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A thread about all things Heaven Burns Red!
Game: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1973710/

English database for event schedules, styles, gacha & enemy stats etc.: https://hbr.quest/
HBR play order guide for beginners (made by /u/ anons) https://pst.innomi.net/paste/mazrtfqqkjb9yvq4q9jfo7vb
Main Story EN subbed by defenselessperson (Prologue, Chapter 1 & 2): https://youtu.be/iYgk2QsNu74
Main Story and Event Stories EN subbed by FLEreverse (Prologue, Chapter 1, 2, 3, 4.1, 4.2 + Mari, Ichigo, Kura, Iroha, Irene and Swimsuit 3 events + AB collabs + Bond episodes) https://www.youtube.com/@seraph1305
U140 event EN subbed: https://youtu.be/KUVLZCdk4I0

JP/general info:
Reroll Guide: https://game8.jp/heavenburnsred/425645
Style Tier List: https://game8.jp/heavenburnsred/425643
All SheIsLegend songs full versions: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKIr2ayXySvD5RjLRZORDzg

Previous thread >>4267563
Time for another Heaven Burns Thread, where you calm down after all the anniversary trek.

Maki's even rolled in and brought us a potential new mainstay ship with MakiChiro. HBR knows how to introduce new ships with some pizaz!

Master Skills have been added to the game, giving people even more reasons to grind put stamps and put more attention to their favorite characters. MeguTama got a special electrocution fetish interaction, proving that their bedroom dynamics are settled.

HisaIno got a pair style and a really gay memory episode to top off the yuri high.

Let's hope the next event will be even gayer!
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InoriMaki shippers are starting to share.
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The accursed fish that has been making Meguminfags suffer.
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I FINALLY finished updating the paste for the content order. ALL memory episode requirements are now listed.
From now on I will only have to add some occasionally as they come out, thank Madokami....
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>thank Madokami
What? That's the only goddess worth invoking.
Didn't see one for this month.
>that has been making Meguminfags suffer.
I kinda doubt the "nooo don't make me play a simple minigame for a short period of time, I'm going insane" anon is a Megumifag, most of them probably got it normally when playing the chapter.
Twas just a joke. Although I have seen enough people on social media talk about how they had to grind hard to get the fish for the Master skill, so I can only assume a lot of people did not try to fish at all during the main chapter.
Kinda weird, because I assumed the items you can buy at the dome shop were actually pretty good.
I agree but I'm just surprised that other people say this.
...this is /u/. That has been a running gag on here for over a literal decade.
Oh. Sowwy.
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How canonically gay is this game? Tempted to pick it up.
Strong subtext almost maintext. Stronger than Hoshitele but weaker than early Adashima (or if you have other titles in mind to campare to tell us).
That makes sense. Thanks anon. I will give it a try tonight
I'm not sure what that other anon is on about, but it's a slowburn thing for most pairings. There are some openly gay girls though and even one with an explicit harem, so it's not just vague subtext.
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>weaker than early AdaShima
How? Early AdaShima was Adachi at most one-sidedly crushing on Shimamura and not much happening. In HBR we up to full on confession territory and very open flirting (+ everything Shiki related).
My fucking god it's gonna be a difficult talk again isn't it?
Her "harem" might as well be a mark in the notebook. Faceless, useless, more of a decoration.
>In HBR we up to full on confession territory
ORLY? Where? Everything falls into deniability territory. Even THAT scene was designed with that in mind. Therefore subtext.

Meanwhile in Adashima we had dreams of kissing your "friend", declarations of love(not ambiguous), dates.
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It might be a difficult talk when I have to talk to someone who hasn't actually played most of the game...
>ORLY? Where?
1. Yukki, literally everything since chapter 4.1, but especially 5.1. And she straight up had an entire confession scene and tirade in the new swimsuit event. It doesn't matter if everyone fogot it afterwards, those were her geniune feelings. We know she is in love with Ruka, no buts. Ruka is less than subtle about her own feelings, but with Yukki it's just text by now, not subtext.
2. Kura's feelings for Tsukishiro are text. They are not in plausible deniability territory. Her entire character arc is centered around it for crying out loud...
3. Shiki straight up fucks women and dates them. You can make whatever deflections you want, this is just a textual fact. Yuri is yuri even if it's lots of shallow relationships.
4. Isuzu's crush on her Ichiko, while comedically extreme, is anything but platonic or subtext. Her second memory episode just spelled it out.
5. Sharo's love for Ruka is very intentionally and openly romantic. Just because she has no chance with Ruka doesn't somehow make this subtext. Sharo has openly confessed her love for Ruka and continues to pursue her.

That's not even mentioning other obvious crushes like Miya's on Yuina or Ichigo's on Aoi. Sure a lot of pairings we like are ultimately just subtext like Amari, AkaMisa or HisaIno, but having so many explicit lesbians and romantic crushes in the game already elevates it far above anything early AdaShima provided. Literally every girl and woman at this base is gay. You have NPCs confessing their love to Maria, Shiki and Seira. You got scenes where a yandere NPC asks for advice on how to stalk the girl she loves... yuri is so ingrained into the game that it is impossible to ignore.

If you are in denial about this I would tell you to pay more attention.
Ruka outright says she's a lesbian near the beginning of the game.
En route to their first military operation, Yuki literally half jokingly says to Ruka, "let's get married if we survive this".

Consistently, everyone else treats Ruka x Yuki as a couple.

At the end of Chapter 3, when Yuki and Ruka were making up after arguing over the plan to investigate Aegis Tower, Yuki outright said "I don't know what I'd do without you if you died", it's really lovey dovey

Also chapter 3, Kura-senpai tells both Ruka and then Tsukishiro-senpai that she's in love with Tsukishiro-senpai

This game is absolutely 199% gay
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Possessive Ichigo locking Aoi up out of fear of losing her.
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You're gonna burn alright.
I don't really like this artist much. All their works look the same.
All YOUR art looks the same ya fucking slut.
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Isee. That makes sense, a mobile game board should in theory be about all kinds of mobile games after all. And China makes most of them these days. Gacha attracts weebs I guess.
>This time we rolled this type.
It's like Russian roullette except all chambers are full.
Wow, that's the first time I saw someone naturally get the Bad End for chapter 5... And she is even someone who plays story accurate and all. Guess there is always a chance to miss something.
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Pre-registration for EN has started.
No thanks.
Registration for what? The beta?
Are they seriously advertising Free Ruka as a registration reward? The style you literally unlock by doing basic missions?
Release, it has the special rewards counter like other servers had. They will probably announce the beta separately if they have a public one.
Free Ruka was a registration reward on JP too. You can unlock her by doing basic missions, because JP reached her reward at the time.
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Oh wow.... what a dream reward. I guess her ult is ok.
It's largely to give players an SS that has some sort of healing. We obviously have tons of healing options now, but back then you HAD to get SS Tama with S Tama to have good healing on a char that can live (and Seira SS to deal damage..).

I'd assume they won't be so stupid and start with HBR release styles only and even IF they did, surely they won't have the pre-nerf ch3, the release level caps and so on... r-right?
I mean that's just how attackers are. If they had a healer, defender, or debuffer as a reward, it might have been a more useful style in the long run.
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Well I don't mean any offense, but the English only playerbase deserves to have bad promotional rewards since they can't read Japanese. They should have to pay money and do the gacha. Also they shouldn't do the difficulty nerf. That way ebin gamers like 4290037 get their moneys worth instead of bragging about not being able to read Japanese like he did when he failed to answer a question about a game item and then got all pissy when he was told he answered the question wrong.
Can you just stop sperging about your burning asshole and start talking about something you like instead? It's really not interesting, nobody wants to read this shit.
You can put on an act, but you are still the same troll who got deleted several times now. Get you "cant speak Japanese" obssession out of this thread.
Guys, remember, report and move on.
Sorry, I just found it ridiculous that this person who claims to be all about gameplay misunderstood that I was talking about a specific item that couldn't be upgraded. The only way you can misunderstand in that specific way is if you can't read Japanese. I even described what the item did in English and they still got it wrong.
It's disingenuous and unhelpful and I think people like that should have some humility.
I'll drop it now.
You are lying out of your ass and have brought it up repeatedly for no reason. You are the problem.
Sorry that your brain translated the word "chain" into the word "gear" and sorry that you felt embarrassed after telling me to upgrade an unupgradeable chain instead of being able to help. But I think it's best we let this topic rest.
>I'd assume they won't be so stupid and start with HBR release styles only and even IF they did, surely they won't have the pre-nerf ch3, the release level caps and so on... r-right?
They will probably start similar to CN. CN start was like
>Gacha: Late 2022, just before Tama and Seira
>Story: Chapter 3 available with 4.1 releasing 2 months after the release
>Events: 1st anni
Anon, gear is just basic gaming slang referring to equipable items, are you retarded?
Seriously, why is your entire trolling strategy just to lie about thing we can all see in the archives?
1. Nobody ever claimed to be "all about gameplay", you made that up.
2. You just vaguely described a random piece of equipment. I don't remember the entire list of all items in the game and why should I? I told you that gear can either be transmuted or sold. This one can only be sold. No other informationw as necessary.
3. I didnt mix up any words. The chains ARE gear. I just answered a vague question with general advice.
4. If you could read Japanese you would be able to tell what all the menus say and could have figured out yourself that there is nothing else to do with that chain, EOP.

Now that I undeniably tore your bait apart, I better hope you don't try this shit again.
The chains aren't upgradeable, I figured that out after consulting a Japanese hbr wiki after you failed to answer the question. I tend to miss a lot of things so I was thinking there's no way they expect us to sell these extra chains back for 6k each, so I was wondering what could be done with the chains beyond just that, if there was something I missed. But you told me to upgrade them, when I had already implied that these were extra items.
And yeah, you don't remember the names of random items because you can't even read them, so that's why the word chain wasn't specific enough for you. But it's fine and good now, I learned that this isn't a reliable place to discuss gameplay because people like you take pride in just clicking buttons and skipping all the windows with weird Chinese letters on them without knowing what any of them say or mean.
You didnt need a wiki for that, unless you are mentally challenged which becomes more obvious with each of your posts.
There are several dozen pieces of equipment in the game and nobody bothers memorizing them. You didn't even have a good enough grasp on it to mention the actual name of the chain until you were asked to clarify. Does this mean you can't read Japanese? Very likely.
I mean there's only one chain that gives +3 SP at the start of battle and +1 to element skill count, but you do you I guess.
And nobody memorizes it, least of all you. Really bad cop-out.
I memorize them because it's useful information. That way I can equip the right elemental bracelets so that normals are more effective and so that I don't accidentally equip a Dark element chain to a character with Water skills and no Dark skills.
These are just the basics of gaming, not a cop-out.
>>Events: 1st anni
So did they start with Angel Beats then?
You didn't memorize it. You had to awkwardly describe its effects instead of just typing the name of the chain, which means you couldn't remember it. Whoops.
I did memorize it, I translated it because I don't expect people like you to be able to understand words like 火の加護のチェーン and I was hoping my effort would have been enough for you to understand, but you gave a generic answer because you didn't know what I was talking about. How shameful..
They did, I think it's pretty popular in China, so it made sense for them. No idea if EN will do the same.
>didn't write the item's actual name
>I w-was just being vauge so y-you could better understand
Angel Beats is well known internationally too. Key has also officially translated most of their catalogue in the West by now, so people are fairly familiar with both AB and Maeda's works. That's who Yostar is appealing to in the first place, considering what the first EN trailer is like (half of it is just showing off all of Maeda's previous works).
Sorry, but there's only one item in the game that gives +3 SP to (class) at the start of battle and +1 to elemental skill count. But I guess that's not specific enough for you to understand I was referring to the only item series that fits this description. Kyaha.
You can try to wind your way out of this all you want, but nobody keeps track of all items, so no matter how many times you say there is only one item which does that, you avoided using its name, which under your assumption that people must obviously know all the items names, means that you avoided using the easier way to identify it.
It almost seems like you didnt remember the chain's name, vaguely asked about it from the effects you remembered and when someone gave you sound, correct general advice (that items can either be transmuted or sold, nothing else) you threw a hissyfit, among other reason because you English is bad and you didn't know what gear refered to.
So you pathetically crawled to a JP wiki only to find out that the advice was correct and you felt even more like a loser, so now you are lashing out lmao
So you could have just said Sorry, I don't remember what all of the items do so I can't answer your question, instead of this:

Me: "Hi I have extra Chains (チェーン), what should I do with them? They're the ones that give +3SP and +1 skill use"
You: "Yeah just upgrade your gear bro. No need to thank me."
Me: "..."
You: "How dare you be ungrateful?!"
You were told that you can transmute gear or sell it. Those are the only two options in the game to deal with any gear. The fact that you threw a hissyfit, repeatedly made some insane claims about everyone being EOPs because you didnt understand the response and then started spamming after you BS was deleted shows that you have zero coherence and are just mad.
So take your "bro" shit out of this /u/ thread and go to /vmg/'s thread which is full of gameplay obssessed weirdoes who will gladly memorize random gear with you.
I'm not mad, you genuinely couldn't answer my question because you have no idea what anything does in this game because it's not in a language you are able to read. I just wanted to make you aware of that so that maybe you could consider learning the language instead of embarrassing yourself.
See you.
Friendly reminder people can enjoy games the way they want to and most of us are here for gay girls. No one cares about gear.
Wow last I looked it was at 2700 and now its already at 6k.
Is there any cut-off date? Their 150k barrier is quite high.
It's not even about gear, the anon is upset that they got a generic answer to the question instead of the entire thread rushing to kiss their ass. Like, they're not even entitled to get a reply at all, but they've been seething for 2 days now because the answer they got wasn't good enough for them.
>Is there any cut-off date?
Probably until the release? That's how the other servers did it, I think.
How far ahead did those servers start this? I really just want to predict the release for the EN server.
For CN it's been around 5 months. I don't remember how KR and TW did it, it was a long time ago.
Ugh... now I fear that it really will come out during the 3rd anniversary.
Checked the old tweets, KR/TW started in December and launched in February, so only 2 months.
I'm not sure it's a good example though, they're managed by WFS, so it's much easier for them. They immediately started with real news and even had streams instead of doing the "let's reveal character profiles for months" thing that CN did and EN is doing now.
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If they release an Isuzu event next week and mess it up I'm gonna write my own one... with blackjack and hookers!
>half of it is just showing off all of Maeda's previous works
The Japanese first trailer had the same sequence. That trailer made me introduce the game to /u/.
Why? Nothing in that trailer hints at yuri.
It looked like an all girls game with a non-self-insert MC. Even a possibility of yuri written by Key made me exited.
The original trailer also had a couple of VN sections with the main couple.
In retrospect that is all true, but back then I'd have seen that as a bit of a reach. I mean Ruka and Yukki appearing in the trailer on the same screen for 5 seconds is a bit weak to consider something on topic. I think you can do that for every gacha trailer.
I certainly wasn't sure but Key's taught me how to dream.
>I think you can do that for every gacha trailer.
Ruka had that MC energy from the start.
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It's actually quite vexing to me how a lot of these gacha and het harem games tend to hide the male MC and focus hard on the waifus in their posters, trailers and teasers. It turned me too suspicious of everything I see.
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so we're basically Ultramen from the Land of Light, but instead of the human host becoming us, it's the opposite.
Kill yourself or use spoiler tags, preferably the former
are y'all not up to date to the main story?
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ch.5 namek here we go...
>it's a curren-chan chapter
I sleep...
>going from >>4290588 to >>4290605 in a hour
Did you just skip all the story parts or what?
Which part?
the part where Ruka got eaten by a black cancer?
where we played as Yukki for 1 day?
where Yukki did some cool platform jumping sequence before the boss fight?
where Yukki gave Ruka CPR and Ruka made fun of her for that the day after?
where Ruka went back to the memory world to meet her mom one last time?
The part where characters actually talk. These parts are quite long when you don't skip skip skip them.
I skip all the padding yapping that aren't 31A or tezuka shirei
These kids are zoomers and genalphas who have no patience to learn Japanese. Why are you surprised that they skip everything?
I can read japanese THOUGH
For fucks sake... THREE trolls in one go? Why can't these fuckers stay on /vmg/?
No, we don't hide use spoiler tags for shit from 6 months ago.
No, people who skip shit aren't welcome here.
No, the worthless bastard with his shitty can't read Japanese bait doesn't belong here.

