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This has been a good tomato season

Previous thread: >>4280741

Extra materials:

>Cradle Planet

>Vanadis Heart Manga

>Special Drama CD - Episode.01: What Miorine Wants
>Drama CDs part 1-2

>Suletta & Miorine Japan Tour

>Light Novel
https://files.catbox.moe/kawi6k.zip (Vol1 Raw)
https://zeonic-republic.net/translation/[ZeonicScanlations]_Witch_from_Mercury[Vol01].pdf (Translated)

>Houseki no Hibi, the finale insert song by AiNA THE END

>Doujinshi folder
>Doujin Anon's ko-fi

>All About Mercury ZIP
>Accompanying TL Notes

>Misc Translations (including the School Assembly Drama CD)
Translated MajoRaji snippets:

>Asticassia School Festival BD rips
>School Festival Drama CD (parent directory contains WfM-related scans, including non-/u/ doujins)
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Her eyebrows are so weird
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You think Miorine ever asked for Suletta to give her an eyebrowjob?
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How dare you? The tanuki eyebrows give Suletta her Sexletta appeal.

Of course.
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Why are many Sulemiofags furfags? I'm saying this as someone who is both. Someone make a psychoanalysis about is.
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I just think it looks neat. Their designs are quite unique that they can be anything and still can be recognized.
Not to mention, months ago someone posted a snippet of mogumo's interview where they basically said they drew Sulemio as dog/cat in mind iirc.
Also, tanuki eyebrows.
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Yeah, I think artists like seeing how far they can go from the original designs and still keep them and their dynamic recognizable. I don't think it's really furry art most of the time.
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Raccoon dogs don't even have eyebrows
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The ring is apparently shiny.
Yeah I don't understand the association
That's cute
Also the silhouette of her head
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Did the jellyfish story ever get a translation? So many Koreans seemed to love the idea of it, but alas I cannot comprehend due to the language barrier...
>jellyfish story
Any links sis? I didn't know there were fanfics about that cute concept
Oh when I said the Koreans loved it... It was cause it was in Korean... I'll link it here anyways, but I hope a different TL-sis/anon appears that can read Korean.

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>I don't think it's really furry art most of the time.
Idk if it's furry, but Sulemio is usually portrayed as fluffy animals, especially Suletta thanks to her voluminous wavy hair.

Don't ruin the fun, tight-ass.
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My favorite sulemio furry is dog x cat or cat x cat, bird x bird is cute too. Wolf x Wolf is kinda pretty dramatic especially Wolfie Miorine.
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While not a doujinshi, belletaku has finally drawn Sulemio porn.


I like dog x cat too, kitsune x tanuki has it's charm.

>Wolf x Wolf
Nee-san share it please.
Wish I watched when this was airing. I bet it was fun seeing the reception live
It was fun but also kind of annoyingly hectic. Every new episode generated like 2k posts, with a healthy dose of concern trolling every time.
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No, you wouldn't enjoy it. Every week has either IT'S OVER or WE ARE SO BACK threads.
The super active threads for ongoing shows with a strong yuri pairing can be fun but the high level of activity can bring a lot of annoying people. Not helped by the fact that folks from other boards turn up and /u/ is used to being burned even if it's become less of a problem is recentish years.
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Meant this https://x.com/tanukimo_imo/status/1802334652037747034?t=IpPlsZAno0wknIsT4RlgyQ&s=19
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>SuleMio animalsisters ITT
It was, doomposters were here and there, but the theories were funny. I'll never forget someone posting "episode 22 spoilers" and was this >>4290584 or ink's nsfw wip.
There were some /m/ and /a/ tourists who came here because their boards were shit, one even wished for the Sulemio kiss.
Episode 24 and the the way the show surprised /u/s

That one. I thought you were referring to the Wolflet!Miorine x Sheepdog!Suletta, made by the same artist.

We've always been here sis.
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Uhm, what exactly is this one implying...
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WereMio AU, there's a second page. I guess it's meant to play with the show's concept on how Miorine's status as the daughter of the most powerful man in space ends up putting Suletta in various life-or-death positions
From the fake leaks to the borderline-conspiracy theories it was quite a ride. People on /a/ were losing their minds, and people here were losing their minds. The confusion, the bs, the 'leaks', to the random chinese screenshots that didn't matter, and even the idea of someone's profile picture changing causing hysteria were so amusing to watch. The discussions were even ongoing between the two cours since there were promotional events and merch announcements. There felt like there weren't many breaks in terms of activity.

I hadn't watched an ongoing anime while looking at 4chan since the first three seasons of symphogear.

It really captured a lot of people's attention in a way that a lot of current shows fail to match. At least on this dreaded site. Granted nowadays that's winded down since it's ended but I stick around for these threads.

It also continues to rot my brain to this day - oh god why are these two so amazingly lovely. I'm so god damned happy for them.
Anyone remembers the worm x worm?
/m/ and /a/ tourists were calling us “Sulemiobros” here in /u/ of all places, it was so annoying.
It was honestly pretty stressful. Episode 11 airing Christmas morning was a pretty great present though.
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>and even the idea of someone's profile picture changing causing hysteria were so amusing to watch.
Kek. I remember when the chinese dude changed his pfp to Charletta during the episode 17-18 break and everyone went nuts.

>It really captured a lot of people's attention in a way that a lot of current shows fail to match. At least on this dreaded site.
The fact wfm still gets threads pretty much proves it.

