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Continued from >>4293609
Translation Thread >>4258504
Buythread >>4260433
RAW Thread >>4270551

https://mangadex.org/chapter/d2e9ec0b-bc83-4e41-9d3e-6f49596200de (Hogushite, Yui-san ch39)
https://mangadex.org/chapter/2eb601ee-8231-4647-8734-9da0d4f2e2dd (Yearning For a Night Full of Love ch1)
https://dynasty-scans.com/chapters/convenient_semi_friend_ch21 (pic related)
https://mangadex.org/chapter/5eb8b293-8727-4855-955f-bb83fe9c6948 (Chuutohanpa ch33)
https://mangadex.org/chapter/2fa536e1-677a-47b6-b60c-6011fd8d9172 (Yuyushiki ch64)
https://mangadex.org/chapter/32996f80-ac7b-485d-9729-b75d77983e8d (Takane-san and Arashi-chan University Story ch4)
https://mangadex.org/chapter/c80ac7fc-d541-4aba-b0b3-1d7e691d21cc/ (Just Date Already!)
https://mangadex.org/chapter/c49ab514-0443-402e-acc6-54dfbc78e28f (Her Mountain, Her Ocean ch51)
https://mangadex.org/chapter/1f4afe4c-8a60-427d-b14e-2e7d15b7cecc (YuzuEno's Love Journey ch2)
https://mangadex.org/chapter/53ae6000-235d-4943-9eba-d3f51477eeb3 (Miss Wolf ch38)
https://mangadex.org/chapter/249aa21a-02de-4d80-94b4-5b011966a2c7 (One-Sided ch78)
https://mangadex.org/chapter/7be39c81-b9a9-4e6f-8019-4950ce51ceee (Girlfriend Limited to 7 Days ch2)
https://mangadex.org/chapter/6ad33755-7b9e-492d-bd97-d325ea0de8a4 (Anemone is in Heat ch45)
https://mangadex.org/chapter/8a11feb7-622a-403f-a653-06f8adf51512 (Like, Share & Subscribe ch68)
The Daughter of Evil and Miss Devil ch24

Slow Start ch148

Takane-san and Arashi-san University Story ch5-8

The Moon on a Rainy Night ch22
What’s the end game of “How to break a triangle?”
Ironically, fixing the triangle.
>The Moon on a Rainy Night ch22
I love kuzushiro so much it's unreal. God I hope they never stop writing.
Probably a triangle. But right now I'm much more concerned about the midgame ruining the manga before it can get to an endgame.
Constructing a hypercube.
Aya going out with the random guy she met at her work and Koto dating the girl who deserves her.
another manga that lies in the title
I hate how you're shitposting but almost certainly gonna end up being right. I don't think I will be buying new chapters until this breakup arc is over. What a stupid, predictable, unnecessary development. I would have much rather seen something novel about them managing to make it work through it all and love getting them through. With Erika seething in the background and the boy actually just being a surprise wingman.

Also ib4 timeskip make it even worse.
that's the problem with the constant concernposting. If there is a manga that trails towards hetshit, people will just take posters as trolls. Hell, you could be one of them
And, worst of all, when these 'concern trolls' end up being right, as almost always.
>unnecessary development
Depends. I have hopes for a more grounded "we're not the same people as back then so we need to start over and fall in love from scratch" plot since Aya wanted to address how Koto changed but never really mentioned not loving her. Which would mean the ending to this chapter is half bait, but chances are low anyway.
It didn't, there was a triangle and it told you how to break it: make one of the girls vanish into thin air
>Hell, you could be one of them
Thats fair, but surely you can see there is legitimate reason to be concerned here?
I'm 99% certain in the end Aya wil end with either Eika or Koto, for what its worth. I'm almost more upset about the predictable (I hoped against hope) breakup arc than that. Almost.
>I have hopes for a more grounded "we're not the same people as back then so we need to start over and fall in love from scratch" plot since Aya wanted to address how Koto changed but never really mentioned not loving her.
It seems obvious Aya still loves Koto and is trying to basically scare her into opening up. Inwas hoping the author would not do the obvious breakup, since sofar they always managed to talk about these things and communicate their anxiety and fears. And this was looking like it was going that way too only for it to just go the usual way instead.
so instead it was a manga that followed it's concept for like 10 chapters then dropped it
Aya will end with no one, she is basically a ghost, she will help Erika and Koto get together and she will be sent back to meet her fate.
To be fair we don't really know how the conversation went or if they really broke up (as opposed to "lets take some time apart"), we only know what Aya told Erika so she'd let her stay in her house.
>or if they really broke up
Aya literally told Erika she broke up with Koto.
Really? This early in the thread?
Thanks for coming up with an even worse outcome.
The chapter just released today? If people aren't allowed to gripe about drama, whats the point of the drama?
Concern trolling "Aya will end up with the boy who she has just met and made friend with in a yuri manga because I say so" isn't "gripe about the drama".
It was literally 1 (one) anon saying that, are you just going to complain for every single person that says something you don't like?
Not sure why you fixate on that among the much more immediate issue, but yeah the character was quite obviously introduced for the exact purpose of making the readers worry about this so they will? Its not like this would be the first time either.
But atm its more of a dreaded possibility adding to the much more relevant drama of if this breakup shit was really necessary and if its gonna make the manga enjoyable to read for the future.
>concern trolling
Or prediction of the future?

