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This thread is for:
*Screenshots, pages, and discussion about general series, current or old, not covered by an existing thread, be it yuri, fanservice, subtext or goggles.
*Canon and non-canon both welcome.
*News reports about things relevant to our interest.
*Original content that doesn't fit any specific thread topics.
*Pretty much anything that doesn't have or need its own thread.
*Not doing anything unnecessary.

Previous: >>4278867
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>Ugh it's so chaotic in these dorms. Every day it's like there's some new Strawberry Panic!™

Seriously, Kimino?
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Shuu ni Ichido Kurasumeito wo Kau Hanashi is the best yuri.
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Miyagi Shiori is the best shuukura.
what about now?
55% female, 15% male, 15% [DATA EXPUNGED], 7% animals (that may or may not be animal girls, like Ika Musume or Noko Shikanoko) and the rest is shitposters.
I doubt more than half of the posters here are women.
Seems like Happy Sugar Life has a cult following on twitter, it still regularly gets fan art.
i just finished reading Sasameki Koto.
i watched the anime about a month or so back, thought it was good, but after finishing the manga it quickly became a favorite of mine.
Yeah I really liked the anime, wish it continued. 2009 was a great year for yuri anime but then it kind of died until 2011 when Yuruyuri and Madoka revived it
Especially considering board culture dictates that we all pretend to be girls if we're not.
Board culture is deferring to female pronouns and such. It's /a/ that pretends they're all girls.
Shimamura can barely handle one Adachi, imagine if there were four.
Terminal dehydration.
Let's make another poll and find out.
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we love black cat
They'd pull a Highlander.
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Disco Elysium but instead of an amnesiac detective trying to solve a murder mystery in the wake of successive collapses of his nation's regimes and subsequent foreign occupation, it's just a girl at an all-girls school trying to get laid.
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Can you, like, use real words?
The anon who made the 2016 poll went above and beyond by making an entire form filled with all sort of questions. That sort of dedication can't be seen around here anymore because everybody is awful to each other.
The CIS region, Fantomas and Mothafuckas
>everybody is awful to each other
It's enough to make anyone crazy.
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The yuris this season are getting pretty repetitive; deer friend and vtuber especially.
I really want to like narenare, but i just dont feel much chemistry with the characters, and it feels like a lot of the plotpoints like the hotspring incident or the record store closing were either glosses over or resolved too quickly. Megumis insecurity and frustration for not being able to help was nice, but outside of the one episode its relevant in, she feels like a background character.
Which Adashima is this?
>That OP
Will this thread reach 2000+ post with ShuuKura and AdaShima console war like the recent release thread?
Erotic demon Adashima.
kyss, actually.
Kiss your Sendai-san.
You post a meta poll on 4chan now you get a week long ban.
What's wrong with doing these polls? Are they against the rules?
Nanare is flawed in some ways indeed. But the couples are super sweet, especially the height gap one.
Mayonaka Punch has become my favorite after binging it though. It started out with lust and manipulation and developed into a strong bond with real feels that seem mutual. The writing is pretty fun too.
I just wish I knew why Shigeyuki hates her own name.
Why did the artist age down Miyagi
Can't you create a normal poll?
What makes /u/ such a schizo city?
Neurotic women.
If you were to die right now, what are your regrets, yuri wise?
Didn't live long enough for a remake to make Kigo canon.
Ano route
I won't die until Yuzu and Mei have sex.
As a european where should i buy physical american books? Everything is so expensive now, brexit did not help.
Sorry, my name is not Yuri nor am I wise. As for your question, my philosophy on that subject is tattooed on my left hip, "no rergets".
nadeshiko gf...who?
It's Ai. Go ahead and die peacefully.
Not getting to read future urapiku books
Yeah, what a mystery.
How awful to have a misspelled tattoo.
Not having a series as memorable as Valkyrie Drive or Flip Flappers, or not even a new yuri hentai.
>a new yuri hentai
Reginetta-san is a yuri hentai, to an extent. It features a robot girl getting slimed or tentacled by explicitly female monster girls. Up to you if that's too /d/
i need them runa rehab arc...
It drug on too long, both with adding new characters and multi chapter flashbacks, but I did enjoy it.
Imagine being so angsty that you fracture your arm.
Oh yeah, I had seen scenes of that but I didn't know it was pure yuri.
Not getting to see Fuuko and Nanase meeting face-to-face. And the resulting hatesex.
Missing out on asumi-chan's anime.
Yuri Hime's cover for this month's issue is out now. And here's the list of contents:

Cover: FukaHire

Lead Feature: Aoi and Hibiki’s [Wanna Skip School in the Infirmary?] with a special color feature celebrating the release of Volume 1 of the manga!

Center Colors: FLOWERCHILD’s [A Face You Shouldn't Show] and Nanatsu Muku’s [An Angel Descended Upon Me!]

Ongoing Series:

Eku Takeshima: [Whispering You a Love Song]
Namori: [The Ōmuro Family] and [YuruYuri]
KashiKaze: [Kimihoe]
Kiyoko Iwami: [My Girlfriend's Not Here Today]
Manga by RokoKo: Original Story & Character Design by Lycoris [UsoNatsu ~The Summer Romance Bloomed From A Lie~ -squall-]
Hiaruron & Daruma: [Koharu and Minato]
Shio Amemizu: [Our Love Is Disgusting]
Kuro Itsuki: [Asumi-chan Is Interested in Lesbian Brothels!]
sheepD: [The Canary Dreams of Glittering Stars]
Aru Kaneko: [Both Sisters of the Taira Family Are Wild]
Hazuki: [Let’s Have Dinner Together] (Complete)
Chinmi Sanba: [The Hated Witch Noble and the Cross-Dressing Prince’s Engagement]


Aya Haruka: [Where the Light Resides]
Miru Tomofuji: [Troubled Because I Can’t Call My Partner by Their First Name]


Theatrical Anime: [Ōmuro Family Dear Friends]
Stage Play: [Whispering You A Love Song]
End-of-Magazine Columns:

Yuko Kobara: [Collecting Yuri Flowers on Film to Gift to You]
Muro Maki: [The Story of a German BL Fan Who Discovered Yuri and Became a Queen]
Makoto Koichi: [Off-Record × Girls Talk]
Nanoku Hoshii: [Get Complicated! Yuri Fantasies!]
>But the couples are super sweet
suzu x shion has its moments, especially in the beginning with Suzu's little internal monologue trying to break out of her shell before they dropped that gag, but its such a drip feed, and a lot of the characters just feel like they have really little going on, and lack chemistry outside their pairing. The characters dont really buttheads or clash personalities unless its their designated drama scene, and the potential characters arcs are resolved too conveniently. Like the record shop closing couldve been a good chance to develop Anna, being forced to find a new home in her new friend group, but its instead resolved in the background easily and she goes right back to how she started. Megumis and Kanatas dynamic is nice, but gets barely any chance to breathe, and it feels like there was a lot more they couldve done with Megumi taking her pent-up frustration out on Kanata, but that too is quickly resolved, even if i did like resolution scene (although the other drama going on at the same time felt really forced). As for anna and ootana, i think its cute that they wake eachother up in the morning, but theres not a whole lot going on with them, but then again they and Megumi x Kanata were already established well before the events of the anime.
Show just feels all over the place
>mayonaka punch
Its my favorite this season too, and the Fuu was a highlight. i hope Yuki gets an episode with her as the focus soon. not a big fan of the youtube vlog gimmick, but the characters are fun, the main character is a scumbag which is pretty refreshing, and im pretty excited to see the inevitable shitstorm Masaki creates at the end, once she meets her goal
>i hope Yuki gets an episode with her as the focus soon
Do I have good news for you.
now i look like a fool
Looks like My Girlfriend is Not Here This Issue
>Kiyoko Iwami: [My Girlfriend's Not Here Today]
But she is.

Yuri Is My Job is still on hiatus though.
Wow, the show really went all out with the cringe today. I almost couldn't make it. Poor Shigebaby.
After Yuki said Masaki's blood is nothing special I went and checked the moment Ichiko fed on her a bit. She offered no comment about how delicious it was. The other vampires likewise have never said a peep about it. So, it really is just Live who likes her blood. Interesting.
There's also Live being asleep for 20 years, Masaki being 20 something, and having lived in the area when she was a kid. Very interesting.
Masaki's blood is probably filled with nanoplastics, beef hormones, and air pollution and all sorts of gross things that exist in modern Japan that make it taste bad to vampires that are used to the more pure blood that existed decades ago.
Yuki didn't say it was bad, just common. Besides they drink blood regularly, from people who are also contaminated.
My guess is that it's not that Live likes Masaki because of her blood, but the other way around. She may have met little Masaki twenty years ago and imprinted on her.
I’m happy more people are interested in shuukura.
We are at fucking chapter 4 of the manga of probably a decade or more serializing and the releases thread is already at war mode
I'd like the manga more if the designs looked closer to moke's Adashima, but that's just my "I can't believe it's not Adashima!" autism.
Tourist here, sorry for this question but.
Can futa x female be considered as yuri?
Sorry if this is a stupid question
Yes, it's a very stupid question, futas are not considered yuri, neither is crossdressing or gender bending.
If there's a penis it's not yuri. It's that simple.
Sorry for my lack of common sense on that part.
Thanks for replying in any case.
Hold on, what if there was a manga about anthropomorphic human body parts as moe girls and Penis-chan was a character in it, and she was in relationship with Vulva-sama?
The /y/ version of that idea already exists and no, it's not yuri.
Then you finally can stop lying to yourself and admit you love penis and move to /y/
You're just splitting hairs over the inane
No citrus again, huh.

How is Sabu getting away with it?
I don't think YH cares too much, all things considered they still get volumes to sell of one of their best selling series.
Based on international sales of her series and merch, she's probably has at least a million dollars in the bank. Work for her has become optional.
Lol no, mangaka don't make 1/10 of what you think they do.
She took a long vacation to South East Asia after she finished Citrus, she has money.
Nice cover.
They get paid per page, but also get like 10% of all volume sales. Citrus sold at least a million copies in Japan alone before the anime. So, Sabu is likely a millionaire based purely on sales volume, especially since Citrus is also a high-selling series internationally.
Nice title.
They get less than a dolar for volume sold and then you have taxes and expenses, the money made from oversea sales is far less too.
And what about the anime and merch
They usually get paid a small ammount upfront for the anime license to not inviabilize the whole thing, BD sales are so low they may as well not exist as far the author is concerned and neither is Citrus selling a considerable ammount of merch.
LATAM alone made Saburouta a millionaire, even with those taxes.
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Outside of some unsourced Leddit post it seems that mangaka get at least 8% of the price of every volume before taxes so it isn't unlikely that Saburouta made a million dollars from Citrus
This would be less than a half a dolar each volume.
This was before the devaluation of the Yen and only if we assume that YH pays its mabgaka only 8% and not more.
To troll the guy, no reason to answer honestly to such a sloppy poll.
Plus, people with money tend to invest. So even if it wasn't only a couple hundred thousand at first, it could be over a million by now through investments. It takes money to make money after all.
As long as there's cunt and no cock, it's yuri.
Yuki also had feelings for Live but got ignored, I wonder if the timeline might match up with Live encountering Masaki as a kid.
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Kuwabara's newest artwork. The description says it's a mysterious girl and a displeased-looking Naoi.

>Kudou: Naoiii...(heart symbol)
>Kudou: *Pant*...
Most mangaka are barely educated, they are not investing shit.
This sketch basically comfirms what I suspected before. Kudou left her hair dark over the scar on her forehead that Naoi was hinted to have given her in elementary school. The girl's basically a stalker. Well, Naoi wanted someone who would never leave her, and she accidentally created someone who she can't get rid of no matter how hard she tries. Careful what you wish for and all that.
>most popular girl in school
lmao, petty
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This is been a slug in vampire level
Take a long walk off a short peer.
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Is there a yuri manga that has a western girl and japanese girl? I was checking out Hitokiri, and I'm wondering if there is one without any fantasy.
in virgins empire
I started reading Hitokiri today on a whim and it gave me strong Shokei Shoujo vibes. But every interracial pairing I can think of offhand is either fantasy or Japanese girl x Chinese girl, sorry.
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Is there any chance for a new Flower game?
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Goodbye, My Rose Garden
We just got Everlasting Flowers...
Nope. We can only hope the studio is willing to put up the cash to do more yuri instead of the garbage that makes them money.
But I thought the Flower series was profitable for them? Last time I checked, they didn't make anything else.
I want a lesbian vampire game with the art and setting of Flowers.
Innocent Grey usually just does standard het erotic VNs. If what I recall Anon from one of the past FLOWERS threads saying was true, they only did FLOWERS because the studio leader liked yuri and put up the money to make Printemps. It's clear that they weren't sure it would be successful by the way they have awkward ecchi sprinkled into Printemps that they don't do in any of the later games.
Carmilla with a happy ending would be kino
And a downer Bad End too and a 'holy fuck the dog is working for the aliens' ending too.
Masaki owes Live sex!
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>still no WataYuri
Now I'm the one that's depressed. Maybe that was Miman's plan all along?
That's season 2's 10 million subscriber stretch goal.
Any yuri shows this fall?
Gun Gale Online and Love Live 9
You can rewatch WataYuri
No, then
That was just the usual schizo behavior and phenomenon whenever some LN gets popular, just hope it won't make a new schizo
Seemed like a normal discussion to me, maybe you are taking things too personal and are not good enough to post on this site
There's already one that hallucinates based on spoilers, parroting like an LLM.
>Anon see schizos everywhere
kys for inviting them here
I am pretty convinced he is just playing schizo and anti schizo for attention
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Is it yuri

I've been seeing it too but not sure if it's a few dedicated artists getting popular now or if there's an actual recent revival trend.
Either fuck off or lurk moar instead of asking retarded questions like that.
A lot of non-yuri anime purveyors consider it an important psychological anime.
If Megu speeds up in her wheelchair and crashes into Mari-senpai, will she manage to break her legs?
RIP Sailor Jupiter
Shimeji sisters…
He's specifically talking about Girls' Last Tour here. Shimeji Simulation should be short enough to fit in one cour if they were to make an adaptation of it.
>He's specifically talking about Girls' Last Tour here.
he's talking about his work in general.
Damn, she was the teacher in CCS, too. I think that was my first older woman crush that started me on a long path of shipping teachers with their students.
no one's going to vote on your shitty poll
I'm surprised this didn't get more hype. I thought it was excellent, and it's definitely yuri.
Ohhh, Kippu did the designs. I recognize them from Fire Emblem Heroes
I just finished the first chapter
>no Switch version
Nah I don't have the patience to read on PC.
Steam Deck?
Why is Miyagi a black cat. Is it a fan thing or a canon nickname?
You need to read it to get it
i bought it already and is sitting comfortably in my backlog that ill get to... eventually...
why does this thread keep ignoring SHY?
Too much non yuri pandering
>Too much non yuri pandering
The dude ninja barely contributes in the grand scheme of things. Hell, freakin' Shy pinned Mai on the ground just to tell her to stop
You have to consider several factors, /u/ is not that far from the criteria of mainstream series, another sector is too extreme and pretends that there is no yuri beyond manga and novels, also that any opinion based on a series with little yuri is ignored or belittled.

Not to mention the delusional waifufags who pretend their favorite Het series of the season is yuri because they lust after the characters, character designs, and even the author/director/animation studio.
Tokimaro is just a nobody who likes Ai, you will have guys pinning Shy on the ground and having her blush over it, so don't blame anons for not feeling very motivated to talk about it when the author does stuff like this.
is it maintext?
No, it has yuri fanservice though, but it also has het fanservice.
Another anime that get expelled from my backlog. Now, how yuri is Kiddy Grade?
That would be too expensive because I don't really want to play any Steam games.
You mean hetbait.
Not sure why this makes you feel any better, at least it's not as bad as what happens in magilumiere

Not much honestly, anime have their priorities set on everything except yuri and ironically this one does have Het pandering, the worst part is that the sequel that everyone hates is more yuri, it focuses on yuri and the "Het pandering" is basically the villain who is defeated and the 2 couples (including the original) are happy together at the end.
>SHY het pandering
Where? Is it on the manga?
Muh blush is a weak argument when she's basically permanently blushing. She's so shy that any conversation with another human will make her blush out of embarrasment. Using the blush as an argument for romantic love is retarded
Because not everyone likes the shonen pacing where romance is basically ignored beyond very light teasing until the end (if something happens at the end: Look at HeroAca. Even het romance can end up being a nothinburger) while the focus is on the plot and fights. It's cute how the anime staff seems to ship Teru/Iko, but there's so much they can do while they have to remain faithful to the manga not developing the relationship much and only giving some crumbs
Unironically how would this make any difference with regard to patience? If anything I would expect a small handheld screen to be more annoying to do extended reading from
On PC there are always distractions and they're extremely easy to access too. I can't go 5 minutes without wanting to check a bunch of stuff on different websites. Manga, 4chan and a lot of other things. Playing the Switch while lying down in bed would make using the PC a hassle because then I would have to get up and go to the PC. Thus I can read longer.
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How retarded are you?
>Stuido Mother
1x1/2 anime confirmed.
How retarded are (you)? Anon asked why people don't care about X, anons said why they don't care about X, turns out other anon also see no reason to care for X for the same reasons.
Someone should check studio mother twitter for hints, if this was like two weeks ago I would but twitter won't open here anymore lol.
>turns out other anon also see no reason to care for X for the same reasons.
Except the third anon is taking a random post's word for it while having absoluteluly no first-hand knowledge of it. That is the epitome of being retarded.
Then continue wondering why you are talking alone about this.
Hetslug in avatar
So if I claim YagaKimi is het, it’s justified if some retard believes me and decides not to watch?
What about believing the retards claiming Anis from MagiRevo was a man before reincarnating?
I think many rippers are dropping yuri series because I can't find the latest volumes on Nyaa. I've been ripping some of my favorites for my Komga server, I reckon I'd share them here since I can't upload them to Nyaa. They're not super high res or anything but they're good enough for me.

Gushing Over Magical Girls v10 (2024) (Digital) (Anon).cbz

Vampeerz v05 (2024) (Digital) (Anon).cbz

Monthly in the Garden with My Landlord v03 (2024) (Digital) (Anon).cbz

Even Though We're Adults v07 (2023) (Digital) (Anon).cbz

Even Though We're Adults v08 (2024) (Digital) (Anon).cbz
Anon, you can make whatever claim you want, but people have talked extensively about both Yagakimi and Tenten here, people are not talking about SHY.
>any show people in /u/ don't talk about is automatic het
Kill yourself
I don't see anyone talking about Sasakoi in months
Manga went full het confirmed
white rose in bloom 3 where?
If they weren't het they'd be discussed here.
No one said SHY is het, but there is het fanservice.
We have something called the releases thread, which I must add SHY is not posted.
>the 2 couples (including the original) are happy together at the end.
That's enough for me, one of the reasons I didn't watch/read Shy was because it'a a ongoing manga and I don't want nasty surprises from my anime.
Retards in this retarded board aren’t an authority. Fuck off. Should we also believe the schizo screaming that Majima fucked Chisato on screen?.
The het fanservice is probably the girls talking to men, which schizos say is always romantic
I don’t see 2999 daily posts for YagaKimi
Sunce it doesn’t have enough of muh discussion, it’s het
Is Yagakimi a currently ongoing manga? Does it have an anime airing this season?
>the shy I'm just asking questions anon is unironically the majimaschizo

>muh blush.
She blushes at literally anything and everything. It's not romantic. Thanks for confirming "het fanservice in SHY" is Majimatard schizobabble
OK. Sasakoi. If it doesn't have 3000 daily posts, it's not enough muh discussion and it's het. Or we can admit muh discussion is nonsense argument
Shy's main character trait is that she's shy you psycho, she blushes constantly. Do we need to bring out the screencaps where she's being princess carried by a girl and blushing? Or maybe the one where she gets invited into the shower by a girl and blushes like crazy?
He is talking about the time shy and this other guy slipped and he is all over her and they both blushed over it or the time SHY got all red because she was touching Nirvana which is a tall indian teenager hero.
Does she have any more meaninful interactions with these guys?
What do you think of the fountain scene in Lycoris Recoil?
With Nirvana? He is a relevant character in the series though if you are asking if he is a love interest I would say no, but this does not change the fact it's fanservice to have SHY in what are common tropes with guys. Those scenes are more clear cut in regards of their nature than the fountain scene you are talking about.
>downplaying the fountain scene while playing up irrelevant scenes in Shy
Anti-yuri hetshiter spotted and umasked. Posts discarded
Both are irrelevant, but again you can't change they are fanservice, it's up to you if it's your thing or not, even though it's clear you are not reading it.
Exactly. Both are fanservice. But if it's irrelevant then, it's not a good reason to say the show is het as anons were saying. My theory about the lack of discussion is this>>4288363. Seems more sane than paranoia about the manga being het
sanple and terrible
Some people here just want to read yuri, not scraps with pandering for all sides, if an actual yuri series did this it would probably get axed for it
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So for that reason no one can enjoy those little yuri moments in non-yuri series? It's not like people don't know that they're not conclusive (come on, Het or Yaoi aren't better in the end)
Or the panel where she's about to get kissed by a girl and blushes.
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Sleep well Rosa-oneesama ;__;
No one here is saying or anyone else can't enjoy the series for what it is, unlike most users here I am reading it, but I definitely can't blame anyone for knowing there is content like that and thinking they could use their time elsewhere

Time to mine /u/
this sounds boring, but if its explicit yuri, i will watch it regardless
The art style reminds me of https://dynasty-scans.com/chapters/from_now_on_together_with_senpai
LMAO thanks google
I really thought they were gonna kiss.
>anime coming out as the final manga volume is released, probably adapts the whole thing
Yuri or not, this should be way more common.

