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This thread is for:
*Screenshots, pages, and discussion about general series, current or old, not covered by an existing thread, be it yuri, fanservice, subtext or goggles.
*Canon and non-canon both welcome.
*News reports about things relevant to our interest.
*Original content that doesn't fit any specific thread topics.
*Pretty much anything that doesn't have or need its own thread.
*Kneeling before the Mother

Previous: >>4294073
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>tfw they finally blocked Dynasty on the work wifi

It's over. Can't use mobile data cause the building interferes with it, have to just read LNs/manga stored on my phone like a chump or just zone out and invent yuri stories in my head.
Can't you just use tor?
a fate worse than death
>walk a block away, maybe to a nearby cafe
Madokami blessed you with a brain.
Naoi is ready to take your order!
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can't wait for the rest
Has anyone else noticed that a lot of threads lost their OP pics, leacing only the thumbnails? I counted around 20 threads with this problem.
Which threads
These for startes, but there are a lot more.
they appear for rme
I noticed it on another slow board, one with missing thumbs as well
I mean the full-size pictures, not the thumbnails. Try to download them and you'll see they're corrupt.
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Sulkburger and poutato, please.
That's odd, I only get a corrupted file when downloading them.
I also just get 'File does not exist' error if I try to open these.
>ay bro I'm just gonna step outside to connect to the Starbucks's wifi across the street so I can temporarily connect to my lesbian weeb media curator website on my phone
>and then come back to work

The fuck is that gonna accomplish
Does she works with Deku?
I guess you could use Tachiyomi to download the chapters you want to read offline.
Serves you right for being dumb.
What does the name on her name tag say? Maybe we can finally figure out her first name.
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Just finished watching this short animation.
What did I think of it?
Just need some subs
whoa didn't expect seggs

what is this
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Villainess stories you kinda have to strain to understand why these girls are playing otome games to just obsess over the enemy girl. They're cute enough but there's nothing that outstanding about them.

It kills me that in Genkai OL-san, that isn't part of MC's characterization. She just likes the game and before she's isekai'd she's more fond of the MC before she's charmed by Lapis. And Lapis has this hauntingly beautiful design. That's the kind of villainess I'd tolerate an otome game for. Incredible aura. It's like if Edelgard was allowed to go through normal puberty but still had white hair. Or Shizuma got the Devastator from Duke Nukem 3D.
Do otome games even have vilainess characters?
Go on.
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Happy Pumpkin Seed Day
Angelique, otome game series started way back for the Super Famicom. The rival character was so popular they made her playable in later games, and even added "friendship events." Series was super popular with adult working women which is why the villainess isekai MCs are often office ladies.

Yes it's basically the "lmao this world that runs off JRPG logic is literally just Dragon Quest 3" manga/LN writing shtick but for otome games, because this shit was one of the earliest to really turn the otome game market into the monstrosity it is, just like DQ3 wrote the book on JRPGs.
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I'm sure you can find it if you google the filename or watermark.
Damn, she's fabulous.
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New Monster Hunter puts you in a team full of women, and a cat I guess.

>play as female hunter
>mfw poly yuri potential
The only real fault is that the redhead's dialogue is a little difficult to make out. Otherwise it's pretty well done. Plus it's good to see a yuri-only hentai after so long. Not counting softcore/TV stuff, I think the last one we got was the Sono Hanabira one?
Flatties can't top.
>Sono Hanabira
It was 47 years ago...
>What did I think of it?
I dunno, what did you think of it?
The only good thing the nazis made.
A cat is fine too.
Finally getting a baihe?!
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That's not that new. MH World partnered you up with the handler. MH Rise has the twins handling quests. To say nothing of all the other side female NPCs handling other important shit.

Honestly it'd be weirder if they weren't giving you a cute girl partner cheering you on every step of the way.
Why would you point a loaded gun at your girl's pussy...
>t. titty monster dominated by a flat midget
For fun!
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Apparently the producer for the new Idolmaster manga is a woman
Oh boy can't wait to read 80 chapters about Tang dynasty politics or whatever before the main couple even meet for the first time.
who is the yuri who is most likely to smoke weed
Prison! has a girl in jail for smoking weed
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>jail for smoking weed
Recently I found one where a robot girl got molested by a female slime and lamia.
Will she end up like Kirk Cobain
i need a link to this NOW
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/u/ is derelict in its duty if it is not able to produce a full version of this.
Can't get it without one of those Japanese payment apps
Does Miki really have a boob mole? I'm going to need official confirmation.
Thats for Aki to know
I think I remember reading this, it was alright I guess, not enough love stuff though.
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arm touching boob
Why would Miki refuse to leave Aki have a girlfriend of her own when that would give her two girlfriends? Is she stupid?
Monster Hunter girls are so ugly.
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Everyone will be Shiho's gf eventually
Time to find out how many people on /u/ are on the same wavelength as me.
I will post an acronym I made up for the best kind of lesbian and if you know what it stands for, you're cool, here it is;


Hint: There is a video game lesbian who matches the description.
For that clip it's just:
>Oh, hey, uhh--
>The president of all people doing something so naughty with her classmate's gym uniform!
>Go ahead and touch me right here, please
>There's no way I can stand this!
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>Yuzume, a girl who witnessed her respected class president masturbating with her own gym clothes. Hinoki, a girl who
was caught masturbating by the heroine of her class whom she admires
So, Sonohana 1 if Nanami wasn't a pushover
Monster Hunter girls are so beautiful
I can't emphasize with normie adult yuri relationships at all, only with innocent and pure maiden yuri.
Why is so much adult yuri so immature and full of such childish characters anyway? It's always dumb angst, het sex, bisluttery and cheating.
Because the game was made in Japan and not in the west.
This but opposite.

I'm not into moeshit like >>4302173 as much anymore. Give me adult drama, office ladies, mortgage/rent conversations, marriage angst, all that.
All innocent pure maiden yuri does anymore is make me lament my misspent youth.

Adult yuri (or relatively at least given Relationship's and other similar manga's characters are mostly just graduating college) are much more relatable to me with the frequent focus on existential needs and how that can clash with both intimate relationships and the expectations of the world at large.
I see your point, but are two girls fucking in the locker room really a good example of "moeshit"?
Horny girls biting off more than they can chew is the pinnacle of moe.
someone upload this pls
I meant the design. I dont like the SUPER round faces.
I'm still mostly fine with the more normal anime faces.
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I'm at the edge of my seat (again).
Flat is aerodynamic and makes for nimble apex predators.
Cowtit women only exist to provide a direct source of healthy girlmilk to keep superior flatties' bones strong while they're out hunting for more slow cowtit women (they also birth her iPS daughters).
All lesbians, specially the cat.
Kinda hot desu. We need more feral yuri.
As opposed to.....?
Yes, to boldly go where no man has gone before.
She's in jail for selling weed.
almond milk
It's Japan, I remember that it was for consuming it and I also remember that her addiction was some sort of recurring joke
She got caught buying it and got charged with possession.
Incredibly Cool Knightly Tomboy
I know that series has the tone of a SoL/comedy manga, but it's still really depressing.
I can see why there is so little yuri on dlsite. A random ear licking ASMR can sell 10x that in the same amount of time.
just found out sub-text stands for subtle text, which explains why most of /u/ hates it since theyre incapable of reading inbetween the lines
Use HTTPS bypasser. Unicorn HTTPS on android, for example.
There's nothing depressing about criminals being where they belong.
Are you from /v/ or twitter by any chance?
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It's almost like it has more relation to reality than pure maiden yuri or something
The pussy likes to eat pussy?
Even one weed syringe can kill you.
Nana isn't yuri.
It's depressing how such a sophisticated genre like yuri has a fanbase with such a pedestrian abd uncultured mindset.
Japanese men are disgusting.
Don't act like women don't love that shit too.
Doubtful. There'd be a lot more yuri ASMR if they did
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Is this worth watching?
We could tell you if you'd give us a name, or at least not a fucking thumbnail artifacted to hell.
Why would there be? Regular ASMR are effectively yuri if the listener is female.
Isn't it though?
if you cant tell what it is from a screenshot of the two main characters, then you probably havent watched it, in which case your input is not needed
what was that kickstarter animation with a chef and mermaid?
I forgot to bookmark it
Not an excuse to post such a disgusting picture.
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>feral yuri.
Careful what you wish for.
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Sorry, flattie, but might makes right.
>meanwhile in Saki the flattest girls are the most powerful
Really makes you think...
Who the hell told you that? It's just the prefix sub- attached to the word text, like subplot and subsection.
I mean, technically, sure? The prefix "sub-" means "below", "under", or "fragmented" and has been used consistently since the construction of the original Latin language. "Subtle" is far more recent in its development, being derived from "subtilis" through Anglo-French and Middle English. So like, "subtext" is a proper word on its own, and would mean the same damn thing if you wanted to break it up into "subtle text", it's just a question of chickens and eggs. But A) Why would you? B) The fuck did you think subtext meant before you had this epiphany?
We need more stories of a straight girl turning gay after mind-blowing lesbian sex
but this is great
Either Naoi wears makeup to hide it while at work, or Kuwabara forgot to include Naoi's scar on the cover of the leaflet.
Why can't women like ASMR?
The dlsite ASMR in question is like ear licking masturbation play where the actresses talk about the listener's dick. It's aimed at men nearly exclusively.
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Next chapter looks promising. Almost every major character in the series is at the scene yet the climax is going to the two of them.
You can buy dlsite points over amazon pay (and thus foreign credit cards) quite easily. Thats how I do it too.
What do you mean?
Nobody has sailed the high seas in search of this treasure yet?
Us filthy gaijin are hungry for some content.
You can easily buy it, even as someone from outside of japan. Just buy the dl points via amazon pay when checking out. Vote with your wallet for yuri, nee-san.
Unless you're german, in which case you still need a VPN to access dlsite.
>Gundam TCG coming out
>card named "The Witch and The Bride"
Don't discount the others joining them yet, their sylph shoes aren't as fast but they could still be following.
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Maybe, but so far it's giving me the same feel as the last episode of LWA where Akko and Diana get the final shot to themselves even with the others around helping. I think it would also be nice if the way they dispel the leech paralleled their earlier moment in the arc when they danced on the floating platform.
Be gay, do witchcraft.
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You're very close, it's actually;
Ice Cold Killer Tomboy
And my hint was referring to Elster.
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Rasuko is playing the AAI Collection and drew fanart of the flight attendants from the second case of the first game.
If being lesbians is enough for you no matter how shitty the MC is, sure it's worth it.
>nee-san can't handle some depressing realism
Neither could I.
That goes without saying. Why do you think it is called ネコ and タチ
My favorite weapon in Monster Hunter!
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>watch the trailer
>pic related shows up
Yes, that's the one.
Apparently there's a new Idolmaster manga and the producer is female. This means it's yuri.
actually it's more the mainstream sector that can't see the subtext (yuri) even if their life depends on it, but on the contrary they have no problem with the het subtext, which is real and they call canon.

A really pathetic example is how "they" are not able to see Caulifla and Kale's relationship in DBS, they go from simply not understanding the relationship (where one of them goes into berserker mode out of pure jealousy) or they are angry because the couples they wanted did not become canon.

On /u/ on the other hand it's people ignoring the subtext or just not wanting to accept it in any way, it's even too explicit to really be subtext.
I saw it on Chiune's twitter.
>A really pathetic example is how "they" are not able to see Caulifla and Kale's relationship in DBS
The only thing pathetic here is people shipping DBS characters and thinking there is a right answer.
Don't reply to retarded ESLs.
How short it is? Is this all or there is more?
So we have to agree with a bunch of idiot hetfags who still complain that Cabba didn't become a harem protagonist?

Do you even know the couple or the characters? Come on, I'm not even forcing you to watch DBS, or are you a Toyotaro fan?
No, Cabba also wasn't meant to have any romantic relationship with anyone, there is nothing to agree with, there is nothing to argue about, none of those characters were written for you to believe there is any implication of romantic interest. And yes I did watch DBS and I did read the manga and let me tell you something, they are both terrible, even as a kid I hated Dragon Ball GT and I would have hated DBS as much.
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Come on bro
Nobody even liked Cabba until there were two obvious lesbian U6 Saiyans who were both better than him
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>none of those characters were written for you to believe there is any implication of romantic interest.
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im NOT watching dragon ball
i am especially NOT watching dragon ball super
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Super aint great but Dragon Ball sure is.
Where's my calisto yew x kay faraday insanely toxic age gap abusive yuri...
Aura Blackquill x Athena is the same thing but better.
Well that turned out to be largely a misunderstanding in the end. Calisto literally puts a gun to Kay's head and isn't remorseful about it at all.
Wait until she gets to case 4? You can even drop by in her stream to suggest it!
Realistically I should probably wait til case 5, but I just might.
There will be lesbian single moms posting on /u/ in a few years
Support Shy, too, /u/!
Sounds more like bisluts
>looks it up
>apparently it's futashit
Why the fuck can't we have nice things?
Whatever, I want to shitpost with lesbian moms
tentacles and tails are not futa
What about the source material?
Nah, whilst it's true that there are certainly some factions(mainly online) who would deny subtext yuri whilst championing subtext het, this isn't true of the actual mainstream, i.e. people on the street.
In fact, I would go even further and say that the average person on the street would actually see many things as yuri that the average /u/ poster, who has been desensitised by years of watching anime, wouldn't.
ok you won tooooo much fucking tencales but there is no het so not that bad
The problem isn't the tentacles though, I've seen a literal futa image while searching.
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Catching up with this, it's definitely been going further than I expected. Agott is also the first person Coco thought about when she was scared of getting memorywiped.
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thats the wrong shy...
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Will we ever get horror yuri kino like ‘My September’ again?
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Yuri is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world, and the soul of our soulless conditions
What is this?
rabbit playing games?
I don't know what that is. Is it an actual yuri story or is it just shipping?
ace attorney
It's Ace Attorney, the game series about lawyers solving cases. It's not yuri, she just drew two characters from the game.
How is that a superhero?!
You mean Phoenix Wright? Isn't that super /y/?
Not really the games themselves, it's just a franchise fujos love.
What did /u/ think of ntr trap by Naoko Kodama? I only wish there was less het more yuri.
There's het in two volumes out of 6.
I was promised cheating and did not happen.
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>younger girls concerned with getting the JK's attention
>OL has her eyes on the prize
She has a superass.
Loli deserves to win
It's not bad, but it's a yaoi subtext manga with a yuri thematic.
I say this because I have seen cases, and not at the meme level, but people without any irony who are unable to see yuri, like a person on a forum who did not see yuri in KanColle, another who also did not see yuri in Ika Musume and a person on Youtube (let's call him Mark) who did not understand the relationship between Caulifla and Kale, they can be seen more as somewhat passive examples.
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It's trash. People should just read My Girlfriend Isn't Here Today instead. It's pretty much NTR Trap, but yuri.
my moral compass won't let me upload it
and it's too early for that
you can read awamiku's yuri doujins on the mean time
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A yuri LN adaptation in Dengeki Maoh, the AdaShima killer we've been waiting for.
Cat Adachi and dog Shimamura join the adashimas ranks
But the second volume hasn't even been announced yet. Meanwhile YuriTama's author is crying on twitter because he can't get a manga adaption but the so called "western yuri fans on twitter" can't help with that because it's a real yuri series.
>NTR Trap except all the characters are shit
They should just collab with Love Bullet.
So the cupids can shoot at them and make them fall in love with men? No, thanks.
>It's totally easy to buy, instead of entering a credit card you just need to create an offsite account with a third-party American payment processor and enter your credit card there, then use THAT account to get a 16-digit serial number sent to your e-mail which you can enter to redeem a specific package of onsite 'points', unless you're in the world's third-largest economy in which case you need to find an unblocked VPN to do any of this
When is this meme going to die that this is in any way normal in >current year? This card dispute has made it awful to buy stuff on DLsite and DMM outside Japan, without even touching on all the DRM and region-locking bullshit
The issue is that the manga artists he is trying to pick are not avaliable (for the pay per page and shares they are offering I presume), not sure how you expect western fans to help unless you really want to see ugly artwork and mentally ill people involving themselves with yuri, I would rather just delete the work from existence.

The only character who isn't shit on NTR Trap is also a cuck and an actual faggot, very nice standards you have for your husbandos.
Has this silly practice had any impact on the shops or do they simply not care that foreigners cannot shop normally?
They will survive without the 15 westerners buying shit anon.
>Unless you're german
I thought Japan and Germany were still friends.
Not really. Every character in the other shit is just a watered down version of an NTR Trap character after all.
Is that so? Why don't you expand on this topic, I'm sure everyone in this board is now curious to see how the characters relate to each other. I will be waiting for your high quality dissertation.
i dont like girls cheating on eachother
Difference being that none of the characters in KyouKano is male. And that alone makes it far better.
I hope you know your post is confusing as fuck to people who know that Japan is the world's third largest economy.
>but the so called "western yuri fans on twitter" can't help with that because it's a real yuri series.
Why doesn't Madoka just rape the Akuma Homura?
Agott can only catch up with Coco, which will likely be instrumental in Coco's plan working and Coco not dying, because she kept the wonky Sylph Shoes Coco made for her, which she only received because Coco ruined them in the first test after Agott bullied her. The moral of the story: shoving your babydyke crush into the lockers is a good thing that literally saves lives and everyone should do it more often.

this board is going to be insufferable when the anime airs, especially if it's only one cour. Very unlikely it'll reach any of Agott's post-Shirahama-watching-Owl-House characterization, 100% guaranteed it'll have a full episode of Tartah getting set up as the obvious "he's a boy who she makes friends with, obviously they'll be married in the epilogue!" middle-grade-coming-of-age romantic interest ,before that entire angle seemingly got dropped when the author realized you could just have gay witches.
Her name is Coco she is loco I said oh no
Well, can always just spam the threads with manga spoilers if anime-onlys get too bitchy?
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>Akebi: Let's have a date right now!
Will it actually go full yuri, or will it be the manga equivalent of those all girl cast original anime?
as far as im concerned, its already full yuri
Hoooly, it’s happening
I don't hate NTR Trap but if you ever see someone praises it while shitting on Kyoukano or any other yuri manga with no relevant males, there's a very high chance he's Neushaartje, the guy who is obsessed with "otome rapeharem" as he said it himself.
the one that loves to post intermediate jp quizzes that no competent speaker is willing to waste time on?
he doesnt post on u
He does from time to time. I think I've seen him defending his scanlation for that violent couple yuri anthology before.
>I don't hate NTR Trap
I do.
there are like 3 couples already
>who know that Japan is the world's third largest economy.
Its actually not right now. They switched places with germany again in 2023.
Who says its normal? Its a way to circumvent Visa/Masercard trying to blackmail foreign companies into self-censorship. But the process you are describing is not remotly complicated. Certainly not prohibitive enough to claim you can't buy it as a gaijin. You very easily can.
Going all the way back to Tartah's most ship-baity scene, i.e. him nursing Coco back to health when she was sick, that chapter ended on Agott looking at Coco with relief when she came back. I wonder if the author really had a change of heart or if this was her intention all along. I never got the feeling Coco reciprocated Tartah's obvious crush.
Why haven't these threads been deleted?
I stopped reading there, but seeing the lasts developments I'm going to re-read it entirely.
I actually hope the author will have the guts to push through it if she really wants to go full yuri.
why should they be deleted?
Are you seriously asking this after a chapter in which Komichi sneaks out of her house basically at midnight to HAVE A DATE RIGHT NOW >>4303122
and after a full chapter of Erika looking straight at the audience winking and saying "I'm not talking about a platonic date"? Really?
*looking gay at the audience
>wanna come to my room?
Yeah, they're totally going to have a nice tea and cake, at midnight.
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>secretly reprinted
>announces it
>still selling better than her new manga
When will she finally admit it was a mistake to leave yuri?
It has been five years. When will you get over it?
Kashiwagi is expanding her business empire... interested anons should apply
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crumbs from GirlsLine
This girl will be the most successful yuri mangaka of all time.
>friend recommends me a manga "its in your strike zone"
>first pannel is literally a woman and man in bed
>close book in disgust
Alright I am totally gone now, I cannot deal with conspicuous dispalys of heterosexuality.
I can't find a manga with that title.
In ten years the cafe will turn into a mega corp rivaling Kadokawa with multiple yuri-only anime studios under its belt
Was it that succubus manga that people were praising for some reason?
Unless you are thinking of a different succubus manga, that one doesn't show the succubus being with any guys (nor imply she had sex with them, for that matter).
fffs just spell out the names
Its literally irrelevant to /u/. Why would you want the title of a random manga that displays too much het.
The one I was talking about was Akumade Amai Watashi no Kanojo. In the first chapter there is a panel where it is implied the succubus had sex with a man and it's how she found where the MC works. I dropped that manga right after I saw that panel.
It's not just implied, she literally fucks every guy at the work place within a day of being hired. Her body count is probably in the thousands, shit's gross.
She feeds by kissing, so it doesn't really imply sex and it doesn't show her in bed with a guy either. Just the knocked out guy in the bed and her very much not in the bed. Hence why I didn't think you meant that one.
But I understand its a kill criteria though. It bothered me too when she revealed she had gone through all the guys even after meeting the main girl.
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she could fuck thousands more but she chooses to commit to our MC isn't that sweet
>I dropped that manga right after I saw that panel.
Me too. I can't figure out what people like about it. To each their own I guess.
>but she chooses to commit to our MC
If you want to tell that story, she could have been preying on girls. What is the point of this forced bislut shit in a "yuri" manga?
she's feeding, for efficiency reasons it's normal for her diet to have a high male%
She says herself she feeds on emotions more than anything else, the implication here being women have less of those? Bisluts should stop trying to make ""yuri"" in the hopes of cashing in on a smaller market.
It's the author's fetish. All his manga has bisluts.
It's pretty obvious she wants to do more but the MC is so innocent she is restricting herself to kissing. It's probably the usual case of succubi feeding via bodily fluids, so saliva works, but "other" stuff is more effective.
Its a shame, because the art is cute and I could have lived with the bislut past. But the fact she kissed the MC and then went on to bang three dudes is just gross.
It's fine they are exclusive now, you have to understand anon bisluts are slow on the head, so you can't expect them to get corrected in a single day. Some bisluts are so fucking dumb they have to be decapitaded several times to learn their lesson.
>It's fine they are exclusive now
I'm more bothered about what it says about the author they felt it was fine to include that in the first place. Especially when there was literally no reason she couldn't have fucked girls instead, if they wanted to emphasize the succubus part.