Just for you nee-san.
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Episode 23: Unrelenting Tenderness
>Raid on Quiet Zero

Lauda Neill is my Nina Purpleton. If only they'd had the guts to scrap Schwarzette. It's a cool design, but the pointless gunpla ad eats into stuff like maybe explaining what would have happened if Prospera's plan succeeded. Something like everyone living inside the Datastorm so Eri can hang out with people, but normal life is still possible, since they keep telling Suletta to go back to school?

Recontextualizing Prospera as a dying woman who got a little too into advocating for her special needs daughter is a good move (there's a very good thread on G Witch and disability somewhere on twitter). However, that's letting her off a bit too easy. I don't mind her living and avoiding punishment, but at least deal with what she did. Suletta even praises her for abandoning vengeance for the future, which she absolutely did not do. Just ask Mio and the people of Quinharbor. That is, unless Suletta's specifically talking about her agreeing to leave QZ, but that's faint praise.

Eri justifies the plan as her mom wanting to give her a place in the world, not herself wanting it. Fighting Suletta, she puts on a serene and otherworldly face, when her actual personality is playful and affectionate. She too is trapped in the plan.

I like the ending more in theory than in practise. It's cool that they stick to the Tempest inspiration, that the bad guys mostly escape punishment and that the ending is more family therapy than the hero hitting her nemesis with a really big robot. Unfortunately, that is way more satisfying to watch than family therapy. Maybe it could have worked better if they had one more episode for the finale, because now it feels kind of rushed. I'd have drastically cut the epilogue to give more time to everything, particularly the scene where Miorine finds Suletta floating in space. It's a lovely scene and they did a great job animating Mio's expressions, but it could have been an all-timer.
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Episode 24: May All Blessings Find Their Way To You, I'm Wishing It

I don't want to complain too much when there's plenty of good stuff here too. I love the scenes of my girl Suletta piloting Calibarn so skillfully and bravely. That part where she blacks out after the fight with Eri, hears she's at a point where she's getting permanent damage and still goes back to save everyone is so great. Or Eri dropping their fight to tank the not solar ray hit because she loves her sister. Bel being unable to hit the side of a barn, but still protects Miorine with her body. El5n turning out to be a ninja and confirming that best boy award. The nameless fleet commander refusing to obey orders and keeping her mobile suits from attacking Suletta. Mio just casually memorizing Notrette's DNA to Latin alphabet code, saving the day with it and finally gaining a mental victory over Prospera by telling her she's going to become her daughter-in-law. The absolutely heroic sexual deeds Suletta must have performed to get Mio to agree to that.

It's a little funny that Lauda's the one who notices Suletta dropping Hots-san and gives it back, enabling the happy ending.

Miorine must be such a bizarre political figure in their world, going from massacring Earthians to fulfilling Earthian radicals' wildest demands within maybe a week, and then hires five people involved with a terror attack on a school.

Suletta spotting Mio and waving to her as her ring glints in the sun is such a pure depiction of happiness. Miorine's more subdued, but the way she holds Suletta's arm both because she missed her and to support her is lovely. After everything that happened, they turned into such splendid wives.

Elnora doesn't join in the family scene. Her eyes are closed, but is she actually sleeping or just removing herself from the moment? Mio tells Eri that she reminds her of Elnora when they leave Shaddiq's, which implies Mio's on good terms with her and that Elnora likes to tease her.
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Episode 23
>Final Mou Kieta episode.
Poor Lauda, another character who got sick of Guel acting like a jerk and called him out, their hair pulling scene was boring, cringe and useless especially when Guel was about to commit the douchiest action before dying, but this show is a gunpla ad first and foremost, alas... It did a great job showing off Schwarzette tho, I'd buy the kit if school wasn't draining my wallet.

Let's talk about the actual cool mecha action scenes instead, Aerial Rebuild playing at the beginning of the episode was a delight, I still find disturbing the fact the flying Eris were actually Gund-bits, but that explains Suletta's unwillingness to shoot them. Another Sulemio crumb when Eri threatened Suletta by implying she would kill Miorine and company. Chuchu sneaking away as soon as (El4n) QZAI decreased Eri's control will never fail to crack me.

Mamiko Noto is an absolute beast, again giving that thing that makes Char Mommy the evil milf everyone desires. I really liked the scene when Prospera is arguing with Miorine, one detail a chinese fan pointed out is that when Prospera replied to Miorine's "accusations" the computer displayed 'ERROR'.
Also, we should never forget the line about Suletta trembling, another sexo confirmation, not to mention when Miorine said it Suletta and Eri were about to crash beam sabers with Witches from Earth in the background, KINO.
Totally agree with you, Tanussy must be really good because it made Miorine willing to live with Prospera.

It was really moving Eri sacrificing herself for Suletta, at the end of the day Suletta was what Eri truly cared for.

Final Mou Kieta episode sisters, goodbye to one of the best endings, but it didn't leave without having fans speculating, I remember someone saying Suletta was going to control aERIal's Gund-bits like she does in the ending.
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>I'd buy the kit if school wasn't draining my wallet.
I don't even want it because I hate the scene so much. I find that when buying gunpla, I usually gravitate to units whose designs and pilots I like and Schwarzette fails the second part.

>but this show is a gunpla ad first and foremost, alas
This hurt WfM because the episode count was already so low, but usually it isn't really a bad thing, since it tends to mean Bandai will give the creatives relatively free rein as long as the plastic sells. Gundam's certainly more adventurous than most Western media empires.

