posts are being shared until you build out a circle of people you follow who will put yuri on your dash.
>you really find this so enjoyable?


>You don't have any thoughts on it? Like, impressions?

>...I do think it's enjoyable.

>My heart starts beating hard, and I begin to feel excited...!

>Don't grope me while we're chatting.

>I wouldn't say touching you is relaxing though.
>Instead it's more...
>"so this is what it's like"... [unsure of this line].


>You kept touching me so eagerly, so I...


>that's because I wanted to.


>Did you enjoy it too, Miorine-san?

>It's really important if you did or not!

>As if I'd tell you that,
Where are they posting now?
On reflection maybe it's actually Miorine speaking, but then why's Suletta making a groping gesture in the 4th panel? If that's the case though then I guess it'd be:

>I can't stay calm when touching you though.
>Calm...but hold on,
>what're breasts to you...

Honestly novels with paragraphs are so much easier than having to interpret which speech bubble belongs to who, and getting context from just images.
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Oops, there was supposed to be an entire paragraph there about whether Prospera thinks this is a reasonable karmic punishment for her, instead of just the worst thing she can think of for Delling's daughter. Shouldn't post while sick.

I just keep thinking about their first meeting at the party where Prospera makes such a point of humiliating her by quoting her heated words to Delling back to her and then basically calls her a privileged brat living off daddy's wealth while shit-talking him. Maybe this time it's a "you're an egotistical brat and only different from Delling in your hypocrisy and naivete".

>makes it either all the more egregious or all the more hilarious that she ultimately lives in peace with her family - /including/ Miorine.
It's a crime if we never get a 4koma family sitcom about the Mercurys.
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What was going through her head during this moment?
No thoughts, pure terror and grief.
>m1osule9696 is gone
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Not to be a shitposter, what would Miorine do if Suletta had really died there? Spacial suicide?

Go to mourn penises somewhere else.
Probably pretty close to what she does in canon. She wants to make up for her mistakes and to fulfill Suletta's wishes about the school and taking care of her mom and Eri. She'd just be a lot sadder about it and definitely wouldn't keep in touch with Prospera beyond making sure she's living comfortably. She never marries but spends a lot of time with her friends.
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Suicide, of course. Lovers suicide.
We would've gotten widow Miorine with suicidal tendencies. She was already suicidal when she tried to go to Earth. I wonder what she would do over there. Visit her mom's grave and plant some tomatoes while living like a poor but happy earthnoid too?
>Not to be a shitposter, what would Miorine do if Suletta had really died there?
She's tickle Nika's feet until she threw up, probably.
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Reminder that Suletta is the true boss in the relationship
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SD cardass spin-off is uploading new G-witch cards
MaidenRine totally believing in Tanuletta's strength and supporting her as usual
She also has baby-gundam-dragon inside of her, cute.
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Here's Tanuletta saying she will always help her Miorine-san. And yes, she's a beastman (tanuki transformation confirmed SOON)
Episode 20: The End of Hope
>School shooting II

Such a bittersweet way to find out Sophie and Norea wore matching bracelets.

Suletta having superhuman strength is great. I hope they didn't fix that for the BDs.
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Episode 21: What We Can Do Now
>Suletta joins the Feds

Early in the episode, Secelia watches Suletta as she hands out blankets and asks Suletta if she's changed, to which she agrees. The change isn't about kidness or helping others, since that's something Suletta's always done, so she must mean how active she's gotten, instead of just reacting to things or waiting for instructions. One of the reasons she had problems in her relationship with Miorine was the way she willingly became just one of her employees. The way she didn't ask Mio any questions about her sudden desire to see her duel Guel for no reason was in a sense a sweet show of absolute trust, but also not a good idea. What if she had confronted Mio back then?

I wonder how going to Mio's room to refrigerate the tomatoes after Mio left felt to her. The greenhouse is the place with the symbolic weight even in-universe, but lots of people actually go there or at least stand in the doorway. The only people who ever went to Mio's room were her and Suletta, and they had some pretty intimate moments there, especially if you think Suletta slept there semi-regularly.