>Some bisluts are so fucking dumb they have to be decapitaded several times to learn their lesson.
At least in this case it made sense, to want you to see her get yuri corrected by karma for 27 years.
Doesn't your second point justify the first? It's not yuri correction if she's already yuri.
It's promiscuity correction.
Getting her yuri corrected would be a reason, but from the MC in the succubus manga, its pretty obvious thats not whats gonna happen.
She's just learning to be monogamous, which didn't require her to fuck guys, let alone fuck guys 'after' already having kissed the MC and told her how great she was.
I'm not violently repulsed by lack of gold stars, but it has to serve a purpose why it's a thing. Be it figuring out her orientation, or yuri correction or whatever. And thats just not a thing in the succubus manga, so why is it there if not just for the authors fetish?
Yuri triumphing over heterosexuality is satisfying and should be featured more
People can come back to talk up the bislut succubus manga when the succubutt gets yuri corrected hard enough to become literally allergic to men.
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Can they make these into figures, thanks.
I will sculpt them for you, but it will take 3 years and cost 10,000 USD.
>Yuri triumphing
Even when her male bodycount is greater than 9/11 victims?
>buying physical manga before knowing the contents at all
He didn't even read it. It was just a routine complaint.
I read the first chapter at the store and didn't buy it.
As long as her future male body count is lower than the amount of people you’ve kissed
>bang a thousand guys
>kiss one girl
>"wow this is way better than anything I have ever done before!"
I mean it kinda works, she's now an authority on gay>straight
She fucked guys after kissing the girl, according to anon above.
That anon lied to you.
It's not clear what she did or not, but she outright says it wasn't the same thing
Yeah, I read it. Not saying I like that part. Most charitable way of viewing it is like she had some fast food or something. She also wasn't sure she was in love with the girl until after that.
She swears it off later at least and agrees to be exclusive.
>agrees to be exclusive.
Wow isn't MC lucky
I mean she is not even dating a human being to begin with
No, they didn't. She kisses her and only the day after do the guys turn up sick because of her feeding.
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The fact that a series that's this cute also makes the worst people on this board seethe is just the icing on the cake
>She swears it off later at least and agrees to be exclusive.
Only the second half is true as far I saw in the first volume. And its more of a "eh, might as well" because the MC asks for it. Considering we ALREADY have a fucking jealousy arc, I expect it to come back.
This is just as stupid as thst dumb music manga from lsst thread. People need to stop trying to shill their stupid bislut manga as yuri here.
People here are at least supposed to be fans of yuri so they might not like one with a cum dumpster and reject it. But if you try talking about it on /a/, they might give you the positive reaction you think it deserves.
But this isn't even what happened you fucking retard, it was literally one of your boyfriends complaining he saw something that made his butt hurt more than what you usually do with each other.
>it was literally one of your boyfriends complaining he saw something that made his butt hurt
>Shimamura taller than Adachi
>justifies girls fucking guys in ""yuri""
>is a unhinged fujo
Every single time.
Meanwhile Love Bullet gets a pass for showing girl x guy relationships because? People have already said they don't care if the cupids make het pairs or not in the /u/ thread.
This is the yuri board. Don't post non-yuri shit
Literally nothing is yuri to you. I guess Citrus isn't yuri because it had the teacher kiss Mei.
You two being faggots don't make a me a fujo retard.
Het characters existing doesn't pose a problem. One of the main girls sucking ten thousand cocks actually does.
No, not really.
>Het characters existing doesn't pose a problem.
I didn't particularly love Citrus, but the guy forced himself on her and its there so she can be rescued from him. Pretty different in both presentation and narrative justification.
purityfags are so annoying, you don't get to define what is yuri enough to qualify the label
Your retarded ass getting triggered doesn't make something not yuri.
>Meanwhile Love Bullet gets a pass for showing girl x guy relationships because?
Love bullet doesn't have any plot relevant girl, let alone one of the main girls, in a het relationship.
Also people shat on Love Bullet relentlessly for minimising the girls gay-ness by presenting it as the result of the cupids choice rather than the girls feelings/sexuality. But thats a different sort of complaint.
Looks like you're the only one being triggered by people rightly saying authors putting their bislut fetish into supposed yuri manga is bad.
>Het characters existing doesn't pose a problem.
This thread proves again it does.
>girls being gay is not yuri
Never change /u/
>I-I'm not triggered! YOU ARE!!!
Really? That's the best you could come up with?
You're the one having the melty over people saying they disliked that manga for X reason, so yeah. Trying to convince others having standards is bad. You are the triggered one.
What bothers me the most is why push bishit onto yuri? Just make a new category - bi love or something. Surely the bisexuals on twitter will love it to death, they'll create boards for it and then there won't be any need to bother yuri. We're not some residual category that must embrace whatever shit is dumped here.
>What bothers me the most is why push bishit onto yuri?
Because there is no place for it. Other types of shoujo also complain about it, but they're way more hostile and vocal about it. Meanwhile yuri is still seen as a market "desperate" enough for content they can write about it by pretending its yuri.
She isn't bi though? Needing to do something to survive =/= enjoying it. She only is romantically attracted to girls, therefore it's yuri.
"Stop posting yuri on /u/" is not "I disliked this manga"
>bi manga according to anon
>open it
>it's 100% about two girls in a relationship
Brain damage, kill yourself.
Many people still see yuri as not a real genre and having nothing to do with being gay. So to them its perfectly fine for the girls to be into dudes and ride miles of cock as long as they are in love with one girl.
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>Japan agrees it's yuri
>random brainrotted westerner: IT'S NOT YURI!!! REEEE!!!!!!!
>it's 100% about two girls in a relationship
>literally first page is seeing the love interest just having fucked a guy, with the guy laying naked on the bed
You realise we can read it ourselves, right?
>triggered by a single panel
it's terminal, end yourself
As I said a thousand times, those works are promoted, sold and bought as yuri and there is nothing you can about it, people here are going to talk about them and there is nothing you can do about it.
I guess everything I find tagged as yuri on dlsite must be yuri too, japanese people tagged it.
True, and those people need to be bullied.
Pointing out evidence of you lying is not being triggered. Feeling the need to lie about it though....
>the girls to be into dudes and ride miles of cock as long as they are in love with one girl.
You're making shit up that never happen again. Show me the pages where we see the milion cosks riding in yuri manga.
>look it up
>doesn't show them having sex at all
Can you prove they did? Showing someone sleeping in bed doesn't have to mean sex.
Okay and? That means we can't complain about shit we don't like?
No, fuck you. Making the love interest in a yuri manga fuck dudes just because thats the authors fetish is gross as fuck and they can fuck off. I'm sure places exist that share your desire for such content, but /u/ isn't it.
She literally tells MC-chan she feeds by doing more than kissing usually. This line of argument isn't going well for you...
Yes, because the japanese aren't retarded like you and understand yuri doesn't mean lesbians dating lesbians
>just because thats the authors fetish
Source? Better have an interview with the author saying that it's their fetish.
>complain about shit we don't like
backpedalling arent we?
The funny thing to me, is that a straight girl going this gay this fast is a hundred times as offensive to waifufags or /a/ or whatever. And yet people keep trying to imply they'd love it, as if this manga would be enjoyed by absolutely anyone but yurifags.
And the other person didn't say we never see hetero sex, they say its 100% about two girls in a relationship. Which is not true, because the other felt the need to tell us about how much the succubus loves fucking guys. They could have had her fuck girls instead, but they chose not to. Thats all I need to know and all there is to argue about.
Any yuri in Mahoutsukai ni Narenakatta Onnanoko no Hanashi anime?
Anyone read webnovel it is based on?
>Yes, because the japanese aren't retarded like you and understand yuri doesn't mean lesbians dating lesbians
Yeah, the final form of the bislut apologist.
>You see, yuri doesn't mean girls need to love other girls in it
You already complained and we already heard you, what exactly you want when we also made clear we are not going to stop talking about it?
You're welcome to your FFM fetish, but its not yuri and has no place on /u/. But thanks for telling us why you are so adamant about defending this kind of shit.
Manio loves that kind of stuff though? Are we going against her now?
that's like saying the manga is not 100% about girls in a relationship becasue she talks about food
youre making a big deal of like two pages
Stop making stupid and disingenious arguments then? This whole thing was just some people saying "I disliked X" and then you getting upset about it.
The fact that its blatant anti-yuri "yuri isn't about lesbians, its fine if they get dicked" freaks explains it all though.
Not a single FFM manga posted about in this thread.
>Manio loves that kind of stuff though?
>its fine if they get dicked
Show me the pages where we see this, I'm still waiting.
Anon was saying its fine to tag that sort of thing as yuri, because yuri isn't about lesbians.
According the DLsite, it's yuri if two girls kiss while they're both getting DPed by dudes.
We're still both told and shown her doing men.

>story about a succubus preying on men
Nice changing the topic, except this conversation was about if something is yuri just because someone in japan said so.
At any rate, she explicitly tells the MC she fucks guys to feed and doing so for fun rather than need. Its okay if its fade-to-black in your logic?
>story about a succubus preying on men
thats not what the manga is about
you did not read it
One of the girls in her last manga was shown going out/sleeping with dudes. Published in Yuri Hime btw.
>This whole thing was just some people saying "I disliked X"
No it wasn't and it isn't. People are arguing that it isn't yuri and to stop posting it, inbetween a couple dozen insinuations that if you like it you are into FFM or are a
>"yuri isn't about lesbians, its fine if they get dicked" freak
Yuri is about relationships between girls.
>to feed
>fun rather than need
You need to eat though?
One post said this, hours after your tantrum started.
>inbetween a couple dozen insinuations that if you like it you are into FFM
No, that was not in reference to the manga. You need to learn to read.
Read his other manga.
>didn't watch the interview
How pure and innocent you are.
Exactly, between girls.
You can eat for fun too, which is the case for her sexual feeding.
Why else would they put that in?
>between a couple dozen insinuations
Its not insinuations when this poster >>4303395
literally said so. Because thats very clearly the kind of thing tagged as yuri on dlsite the other anon was referring to, to point out that something being called yuri somewhere doesn't actually make it yuri.
Okay so nobody likes the bishit content you're into. Tough. Get together with your comrades and start a new board for you.
Don't care, Octave is still yuri.
>one post said this
It's literally still happening in multiple reply chains, and the start of this one was an indirect reply to multiple people saying it isn't yuri
Girls going put with dudes is not, inherently, the problem. What narrative purpose does it serve? Yuri is often coming of age and self-discovery stories. Its fine in thst context.
In the succubus manga it serves no such purpose, so its just there because the author wanted her to be a bislut for no particular reason.
Two pages with dudes doesnt make the manga about het/bit stuff. It's yuri, the manga is about the relationship between girls.
Please this is grade school level reading comprehension.
>as if this manga would be enjoyed by absolutely anyone but yurifags
Non-yurifag shoujo readers are the primary audience for this kind of stuff. The people who don't care about yuri and just consume any and all romance.
And there is nothing wrong with that either, its just a problem for us to not allow this shit to water down the genre.
No one brought up dlsite besides you? It's literally tagged as yuri on every website. But I guess they're all wrong because dlsite exists, right?
>thats not what the manga is about
The first page has a naked dude and it's stated that she had sex with him. What's there to read after? Not yuri, that's what
>the manga is about the relationship between girls.
Then why was there need to have her fuck guys at all? Actions speak louder than words, simple as that. The author chose to have the love interest fuck guys even after having kissed the MC and found out she fulfills her.
>It's literally tagged as yuri on every website.
Which, as was pointed out, is utterly meaningless because having any girl/girl in it as all is considered "yuri" to most of them. Because as it turns out, they don't care.
>several chapters of nothing but two girls
>triggered by a single panel on the first page
Of course it's yuri.
>But I guess they're all wrong
Something being tagged as yuri doesn't mean its yuri, no. Thats exactly the point.
Just like there are tons of yuri manga not tagged as yuri, too.
>naked dude
The person is face down. You can't even see their chest. How do you know it's a dude? Could easily be a short haired girl.
How many post-coitus panels do you need to see, you disingenuous faggot?
For some good news, アフタヌーンティーは如何ですか? is getting published.
Personally, I don't even think its not yuri and it was just one poster who said that to begin with. But its just shit yuri and it makes me suspicious of the author to choose to include it for no reason.
How many pages of het are allowed in yuri manga? Last I checked, it was zero
There are more panels implying, showing or talking about sex between her and guys than between the girls. Until that changes, you can fuck off back to your little hole.
Gonna be real here nee-san. If your manga has the main love interest fuck multiple guys, even after meeting the MC. And then goes "but we're not gonna have sex for the next 6 volumes to milk the dumb yurifags" when it comes to the GIRLS, yeah its hetshit and I hope it gets axed.
What's this one about?
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>but we're not gonna have sex for the next 6 volumes to milk the dumb yurifags
>doesn't even have 6 volumes
You're just pulling shit out of your ass to get upset about at this point.
Where did you check? Wheres the yuri law now?
Anon its comedic hyperbole. Stop being retarded on purpose just to lash out.
>If your manga has the main love interest fuck multiple guys, even after meeting the MC
Show me the pages where we see the girl have sex with guys.
You did not read it, stop talking.
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>In the succubus manga it serves no such purpose, so its just there because the author wanted her to be a bislut for no particular reason.
I don't particularly like the way it went about it but it clearly does serve a purpose in that it serves the typical straight girl going gay plot, where their past relationships were meaningless
She calls a kiss with a girl better than anything she has ever had before, then agrees to take it slow and reign it in for this girl she fell in love with despite being voracious, and then she makes it clear that she wants her girlfriend to be exclusive and she will be as well despite be offered otherwise
She never dated anyone before the girl, so this is her first real relationship, and she says she thought nothing of what she had done before as it was meaningless to her
I communed with the マリア様 and she revealed it to me in a dream.
Puritystacies are becoming the norm. Gen Zs barely have sex at all, they find out their sexual orientation as 5 year olds through discord and tw*tter. Only boomers need to have sex with a dozen men until they find out they're gay in their mid 40s.
>Show me the pages where we see the girl have sex with guys.
You see her post-coitus on page 1. Fuck off with this bullshit.
That isn't seeing her having sex with guys though? Show me the pages where we SEE the girl have sex with guys.
>but it clearly does serve a purpose in that it serves the typical straight girl going gay plot
The story doesn't actually pay any attention to the girl part. Its typical its okay if its you, stuff. So it could have just as easily been girls and still play out the same plot of going clean for her true love.
>Yuri is often coming of age and self-discovery stories. Its fine in thst context.
The succubus is the same. THe girl is the first peson she actually dates.
Straight girl falls in love with her alpha lesbian roommate.
Who is the most eerie and scariest girl in yuri?
>triggered by a single page
Why would this be relevant when we know she's doing it because she told us this? You're still making that utterly stupid argument of it being okay if its fade-to-black or some other way where we can know she fucked them but its fine if we didn't get a panel seeing the actual act.
The fact you have to reach this hard should maybe tell you that your argument isn't very good.
I don't think so, the angle is "all boys are yucky greedy creatures".
So you can't show us any?
The fact that YOU focus on that when the manga is about two girls tells me you're the deranged obsessive freak here.
She herself said she never thought anything of it, she was just eating. Sexuality is based on romantic attraction. She's only been romantically attracted to one person, a girl. Calling her bi is just wrong to begin with.
>you don't get to define what is yuri enough to qualify the label
isnt that what youre doing right now by rejecting another persons idea of what qualifies? its a a subjective label whether you like it or not, ask whether G-witch, GBC, jellyfish, lycoris recoil, and marimite are 'yuri' and youll receive a ton of different answers as everyone has their own criteria
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I disagree, it basically seems to me like she was just gay all along and didn't realize. Like it's going for being analogous to that happening in real life, almost.
Although a pretty big dent could be put in that very easily by any future chapter mentioning she's had sex with girls as well. A girl was shown being attracted by her pheromones in one panel, it's far from impossible.
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Having casual sex doesn't make it not count anon. This is absurd. She is very aware of sexuality and makes it clear she doesn't actually need to do it to feed, she does it for fun.
This girl makes certain people shit and piss their pants apparently.
>Sexuality is based on romantic attraction.
Sexuality is based on sexual attraction. How that interlinks with romantic attraction is a whole different can to open, but fundamentally its based on sexual attraction. And the author went out of their way to make sure we know she likes having sex with them and doesn't just do it because she "has to".
Miyagi probably
Her girlfriend is more deranged and scary than she is.
>it basically seems to me like she was just gay all along and didn't realize
Considering she did it for fun and she clearly did have fun, I don't see how that would hold up. Its not like a regular girl that goes put with a guy because of social pressure and self-imposed expectations. Which might be a tired plot point, but actually reflects how people really think and act.
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nta but its more than one page, they talk about it again at the end of the first chapter for multiple pages and make it explicit what happened. stop talking out of your ass
nta but it literally shows us her mid-fuck with some dude on page 45 of chapter 1 (not going to show it obviously because of board rules, but you can look it up yourself if youre tired of being disingenuous)

i dont think its unreasonable not to like a 'yuri' manga where it starts off with the love interest fucking her entire workplace (only the males too), regardless of if it was out of attraction or not
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Where does she say anything about having sex with men being fun? Only thing I see is this which is about their energy (also she says human, not men specifically)
She says she can tell their nature from kissing. Last I checked, kissing =/= fucking.
She enjoyed the feeding/sex but did not like guys themselves. Girls are better, she wants to make the MC enjoy herself.
To me this sounds like a very convoluted and sexual version of the usual "oh shit, I was into girls all along"
because purityfags will literally make anything up to shit on a series they don't like
In the first chapter, she assures MC-chan that she has no need to feed on vitality. And then later says what you posted, so yeah she does it for fun. And she says she feeds with her lips and yet we see the dudes naked and her being undressed during/after feeding, so she could just drain them with a kiss and leave them, but doesn't.
you don't undress someone to kiss them....

That's backstory, not what the manga is actually about.
Its not backstory when its something that happens during the manga.
Background story maybe, if not for her making sure to let us know all about it.
What do you think succubi do exactly? They are literally sex demons.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ia0RgHI2xOE Will this be yuri?
>also she says human, not men specifically
see >>4303500
'those guys..... they are the most delicious'
she says after fucking every male coworker in one night
You also aren't having sex while dressed. It never shows how far they went. According to her, none of them were as good as the girl so for all we know she left after kissing them.
Depends if multiple sites in Japan tag it as such, apparently.
>You also aren't having sex while dressed.
Yeah thats why we see the dudes and her being undressed/naked anon.
Kuroko. She's hot but I don't think I would like being in the same building as her.
Bisexual spammer-chan, I just wanna inform you that I zoomed out the page so I can't even properly see the images you're sharing from your special folder. I can read pretty well without being bothered by your little tantrum.
What the actual fuck is going on here?
>It never shows how far they went.
bro, shes fucking half naked laying on a bed being held down by a man, this is insane copium.
>none of them were as good as the girl so for all we know she left after kissing
after kissing all 3 of them, right before she goes on a monologue about how theyre delicious? doubt it
>thats backstory
ITS LITERALLY THE INTRODUCTION TO THE SERIES. its like saying bullying is just the backstory for 'i love your cruddy'
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>have to eat to survive
>try both vegetables and meat
>decide to stick to only eating meat
>get branded a vegetarian because you ate vegetables at one point
>According to her, none of them were as good as the gir
And if that had been her moment to decide to go for the MC exclusively, that would have been fine. But she fucks all of her coworkers (well, only the male ones) right after she kissed her for the first time. So clearly she wasn't good enough.
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>food analogy
It barely merits repeating, but she explicitly doesn't need to feed on vitality. This is elaborated on at length in the very first chapter.
>she wasn't good enough.
That's exactly why she came back to her in the first place though?
Bisluts having a melty over being made to feel unwelcome on /u/ with their "yuri doesn't mean they can't fuck guys too!" shit.
I mean vitality is literally food to her, so it fits.

>doesn't need to feed on vitality
You don't need to eat junk food, but people still do. Same thing.
>ITS LITERALLY THE INTRODUCTION TO THE SERIES. its like saying bullying is just the backstory for 'i love your cruddy'
so again youre showing you did not read it
read the rest, it's about two girls, who agree to be exclusive, take it slow and about making sweets
purityfags having a melty because some anon liked a manga they despise
>You don't need to eat junk food, but people still do. Same thing.
Yes, it is in fact the same thing. Its something people eat because they enjoy it. In this case, you can't even argue for convenience because she was already getting snacks from MC anyway.
Someone hates a yuri manga so much they feel the need to spam shit while pretending it's the other side doing it.
>try both
if your idea of 'trying' is eating mostly vegetables for your entire life; and your idea of 'stick to only meat' still includes the occasional veggie, then sure.
also people arent calling her het, theyre calling her bi, which wouldnt be 'being branded a vegetarian', itd be branding you a omnivore (which you are)
Except the whole thing started with someone saying they disliked the manga, and bisluts having a temper tantrum about it.
Imagine lying about shit thats just a few posts above.
>and your idea of 'stick to only meat' still includes the occasional veggie
when did that happen
This is actually more like someone writing a book for "meatlovers" and then feeling the need to keep telling me about how great veggie's also taste.
Do this shit somewhere else.
>so again youre showing you did not read it
its the entire first chapter, you fucking tard.
>read the rest
why the fuck would i read any more if i think its garbage. and now youre saying "rest" instead of claiming i didnt read it
>our idea of 'stick to only meat' still includes the occasional veggie
She literally goes exclusive with the girl. You're literally just trying to retcon the story to fit your narrative at this point.
As someone who enjoyed the manga this whole "we don't KNOW that she had sex" argument is very dumb and has gone on way too long.
If those were girls, none of us would deny it. They also got sick, and her girlfriend has yet to get sick. They're in various states of undress. A panel is shown of her being pushed down in her underwear although interestingly her facial expression doesn't look like she's enjoying herself there and her words about how they deserve what she's going to do to them is... something.

She does say after meeting up for the second time that she wanted to confirm her feelings for her. She was unironically confused by how kissing Mai made her feel, as immediately after the image here >>4303500 she follows it up with "or that's what I used to think until I met you"
>someone saying they disliked the manga
Not what happened you revisonist.
That schizo said "it's not yuri" and "don't post it here".
>That schizo said "it's not yuri" and "don't post it here".
That was already way into the discussion, after people lost their marbles over someone saying they disliked the forced hetshit the author included.
Still fucking lying about shit in posts literally right there.
That's not what happened.
>when did that happen
literally the end of the first chapter (with her entire staff at her job). we've been through this already
>oh but she eventually stops
doesnt fucking matter
You're claming shit about a whole manga where you only read a single chapter. Fuck off. Stop spreading lies and shut the hell up.
It's still backstory, it's not what the story is about.
>She does say after meeting up for the second time that she wanted to confirm her feelings for her. She was unironically confused by how kissing Mai made her feel, as immediately after the image here >>4303500 she follows it up with "or that's what I used to think until I met you"
I don't care for the "I fucked some guys to make sure how I feel about you" idea. And yes, I know that was a not unpopular dramabait plotpoint a decade ago and I still don't like it and I still think its even more unnecessary in this one than it was in stories about 'actual' schoolgirls who are much more realistically confused about their feelings and sexuality.
Again, it wouldn't have bothered me if she had gone exlusive for the MC after tasting her. Or had some moment where she tries a guy and realises its not for her anymore. But 3! dudes, in one night. Come the fuck on.
>literally the end of the first chapter (with her entire staff at her job). we've been through this already
So....when she wasnt dating the MC?
You're still upset about the first fucking chapter, the exposition about what it means to be a sex demon.
Yeah it is. >>4303224
All he's claiming is that the author has a fetish for girls in yuri manga fucking dudes, which the first chapter goes to some length to proof to be the case. What more does he need to read. Does she later explain how that totally didn't actually happen?
How is that post related to the succubus manga?
how do you know the author's gender?
>You're still upset about the first fucking chapter, the exposition about what it means to be a sex demon.
And this exposition couldn't have been done by her fucking girls? Especially when there WAS a female coworker she could have fucked.
>doesnt fucking matter
It literally does because she wasn't even going out with the girl at that point. Your argument of her "sticking to meat with occasional veggies" implies she's cheated on the girl since going steady with her, which hasn't happened at all.
Itou's Onee-san
And at what point was the "bislut temper tantrum"?
Where does the post say anything about the author's gender?
They have a fetish for a backstory thats only in the first chapter?
So they stopped writing the fetish they like so much to exclusively write about two girls in a a relationship?
This type of story is the kind of thing that is extremely offensive to people with that fetish.
Because its literally about the succubus manga.