>yuri manga
I don't remember this series being tagged yuri anywhere.
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>The Moon on a Rainy Night ch22
Useful mothers of useless daughters.
Not like one has anything to do with the other, but the author also doesn't call it yuri anywhere I could remember.
With the premise and the last 3 volumes, it should hardly matter though.
I love this manga so much. One of the relatively few recent 'good' slowburn stories.
It's so good. Saki being a closet lesbian who knows exactly what she's feeling adds a good layer of gayness to the dynamic. Now we only need kanon to realize girls can love girls
haha, expecting kuzushitro to deliver on the yuri
sweet summer children...
It should have mattered a lot that the author doesn't call this series yuri. Specially after introducing that male character.
Saki's inner panic about how casually flirtatious Kanon can be, is so good and funny. I also love the whole theme of "unable to do what others take for granted" and how it applies to both of them.
AyaKoto ending with Erika in jail or in a mental institution. I'm surprised that nobody here noticed how manipulative Erika got in the latest chapter, and the worst thing it's that she know how she she can be but her actions are always do some manipulation>feel bad about it>don't change anything about her own actions.
*she knows how manipulative she can be
>The Moon on a Rainy Night ch22
>Missed opportunity to do the "saying I love you when the fireworks go off so she won't hear it" trope and then subvert it because Kanon can read her lips anyway
>m surprised that nobody here noticed how manipulative Erika got in the latest chapter
Got? Erika has the declared goal of manipulating Aya into breaking up with Koto since Aya came back. She hasn't really done anything in this chapter worth mentioning though.
It's a story about a love triangle, with all of the participants being girls. But it's not yuri. It's a subtle difference, you just have to feel it.
>With a theme of tanabata
So Aya coming back because of a tanabata wish is central to the plot? I thought it was just a mcguffin
It'd be interesting to see if Aya is only back to fix Koto's fucked up brain and will disappear next summer after her job is done
>do some manipulation>feel bad about it>don't change anything about her own actions
This cycle is the triangle mentioned in the title, btw. But I'm expecting people to really hate Erika when she startes getting into Aya's head once she lives with her. She will definitely try to set her up with someone to make Koto give up on her. Thats basically the only way she got to make Koto give her a chance.
>Thats basically the only way she got to make Koto give her a chance.
But she knows better than anyone Koto will never look at her unless she properly moves on from Aya, which won't magically happen just by having Aya date someone else
She doesn't want to be Koto's coping mechanism, that's why she rejected her before.
>unless she properly moves on from Aya
Having Aya around will just ensure Koto will keep trying to get back with the girl she didn't stop loving for 7 years. Having Aya move on is her best chsnce to make Koto move on.
>Having Aya around will just ensure Koto will keep trying
Not having Aya around, her being literally legally DEAD, for 7 years did nothing for her in terms of moving on. Nothing at all.
Aya existing and dating someone else will just destroy her mental health more than having her, i repeat, legally dead.
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Her lesbian aura is so strong she even gets a lily background whenever she's brought up in a conversation.
Erika murdered Aya, BOOM twist revealed.
there was still the glimmer of hope that she was just missing. No body was ever found
Smaller than the big glimmer of hope that Aya will break up with whoever she goes out with to come back to her. You're really underestimating the difference between the girl not existing at all vs the girl being right there but with someone else.
Not really. Insofar there is ANY chance of Koto moving on, Aya breaking up with her and moving on is the only shot. Koto was so traumatized particularly because Aya just vanished. Which left her feelings unresolved, she never got closure.
Mind, I'm not saying it will work. I'm saying its the only thing that can work and so Erika will try it.
I mean at that point it'd basically be Aya going "I don't want to date you" which would be more conclusive than your girlfriend just disappearing one day. It's no different than ghosting. The other is just left wondering what's going on with no idea
>You're really underestimating the difference between the girl not existing at all vs the girl being right there but with someone else.
I think you're the one underestimating the sheet impact of someone just being ripped out of your life. Her being with someone else might hurt, but its something she can get to terms with over time much better than Aya possibly being still out there (a common anxiety of people left behind by such cases).
