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This thread is for:
*Screenshots, pages, and discussion about general series, current or old, not covered by an existing thread, be it yuri, fanservice, subtext or goggles.
*Canon and non-canon both welcome.
*News reports about things relevant to our interest.
*Original content that doesn't fit any specific thread topics.
*Pretty much anything that doesn't have or need its own thread.
*Kneeling before the Mother

We must secure the existence of our yuri and a future for lesbian girls because the beauty of the white lily maiden must not perish from the Earth.
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Is there anything worth watching this season?
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will you be watching chinese yuri?
When will it be out?
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So they got Hanser (the voice actor for Bronya in Honkai) as one of the VAs.
No since it's not yuri.
Purple hair is a hetslut.
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Is it yuri or not
yuribait is yuri
Oh i thought she sounded familiar
Any yuri potential in the magical girl shows that are airing this season?
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The 2024 Yagakimi
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This season seems to be complete shit again. I am rewatching Yuru Yuri and reading some yuri mangas for my daily dose.
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The mangaka of the award winning oneshot 文系のきみ、理系のあなた just won 12m yen from a mystery novel contest.
they won 0.1m for that yuri oneshot from yurihime btw.
If it was a real mystery novel contest, they would announce a winner, but not who was it.
12 million is a lot of money
>12m yen
That's like two burgers.
2400 of Miyagi's thoroughly licked feet…
How nice, you can have tons of prostitutes lesbian sex with it
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if you really think about it, age gap yuri is the true purest form of love
That's about 1-2x a new mangaka's yearly salary all in one prize. The link doesn't mention if the novel she wrote was yuri but it still has the potential.
It ever cease to amaze me how much Thailand likes their yuri mangas
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Are there any Anime/Manga in which yuri is the main genre and with lots of kissing? For reference, I liked Sakura Trick a lot.
Bonus points if the Anime/Manga is explicit/ecchi and doesn't have too much forced relationship drama in it.
Search for "after kissing many girls I became a yuri kisser" and Vampeerz
Read Vampeerz. the kisses are some of the hottest ever drawn.
>Are there any Anime/Manga in which yuri is the main genre and with lots of kissing?
nope, sorry
This one has lots of kissing so far.
Swap Swap
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P-chan is back!
Thanks you all, I'll check them out.
I did already watch this and think it's good, but it could've been even better if they hadn't forced the drama towards the end
Oh anon the anime didn't even show the forced drama
That shit is dire.
Holy shit the Anime had enough forced drama already, I don't think I'll touch the Manga then
when it's outside of school it's legal to fuck your students?
The silver hair is a boy from their new series Kimi ga Loafer wo Haitara. Maybe just don't post random twitter posts.
>draw a girl
>call it a boy
Maybe you should tell Japan to stop doing that shit instead.
They like yuri so much, they legalize same sex marriage.
the name of the manga is literally in the image, a single search will tell you everything lazy faggot
I just looked at the post you took a picture of and it is a reply to another post (notice the line on the left goes up? that's a reply). The post it is replying to is talking about a 彼氏 which is boyfriend. You didn't even look at the thing you were asking about before posting it here.
Looks like a boy to me, maybe you are gay.
>another yuri mangaka falls to het
I thought yuri was getting popular? What the fuck happened?
Anon she has been doing het since 2008, as a matter of fact her current yuri series (with non yuri developments must I say) is her first non het serialization, all she did before this were doujins.
>her current yuri series (with non yuri developments must I say)
Did it go het, or the relationship is on Namek?
It went full het out of nowhere in the most egregious way then it had a timeskip and MCs are getting together now.
At least Manio never puts het in her stories.
thats why shes /ourgal/
Thus far.
Don't worry, she won't be making any more manga.
Might as well, she can live off Kitakimi reprints for the rest of her life
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Is this yuri???
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Just came back from watching Look Back. It was even gayer than I remember. There's nothing in the movie that goes against the yuri interpretation. The ending is basically "I did all that for her."
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age gap yuri, my beloved
Teacher-student, the hottest yuri right now.
Did you cry in public?
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i demand more edgelord yuri
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You have to power to decide what kind of relationship the GirlsLine mascots will have!
JK x yuri author
JK x editor
yuri author x editor
Sad they chickened out on the JK x teacher option.
>no JK x JS option
why even bother
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what would happen if they say 'no'?
Vampeerz is definitely the go-to for that. I can't say no to the lonely girl has quite a lot of kissing too.
JK x JS or JK x teacher, which is more taboo?
I tried this one because of the rec, is this some sort of troll?
>starts with het sex first page
>next page protag got dumped in favour of a guy
>girls finally kiss, but all it did was make the succubus horny to get some cock in the same night
>but its okay, because I wuv you (still didn't even try to fuck you, because girls can't have sex I guess )
Didn't even bother with the rest of this revolting shit.
Who the fuck reads this shit in the current yuri abundance era? Have some self-respect.
JKxTeacher for sure. I don't think I've ever seen a JKxJS couple really worry about the age gap, beyond worrying about senpai graduating.
>is this some sort of troll?
Its bait because they're are still salty from last thread. Don't reply to this stuff when you can already see its bait.
>Who the fuck reads this shit in the current yuri abundance era?
>next page protag got dumped in favour of a guy
She did get dumped, but I don't remember it being because of a guy.
I tried this one out because of the rec and loved it. Thanks.
Same page it tells us she got a boyfriend. Though we're not told why they broke up.
Yuri without drama isn’t Yuri
So its a bislut manga not a yuri manga.
The whole manga is basically shit about lesbians not being real, because besides the mc (big maybe) everyone fucks dudes insteae and girls are an afterthought even to the literal sex demon.

I bet you money the reason they broke up was over sex too.
I wouldn't go that far, but the author is definitely the brand of jap "yuri" author who thinks yuri is just bisexual girls who happen to be with a girl but would do a guy too.
Of which there wre shockingly many, leading to shit like the manga mentioned earlier too.
The manga itself just has a disappointingly gross start because of it, for a otherwise sofar vapid fluff piece.
Is YagaKimi a panslut manga instead of yuri now?
Yuu is asexual though.
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Anyone who complains about this series is such a tittybaby. Get a grip.
this. melodrama IS yuri
>dragonmaid gif
fitting for a hetfag
>the author is definitely the brand of jap "yuri" author who thinks yuri is just bisexual girls who happen to be with a girl but would do a guy too.
Doesn't hold up because the author only did pure yuri previously.
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90% of the time it's concern trolling desu
not that anon but I did. Really enjoyed it, possibly my best theater experience this year.
Well according to Touko they are not even lovers, so it's fine for girls without a label to do this.
I didn't. It would take a longer build up for me to cry. I enjoyed it, but wish they expanded the story a bit more. More of the two girls going on dates, for example.
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>manaria friends
>they aren't friends
I've always dreamed of a "Sayaka route" for Yuu for the longest time. I've heard hetshit does this, why can't we have multiple routes for the girls?
At least it isn't like the yuri ghost VN where it straight up asks you which girl you like more but ultimately doesn't matter because mc always ends up with the same girl.
>play a game made by a company named Liar-soft
>they lied
>what is Arcadia
who the hell you talking about
Komashit a shit
All the autistic arguing about succubi and bisluttery invalidating f/f emotional intimacy in the last thread gave me a terrible idea that I'm sure /u/ will think is the worst thing ever.
>Succubus who only sleeps with men
>Because succubi invariably kill those they sleep with for sustenance
>Desperately wants to fuck girls
>But abstains because she doesn't want to kill them
>One day gets fed up with this
>Goes on a journey to find a way to alter the nature of her existence so she can fuck girls to her heart's content
>Leaves a trail of dead men and pining girls in her wake
I need to go back and finish watching that anime one of these days.

It was cute, just didn't have anything besides that to hold my attention.
/u/ here
Yeah it sounds horrible
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>h-haha, what if there was a story about a lesbian who just had to fuck a bunch of guys and kept hoping that maybe one day she could actually have a lesbian relationship
>wouldn't that be a funny goof?
Wow, way to kill my buzz. Does sound well and truly awful when you put it like that.
boy, lesbians who must marry males to survive has never been done before
wow never heard of that one
Dunno why you're bringing up marriage when no one's mentioned anything but sex (shit as that is), but just to play Devil's Advocate:

Could have a story centered around a lesbian forced into a het marriage for whatever cultural or historical context cucking her "husband" by sleeping with numerous mistresses.
Only love live scraps.
Enjoy the golden age of yuri.
>Could have a story centered around a lesbian forced into a het marriage for whatever cultural or historical context cucking her "husband" by sleeping with numerous mistresses.
Similar stuff exists. JKxHousewife did it for example. In fact quite a lot of manga about JKs seducing or being seduced by older woman basically do this. They just don't really pay attention to the husband/implied hetsex that probably happened at some point (nor the NTR aspect). Not to mention old non-anime class s stuff.
Didn't Sayaka basically go and get her own Yuu? I never got around to reading the LNs but the meme's made me believe so?
Yes, she looks very similar.
>Dunno why you're bringing up marriage when no one's mentioned anything but sex
You're the dumbest motherfucker on the whole board.
Just read all of the translated chapters so far. It's okay but can be sleep inducing sometimes. Also anyone can see that her ex-girlfriend didn't actually get with a guy and was just using that excuse for some reason that will definitely be revealed soon.
Maybe the ridiculousness of light novel summary-titles has gotten to me, but something about the blunt simplicity of this title just messes with my mind.
The best yuri manga right now is Pinky Candy Kiss.
Watch her end up with a succubus too.
>and was just using that excuse
It happened a while after they broke up, so at most it'd be some weird jealousy angle since she seems extremly jelly of the succubus. I doibt that part is made up, but we're definitely gonna hear more about why they broke up at some point.

Anyway, maybe succubus' hot mom that showed up recently will get yuri correction and the manga will redeem itself.
I hope this is yuri, the author's past works have a high ratio of yuri.
It just isn't the same. For one, Haru's personality is completely different from Yuu's. I want Yuu and Sayaka to slowly fall for each other.
I wish, it simply isn't.
If you don't think Sayaka should've been with the brown tomboy from her childhood, your opinion is garbage.
Yeah, the character development can't literally be
>I forgot I was gay
It's just too lazy
Where are their organs
>I forgot I was gay
It's good to see something that has never been done before though?
I think you should wonder why was it never done before, maybe because it sounds ridiculous and turns out it's ridiculous.
>Oh yeah I think I am attracted to my best friend because years ago I tried to kiss her
I will never understand why the author had to go for this angle, why not just make her fall in love with the person her friend is now?
It's not really ridiculous.
who the fuck forgets their hs crush like that?
i could understand denial, but it wasnt even that angle
this is so fucking stupid
why do staight women never write lesbians who know they are lesbians, its not that difficult to figure out!!! its even quite easy!!!!
It's a lazy way for character development
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Best ship last season
>didn’t even score
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Me too!
I want lovey dovey lesbians to kill people and go on cute dates when they aren't committing acts of heinous terrorism against an innocent and blameless populace!!!
The bisexuals are so desperate to troll that they're showing incredible lesbophobia shamelessly. It's been quite the awakening.
Mstt japanese works are in high school with charactees who never had previous relationships or felt attracted to anyone, so it's usually fine, the issue is trying to do this with adults in such a roundabout way
Yes that's my problem. Why write about adults when they have the emotional maturity of teenagers?
Author is probably struggling to properly write adult drama which isn't boring, dumbing down the characters is usually the way most find.

This is why I always roll my eyes when anons ask for adult yuri, you are 95% likely to get another 2DK pen than anything written by Tokuwo Tsumu
I remember this one, real edgy but translation sucks

And yes, chuuni yuri. The kind of yuri middle school me would love to read, like epitaph
>no JK x mom
>anything written by Tokuwo Tsumu
Grossly overrated.
The cheating teacher x JK LN from Iruma is selling very well and could be getting an extra volume(3 instead of 2).
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i asked for Chūnibyō yuri for the 3rd question.

i NEED a chuuni x tard wrangler yuri, where the chuunis gf plays along with her delusions, and apologizes to the students shes bothering when her gf turns her back. The closest thing i can think of is Komi x Ito from watamote, but Komi is less chuuni and more just autistic. Kurohime from 'sorry but im not into yuri' is also great, but shes most likely going to lose the harem war
Living the life.
I'm not surprise, it's being pushed together with Shuukura and the betting LNs plus other 2 really hard by the publisher
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/u/ recommends manga
>characters in manga not magic science babies, so were conceived through het
>mailman who delivered manga was a male
>manga printed on paper made from male tree
Never listen to /u/
Is it really smut? Why would a male write yuri erotica.
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>Why would a male write yuri erotica.
Because it's based?
>i NEED a chuuni x tard wrangler yuri
Isn't that YuruYuri?
Iruma previous work was a prostitution age gap incest series, which also featured Adachi and Shimamura cameos.
Why do people like to spoil the incest twist so much for that series?
>prostitution age gap incest series
You can just say things like that without sauce
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Kek, look at what I stumbled upon:
Now, a library of lesbian characters sounds nice, but this site doesn't fill me with confidence. The Manaria Friends entry is criticized for being male gazy, so that's a shitty start. Also no anime is rated well.
And I can't decide if the entries for Yuru Yuri and Symphogear are pathetic, sad or insulting, or maybe all three.
It implies that there are straight characters in Yuru Yuri and if the MCs of Flip Flappers count as confirmed homosexuals, so do the Gears (or Strike Witches for that matter).
Just some curiosity I found, even if it sucks.
i didnt make it very far into yuru yuri before losing interest, so no idea
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>Q: Why did Itou Hachi suddenly become interested in classical music?
>A: Because she heard it could be played in A Minor.
It's a weird fucking criteria they use when the only gay character in Revue Starlight is apparently Mahiru.
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We're doing bad Itou Hachi jokes? Fine:
I was confused by this page. I thought Itou Hachi, of all people, would know the reason you bake cookies yourself is so you can eat the uncooked cookie dough.
>Also no anime is rated well.

Not true, they predictably think Yagakimi is the best thing since the sliced bread. They also like Adashima while thinking that citrus and Valkyrie Drive are trash and male-gazey
You can write that without explicit sex scenes.
Anyone who unironically uses "male gaze" to criticize something automatically loses all their credibility. Not that I believe they had any credibility in the first place.
I understand it if you apply certain criteria. She's the only one who expresses intense physical lust towards another girl when she tries to sniff Karen's used towel and drink from her water bottle.
Thankfully, he learned from his mistake and included much more sex this time.
Well, if it had only been a database of dykes, without any ratings (but maybe with the tropes like "dead lesbian" or "military" or whatever) it could have been ok.
But as such it stinks of woke.
But you shouldn't.
which is it?
stop talking if you havent read
Teah but in the movie MayaKuro basicly got Married and Futaba and Kaoruko made of promise to marry too.
(Its not overt but really the scene leave no ambiguity)
Was that after or before they split up, presumably forever?
I think Revue of Souls is the gayest ten minutes ever put on screen but there are going to be people who go "it doesn't count if they don't kiss".
how many times do you need to be told male gaze has been a literary term for decades lol
Saying something stupid for a long time, doesn't make it less stupid. Even more so when the very idea behind it is based on denying the existence of the very thing this board is about.
I guess I can use it to look for hot actresses I didn’t know had been in something
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The last two minutes are a treat just by the music alone but then you pile all those not subtle Marriage reference and it's even better.
>Capture d’écran
And how many times do we need to tell you a western made word is nonsensical for a culture and medium created around the whole concept of profiting over lookism, you don't need to go out of your way to read media outside of your country to see contents that make your unconfortable, you are not going to change japanese culture.
I took a screenshot everytime they spoke french too.
It's a western site so it's gonna judge things with a western standard. Obviously. Japanese culture is already changing btw
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Reminder that common law marriages are more yuri than ceremonies
It’s almost like it’s a real thing and is actually a good thing, Yuri made with a male audience in mind is better than the opposite
Specifically, the part of the West that doesn't call girls showing some skin 'male gaze' because it's a stupid non-sensical made up thing.
>Yuri made with a male audience in mind is better than the opposite
Yaoi made with a female audience in mind?
stop watching so much porn already
That just non-bara yaoi.