Anything on this series?
They pee on each other.
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I wish League of Legends had yuri like Valorant
Arcane S2 is gay as hell though
LoL is literally full of dykes, so much that the moniker of League Of Lesbians is 100% true.
That said, only two girls in Valo are a couple, Germany and Brazil...its like Kids From Brasil ovah there!!
Thanks, anon! Would you want me to upload them to nyaa?
Sure, why not?

Lucky you I have it

A White Rose in Bloom v03 (2024) (Digital) (Anon).cbz
The fruits of your effort have reached yurifags in the United States, Canada, the Bahamas, Italy, France, Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, Germany, Sweden, the United Kingdom, Romania, Ukraine, Poland, Hungary, Brazil, Chile, Indonesia, Japan, China and South Korea.
She was also B-Ko, Sailor Jupiter, and Kaho-sensei.
Thanks anon!
I've noticed that many aggregators last month started getting updates from a site other than mangadex. And that site rips from bato.to.

MangaBuddy, MangaPark, MangaGo, MangaKakalot, MangaKatana, and VyvyManga all had the Bato.to version of chapter 15 of ZenKowa for example. I think about the only aggegator that still had the mangadex version was ComicK.
I assume it's because many aggregators use the same site tools. There was likely an update to the tool that will now cause them to rip from non-mangadex sources if it gets an upload of a chapter sooner than mangadex.
Oh damn she was really there for yuri history
I have no idea, but I very much enjoyed it, thank you.
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What is the most surprising yuri fanart you have ever come across?
God bless my friend.
Shut down /u/. Shut down /a/, too.
its so over
it's happening
I won't watch it.
I will watch it.
Aww yeah.
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yuri status?
All I know is this is gonna lead to lots of seethe. Anyways, let's hope it doesn't become another Sasakoi. Surely Eku can't be that cursed.
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The new queen of /u/.
So, the first yuri leak is Watanare.
With one of board's biggest bets confirmed, what do you guess are the other 2? One of them is a manga source
Watanare hater(singular) in shambles.
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looks yuri enough to me
Hibike author.
mucielago or riot
The Summer You Were There. Unfortunately it's Anemone.
>shimeji simulation anime got leaked apparently
>tkmiz also complaining on twitter about not getting anymore anime adaptations
which is it?
I never read watanare. I like none of terens other series I read.
what if his work on shimeji anime is already done so he's xitting like that, and he does not plan to draw any more manga so there will be no future anime.
He's a pessimist, don't put stock into everything he says.
My guess is there were plans but before any official announcement for some reason or other, it got cancelled and tkmz lost hope in the industry. Probably the cancellation is related then to some kind of fallout beetween staff and tkmz and tkmz getting blacklisted
Nice (probable) fanfic.
But what about my schizo narratives about Watanare...
Exactly the same amount as in Eupho, if you take out the 4.73% that is dedicated to Taki and Shoe from there.
I think the schizos will get drown out once enough people got baited into reading the source
>Domain for Watanare anime registered on 9/11
well tkmz can ejaculate based on their tweets so I am inclined to use he sorry if i misgendered.
I'm not expecting maintext yuri, but does this at least have ZERO het romance?
What if it goes anime original and we get yet another headcanon to confuse arguments over?
then I will filter any related keywords and live in peace.
>hibishit author
>expecting yuri
Anon, I...
But >>4288640 looks kinda gay idk.
Who are you to say she hasn't had a change of heart?
mahoako sequel
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after Liz to Aoi Tori, i want to believe....
Like certain scenes from Baitphonium out of context. C'mon now, don't fall twice for the same tricks from the same retard
I WILL gamble no matter what you tell me. This is an addiction. It's no laughing matter.
Be me, browsing /u/ like a normal person. See all these delusional shipfags spouting nonsense about Adashi and Shimamura. Why is it always the same tired crap? "Adashi and Shimamura are totally endgame, the show is screaming it!!!" Newsflash: If the creators wanted that, they would've put it in the show. It’s just fanservice fodder. Quit deluding yourself. The canon is what matters, not your wishful thinking. Just accept that Adashi is never gonna end up with Shimamura and move on. Maybe watch something that actually fits your fantasy instead of this overhyped garbage. Also, why does every thread devolve into "Which character is best waifu?" Like, seriously, get some standards. Anyway, here's a real thought: How about discussing actual plot development for once? Or is that too much to ask for in a sea of shipping wars?
And the manga's still on hiatus
At least it's not real money you're gambling with. So you're still better than all them gacha addicts wasting their money
The 9/11 of yuri....
A new public image of a genre that one wants nothing to do with. It needs something else as disgusting as this to form a holy trinity of nu-yuri. Kitakawa, probably.
ayo /u/ abouta be bussin
Your tears and seethe are delicious. Stick to subtext scraps like Jelly and GBC if you want non-problematic yuri
What do you mean I accomplished something unprecedented for the genre? I was just gushing over magical girls.
What does he says?
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You can read the manga yourself and see which guy will be into MCs this week, there are like 30 of them in this series
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Miyagisisters… Even borderline porn didn't help us…
Still another two yuri anime to be announced.
mark this day in the history books, for today mahoako s2 and watanare were announced
>Unfortunately it's Anemone
manga shouldve ended like 20 chapters ago
Same of Lycoris, it will take years and forgotten
I vaguely remember anons saying Shuukura had a higher chance of getting an anime than Watanare. Lmao.
"Problematic" and "disgusting" are not the same thing.
9/11, a day that will go down in infamy.
it will be the next one announced, mark my words
This is nice, though I must point out that usually Sugoi says project when it's something like a movie.
If they're going with Asahi Production again, their schedule isn't anywhere as busy as A-1 Pictures'.
Shuukura should be live action
Shuukura should be full immersion VR with feet smell-o-vision.
NTA but my favorite yuri manga of all time is Kitakawa and I like GBC and Jellyfish. They're all yuri.
This isn't an announcement but a leak, the Mahoako one means it's not even in production yet and it will only take for a few years from now.

I don't think this was one of those Sufoi talked about because he said he expected them to be announced next year.
>I don't think this was one of those Sufoi talked about because he said he expected them to be announced next year.
Yeah I meant that
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While I can't speak for this particular manga I actually dropped it early on when it looked like it was going to go het, Takeda has written for some 100% legit yuri short story anthologies before. But seriously, not speaking for this manga.

Liz and the Blue Bird had much less to do with Takeda Ayano as it had to do with Yamada Naoko.
Is starting!
>This isn't an announcement but a leak
'revealed' then, im not arguing semantics
I said that, but I wasn't going schizo, my speculation was because Teren being busy with love live and the series not yet having a drama cd
In fact chinese even agreed

Either way they were the top two choices for a lot of us
wonder why did it take so long. Unfortunately the beginning is the worst part and I doubt the anime will go pass that
>Liking the Boku no Hero of yuri
Nothing wrong with Kitakawa or GBC but get some standards.
I can't wait to see how animeonlies will react to the attempted rape scene.
Oh that Kaos/bocchi hybrid girl finally got anime huh
Wonder how much anime will adapt and how will it adapt her extreme self esteem issues that were covered by comedy skin in earlier parts

There isn't really anything to seethe though, the tone/mood for it isn't really that type of series
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LN adaptations tend to do 3-4 episodes per volume. They'll at least make it to Ajisai's confession, and I'd be shocked if it doesn't go for volume 4 and the start of the poly route. Those 2 volumes are universally where it got popular.
>believes the 3DCG advertising for the 3DPD band's tickets is standards
>In fact chinese even agreed
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Will to live restored.
Maybe they initially planned S2 but with the extended hiatus they went for movie so they don't catch up to the manga.
It was a funny scene? People took it seriously? I mean MC-chan was treating it like an honor and was bragging about it iirc
Also, they already have the story in the manga. They just have to adapt it. For Lycoris, the unexpected success means they didn't plan anything for any continuation and thus the long time is probably due to them needing to come up with how to conitnue it.
This can't be true. This must be an inside job. Which one of you did this...
Scriptwriting is the shortest part of pre-production. The studio being fully booked for years is much more of a factor, it applies to adaptations as well.
Oh wow so hard to write anime about girls dodging bullets and not killing anyone.
Still, My point stands. "non disgusting"= backpedal subtext originals
All maintext will be "disgusting" now. You can keep seething. It's delicious
Attempted or actual rape was a mark of popular yuri pairings in the past. Like Himeko and Chikane. Or Shizuru and Natsuki
Renako is a forum Mascot in chink land, there are like so many memes of her there

I won't be surprised if they are currently going crazy announcing it.
I want an Asumi-chan anime now.
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Damn right.
Eh. I mentioned seethe. Because there are people here (or a single very dedicated shitposter) who seems to hate Watanare like the author murdered their families and pissed on their corpses, Anime will only lead to more anger from these people or person
There were multiple people shouting it out, but as of now they are more worried about it becoming 2nd Sasakoi, apparently they think it will be done by Studio mother? The mood became like a funeral after that
YH will have one adaptation but it probably will be KimiShinu.
We are in 2024, I can guarantee a shitstorm happening thanks to that scene but with some luck that can trigger the Streissand effect and make the Watanare anime a success, at least in the west.
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Me? I'm just a little witch
Ah yes. There was a big leak post from another account that included shit like Frieren S2 and Bocchi S2
The doccument said this studio (Mother) is doing something yuri. So either the're involved with the other 2 projects. Or Watanare is fucked
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What's wrong with Sasakoi? It was made with love and the fans enjoyed it.
what's wrong with mother?
The leak said "Studio Mother collab with yuri themes" whatever that means. It could be lost in translation but it doesn't sound like an explicit yuri adaptation.
Nintendo never released the third one in the west.
The leaker said in a twitter post it's just a yuri adaptation
Why don't you tell us what's so disgusting or problematic about Watayuri? About Citrus, or TenTen? About the greatest yuri revelation that rocked humanity, also known as GWitch? What are you trying to accomplish with your false dichotomy?
Anyway, who am I asking all these questions to?
The only thing that's actually been backpedalled is your mom, by me.
It's fine, I'm sure Takeshima didn't want to see any of her designs adapted well anyway.
She amputated Live.
Studio Mother biggest work is Arifureta, I don't know shit about het isekai so I don't know if that's a good or a bad thing.
Shuukura will get anime when they save enough money to animate EVERYTHING.
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S2 will happen just so the Miki arc can be animated.
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Imagine if it's KitaKawa
>needing a budget to animate 2 girls in a room
Shuukura will get a stage play adaptation.
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Can they just skip to episode 13 without making 11 and 12?
I was amazed that how consistently good vol 3, 4, 5 was.
They're quite shit. Their most notorious productions being helping Asread with Arifureta S2 and Megami-Ryou (straight shota harem adaptation)
The "collab" part sounds like they're teaming up with/helping another studio like they did with Asread for Arifureta S2 and Megami-Ryou
Oh boy, a 100 new posts, they must have announced a Watanare ani-WHAT THE FUCK?!
The 9/11 of yuri.
To be fair, it wasn't announced.
I'm not the one crying about Watanare and MahoAko movie/S2 being some disgusting new face of yuri Go Ask >>4288678. I'm just enjoying his seethe.
Alien oneeloli (as in Ripley and her surrogate daughter from Aliens).
Bad. Arifureta is a mess with shitty CGI. On the lower end of isekai productions
Gonna get into Watanare with the anime. What's so good about it?
it's the only poly/harem yuri out there
There were more, all forgotten.
>all forgotten
luckily so
Hime is dumb enough to try dating Kanoko and Yano at the same time.
It's the ultimate junk food yuri. Kind of a standard harem except it's more than willing to commit. The first volume/arc is weak but it gets a lot better as it goes.
Who kills who first?
poor mans 'sorry, but but im not into yuri'
I dont trust anyone to animate well the thick sexual tension.
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>Hime wonders why they are always fighting
>Comes to the conclusion that they must both be homophobes
It really is nothing like a standard harem anon, it's a more of a shoujo reverse harem
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The truth is that Kanoko hates everyone equally, all races all genders and all (the 3) sexualities
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>gay nerd not so smug since being molested
>it's nothing like a harem, it's more like a harem
I stand corrected.
It's just otome but moe, you have the rapist, you have the nice one, you have the evil one, you have the retarded one and of course you have NTR
>yuri 911
No you dumb nigga, these two types have
like literally nothing in common
For example no standard harem MC would start out as one of the most popular and handsome one in their school
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Edgelady Kanoko...
>his rival
>the reliable one
>the cunning gremlin
FIFY since you clearly don't know the series
>written by a male
I dont trust you
Got this from chink land
Teren is a male?
have they kissed in dungeon people yet
>Yorukura, Garukura out of nowhere
>suspects someone of seething
I'm not on shitter/X. Was the announcement just for Watanare?
They're literally the most recent examples of safe subtext.
The leak was Watanare and a sequel project for MahoAko (S2, or maybe a movie if they want to avoid catching up to the manga and give the author more time to come back and release more chapters)
Takeshobo announced S3 of Made in Abyss when Tsukushi only had literally two chapters done beyond what S2 adapted.
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3 girls dating each other
They skipped some manga chapters from S1 they could adapt
Mai raping Renako animated finally.
Just one, but they adapted one that would've been in S2 early so it balances out.
>a sequel project for MahoAko
>2 cucks sharing one girl
It's fine Ajisai said she is considering getting more girlfriends for herself
>schizo already working hard to spread misinfo
so other then watanare and mahoako there will be 2 more leaks?
>ashi gay
>feet gay
Yes, he said previously one was a LN adaptation, which seems to be watanare, another one is a manga adaptation, he didn't say anything about the third one yet.
Since MahoAko wasn't part of those 3 leaks (Only Watanare, as it was about new stuff. Not sequels)
then at least 1 of them is still confirmed a manga adaptation
yeah but only next year
I have a hard time understanding why people here like polygamy so much. If it's just your fap material, I guess I can see it. But for romance, do you really take it seriously?
established polygamous relationship would be a good set up for a yuri murder mystery
Young girls can romanced more than one, you are an old hag so you don’t get it
it's cool, what's wrong with loving 2 people?
A Fe-male to be precise.
/u/ just got hit with a WataNare announcement- Oh god, there's a second yuri anime announcement...
>local schizo got btfo so hard that he ran away to /a/ to spam his schizo posts
Do you remember back in the day, when you mentioned in public that you liked yuri, people would ask you
>oh, is that where the greenhouses with the roses are?
>oh, is it where a huge unexplored feeling that makes young maidens' hearts beat faster?
>oh, is it where looking into each other's eyes and handholding is portrayed so sensually that it makes any H-doujin seem like a children's book?
well, it won't be like that anymore. Now you (if you dare to mention in public that you like yuri) will only be asked questions like this
>ah, is it porn but without a male character?
>ah, is it harem, but without a male character?
>fap material
>girl loving girls is fap material
Unironic mask off moment from local schizo, no one but hetfags think like this kek
You're wrong but tell yourself what you need.
It's not cool and it's not love at all.
My guesses are My Girlfriend's Not Here Today and ZenKowa.
Why not? Teren made a "serious" attempt to write a yuri harem, as serious as a romcom can be, and that's enough for me.
Too soon for Zenkowa, they won't start anime production unless it has 3 or 4 volumes out
Volume 3 comes out next month. So really, it could theoretically get one this or next year, since it seems to be a series that Yuri Hime is really pushing.
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Without Itou Miku as Naoi, I don't need this.
Scheduling and prodution takes around 2 to 4 years nowadays, you will likely only see Zenkowa anime in the end of the decade
YH doesn't have enough budget for 2 anime. They barely have enough for 1.
If it's another adaptation then it's probably be Semi Friend or ShuuKura
It will be KimiShinu, I think they wanted to air it much sooner but there wasn't any decent studio available for a action/drama story (sorry Sasakoi but a highschool romance don't need a big budget unless you want to transforn it into a musical anime)
>yuri anime that everyone would hate if it aired 20 years later
YH had several anime in production at the same time, though some starting and others ending.
>Wataten, Watayuri, Wataoshi, Sasakoi and Oomuro Ke
All overlapped at some point
There is barely any action in Kimishinu, 95% of it is offscreened
I too have a hard time understanding why anyone takes unironic yuri is fap material posts like this seriously
They're also making YY s4 as well though
Not yet as Oomuro Ke just stopped, granted they will share alot of assets, yesterday leak said they have no idea when it will air.
And that makes it another reason to hire a motivated or professional studio. The magic in KimiShinu is too "soft" to adapt it frame to frame from the manga and a bad job can ruin some tragic scenes, the ones that read the manga know what I'm talking about
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I want to see rare Satsukis in the anime
Why do they only adapt high school slice of life
It's the safest bet to pick up casual watchers.
I don’t think so. It’s the opposite if anything.
MahoAko is high school slice of life?
Fun fact of the day: the words male and female are etymologically unrelated.
based desu
Not hate, just feel meh about. It wouldn't even be cool enough to get mainstream recognition like LycoReco did.
I will sacrifice 30% of /u/'s population to the dark gods to get a Suzunari anime adaptation!
i don't think 6 people is enough to satisfy the dark gods anon
>Watanare anime
Hopefully this mean V7 soon, I need it
Found one for Mai
why is she hated? she did nothing wrong.
But I don't hate her?
The reason Arcane, Farcille and Hoyoverse are popular among lesbians is because of shippable adult women and yuri anime will never catch up until they understand this.
It really is insane how most yuri anime features 16 year old girls who sound like they're 12.
(And action/fantasy settings too) btw
See the key word there is shippable. Actual romance between adult women barely sells but if it's vague teasing it's lesbian catnip. You won't get yuri anime with real adult lesbian relationships until you understand this.
And they're better than the shit scraps of Hoyoverse (which is still mostly teenagers with that kind of voice and lots of lolis, so it's retarded to bring it up) and Farcille. Not watching Arcane because it's not what I like, but at lest it's apparently maintext
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>mfw /u/ will now celebrate 9/11
Since when are any of these things more popular than yuri anime among lesbians? Maybe this is the case in the US specifically but I've never even heard of the latter two
Hoyoverse is popular among teens with a gambling/phone addiction. Note that when they want to boycott, their boycott is: go F2P. They can't make themselves stop the game even when they belive the devs are ultraracists supporting genocides. And I don't see many of these "adult shippable women" in Hoyo even. It's such a shit example when the game player character is your typical self insert teen like in FGO and many of the girls are your typical anime girl in age and voice. There are adults but because it's gacha with gorillion characters and they try everything to see what works and succeed
because real yuri is yucky male gaze :(
This post is gonna age like shit when Genshin Impact anime is male MC het harem trash like FGO, Blue Archive and other gacha adaptations with self insert MC. Hoyotards are lucky Ufo is so busy with Mahoyo and Kimetsu no Yaiba. Imagine praising that shit over real maintext yuri
Are you saying you're not from the US...?
Arcane goes crazy on lesbian twitter and stuff. I'm talking like 100k retweets.
US people can't call out US-centric mindsets? Like let's look at Symphogear. Do you need to be outside the US to notice that saying it's unpopular everywhere is wrong? Sympho's a niche in the US, yes. But it was a hit in Japan. Realizing these facts shouldn't need people to be outside the US
That's because Arcane itself is crazy popular and mainstream. We saw big numbers from WfM too, because it was popular as a whole, same with Korra.