Absolutely perfect acting from Kana in the scene where Suletta tells everyone who she is and what Prospera is doing. She's admitting something extremely personal and sad to others and herself, but is also aware she is giving an important testimony and can't just break down.

Bel's redemption comes in the form of putting a teenager in a robot that will cause her irreparable harm. That poor bastard.

I really like the scenes where Guel tries to comfort Mio. By now he must know Mio was going to ruin all the weapons companies with QZ, but he doesn't abandon her and tries to be good to her. However, the best will in the world can't fix the fact that he doesn't know her and that he used to abuse her and is thus incapable of reaching her. Besides, she doesn't want to be absolved of guilt but help in bearing it and moving forward.
Why is Nika looking at Petra like that...
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the incubation party dresses are still their best outfits
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the fantasy AU versions of it are pretty cute too
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Cute doujin.
Me as Miorine's cleavage window to nothing.
Are there people still think she doesn't have cleavage when the baby dragon is hiding in her bosom?
Miorine is literally Mommy.
Miorine is canonically flat as a plank, there's just nothing there. Her cleavage window immediately just hits sternum.
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>Miorine is canonically flat as a plank, there's just nothing there
Imagine being this dumb. The original character designer Mogumo who created every single G-witch character always draws Miorine with B-cup tits. Why do you think SHF and Figu-Rise Miorine figurines had dem curves and tits?
>b-but some anime scenes showed us she's flat!
As if anime inconsistency isn't a thing. Go away
I was just goofing around at first, but this adamant defense is kind of worrying me now. You're acting like Miorine's tits are a crucial part of her character or something.
She's right, even the official ones has them. Not really flat and she has sexy curve.
But it's funnier if she's a cutting board.
Exactly. Also all the weird miorine has sexy curves posts just come across like waifufagging honestly.
Well, she looks fine with them

femanons can become waifufags too.
>all the weird miorine has sexy curves
Also, what's so weird about that telling the truth as a girl saying that?
Waifufagging is just as bad if girls do it. This is the yuri board, not the lust over fictional women board.
So this whole thing really was just you openly waifufagging huh, gross
Suletta's a married woman what are you talking about lmao
>doesn't even know what waifufag means
Ohh, i'm just wasting my time then
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>it's funnier
It's not. Miorine is a B-cup and has sexy curves and thicc thighs, that's why Suletta was so into her sensual childbearing hips too.
You're just like those twatterfags who love drawing fat Suletta or usually seethe hard about other fanartists "whitewashing" her
>multiple anons openly lusting over miorine now

God these threads have fallen so far
>Suletta liked her personality, small tits and fat ass.
Miorine is so lucky.

>Miorine is a B-cup
Fuck you, B-cup isn't THAT flat.

Don't doompost anon, it's been like 2 months without schizophrenia or waifufagging. Come on, talk about Sulemio sex or reply to the Jeturkfag sis who's doing a rewatch.
Now, where's that retard who said imagedumping isn't related to the decrease of schizos?
>Miorine is so lucky.
In what way? I don't really see it.
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We've been blessed by belletaku
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Beautiful artstyle. +18 Doujin when
Miorine is so lucky...
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Ready to fist Mio Mio.

>I don't really see it.
That's your problem, waifufag.
Based Suletta being a waifufag
>Miorine must be flat so people can stop saying she looks good
I got caught up with arguments in the recent releases thread but looks like this thread is getting ridiculous too huh. Are we really not allowed to acknowledge Miorine's beauty without being branded as a waifufag?
okay: miorine isn't flat, look at this official art
not okay: miorine isn't flat, she's got sexy curves and hips just look at this art
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People think Miorine is attractive, what's the issue?
I don't want to sound dumb but what the fuck does "RomeoJullietting" even mean? I didn't understand it when Miorine uses it in episode 4, and I still don't understand it now.
If they're making posts entirely about how sexy Miorine is, that's legit just /e/ material. The yuri board is for couples.
Nah I'm gonna continue to call it out. Again, this is the yuri board, not the drool over Miorine and sometimes talk about Sulemio board.
>last sentence
>literally using a yuri couple as a vehicle to self insert