You seem to be under the impression that there's a lot of yuri porn out there.
Both have sex. New series has more.
There is quite a lot of yuri porn out there these days.
Oh yeah? Post all of it.
I have no issue with the website doing it, it's what is expected from it, but you starting an argument about it here is another thing. Culture is always changing, we wouldn't be discussing japanese lesbianism otherwise, but male gaze, fanservice or whatever word you have for it, is not one of those things, if anything they are laughing looking at the west burning billion dollar franchises to the ground because they decide to have the ugliest looking characters they could and giving an opportunity for anime and manga to grow without much competition.
Sendai is such a whore, always doing this shit to miyagi in public
I get the sense you're the type of person to watch feminist owned compilations on youtube. Can I get a confirm on that real quick?
you cant fool me
I see, I understand. Thank you.
I don't watch youtube neither I can imagine what feminism owning would mean and I don't even think feminism really applies here since the japanese have a whole genre for sexualizing men too, with and without feminization, bishonen, bara, traps, you can choose which one fits your tastes. They also have genres for sexualizing children, but for some reason this isn't an issue for you either, huh.
There's not even any "lesbian" in the description of that site. Disgusting.
I get the sense you're a tranny who thinks trannyshit can be yuri.
Ok, ok, it's from seyuu radio.
What's the difference between Itou Hachi and lawyers?
Lawyers are only interested in legal holes.
Explain why lawyers are always looking for even the very minor loopholes to be exploited? Checkmate, dumbass.
>miyagi reacting cute instead of acting like a cold bitch
>They also have genres for sexualizing children, but for some reason this isn't an issue for you either
No, because yuri loli is based. All other loli content is crap.
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We have EDGE at home thou
Out of everything, I'm most immediately annoyed by their use of "Cliches" as a label for what are clearly "Tags".

That's just stupid.
Male Gaze is a thing, but it does not mean "girls showing some skin", and people who think it does or who dismiss the actual phenomenon based on the misunderstanding of the former, are idiots.

Also people who think a "Female Gaze" theoretically just means "Shirtless Hot Guys" are equally stupid.
im looking at your post through my shitposter gaze
foreground lesbian OLs
What gaze is minori chigusa? Gaze master.
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goodnight /u/
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ninight see ya in the morning
Turns out Adachi is attracted to Shimamura because of the latter's grav pull.
Do Adachi and Shimamura ever bang
every night before bed
Not on screen, we just hear they do and that time Shimamura was trying to prep for their first time but decided Adachi will know what to do
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you mean on-text?
Do zoomers even know about madoka?
It's more of a squishing sound.
Mom said it's my turn to make the next fat joke
Homura about to go on a rant over why Madoka was a bad influence on magical girl anime of the 2010s.
zoomers have yuki yuuna, madoka is old news
>yuki yuuna
gen alpha only cares about Day break illusion
Yuri has fallen. Billions must die.
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Kirara has changed.
Well as a matter of fact a lot of anti yuri scum are dying in the last year
For the better.
My heart went doki doki.
Lezcel Gaze
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I've been watching some older anime lately (such as Hanayamata, Konohana Kitan and GochiUsa) and I've realized we just don't get shows like that anymore. They have so much style and character, you instantly recognize what you're watching, whether it's the visuals, the music or the setting.
Most of the anime we get today is just sterile in comparison, it all feels the same, AI drawn or traced background and OST so bland it reminds you of royalty free music. There's no art in it anymore.
Isn't Adashima a male written yuri with fetish stuff? Shimamura also sometimes acts like a pervy male on Adachi. Citrus on the other hand is female written and the characters don't randomly come off as creepy. Yeah there's rape, but only in episode 1 and not exactly depicted in a good light.
Why would women write yaoi erotica?
Every girl of the week who shows up to try and crash Mei and Yuzu's relationship feels like standard otaku bait. The characters in Adashima are immensely more nuanced.
Hanayamata is really pretty, the standards are high

Also are you a Yayafag too? That is the most important question
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Not always. Our favorite bitch is a docile puppy now.
Aren’t zoomers more into things like gacha and Alien Stage nowadays?
Stadust Telepath anime was great.
Unfortunately yes, I am a Yayafag. Bitter forever that she ends up alone in the manga. The author even fucking pretended to give her a cute kohai, I just can't, it's too much.
The consequence of streamlining the process of animation to allow for easier outsourcing. There are still 'some' anime with style, but the majority of the industry is geared for mass production.
the fuck with the baits
save it for /a/
>Yeah there's rape
People need to stop overselling Citrus like this. It'd be 10x better if they actually raped eachother.
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>author of the latest axebait noighd picked up announced it is in fact getting axed a week ago
>nobody here even noticed
He should've picked up Watanare like a good boy.
why isn't this getting the lovebullet treatment
Based. Kabocha needs to make Aya x Erika happens so that we can have a poly end.
I thought this was about breaking the triangle.
Very good, I'm a big Yayafag and Yaya should end with Naru.
There are lots of Yayafag on this board and you're welcomed.
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I do like Naru with Hana as well, but Yaya should have at least gotten a consolation prize. I'm a big fan of the "new girl steals main character from her best friend" trope, but only of the Yaya gets later healed by a new gf.
Yaya did get a consolation prize

Which was also stolen from her
I'm convinced noighd just likes the woe is me act. I like the series, but it was really obvious it wasn't going to make it.
That's so fucked up. Does the author have a NTR fetish?
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I do like the personality difference, Yaya being popular and a stacy and Naru being timid, reserved, and rather normal childhood friend. They're total opposite and that's really great. Not to mention they're both childhood friends and Yaya is hot as fuck.
>but it was really obvious it wasn't going to make it.
It's honestly just not that interesting, the whole story relies on a predicable twist which ultimately comes in the expense of actual character interactions and chemistry building, the whole theather thing is already a very boring thematic by itself.

I wish Noighd would just pick the wolf among us manga, so we could have an actual gay as fuck manga to speculate stuff about, but it's also already clear to me Noighd just wants to pick obscure axebait stuff.
>mfw there are Transformers yuri
Yeah but the point is it's not """male gaze""" as the article implied. Adashima is closer to the textbook definition of male gaze, even though I don't think it's male gaze either.
Once a volume comes out, you can check the sales ranks with trackers like the above site. I also take low amazon rating counts as a bad sign. It's not perfect, but it's pretty accurate.
The textbook definition does not apply to novels or text, it was a concept created for criticism of movies and art, it was never meant to extent itself to criticize female behaviour like you are doing by implying a woman would only ever act out of female stereotypes unless it's for the pleasure of the male viewer (or again, the reader).
>別冊コミックアンリアル 人外レズ風俗 (アンリアルコミックス, 326)
>伊月クロ (イラスト), アジイチ (著), スズオ (著)
Finally, the Asumi-chan isekai arc I've been asking for.
>Nanoha isn't here at all
>lots of het harem and the fucking rapefesta Redo of Healer
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is this yuri?
It's a western site anon, it's basically a monument to lesbian hate.
It's your usual Wixoss subtext.
what the fuck is wrong with 2010s kids, stop that
There are some on robot/android thread, you robosexual
I am only in love with the toaster not with all robots.
As if waking up on the wrong side of the bed today wasn't enough, now I'm gonna be depressed the whole week. Everything about that manga was great, from the art style to the characters.
I wish anons here wouldn't give noighd such a hard time about the series he picks up. It's clear that he has a preference and I share a lot of similarity with his taste, which is why I know they're all niche within a niche that can die fairly quickly. At least don't kick someone while they're down.
You're either lying or you're stupid
I am nothing but grateful to noighd. I just think making light of the tendency the series he picks up have to get axed is more healthy than constantly pitying him for it.
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this one didnt really click with me and i dropped it 2 chapters in. probably the first axe in a long time i wasnt invested in fortunately
We literally just had DIY
I was wondering why noighd hasn't posted Sylph, turns out he killed himself.
>muh AI copeis
Your oldshit anime all did the same back in the day, copying each other
Stop overrating oldshit. The ones that stand out are the exception. Yuri being a niche means that any anime relevant to this board are less likely to be afforded the luxury. The kind of good staffs and animators needed to make it work want to work on stuff for large audiences: so het which will forever be the largest audience and dwarf yuri audiencesç
If you want to be a yuri fan you need to give up this shallow attachment to visuals
You're kinda missing the whole point. Hanayamata or Konohana Kitan were not some massive productions intended for "large audiences", yet both look excellent with a distinct visual style.
It's not about money, although yuri is a lot more popular nowadays than even 5-10 years ago, so if anything budgets should be bigger.
The curtains call? More like the curtains fall
Oh yeah the great sidecharacters like the pool pedo who shimamura is ok with
Kuwabara is teasing some announcement tomorrow at around Noon Japan time.

Also, it seems the volume 3 bonus will be Halloween themed. Though I don't know if it was talking about the color pages short story dream, because the acrylic and one of the shop bonus artworks have the theme of Halloween theme already. Kurumi is a vampire while Naoi is some kind of shapeshifting cat familiar.
Budgets don't help squat when there's no talented personel to work on because if yuri is bigger, so is het, which is where the talented staffs go most of the time. There's too many shows and too little talented staff. Fans of the niche stuff like yuri have to consider two choices:
1) lower their demands for visual quality
2) Abandon their niche and go to the many het shows that monopolize the good staffs
You're also overrating how unique those old shows were
Konohana Kitan looked very generic, no different from new stuff. If Konohana Kitan counts as looking good and unique so does something like MahoAko
>random supernatural bodyswap arc in the last third of a relatively down to earth manga
i dont get it
Well of course, Mahoako is art.
Author and editor got drunk one night.
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I was correct. The Melonbooks tapestry design was reused for the volume 3 cover.

The obi says something like "Multiple reprints! A violent coming-of-age story that's hot on social media!"
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What I don't get is that the only Symphogays listed are these two.
I would understand Kanade and Tsubasa if someone didn't bother to watch more than one season.
But two characters from season 4? And Prelati? Was she somehow more overly gay than the rest?
According to your theory it should have a lot of reviews on Amazon but there's only 267 reviews for v1.
>looking at the viewer
uh oh, THEY wont like that
I like the yaya more
It's called desperation
>We may get axed, try something new
>This is so out there it may work!
>Oh it didn't work
>Just end this series with this... sigh boring romance stuff, readers will hate it for sure!
Looking at the viwers it the least of the issues when they are opening their pussies to the viewer, unsurprisingly this artist art is all het and futa.
Next volume might ruin her character.
Obviously the publisher is exaggerating its popularity to lure in new readers. It's the third volume after all. If it can't boost sales it won't last many more volumes.
Sales autist here. Please don't associate me with Kuwabara said on twitter autist. Thanks.
You know what they say, yuri doesn’t sell
All Yayas deserve love and affection from a better girl
Shes gonna release all her pent up anger of womanlets on the maso girl?
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Just realize how devious the publisher is. Printing 15 copies of the volume with a bonus to make the gullible reader think that the series is very popular, since it's all sold out even on pre-orders. Unforgivable.
It's not an uncommon strategy, but pointless with lesser selling products like this, the consumer you may lose now could make a difference
That's on Gamers, not the publisher. They seem to do a particularly bad job of judging demand for their extras, from what I've seen.
What is the dragon ball of yuri?
Nanoha does the whole 'villain gets beat, joins the heroes, but now they're a jobber' shōnen schtick
In DB guys get more muscle mass with time, in Saki girls get bigger breasts, it fits.
>time travel, where they try to prevent a world ending threat from taking place again
>villain from the original series joins the party
>overpowered protagonist
>action scenes
>beings from another world come to earth
>non-canon spin-off anime that no one cared about
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How can you be this braindead? What the hell is the thought process behind informing a mangaka that their work is being illegally translated into another language? Best case, they ignore what you've written; worst case, they throw a massive fit, and it spooks the current scanlators.
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Dragon ball.
>If Konohana Kitan counts as looking good and unique so does something like MahoAko