>Suletta trembling, another sexo confirmation
And Miorine telling Prospera they'll be a family implies a long, emotional talk where one of them, probably Miorine, proposed. Though it would be funny if she took Suletta agreeing to go to Earth with her as the wedding being back on with no further talks necessary.

>Final Mou Kieta episode
I like that they used another Aina song for the finale. Both the songs are from Miorine's perspective, so it was a great idea to use such a passionate and unconventional vocalist to express the emotionally repressed Mio's inner feelings.
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Let me finish my episode 24 post because yesterday I got busy.

Episode 24
>Sulemio cripple sex
I watched the episode live by fucking up my sleep schedule. Suletta experiencing Gund-aids was a radical way to begin the episode, it was expected after 2 episodes piloting Calibarn but still...

>It's a little funny that Lauda's the one who notices Suletta dropping Hots-san and gives it back, enabling the happy ending.
I hate that scene, I'm surprised how Lauda wasn't wearing a straitjacket, not to mention he had the nerve to say "I haven't forgiven you guys" as if he didn't try to kill them last episode.

Suletta, being the tanuchad she is, decided to keep going and went to QZ, iirc Fix Release was playing and it looked cool, but it was cooler when she finally said "No" to Prospera, fun fact: Kana said in an interview she delivered it the way a child would.

I squealed when Eri woke up and decided to help her greedy sister to unlock Permet score, why? Because after 15 episodes, The Witch from Mercury played again, a very missed track (they did the same thing in AsticassiaFest btw).
Miorine had her stacy moment too, she floated towards the gun Prospera's goon was holding, and did a throwback to the Prologue.

I remember thinking during the whole scene "but the spacian CIA has the massive destruction weapon", only to have Suletta, looking like an absolute chad, doing some sort of Gundam coven to turn it off, totally kino because TWfM's climax was playing, though, without context it looks funny.

I also squealed when they did a throwback to episode 1, but this time it was Miorine doing the rescue, thought Suletta died, more like sucked with Calibarn, it was sad to see MioMio's heartbreak.

Mou kieta walked so Houseki no Hibi could run, another song by AiNA, from Mio's POV, but this time is a lovey-dovey, cutesy song.

Suletta's whereabouts were kept secret until the very end, she got married and has hot, steamy cripple sex with Miorine.
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Shukufuku playing in the credits + said credits having Permet 9 RGB was a lovely detail.
Like season 1, S2 final episode title was a line from Shukufuku, a surprise since episode 23 introduced it as "Final episode".

Also, mogumo's ending card (both versions).
I love this dykes, I want to rewatch this goddamn show again.

>I usually gravitate to units whose designs and pilots I like and Schwarzette fails the second part.
Sucks for you nee-san, I hate the Jeturk brothers, but Gyobu designed such mobile suits I may forgive anything.

>so it was a great idea to use such a passionate and unconventional vocalist to express the emotionally repressed Mio's inner feelings.
Yeah, I remember everyone was doing and looking for the translation, then thinking it sounded like Mio's POV only to have AiNA confirming it. The line "It's like the world was covered in a thin layer of frost, and my heart began to thaw after I met you" do it for me. Based AiNA.
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Hot, new shit from Itsuki
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With extra lewd on the side
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The artist is @motsunosukeke.
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>madoka movie pv is out
>thread is slow again
Surprised that many SuleMio nips/gooks/chinks/westoids are MadoHomufags too
MadoHomu invented yuri
Ummm, actually Eila and Sanya invented yuri back in 1945.
The Lamestream Media doesn't want you to know it, but homosexuality was actually named after Homura.
I was reading Buying Sendai-san,m
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>thread is slow again
Nah, the madoka thread is a bit slow too sis. It was good to be the show with the most active threads for a year tho.

That one novel with Sulemio's VAs?
Yes, I read it because of Sulemio too. The character with Suletta's VA is obsessed with the legs of the character with Miorine's VA. I like to imagine them as Sulemio in a parallel universe.

What the hell is with that image though?
Season 2 in general

I liked S2 overall better this time. It's too ambitious for the number of episodes it's got, but that's a likable flaw. Just about every Gundam tv show is a little messy. You certainly can't accuse it of underestimating its audience when half the characters refuse to explain their plans and the main villain's explanation for hers is a pack of lies.

More importantly, everything involving Suletta, Miorine and Prospera works so well. Prospera is an excellent villain with a killer performance by Mamiko Noto. Her manipulating Miorine is awful but so compelling to watch. Bonus points for getting away with it.

From a /u/ perspective, having your heroines only interact in four out of twelve episodes isn't strictly ideal, but I think it mostly works. Even during their separations they're always thinking about each other, go through such good development and then decide they still want to be together. Yearning is good too, especially when you also get Suletta's million watt wifeguy smile.

Now that I didn't have to worry about Sunrise doing something truly idiotic with Guel, his character was more enjoyable. His dumbness is amusing and he makes a great foil to Suletta without being a terrible person. I still hate episode 20.

The action wasn't all that great. Suletta vs. Sophie is the clear highlight. It looks great, the stakes are high, Sophie does a great job getting under Suletta's skin and you feel genuinely bad when she dies. After that is the grunt suit battle, for making it look chaotic and ugly. Suletta vs Eri looks incredible and their sister stuff is good, but it's pretty clear neither is going to hurt the other. Even the threat of Eri killing Mio and the others was handled by El4n's ghost.