Romeo and Julliet reference compares the star-crossed nature that a romance between Suletta and Elan would be. Elan being from a different 'house' and Suletta being from Mercury. The idea here is that Miorine believes that Suletta is romantically pursuing Elan in episode 5. By going 'all romeo and juilet' on her she would be ditching her responsibilities (as Miorine's groom) to pursue her Romeo (Elan) in an act of love.

We find that to be not the case in the show. At the time though who could have blamed Miorine for thinking as such.
Okay, so the RomeJulliet thing in the doujin was wrong? Not sure why Suletta was using it when Miorine was going on business trips.
it's zoomerspeak for lover's unaliving
Oh I was just addressing the anime episode instance.

In the doujin's case Suletta is referring to the whole tragic ending aspect of it. The fact that fate tears the star-crossed lovers apart - sort of deal. The 'RomeoJuliet' she's referring to is a turbulent end of their relationship through bitter means.
When she uses it after the kiss she's referring to how much closer they've gotten and how it wasn't supposed to be that they actually developed feelings for one another.

It's a flexible analogy using Romeo and Juliet. Same material referenced, but different meanings.

Also it's not wrong in the doujin translation, it's in the untranslated doujin itself.
Didn't know zoomers were reading Shakespeare nowadays.

While that's the most famous part of the play: the whole star-crossed lovers aspect and forbidden family drama preventing them from ending up together is hardly novel.
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>Stupid anons are arguing if Miorine is sexy or not.
Yes, Miorine is sexy and that is good, her wife is very hot too, this is what makes Sulemio porn great.
Come on sisters, I beg you to drop this argument and share some art.
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In unrelated news... The nyong8 artist keeps producing doujins. If doujin-anon/sis is here, they recently put out this one: https://www.postype.com/@nyong91/post/17548605
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To summon dj sis you have to drop some bucks to her kofi.

Speaking of doujins, some korean artists are releasing their contributions to the doujinshi some of you were asking for some months ago.
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TL-nee I beg thee.

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Other TL-anon here so bear with.
Suletta: I wanna go see the oceaaan~
Miorine: The ocean? Sounds good to me.
Suletta: Huh? You mean it!?

Miorine-san's swimsuit figure... It would look something like this.

Random girl 1: You see that girl over there? She's soooooo gorgeous.
Random girl 2: Heeeey keep your voice down, else she'll hear *kyaa kyaa*

Suletta: Actually let's not. *serious*
Miorine: Wha- Why not?
Suletta: Because Miorine-san's too beautiful... *serious*
Miorine: Hah?
Listen I'm applying to jobs. Need a full time one to donate responsibly.
I see some of our resident sisters there lol
>Random girl 2: Heeeey keep your voice down, else she'll hear *kyaa kyaa*
Should be something like "maybe I'll go talk to her"
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Not the requester, thanks TL-nee!

Thanks other-TL-anon.

Don't worry sis.
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>Random girl 1: You see that girl over there? She's soooooo gorgeous.
>Random girl 2: Heeeey keep your voice down, else she'll hear *kyaa kyaa*
Literally our sisters lusting after Mio's body in the previous posts holy kek
Based Suletta protecting her petite waifu
>tfw this sulemio gooksis blocked me
What did I do wrong? I just loved retweeting her beautiful sulemio illustrations and yuri posts.....
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Share the username.
I remember a nip mecha artist saying they will block accounts followed by too many bots, it may be the case.
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Maybe you attacked her for making futa doujins.
Well fuck Xitter is just filled with bots nowadays and yeah many bots have been following me
I never did that. I always retweeted her sulemio-related doujins though
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Yes anon, that sucks, again, could you share me the artist's username, please?
Oh shoot you're right. I had this weird brain-fart and thought that she said 'でかちゃお ' instead of what was actually there.