>And at what point was the "bislut temper tantrum"?
Still going on.
Imagine the topic this thread is having right now personified in to a character obsessed with purity, it'd be the most scary horror yuri ever written.
>at what point did *thing* start?
>still happening
Better answer than I could have hoped for I guess
>It literally does because she wasn't even going out with the girl at that point.
No one here accused her of being a cheating bislut. Just a bislut and the fact its very dubious why the author chose to have that be a thing in the first place.
>Because its literally about the succubus manga.
Can you not fucking READ
this person is >>4303236 >>4303247
NOT >>4303224 THAT PERSON IS >>4303246
I guess english isn't your first language, so its fine. You did not ask "when did the temper tantrum start" you asked "at what point 'was' the temper tantrum". To which the correct answer is not when it started, as that wouldn't tell you the entire time it 'was'. So the correct answer to "when was it" is "right now".
>very dubious why the author chose to have that be a thing in the first place
because the MC is *super special* and the demon liked girls all along?
she considered the dudes a resource, the mc is the human she considers a person
that again, is shown in chapter 1
>she considered the dudes a resource, the mc is the human she considers a person
This isn't actually said anywhere. She makes disparraging remarks about the kind of guys she went for (and still went for after meeting the MC), not about guys in general. Also the idea she liked girls all along secretly and the MC being special are mutually exclusive.
Its more, she liked dudes and the MC is special so she makes an exception for her. Otherwise her best test subject after their kiss would have been another girl.
Except thats just two posts lower so still way before the its not yuri posts. Is goalpost moving all you can do?
Whats actually shown in later chapters, is that she would still happily fuck guys if not for the MC asking for monogamy. She didn't chsnge her tastes, beyond wanting to try out real dating with the MC.
No I just don't like you making shit up and quoting unrelated posts to the "succubus manga drama".
>To which the correct answer is not when it started, as that wouldn't tell you the entire time it 'was'.
Jesus fucking christ sis.
Yes, thank you, the answer to the question I asked was obviously to just tell me "right now", extremely helpful in a conversation where we are explicitly talking about when and how something started, and at what point it started. And then you call me an ESL and follow with this completely nonsensical logic. You're a fucking moron.
>She makes disparraging remarks about the kind of guys she went for (and still went for after meeting the MC), not about guys in general.
Can you not read between the lines? Do I really have to spell it out?
Men are trash, ALL of them.
I wouldn't call it drama. Bisluts being upset they are, correctly, told how disgusting they are is a threadly event by now.
How do you not understand the majority of people here are telling YOU to fuck off and take your meds.
>Men are trash, ALL of them.
I'm sorry, but misandrist bisluts are still bisluts. I don't actually care if she thinks poorly of them while fucking them. Its the latter part I care about.
Just like a story about some bully would still be yuri, if she yells homophobic slurs while fingerblasting her victim.
>the majority of people here
calling everyone who isn't upset by her histroy with males a bislut is peak schizo behavior
Don't give Xiao Lu ideas
>nooo why won't you acknowledge the MAJORITY has my opinion on this anonymous imageboard
This is just sad now.
yes, the majority of people here don't give a fuck about your purity fetish, the manga is yuri. fuck off and take your meds
>he needs to samefag
>the majority
You wished, bislut. Piss off. Your dogshit manga about girls fucking five guys are not good yuri stories because of the platonic relationship she's having with another girl at the same time.
Yuri? Maybe. Still disgusting.
It's common sense to not have het in yuri manga.
Trying to argue /u/ doesn't care about purity is the most hilarious and retarded thing you said yet. Congratulations.
>fucking five guys
>with another girl at the same time
When did that happen, show me.
Not wanting gratuitous het in my yuri manga is not a purity fetish. Its having standards and not wanting the genre to be watered down until its all bislut polyshit for the lowest common denominator (you).
>at the same time
How have you still not figured out even the basics of the story after they've been retread here like seven times?
I care greatly about it. But this isn't even remotly about purity. The problem isn't her having had relations with men at some point. Its about her fucking dudes IN THE MANGA and more importantly, right after meeting and kissing the MC and saying its the best thing and only thing she needs, but then fucking three dudes anyway because why not?
>still trying to pretend she didn't have sex with them
Jesus, what do you call this mental illness?
How is a sex demon backstory gratuitous? It's not even graphic. You explicitly see two pannels of her with lads.
Just making shit up and moving goalposts? I don't know
>based on nothing but his bi feelings
>Just like a story about some bully would still be yuri, if she yells homophobic slurs while fingerblasting her victim.
Where is THIS manga being made? Why is there so much bisluts pretending to be yuri stories but no homophobic bullies slowly falling for their victim?
You will never belong here.
>How is a sex demon backstory gratuitous?
How is it not? We were told her backstory with the very first page, why was there a need for her to keep doing it?
Thanks for the rec though. Cute story. I will be following it from now on.
And I ask again, why couldn't she be a sex demon with girls?
Because the point of the story is that she's being yuri-corrected
Glad you liked it sis
Luckily I know the General thread is almost allergic to actually spending money on yuri, so you won't be saving it from the axe.
It's not getting axed
Because some anons would be so sad at the lack of bi representation.
She never has sex with males after dating the MC and agreeing to be exclusive.
It's more like going on a diet for her lmao.

Why would she stop? She has no concept of "dating" it's still part of the "succubus" character. And fucking guys, it's one line of text, nothing graphic, you still making moutains of molehills of an introduction chapter.
because no sane person give a fuck
Literally not a single person has been pro-bi anything here and you've been hammering it for hours.
No its not. She only feels that way about the MC specifically and she didn't switch to girls, she just agreed to be monogamous. Not even because she wanted or lost interest, but because the MC wanted.
At best she is being monogamy-corrected, which could have been done with girls easily and more convincingly.
If it was that, she would have said something about no longer going for dudes. Not the case.
Because you cant read, the manga also tells you males suck, they are horny greedy freaks and girls are the best and lovable.
Not every series can be MahoAko anon
>it's one line of text,
Its actually multiple lines of text and a panel showing her being pinned on a bed under a guy, while being in the process of undressing.
In addition to the very first page and some later lines of text still talking about it.
>the manga also tells you males suck
Yeah and she loves it by her own statement.
Right. Sanity means being ok with main characters in "yuri" getting dicked.
>Why would she stop?
The question is, why did the author feel the need to make her keep going even after establishing it? And why did it have to be with guys in their "yuri" manga?
Using girls for this sort of thing is hardly a novelty by now.
and that's supposed to be gratuitous? even the MCs staring at each other is more gratuitous. maybe you're the problem for finding it gratuitous?
Fuck sane people then, if they love het in yuri their opinion is still shit.
>Not even because she wanted or lost interest, but because the MC wanted.
Very false, the MC immediately retracts her statement and says she can do whatever she wants, but the succubus realizes she wouldn't want HER girlfriend to be with another succubus and that makes her understand the concept of exclusivity in love. The whole idea of love and being in love and all that goes with it is new to her, so this is how she comes to understand it.
She did not, in fact, got dicked after they go exclusive.
>and that's supposed to be gratuitous?
Look up what that word means, then you will realise it is exactly that. Because it serves no actual narrative purpose.
>t. man
She doesnt like males as human people, she despises them, she likes literally hurting them.
>She did not, in fact, got dicked after they go exclusive.
Weird goalpost move when no one talked about that.
You care way too much about chinese cartoons. Touch grass for a change.
>after they go exclusive
Which matters, how? The whole argument is from the author having her still fuck multiple guys after meeting and kissing the MC. Because it shows this isn't a story about her "discovering" girls are better. She still went back to fucking guys right after. Completly unnecessary for a supposed yuri manga.
>after they go exclusive
The fact your only argument is
>s-stop caring about the thing this community is about
Really shows this shit is only defended by people who don't care about yuri in the first place.
If you don't care about yuri, you are welcome to leave and go talk to those cool kids that don't care about anything.
It's not about "being ok with it", it's about not acting like a spastic child and throwing a tantrum over seeing something you dislike.
Well-adjusted, non-autistic people can ignore the minor things they dislike in a story and focus on the big picture, unlike turbo autists who can't stand anything outside their comfrot zone.
Why would she stop? Doing guys is like eating a snack to her.
She complies to monogamy after a simple verbal request and explaination.
That post makes no mention of that. It says with guys she sleeps around, but with the girl its sexless. Great yuri manga.
And you call us purityfags.
>Why would she stop?
Because its supposed to be a yuri manga. We explained this to you at length.
Yuri is about relationships between girls, not about crying and pissing and shitting yourself whenever you see a character who is not a gold-star lesbian.
But she does stop. You're still malding about one single fucking chapter.
>Why would she stop? Doing guys is like eating a snack to her.
Because she discovered a snack hat tastes even better? And she doesn't even try other girls either. Because the author wants you to know how much she likes it.
yuri is about relationships between girls, not whatever the fuck you're on
You can goalpost move all day, but the issue remains that there isn't a problem with her having had sex with guys at some point. Its her doing it during the manga, even after meeting the MC. For no narrative reason, other to let us know she prefers guys to girls except for the MC.
Thats gross. You can read it, I don't care. You can even call it yuri. But its still gross and I will tell you so no matter how upset it makes you.
Correct between girls. WITHOUT guys involved.
>For no narrative reason, other to let us know she prefers guys to girls except for the MC.
lmao you cannot read go back to middle school
Its about lesbian relationships actually. Thats what the term was invented to describe.
People just commonly use it for all sorts of girl/girl relationships, which is all well and good until normalfags like you come here to tell us its fine if there is het sex for fun in it too.
It's sexless (with kisses, absolutely not platonic) because her new girlfriend wants her to take it slow; the succubus absolutely wants to get down. And the other girl is a lesbian with past relationships who is also horny as fuck for her, but really wants the relationship to be more than just a fling.
She had just discovered a girls taste but instantly went back to guys. Rest my case.
Yuri being about relationships between girls is not an excuse for your FFM fetish, kill yourself.
>Just like a story about some bully would still be yuri, if she yells homophobic slurs while fingerblasting her victim
Fund it
Thats a very convenient excuse the author came up with there, but doesn't actually change that it is sexless. And will remain so for some time, if ever.
>FFM fetish
how is this related to the manga in question?
Call me any names you want, I don't need your approval and I'm not going to accept your garbage. It's 2024, there's plenty of actual yuri - lots of them with much better art than this anyways. Bisluts are a detriment and completely unnecessary. I have quite the backlog of bi/het-free content to enjoy.
Yeah nah, saying that does not justify the girls being drawn having sex with guys over and over and still calling it "yuri". Whats the supposed cut-off here? How much het sex is still okay for you?
Its related to anons argument, not the manga itself. He's the one saying its fine and its yuri as long as there is 'a' relationship between girls in it.
Eventually the succubus will invite a guy to join them. It came to me in a dream.
>it's about not acting like a spastic child and throwing a tantrum over seeing something you dislike.
You are the one throwing a tantrum over people disliking this manga. There wouldn't be a discussion if you just accepted many of us think that shit is unnecesary and dubious in a yuri manga. If you have to cry and bitch over people disliking it, thats your issue.
A girl who's attracted to her. This is a bit convoluted but I think thats how it works.
>the girls being drawn having sex with guys over and over
When did that happen in the succubus again?
That's not an excuse, it's literally how romance as a genre works. It's how you have a story instead of a one shot doujin.
And here it intentionally contrasts the meaningless previous "relationships". The ones she had where she intentionally hurt men for her own amusement for engaging in behavior that the girl she fell for is attempting to avoid.
I hate bitslut fags, 99% of the time when the lesbo character speaks to a dude, even if it is one that is like someone she considers like a little bro, they keep screaming for multiple pages that she is totally bi and should fuck the dude
It doesn't sound like her attraction really made the difference here, since the guys surely are plenty attracted to her and other girls would almost certainly be too.
Whats wrong with that? Taming the slut and taking it slow is cute.
>it's literally how romance as a genre work
No it does not. Plenty romances have sex ewrly on. Nevermind that there is no reason for the manga to continously point out she only guys for guys.
>they keep screaming for multiple pages that she is totally bi and should fuck the dude
When has this literally ever happened? What the hell do you mean by pages?
>That's not an excuse, it's literally how romance as a genre works. I
Wait, are you now saying you can't have a romance manga where the two love interests have sex with eachother? WTF am I reading here?
>Taming the slut and taking it slow is cute.
We have Citrus for that, with the bonus that Mei is not, indeed, a slut.
Two times alone in the first chapter. Keep up nee-san.
No, I'm not saying random shit you made up, surprisingly
>muh yuri correcting het girl
That is the new slut princess manga, not this trash
>we have that
>except it's not actually that
brain worms
First of all
>you can't have a romance where they have sex
But also
>And here it intentionally contrasts the meaningless previous "relationships".
She had no relationships before that. The point is that the author makes a point to contrast her sexual relationships as being exclusively with men while her relationship with one girl (she's the exception) is sexless.
>not actually in love with any of the girls she fucks
It could be improved
Or maybe not, since it's a harem
You literally did say "her having no sex with the girl is not an excuse its how romance works as a genre". So you did say that.
She could have sex with her and it'd still be perfectly fine as a romance, so your whole point makes no sense.
You have one chapter when the manga has like 8 more and you focus on what? You are obsessed.
This guy always brings up "FFM" whenever he builds a strawman about a series not being yuri.
It's his catchphrase (nobody else uses the term FFM in this context) and a major sign to stop replying because he's known for being a serial shitposter.
>not actually in love with any of the girls she fucks
She is clearly in love with her childhood friend. Trust the plan.
>point out she only guys for guys.
>guys for guys
The author wanted to draw them taking it slow.
Sorry they didnt consult you.
>Its about lesbian relationships actually.
Nope, yuri is above pedestrian understandings of sexuality and love.
And I have no problem with NotYurika, because her prior relations with men are relevant to make the gags about her being corrected.
If the succubus manga made a point of the sucksslut discovering the superiority of girls, it'd have been fine. But she didn't. In fact, she specifically went back to guys right after.
>nobody else uses the term FFM in this context
Except for all the doujin sites and Ao3 and many others? I have to filter that shit when I search for yuri all the time. What the fuck are you talking about?
>I have quite the backlog of bi/het-free content to enjoy.
Then why are you wasting time having a melty on the internet?
>It's his catchphrase (nobody else uses the term FFM in this context)
I stop you right there, nee-san. You're going off the deep end now. It is, in fact, a very common tag for bisexual content.
Her first thought (after years of loop of fucking the two maids) was coming to the realization that her brown childhood friend is exactly her type not the dudes she was looking to fuck so there is a chance

But at the same time princess is too dumb and scummy for it
This whole conversation could have been over hours ago, if you didn't keep crying about how people dare to dislike something you like.
>(after years of loop of fucking the two maids
Three! maids, thank you very much.
This whole conversation could have been over hours ago, if you didn't cry about how people dare to like something you dislike.
Those refer to actual female/female/male threesomes, what the term was made to designate. This dude simply uses FFM as an insane strawman in order to troll, equating any form of a character not being 100% lesbian as being exactly the same as an FFM threesome. It's disingenous trolling.
No, I did not say you can't have romance where they have sex. Literally no one thinks that. Thanks for post #74 that is clearly intentionally straw manning the fuck out of whatever you can grasp at.
>It's currently sexless because the girls want to take it slow
>that's a convenient excuse
>it's not an excuse, it's how romance works
This is not saying that you cannot have romance without sex. The girls here are taking it slow because if they didn't the manga would be over in four chapters and it would have no theme. It would just be a het-slut fucking a girl and liking it way more and then the end.
Instead there is progression in the relationship and a theme stemming from the love from this girl being literally physically sweeter than any she has had before, because she wants more than to just fuck her and move on. It's a pretty standard romance plotline and not even a particularly uncommon one in yuri, minus the succubus.
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Looks to me like the people who did use it in this conversation, where making the point that if you tolerate het sex in yuri under the argumentr "its fine as long as two girls are in a relationship" you are very much walking down a slippery slope to that sort of thing being called yuri.
Which is pretty justified, all considered.
>The girls here are taking it slow because if they didn't the manga would be over in four chapters
This is simply untrue, btw. Right now the story isn't even about them taking it slow.
In fact, right now its about a incredibly generic, mandatory jealousy arc instead. Which they could have done perfectly fine without that.
Because it isn't you retard, sexuality has never been part of the definition only the sex of the two participants both being female. There's always been plenty of yuri about bisexuals dating either lesbians or other bisexuals.
Yeah, convenient.
Stop spreging about that shit series already faggots
I don't see anyone saying the manga is ffm content, only that the people who insist yuri doesn't mean lesbians very clearly angle for that sort of thing. And I don't see much argument what else they could mean by that.
Can we stop being so goddamn disingenuous and implying that anyone on /u/ of all places wants or even considers what you're talking about to be okay?
Literally zero people in the thread want a dude to suddenly start fucking one of the girls in that manga. Well, except for maybe the people who already hate it, ironically enough.
>sexuality has never been part of the definition
Actually yuri was originally invented to describe lesbian content. There are live-action movies and stuff from the 80s using the term Yuri in the title to indicate it being about lesbians. It was about lesbians long before it was applied to anime and manga.
>Can we stop being so goddamn disingenuous and implying that anyone on /u/ of all places wants or even considers what you're talking about to be okay?
There is no other reason to justify a author making sure to inform the reader the girl is open for guys anyway in a YURI manga. Zero, none.
Literally nothing in the manga requires her to fuck guys, she cpuld have fucked girls for the exact same effect.
You can say it doesn't bother you. Thats fine. You are entitled to what does and doesn't bother you. But pretending its not gratuitous and its somehow insane for someone loving yuri to find it off putting has no justification.
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>This is simply untrue, btw. Right now the story isn't even about them taking it slow.
It literally comes up multiple times and there's only like five chapters
>and implying that anyone on /u/ of all places wants or even considers what you're talking about to be okay?
We were told by multiple posters ITT alone that they think its silly to worry about it and that it would be okay. So no, there are obviously people on /u/ who wouldn't mind. And plenty of shoujo reading girls don't actually care either way, which is why thats a thing in the first place.
Use 'females only'.
She explains to concept to the succubus in that scene, the story is not 'about' it in any way. The first actual story arc we got after them getting together and going 'exclusive' as you like to insist, is a bog standard jealousy plot.
>sleeping with the crown still on
>sexuality has never been part of the definition
Yes it has.
insane sex drip
>There is no other reason to justify a author making sure to inform the reader the girl is open for guys anyway in a YURI manga. Zero, none.
And that never happens
>Literally nothing in the manga requires her to fuck guys
It's to show how meaningless her past relationships were in contrast with her new one, which is with a woman

>but multiple people ITT totally want a het threesome
You're a disingenuous piece of shit.
>And that never happens
Her going back to fucking guys right after kissing the MC serves no other purpose. It does happen.
>It's to show how meaningless her past relationships were in contrast with her new one, which is with a woman
She never had relationships before, explicitly. And she explicitly would have continued going to fuck guys if the MC didn't stop her, so its not a change of heart either. So no, it does not do that. As far as we know, she could have just as easily met a guy. Because MC is the only girl she shows any interest in at all.
wish you guys appreciated true yuri like i do
>You're a disingenuous piece of shit.
Great counterargument
>I don't see anyone saying the manga is ffm content
>It's to show how meaningless her past relationships were in contrast with her new one
If she had tried to go back to a guy and then realised it doesn't fulfill her anymore, it would have been great. The opportunity to make the point you are saying was there. Instead, she fucked three guys in a row. This completly destroys this argument.
There is NO reason.
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>check thread before bed
>check thread 12 hours later
>over 300 new posts
Where does that post mention the manga? Rather than telling off to the "its yuri if its two girls" spastics?
Yuri 2 was announced.
you can safely skip them, nothing of value would be lost
It's a conversation about the manga, read the entire chain.
The Watanare anime announcement will go unnoticed at this point.
In the middle of it, there was also a conversation about if something being tagged as yuri by some nip makes it automatically yuri. And that was very specifically aimed at the fact that ffm content does get tagged as yuri by a lot of nip sites.
Watanare doesn't have males to break people's brain
>Her going back to fucking guys right after kissing the MC serves no other purpose. It does happen.
She did not yet realize she was in love with the girl. It can be assumed that continuing to "snack" as she usually does played a part in making her realize that she found something better.
>As far as we know, she could have just as easily met a guy
If a girl didn't fall in love with a girl then she would not have fallen in love with a girl, correct.
>and then realised it doesn't fulfill her anymore
Guys never fulfilled her to begin with. She had never been in love and she was explicitly drawing pleasure from inflicting something bad upon them.

No meaningful discussion can be had with you if you're going to pretend that MULTIPLE people ITT legitimately would be okay with a het threesome in a yuri manga. You're a massive piece of shit.
>Which is pretty justified, all considered.
It's not, it's a strawman used to deny yuri. It's the /u/ equivalent of Godwin's Law.
To be safe:
female:"females only" female:"yuri" language:"english" -male:"gender bender$" -male:"gender change$" -female:"possession$"
It hasn't actually been announced yet.
>And that was very specifically aimed at the fact that ffm content does get tagged as yuri by a lot of nip sites.
No, not really.
>Guys never fulfilled her to begin with.
Thats a weird thing to say, when she explicitly enjoyed doing it and did it A LOT. And the argument about fulfillment falls flat because of the previously mentioned issue.
>If a girl didn't fall in love with a girl then she would not have fallen in love with a girl, correct.
Is the concept of a lesbian, who could fall in love with another girl if it didn't work out with a specific one so mysterious to you?
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I hate this shit so fucking much.
What yuri is denied in a series where the female character has one male character (or many male characters) as sexual or romantic partners?
Yes, really.
>-male:"gender bender$" -male:"gender change$" -female:"possession$"
Do these things live rent free in your head 24/7? You're the only one who brings them up all the time.
You really have to add a lot of tags to just get yuri of a girl x girl variety, huh.
>200+ new posts
>it's the usual hetfags defending hetshit
>mods do nothing and let it go on for hours while these trolls keep saying the most unhinged and anti-yuri things possible
Are you retarded?
The filters work like that so I would avoid such shit type of works in yuri genre.
And it works great on panda.
No, but they do live in the yuri tag 24/7
The main yuri that the story revolves around.
Do people don't know what - minus means?
That would make sense if they were common, which they aren't, you're simply obsessed with them to a greater degree than the people who like them.
>She did not yet realize she was in love with the girl.
Yeah as I said, if she had gone back to a guy out of habit and realised it then it'd been fine. But three dudes? Nah, fuck that.
>If a girl didn't fall in love with a girl then she would not have fallen in love with a girl, correct.
I think anon means she didn't choose girls over guys, she chose the MC over everyone else and not because she's a girl either.
>Guys never fulfilled her to begin with. She had never been in love and she was explicitly drawing pleasure from inflicting something bad upon them.
Doesn't really adress the salient issue of her not having some change of heart where she realises a preference for girls. She still has a preference for sex with guys.
NTA but this shit is way way too common.
In your head maybe.
>when she explicitly enjoyed doing it and did it A LOT
Yes, the thing she enjoyed doing a lot, which was "taking" from those were were greedy pieces of shit that only wanted to take from other people.
>Is the concept of a lesbian, who could fall in love with another girl if it didn't work out with a specific one so mysterious to you?
Considering we're talking about somehow who has only fallen in love with a woman, no, this is not confusing to me at all.