Look no one here WANTS that to be a thing, but its really obvious as something Erika will do for her next step since there isn't anything else she can do here. Murdering Aya a second time sure won't do the trick.
>She will definitely try to set her up with someone to make Koto give up on her.
I don't think so. Aya wants to know and love the actual Koto so my guess is that Erika will try to twist the truth so that Koto gives up on Aya until she gets the courage to confess her feelings and when that happens then we will see what would be the "endgame" of the manga that can be KotoErika or AyaKoto
>truth so that Koto gives up on Aya
That seems like a infinitely smaller chance than gaslighting Aya into giving up on Koto, something she at least already made progress on.
I'm pretty sure Aya, right now, wants Koto to come to her and show her current self to her. This happening by breaking up with her, clearly being Erikas plan. But now Erika needs another step to prevent them from getting back together. And right now trying to gun for Koto will just make her the leftovers she didn't want to be.
>love triangle
>the couple broke up
Yes. Quite.
She was 100% murdered by Erika.
She probably didn't quite murder her. Her reaction to Aya coming back would be a bit too subdued if she did. She just said something to her in that conversation Aya doesn't quite remember, thats probably connected to making Aya run away into "somewhere else".
The problem is that Erika don't have a plan, she just takes the chance to manipulate the girls when the opportunity arises and that's what makes her more dangerous because she isn't really aware of the consequence of their actions.
>because she isn't really aware of the consequence of their actions
She certainly is. You might meannshendoesn't have as much control in thebsituation as she thinks she does, which is true, but she has a plan. Regardless of if its a good one.
>You might mean she doesn't have as much control in the situation [...]
Good god, I'm so sorry.
>she has a plan
I didn't see that in the manga, unless I overlooked something.
The entire time she has been watching and ominously narrating to herself how she is watching and helping their relationship run into the ground. So she can swoop in and snatch up Koto. And she has been giving Aya "advice" to help that along.
Did you miss her entire role sofar being angsting over manipulating Aya?
She may be hinting at a blow in the head here, would explain her hard time remembering what happened
I think she hurt Aya and then Aya went missing, without a body Erika probably thought she ran away.
Its a bit too much of a summer mystery manga for the explanation being that Aya was actually in a coma and her growth stunted. So I don't think its gonna be thst, although I would much prefer it over the ghost explanation.
>her hard time remembering what happened
The manga implies she retroactively disappeared before the festival day, she was walking home from school and met the adult Koto & Erika on the way. Whatever happened between her and Erika the day of, it was erased from her timeline. This is probably because she actually died that day, and the Aya they have now was transported from the day before she died to 7 years into the future
>the same plot as Professor Layton and the Unwound Future
Please, not again...
Erika constantly thinking about how she is terrible, doesn't seem to gel with how relatively calm she was with Aya coming back, if she could be in any way considered to have made her disappear besides wishing for it on Tanabata.
Much more likely than Erika making her disappear, is that Erika said to her something that made her want to (wish to) disappear.
tanabata is about stars that are part of the summer triangle
and wishes were made like koto's "I wanna go back to that summer" and erika "i wish for aya to come back"
idk about central to the plot but it's a big theme
It's also about lovers who can only meet a single day a year before being separated again.
I've been fearing this is gonna be the twist of this manga too. But the breakup severly undermines it, if Aya will end up vanishing anyway.
The beauty of a transient moment requires the moment be beautiful.
>wishing for it on Tanabata
Honestly that might be it. Erika wished for her to disappear, Koto wished for her to come back. It fits.
Erika*, mistake
Yeah, I'm kinda hoping for the whole lesson to be for 'Erika' about letting go, rather than Ay and Koto. It feels like a kind of fucked up karmic punishment inflicted on her for her cruel wish.
I don't fucking care why she disappeared.
I didn't say this, I just said she vanished as soon she was attacked, her grandma gave her a charm to protect her, probably something related to their family origins or some japanese bullshit trope like this.