This clean-up is such a pain.
Why's everyone ITT so assmad? stop with the antagonistic and anti-social behavior.
Most of the posts that are clearly trying to start fights are trolls, not actual people from this thread.
We didn't have any of these freaks during the second anniversary times, all of you popped up after the global announcement.

I implore everyone here who likes to start shit, who doesn't actually care about the story, who doesn't care about yuri or who just wants to annoy people: Go to the /vmg/ thread. It is full of combative people who mostly care only about the gameplay and gacha and that board is used to constant troll fighting.
/u/ is supposed to be a board where people actually care.
Why would they go anywhere else if they keep getting reactions here? And stop sending them to /vmg/. I don't want them there either.
You could always report them and help clean this up.
>don't send them to /vmg/
Better there than here. Or start a HBR thread on /jp/ and see if you can exile them there.
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In better news, they already reached 20k registrations. Not bad for a day.
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The more art like this I see, the more I like the HisaIno school AU.
don't be a dick. we're all fans of the game here.
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"Fans" whose only purpose here is to constantly shit on people for their imaginary "everyone is an EOP" agenda don't belong here.
"Fans" who intentionally skip most of the game's content aren't actual fans.
"Fans" who tell other "fans" to kill themselves because they post 7 months old content aren't tolerated here.

Please understand that playing a game does not automatically make you compatible with its community. It's odd to me that you would call me a dick over this and not those people who very clearly have ill intentions.
I'd even take the negative Nancies who can only ever complain about everything in the game over someone like the trolls in question.
>"Fans" whose only purpose here is to constantly shit on people for their imaginary "everyone is an EOP" agenda don't belong here.
>"Fans" who intentionally skip most of the game's content aren't actual fans.
>"Fans" who tell other "fans" to kill themselves because they post 7 months old content aren't tolerated here.
everyone you dislike is me, 1 person, yeah sure.
What are you even talking about...? I pretty obviously said there are THREE trolls involved here. You're the one who used "we" to include the entire thread.
"troll" just means whatever you dislike. get a grip.
It's like I'm on gamefaqs, and not 4chan with so much crying "troll troll troll!!!" over every little thing.
You get a grip. Explain to me how someone telling other people to kill themselves over posting old content or constatnly and unprovoked try to call everyone EOPs to upset them aren't obviously trolls.
You can substitute the term for shitposter or asshole if you want. Regardless they don't belong here.
ok schizo, but none of them was me
Considering you are trying this hard to antagonize me and constantly ignore all arguments I make I'm pretty sure you are well on your way to being a shitposter yourself by now.
However I didn't say you were any of them. Why do you keep trying to make this about you? You came to me saying I'm a dick for saying those shitposters aren't welcomed. And for no reason whatsoever you keep acting like you are being treated as part of that group.

If you are as sensible as you pretend you wouldn't call others schizos over something so trivial. Consider carefully how you act before you attack people.
Holy shit get a fucking mirror. YOU are the one who's antagonizing others for not having the same mindset as you, asshole.
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I will try to be as cooperative here as I can possibly be and give you a chance to explain yourself.
Why do you think it is an okay minsdet to tell people to kill themselves over trivialities, in a way nobody ever does in the same scenario?
Why do you think that off-topic aggression and constant insults towards people for imaginary "slights" like not being able to read Japanese are acceptable on an English board?

The only possible leeway I can give you here is that someone who skips everything in a game except for the tiny parts they care about are technically not doing anything harmful to the thread.

Explain to me why it was justified to attack me over calling these people out, but none of you saw it necessary to scold those anons. I want to understand your incredibly skewed thought process on this.
ok. you're really annoying, so whatever. didn't read your post by the way.
Its 4chan retard, maybe try facebook or somewhere with other thin skinned tumblrinas like you if you want a hugbox and group jacking off type shit
Or just have some common courtesy and don't spoil shit or rp as a moderator, get off your high horse.
Every time you open your mouth you're just being an asshole to people, but you can't take it when people do it back huh?
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>pretends to be another anon but can't even imitate his posting style
>can't find anything to twist or exploit in the post
>"I-I didn't actually read it and y-you're annoying!!"

>you are thin skinned for not being okay with all that shitposting, but let me attack you because you annoy me by not happily taking that shitposting
>how dare you spoil shit, it should be common courtesy not to do that!
>doesn't see the irony
Something was bothering me about this page yesterday, but I couldn't figure out what it was. Now I realized. There's literally nothing on this page that explains what the game is even about. Not even the basic synopsis, the genre, the developers, the characters. I remember when the CN page was posted there, it actually had the story description, the personalities behind the project, the PV and 31A profiles there. This page is basically a pre-registration for whatever the fuck, you need to google it yourself.
When I first came to this thread all I saw was you being all ugh its such a pain to discuss this game with retards, ugh its such a pain that blah blablah, just constant bitching, then you larp as a 4chan moderator and have massive mood swings
Maybe you need a break from the internet buddy, you hate everything so much that you forgot that everyone's shit stinks, even your own
yeah everyone is the same person.
When is 5-2?
My uncle's third mom works at wfs and it's coming out in a couple days once the bugs get smoothed out
Cope: next month, they will totally announce it next stream.
Hope: late November/December.
Okay, I guess: 3rd anni.
What the fuck is this shit: somewhere after 3rd anni.
But anon, this is just the registration page. The actual summary page is on Yostar's website too.
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>people literally only post hateful comments
>how dare you hate those hateful comments, I hate you for that!

>post literally points out that two anons are not the same person
>tries to do a "not everyone is the same person" retort anyway
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>muh hateful comments
December is the earliest date that makes sense, but they would have to announce it pretty soon then.
3rd anni is the most likely by now, which is really annoying, because an entire year is the bar we hadn't reached until now.
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>throws a hissyfit over someone making negative comments about negative comments, proving he is actually even more thin skinned again
First month on 4chan? Well whatever, welcome to our website I guess.
I seriously don't think you understand how hard your little narrative here fails. You are the one who is constantly upset that someone would say something you don't like while simultaneously calling other thin skinned. Are you saying it's a feature of 4chan for you to be a hypocrite? That's hilarious.
I don't really tend to give trolls serious thought. Sorry if you don't like it.
You really prove how little you care by constantly replying... What a waste of time. No more feedings for you.
Run along now. Tumblr awaits your return.
He'd just invite more of his friends to here after the global release.
Damn it, I didn't consider that.
>But anon, this is just the registration page.
That's what I'm talking about, it's the main website for the EN and this is just the registration page. When any other server went prereg, they had a limited main website that actually explained what the game was about and a prereg page, but EN started with a prereg page only, it's kinda strange.
They have it on their main page.
As for the other stuff, they link to the official youtube and xitter accounts, which have all that.
Okay? Just so you understand this is how JP prereg was
An actual site that sells you the game, barely different from what they ended up with. You can see who made this game, what is it about, watch the PV, check the screenshots and main characters, then go and prereg.
CN used the same system this year
The prereg bonuses are more in your face, but the general structure is still the same.
EN is only this
Only if you go to the publisher's website and check the news, not even the dedicated page, but the news, can you find out what the hell they are asking you to pre-register for.
>Hisame ice style is now top of Tier 1, almost Tier 0
What the heck did I miss? Didn't the numberfags claim she was bad?
What do you mean by this? Elemental removal being the same tier as normal debuffers instead of tier 0 means she's bad.
She is as close to Tier 0 as it gets, even though anons here literally acted like she was unusable and wouldn't fit into any meta comp.
>only if you got to the publisher website and
No. There are links to the youtube and xitter, which have videos and bios that explain that stuff too.
Obviously I agree that a full page would be more convenient, but what I'm disputing is that people would somehow be too stupid to find out what the game is about with all thr abailable options.
>Elemental removal being the same tier as normal debuffers instead of tier 0 means she's bad
They put Slutkasa in the same tier before and changed their mind over time. If Hisame is already considered this good right now I bet in a few months she will be treated as Tier 0.
She isn't bad, she's still an elemental weakness creator, though nowadays off-elemental play isn't useful due to the -60% damage you deal. And even for newer players critical piercing is better. Still, it's not completely terrible.

It's not exactly needed over what else exists. Tier lists of HBR have been pretty bad anyways, but if you are a newer player I'd say tier 1 is kinda okay.. if you have other ice styles. Personally I'd say tier 2, but eh.
She's either tier 1 or tier 0, close or not, and they put her in tier 1 for a reason.
No one said she's unusable, an elemental removal can't be unusable on a conceptual level, it's just that good. She's just weak at things that made other removers so strong.
Her ult additional effect is a normal aoe debuff, which is the weakest, least impactful and desirable effect you can get there. Sharo has fragile, Tsukasa has multi-hit, these are strong effects you want to have in your comp. You can remove Hisame's normal debuff and her damage multiplier will barely change.
Her plus turn SP gimmick isn't very good and makes her slow. While Sharo can just borrow SP whenever she wants and Tsukasa has your normal tempo buffer ult, Hisame needs around 30SP to double ult. That's slow. You want your elemental removal unit to be as fast and convenient as possible, so that she can be used in a wide variety of scenarios, and Hisame can't provide that.
She's more dependent on other units. Sharo and Tsukasa are comp-defining, you got them, you already won thunder and dark. Hisame isn't like that, she's just a random piece, you still need everything ice in the world. And they really want you to have unison Yuina with her +turn skills and Miya or some other debuffer with fragile, while Sharo&Tsukasa are the units you want for the others instead.
Overall, she's just underwhelming in comparison. If Sharo and Tsukasa weren't as broken as they were, nobody would say anything bad about her, but they exist and she's not like them.
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Speaking of tiers, I wonder how master skills will affect these. They put SS1 Aoi above Waitress Aoi, so I think that means the tiers do not consider transferable ults. So would they consider a extremely hard to unlock special skill?

I've seen a lot of people experiment with Kura's rice field lately and it seems to be very good especially in combination with non-elemental pierce skills. This is a completely new direction of non-elemental gameplay that might actually be an interesting alternative.
I don't know if I'd call it interesting. People weren't expecting non-elemental fields, because the whole piercing crit balance is based on them being strong and easy to use, but not having fields, elemental debuffs, and all that jazz. If they get all that, they will quickly become superior to any element.
Gacha and even normal RPGs are in an eternal arms race I suppose. You get new tools, the enemy gets new counters, rinse and repeat. If pierce seems strong now it might not be in the future again.

Though I have to admit, when I saw a new player one-shot RedCrimson with one SS2 Irene ult, without buffs, without even having her be overleveld... I retched a little.
>Though I have to admit, when I saw a new player one-shot RedCrimson with one SS2 Irene ult, without buffs, without even having her be overleveld..
Yeah, it's stupid. It's just another example of, I don't know, let's call it a "wfs moment". They love to either stack the effect beyond belief until it's too much, or release something so clearly in need of buffs that you would wonder why the fuck it is that way in the place. You have this piercing effect that gives a unit a crazy vulnerability multiplier, higher than you get from natural and especially created ones. Why did they gave them a guranteed crit too? Just... why?
>Speaking of tiers, I wonder how master skills will affect these.
Of the ones that we already have, I feel like Kura is the only one that really has an impact, because you can use it for non-elemental or elemental if you don't have a field. But her styles aren't that great, and they can easily start making bosses cast shit fields first turn if they want to nerf it.
Ruka is super boring, please give her anything else or add a 2nd effect. Stats are good, but the average player won't even feel like they got an actual skill, she will just get a bit tankier and stronger. And if you have higher LBs on her styles, you hit diminishing returns on the stats, so your character's skill get nerfed for liking the character.
Megumi's is better than people think, but still underwhelming, just buff it now, don't wait a year. Her skill is "balanced" by the game's standards for SP skills, but these skills are for characterfags, we don't want balance, we want fun. Make it stronger, make it more fun.
Ichigo's skill is the worst, I think. It's great when you need it, but how often do you really need it? How many situations are there where only Ichigo is broken and her self-healing would actually make the difference? Usually you're either fine, or you're getting so shit blasted by the cancer who doesn't like you not being a whale, Ichigo alone wouldn't help.
Bungo's <50% DP requirement makes her skill a meme. It's very good otherwise, but that requirement makes it an inconsistent pain in the ass to use, just a lore thing.
Muua is very good, but also whatever? It's very good to have, free SP go brrrr, but will it make an actual difference for your gameplay? Probably not, it's just very nice to have. I can't call it boring because it suits her personality perfectly and is funny, but it's kinda is boring.
Risa's skill seems ok. But if you don't use her now, you won't use her because of this skill. Maybe her future better styles can benefit from it? We'll see.
Considering I use both Muua and Risa in different teams all the time, I think any skil like their is definitely a nice bonus. Especially with Muua, I actually eat through SP a lot due to using both her SS1 and SS2 ult.
>Ichigo's skill is the worst, I think
To be honest I find myself in the situation where Ichigo is broken and I can't set up her multihit buff safely a lot more than I would like to, so her getting a free revive is actually strangely good.
I still havent seen a single video of someone using it, so I guess it's up to me to get it myself lol
>To be honest I find myself in the situation where Ichigo is broken and I can't set up her multihit buff safely a lot more than I would like to
Then they made this skill for you. It would be funny if they have actual stats about Ichigo being one of the characters who gets broken the most or something like that, and that's why they gave her that skill.
Do you think they will bring back the timed turn gimmick from the Razing Eclipse fight for future bosses? I think that was my favorite mechanic in the game until now.
I know they want to give every boss a unique gimmick, but still. That mechanic is so cool.
If they knew they were going to hold this master skill gacha, they could have buffed Risa's and Megumi's SS1s in that half-anni batch, maybe Ichigo too.
They already tried buffing Megumi and Ichigo in the tower and their ults were still subpar. Clearly they have some kind of aversion to it.
>They already tried
I wouldn't call it trying, both of these tower upgrades were basically "here's something, now fuck off".
I don't even know what the problem was with Ichigo, that style is so easy to buff in so many ways to make it more usable, and they just didn't. It's like they deliberately refused to improve it.
And Megumi SS1 is a mystery to me. The devs know that stuns as a mechanic didn't work out the way they thought it would. Two years ago they already knew. Why is it still like that? Why is there a character that has 2 ults that do nothing?
Megumin's ults dont properly stun though. The only way they would be worthwhile is if they did guaranteed stuns, which they don't.
I can understand their reluctance to make stuns work. If you make the effort to completely rework the mechanic around guranteed stuns, you can accidentally make it broken instead, or fail and make it useless again. For such old styles, they may not want to bother.
But they should still fix the skills instead of letting them rot. It's actually very easy. Just give it a second effect that's useful regardless of whether it stuns or not. OD generation, some debuff, field, anything. So you can press the skill and get something out of it instead of just sadness. Or, if they don't want to buff things too much, they could release a gimmick passive skill that replaces stuns on her skills with a different effect when equipped. There's a lot of ways to go about it, the gaming industry has dealt with cases like this many times.
I have a strong aversion to chance based skills to begin with. I think a reliable stun in someone's kit would be really interesting to work with. And yeah it would be OP... but would it? Compared to some of the BS we have seen like hyper-penetrating ults, resistance removal + weakness added or Aoi's block... is a guaranteed stun actually too broken? I don't think so. If it's so scary they can limit its usage per fight. It's not like it's a skill they will hand out to several characters who could chain it. It's just a Megmumin spcific ability.
Honestly, the Master Skill should have been a guaranteed stun. You can use it once or it applies to her SS1 ult, don't care, but this way you can still experience the intended effect that in the early game Megumin's stun is not reliable and random, because she cant control her psychics yet, but once you made it past 4.2 which has the fishing requirement for her Master Skill, she could unlock reliable stuns. That sounds completely obvious to me. Yet they settled for some completely unrelated SP transfer?
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Other stun users do exist, and I honestly think stun is fine as it is. It's very powerful and can come into handy for cheese, but not otherwise. That's fine. It's better than shit like confusion and whatnot, that likely does nothing even if it hits. Or Imprison, which I think literally does nothing.