So that's the rewatch done. I hope at least some of /u/ got something out of it. Thank you for indulging me, engaging in good discussions, pointing out things I missed and reposting plot relevant art
>Suletta vs Eri looks incredible and their sister stuff is good, but it's pretty clear neither is going to hurt the other.
This was my biggest peeve with Suletta's character in S2. She could rely on Aerial's superior specs throughout all her duels, but when the time comes she has parity with her opponent during her Eri fight, both of them were trying to hold back on hurting each other.

Suletta doesn't need to rely on superior tech, she's the real deal. Aerial is no crutch and I'm still tired of arguing with bad faith Guelfags about this. But the culmination of this idea with her fight with the Aerial Rebuild just wasn't satisfying to watch. Compare it to Amuro's ordeal in the original Gundam where he goes from having to rely on the Gundam to not die fighting against Char to him becoming so fast as a pilot the Gundam simply can't keep up with his piloting anymore. Suletta unfortunately had none of this.
I do get what they're going for, though. Suletta's ultimate triumph as a pilot happens in the next episode, when she uses Calibarn and the others to control QZ herself, send Mio's message to everyone in Earthsphere, stop the not Solar Ray and dismantle QZ itself. She wins her debate with Sophie by showing that Gundams (and GUND-tech) don't have to be violence machines but can be used for good. Okouchi has clearly thought about the eternal dualism of "war is bad" and "cool robot" and landed here.

It just isn't as satisfying to watch.
I’d rather discuss Sulemio married sex life, really
Can we discuss about the end card? Is it really canon that they dance together?
You mean in the blue dresses? You should probably think so, that is probably the intent, but its quite clear that has not happened yet even by the end of the epilogue since Suletta is still using crutches and still walks like a zombie without them like we saw in the wheat field when Miorine drove up.
Unless, that 'dance' took place in a micro g environment somewhere? Suletta ought to be able to stand and swing Miorine around where there is just enough gravity to keep feet down and head up?
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I don't think Suletta and Miorine would bother going through the trouble of getting to microgravity and putting on dresses there to be "normal" for a while. Being that concerned with negating Suletta's disability, instead of just living with it, doesn't sound healthy. They'd just sway to music together.
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needs more Suletettas
Yeah, I am pretty sure that half the reason they are living on Earth is how living in full gravity will help Suletta recover in the long run. Mercury is so much smaller than Earth that if she went back there, she could probably walk without crutches. Space habitats have low and zero g areas near where the ships dock, so there are places where she could function normally- but staying where she could function normally while injured would never actually heal her.
Behead the keychain
Yeah but you had to deal with so many trolls

I’m conflicted about the aina song because it’s good but it replaced The Way We Wanna Go which deserved to be in the show
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I like how fanart Eri and Miorine are like Tom and Jerry when all Eri does in canon is tell Miorine she could have been a bit nicer to Shaddiq for taking the heat for her mom's crimes against humanity.
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Gwitch owns this board btw
>Suletta vs Eri looks incredible and their sister stuff is good, but it's pretty clear neither is going to hurt the other.
Well Suletta isn't trying to hurt her but Eri is still trying to disable the Calibarn. To me it's impressive Suletta held her and the Gundnodes off while only taking a single hit.
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It's been a while we've had a discussion about the show here, thanks Jeturkfag sis. What kind of stuff did you miss, though?

Not exactly related, here's what Takashi Ohashi said about the dancing in the ED.

EDとOP、どちらも素晴らしい映像でした!まずは、今回の EDテーマ「Red:birthmark」を聴 いて、どんな印象を受けましたか?
大橋: 曲をいただいてから打ち合 わせまでの期間、ずっと曲を聴いて 「何ができるかな」とイメージしてから打ち合わせに臨みました。たぶん、300回くらいは聴いたと思い ます。Season1の「君よ 気高くあ れ」は聴く人の感情を強く揺さぶる 音楽だと感じましたが、今回のア イナ・ジ・エンドさんの曲は象徴的 な歌詞を通して、歌っている人の 感情が生々しく伝わってくるよう に感じました。それが結果として、 聴く側に強く何かを訴えるという 感覚ですね。
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大橋: Season1の第7話で、イン キュベーション・パーティーのシー ンがありますよね。そのときのドレ スで、スレッタとミオリネが曲に合 わせて踊っているというイメージを 最初に考えました。きっとファンの 皆さんの中にも、そう感じた方はい らっしゃるんじゃないかと思うんで すが・・・・・・僕も「水星の魔女』のファ ンなので、個人的に「できれば二人 のドレス姿のダンスとか見たかった な」と感じていました。・・・・・・だから EDでやろう、と。個人的に文化 祭のエピソードとかも見てみたかっ たので、かつて地球で流行っていた プロジェクション・マッピングとい う技術を使って、地球寮が学園祭 で催し物を・・・・・・みたいなノリにし たいなと、最初は思っていました。
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>ずいぶん楽しそうなイメージ からスタートしたんですね(笑)。
大橋: いえ・・・・・・すみません、ちょっ と楽しい方向に話を盛ってしまい ました(笑)。実際はもちろん曲の イメージもあるし、そこまで明るい パーティーというより、競技性の ある社交ダンスのようなイメージ です。シリーズ構成からスレッタと ミオリネがすれ違う展開になると わかったので、二人が物理的にすれ 違うようなシチュエーションを入れ て、関係性を象徴的に表現しょう と、わりとすぐに思い浮かびまし た。そんなイメージを用意して打 ち合わせに臨んだところ小林監督 から、EDテーマは「人を思うがゆ えに傷つけてしまい、気持ちがすれ違うということを歌詞で描いてほ しい」とオーダーしているので、同 じイメージを映像でも描いてほし いと相談を受けました

TL anons, please...