I don't think it was, because in that panel she seems to be remembering something she forgot, which could only be from the festival day, likely her conversaition with Erika the butcher, to me she was attacked in the head during the festival, forgot what happened, showed up in the future.

The only thing against this theory is that if Erika was killing the people who fucked Koto she would have died from exaustion by now.
>The only thing against this theory is that if
She appeared in the future dressed in her uniform, walking home with her bag straight from school. The day of the festival she would be wearing a yukata and wouldn't have her school bag. The only explanation for this is that she was pulled from the past into the future before her argument with Erika happened at the festival.
>The only explanation for this is that she was pulled from the past into the future before her argument with Erika happened at the festival.
Or if she met Erika on her way home, the day before.
Which isn't what happened because Erika said it was the day of the festival
>Aya wished for a PS4
If only she knew there would be no games, too bad all those selfish bitches didn't ask for world peace or to end hunger
Renako will ask her to become her girlfriend though.
At some point she has to be stopped
Akebi and Erika need to kiss soon
We don't know exactly when she vanished, we only know she was last seen at the festival by Erika, which may not even be the absolute truth, she could have gone home, slept, picked her clothes and then vanished
Somehow getting murdered or being sent to a shit future with tired depressive OLs isn't so bad anymore
The way this is going I feel like it'll happen sooner rather than later
Too bad Erika will break up with Akebi, dye her hair red and fall in love with a slut who is forever depressive her one day girlfriend went missing.
How to break a triangle and there is no love wishing upon a star are my fav ongoing yuri drama manga.
>The Moon on a Rainy Night ch22
is the tl as bad as the one from ch21 or not?
asking because I ddint read ch 21 because anons were complaining about it
It's decent. It was a great chapter.
Much better than 21 in terms of readability. Can't comment on accuracy.
Maitsuki, Niwatsuki, Ooyatsuki vol5 extras

Takane-san and Arashi-chan University Stories ch9-13

One-Sided ch81

Chuutohanpa ch34
>Maitsuki, Niwatsuki, Ooyatsuki vol5 extras
Cohabitation yuri is the absolute best, I will miss this one
It's been awhile where I wasn't annoyed with a secondary couple taking up pages and actually wanted more of them
>Maitsuki, Niwatsuki, Ooyatsuki vol5 extras
We need a spinoff manga about the manga artist and the idol.
The horny big forehead kouhai finally made her move
>Takane-san and Arashi-chan University Stories ch9-13
Move the fuck over arashi and takane, i want to see more of Yura x Sister
For some reason reading this manga just fills me with a deep sense of sadness and tragedy
Virgins' Empire ch292-295
Kuzushiro has plenty of yuri works, along with some het works and some subtext ones. This is shaping to be 100% yuri.
How Do I Get Together With My Childhood Friend? ch24
Perfectly normal heterosexual behavior
I seriously love how Minami went from absolute yuri panic mode to "oh well I guess everything will be okay if I just love her" just as Yuzu entered her own gay panic phase
Thankfully she's about to fucking explode
Virgins' Empire ch296
a straight line
Talk about subverting expectations.
Oogami-san and Cerberus ch18

YuzuEno's Love Journey ch3
>YuzuEno's Love Journey ch3
dear god she's gay
>Oogami-san and Cerberus ch18
Uwah, romance advancing on three fronts? I kneel
Probably the biggest mistake the author did with this series, instead of going with this haremish dynamic, it should have used the big cast it introduced in the first chapters (and suddenly vanished with most of them because it was too many characters from the go) to instead ship the other twins with other girls.
I need more Empires kissing...more...
Well, the other twins are being shipped with other girls right now
Beru x catgirl and Kero x wolf girl were there since their introduction, the other twins weren't really shipped with the MC. They're just friends and supporting Suu
These dykes are disastrous
>Oogami-san and Cerberus ch18
Suu really is trying her best. If she were a little less horny, she'd probably be dating the MC already.
For a dog in heat she's doing a good job keeping the horny controlled
They are not, but they are mostly interacting with MC and not with anyone else most of the time, the author shouldn't have introduced so many characters at the start and instead just focused on a small cast with their respective love interests
Story About Buying My Classmate Once A Week pt88 - The Routine of Being with Sendai-san 2
It's like Sendai is commisioner Gordon and Miyagi is the joker.
Anoko no Nikki ch3

One-Sided ch82

UzaMaid ch31

Like, Share & Subscribe ch70
>Anoko no Nikki ch3
damn that's it?
I'm pretty sure the school nurse telling her student that she has a sexy ass is grounds for termination.
Thankfully this is /u/, where school nurses are either love advisors or sexual predators. It's on their job description, they get to pick which one they'll do.
>double four eyes sex demons
>Yearning For A Night Full of You 2

Second chapter is far better than the first one
The atmosphere in this manga is so damn good. I'm really excited for this series. Seems like it will be a really good slow burner.
>I think she hurt Aya and then Aya went missing, without a body Erika probably thought she ran away.

