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Previous: >>4271063
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I've gotten addicted to height difference yuri.
The slippery slope of yuri: one day you're enjoying height differences and the next you're peeping in Itou Hachi"s basement window.
How common are basements in single family Japanese homes anyways? Like let's just say metropolitan Tokyo.
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You're assuming she lives in Tokyo and not out in the boonies where people don't ask questions.
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Don't you think people would notice if in a town of a few hundred people someone would notice a Itou Haci with a child that isn't hers?
It's easier to hide in cities, too many people to worry about one particular person. Serial killers understood this.

Plus you know how bizarrely luddite Japan is in some ways, I wouldn't be surprised if mangaka still have to live near one of the big cities where the publishers are. No way Hiromu Arakawa is drawing Fullmetal Alchemist or whatever the fuck from the Hokkaido cattle farms.
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Has Pokemon become a /u/ series?
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no, but it did evolve into a "give breadcrumbs to people with yuri goggles" series.
We been here through the sheer weight of the world's largest media franchise, but it's been especially active and fruitful since Sun/Moon.
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The anime from DP was already starting to show that it could at least have yuri.
Some legit crumbs in the games, anime and manga plus proper pandering with this music video and the novel it's based on: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=shZyg5VFI1Y
If there's one thing rural people like more than drinking and ignoring road rules its gossiping.
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I love age gap yuri
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>What are you doing?!
>It's too embarrassing if you do it while looking at me!

>So I should jut wait like this?
>Tch, you're so shy. That's why you're still a kid

>She's gonna go for a cheek kiss or somethi-
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>Have you calmed down...?
>Who knows
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>...Do you even know what you're saying? Aren't you just being careless?
>Eh? You just want us to be together right? (For Carmine's sake)

>...Do you like me?
>I love you!

>(You'll always react the same way no matter what. Even if I try to be as blunt as possible with my words, you still won't understand what I'm trying to say. It's so unfair that I'm the only one of the two who gets to feel this way, you need to get a grip already)
>(But I still like you...)
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>...Can I kiss you?
>H-huh?! W-where?

>...This is what I meant when I say I like you
>Is that what you meant?!

>Don't want to?
>I-it's not that I don't want to, but I'm not sure
>Then let's find out if you want to kiss or not
>W-wait a minute!
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Lesbians moving out to the rural country has been a thing since forever.
Rural housewives will smile and chat with her for hours at the Shop'N'Save even if they then go back home and gossip with the housewife next door about how she "wears pants" and is "married to her alpaca farm".
I mean 95% of characters aren't in relationships anyway; yaoi, yuri, or het
that doesn't really matter.
just mean expecting more than breadcrumbs to be goggleable is probably never going to happen. I'd love if it did and SV did have some weird dating mechanic with the teachers. World always tries to romanticize kids being in love with adults for some weird reason and no one ever seems to care or raise any eyebrows. Frankly that's just as bad as the reverse imo
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>for some weird reason
Because a lot of people experienced crushes on someone older themselves as kids.
>go back to the past
>seduce the ancestor of the terrorist that almost destroyed the world in your time to make her a lesbian
>he's erased from history
Fool-proof plan.
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peak deviantart quality.
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Grand Fest is on, go shoot things.