Entirely my bad everyone. This is still that other TL-anon with that correction.

Suletta: I wanna go see the oceaaan~
Miorine: The ocean? Sounds good to me.
Suletta: Huh? You mean it!?

Miorine-san's swimsuit figure... It would look something like this.

Random girl 1: You see that girl over there? She's soooooo gorgeous.
Random girl 2: Maaaaybe I'll go talk to her *kyaa kyaa*

Suletta: Actually let's not. *serious*
Miorine: Wha- Why not?
Suletta: Because Miorine-san's too beautiful... *serious*
Miorine: Hah?
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Mind doing this one too, please?


Kek, they blocked me a while ago after liking a tweet of theirs.
I'll be heading off for a little bit to sleep. I'll probably get up tomorrow to look over a previous pastebin the normal TL-sis had posted a couple of threads back.
This is the other TL-anon talking.

Afterwards I'll give this one a go if it hasn't already been translated! Glad you folks are enjoying my attempts at translations though.
Basada sis
Some Gorillafag
I was referring to that sis who's calling out the obvious Memelfag
Sorry if my shitpost was ambiguous, sis.
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im proud of you sisters. Im really surprised to see wfm threads still so alive even more than a year after the anime ended, i wish i could say the same about sulemio tag in ao3.
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I miss this fanartist's SM stuff...
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>Glad you folks are enjoying my attempts at translations though.
I'm glad we have anons who know how to read japanese runes and give more natural translations than mtl.

It's not rudeness sis, it's honesty.

Actually I am surprised, there are some shows from this year that no longer have threads.

>i wish i could say the same about sulemio tag in ao3.
Ok anon, don't be dumb. Writers are busy with work (or school), some have strange accidents, should I remember you Asakami was harassed by some of /u/ and took a break?
AdraCat is planning to write a halloween fanfic, the spanish one a precure AU sulemio fic.
If you don't like the inactivity, you should write something.
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More Miopussy.
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>some korean artists are releasing their contributions to the doujinshi
Here's one

Yurisuki also did it, but their collaboration is futa.
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RIP white tanuki.
I never expected learning about tanukis thanks to a mecha anime with lesbians.
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>gone for 2 weeks
>artschizos and waifufags get loose
Sisters pls. This is what happens when y'all don't post SEX on a sex board
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Sis, I'm always asking for sexo pics, don't leave.
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>no strap
Sis, that's just futa shit
It's like a feeldo.
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It literally looks just like f*ta garbage if the front where the strap is from isn't showing. Claiming it's a "feeldo" is a shitty excuse to post f*ta shit. Just post her non-f*ta instead, she has a bunch of actual yuri sex posted already
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so say you took Suletta & Miorine from one month before the episode 1, how would they react about having a loving wife, and just their where they end up in the epilogue in general.
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Although it's technically Gund-dick and she claims it is, I did notice itsuki's is just futa with extra steps, I don't want a schizo argument, it's Gund-dick, move on.

Miorine would have a hard time processing the fact she married the girl who ruined her escape.
>admits it's f*ta
>move on
For someone who isn't a "schizo", you sure sound like one right now
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The artist is @fio_szm on Xitter.
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Im dumb, i cant write stories.
I can't believe Miorine is dead.
right? I wonder if they were inspired by Mio's design
Sex is acceptable but stop posting this disgusting shits. Sulemio are not animals.
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Cry harder, schizo
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Episode 22: The Woven Path

During the original airing, our assumption was that the reunion was going to be a big climax where Suletta fights for Miorine in a mobile suit, whether against Prospera, angry Earthians or Lauda. There's a romantic appeal to that but it's ultimately cheap. What does it matter if Suletta makes up with Mio because she has to go to her? It's far more difficult to go to someone you're afraid of losing for good and having an honest talk with her.