The yuri community as a whole has always craved for mainstream approval.
Sorry but what exactly is the argument here? Popular non yuri things with women are also popular with women who like women? Who are an irrelevant part of anime's demographics?
>looks at the """lesbians""" those are popular with
I'm good.
The argument seems to be that male MC with some scraps (Dungeon Meshi) or empty gachashit pandering that is even worse than SHY (Hoyoverse) is better than actual yuri because muh adults, even if the adults in Hoyoverse are side characters and Hoyo's still full of the same teens and lolis theese anons are complaining about. Only Arcane seems to be a valid example
Well he said yuri anime will never catch up, I cannot imagine something more unpopular with the anime audience than older women who are not into men
Yuri anime already catched up and surpassed Farcille and Hoyoshit.
I don't think so, those are just bigger franchises overall, the best yuri is doing is being associated with music selling anime, though I'm sorry to break some people's fantasies about lesbians, but even if 10% of the Bocchi audience are women, they probably have more lesbian on it than every single yuri manga with adults protagonists combined have.
Define "catch up" exaclty. Because I don't care about financial success/popularity. I care about actual yuri content, and yuri anime in that department surpasses Hoyo and Farcille. If succces means scraps, you can take the scrap eaters with shit taste anywhere else. Hoyo in particular doesn't have an adult woman focus, so it's a shit example. Bocchi is a great mention because Hoyo is just like it: scraps, teen girls as focus, some adults people can ship in the background that will never take focus away from the more otaku-pleasing younger girls. Hoyoshit is such a dishonest example, and it's just an example of something that became mainstream for other reasons and people want to insert yuri shipping on it and force it to be seen as yuri when the game gives you only scraps
Another similar example to Hoyo is HeroAca and the Toga/Ochako ship or other yuri ships. Seeking yuri in mainstream stuff that barely even has scraps instead of going to actual yuri stories
bro I've been shipping and wrting fics for over 20 years
you dont make the rules
>anime fans when series about adult women are more popular with lesbians than subarashi oppai sparkle deux where the entire cast is 13:
>adult yuri fans when explicit adult yuri is going extinct while you drawn the billionth fanart based on the one farcille chapter in all of dungeon meshi
I am just confused about the argument here, those series or gatchashit will never be romances, they are not meant to, so there is no point in comparing them at all, it's like saying battleshonenyaoishit will never be as romantic as romcomshit.
>shipping and fics>explicit storiesç
Fuck off
Dungeon meshi: about adult "woman" only one in the party: Marcille. Falin is a rescue target. Their relationship is scraps
Hoyoshit: Literally subarashi oppai sparkle loli deux Adults are very secondary. Also most girls are player sexual and thus made for waifufags who pick male MC. Your examples just tell me "lesbians" have uttetly shit taste. Having lesbian fanbase isn't a shield to shitshows yuri-wise like Dungeon Meshi or Hoyoverse. If we can critcise Shy for het pandering and lack of yuri we can do so with Hoyoshit. Meanwhile even Dungeon People is yurier than Meshi
The argument is probably shitposting.
youre on 2024 4chan, you MUST pick a side, everything is console wars
>my girlfriends not here today
Are these really the most likely choices for the last 2 adaptations? its nothing but shitty menhera yuri....
KimiShinu is the most lilely candidate, Semi-friend isn't even from YH.
who said anything about yuri hime?
Nobody said one of the remaining adaptations is from YuriHime, right?
Anyways, you could also make the argument all this stuff mentioned (Farcille, Arcane, Hoyo) is helped by english dub available at the same time as JP dub or any other language
One anon mentioned the "JP anime girls voices sound 12". None of the 3 have this problem when people can avoid the JP dub entriely from day 1. Meanwhile, the last maintext to get dubbed to english was WataOshi
Wasn't part of the old leak "a YH manga adaptation" I swear there was a lot of discussion about it.
Only My Girlfriend is not here today and Kimi Shinu would be likely for the next 2 years from YH (aside from YY S4)
iirc the leaker said that he's not going to tell which magazine the manga is from because it would be too easy to guess
That's right. It's why I thought of Anemone at the time since it would be the only plausible option in Kirara Forward. And Ren Sakuragi recently tweeted there's something she wants to talk about but can't which leads me to believe it is that.
>First Renako's animu all but confirmed, grandprize for best protag of 2025 and most peaceful threads ever incoming.
>Then Mahoako s2 almost confirmed.
This is the second best 9/11 ever.
At least for the next 2 years it would be the only possible candidate from forward.
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>Having lesbian fanbase isn't a shield to shitshows yuri-wise

This entire conversation was about what's more popular with lesbians, so yeah it kinda does.
The only thing popular with japanese lesbians is oneeloli and loli crackships from non yuri anime
Well thankfully they're a minority then.
Japan seems to have some weird fixation with children, het woman aren't that different, in the internet.
>yuri is fap material
You're dishonest. I said that about polygamy. Although that's just an attempt at understanding what others like about it. I can only imagine it's a fetish that some people on the internet have, like incest and furry. But it could just be mental illness.
Incest is yuri culture, dont lump it in with polyfaggotry
In all honesty to your shitpost, polygamy can be properly worked, but even yuri just takes shortcuts by making every girl nice with each other all the time to the point they may as well go poly just to not be rude
More like curiosity and, in some cases, fear of conflict. The later can be seen in all the poly fanfics that aren't porn but just mindless fluff.
polyshit is literally harmless
Something non-yuri being popular with leabians is irrelevant
This is the yuri board, not the “stuff lesbians like” board. “Lesbians like it” is not a defense. Lesbians should get better taste
>i choose........ both of you
stupid indecisive bitch
>making every girl nice with each other all the time to the point they may as well go poly just to not be rude
There's truth there, but the issue is that love is supposed to be precious. If a girl will just "love" every other girl, then instead of being gold it becomes common and cheap like butter. I prefer a love triangle where one girl has heart broken and later is given another chance at love with a new girl.
nobody cares about your retarded opinion, purityfag
This is just capitalism vs communism
You are a love capitalist. Polyfags are love commies
Is watanare actual polytrash or is it just typical fickle harem MC shenanigans?
Again, this whole conversation was about what's more popular with lesbians, jumping in and going actually it doesn't matter what lesbians like they should get better taste isn't helpful and kinda weird.
Renako dates two girls that got very close thanks to her so that's your answer.
u dont understand, the anon is threatened when the convesation isnt about his taste
based and faithful. Some girls are just too greedy
Coming to a yuri board to shill scrapsshit (Hoyo trash and Farcille) as better than maintext because “muh lesbians like it” and “muh adults (like Hoyo isn’t mostly the typical anime girls with some adults as side content)” is not helpful and kinda weird
You're reducing the argument at hand to the point of wildly misrepresenting it. Why do you consider people bringing up series you don't like as shilling anyway? You can always just not respond...
My taste is maintext>scraps>player sexual shit and minimum scraps for side couples
Anyone who thinks scraps is better than explicit yuri hates yuri. Muh lesbians is not an excuse. This isn’t the “stuff lesbians like” board
When part of the argument is these barely yuri shits are better than maintext yuri, that’s shilling. Fuck off. Your argument is just a retarded nonsense shitpost
who the fuck said anything about "better"
you're fighting a consolewar against the voices in your head, schizo
Seriously what the fuck are you talking about? You're getting upset at the suggestion of an argument now. Literally nobody is saying X or Y is better because lesbians like it, the discussion was just about which series are more popular with them. That's it.
Not those anons but you need some real data to claim something like that or face the consequences, remember that you're still in 4chan
Are they going to keep the VA from the PVs? Any bets for Satsuki VA?
You when you said yuri anime need to "catch up" and somehow follow the example of 1 maintext (good) 1 scraps (bad) 1 gacha (terrible)
Just fuck off. You never had a solid argument
Then drop the "japan needs to catch up" bullshit
And when 2/3 examples are basically off-topic, then the conversation should go to >>>/lgbt/, not here
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The best thing about the Watanare anime is it's definitely going to encourage more creators to make poly yuri.
worst case scenario
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>Aki actually ends up dating Shiho and Miki
>Hime dates Yano and Kanoko (who's also dating Sumika)
I dunno if polifags actually get that while yes it could end in 3p for all we know Mai and Ajisai could drop Renako in the end and just date eachother...
Having the MC end alone is a thing now.
thats two timing not poly
Well yeah, this is the common sentiment over poly, especially when it involves young girls and not adults, it feels like they are just messing around and not really in a relationship.

Though as always, it will go down to the author skill to sell this idea to the audience.
Fiction would be boring if it had to follow how things are "supposed" to be.
This is not shonen jump, though considering how smart Renako is, she may also end working at wc donalds together with Dekuck
Unless the anime is like Sasakoi.
Sasakoi was fine desu
I too like eating shit.
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>I too like eating shit.
Also Kobayashi/Tohru
Which Studio is doing Watanare again
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SHY is getting intense
She will stay with her two girlfriend
Y al que no le gusta, que se jo
So the one we joked about as a love interest, was she really the love interest?

It reminds me of when in Toji no Miko we thought that Kanami and Mai were platonic friends, good times.
Yup, she should choice a charizard
>Also Kobayashi/Tohru
Shy will end scoring, unlike deku
What a low bar.
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The demon king is a little girl, etc
I like how she is clear about her intentions and she is strong enough to back up her word.
Cringe, I want actually attractive characters
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I'm intrigued and turned on
You can read on mangadex, it's very retarded.
Silly retarded or fuck this straight earth retarded?
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Hey I finished v5. It's basically the best one so far imo
so what yuri shows we got next season i heard Kabushikigaisha Magi-Lumière
but i dont know if is true is yuri?
The most you could do is ship MC with her ex-rival which now is part of the main cast, but they are not interacting in any romantic way, the author also suddenly revealed two girls of the cast had boyfriends all along, there is also this midget self insert who keeps interacting with the girls, aside from several others guys, though they are also not interacting with them in romantic ways, probably, it's just one of those series where the author can suddenly pull the rug on you.
Not yuri
is she getting cucked?
>the entire reason of starting a new channel is out of spite for her haters and to one-up her ex-friends
>not even 30 seconds after seeing her ex-friends again, she tells them that shes secretly working with mayopan
>bites her in the ass
is she retarded??? they should have at least made it so she divulged the information AFTER she got drunk, not before
She drunkenly offered a vampire to drink her dry then stuck to that promise to own her exes who she beat up for kicking her out over beating them up. Being retarded and shortsighted is Masakichi’s thing. Plus word kind of got out she was with Mayopan at the live event so she might have let her guard down.


a Hamuro Kei tweet what does it say in English??
She wants their approval because she still loves them.
Special like friends and family
We don't yet know if it was her friends who ratted her out but either way, it's merely the consequences of her own actions and even if she hadn't met them again, she would've faced the same hate upon announcing she's joining MayoPan in the videos.
Where is she...
One of them is Shimeji Simulation, it was leaked elsewhere some time ago.
It's Iko's memory/nightmare. Aika really did abduct Teru but them being about to kiss is strictly Iko's fear, most likely spurred by Aika trying to kill her for being a romantic rival. So still no definitive love interest, but a clear, textual love triangle.
from a troll
Literally nothing. Unless you ship Love Live girls. But I hear superstar is very divisive among LL fags, so literally dry season
nicomaki, my beloved
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We surely do.
So where should I start? Manga or LN? And what to expect? Non schizo version please, thanks in advance anons
bocchi joins a group in the top of the school caste, hilarity ensues.
I hate every single yuri or "yuri" anime made in the past 10 years, why are mainstream taste so shit?
What series should have been animated instead?
I understand Miyagi is the black cat. But I don't see how Sendai is a dog, she's the other cat who walks over your keyboard when you work and follows you to the bathroom to watch you pee.
So you never had a small dog huh
what the hell is happening in the recent releases thread?
It's all Miyagi and Shimamura's fault.
I know we had an employee complaining that only ecchi yuri sold these day, but that still seems like a questionable choice to license compared to other available ecchi series.
yen press got merryhachi's series, I like that one
Characters with atypical psychological makeup confuse and enrage shizos.
/u/ is healing.
One thing people don't talk about is that different publishers and different series have different licensing fees.
Continue and end Marimite.
sonohana ova for every title in the franchise
not sure if GGO 2 is gonna be more gay on season 2
The usual some anon made up an imaginary version of a character to seethe
>I know we had an employee complaining that only ecchi yuri sold these day
There aren't a lot of good non-ecchi yuri series these days to begin with. You either get fluff where nothing ever happens or drama shitshows where, despite constantly new drama also nothing ever happens. Seems like ecchi yuri is the only type that actually involves a continuing story in which shit happens.
You can probably count on one hand the non-ecchi yuri manga/LNs that are both long enough to be adaptable and actually good.
And thats not even because serious yuri is bad, but simply because serious yuri that runs long enough to be adapted is usually bad.
As always please post your list of what is good or bad, otherwise you are just a coward hiding under vague words.
You mean the other general thread?
they discuss recent released chapters (adashima and shuukura) so no, not a general. it has about 2k posts now.
>literally just a few fag going in circles about the same shit based on mtl
>not even about the new chapter
It's a general
it's not divisive, superstar is a piece of shit that is championed by dumb people who refuse to admit that the series has flaws, though part of that is the fault of the dumb way LL has evolved as a series and yes that completely involves yuri, which whether you like it or not, yuri is a major and prominent part of the series, it's more the quality issues that have to do with the yuri (OG partly, but mostly Sunshine S2), so superstar S3 may be bad, but yuri.
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I'm inclined to believe this is mtl's fault, no japanese have these ??? opinion about miyagi.
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can you post the transparent image? i really need it
It's not even MTL, I think there's just one Miyagi shitter, and sis probably is the same anon from a few days ago admitting to not having read the thing.
I have seen a lot of frustration about her in WN comments though
i only read the fan TL, i refrain from talking about later things I dont know
Schizos always appeared when a series got popular enough, happened with like all series
The real problem is when they stick around
And where should I start?
thank you anon i love you
Chapter 1?
I'd recommend the LN just because it's the source, but either is fine
read the ch1 of both and pick one you like
Might as well as read both anyway so I suppose I will start with LN

How is the translation btw? Is the fan translation better or should I go for official?
I have heard good things about the official translation, haven't read it myself though.
I think all the fan TLs are badly edited MTL. Definitely go for official.
Had a cool idea for a yuri:
Yandere yuri, but the yandere actually gets the girl, and its a happy ending
Shuukura is just double yandere yuri
That's literally what the artist of I Love Amy said they wanted to do.
And they succeeded.
That author is based, now even more based for tying to write harem? Yuri
Blood girlxCrip girl yuri.
The only correct option is to not read EOP horseshit at all
the tl is fine.
Time for you fucks to read this masterpiece again
romance code, best ending ever
Happy End For You (oneshot)
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Just noticed that watanare got two SS with their own illustrations on its official site. Has anyone translated it yet?
there's no competent fanTL so you might as well feed this into an LLM
LLM is getting pretty good, I'd say the result is better than most edited MTL from just a while ago.
MTL actually is better written than the actual manga, Teren should start using it for the next volumes.
I once asked GPT to translate another chapter of ShuuKura and found that part of the result was GPT's own writing. Miyagi was really nice in there. It's not a joke.
Sorry anon the only translation I know is in chink
Can't believe a general is less of a clusterfuck than recent releases. That thread is unusable.
>not even senpai are immune from Pink Koala's beauty
>girls are starting to copy her now
Here is hoping they will copy her gayness too
Reverse trap x her brother's girlfriend
What other popular LN series are left for animation now?
Roll over and die?
Omae Gotoki was soft axed like 4 years ago
Popular Series, not axed series ages old
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Shuukura and the betting one seems to be the top 2 right now
hope they dont gloss over the feet stuff this time, like how adashimas anime glossed over that adachi has weird thing for being barefoot in the 2nd floor of the gym which the author kept mentioning
I came home today and looked at my disheveled lawn and walkaway in disgust
Then I suddenly remembered something that brought a smile to my face: Landscaper Fate

I dont expect many of you to remember what the fuck I'm schizoing about but maybe the 1-2 of you that do will be amused by being reminded of that miniscule piece of yuri history. Picture unrelated.
Does Wasurenu Majo have a chance? Saeki Sayaka at the 10th anniversary of the anime.
license fee matters, stuff like that is dirt cheap compared to anything that would actually sell. So if the company have some yuri quota, they would likely choose something less risky like that
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Arioto? It got a decent following, is even from the same author

Ubaware right? What else is left after that?
How long would you estimate it'll take, on average, for someone to get to basic reading level in JP? A year maybe?
Thinking of putting 1-2 hours per day. Trying to find something else to do outside of just watching CCs.
It depends on a large number of factors. With 1-2h a day, assuming you can actually maintain that schedule, it'd probably only take about half a year to a year for 'basic' literacy. Basic literacy meaning you can read a random manga and get the gist of it.
Thats assuming you start reading easy texts from the start, instead of trying to brute force vocabulary lists.
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unironically 2deep4me
>Basic literacy meaning you can read a random manga and get the gist of it.
People always talk about manga like it's a beginner-friendly medium, I guess because comics are generally associated with kids, but in my experience it was actually the most confusing and difficult medium as a beginner on account of how gnomic, slang-filled, and contextual it is
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Everyday life is being destroyed by these dangerous women...!!
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Anyone played this? The reaction on my xitter TL seems positive.
It all depends how good is your memory, all the difficulty is really remembering all the kanji and words. I put like 4h for a half a year and realized it's impossible for me. No matter what I wanted to read it had always dozens of new words and there was no way for me to remember it all.
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You learn the word, then you use Anki to make sure you never forget.
from what ive gathered on the shitty yuri game threads, theres canon lesbian couples and the main couple does kiss, but theres no confirmation of them dating, and the game is overall really good
The problem is that whatever I have tried to read had like 20 new kanji and there was no way to remember them in one day. Reading more would just pile up insane amount of vocabulary. Then I had already 2k words in Anki I had to keep in head too. It's hopeless without extremely good memory or being Japanese surrounded by kanji 24/7.
You have unrealistic expectations and is experiencing burnout. 2k in half a year is not bad by any metric.
ty anon
From my experience, yes, about a year and I can already read Yagakimi which is about high school level.

Starting with the /djt/'s 2k/4k vocab deck (I only did 2k) then I learned kanji individually. I set the pace to be 20 kanji per day which is an insane amount, but it took me usually 45-1 hour per day.

The important thing is to never give up.
One day does not have 44 hours.
based milky holmes, cracking the case
45 mins to 1 hour
But how will you improve if you don’t practice 40 hours a day?
And how do you deal 2 with 10000 daily anki cards?
10000 daily?
I have 12k mature cards and it's 70 daily for me. over 2000 days
If you don't skip a day, you won't get a ton of review cards. I think the most cards I get is like 100 or so. This is a deck of 4000 cards, jouyou kanji with the kanji side and meaning side.
When the cards next review is in around month or two since I last saw it then I tend to forget it. It snowballs fast into such large amounts that I have to spend time just repeating them instead learning new ones.
If you are not adding a ton of new cards and finish your reviews daily snowballing should be impossible.
How the fuck does anyone memorize 70 ancient hieroglyphs per day?
I feel like that description undersells the main couple a bit. I was very satisfied with their relationship from a yuri perspective.
By using them. Read and write a lot.
You either have a good memory or not. That's the whole secret to learning Japanese.
i can barely remember what happened in last weeks episode, and you expect me to memorize scribbles on a page?
The problem is that people misunderstand how to learn another language. It is never about memorizing or translating in your head, it is about understanding what you read and hear, that way it will be easier.
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Sendai-san wa kowai.
the goal is to replace the new language with the native one in your head and eventually you'll have to translate the other way (and sometimes failing)
While you are correct, memorization can be a powerful shortcut to learning.
New chapter, nice.
Sendai casually asking Miyagi to stay with her forever.
You won't understand anything without having enough of language memorized first. This isn't magic.
>That's the whole secret to learning Japanese.
I guess every single Japanese has a good memory.
The only way this manga can get sexier and hotter is if Fuuko does a cameo.
I preordered the non-tapestry version of volume 3 so that I'd get a copy of the leaflet. Odds are that Kudou will start popping up in some of the shop exclusive artworks, though Kurumi and Naoi will still be most of them.
I've tried learning Japanese at several points and I just can't remember that many kanji. Works with furigana would be doable, but Yuri Hime really doesn't include much furigana in their works, so I don't know if I'd think it's worth the time investment with that in mind.
>The first volume of "A Face You Shouldn't Show" will be reprinted!
>Thank you for reading!