>Marina's setup
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Why is Marina so gay? Is she stupid?
I hope Echoes of Wisdom has some character to pair Zelda with
Maybe the Gerudo chief? Impa is a ninja in this one but also an old woman in case that's enough to stop you. Apparently Link and Zelda never met before the beginning of the game so they have no big pre-established connection.
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yeah I just hope the Gerudo chief is cute like Riju. Or for the return of Ruto and/or Malon
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>Why is Marina so gay? Is she stupid?
She's a genius-level lesbian
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Bit fruity
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>be genius who makes war weapons for your faction
>here a song and leave
>immediately see a gremlin singing in the mountains and fall for her, and she is rich and powerful
>she falls for you as you become an idol duo that is super popular
>save the world and retire from the news
>go on a world tour and help restore a bunch of people's memories
>get to be incredibly gay towards your rich gremlin gf at every opportunity
>no one cares you used to build weapons for the octarians
man marina won super hard
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If Team Present wins Pearl and Marina are gonna walk right off the stage, close the flap on that tent right next to the merch stands and fuck till it smells musty.
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>Dot still getting top billing and in her adventuring outfit on the poster for the next arc
Thank goodness.
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Next anime season has Carmine but not Kieran for some reason, so expect this.
There's no way they don't include Kieran when he's the most popular character from the game, Carmine is there and he's way more important to the story than the likes of Perrin and Briar. I'm guessing he's just not showing up right away.
The season is about Rayquaza, not Ogerpon.
That doesn't justify Carmine being there on her own. Obviously they'll reshape everyone's roles since they're also getting to Kleavor and Entei and I doubt they can slot Kitakami's story in just like they didn't do any of the base game's story while they were in Paldea, but Kieran not being there at all would feel odd, especially when he also gets interested in Terapagos who will be right there with Liko the whole time.
It's a new story rather than one focused on sticking close to the game, so the characters that appear are whatever the production staff feels like. The fact that Kieran isn't there only tells me that he will have a dedicated season where he'll have top billing later, because there's no fucking way they wouldn't include him in the promotional poster if he did appear in the Rayquaza one.
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>Kieran when he's the most popular character from the game

Probably cause Kieran's one of the only characters in the entire franchise with anything even resembling an arc while nearly everyone else is more so a pretty design on a one-dimensional cardboard cutout made for people to make fanart of, especially the silent protagonists.
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The straight girls like him, naturally. He's got the "uwu soft boy who gets bullied by big sister" angle; the "got bullied into being an edgy incel but I can fix him" angle; and the antagonism with Drayton, for the yaoi fans too basic to ship Hassel/Brassius. The people who feel bad that they can't give him Ogerpon, as though she didn't make her own goddamn choice.
Annoying "friend" character to edgy rival?
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is this behavior worrying?
Damn not even going to wait until the ride home?
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>has low str growth

They screwed up. Fucking Sakura has more base str growth.
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Damn maybe in splat 4
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I'm glad Present didn't win to be honest, by far the most boring choice in terms of it impacting Splatoon 4's direction. Past could be great.
They making their private jet experience horrifying turbulence in clear skies.
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I do wonder how Past is going to affect splat 4's story
I mean s0latoon 3 was hardly chaotic. We got the hub and the first world for the main campaign before it became metro underground 2.0
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You can really tell when someone is or isn't a footfag
ah yes, I too normally think about flags when with my lover
I forgot Ann existed.
I would've preferred her to be a main character to Dot. Dot is pretty ugly
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This happened, I saw it.
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Close enough.
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Callie and Marie become ultra trad RETVRN chuds who talk about how Octarians are turning the fish straight.
Open-toed boots and gladiator sandals should be normalized in women's designs.
I was talking about the complete lack of detail and blurriness of the toes
Worst case scenario we get dumped back in Inkopolis Plaza. Best case scenario city pop and analog media aesthetics. Maybe they pick a western city again for the hub and it's in Piccadilly Circus or the Champs-Elysees(or whatever the fuck the Splatoon universe version of Paris is since they've been so contradictory about it) or something in the US again like Rodeo Drive or Michigan Avenue. Feels like no matter what happened Callie and Marie are always going to be the hero mode idols either way.
That said nobody at Nintendo HQ is going to ignore Off the Hook getting something like 57% of the vote. Pearl and Marina will be off on another world tour up until they have to recruit Agent 8 again who's taking a vacation from standing guard outside their various hotel suites to stop the salmonids from waking up the Splatoon universe of Dagon. Who makes trap music. Also Deep Cut is there too I guess.
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Why didn't we get loads of Merrin content?
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It sounds kind of insane, but Merrin is so obviously designed as a cool princely type that I think it may have genuinely put off some artists.
I also feel like the whole princely archetype doesn't work as well in a mixed gender scenario. I typically see that they're fawned over because they're the closest thing the characters can get to a guy. I'm sure that has a real world effect to. "Why ship with a boyish girl when I can just ship with a boy?" At that point you just have the yuri fans left and that's dependent on them liking the prince archetype
this work is gold
>Also Deep Cut is there too I guess
I'd genuinely be surprised if they made a real appearance in the next game. Although sometimes it feels like the Splatoon team kind of just wanted to focus on Shiver and Frye.
Zelda and Riju

Juliana and Nemona with Carmine.
are you blind or what
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You guys are overthinking it. All the Merrin art has been commissions(also ignoring >>4293724 doesn't involve Merrin anyway).