Maybe it was they got into a fight. Erika accidentally knocked Aya down a flight of outside stairs, but assumed Aya was okay because she seemed fine at the time and had later run away. However, Aya might've secretly died from internal bleeding in her brain caused by the impact on the steps. So a case of accidental murder where the murderer doesn't realize that they killed the victim. Then Aya's charm activated to throw the previous day her into the future to protect her.
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These dorks.
Mimisuke is going to need more hands...
What's stopping the black stars from having an orgy in their bungalow?
Aria knew there would be no stopping Mimi if they were provided anything more suitable.
Hoshikuzu Telepath Chapter 47:
I'm starting to think the entire reason for Super Star Ship is so that Aria can dress herself up in loads of different ways. What a devious woman.
Bold of Umika to leave Honami alone with her classmates.
>Takane-san and Arashi-chan University Stories ch9-13

What's the serialization status of this one? The author posts everything on Twitter and it seems to be fairly popular
Aria is absolutely living the dream
Koharu to Minato ch4

Yuyushiki ch65
Oomuro-ke ch99
>But still, I didn’t have the confidence to fully trust what Sendai-san was saying.
>But deep down, I couldn’t see it happening.
MiyagI!!! I teared up a bit.
>Koharu to Minato ch4
The groomer keeps grooming... she can't keep getting away with this...
Maid Matataki is the absolute peak of gap moe, I love her so much
Umika and Matataki is the author ship, Yuu will go back to her planet and when she returns she is going to be friends with Umika and Matataki's IPS grandaughter. Haruno a cuck btw
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Shiori can feel the smell.
Sendai is a dirty liar who also promised she would go see her at the festival after all.
It's half that and half getting her daughter laid.
>Koharu to Minato ch4
imagine being the editor and seeing this chapter
Yearning For a Night Full of You ch3
Welp, it was nice while it lasted, but it was inevitable that some ridiculous drama was going to ruin this manga sooner than later
Rejected in a Dream ch42
She did not lol
Somebody dump this on /a/, I'm not home.
Lying Sendai trying to cover what she did to a pure maiden who spend days waiting for her prince(ss) to show up and tell how good looking she was.
It already was, the thread is still up.
>Koharu to Minato ch4
You know everyone jokes that the older gf is grooming her younger one, but she 100 percent is here

But because it's between women, I'm okay with it and frankly should happen more irl
It shouldn't.
It doesn't feel like proper grooming because the younger is still a grown ass adult. Both of them should be at least 5 years younger.
They were extremely lovey dovey at 18-28, so you can assume they were dating when they were 16-26
Wicked Spot ch1
Please Bully Me Miss Villainess novel ch65-65.5

Takane-san and Arashi-chan 272-275

One-Sided ch83

Nadeshiko Doremisora ch13

Tokubetsu na Chuutohanpa ch35
The age is fine desu, but it's that what's going on is classic grooming tactics, which in this case is also fine but it is exactly what it is on the tin
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>Wicked Spot ch1
Damn i kinda expected the human girl to be the one to show her around but she just stole her phone and left her to die LMAO okay that's the kind of dorkwitch we're dealing with, I dig it
Sal's artwork fits very well with a battle shonen like this, it contrasts well what is cute and what is omnious.
>battle shonen
It's tagged as battle/action but also josei, I wouldn't expect any kind of serious fights
Sal is blessed, looking forward to seeing where this goes
Bocchi the Rock Epigraph ch1

Yearning For a Night Full of You ch4
>Yearning For a Night Full of You ch4
Honestly I don't know what that last anon was complaining about this is pretty par for the course for this type of story, no arranged marriage yet

Either way, super good and I look forward to more
>Bocchi the Rock Epigraph ch1
Wish there was more of this in the main series

I like it so far, I just wish the girls were actually mean.
>I just wish the girls were actually mean
They are dehumanizing Yuka as a doll who shouldn't be allowed have any friends, they are treating Mitsuki as some kind of uncivilized animal, they are using their authority to force themselves into their private lives and subtly threatening Yuka with leaking info to her family