So, Flowerchild's new manga is also getting a first volume reprint.
Anyone else think the princess/queen had hots for Harley?
Felt like it. Not like they did much with it. And if that one big list of leaks that said studio mother would do something yuri (presumed to be Watanare) is true, then whatever happens is up to WB. It seems western productions (so stuff JP studios and staff are hired to make by US corpos) are as expected very controlled with little freedom for the staff
There's a vast difference between having kanji drilled into your head since elementar school and learning them much later.
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> I just can't remember that many kanji.
read this https://tatsumoto.neocities.org/
it should help.
Adachi x Shimanura x Naoi x Yoshizawa x Miyagi x Sendai 6P
Japanese kids put a lot of time and effort into learning the language. Unlike those who complain about their "bad memory". That's the difference.
If you know a language, you're capable of learning another one.
When you take into account how long the other two works have been around, ZenKowa really starts to feel like a direct copy of them, but with a bit of menhera thrown in.
Finally more elf lezzing from Peachpulsar?
>[peachpulsar (Mira)] Majo Sensei no Hatsujou Lesson

TL will probably only happen once it hits the official channels, I guess.
It's already translated.
it has an official translation out
oh, cool
How? Kurumi and Naoi aren't like AdaShima or the Shuukura autists at all.
>levels of mental illness
>shit parents
Are the Heraml sisters also AdaShima clones then? Even if we don't know shit about their parents
It seems anon is just pouting.
Sulking you mean
Do they fuck like rabbits
I have a lot, but I feel like the SF yuri masterpiece that I'm dreaming of hasn't been made yet. I still hope it will exist one day. Urapiku and Twinstar are damn close though, and I really need to catch up with both once I get out of my JP reading rut.
Where are the raws though?
I swear to god it's significantly harder nowadays to find raws of anything than English translations. Hell we have the cover of a Chinese translation there but for the original we'll need to wait for some obscure torrent ripped from an obscure retailer only accessible by VPN
It's very annoying when I have to download a shitty official translation because there are no raws. Mira, Ayane, Namaniku...
The difference between "can read with a dictionary" and "can read cover to cover like your native language" is massive. You can obtain the former in 6 months to a year without much trouble. After that it's a slow uphill battle learning synonyms, plant and animal names, archaic words that get thrown around for flavour, etc.

Do it anon, you won't regret it.
70 reviews a day, not new card.
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I honestly can't even remember how I learned japanese; I was a neet so I just extremely brute forced it.
>1 week
Even after months of learning I can't recognize all this shi tsu or so no n. I knew there was never a chance I could make it.
You usually don't have to differentiate between the likes of ソ and ン because it will be clear from context. Don't worry about this, just keep studying, it won't hinder your progress and with time and reading practice you'll start remembering anyway. Remembering the difference really only matters if you're writing something by hand.
You don't really know something if you can't produce it. Do writing quizzes.
Go read 聖クロス女学院物語 right now. It's a kid light novel and in terms of yuri it's very soft (and sadly cancelled early), but it has full furigana treatment.
Even better with ttsu-reader and yomitan, to look up words much quicker.
Is everyone on /u/ just extremely poor? I can't even imagine complaining it's impossible to get something you could just buy for 500 yen.
You don't have it for 500 yen. You have to (illegally) rip it yourself in order to have it. And you also have to subscribe to some site, give them your info, avoid geoblocking and credit cards blocking depending on the site.
Also for 500 yen I'd buy a tank rather than a 30ish pages doujinshi I don't even know it's safe or not because I can't read it beforehand.
I just pirate everything and then import what I liked the most, I don't trust publishers, I don't trust authors, I don't trust pixiv artists and I definitely don't trust hentai artists.
How do you say "I have ulcers" in Japanese?
I used to be like that (hence even writing my own simple rippers), but now I've got the opposite problem...
Not rich enough for mortgage, but enough money to burn on stocking up yuri backlog that I can never manage to actually catch up with, not helped by terribly slow reading speed and burnout.
NTA, but I feel like the wlw icon on it makes it pretty safe (as in, definitely gay), and also not safe for work.
In general, so far I've managed to find workarounds for almost all websites that have purchase-worthy yuri stuff. But of course if you have other purchasing priorities then that's that.
Do you think shoujo will ever be dominated by yuri shippers the way shounen is full of fujos?
>the wlw icon
Don't call it like that. And no, it doesn't make it safe, Mira and Ayane have written plenty of bisluts.
Adachi to Moo Deng.
>You don't have it for 500 yen. You have to (illegally) rip it yourself in order to have it.
A lot of self published works are sold with no drm, including >>4290272.
Shoujo and shonen are fundamentally different, CGDCT is more in line with shonen and dominated by yuri shippers
For 500 yen you could buy Sendai
I love this.
Mimisuke is the Renako of IXI
There's also a massive difference between looking up 20 words per page and 2.
Yeah but that can be alleviated by choosing your content wisely.
the cuck couch
Girls openly being cucked to hell and back is kind of cozy not gonna lie.
That already happened and is how yuri came into being as a genre to begin with.
Mira publishes quite a bit on dlsite where you can just downlaod it.
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Yuri kiss in Dead Dead Demons DeDeDeDeDestruction.
Should ZenKowa readers be concerned that Kuwabara's retweeting an artwork of Naoi and Kurumi that directly compares them to the murderers from the first Scream film?
the manga looks like some alien 9 thing, is it worth reading for the yuri or was this just a random fanservice scene.
The bond between the main girls is central to them and the plot, but both of them also have shoehorned het love interests (though neither seems to be a problem after this episode).
The kiss definitely doesn't come out of nowhere since the subtext between them was thick, if obscured by the het. As for if it's worth reading for yuri, probably not, but I find it to be a very engaging scifi story.
>shoehorned het love interests
nevermind then
Huh... this wasn't on my radar at all.
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opinion on this manga?
Looks ugly.
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Ibuki slept with Shuri clinging to her in the same bed, she has to get NTR'd by Ritsu at least five more times to get even.
vol3 was all over the place
I'm patient and dont mind slow burn, but the main couple interacted for like 5 pages only.
pls help yukiko
how come someone with several one shots, a 10 years long series and illustrator carrer has trouble being serialized? Rates too high?
I like it, somehow it's refreshing to have a modern European school setting.
>It is never about memorizing
How does not even work?
>Trouble serializing
Did she ever say that? She drafted it as a long running series and planned to self publish, but she later changed the draft to fit it in that compilation book. The publisher pitched the idea of an official serialization during the above event.
Eh, to me it doesn't count as long as they have school uniforms. I know a few European countries like the UK have them but it's like the most obvious way to distinguish western schools from Japanese ones visually.
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I keep seeing people seething on Twitter about the lusting after magical girls anime got a second season and idgi
some yuri fan prefer the "purest form of love" yuri dimension; I think it's just that or random normalfags seething about "fanservice"
I don't care about shoehorned het as long as it ends in /u/, which is also why I won't care about this until it is confirmed to end in /u/.

Is the manga even completed?
I would imagine it's more the 'aaaaa pedo anime' crowd in this case, but it's not like I'm gonna check twitter to find out. I don't do self-harm.
It seems to be a mix of both. I haven't seen the anime yet myself but I didn't think it was bad. I thought a lot of people liked it until it got renewed and suddenly half the yuri accounts I follow are holding their noses up in disgust.
Any yuri anime that breaks the 1 season curse is a win to me
It is set in the UK, MC is half-English half-Italian while the love interest is Hungarian. They get into their cultures a little and study Latin, which are also aspects that help make it stand out from the standard Japanese school setting.
most people do not like 12 years old characters in non consensual sexual situations
how shocking
does the uk have *catholic* schools? dont they have a custom version of christianism
Apparently there's like 5 million Catholics in the UK, so probably.
I don't recall the school being catholic, just a cushy private girls' school. There's drama with the MC having to pass a scholarship test because her parents divorce early on and her Italian dad is the one with all the money and who was paying for her tuition.
I haven't seen it so i don't know what you're talking about. I assumed it was another thing where people were freaking out about 16 year olds
Same bunch on /u/ who always seethe about male gaze or whatever.
>most people do not like 12 years old characters in non consensual sexual situations
But the show was extremely popular both inside and outside of Japan.
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twitter is just a cesspool of terminally online spergs trying to morally grandstand eachother constantly so it would make sense. Although i only follow japanese yuri mangaka and fanartists, and i havent seen anything negative about it.
In fact, ive seen more people doomposting in these threads about how the show panders to the male gaze, is going to bring the wrong crowd to /u/, and is 'taking yuri progress back 20 years' than i have on twitter

twitter will find anything to complain about, just ignore it.
I haven't had time to be here lately. Why does everyone have to be so miserable all the time? I see cute yuri and I see s2 and I get happy.
I imagined Alice saying all that and then going back to being mute.
>Why does everyone have to be so miserable all the time?
concern trolls and/or shitposters
gpt makes mistake too but it's hard to catch because the english is actually good unlike mtl
Lately I've been kinda feeling like rewatching she-ra just for the catadora aspects. I don't know why but I really liked how it played out
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It's not an mistake, it's a significant chunk of text that has nothing to do with the chapter being translated. GPT just made it up. Even the AI wants Miyagi to be more nice!
I still think it could have been better if Adora had been a bit more attached to Catra and didn't ditch her quite so easily, Catra carried the delicious hurt and angst all on her own. But other than that, yeah it was surprisingly decent.
ChatGPT reads better than a lot of fan translations already. The most surprising thing for me was that it can recognize genders properly. Drop the text to some older translator and it's Mr. Sendai and Mr. Miyagi.
Which chapter is this? Is this supposed to be 347? How did you even get a result like that?
I have no idea how it happened, but i somehow 100% convinced myself 'Good luck girl' was yuri and was like 5 episodes into it before realizing it wasnt.
I dont even know how i came to the conclusion it was yuri, it mightve been a dream, but i was so sure it was. i had like vivid memories of it being all over yuri sites, but i must have imagined it
>Good luck girl
>How did you even get a result like that?
As usual. Ctrl+C from Kakuyomu, typed ''Translate to English:'' in chat, Ctrl+V, Enter. Up until Sendai asked if she could wear the necklace everything was fine, but after that the fanfiction started. After, I pasted only the part that was translated incorrectly and got an OK result. This occurred for the first time and has so far not occurred again, perhaps some bug due to the large amount of text.
Why go through all the trouble when you can just learn Japanese
Why go through all the trouble when you can just stop reading yuri
Just wait for volume 4 that randomly adds a man with some kind of unexplained relationship with the blonde girl and MC let him piggyback her and left them alone. Authors and editors are so fucking retarded I swear, when will they understand nobody wants to see this shit?

This one-shot was nothing special and had no originality, it's up to her to write an interesting story.
why go through all the trouble when you can just create your own yuri
Not surprised to see male side characters in josei yuri.
Many anons already wrote their shuukura fanfic.
It's just their Adashima fanfics but with the names changed.
>you can just stop reading yuri
Next you'll say you can just stop breathing air.
I haven't read that far yet but MC's father once hit her with the ominous class S accusation that the girls at school would stop acting so close upon meeting real men so it might be an avenue worth exploring, as long as the objective is to deny that line of thinking of course. Also Steph has already been kissing her stepsister since volume 1 so I doubt the author is going to pull another former love interest for her-but-a-guy-this-time.
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black cat is so cute in this scene
why go through all the trouble
why go
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It was popular here when it was airing, when through multiple threads and all. But I guess interest fell off afterwards because the manga went full het. Although the author did throw a bone by revealing that Momiji and Ichiko were lovers in a past life.
>Good luck girl
You can create yuri in your imagination, you don't actually need anything else.
Which yuri mangaka draws the prettiest girls?
where do you even start...
By learning kana
Can you get the digital edition for this in Europe anywhere without pirating? Amazon being annoying as usual.
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>Sendai learning karate
I tried but I want something more photorealistic than Koikatsu.
Time to start scouting and/or kidnapping.
It finally makes sense why Miyagi hits Sendai every chapter.
Show me wax on body, Sendai-san.
>Sendai I order you to... to tatto my face on your body
>No, no fucking way
>It's going to be on the butt, no one is going to see it!
>No, no permanent marks, it's the rules! Why do you even want to do it
>For no reason
>All right it's just an experiment
>Don't use me for your experiments, maybe I will allow it if you get in the same university as I do
>Forget it
Good news then, they're all 14
Turns out Kuwabara has an assistant that helps with backgrounds. The shrine from the cover page of chapter 15 was their work for example. Shanimuni is the assistant's online handle. 遮二無二 is an idiom, so I guess you could say the assistant's name is "Impulse".
If you don't like Amazon there's always Kobo, it's easier to de-DRM too with better quality
Probably no store exists that would give you no-DRM but Kobo is at least just a normal epub under the hood.
Oh no, sales numbers must be hitting the floor like a sack of bricks. Guess alot of people did take volume 2 to be the ending.
Anon, you're behind the trend. All your reserves of sarcasm should be directed at Shuukura right now.
Well, it's already completed 3 volumes worth of chapters. If sales momentum doesn't increase or at least hold stable, then it's going to get canned.
Thanks, I'll try that. At least it will show me a store page.
Include het pairing (teacher and Isanuma) and NTR (Kudou and Naoi scenes) in volume 3 and wonder why sales start dropping.
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Anon, don't act like even some anon's on /u/ have dropped a series over less.
Much like learning art, choice paralysis is huge. I started yesterday with what >>4290951 said. Got through Hiragana in a day, but I still need to nail down the special exceptions and dakuten. Today I'm going to learn Katakana which I'm sure will start to trip me up since they're different characters that sound the same. After that, I'm probably going to start with what some of the anons suggested in this thread with the Anki decks and memorizing kanji. I'm in no rush, so just taking things slow.
The typical 4chan option is to follow one of these:
With the general idea being: learn kana, start learning words (optionally learning kanji semi-separately if your brain refuses to parse scribbles, like mine did), read Tae Kim or any other basic grammar guide, begin reading simple stuff as soon as you are able to. These days it's very easy with Yomitan + ttsu-reader and the likes, or text hookers for VNs (just for dictionary lookup purposes), so much that I'm envious.
The other options are courses (helpful more for motivation than anything) or grabbing textbooks like Genki, but no matter what method you go for, you're likely to have to grind Anki flashcards a lot on your own.
>Got through Hiragana in a day
Great job!
Let me just use this moment to say to the other anon: unlike how 4chan makes it seem sometimes, learning Japanese is not some kind of a rat race, so never get discouraged by someone making faster progress than you (or claiming that, or saying that you must be doing everything wrong, et cetera, et cetera). Learn at your own pace and don't listen to anyone. There will be enough hard moments as it is, especially the difficulty spike once you start reading non-adapted content.
Seems more likely people are hitting stores without a place reserved for yuri
From what my coworker in Japan told me, ZenKowa and certain other "niche" yuri series aren't available in the yuri section at some shops. For the western side, I dont' think even CDJapan carried volumes of it at first either. When a series starts gaining notoriety, many more shops will carry it.
You can easily see this when people podt pictures of stores with small yuri sections, it's always the best selling stuff or stuff with anime there
I just checked CDJapan and it only has like 7 copies of volume 3 left even though the preorder just started. It seems like they just order a very tiny batch to satisfy initial demand.
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That's weird. I see LycoReco, ShuuKura, ZenKowa. That is, there's a yuri for every taste, so why hide anything?
Smaller shops have way less space so they're only going to carry the bestsellers. It's like going to buy videogames at Walmart.
They usually underprint because paper is too expensive now, so they would rather play safe and risk losing some sales than losing money with units they can't sell or sell at full price
>jp manga is apparently dirt cheap to make, and they choose the cheapest option for paper
>feels infinitely better in the hands than english manga, and seems to yellow much slower
Superior nippon paper folded a thousand times.
Or the shops know what the previous volumes sold and are only ordering in what they know will sell.
English manga use even worse paper. The paper for the Pokemon manga is garbage. You see all kinds of flaws in the paper.
I don't get why you'd even go to a book store in Japan when Amazon/honto/etc do next day delivery for peanuts. I like randomly browsing books as much as the next oneesama, but if I already knew what I wanted to buy I'd just order it online.
And then some smartasses lecture me that I shouldn't buy from big chain bookstores, I should support small independent stores. Maybe small independent stores should first support me and make shopping convenient for me?
the novelty is part of the charm, and youre able to skim through a series to see if it looks interesting.
I'm almost afraid to ask, but what the hell is Shuukura?
The WN/LN of this manga
Small shops might special order it in for you, especially if several other customers have the same request. That's what Kuwabara was ecouraging people to do if they only shop at a certain store. Thing is, it not being available was mentioned enough times for Kuwabara to become concerned about the manga's physical availability, which also likely ties to concerns about awareness of it existing in the first place. If people at least know it exists, they can buy it at another shop or order a copy online.
The best yuri.
And, apparently, non yuri things as well.
I don't think that guy in the dadrock manga is anything serious.
We need to go deeper and start printing yuri on that cheap cigarette paper they use for Gideon Bibles
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We need digital editions to stop sucking so much. Every yuri manga, old and new, has to be released in at least 2k (current YH standard), better yet in 4k or higher, if they can't just give us stuff in the source resolution. Book viewers can handle compression and filtering. Paper releases wouldn't be needed so much if digital ones weren't so goddamn bad. Traffic for manga is dirt cheap, there is literally no reason not to do better other than extremely rigid publisher guidelines and practices. Not even an average localized release is as bad as Japanese releases, and don't get me started on how Bilibili's CN releases often put the JP ones to shame.
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Why can China do this and Kadokawa can't?
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Kadokawa's release for comparison
>in at least 2k (current YH standard)
I'd start with magazine Yuri Hime releasing in 2k like their volumes. Even the image quality seems to have declined in a recent change. Japan's approach to digital is always 2 steps forward 1 step back.
Because China does not have the bookstore cartel with ridiculous parity rules with physical releases or they will boycott the series.
I am only talking under the premise of under shipping, anything else is just speculation
I do not know japanese but I can read that bubble. Cute.
New obsession for the local schizo
Yes. This is a full adaptation. 2 episodes left. ç+
Looks kino, i read somewhere this is supposed to be a yuri take on classic yaoi stories, like i remember that theres was this old gay novel about private school guys in a yurop setting that gave birth to the genre in nihon.
Seems like a cool concept.
It's from an author who only makes yaoi otherwise.
We stand against the hijack attempt of the (former) Yomichan project by the "moe way" because they promote a flawed and ineffective language learning method which is different from AJATT. Moreover, "moe way" has been a bad actor in the Japanese learning world for a long time, and we can't trust them.

I recommend Rikaitan instead. Say "Rikaitan" if you also believe the hijack should not succeed. Rikaitan is the true successor of Yomichan. It's a browser extension that lets you look up words on web pages (a pop-up dictionary). Rikaitan is free/libre software. It is maintained by the AJATT community and everybody can contribute if they want to.

real asumi chan are into furries,wtfox?
I don't get what I'm supposed to be looking at
I'm convinced the people who complain about things like ecchi or harems in yuri just dislike yuri and want to create the image it's not allowed to take those kinds of easy routes to boost popularity.
On twitter? It's just you know who clout chasing, but turns out data shows none of them are actually buying yuri, which is anything but surprising.

Here? It's just shitposting because some people will lose their heads with the most dumb shit.