Suletta's so good in their talk too*. Mio's the one who betrayed her in an intentionally cruel way, whose plan to take her away from Gundams resulted in her being attacked by a Gundam without one to defend herself with and who then did nothing to contact her in the aftermath. During their talk Mio doesn't apologize and only refers to her betrayal obliquely as pulling Suletta away from her mom. Despite all that, Suletta's so gentle with her without being coddling. She doesn't deny that Mio made mistakes, but tells her about the ones she made and affirms that their relationship wasn't one.

The imagery is interesting. Both are wearing white, Suletta's sitting in the formal seiza style, and Mio covering her head with the blanket evokes the hood shinto brides wear to hide themselves from everyone other than the groom during the ceremony. Maybe this is the wedding scene we wanted. It even ends in Mio stripping to her underwear and holding Suletta's hand.

So they absolutely fucked in the shower. The later scene with the cunny mascots and Mio biting into the tomato as the juice gushes out is a callback.

Another missing scene is the middle-aged Benerit guys left in the command room when Guel leaves to receive Suletta. Not only have they ended up taking orders from teenagers, but their lives depend on two 17-year-old lesbians making up. What did they talk about?

*Except for the part where she starts talking about Ericht, whom Mio doesn't know about. Gotta keep her a little baka.
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So did they do it?
And by that, I meant not in the shower
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>sister doesn't know
Speedwatcher-chan pls...
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Just go rewatch the last episodes
Yes. I used to think they just kissed after handholding and had sex after the Calibarn tests, but I don't think the editing really allows for that. Guston told Suletta to hurry and someone wasted her Miomio time, but I feel like they'd take the chance, even if it's just a quickie.

Note that in their next scene they're running and have sweat beads on their faces, which implies they think they're late. However, they haven't communicated with the others (they'd have told them about Mio's dad), so the sense of being late is caused by them spending time on something not strictly necessary.
Spoilering f*ta doesn't make it allowed to be post here
It isn't f***shit though? Suletta was fingering her Mio
>>4287986 is a standalone pic from https://x.com/genryuu_nidhogg/status/1672881392152367109
>>4287987 and >>4287990 are unrelated from it. It's not even ordered the same way in pixiv and is just vague f*ta shit again. Why are there so many f*ta defenders lately?
That scenes one of my favorites in any anime
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>Handsex episode
I actually believed Miorine was going to beg Suletta to not ride Calibarn, but we had a strange parallel to episode 22 with Suletta waiting patiently for Miorine to come out instead.
Like IchiKana and Lynn said, in episode 12 Suletta offered her bloodstained hand to Miorine and she didn't hold it, while in this one Suletta offered her hand and Miorine held it tightly.

I liked Burrito Mio, I thought she was naked when she walked towards the door

Unbelievable you didn't say something about Caliban's introduction. Suletta showing she was capable of piloting like a god without Eri, Calibarn's rifle looking like a broom, LIBERATION OF THE CURSE. Absolute kino.

Btw, they had stinky couch sexo.
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I dont think Miorine smelled bad.
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Didn't PITO make a doujin based on this episode?
Futa stuff shoo shoo.

Though, it cracks me up everyone thinks they fucked and drew Sulemio porn during that week.
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There were a lot of hints that they had missionary sex, the toe curlings, Suletta seating, etc.
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Can someone share me Himmel's xitter profile? Somehow if I look for them I get frieren's one.

I know and believe they fucked.
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Yup, those are my 5 split personalities btw
Jokes aside, there will be a new nip SuleMio collab book, really hope doujinsis buys it.
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Same anon, it's @Keine_Haare

>really hope doujinsis buys it.
Drop her some cash, sis.
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Miorine is so small it’s almost illegal
Miorine only has her breakdown when she witnesses Prospera massacring the SAL tweet, which happens at the same time Guston is talking to Suletta and the kids (he gets a phone call about it). Assuming the battle happens in the evening and Team Suletta visits Benerit the next day, Miorine's been in the room for something like 12-16 hours. Enough that Guel's made multiple attempts to get her to come out, but not long enough that they'd replace her. So maybe in need of a shower, but not emitting stink lines.