Instead of buffing these abilities, what they could've and should've done is give enemies "charge" states on some abilities, that you can interrupt with disables. During that stage they should be guaranteed. Be it stun, imprison or confusion, the skills would all be suddenly useful.
I know Sharo has a stun skill too, but that one's also up to chance and there is no way they would give this upgrade to her or Tenne for their single non-ult moves.
>give enemy charge states
That is an absurd amount of effort for like 4-5 abilities. It makes more sense to buff a specific stun than to alter all enemies.

I will say it again I want it to be buffed on Megumin. Nobody else. And it doesn't have to be her ult. It could have been her Master Skill because that is at least a hurdle.
>but would it?
For SS2 and non-tower SS1? Probably not, 14/15 SP is too much even for a guaranteed stun. 7SP guaranteed stun after tower could be interesting/strong, but only if you remove/replace the 31A requirement. That requirement is cancer, you should never be forced to adjust your comp for a skill when 99% of the styles in the game don't.
>Yet they settled for some completely unrelated SP transfer?
I think they started with the biribiri gag. Then they thought what is the best effect Megumi can give to Tama and it was SP, she doesn't really need damage buffs. And SP transfer is one of the most tightly balanced mechanics in the game, so it ended up being very restrained.
Other stuns aren't ults, that's not the same. It's bad for her because that's her transferable ult, I can accept SS2 being shit in 2024 and never getting better, but SS1 needs to be improved somehow.
>B-b-but t-t-they coulda done (autism)
>I will say it again I want (autism) buffed
Shut the fuck up retard, you cant even email them in Japanese so they'll never ever even consider your opinion. And I also literally don't care about what you entitled retards want to fantasize about, since it definitely isn't yuri. I'll take whatever they give us instead of autistically roleplaying as pretend game devs.
Did you join this thread only to sperg at people every day?
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Don't mind the newbie. Just ignore him, let him throw his temper tantrums until he is bored. If he crosses a line, report and move on.

We aren't gonna change the way these threads work for any newcomers.
>What if they added a feature that added unicorn farts and mailed you a brand new flavor of Heaven Burns Red themed double sided dildo every time you win a battle in this new event? I'll say it again, I want this shit and I want it now! They didn't give out enough dildos last time and it had a weird shape, like are they fucking serious? These devs have no idea what they're doing, I'd have done it so much better.
This is what you sound like.
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This triangle... actually it's been a while since it was acknowledged. I think Akari's bond episode in 5.1?
>7SP guaranteed stun after tower could be interesting/strong, but only if you remove/replace the 31A requirement
I mean.. duh? How would a 31A requirement actually work for that kind of skill? What you need all of 31A to be in your party? Obviously that would disappear if the skill isn't support based anymore.
Megumi's ult tower upgrade only works if there are 2 other 31A members in the party.
I was talking about the Master Skill though, which would just grant the ult guaranteed stun.
Anyway, it's pretty likely you have two 31A members in any Megumin comp.
Light: Megumi (nobody uses her tho), Tsukasa, Karen + maybe swimsuit Tama
Fire: Megumi, suit Tama, Unison Ruka
Darkness: Megumi, suit Tama, Slutkasa + maybe unison Ruka

The only team I can't see much likelihood of 3 31A members is lightning.
Lightning: Megumi, suit Tama + ???
Nobody uses suit Ruka and suit Yukki, unfortunately. But if that's all you have then yeah, I guess suit Ruka is fine.
>Fire: Megumi, suit Tama, Unison Ruka
And what if you want to use fire Ichigo instead? She's in the movie squad with Megumi even, yet you still can't get the friendship effect with her. These 31A-based requirements are just silly, it sounded good on paper, but it's not good for the character.
I just started this game because I'm both a yuri AND Maeda fan, it doesn't get better than this. I'm curious about who are the fan favorite couples!
Obviously no restriction would be best. I am just saying that 3 31A member constellations are not rare at all for anything but ice (because no 31A ice styles exist). 31A have the most styles and at least one or two OP ones that are meta. Suit Tama being basically compatible with almost any comp also makes it a lot easier.
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>fan favorite couples
This is actually very hard to determine. There are 3 factors here I think.
1. Supported by the devs
2. Most fanart
3. Most fanfics/doujins
I would say the one that hits all three criteria the best is RukaYukki. That's basically the main couple of the game anyway.

Other than this main couple it's more spread out. According to my folders AoIchi, Amari and KareTsuka beat most other pairings in fanart (although AoIchi's prime is long past).
Fanfics/doujins wise I also have mostly RukaYukki, KareTsuka and Amari.

If you are completely new it is kind of pointless to discuss ships you know nothing about yet.
>bad transferable ult
Tons of chars have that. Gotta deal with that. In fact, is ANY of the 31a ults even useful? Tsukasa is never really playing in fire teams, and Tama's revive.. I've not used since 2 years ago or so. And all the others are just shitty damage ults.

Megumi is at least a good character. Can't say the same about Ruka, Yukki or whatever who lack styles you could consider truly good. Some are usable but that's it.

>alter all enemies
I'm not talking about doing anything retroactive. I'm saying the concept of charges existing that can be canceled is something they should've done when they have these status effects. And I see no difference between ult disables and non ult ones. It's the same thing: They are pointless. They make the ability weaker/cost more SP and that is that, when they could've had def down or fragile or whatever actually useful instead.

Absolutely no difference.
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Today's 4koma is this one. Yunyun's existence is pain. YunSharo as a ship is pure masochism.
I like Isuzu x Ichiko, but it will never get serious. I always pick the impossible pairings.
>Tons of chars have that.
Well, maybe they should fix that? If any character has a transferable ult that doesn't do anything, just make it do something? No one is asking for strong meta skills, just something you can use without feeling bad.
>Tsukasa is never really playing in fire teams, and Tama's revive.. I've not used since 2 years ago or so. And all the others are just shitty damage ults.
A fire field is infinitely better than a 14SP stun that doesn't stun any enemies you want to stun. You can play Tsukasa in fire if you're her fan, they even reworked her swimsuit for it, and there's also the autistic strat with Bunny+Ruka's unison mode switch. And you can also use it to remove enemy fields, 10 SP isn't that heavy.
You personally may not use Tama's revive anymore, but heal+revive is still infinitely more useful than a stun that doesn't stun, there are probably a lot of people with weaker teams that still rely on it.
The shitty damage ults are less relevant but are still more useful that a stun that doesn't stun. And they can buff them too if you think they're that bad. I would love to see Yuki's ult buffed.
...and what did that fantasizing accomplish? Literally nothing. 100% autofelation, 0% real changes being considered or implemented into this game.
Why would they fix that? It's a gacha. No really, if they'd care about balance at all, they'd start not releasing styles like the new Inori before fixing outdated irrelevant styles. Don't forget, for new players getting the old styles also gets harder and harder as the pool grows.

HBR's charm is how much of the mess the balance is. Adel has an S with the big hit buff for 5 sp, an absolute steal. Other chars get shitty abilities with absolutely no use, like how Kura gets these weird attacks with a small self buff afterwards, working against the entire idea of setting up.
What you want is to make everything useful. Aside of being impossible, if everything ends up useful.. nothing is really useful. The devs clearly have a bias, like how Tama gets all the damn utility in the world with her styles. Almost no style has an absolutely useless ability. Suit has a big enhance. Kimono has a stat buff. Her S styles feature party heal, regen, virus heal. In the end that also brings an identity.

I've complained a lot about how bad a lot of HBR is early on, but eventually I just embraced it. It's all over the place, an absolute mess. But that makes it interesting. You never know, what's next. Other gacha would never bother buffing old styles, but with HBR everything is possible. Maybe one day stuns are suddenly buffed to hell and back.
>Why would they fix that?
They already buffed some older styles 2 months ago, we know they're willing to do that. It's not like I'm asking for something that can never happen, I'm just asking for a 2nd batch. And they're now using SS1s as a reward for some content like the ticket thing that they added recently, so it's in their interest to make it something that players are actually happy to get. It can open the road for the new styles in the future too. For example, if they make stun ults non-useless, they can start using stuns for new styles again as well.
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Shiki would. Don't deny it.
Aaand my free SS ticket turned out to be Suit Ruka. I really hoped for Kura SS2 or miko Megumin, but can't complain about free stuff.
You can if you get a useless LB 2.5 like I do (base Kura). It's why I don't do paid scams unless I get something nice by the game before. Scams are 90%+ useless.

But anything new and/or actually useful that gets a dupe is fine in my book.
>literal free shit
You need to touch some grass.
Like I said, paid scams. Like what they have up right now, two times even. 3000 paid quartz for extremely like nothing, just like the free one we got.
Called scam for a reason. Advertised as GUARANTEED SS, can even get the banner chars, but look at the fine-print and you see you only have a 5% chance to get a specific banner char on the guaranteed SS. What else would you call it? Scam.
Are you new to gacha or something? A banner that guarantees an SS and raises the rate of specific styles is the best use of your money in this gambling hall. Normal banners don't guarantee shit and have lower rates even for the banner's styles.

You are complaining that something that gives you exactly what it says it does is scamming you even though you neither have to pay them to achieve anything nor is this somehow worse than what you get anywhere else. These paid banners objectively are better than standard banners and get you more styles.
Your definition of scam is braindead.
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Meanwhile in canon:
What kind of shitty crop is this?
It's not a scam to support the makers of a game that you enjoy. If your socialist attitude were prevalent in society, then there would be no incentive to create art or games for others to enjoy.
In short, you're a nigger.
Dunno. It's one of the two pics by that author I managed to find (and I tried all relevant boorus I know and pixiv) . The other is RukaYuki sex. As far as quality goes I assume it's a WiP. There is a closed xitter account of the author with 820 followers, but my request to follow was rejected.
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I'm just saying. There are someone's feet at the right corner and you can barely tell what's going on. Aoi is collared and chained and Byakko is clearly protecting her. Too vague.
Byakko art is rare, so this makes me extra curious.
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Almost done with 30G now.
This is /u/, not /pol/. Keep comments like that to off this board.
Oh, this artist... They had a bunch of art on pixiv but they deleted everything and decided to stop drawing HBR a while ago.
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Guess whose birthday it is in Japanland right now? Yukki's birthday means so... so so much RukaYukki art. I cannot post all of it here.
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All hail the main couple I suppose.
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I'm too lazy to translate these.
The thing is: They aren't. You have a 5% chance to get your style that you want on the last pull, which is indeed higher than 0.75%. But it does NOT count towards pity. Is that really better? It's better less than 5% of the time.

This is not about supporting them, but about what you get for your money. They have legitimately good things once in a while, like wishlist step-ups, or selectors.
These scams, yes I keep calling them that, are making you think they are better than what they are. Normally an SS will be with a 50% chance one of the banner chars, but NOT the guaranteed SS in a scam, and you can only find that info in the fineprint. And dare I say, this is a typical gacha thing and VERY deliberate.
It's not in the fine print, it is very easily visible. The banner doesn't claim it guarantees the new styles, all it says is that there are increased rates. If you assume it is 50% or something that is on you.
A guaranteed SS is better than any other type of non-paid banner. Stop calling your own stupidity a scam. A scam is intentionally lying to someone to cheat them.
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Have there been anymore datamined sprites since the last one? Event's three days away and with few exceptions they don't usually bother to wait with the updated material that long.
That Isuzu sprite was the only one, I think. Well, we're slowly getting to the point where some events may no longer need the new sprites. Let's say they would do a retard team event like some people asked. Ruka, Megumi, Ichigo and Wakki probably already have more than enough expressions for that, you don't need more.
I accept your concession.
I didn't consider that. I guess that's true for some of the really overused characters. But I think if it is an Oshima event we definitely would still get more sprites. They are actually quite limited. But then the same goes for Maki and she got no new sprites in the current event.
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Yukki might be more popular than expected. There is a lot of solo birthday art for her. But still a lot of RukaYukki.
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But Ruka is unfaithful, she will hit on any girl.
Months since last event:
31A = 2
31B = 8
31C = 2
31D = 9
31E = 11
31 F = 0
31 X = 4
30G = 5

E is absolutely overdue. It's been nearly a year. But I can see them do a 31D event anyway. With 31B being so close behind D I can even see them give preferential treatment again. A Sumomo event and style has also been long overdue...
I think 31E sucks
Bait used to be believable
Honey, if you reply to bait that means you feel for it, whether its good bait or not, the baiter won and you lost.
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Not in front of the cat!
Sigh... I got Ichigo's master skill and as expected it has no animation or even voice line. She just recovers her DP without any fanfare. No wonder I didnt see anyone post it anywhere. If there is a special interaction I haven't found it yet.

It's really weird how Risa, Megumi and Kura got such care put into theirs, while Ruka, Ichigo and Muua don't even react. Haven't seen Sharo yet, but going by the other stat up example she clearly won't react either. She will just start buffed.
I get the feeling that these skills started out as random passives with some flavor or low-impact simple skills with generic animations, and it was only later in the development process that they decided to rework them into actual skills with presentation. One character getting some stats and the other getting a field or pierce critical ult attack feels too random even for them.
>Haven't seen Sharo yet
Sharo didn't get her ability yet. Maybe they realized that the one they previewed was too useless and decided to chill on it for now.
Oh yeah, why am I realizing it only now? They announced these skills with Sharo from the start, but instead of her we got Bungo's.
Bungo's is also actually decent and has a unique animation. Definitely all over the place with the production value.
wat is a field?
We have a site that explains all skills to you in the OP. Find out.
can't find where your web site says the stuff about field
Wow. I expected you to at least try more than one tab. Under characters there is a section called "Skill list". It has a search function. Put in "field" and it will show you all characters with field abilities. Though they call it a Zone in this case.
This time I will tell you what it does, but next time look at the database first, alright?