None of them really give a shit about what they are complaining about.
Why? What was wrong with Mahoako? It had little budget but it was spent on pure SOVL.
Maybe they're seething over Kurisu's VA.
higher quality, better resolution
>seething over Kurisu's VA
Too high pitched at times.
There's one bad one thing about I Love Amy that I can't get over with.
Bibi's post-timeskip hairstyle. Amy how could you let that happen.
Donuts, the company behind Future-conquering Idols Tokyo 7th Sisters, is making the GBC game.
where can I read I love amy?
Pretty much anywhere though I'm sure in countries like Afghanistan they'd punish you if they found out
Kana (you can go through this in a week, 3 days even)
Then /djt/'s 2k/6k vocab
Then mine some random vocab you come across
After that you're free to learn however you wish. I did individual kanji but some people thinks it's unnecessary, personally it's very useful to me and it gets easier after a while anyway.
how does one learn sentence structure and grammar?
A beginner resource such as Tae Kim or Genki.
Tae Kim, yes.
Also a tip: Don't pay for shit. There's free resources for JP learning everywhere. Only pay if you get a human tutor.
Not only that, but the JP version is also cropped at the sides. It's not a deal breaker, but, like, come on.
I've lost count how often I've seen this pasta, it's almost like someone has a bot that tracks every mention of the other extension. The ajatt cult is scary.
I was wondering when you would show up
sowie moe way is just better owo, it also has a monthly yuri pick unlike ajatt
you can understand who doesn't know japanese because they spend most of their time talking about learning it and which methods is best - lol - to use than engaging with stuff in the language
post your N1 score
lol, n1 score is useless masturbatory bullshit
anyway it was only 157/180 in 2017, never tried again since; but I'm not trying to shill my favorite learning method or live my life in jap learning threads, luckily
why should i use rikaitan when it's just a worse yomitan
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Is ChatGPT any good at translating manga? i tried it with the free version, and it seems to work a lot better than deepl or google lens, which usually just gives gibberish, but that might just be because the chatGPT translation isnt in broken english. The only abnormalities i notice is that it calls Reiko a boy, and it skipped over the top left panel. I have no idea how accurate it is though, since i dont speak japanese, but i want to use it to read through the murcielago side story. Ive paid people to translate before, but the cost for that piles up pretty fast.
>skipped over the top left panel
i meant top right
it is better at translating than knowing what is left and right
geepty can work, but you need to proompt it well, don't just expect it to work if you only feed it teh image.
I mean, might as well use Google Lens at this point.
In RR, they are eating the dawgs, the people that's posting, they are eating the cats.
This is /u/. No dogs, but cats are seduced, petted or eaten.
>but you need to proompt it well
how so? i dont really use gpt
i already mentioned google lens in my post, shit is borderline incomprehensible 95% of the time so im not sure what you mean. i can at least somewhat decipher whats going on with gpt even if its still pretty wonky
When ppl post bookstores i never see the fat feeder manga in the yuri shelf. I thought it was a best seller? Is it not grouped with other yuri?
I am asking this in good faith.
What do you mean? Adashima is everywhere.
I've read all the scanlated chapters of Princess of Sylph and I can say that the twitter version was very good, vol 2 of the serialized version was boring and I think that using the pacing of a long running shonen for the story was a mistake.
The author doesnt have the skill to back up their ambitions.
i liked volume 12, it was very good. youre both wrong
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It is a best seller. It's probably sold alongside other josei works because that audience would probably never read something as "otaku" as yuri.
volume 2***
Not really. Volune 2 was heavy in lore and exposition and that's why I talked about a shonen-like pacing. The twitter version was more visceral? and fast, I can't believe what I'm writing but it was like comparing the CSM manga with its anime.
You could copy/paste the google lens OCRed text into ChatGPT. ChatGPT's OCR is a paid feature that only gives you a very limted number of free trial uses a day. And even when you pay $20 a month, I think it's limited to 50 uses every 3 hours.

As for the results you get with it, it varies greatly. Like all OCRs, furigana can mess up the sentence detection. It's really bad at detecting certain fonts, like anything handwritten. In those cases, writing it by hand into google translate app on your phone would likely yield better results, though I think even google's OCR picks up handwritten text much more consistently than ChatGPT's. Also, as you can already see, its abilitly to infer context is flawed, like incorrectly assuming genders, getting panel orders wrong etc. Additionally, it will fill in some lines with what are the most commonly used stock phrases, which can make them not work well in the intended context. And while not too much of an issue for personal reading, the outputs also don't read very organically. You'd have to edit most if not all the lines to make them sound like a human wrote them.
I am not sure why you think josei readers are not otaku when the reason the shoujo /josei market shrinked so much in the last decade was because they lost the mainstream consumer and onlu started pandering to female otaku. Regardless it's similar how most kirara stuff is usually not in the yuri section regardless of content, you usually group them together since most buyers are likely to be buying titles from the same magazine unless the publisher has a different recommendation or the store owners/clerks made their own research.
There's a reason I said otaku in scare quotes. They perceive other genres as otaku but not their own.
Imagine if they put KyoKano in the josei section. It would sell millions.
The covers have too much fanservice of women on the front to be that popular. Also the fact that she's not cheating on some poor guy is probably going to be a major turn off for them.
Anon there is no such thing in japan, there is a reason why even nowadays it's a common trope to see girls and woman hiding their hobbies or careers (if manga related), if you are an otaku you are not thinking you are better than the others.
Don't be dumb, you're not an otaku if you watch detective conan or shinchan. There is mainstream manga and anime.
Yes, but as you said those are mainstream not josei, you are also not going to have a manga collection or merch at your house either.
Are we going to base how real consumers act based on fictional tropes?

>if you are an otaku you are not thinking you are better than the others
It's not random others; it's thinking you're separate from other otaku. Almost all of the yuri otaku here think they are different than the otaku on /a/, and become extremely skeptical if yuri works starts pandering too heavily to different kinds of otaku. Likewise, the josei/shoujo audience consider themselves to be separate from other kinds of otaku and will become turned off if they perceive a work that is trying to court another audience.
love live groomed little girls into being otaku
they lust after idols instead of reading mainstream shojo manga
Yes, just like the scanlation thread on /a/ where some groups mentioned they purposely don't tag their works as yuri even though they could be argued to be, because they don't want the yuri audience. Might be why some anons here got into edit wars with the tag, it was because the groups didn't want it.
The original post said "as otaku as yuri" not for "yuri otaku". Josei is a different market than yuri and the consumer has different expectations, but they are all otaku, they don't think at the lines of "I am less of an otaku as." because society does not make this distinction.

As for tags this is a different discussion between tags are not the same as genre and sites like mangadex have zero guidelines or moderation of how they should be used.
Most yuri is otaku and is perceived as such.

>society does not make this distinction
Whether society makes this distinction for otaku or not does not prevent a group within that subset from perceiving itself as more or less otaku.
Is the green manga otaku?
People perceiving it to be less "for otaku" is probably why its so popular.
Otaku stink
Given its artstyle I wouldn't be surprised if alot of westerners don't realize it's a manga.
It's shit.
You should know.
All yuri is otaku, it's a niche genre, same with josei, this is not how the japanese think at all, especially when most of the josei audience is female and female otaku are treated far worse than male otaku.
It's popular because went viral on twitter with the younger generations, same happened with Minori Chigusa who even has art expositions.
All yuri might be otaku in some sense, but not all yuri is equally otaku. There are non-otaku manga that normalfags read.

And the reason it went viral was in large part due to the reason I outlined.
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Any good yuri with stinky otakus? Must be stinky, please.
Is Yuri Esport on hitatus? It's been 2 years without a new volume.
I mean Yuri Espoir
No, Yuri is a niche genre targetting yuri otaku, which is not the same as to say non yuri otaku cannot read it. It's a commercial product promoted with the intent to reach as many people as possible after all. I didn't choose Minori Chigusa randomly, it's to showcase the contrast of the type of works they are doing and how they both still managed to get millions of views on twitter. The mainstream audience looking at those twitters is not making the nonsensical argument they are less otaku than the otaku works they don't read.
One more chapter has been published and no news since https://comic-ryu.jp/_yuridenaru/
Most likely because it was deleted from the publisher website
Sorry, wrong link, that one was before they updated their website. The correct one is:
Minori Chigusa's audience is completely different than the josei/normalfag audience. There's very little overlap between the two so it's pointless to bring up in this context. My point is that, when it comes to yuri, the taste of josei/shoujo audience is very similar to that of the normalfag audience's taste in yuri. Hence why, even if they don't recognize it as such, they are effectively dismissing yuri based on how otaku it is.

>it's a commercial product promoted with the intent to reach as many people as possible after all
I disagree. Most yuri is designed to appeal to its hardcore yuri audience mostly. Which is good because you don't want your genre to become like every other popular one.
So it just stopped? Not even a poor health excuse?
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>only one episode of NareNare left
I can't believe it's already been a full season, it feels like nothing ever happened and it's still in the first 2/3 episodes when a series is presenting you its characters before the story starts. In the end there was no paricular building between the three pairs and the end of the series is wasted on a minor side character's drama we've barely seen until now.
This can't be what Ayana Yuniko was talking about, there must definitely be another series she wrote we still don't know.
Any yuri that evokes the same feelings as listening The Veronicas' Untouched?
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Marie-senpai is a tragic character.
>I disagree. Most yuri is designed to appeal to its hardcore yuri audience mostly. Which is good because you don't want your genre to become like every other popular one.
I said promoted not designed, which would be the case of the green manga since it follows common yuri tropes, including the normalization of homosexuality, the friend shipper and now even yuri love triangles. Be it on twitter or outdoors, you don't see yuri or any other genre for the matter promoting itself to especific audience but using generic words to describe itself, you know Hogushite which is one of the few titles kirara considers yuri got million of views on twitter? Something like "young motivated adult broken by work life"

>Minori Chigusa's...
First I will point out you don't have any twitter data about the people reading those works, you seem to be confusing green manga being published by a shoujo/josei publisher with it's target audience, second you are right it's a different audience from green manga however you are making the big mistake of claiming a twitter with millions of views, a popular work in the exactly same conditions as green manga as it's a compilation of online content published by a company, an author with popular IRL art expositions and also a serialization has no "normalfag" appeal, can you point out all those other yuri or josei authors with the same success? Most of them sell very little, have basically no merch and no other means of monetization.

"Normalfag" as you say, it's nothing but a word for someone with no specific taste, not a word for people with the exactly same tastes, especially not with the same tastes as other niche audiences, which I must add are mostly unknown to them because guess what, they have zero interest on it, either because of how it looks or because of context.
When you will ever learn you can't trust anything that someone working on a commercial product says? They are all trying to sell their own fish.
The episodes she wrote are gay though?
They are, but in the context of what she wrote feels disonest
He said yuri
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She want Kanata girlfriend
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The easier girl for Shuwa is the one she don´t want to
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>read the writer's post with absolutely no specificity at all
>interpreted the post in a completely arbitrary way
>now disappointed and sulking
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A threesome with herself, how?
>the green manga since it follows common yuri tropes
Maybe somewhat after 100 chapters, but that's certainly not how it started out. The shipper was a guy who was originally attracted to one of them, so it already broke with tradition in more ways than it was followed. And I don't think it's all that surprising considering the most popular oworks f other genres usually start off distinguishing themselves from other works with some kind of gimmick before becoming the exact same thing in the end (see the type of isekai that get popular).

>an author with popular IRL art expositions and also a serialization has no "normalfag" appeal
An author can become moderately popular without normalfags getting on-board but they're not even in the same league. Semi-Friend flopped at the same manga contest that Green Manga absolutely crushed.

>can you point out all those other yuri or josei authors with the same success?
Most yuri works don't sell well and just having certain things in your work is not a guarantee to success. But there are certain trends/elements that will increase the likelihood of success. And if you look at the best selling yuri works (YagaKimi/TsukuTabe/Green Manga and Dragon Maid/MahoAko/Yuru Yuri), it seems pretty clear that two distinct trends arise.
NTA but
>Implying yuri needs to rely more on "butterflies"
Bad idea, we already have a ton of "GL" food manga that I really doubt are selling more than your average yuri manga. Yagakimi is mostly just your average romantic story with some depth here and there, finally I really doubt another tomboy manga with some references to western music references will get as popular as the green manga. Trying to appeal to the masses most of the time is a race to the bottom.
>trying to appeal to the masses most of the time is a race to the bottom
I know, which is why I said earlier on:
>which is good because you don't want your genre to become like every other popular one

I'm definitely not trying to argue that this is something yuri should do.
Yeah I found NareNare the most disappointing of the yuri-adjacent series I've been following this season. Not bad, but the one I look forward to watching least
This is a common trope, it was the same thing with protagonist X rival or any yuri otome world for the matter and in those cases the guys were supposed to be with the girls, Green manga is very tame in those aspects as the male characters are even more sidelined than in "even more otaku" works like Wataoshi.

Not with the metrics she has, Semi friends is a kirara serialization not published on twitter.

Which are? To note that Yagakimi and Dragon Maid are both published in magazines with mostly male audiences. The closest to Tsukutabe would be Yuru Yuri which was popular with female audiences too, which makes sense since it was selling close to 400k at peak of it's sales and you can't do that unless you reach both male and female audiences.
She also posts heterosexual content on her twitter, so her metrics aren't purely yuri driven

>this is a common trope
It's not unheard of, but it's certainly not as common as a yaya.

>you can't do that unless you reach both male and female audiences.
Dragon Ball has a 90% male audience and it sells gangbusters. It would still be one of the most popular series with 10% less sales. And it's also not an issue of female vs male audiences, both exist in both trends, although the distribution is probably not the same among both genres.
You can easily check the metrics of her yuri works. Still a trope you only find in yuri.

Most Yagakimi readers were guys, which shouldn't be surprising since the series was infamous for having a male self insert, YY was know for being popular with both demographics, even Yuri Hime S had 1/3 of female readers who just wanted to read YY.
A love interest becoming a shipper is something that also happens in other genres, not just yuri.

>X's audience were girls/guys
I don't depute this. Any yuri series that sells well is going to be partially made of hardcore yuri otaku and people who usually don't buy yuri, so the exact demographics of the fanbase aren't going to map on the demographics of those larger trends one-to-one.
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Are you talking about Narita in The Guy She Was Interested In? He was never introduced as a love interest. In his very first chapter, he just tries to get Koga to pass him her homework, then sees her and Aya at the record shop and immediately figures out the "guy" is Koga. Next time he appears, she confronts her about it, agrees not to tell Aya and starts working to get them closer to each other. He was always a shipper.
I am of course talking about shipping two girls, every yuri trope is by itself a variation of another trope after all, most romance tropes exist for centuries.

I am just saying Yagakimi is closer to Dragon Maid than anything else.
*he confronts her
its clear he didnt even read gree manga
its the same bs falseflaggers everything "oh its printed in a shojo label, let me make shit up about it being actually het"
Yes, he was never portrayed as a serious love interest, unlike say for example the prince in Wataoshi.
>Yagakimi is closer to Dragon Maid than anything else.
In terms of audience break-down? I disagree. A lot of the Dragon Maid audience is just there for fanservice and comedy instead of the relationship.

Where have I said anything about it being straight? It's obviously a yuri manga.
Sukeban and Transfert student was cancelled.
Sad, it was a fun romcom.
Funny enough unlike green manga this one actually looked like shoujo/josei,
In terms of demographics, the audience for ecchi/action manga is obviously not going to be the same for romance
Recent shojo look more and more moe. i read shit with male idols they are kawai af frfr
Well some popular shoujo novels are starting being published as shonen because the shoujo market is kinda dying, so the artwork is starting to reflect this.
Citrus, natch.
Could write for ages about the shrinking and otakufication of female targeted manga in japan.
It starts from what lil kid girls watch on tv and read.
The shoujo industry only has itself to blame, they broke the pipeline when they stopped targetting little girls and started only targetting 30/40yr women with otome tropes, including rape and cheating, a decade later shonen is far less gender centric and more suited for kids and most girls growing up will just stop reading manga or watching anime and at most watch live actions adaptations which are usually just tame version of those mangas.
Citrus is fun and I'm tired of pretending it's not
The issue with Citrus is that Yuzu was a fun characters but Mei chapters were really really boring and most them were Mei looking depressed at walls because she was in a forced marriage by her grandpa who told her she had to take care of the school while her father was literally travellng around the world and it's not like I don't like Mei as a character, but she really needs Yuzu around to be an actual character.
Kanata is quite the heart-throb, eh? Megu, Hana, Mari, that tall senpai. She could have a harem if she wanted to.
>be genki retard
>lesbians naturally attract to you
Shrimple as that
Don't genki retards usually attract just one girl, normally the childhood friend? Kanata has school prince levels of charm. My theory is that when she jumps, she releases a special type of pheromone that makes lesbians in the vicinity go crazy.
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first of all the gpt ocr doesn't order manga text boxes correctly, wrong order fucks the translation up. you need to order them yourself or find a better tool to automate that
second you need to provide the necessary context before gipty makes it up, because it 100% will hallucinate if crucial info is missing, like the reading of the names and gender of the characters.
Are the other I love amy extras really not translated? Like, not even mtls?
>Already posting guys again
Glad im not the only one who feels this way. Im really trying to like the show, but all the drama feels really forced, is resolved unsatisfyingly, and it feels like i still barely know the characters. I think they shouldve made the record shop closing an overarching plotline to tie in more of the series and give it more of a goal
Fuck off from /u/ and never come back.
I don't care about any of that. I just want them to kiss. If they pull a reverse Jellyfish with a kiss at the end the show will be AotS.
a kiss with no development? low standards
This >>4290988 literal het pic with a man hasn't been deleted, this is how retarded the mods are.
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we got three of them in the first episode
I think they are also another thing, alas this is the only board in the entire site where you get banned for saying it, you know the only board about real women
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We won.
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That's not Homura.
Walpurgis chan deserve a girlfriend too
I haven't followed Madoka since watching the TV series back when it first aired, guess I'll catch up before this movie is released. First two movies are just recaps, right?
just watch rebellion
I'll watch the series again for a refresher first.
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Besides interest in the stones, do the girls here also show any interest in each other?
Please, Butcher. PLEASE.
Urobuchi said in an interview that it was a friendship dance.
i want to seem them shine eachothers pearls
That geode is very yonic
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Dear lord, with these bodies it would be a complete waste if they didn't. Hopefully there will at least be fanart.
So that's what they're calling it nowadays
I'm sometimes frightened by Yuniko on twitter. Maybe there are no onee-sans with whom she goes out to restaurants wearing pretty dresses, but there is a tiny apartment filled with garbage bags, hair that hasn't been washed in days, and a laptop running a browser with twitter and a word editor with a script that has been reworked for the 18th time.
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Looks like the Aniplex event was pretty much a wash? I guess the Umetsu movie project thing had a female MC, but there's no reason beyond that to think it'd be relevant. Still looking rather dry for upcoming stuff to get excited about.
did vtuber legend ever amount to anything yuri aside from the usual gags? i stopped watching 3 or 4 episodes in
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Yuri peaked in episode 8 other than that it's mostly gags
>a wash
>when it had fucking Madoka
All we got new for Madoka was a new trailer. Movie 4 itself was confirmed years ago and we don't have a more solid date after the delay announced several weeks ago. So, yeah the event didn't give much new
Shuukura’s authors retweeting all fanarts is top cute.
>when it had fucking Madoka
we already knew about that one
Madoka will never fuck anyone.
Surely she at least squeezes a tit of one of the medical girls she saves every once in a while. Being a metaphysical entity is hard work and needs a release.
I'm phoneposting while comfy in bed.
It won't in the anime, in the LN they are dating.
Sure also likes most of the comments.
We got cute girls doing cute mineralogy:
Another case of too late in the source to make it into the 12 episodes season. Sad. This is why I appreciate stuff like Sasakoi or MagiRevo as anime that can have the girls start dating before the end and thus, why it's so tragic, Sasakoi got fucked by a horrible production by a shit studio to the point of massive delays to BDs and the final 2 episodes are still not out
best part of magirevo is that it ended in the perfect spot, right before it started dragging its feet like the LN. probably the only show i feel would actually suffer from having a season 2
Mcdonal reference!
It doesn't sound like there's very much yuri in it, but I just found out the author is the same as this series:
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big aquarium strikes again
those rays better be lesbian, anon
It's funny how people have complaints about that kiss (which is more relevant than it's given credit for) and they always seem ignorant of the series that not only has a kiss (on the mouth) between 2 girls, but also 2 girls having sex and all of that is irrelevant in the end, those moments were completely ignored.
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I hate gacha but
There was no sex in gekidol and they kissed twice.
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>There was no sex in gekidol
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The problem is not that those scenes happened, but that they basically contributed nothing, it's as if nothing had happened and the only gay romance is between the MC and his transvestite friend, by the way the girl who kisses the other girl (they are not in the picture) ends up having het subtext with a fat guy that she was not supposed to like, but in the end it turns out that she did.
The difference is that in gekidol the yuri is relevant to the plot, it is with that that they save the world from what the het had screwed up, and Airi never stopped openly showing her feelings for Seria and the existence of a Yaya that she herself did not even know was a Yaya.
There were 2 yayas as a matter of fact
>Why /u/ doesn't talk more about this series with a male MC with some irrelevant lesbian scenes
Because we are not in the 2000s anymore.
Looks like this is one of those series where the cute girls are secondary to the main subject, which will be explained to the point of autism
I know, that's why I use it as a negative example of "yuri" when it's really irrelevant, it's annoying to read the same idiots stupidly complaining about a series where yuri wasn't a one-note joke and even the characters had chemistry, just because there was no kissing or sex, Moyashimon has those 2 things and it's not yuri.
Remember to ask for your Mama's permission to whale.
To me it's just a matter of expectations, I don't think kissing or sex are necessary, but showing affection or romantic feelings and leaving the status quo ambiguous seems like an unecessary compromise which will go away in the next generation of similar shows, for better or worse.
What do you guys think of Na-nare Hana-nare, is this shit even worth watching? No one seems to be watching it or even talking about it on here and /a/.
Scroll up and there are a few posts about it in this thread from yesterday. And no, not really.
It's ok, outside of the Deux ex Machina of the Anna/Nodoka "arc" it was a enyojable show in my opinion.
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>What do you guys think of Na-nare Hana-nare, is this shit even worth watching? No one seems to be watching it or even talking about it on here and /a/.
Mayonaka Punch is a MUCH better watch. Masaki x Live is shaping up one hell of a couple
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Inoffensive, moderately boring, moderately funny SOL. The girls' strong emotions for each other are present.
Dear Madokami in Homura's rape dungeon, please let Mayonaka Punch stick the landing.
>is this shit even worth watching?
I wouldn't consider that anime that way, not with some of the real pieces of shit this season (the one with the fat monster girls or the moeblob romcom with stuff in Russian because that's "fun" or the cheapest "survival game" anime you'll ever find and a lot more genuine garbage)

>>No one seems to be watching it or even talking about it on /a/.