>She still has a preference for sex with guys.
No she doesn't? Where the hell did you get that?
I browse sadpanda regularly and you run into those quite often. Filtering them out from the start is a good idea.
Is it though?
NTA but you do legitimately have to screen those out or you will be annoyed very often.
>No she doesn't? Where the hell did you get that?
Her lack of sex with girls
The correct filter is actually -language:”chinese”
You also forgot to filter out skinsuits and futashit because those still get tagged under females only + yuri for some retarded reason
And in sad panda, and in most doujin sites.
Well she's in the middle of trying to fix that but her girlfriend isn't a slut
>Yes, the thing she enjoyed doing a lot, which was "taking" from those were were greedy pieces of shit that only wanted to take from other people.
Okay? And she needed to sleep with them for that, why?
She explicitly only needs to feed from kissing, but she very clearly went much further than that with all of the ones we saw. So she doesn't only do it for the feeding, else she wouldn't need herself or them naked on the bed for it.
The issue with panda is that sometimes the tags broke for no reason, you can see the tag but the filter does not identify them
It is. Not like, everywhere. But its quite common.
It's important to set up the filter so females only shows up together with yuri, yuri can be alone, but females only also picks solo galleries.
>but she very clearly went much further than that with all of the ones we saw. So she doesn't only do it for the feeding,
Yes, because she at the very least WANTED to inflict something bad upon her victims upon "tasting" how shitty of people they (apparently literally all) were. That's what I'm saying. That's what she says.
>Well she's in the middle of trying to fix that
Not really. She just wants to have sex with the person she is dating. She didn't change her preference to girls.
It would have been a great opportunity for a gag about her sampling her female coworkee for that.
But you have limit how many tags you can add.
>because she at the very least WANTED to inflict something bad upon her victims upon "tasting"
She wanted to punish them ... by having sex with them? This mkakes no sense, surely you realise? The feeding is done through her (upper) lips, if she only wanted to punish them, she could have just drained them with kissing and be on her way. She specifically chooses to go further than that and the obvious reason for that being because she likes it. Not a shocker for a succubus.
I find it EXTREMLY hard to believe those guys didn't kiss her until they were half-naked on the bed. I'm sorry, but this is too much copium.
>create entire scenarios in your head
>say others are coping
Also keep in mind the logistics of fucking those three dudes in one night. She had to walk to their house one by one, assuming she got the first one to a love hotel or something.
She didn't do that because she tasted they were bad people only after being in bed with them.
In yuri? Doubtful.
We see the scenario in the manga. It has multiple pages of her explaining what she did and a panel showing it.
>She wanted to punish them ... by having sex with them? This mkakes no sense, surely you realise?
Yes, she literally says this in a page that someone has already posted ITT.
Although if she can do the whole draining thing with only kissing then I am unaware of where that is said

I have absolutely no idea what you are trying to say
They are tagged together, yes. Feel free to check for yourself how many galleries are under ‘(females only + yuri) + undesirable tag’.
>I have absolutely no idea what you are trying to say
If she can drain dudes through kissing, why are there half naked dudes? Couldn't they have kissed her before that?
She wasn't being utilitarian. She did more than just feed.
>In yuri? Doubtful.
So with my 5 filters set I got 4800 results in english.
With removing from them male: GB/GS/GC content and female: possesion I got 4,600 results as adult yuri works go.
So about 4% of so called yuri works aren't yuri.
>I have absolutely no idea what you are trying to say
My understanding was that you were trying to say, she only decided to punish them after tasting their nature. Which is why they were on the bed. Otherwise I don't really know what else you meant to say there.
Wow, so much.
>Yes, she literally says this in a page that someone has already posted ITT.
I grant the interpretation of her draining them to "punish" them. Although given we know she's been doing it to lots of boys at her school AND she herself says she was going to feed on the MC too I find this a bit of a stretch. Rather she might feed more violently on them or something, but its certainly not why she did it at all.
As for the kissing part, its been a while but I remember her saying she feeds through her lips and also remarking on how sweet the MC tastes when they are in the changing room, after kissing her. Making it fairly obvious she is already 'sampling' her there with her kiss.
There is a lot of FFM works with yuri or works with some yuri panels with the tag.

try removing FFM and female: tags like nakadashi
>So about 4% of so called yuri works aren't yuri.
They are yuri according to the site's tag definition.
Don't care about that for me yuri is only valid if it's a girl x girl work without a guy involved sexually in any way be it any shit like FFM, GB/GC or possession.
Thats the issue, isn't it? To many sites any sort of girl on girl is "yuri".
Becasue they are pussies about it.
They have bisexual tag which should represent a girl has sex with a girl and with a guy in a work like situation already but nobody is using it and instead they still prefer to use yuri tag for such works to troll viewers.
Yuri tag should be females only in it nature already.
so if a series doesnt have an official yuri tag (like 90% of subtext series where they dont make it explicit they are dating), then it isnt yuri either? sounds very absolutist. Or in the cases of hentai, a one-off FFM scene gets it the yuri tag for some reason
New Akebi. Komichi shows up at the dorm with a backpack full of stuff in the middle of the night and Erika sneaks down to meet her.
Lots and lots of cellphone text in this chapter that will have to be translated.
oh no the user based niche porn site doesnt validate my definition of yuri, what am i gonna do with my life
Alternatively, some sites only accept lesbian sex as yuri. Been yelled at for uploading scans of non-h doujins to sadpanda and tagging them as yuri, with girls dating and all that.
Every site uses a different definition and I often get the feeling no one asked what the yurifags thought. Not that that would have helped though, now that I think about it.
Okay, I caught up on the manga now to see if anything happened to warrant this fanatical defense.
And no, nothing in future chapters makes the het narratively relevant at all, so its still shit.
HOWEVER. Her mom is really hot. Thats all I got.
I she gets yuri corrected in the future, I might buy the second volume.
Seeing what you are doing you are posting on niche 4chan board to vent off so take your own pill.
Also many would cry if they saw "yuri" tagged works in their usual content on dlsite or any other japanese adult site too.
>Alternatively, some sites only accept lesbian sex as yuri.
Seems much more reasonable to me. Sure, there is arguments to be had about how explicit it has to be to be yuri (not to mention the whole レズ thing some JP sides do), but sticking to the safe side by only allowing the most explicit material seems fine to me.
I also think your mistake was posting non-h content to sadpanda, but w.e.
Well yeah, the point of the yuri tag is to find pics and doujins of lesbian sex. It's not an issue, it's how tags work, they take in account what can be seen directly, not the context surrounding it or the expectations of the namesake genre.

Not the point at all, we're talking about hentai galleries.
>I often get the feeling no one asked what the yurifags thought
Because those sites are meant for general use, not to appeal to specific fanbases who feel they own the content and its definitions.

>I also think your mistake was posting non-h content to sadpanda, but w.e.
Exhentai has hundreds of thousands of non-H content, including stuff that can't be found anywhere else (there's a reason why its temporary death back in 2019 was such a big deal).
A few retards crying over not seeing sex in a non-H gallery ain't gonna change that.
>A few retards crying over not seeing sex in a non-H gallery ain't gonna change that.
I'm not saying you were in the wrong, but I am saying the expectation of the average user is to find porn.
Damn. Akebi is so hungry for Erika she can't wait till sunrise.
>Because those sites are meant for general use, not to appeal to specific fanbases who feel they own the content and its definitions.
I'd say the people expected to look for a certain tag should be considered when using the tag. Thats the purpose of tags, so people can use them to find the things they want.
Yeah I mean it's much cleaner than trying to take something as subjective as yuri and use it the way like, danbooru uses it or something.
But also unfortunate because it means I can't find any non-h yuri there ever, I guess. I literally do not know how much is there and probably never will.
Not all the people who look for yuri are yurifags, in fact, most of them aren't.
>Not all the people who look for yuri are yurifags
Probably true, for a given definition of yurifag.
> in fact, most of them aren't.
Ehhh now you're overstretching. People who regularly specifically search for the yuri tag definitely can be considered "yurifags". And thats all it comes down to, what does the average person looking for "yuri" actually look for?
>use it the way like, danbooru uses it
Which is?

>I can't find any non-h yuri there ever,
On Exhentai? Most of them are at least tagged as females_only.
Copying one text box at a time to Google to translate is really tough with so many. But I think she is coming to stay for at least a night and I don't think that students who are not paying for dorm rooms are allowed to stay after lights out, so she is sneaking in and came in her uniform so she can just "blend in" with the crowd leaving in the morning.
>what does the average person looking for "yuri" actually look for?
On a hentai site, cunt-on-cunt action.
>On a hentai site, cunt-on-cunt action.
We now had two people trying to assure is sadpanda is not 'just' a hentai site though.
I fucking wished it actually used it consistently like that at least. Or any hentai site, for that matter.
>Which is?
Basically images that could/would be posted on /u/ I guess? Their definition includes 'romantic interaction' and excludes futa/bi
But in practice 'romantic interaction' is seemingly mostly just up to whoever uploaded the image. If I specifically love a pairing and can't get enough of them then I have to search both of the characters instead of character+yuri because a bunch of stuff that looks romantic to me, like holding hands while staring into each others' eyes under a beautiful pastel sky, is not always tagged as such. But, sometimes it also is, and it stays that way for forever so... I should probably just figure out how to add tags to the other ones myself.
I use gelbooru, it lets you use as many tags as you want so you can search for those 2 characters while filtering out any other tags you want.
Far easier than dealing with danbooru’s 2 tag limit (or 6 if you pay).
>Basically images that could/would be posted on /u/ I guess? Their definition includes 'romantic interaction' and excludes futa/bi
Ah sorry, I got confused because your other post presented as something negative for those other sites.
>woke up
>hundreds of new posts
I'm not gonna read all of them but I'm glad we can agree that Revolutionary Girl Utena is not yuri.
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this, but maria sama
You can't prove me wrong.
Akebi has issues.
Yes, she wants to hug Erika, she wants to date Erika, she wants to kiss Erika, she wants to lick Erika, she wants to hold hands with Erika, she wants to fuck Erika, she wants to live with Erika, she wants to marry Erika, she wants to lovers' suicide with Erika, she wants to cook food with Erika... she has a lot of issues.
A decent book with the shttiest adaptation (next to tachibanaka triangle)
>(next to tachibanaka triangle)
hope her new manga gets an anime
>Thread dead
>Go to bed
>Wake up
>Anons having autistic shitfit over Succubus Manga
I'm begging you to change, /u/.
You now remember Venus Versus Virus
How is it possible for a medium to have stories like Utena and Kannazuki no Miko held up as classics, whilst also having a portion of the consumer base allergic to men?
According to yuri experts, tags don't mean anything.
Any chance of this being translated once again?
Anyone read it? Is it good?
Shojo fantasy harem sounds fun.
Zoomers think anything less than MahoAko isn't yuri.
Kannazuki no Miko would likely still be well liked in the end, Utena is most of a product of it's time not really relatable nowadays aside from being really really boring.
They’re classics because they’re old and were one of the few options back then. It says nothing about their actual quality as yuri stories.
The passage of time explains it well. And it's not allergy to men but to het/bi.
Just make the shittiest MTL and make sure to tell everyone you are as good as any other translator and you will get the whole series done in a week
patriarchy bad is a timeless topic, kiddos like Utena
Were they released today, they would both be absolutely maligned and hated by /u/.
I like Devilishly Sweet. I don't discriminate against bi girls in yuri and just want to enjoy different types of stories about girls together. Some of you are very mentally ill, I think.
Let just say patriarch bad is easier to digest when the protagonists are fighting back with giant robots.
KnM would 100% be celebrated even more so in today's environment since it's a "win" over het and that's all the internet is these days: trying to dunk on the "other" side.
Because your dumb strawman does not represent reality. People are not, in this case at least, allergic to men. Just to the gratuitous involvement of hetshit for no actual reason.
You couldn't have substituted Souma with a girl, you could have had Riri fuck chicks instead. Very simple.
Except the story isn't actually anything different. Its literally the same as dozens of others, except shenis a bislut. But no, actually lots of them are bisluts too.
You basically just don't have standards. Which is fine, but don't cry to us about it for fucks sake.
Yes anon, the thread would turn into the funniest ones for months, sorry you came to 4chan to remind everyone how you will never have sex
>let me just clasp my "rapist's" hand
Just that she is slightly spoiled and doesn't realize some actions have consequences.
>You couldn't have substituted Souma with a girl
Why not?
KnM was more brave about yuri than 99% of yuri today. Not even because the guy lost, its pretty hard to hate him honestly, but because it was very honest about the romantic and sexual love of its main couple. Something, somehow, most yuri struggles with portraying to this day.
The 2010s were a mistake as a decade.
It litterally can't be worse than allegedly animated 3 minute episodes
Just say you want more rape
I haven't read it but there were some posts here taking about it when the anime was announced. Apparently there is a male love interest, and it isn't yuri
Because Chikane's insecurity to a large extent stemmed from a belief she couldn't be with Himeko due to being a girl. A understandable belief for a girl of her background in that time. If her only romantic rival had been another girl, it would completly change the dynamic. Then she couldn't have used the excuse of it allowing Himeko a "proper" romance to make herself push them togeher to bury her feelings. It'd be a completly different story.
>it was very honest about the romantic and sexual love of its main couple. Something, somehow, most yuri struggles with portraying to this day.
In what parallel universe?
If KnM and Utena are undeniably yuri, then so is the succubus manga. It's not me who made the rules.
I wouldn't say no to more rape, but actually I want more stories about two girls getting together and ending up together without 5 volunes of inane bullshit and padding.
That doesn't track for Kannazuki no Miko, neither girl ever has sex with a guy. Himeko goes on 2 dates or so and starts crying when the guy kisses her because she realises this isn't what she wants.
You're right about Utena though.
>I want more stories about two girls getting together and ending up together without 5 volunes of inane bullshit and padding
I have the perfect manga for you.
When did either girl in KnM sleep with a guy?
And mai hime, that's my classic.
How different was the manga from the anime?
Good thing Utena isn't yuri, so neither is the succubus manga.
When was either girl in KnM a succubus?
Yea, that's because KnM is an actual yuri romance unlike the stuff /u/ and especially /u/ from poor parts of the world latch onto these days.

A large part of Chikane's insecurity wasnt just her sexuality, she genuinely thought Himeko would be happier with her childhood friend. If Souma really was a girl, Chikane would have most certainly have hid her feelings still.
Well played, but I gave this shit 5 chapters to convince me the random slutting around with guys served a purpose and it didn't deliver so its gross to me. But I will grant you, it gets to the point which was why I gave it a shot beyond the first chapter in the first place. Too bad about the stupid and pointless chastity thing.
The author of this really has a talent for setting up good opportunities and squandering them.
A handful of spergs does not /u/ make.
>Which is fine, but don't cry to us about it for fucks sake.
Exactly the same could be said about you.
>A large part of Chikane's insecurity wasnt just her sexuality, she genuinely thought Himeko would be happier with her childhood friend.
Absolutely not. Chikane convinced herself of that, but the root of her insecurity was her being a girl and the belief that meant she couldn't be with Himeko without intrinsically making her unhappy. She has a whole monologue about it. Its not the only issue, but Souma being a girl would have chsnged things massively. Not because she didn't have those issues anymore, but because Souma wouldn't have been a more "legitimate" choice for Himeko in her eyes, thus eliminating her trying to push Himeko on them.
Only on /u/ can you find retarded schizos who would claim the succubus manga isn't yuri.
I only see the succubus manga fans still crying about it. And strawmanning like crazy.
I suspect most of them are trolls from /a/.
You mean the same schizo who has been doing this for years and every single time the retards like you feed him until he gets bored?
The only resson you're upset enough to restart this argument, is because you know we are right.
I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you're referring to as yuri, is in fact, bi/yuri, or as I've recently taken to calling it, bi plus yuri.
There's absolutely zero chance Chikane actually interferes and tries to cuntblock a female romance rival. It's not in her character to do so at all.

If Fem-Souma made the first move and Himeko (seemingly) reciprocated like she did at first, Chikane would have encouraged Himeko just as she did in the actual story.
They will finish all the novel this season so maybe we get 3-4 importan yuri scene
Sure. You're not disagreeing with me here, though? You're arguing about something completly different
The thing is he never gets bored.
Bishit fans made a fool of themselves, spammed the thread with their favorite images and now are pretending they were trolled by /a/.
Its actually kinda insane how butthurt they get every single time.
Sure. You and your split personalities.
Of course. /u/ has always loved hetshit in their yuri manga.
>and Himeko (seemingly) reciprocated
Himeko never reciprocated to Souma until Chikane encouraged her. The entire time every single date she has with Souma was always
>I gotta do this, because Chikane put in so much effort!
If not for Chikane pushing her, Himeko never considered Souma seriously as anything more than a good friend.
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The funniest thing about all this is when we were first having all the Utena/Purityfag arguments on /u/, most of you here weren't even born yet.
Kek, take your damn meds.
I could call it a bislut fantasy with yuri. The entire succubus thing was a excuse so that character could sleep with men but at the same time enjoy the sweet romance, emotional support and loyatly of one girl.
Yes and please stop crying about people shitting on your stupid succubus hetshit manga.
The discussion was fucking over and you still came crawling back.
>character could sleep with men but at the same time enjoy the sweet romance, emotional support and loyatly of one girl.
Except once she gets with the girl she stops seeing men.
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>unlike the stuff /u/ and especially /u/ from poor parts of the world latch onto these days.
Are you living in 2014? Those yuri fans successfully turned a lot of the stuff they latched onto gay while "proper" yuri romance fans have done far less to expand the genre.
She literally made the stupid Seashell speech to Chikane thinking Souma was the other half.
What’s that
Yeah no. The average age here is definitely above 20.
>has been sitting at his computer constantly refreshing the thread just to see if anyone is still talking about it
Why does yuri make you so butthurt?
>hetshit manga
Fortunately it's a yuri manga, not a hetshit manga.
Below 15 for those who keep crying about the succubus manga.
You're being generous
>thinking Souma was the other half
Himeko started to make it work, to live up to what she thought were Chikane's expectations. Its only under that pressure where Himeko starts trying to convince herself, until she breaks aftee the kiss.
Without and before Chikane pushing it, she never particularly shows interest in him. And even when she goes to him its always thinking about how she has to do it to make Chikane happy.
It's called manga you retard
You're not remembering this correctly. Chikane even asks Himeko if she wanted to go at one poiint and she said yes.
It's just revisionism saying Himeko never made any decision of her own.
>Except once she gets with the girl she stops seeing men.
Nope. After the first got with the girl she went right ahead and fucked her coworkers and then the girl asked her for monogamy and she agreed. She never stopped lusting for men.
And what kind of bare minimum bullshit is tjis "Yeah she is a turbowhore that fucked three guys right after meeting what she considers love and the author never stops reminding us about all the guys she fucked, but at least its not NTR right?!"
It's just yuri.
>You're not remembering this correctly.
I am, I re-watched and re-read just recently. Himeko makes it pretty clear from thebstart she'd rather spend her timemwith Chikanenwhen he asks her out and only goes to see him each time explicitly thinking about how Chikane made such an effort for her. When the whole thing breaks down and she comes back to her, she's not even upset about having hurt Souma but only about having disappointed Chikane after giving her the pretty dress.
Himeko and Chikane are both trapped in their perception of what they need to do to make other people happy for much of the story.
Gets with the girl as in them going out, not them meeting for the first time.

>author never stops reminding us about all the guys she fucked
This never happens outside of in your head.
Just like Shokei Shoujo and Hikikomari, right? No, those are action/yuri and action/comedy/yuri, expecting some Yagakimi/Sasakoi tier romance from them would be a mistake.
the character is a succubus dumbass
NTA but Himeko only ever says that because she wants to honor Chikane's attempts to set her up with him. Himeko is unsure about the nature of her feelings but would have never pursued him without Chikane encouraging her.

Himeko thinks she is being shy, but in the end realises its because she just didn't love him like that. He's right about that.
Which means she couldn't have fucked girls instead? In a yuri manga? Retard.
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>This never happens outside of in your head.
Actually when I checked today it happened just in the last chapter translated to english (6) and the last raw (8) too.
Chance these two are itt? I'd say about 99%.
Looks like its not just /u/ hating the hetshit in yuri manga. Who knew?
Funny thing is, even the nip amazon reviews talked about it as a downside for some. (the usual, "if you're not good with it" stuff)
Himeko did not make every single one of her decision about Souma because Chikane said GO first. Literally go rewatch the anime.

The fact that Himeko doesnt shun Souma but eventually realizes her feelings for Chikane is one of the most important and well done parts of the anime. You weirdos claiming she would have preferred sitting at home watching paint dry without Chikane pushing her are being absurd.
100%, actually. He's been having a tantrum here for hours. There was also someone called gearoi92 who keeps getting banned on Mangadex and his posts were the same seething shit he always posts here, though I haven't seen him for quite some time now so maybe he finally got banned permanently.
>The fact that Himeko doesnt shun Souma
No one talked about shunning. She loved Souma as a dear friend, but just that. She had no romantic interest in him and wasn't even trying to pursue one before Chikane pushed hee. Thats not even interpretation worthy, you just have to read/listen to who she focuses on when talking about those dates. Hint: Not Souma.

Himeko being way too passive for a large part of the story is a massive plot point and her character development.

You can call people names all you like, but the text is very explicit on this.
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Holy fucking based! What is this chart?
>who she focuses on when talking about those dates. Hint: Not Souma.
I literally just reminded you clowns the Seashell conversation. I'm starting to think you didnt even watch this show.
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>nip amazon reviews
And yet none of them gave it 1 star while crying about how it isn't yuri. Strange...
>ESL with horrid English
Really makes you think.
What do you mean it's not a horror manga?
>Himeko did not make every single one of her decision about Souma because Chikane said GO first.
Almost literally she did. Re-watch/re-read (it makes no difference in this matter). In every single instance of their dates. Himeko wants to spend the time with Chikane on her birthday after being invited and only says yes when Chikane encourages her. Same for the subsequent dates. They all follow the same pattern, because Himeko likes Souma but not like that. But she doesn't really understand that. She likes him, so it must be love, right? She understands only with the kiss its not that.
The whole difference of how you know you like someone vs. love someone etc. is the point.
/u/ hated them because they spoke the truth.
>I literally just reminded you clowns the Seashell conversation.
Are you genuinly crying now because people contradict your headcanon of Himeko being in love with Souma? Please fucking kill yourself. You bisluts have officially crossed the line.
One of them can barely even speak English at all
>I literally just reminded you clowns the Seashell conversation
You mean the one where its obviously Himeko unsure about who her soulmate is and thinking it should be Souma? Foreshadowing its not him? Retard.
It looks like Akebi showed up for her and Erika's date THE NIGHT BEFORE. Are they really going to do something in Erika's room? Does Hiro have the balls to go through with this?
Sorry anon, but you are wearing massive hetgoggles now. The seashell conversation was literally the opposite of what you are claiming.
All evidence to the contrary.
The truth is this >>4304044
Uh oh, so the crying were indian pigs.
At no point during that, or any other time, does Himeko genuinly belief Souma is her soulmate. She tries to convince herself of that, also when she mirrors Chikane's seashell speech. But its always obviously her acting on perceived expectations. She never loved Souma. God bless his soul, I by no means hate he guy. But he was never in the running. Even the soulmates part aside.
It'd be pretty dire if it had any. Nips very rarely give those to manga. Or anything.
>noooo you have to speak correct engl*sh
They're just being too nice.
Since when do nips have the balls to complain about something not being yuri? I remember the blatant false advertisement villainess heroine anthology and even there they didn't give it bad ratings and only meekly complained in their 5* reviews.
We write in english because it's the only language you know.
>I just reminded you of [thing that in no way adds to the conversation or supports my argument]
>agree with me, damnit!
Gave me a good laugh. But this post at least clarified to me you're just some obsessed spastic fighting for "men" in yuri. Explains all the seething you did before over someone shitting on the hetshit succubus manga.
Galatians 4:16 is in first person.
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Fuck you for making me look this shit up on a streaming site.
Chikane literally asks her twice here do you want to go and Himeko nods, citing he was always with her since childhood.

Again, I'm not saying this was her in love. I'm reminding you that Himeko also (incorrectly) thought this was the "right" thing to do and it wasnt just because Chikane kept pushing her to go on dates with a cattle prod. All of these moments made the payoff in the finale much more worthwhile. Reducing this all to just Chikane's doing is doing a disservice to the story and Himeko's character.