A field/zone is a skill that raises elemental effects for the entire battlefield. Everyone in the party does more damage when using that element. A field can be cancelled by another field eithe from the enemy or your allies creating a different one.
Not all fields are equal. Some increase damage by a higher percentage than others.
Also enemies use them sometimes, so it's smart to cancel enemy field with your own.
nvm i was jk
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>Though they call it a Zone in this case.
Fields were called zones in one of their previous RPGs, they probably continued to use that internally for convenience, even though they are called fields in HBR. They still didn't bring some of the field tech from that game, like the mechanic where you can overclock a field by doubling its damage increase for a few turns, but it disappears immediately after that.
Fields already only last 8 turns max, so burning it faster doesn't make that much of a difference.
It's very short, like 2 turns, so it becomes more like a debuff than a field. And thunder/fire big fields are permanent again after the latest swimsuit batch.
how do u do a field?
i mean how to activate it?
It's in the comment dumbo. Fields are effects triggered by skills. You were already told to look up who has skills with fields on hbr.quest.
pfffffttt you fell for my prank again
You really think you are pranking anyone? What are you, eight? I get it, this topic is too much for your three combined braincells. No need to act tough.
its just for us to laugh, you don't have to be angry lol
just laugh fren
I think this spam started somewhere in the second half of last year, it doesn't feel like it's been around for more than 2 years to me.
Well, you can just check the archives. This stuff has been around for ages. I guess it could have been just a bit over a year too.
I remember, one time the "poster" actually replied to me though (said something about the image being resized and that's why it was reposted in the same thread), so maybe there is more to it.
This is worrying. By now they usually post some kind of hint for the event. A teaser or even just some kind of image. They didn't do that for the Maki event either...
There's still one hour until their usual stream announcement post. They do it at 20:00 JST if they don't have anything they want to tease early.
>A teaser or even just some kind of image. They didn't do that for the Maki event either...
I was wondering if they'd just stopped making video teasers. Irene was the last time we got a video, if you think about it.
Maybe they don't do teaser videos anymore, but they definitely did post stuff for both swimsuit events.
HBR's trailers are always great, so maybe they think teasers clips are just redundant.
New event, new styles, the only unusual thing is that they changed the photo for Tsukasa's VA.
That confirms it. Not teaser, no hint. Just like last month. Weird.
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Now that's an AU.
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Onee-chan is looking forward to tomorrow's Information Bureau stream.
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And with that they have finished all the 30G bios. Now let's see whether 31D or 31E is next. Heck with the randomness until now it's probably 31X.
No one cares
Why are you secondhand clout chasing even?
>clout chasing
>on an anonymous message board
Anon, are you OK?
Don't feed the troll.
You're like those retarded dudes that screenshot a person's status updates and then post it on your own timeline for no reason and adding nothing of value, not even commentary. You just want the secondhand praise.
Notice the sweaty desperation to find anything to start a fight over? The 3 IQ bait? Never, not even out of pity, reply to a shitposter of this low caliber.
Report him and ignore him.
You're the one to do it first and since long before I ever came here. I'm just one person following your poor example you know, you made it the norm.
If you pretend you have a stick up your ass for long enough you'll eventually find yourself in good company with others with sticks rammed up their asses.
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Wow, they're just straight up trying to remove both Tsukasa and Tenne(from this year even) from the light comp. I don't think they've ever been this disgustingly blatant about it.
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Ohhh Isuzu. My poor wallet!
So they gave her a magician outfit... honestly, sleight of hand is part of her character, so this is kind of appropiate. Once again I am annoyed about the excessive tits and ass focus, but this outfit is still far from the horror of Slutkasa. Not to mention Isuzu is an intentionally erotic-cute character, so she always has more leeway.

Another Yukata style, that's cool. I think that is a nice theme for a squad. That's a solid thing to look forward to with the other Oshima sisters. Definitely more tasteful than Isuzu's.

>Muua holding Ichiko's hat
Cute. I really like the recent S styles that incorporate several characters.
She has a big light field, AoE defense down, a 8SP AoE fragile move, her LB3 makes her debuffs last one turn longer and her LB0 passive removes lockdown skills.
I think her SS2 is still better because that DP down is broken, but this is an insanely strong style imo.
>remove Tenne
She serves a different niche. I wouldn't say this replaces her, because people didn't use her for that.
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Meanwhile Minori is a buffer for some reason and a really weird one. A buff that uses up OD?
Meanwhile her 10SP second ability just gives the entire party 6SP on the spot. That's better than Koju's SS1 ult and costs less. Damn.
TEN uses?? What kind of absurd amount is that? The only limited use skills in the game that have that many uses are upgraded basic heals!
>A buff that uses up OD?
If it goes negative like 31X SP it's probably bad, if it doesn't and stays at zero it's broken.
>Meanwhile her 10SP second ability just gives the entire party 6SP on the spot.
You misread it, it's transfer 6SP to someone like Wakki and Yanagi, the exact same skill.
I mean it literally says it costs 0SP to use. It just burns OD. This also means that if you dont have OD the ult is unusable. However, this is really not a problem, because right now we generate OD at insane rates.
>only transfers it to 1
Okay, phew, that's a lot more balanced. I was freaking out.
>and Yanagi
Wait what? Is that a new skill from her new S style? She didnt use to have that.
I'm talking about OD going negative like 31X SP goes. If your od becomes -40% when you use it on 10%, then it's quite a cost. If it doesn't, then you can just spam it turn 1 and then turn 2 at basically no cost.
I dont think they will introduce negative OD as a system... also why would that make any difference? You generate OD at the same rate regardless. If anything, being able to go below 0 would make the ability MORE OP?
In one of the recent Star Raids I thin there was an enemy that constantly sucks OD, so it was nearly impossible to raise unless you specifically use an OD generating character. In that situation Minori would be extremely bad... unless she could go negative.
You really are advocating to make it more broken. 31X is only benefitting from negative SP, it's not in any way a nerf.
Her style from the Maki's event.
Read the skill description, not just the numbers. It already says she can use it as long as OD is higher than 0%, similar to how 31X works. So whether it goes negative or not is very important.
This Ichiko S style has a passive that gives enemies Blunt damage defense down specifically... why? That is such a weird specification. How is this better than a generic defense down? It's just 10% too. And 1 turn.
Freaking weird.
> It already says she can use it as long as OD is higher than 0%
Not it doesn't? It says it reduces OD by 50%. Nowhere does it say it works with less.
I wonder which of the two gets the event.
The text skill description in Japanese, not the datamined stats window. Always read it, it often has additional conditions and stuff.
>クリティカルダメージを大きく上げる ODゲージ0%以上で使用可能
The actual skill description literally says so. Pic related.
It's Isuzu's event, the event description is already on the site.
I missed that. Kind of a weird skill all around then.
It's not new, Ichigo S had a similar passive for pierce. People generally don't use these, so they just do some random shit with some of them.
Isuzu. The event page is updated too, not just the styles.
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Here's the title card and descirption. Seems to be a direct sequel to Oshimaya.
>Isuzu can't let go of the secret learned in Oshimaya
That's a good set-up. If she investigates the family history further, then maybe the whole random guess about Isuzu joining the group of people discovering the narvy secret might actually hold some water.
If the big fields are repeatable, I wonder if the resistance removal is repeatable too, and it will become a powercreep fiesta at some point.
>31E only 10% normal damage buff on Ichiko S
They're really bad at making lore squad-based skills/conditions. It's a waste of a skill slot even if you use a full 31E team.
I mean eventually people will unlock enough skill slots that they can waste one on a passive like that.
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Okay, so Isuzu's style is strong stats wise, medium horny design wise (just barely in acceptable limits) and this will be her event focused on the consequences of what they learned in Oshimaya.
I was looking forward to and dreading an Isuzu event, because the longer they waited the more outstanding it would have to be.

My mind is racing already. Imagine Isuzu learns the truth about everyone being dead and she keeüs the secret to herself to protect her sisters happiness, bearing it all alone, the same way Ichiko used to do. Irene's event already set up a connection between Irene and the Oshima family (as did her second memory episode), so that would be a really easy step for her to go to the detective at the end of the event to discuss the truth.

Maybe I'm dreaming too much. Maybe they will not give such an important moment to a C-lister from a side-squad... but then again. When it was Maeda doing it with Miya that seemed to make sense. He can do what he wants with the plot and 30G is intrinsically linked to the main story. But when Kai gave Irene a similar moment in her event? That's where I started to suspect they will actually do something with this. So is it really too much of a stretch for Isuzu to also become important?

All I know is if this is a serious Isuzu event I doubt we will get much yuri teasing. That's kinda unfortunate.
The fact that they didn't make a big deal out of this event like they did Miya/Irene's kinda makes me doubt it actually....
>general not-style-locked fragile skill
Isuzu now has everything a debuffer could possibly want except resistance removal. This just indirectly buffed her SS2 even more.
They didn't make a big deal out of Irene's event, it got the usual video preview. It's just that they stopped doing those video previews at all recently.
They gave her a teaser, they gave her a special trailer, they clearly were excited to share that. Sure, the Miya event got a 3D live and more noise, but that's a Maeda event.
They also gave both swimsuit events more set-up and hype, though that might be expected of the big eye-catcher events.
They were giving these teasers to every single event before and then they just stopped doing that. Irene's event was not special because of it, and this even isn't worse because it didn't get it. You're trying to find meaning where there isn't any, the plot or importance of this event is not going to be decided by such irrelevant shit.
Isuzu's style is blatantly sister favorism. Yotsuha and Tsukasa always clashed, and using one or the other was always up to taste rather than one being clearly better than the other, but both together was weird.

Enter Isuzu. You can now clearly use Yotsuha. And to not forget, Yotsuha is a very unique style, as she actually has +1sp in the back as of LB1.

Minori is about as shit as you'd expect of a new gimmick. I'd say it's good for rushing, but you rush with always critting stuff anyways. SP feeding is nice and all, but would you use an entire slot for that? She's also non elemental, so you can't do cheesy things like using swimsuit Tama or idol Aoi to regen her SP to then regen the SP battery. (only works with Kozue, and I'm not sure if that is truly worth)
Party-wide crit-rate and damage is also pointless, because usually only one or two want to crit, and it's non elemental so you can't "keep it" like elemental crit-rate ala Yunyun thunder.
In other words, using her 0sp skill early bricks you, because you can't keep it anyways, and using it when you have used your OD already means you have no use for the SP gained. What is the idea here? It's an even more limited to use buff than anything else in this game.

Reminds me of last year. Good Isuzu style dragged down by a sister of hers. Tower upgrades are both unfortunately terrible as well. 14 cost mind eye isn't interesting, and all the tower changed is that it applies to the back as well.. which is slightly more comfy. And we don't need to talk about Isuzu's.

Now then, Isuzu (new), Yotsuha (light), Tama (suit) + competent sustain is a very strong core to light teams, that's for sure.
-2 big enhance, 2 light enhance
-2 +3 hit buffs for light styles, 2 mind eye
-big field
-2 aoe def down, light def down and fragile
-2 crit rate, big crit damage, light crit damage
-+20 stats (thunder Tama required)

Missing: perm def down, res shred, dp def down, also pure aoe so worse vs. ST.
I don't think it's about sisters. I think they did it because the light resistance removal will be a buffer like Tsukasa and not a debuffer like Sharo/Hisame, so they already started to clear the space in the light comp for her in such a crude, forced way
No, nothing is missing, that's just how they were designed.
>just give every character every single ability and make it all permanent!
>it doesn't have (autistic wall of text) specific thing so it's missing!
shut up bitch. you entitlement minded inbred fucks are fucking retarded and i am actually really thankful none of you were ever behind any of the HBR game design decisions.
Shut the fuck up, retard. You literally sit there and shit on people instead of talking about any aspect of this game for like 5 days now. If you were never there, this thread would just be better, you don't add anything of value.
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That's what he wants. He is a shitposter, he isn't legitimately interested in the game, discourse or anything else. He only came here to start arguments.
And I really wish people would stop feeding him and just report him to the mods.
I didn't even consider the Isuzu/Yotsuha synergy. That's pretty cool.
Ok, humor me then.

Missing from this game: SSJ69 Ruka Kayamori (rainbow advantage vs all elements and damage types)
Also missing: SSJ69 Ruka Kayamori's ex skills that instantly deal 999999999999 damage and have unlimited uses. The fact they haven't done this yet is so retarded.
See, I can make a post just as intellectual as yours too.
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Oh look, the dog learned a new trick. He looked up the protagonist's name.
>report him to the mods
You're the one bring autistic in a yuri thread, post more yuri or fuck off bruh.
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Make a single yuri post and I will take you 3% more seriously. C'mon. Post yuri. Can you do that? Can you be a good boy?
go rub one out or whatever it is that you men do.
I can't really post it here, but Isuzu's animation is what Tsukasa's animation should have been with her casino theme instead of that flying ass with hearts garbage they did.
rentry_co/8o2nn replace _ with .
Webms are easy
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>can't even post the image properly
>tells people to post yuri, acts dismissive about the yuri image he himself posted
That pic could have been literally anything you know, but it's so cute that you trusted me enough to click on it.
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I'm too jaded to care about some clown posting something disgusting. I would have just reported you and you would be gone. Win-win.
The fact that you managed to find a yuri image from the game is almost commendable for someone who doesn't play it.
We will see it in like an hour anyway, so it's fine anon. I'll take your word for it. Maybe they really learned from that minor backlash they got from Slutkasa.
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Ah I guess I shouldn't know about stellar ending in less than a day, or the light and premium pass mission tab resetting in around 11 days, or the debuffer banner that just went up, or anything like that.
I'm just pretending and there's no way I actually participate in this thread cordially, play the game, read Japanese at between n3/n2 fluency, or care about the story, rather than it just being me having a problem with how much of an ass you've been to other people since I arrived.
All I did was act the way you were acting, and you do seem to hate it so think about that a bit.
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>a bunch of stuff you can look up on the website provided in the OP in 30 seconds
Not good enough. You can do better, right? Tell me what your favorite part of chapter 5 was. And what do you think of Oshimaya? After all it will be relevant to the new event, so we should all be on the same page.
>All I did was act the way you were acting
It's quite fascinating that you think everyone is your weird boogeyman. And you also fail to realize that you are the only one who is acting like this in this thread. Note how only you get constantly called out by irritated anons?
If you have some imaginary vendetta with some anon here, drop it. It does absolutely nothing other than ruin other people's experience and the anon who allegedly acts like you (no sight of that though) wouldn't stop just because you made a fool of yourself.
If you want to be a martyr for an idiotic cause, keep going. You will be banned eventually and we will move on with the threads.
Anon, maybe you used to hide your shitposting behind the anonymity in the other generals, but this thread isn't fast enough for that. We know when you started posting and that it's you who's been sperging at people every day for the last week while not talking about anything else.
You can't talk about the story or characters because you aren't even up to date with it and haven't played most of the events. You don't want to talk about gameplay. You can't even talk about yuri because you always get cringy and uncomfortable when becomes the topic. Yet you act like the king of this thread, attacking the others for actually talking about stuff every single day, no matter what it is. What is your deal if you're not a shitposter? Are you retarded then?
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>Note how
Have a little self awareness. You were shitting on someone and going all ugh, why do I bother talking with retards, only because they were asking questions about the story and their interpretation of it.
I can admit my fault, but you are so faultless in your own eyes when you know very well you're not being very nice to people's experiences either when you act like that. Also for all of that reporting you claim to have done there's not been much, so it seems that maybe the site staff aren't at your beck and call because they don't wholeheartedly agree with your attitude either.
I will return to anonymity, don't worry. And we may even have a nice discussion after that without knowing it. Anyways. Love you.
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>thinks both posts were done by the same anon
Come on... you're so dense. You are replying to two different people here. Just like I have seen you attack and claim someone is your boogeyman to someone else several times by now. If you actually think you have been talking to just me for the past few days you are sorely mistaken.
>for all that reporting
I will have you know that I haven't reported you even once. I'm telling people who took your bait to instead report you if they feel annoyed by your off-topic shitposts.
The mods don't care enough to follow thread dnyamics. If you break a rule or obviously troll they will delete your post. They don't first consider how every other anon who ever posted acts. /u/'s jannies don't really have the ambition to actually curate the board anymore. They just put bandaids on issues.

So in summary, you were pissed off that someone acted dismissive of your story interpretation... and you thought the best course of action to deal with that was to absolutely shit up the thread and attack everyone and anyone for completely unrelated shit? Mind you, you are the guy who hasn't even caught up yet and has limited information on the entire topic.
Get used to the fact that people can have different feelings on a game's plot. Get used to not agreeing with everyone or to being dismissed. It's normal. I have experienced countless times when my thoughts on something in the game were dismissed. I didn't act like a total spaz in retaliation.