That's a bad thing because?

I'm enjoying the anime and that's it.
Japs can't into endings.
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final fix
If I had a penny for every yuri show this season that has hate comments as a major plot point, I'd have two penny, which isn't much but it's still weird that it happened twice.
To me it's more surprising that you aren't talking about the vtuber show.
>for every yuri show this season
you would have zero
it's not surprising when you realize that a lot of people around here don't really watch the season and it's not even for the actual quality, but for their own ego, that vtuber anime is genuinely funny and gay (in a romantic way too) the 3 PA ones are also good (and yuri) on their own terms, I'm enjoying half the season and hating the other half.
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why do you like het so much?
It was a joke because between the cheerleading show and the vtuber show you wouldn't expect that it will be thd cheerleading show the one with hate comments as a plot point
Not enough violence
Not enough feet licking
>Dear Madokami in Homura's rape dungeon, please let Mayonaka Punch stick the landing.
The vtuber one is explicit yuri, though actually relationship stuff is beyond the anime ending
What kind of GL Thai show Aniplex gonna make?
They are not making anything, they are just dubbing.
No problem, although it bothers me to see people acting like experts on things they clearly aren't looking at.

My only (real) complaint about the cheerleading anime is when Anna gets angry, she goes from best character to worst character in seconds.
>Shuukura 75
>[Part 75] I’ll Be Fine Even If I Don’t Get To See Sendai-san (III)
only 275 more chapters to go
Spoil me please, who's gonna date?
She's just pent up because Nodoka keeps doing vulgar poses to her in the morning under the guise of yoga but she still hasn't put out.
As an anime only my bets are
Awayuki and Mashiro
Hareru and Suzuki. They seem to be the most serious gay pairs at the moment. Maybe Shion and Sei. Meanwhile Souma Alice feels like the super openly affectionate type of Yaya, like Kaede from Assault Lily or Sakuya from Candy Boy
Fox and Succ started dating seriously last I checked
Which of you is this?
But that's just the usual latinamerican woman behaviour. Mari is lucky that she didn't meet Anna on her own.
Yeah, as a latin american I can confirm it's exactly like this
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The yaya uprising has begun.
Cute eyebrows.
Any vieja chismosa knows what happened to onegai studios?
They are mostly dubbing shit for fags like shaman king
Go hug your tanuki miorine
Closed for unknown reasons, most likely because they can't afford a decent digital security system after that dubbing studio affiliated to Netflix was hacked.
>when Anna gets angry, she goes from best character to worst character in seconds.
>anon doesn't know how latin american women work
Offsourced to MilVox after >>4292338
I can only hope MilVox keeps the SOVL Onegai Studios had. It added yuri lines to Mahoako and memes to Nokotan.
then people complain that an anime is not realistic.

well, that escalated quickly.
I want more shounenshit yuri.
I am not sure yaoi yuri is a good idea
Now I wanna see what would yaoi yuri or yuri yaoi look like.
Shonen tropes but with lesbians instead of faggots, however, is a good idea.
Narenare's Lala-senpai is the perfect candidate to be a "shonen" yuri MC, I swear I've never felt such shonen MC energy from any other female anime character before.
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Something like this.
If only Omae Gotoki had a decent manga
Rikaitan is the rightful successor to Yomichan. Rikaitan is a browser extension developed and maintained by the AJATT community. It offers the same functionality as Yomichan, allowing users to look up words on web pages using a pop-up dictionary.
Please refrain from mentioning the other fork of Yomichan anywhere. Compared to Rikaitan, it offers no advantages. The fact that Alex (foosoft) sold out to m*way should not carry any weight, as this decision discredits him. I’m unsure why he chose to sell out, but we attempted to persuade him against it. Unfortunately, he did not listen.
Like magirevo?
Both of them are bullshit Patreon grifts. Just use the built-in dictionary on your computer, there's no need to install some cargo cult's memeware
I miss Ano Koro no Aoi Hoshi.
Watch Revue Starlight.
I agree with the sentiment, but I don't think you know what "cargo cult" means.
Yes, komari and mahoako as well.
Is Ameku Takaof from Ameku Takao's Detective Karte a lesbian?
she says she's only interested in girls and went after girls whenever she attends mixers
Sounds yuri to me. Why did nobody ever discuss this series here?
Cuz it's not the focus and was only mentioned in passing, it won't ever go anywhere yuri wise I'm sure.
i wouldnt call it bad, but youre not really missing out on much by not watching it. Its just rather plain, and is frustrating at times with how unfocused it feels. The couples have potential, but we've got one episode left and not much has really developed
Like birdie wing?
She paid the price for writing yuri.
Apparently they were already dubbing at Milvox since June at least so it doesn't seem like much will change
I played the demo of an upcoming game, Reynatis, and the MC is Akari Kito doing her Eve voice while fighting wizards and demons. Too bad it's not a yuri game cause I'd love one with her voice talent as an action protagonist.
>her voice talent
is not very good.
But enough about Miku Itou.
Miku is a premier yuri seiyuu though.
And she only has one voice with zero range.
It's a good yuri voice.
She started method acting as Shimamura and went too deep.
Watch Seiyuu Radio and see for yourself the existence of the Evil Miku.
Haneda Usa said on twitter that if you don't support Shuukura in the LN contest, Miyagi won't get any nicer for a long time.
Read Gamma, this is THE shonen yuri manga. I wish it would've gone on for longer instead of jumping straight into the final arc after a few volumes, but Ogino Jun tends to avoid longer serializations, perhaps not to overstay the welcome.
Semelparous, naturally, also qualifies, but it's more or less on hiatus so there's not much of it yet.
I'm still angry about Gamma.
Well Ogino fucked himself with the pixiv controversy
How Miyuki was so much into her sister and it was implied they are having sex, but then she was fucking Hikari behind her back and hiding it.
The what...?
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Bad news, Love Bullet anon.
damn, i actually really enjoy this one
I did my part.
just purchased it on bookwalker. hope they still the money even though i used bookwalker coins
Ogino Jun had a pixiv where he started uploading Ganma hentai, some which were sketches of the volume contents, but some stuff never made to the volumes like Miyuki and her sister having sex which was strongly hinted during the series, the publisher had issues with this and Ogino Jun claimed it wasn't his pixiv and someone was tracing his art, then after the serialization ended he reuploaded most of it anyway lol.
based, but not having the incest be canon is cringe
I doubt Ogino was the one against it, maybe I am confusing series now since Ogino did a lot of things, but I think the volumes descriptions mention the older sister used to be raped by her mother.
Sell me this in one sentence, what's the thing you liked the most about it?
another chinese yuri anime? any info on this thing?
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its 6 chapters, sister...
lesbian cupids with military grade weaponry....
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>the older sister used to be raped by her mother.
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Speaking of axes, the Gyaru Maid series looks pretty close to axe territory according as far as I can tell. I'm surprised that one didn't take off more since it seems relatively popular in the west with ~30k follows on mangadex.
it seems like a cgdct slop
Not sure what metric you are using since it's not even published in print.

Which title?
So Kuzushiro is juggling four series at the same times
>Moon in a Rainy Night
>Workplace Smile
>that shougi manga
And that is after Hime no Tame ended earlier this year. All five are long-term serializations with double digit volumes (Moon is getting there) where she's in charge of both story and art. And some of them are publishes twice a month too. This is way beyond the output of weekly mangaka. How the fuck does she do it?
My headcanon is it's twins living one life + meth ofc
A niche within a niche within a niche, a sense of belonging to the circle of the few.
Sasakoi readers won't understand.
Kuzushiro most likely works with several assistant, it's very likely workplace smile is somewhat based on her own work structure.
>Not sure what metric you are using since it's not even published in print.
The first volume came out last month. I generally check sales trackers like the link below and amazon review counts to get an idea of sales. Not perfect measures, but I find them pretty accurate in predicting axes.
Sales trackers like this one are very inaccurate for lower selling titles, they work for medium to big sellers because the sales gap between other works is usable notable, but the diffence in lower selling titles is just too small. Amazons reviews are also a very subjective metric for predicting axes, Be-Con complained the last volume only had one review (which made more people reviews it) but it's on volume 6 already.
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This series is basically the best and most cutest thing ever.

>schoolgirl uniform
Like I said, they aren't perfect. However, they are pretty accurate predictors, and way better than people talking out their ass on 4chan. And just to clarify, I mean the amazon rating count, not only the text review count.
>people talking out their ass on 4chan
You're also doing that.
Is it translated yet?
>chinese yuri
If you have some more accurate measures, please do share.
The issue is that it's looking less like you are making a prediction over data and more like you are trying to fit the data to an argument, you probably could make the same guesses just with views on twitter.
There are translated chapters. I don't know how up to date with releases it is.
Here's all the series listed for Next Month's release in October.

My Favorite Is The Villainess
Destroy It All and Love Me in Hell!
Please Make Me Happy In The Real World Too, Okay?
Does It Count If Your First Time Is With An Android?
Wanna Skip School in the Infirmary?
My Girlfriend's Not Here Today
Our Love Is Disgusting
The Skirt Sings at the Landing
Even the Introverted Gals Wanna Get Out There!
The Yandere Little Sister and the Menhera Big Sister
Salvia's Bouquet
In the Gardens of Gehenna (It's ending).
The Desperate Maiden Wants to Make the Black Knight Fall in Love with Her
Whispering You a Love Song
Engagement of the Hated Witch Lady and the Cross-dressing Prince
The Oomuro Family
Koharu and Minato
An Angel Descended Upon Me
UsoNatsu ~The Summer Romance Bloomed From A Lie~ -Squall-
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Why do people hate Kuzushiro again? I'm reading Amayo no Tsuki and it's really good (and really gay)
They don't, it's just one autist throwing a tantrum over a romcom with male protagonist she did
Why did people say Moon on a Rainy Night is not yuri?
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Nemuru baka, a 2008 manga never heard before, is getting a live action movie adaption by Baby Walküre's director.
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>Amayo no Tsuki
Where the fuck is the release date of the translation of v.6? There was at most 3 months between the releases of the previous volumes, and after the 5th it's been 4 month already.
Kuzushiro hate originated before that series even began.
>never heard before
Someone storytimed it on /a/ like a month ago, nice timing. Also not yuri.
>Amayo no Tsuki
i dropped this series after the 2nd chapter, because the heroine had too many sperg-outs, and that scene where she embarrasses the bully by talking about misconceptions on deaf people felt like one of those 'and then everybody clapped' moments but played straight. She also broods too much about how she doesnt need friends and how everyone else is beneath her, and somehow the MC finds this chuuni talk alluring instead of annoying, but i assume she warms up to people later on.

Does it get any better and does the heroine get any less insufferable?
Kuwabara's a big fan of it. The characters are trainwrecks.

There's even a scene where one of the leads in a flashback goes to a sushi place and witnesses a murder while being splattered with the blood of the victim.
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Trying my damnedest to like this manga because its written by izumi kitta, but its just not good
Oh, I see you're a big expert on insufferable MCs. How many Miyagi units would you value Saki's insufferability at?
I remember people said Kuzushiro betrayed yuri or something like that. They cried het the moment the teacherappeared.
From what I remember the leads don't end up together. The one gets famous and leaves. The ending is the kouhai being invited to one of her concerts, but it doesn't seem to have stuck, as now the kouhai is living as a senpai with a kouhai of her own.
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>Cheerleading is an acrobatic sport with the potential for serious injury, requiring strong trust and precise teamwork between members. If you think about it, it’s a perfect match for yuri. I hope to see more works in this genre.
Saki isnt insufferable, i was referring to the deaf heroine not the MC. The actual MC is just the typical yuri protag from what ive read

And Miyagi isnt insufferable either, shes just a cunt (and i mean that in a good way). shes chaotic, and a designated tard wrangler
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And they have reason for it.
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Meanwhile in the real yuri cheerleading anime: playing wingman for canon lesbians
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>i dropped this series after the 2nd chapter,
Kanon began to warm up to other people in vol 1. Her insufferable facade is surprisingly easy to get past. When they are alone, she acts like a cute puppy around Saki.
>somehow the MC finds this chuuni talk alluring instead of annoying
Isn't it obvious that Saki is super biased because she has the hot for Kanon?
another yuri tomorrow
Finally, the Asumi-chan anime.
Any hints?
Likely to be one of those
>Omae Gotoki
>A monster wants to eat me
>My Girlfriend is not Here today
>Shimeji (though I am not sure Sugoi would count it as yuri).
Choose which one you think
hints in his discord apparently
I was thinking Anemone but the timing would be a little random. Kirara Forward doesn't come out for another week and it doesn't have a new volume out.
Well he isn't announcing it, he is leaking it, so it won't tie to anything official.

For example his Oomuro Ke leak took around half a year to be officially announced and YY S4 still isn't (because it will be obviously done by Passione too and they just started production as the movies ended).
Ah, I thought him announcing "tomorrow" was referring to the official announcement rather than simply him leaking it. That's attention-whoring at its finest.
Well, it's how he makes money.
Watanare season 2
Watanare imouto spinoff.
When he leaked Mahoako S2, he replied that all three yuri series he previously mentioned are new projects and not sequels.
Be-con tweeted about this.
Anyone read more of this? How is it?
We did when it was still being translated
Why the fuck do those people want KimiTsuzu. There's enough suffering just being a fan of yuri
Because it's good and honestly you can trim it to fit a single season.
Why can't we have nice things, anons... I'm so fucking tired of manga getting axed, adaptations being dogshit, and nothingburger original anime...
You should try becoming a shonenfag, those guys are always super happy with what they get!
This is true for like 95% of any media.
>fucking tired of manga getting axed
Don't read axebaits
>adaptations being dogshit
Don't watch shit adaptations
>nothingburger original anime
Don't watch subtext shit.
Easy peasy.
>fucking tired of manga getting axed
Enjoy things while they last. Appreciate the fleetingness of life and serialisations.

>adaptations being dogshit
Don't put too much weight on adaptations. They're glorified ads aimed at people who haven't read the source material. Realise that the artistry of manga is superior to animation.

>nothingburger original anime
Become a subtextstacy and start seeing it as source of inspiration for fanworks.
Theres never mean that many yuri published. We should be grateful.
Most complains about adaptations are hypocritical and homosexual nitpicking when adaptations have been shit since forever and only got shittier after the 2000s, you can either enjoy what the medium can provide you or you are better of just reading manga or LNs.

If you can't tell anime made to sell music or waifus are cynical products made to last forever with the same exactly status quo then there is no point it ever arguing about subtext anime, you either enjoy them for what they are or you shouldn't bother with them either.
Fuck anime. We into the plays and tv drama era.
I don't care about non-animation television.
just say you hate yuri
I wouldn't lie to you like that.
sisters really claim to like yuri, but refuse to play VNs when we are living in the golden age of yuri VNs
sorry boss, i cannot read japanese
I'm still coping about Ano, so no.
It's really weird. VNs in general are dying, but somehow we have more yuri VNs than ever.
If I wanted to read a picture book I'd read a picture book.
I already read Hanahira and it can only go downhill from there
The mental age of VN players and picture book's target audience is the same though
I have a numbered copy of the limited edition of Seabed.
its funny to think about how theres so many yuri VNs that have a physical release for switch, but barely any have a physical release for PC
>physical release for PC
It's not the 90s anymore grandma, Gaben's store brainwashed PC players into fogetting what discs are.
Oh yee I love how none of my boxed game DVDs don't work anymore even though the drive still does
It's just a meme and mostly just one anon shitposting, I thought it was funny but apparently some hated it.
>apparently some hated it
I had posts deleted for even joking about it, which I still find hard to believe given the stuff that people let go around here.
Saki belongs tonolf women btw!
So did she redeem herself?
The problem is several factors, with people complaining stupidly under any excuse instead of enjoying things for what they are and not what they would like them to be.
People who complain about what they are not watching/reading and act as if they understand that.
Complaints against formats or genres without really understanding them, or really knowing any example, just generalizing based on ignorance.
Then you have a certain elitist attitude, which instead of gaining fans for what you like, drives away any potential fan who has the slightest interest in it

Honestly, many people here have the same attitude as the "hentai users" who act as if the content they like is something automatic and that it should be given to them autonomously, but they ignore the people who made that possible in the first place.
I have the opposite problem, it's really inconvenient to access yuri VNs in Japanese. You have to either hope there's a fan-made language patch for the English release or just pirate them
What VNs are you even talking about? You can get most of the notable releases on steam with both English and Japanese options.
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I read Look Back today on a whim because I ran across this yuri art for it. I was never a fan of Chainsaw Man so this was the first Fujimoto Tatsuki manga I've ever read but it was really good, and I like to believe that Fujino and Kyoumoto became a couple in the worldline where Kyoumoto survives. The reaction faces were pretty great, too. It packed a lot of punch into a small number of pages. Apparently there's a movie version, too.
I need to kill things while playing as a lesbian and VNs don't let me do that.
>Omae Gotoki
unpopular axed series will never have anime no matter how many times you cope here
It's going to be Moon in a Rainy Night thanks to the music angle
Is more convinced when a girl casually say she is into woman
She hasn't even started playing and she's already angry.
Holy moly! I can't believe I actually witnessed real deer on girl yuri action!
I'm a 29 year old child and I want lesbian terrorists.
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Yeah that's great and all but where's the gun violence and blood??
Is this what yuri written by men for men is like?
It will be none of those. Kyoukano would've made sense if not for the fact that it would be weird to end it with Yuni getting back together with Nanase.
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Is Murcielago?
I don't know, but that's exactly the kind of yuri we need more of.
danganronpa fans be like yooo these girls are so psychotic and deranged that's awesome
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Imagine if Watanare somehow becomes popular.
>It's not yuri if it's only two girls!
>I love my girlfriend and my girlfriend's girlfriend, haha!
>I saw three birds sharing a nest, I swear!
Not cool.
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Yes. It's fun and refreshing to see such blatant love of chaos and violence.
I love killer tomboys and psycho gyarus and insane nurses!
wtf i love watanare now
You have to decide what is yuri for men, it changes every week, last I heard men would never like a slutty not CGDCT series like this.
Watanare is already popular though?
Don't reply to ESLs.
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Everything this author writes is fucking retarded (compliment)
In your lesbian Mormon community.
Kinda, his body swapping (2 girls) series is not as stupid and he is only doing the art of the otherside like one, but he is your typical edgy writer who still thinks dumb complex conspiracies are cool.
>dumb complex conspiracies are cool
But they are.
Sure, but some authors understand how to make it look cool and others just make it so convulated you have no idea what you are reading anymore
more yuri but is there any good one?
The only thing new at the top here is "Please be happy" but that's such a stupid name
Have they fixed the awful akai ito english translation yet?
Please be happy is actually great honestly. Hot vampire wives.
Damn is there that much of a quality difference between Printemps and the rest of Flowers?
The first volume of series always has the lowest score because only people that liked it keep reading
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>What if the Joker was a girl and also an incestuous lesbian twin
>What if the Joker was a girl
Harley Quinn
Harley Queen was never his equivalent, she was honestly a very pathetic character originally and that was part of the charm, suicide squad turned her into basically a ninja with makeup
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would anyone know if the full series of Mofu Kano Pot-pourri can be found anywhere?
i saw many places only had 2 chapters and that’s it
If Été and Automne are 9 or 10 out of 10, Printemps is a 7 or 8.