They might not be physically violent but they're some of the meanest bitches you can find in this kind of manga
It's fucking gone.
I've looking forward to psuedo-delinquent girl being noted as the lesbian predator of the school next chapter
Truly the most violent warfare when it comes to most women
I mean you might but this doesn't look like any other lesbian esque thing out side of class-s tier shit as far as the school is concerned
Yes, maybe I should have worded this in another way, I wish they were more hostile, currently feels like they could go nice at any moment.
It's litterally class warfare as far as both sides are concerned

I doubt they would
I mean, IRL they definitely wouldn't, but manga has the bad habit of trying to excuse everyone, including rapists (and I not talking about yuri rape).
I doubt they're turning nice anytime soon when they can't even fathom seeing Yuka talking with someone from her own class as an equal, let alone a filthy commoner from the filthy ai class
I mean, I guess it depends how far this story will go, hopefully will survive 2 volumes at least.
The Guy She Was Interested In ch104

Unaware His Majesty is a Girl ch31

I Don't Wanna End Up As an NPC ch5

Fluffy Fuzzy Secret (Hololive, FuwaMoco)
>The Guy She Was Interested In ch104
Holy shit, you know the Beatles? We must be soulmates!
>Yearning For a Night Full of You ch4
Kyaaaaaa!!!! >.<
They are YURI'ING

This, i was scared because of that post but anon was being dumb
>Honestly I don't know what that last anon was complaining about
There are some people here who troll by posting negative comments about everything. Don't take the posts here seriously.
Only problem with Sal Jiang is that she has a massive sameface problem, and that face unfortunately always looks like frumpy woman with a manjaw.
>New Sal
A good day
>There are some people here
this happens everywhere
Yearning For a Night Full of You ch5
The hell is this comically photoshopped parfait, it looks like a frame straight out of madoka lol
It's a 3D model, guess the author really like sweets.
Looks like a picture with a color reduction filter to me
It's just funny because the pudding in chaper 1 was many times more convincing, this parfait just looks out of place
It's meant to look out of place
And here we are, the start of retardation and autism
So, perfection then?
They are actually mean though? As opposed to fake mean in Zenkowa.
>Bocchi the Rock Epigraph ch1
So this is where hamaji starts serioulsy shipping kita x bocchi huh
>I just wish the girls were actually mean
Do you think physical violence is the only way to be be mean to someone?
I meant korean manhwa levels of mean women
The Koreans are much better at toxic relationships
One-Sided ch84

Like, Share & Subscribe ch71
>Like, Share & Subscribe ch71
Hmm, the last, I want to say 3-5 chapters felt rushed. Like the author had them getting together and had nothing for after that point, so they just decided to wrap it up fast. At least they didn't leave open any plot holes like Japanese manga normally do when they have rushed endings.
>Like, Share & Subscribe ch71
Dropped this ages ago because of the dumb child
A Face You Shouldn't Show ch10
This series went full porn logic this chapter. Took remarkably long for a Flowerchild series to be fair.
I don't know, felt like the author could have ended in the same way 30 chapters ago.
It helps when they actually have normal human interactions with each other, for better or worse.
>I was raped
>It's your fault you got raped, actually I think you reverse raped her
>Now lick my feet and prepare yourself to spend the night doing fetish stuff
Japan in a nutshell
Well congrats, this is the last chapter
... pft...
Yearning For a Night Full of You ch6
>Kono Ai wo Owarasete kurenai ka 21
...I know this is flowerchild, but what the fuck? It was a good story, and now we went from calling out the manager for being a possessive bitch with ulterior motives to blaming Ai for getting raped by her?
Am i smelling a love triangle drama on top of the fake delinquent drama, the strict family drama and the class struggle drama?
I have not showered since the last update to Pastel Love
I personally am waiting for a sherbet update for my next shower
Stolen valor from sherbet nee-san
>girls stalks you, pisses herself
>ok ill have fun with the m kid
>girl has a hickey after being assaulted
>murderous jealousy switch flipped
What? I do not understand Misa.
Woman moments
It's Misa's first time being in love. She's still trying to understand how things work.
So basically nanase is hated for literally no reason, just because of how she looks... Reminds me of myself (I'm black)
>love triangle drama
Maybe previous chapter with the one girl who wanted to protect "Hosho". But I don't really smell it even then honestly
Yearning For a Night Full of You ch7
I smell it in the half english girl, Nanase's blonde friend.
God Yuka is so cute, please kiss already for the love of god
Yuri Love Slave ch18

Stella no Mahou ch86
>Yuri Love Slave ch18
I don't think endings get happier than this. Horny dorks I'll miss them
>Yuri Love Slave ch18
I am going to miss this one. All the other yuri slavery manga are nowhere near as good.
There still is the volume extra with the other pair doing it
Who cares
When the fuck is dynasty scans going to fix it's shit?
It looks a mess, I can't do continuous scrolling, I can't resize the page properly, I can't sort shit out descending/ascending and way more
Wtf, why is this the premier yuri service site and it's like this?
Since when was Dynasty the premier yuri service site? Why did you post this here and not in general?
Even if it meant you'd never be clean again?