We don't have any real point of reference on this point just cause
>cool 'androgynous' prince-type girls aren't super common in FE in general so we have no idea how they'd carry their weight in an FE doing 3H numbers
>Engage just wasn't getting a lot of art anyway so nothing outside of specific commissioner autism was going to make any kind of motions anyway
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remember: cousins aren't weird in Japan
Daisy should be monochrome
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Damn, ignored.
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Is that Scarlet? Did somebody forcibly give her twintails?
She changed her hairstyle to look more fashionable since she was to appear on Iono's livestream. She also started talking like her despite remaining autistically deadpan.
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>silhouettes look like they're kissing
>flood of likes
>It's going viral! It's going viral!
Kek. Kinda surprised to see this in Pokespe when Yamamoto has always pushed only straight pairings before. He could've easily had the male MC travel with Nemona and the feMC with Arven.
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rare pair
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Is Anna secretly the horniest of the Juliana variants?
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How could Dendra cheat on her wife with that harlot?
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Nah, in the dlc Tulip blatantly tries to get them together, and Dendra and Miriam end up agreeing to a "sandwich date."
Dendra sandwiched between Miriam and Tulip.
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A classic honestly.
I still can't believe how hard gay they went with Pearl and Marina ij Splatoon 3, it was always a popular ship but still just subtext in 2 but they did everything short of start devouring each other's pussies live on stage in 3.
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>subtext in 2

That's more Treehouse's problem since for whatever reason they decided Pearl and Marina should be Squid Sisters 2.0 instead of the immature and myopic senpai/adoring kouhai gag dynamic, and outright scrubbed a lot of Marina's gayer lines even as late as Splatoon 3's promo material. The only real difference between 2 and 3 is Pearl gets more opportunities to reciprocate, e.g. part of Suffer No Fools is her just talking about how great Marina is while she's draped over Pearl.
Octo Expansion is a full of Pearlina
They're so canon that it does not ever need to be stated. Like Mario and Peach, there has never been an official qualification of their relationship but everyone understands it.
This art is wild, Marina being that blatantly draped over Pearl with the hand on the leg is way more than I would normally expect from "family friendly" Nintendo.
That's not true, Peach rejected Mario's advances in Odyssey.
Anon just because she rejected his advances once doesn't automatically mean she isn't interested in him period
Fact: Princess Peach is a lesbian.
It doesn't mean she's interested in him either, in fact it tips the scales in the opposite direction. Royalty like her isn't going to settle for a portly blue collar manlet, she's expected to have standards. And just cause he saves her from Bowser doesn't mean much, it's like if you were expected to fall for the firefighter who rescued you from a house fire.
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You're reading too much into a franchise that's been hypercurated to not change its status quo too much for the sake of not locking people out. Mario was just acting like a jackass because he really just wanted one more win over Bowser and Peach got mad about it. Nobody was gonna be responsible for putting that kind of weight on the franchise, the primus inter pares of Nintendo's A-listers.
If Nintendo picked any of its popular yuri couples from Pokemon, Splatoon, Fire Emblem, Metroid somehow, and put out couple-themed merch the way they put out all kinds of Mario/Peach themed stuff from that pizza up to that fucking legally binding Japanese marriage license and they threw the wedding art as a digestif after the fact, /u/ would be doing somersaults.
Usually not one to shit on people's dreams but there isn't a chance in fucking hell Nintendo will ever make Peach a lesbian lmao
Why would you even want silly retcons on long-established characters anyway?
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I love him but any girls attracted to Mario have a terminal case of heterosexuality
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