There are good VNs made by westerners too.
Can I get a QRD on the amount of yuri in new idol franchises? I've been seeing a lot of yuri fanart for "GBC" and also something called "Ave Mujica".

I haven't been following any idol things since LL season 1.
those are not idols
Those are bands, not idols. Jellyfish cant swim is about idols, and started out pretty yuri, but most people agree it went to shit in the 2nd half.

GBC is yuri, and ave mujica is the 2nd season of bang dream mygo, which is pretty subtext heavy (you dont need to know anything about bang dream going in). If you want more band yuris, theres also sasakoi, but the anime is in a really bad spot at the moment
all yuri
Please also get into D4DJ, please save my franchise, please we need help. We have a canon couple.
Just a little reminder that Momoka didn't even answer Nina's kokuhaku (totally romantic btw).
Nina is for Hina
As per the nature of such shits, none of these will ever commit to anything
D4DJ is like the weird one out, I am still not sure what kind of fuckery occurred there even now
Is there a single person on planet earth that has watched this shitshow all the way through?
How bad can this be? I lasted all the way through Metallic Rouge.
>none of these will ever commit to anything

Honestly I figured as much. It's still great that the artists doing all the doujins and yuri art might promote to making OC yuri manga just like what happened with LL back in the day. I might checkout D4DJ though
Nope I only could stomach two episode and dropped it.
No yuri either so nothing of value was lost.
This character designer artist has some kind of curse on him.
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It's great that all those 50 people who aren't busy writing in some mysterious place complaining comments about the lack of romance or Kudou appearing out of nowhere will get a chance to buy another one copy each.
the last episode could just be 24 minutes of uncut lesbian sex and no one would know
On a racecar?
Ave Mujica is the sequel for MyGo
You can at least find the raws here

I watched through it, i actually ended up enjoying it quite a bit by the end, the first 2 or so episodes are a real slog kinda like Akanesasu shoujo, unfortunately unlike Akanesasu shoujo there's not really any yuri to speak of beside some light subtext here and there. It's not really /u/ material.
new yuri adaptation announcement today....
I've never seen Yuri fans trying to stop an Axe as hard as they are for Love Bullet. Pretty incredible.
why care about that shit and not the good series I like
if only they were this persistent with 'our wonderful days'....
Didn't that suddenly end because the author just didn't want to work on it anymore? It wasn't a matter of sales.
what's so good about it?
I would take the axe in Love Bullet's place if I could.
maybe they should start buying series before they're at risk of the axe not after
What a slut.
YASSSSSSSSSS, I have to rewatch madoka and rebellion (and be upset at the sayaka part of the show)
lol who cares about seyiku?
I mean only one volume is out and a lot of people didn't even know it existed until now.
I'm having noighd flashbacks here. Noighdsisters, give us your power...
How did you count their numbers?
I'm pretty poor nowadays so I'll probably just buy a digital version in 10 days when I get paid. If that's too late, there's nothing I can do about it.
It's selling out on multiple online stores.
Since is about speed, i speed watch
This just indicated the first print was small
2x or 3x?
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Not sure if it will work, but it's fun to see. If you could convince a significant portion of the English yuri community to spend like $10 a month, you would absolutely see a lot more yuri get published.
I actually watched a couple of episodes of the cycling anime least season at 2x speed.
wow time sure flies! happy new year!
Who is she why is she double cucking Mai?
Yeah, Joker is psycopathic, Harley is histrionic.
Your mom is historic.
You must be 18 or older to post here.
Goddamnit sis I was going to say this
Isn't that Naoi from Zenkowa?
For a second i thought it was miyagi, but no necktie.
It's the disgusting hetslut from Hibikek's author manga series which Watanare's manga artist also draws.
>Naoi is a hetslut
I knew Zenkowa was shit.
She's not het.
You never learn do you?
I did out of dedication to Fuuka Izumi and fascination with how poorly made it is. I don't reccomend it to anyone. I managed to actually enjoy it by the end somewhat, but still not something I'll reccomend to anyone
Do you want lesbian sex with those models and animation quality, anyways?. Pretty sure searching for yuri hentai animations in gelbooru will give you better results than HS Etoile can provide
Still a good thing if it's selling out everywhere.
Wish me luck!!11
>Hibikek author
>not het
The way she looks at her senpai is not het...
But did you check it BEFORE? Maybe it sold out in those specific online stores but was never restocked because there are still a lot of unsold copies in other stores.
>reading comprehension
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How gay was this in the end?
Ovr half of Hibike's main characters are dykes.
What is that?
dungeon people
Mild subtext. Clay is just the "raised as stoic emotionless warrior" type so you won't get much from her, but I like how she appreciates not being alone anymore and having Belle's company. Meanwhile Belle's possessiveness of Clay is very good. That said, people talked about boys crushing on them in the manga, and I feared it'd be worse, but while it happens, it's very minor. Like less than 3 minutes total dedicated to it in the season. Dunno if people exaggerated or if the adaptation toned it down, but as it is, it's clearly one-sided stuff
Amazon and cdjapan are both out of stock today and had stock yesterday when I checked. That doesn't necessarily equate to a ton of sales, but it is a change.
It sold out on Amazon JP abour 11 hours ago according to my tracker so it was definitely a result of the author's plea.
i always assumed going public about manga sales and potential axe-status was looked down on in japan because i almost never see anyone doing it
It usually is because you may lose potential consumers this way who don't want to spend money on something which may be ending soon, though I imagine if sales are really low the publisher is willing to give it a shot.
>yuri fans
>trying to save a series in which girls fall in love with boys or girls depending on the cupid who hit them
It can die in the trash.
her friend was in love with her before she ever got hit by an arrow. she was a faithful lesbian
>die in the trash
You should.
But she risked to be hit by an arrow that would have turned her straight regardless of her will. What a shit concept.

Sorry, I have actual yuri to buy and read.
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Caught you. They don't actually use arrow in that manga. You don't know anything about it. Fuck off.
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why is every single korean webcomic softcore porn?
Mostly adult audience
Because it would be pretty lame if they weren't.
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I never get enough of rewatching this episode. It's so fun and epic. Their first meeting is incredible. I went in not knowing what to expect at all and was blown away.
Yes, I've dropped it as soon as I read the first chapter, I don't know, I don't need to know and I don't want to know anything more than that. Like I said, it's a shit concept, it's not about love between girls (that's what yuri is), it's all in the hands of the cupid. Even if it was between two girls, falling in love just because you got hit by an arrow (or a bullet, what a difference!) it's a shit development.
The last one looks like it will be full of callbacks to it so I'm expecting good things.
Cocoa is not interested in Bocchi, as she doesn't have little sister energy.
Have fun in the trash.
Pearls before swine.
They should make a Kirara fighting game, the same way we got the Dengeki Bunko fighting game
Never stopped Cocoa before, Bocchi id just not cool enough
>yuri is only yuri if it's true love
As long as girls love and/or lust after other girls, it's yuri, even if it's brainwashing/mind control
Cope and seethe. No one says the 100 grifriends het harem is not het just because the love is a result of the actions of a love god being a retard while watching a movie
There was a Kirara gacha fantasy RPG (Kirara Fantasia)
>randomly brings up het series and acts like anyone here would understand what the fuck he's talking about
You got lost on your way to /a/.
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New anime announcement when?
The point is no one denies het being het as long as it's girl x boy, even if it's some magic mind control shit
Same applies to yuri. As long as it's girl x girl, it's yuri. "true love" bullshit is not part of the defitinion, retard. A hentai manga about a girl raping other girls for whatever reason is still yuri
Surely you've actually read Love Bullet and know that the MC is against cupids deciding on their own and convinces them to observe the subject in order to determine the most appropriate pairing.
its like 6 chapters long.... just read it already
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This is so cute I can't
Where were yuri fans when SCARLET fell?
Where were yuri fans when the axes closed in around Wasureenu majo no monogatari?
thank you for the link
>Where were yuri fans when SCARLET fell?
Since the author broke his hand or something, unless someone was a doctor I don't think it could be helped
>Where were yuri fans when the axes closed in around Wasureenu majo no monogatari?
The manga is miles better, the LN is really really really boring.
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Ouch! Right in the family clams!
Yeah that one turned out to be surprisingly fun.
Semi-friend got reprinted for the 5th time
Not the ovary crusher 9000...
u think look back is a good movie date?
Anti-male gaze sisters...
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Been a while since I've seen someone be this retarded.
It's not Shiho and Ren retard
They do the same poses and stuff.
Its not like there is really a difference.
Ruka's girlfriend. The one with big boobs.
I wonder when we will meet Shino's and Ren's girlfriend who fucked them in the ASMR
Aki's girlfriend. The one with small boobs.
Thats just Chigusa's self-insert
I read the first 6 chapters now and I can see why it got threatened with the axe
>Hetshit baiting and NTR
>girls aren't lesbians, their options always include guys in all cases, most couples shown are het
>Aiieee save me yuri fans
How about no?
I do not like this princess. Her smugness offends me.
I actually buy this theory.
This schizo again.
Well then, when's Chinori Migusa being introduced in the story?
You can be mad about it, but thats why its gonna get axed. Retards need to stop trying to play both sides.
I'm not sure Shino to Ren has a story?
Fine, the events stringing together the porn scenarios.
As much your opinion is in fact retarded, the truth is that the author said it wasn't tagged as yuri until the last chapter, so they in fact fucked up.
I have no idea what you're even trying to say in your seething. They didn't decide it was yuri until the last chapter? I can believe that. Doesn't make the hetshit bait and NTR any better.
Certainly doesn't make me want to support it as a yuri product either when its just as likely to have a arc where they end up putting a girl together with a guy because he's "the right one".
I don't know about the rest, but I agree with the last part. This love without gender bullshit will just get you burned.
>the overseas fans who read the pirated scanlation are the ones who are banding together to buy copies
If the series gets saved like this, it would be incredibly ironic.
It wouldn't be particularly ironic since a.) it wouldn't be the first time and b.) thats what scanlation is ultimately for, so its not ironic so much as working as intended.
Noooo, online scans cause billions of yen in damage!
The author said the publisher didn't agree with the yuri tag until last chapter
Love Bullet wouldn't get axed if it was about a yuri loving cupid getting into gunfights to make sure all the girls get to enjoy the purest form of love. While beating up and groping the stupid hetfag cupid.
The publisher was right btw
The most I can agree with youe retarded self is that using the tag in a non romance is probably not a good idea either, the soccer series is doing the same thing and it will probably get axed before any chance for subtext even shows up.
First time a publisher is in the right tbqh
>axed before any chance for subtext even shows up
So you agree its not yuri.
>Otherside Picnic should've been axed after a couple volumes because it was barely even subtext
Not really, every person reading the mango should know that is an adaptation of a yuri light novel.
I was referring to the novel with this retarded fallacy.
I agree tags may be misleading and inform intention rather than content and ultimately this may end working against the author who relies in having audience to have more space to develop what they are promising.
princess of sylph was cancelled bcs it wasnt yuri enough
>still using Urasekai picnic for his retarded arguments after he's been told countless times that Urasekai picnic was yuri since the very beginning
Denying the yuri in the first volume of Urasekai picnic really exposes you for the troll you are.
No, it was cancelled because instead of reaching the climax where the webcomic ended and the most interesting part of the story, the author was more focused on drawing the nuns playing in the background.

It was Noighd fault desu.
>It was Noighd fault desu.
Finally something we can all agree on. He also axed Suit and caused Satsuki to lose the plot.
NTA but the subtext isn't strong even in the novels, Sorawo is obsessed with Toriko and hoe good looking she is, but her monologues are not written in a romantic context until volume 3.
It was cancelled because it was subtext, this is something these retarded nips don't get shit has changed, subtext or bait doesn't sells anymore.
I wonder how he is going to fuck up the theather yuri series, maybe it will go Class S because of Noighd
No, it was axed because volume 2 was boring. We didn't need to see a multi-chapter flashback that soon. Also the story lost a lot of its edge in the serialization
Japan has reached the point where yuri mango needs to be actually yuri.
Hilarious development.
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>WataYuri got axed because there are no couples together 14 volumes in
>subtext or bait doesn't sell anymore
Lycoris sold pretty well. And the new Madoka movie is generating buzz among nip yuri fans.
And its MC is straight!
Lycoris sold because its girls with guns with high caliber money put in it and Madoka is Madoka.
Like Yuru Yuri is a thing that keeps going but the time where dozen of series could cost on bait is over.
Miyazawa went back to explain to people like you how gay their first encounter was twice, in volume 5 when Sorawo inside the mirror could see the world through Toriko's eyes and in volume 8 when they talked about themselves before they had sex. If you failed to see it it's all on you. And there is also the Hasshaku-sama scene when Sorawo panicked at the idea of losing this girl she's just met that captured her with her beauty.
However, in general, trying to take down one of the most loved series in the attempt to defend another series is a very retarded troll behaviour, if a series was yuri you should be able to defend it without resorting to diss another series, doing that is proving you have no arguments.
There were zero chance that Watayuri wasn't about a lesbians basically playing chicken with sexing eachother.
This was pretty clear from the get go.
You again? please, read the room.
Those are anime though, so they inherently reach bigger audiences, manga and LN has to find an audience or they will get axed at the start line
Lol no, sorry but Sorawo realizing some weird glances feom Toriko does not equal yuri subtext, the intention for yuri was always there from the fo since Miyazawa always said it was a yuri series which would have romantic developments, but Toriko POV was not meant for you to infer she was interested in Sorawo.
This bitch protests too much for being a yayadyke.
Lycoris sold because people liked the relationship between Chisato and Takina. Which is why the novels and short stories focus on their relationship instead of all the action stuff. That's not to say that everyone or even most people who followed the show are yurifags, but even they seem to think that it had some fanservice pandering to yurifags.
>people who followed the show are yurifags
The Lycoris threads on /a/ tell another history.
This page is 100% the reason why she gets keked.
>does not equal yuri subtext
In fact it's not subtext, it's maintext. A series doesn't magically becomes maintext when the characters start dating, it's maintext also the part before they start dating.
>Toriko POV was not meant for you to infer she was interested in Sorawo
Stop hurting me with your bad reading comprehension. Sorawo literally goes "Just how much do you like me?" after seeing the way Toriko looks at her.
Argument about if it's yuri apart, it will definitely get cancelled like every loli manga.
3-4 shitposters trying to rile up ACK represent a group several orders of magnitude smaller than yuri fans of the series.
Lycoris 2: Daughters of Liberty.
It's maintext when it's maintext and the text is unambiguous about how they feel or act, anything else are ridiculous arguments like people who were claiming Symphogear was not subtext.

Sorawo is not thinking Toriko likes her in a romantic way and neither the reader is given any hint more than glances.
That would be this page
Also, Girls Band Cry
The only subtext to flop recently is Jelly.
Meanwhile, most maintext anime flop and the only success is MahoAko. So, yep. "subtext doesn't sell" is an utter lie
That shithole is far from representing the whole audience
90% of 'subtext' and bait shows flopped these last few years.
The only ones that pull the trigger got any kind of success.
On the subject, noighd needs to put out the scripts for 19 already.
NTA but what is the metric for success here, like for example I saw people saying Hoshikuzu flopped when it had a exclusivity deal with a streamming plataform and made more money than most CGDCT which existed
Thats part of the 10% that didn't flopped.
MahoAko is subtext.
But again, what is the metric for flopping here? Wanna hear something interesting? 90% of anime every year does barely better than any explicit yuri series and they all make similar money because most of it comes from fixed fees fron licesing.

Now if your argument is that few subtext shows do better than others, sure. But this is how the industry works in general, those CGDCT you are talking about also do better than 90% of what air every year
Why is narenare wasting its final episodes rehabilitating a random background character who was kind of a bitch? And why does Anna attack her enemies by flashing her panties at them? I want to go to Japan and personally fire all of the writers of this trainwreck. This might be the first show I've dropped with only one episode to go, I just cannot take any more of this.
It's also not yuri
Even if there was arguably any intention of it before, now they were whored out to gatcha there is no chance for it anymore
Pouting and sulking.
Go back and stay there.
Not the whole audience, but they're either the vast majority of it or they're the sectoin most focused on by the creators.
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Subtext sure has changed since my moms' days.
There's clearly a sub in your picture
"pull the trigger".
What does this mean and how does this apply to Symphogear, Girls Band Cry, MyGo and LycoReco?
I guess there are subs in the anime and text in the manga, yeah, but what does that have to do with the LESBIAN SEX
The G-Witch killer, btw. Actual yuri wirter, btw
I still like the show, but goddamn it feels funny to look back at how people were hyping the show based on warped interpretations of some generic words by the writer
>a few anons in /a/ are the large magority of the audience of a show that should thousands and was watched by even more people (not every single person watching is gonna buy the discs)
>japanese creators of a japanese show are gonna focus on a few schizos in a burger site
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>the writer
One of the writers. The fact it has multiple is part of the problem. Still a cute show and who knows, all it takes is one scene confirming the yuri to turn things around. Just like G-Witch.
>Actual yuri wirter, btw
For three episodes which are unsurprisingly the least messy ones. Though she's also writing the final one and I feel like the show is too far gone for the ending to somehow salvage it.
kind of bitter sweet for me that part of the reason people are suddenly rallying behind Love Bullet is due to Sukeban and Transfert Student getting cancelled too. Hope Fujichika does another yuri next.
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>And why does Anna attack her enemies by flashing her panties at them?
It's hotter that way.
>a few anons in /a/ represent nobody, and nobody at all agrees with them or holds the same views, let alone the vast majority of the fanbase of the anime in question
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You Majimaschizos lost.
Random polls on random sites asked randomly are no proof of anything.
random users in random sites posting randomly are no proof of anything
>trust me sis, the schizos represent the anime's fanbase because I say so
You're so pathetic
>polls on the official discussion page with tens of thousands of votes aren't proof of anything

>a few Majimaschizos samefagging in /a/ threads is a definitive proof
>thousands of people answering official polls don't count because reasons
Those 'schizos' include the anime staff and cast.
>An ANIME ADAPTATION of Surreal Comedy Manga "Shimeji Simulation" by Tsukumizu (author of Girls Last Tour) is currently in production at Studio SHAFT, scheduled for 2025.
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WILL you keep loving your Imouto even if she aged more than you for Isekai reason?
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Anyway, they back to their planet in young age
Whatever you say
>doesn't even call it yuri, just a surreal comedy
Sugoi only considers something yuri when it's published as yuri so we still have the 2/3 yuri leaks.
Smart, that's how you trick people into reading yuri and becoming fans.
It's just a poll asking what color suits each girl best. What's yuri related about it?
If these Majimaschizos on /a/ that you like so much were actually the majority of LycoReco fans, green would've been the most picked answer for both polls.
Trick people reading anime?
>Anna attack her enemies by flashing her panties at them
Street Fighter is huge in SA.
The characters in LR are color coded.
All old shows.
Except for Lycoris that got shilled hard by famous geeks like Kojima.
What does Something Awful have to do with this?
The Shimeji thing isn't a sugoi post
GBC and MyGo came after Lyco.
Explain what pulling the Trigger means
I'm literally not a majimacuck, i if anything want Lycoris to be actual yuri so majimacuck ends himself.
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Whose is it? Some twitter leakers are just random bullshitters.
He said yuri leak today so if we don't have another leak today we can assume he was talking about Shimejl Simulation.
I didn't check, but it's still the same situation. We will still get 2 more of the yuri anime leak.
Being actually yuri.
I don't know. All I know is I've been checking Sugoi and he hasn't posted the Shimeji thing. For all I know, anon made up a fake leak right now
The anime won't technically be yuri, but they'll be tricked into reading a yuri manga.
Anon, please actually read the post you're replying to. Sugoi only considers something yuri if it's explicitly published as yuri. So no, it's not that. Unless Sugoi has changed his policy, of course.
So now GBC doesn't backpedal? Now it's all maintext and not subtext?
New rule: if it flops, it's subtext. It's maintext and actually yuri if it sells well
Lyco confirmed more actually yuri than WataOshi and WataYuri somehow
Sugoi said that the anime is an adaptation of an ongoing manga, therefore it's not Shimeji.
That's what I think too.
He hasn't even posted about Shimeji. People're falling for shit with no source
Nope, yuri is yuri.
"subtext doesn't exist. It's all maintext because yuri is yuri" crazy take
I'm not even telling you that subtext doesn't exist, it does but it doesn't works anymore.
Thats the issue we are talking about here, from the start.
I'll know yuri when I see it
Who is orange? Kurumi?
Who is black then?
Maybe the character whose color skin is black.
I doubt being maintext or subtext will affect LR popularity at all. Most people don't even watch it for the yuri
Yeah they do. ChisaTaki was voted the most popular couple of 2022.
>most people don't even watch it for the yuri
I'm pretty sure most people are watching it for the interactions between Chisato/Takina. Not necessarily yurifags, but they like their relationship the most.