Why are Mahoako fans so insanely touchy? You mention how you like a completely unrelated show and they burst in with the what about Mahoako though routine. Chill already.
Multiple people have replied to inee's tweets with scanlated panels of Love Bullet. Obviously she must've already known about the situation as soon as English-speaking people started buying the manga en masse if not earlier, but it must be awkward to have it thrown in her face, especially in the event the publisher checks her twitter account. Some people are just that dumb.
Didn't she specifically thank overseas fans for helping her stay afloat?
Yes, but the tweets had to say things like how they're supporting the manga despite it being written in Japanese and how it's a vote of confidence. Of course she can't say she knows people only did that because they "somehow" read it in English.
this is why we cant have nice things.
i doubt theyre unaware of the fan translations community, especially after incidents like watamote using the popularity created by them to start official english releases, but it is pretty tactless to be that upfront about essentially pirating the authors work to their face. Moreso when youre replying to the author mentioning how they want to publish an English version themselves
>anon mentions old vs new shows
>I mention MahoAko because it's new (this year)
>huuuuuuuuur why MahoAko fans so touchy
>hjuuuuuuur unrelated show
You are retarded. If someone starts the old vs new shit, expect people to give examples of new shows
Couldn't exactly use Sasakoi as an example.
I remember when someone asked a KR producer about a form that was only in leaked catalogs (ZI-O Trinity) and the guy actually replied "you shouldn't know this"
Toei got stricter on leaks and the existing big fansubs groups (TV-Nihon and Over-Time) were hit and had to take measures to hide
Absolute retarded behavior from some people.Fucking brainless tards who don't think before typing
Anon's whole point was old shows looked better, you were the one who jumped in with the comparisons.
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Why do everyone forgets about the actual canon couple?
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Look at that commenter's profile and you will know why he is that retarded. And I don't know why you censored his name either. People like that should be shamed and ridiculed.
Rarepair but l like it.
ive erased super from my memory
Wow. It's not even marketed as a story about girls this time. It solely tells the potential reader "Manga is totally popular, so you should buy the manga too." Should Yuri Yime really encourage bandwagoning when the series isn't even that famous, and instead focus on trying to promote it on its own merits?
Mahoako had more action than I expected but the closest is probably >>4307513
Komichi, why on Earth do you want a romantic date at 4am?
They're going to practice the kiss scene very hard.
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>Konohana Kitan mentioned
Look how fucking pretty this is. Canon kiss soon.
Looked better than what? His whole point was a comparison
But the first example are also from Super
Looked better than MahoAko ok, you got us
Better than modern yuri. Mahoako included of course but it says a lot how mahoako fans instantly start tryna defend their show even when yuri as a whole is the topic.
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My favorite thing about Konohana Kitan was how the author liked Saber so much that she put her in as the manager but made her gay instead. Based.
Ditto sis. Wish she had a larger part in the movie.
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For me it's when the second publisher told her to add a boy and turn it into a het harem, but instead she told them to fuck off.
I read the first five volumes (the two of Konohanaten Kitan and the first three of Konohana Kitan), I'll catch up once it's over and the official English releases are out. I don't want to add yet another slow series I'd have to follow volume by volume due to no scans.
>if yuri is bigger, so is het, which is where the talented staffs go most of the time
>the many het shows that monopolize the good staffs
People always talk about how het is so much more popular than yuri but where are these supposed popular and high-budget seasonal het romances? I couldn't name a single example from the last few years if my life depended on it, and while there's obviously a 'yuri bubble' effect going on there, I've seen tons of people who don't follow yuri at all that know MahoAko. The impression I have is that het-qua-het romance shows are viewed as a niche and trashy guilty-pleasure and the stuff that soaks up budgets is just general SFF/action/shōnenshit
>Is it worth watching? No.
>It’s all exploitation. Literally they get their powers from having sex with other women.
Madokami grant me death.
I guess it depends how you define romance? Does Oshi no Ko count? I agree with you most romcoms and harem series also have shit budget and are not really that much popular than your average yuri show. I guess Kaguya and Rent a Girlfriend are the most popular ones.
It's because het fans often don't actually want to see direct romance since it reminds them of their own romantic failings. They prefer the constant tease and of course harem setups. It's why shit like uzaki chan or the brown girl show is so popular.
Het creeps into all other genres, you’re right about pure romance but you’ll rarely find a show without het romance shit in it
Neither ate that popular though, the later even had a strange bordeline asexual ending which got mocked on /a/
didnt the manga end with them fucking?
This time is kinda over, shonen jump is just cutting het romance and just having girls having one sided crushes
Well at least Caulifla and Kale still get fanservice in games plus some merch together.
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Forgot pic. Still bait, but at least it's something. Black Clover actually had a whole filler arc about lesbians.
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I don't care if Ibuki was first and Ritsu is a thieving cat, she's too good and I want Mimi to get both.
Poly end!
That describes 86% of all anime.
Left is for if Mimi feels like committing a crime, right is for if she doesn't.
>mieruko chan live action announced
>it most likely wont make it to the Michiru arc
I'm surprised how serious Ritsu seems, but I'm all for it.
Ibuki still has Suzu, so Mimi should just go for Ritsu
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Are we entering a new Yuri renaissance?
2x4 is not yuri, the author even said it, 3 times now.
That's the author's problem, not ours.
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only time will tell
And the MC of Sorry But I'm Not Into Yuri is not into yuri.
what's the name of the one that's doing the V sign?
Kaguhara's Fetish Notebook.
>They removed the GL tag from Hametsu no Koibito
its so fucking over...
Lol. She hasn't said that for a long time now.
Had to look up the authors twitter because I couldn't believe something called '"I wanna touch you." Then love begins.' wasn't yuri. Learn how to write coordinates.
the proper coordinates would lead to Aizawa, as theyre both positive numbers. so you would right 2, then up 4
Row 2 col 4?
this aint battleship, sis
Anons complaining probably think the US metric system makes sense
i wont defend most of it, but i will defend fahrenheit. 0 being really cold and 100 being really hot to humans makes a lot more sense than celsius which bases it off water for some dumbass reason
I'm surprised the OL isekai manga still doesn't have an English license yet.
miss sunflower still never got one
Skill issue.
Hate to say this, but I don't think that manga was ever 'popular' or well-known
Says you. My destroyer got sunk.
Yes, let's ignore how having a scale like this was historically useful due to all the applications it had and instead let's just say we are upset how arbritary numbers feel.
What ship was it? ChisaTaki?
That one never even sailed.
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The big ZenKowa announcement ended up being an online merchandise lottery. The vast majority of the designs are reused from previous merch or chapters. Or in the case of the Halloween images, was year-old twitter artwork. A few of the images are photoshopped onto different pieces of merch that look like they were put together quickly, like the photo of Kurumi, Naoi, and Kokoro in the white picture frame.

About the only seeming new piece is pic related if it doesn't turn out to the something else from volume 3.

>'big yuri announcement' is a complete nothingburger
wish they wouldnt even bother with the whole 'big announcement soon' song and dance anymore, and just come out and say its an 'event' if its just going to be a cafe collab or art gallery or whatever.
It feels especially lazy since it's to promote volume 3, yet besides the chapter 11 teaser page, there's nothing of Kudou. You'd think the Isanuma trio would get at least one design too, but nope.
This is japanese marketing in general, from anime, to games to movies to whatever, they just want your attention, they don't care if you are going to like it or not
at least it wasnt an entire live stream this time
I hate gacha.
>make lottery to prevent scalping
>scalping becomes even worse
i dont get it
The lottery isn't to prevent scalping, its to get more money for the same effort. If someone wants the yuri tapestry they would be able to buy it for 3000 yen in a normal sale. In a lottery they have to buy a dozen entries just to have a small % chance of getting it. No one is buying up yuri product to sell on the yuri grey market, there's not enough demand to move the volume and people would be sitting on inventory forever.
ive never watched Kakegurui
So you didn't watch two hot girls fawning over one of the most pathetic male protagonists ever made whose job I shit you not is only to say nice things because he is utterly useless otherwise? Good for you anon.
>But but but Kirara and Sayaka
Subtext scraps with the same amount of panel time as the male protagonist masculinity
>0 being really cold and 100 being really hot to humans
As opposed to 0°C and 100°C being quite pleasant to humans?

>which bases it off water for some dumbass reason
Yeah, imagine basing a chemical system on the most abundant liquid on earth that forms the basis of life.
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It's never too late to start.
Ignore the schizo, he doesn't actually watch any of the series he shitposts about.
>stop using an example to defend new anime
Nostalgiatards are retarded
I’m talking more about action stuff. Not pure het romance. But stuff like Mushoku or any action show that has shitton of weekly sakugabooru uploads and still has het
Well duh, why the hell would chinks want to make a realistic school life "anime"?
If this helps in any way to get us closer to another season of the anime, I'll take it. More eyes on the series is always a good thing.
You should read Twins instead
I find it funny that no one would ever consider Kaiji to be BL, but if the cast was all girls, it would be a staple of yuri.
Feet/inches are also very easy to use for the common person as it divides simply into common factors (halves, thirds, quarters, etc.)
It's not anything amazing and from a /u/ perspective it is 100% not worth the time.
As opposed to metres?
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I mistook the hand on Eri's bust as senpai's, for the nth time
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>eri x senpai
>aya x erika
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the author needs to be corrected.
It's an amazing masterpiece and from a /u/ perspective it is 50% worth the time.
>Posting men
Twice from MHA is a yuri author?
>Yen Press has yet to translate and release physical edition of Happy Sugar Life Volume 11
It has been two fucking years since that volume released, and I want to complete my collection, why can't they just do it already?
>want to make a wholesome manga about motherly feelings between a high schooler and an elementary schooler
>pedos keep telling you you’re writing a pedo manga for them and that they want to see the main characters fuck
>I want less yuri!!!
Kill yourself.
There can be yuri once she grows up
Why wait? Take the fruit while it's ripe.
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Twin was great and had my favorite pairing but because it's a prequel, you know all of the new characters are going to disappear before the main part canonically starts which pissed me off a little bit. Tsuzura was the best and super gay for Mary.
The fruit is by definition not ripe yet
She is older than MC
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Name more anime with a trope like in "Saki", where Nodoka is like the best mahjong player around, and then Saki comes along and utterly BTFOs her without even trying, and Nodoka can never win against her.
Basically I want to see girls despair that they can't win against someone more talented than them.
Ping Pong Saki
When she reaches sexual maturity
saki but ping pong
Teppu. The protagonist gets beaten up and spends the entire series learning MMA to get revenge.
>How I Lose Bets With My Sadistic Gifted Childhood Friend and She Steals All of My Firsts
This girl wore the mask of an honor student with good morals who's blessed with both beauty and brains, but in reality she's an evil genius who looked down on people. For the sake of regaining the dignity she lost to Komaki, Wakaba challenges her to a match, but Komaki tells her "Each time I win, I will take one precious thing from you." as a condition!? Every time she loses to the girl she "hates", her true feelings get exposed.
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LR officially tagged as yuri by yenpress
Yenpress officially tagged as having no idea about the things they tag.
Not yuri
Seething Majimaschizo.
>Yen Press
holy shit, that an incredible case of "winning through the power of tanoshii"
i would probably strange the mc if i had to play her
He-Be has a manga? And here I just knew them for their SuleMio fanart...
>tagging the manga as yuri
>the manga is a prequel to the anime, which is very much not yuri
It's like the Megumin spinoff, or Railgun before Misaka met the male MC. It's misleading at best and intentional bait at worst.
I was wondering if I could get some recommendations for some good yuri smut? I've been told that "How do we relationship" is good?
I was also wondering if there's any more action heavy yuri with smut outside of Murciélago?
We already told you, bookwalker tags are automatically generated by their search algorithm
If you just want smut, look up Mira. If you want a smutty manga, Asumi-chan and " I won't sleep with you for free" are good choices.
MahoAko of course has smut and action, but comparatively its not that smutty (though much more than Murcielago, especially later Murcielago).
I have never watched Lycoris Recoil, but the shitflinging about it these past of years has been very amusing to watch.
Depends what you consider smut here, I won't have sex with you for free is just nonstop sex for like 10 volumes or so, you can try Mahoako if you want action yuri.
>those store clerks are retarded
>Yen Press is retarded
>Bookwalker is retarded
>only I, a random Majimaschizo on 4chan, can tag things correctly!
Thank you. To be a little more clear I'm just looking for stuff that has actual sex scenes and stuff in it. I'm kinda tired of reading stuff I feel like shies away from any sort of actual intimacy.
You mean the store clerks from like two stores against every other? Do you really want us to say what ELSE yen press would tag as yuri? You already was explained how bookwalker tagging works.
It's fun if you turn your brain off and don't expect anything but silly gun action.
t. Majimaschizo
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Yeah it is. Natsuo can't stop herself from blushing furiously and saying all this weirdly romantic trash talk when they meet in the ring.
Everything mentioned would fulfill this criteria, to different degrees. Asumi and IWSWYFF are explicit porn, MahoAko has sex, butnit treats it as a "lewds for lust, sex for love" so its rare and Murcielago has actual sex for the first few volumes and then kinds stops for some reason.
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...Where's the tail connected?
>action yuri smut
Gunbured sisters
Valkyrie drive
Sin seven deadly sins
Mikarun x
Asumi Chan
I won't have sex with you for free
Yuri Love Slave
A Face You Shouldn't Show
Senpai, Does It Taste Good?
Housewife X JK
Does it Count if You Lose Your Virginity to an Android?
Any random Korean Manhwa

Have sex but not the focus
My Girlfriend not Here today
Sorry, but I’m Not into Yuri
Okiku-san wa Ichatsukitai
Sekai de Ichiban Oppai ga Suki!
My Younger Senpai
It's a Detached Relationship
To add for personal agenda ressons, the Arioto manga has plenty of sex too and the LN has tons of sex over its sofar 7 volumes. But is otherwise a pretty normal, decent JKxJK romance yuri. Just one that gets to the relationship ASAP and doesn't ignore the sex they obviously should have.
Well thank you very much for all the answers I really appreciate it! I'll have some reading to do!
Oooh thank you for these as well
>Wasureenu majo's manga is over without adapting the second volume
>check author's twitter to see if they said anything about it
>it's become a retweet bot of posts about the series
>the pinned tweet is still the one remembering it won a prize when it started
This will always be one of the biggest loss in the history of yuri.
I only read the LN but it becomes a clusterfuck in the second volume, no?
Would probably be hell to adapt properly.
Did they cancel it?? I was really enjoying it. Although it became kind of confusing with the way they were explaining it, but that could just be chocked up to me being retarded
>Would probably be hell to adapt properly
Nothing compared to the urasex when the Urasekai picnic's manga will reach that part with its 50th volume.
Anyway the real problem is not the manga but the LN that remains incomplete, Ayaka and Michiru's relationship was far from resolved, it still had a lot more to say.
>the urasex when the Urasekai picnic's manga will reach that part
They'll attach the description from the novel, leave ten pages blank and include a pencil so that the reader can draw it however they imagine it.
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Any rip of this?
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Same here, there are several 'controversial' series like LycoReco or that succubus manga people kept arguing about last thread where I know I'd be seething one way or the other if I were actually familiar with them but instead it's just this mildly amusing sideshow
How do we relationship is bislut trash.
So if you're garbage, go for it.
>gunbured sisters
this one is really bad, there's a creepy dude that gets handy with the MCs, and one of the girls tortures men with implied sexual acts
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Didn't the second volume end halfway into the story anyway? Ending earlier may just be the best option here if they have no plans to continue further.
Literally no one but you cares.
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How do we relationship is fucking great and the main characters are indeed lesbians, don't listen to the little bitch who constantly shits on this manga.
It's not all fluffy and flowers and rather realistic, but the latest chapters are really good and rewarding.
>It's not all fluffy and flowers
I wished more yuri was actually fluffy and flowers, instead of this constant drama shit that literally never does anything new anyway.
You've got more than enough yuri manga with this criteria then, more than half of yuri manga are about these.
I thought breaking up, the new gf raping you, being sex traumatized were fairly new
Nah, most of those get ruined by contrived drama halfway through. Its not non-existent, but certainly way more rare than yuri dramas.
>with implied sexual acts
She gets joy out of torturing them because she hates vampires and wanted information out if them, then still tortured and killed him even after he divulged the information because she enjoys seeing them suffer.

We've been through this, shitposter....
To be fair to that particular manga, breaking up wasn't novel but it did try to distinguish itself a little. I dropped the manga, but credit where credit is due. Something not being fluffy and flowers is not a mark of distinction, however.
So why does she strip down to sexy lingerie while doing it?
>b..bbut its realistic!
Doesn't make a shit story better.
Toji no Miko has Kanami and Hiyori which kinda fits.
Vivid Strike has Rinne, but she loses to everybody.
Harukana Receive is about pairs, but Kanata is pretty useless because she is short so that kinda also fits.
Revue Starlight touches on that theme also.
Uma Musume has a lot of this.
I seem to recall Granbelm maybe had something like that, but I don't really remember enough about that show to say for sure.
>Senpai, Does It Taste Good?
Anon I love this manga but there's a single sex scene at the end.
All cancelled manga should end on a 10 pages sex scene.
We have Anna always failing against Ernestaaaa! But they're not really a couple/ship in the show.
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because 'sadistic skimpy dressed nun' is her whole schtick. her regular lounge wear is even skimpier than that, infact i think the 'sexy lingerie' is just what she wears under her nun uniform, as it has the same styled sleeves and stockings.

nothing remotely sexual happens or is implied during that short scene unless you think sawing someones limbs off and burning them alive is 'sexual'. shes just sadistic and enjoys seeing the vampires shes had a grudge with her entire life dying in agony.
How Do We Relationship is good, but not as smut. A lot of the time sex winds up being a prelude to relationship drama being dredged up.