I would love to believe you will mend your ways, but I'm not holding my breath.
I haven't seen it myself, but apparently some retard is posting stills from the event on xitter, be careful.
Not again. I also didn't see it the last few times, but there was some big uproar about it in the HBR xitter community not too long ago. People are pissed about that spoiler posting.
I guess we can all survive without social media for a day.
It's intersting actually. Clearly everyone knows the style spoilers, because so many artists have perfectly finished fanart ready for new styles like an hour after every update stream. They clearly have been drawing all day since the new files were updated. In that way it actually benefits the community. Maybe that's why WFS keeps doing it.

But spoiling event stuff is defiintely a no-go.
And the stream begins.
I missed it by a few seconds. They said something about changing OD and certain styles? I think I saw Wakki's christmas style?
OD earrings will now affect attack+fixed od skills.
That ult animation is really fun and creative. Anon was right, this is what Slutkasa should have been.
All the boyish charas the only charas that haven't been sexualized or cutified for the 2nd SS style are Yanagin, Monanyan, and Maki I guess.
Oh i get it. Her passive can undo restraint moves, because she is an escape artist lol
I'd say this is expected of a yukata style though. Nobody could look tomboyish in a yukata.
I wonder if this Isuzu was initially designed as a full bunny style and they changed it later. The design language feels really like it.
Negative OD... it exists.
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>Nobody could look tomboyish in a yukata.
Atre collab Ruka kinda does. And Megumi gives super handsome vibes too.
I don't think any of them look tomboyish... and most of it is more pretty than cute too.
It's Minover. I'm probably wrong, and gameplay autists will find amazing ways to use it, but it looks doa to me.
I know we have complained a lot about the presentations being random, but I think this one really showed off the synergy of the Oshima family. They are generally very consistent.
I'm more concerned that in the future Cancer will start using abilities to push your OD into the negatvies.
That PV was quite scary. Also they say Irene's event is a condition for this, so that is saying something.
I wonder if the appearance of more and more ranged/sniper type Cancer is a direct reaction to the Seraph squad driving them back with close-quarter combat.
RedCrimson, Skullfeather, Backenknot, the artillery Cancer from Sharo's event and now apparently another sniping beat type in Isuzu's event.
We know boss Cancer have rapid evolution, but in general the Cancer invasion has evolved their troops more over time. It seems to me like the mother Cancer is pumping out more specialized drones.
When I think about it, aren't most of the current big fields already doomed to be replaced?
Tsukasa is gone.
Fire Megumi is very much gone, she was already imperfect, if they release a buffer version instead, it's over for her.
Dark Yuki is super gone, if they release a style that does field + literally anything, that would already be enough to replace her.
Thunder Megumi is probably safe for now because they just released her, but who knows with wfs.
Anon... this entire attitude makes no sense. You either complain that characters arent getting anything or you complain that characters get something as good or better than others. You can never be satisfied that way.
You have to understand that most people don't get all styles. They will get one or the other and make do with what they have. Having more styles with a big field is thus beneficial to everyone.

Btw, nobody used Yukki for her field to begin with. The only thing she is good for is buff removal.
Yes, I do think that replacing Tsukasa's unique effect that's barely 1 year old in a way that makes her replacement superior comp-wise is very bad for the game. They could have made Isuzu a permanent debuffer or OD debuffer like Aina, or whatever, they weren't desperate, they powercreeped Tsukasa on purpose. Shit like this is the first step to super powercreep slop gachas where they release styles every month that replace the one released weeks ago.
>Only one year
Out of two...? If anything having the same characters be meta forever is a sign of bad balancing. Vampire Sharo is a good example of something so broken it will stay at the top forever.
You are insisting, for some unknown reason, that only that one character should forever be the meta one in that comp. There is no incentive to ever change your part constellation then. The game stagnates.
An entire year is more than enough to be the meta. It is also not like everyone will just get Isuzu right away. And more importantky, they are not the same. Isuzu without a good buffer is actually not better than Tsukasa. Both of them need another unit to make them work and Tsukasa is definitely easier to use.
Jeez, this trailer gives me chills. And the new SiL song is really good. Tomorrow can't come soon enough.
You can replace it, but don't be this fucking blatant about it. Just make good units with different effects that will slowly push her out of the comp, then when she's irrelevant for some time, make an new light field. Ice doesn't even have a big field right now and light gets a perfect replacement already. The way they did it is just not good.
Don't tell me they are going to do it. Are they actually gonna go for the plot that Isuzu is adopted and not originally from the Oshima family?
Except the reason they are doing light again, is because the Oshima family's SS2s are supposed to form a light party. If anything the disgusting Ichiko wedding style fucked that up.
They're getting a lot of use out of those docks. They've been reusing that area all the way since 4.2.
In all the excitement I almost forgot that the second part of Operation Perseus is also coming out. What was the unlock criteria again? Chapter 3?
Lotta content lately. Makes me happy.
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Isn't this an interesting opportunity to make a dual element party now?
Tsukasa has both a fire and a light field and fire attacks. Isuzu has fire debuffs and a fire ult. Yotsuha can buff light and fire. Ruka can have light and fire ults equipped. Then some extra buffer and healer and you got a good light/fire switch team. And Tsukasa would still be essential because of her fire field being necessary to switch.
For what purpose? I feel like weakness creation is better for dungeon-esque teams, because it'll always work, not just for 2 elements, so I'm curious why you'd want to do this.
In dragged out fights I sometimes run out of ults of one type. Also for Arts Battle or dungeons it is nice to not have to rely on ults and still have synergy in more situations.
I dunno. A side-element can probably be convenient at times. It's something that is only really possible thanks to the same character having two fields, but until now I didn't really feel like there are enough fire/light characters. Only 31A and 31E have that synergy right now.
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Oh great. Not looking forward to a beefed up version of these chucklefucks. But for grinding purposes the level 4 versions are just the best...
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oh my fucking god... Isuzu event... just when I was stressing and drowning in all sorts of stuff after getting myself out of NEETdom, going back to uni, getting a part-time job, and moving to a new country all at the same time. I was so busy and stressed that I didn't have time to log in to the game when it was the only thing I did the whole day before. Isuzu is my favourite and I got this event at the best time possible to help me relax and get back to the game. Thanks kakinuma.
Looking at the SA, Minori will be meta for at least one fight as a result. Funny, seeing a fight like this. Not gonna say more for spoiler reasons, but unless this is one time only thing, the game will get a little more interesting.
I don't think you have to be scared of spoiling a freaking Score Attack gimmick.
Like I already said, I'm pretty sure they will use this feature offensively against you in some boss fights in the future. Every positive system ability usually can be turned against the player.
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I feel the same way, minus all the stressful backstory. Oshimaya to this day is one of the best events they ever did and I feel like their Oshima events are usually very good (Niina's was just ok, but it spawned a good ship and it was still entertaining). It's definitely not going to be a light-hearted event this time, so lets brace ourselves.
By the way if you took a break from the game, I suggest playing the Irene event before this one, because they said Irene would be relevant.
This is the other way around though. Lowering OD boss' have been common, and making them able to get you into - is just boring and pointless.

What they did however is much more interesting. It's why I love HBR. They have a ton of ideas, and while it can go completely south, sometimes you have really fun ones.
yeah Oshimas are just the best. Nina's event wasn't on the same level as Muua's because she got away from her sisters, which just confirms how great the Oshimas are when they're together. I've personally been waiting for Isuzu's event ever since I played her first bonding story at the beginning of the main story. And I've always gotten the feeling that it's going to be dark. For some reason I kept thinking that Isuzu wears those sleeves for a reason and it's not just a character design thing, perhaps to hide away self-harm scars or something. Anyway, I haven't even watched the trailer because I want to experience the whole thing at once so I'm really looking forward to it.

And thanks for the advice on Irene's event. I did play it and loved it. Only Maki's event took me forever because August/September were the busiest months in my entire life.
I wouldn't say that's boring. Just oppressive, which is necessary in this OD spam meta.
Hmm, well I doubt they will got ot her being someone who self harms. Ichiko looked out for her too much to allow that. Overall Isuzu is pretty positive, even if she was bullied as a kid and has some impulsive outburst. I think she has more rage in her rather than depression.

Only like 10 hours left to wait lol
Oh, they gave Isuzu "half cost when three 31E" tower upgrade like Megumi. Why do some characters get piercing crit for free and others have to fulfill character-based comp conditions for their underwhelming upgrade?
Well right about now 3 Oshima sisters is standard in fire comps and it's not that unlikely in light either after this. They really, really want you to play a 31E team for some reason.
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I will never get tired of YunSharo suffering memes.
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She's just a strictly worse Suit Tama for 90% of all comps even with her generalize buff. The only time when you can feasibly use her EX skill without repercussions is either on turn 1 or right after using OD. But if you use it on turn 1 your hitters are forbidden from ever attacking before their big hit and timing it during OD can get awkward depending on the enemy's resistances and/or the other skills you need to use during OD. She's at best an very awkward AOE suit Tama, but there's no need for multiple hitters at the moment. She also lacks the attack up and heal which is crucial. Maybe when breakers are absolutely necessary she can shine, but who knows when that will be.
She's actually very well designed since she's the designated light AOE debuffer while also not replacing Tenne as the designated light ST debuffer. You'd think giving her the field would replace Tsukasa but that isn't true either. For ST you'd always run Tsukasa + Tenne while for AOE you'd run Isuzu + Aina. Something like this is way more fair and balanced than the elemental negaters that invalidate ST debuffers. That said, it's only a matter of time before light gets their own elemental negater and Tenne and Tsukasa both get replaced as I'm sure whoever they are, they'll have some kind of fragile incorporated into their skillset to make up for Isuzu's hefty 8SP
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DAY 1 of the event done, but I couldn't help myself. This event actually builds intrigue!

I can't even express how ingenious it is for Isuzu to use her massage skills to actively extract information from people. It's really devious. She gets to touch cute girls, gets their secrets and gets paid for it. That's a real racket.

In general I love active characters and Isuzu is clearly taking action. She isn't just reacting like most characters in events do, she is actively investigating.

And Ichiko's powerful intuition is quite amazing too. It wasn't exactly giving much ship fuel, but them sleeping together in the same bed, because Ichiko can sense Isuzu is going through something she doesn't want to talk about... nearly made me tear up.
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DAY 2... so much going on at once. It's actually really interesting how Isuzu keeps saying she can't forgive her mother... but we don't get the context.

Yotsuha has some insane reflexes to shoot down a laser nobody else could react to. She also gets shipped really heavily with Vrittika this time, oh my. Calling Vri erotic and the sisters even leaving her to sleep in the bath so Vrittika can pick her up.

The massage segment left me reeling. Risa is the most powerful uno reverse card... and Shiki wants to pay with sex. lol

The SheIsLegend song this time is... weird. I know the full version already and its good, but the rap part at the start is way too long. Maeda is getting into rap, it's pretty obvious, but it's not his strong suit.
I do like how hard the lyrics hit Isuzu though. You can tell when a song is written with a character in mind.

I noticed too that Ichiko is giving Niina a chance to comman the unit and just supports her. This is a really nice carry-over from niina's event that was all about how she has leadership qualities. I love the consistent character development.

With weapons being such a heavy focus it does open up the question why the military needs so many weapons and munitions. Considering Cancer are unaffected by them, these weapons can only serve one purpose... to fight or control humans. I feel the implication is pretty heavy. The military rule is far from peaceful. It's more like a military controlled state. I bet there were revolts before... especially with the living conditions of the domes.
And of course in the apocalypse you cant really be picky who you work with, so of course criminal arms dealers would be integrated into the supplier section of the military.
The worldbuilding is always intriguing.
>Looking at the SA, Minori will be meta for at least one fight as a result.
They didn't make it autistic enough for her to be necessary. Just don't unga bunga spam OD and you're fine.
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DAY 3 + Epilogue
Well well well... fuck. On the less important side, I really thought the actuion scene of Isuzu charging at the Cancer was super cool. Especially he deflecting the beam back at it. I like when they get a little playful with the 3D models and actually show things like that.

I can't believe they brought back the plot point from the Surival Island event that the military captures Cancer with those special shackles. That's some shady shit. Tezuka's excuse about them just using them for research and getting their carapace for Dome walls sounded really thin, especially when they ship them around on containers. The fact that she only admitted this after the Cancer already cut loose and attacked people too... Before that she just said it's none of their business. Wow. You would think with such dangerous cargo the Seraph squad would be kept in the loop, but nope.

Everything else is heavy spoiler territory.
First of all my heart almost broke when Muua had her PTSD episode. I knew it seemed to good to be true when she seemingly got over it in her event. But when confronted with the man who literally kidnapped her, stuff her in a suit case and caused her parents to die, obviously she would break down. Goddamn...
Then there is Isuzu's confession at the end.... that's painful. She was just a small child, but obviously she internalized that guilt. That's clearly part of the reason she always feels like she owes all her sisters and has to be there for everyone. Just like in Oshimaya, where she said she will always take the side of the sister who is alone in a family spat. I don't know if she really would have killed the guy, but she came damn close. Good thing he got himself killed protecting her I guess.
>Isuzu's hefty 8sp
That isn't hefty whatsoever, and is fairly easy to play around with +6 sp from allies.

Yanagi in particular is a heavily used healer right now, and during OD she has nothing to do, so she can do a +6 to Isuzu. You only need her lb1 od2 and 19sp ready (or OD2 becoming ready on the turn you have 19sp and use her ult), or alternatively no LB and 20sp ready.
Ult debuff lasts 2 turns, you get +2/3 sp next turn. Then you pop OD and from that SP you can let Yanagi give her +6sp to enable her to use 2 fragiles and another ult. I think SP healing is generally FIRST and can't go above 20, but as long as you pay attention to that it shouldn't be an issue.

You don't need or want another debuffer together with Isuzu. She brings it pretty much all, which is her advantage. Minori can do the SP recharge as well btw., but her kit is weird that's for sure.
Being able to apply 2 aoe fragile, 2 aoe light def down and 2 aoe def down with such "little" needed is what makes Isuzu good. If you don't have the OD luxury and are fine with ST, Miya is still there to carry you, like she always was. Light field (normal), thunder version has 2 turn ST def down + fragile, half price if you use it back to back (so no OD needed to stack) and ice version has a debuff amping self-buff. Current SA Miya is likely better than Isuzu due to the gimmick and ST.
Speaking of our mystery man... I get what they were going for. He wanted to atone for what he did and he really though that kidnapping Muua was a way to prevent bloodshed, but that was still unforgivable. The fact that he had kind of projected parental feelings for the sisters was kind of rough. But those final worlds were pretty chilling... He couldn't dig deep enough into the military fast to prevent the girls from being enlisted in the Seraph squad. But the way he talks makes it seem like he knew much more. I don't know if he was aware that they are all dead, but the way he said he couldn't protect them when Cancer invaded makes me think he knew. He regrets that they were "chosen" and that they have to walk the path of carnage. Oof.

And of course the epilogue. Many people did predict it, but this time it was unavoidable. She literally saw the guy being 30 years older and say some very concerning stuff. The fact that she contacted Irene to team up was pretty sweet nontheless. I like the thief x detective set-up.
Isuzu has been digging into the military's secrets since the very beginning. If anyone should be going for it it's her.