Am I arguing with third worlders now. I'm not claiming she loved him romantically at any point, I'm denying the ridiculous notion that she never actually made a decision of her own
How are things like Amnesian related to KnM? Same characters, different timelines? Spinoffs?
It differs, but ultimately its spin-offs with new incarnations of those characters.
It's best you skip Amnesian and read Himegami instead
>and it wasnt just because Chikane kept pushing her to go on dates with a cattle prod
You're doing yourself a disservice with dumb hyperbole.
Chikane pushed her and created a enviroment where Himeko thought she ought to respond to his feelings and this is the right thing to do. Something that didn't exist and wouldn't have existed without her encouragement.
This isn't about Chikane forcing her. Its about her creating the sense of expectation Himeko responds to, which she otherwise does not have. Again, pay attention to what does Himeko focus on during and after those dates? Chikane's help and expectations. Yes, Himeko is not actively aware of this, but it is why she is doing it.
Its a story abput poisonous expectations of both yourself and others, you do not give it proper credit by only thinking about forcing anything.
The one nip with spine
>still has 4.3 rating
Fuck their whole race
>You want to go right?
This simple exchange already disproved your headcanon that it was always and only Chikane pushing her, and the fact that she talked about the seashell (again, mistaking her feelings) disproves your other headcanon that she never actually talks about her dates.

I dont know why you're even arguing about this. We AGREE that they both loved each other all along, but you for some reason insist on this idea that Himeko didn't have a mind of her own for the first 7 episodes.
Anon, she asks twice because Himeko is convincing herself. Chikane is literally prodding Himeko to go on the date in that scene while Himeko looks for reasons not to and then finishes with "I should because he's always been there for me". This isn't an argument in your favour.
Chikane literally goes, "You want to go?" Silence "You want to go, right?!" and in the conversation before that is already convincing her to go.
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I don't know. They seem to question if /u/'s favorite series is yuri, unlike the succ manga.
You have no way to prove they are yurifags and not hetfags like you. The truth is yurifags read the first chapter and threw it in the trash where it belongs, none of us is buying that shit.
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>Chikane literally asks her twice here do you want to go and Himeko nods, citing he was always with her since childhood.
Took me a moment, but this revisionism was a bit much for me. This is how Chikane opens up that conversation. Its CHIKANE who presents Himeko was a leading question of "Hey, what are you gonna wear for your date?" which is before she asks Himeko if she wants to go. And Himeko is hardly enthusiastic when answering either, Chikane has to ask twice and the second time its her phrasing it as assuming Himeko definitely wants to.
No idea if you just have poor memory or whats going on here, because that conversation in particular showed how Chikane is pushing Himeko into a relationship she is unsure about herself.
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You have no way to prove they are hetfags and not yurihaters like you
Nice try ignoring everything preceeding that exchange and ignoring all the context about expectstions and Himekos uncertainty.
The author of the bislutshit in question isn't new and neither is their bishit obsession. I imagine that any proud yuri fans know him by now and aren't bothering with it. Only the bishit fans are around at this point and he is giving them what they like.
>>You want to go right?
>This simple exchange already disproved your headcanon that it was always and only Chikane pushing her
Its not just Chikane pushing her. Its a whole complex of societal expectations of a perfectly fitting boy, who should be the right one for her because he's nice to her and she's a girl. Which Chikane massively feeds, because Himeko, ironically, is actually braver than Chikane in questioning those assumptions but only not brave enough to question them against Chikane herself.
is this the thread where we post our inflammatory opinions?
You only like Utena and Kannazuki because of nostalgia
True. Real yuri fans are sticking to yuri authors like Nakatani and Kodama!!!
How is it inflammatory if it's right?
I saw knm for the first time this year, its just a good story.
What manga is this?
>You have no way to prove they are hetfags
Yes, I have. They're giving 5/5 to a story where a girls fucks men, that's called being a hetfag, just like you that are spending the whole day defending this shit because you want to see girls involved with men.
It's honestly a godawful anime, but if you're willing to put up with it then Kyoshiro To Towa No Sora, which is the followup to Kannazuki no Miko, has the reincarnations of Chikane and Himeko appear as part of the cast.
As you would expect, they were the best part of the show by far.
Uhm, probably true about Utena. Kannazuki no Miko on the other hand is literally perfect.
What are /u/ views on Akebi?
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>seething because it's rated higher than his favorite slop
I've never seen Utena and never will. I watched KnM years ago and liked it because there wasn't much else. But I haven't been able to force myself to watch it again. I love the famous pose and the songs though.
>all those Japanese people are wrong
>the succubus manga isn't yuri because I, an anon from Zimbabwe, say it's not yuri
did we watch the same show?
it has like 2 good episodes
everything else is awful het drama and stupid villain of the week mech fights
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>same rating
Guess it's het too then.
There was the usual concern trolling back when the anime was airing. The usual suspects were also seething about "hetshit" during the period the manga was focusing on Akebi's dad.
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Chikane asks her twice because deep down Chikane wants her to say No.
The anime literally does a super close up of Chikane's eyes when she asks the second time. That's the real intent of this moment. What do the kids call it these days? Oh that's right, you lack media literacy.

Also Himeko having this conversation with her only real friend, after the sportsfag got butthurt over her injury, is completely normal. This wasnt some 4d-chess setup by Chikane. She asked if Himeko really wanted to go and Himeko said yes, and again yes we AGREE she's making a mistake here because that's what she thought she should do. The point is Himeko made (wrong) decisions of her own too.
Nope. Its pure yuri rated only by the most highly cultured yurifags. I don't care about your hetslop.
Then that's most probably an anon from here pretending to be Japanese. Nobody in their right mind would ever say Kitakawa is not yuri.
>look it up
>has below 4 star ratings unlike succ
It's over...
>Chikane asks her twice because deep down Chikane wants her to say No.
You should actually listen to what Chikane says. Because she is verbally prodding her to say yes.
Yeah, she would have liked deep down for her to say no, but the entire conversation Chikane is pushing Himeko to think going on the date is what she 'should' do. First by not even asking if she wants to, but just asking what she is gonna wear and then by repeating her question with a ne/right, which is not what you do for a question you don't already know what answer you expect. You are STILL ignoring the lead-up to this conversation, which is Chikane going right ahead to decide for Himeko she wants to go.
>Yuri stud from Zimbabwe wrecks 135 bi-twinks from Japan.
Nobody in their right mind would ever say Succ is not yuri.
I never disagreed with you.
First of all, you figured out the key moment but completly missed the actual point because you are obsessed with your interpretation to the point of ignoring the entire conversation around it. Congratulations. Chikane doesn't simply ask her the question, its part of a conversation in which Chikane made clear SHE thinks Himeko should go.
>She asked if Himeko really wanted to go and Himeko said yes
She actually does not say yes. She talks around it about how she should want to and why she should want to. And even after that still doesn't say yes, but Chikane tells her she shouldn't hesitate and do it, while Himeko wants to push back, but Chikane doesn't let her.
By the way, Yatosaki Haru is a female.
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>. She asked if Himeko really wanted to go and Himeko said yes
Gonna stop you right there champ, this is how the conversation actually ends. I'm actually kinda tired of you making shit up by this point. The closest she comes to saying yes, is her nodding a little, but she clearly did not resolve herself to do it. Chikane made the choice for her.
>see the face of enthusiastic consent
I'm not sure about Utena, but in the case of Kannazuki I watched it for the first time this week to celebrate its 20th birthday and I personally think it's the best yuri anime ever. If only for the last two episodes and best confession that I have ever.
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Very last words of that conversation, again Chikane being the one deciding its decided. While Himeko is still visibly unsure about it all.
Hell, the "deciding" comment was Chikane saying Himeko smiling makes HER happy, implicitly saying to Himeko she should do it to make Chikane happy. Something Himeko takes to heart, as evidenced by her comments later.
I already explained the conversation taking place makes sense organically regardless of Chikane's intention because Himeko has nobody else confide in. Ultimately Chikane left the decision to Himeko, deep down hoping for a No, but Himeko made the (INCORRECT) decision to go.

I'm actually not even sure what you're trying to achieve by painting Himeko as a mindless zombie.

>nodding is not yes
Clearly there is a cultural gap between US+Japan vs. wherever you're from.
>best yuri anime ever
You've only watched one yuri anime in your life.
>I'm actually not even sure what you're trying to achieve by painting Himeko as a mindless zombie.
Again with the retarded hyperbole. No one is saying she is mindless. She is acting under the influence of expectations pushing her to act on what is the "expected" thing to do and Chikane is a major, and deciding, factor adding to this enviroment in which Himeko makes her decisions. And yes, for the first half of the story Himeko IS extremly passive and relies on Chikane to decide things for her which is in fact a plot point. Something she overcomes in the second half.
Yeah. MahoAko. Problem?
>nodding is not yes
>Clearly there is a cultural gap between US+Japan vs. wherever you're from.
Is this kind of shit all you really got? Someone can be in thought and nod along with a statement, without necessarily agreeing with all of it. She is nodding, because she agrees its what she should want and then goes on to explain why. But she never says she wants to go and in fact afterwards still says "but..." but Chikane doesn't let her finish and says she should do it. You're completly ignoring just how much Himeko is shown to trust in and rely on Chikane. Chikane does have a lot of influence on Himekos decision making here. This isn't her being some zombie, its her being a relatively mild mannered and insecure girl relying on the girl she trusts above everything else. Yeah she makes the choice, but Chikane pushed her to making it.
>Ultimately Chikane left the decision to Himeko
She actually did not, see >>4304120
Expecting from someone like Himeko an actual "no" when Chikane made her think she wanted her to say yes is just completly ignoring their relationship dynamic.
Name a better one. And the shoujo sect OVA doesn't count.
Holy shit, we AGREE Himeko was influenced by what she incorrectly thought was the right/normal thing to do.
I dont agree with the notion that ALL of her decisions in the first half were solely Chikane's doing.
This shouldnt even be a contentious conversation until you spaz started claiming it's all Chikane and Himeko's brain has nothing else going on.
StoPani if you aren't a Tamaofag.
>I dont agree with the notion that ALL of her decisions in the first half were solely Chikane's doing.
I don't think that was ever said? The original argument was that Himeko wouldn't have gone out without Chikane pushing her to do it. Which is blatantly true and what you kept arguing against. You're the one who read that as meaning Chikane somehow forced her. She didn't but her creating this expectation is what pushed Himeko to actually do it.
And yes, Himeko has her own brain and her own brain told her no. She just trusted Chikane more than herself in the first half of the story. Which was a very unhealthy kind of relationship and she overcame in the second half.
>StoPani if you have no soul
>started claiming it's all Chikane and Himeko's brain has nothing else going on
Except it was all Chikane? Sure society played a role and everything, but Chikane is the one Himeko actually listened to.
I said it before, Himeko was actually more brave than Chikane in pushing back against expectations. Which is why she DIDN'T want to go out with Souma. But she relied so much on Chikane, that Chikane's expectations weighting down on her is what pushed her to do it anyway.
Anon, the fact that Himeko wouldn't have gone out with Souma without Chikane telling her to do it (and you now got screenshots proving she did) was settled 20 fucking years ago.
And yet, a Zimbabwean dollar is worth more than what Japanese hetfags think yuri should be
Agreed, KnM is the peak and goat of yuri. Agony is forever on repeat. Mai Hime is my #2, also a wild ride full of good moments and an awesome soundtrack.
>her own brain told her no
Her brain literally told her Yes, even when her heart wasn’t fully in agreement. It was her brain that was processing all the expectation and it was her heart that told who she really loved as the story progressed.
Holy shit you didn’t actually understand her at all this whole time.
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>30 minutes later and this is what you come up with
>female character has sex with several male characters
How many breads have you eaten in your life?
>Her brain literally told her Yes
It really didn't, but your whole shitshow about ignoring the entire conversation except for the nodding part already showed you didn't pay attention to the characters or their struggles and dynamics beyond the most surface level. And barely that.
Himeko's heart was obviously not in agreement, but mentally she also wasn't convinced at that point she should go out with Souma. The expectations pushed on her to do it, but in difference to Chikane she didn't internalise it as her own mindset until later and only started to convince herself after that conversation.
You literally did not pay any sort of attention to the shift Himeko is undergoing and how she reacts to what Chikane is saying. Literally just going
>she nodded
Well, its over no need to pay any sort of attention to the context, her words, her expressions, the dynamic of the conversation. She nodded, that means yes.
Like a complete fucking imbecile.
Three. I like my tea with crackers.
According to Manio, that is how it works.
>Himeko was actually more brave than Chikane in pushing back against expectations.
Its shocking this needs pointing out 20 years later, when Himeko becoming suddenly so headstrong right after Chikane is gone is a remarkable and heavy character shift. She literally runs away from the temple to go back and not with some flimsy "I dunno" but because she knows she needs to see Chikane again and understand her.
Himeko is incredibly resilient and headstrong but she had come to rely on Chikane for everything before that. But Himeko has more willpower than she does.
>dates women
Yes that's yuri.
Its a pretty good anime.
I'm still mad tho
Yeah...that's not what she's doing...
Something tells me whatever's behind those white squares aren't women.
So you're telling yuri fried this rice?
It's a bad end though, she uses sex with whoever she can to cope the fact she can't fully be with the woman she loves, there is a reason we call them bisluts after all.
Okay, so? This is the board for women successfully getting together not failing and taking solace in guys, keep that shit away.
She could cope doing volunteer work, traveling or getting a dog. But what the author really wanted was an excuse to have her fuck everything that moves. Such is the mind of bisexuals.
>still seething over based Manio
They're mad, but you're right. A female character is yuri if she dates and or has sex with women. Yuri encompasses bisexual women whether they like it or not.
If she fucked everything that moves, why wouldn't she get a dog?
Probably because she'd get in trouble if she gave the poor animal herpes.
>>female character has sex with several male characters
Show me the panels where this happens
Bisluts that had maybe relationships in the past but now chose a girl are acceptable.
Making a point out of showing how much the bislut enjoys fucking dudes is disgusting and has no place in yuri. Simple.
And no, this won't change no matter how many tantrums you throw.
There is no reason for a girl to fuck guys in a yuri manga in the current year. Full stop.
>And no, this won't change no matter how many tantrums you throw.
Look at the thread. Purityfags are the ones shitting themselves at the mere mention of bisexual female characters in yuri. It started with the succubus manga and it's continued into Manio's. If you don't like it, just shut up and ignore. Your bitching won't untag those specific yuri series as not yuri or remove them from the yuri manga sale's aisle.
>Look at the thread
Yeah I see people saying they didn't like the manga making a point of the love interest fucking guys even after meeting the MC and some "people" having a several hour umhinged meltdown about it because they can't accept people dislike it.
Even trannies get tagged as yuri. They're worth nothing.
There is a market for ffm+ stories, maybe even bigger than yuri. Bi fans should just embrace their true genre and be proud.
>literally revives the dead conversation multiple times to continue shitting and pissing yourself in rage even after getting mass banned for spamming yaoi porn
>noooo its the purityfags
meds or rope
Or in ANY year
Turns out the people that like the genre about relationships between girls don't appreciate those girls having sex with men. Who knew?
And no, tagging those as yuri doesn't make them yuri.
Or you could just accept that many on /u/ simply dislike girls being shown fucking guys in a yuri manga. Especially, and this is the important part, there is no actual narrative reason for it. Succubus is canonically bi, it could have easily been girls, but it had to be guys for some reason.
Now that can be fine with you, because you're not that invested into yuri and think het is fine too. But you're gonna have to live with us saying its disgusting and maybe try not having a spastic tantrum about it, yeah?
This whole thing wouldn't even have been an argument, if you didn't feel the desperate need to tell us why hetshit in yuri is totally okay.
>it's not yuri because I say so!!!!
Meanwhile, Manio's series was published in Yuri Hime, which is currently THE yuri magazine. But I guess that doesn't count because Japan bad or something.
>/u/ havin a melty over semantics again
Bad endings are always controversial regardless of genre, though personally to me it's fine when it portrays a relationship with the woman she loves (and still is together, though uncomitted) as the ideal and anything else in a negative light. If it was about her thinking it was just a phase it would have been really nefarious.
Once a slut always a slut
She is asian not white
That wasn't remotly the same situation (still gross imo, but in this case intended to be gross). Kill yourself disingenious goalpost moving retard.
octave and its consequences have been a disaster for this thread
It's not yuri because it features girls having sex with men.

>published in YH
Doesn't make it yuri. Gakkou Gurashi was a horror manga and it was published in Kirara.
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>Gakkou Gurashi was a horror manga
This was a thing long before Octave. The whole plot point was fine back when girls actually didn't understand lesbianism and tried to have "normal" relationships out of fear and shame.
And if you tell that kind of story, its fine because it reflects a real experience many girls had to go through. But its not okay if you do it for gratuitous hetfag and bislut pandering like that manga. Its really just going back to the old hat about lesbians being just a phase or specific to one girl and not a real sexuality. Unintentional or not, its disgusting.
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Don't care, it's still yuri.
didnt read
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>When males try to fit in about hating men as if that will make up for the fact they are men enjoying yuri
I'll take bi women over you or your opinions any day.
And you're back to the straw man about hating men. Nobody said that. People here say no to het/bi shit.
I watched Utena last year and it's pretty good (sans the Black Rose arc).
Utena is a very pretty and decent show. But I wouldn't call it good yuri. But it is very pretty and worth seeing.
One thing does not exclude the other.
What do you guys think of my yuri manga idea?
>a manga about two women who have sex with men and try to constantly one up each other
>every chapter ends with cute subtext moments between the two women
>after having sex with dozens of men, the girls realize they actually love each other and become a couple
>they still have sex with men though to one up each other
Don't bother replying purityfags.
Octave was ruined by the cheating part more than anything.
Manio should hire this anon as her ghost writer for her next YH hit.
Manio, is that you?
>It's not yuri because it features girls having sex with men.
There's no reason why that would make it not yuri.
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You just stole this idea and made it more boring.
That could work if the het sex if offscreen.
So I could post any random hetshit series, or series where girls have sex with men, and it'd be yuri?
Just like the succubus one it's to yuri what Turkey is to Europe.
Yes. According to bislut logic, anything where two girls kiss once is "yuri". Girls in a swinger relationship getting regularly railed? Yuri.
Guy gets a lesbian couple to let him knock them up? Yuri.
No, it's not. There's a female character having sex with men before and after meeting the other female character.
Is the main focus and crux of the story a relationship between girls? Then it's yuri.
So not yuri like how turkey is not europe?
That doesn't exclude it from being yuri.
Those would totally be tagged as yuri on jp pornsites, which means its yuri and should be accepted on /u/. Take that, purityfags!
You are very mentally ill.
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You dropped this.
The parts that are not about the "relationship between girls" are het, and het sex. And there are very many of those parts.

>het and het sex don't exclude a manga from being yuri
What does, then?

Yes, that's the joke.
A little part of Turkey is european so even if technically Turkey is part of Europe the main body is asian so it's mostly a asian country; those manga are like that, even if they're technically yuri their main purpose it's to be a bislut fantasy.
>What does, then?
Not having a relationship between two girls as its premise and main focus.
No, thats literally what they said
Pointing out the logical consequence of a stupid statement is not a strawman.
Anyone else fans of the classic yuri hentai anime Bible Black?
>And there are very many of those parts.
No, there aren't. Also, yuri not defined by either the presence or absence of het.
If you are saying "any amount of hetsex is okay in yuri, if the girls are in a relationship (of some sort)" as you did >>4304269
Then logically >>4304267 these would be yuri by your criteria.
Irrational leaps of logic made in bad faith are not "logical condequences".
I find it funny that the entire plot hinges on a lesbian getting rejected by a straight girl.
You know, the longer this argument goes on, the higher the chance this thread will get nuked.
Yuri is very much defined by female relationships to the exclusion of relationships with men. As indeed that is what makes something yuri, instead of just bisexual fetish porn.
>Irrational leaps of logic
There is no leap. Those scenarios would be having relationships between girls as their focus, and thus be yuri by what you said.
>in a relationship (of some sort)
There's the strawman, that's not remotely similar to the relationship between girls being the main focus of the plot.
Unlikely, considering it didn't happen during the yaoi spam of the butthurt bislut retards.
>There's the strawman
Nope. You are the one who insists the type of relationship doesn't matter. That was your own claim being pointed out.
>anything where two girls kiss once is "yuri". Girls in a swinger relationship getting regularly railed? Yuri.
>Guy gets a lesbian couple to let him knock them up? Yuri.
How would any of these have yuri as the main focus by any stretch of the imagination?
I see many relationships besides that one, and none are yuri.
Your shit doesn't even make internal sense anymore. Go fuck yourself, I'm done.
The first one is about a yuri couple, the swinger part is just the plot of the week. And the second one also is primarily abput the couple and their desire for child and what they do to get it.
Very much about them and their relationships as the focus.
This reminds me of that schizo from /a/ who constantly spreg and claim that shit ntr trap is like the best thing ever, and does nothing but defend unnecessary hetshit in yuri
Those don't even count as relationships, nor are they in focus.

Be honest, that's probably you.
ALL hetshit is unnecessary in yuri. Allowing any exception is just a slippery slope.
Mask off.
Dumb newfag
The succubus manga isn't even a fraction as revolting as that one.
Funnily enough the cheathing manga that got reviewed by some "mainstream" anime youtubers wasn't NTR trap but My Girlfriend isn't here today.
Yeah you retards have been exposed for how stupid your logic and excuses for hetshit in yuri are.
The only good cheating manga is HousewifeXJK
Very stupid opinion, NTR trap it's more about the relatuonship between Hotaru and Yuna than the shitty succubus manga it's about the romance between its main leads.
The dumb bislut girl being with that abusive asshole boyfriend for absolutely no reason makes it already more disgusting than the succubus manga could ever be.
Thisnisn't even on the same plane.
Didn't bother reading beyond the first few chapters, its a horrible manga. And you're just showing off how mentally ill you retarded hetshit apologists are.
He is the translator obssessed with kodama naoko who has some crusade against purityfags who exist on his head so he makes credits pages mocking lesbians, though it seems something happened since he was uploadi outside mangadex with another name
Surprising. Usually they pick the shittiest option.
They got a recomendation, and most likely were paid, by the people that made some manga contest that KyoKano won in Japan.
Oh that one. I remember KyoKano won the overseas prize for best manga in some contest a few months ago.
Only yuri manga that won there sadly, IIRC.
This would be more believable if you claimed YH paid them considering Kadokawa wouldn't benefit whatsoever from this.
Your mom paid them with her body
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With the new YagaKimi sales data, the sales chart was updated.
Only Murcielago and Futari Gohan are missing an anime in the top 10.
Kitakawa is 350k. It's on the obi of the latest prints.
Succubus manga? Undeniably yuri.
Manio's manga? Undeniably yuri.
Stay mad.
I’m going to say something that, judging by recent discussion, will get me flamed, but fuck it we move. I actually think that having het/bi can help bring the best out of yuri.
The "tee hee, all girls main cast and half of them are gay” thing is fun, but isn’t stepping into the arena with het and taking it head on also fun?
That’s (one of) the reasons why Kannazuki no Miko is so loved and memorable even 20 years on, no? The fact that yuri took het on at its strongest and won?
Souma wasn’t written as evil, or some sort of secret douchebag, but instead he was the quintessential noble and dashing Hero who in any other story would have gotten the girl, but Chikane won, convincingly and justifiably, in a manner that even the most ardent yuri deniers back in 2004 had little to no complaints about.
Now, this isn’t to say that all or even most yuri stories should have het/bi, but that shouldn’t shy away from using it.