If it worked for her, it can work for me
It's good because none of them really took it seriously after 3 or 4 chapters, and even at the end the "master" thing is just a playful joke between lovers and they treat each other as equals. It's just a wholesome relationship born from blackmailing that wasn't even malicious to begin with
Oh yes how terrible she was blackmailed into eating the pussy of a hot girl
Well yes that's what i meant by non malicious, she was blackmailed into fulfilling her own sexual fantasies and even if she refused nothing would have happened because the blackmail wasn't even serious
50% chance deeply insecure 50% chance 4d mindgames to psyche her into fighting back next time
Asumi-chan is Interested in Lesbian Brothels! ch25
Her jaw will never be the same again.
Reminder this girl was supposed to play whore gacha only to meet her old friend, and has a girl madly in love with her back at home who she lead on and had sex with but never properly rejected.
Why would Asumi reject Nanao??
Reminder this girl was supposed to be interested in lesbian brothels, but I never saw her discussing the architecture, the regulations, the ethics, the politics, and so on, she just fuck whores, what a fucking scam this series turned to be.
Blunt Type Ogre Girl’s Way to Live Streaming ch4.5
>translation by ChatGPT
yeah nah
But squiggles is fine?
i don't see any squiggles
nah im not saying you can't post it here 'cos it's AI translated, just pointing it out there
>But squiggles is fine?
Who said that, Nee-san? Is this squiggles defender in the room with us now?
I bet she doesn't even audit their server infrastructure to make sure they're handling their customers sensitive data properly.
>Yuri Love Slave
hope the new series gets a manga adaptation too
Yes. Here >>4310273
Yearning For a Night Full of You ch8
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I like this one.
Gives me the same satisfaction as the beginning of Anemone is in heat.
After eating the suspiciously shaped dessert that Nanase made, Yuka wants to eat the real thing.
What do you mean Yuka little vixen
No wonder Ouka is broke if she thinks a limo is worth more than booking the hookers for an entire night.
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Who cares about the rebound couple where one of the girls still isn't actually over her unrequited love whomst relationship she tried to ruin.

Why are all the biggest cunts in yuri always forgiven and get treated as they did nothing wrong? coughMarycough
Seeing Asumi just having fun in the hotel, chatting with the girls, enjoying buttplay and not being a pillow princess was really nice. She has unironically grown a lot as a person.
Hope she fucks senpai next.
Thrilled for a sleepover chapter, dreading the consequences of her family finding she's not home in the morning
I do, they look good together, may surprise you but those girls even if they can't be together still like each other. Mary was a different case because she was basically a stranger showing up to rape MC.
>series starts with two people dying
>scene focusing on a group of corpses

>the witch goes from not knowing what a phone is to making an account in social media in five minutes
I wouldn't mind their happy ending since the flattie backed off and they became Reina's friends, but they deserved more shit for trying to get them expelled by showing pictures of them fucking to the teachers
At least get those sluts suspended
Not the first time a yuri comedy has a really fucked up story, look at sazi-chan
Think of the poor school janitor cleaning all those cum stains
why is asumi always so tiny compared to the whores
For better handling, I presume
Asumi is pretty much an average japanese woman, and I'd assume a brothel would specifically look to hire bigger women with big tits
Everyone bitching but I liked it. MC is clearly enjoying it all
MC being a masochist who enjoys Misa treating her like that doesn't change the fact that Misa got angry with her because she got sexually assaulted by the bitch she herself was lecturing one chapter before
Gotta be honest. As long as males are not involved I think yuri rape and cheating are fun. Also this >>4310109
To me, so far it didn't seem Misa would get this mad, so fast.
The very same chapter she was shouting at the manager over the phone and wandering the streets to look for the girl. Literally seeing physically the mark triggered her.
So to make it even Misa needs to rape the manager bitch and then both of them gonna dom MC in threesome.
I assume she just wants to train her into becoming a bit more assertive for her own sake.
Akshtually there's a lot between 150/160 cm. Also they're young as hell, in yuri Shinjuku at least.
Someone tell noighd to stop being dead and upload Sylph already.
wait a minute that dessert
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What could possibly be wrong with it? It's not like the shape of a pastry has any meaning.
One-Sided ch85