PS: Too bad that there was very little yuri focus for Isuzu. I get it, the event was too focused on other things. Guess YotsuVri, AkaMisaFubu and HisaIno in the background were all we could get.
Poor family narratives are too powerful. Sometimes that eclispses even yuri.
Yeah, 8SP isn't unusual for aoe fragile, it's the norm. Going lower than that(7 SP on Miya) is considered cheap, and the actual hefty one is Megumi's 9SP, anyone who has ever had to use her for fragile are not very happy with WFS for making it that way.
>Maeda is getting into rap, it's pretty obvious, but it's not his strong suit.
Yeah, I just listened to it. It was fine when he did rapping in the background lines or memory story gags, but now, how shall I put it? It's like... how some anime shows have parody episodes where the characters rap and it's silly and cringy, but in a good way. The rapping in this song is exactly like the rapping in those comedy episodes, but it's done completely seriously.
I still really like the full version. Maybe one could be charitable and say that the rap parts are just very genuine emotions shouted out to the world. That is kind of what the song is going for after all.
The melodic parts are just conventionally good, the rap is sincere. I'd say it makes the song distinct at least.
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The new Perseus missions give out Master skill tokens. Let's see how hard those will be.
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Oh god, half of those missions have to be cleared on Professional. The suffering begins.
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So something I don't really get... do child protection services not help out orphans in Japan? In general I just don't understand why the Oshima girls didn't go to an orphanage instead of living on their own. This event especially made their circumstances seem absurdly dire.
From Ichiko being informed about the truth of Oshimaya back when they were kids after the parents died, would you not assume she spoke to the police at least?

I just can't comprehend how any of this worked out. If they were just street kids hiding in some run down empty appartment building, then how did they manage to go to school? I thought in Japan you need a guadian and a seat of residence to be enrolled.
This new score attack is the first where I cleared lv100, unlocked 101-120... didn't bother with Light and just brought my Dark squad for it.
Listen to what the characters are saying/singing and it's easy to take it seriously even when they're demonstrating their awkwardness with rap vocals. I'm a recording engineer and the thing is that if the client wants it done in a certain way, you do it their way or you find yourself out of work. If a vocalist isn't good at doing a fast speaking or rapping section, independently they practice it until they can't get it wrong in the days leading up to their studio time. They easily could have made it sound like everyday j-hip hop vocals, the simple fact is that they were directed to perform it the way you hear it.
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Ok, the usual sex jokes aside, I liked that when Isuzu opened Shiki's mental lock she realized that she is an absurdly nice and honest person. I really like that duality about Shiki. Thas also what Yanagi sees in her. She seems frivolous on the outside, but she is just genuine with everyone.
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So yeah, this SA was definitely a fun idea. The boss never attacks if you are on negative OD, so in all my 12 turns only 2 attacks happened. A very different experience, trying to keep the OD down instead of it going up.
It doesnt attack? Wow. Also you immediately got Minori? Wow.
It's a strange thing, but even though they made this fight to sell Minori, I feel like it's more fun if you don't have her. If you actually have to control your OD gauge with a normal team, it's an interesting way to approach the game compared to what you normally do. If you auto win the fight because your new style ulted, then it's kinda weird.
I wonder if Ichiko will be the one to get the light resistance removal, so it's like thunder 31X, dark 31A, ice 30G, light 31E. It makes sense, but it's also a little too predictable, so maybe they won't go for it.
You still have to control your OD gauge, just the other way around. And I still had to pay attention because of the inability to swap every 5 turns, and the fact that Minori would die to a single hit. Not break. Die. lb0 with no style levels and default level cap isn't exactly suited for this level of content.

After 200 pulls on Aina's banner and getting 0 SS, and a lot of other bad luck with free pulls and such afterwards as well, the sisters definitely turned it around.
Oshima sisters are too great... they're too soulful... dunno what will happen to my tear ducts if (or when) one of them dies

Isuzu and Irene at very end choosing to work together is exciting. It would be even better if Miya, as a senpai with better knowledge and experience, teams up with them too like Monaka did with 31A
>120 pulls
>still not a single SS

Ok this is NOT funny anymore
I actually paid for the Step-up and got 3 SS styles, but none of them were the Oshima sister... Isuzu banners are cursed for me. I never get her.
I think that will still happen regardless. But neither of them have a natural reason to approach her right now. Miya also was very careful to hide her discovery in her event.
Similar to Ruka, Isuzu has a home screen voice lines where she hits on some unseen person, which you could interpret as the player. But she is doing the usual pick-up line style she uses for girls and we know from the lore she only cares about pretty girls.
What I'm trying to say is, waifufags would have to be extremely delusional to feel addressed by that. If they have to do it, then this in-character yuri friendly stuff is a lot better.
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Oshimaya in a peaceful world...
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...Oshimaya if the sisters had taken over the "family business".
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This was the shortest event in a while. 2 1/2 hours on average. Might be better than if it was padded out.
The best part was that Isuzu is totally used to handling Shiki's approach. Casually telling her to stop putting her arms around her waist during the massage and casually dismissing her invites. Isuzu can be a glass-cannon, but they are similar types, so she isn't affected.
I honestly expected her to be weak against Shiki.
Nah. But definitely weak to Babu. Though.. who isn't? Maybe they should test this weapon against cancer.
>But definitely weak to Babu. Though.. who isn't?
The current counter has only Nanamin with a natural immunity to it.

Some characters can momentarily overcome the Babu-field if they are really strong-willed or focused on something else (Ruka, Ichigo and Misarin come to mind).
I think Byakko would naturally be resistant because we can't actually tell what she is saying. But if she rolls around on the ground like a kitten we will know.
Tezuka is a wild card. She has the unassaible image, but Isuzu's Open The Lock worked on her. If she can be coerced into giving away secrets I don't know if she can resist psychic babification. Even Megumin is powerless to block it.

All that aside, it was hilarious how Isuzu lost her memory of what happened and spilled her secrets instead. Risa-mama is terrifying.
Oh I forgot. Inori is actually capable of resisting the babu field, but only under great pain and physical cost. In fact she resisted a two-pronged attack by Risa and Isuzu at the same time until she spat blood.
So I guess those with the strongest will can do it.
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I can just see the subtext overflowing. So subtexty. A total hidden yuri experience. It leaves so much to the imagination.
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Today's 4koma is this one, huh?
Maki... don't pick this one up.
It's just yuri bait! They can't be gay... they can't be... they just can't! /s
Doesn't Miya's event takes place after those events, though?
Why would you think that? As far as chronology goes all we really know is that all these events take place after 4.2.
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Sometimes I wish I lived in that alternate universe the HiguKoju artists are from.
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It was really cute when they all slept on the floor together instead of their beds.
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Somehow the most stable Oshima yuri pairing. I still can't get over Yotsuha calling Vrittika erotic.
I usually don't care what people ship, everyone is free to like what they want, but this particular pairing bothers me for some reason. To see such elaborate, cool art being wasted on something completely made up with no basis is so wasteful.
Still better than IchiGuchi (yes, I made up this disgusting name for that pairing on purpose).
HiguIchi is fine. It's mostly just teasing for now anyway. The only real advantage they have is that they actually meaningfully interact, unlike HiguKoju. Ichigo actually severely impacted Higumin's outlook and future, so that's worth something.
I wouldn't want to be in relationship like that. It's just a play on nerves with increasing volume of shouting every time. Like RukaYuki but only the worst parts.
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It certainly felt pretty exhausting. But that's just one layer. Higumin does intentionally rile Ichigo up, but even from what little we got after that they got more going on. Ichigo inviting Higumin to eat at the cafeteria and worrying about how to ask her if she is coming over text was cute. They actually do eat together in the background too and talk normally. During combat they make a pretty good team. Higumin is establishing herself as the Yukki of 31B, the right hand woman with the brains.
In general I think their back and forths are really entertaining, but we will need a lot more of the quiet and soft moments that we got so little of.

And to be fair, Ichigo's far more popular pairing with Aoi is also mostly imaginary. The foundations were there, but the entire point is that they didn't have enough time to grow truly close. The idol event is the first time we got to properly explore AoIchi and at that point I can't tell if the writers were influenced by the fans or if the fans just predicted it really well.
>at that point I can't tell if the writers were influenced by the fans or if the fans just predicted it really well
I don't know about this one in particular, but I think writers other than Maeda are indeed being influenced by the fans on some ships and scenarios. Maeda just writes whatever the fuck he wants, as usual.
>writers other than Maeda are indeed being influenced by the fans on some ships
YanaShiki is proof of that.
>Maeda just writes whatever the fuck he wants
He is turning out more good than bad, so it's fine. I definitely doubt any other writer on the staff would have made Miya gay panic over Ruka. It's the kind of surprise left hook only Maeda throws.
So the game upgraded to Unity in the last patch. Anybody got any issues with that? I saw some people have issues on xitter, but those were mostly phone users. I never really have any issues on Steam.
I had to verify the game files and essentially download a full reinstall twice, and it still takes a few seconds to load each gacha page or even open the phone in the main menu.
Are you playing on PC or phone? The worst I've seen is people not even getting past the title screen or all textures being gone and the characters and enemies being all pink raw models.
I play on Steam, only very rarely on my phone. I had issues like slow asset loading or not loading at all for a few weeks already but nowhere this badly. I can't say how much impact the new Unity version had.
Might be your computer then. They did release a patch a few hours ago though, so maybe that will help.
There was a sprite update, but it's just
>Ichigo and Sumomo can now sweat
I'm not sure it's even worth trying to deduce anything from that. They're probably going to show up somewhere at some point, anything beyond that is reaching.
I felt like AoiRuka was a lot more natural due to them literally going on a date, but maybe it's just me.
AoiRuka is not a thing. From the get-go Ruka said she isn't into Aoi that way in the most blatant piece of dialogue I have ever seen.
Honestly, Maeda 100% didn't want this to be a ship and I can see why. Sure initially it looks nice, because Ruka is helping her with her depression, but ultimately Aoi just becomes dependent and Ruka doesn't care about her more than anyone else she helps. There is a really weird co-dependency vibe with their friendship and it doesn't scream romance.
What does Mind's Eye actually do? It annoys me that sometimes a character uses it up and sometimes not and I can't tell why at all.
+damage when hitting vulnerability. Basically fragile, but buff.
So it only works if the enemy has a weakness to the element/attack type you use?
Yes. Well, and pierce crit too.
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I don't think codependent means what you think it means, in AoiRuka's friendship Ruka is being supportive, and Aoi never really imposes nor crosses Ruka's boundaries. Codependency has someone giving and having issues when they can't give, and someone taking and having issues when they can't take.
I don't think Aoi is depressed as much as it is PTSD, and her hyperthymesia only magnifies the trauma when she relives those memories. She would blank out often and people have to pull her back to the present. So what madquerades as codependency here is just her survivors guilt. I think it's important to consider her personality and how she would have been when she was still in 29A.

>Ruka doesn't care about her any more than anyone else she helps
I think the moment before Ruka first talks to Aoi in her memory story might be enough to say that isn't the case at all. What do you think?
remember when Mind's Eye was unique to 31E like Charge was (and still is) unique to 31F?

classic sibling bonding activity
It doesn't matter what she was like in 29A. We are dealing with the current Aoi. And the current Aoi is depressed and has PTSD, yes. Ruka is like that cool uncle that you have a fun summer with, but never actually helps you with the trouble at home. She can only distract Aoi from her pain, not solve it. But Aoi over time gets more dependent on Ruka's aide and gets lulled into her rhythm. But Ichigo and 31B are the ones who actually help Aoi grow and return to a better state. That was the entire point of the last few days of chapter 2 and of RftB.
Aoi needs both to become happy. But it was cut short. And regardless, Ruka is just being a friend. Ruka is the type who literally goes around the base and helps everyone regardless of if they even want her to. Ruka is the type who will break all the rules and go save Sharo on a battlefield with a bunch of injured allies because she cares. The intensity in which she cares for Aoi is no diffferent from Sharo or even Koju in her event. It just seems more impactful to you because it was in the main story.
>might be enough to say that isn't the case at all
I think you failed to see the point of that at all. It's Ruka "knowing" Aoi is dead. Of course when one of her friends dies that leaves a pretty heavy impression on her. I don't see why this reaction has anything to do with what we discussed.
Anyone have any ideas how to beat Desert Dendron alternative timeline with my units? Everything before was slaughtered and farmed for badges by Inorin team with no need for buff thing or second team.(Inori 2, Aoi 1, Yunyun 1, Tama 5, Megu 3, Isuzu 2). But this piece of shit not only demands constantly replaced field, but also has non-elemental resistance.
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Out of respect I'll explain that I agree to disagree, I understand your perspective on paper but don't really agree with how clinical/dismissive your approach is with regard to Aoi's trauma or her friendship with Ruka. We don't see Ruka going around and feeling misty eyed for every single squad leader from every other squad. The things that we are shown in the main story are very significant, and event stories themselves also fill in a lot of blanks. Sure it's a bit of a 'boring' couple if they do date compared to the dynamics of RukaYuki, and sure, people can say they aren't really interested to their friend, but I feel there's undoubtedly a depth there between Ruka and Aoi that wasn't present with a lot of other characters, and not just in retrospect or because she remembers she died or something like that.

I don't believe feelings are set in stone, people are complicated. There were times where I felt that I disliked someone or never thought we'd end up dating but it happened, so what people say in one moment isn't too reliable. Even if someone is playing a role to comfort someone, the act of playing a role in itself reflects some of a person's character and can influence their intentions. It's why psychology considers 'fake it till you make it' to be true and real.
This was never going to last, Mind Eye is too big of an increase to keep it to one squad. Charge barely does anything for a lot of comps, so they're not in a rush to bring it over. And I think characters like the recent Maki or Inori would even benefit from more squads having access to Charge, because they really want someone else to cast it on them, and their only realistic option now is Yanagi, which not everyone can or wants to use.
Speaking of RukaAoi I find it interesting Ruka's seraph is called Brave Blue. We don't know where and when the serpahs get their names but this seems like a reference to Aoi (Requiem for example also refers to Aoi as Blue). Regardless of romantic feelings I think Aoi has a special place inside Ruka since she is the cause for Ruka's "lost of innocence".
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>Charge unique to 31F
Nah. That long since stopped.
I wish they would stop pandering to Aoifags so they don't get brain rot like this.
You need ice (or dark), a blaster and a lot of good support. Also Aoi in team 1 is basically a must. I think you are better off not bothering. Wait till you get ice Adel, then it should be pretty free to do the first team together with Mari (has a field) and Seira + healer and Aoi and some generic other helper like Isuzu (DP def down is very good against this worm).

Considering you invested way too much in that limited Ruka (dark), she'd be for the second team together with OD3, Tama and whatever else support you can give her (Fubuki, Iroha...). You only switch with od3 available, so you don't need to worry too much about stuff there.

If you have to absolutely try it now, this is still the general idea of play, but you'd need to use an off element blaster, aka can't make use out of the buffs and need as such someone else to break. Your ice options are so terrible however I think it's not worth. Freaking normal Adel is your best bet, and while she has an 8sp ice hit, I seriously doubt that'll be pretty. You can try it if you absolutely can't wait. Buff her up with 2 of her hit buffs and all the other steroids, and see what happens.
I honestly forgot that this one even existed.
>We don't see Ruka going around and feeling misty eyed for every single squad leader from every other squad
That's because they aren't dead! For crying out loud, how are you just completely ignoring context? Ruka cried for Kura too, so is she now closer to Kura than anyone else? Is this a good potential couple?
>they are a boring couple
They aren't one at all and couldn't be. Ruka told Aoi to her face she isn't into her.
And there is no indication either of them ever felt differently until the very end.
I will say it only one more time. Nothing Ruka did for Aoi is any more extreme than what she did for Sharo or Koju. And you will have a hard time convincing me that Ruka's constant rejection of Sharo's feelings will suddenly change over time, so why should this be true for Aoi?