Now hopefully nobody misconstrues what I've just written and says that I'm anti-yuri or something.
>I actually think that having het/bi can help bring the best out of yuri.
Stopped reading here.
>1000 posts in 2 days
>all worthless garbage
I've seen anyone having a problem with the Succubus manga on the Release thread. Why are some sisters here throwing a tantrum? You people seem to be obsessed with males.
I've never seen
Having het in yuri just to 'vanquish' it still means having het in yuri. It's not necessary.
That's the reason why after more than 20 years, Utena is still the most critically acclaimed yuri series
By whom? The people that want to see girls having sex with male characters?
2026 for sure....
That's the problem, KnM did it so good that it's almost impossible to do it better, there's a reason to why nobody tried to make a similar plot in 20 years.
Not sure about Japan internally but in the Anglosphere it's certainly accurate. The inordinate attention Utena gets from the Western academy is probably related to this, on Google Scholar 132 articles have been published mentioning it in the last half decade (for comparison with other older series there are 15 for KnM, 14 for Dear Brother, and 27 for MariMite)
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I asked this question because I want to find another yuri that gave me goosebumps like this.
Anyone else like to have two onaholes and making them touch each other?
It's just one dude shitposting and host of retards feeding him.
It's the usual schizo, the one who always calls LycoReco het.
This thread is just a discord server-without-discord's general chat that occasionally gets some actually relevant yuri news every 400 posts or so.

Anime dry spell isn't helping.
That better be a straw woman anon.
Why did you remove Saki?
what server has shitfests like this everyday?
New official AsuKaori food?
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Why is Renako like this?
It's male gaze
I felt like it stood out too much from the other titles. Might as well include every female-dominated series with a few yuri couples.
I feel like if Maid Dragon and WataTen make the cut then so should Saki but that's just me.
>a few
There's a lot more than a few and their universe even have canon iPS babies. It's undeniably a yuri manga.
To me, Dragon Maid and WataTen have the relationships between the two main girls as the focal point; whereas in Saki, the Mahjong is primary and the relationships are on top of that.

I know what Ritz said: 50+% of the cast are lesbians.
Wataten is published on yuri hime
So was Yuri Danshi.
I think you are smart enough to understand the difference a yuri series has with a series about yuri
Saki is a yuri series.
Okay but >>4304347
I've fixed it.
why is she so based?
Except your own example contradicts ypu, because Kannazuki no Miko had only a kiss and Himeko wasn't bisexual either. Proving hetsex isn't necessary, nor is bisexuality to have a girl win over a guy on 'equal' terms. Also if you make them bisexual its not yuri vs. het and just person who happens to be a girl vs. person who happens to be a guy.
At any rate, lots of people said its fine if there is het if it serves to make a point like a coming of age stories confusion, ghat just doesn't apply to the story in question and is therefore irrelevant.
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If Watanare goes on long enough the 3p is inevitable.
It took 4 books, but this dumbass has grown on me.
Holy based.
Good. We have moved on. Hetshit does not belong in yuri
>these schizos are infesting /u/ as well
How low this board has fallen.
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>check back a day later
>800+ new posts
Aw shit, here we go again.
>I've seen anyone having a problem with the Succubus manga on the Release thread.
Silence doesn't mean approval.
s2 officially announced
[Good News] MahoAko season 2 has officially been announced.

Now if only the manga came back...
Go 4 woah! Yay!
I can now die in peace seeing a real yuri work getting s2 while not being CGDCT variety like YrYr.
Bless you Madokami or Homucifer.
G-witch was a split cour.
It got one season split between two cours from start so no real s2 there.
Is this the correct way to promote your manga? This is rape!
>20 year anniversary of Kannazuki no Miko
>another dark-haired loving rapist writes yuri history
Blessed. Thank you Chikane, your legacy endures.
Your turn, Homura. Make your senpai and kouhai's proud.
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>scroll down
>pic related
Where were you when mahoako won?
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I can't believe hoteru chapter will become real
Aoi Koga was excited about it.
I can't wait for the NemoMata ntr fake out
I hope she and Fuuka practiced for it.
The mole woman who saved yuri.
Could be our typical subtext serie
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Aniyuridot has been doing a lot of edgy/yandere videos lately. Also vampires.
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This could have and should have been yuri.
I hate that's it's always attention grabbing wanna be porn garbage like Mahoako gets mainstream attention. It's like these disgusting fat fucks in the boards of companies think the only yuri they can monetize is the crappy stuff that appeal to dudes.
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What a time to be alive.
Right now there isn't a term for it anymore but it was what we would have called shoujo ai back in the day
Is this real life?
haha midori cuck
Or is this just fantasy? Caught in a landslide, no escape from reality.
> Oh no actual yuri where girls DON'T get fucked by men. Let me bitch about it.
Get bent.
>thread sort of calms down
>this dumbass really just wants another 300 posts in 6 hours
whats with all the autistic concern trolling whenever mahoako is brought up?

we just had G-witch, magirevo, wataoshi, hoshitele, Machikado Mazoku, sasakoi, seiyuu radio, akebi, watayuri, shut-in vampire princess, adashima, virgin road, OshiBudou, Koisuru Asteroid, bocchi the rock, GBC, jellyfish, lycoris recoil, DIY, othersiders picnic, aquatope, selection project, fruittart, elaina, etc. just in the past few years and none of those are soft-core porn, unless youre the type of person who thinks something like yagakimi is ecchi because they kiss too much or something. I dont even think we've had a mainstream ecchi yuri since sakura trick over a decade ago, and maybe citrus
>Sakura Trick
The yuri we all fell in love with used to be about purity. Now in the future with mahoako setting the new norm it will just be about hedonism, depravity and sexual pleasures
Did you miss licoreco and gundam?
That anon meant yuri series.
i couldnt think of anything mainstream that was borderline porn but also explicitly yuri. sure you have stuff like valkyrie drive, but i wouldnt call that mainstream
The oldest yuri animation was BDSM porn. We're going back to the roots.
Seriously speaking, that change you are talking about is real but happened long before MahoAko was made, let alone got an anime.
You're right, it probably started a few years ago with the popularity of Asumi-chan and others, but mahoako's popularity and influence on the genre will make the transition go into hyperdrive
SHAFT delayed Walpurgisnacht Rising to add a half-hour of Homura raping Madoka after seeing Mahoako's success.
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>The oldest yuri animation was BDSM porn.
She walked, so Baiser could run.
Finally, a happy ending
Not that extreme but remember that we also have Watanare and its upcoming adaptation.
Homura raping madoka into becoming gay
>the new norm it will just be about hedonism, depravity and sexual pleasures
I would hardly describe watanare as “pure”
By what logic? Less shy, certainly, but certainly not less pure than most of the relevant stuff from the 00s.
Yuri as a genre losing its unique characteristics and becoming indistinguishable from the tropes of het romance manga is good in your eyes?
>Yuri as a genre losing its unique characteristics
What are those characteristics, exactly? The "purity" we talked about back then, was not a lack of sex but a purity of love and emotions. Something MahoAko has in spades. Its not less pure than SonoHana was.
You're just mad realizing how old you are.
There's no het manga like Mahoako.
There definitely is quite a lot of pervertedness and constant horniness in watanare. Protagonists of the 00’s were pure maidens, normal Jk’s talking about crepes and makeup, now yuri protagonists are female otaku thinking about boobies, sex and LN tropes.
Akko almost had a one-night stand. Renako was a turbo virgin.
Did you grew up among fucking mormons?
Your schtick is getting old by now, can't you get a new one?
The purity was utter femininity without any hint of male debasement, and a complete lack of the perverted so common in manga and anime as a whole
>Protagonists of the 00’s were pure maidens, normal Jk’s talking about crepes and makeup, now yuri protagonists are female otaku thinking about boobies, sex and LN tropes.
Anon, thats because it reflected JKs in the 00s and Watanare reflects JKs today. If you read the yuri of the 00s I don't need to tell you how unfortunately their repressed and poorly understood sexual desires tended to explode back then.
But calling Watanare "horny" is kind of a stretch. Renako is very "shoujo" in her constant denial and repressed urges. A lot more 'aware' of what those are though.
Yuri protagonists are now no longer haunted by a nameless feeling, because society has changed and this simply doesn't reflect reality any longer.
I get what you mean, on some level I also miss that angst and confusion. But a.) such manga still exist and b.) its becoming less common because its simply no longer accurate to real girls experience.
SonoHana never had tentacles or faceless monsters molesting the girls or any other non-yuri shit.
I guess you’re right on the money, I miss the JKs of 20 years ago
>I miss when yuri was subtext and uncomitted
Actually read some if you think Yuri from the 00’s was just subtext
Most subtext? No. Most uncomitted? Yes.
Even the octopus is a confirmed female in MahoAko. Alongside every other creature Baiser makes.
Jesus just read more, the "but were both girls" is not gone.
Objectively good yuri series:
Succubus manga
I'd have to really cherry pick examples to come up with JKs of the 00s being somehow better, in a purity sense, than those in modern yuri. In most cases they were just more confused and slightly more repressed, which usually ended in some mid-arc subplot about seeking out a random guy to sleep with to figure themselves out. Which was very realistic, but also very tiresome.
Jesus reads yuri?
He really love tkmiz.
His mom got him into yuri, she is always watching it.
Someone needs to make a new yuri manga about all the cool stuff about class s, with the girls-only schools, the longing for your onee-sama and gently fixing your imouto's crooked ribbon. Without all the shit parts of class s.
They had more innocent conversation topics
This very thread.
Like how the fuck didn't >4304255 get deleted?
I'm seeing yuri accounts retweetting and discussing it, yurifags have enough of hetfags infiltrating our spaces.
Compared to Watanare? Maybe. Compared to most JK yuri manga? Not at all. But thats more or less a shoujo vs. seinen thing and not 00s vs. modern yuri.
>Like how the fuck didn't >4304255 get deleted?
Because that person was making fun of the "anti-purity" posters and their absurd ideas of how hetsex is fine in a yuri story as long as the girls are still together.
Irony doesn't carry across written text, but that post was still obviously ironic. If the japanese can't tell, shame on them.
>innocent conversation topics
>you now Hanjuku Joshi
Modern yuri manga could never.
>If the japanese can't tell, shame on them.
What does that have to do with the japanese?
now remember* fuck
I didn't pay attention to the tweet when it was posted, but sure that person is right. Though your example is ironic, the actual discussion around it was an example of the problem.
Too much tolerance for people who want to play both sides of the field and water down the essence of yuri, to make it appealing for a larger mass consumer market who are receptive to this kind of filth.
Even worse, when encouraged by authors like the one from that shit manga last thread that even used that "meme" as its title and premise.
There's literally nothing that waters down the essence of yuri in the succubus manga by the way.
I don't need to remember fuck.
More like you can't remember because you've never fucked anyone.
Yuri is about girls who love girls. Going out of your way to let the reader know she is "available" to guys is pandering to the "Men caught between yuri" vermin.
No one cares, dude, get a life.
When’s the last time you read girls talking about crepes in modern yuri
I'm pretty sure they do talk about crepes at one point in Watanare actually. Its certainly not exactly a dying topic.
There's more yuri than ever now, literally zero reason to complain.
>virgin road
Is virgin road worth watching? I've seen shitposts about it, but it is actually good from a yuri PoV?
I remember a recent page where a girl eats a crepe that looks a lot like a vagina but can't recall where it's from.
In the succubus manga.
Its a decent show, but not from a yuri pov. The LN isn't any different in that regard btw.
She literally isn't available to men after she started dating the MC, dumbass.
No, she is just monogamous. Thats the whole point. Its pandering to the idea that a guy could get inbetween them and its just a question of poly/swinging not sexuality.
No if you want romance but it's decent as a action plus yuri show.
>Its pandering to the idea that a guy could get inbetween them
No, you're retarded.
There’s more rezu than ever now, there’s less yuri than there used to be
But she was, both before and after meeting and kissing the MC.
It doesn't matter how much mass consumer slop is being shat out, by people who think they have a easier time in a less competitive market.
The amount of yuri works has increased, the amount of yuri worth reading has not in the last decade. We are still not back to what yuri used to be a decade ago.
Which was the only problem. There was NO reason to include this, outside of letting the reader knows she still does it for fun even though the MC fulfilled her already.
A decade ago is 2014, a famously dry year for yuri
She literally isn't available to men after she started dating the MC, dumbass.
What's the difference? Even if that difference is horniness then just read the latest YH issue, I only remember KyoKano as the only one you can call "rezu"
It’s world building
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They finally announced it.
29th of January, note it down.
The yuri I fell in love with was about girls loving girls.
Isn't Flowerchilds BDSM manga in it too, from the top of my head? And Asumi-chan I guess.
It includes a copy of Okuma's medical bill, I presume.
Is there anywhere to watch this?
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This is literally the 'I'm ready to settle down now' argument. It doesn't work for het, and it shouldn't work for yuri, specially if the girl in question did every male in any area. Stop trying to push hetshit on the genre and this board.
>The amount of yuri works has increased, the amount of yuri worth reading has not in the last decade.
I mean isn't this true of romance in general and not just yuri? Despite there being more manga and anime produced than ever before, a list of the best het/gl/bl stories would still be mostly made up of stuff from 10-20 years ago.
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They gave her her own room where she could "meet" with the idols before and after the event.

It's on nyaa.
From episode 3 onwards is also on the author's youtube channel.
Now where's that Umika/Yuu figure, Kotobukiya? I can't just keep buying Mahoako figures until the end of time.
>I mean isn't this true of romance in general and not just yuri?
It certainly is, but how does that matter? It still means "more yuri than ever" is a meaningless statement.
Good thing I'm pushing a yuri manga.
is Toradora still the greatest love story ever told? I'm not up to date.
Yeah, I just forgot them for some reason
Yuri is actually a combination of the romantic connection between female hearts and bodies, and yes even Asumi-chan and Murcielago are like this even if the MCs seem to make a difference between sex and romance.
The yuri series of this decade are infinitely better than the yuri series of last decade. You're dumb and retarded.
No eng subs tho
Oh yeah smut and green manga, oh we're really swimming in it
Outside of the masterpiece girlfriends, I really wish to know the good yuri from 10 or 20 years ago.

Even stuff like Strawberry panic was really gay but calling it good is an attack on someone's intelligence.
the succubus manga is about sweets
Being less serious, doesn't make it less good. But Kannazuki no Miko is celebrating its 20th anniversary for another example.
There is also Simoun.
>girl has sex with men
>yuri manga
"B-but she stopped!" is not a valid argument. That she ever did is the problem.
Also Shoujo Sect and Sasemaki Koto for "popular" yuri manga. How good is pretty subjective, as Sasemaki Koto famously overstayed its welcome.
Shocker that irl lesbians like weird shit, something that retard purity-kun can't grasp
The fact alone that no modern equivalent to SonoHana exists means we live in a lesser age.
>friend recommends me manga
>there's a side lesbian in it
Sometimes it works out in my favour.
Girl Friends was only great due to the era it was released in. If it was released today it would've been just another run-of-the-mill yuri manga.
>complains todays yuri is too horny
>misses a porn series
Make up your fucking mind.
Several people post in this thread, retard.
Sorry but it is yuri. Octave is also yuri.
Well it's still way better than stuff like How do I get together with my childhood friend? or current Anemone.
>I wish more lesbians were repressed irl so I can get muh purity back

Kill yourself
Don't reply to posts who's content fly over your head, zoomer-chan. It makes you sound even more retarded than you already do.
Octave is also dogshit
Doesn't matter. It's yuri.
So girls having sex with men is yuri now?
Octave is yuri because the sex in it only happened to advance the plot and allow them to more clearly define their relationship. Its not comparable to "I just met my soulmate and then randomly fucked three dudes just to let the audience know I still love cock"
Don’t pretend that Octave’s het wasn’t any less retarded
You know what I miss in yuri? Double suicide endings.
No, from a romance, storytelling or even comedy standpoint it was never that great, the only thing memorable about the titles you said was the yuri.
I think people liked the premise of Sasemaki more than the actual execution, while I enjoyed the novelty of Shoujo Sect, it's just hentai.
No, it was less retarded. I dropped Octave for it like a lot of other people, because it made me hate the MC and stop caring. But it did serve a narrative purpose which made sense for a coming-of-age story back in those ... less ideal times.
Did she fuck any men after they started dating? No.
Wrong, I reread it recently, the writing is actually pretty good, people here would love when the POV changes and Akko has the opposite attitude from Mari
How is it retarded.
Octave is a good manga.
>No, from a romance, storytelling or even comedy standpoint it was never that great, the only thing memorable about the titles you said was the yuri.
At this point you're just pathetically petulant and contrarian.
Looks like we can now add one more name to the great yuri mangaka list.
Octave still is a narrative about two girls getting together, so of course it's yuri, I just dislike the implication if she instead found a nice guy she would have given up being gay
Did she fuck three guys after it was already established how she worked and after she met the MC, when it no longer served a purpose for world building or relationship building? Yes.
That she ever did is the problem- It's hetshit, and het sex.
>I just dislike the implication if she instead found a nice guy she would have given up being gay
Who? Setsuko maybe, who knows.
Yukino is a lesbian.
Both Octave and the succubus manga are yuri, they're just shit and in succubus case disgusting pandering to a "yuri" demographic that would happily see yuri entirely replaced with bishit. As they made more than clear during the discussion above.
I am not really shitting on it, I loved the series when it aired, but I couldn't honest claim it's as good as the yuri we got after it.
The succubus manga is a narrative about two girls who got together, so of course it's yuri.
If it panders to a non-yuri demographic, is it yuri?

But everything else is hetshit, so of course it's not yuri.
Shitting on Succubus is fine since it is slop that will be forgotten the moment it's finished, but don't you dare shit on Octave.
>But everything else
4 pages in an intro chapter
>everything else is hetshit
You're beyond retarded.
I don't think so because people who like bisluts want to see real bisluts.

Yuri and het romcoms (usually) don't have real bisexuals, in yuri they are girls who will never go back to guys once they realize they like girls too and in het romcoms bisexuals are only into girls when the guy they like isn't around.
>Who? Setsuko maybe, who knows.
Are you quite retarded?
Setsuko said openly she did it with a guy once and that was all and gone for girls only afterwards.
It was Yukino who was insecure retard who decided to cheat on her gf with first guy nearby and do everthing with him even if she disliked it just because that was proper thing to do in her own mind.
>but I couldn't honest claim it's as good as the yuri we got after it.
Not particularly, sounds to me like you simply dislike the style of yuri it represented which died out shortly afterwards. It was a very good story, from a romance perspective.
And what if instead of a guy who immediately forced her in deepthroat she meet an actual caring human being?
anons here never simply dislike a manga instead they
make shit up that didnt happen
call it not yuri
show they dont understand the story and characters
did not even read it
Automatically worse than all* other yuri manga due to containing hetshit
*excluding similar works
>Setsuko said openly she did it with a guy once
That she ever did is the problem- It's hetshit, and het sex.
The style didn't die, it just got outdated.
Four pages of a character being a hetslut.

Prove that a female character having sex with multiple men isn't hetshit, or in this case a thing that happened.
>because people who like bisluts want to see real bisluts.
Thats far from true and thats exactly what the tweet someone posted earlier is talking about. There are a lot of people, also calling themselves "yuri otaku" who very much like the idea of getting inbetween or turning a yuri relationship.
>it didn't die
>it just died
Sometime you really just feel the need to say anything at all, huh?
Octave deserves to be shat on though.
She was taken advantage of by a man when she was being vulnerable and insecure. Setsuko did the same thing when they slept together the first time.
Yukino was always insecure about being in a relationship with a woman because its not normal, her girlfreind did nothing to have more trust in them.
Explaining why it died, doesn't mean it didn't die.
Do we really need that one guy screaming het this or het that on everything? Damn yurifans nowadays are quite picky, you wouldn't survive in 90s and 00s of what scraps we had to survive then and be content with to accept on the yuri scale of the show or manga to get into.
>an actual caring human being
So totally not Setsuko. Yet she came back to her and was sick after one night with a dude.
Well anon you can easily see this is true with how bisluts are a niche inside a niche, unless you have an actual argument instead of twitter. People who calls themselves yuri otaku and also want to fuck lesbians are also ( )
Octave is a turd and I will not pretend otherwise just because its a old turd.
*concern troll
>unless you have an actual argument
Go check the yuri tag on dlsite. If people who make yuri complaining about being harassed by these people isn't enough to convince you obsessed retards.
I am just making the point it's not like people got tired of it, they found something better.
How else would you call a girl falling in love or having sex with a man?
It's a one troll. Not even Kek was this deranged.
Nooooo it has dried up and doesn’t stink if you don’t prod at it how dare you refer to it as a turd
>you wouldn't survive in 90s and 00s
I did survive through the 90s and 00s and I see no reason to keep eating scraps now that we have more than scraps to eat. Also the 90s and 00s had plenty completly explicit yuri with no men involved, so thats more showing you did not actually have to do that since you run entirely on a meme idea of how it was back then.
You weren't even alive in the 90s and 00s.
Not wanting hetshit in yuri is being a troll now.
Well the conversation was quite over, but the bislut and hetshit apologists just keep reviving it over and over. Masochism, I guess. Or a desire to feel victimised like their ilk usually does on twitter and wherever else.
Anon, dlsite sells porn and they couldn't give two shits about what tags the retards selling there are using, tags are meant to promote your product to an audience, whether the audience will buy it is another question.

>Someone with a random account said something mean to an author
>Also the 90s and 00s had plenty completly explicit yuri with no men involved
Like Utena or marimite, right amirite?
>he only knows Utena and Marimite
Yeah, rest my case.
Death doesn't stop anons from posting.
>he only knows green manga
Yeah, rest my case.
The good old argument everyone’s parents make. They walked uphill both ways to school and ate bugs and grass soup for dinner so how dare you have standards
There are only five people on /u/ so it's 20% of the board.
>it doesnt couuuuunnnttttt
Nice argument. What is being pushed as yuri within the otaku sphere and how this shit is being normalised is very much the issue.
No anon, share with us your enormous knowledge of the 90s and 00s of yuri fandom as anime go.
What did you watch then aside of Sailormoon and it side pair of yuri cousins?
>how this shit is being normalised
In your head only.
Well I was born in 80s so current abundance of yuri manga and other media created by other Asian countries is a dream come true.
So now we try to reduce it to anime in a last desperate cope? But actually the 00s produced stuff like Candy Boy too.
Actually even the 80s had yuri animation, like Iczer 1.
In this very thread we are told its still perfectly fine yuri if the girls fuck guys, as long as the story focuses on their relationship while they do it.
Trash eaters like you always want to reduce everything to the lowest common denominator, because having standards would require having convictions and your own opinion.
Of course you reduce the scope to just anime, because you know there are a ton of examples if you don’t
Its funny you say that, because last I remember 90% of the recommendations in the /u/ sticky is from the 90s and mostly 00s.
>while they do it
When will you stop being retarded? She did nothing with men after they started dating.
schizophrenia is not standards
standards is caring about characters and a well told story
yuri is nothing but a fetish to you
Ah yes, Kashimashi, the greatest yuri series of all time.
idk lad, I love office ladies cheating on scumbag husband with a woman
This attempt at a deflection will never work while you try to reduce the love of girls for girls to a irrelevant side note in its own genre.
You are the only one here who treats yuri as a fetish, where feelings and presentation don't matter.
>well told story
Meaningless buzzword. The only objective measure of quality is yuri quality.
>She did nothing with men after they started dating.
When will you stop clinging to this cope, when she continued fucking guys after falling in love with the MC for absolutely no reason?
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New kiki kino just dropped.
>standards is caring about characters and a well told story
A character going to fuck three guys after meeting her soulmate is not a well-told story. The fact you even try to pretend the manga as a whole is a well told story or has great characters is laughable.
>yuri is nothing but a fetish to you
>he says after keeping insisting that nothing matters as long as he sees girls making out too
This but unironically.
>99% of a manga is a bout the relationship of two girls
>side note

yuri is quality when it has a good characters and a story that makes sense
There is no cope, it's an undeniable fact.
If you didn't know we are right, you wouldn't be insecure enough to restart this tired argument over and over again. You 'could' just enjoy the manga. But you desperately need to tell us how the hetsex in it is fine instead.
People must be really bored to continue feeding this troll two days in a row.
Well its partially responding to itself, people ignored the early "b-but the succubus manga is great" bait shit during the MahoAko discussion but then people always fall for the illusion of a conversation.
I wasn't talking about a specific manga, now you're mad at words you put in my mouth.
Were you not here when a bunch of schizos shat up the general thread for like a week following the end of G-Witch? This is nothing.
It's not an argument. I'm just stating facts, one of them being the succubus manga is yuri.
The troll that anon meant was you.
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Roshi sandwiched between Umika and Yuu...
I personally don't think its not. Its just shit and pandering to people who don't like yuri. You are confusing two different types of argument people have here.
Your "facts" are irrelevant to the conversation, as you know.
Dlsite is anything but for normies, do you want me to post the store pics you already saw a thousand times to show you what the yuri audience buys?
I'm amazed this retarded freak cares enough to keep baiting with that irrelevant shit manga no one cares about.
This discussion was over like 4 times by now and he keeps coming back >>4304751
Once again, the troll that anon meant was you.
Omae Gotoki Kiki?
>A character
Did you miss the part where she's a succubus?
>Dlsite is anything but for normies
Can you try learning to read before posting?
Yes, it's an undeniable fact that she kept fucking men after kissing the MC.