Read it if you want a thoughtful look at the frequent tribulations of adult relationships and life in general. If you want smut, that new timeloop harem one maybe?
>new timeloop harem one maybe
God I wish How to Break a Triangle was smut. It's not illegal if she's really 20.
Yes, but it's an ecchi series where the girls want to be intimate, and the sex scene is a threesome.
It's good before the timeskip, then it's probably one of the most dumbest and childish takes you could do for adult drama.
>and the sex scene is a threesome.
What the fuck. I think you got the title wrong.
Oh you are right, I thought it was my younger senpai
What does that one have to do with anything? Its not even timeloop. He means the NotYuricam with the evil princess.
is girls und panzer sapphic-pilled enough for /u/ standards?
It's not yuri (except for that one spinoff) but it is yuri friendly. I'm 100% convinced Miho, Maho and Alice are science babies too.
In other news, Okuma again admitted to the hospital.
Did they end up together, or at least happy?
>yuri friendly
aka shoujo ai
its not over yet
I only speak American so I don't know what that is.
How do you know what yuri is?
What the fuck is a yuri?
shoujo ai isnt a real word
>You went full yuri
>You never go full yuri
I wonder what effects these are going to have on the producers and creators. Will this kind of labeling convince them to make the next season even gayer or stick with the status quo?
It’s a real genre
you already know the answer
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Of lolicon.
No of shows that are not yuri but easily shippable and with a lack of het
>except for that one spinoff
Ribbon Warrior was a lot gayer. Operation More More Love also had a few yuri skits
I want to be isekai'd as Itou Miku's manager and only send her out to do yuri adaptations and tell her that every other role was already taken. It's a waste to have her do anything else.

Ribbon Warrior
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Well, it's already happened before in a series like Love Live. But the fact of the matter is, I don't think it's possible to tell which way it's going to go.
That's called yuri-friendly, it's not remotely what shoujo-ai means.
Shoujo ai was a word westerners used for subtext, before translators realized people were not reading shoujo ai and turns out most of the shit called shoujo ai (at the end of it) were just slow burn romances.
Literally no, the term got phased out because the phrase indicated pedophilia in Japan.
i always thought shoujo ai was just fluffy yuri
I think people got confused because "Girls Love" is a synonym for Yuri and "shoujo ai" means girl love
Lol no, as if westerners ever gave a shit
More like little girl love
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The guest judge will be Mimi's childhood friend and then they will realize they are all drobo neko.
Kinda easy to forget there's a five year age gap between Mimi and Ibuki.
Wll this get axed or are we getting the poly ending we deserve?
Why do you think it's getting the axe? The author has been taking their time with the plot. No signs of rushed ending as of now.
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Yuri Hime cover for this month's issue is now out.

Contents list:

The Helpless Saint and the Powerless Princess ~The Story of How a Saint With No Magic Was Summoned to Save Another World~

Be Happy in the Real World Too, Okay?

Destroy It All and Love Me In Hell!

My Favorite is the Villainess

Does It Count If Your First Time is with an Android?

Wanna Skip School in the Infirmary?

Our Love is Disgusting

An Angel Descended Upon Me

KimiHoe ~A Song for You to Shout Out~

UsoNatsu ~The Summer Romance Bloomed From A Lie~ -squall-

The Skirt Sings at the Landing

The Engagement of the Disgraced Witch and the Cross-Dressing Princess

The Oomuro Family


A Noblewoman on the Brink of Disaster Wants to Make the Black Knight Fall in Love!

Salvia's Bouquet

Insecure Herami Sisters

Even the Introverted Gals Wanna Get Out There!

In the Gardens of Gehenna (final chapter - 完結)
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>No Kyoukano
I feel like the ZenKowa volume 3 obi was trying to push ZenKowa as a new flagship title for Yuri Hime, since most of the popular series keep taking very frequent breaks.

It felt pretty insincere though, since it mentioned reprints but not copies sold. And then tried to mention social media popuarlity when it's not very talked about outside of a small group of people. Maybe it was referrring to Likes or Views, but those are easily botted.
>In the Gardens of Gehenna (final chapter - 完結)
i dropped it after chapter 2 because i'm not good with too much edge, did it end up being any good?
Yeah, one of the best YH series.
Not really, just very generic edgeshit.
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>still no WataYuri
It's decent enough for what it is, it's edgy like anon said but at least took it seriously
Seems unlikely we won't get a resolution this volume, there should still be 4 more chapters which are more than enough for them to get over the bullshit, kiss and start dating, so we will have reached a natural ending point for the story, which of course I am not saying needs to end there.
Or it's because volume 3 is seen as an important milestone for a manga. At which point it could get a premature axe if it doesn't keep boosting its sales.

Right now, ZenKowa appears to be a modest success. However, if they wanted its sales to rival KitaKawa's, it should be obvious to them by this point that it's not happening.

I just hope the editors don't try to ruin the manga and give it an awful ending to try to chase the menhera crowd.
I will die on the hill that this was yuri
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>poly ending we deserve
It's better than Zenkowa at least.
They don't want sales to rival Kitakawa, or better said they wish they could get Kitakawa's sales but they understand the appeal of that title had also to do with the market at the time and by volume 3 Kitakawa also wasn't a big success. To me whether Zenkowa will continue or not depends if Yuri Hime believes there is anime potential or not, because it's how they have booster the sales of both Watayuri and Sasakoi a lot.
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What's going on?
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How do I cure myself of my Watayuri brain rot? I've watched the anime and read the manga like 3 times in the past couple of months. I can't stop thinking about it, and the hiatus isn't helping.
Save me, miman...
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You gotta carry that weight
According to your own theory, Kitakawa was already a success by volume 2.
>b-but it's not in the top 10
Duh, it's yuri, a niche genre.
I'm not sure what exactly you are trying to show here.

>This is a monthly top 500
>This does not say sales numbers, only sales position, kitanai is rank 257
>The difference between top 10 and top 50 is gigantic, the difference between top 50 to top 500 (and further) is a negligible amount, from a few hundred to a few thousand, because anything to far away form this is just nonviable for printing, since operational costs would not be covered by the small amount of units.
>Sales positions will fluctuate depending on the performance of other titles.
>And the comparison with other years is probably pointless due to more manga being produced and sold, aside from the usual sales fluctuation since we would be comparing different timeframes of the market, basically rank 257 today is likely to have very different sales from when Kitakawa was 257.
>you are trying to show
Wasn't me. That was your criteria of success: shoseki ranking and Amazon reviews.
I said nothing of this on my post? Which only said Kitanai was selling much better at later volumes as usual.
It's in your old posts.
I have talked about sales data here before, but I would never use lousy data like sales ranking (unless on top, though irrelevant to yuri), much less amazon reviews which are more of a reflection of the profile of work and the audience.
Write fanfiction.
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I will save Yuri
What yuri pairing most represents sunrises?
this is getting too confusing i thought that was miyagi for real
miyagi won't cooperate like that, 200 chapters early for cat cosplay
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why is miyagi making the >_< face
Isn't sendai doing something on her face like putting make up?
thats her hair
its marker for ear piercing
there's still time for more one-sided crushes to appear
Solve these fundamental questions.
>Why doesn't Mai hire a therapist?
>Can Mai Legally fire Kanoko?
>Does Yoko desire Sumika?
>Is the cafe a closed system?
Then what is it?
Love's Girl
>anime potential
Well, I think it would have to overcome some hurdles. Firstly, Naoi was completely antagonist the first volume. You had people outright hate the character at first, with a seemingly large group in both English and Japanese preferring Kokoro over Naoi at the time. Some even well into volume 2.

Then you have what's going on in the story right now. Kokoro's character snapping and Kudou's introduction will both be divisive elements. I've seen some Japanese readers outright rage against Kudou for pulling the "take responsibility" crap on Naoi.

Then you have the western cancel culture. I've seen posts on MangaKatana and reddit where people disavow ZenKowa over various elements. Either Naoi's actions in volume 1, her having Kurumi strip in volume 2, or currently the schoolgirl pseudo prostitution arc that Kudou brought about. Oh yeah, plus the male teacher agreeing to date Isanuma.
>In the Gardens of Gehenna (final chapter - 完結)
Wait, wasn't the first volume of this supposed to come out this month? What's the logic of waiting until a series is over to print any volumes?
I don't think the anime audience has the same standards and the west is irrelevant, if they allow redo, the slave isekai and Onimai to stream they have no moral grounds to complain about this series.
I think the main issue is that there's really no character to root for in this series. Everyone is extremely dislikeable for various reasons. Even Kurumi's flaw that's been increasingly highlighted is her condescending attitude. It's almost to the point of her finally blowing up at Kokoro despite Kurumi having coddled her excessively having been largely why Kokoro grew to be so delusional in the first place.

Ironically, if there is a somewhat relatable character that readers might actually like it's going to either be Akane or Azuma.
Lol I mistook it as a >< face too, the lowres didn't help...
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The full list of ZenKowa volume 3 bonuses was released. Most of them are Halloween themed. I'm expecting the red color pages to be Halloween themed as well.
Correct. Westerners are stupid like that.
Or, y'know, it could keep going as a slice-of-life with the main couple actually dating. Would make the title a bit of an artifact maybe, but no reason it /has/ to end with them hooking up. It's got good character dynamics and they've all got stated interests and long-term plans even aside from their romantic pursuits.
I am not sure this really matters though, they are not expecting yuri anime to be a big success, just to grab more consumers from their target audience which already is used with yuri.
Looks like they turned some of the characters into candy in the bottom right image. The ones one the table appear to be Kudou (black streak in bangs), Isanuma, Akane, and Kokoro. It's obscured by the watermark, but I'm assuming that the candy character Naoi is holding is Kurumi.
Which ones are you getting? Melonbooks and Mangaoh for me.
spent all my money on the adashima bonuses
We are talking about Adashima
>another black cat
this is too much!!!
>kisses a shota (on the lips) before she even kisses Clairen
dropping this 'yuri'
I'll accept no Nene slander, she almost sacrificed herself to give that kid her oxygen reserve via CPR.
>playing monhan
it's yuri
I'll drop a 3 ton yuri on your head.
just took a big ZenKowa in the toilet, come get it before it sinks
Go back.
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Why is /u/ so romantic

>Noooo we have to have authentic experiences outside of discord (keeping the site alive)
>Wild encounters with randos like it's fate
>Hand holding is considered sexual

This is why we're just better
Happy birthday to /ourseiyuu/ Miku Ito
You make it sound so gay.
>mangaka won't finish the story
>do it for them
File deleted.
Am I the only one who has the fetish of one girl buying a hand-doing-the-fingering-gesture shaped sex toy and using it, imagining it's the hand of the girl she likes? Or even recording a video using it to send to the other
You know all humans are born with hands, right?
But you can do different poses with a toy
You can't do different angles anon, the pose remains the same
You mean can instead of can't
>No citrus

I hope Sabu doesn't become the Togashi/Miura of yuri
You can change the inclination of the fingers on the toy?
That's already Ito.
She already ended the story, so there no reason foe her to rush and end it again
Why is it when 2 women make homoerotic poses like in this pic they're considered straight until proven otherwise, but when 2 men do it they would be considered flaming gay?
>looking at the camera

That's why desu. I mean I agree that art is gay as hell but it raises the argument of they're just showing off for the viewer/some third party off camera.
Well why the fuck are they looking at me instead of fucking ?
Something's just not gay about that...
It's very simple anon, if two guys are touching dicks no one gives a shit of they are looking at girls, they are faggots, it doesn't matter if they are bisexual or just playing for the girls, they are faggots.

Girls playing with each other for guys, or in this case posing for then, is anything but honestly gay or yuri.
2 men doing that will be considered gay as fuck no matter where they're looking though. Why is it always assumed that people in porn want men anyway? Always irks me when 2 girls being naked together in intimate distance to each other are always assumed to desire men just because they're looking at the no-no direction.
It's not necessarily that looking at the camera = there's a man, it's more that sort of posing de emphasizes the intimacy between the characters and suggests a possible third party. Like in the first picture you posted, why would two naked women feeling each other up NOT be looking at each other and instead staring off into the horizon? Think about how weird that posing really is for a sec.
Yeah I agree that it's gay
People need to cope though with their make believe anime girl and they'll fap to just about anything at that point
You're supposed to look at the camera when getting your picture taken. Didn't your mother ever tell you that?
>it's more that sort of posing de emphasizes the intimacy between the characters and suggests a possible third party
Yet it's still considered gay when men do it, but not gay when women do it. People (or just pornbrained men maybe) *always* assume that they're looking at a third person, and the person is a man. Girls do homoerotic things to each other only for male attention unless proven otherwise, and why is that? That's the original question.
I dunno what circles you're in, but two naked dudes groping each other but staring off into the distance would suggest the same third party/observer as two women doing it does.
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massive dykes
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What the fuck did Kabocha mean by this??
Because nude or scantily clad women posing for an intended male consumer has a several centuries old precedent. Therefore there is a continuous stigma that if the girls in question aren't actually focused on each other, that it's just standard heterosexual smut. Nude males as a commodity (for straight female consumption) have existed a much shorter amount of time and have been significantly supplanted by gay male consumption of that same thing. There is still a pretty hefty social stigma on women consuming non-written forms of smut. i.e. There is a much larger audience for gay porn of guys than porn of guys for women, but the audience of gay porn of girls (for lesbians) is very very small compared to porn of girls for straight men.

So the default is always going to be that a picture not clearly lesbian is just two women posing for a camera, not two women being homosexual.

This is worsened by the social differences between current acceptability in physical intimacy between the two sexes. The social acceptability of men touching each other is much, much lower, so any significant amount of touching comes across as "sorta gay", but women do not traditionally have that taboo, so they can even get away with shit like drunken making out, or feeling each other up and just write it off as a joke, or inebriated behavior.