You aren't coming at this from the perspective of analysing what's in the game, you are trying to retroactively fit your prefered reality into it. You look for reasons why Aoi and Ruka could be a good couple, you aren't actually accepting what the game told you explicitely and implicitly. And your argument are frankly super bad.
If you are going to reply again, please, actually address the points I made. DON'T just repeat your "point" without any further elaboration other than your subjective feelihngs. Acknowledge what I said and only then is there any point to continuing this discussion.
It was called that from the moment she summoned it. There is no relation to Aoi. Even less so when you consider that these are Pompom's weapons.
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I managed to beat the worm with these teams and it was an incredibly close fight. I'm also really bad at the game, so you could say this is a team that overcompensates for stupidity too.

As you can see, Ice Adel is basically mandatory. But if you have dark Adel you can probably play ice first and finish it off with dark instead. You just definitely need one Adel in one of the teams. You have SS1 Aoi which will help your first team survive long enough to break DP and raise destruction rate at least.
I would also consider that you need a field to counter the sandstorm. SS1 Mari's ice field is at least something.
Even after using Psychic Charge, Megumi can still get a post-battle line that she didn't get to use her psychics in this fight. Absolutely unplayable, 0/10
There is no mention of the names for seraphs in the story. You can only see it in the menu so it's could be something given to them by the girls later on or maybe it's just something you are not supposed to be thinking too hard about. I just think it's too much of a coincidence that Ruka's seraphs have that name. There are also time traveling theories floating around so it could be foreshadowing that.
You can literally look at Ruka's A style in the menu the moment you beat the first tutorial fight and it's called that. So yes, I do know it's unrelated to Aoi and the story implications don't change.
Why in the fuck would time travel somehow change what PomPom, a narvy's, Seraph weapons are called? And why would it be named after Aoi when she was only a footnote in the overall story?
I guess Ruka's weapons should be called Glasses Tsundere Duo, because she loves Yukki so much...
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Today's official 4koma is a sequel to the last.
Niina is gonna get jealous...
I mean the characters never mention these names in the story. And while Yukki is important to Ruka her character isn't only about Yukki. Like how important it's is for Ruka to have the memories with her mother to keep going on or her relationship with Yuina. I can see Ruka name her seraphs that as a way to motivate herself to push through to protect others even at the risk of her life like Aoi did.
>Why in the fuck would time travel somehow change what PomPom, a narvy's, Seraph weapons are called?
We don't know if time travel is involved and the exact mechanics but Ruka has a dream of future events before she wakes up in the prologue so maybe some information was retained even if Ruka herself doesn't remember. It's not that rare with stories that have time loop. And like I said it could simple be that the names were given to them at a point in the story we haven't reached yet.
You already admitted the flaw of your own reasoning. If anything Ruka's weapons would be named after the most important person in her life, her mother.

They will not be naming their weapons at any time in the future. There is no reason for that.
I'm not really here to argue with you, your headcanon is yours and mine is mine. As I said I agree to disagree.
The problem is that I'm not using headcanon, but facts from the game, unlike you.
I have my own understanding of how things work which is also based upon the linguistics. Your understanding is different but it doesn't make your opinion wrong and it doesn't mean that me sharing my perspective is trying to convince you that your truth is wrong because that would be disrespectful, and vice versa. I think it's fine for both of us to believe what we believe and we can just leave it there without resorting to those kind of accusations.
You are literally ignoring the context of why Ruka was sad when she saw Aoi in the memory episode and make up some nonsensical "interpretation" to twist it into something that suits your agenda. I don't respect that one bit.
Your argumentation style is the cover your ears and shout until reality goes away type.

It's one thing to interpret a vague plot point in several ways, but no amount of "linguistics" can change the most obvious things in the game.
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Not really related to the above discussions but do you think that Yukki will ever become as important as Ruka's mom to Ruka? Of course she's important to Ruka as a character but what about in terms of how strongly Ruka feels about her?

Yukki's confession was hilarious and calling it subtext is insane. But seeing idiots dismiss the yuri by claiming that it's just Yukki one-sidedly crushing on Ruka because she's her fan got me thinking about how that their relationship really needs a huge change on Ruka's side. Ruka had responded to Yukki's confession, yeah, but there's not much depiction of how she felt about it. So even if they had retained their memories and started dating, even though it's yuri, I feel like it would have missed...something.

I felt the same about 5.1. Ruka was obsessed with her mom and even dismissed the possibility that her time travels could fuck up the whole squad even though she acts as if she knows that she's special to Yukki. Even if it's out of guilt for stealing the original Ruka's life, I felt like Ruka was basically saying that she's okay with the possibility of trading her comrades' lives for her mom's and the original's life, all while using up her friend's magical powers too! That's why I found Ruka's actions in the chapter extremely flawed but the folks I saw on Xitter simply kept praising her for being selfless and kind so I hope I'm not insane for expecting character development.

I think this tendency of Ruka to act detached and dismiss things is why I like the jealousy scenes with Higumin so much. Obviously nothing romantic is going on between them but Ruka can't help but get all worked up about it. But in the new side mode's story, she teases Yukki by asking if she has a crush on Nanamin, so that jealousy seems reserved for only Higumin, which is a little disappointing. Anyways, I hope Ruka's serious feelings for Yukki eventually get more focus than the subtle depiction we have right now...especially since she's so unfaithful.
why are you people engaging with the Aoi waifu fag who literally admitted to using Ruka as a self-insert? Please stop wasting your time like that.

good post sis
Thanks. I usually only lurk instead of posting but sometimes the thoughts pile up for too long and then demand to be let out. Thus the wall of text.
They released the Live as a video.
Watching it repeatedly in this short version, the intro is definitely too long. I think rap is fine for SiL, but it has to be done like in Komachi Vampire. There it was way more like a song and less like free-style rap.
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I'm not really ignoring anything, I have already said I understand your opinion and where you're coming from. I just disagree with your opinion because I have my own which is supported by my own experience and observations and feelings from playing those parts of the story, and also my own understanding from Maeda's previous works.
I may have missed it, but I went through Aoi's bond and memory stories once more, and I didn't hear any part where Ruka denied being into Aoi, but that's beside the point for now.
In my opinion, you see it differently than the way Maeda intended for it to emotionally, since you said that you see Aoi as merely codependent and that you felt that the friendship "has a really weird codependency vibe"; codependency is a rather harsh and dismissive term which implies that the individuals in the relationship are abusive in narcissistic ways and therefore are emotional vampires/parasites, or feel validation from putting themselves in harm's way. Likely what you regard as that "weird" feeling is something uniquely Japanese, a kouhai and senpai relationship; Aoi is Ruka's senpai. I think you may have mistaken that inherent respect and availability for your upperclassmen as codependency, but it's clear that Aoi's trauma was also a factor, also that both Aoi and Ruka enjoy goofing off together, even while Aoi said she doesn't want to take Ruka away all for herself.
You were dismissive about Aoi's circumstances despite that, and t you it was just "weird"....given the way it's presented, if you're not getting misty eyed from how close the two of them became in such a short time, then my feelings are enough to tell me you're off target too, but I'd rather not argue over it.
I'm not really smart enough to write in ways that would perfectly explain the nuances of my opinion, which is why I was reluctant and I apologize for that, even now I don't really feel that I've said all of what I wanted.
>using Ruka as self insert
That wasn't me.
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We've discussed this a while ago and it still seems to hold true to a degree. Ruka is extremely averse to showing her true feelings on some matters. She always ignores or doesn't react to moments when 31A ships RukaYukki, she acted completely unaffected during the pocky game, no matter who her partner was or even when Yuina and Yukki were about to kiss.
At the same time is hard to believe that she isn't messing wiht Yukki, Yuina and Miya on purpose when she does all kinds of flirty things with them.

When 5.1 came out I pretty much concluded that this chapter was necessary for Yukki to finally understand how much Ruka means to her and that she can't just passively stand next to her and take their closeness for granted. 5.1 was a wake-up call for Yukki to be more honest and to actually evaluate how much she loves her. Before 5.1 there was a certain "I'm just a fan" mindset in her brain, but with everything that happened we are far beyond that now.

And just like I concluded back then, it's Ruka's turn now to realize how intrinsically important Yukki is to her. She has her jealous moments, not just with Higuchi, but also when Mari was all over Yukki. At first it seemed like she was just jealous that Mari cared more about Yukki than her, but in later scenes like the memory episode it is clear she is upset that someone is going after Yukki and is almost spitefully throwing them at each other.
During chapter 3 when Kura asked that important question Ruka had no alternate options, she was certain of her answer. In chapter 4.1 she accepted Yukki as her support pillar and managed to keep moving. And now in 5.1 she at the very least should learn how much Yukki has done for her. While her flirty attitude in the infirmary seemed still a bit too playful, there is definitely some genuine affection in how she acted.

To answer your main question: I don't think it is fair to weigh family against a lover. One shouldn't be more important than the other.
If anything I'm fond of Koju, I was just really touched by/defensive of the Aoi stuff since I also have PTSD. Anyways heading off to bed. Sorry for all of the wordy back and forth.
It is not an opinion. You are fishing for "our opinions are both valid" sophistry, but you will not get it. This is not up to interpretation.
>memory epsiode
>Ruka denying being into Aoi
What are you talking about? Ruka said that during chapter 2. I refuted your weird attitude about the beginning of the memory episode where Ruka is sad when seeing Aoi somehow meaning Aoi is special to her, when it is very obvious that in this world Ruka is instinctively aware Aoi is dead. If you play Kura's memory episode you will understand this better.
>crazy definition of co-dependence
You do not understand what co-dependence is.
>Aoi doesn't want to take Ruka away for herself
That is once again in the memory episode, which takes place in a very heavily implied weird reality that acknowledges Aoi is dead and that this is Ruka going out of her way to hang out with her in this odd place. The ending of that even has very heavy subtext that this is some kind of afterlife or memory space. Aoi is basically saying Ruka should not waste her time on her when she is taking care of so many people.

I don't get "misty eyed" over general concepts like friendship, sorry. Requiem for the Blue is much more emotionally impactful than the first swimsuit event for the same reason.
It's not a strange definition, it's what I remember when I took codependency classes when I voluntarily checked into a women's inpatient rehab clinic when my PTSD was making me self medicate myself to death. But I'm a bit too drowsy to really continue talking. Goodnight.
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>I don't think it is fair to weigh family against a lover. One shouldn't be more important.
Well, yes. But it's a question that came up in the story. And a lover is also basically family. Of course, the love isn't the same type as that towards a mother, but Ruka said early on in the chapter that 31A had become more than family for her. Yet, when she was faced to choose between 31A, her friends who are alive at present, and her mom, who had already passed away, Ruka actually wanted to stay forever with her mother or change the past. The choice was obvious for her despite it coming with her possibly leaving her friends forever and putting them in danger all alone. Which is why I agree that a feelings realization moment is crucial for Ruka, because the current narrative wants you to believe that her mother is way more important to her and that noone else comes even close, similar to how Ruka is for Yukki. The feelings are actually portrayed in parallel there. I agree with you but the weighing actually happened and Ruka was stuck in the past, chasing what was lost because of regrets, which is why I brought it up.

Also a fun detail about the pocky game is that Ruka reacts after the battle that interrupted the game only if you choose RukaYui or YuiYuki. If you choose RukaYuki, Ruka doesn't react and Tsukasa does instead. Can't tell if it's intentional but it does make me wonder why they'd go out of their way to not use Ruka for just one outcome.
>Ruka chose the past, was fine abandoning 31A etc.
I don't think Ruka ever believed that though. Yukki even convinced her it's not actually time travel until the epilogue. There was never anything about "staying in the past" either. She first and foremost went on these "memory dives" to get info about their origins and while she was there she got obssessed with getting closure with her mother too. But both goals were equally important.
When she realized it really was time travel she thought it was a chance to get real closure with her real mother instead of just a memory and used it. At this point they already learned what they needed to anyway.
>Ruka reacts after the battle that interrupted the game only if you choose RukaYui or YuiYuki
Hm? In the YukiYui route it's Yukki who reacts.
In the RukaYui route it's Yuina who reacts.
I don't know where you got that from.
It's literally in the title screen where you see blue and red colors representing Ruka and Yuki (Blue and Red oni inspiration...).
>I don't think Ruka ever believed that though.
Of course she did. Why else would she try to change the past? Yukki is the one who didn't believe it while Karerin brought up the possibility of the present changing due to Ruka's actions. And later on, Ruka thinks to herself about how she might cause trouble to 31A if things changed for real and Yukki became the leader in the new reality. That's why one part of the chapter is dedicated to showing how important Ruka's presence is, even if Ruka herself didn't value it much. Ruka believed that it was time travel at one point. She wanted to try to cause a change if she could. She simply dismissed future consequences. It's not much different from Yuina's time travels and Ruka herself tells Yuina that she's going to the past and making changes. Ruka herself had to "realize" and that she couldn't change the past after multiple attempts (before being proven wrong in the end, of course).
There's even a line in World We Changed that goes "始まりなんて彼方に きっかけなんて微かに 今を大切にしませんか" referring to Ruka's origins and saying that one should treasure the present no matter what led to your birth. Choosing between the past and the present and Ruka moving on from all her guilt and regrets, both the narvy space travel one, and the Pompom one that made her obsessed with her mom, is a clear theme of the chapter.

>There was never anything about "staying in the past" either.
There was. Ruka wishes that she could stay with her mom forever and thinks about how she can't due to the presence of the Ruka in the past. Not even because she felt responsible for 31A, but because she'd get forcefully ejected if she stayed. She clearly wanted to run away to the comfort of mommy's arms.
Finding information and getting closure were her objectives at first. But then she took a detour to try to change the past. Ruka states it pretty clearly and calls it her selfishness. She went back on track and tried to find more information and get closure again only when she realized that she couldn't change the past and that Megumin was running out of powers.