I know a kiss would've made the count way higher.
>I know a kiss would've made the count way higher.

A kiss would have broken the board.
And maybe other too
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The fight shows that Suletta is a phenomenal pilot without her sister's help and incredibly brave, but your best mecha fights are so much more than that.

Not like major plot details or anything, but good observations. Music Anon was particularly good.

Only 19 years left!
That weird artist again...
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Wedding OVA when
This artist is 100000x better than that diaperfag.
That artist >>4294321 also draws bottom Suletta.
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Fuck off, schizo.
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>Art schizos are back
Haven't /u/ learned your lesson? This shit happens when we don't post images.

>Music Anon was particularly good.
That was me Jeturkfag sis, I'm flattered. I wonder if the other musicfag nee-san, who ranted about Aerial Rebuild, is still here.
One detail we forgot to point out was the ending changing in episode 23 and the fact we ALWAYS had QZ infront of us.

Tbf at least Milfcookiessimp doesn't draw Miorine as a very cold partner.
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I'd have preferred a different nickname, but I don't suppose it matters anymore.

Speaking of Pina, new pics.
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>Miorine as a very cold partner.
Well it's certainly exaggerated but that's part of her appeal and it is MUCH CLOSER to canon Miorine than what the hell is that diaperfag is drawing.

I mean...
Don't you get disgusted looking at these????
Then something is wrong with you
>don't you get disgusted looking at a woman's body

lmao you miorine waifufags could not be more consistently wrong. shoo shoo now
You’re missing the point. I am even not talking about just Suletta alone. She makes Miorine look like a drugged horny addict while Suletta’s a 2 year old trapped in a giant body.
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>One detail we forgot to point out was the ending changing in episode 23
I meant OPENING, fuck.

Sorry sis, but you didn't help.

>Well it's certainly exaggerated but that's part of her appeal
No??? Her appeal is being a tsundere, not an obnoxious cold person who gives the minimum. Not to mention, there's episode 11 revealing she is actually clingy, and probably clingier than Suletta.

We just rewatched the show and you still come up with this, you're truly braindead.

Sure, you can criticise Pina for being futafag and her fetishes, but I remind you nideaneng is a futafag who drew HorseMio fucking Suletta.
Fuck off artschizo.
I already said that guy’s interpretation of Miorine was exaggerated, but he at least had some basis which was episode 10. I also hate him but Diaperfag’s arts are pure headcanon and are insulting to canon Suletta and Miorine, so they were so much worse.
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>but he at least had some basis which was episode 10.
Actually Lynn said Miorine wasn't able to notice Suletta's feelings in episode 10 because she was too busy with GundArm. Even your artist is keeping up a retarded headcanon from their lack of media literacy. Go ride a horse dick shaped dildo and fuck off artschizo.
there's literally no diaper stuff in any of pina's art you psychopath
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Don't bother yourself, sis. Post some cute Sulemio art instead.
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Sis meant Suletta looks like useless bottom girl.
This is the part where we tell you lesbians switching roles from time to time is extremely common. For the millionth time.
No, this schizo saw art of mommy Mio and Suletta shopping for baby products and decided it was age play stuff.
I did this and the comic above it then 4chan ate my fucking post because of how long it was I guess? AAAAAAAAAAAA. The interview is just covering how ep 7 dresses made him want to see SuleMio dancing, and he thought the fans would too, so he chose that for the ED. He also thought of a general Earth House culture fes theme, but it wouldn't fit the vibes. He knew from the planning stage that there'd be a rift between the two leads, so he wanted to show that in the ED too. During a meeting with Kobayashi about the ED, he was told the song was made with the instructions of 'people hurting each other due to their feelings, and the misunderstandings that can occur', and to incorporate that into the visuals too.
>Room you can't leave without having sex 100 times.

>A hundred...why would someone...
>M-maybe we can try and find a way to do it 10 times, then see how things are?

>Suletta! We'll do it 1000 times!!!
>We'll show these bastards who they're messing with!!
>They'll be crying and promising never to try this again when we're done!!
>You're right! We can't let anyone else fall victim! I'll give it my all!

>Some time later
>Loll, you can already hear them.
>Let's ignore it and go back
>Came because she heard her friends were in danger, is a bit confused
>Already preparing to leave
>People who might have been of help
>Ah~ No more...
>We can't stop - you said so yourself, Miorine-san...

>Even more time later
>And so the 'room you can't leave without having sex x times' was vanquished (due to being thoroughly satisfied) and peace was restored to the world.
>Let's give it our all tomorrow too, GUND-ARM!
>Stand tall!!
>No way...
>'Congrats on shagging 1000 times!' t-shirt
>There wasn't anything else to wear, so bear with it!

Never trusting the 'Post Successful' pop up ever again.
Meh I don't want to speak with the Gorillafag
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Shh, don't say the words, we've been free of that argument for 2 months.

>I did this and the comic above it then 4chan ate my fucking post because of how long it was I guess?
So it's gone forever, huh? Damn it, thanks anyways TL-nee, hope you had fun translating it. Based Ohashi.

>>He knew from the planning stage that there'd be a rift between the two leads, so he wanted to show that in the ED too.
In one of the final questions it's pointed out Suletta and Miorine weren't able to touch at the beginning only to end up holding hands, totally intentional (and kino).
I don't know if you would like to translate it.