There's also a parallel all the way back to episode 4, when Mio brings Suletta to her room and lets her see what a slob she is, but even then she's put together herself. Now she lets Suletta see her at her most vulnerable and without the padded bra.

>Unbelievable you didn't say something about Caliban's introduction
You've been so good at pointing out the music I hoped you'd do it, and you didn't disappoint.

Good thing Benerit is run by Space Libertarians.
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>SAL tweet
What a weird slip I made. SAL fleet.
Remember when Suletta thought she can't have sex with Miorine anymore (breakdown) in ep 17?
Anyone would have a breakdown after that. Imagine scoring someone like Miorine only for her to be taken away. That’s why she did Miorine as soon as she got her back in ep 22
There's probably a reason Miorine wore a high-collared shirt in the next scene.
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>posting solo images
>THIS instead of her

Yeah, the waifufags need to get banned again. Thread's been terrible last couple of weeks.
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>That’s why she did Miorine as soon as she got her back in ep 22
Nah, Miorine initiated it. Suletta's a gentlewoman who just wants to get Miorine back on her feet and doesn't want her to feel pressured in any way in her fragile state. She doesn't even say she wants to get back as she sits behind the door; that's something Miorine brings up. That isn't to say Suletta doesn't want to, but she won't make a move.

Miorine, however, has just been broken out of an eight-hour game of "do I kill myself or wait for the SAL to finish the job" by the love of her life she thought she'd never see again. She looks so good in that white uniform and must have fought for her again to get it back. She has her old goofy charm, but feels more mature and responsible now. Throw in a bit of cuddling and kissing on the sofa and Miorine's hornier than a cartoon wolf at a cabaret club.
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Why does she sleep in a swimsuit? is she stupid?
>seething at any anime girl's clothes
Wrong thread schizo. Back to your /m/aggot generals with (you)
That's shorts and a camisole.
You are, stupid.
Suletta didn't look surprised when she saw Miorine like this. I have a new theory regarding episode 22, I think this wasn't the first time they had sex.
My theory is that Suletta too cool to show her reaction.
>saw the comment
>Okochi: "I think it's really amazing that they were able to create it intentionally. The song was originally about Sletta, but after watching episode 7, it sounds like it's about Miorine." Source : <Interview> "Mobile Suit Gundam Mercury Witch" Dialogue --YOASOBI x Ogawachi Ichiro

That makes sense
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Which coment sis? Post the moonrunes at least pls
My bad
>大河内:「意図して作れるのは本当にすごいと思います。本来はスレッタのことを歌っている曲ですけど、例えば第7話を見たあとはミオリネのことを歌っているように聞こえる。」出所:<インタビュー>『機動戦士ガンダム 水星の魔女』対談――YOASOBI×大河内一楼
Other TL anon here! Hello, it's hard with komas when the speech bubbles aren't tied to the speaker... Or when the artist's handwriting is really bad. I get the pain.
I finally sat down and looked over your translation!
These are suggestions as per the norm.

For the eating dinner part, I'd suggest...
"Eating dinner with everyone really makes it feel like we're one big family!"

I'd say "Compared to" instead of "Rather than" since it sounds a little awkward.

I'd change the ずっと line to "It was something I had always, always wanted..."

How about "Together with someone who, in mornings and in the future, would stop me being afraid" instead?

I felt at some points it read a little bit awkward. That's all I can suggest for now, let me know how that sounds to you.

Also I never knew there were two pages of extras? Those were so adorable. The neediness and ''hypocrisy'' is amazing. Thank you for translating! Stellar work.
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>You've been so good at pointing out the music I hoped you'd do it, and you didn't disappoint.
Stop, you flatter me. Tbf I don't like S2 that much, but the OST is superb.
You should watch the live version of Liberation of the curse (AsticassiaFest), amazing, honestly.