No, it's not. The titular succubus has sex with men.
I unironically assume it's a schizo pissed at /u/ for whatever reason
Having a big general where basically everyone on the board meets makes it really easy to troll, as it turns out
Nope, its very much the seething schizo butthurt at "purityfags".
Thry belong to old women after all
I can't learn how to read schizo you dumb burger
The only one seething here is you.
I think they're legit just insecure about /u/ not tolerating their bishit. Social media zoomers are addicted to consensus, so the idea they might be in the minority with their lack of standards frightens them enough they need to keep coming back.
The schizo are 100% sincere. You've not been here long enough, this is not trolling.
Which is why you keep coming back to have this conversation after it was long over?
Crying continously for a day over people having said something mean about a manga you like is the definition of seething.
It's only you schizo, the voices in your head are not multiple people agreeing with you.
I keep coming back to calmly state it's yuri while you on the other hand seethe non-stop about it.
>I don't think its not yuri, its just shit
>quotes someone else saying in their opinion its not yuri
Explain your post to me here, schizo-kun. I didn't say "no one" says its not yuri. I even explicitly said its two different conversations you are still conflating. I know your brain is probably fried and has trouble with this, but at least try.
You've been seething about 4 pages of chapter 1.
>after kissing the MC
Not relevant. They haven't started dating yet at that point.
>Mods allow all this bullshit
>But if someone says TRAAAAAAAAANY they immediately do something
Fucking tranny mods
Its relevant to the yuri nature of the manga. No one accused her of cheating.
Nobody owes your hetslop anything.
Actually we stopped multiple times to talk about it, while you keep coming back to seethe about us not liking it.
That guy always includes you as the "we" in his argument and you've never denied it, so I'm not wrong in including you as well.
It doesn’t have edgy girls getting revenge so it’s not that kiki
People aren't complaining about the character, the authors attitude is the problem. They think its good and necessary to let us know how much she loves sex with guys. Multiple times. In fact, even in the later chapters its still brought up how many guys she fucked for no reason.
What do those pages contain? Yuri?

But the succubus had fallen in love with the MC and kept fucking men.
There are way more than 2 people telling you how retarded you are, hetshitter.
Actually I never said anything about people liking it or not liking it. You keep making up bullshit just like you did about the manga itself.
>and you've never denied it
Leaving aise there ar emore than 2 people here, I also did explicitly say I think its yuri. So you're even wrong about that you illiterate schizo retard.
No she didn't, she didn't understood why MC tasted better, she is only falling in love with her now
Yuri is My Job
And what did she do before that? Nothing?
>You keep making up bullshit
Point out bullshit people made up? She DID have sex with multiple guys in chapter 1. She did continue to have sex with men, even after finding out MC-chan emotionally fulfills her way more. She explicitly doesn't have to do it and even the feeding doesn't need to be sex and she still does it.
Even more, she explicitly can feed from girls too, but somehow her having sex with girls is NEVER brought up. Great """yuri""" manga.
Now continue seething for another 24 hours about it.
SHE thinks it's necessary to let people know the succubus is in fact a succubus and loves feeding on human. It's just the lore.
>she didn't understood why MC tasted better,
No, she explicitly said she fell in love with her in their second meeting and she did know the kiss was the best thing ever for her when it happened.
Did you miss the part where shes a sex demon and snacking on men?
Did you miss the part when she doesnt have a concept of love and relationshps?
So the MC is super duper ultra sepcial and a cute girl and she's discovering a new whole new world.
I suspect it's the same guy who kept claiming Hina Logi is not yuri in the game thread (very similar posting styles), in which case he's a bonafide troll.
>it's necessary to let people know the succubus is in fact a succubus
The first page did this. And it could have been done with her feeding on girls too. This is not an argument.
>But everything else is hetshit, so of course it's not yuri
Why couldn't she have her feed on girls for that? She can do that.
>Did you miss the part where shes a sex demon and snacking on men?
No, she is a sex demon snacking on people. Its the authors choice to make this exclusively men.
>Did you miss the part when she doesnt have a concept of love and relationshps?
This is explicitly wrong. She had never been in one, but she has a concept of both love and relationships as she both knew she fell in love and understand on her own why MC wanted to be monogamous once it came up.
>So the MC is super duper ultra sepcial and a cute girl and she's discovering a new whole new world.
This does not explain why the author felt the need to have her fucking several guys in the first chapter and only ever talk about sex with guys, while making sure we know succubus went far above and beyond what was necessary.
>>But everything else is hetshit, so of course it's not yuri
But he's right? Sofar everything thats not their relationship, is hetshit. Even the MCs ex-girlfriend left her for a guy.
She only said the MC tastes sweet.
That schizo loves bisluts and hates what he arbitrarily decided to call ‘subtext’
>SHE thinks it's necessary to let people know the succubus is in fact a succubus and loves feeding on human. It's just the lore.
Why couldn't it be feeding on girls? Also my only real problem was her going to back to hunt down three different guys in the same night she kissed the MC. Thats just gross for the author to come up with. We already knew she was a succubus by that point.
>it could have been done with her feeding on girls too
It could, but her feeding on men doesn't stop it from being a yuri manga.
>while making sure we know succubus went far above and beyond what was necessary.
She's even abstinent with the MC when showed before the slept a lot.
You're just fucking stupid at this point.
No, she says she fell in love.
She is not human ano, it's just a figure of speech
>She's even abstinent with the MC
Yeah, funny she is abstinent with the girl in the yuri manga. Also she is only abstinent because the MC asked her, did you even read the manga you are defending?
Because the whole narrative is that MC a girl tastes better than guys
Now try typing that without the tears and it might be readable.
>a female character having sex with men is yuri
Mask off
>hunt down
She doesnt need to do that.
Males are horny scum and flock to her.
>Because the whole narrative is that MC a girl tastes better than guys
Nope, succubus does implicitly prey on girls too. Its only the MC who tastes better, its not about girls.
I think so too. When he was getting flamed really hard he started spamming yaoi porn. It must've really hurt. These types of people are brittle.
Read the manga in question before saying anything.
You're so fucking retarded. The manga is about their yuri relationship and also about parfaits. Parfaits aren't het. Also, the fact that she has an ex-girlfriend already told you that not everything else is about het. In fact, there's no het in the overwhelming majority of the manga.
She fucked the three coworkers. Since they didn't do it all at the same time, that means after the first one she had to go looking for the other two. Since she explicitly got the job to do that. They didn't come to her on their own within one night.
Yes, so the MC is super special, she takes their relationship seriously. Because the author showed us that never happened before and only saw humans as tasty food. All of it was needed to show how different her dating the mc is.
The author going out of his way to have her only have sex with guys disqualifies it as a yuri manga. If they wanted to write yuri, they would have made it yuri.
>back to this retarded point again
She did not have sex with any men after they started dating.
They are not random men, it's her coworkers. She saw them lust after her already.
None of which justifies her only shown to have sex with men. Reminder she doesn't need sex to feed either. She does it with kissing.
Yes, they are not random men. So they didn't "flock" to her. The first one might have, but after she left him the rest were hardly waiting in the hallway for her.
>concern troll still sulking and pouting after one whole day
You love to see it. LycoReco is yuri by the way.
>so the MC is super special, she takes their relationship seriously
She doesn't really, she says it would be a novel experience and she plays along. She wouldn't even have stopped hunting if the MC hadn't asked her.
>LycoReco is yuri by the way.
Why wouldn't it be?
So it's fine for a female character to have sex with men but only before an arbitrary point in time? She kept having sex with men after falling in love with the MC
>If they wanted to write yuri, they would have made it yuri.
Its just that simple. If the author had wanted a yuri manga, she would have preyed on girls or have stopped hunting guys on her own after discovering yuri.
Kirara is now chinese.
Why would you ask me? I think it's yuri so no, I don't know why it wouldn't be. You need to ask the schizo for that.
>after falling in love with the MC
This is false.
You really are fucking stupid.
Listening to a human is new, it's special, she's going against her sex demon nature, that we were shown in the intro chapter.
How do you not understand the basic permise of the manga.
Succubus manga is still dogshit that I wouldn’t touch even if you paid me
No, this is explicitly correct.
Chisato fucked no men so it's yuri subtext. Had she fucked, say, three men right after meeting Takina, then no.
Those men she fucked weren't human?
Nothing in your post has anything to do with the discussion or anything in the post you replied to.
No, she only said the MC was a new kind of sweet.
Of course it is, its about the relationship between two girls. And the authors aren't having them go around to flirt with guys just to let us know they're open for it.
Succubus manga is still yuri so it doesn't matter if you touch it or not.
This thumbnail looks good
No, in their second meeting she explicitly says she realised this must be love.
Very cute.
>make a post like this
>delete it so quickly it couldn't have even been reported
Did you realize how bad your post looked or is this an attempt at a falseflag?
Post the page of her having sex. If it was a yuri manga, she'd be having sex with other girls, so you could post that page, right?
Because you made the inane statement that has nothing to do with anything.
>You need to ask the schizo for that.
As you brought up lycoreco out of nowhere, clearly I am asking the resident schizo.
>she's going against her sex demon nature
She's actually not. Did you even read the manga? In chapter 1 we already find out she doesn't have to feed at all, she does it purely for fun. She barely has a sex demon nature by her own admission.
The author had so many outs to justify her fucking random dudes in the first chapter, but made sure to close every single one of them to make sure we know she does it purely for fun.

Can't even say she didn't discover girls before, because she wanted to feed on the MC too. So she does it to girls as well, we just never hear about it or see it for 'some reason'
>its only yuri if the girls fuck in chapter one
>Can't even say she didn't discover girls before, because she wanted to feed on the MC too
You cannot read.
Of course not, but it sure as hell isn’t yuri if there’s het sex in chapter one
There's something kind of uncanny about seeing classic anime designs and even voice performance gimmicks (like the girl at 14 seconds) but with Chinese dialogue
Is this you trying to be vague because you've run out of cope? She literally says that.
If your manga has more hetsex than yuri sex in its first volume, its not yuri.
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Have you tried reading the manga? I mean, I can't blame you if you didn't, its pretty bad. But damn, maybe if you argue for it so hard you should do it anyway.
I've gotten used to it by now from gacha. Chinks are slowly building a real VA scene of their own.
Chinese sounds so fucking ugly.
So no kiss?
Prove it.
I'm not the biggest fan of the succubus manga because manga about food can get pretty boring at times but seeing deranged autists being mindbroken by it and claiming it's not yuri is pretty entertaining to me.
I agree, bad yuri is still yuri, the amount of men fucked by any of the girls has no relevance on the matter, even if it's huge and constantly increasing like in this case.
Bisluts being in relationships with girls is unfortunately yuri by definition but it's still dogshit and I think most people who are not trolling agree with this.

Thankfully bishit is becoming much less common in modern yuri.
How is it that spoken Japanese sounds much more like a western language than Chinese
>actually comes back to samefag spam because he got BTFO so bad about his bishit
It doesn't, you're just more familiar with it.
The tone and syllable structure of Chinese is quite alien but even more than that I think it's the fact that Chinese has a ton of aspirated-unaspirated contrasts and consonant sounds without even a rough Western equivalent. I tried to learn Chinese but found it so much harder to remember character readings compared to Japanese because of the phonology being so much more complicated
How dare people not want hetshit on the yuri board, right? Those deranged autists wanting things with no het, let alone het sex.
No one is posting the heterosexual pages on the board.
I just read the first chapter of that manga and the succubus said "this is love, right?" on their third meeting. This was on some day AFTER she feed on those three men. So no, she wasn't already in love on their second meeting. In fact even in that third meeting she wasn't 100% sure that she loves the MC. That's why she suggested to MC that they should try dating, so she could confirm it.
Please rope yourself already and stop spamming.
>I just read the first chapter of that manga and the succubus said "this is love, right?" on their third meeting.
That line is from the MC you illiterate retard. Its her inner monologue going on at that time.
And its not on some day, its literally the next day.
Why not? If it's a yuri series, then they should be posted in this board.
You said it was on their second meeting and before she feed on those men, so you're the real retard here.
Learn how to read a manga image... embarrassing...
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>and the succubus said "this is love, right?"
The MC asks that.
>That's why she suggested to MC that they should try dating
The MC suggests that.

Damn, people defending this manga sure don't like reading it.
>hur dur everyone is the same person
>hey Mai-chan
>this is love, isn't it?
Nice try, dumbass.
You can post the yuri pages on the board. Just like you can post scenes/pictures from heterosexual anime as long as the guy isn’t involved in that scene. /u/ isn’t a board for only yuri relationships; it’s for any scene/picture/etc of females engaging in homosexual acts without a guy.
Succubus explicitly said she already started feeling it when she kissed her the first time and she came back specifically to confirm her feelings. But between those two things, she went and fucked those guys. So much for wanting to confirm her feelings. One guy wasn't enough of a sample I guess.
Lmao, retarded samefag caught lying again. See >>4305112
Fucking idiot, MC is in her internal monologue so the succubus keeps trying to talk to her. The "this is love" is from the MC, just like the "lets go out date" as confirmed by the succubus' reaction next page.
>unironically cannot read a manga panel
She only said the MC was sweet, dumbass. She didn't know it was love.
Nice try cutting the rest of the spread, but she is trying to get her attention. This is love is followed by 'then' please go out with me.
We are reaching shounen readers lv of being illiterate.
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Funny how you hgave to lie about who says what, meanwhile the actual unambigious text contradicts you.
Stop embarrassing yourself, schizo. The MC's monologue is in the square bubbles while Riri's dialogues are in the round bubbles. The MC even has her mouth closed and Riri has her mouth open there. You are honestly retarded.
>scene/picture/etc of females engaging in homosexual acts without a guy
Which this manga isn't.
The protag is clearly the one asking that, after saying she fell for her. If succubus thought it was love, that'd make her slutting it up just even worse though so I have no idea why you even try arguing this.
>The MC even has her mouth closed
Because in difference to you she can think without having her mouth open, mouthbreather.
>on their third meeting
She kisses her literally the day she meets her for the first time, the fuck are you on about? Why are you such a lying dipshit and such a retard to boot? We can literally read the manga ourselves.
Are you honestly retarded? As I said, the MC's monologue is in the square bubbles. Her mouth is closed to illustrate to retards like you that she wasn't the one talking there. Stop fucking embarrassing yourself.
One more retarded post. Her mouth being closed means the one talking is Riri, not her. Dumb schizo.
Didn't you JUST argue she didn't know it was love? To justify her riding the cock caroussel right afterwards?
I don't think it even knows what the point its trying to make anymore.
Yes, hence her ASKING "This is love, isn't it?" How can anyone be as retarded as you are?
Her saying that means she pretty clearly knew it was love, its a rhetorical question.
The “without a guy” part means the guy can’t be in that particular scene.
You see, her knowing she loved the MC made her her hunting down her coworkers right after to fuck them better because ... uhm ... yuri doesn't mean no men! Or something...
>Are you honestly retarded?
Funny you ask that when you think the succubus is answering her own question, after you claimed SHE asks the MC to go out with her and then reacts like this >>4305110
Their first meeting was in the store, their second "meeting" was after Riri's welcome party the next week. That was when she kissed the MC.
It is a rhetorical question schizo. She even calls her her lover afterwards. At any rate, her fucking those guys after discovering feelings for MC is the whole problem.
But her mouth is open, she is the one talking!!!
Yeah I made a mistake there. The MC was the one who suggested dating. That doesn't change the fact that Riri was the one asking if it's love. And you're still retarded for reading the dialogue bubbles wrong.
>Their first meeting was in the store
Thats not a "meeting".
This is AFTER she feeds on those men, not before, dumbass.
No, she discovers those feelings during the kiss. Thats the whole reason she came back dumbass.
It is. That was her first time meeting Riri.
I struggle to understand how any of your stupid tantrum about this is supposed to address the actual issue, which is the author going out of his way to have her exclusively fuck guys during the entire time in a YURI manga?
There is no reason for this for someone who wants to write YURI.
She wasn't sure of it you fucking retard. That's why she came back to confirm it.
But there is reason for someone who does not want to write yuri, which the author did with this manga.
In the page before the one you posted she explicitly says she already felt the girl was special and thats why she came back. So she already knew she had feelings when she did it, she only talked to her about it afterwards.

Also this.
Which means she had to fuck those guys ...because?
If she had fucked one and discovered it doesn't hit like Mai-chan that'd been fine. But that didn't happen.
Your whole point all this time was she already knows she was in love with the MC BEFORE feeding on those men. This is not the case. She comes back to confirm her feelings.
>the girl was special
That doesn't mean she knows it's love, retard.
>She wasn't sure
She was sure enough to go to the MC and say "This is love, right?" That sounds pretty sure. And again, this isn't really about the succubus character doing anything wrong, she didn't, its about why the fuck the author wrote it like that.
>Your whole point
No. Maybe someones point somewhere in this discussion.
>was she already knows she was in love with the MC BEFORE feeding on those men
No the problem was she did it at all. That it happened after she caught feelings just makes it worse.
>she was in love with the MC BEFORE feeding on those men
Nah, lying cretin. it was she discovered FEELINGS for the MC. That feeling was love and she knew she felt something about her. And she was pretty sure its love, as she herself said.
No, she wasn't sure. She said she never felt like that before. She has never even dated anyone.
>And she was pretty sure its love, as she herself said
No, your retarded schizo headcanon doesn't count.
>No, she wasn't sure
If she was that unsure, she wouldn't have said that. She would have said she doesn't know what she feels. Instead she decides it must be love and then continues to call the MC her lover.
What's the point of this argument?
It changes nothing about the fact that she's fucking men,
>its about why the fuck the author wrote it like that.
Funny how the seething schizo desperately tries to ignore the actually relevant point.
>What's the point of this argument?
He got nothing to address that point, so he's trying to lie and weasel around semantics in the usual "if people call me retarded and give up, I win".
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Here's the page. She wanted to find out more about what she feels, meaning she wasn't sure exactly what she feels.
Doesn't know and not sure are not the same, dumbass. She came to see Riri because she wanted to find out exactly what she feels for her. You're fucking retarded and probably never even read the manga outside of the panels posted here.
Mai didn't tell her its love, so clearly she realised it on her own. And factually it was love, so the author had her go fuck those guys after falling in love. Even if you argue she didn't know it, she was already in love.
>meaning she wasn't sure exactly what she feels
She was sure enough its love. And she knew she felt something. Which is all that matters here.
She realized she felt something but wasn't sure if it's love, hence why she came back.
Considering all the shit you got wrong, oddly I apparently read it more than you did. Especially since you admitted to only reading the first chapter while I read the whole first volume.
No she wasn't sure.
Kabocha likes this manga btw
So she suspected it was love. Yes. And you still weasel away from the fact the author had her fall in love with a girl and then go on to fuck those guys.
So basically the author is a disgusting bislut or bislut fetishist and has the succubus fall in love with a girl, but then go on to fuck three guys (and only guys, she has a female coworker too which somehow doesn't matter) anyway. Great "yuri" manga.
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>That sounds pretty sure
She actually still wasn't COMPLETELY sure, that's why it's phrased as a question
She figures it out 100% later during their date
>I was right
No, that means she knew back then.
I got one thing wrong, the part about who suggested to start dating. Meanwhile you got this >>4305112 whole page wrong, even saying it's the MC who asked that. Oh and I noticed you've changed your tune now and repeatedly try to use that panel as the proof that Riri was sure of her feeling. I thought that wasn't her speech bubble but the MC's? Lmao dumbass.
She wouldn't say she was right of she was unsure.
Wow another prove that the seething schizo didn't even read this yuri manga.
>everyone is the same person again
You're the one who kept arguing she confessed her love there and then at the same time she somehow didn't.
No, that means she wasn't sure back then and only on that page did she finally confirm it.
Except I didn't? I said she came back to confirm if the feeling was love, and that's why she asked that question, because she was unsure it was love.
...She wouldn't have said "I was right" if she had already been 100% certain.
Like the entire point of their relationship is her discovering love, that's why that scene is there.
>She actually still wasn't COMPLETELY sure
Your page indicates the opposite. If she wasn't sure, she'd say something how she knows now its love.
But instead she says, she was right (back then) when saying its love. So she was sure.