Why? Jeturkfag sis did her best by rewatching S2 willingly and trying to make a discussion.
not that, because you sound like one too.
I can take a look. What interview / magazine are the questions from?
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Need the clear version
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It's from the Animage August issue from last year it featured Lynn, Ichikana anither seiyuu, and most importantly Takashi Ohash. It's the one with another Sulemio cover: Miomio showing off Suletta's dinner while holding her hands.

The interview was shared on /a/ with a very shallow summary, but I downloaded the pictures, here's the archive link


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TL stacies?
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>but he at least had some basis which was episode 10
Even ignoring what this >>4294837 anon said, Miorine is still under the impression that Suletta is interested in El4n and thus is unlikely to think that any romantic gesture is, in fact, romantic. It's also not an accurate way to depict her since it's the only time she ever (unintentionally) treats Suletta that way. Most of the time she's either being very tsuntsun or trying to keep Suletta away from other people (like El4n).

Pina, for all her flaws, at least understands that Miorine isn't the same stone-cold bastard she was in episode 10.
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And Miorine realizes she screwed up the next episode and chases Suletta around to fix their relationship. She isn't cold at all.
Rather than "cold", Miorine is more so being a bit unaware during this brief period because, as she tells Suletta in ep11, for the first time, she's enjoying herself. She likes what she's doing, and it's easy to get lost in the zone when people are doing what they like.

But yeah, call me art schizo or whatever, but Pina's art doesn't sit right with me because it's kind of eerie, as in it gives off that old school American porno magazine cartoon vibe, completely devoid of its original style. The fact that she always draws the two of them so fucking chubby (saggy boobs and muffin tops, especially for Suletta. She is at most a B, pushing C, not a double D and constantly lactating. She's also fit as fuck. Sure, she no longer needs to pilot therefore does not need to maintain a good shape at the end of the series, but rehab does not equal to getting fat) also does not help.
Thank you, anon. I can't believe many people here are defending that diaperfag who somehow believes that Miorine dressing Suletta as a giant baby cow (and fucking her even though Suletta was always depicted as literal infant trapped in a giant body in her fanarts) is more canon than cold Miorine.
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If you think >>4294758 is fat, particularly for a woman who's recently given birth, I strongly urge you to lay off porn and anime and spend some quality time with real women.

You, however, should seek mental help for your persistent delusions.
>calling out people for being delusional
>while supporting an artist that only sees sulemio as sick pornstars
Sulemio will never be what diaperfag wants them to be. Why don't you support good artists like
and many more.. ?
I don't know what to tell you, but a woman can 100% revert to their former body shape if they worked hard enough. Perhaps you should go out and meet some women who are willing to work hard and aren't couch potatoes like how Pina enjoys depicting Suletta as?

Personality-wise, Suletta is the type to commit in that sense. She has this whole arc of not wanting to be useless. Why do you think she worked so hard for her rehab at the end of the series AND was still founding a school while she was at it?

The picture you haven chosen also proves my point of the aforementioned eeriness. Why does Miorine look more like Miranda Priestly than Miorine Rembran? And what the fuck kind of OOC shit is Suletta doing to her?
They're just plot summaries. The first covers the duel with Guel, the OP one their first meeting in space & general situation, then the bike one covers the incubation party and GUND-ARM formation. It does mention that Miorine thought Suletta was annoying to begin with, but she's gradually come to trust her.

Thanks! I'll do the previously mentioned question later, and look through the rest to see if there's anything neat.
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I can only say you have idiotic and unrealistic expectations for women's bodies and behavior, and I hope you get over them.
So wanting to maintain a healthy lifestyle is unrealistic and is idiotic behaviour…? Whereas it’s okay to be treated like an adult infant?

I mean alright, I guess. You do you.
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Stupid idiots, why did you keep going? The argument was over. There were better ways to talk about tsun tsun Miorine.

Anon, I don't like Pina's content that much, but I am not making a drama about it. Not to mention, she's drawing Sulemio after the show ended with a very based, doting Miorine.

All you do is bitching, why don't you support the "good artists" by posting their art here? The pictures you mentioned were ALL posted by me.

Thank you TL-nee.
Praise Mou Kieta!
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Time to post cute Sulemio art because artschizo tries to make her problems o/u/rs and stupid sisters are being indulgent.
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>Suletta, let's take a break.
>Okay, Miorine-san!

>you jealous?


>(Why'd you do that...)
>Sorry - I thought I heard something?
>B-but anyway, showing that much skin...
>you'll get sun burnt!!
>I'll probably be fine so -

>T-thank you...

>This is pretty good too - want some?
thanks fampai
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>Miorine is willing to get her pale ass sunburnt for Suletta
She's such a stacy.
Thanks TL-nee.
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The wedding Sulemio doujinshi is ready, any rich sister willing to do an economical offering and awake dj anon?
What doujin? I've already been throwing my salaries on Buying Sendai-san's translations but I didn't know there is a new Sulemio doujin. Is it R18?

>Sulemio Only next year quarantined away from the other Gundam ships

what did they mean by this?
They're probably expecting a big turnout.
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>Is it R18?
Horny sis.

Is this one

It was brought up here when they announced it.

Which is the site you read feet yuri btw?
This is the one I shared long, long ago.


Most importantly, is it good?
Thanks, it’s SFW huh.
>4k yen
Kinda expensive for a dj, right? I guess the usual 10usd donations I give wouldn’t be enough.