>Thread's been terrible last couple of weeks.
Anon, what are you on? We've been free of top/bottom argument for MONTHS. Sure the artschizos and waifufags are annoying and weren't missed, but it isn't as bad imo.

>I think this wasn't the first time they had sex.
Doubt. If they had sex before, Suletta would be free of Prospera's mind control.
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The real Miopussy
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>If they had sex before, Suletta would be free of Prospera's mind control
That's fair. You win.

>18 yrs old
>still virgin
Suletta was really a country bumpkin huh
Suletta is actually surprised when Miorine opens the door, but switches to goofy tanuki smile soon. She has seen Miorine in her sleep wear as early as episode 4.

>Suletta was really a country bumpkin huh
Suletta's still 17 when this scene happens. She's older than Miorine, but not by a year. Besides, rural teen girls tend to lose their virginity younger than urban ones.
17 is still too late
You're being weird nee-san, besides her mom and sister, only old married couples lived on Mercury
Thank you once again! Those all seem like good changes. I should probably spend less time gaming and more time working on my social skills - then my writing would sound more natural kek.


>God, I seriously don't feel like doing anything thanks to /this/. It always makes me feel so sluggish...

>Here, wear this. Apparently staying warm helps alleviate the pain! Dressing lightly can make it worse.
>Right...thank you.

>If it's too painful then just take it easy, okay? No need to force yourself.
>(I'm falling in love again~)
>(There's medicine here when you need it)
>Here's some fresh barley tea too! Hopefully you like it...

>Man, you sure are a pain in the ass Miorine. You're lucky I noticed, or else Suletta wouldn't have been able to help at all!
>Next time make sure you prepare for this in advance!
>You get me? A little thanks wouldn't go amiss.

>My most humble thanks.
>(You seriously piss me off, just like your moth-)
>Excuse me?
>Watching them like this really is reassuring~

I can do the sun_4x3 twitter comic later if needed.
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>Let's call it a day here.
>T-thank you!

>You're probably planning on staying up all night studying, right?
>If you overdo it then you'll get worse, not better.
>Be careful!
>Y-yes! Take care!

>You guys are weird as hell.
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>Sure the rules say you're engaged
>but that doesn't mean hanging around together all the time.
>Neither of you seem interested in marriage either.
>I ain't got the slightest idea what you're playing at.

>I'm doing what I promised.
>Forget promises!

>What do YOU think?
>About the princess.

>Well...she's unusually smart, shockingly beautiful, really packs a punch despite her small size...
>I didn't mean that!
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>I mean feelings!
>I'm really grateful to her!


>I'm able to go to school with no issues,
>check off my list,
>befriend everyone in Earth House.
>It's all thanks to Miorine-san.
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>If Miorine-san wants to go to Earth,
>then I'll do all I can to make that happen.

>If I don't,
>then I'd be the only one who benefitted, which isn't fair.

>I want to become Miorine-san's strength!
Thanks TL-nee! There are actually 4 pages.

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I'm blind! I did think the end was a tad abrupt.

>Hmm, really.

>Aren't you going a little overboard with Suletta?

>It's strange for you to care so much.

>It's my fault the situation's become such a pain in the ass,
>so I should at least help as much as I can, as her bride.

>You know, there are people who think you two really are going to get married.
>True, trying to get out of the engagement now would make things quite challenging.
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>Still, I'll try to avoid marriage as much as I can.
>Would it really be that awful?

>Marrying me means becoming part of the 'group'.
>You'd have no will of your own, or self-determination.

>Suletta has her own desires.
>I can't let her get chained down by something so stupid.
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>Suletta's going to graduate with no problems, return to Mercury, and set up her school! That's what I've decided!

>You Spacians are such a freakin' nuisance!
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Thank you very much TL-nee!
Tbf sun_4x3 posted the second part separately.
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OP-chan, your time has come.
New thread:

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