>pocky game
After the battle. I'm not talking about what happened during the game itself. I'm talking about the outcome you get based on your choice after the battle that interrupts the pocky game.
>I'm talking about the outcome you get based on your choice after the battle that interrupts the pocky game.
So was I. It's never Ruka who reacts.
Sorry, I wasn't clear enough. I'm not talking about reacting to the interrupted game but responding to the reaction of Yuina/Yukki. I thought that mentioning Tsukasa reacting would have made it clear but my wording was vague. Point is that you simply don't see Ruka after the RukaYuki choice, even though she's the one reacting to Yuina/Yukki in the other two cases.
It's almost as if both the story and Ruka herself are intentionally refusing to show us how Ruka feels.
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They are doing 31E's bios now. Kind of appropiate.
At this point I don't even know if cameos mean anything, but during day 1 of Isuzu's event you can see Ichigo talking about Sumomo... I wonder if that is a hint that we are getting a Sumomo event soon.
I personally think that Ruka and Yuki fuck
Sextuplets? I still don't think they are all born at the same time. They act like there are real age differences between them.
>They act like there are real age differences between them.
There are.
Huh I guess they are not making up the pre-reg numbers
It's not a contest to see who is the most important to Ruka. Why are you assuming Ruka would name her seraphs after the most important person in her life? I already explain why it's a possibility but the idea that Ruka consider Aoi special (not even romantically) is unacceptable to you for some reasons. Ruka also already give her mother's name to the song 陽のさす向こうへ which have both the name (日向) and also signify Ruka's determination to leave her mother (the place where the sun shines). I think it's much more apporiate there than naming a weapon after her mother.
>They will not be naming their weapons at any time in the future.
Hey, you can not know that unless you are Maeda himself. It's very possible they will never elaborate on this detail but who knows.
I don't really get why some people in this thread seem to hate Aoi. The character herself is'nt that bad. For the record I'm not an Aoifag (I actually find her design a bit too bland that I was surprised to find out a lot of people find her attracive). Some anons talked about codependency above but the desire to have a person to make their partner their entire existence and vice verse sounds a lot like codependency to me. And no, I don't hate that kind of ralationship in fiction either. There is beauty in rainbow and sunshine yuri and there is beauty in doomed couples that forsake the whole world for their love too.
So they aren't sextuplets then... And don't give me some crap about being born seconds apart.
That doesn't support your point at all. You literally just went back to square one. "Could be named after Aoi, even though there is no evidence." Pointless.
>you can't know that
Sure. In the same way I can't know that they will never start integrating the equipment you put on your characters into the main story and acknowledge it. But we both know how likely that is.
>why do people hate Aoi????
Nobody hates Aoi dumbass. People hate Aoifags. Also please don't waste anyone's time explaining who you find attractive, this is /u/.
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Found out
Usually the difference is in minutes, not seconds. Big difference. After around 4 minutes without oxygen, your grey matter starts dying off. After 10 without oxygen your chances of being revived or having EEG activity are very, very low.
It's not trivial at all.
It doesn't matter at all. The point is how there are genuine age differences between them. In years.
I don't believe they are all the same age.
六つ子 is literally sextuplets, as in 6 children all together in the womb at the same time. It would have been an incredible feat of scheduling to have six children separately and give birth on Nov. 29 every single time.
That's what was discussed in these threads before, how unlikely it is for them all to have the same birthday. But not as unlikely as them being actual sextuplets. If they had been actual orphans who just chose to all have the same birthday like many originally thought it would have made more sense. Not to mention that Isuzu and Minori don't look like they are related to the others at all.
Ichiko being the "oldest sister" is such a joke when she is literally only a minute or so older than Niina.
I'm fairly sure having sextuplets is still more likely to happen than producing the same birthday 6 times in a row. Not that Ichigo and Sumomo look very related either, but I'd also be completely fine with that orphan idea. The bio just says sextuplets, so unless there's anything explicitly denying that in the game, they're real sisters for me.
Ichiko, Niina and Yotsuha actually look a lot like their parents. So it's not weird to think they are actually related. But it always seemed possible that the rest were adopted.
I guess they really want to run with the dumb sextuplets thing though.
The issue with your argument is that the word 六つ子 has a very specific definition, and there are ways to write "six sisters" with the implied meaning, which was not done here.
You're welcome to believe whatever you want, but at that point you're entering the realm of fanfiction.
Maeda literally said they're inspired by Gotobun
I don't wanna hear that something good is inspirede by something so bad.
Maeda thinks they're sextuplets? When they don't even look like they are the same age? What a dumbass.
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Minorin... you will get your time to shine one day.
Can we bullshit this pairing into existence like we did YanShiki? I think Suganyan would play off in a really funny way with Minori.
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Like.. c'mon.
Have you not seen her new memory?
I did see someone say it felt like straight out of a fanart, but I'm gonna play it when I got time.
But there is no way that a memory episode builds enough masterial for a ship. Maybe a raft.
It's not a real ship yet, but at least the people who wanted to ship it know that the canon acknowledges their connection. So they don't feel like they're forcing interactions that aren't there, they're there.
However, while fun, to me that episode also shows the weakness of pandering directly to the fanbase like that. How to put it, you don't get to see some new perspective on the character, or some new interactions that you weren't expecting. It's more like
>Oh, I get it, it's just like fan art.
Sometimes an idea just makes sense. Doesn't have to be revolutionary. Of course a full event would probably be more involved and thus have more layers to it than a 5 minute memory episode.
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Ok, I did Minori's memory episode and it was absolutely hilarious. I haven't laughed that hard in a while!
Golita going nuts is always fun, but Ichiko stole the show. She went absolutely crazy about Minori's gap effect... just not when she acted cute, but when she acted like a gorilla. She is such an insane siscon.
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Is there anything more heartbreaking than that scene where Isuzu confessed she feels responsible for Muua's kidnapping and all the suffering of her sisters? When she started counting down all the things her sisters went through across the years that seriously made me recoil with tears.
The game usually makes the girls poverty into a joke, which only works because they seem to be mostly over it and now live a bit better... but when the ugly reality is thrown into your face it's so visceral and unbearable.

The part where she said Yotsuha always pretended to be sleeping so she would eat less was probably where I broke down. When funny quirks turn out to be defense mechanisms, that's when the gap hits the hardest. And the Oshima sisters are all defined by their poverty and trauma.
>When funny quirks turn out to be defense mechanisms
>but when the ugly reality is thrown into your face it's so visceral and unbearable
>...are all defined by trauma
Sometimes when the trauma is happening, you can't cry then, you can only survive and hope to get by. But when the hardest times have passed you have a whole lifetime to think about what happened, what you could have done better, who you hurt, who hurt you, your faults and regrets. Especially regrets, if you've made some mistake that violates your own principles, even out of necessity. You carry it with you so as never to repeat it. And you're just stuck with all of that swirling around, There's no such thing as getting over it as it always comes back in some form.
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Almost like the world is built to produce traumas. It is in its essence. Down to primitive need to kill in order to live. And up the advanced society's "might makes right". If god exists then hell is real, but heaven is not.
Hell Burns Red
Heaven Burns Red
No, you absolutely can get over trauma. There are many cases where therapy helped. Some people take the easy way out and just forget through other means, but it can be solved. Isuzu never shared her feelings and thus they festered. Now that she spoke about it and the other reassured her she will suffer far less.

The Oshima family has an inherent support net, which helps a lot. None of them are alone and they always have people around who understand. That's more than most people suffering can say.
Eh. When something is actually nagging at you for so long, the sisters saying it's okay isn't changing things. It's not like she wasn't around them forever. It's not like deep down she doesn't know they are nice.

If this little thing fixed everything it wasn't much of a trauma to begin with. Years of scars don't heal over night.
Obviously it isn't solved in one conversation, but the most important thing was to reveal the secret. Keeping it to herself is what compounded the issue. Isuzu kept judging herself for years and feared rejection. But seeing that her sisters don't feel any different about her (beyond understanding how much she hurt thinking this way all this time) will stabilize her.

There are probably certain triggers that can affect her, obviously. The same way Muua was seemingly over her trauma by the end of Oshimaya, but the moment she saw her kidnapper she snapped and got triggered.

Consider that none of them got professional help. They are healing in a natural and slow way. You'd really think a military base has a psychologist on staff...
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That final mission for Perseus is actually insane. Most of the Professional stuff has actually been very doable with Nanamin's bike above level 60, but that final enemy won't budge. Level 68 bike is still not enough. I simply can't deal enough damage.
When they introduced it, they said lv.80 is recommended.
Well every other mission could be overcome with sheer grit, but I can definitely feel my limits here. Guess I'll wait for the next update so I can grind while actually making progress.
Finished the event. It's quite good, except for one moment I really hate.
The need to "redeem" the oshimama and oshidad killer. It's so pathetic I don't know where to start. First, he didn't do shit when the sisters were struggling with poverty, he only watched. Second, murderers don't feel regret, only good people do, but they don't become murderers. I know a few people that killed others and I guarantee they all think they were in the right, some of them now live a happy life after doing their time in prison. Third, whole scene of him covering for Isuzu is so cheap, only done to moralize that "revenge is bad". As fake as Rikka suddenly becoming a blackmailer just to throw Mayuri down the reader's throat in Flowers.
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I mean there are several points you got very wrong, so that certainly doesn't help your interpretation.
The guy isn't a killer. He kidnapped Muua. And he explicitely kidnapped her so that bloodshed could be avoided, because he knew the weapons dealers would not accept a peacefiul retirement of Oshimaya from that business. Basically he was foolish to think the parents wouldn't take on the entire gang and shoot their way through to get their daughter back.

While he is still a piece of shit who stuffed a little girl into a suitcase and tried to blackmail parents who wanted to quit crime, his intentions seemed to be genuine. He cared about Oshimaya in his own twisted way. And he was definitely fucking guilty about the whole affair, which is why he kept watching over the daughters in the shadows after everything went wrong.

As for him not doing anything for them, from me perspective he was in a bad situation, because they would recongize him as the kidnapper and despise him, so he couldn't really take them in or reveal himself. At the same time he was probably still working for the arms dealers, so he might not have wanted to drag them into that world again. Also as seen with the time he paid for Niina's medical fees, he did try to help. Whe the Cancer invaded he lost sight of them and regretted it forever.
I agree of course that he is an idiot and an asshole for what he did and that he didn't try hard enough to make up for it, but the point was more that he was a conflicted person, not that he was actually a good guy.

I mean I can tell you are a troubled guy who has some kind of bad experience and delusions when you said some nonsense about killers being unable to feel remorse (do you have the same assumption in regards to Ichigo in this same game?). Infinite real life stories out there of criminals and murderers reforming because of guilt. It's not even relevant, but it's pretty obvious.
PS: You didn't understand Flowers at all. Did you even read it properly? Suoh and Mayuri were already dating when Rikka started the blackmail. If anything it was done to shove Rikka down our throats.
>entire gang
Yeah , that the point he was a part of it. And he survived the shooting. And it doesn't matter if he made fatal shots or someone else.
>do you have the same assumption in regards to Ichigo in this same game
Depends. Most probably the writers will make it so all of their killings were justified. And even if it wasn't the case I expect them to accept it and move on. And if there is some kind of survivor they wronged the said survivor would have a right to avenge their loved ones.
>Infinite real life stories out there of criminals and murderers reforming because of guilt
Of course they lie about it for pity points. Even if they reform it's only because they don't want to lose more years of their life.
Also, Clockwork Orange (the book) has a shit ending, but it perfectly shows what criminals like that really are.

They weren't dating yet it was just coming to that. Look, for the most part of the story Mayuri was that aloof and mysterious beauty, some unreachable ideal for Suoh. Mayuri just always had a perfect timing to show up and woo Suoh. Rikka on the other hand was the one who accepted Suoh the strongest, the one thanks to who she became accustomed to school, who loved her unconditionally. But then Shimizu thought "wait, what if people actually like Rikka? Can't have that , Mayuri is the true route. Let's ruin Rikka in one fucking scene". It was out of nowhere and even sounds retarded "lesbian blackmails lesbian that if she didn't date her she will tell everyone in the school that she is a lesbian".

And yes, the only good parts of Flowers are Ete and Automne. Whole Suoh thing is a circus.
>And it doesn't matter if he made fatal shots or someone else
It makes a huge difference actually. If he didn't shoot them he isn't a killer, he is just the reason shit went bad. Which is why everyone blames him rightfully.
>make all her kills justified
They are hired assassins and Ichigo has major PTSD about her hits. Clearly it's not something she can justify to herself. Unless she just has a weak stomach about killing in general, I assume that if she truly felt like she was doing something "righteous" she wouldn't be this affected.
>everyone lies, only I know what criminals really think
lmao, get your brain checked out. You got delusions. There are so many different scenarios in which people kill people and not two are the same, whether in circumstances or motivation. You sound more unstable than them right now pretending to be some mind reader who knows what people really think.

>Rikka totally accepted Suoh the strongest
Rikka literally acted homophobic and possessive the entire time, a total mess of contradictions and red flags. The fact that Suoh stayed friends with her and ignored her obvious advances and overstepping the lines in the sequels is honestly insane. Liking Rikka before that makes you a basic bitch, but you are a terrible judge of character if you didn't see the warning signs. It wasn't just one scene.

Also the irony was that Mayuri had a crush on Rikka, because she was like her first love. The fact that Suoh and her only got so close in the second half made it seem more like Mayuri wasn't the main heroine.
But you are dumb enough to think that not all of Flowers was one big circus, so you seem pretty bad at judging things anyway.
Which one do you mean? I heavily overkilled all of the boss' with Adel and od3 prepared.

Kozue's burger thingy makes it so you get by with bike ~lvl60 easily. If you mean the crabs, you need the def canceling passive they give you from the new fight they added to the first chapter.
The stun guy was similar and due to being alone even easier.
I was talking about the final area 2 mission. That double blade hand Cancer. It's not that he is too hard to survive, I can actually sustain my team for a while, but the bitch doesn't go down. I can barely break DP. Also why do you just assume everyone has burger Kozue?
If you can survive it's not an issue. She just makes it even easier to get the required stats.

Also there are other ways to get stats, but again that doesn't seem to be your issue.
These fights are by no means a problem with OD3 and a bunch of standard buffs and debuffs, so it's hard for me to tell you anything else but generic tips. If you don't want that, you need to provide more info.
Unless you did lower difficulty before, because yeah. Professional is a bit different.
I don't know what to tell you. I'm using the same ice team I used to beat Hard Mode bosses and it always worked. Obviously I'm using damn OD3. Obviously I'm buffing. The Cancer just has absurd resistance. At least above 7 million DP, but takes less damage than other bosses I fought.

I suppose there is a reason why they suggest a level 80 bike for this boss. Or maybe I'm using the wrong bike equipment, who knows.
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>It's easy to get over trauma.
Please don't make assumptions, it's easy for someone to say that when they haven't been been dragged back into that hell for weeks kicking screaming and sobbing, and by the smallest of triggers even though you thought you had gotten over it for the dozenth time.
The symptoms can be managed and lived with but the overall trauma is not undoable.

>Obviously it isn't solved in one conversation, but the most important thing was to reveal the secret. Keeping it to herself is what compounded the issue. Isuzu kept judging herself for years and feared rejection. But seeing that her sisters don't feel any different about her (beyond understanding how much she hurt thinking this way all this time) will stabilize her.

>Consider that none of them got professional help. They are healing in a natural and slow way. You'd really think a military base has a psychologist on staff...
You're idealistic, but the reality is that in some countries like the US, military healthcare for veterans, active duty and retired, is an excruciating and drawn out process, there are many dark jokes and horror stories surrounding VA affairs and companies like TriCare for a reason. Wait times are long for anything not immediately life threatening. Is


If all of these people have it so much better and easier in our world with more people and counselors and therapists than what the Seraph Corps have access to... why haven't we gotten over it even after 20+yrs?
I never said it's easy, retard.
>a bunch of irrelevant bullshit
Oh shut the fuck up and get all this off-topic retardation out of this thread. Nobody gives a shit about what military treatment times are like, that is completely irrelevant to the actual topic.
>why do some people not get over it after a long time??? Checkmate!
You fucking moron. Not everyone is the same. There are plenty of people in the real world who got through trauma. Like nothing you say here has any meaning.
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I would love to see some more fanart for the Isuzu event. Like Isuzu and Muua hugging or Ichiko sleeping in Isuzu's bed. Sadly most fanart is solo Isuzu or Minori art. And surprisingly SugaMino has taken off way more from a memory episode.
Sorry, I mistook you for someone I could have an intelligent discussion with on this topic, rather than the troll you've turned out to be. I guess your form of trauma makes you into someone who has to belittle people and name call and stroke your ego rather than taking the opportunity to be more informed.
Make up whatever you want. I just don't deal with idiots with agendas who push off-topic shit to make themselves seem smart. I can post random studies and statistics too. That doesn't make them relevant.
I knew from the start that you are that type of moron. Didn't even need you to use the obvious pretentious "I guess you just didn't want to learn!" bullshit.

You generalize, misinterpret data, lack any coherence and just insert stuff you want to talk about into topics where they don't belong. If anyone is an egomaniac it is you.
I don't care about your excuses.
I know that you can't handle being called out. No need to act like a bitch about it.
It's okay honey. No one's going to hurt you here so you can drop the tough guy roleplay.
And the mask is off. You're the actual troll. No surprise. I won't waste another second on you.
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