>feet yuri
I read it at amawashigroup, they recently made a kofi account and the releases have been really fast since then, too many people are donating lol
>is it good?
It’s Adashima with porn. I like it and I love listening to the drama CDs, Miyagi sounds 100% like Miorine while Sendai sounds like elegant and confident Suletta (so nothing like Suletta)
lol the confession account again...
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Half that account is bait
What do you think Miorine's immediate reaction to finding out how badly Suletta was hurt piloting the Calibarn was?
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>Kinda expensive for a dj, right?
Apparently it has 300 pages, so...

>elegant and confident Suletta (so nothing like Suletta)
Pre-episode 22 Suletta, sis

So Lynn and IchiKana boosted the popularity? Genius strategy.

Poor owner, but confession accounts are funny—sometimes.

At the very least, reassuring she wants to stay with Suletta regardless of her disability and they will work it out. and soaked her underwear at the idea of cripple sex.
If Suletta is in a coma or just asleep in that moment? She starts going over her recovery strategies and timelines, over and over with the medical team, refers the team to Belmeria so they can have an expert on how to stabilize her permet poisoning, probably starts funding research on reversing that damage as well.

If Suletta is awake in that moment? Just earnest reassuring and vowing to keep loving her the same way, that they'll move forward together and that she doesn't care how little recovery can be done, or how long recovery will take, she's choosing to stay at Suletta's side. Mio knows Suletta will be at her most vulnerable and distraught, and this time she will make sure to not let her feel alone.

On either timeline, later on, Miorine finds somewhere private and she breaks down hard, she was probably briefed on how Suletta would be injured by piloting the Calibarn, but seeing her beloved in such an ill and injured state would obviously be a million times harder on her psyche. Though not long after, she picks herself up, and either goes to meet Earth House as an honest effort to mantain her friendships. She wont let herself cocoon inside and room, not when Suletta needs her.

She does dream of tonguefucking Suletta on the hospital bed, will probably bribe the hospital to let her do so, once Suletta stabilizes enough for orgasms
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I know they kept Suletta and Secelia apart because they knew the ship would be too powerful
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Shut up. Suletta likes Miorine's small tits the most.
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I like Sulemio and it has been rotting my brain for over a year, yet Sucelia has something that tickles my rarepair nerve. Also, Secelia has thick thighs too. Don't ruin the fun by being a tight-ass.
Why would you ship Suletta and Secelia?
Is that Miorine's? Suletta must be in heaven when they're tribbing.
I'm sorry crackship nee-san. but two big girls can't be in love in the Ad Stella timeline
>big girl x small girl
Sulemio, Sabinika, Wendy and Nyla
>small girl x small girl
Nikachu, Felchu, Maireesha, Sophnore
>big girl x big girl
none, it's forbidden love
The great thing about Suletta/Secelia is that you can do it as a one-night stand after Norea's rampage, when Suletta and Miorine are on a break.

>none, it's forbidden love
This is gross Feng Jun/Belmeria erasure.
Vote Prospera, defeat Seed.
How is that yuri?
She's Notrette's girlfriend.
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No it'd have to be sometime soon after ep 18. They have a one-night stand and Secelia gives her some of her free school therapy when she notices Suletta still feels like shit afterwards.

Speaking of, I remember a short comic with a similar concept where Suletta nearly does it with a random student before getting cold feet and finding an apologetic Miorine soon after. Suletta definitely needed more random girls in the school fawning over her and making Miorine jealous while she remains woefully obvious to it all.
But sex and BDSM therapy with Secelia would have fixed her, and clearly she isn't fixed until episode 22.
You've been funding the translations for Sendai-san?! Dj-anon you're doing so much for us...

There's been a few new ones released anyways. I don't have a comprehensive list or anything but there's a handful.

Were you still interested in type-setting TL-anon and the other TL-anon's translations?
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Why not? I know they had little to no interaction and Secelia made Suletta cry in the Cinderella CD drama, but I find the pair interesting.
I envision it as a very nice person x someone who would pick on them but can't do it, not to mention Suletta became an absolute chad after episode 20 and their 30 seconds interaction in episode 21 was enough for me.

Yeah, months ago an artist pointed out even as dolls, Mio's ass is fatter than Suletta's.

Your logic is weird, sis.
Nika may be and look like a womanlet next to Sabina, but next to ChuChu she looks huge, 10 cm are a considerable chunk.

MioChu would be the small girl x small girl.
Btw, Secelia isn't that tall, she may be as tall as Nika.

No, you don't get it. I mean a completely romantic relationship, not a hookup. I believe the only person Suletta would bang during that period is Chuchu dressed up as Miorine.

>I remember a short comic with a similar concept where Suletta nearly does it with a random student
Lmao, there's a Sabinika artist who first was into Sabina x (tanuki) Suletta, and drew something similar.

I do agree with you, thought. Suletta deserved her lesbian fanclub (like Sabina's).

I don't think that's Dj anon.
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>I mean a completely romantic relationship, not a hookup
I just can't do that to Miorine, even for something as intriguing as Suletta/Secelia.
That anon suggesting that is dumb anyway
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Well sis, that's your loss. Rarepairs and crackships are not for everyone.