That's among the yuri fanbase, not among the LR audience.
>That's among the yuri fanbase

Nah it was some general myanimelist poll or something, het couples were in the rankings too.
The west doesn't matter all too much to the popularity of LR.
So if there was a similar poll in Japanese you'd agree lots of people watch it for the yuri?
Probably not because it just means that a lot of yuri fans voted in a poll in multiple heterosexual couples. It wouldn't necessarily represent the LR fanbase as a whole.

That being said, I do think that most of LR fanbase would probably be okay if Chisato/Takina going gay for each other considering that the show is already pro-gay in terms of Mika. Anyone who hates gays would have probably already dropped it by now.
>most people don't watch LR for the yuri
>uh it topped couple polls when it first aired
>well that's just in the west, which doesn't matter very much to the popularity of LR
>so if similar polls came out of japan would it mean anything
>probably not

Your logic is super self contradicting...
Maybe they watched LR for the gun action. There's more to it than a yaoi couple and a rivals to lovers relationship.
Or maybe I thought about it some more and concluded that depending on the circumstance, it might not mean as much. My original point of it being among the yuri fanbase would still apply if the MAL poll happened in Japan, for example.

If they watched it for the gun action, why do most of the novels and anthologies focus on the slice-of-life stuff?
But I'm specifically talking about ChisaTaki being tops on relationship polls. If it outcompetes het pairings then surely you'd agree the yuri portion of the fanbase is sizable.
>If it outcompetes het pairings then surely you'd agree the yuri portion of the fanbase is sizable
The question is whether most of the audience watches LR for yuri or not.

If 10000 people watch LR and 1000 a yuri fans who go on to vote in a poll against other heterosexual couples, that doesn't mean that yuri fans are the majority in its fanbase.
NTA bug gun anime wasn't a popular genre for years, if not at least a decade, before Lycoreco so, like it or dislike it, ChisaTaki was one of the reasons people kept watching the show, also remember that it was the dark horse of the season and that the main show for Aniplex was Engage Kiss.
>why do most of the novels and anthologies focus on the slice-of-life stuff?
Because that's what the author wanted to do. Those novels aren't as popular as the main series.
Means shit, companies want profitable costumers and they appeal to them. Their waifufag show bombed so I really doubt they think the usual smelly otaku its the right target market for LR, shippers on the other side are mlre likely to be loyal and profitable enough to make the target market for LR.
It's a good gun action series, not necessarily a good yuri series, or a yuri series at all
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Those novels sold over 500k copies in two volumes. And these were ones where Chisato/Takina dream about kissing the other's neck in bed, running away together, and get embarrassed at the idea of pretending to be lovers to escape a murderer. Of course, that doesn't make them yuri, but it's pretty obvious that they have fanservice elements to them.

I hope for all your sake then that yuri fans are the biggest buyers then.
It had a guy surviving the explosion of a car in his face. Even Release the Spyce was a better gun show thanks to mister plot armor.
Sadly I said shippers. We react in the same way as shippers regarding anime so for the execs we're almost the same target market and that means we're most likely in the shipper purgatory so ChisaTaki is untouchable but also the chances of it becoming canon, or maintext are very low.
just accept reality, no matter how many excuses you make, the truth is too obvious to be ignored, ChisaTaki was what sold the anime and made it so popular in the first place, stop trying to cover up the sun with a finger, everyone just looks more and more ridiculous.
Imagine ChisaTaki licking each other's feet.
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>Don't do anything unnecessary, Nishikigi-san.
This is dumb, everyone already knows that every decent yuri couple in existence, east or west, can be categorized either literally or metaphorically as pink x black.
It's saying volume 2 is being reprinted and that volume 1 is being reprinted for a second time.

Sales of the series seem to be pretty solid so far. Now to see if it can keep up the Steam.
>SuleMio rip-off
ChisaTaki came first actually.
Makes sense. ZenKowa's a KitaKawa clone. Plus, the scanalator has been trying to get international readers to buy copies of it too.
>Shuukura anime threads will have to be shared with a retarded crowd that sees cockatoos and tanukis everywhere and is confident that they are the only ones who know the true reason for the popularity of the subject
Urapi has a yuri premise at least, its about two girls exploring a different world together. Love Bullet is about cupids with guns, they just happen to have brought girls together sofar. It could easily be a hetero couple in later chapters and we both know what retarded shit even actual yuri manga authors come up with if you give them enough chapters.
If the premise or story was about gun toting extremist yuri cupids gunning down others to ensure yuri wins each chapter, it wouldn't have this problem. But its not, its trying to have its cake and eat it too.
>ShuuKura rip-off
Based on the Yuri Hime advert for ZenKowa volume 3, I think volume 3's tapestry is being reused for the cover.
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Beato solos Chisato and Takina.
At eating pussy.
If they get prep time they mid diff Beato desu
Are there good moments for them in the movies? Only ever watched the series.
The movies are like 100% royal drama, but in the second ova Doroshii says she wouldn't mind becoming Beato's oneesama.
Few people know, but Miyagi and Sendai never once confessing their love for each other is a blunt reference to SuleMio.
Anime when
New Kinniku Tarou series when??
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its been over a day, wheres the new yuri anime leak that was promised to be announced yesterday
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maybe it's Shimeji after all
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>innocent kind cute girl who just wants friends
>protagonists and her gang throws her out a window, breaks her fingers, beats her head with a pistol, manipulates her and breaks her heart when she’s most vulnerable, uses her body as a meat shield to get shot to death and lets her get impaled from head to anus like a kebab
What the fuck is wrong with the main characters of this game?
uh what game
Sugoi? More like Kimoi.
Sugoi? More like Shoigu.
After watching Code Geass Roze, Build Divers and Kyoukai Senki, I’m sure the movies will go nowhere and be shit
Absolute shit writer
It’s not. The leaker hadn’t posted that. Stop trusting anons without sources and go make twitter accounts to follow Sugoi
Are you talking about Ichiro Okouchi? He had nothing to do with any of the things you mentioned, not even Crown Handler.
The point is: it works. Look at GBC, LycoReco and MyGo.
Your “pull the trigger” shit is nonsense
Will have to check it out. I do love me some misery porn.
I’m talking about Kimura. The writer who replaced Okouchi in Roze and Crown Handler. And who did the first Build Diver show and Kyoukai Senki. After watchig these other works by him, I think Croen Handler is fucked
Imagine existing to be someone's worse replacement.
everytime princess principal is brought up here, its someone complaining about it. im beginning to think the series isnt all its talked up to be
The TV show is fine. The main writer got replaced in the movies and that’s where my fear lies. But the main show is a great watch
Leaks here
Nice one.
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Yuri Horror Drama Manga "THIS MONSTER WANTS TO EAT ME" (Watashi wo Tabetai, Hitodenashi) by Sai Naekawa will be receiving a TV ANIME ADAPTATION, scheduled for 2025
Not thrilled, but ill accept it. Although i dont really see a good spot to end the anime on
Anime-original ending where fox wins.
But the fox is already winning the fishbowl in the manga?
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This but unironically.
Itou Miku as Hinako.
>Young ladies dont play fighting games
>mahoako 'project'
>monster wants to eat me
>introduction to mineralogy
>not a single thing for fall 2024
Thank God we at least have Ave Mujica to look forward to
Her acting sucks. No.
I hope Ninja to Koroshiya no Futarigurashi is winter 2025 at least.
zero chance
Guess that's why they've been dragging it on.
This but as fishwoman.
She's the yuri queen. Deal with it.
Kukuru is not the fish but the fish handler.
>introduction to mineralogy
Why are you listing this among yuri adaptations?
There is the ninja and assassin yuri and bad girl
It's your typical subtext, the author though does yuri hentai
Remind me, please, in 10 or so volumes, have they gone from "I'm going to devour you" symbolism to anything more definitive yet? Or is it the case that having a tag that's dear to the hearts of all of us protects the series from endless bitching that it's taking so long to deliver?
The promise was actually about fish protecting Hinako, not eating her.
Don't worry, our resident concern troll will do his job when the anime airs.
Hinako just whines and wants to die. Why waste Miku on her when there's another character who needs her bitchy, snide tone?
>I have no idea what I'm talking about
Just shut up anon, saves you a ton of embarrassment
Anon is right though. There are tons of better seiyuus.
One left now, what are the top guesses again?
Watamote s2
Why? I really like Hanigare and Seiyuu Radio.
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>There are no words to describe how moved I am by the movement of overseas LOVE BULLET fans to help increase volume sales. Since the book is in Japanese, I understand that this is a collective "vote of support" for my story, and for that I'm so grateful...!
>I don't know what the future holds, but I'm going to continue working as hard as I can!!
WataYuri S2
He said none of them is a second season.
completely forgot about bad girl honestly (although it was sufficiently gay from what i read), and i have no idea what ninja and assassin is about other than them being roommates.
Okay, were we able to save it, at least for now?
didnt ask, onee chan
Depends on the publisher's expectations. What they and the author should be doing even if it gets saved for now is starting to promote it more in Japan, it's not sustainable to expect overseas fans to keep buying it.
Is it impossible to get it a mention at the end of a volume of yuri hime? Or maybe beg yuri navi to give it a recommendation, I mean, that site give recommendation to almost everything these days. Shout outs by more "mainstream" yuri outlets would do wonders for an obscure manga like it.
Surprised they chose this over KimiShinu
>be a shitty mangaka
>draw shitty manga that no one cares about
>cry online that no one cares about your shitty manga
>western palladins, who feel it's their sacred duty to support the mere presence of a tag, regardless of the content, flock in
Looks like a solid plan. The author doesn't get kicked out of the apartment for rent debt, the buyer reinforces a sense of self-importance.
They have different publishers, there isn't one that chose this over the other.
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You forgot your Satania reaction image, shitposter-kun
what? Both are in YH no?
This is the third time you've done this routine itt.
No, Hitodenashi is in Dengeki Maoh.
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dumb question. ive never used kickstarter before, are you supposed to use your real name (first or first+last?) or just your username for when youre listed in the backer credits?
Some people go by real name, some by username. If the campaign isn't asking for one specifically, you can choose either.
Attention whore. Just ignore it.
Love triangle yuri with a student and two teachers.
Wonder if this exists.
Remember that anon who claimed yuri manga would sell more if there's no English scanlation them? Well, if Love Bullet wasn't scanlated, the curent campaign wouldn't have gained much, if any, traction with overseas readers.
its common knowledge that scans help the industry, you dont need this recent development to tell you that. hell, watamote is still going and got an english release almost entirely because of english scans popularizing the series, and the duo already said as much
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Maho2 in Winter.
That's what everyone was saying against his argument but that anon was utterly convinced that everyone was wrong because he's totally the only one who knows Japanese and is the authority in the yuri industry.
Just give up anon murcielago will never get an anime adaptation.
i will settle for an OVA
Suzunari will instead!!
ShimShim will instead!
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Shuukura will save us from these dry ass seasons
Even though the author didn't write a pathetic special chapter where Sendai and Miyagi worry about their low popularity, you'll support them anyway. It's free, all the more reason to do so.
with how well it's selling in jp what we do won't matter much anyway
I bought Miyagi and Sendai-san’s story for less than 5000 yen.
I see someone isn't buying all the exclusive editions. Are you even a real fan?
I bought the first volume after seeing the campaign, then also bought a bunch of other series while I was at it. Started reading "Kimi to Shiranai Natsu ni Naru" and "Doushitara Osananajimi no Kanojo ni Naremasu ka". Any sisters got opinions on either title? I really enjoyed the first volume of both.
Why aren't you buying 6 copies per volume?
Is this the one that had an ad with the SuleMio VAs? Wonder if they'd wind up being hired for a full adaptation...
Noighd should've made a campaign for Sylph.
Sorry sisters, I bought digital.
I'm a little surprised how much more traction this one seems to have compared to Sylph.
Sylph died so Love Bullet could walk. Also, if the serialization wasn't so slow to get to the point (compared to the preserialized version), a lot of people would be more willing to support it, I feel like.
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wake up sis new asumi-chan datasheet just dropped
Sorry but it's still getting axed if it depends on sales from people outside japan, the lack of an audience definition for this series was a amateurish mistake of the publisher.
Not to hate on the manga, its a cute one if you read it monthly, but this is another typical "nothing ever fucking happens" yuri manga that is way too long for its own good. And those, unsurprisingly, never do well in anime format because even less happens in the portion of the material the anime will cover. Why the fuck do they keep adapting them? Is it the cheap animation budget?
The least they can do is give us a anime original ending where she does actually eat her and gets with the fox yaya.
Please summarize it for me.
My mom works at Vore Inc and she says there's an original ending with lesbian sex
It looks cool. I want to see it animated.
I agree it’s dragging too long.
The difference between twitter and 4chan
There hasn't been a good yuri series in 10 years, kill me
Nice, I was hoping for it but one season is too little.
Columns after the dates:who had sex with whom, in-universe time, notes, Nanao related notes.
hope the adaptation gets people on a monster girl yuri binge and they adapt Futsuu to Bakemono too. aizawa and mieruko-chan s2 wouldnt hurt either
I took a look at the Magazine's catalog and honestly there's nothing better.
We should be happy that they chose a yuri manga to adapt.
>manga full of guns
>appeal to burgers to save it
You think it would have been an obvious strategy from the start.
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what do we think of ICE
Doushitara Osananajimi no Kanojo ni Naremasu ka is great and highly recommended. Kimi to Shiranai Natsu ni Naru gets a lot more real and depressing, and I think a lot of people felt it was a bit of a let down.
I unironically think that might have something to do with it.
Acela doesn't have shit on it. Damn Euros and their investment in running railroads on more than a shoestring budget.
I can only speak for myself, but both the twitter run of Sylph and the serialization were nice but merely held the potential for becoming something special down the line once the adventure proper outside the city began. The first volume of Love Bullet meanwhile is a 10/10 which perfectly showcases what the series is about and the potential of its concept.
Thats when the editor should step in and direct the author better. Sylph had ambitions but not the skills to carry it.
What other series are in need of saving. What do we feed twitter kiddos next.
Now I want a GBC/D4DJ crossover story.
Isn't that what ruined the serialization? The original was fine but the serialized one spent too much time in the worldbullding, I guess they took the "high fantasy" thing too seriously.
The serialization handled the relationship building way better. Nothing wrong with slow burn.
I suppose that's why it got cancelled. It's a shame, but then I can't really imagine how it might have gone had it been allowed to run longer. Some successes? More failures? An actual break-up arc? As-is, even if it was rather sudden, at least it ended on a happy enough note. A rough interlude in the lives of two lovers, who at least had each other through it all, and going forward.
Because these slow burns tend to be the better/most popular thing and they want an stablished fanbase for adaptations
How many popular "fast paced" yuri that'd deliver in a single season are more popular for their publishers/magazines than the slower stories?
Despite the recent popular surge of EVs, there is still room for the technology even if moreso outside of the consumer market.
Onee-sama to Kyojin.
I played Wanting Wings last year, and now, every half a year, I found myself replaying the Rin/Fuumi route, just because of Rin's autism.
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A couple of the Storia Dash serializations just announced they would have digital only releases now, so obviously the sales aren't great there. Like I said earlier >>4292634, the Gyaru Maid series hasn't gotten nearly as much buzz as I expected in Japan. No real proof it's in trouble, however.

That said, I'm not sure it makes sense trying to run around "saving" things. What would actually help would be if people reading translations consistently threw a little money at the original works.
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It was a 2000's set of OVAs and that's all what you need to know that it was weird had some nice scenes but it wasted its potential with a dumb ending, at least you can say that it have one if the earliest examples of a violent Yaya, on a motorcycle, with rocket launchers.
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Sukeban is a fully satisfying yuri series. Not only they get together but also the story goes on after they started dating instead of just ending with the confession like many series do. It's sad it's ending but it made a good use of three volumes (though the couple of chapters with the guy friend could have been avoided).

>things isn't about hetshit at all
>somehow make it about hetshit
That guy is living rent free in your head, your shitpost is everytime way more annoying than the other retard you keep replying to.

>gun toting extremist yuri cupids gunning down others to ensure yuri wins each chapter
I would buy this.
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SasaKoi was delayed one season and that's the result we got, this was delayed a whole year.
CG monster forms with PS2 era models animated at 5 fps incoming.
I didnt even see twitter kiddos supporting EN galette.
Bunch of hypocrites with a savior complex.
explicit yuri fans are the most oppressed group. cant even get a decent adaptation
Longer delay means longer production time, dumbass.
They just wanted to polish it to the max.
Belive in yuri.
Lycoris was also delayed, by the way. Wasn't the plan for Aniplex to have 2 original shows (Lycoris and Engage Kiss) competing the same season, but production issues forced their hand (they were willing to accept because the director has a good relationship with higher ups). So, delays don't mean "shit anime" necessarily. In fact, lots of QUALITY anime are the result of not giving staff enough time and not being willing to compromise.
This is the leaked Studio Mother yuru collab, then. Not Watanare. (for context: studio Mother collabed with Asread for Arifureta S2, and they were in charge of mostly the CGI for monsters and the MC's vehicles and weapons)
>studio Mother collabed with Asread for Arifureta S2
That's bad.
So one more yuri leak remaining.
Or it was Shimeji?
About SasaKoi, the matter was replacement of director. Even it was replacement during production, which was more problematic. We can't know what was the issue Hitodenashi had.
Sugoilite said those 3 leaks are all main plot yuri, not subtext ones.
shimeji is maintext
Nah I want bang dream, love live and d4dj crossover.
It's not published as a yuri series, though. Also there's no sauce on the Shimeji adaptation.

Locodol spic dub
Knowing those dubs, they'll add jokes or yuri to the script. Possibly both.
She's slept with 15 different girls now.
This is such a boring manga, maybe with voice/ost it can be less boring.
It's a moodpiece. Give it a minimalist soundtrack, a muted color palette, and a lot of long pauses and gay sighing and you've got yourself a classic.
>available on Amazon for about ten hours today, now sold out again and currently being scalped at double the MSRP
I'll take it as a good sign.
86 more and she will beat your mom
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Season is ogre, what was your favorite canon couple?
A new thread appeared
Why are we back to this bullshit of creating new threads on page 8?
Even the previous thread before this one still has 15 slots to archival
The last two pages are so jammedpacked with threads that it's welcomed to moved a few down.
because LONG threads take a LONG time to load
>autistic stickler of imaginary rules
that's a /u/ problem, we sane people prefer new thread be created at 1k
Waiting till page 10 was a forced meme from Korra tourists
There was never any need to respect it
Not always the case, sadly. It can also mean the staff is engaged in other projects or there are some management shenanigans going on. We can hope for the best, but ultimately animators and most of the staff in the majority of studios (with some known notable exceptions) are paid for units of work, not time, so they can't just spend an arbitrary amount of time "polishing" something when they need to take on more projects to get paid.
Second arc is cute but disappointingly short on guns. They two senpais are literally doing fistfight..
Great concept but terrible ending, feels very forced to bring man back.
It's just not that good a manga, life support will only drag it so far.
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The hell. They're literally looking at yaoi.
Not gonna lie, as trashy as Satanophany is if it managed to score a good ending I can say the yuri there is pretty enjoyable.
If only the main love interest wasn't the author's punching bag.
Is it over yet? The scanslation is like a hundred chapters behind.

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