Which is all to say that two women naked together does not read anywhere close to the same level of homoerotic as two men naked together.
were you raised by wolves or something
women being forced to act gay for a male viewer is a real thing 3d porn does
I don't get what are you even trying to prove here, does society treats male and female homosexuality in different ways? Yes. Will you ever be able to make an argument here pics of naked girls clearly interested in the viewer and not in each other is yuri? No. Self inserting porn has been a thing since forever and we are not oblivious to it and no we are not going to fucking delude ourselves pictures we know very well what they were meant to are actually lesbianism just so you can feel comfortable fapping to it. Stop fucking mixing your porn with real issues homosexuals face.
but porn affects what real life people think of homos
real life males also think lesbians arent real and actually want them
No it doesn't, you need to get out of your computer and interact with real people instead of browsing the more retarded boards in this site
Are you a real life lesbian?
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No anon, I am just a normal person who interacts with other people, men, women, straight, homosexual to see porn is just not relevant.
>not a lesbian
>thinks he knows whant lesbians irl go through
Shut the fuck up please.
they had so little faith it didnt get a physical release till now?
yuri is a joke
Lesbians have nothing to do with your self inserting hentai you fucking porn addict.
Aya x Erika CONFIRMED by GODbocha.
delaying volume releases is becoming a common practice in the industry, it's less expensive this way.
>whant lesbians irl go through

Nobody cares
Can we please just permaban the samefag trolls constantly trying to stir shit?
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How many times must the retarded "not yuri if they're looking at the viewers" statement be debunked before you learn your lesson? And no, I'm not saying this >>4308966 is yuri.
they are not naked you doofus
Nobody said they are, dumbass.
Because anons were talking about looking at viewers in porn.
>How many times must I "debunk" this retarded strawman I made up that has fuck all to do with the actual conversation being had.
And I'm not talking about porn. I'm talking specifically about the statement of "Looking at the camera/viewers means it's not yuri." The only reason I quoted that image was to preemptively prevent schizos from accusing me of claiming that image is yuri.
>Looking at the camera/viewers means it's not yuri
Nobody said that in this thread you fucking schizo.
Don't antagonize morons, they aren't smart enough to learn.
Why do I need to wait until someone said it in this thread to talk about it? I know people like that still exist here, you might be one of them too.
>people like that still exist here
Yeah and they're also the anti-Chigusa schizos.
>They're in the room right now, you might even be one of them!!!!
One of the signs of someone being a good yuri mangaka is if they have haters on /u/. For example, have you seen anyone hating on Miman here? I don't think so. We should call her Midman instead.
t. "looking at the camera means it's not yuri" schizo
How many porn is there of men fucking each other, and then suddenly a woman shows up and joins them? How many men pretend to be gay or bi to arouse women? Most women see bi men as the most disgusting thing on the planet
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Yes anon, a manga cover which is meant to show the characters so people can get interested and buy it the manga is the same fucking thing as self inserting hentai pictures which are meant to make people masturbate to.
This too is yuri
I see we're doing the retarded "LocoLeber isn't yuri because Utena was watching and this is for males to self insert" retarded logic. Paranoid retards need to kill themselves
I'll look at your favourite yuri couples with my evil male gaze and thus, true yuri will never exist
When did they stop do look at the viewer?
Try to follow the conversation i fucking beg you.
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>muh viewerrrrrrrrrr
The "conversation" is retarded. And the "viewer" here is Utena. Retards with your mindset said the scene is not yuri because something something Utena watching is like a male watching still a self insert or whatever. So it's actually pseudo FFM threesome
This is the insane road you travel when you start getting paranoid about some viewer not present in the image
>And the "viewer" here is Utena
Are they looking at the viewer or not?
Answer this simple question.
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What do you call an artist that draws yuri and yaoi?
that was most artists in early yuri hime
>What if I made a nonsensical comparison with a series we know the context is full yuri?
I see you will go to any low to defend your porn which is 100% made for the viewer to think the two girls wants to fuck him
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I've ended my neetdom for this.
NEETs out
damn now i feel bad, i subbed it with my mom's credit card
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I just bought the physical copy of this vietnamese oneshot. To my knowledge, the vietnamese indie comic scene is making a push recently and this is its debut attempt at yuri (or bách hợp). On the oneshot itself, it's pretty good. It's not some genre redefining piece, but it's fine as it is.
You can read it here, though it is obviously in vietnamese.
Why does it matter? Max retarded argument
>made 100% so viewer thinks girls want to fuck him
You don't know this, retard. Viewer could be female. Or it could be irrelevant. Could be some automatic camera the girls have set up. If some dude makes some porn but the girls aren't looking at the "viewer", it's suddenly yuri? Is that all it takes? Where their eyes are looking? This is so retarded as an argument of what is and isn't intended as "threesome self insert fantasies".
Bach Hop sounds kinda dope...or alternatively like some sort of dumb exercise
Do you live under a rock? Are you that far gone from reality?
Did you ever look at lesbian porn?
Unless those money were meant for lesbian brothels you did the right thing.
What if that money goes into anon's mom's secret yuri stash?
>mom and daughter are secretly yurifags
I like where it's going.
I read a manga and didn't like it because half the time I could not tell who was talking. I am becoming a low iq swine.
It doesn't matter who the viewer is you fucking mongoloid or whatever pathetic rationalization you may come up for it, it's meant to be suggestive for the viewer, it's the whole point, it's inherently not yuri, it's almost as if your small brain is unable to understand what porn is.
probably the translator just sucks
When the characters are offpanel but still speaking is when it tends to become a problem telling who's saying what at times. When I translate, I sometimes add in a name being said, so that it's easier to tell who's talking. One of the issues is that in Japanese there's speaker identifiers that don't translate well into English, like using "atashi" or "watashi".
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Is this yuri??
>it's inherently not yuri,
Why not?
Because yuri is a genre meant to describe love or intimacy between women, not to describe women acting in suggestive ways to the audience. It's not hard, yuri is not a word that was meant to describe porn to begin with, we just accept that some types of porn are yuri because the yuri narrative is not superseded by other narratives, though usually the japanese do not consider lesbian porn to be yuri at all and call it rezu instead.
They better include this shit in the BD.
MahoAko is muh suggestive to audience so not yuri, apparently
And by the way, I've seen hentai images with the yuri tag in pixiv. This "rezu" shit is a retarded cope. As long as there's not an actual male self insert drawn, the images are yuri no matter where the girls look. Muh male audience shit is retarded paranoia
>yuri isn't supposed to be porn
Bold to say this in a yuri board that started (and some threads still are) as a porn imagedump (thus why it's red and porn is still allowed) before people started using it for discussion of non-porn yuri
Do you have any arguments?
Looks like everyone is aware of the forbidden dark horse ship of the series.
Again you insist on attacking stuff we know the context is full yuri, it's weak bait, it's not going to work. I was obviously refering to lesbian porn movies there, though I don't blame someone who seems to have lower than average IQ to not realize that.

Like I said, we accept some types of porn and hentai to be yuri, but the word did not originate with this purpose, we just understand lesbian sex to be a natural extension of intimacy between women, which looking at the viewer in a suggestive way is not. It's a porn/hentai trope not a yuri one. Not even gelbooru bothered using the yuri tag there and gelbooru already is very loose with the use of the tag because of how blatant non yuri it is.
It's the main ship for anyone who isn't retarded
Me reading SeaBed
>Why are you late for work?
>There are two women confessing their love for each other and kissing in the middle of the street.
>Understandable, have a nice day.
so we really are allowed to post girl/girl pages from het hentai manga
No you fucking retard, it also isn't a yuri narrative, they are not opposites, both of them are not yuri.
I bet anon's mom yuri stash got some rare titles and high quality print she got from Japanese business trip
but that anon said if theres no male on the page it's yuri :(
whats the difference, its two girls doing sexy things together :(
I always giggle when some BL artists who try yuri
have no clue how to draw girls, but will draw super sexy detailed underwear.
No. Because those are part of a narrative where a male exists, which doesn't apply to the "looking at the camera" fanart that people bitch about here
Your schizo delusions about a male viewer aren't a valid argument
If you want to go that way you should hate anything pornographic or sex-focused like MahoAko or Asumi-chan. Otherwise you're just a retarded inconsistent hypocrite making nonsense exceptions
The male is part of the narrative there. The only "narrative" in standalone images is what is on the image itself, and if there's no male, any delusions of there being a male off-screen are schizo nonsense
Of course. /u/s rules only demand its girls. In theory it should be at least two of them, but enforcement of that has sadly not been good.
We used to collect huge folders of clips for girl on girl action in non-yuri shows and there are threads specifically for yuri in non-yuri shows.
This person is just a complete retard. Its yuri if there are two girls interactiong romantically/sexually full stop. Anything else is just people seething about things they don't like. The viewer or wether or not its supposed to arouse them is irrelevant. For the same reason everyone here calls many things yuri that the author themselves says isn't yuri (like Bloom into You or MariMite). Whats shown maters, not the intent. The japanese have no agreed upon definition to offer either.

The idea that something like Yuri Love Slave or Asumi is somehow not yuri because it was made in the knowledge people would schlick and fap to it is retarded. Same is true for individual images.
>He can't help himself, he continues comparing his looking at the viewer porn to yuri works where we fully understand the context because his porn addicted brain is unable to understand the difference
Like I already said to you and you ignored because you have no rebuttal is that who the viewer is does not matter, girls looking suggestive at the viewer is not a yuri trope, it's a porn one, if Asumi Chan had the girls having sex while doing suggestive poses to the viewer the series would not have gone beyond a single chapter because the readers would have been outraged by it.
>if Asumi Chan had the girls having sex while doing suggestive poses to the viewer
What the fuck do you mean? Asumi-chan has lots of panels that only show one girl in a lewd pose.
But she isn't being suggestive to the viewer you fucking retard, is that hard to understand the difference of Asumi chan to this >>4308966 ?
>is not a yuri trope, it's a porn one
Yuri porn is still yuri.
>if Asumi Chan had the girls having sex while doing suggestive poses to the viewer the series would not have gone beyond a single chapter because the readers would have been outraged by it
Are you seriously trying to claim no yuri manga has ever had pages where a girl is naked without another girl around? Despite the extremly common "girl touching herself after getting worked up imagining things" scenes?
>But she isn't being suggestive to the viewer
The viewer does not exist IC in either case and in both cases they are drawn to be arousing to to the viewer. The difference you try to make here does not hold up when strictly applied.
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Higurashi is a stealth yuri
This is one of the biggest problems I have with manga in general, some artists don't even clearly distinguish dialogue bubbles from thought bubbles. If I were a native Japanese speaker maybe it wouldn't be as bad, but dealing with that on top of a foreign language that drops arguments by default just makes the medium far more difficult than books or anime/movies
Don't you remember when this piece of official art caused widespread outrage in the yuri community?
Probably not, because it only caused outrage in the same moron in these threads.
There is no fixing this stupidity.
This a classical case of discourse being diluted because people are incapable of formulating a reasoned argument. In this case for brainrot reasons.

The 'actual' problem with that image, /u/-wise, is that it doesn't portray the characters as being in a loving, romantic or sexual pose with eachother. So they are neither lovers nor does the image depict an AU where they are. That and only that makes it unsuitable for /u/. Not them looking at the viewer
Again, you keep comparing something we know the context is yuri with something like >>4308966 where the yuri only exists in your head because you are unable to see the girls are suggesting they are interested in the viewer and not in each other.

Not porn, though just a image featuring girls from a yuri series posing together.
>Not por
By that logic the other one isn't porn either. Just let go of this retarded nonsense.
>The girls are naked
>Not porn
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What's the verdict on something like this then?
go read "rock is a ladys modesty", you have my recommendation
Didn't the ultrafaggot that writes this denied and shat on yuri?
Yes, he immediately made a series with them getting fucked by guys as this one ended
It's shitty fanservice, but the context is still yuri, far from the worse this franchise has done though
Porn must be explicit.
He didn't make that one, nor is that series in continuity with Sotsugou.
Also that manga was awful and no one cares about it except for anti-yuri faggots who bring it up to deny yuri.
Touching nipples to nipples is still gay.
He fucking owns the studio and the franchise, so it's pointless to claim he didn't do it, he just profitted (or at least planned to) from it. There is nothing to deny, he said himself it wasn't yuri because if it was they would have just fucked and resolved their issues.
>There is nothing to deny, he said himself it wasn't yuri
plenty of other authors did that, doesn't change the nature of their works
He literally explained the nature of his work couldn't be romantic in nature.
>The viewer does not exist
Yes it does?
Art is never created in a vaccum. When you make visual art you consider the viewer.
And he turned out to be wrong.
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More yuri.
Placing yuri right next to kirara probably saves some people a trip
Kirara's successfully invaded the yuri shelf...
Find: Fuuko
Find: Osakano but not the volume on the top shelf
Vividred Operation worth watching?
It's subtext but it's very obvious about it
What are the two on the left?
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They put the two best yuri series at the front.
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Yuri experts please pass your judgement on this one, does this count as looking at the camera or not?
>succubus manga in the yuri section
No! That can't be! That's impossible!!!
When I take pictures I never look at the camera otherwise it'd be the same as having sex with men and that would be gay
According to certified yuri scholars, their expressions look like they're inviting a man to join them.
It's those dastardly store clerks again...
They are, but it's not porn so it makes no difference, there is no sexual implication here.
Kimochi Warui kara Kimi ga Suki
I thought you needed to avoid looking at the camera to preserve your soul.
no, because it's obviously a shot/reverse shot setup
Trash yuri is still yuri retardo
is the bocchi stuff in the yuri category too or is the shelf on the left a different category
The left is kirara, though it's basically the same thing now
If Suzunari isn't on the yuri shelf, it ain't a yuri shelf in truth.
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What the fuck is wrong with this girl?
Some anon started a war on /a/ because of Renako apparently
Go back your melty in /a/ schizoid
>check /a/
>renako-schizo baits ack while spamming his same collections of posts
Why are you even pretending it is anything special? It's just two mentally ill schizo having gay sex with shitposting on as usual
Go back faggot, it was clearly you doing your ritual there
??? I just saw this on X and posted it. It's you faggots that should go back.
I mean...are they wrong?
Speaking of Watanare why do People keep yapping het harem this and that for it when its roots are obviously and clearly shoujo? I really thought the ore-sama vs nice/reliable one thingy the main girls got it going was obvious (right down to People prefering the latter) and would be the first thing that would come to anyone's mind

Also when is v6 7? I just went through manga LNs and have the usual burning need to continue
The girls are shoujo archetypes, but Renako said nice thing and girls like her is a romcom thing
Did you mean ojou-sama? Ore-sama is a very different thing and a hilarious mental picture.
>the definition of both yuri and lesbian keeps getting stretched and deformed more and more
Garbage like Nanashi no Asterism are so much more popular and so much worse than that. You're getting mad at nothing.
That was not what happened though

I have no idea how to say or call that type, it is a type of male lead in shoujos, the pushy, possessive, passionate and straight forward type with lots of superiority complex
They usually have no filter or brake and usually pursuit mc relentlessly
>Nanashi no Asterism
its a basic yuri love triangle manga, but with a shitty non-conclusion and side yaoi pairing. i dont see whats so bad about it
Oh no you're right then, I just didn't get that you were talking about the hypothetical archtype.
>Nanashi no Asterism are so much more popular
The last time someone mentioned that series here was almost a year ago.
It's just not worth to be upset about those things because they are already on the way out.

Unfortunately this isn't true, the extras concluded the story with a het ending for the protagonist and a subtext one for the other two. It was pretty obvious the author didn't gave a shit about yuri and just wanted to draw trap shit, which he did even, one axe after the other though.
I honestly forgot it existed until just now. Damn what a trainwreak that was.
>Unfortunately this isn't true, the extras concluded the story with a het ending for the protagonist and a subtext one for the other two
i dont remember this part when i read it a few years ago. was it not included on mangadex?
Its mostly from people who actually never read shoujo and think multiple love interests and "they were nice to me" are the sole domain of het romcom/harem.
Which to be fair, it is more common there. Personally I like this fusion we see in yuri of shoujo and seinen archetypes, with stuff like Watanare.
It's a single page in the volume 5 extras (attached to chapter 19, since that is the first chapter of the volume), which makes it very easy to just skip past with all the other random "extra" pages if you're not paying attention:

A single panel that says that Tsukasa has a serious boyfriend, and that implies that the other two are together (matching bracelets--the author later confirmed on twitter or something that they are dating).
damn. what a fucking trash timeskip
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I love yuri because I hate women and want to see them suffer in each other's company.
magirevo wasnt in the yuri corner at my local library
a shame, it was with the new shoen/seinen table
That's a good thing, it's the Trojan horse to get people into yuri.
t. average yuri author
Welcome to a decade ago when publishers who were not used with yuri were picking authors not interested in the genre and editors who had no ides hoe their audience would respond to certain things.