It's fun tho.
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Tanuki is so lucky...
We all agreed Miorine is the lucky one actually.
Not her but how is that lucky?
Suletta is insanely brave and skilled and rescued Miorine like a half dozen times across the show.
Miorine saved her most of the time + her luxury
>Miorine saved her most of the time

Uh no she didn't. Episode 1 Suletta saves Miorine. She arguably saves her twice by freeing her from the holder system. Then she saves her again in episodes 3, 9, 12 and 21. The emotional climax of the show is probably Suletta reaching out to Miorine in her room. Unless Miorine has like 6 saves under her belt (she doesn't) Suletta kinda objectively saved her more.
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They would find each other on every single universe
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They would save each other on every single universe
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What happened to her silliness
>complete man body with zero tits
>waifufag doesn't know how quotes work
I was referring to the Suletta art, dumbass. I never mentioned Miorine once
Ohhh my bad, I was lazy to look at the quote.
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Did she get taller or..?
Good good, post sulemio schmexooo to ward off the waifufags.
For what?
Not sure if you count those challenges, Miorine's sacrifices are more heavy than Suletta did.
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For Suletta I'd count the space rescue, beating Guel to become the holder, Suletta Splatta, going to her room in 22 and disabling the space laser (albeit she's saving everyone), so five. I wouldn't count the other duels, since Suletta's screwed herself if she loses and Miorine helps out with most of them.

Miorine gets episodes 2 and 7, when she gets Delling to do stuff. Granted, it's what he wants to do, but she doesn't know it and still needs to give those speeches to give Delling cover. She also finds Suletta in space in the last episode, so three. Also, she means well in 17, so let's give her 3½.
nta but miorine is the best so suletta needs to earn her
well miorine is the heroine, so suletta is just doing her duty of saving her
Imagine the HAAAAAAA!? if Miorine caught Suletta saying that.
she’ll be flattered and think it’s sweet of her groom to say that.
>dem wedding rings
>dat super happy Tanuki and Miorine smiling
>dem SuleMio memories
>anti-sulemio are still complaining nonstop and still want to ruin Miorine
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> No time skip Sabina acrylic so I can recreate Sabinika

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The funny thing is that this doesn't seem to be true in-universe. Suletta's desired by men and women but the only people into Miorine are Suletta and Shaddiq. Judging from the way Shaddiq's team of elite lesbians make fun of him for it, they don't seem to find her very impressive.
And yet she has them by the balls
Gee, I wonder why people don't like Miorine, do you know the answer, anon?
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My headcanon is that most students' (obvious exception of Earth House and the Dueling comittee) perception of Suletta is heavily based on which major they are taking
>piloting students see her as a hypercompetent sweetheart, talking about piloting and being around mobile suits helps to calm her nerves, she's helpful to others, any social faux pas she makes is seen as an innocent mistake, has a secret fan club composed of lesbians that grows for every duel she takes.
>engineers mostly see her when she needs someone to fix/tune ujp Aerial, she has a pretty good sense of diagnostics but doesn't know much MS repair terminology, still, they see she means well
>business students see her as a bumbling idiot who stumbled to her into the holder role, think Miorine just pretends to like her in order to use her, and that she's purposely trying to annoy others, they have a secret hater club, all delusional men who think they had/have a chance with Miorine
They wouldn't let anyone outside Earth House touch Aerial (risk of sabotage, she's Nika's baby), but I like it otherwise.
Nah, don't think the standees are much in scale. Miorine looks sorta tall, but the really funny thing is that Elan 5 winds up looking a lot shorter than Elan 0. Despite, y'know, them likely being identical.
Nah the scale for the standees is really wonky. Miorine is set back further than Suletta is in hers.
Also her shoes in the epilogue had basically no heel compared to the boots she wore at school. While there's not really any reference point to compare them both, I doubt Miorine got any taller.

If Suletta got slightly taller that would have been funny in a sense.
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I gotchu, sis. Pina's releasing a full, color (seemingly non-f*ta) doujin. Hopefully doujinsis picks it up or it's available at in-store Melonbooks since it releases when I'll be visting.
They aren't at scale, this is why the guys have smaller heads than the girls
Damn I didn't even know she did physical stuff. Awesome.
This is also what Suletta said to Chuchu after her wedding night.
People are intimidated by her. It’s not “i dont like her” but more of a “she’s a VIP and i wont ever have her anyway”
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Kudos for sticking through both seasons, anon. It's nice to get some long articulate posts from someone without schizophrenia, even if I didn't agree with everything you said. I still maintain that the betrayal/extended separation was the series' biggest misstep (aside from making QZ into a world ending superweapon as opposed to something with lower global stakes), even beyond my desire for more sulemio screentime. I do agree with your points about Guel (including about episode 20 being silly. I would have much rather gotten a scene or two with him and Suletta operating together as a proper rival/wingman tandem. Don't ask me how to fit such a scene into S2 though.) and the underwhelming action of the 2nd cour. As someone who is probably among the most negative regarding season 2 here, going with a hand-wavy happy ending was the right call given the limited time, especially since it means Prospera got away with everything.

I'm still naively hoping for some sort of animated continuation that doesn't mess the good bits of the ending up, even if it means that another hanger full of pre-production Lfriths gets dug up on the moon or something. Just call it an homage to Bandai's pentennial tradition of pulling another top secret gundam that totally actually participated in the OYW out of their ass.

>I wonder if the other musicfag nee-san, who ranted about Aerial Rebuild, is still here
Ugh, I was kinda hoping nobody here remembered that particular autism flare-up. I'm catching up on the thread after being away for a couple weeks, but nowadays I prefer to just occasionally moan about the lack of idol AUfic updates while building up my box fort, waiting for a kit of the hang glider suit from episode 13, and putting off reading the LN.

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