Again, deflecting from the actually salient issue of the author writing her in such a way that she exclusively fucks guys and prefers fucking guys to exploring her feelings for the MC and has her fuck them even after falling in love (I don't care about your spastic backpedaling here, she was in love).
>She wouldn't have said "I was right" if she had already been 100% certain.
Yes she would. Are you okay? Thats how the phrase is used.
>...She wouldn't have said "I was right" if she had already been 100% certain.
Please think about this sentence again.
If I say "X is like Y" and later X is shown to be like Y, I would say "I was right".
Please learn english.
>"is this thing?"
>later "my heart just skipped a beat, yes this is thing"
Unironically what the hell are you both on?
>Like the entire point of their relationship is her discovering love
The entire point of their relationship is already wrapped up? That was fast.
>...She wouldn't have said "I was right" if she had already been 100% certain.
Thats fucking retarded, of course you would say I was right if you were 100% certain. You CAN say it if you were only mostly sure, but it doesn't proof that and more importantly it means she was pretty sure. Contradicting your claim she doesn't know.
The seething schizo can't read. After all, he thinks it was the MC who asked "This is love, isn't it?"
You really are retarded. If she was sure, she wouldn't have said anything at all at that point. The whole point of saying that was to show that yeah, her feeling that she felt MIGHT have been love, is indeed love.
Except she didn't ask "Is this love" she said "This is love, isn't it" which is a very different thing.
>If she was sure, she wouldn't have said anything at all at that point.
Why wouldn't she? Are you stupid? Its just her re-affirming what she said earlier.
We all know why they have a hard time understanding English >>4304031
Funny coming from the person who can't tell the difference between "Is this love" and "This is love, isn't it" in addition to proving to be unable to read the manga he's defending.
Considering you're the one pretending to like this turd, the fact you didn't even read it properly and didn't know who asked what is a lot worse.
Need to see the japanese for that.
Oh boy, an alarming amount of posts! Surely they must have announced Mahoako S2 or some-
Funny coming from the person who can't even read speech bubbles.
>Like the entire point of their relationship is her discovering love, that's why that scene is there.
You're saying the entire relationship is now pointless because they figured it out already?
No, the relationship is her trying out dating (except without sex, because sex is for boys only apparently).
>Surely they must have announced Mahoako S2
They did!
I wouldn't throw stones in that glass house
But I know who asked what. You were the one who got it wrong.
MahoAko 2 was indeed confirmed. For some reason it triggered the yuri hating bisluts to restart the stupid succ manga argument. Twice.
And here we are.
Mahoako is yuri without any men in it. Its their worst nightmare.
>For some reason it triggered the yuri hating bisluts to restart the stupid succ manga argument.
Unsurprising, considering MahoAko stands for the yuri they hate. One about girls loving girls and only girls.
Your side(the haters) couldn't even agree on who asked that. Some think it was Riri, some think it was the MC. It's pretty clear you are all retarded.
If mahoako is yuri then lesbian porn is yuri
>Your side
>multiple people couldn't agree on something
Shocker. The fact you as a single person couldn't agree on something you supposedly had just read, seems a lot more worrying to me.
Nice try but I love Mahoako and I think the succubus manga is yuri.
This is pretty much it. Thats why they had to derail with their schizo spergout.
>and I think the succubus manga is yuri
A manga with more hetsex than yurisex in its first volume is not yuri.
Oh it is yuri by technicality, its just dogshit and written by someone who doesn't want to write yuri.
>their relationship is pointless(?) and the girls love fucking guys
Definitely real purityfags and not crossboarders, for sure
Bisluts writing shoujo where they make the protags girls just to worm into a less competitive market is not yuri. Full stop.
To them the girls having sex with guys is the default for a romance manga, which is why literally all sex in the manga that is even mentioned is exclusively het.
I admitted I was wrong. Humans make mistakes sometimes. In this case it was because I read that part quickly. And still, it doesn't change the fact that your side would conveniently claim either one as the speaker on that panel based on what you want to argue at any given point. It's embarrassing.
Mahoako is yuri by men for men
>Your side
I have no side. Neither do you. Stop being so retarded you fucking imbecile.
This isn't relevant t all. At no point in this thread have I ever claimed it's good or otherwise.
Mahoako is yuri by yuri lovers for yuri lovers
>humans make mistakes sometimes
>except you evil purityfags, you're not allowed
This is really funny, because you based your entire argument on this "mistake" by claiming its proven she was unsure becaus she suggested trying to date afterwards. While for everyone else the salient fact was she had discovered her feelings for the MC beforehand, which she factually did regardless of if she identified them or not.
No you have your side. Here's just one example >>4305117
You might not want to admit it but he's on your side for sure.
Nah, I'm not a underage retard like you who needs some tribal allegiance about everything. I have my opinion which I express, people who happen to share similar opinions aren't my problem.
I know dealing with what people actually say instead of the schizo boogieman in your head is tough, but thats how its gonna be.
She discovered she has feelings for MC but she wasn't sure that it's love. This is really simple, only retards like you keep failing to get it.
So she discovered her feelings. Discussion is over, author made her fuck three dudes after discovering her feelings.
It doesn't matter if you don't consider yourself yo have an allegiance with them. The fact that you have the same opinion as them means you're on their side.
So you admit she did fuck them after discovering those feelings?
Feelings that she wasn't sure about.
So you are saying that yuri manga should have more girls getting fucked by guys? Because thats what someone on (Your) side said earlier.
This is like the 10th time someone has mistaken the order these things happen in fyi
No. We are not your soccer team or whatever stupid bullshit.
There. You're on their side.
No, only the succuslut manga apologists confuse it. She discovered feelings for them MC after their first kiss, has sex with those guys and then went back to the MC to confirm if its love. So she already, factually, suspected it was love.
Irrelevant to what the author did to frame the events.
No, I think its yuri. Its just a dogshit manga and the author is gross for putting so much emphasis on hetsex. Bad yuri is still yuri, sadly.
It's actually relevant.
Meaning she wasn't sure it was love.
Nope. Author had her fall for a girl and then fuck dudes. The AUTHORA obviously knew it was love.
>so much emphasis
3 pages
nothing even graphic
I said that. Congratulations, you have acquired basic reading comprehension at last.
>a few pages out of 6 chapters
Actually it comes up later too.
Actually I said that first when you were still trying to argue she was 100% sure it was love, retard.
>3 pages
How does this matter? It doesn't need many pages, when the author goes out of their way, despite plenty opportunity otherwise, to have her only seen and talk about fucking dudes.
Sex in general doesn't come up a lot, but when it does, its het.
No, you claimed she didn't know it was love until the third meeting. Actually and then backpedaled to it even being later.
>when you were still trying to argue she was 100% sure it was love
When she said that, we are right now talking about before she met her again. Keep up my dim little imouto-chan.
Kodama Naoko
Chigusa Minori
Yatosaki Haru
All amazing yuri author.
No. Sonetimes you can't "kill the author" like in Shino to Ren when it's obvious that Minori Chigusa wants to flirt with a shy looking girl and a Ran Mitake lookalike, it's the same here because the author made several yuri manga with the same characteristics so it's ovbious that this is just one of their bislut fantasies.
>you claimed she didn't know it was love until the third meeting.
And I was right. Suspecting it to be love doesn't mean she KNOWS it to be love.
Why are you saying no if you agree with the post?
No, you were not. Not that it matters.
I was right and you were wrong. And it matters.
>Chigusa Minori
They're not like the other two. 0/10 you just revealed yourself as a troll.
She suspected it was love when she left her, she was very sure when she met her again.
>when it's obvious that Minori Chigusa wants to flirt with a shy looking girl and a Ran Mitake lookalike
And that is based, I just wished she didn't make all of their merch single figure for her waifufag paypigs and made some more couple merch.
A succubus is doing succubus thing, wow, its her base character.
You must've missed the time when the usual trolls were seething about them. 0/10 you just revealed yourself as a 2024 newfag.
I don't think this is for the money but that this is just a deranged fantasy of a bislut, or a bislut wannabe, I really doubt she had a romantic partner irl.
A succubus can fuck women instead. The MC HAS a female co-worker. She could have the ex talk about the girlfriends she seduced away. Instead its all about fucking guys, anytime it comes up.
A succubus would have sex with girls, if it was a yuri manga.
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>girl cums buckets from a kiss
Is this normal?
Reversal is top tier trope. Hope she never stops drawing the same two girls with the same dynamic.
Unfortunately for you, it is a yuri manga no matter how much you cry about it.
She's just using the money of other people to bring her fantasies closer to reality, I just jope she stops after she pays two girls to have sex with her in cosplay.
I was there but that don't mean they, or their works, are similar to the cuckqueen Manio manga or this other succubus shit.
What difference does it make when exactly she "fell in love"? She enjoys cock, whether she likes the personality behind it or not. Not yuri. If she also enjoys pussy, she's a bi piece of turd. Not worth anyone's time, attention and money in 2024 with all the content about actual lesbians.
>I was there
No you weren't.
>What difference does it make when exactly she "fell in love"?
Because it makes it worse. It wouldn't make it okay otherwise, but having a girl fuck guys while in love with a girl makes it even less yuri.
>I just jope she stops after she pays two girls to have sex with her in cosplay
She'd make an ASMR about it.
And you're so sure of this you had to have multiple crying tantrum about it.
The only tantrum here was from you.
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>cums buckets from a kiss
Haha sure. Thats why you succuturd fanboys kept coming back to start over and over. Because you're totally not mad.
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>try cumming buckets from being talked to
I love her so much.
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I hope this is ok to post here. Since we're talking about succubi, there is a cute manga called Succubus no Yuri na Hanashi that features multiple succubi. I must warn you though: the succubi don't have sex with men and it's stated that they can survive off girls alone. Because of that I am not sure if I can call it a yuri manga. It's a bit of an odd choice to have succubi in your story and make it so they don't have to have sex with men. Really strange.
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Girls having sex with girls instead of men? In yuri??? You can do that??
Its become a bit of a trend as of late.
The only bad thing about this series is that there isn't a lot more of it.
Also, by the same author, Succubus Ravaged by Yuri, where a succubus with a harem of girls has the tables turned on her by another girl. Strangely, none of the people the succubus fucks are men, so maybe it's not a yuri manga.
>Succubus no Yuri na Hanashi
Also the reboot Watashi wa Succubus to Kiss o Shita
>It's a bit of an odd choice to have succubi in your story and make it so they don't have to have sex with men
What an intriguing concept, I will have to study it in depth.
Can't disagree with that.
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Why do some of the people who dislike seeing girls in yuri have sex with men also complain about male readership? Outside of lesbians, the authors and part of the yuri fanbase who needs to see the girls have sex with men in yuri manga comprise mostly of non-lesbian women.
Huh, I got the original and never knew it got a reboot. Very nice. Love my yuri succubutts preying on JKs.
When did you *see* girls have sex with men in yuri manga?
>woke up(day 2)
>another hundreds of new posts
I'm still glad we can all agree that Revolutionary Girl Utena is not yuri.
Octave, for one.
I mean yeah we agreed about this years ago.
Straight>gay conversion and/or writing from the experience of someone realizing they're a homo
Ironically the people who rabidly hate men hate this more than even people who just flat out hate lesbianism in any context
>Outside of lesbians, the authors and part of the yuri fanbase who needs to see the girls have sex with men in yuri manga comprise mostly of non-lesbian women.
You mean the people who only exist on your head?
Almost all of the aforementioned authors who have made these stories are women.
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Instead of arguing about dumb stuff all day we should read some yuri; Let's spin the mangadex wheel of yuri by searching for yuri with feeling lucky

Wow a oneshot from 2 year old show everyone forgot about, don't mind if I do
I don't read Coctave and I don't complain about the gender of yuri audience. Try harder bozo.
>some of the people
I didn’t say everyone did.
The artist is an actual pedophile btw. She's posted pics of real life little girls on her pawoo.
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>the artist is actual pedo
Well fuck
Oh, so what's the problem?
People made BNA doujins? People made MichiNazu doujins???

Almost all yuri authors are women anon, buy I am pretty sure they think of bisluts in a serious way instead of just as woman who used to get fucked by guys.
As opposed to all the other non pedophile artists who draw pedophilia?
Me too.
OMG. Did she get in trouble or does Japan not care like the West?
>She's posted pics of real life little girls on her pawoo.
Based? I already liked it, no need to sell the author on me too.
Japan is secretly controlled by a lesbian cabal that makes sure pedo dykes are never caught.
Are you... not familiar with the whole Kenshin controversy?
My grandmother is asking /u/ if there is good smut of Ochikobore fruit tart.
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Show her this.
Explains all those onee-loli adaptations
It's not really as bad as west news site made up to be, he had thousands of modelling DVDs and a few of those had children on them, westerners sites claimed they had naked children, but this wasn't the case at all, though they were obviously sexualized as you would expect. He was arrested in 2017 and until 2014 when new legislation passed it wasn't even illegal to buy those and the content wasn't considered pornographic either. It's often speculated he got someone high up angry with him and they just searched his home for anything they could charge him with it.
Itou-sensei, any advice if someone wants to draw oneeloli?
SFW pics. I remember she posted a pic of a little girl eating a lolly from facebook and saying its erotic or something.
That’s a lolicon for you, they see a child do something innocent and their mind goes straight to all the pedo shit they’ve read
Art is worse
I thought women being pedos was a meme.
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Nope. They're predators that hide in plain sight.
That's precisely what they want you to think.
Find good quality reference material.
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Itou hates you specifically Anon.
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I thought I had seen it somewhere before, I should have recognized Ogino's signature balloon tits and black hair fetish.
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"Even though I'm a woman, I'm a lolicon, amazing right?" subculture woman
What the fuck does this mean?
It's calling her the kind of subculture woman who goes "Even though I'm a woman, I'm a lolicon, amazing right?"
The entire sentence acts as an adjective, and it's really awkward in English.
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Is this yuri???
>black hair fetish
Asian girls having black hair is a fetish now???
No but the way he draws 90% of girls with Shadows House black void hair is definitely a fetish
>subculture woman who goes "Even though I'm a woman, I'm a lolicon, amazing right?
What kind of person is this?
It's got the symbol that looks like an old timey plunger detonator and the thing that looks like a house, so yes.
no, 百 is clearly male based on the dialouge
You could never know what it's like
Your blood like winter freezes just like ice
And there's a cold, lonely light that shines from you
You'll wind up like the wreck you hide behind that mask you use
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On one hand we have bisluts fucking men and on the other extreme hating even your own dad
Notice how people here can think that literal pedo scum (female) is better than bisluts (or than anything in the course)
>Posting man
It's a really convoluted way of calling her a fake pedo.

Which is an absurd thing to gatekeep but there you go.
Are you really calling a manga about women getting raped part of the yuri genre or a yuri narrative? I understand the protagonist loves another girl, but there is a reason the author or the publisher never bothered calling this yuri.
One isn’t purely yuri, the other is
I love this dumb schizo so much
Yes, people on /u/ prefer yuri to something that isn't yuri.
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Puppet theater yuri when?
Only if its about the puppets.
Honestly I wish there were more dads in yuri
Dads's being largely absent from anime and manga is more of a japanese society problem. But you can definitely feel the shoujo in yuri, when mom's are mostly drama incuding harpies and dad's either absent or supportive and nice.
That’s how I like it, moms being harpies and dads being supportive to their gay daughters
I'm pretty tired of the mommy issues in yuri, understandable as it might be. But I generally would like to see more yuri focus on the families interaction with the couple.
If its featured, its almost always the harpy mom or just a side-note of "oh okay".
I want to see mom's suddenly dealing with having to "worry" about their daughter being alone with a girl like they would with a boy. And dad's bragging about their daughter bringing such a catch home.
I love "introducing your girlfriend" moments in yuri and they're shockingly rare.

Forget about just dad's, especially the JK romance yuri handwaves the family situation way too much other than as a source of drama.
het series dont do a lot of meeting family either
The dads in MagiRevo and LycoReco are like, my second favorite part of those shows
Plus if there's parents then a gal can introduce her girlfriend to them and that's fun, whether it's supportive or results in eloping
That might be true, I haven't read any het romance in a very very long time. But regardless, I'd like to see it more in yuri.
Maybe I'm forgetting something, but I think japan doesn't really have these annual family gathering events like european christmas/easter or american thanksgiving, right? That sort of 'accepting into the family' ritual is something I love to see.
Why isn't >>4305048 deleted when >>4304688 was? Is it too much to ask the bare minimum moderation when trolls post hetshit? I guess it is when half the posts in this thread are hetfags defending hetshit.
I still read seinen and occasional shojo het roamnce, bounding with parents is super rare.
In yuri recently the mom chapter in kyoukano was cute. The one I'm excited about is Akebi, the family was always strong in that one.

New years and obon are family holidays.
Golden week and summer vaction as well, going on a beach trip with your daughters girlfriend could be a thing.
Golden Week and summer vacations are more of a friends thing at that age, but I can totally see New Years being used like that.
The concern about being alone together is null when it's two girls because there's no chance for two stupid lesbian teenagers to have an accidental baby (sadly).
So really the parents should not have anything to worry about except having grilled cheese sandwiches ready by the time their daughters are finished banging upstairs and venture back down for food.
>The concern about being alone together is null when it's two girls because there's no chance for two stupid lesbian teenagers to have an accidental baby (sadly).
The concern isn't just about getting pregnant, but often a general "protecting" their daughter from sexual experience. Which sounds stupid but is very much an issue for many in japan. They do understand protection is a thing and a girl and a boy outright fucking in the room upstairs is incredibly unlikely in japan.
But hey, the parents going "yeah its fine, not like you can get pregnant have at it" would be fun too.
I want to see it just because it'd be the parents instinctively taking their daughters sexuality serious the same way they would with a opposite sex partner. Even if they realise its silly rationally,
het sex is dirty is dirty and gross, the value of your own daughter goes down
yuri sex doesnt count shes still pure
Yuri supremacist mom's (after getting their own age-gap JK correction)
Why are there no yuri mom's mortifying their daughters by serving macaron's with a *wink wink* when the girlfriend is over?
This. I demand more oyakodon yuri!
Why are there no yuri moms banning their girlfriends from entering so the girlfriend needs to sneak in through the window
I mourn the loss of forbidden love.
Help me, someone know the name o recent manga about a Himeyoshi who had the mc name in the title?
Do you have the slightest idea how little that narrows it down?
We're not talking about drawings made by losers (actually quite no, drawings made for losers) to satisfy their fantasies, we're talking about real children
Do you stupid brainless dumbfucks also think that Daisy Destruction is good because it's a woman torturing a female baby?
Fucking kill yourselves.
Total pedo death
>I want to see mom's suddenly dealing with having to "worry" about their daughter being alone with a girl like they would with a boy.
desu, this sort of worry is in large part historically driven(rightly or wrongly) by boys being seen as hormone driven and only caring about getting sex.
It's very hard to transport that to yuri since people generally don't view girls in that way.
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If you're expecting good morally upstanding people on here and not the recluses of society (which includes pedophiles) then you've come to the wrong place
What if the girlfriend is a gyaru on a motorbike
reeking like cigarette smoke and the mom's daughter is an upstanding studious class president
You should get your hardrive checked
Not an excuse. Even the lolicons from twitter, pixiv (or virtually any community I know) despise pedos.
They're just faking disgust so people don't realize they're pedos
go back
>mom conspicuously leaves dental dams and finger condoms in her daughters room where her daughter will be sure to find them if anything starts to happen with her bad girl gf
>dental dams
Lisa needs braces.
>I can't believe my daughter started dating a yankee (female)
>It's very hard to transport that to yuri since people generally don't view girls in that way.
Not really, in the same vein of boys being suspected of trying to take advantage of daughters many mothers have seen girls as trying to seduce or lead astray their sons. In the context of yuri, its very easy to translate such things (wanting to keep their child from sexual experiences to retain their purity, worry about their precious daughter being taken advantage of sexually etc.) the moment the parent stops seeing girl sex as less real.
Mind, the "daughter being seduced and taken advantage of" is a incressingly common mom issue in yuri anyway, I'd just like to see a more positive version of that.
Welcome to the other side of "lolicons are pedos" shit: Legit pedos into real children who want to recruit others to their cause, calling the lolicons who hate real pedos "ironic lolicons".
And of course, edgelord rage baiters who do edgy jokes and larp as legit pedos to get a rise out of people because they know their larping has 0 consequence, and they see people getting angry as a "win"
Hello, Taiyaki? I'd like to commission art of two SISTERS in love.
I think a good example of doing something like that with yuri, was in Arioto.
Aya being so worried about betraying Marika's mom's trust by having sex with her in their house was super cute.
does she even draw yuri anymore?
She sure as hell wasn’t when I canceled my subscription
He doesn't know...
she* sis*
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I don't think. A lot sided with korean feminists when they exposed a certain loli artist who turned out to be a pedo (that one responsible for those shitty memes of "uoh cunny"). Also, equaling lolicons with pedos is a xitter thing.
>Total pedo death
Not excusing pedophilia, but total pedo death could possibly mean a huge chunk of human population disappearing from the face of the earth while the majority of actual kid diddlers would still be alive and well. Most rapists are sadistic psychopaths with a fetish for overpowering others, and most sane people keep their weird kinks in secret.
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Equating lolicons with pedos is a rational logical thinking thing
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yuri culture
>that one responsible for those shitty memes of "uoh cunny"
Yeah I absolutely don't mind loli stuff myself, but that shit was vile. And I don't know why that feminist part is relevant, I know a lot of level headed feminists who don't think people should be jailed for liking (fictional) lolis, and those doing pedophile hunts and calling random people they hate pedos are mostly conservatives.
>Also, equaling lolicons with pedos is a xitter thing.
C'mon now, you know damn well this isn't true.
Sena got married to an adult woman thoughbeit.
>one of these girls doesn't belong
The others should follow her example.
This thread is so fast nobody will notice I'm a blue magical girl.
You are so cool.
The last time a published gb LN had the yuri tag it caused a shitstorm, the author said he was sorry and removed the tag, and the twist of that story was that it was never gb and MC was only programmed to believed she was a guy before.

So yeah no, the people buying yuri on japan will get you cancelled if you try this shitm
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>posting on /u/
Pick one.
You think someone like this could be anything but extremely cool?
Who decided that?
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new chinese yuri anime
The one that decided blues had to be cool.
love triangle yuri
It's weird seeing something that looks straight out of Cune or Kirara in Chinese. We might very well be looking at the future of the genre.
Their first yuri and they’re immediately going for poly, ambitious
I'm going to make a new onimai thread
Go ahead.
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I'm flipping through this comic and from what I can see the only yuri moments are really just between the short black-haired girl and the orange-haired tomboy looking girl. Purple hair in glasses seems to be het and likes some male store manager. Pink-haired girl doesn't really seem to be paired up with anyone. I thought she was going to be paired up with purple hair, but because of that male store manager, that doesn't seem to be the case.
If anyone wants to flip through some chapters, here is the link:
Then why is it called yuri academy? Oh right I forgot yuri is called orange in China, so this doesn’t mean anything
Baihe is written in the same way as yuri, they just call lesbians citrus flavored.
>Then why is it called yuri academy?
No idea. They do use the signs for yuri same as japan, they just pronounce them differently. But it looks like the channel just mistakenly assumes its yuri since the bilibili of the show makes no mention of it.
I guess some extremly minor bait is there, but its barely even CGDCTs level as far as I could see.
The PV seems to oversell even what little that shows.
Forgot the image
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Didn't realise they do some stupid shit with trying to save images from their site.
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The chinese word in the title is 轻百合 (light yuri). It just refers to subtext/CGDCT type of works.
So like YrYr variation.
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Haruna want her sister girlfriends!
No, it's still yuri
how the fuck she is het?
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Because you're looking at a panel with no context. Here is why I think the purple-haired girl with glasses is het:
I could be completely wrong about her, but I don't even care if this girl is het. I'm fine with just having the black-haired girl and tomboy looking girl being a couple.
>picking up chinkshit in the first place
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There are six yuri goobers hiding in this image, can /u/ find them all??
They should have just had Pili do meguca.
File deleted.
>brown spider
>green fellow under the tree
>purple worm
>orange thing hanging on the bench
>red creepy crawley
>blue guy under the bench

Cheater you looked the solution up on gamefaqs
You forgot the bench itself.
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Ah, the famous yuri bench.
>kirara would never
maybe its hetbait idk
I got the impression vom v5 that she wants her sister-girlfriend.
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I miss Vampeerz.
Ignore the schizo you dumbo
Same, is the author's new manga even out yet?
It has four chapters out. It's not yuri thus far and is mainly focused on mystery/action though it does have a girl who looks like Ichika and one who looks like Aria.
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I bet you don't know who this is.
She completely fucked her hand layering
>I bet you can't recognized one of the main couple from Kirara's most recent breakout hit
That's either Shiro or Ren.
Are you sure it's not Kuro or Koi?
I wonder why no one translated the Minori Chigusa first guest series on kirara that wasn't picked for serialization
You hot slutty mom
It's Minori Chigusa, as the image says.
She has pink inner hair so it's Ren. Thank goodness it was a color pic.
Is it het?
Uhhh this is male gaze.
Maybe because she hasn't gone viral yet at that time.
is that frieza
Which issue?
>green manga
>chigusa minori
>900 000 followers
wew lad
>green manga
>ugly and boring
>chigusa's art
>cute and entertaining
>green manga
>makes some anons seethe
>chigusa minori
>makes other anons seethe
Yep, perfectly balanced like all things should be.
Now imagine if green manga and succubus manga had a crossover...
I know Ruka is horny but she's in fact not a succubus.
That's because Suuna is the succubus.
Kirara should just stop being prudes and let Chigusa draw her two pairs of clones having a proper foursome.
Now imagine if green manga and succubus manga were yuri...
Don't have to imagine since they already are.
It's yuri, even the mangadex page has girls love tag.

Well duh, but you would imagine translators would seek more content from her.

June, 2022
How often are kirara guest series translated?
Semi Friends was translated day one when it was just a guest.
Reversal is a top tier trope.
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it really is
Don't be silly, that is Ruka's ancestor.
We need a lot more of it.
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wake up, /u/
I will go back to sleep.
I love Hakumei to Mikochi...
I can't believe Suuna ripped off Ruka's horns.

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