Probably has more consumers who usually buy isekai/tensei
>t. Shockwave
By the way, the green manga is pretty irl but stinks very bad.
I prefer Cyrill to Milkit. I believe Cyrill should be the OTP. Anything else is just not based.
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Was she the coolest himejoshi?
It has kisses every episode.
There is actually zero difference between porn and not porn. You imbecile, you fucking moron.
So I don't have to imagine the smell?
>Porn addicted american
Girls irl do not smell like ink.
i cant believe /a/ bait thread sold me more on reading watanare than /u/ ever did
Putting ZenKowa right above KitaKawa is likely helping boost ZenKowa's sales.
Or potential buyers are just gonna buy Kitakawa and leave.
KitaKawa already sold 350,000 copies. If someone already owns the entire series and sees a manga they think might be similar, they could take a chance on it and pick up a volume or 2 of ZenKowa to try it out. The placement on the table is strategic and plays on pontential buyer's psychology.
Renako claimed another victim. She can't keep getting away with it...
Or you know, every single work next to it is from the same publisher
>/a/fag is sold on mediocre series by an /a/ thread
Woah, cRaZy.
Go back >>>/a/
And take Watanare with you
I wish the experts in drawing far-reaching conclusions from the arrangement of books on the shelf would draw some far-reaching conclusion regarding the placement of Idol х Idol Story.
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it's a fun series
didnt stick around long enough to find out
It's grouped together with other houbunsha stuff
JUST TO THE LEFT of Kitakawa (the best yuri, btw)?? It can't be for nothing, nothing is put next to Kitakawa (a masterpiece btw) for no reason, only for some purpose.
Mimisuke's entire harem buried in the snow?
What about the kirara witch series (which recently had a kiss)
What do you mean?
i mean i dropped it
>with mai: sexy, elegant
>with the others: boring, lame
They didn't really show that side of her in the anime anyway.
do you need to watch the original series to watch this, or is it like Hina logic where you can just ignore it
Only watching AA it's enough but the male MC appears for like 3 minutes even if he don't do anything to any of the girls.
He mostly gets shit from them for no reason.
The latter.
Seething against Kitakawa is not a good look.
When does yuri kuma arashi get good? feels like im watching groundhogs day
It's Ikuhara nonsense so idk what else you were expecting.
Read the manga version by Morishima Akiko for some hot mom on mom drama.
fuck you, i liked it
Was a cute time.
>no rain on a moony night
Wtf is wrong with japs taste
It's not published as yuri
Pretty sure it's not sold as yuri? Might be wrong though, but I remember reading something like that /here/.
But it’s clearly yuri
And there wasn't a single retarded bookstore clerk to commit the horrible sacrilege? It turns out retarded store clerks are quite selective…
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I think?
>posting males
Moon on a rainy night is kinda interesting, it’s like the author suddenly got good out of nowhere after a decade of making nothing but slop
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>wonder what they are up to these days
>yuri shogi
>yuri curling
Sounds cool, publish it for real.
I wonder what the author of sakura trick is up to these days
Ironic. Usually it's the opposite, with the author typically having one early smash hit followed by a mountain of drivel.
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More Sakura Trick.
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>Omotteta no to chigau ano ko no hanashi ended with a time skip
>they're not dating
What's this bullshit?
I hate giant memefeet so much.
Futaribeya and its consequences
>literal clown feet
May surprise you but store clerks are just doing a job and not reading manga all day, this isn't a yuri store but a manga store and yuri is likely 5% of all their total titles, plus merch and so on, so unless the publisher is giving them indicators they probably search online to try to determine a place to fit titles. "A lot of people online are saying this title is yuri, better put it in the yuri section then" is most likely what happens, though it's also possible some stores just look at the tags it has on the online reader and see there is no yuri tag there.
That's yuri.
Yuri Hime titles are easy to place then, since the publisher, with "yuri" in the name even, is listed right on the front cover.
That's just futashit, just it's on the back instead of the front, but the sex dynamic is het sex, that's not lesbian sex. With all the possibilities lesbian sex has they have to write literal hetshit sex dynamic. We truly can't trust anyone.
Sorry anon, you are not going to convince anyone a tail is the same thing as a dick, it's fag behaviour to see dicks everywhere.
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Anyone remember this?
a big "wow its fucking nothing"
when the protag is all yo fuck this gender role shit i want revolution
and the people in power are like "yo this gender role shit is dumb lmao, lets stop xd"
never trust bl authors
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Is this yuri?
I thought the gender stuff was pretty interesting, the binding of breasts, the tomboy giving up her tomboy ways to appeal to feminine ideals, the boobies. Quite the neat little forgotten gem
I want to play that game too
Wholesome scissoring
More popular than whatever that anon posted.
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Didn't the love rivals start fucking each other under the delusion that it would help them win over the MCs somehow? Which then predictably ended with the love rivals dating each other or at least implied to be at the end of the manga?
One love rival fucked the other one to train her to be better at sex so she’d be able to win the mc’s heart
I miss kiniro mosaic
Did that end well? I want ayaya and youko to kiss and karen and honoka to get married
It ended with subtext, the author did say they hold back to not make it full yuri though
Is this good
I enjoy it.
Is this good
/u/'s favorite series.
Here we go.
I did think about reading this to see what the fuss/argument was all about but the moeshit character designs turned me off.
>Big Love
For you
It's the only good yuri.
How to summon a succubus /u/ style
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Adaptation from an indie Thai studio is getting closer and closer.
What's this?
Bullying is so hot
I'm coming here from /v/. How does this thing work? Who is it for, what's the idea behind it, and is it one of those things that gains appeal only when you enter a specific phase of life?
Decent 6/10 yuri series.
I started liking yuri from the age of 13, so no, it starts very early
Are you a chick?
Has anyone here read "A Face You Shouldn't Show" ? I keep getting recommended it but I'm kinda mixed cuz all I keep seeing is the water scene
Read/watch/play something from the genre, see if it's your thing, stick around if it is or leave if it isn't. It's not rocket science.
For me, I started reading yuri back in high school, around 15 or 16.
InkyaGal has no subtext and as such is not yuri
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>Rick and Morty
Kuran has bequeated her right to talk shit about other zoomers ever again.
Inkyagals are just friends.
0 romantic vibes from them.
You can't be this casual with a lover.
They have no doki doki in each other's presence.
>You can't be this casual with a lover
Only someone who's been single their whole life would say this.
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Wtf they put screamers in manga now?
True, real lovers act like awkward teenagers despite being adults who live together and have sex on the regular like Kase and Yamada.
>Only someone who's been single their whole life would say this.
That's ad hominem
if this is the best zoomer mangaka can come up with, manga will be a dead medium
It's not canon, the main series isn't gay.
This but unironically
I don't get it, why would a serialization on yurihime of all places make the mangaka tone down the gay?
They are trying out different formulas.
Like, "Hmmm, I wonder if this series that would call itself yuri, have two cute leads that tell you that they are a couple, but at the same time absolutely vacuous and yuriless thing, would any of the real fans of yuri recognize it for what it is or would it slide by?"
>it isn't yuri because I say so
>for the trillionth time
can't even be a same sex couple and be considered gay anymore

because of woke
>it isn't yuri because it lacks what any yuri should have
>nyooooooooo someone having opinions? it can't beeeee
Because it's a mystery manga, you're supposed to figure out how many times they had sex offscreen in a given chapter and where they did it.
They both asexual tho?
Ah yes, ack and renako-schizo spamming the same exact posts for nth time in a thread totally sold you
ACK is kinda based
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It's a good thread for introducing me to this image
Only if you're a male that hates yuri. That succubus' body count is 99.9% male and 0.1% female, so you'd have a much higher chance doing it with her if you're a man.
Proof next thread?
They have little moments, I don't think the author is in any rush because I think YH see this as a way to grab zoomers on social media.
Suck his bot dick elsewhere schizoid
Sorry anon she lost to the fish, you will never have your chance, you were too late.
you mean she's taking her time with the story or yuri repels zoomers
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What is some of you people's problem?
i hereby diagnose them with gay
I don't think it repels zoomers at all, but when people think of yuri they immediately think of romance, so let them take a look at first.
we're robbed...
>Rick and Morty
It’s still cool and not well known in japan
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>Rick & Morty
>still cool
Zoomer spook.
>what any yuri should have
Big Boobies?
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These 2 are popping off on twitter. Hope we get a manga from this author
Right looks like Riri from the succubus manga.
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If anyone is interested in some high quality shitposts then the tamers12345 p*ny shit has been pretty fun specially the last episode (wont post screenshots for obvious reasons)
Oh wow gyuaru and prep girl how original
cant beat the classics
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well no idea what I'm getting myself into but why not
Most of the classics in yuri have already been beaten
Into the trash it goes.
name 1
marimite doesnt count
Strawberry drop
After watching adachi I'm begging to feel that sitting in between a girls legs ia sexual
in english please
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wake up, /u/
Lack of victamin V
you get it? wink, wink
remember because of that asmr, they are open for a third girl
i dont get it...
the V stand for vagooba....
I bet you they do old women in the site, the both belong to them
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Halo is shit right now, that's my fucking problem, BITCH.
>Posting males
This is male gaze.
ur mum
If one girl gazing at the other is male gaze then I hope we get more because we definitely need less "your gender does not matter" and more "I am attracted to girls".
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put your phone down for once
Grunts have no gender.
Name 1 (ONE) pairing like that.
I'll wait.
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Gyarus are for nerds.
That's a female grunt, prove me wrong, motherfucker.
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Momentary Lily Character PV

I've seen enough. It's yuri.
The girl in the back not doing the sign is either hiding her power level or an impostor. Or the real lesbian and the others are pretending.
heh you couldn't be more obvious than this, aots confirmed
>manga has started adding top and bottom designations to the characters

um... can this shit stop
this isn't yaoi
What did they mean by this.
She wants to peer into a cunt rather than lick it.
source or stfu
kys faggot ass bitch
example #1
Example #2
If they aren't top and bottom what are they? Left and right?
go suck a dick to find out which one you are
neko/tachi has been a thing for decades though
no one uses that
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>Is that a girl calling herself a bottom?
Yeah. How silly would it be if there was a mangaka named Tachi. That would be crazy.
why would you need to be known as one or the other in yuri? top and bottom dynamics are about who will be getting their ass fucked every time
>no one uses that
It's such a common question they even have a word for it
That's not the entirety of what that means. Two girls cuddle and have sex - which one's on top and which one's on the bottom?
You mean because fujos have taken an interest in yuri now?
>ya fujos definitely use tachi/neko
give me a break.
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>it's another "westerner pretends they know Japanese culture" episode
Someone made a rough fan animation of the scene where Naoi punched Kurumi in chapter one. It's voiced.

cant read between the lines much can you?
or maybe you cant read at all
Why would that make it yaoi? Are IRL lesbian couples who use those word to communicate yaoi to you too?
so is being a top or bottom in yuri manga better?
because this way there's only one way to perceive the relationship dynamic, madoka will never initialize sex with homura. simple as
Yeah. They are. They're imitating gay male culture.
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Actually even though you are shitposting you are in fact correct, "Top" and "Bottom" did came from yaoi or gay culture as they are a silly concept IRL for women, the word yuri originated in yaoi magazines, the first "yuri" stories (but not the first representation of lesbians or romantic feelings between girls) came from yaoi magazines after all, most of the authors pushing for "yuri" at the start were part of yaoi anthologies or yaoi doujin circles, one of the tropes they took from yaoi that somewhat stuck (though mostly treated as gag) were bottom and top positions but had to be adapted of course.

It's not going to go away because they are popular tropes just like the yaya, it's fiction it's meant to be entertainment to the target audiences, not realism.
thanks for being rational, still i think its completely unnecessary and ill stick to it
but i wasnt shitposting
Stop being a schizo enabler. Nobody cares what it came from.
It is unnecessary in the sense it doesn't add anything to the narrative, unless the narrative is specifically about it, it's just a trope the audience and authors enjoy which is also harmless.

There is nothing wrong from where it came from, so you shouldn't care when someone brings it up either.
>when someone brings it up either.
No I should because he's asking people to stop.
I get what you mean, and for something that's kinda shit and doesn't matter too much that's fine. For something more serious and potentially a bit deeper though, why would someone want to relegate the characters in a way that removes and narrows the interpretation of the relationship? I think it's just boring. And most of the time, it's very obvious who's the more assertive of the two and vice versa.

>waaah I said stop talking about this thing
Dumb schizo.
Even serious stories build themselves around popular tropes, this isn't exclusive to yuri or even japanese works, the line you are using to delimitate this difference between casual and serious works is blurred for most readers and authors who mostly only read the same types of works to begin with, most readers just want to see authors using the tropes they like and understand and most authors just want to write something they know the readers will enjoy. In this specific case I don't even think it's that prevalent to be honest, most works have implied bottom and top roles but never actually expand on it more than the visual aspect or the contrast between personalities.
its dumb as shit top/bottom isnt the same as assertive/passive
you can clearly see who is what in stories, you dont need to tell
This is probably something that actually shows up in japanese lesbian brothel profiles, since it would be smart business to add roles to the girls to differentiate betweeb themselves.
>japanese lesbian brothel
like these are real, lol
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>dumb bistacy playing with pure menhera maiden's heart!
Die die die die die execution strangulation decapitation die die die
You can literally google them
Does anyone have a link to the audio from the japanese reading of the adashima novel where the girl goes all out reading adachis mental breakdown on the phone with shimamura?
They're real but most of the workers aren't lesbians and engage in regular brothel work with males too.
Why did they depict her as a psycho yandere here? I'm not even sure if it's for Adachi or her sister.
I don't think you understand what psycho or yandere means, regardless it is a good question.
seems like a normal question to ask someone after they take a bath with your little sister
Because it was there
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Those look obvious, but even if they're not sometimes it's better when you can't tell. Sometimes I like the more outgoing one to be less outgoing in intimate settings. Nothing is set in stone unless they fucking tell me straight out. Even then... I will believe in my ship, the way I like it.
She’s afraid Adachi is secretly a pedo you retard
how does that affect Shimamura personally, though?
Funny enough one of the what ifs in the new volumes are if adachi was a teacher and shimamura a JK
Iruma is just advertising his new novel.
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Chigusa-sensei really really likes her timid tops doesn't she?
He should advertise it more.
He doean't even need to, it sold so well they are increasing the planned number of volumes
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Short anime
She’s worried Adachi will be more aroused by her sisters prepubescent body than to her plumb one
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What happened to good CGDCT anime?
We used to have Yuru Yuri, KinMoza and GochiUsa.
Now we have... Yuru Camp I guess, but that's far lighter on the yuri than any of those.
Bocchi was fun but not super yuri. Stardust Telepath was great and yuri.
Stardust Telepath is (great) drama disguised as CGDCT.
Grunts have gender. The only species in covenant army who had female units were kig-yar and drones. Their societies were matriarchal.
Ah, but consider that Grunts are borderline slaves and cannon fodder, I doubt their Elite commanders would particularly care if they throw female Grunts into battle. I imagine they probably just scoop a big group of babies out of the food nipple pit without checking what they are.
So thusly that Grunt in that image is a female unless proven otherwise! Haha!
She would've gone after Yashiro.
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She keeps getting more pale.
Yeah pedos are famous for sticking to a single target
There are just as many female grunts as there are female orcs
None, 0, nada
Where’s her genki gf
File deleted.
I'm pretty sure D&D has female orcs.
Prove it!
Someone didn't read the yuri manga with the female slave orc. Btw anyone know what happened to that manga?
it ended, some sez scenes here and there
Half the budget probably went into animating the hair.
>Running multiple businesses while pumping out zoomer kino monthly
How does she do it?
What businesses? She is a fucking petit bourgeois?
She makes and sell her own clothes, this is why you see her doing cosplay so much
That wasn’t an orc, that’s the stupid translation localisers use for a Japanese creature called an oni
i dont know why they do that, scanlators did the same thing for 'Sake to Oni wa Nigou made'.
surely if youre in deep enough to be reading unofficial yuri scans, you would know what an Oni is
She has a trendy cafe.
It was, I think you don't know that we're talking about a isekai parody and that the joke was that the female orc looked like a traditional orc but her heart was the one of a maiden
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It's expanding
Me 0.2 seconds after orc/human relationships get legalized if I'm being honest
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Super cute even if I'm sure some bits are embellished. I dunno about My Lesbian Experience With Loneliness being inspiration to do the same but hey if it works it works.
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Farewell to the kino covers
C-chan sounds so cool.
Her part time job must be bang girls
But it's not forbidden love if it's legal.
>403 Forbidden
Come on I just want to give you money.
this happened to my buddy Erica
Competitive vibe races...
I finally read WataYuri and now I need everyone to know how fucking pissed I am about how the confession was wrapped up and then followed by 5! fucking volumes without my sociopath gremlin and her big titty autist who loves her very much. Instead I get this other bullshit which ends in literally nothing and the bitch can't even get raped properly.
I'm so fucking mad. I can't wait for the next chapter whenever the author is back from their self-induced mental breakdown. I sure would have suffered one too if I had to write Kanoko for several years.
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Momentary Lily is going to have a side manga.
Are they trying to make it a whole ass media franchise or something?
This zoomie is a vampire now!
>inflatable mat play
What is this?

In fact, WHO is this?
>First episode out earlier
>Absolute no yuri
Some anons posted about it when it aired at some event, not to say it couldn't hsve yuri later, but usually you see a foundation at the start
It's where they put inflatable mats in the bathroom, then soap/lube up everyone while they grind on you. It's mostly a het thing. And also a fictional thing.
That's curious, given that it's airing january 2025.
It's kinda common nowadays, they use a pretty first episode to promote the series before the time.
This was so wholesome, I love yanderes
Do you have a link for this episode?
I am not sure if it was recorded anywhere, I would assume it would be all cam.
It was only shown live at Anime Expo.
author is Amai Meiden.
Were there any men?
I found a copy at https://n*hentai.net/g/531049/
but there might be others. It was only translated about a month ago by the posting date.
C-chan is actually a bitch
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Why is no one one talking about this???
>Posted today
I hadn't heard about this before but I hope it's good.
Honestly anime is kinda shit lately
animation - lazy, unremarkable, forgettable
music - Bland, AI generated slop, generic
plot - either too fast, slow, or can't present shit in an interesting way, they take creative liberties that detract from the overall tone and meaning

I really hope it's good, I can't remember the last time I actually watched an anime I thought was memorable. Who's going to be making it I wonder.
wouldn't it be funny if they're the ones who end up marrying in the prologue
Made me check, meanie.
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Only men; no yuri.
Source: trust me, bro.
I hate you, anon.
I hope you never get strawberries in your cake.
This series has too much plot contrivance.
why is this specific scene contrived? she did it because she saw eri. intentionally trying to crumble the status quo
as opposed to eri just accidentally witnessing the deed, now that would be contrived.
What are the odds that Eri would stumble upon that scene at that very specific time? She likes to cling to Fuyuki, but she somehow "forgot" about her even though she wasn't busy at all, until she conveniently remembered again, wandered around looking for Fuyuki, and saw that.

This is the second time something contrived happened in this series involving those three. The first one was the accidental double date.

The birthday scene was fine though, because there was a proper build-up.
I only remember anon talking about how there was barely any interaction between the girls
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did you not get the part that senpai spotted eri passing by first before initiating the kiss?
> build-up.
the whole chapter has been showing that senpai's not happy about the place fuyuki's been put into
Well, they are both pink.
Wtf they write letters to prostitutes? Cringe.
Female orcs exists, female orks* no, I mean the waaaaagh ones
What manga doesn't?
"oh i just happened to be their at the worst time" happens all the time in manga
This isn't a coincidence though, the whole point is that she saw her coming.
I know.
Was talking in general, not that specific event, you are correct.
Why doesn't Erika just rape Aya? She is literally in her house and 14 (legally 21).
Is she stupid?
Kabocha's imouto forbids her from moving the story in that direction.
Erika loves Koto, not Aya.
She hates Koto and loves Aya.
It's in the subtext.
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Sisters, I just found a Kitakawa discord.
not even once
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Have you pray today?
>Hanayamata was 10 years ago
Yaya uprising when?
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Is a Yaya still the ultimate yaya?
>loses childhood friend to foreign girl
>band fails auditions, disbands
>tries to be a cool lone wolf, fails badly
>gets a cute kohai that seems into her
>kohai ditches her for another girl
She need to try dating one of her former bandmates, worked for Shiho.
I think they all got boyfriends.
Why isn't there any goth girl yuri?
The goths never reached Japan
They had their hands full with Rome.
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I know right
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Harukana doesnt fit at all, She's talented but short and she eventually overcomes that with a better gameplan and they end up winning the tournament with the power of shitty wrtiting
Actually the manga ends with them losing against Narumi/Ayasa in the final. Midgets can't play beach volleyball after all.
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It was a email.

yuri status? seems pretty gay
It's already out and a Naoko Yamada flim, so no. I've heard that one of the girls is a tranny as well, which is surprising to me because we know how much she dislikes yuri.

I wonder if there's some sort of explanation for it in Japanese culture. The Wonder Egg Priority director was also anti-yuri and his anime had a one of them too.
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>Wonder Egg Priority
Stop reminding me of this shit; I'm trying to scrub it from memory.
>entire shtick is dark hair and pale skin
>to a country full of people with dark hair and pale skin
I don't know about WEP director, neither I care, but Naoko Yamada just writes dramantc friendships and never had any intention for people to perceive it as yuri, so I don't think it's far to blame her for other people's (insane) headcanons.

Traps are just getting more popular, including trap romcom protagonists, turns out this way you can actually sexualize and sell merch of male characters and funny enough the romcom/harem audience don't really care about women that much, I always speculated you can switch the whole cast of girls for traps and it wouldn't affect the series performance too much because those faggots just want to see their ego masturbated, doesn't matter who.
Midori definitely had a one-sided crush on Tamako.

>traps are just getting more popular
This is a female-to-male one, not the other way around.
She literally said she didn't, people just wanted for it to be romantic because dramatized friendship is just utterly unrelatable nonsense.

So just a girl then.
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That's why I called her a girl.

>she literally said she didn't
It's not yuri because one-sided feelings don't make something yuri.
No, it's not yuri because she literally said the nature of those relationships was never meant to be interpreted as romantic, what you are looking at the screen is nothing but dishonest writing to make you emotionally invested in something the author just thinks as convenient things to push the narrative forward.
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She said they were adolescence, which is the standard line for "its-just-a-lesbian-phase" type of thinking.
>quit your lollygagging
>quit your loli gagging
Why wasn't the het 'adolescence', then? What kind of author does this? Blacklist everything she writes
No, in other interviews she expands how there were no romantic feelings involved, you are just filling the gaps of dishonest bad writing, you can't make sense why friends would act like this because you know very well friends would never, so you just assume there must be an underlying motive, when in truth there is none, the characters are just shallow slaves of the narrative.
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Which interview? Because I'm going through all the published ones and she says things like it's "a very complex emotion" and "adolescence". She doesn't never describes it as mere friendship.
Liz and the blue bird is still 100% yuri, and i will not hear otherwise
What happened to Gothic Lolita?
NTA but like anon above I am pretty sure he is talking about the Liz and BB interview.
>I can't comment on what kind of person they would fall in love with in the future, or who they will become
This does seem to line-up with the idea that it's just a temporary thing that they are going through in their youths. She doesn't seem to take issue with the love part but the gay part.
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She is saying they couldn't fall in love now because they were not gay for each other but she can't say if on the future they ended with men or women (or rather, she definitely could answer this but I imaginr she just didn't want to give any answer that wasn't vague and could upset someone)
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I don't think the her comments are about the love, rather the "gay" label that is being applied to it.
Considering she says it's not a "gay love story" and then in the same paragraph she says it's meant to be adolescence and how it intensifies friendship, reliance and dependency but not romantic feelings, I can only assume "gay love story" means romantic feelings as it's the only thing she didn't use to describe their feelings for each other and to note on this part of the interview she specifically mention how this applies to Tamako Market too.
It is my belief that when we die, we will all go to yuri heaven.
Wrong, men are not allowed in, they can only watch glimpses of it from very far away from the rich parts of the regular heaven.
Yes. That's yuri heaven for men.
For women, they will get a special place.
>everything seems intensified, whether it be friendships, or the reliance on a certain person, or the dependency
To me, it seems like the whether it be is referring to various emotions one could have rather than the feelings those specific characters are going through. Regardless, it's not yuri friendly attitude considering she has no issues making other forms of romance not "complex".
Well I am just saying her works are not a reflection of someone who strongly dislikes yuri, just from someone who isn't trying to direct yuri at all, it's just not her thing.
Is this gay?
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So... I think these two are soulmates.
The girls are not together but there are unambiguous moments where the characters make clear they are attracted to each other romantically
>so, I don’t want to avoid these things or give them special treatment – but [depict LGBTQ+ characters] as a natural course.”
Even if she doesn't outright dislike yuri, there's still something strange about being this opaque about one of the letters but being totally open and uncomplex about another.
as soon as anything says that shit i'm out
Not really, from what you described, it's just another girl they can sell to the audience with an exotic scenario just like "russian girl with silver hair", it's like complaining Shinkai does not write yuri when his whole thing is just make products for a specific type of audience. It's just not their business. Currently if you are not going specifically yuri or yuri adjacent stuff like CGDCT or Idolish works, you are only going to see yuri if it's something the author themselves is passionate about.
>it's just not their business
>yuri adjacent stuff like CGDCT
That would describe a number of Yamada's works, at least in appearance.
I wouldn't call Hibike CGDCT by any means since it's full (badly written) drama, Tamako Market would fit better, though it resembles decades old CGDCT which had male characters and male love interests.
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Don't say later you weren't warned.
You could consider it an idol show if you want considering they both have music and bad drama plots by the end.
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NTA but
>it's just another girl they can sell to the audience with an exotic scenario just like "russian girl with silver hair"
Are you really comparing a decades old charaacter archetype with a thing that has like 2 characters on all anime released until now? (and no tomboys don't count because they still want to be girls)
>yuri adjacent stuff
In the first movie she directed we had Azusa treating Yui like a rapist when she thought she was in love with her, then we have the Tamako Market fiasco, the KumiRei shit, those dumb interviews about Liz to Aoi Tori and now that other shit. Remember that even the author of the Hibike novels respect yuri but Yamada acts like the author of Amanchu, another yuri hater suthor.
Idol shows are meant to sell music, so it's not the same thing, it's like calling Sasakoi a idol show.

>Are you really comparing a decades old charaacter archetype with a thing that has like 2 characters on all anime released until now? (and no tomboys don't count because they still want to be girls)
From a current market perspective? Yes, most Japanese have no reference about this and will just relate it to the closest thing, whether it will work as intended is another thing we could wonder.
>In the first movie she directed we had Azusa treating Yui like a rapist when she thought she was in love with her, then we have the Tamako Market fiasco, the KumiRei shit, those dumb interviews about Liz to Aoi Tori and now that other shit. Remember that even the author of the Hibike novels respect yuri but Yamada acts like the author of Amanchu, another yuri hater suthor.

I don't find this particulary notorious because this movie is almost 15 years old and this was the standard trope of how lesbians were portrayed in media, see Bleach for example which is far more egregious, even Railgun had Kuroko acting predatory and molesting touching Mikasa naked early on.

My point is that this is mostly incidental, she has a directing style that was very compatible with Kyoani at the time, she wasn't the only one doing stuff like this, she was only adapting Hibike and honestly there was zero reason for her to change the source content to fit a niche audience, everything else seems to be just her recreating the success of Hibike, as for interviews this is exactly what I would expect from someone who isn't writing yuri suddenly getting asked about homosexuality or LGBT, they are just trying to justify themselves while trying to not upset anyone.
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still yuri regardless of the directors opinion
No one cares about your doomposting and honestly I am not even sure I would care since she isn't even the MC who I wish would just get her shit together and be with Erika, you know the person who actually loved her all those years.
>this was the standard trope of how lesbians were portrayed in media
But not in K-on and even then the scene isn't even "funny", after Azusa hurts Yui she realizes it was a mistake and then the scene ends with Azusa crying and Yui comforting her.
>she wasn't the only one doing stuff like this
Tell us 3 examples outside the Hanasaku Iroha yuribait and the adaptations of the Amanchu author.
nta but thats not doomposting
I think I already said enough times she isn't a good director, she was just doing what the others were doing, I once heard the author had a big falling down with Kyoani but I not sure if it was real.

>Tell us 3 examples outside the Hanasaku Iroha yuribait and the adaptations of the Amanchu author.
I am not talking about yuribait anon, please be more attentive, I'm talking about her directing style which is very similar to the works kyoani was doing at the time, the whole making a storm out of a cup of water thing.
You understand what he was implying?
>the whole making a storm out of a cup of water thing
That's just melodrama, a thing that people made since prehistoric times. Outside of that Idk what the fuck are you talking about. I'm talking about how she seems to add some yuri-ish scenes to all of her works just to end with het or denial in her interviews.
Another author has been upset by twitter's innovations and is thinking about deleting her account.
I am saying to you the style immediately makes any girl interaction look gay by default because friends don't do melodrama over nothing
No, this autist has been shitting the releases thread with Aya is going het shit and he is implying the author is worried about it.
I won't deny that there is such autist, but that's not what this is about. Take your meds.
But that wasn't even a thing in other Kyoani shows like Amagi Brillant Park and the Phantom-whatever anime. Outside Kyoani also we didn't have any similar thing, we're in /u/ we know about that shit.
This is why I said it wasn't exclusive to female x female relationships, Amagi basically went from a romance novel to haremish dynamic in the anime because they played up the relationships
There is no need to warn anyone here then anon
First voth of those shows were ecchi-lite anime for waifufags, second I don't remember any meaningful "gay" drama between Tamako and Midori nor anything similar in the K-on movie. Hibike was a adaptation and Liz to Aoi Tori is yuri even if she don't want to admit it.
>It's not yuri because one-sided feelings don't make something yuri.
Based and trueyuripilled
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>It's not yuri because one-sided feelings don't make something yuri.
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Cute and canon.
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>violence seishunn story
The joke is that Naoi and Kurumi are mentally elsewhere, thinking about each other.
gay shirt naoi
Where the hell are all the TomoyoxMeiling doujins?
The joke is that Kokoro and Kudou have big boobs.
There is no joke.
The chapter title gives the complete opposite impression of the ominious text. Since the title hints at honest communication, or "Clear Waves". So it sounds like the cover pages are meant to mislead you into falling for a nothingburger.
How is that a joke, they are literally looking away.
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Yeah, where could they possible be looking at...
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Adashy and Shimamura
The text is nonsensical unless you realize it's connecting subversions of lines from two previous chapters. The "murky waters" line is a reference to the start of chapter 9. While the "glass" is likely referring to the "looking-glass" or "mirror" of chapter 14.

So the full line is something like "Since I'm still standing (rather than being swept away like previously) while being engulfed by murky waters, let's meet outside of the glass (rather than stepping into/being separated by the looking-glass/mirror).

It's basically saying that Naoi and Kurumi will reunite.
I dropped this a while ago, does Naoi have an oneesan preying on her now?
It's a masochist she used to bully in middle school. Naoi's repulsed by her but is being guilt tripped and paid money to hang out with and bully her.
4 lesbians....
The title is about how something manages to get through a block. Kudou and Kokoro are being regarded as nothing but speedbumps in the text.
Sounds lame. If money is changing hands I would prefer it to be from one of them being a lesbian prostitute. Doesn't sound intriguing enough to get me to pick it up again, thanks.
>repulsed by hot + crazy lesbian sub
she has shit taste
I did manage to buy it jumping through hoops. dlsite is dumb holy shit.
Chapter 16 ZenKowa summary. The reason Kokoro climbed in bed with Kurumi last chapter was to inspect her for marks left by Naoi. Kokoro seemingly messaged Kurumi's mother behind her back again. Kokoro creeped out Akane over acting psycho over Kurumi the previous night. Kokoro basically assaults Kurumi and seems to be trying to physically force herself on her to get her to go back to the way she was.

Kurumi tries to call Naoi's cell phone for help. But Naoi stupidly left it in the love hotel living space with Kudou while Naoi was cleaning up the shower room from Kudou's bullying session. Kudou of course answers the phone and merely tells Kurumi that's Naoi's in the shower and that she could pass on a message. Kudou's trying to sew discord on purpose.The call hangs up, with Naoi walking back into the living space, not realizing what just happened. And is creeped out questioning why Kudou picked a love hotel room with a hearts theme. Meanwhile, Kurumi is obviously very shaken. Kokoro tries to convince Kurumi that Naoi is just a bad person and that, unlike Naoi, Kokoro will only have eyes for her. Cliffhanger ending of how Kurumi will respond.

Honestly, Kurumi going along with Kokoro again is redundant, so even if Kurumi's pissed at Naoi over this, she'll likely reject Kokoro too since Kokoro's acting nuts and just attacked her.
Is this a TV Novella or something?
Sendai is the kind of pervert that would happily to eat Miyagi's ass if ordered to.
I don't think Kudou was trying to necessarily piss Kurumi off on purpose, otherwise why would she be so pissed off and confused when Kurumi hung up on her. Naoi never told Kudou that her relationship with Kurumi was romantic, so it was likely just Kudou playing up her outgoing persona. It's up for debate if she'll eventually tell Naoi that Kurumi called.
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>yuri hime day
>not even excited since all of the series I like skipped this month
It hurts.
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Anons, in your hard time, do not be afraid to ask for help from your close ones. They will definitely help and support you, that's what they are for.
What are the odds that Azuma goes to Kurumi's house to apologize for the bullying and ends up getting thrown into this mess too?
I'd prefer it if she went yandere.
She kind of did. She's holding Kurumi down and trying to gaslight Kurumi ino thinking she's Kurumi's only option.
Volume 3 bonuses were something. They added 2 additional black and white pages. Kurumi and Naoi are at a grocery store together and Naoi held Kurumi's hand. Kurumi gets flustered and questions why Naoi did it, to which Naoi replied that it was just a habit. It's shown via a flashback that Naoi used to hold her little sister's hand when they went shopping.

Also, the color pages are Kurumi having a dream that she's a daycare worker. Naoi's a child drawing on the walls, while Kurumi is held up by her needy child mother and needy child Kokoro. Akane's in the shot looking happy playing with a ball, being independent. Isanuma is a lazy coworker wanting to flirt with the teacher, while she drags along child Mine and Azuma. Kurumi finally breaks free to tend to Naoi, but then adult Kudou shows up and starts trying to kiss child Naoi while child Naoi is distressed. Kurumi wants to stop it, but before she can act, she wakes up from her nightmare.
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Oh no, Kurumi was being imoutozoned.
I don't think she would've asked for the date with Kurumi if that was the case. Naoi acts like she hates her mother and sister, but in truth, she has fond memories and still loves them.
Speaking of volume 3, the teacher's name changed back to Horie when the Yuri Hime version had his name as "Hotta" in chapters 11 and 12. This is basically Kuwabara admitting that the teacher's name from chapter 1 was forgotten 2 volumes later, so had to correct volume 3 to match.
Citrus is a masterpiece compared to this
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like comparing Helene to Milton
Secret sisters... Please Kuwabara...
Honestly, Kurumi's likely going to assume it's a misunderstanding. Kudou acknowledged Kurumi as "Yoshizawa-san" and introduced herself as "Kudou". Meaning that Naoi had told her about Kurumi previously. And just taking a shower doesn't mean anything happened between the two. Kurumi might assume that Naoi was just staying at a friend's house to avoid her father. At the very least, I think Kurumi will give Naoi the benefit of the doubt and demand an explanation of what she was up to.

Kurumi'll obviously be pissed off by the truth, but it's better than what Kokoro's assuming, which is that Naoi's just a player.
I thought you meant John Milton and was wondering who the fuck Helene was
Milton believed angels had sex in heaven so maybe we could get Miltonic angel yuri
The chapter only has 21 story pages, so it looks like another back-loaded volume. Before now, the first chapter of the volume was the longest each time and had double this amount of pages.
citrus+ is unironically great though
It's Namek: the Series. And now there's apparently het drama? Hifumin and Matsuri aren't fucking, let alone Mei and Yuzu. Completely unnecessary.
I've seen even Japanese readers start to compare ZenKowa to Citrus due to how stupid the drama is becoming. It's like Naoi's I.Q. dropped like a brick when Kudou showed up just so the drama can happen.
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Selfcest now, eh
I really don't see how Kokoro's coming back from the latest chapter. She really is just crazy. The phone call would've likely been useless anyway, since Naoi's too far away to help. So really, Kurumi will probably be forced to fight back unless someone conveniently comes to the house for some reason. Maybe Naoi's line about how anything can be a deadly weapon will come to Kurumi's mind and Kokoro actually dies.
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>Hifumin and Matsuri aren't fucking
It really should have just been a story about them.
Master and Me: Folie a deux.
Does it end with master admiting that pedophilia is wrong and lolis are not to be touched?
She would never say something as wrong and retarded as that
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Lolis belong to onee-chans.
They belong in a museum!
But onee-chans belong to old women, just like that Saki girl from The Moon on a Rainy Night
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ive never watched symphogear
Well get started then. It's enjoyable.
Kudou basically outing the deal with Naoi to Kurumi the very next chapter after the deal was made, feels like Kuwabara is speedrunning this arc.
Nta but I've seen a male character in one of the posters, how relevant is he?
The male characters are not romantic involved with the girls, they are bordeline useless outside of speechs.
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The Yuri Kickstarters are starting to trickle in, I think Infectious Lust then comic gallete will ship out next
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Did they get married?
There are at least four. One is essentially Mission Control, the other is Tsubasa's manager (she's an idol), one is a bridge bunny, and the fourth one is a bad guy. None of them are romantic interests
Yeah, Aoi to Ichigo and Ran to the stoner.
What stoner?
They were supposed to gay together.
I think you drank SHiN's kool-aid.
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What's the difference between bluesky and mastodon? How am I supposed to find my favorite yuri artists now that elonville has gone full retard?
In the Gardens of Gehenna got a happy ending. The dad got hit in the back of the head with a hammer. Collin was rescued by Mary and Riko. And a timeskip ending shows them all happy.
Mastodon is open source and very fragmented, bluesky is theoretically similarly open source but for now is just a twitter clone basically.
[x] Doubt
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Final page of the series.
>The dad got hit in the head with a hammer
All three girls had traumas and problems too severe to solve just by having a dude get hammered. Maybe that solves Colin, but Mary and Riko still have family issues.
Yeah, the but manga doesn't care about that and just timeskips to everything being great.
I don't think the point of the series was to fix everyone's problem, just saving colin so they could have someone to grow together with and help each other, realistically the other girls will never solve their family problems, they are going to grow up and eventually move away and that will be it.
She's a delusion. She was dead when they found her.
>Kokoro, let's break up.

This is the point when Kokoro loses it completely. Tries to act like Kurumi is the irrational one. And tries to force herself on Kurumi.
Which /u/ mangaka/artists moved to bluesky?
>reading Adachi novel on the Christmas chapter
It's way funnier reading it than the manga or anime somehow
>who looks at who, the pose, the colors, etc
at some point yuri art has become as esoteric as renaissance art
hate this recent trend of depicting toxic relationships in yuri
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I couldn't make it through the first episode. The singing while fighting just made me cringe, it just felt weird.
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Yep, just felt weird. Didn't like it.
>singing while fighting
revue starlight was great thoughbeit
starlight revue was the
What happened, anon? Did Candle Jack ge
LN thread is die...
What LN is good? Aside from Adachi?
I'll admit, season 1 isn't that great. Watched it back in the day when it first came out when I had nothing else to watch when it came to yuri shows, but the music does get better and the characters grow on you throughout the seasons. And the budget increase becomes very noticeable as well. Plus season 2 adds more girls to the cast which creates more shipping moments. It's a ridiculous concept, but it's fun to watch if you turn your brain off for most of the science shenanigans they try to explain.
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It could be saved by Miyagi Shiori's (the best shuukura btw) fans strength…
Why is miyagi so ungrateful
Do cats ever thank their caregivers for food?
It's Sendai-san's fault for not telling Miyagi in advance that broccoli would be served. If Miyagi had known there would be broccoli, she would have said she wouldn't like it.
They repay humans by letting them pet them
have they kissed yet?
Very noble of them.
That's kinda gay
That PV's just a tiny bit gay.
Chat, are these two roommates?
I suspect they might not be so straight
I gotta admit I'm a lot more invested in the progress of these two compared to other yuri couples. Something about a complete rookie getting in with a legendary master triggers something in me.
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Feels good to see the yuri version of something being more popular than its het version.
Feels better when we don't have to deal with this retardation at all, thanks as I have immediately banned this user from ever showing up on my feed.
What is this Soviet Union yuri
Blocking someone doesn’t prevent you from seeing their posts anymore.
Thanks I just followed this artist with all 20 of my twitter accounts.
>watch Is The Order a Rabbit
>the order was never a rabbit
Does it get better in the manga? I can't take this false advertising.
She tries in episode 1
Scrolling twitter these days is nothing but artists posting "I'm on bluesky" with a pic showing they have like 100 followers. While they keep using twitter. And it's like the third or fourth time it happens since Elon bought twitter but in the end they keep using it despite the shit it's become.
Where is Manio's bluesky?
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I remember when I first heard about this anime I thought 'The Order' was used in the sense of 'The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn' and found the title very mysterious and abstract. It was only years later that I saw it was 'chūmon' and it made so much more sense
In fairness it's kind of weird English, I would expect "Did You Order a Rabbit?"
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Ancient yuri
>It was only years later that I saw it was 'chūmon'
It's literally in the title, Gochuumon wa usagi desu ka?.
You got it backwards, blocked people can now see your posts, otherwise it would be pointless to even have the block function

The game is to have more people reading or watching your shit, unless everyone moves to other social media it's pointless. I even think most changes Elon did are positive, with the exception of requiring accounts, but I cannot excuse the shit slow ass interface, the fucking nitter things would load 1000 times faster.
Being unable to see someone's likes is a stupid change. If the conceit was to prevent people from prying too deep into what others like, just make it a toggle instead of removing the feature entirely. It was useful to search for fanart among other things.
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Very nice art from Chigusa Minori.
Who are they looking at tho
theyre looking at a mirror
Shino and Ren.
Your shit... that you won't post on said social network.
Twitter saying they will own and use (and feed it to AI against your will) everything you post including text and media is fully retarded.
According to yuri "experts", they are looking at the viewers and those expressions mean they're inviting those viewers to join them therefore it's not yuri.
Kinda yeah. It's why Chigusa Minori gets a bajillion likes and retweets every time, because the girls are hot, posed nicely and looking at the camera invitingly. Granted she's produced self insert ASMR from a female perspective so I'm pretty sure for her the third party joining in is a girl, but still.
But they're looking at you like that because the intended viewer is a girl.
They're not a couple yet.
We're all sefure here
The new LN thread killed the old LN thread...
Somehow, the LN thread has returned.
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>still no good halloween yuri
If they were naked and instead of focusing on each other they were focusing on the viewer like the previous discussed picture then you can be pretty sure Chigusa would once again get people sending angry e-mails to her publishers.
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rewatch mieruko
Reread Vampeerz.
>Here Miyagi, my famous "I'm sorry for raping you last night breakfeast"
This series should have been Yuri from the get go
she did not do that
Sendai was just following orders
Which series must not be named and enraged the yuri community?
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I don't get why lesbians look so sad next to their owners
id tell you, but it cant be named
>train a LLM on twits
>it can't output more than 280 characters at a time
Best plan ever.
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SHE just want to bang before she get Boom
They want to be the owner
>Mom said it's my turn to top!
what do we think of selection project?
>Things no one ever cared about
Nothing groundbreaking but I liked it.
I liked it.
poor mans idol x idol story
A thread was made
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Lesbian breakfast
Couldn't see it in the catalog because I filtered the file name xd
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I liked it and the dynamic between the main couple. They were one of the better genki and stoic pairings I've seen.
oh no now it's angry
blame the image spamming anon
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DBZ but it's yuri would need a whole new DV chart.
>must not be named
Nothing, really. The community doesn't even mind blatant yuri-mocking queerbait like Gridman or Hibikek.
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Dragon Ball should continue with Bra and Pan going on an adventure and they fall in love instead of just being endless homoeroticism with Goku and Vegeta
Fuck Bra and Pan.
Kale and Caulifla should be the future of Dragon Ball
You can get both at the same time with Bulapan and Kefla.
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