Tapris Sugar Step ch15

Yuyushiki ch66

Chuutohanpa ch36
Oh shit, Misa. What are you doing?
Kokopure ch6
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Asumi is at least pretending to look for Mai, so all the girls she buys are a few years older and taller than her. This time though senpai went for the busty duo package which just coincidentally skews tall.
Good to see we're speedrunning through all the petty drama
I can't wait to see all the "this is boring" comments when they become girlfriends.
Doubt it's gonna happen anytime soon and it's probably going to be the final chapter, they still need to get through all the school drama and the family issues
The only thing it speedran was the apology, not a single thread of drama has been resolved yet
And then the comments complaining author is focusing on other couples
its already boring
You have no soul
try some higher quality bait next time
Is this still ongoing? Dont know what I clicked but my Amazon main page is recommending htis
No, it's like 3 chapters long.
author moved on to other stuff long ago
Why the fuck did SevenSeas publish this 4 month ago then
They're drunk
A huge shame for that one, it had the makings of a better Citrus
But it was serialized in yurihime, so is it cancelled or on hiatus? There's a volume with 5 chapters out.
This is the good timeline where Manaka won. Turning Minori evil was a small price to pay
This one is valid

Usually happens because the author stops focusing on the couple being coupely and instead introduces retarded drama and/or side couples nobody gives a fuck about
There was a new chapter a few months ago
So, no one here is going to comment on the pregnant lesbian lolis? This chapter is insane.
It's normal for twin sister little girls to get each other pregnant with their usual morning kiss, it didn't warrant any comment.
This is not going to be easy to adapt in the live action.
What's wrong with it? Birth rates are so low because of people like you who think it's "insane" for lesbian lolis to procreate and help their nation.
You laugh but you boomers will one day be terrified by the fact most young people have no idea what who the beatles are.
Author will get caught
>assuming 60yo+ people actually give a shit about 4chan
Okay, zoomer.
the author said they're working on a new chapter
YuzuEno's Love Journey ch6-9

Miss Wolf and Her Fox Sister ch38.1

ShizuKasu no Chucchu (Love Live Nijigasaki, ShizuKasu)
>YuzuEno's Love Journey ch6-9
I love these two yandorks
dork yuri truly is the best
Story About Buying My Classmate Once A Week
[Part 89] The Routine of Being with Sendai-san (III)
i was here before the thread jumped to 800 replies in a day with most of them being offtopic
Miyagi just wants a kind mommy to make her dinner, hug her, and read to her before sleep. But for some reason, the head of the main and only candidate for the position of mommy ends up between Miyagi's thighs. It's no wonder Miyagi is always in turmoil, because mommies don't do that.
Can we stop posting these?
I like seeing them
>I wish we had fucked so things wouldnt be so awkward
>ends up
Trying to make us forget the fact that Miyagi started to bully Sendai sexually
In the end of the day it all goes down to mommy issues like you said, the things she asks from Sendai, the fact she terrified of being abandoned again, but at same time she can't help but to be attracted to Sendai. It doesn't help Sendai knows Miyagi is tried to get close to her by applying to the same university as Maika, so Sendai isn't even trying to argue because she already know she will get her way.
I don't think bullying is the right word when she can refuse and is even getting paid for it
Miyami doesn’t have the highest self confidence
>lick my foot
>*licks her foot*
>dont actually lick it you disgusting pig
sounds like bullying to me
Daughters do not take off their mommies clothes multiples times.
>Don't actually do the job
>Still get paid
Sounds great to me, add to it Sendai can have a place to be basically alone which comes with a dumb, bordeline retarded tiny girl who can't even read and Sendai can molest her all she wants as long she plays her autism and insecurities.
>mommy issues
Right I forgot the lil bitch had no mom. Anyways she's a bitch hope Sendai dumps her ass for a while to make her understand how annoying she is
Mutual Observation Live (Revue Starlight, MayaKuro)

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Yandere Heroine ch51

Miss Wolf and Her Fox Sister ch38.2

One-Sided ch86

Dangerous Lover ch4
Yearning For a Night Full of You ch9
It's yearly right now, "whenever the author feels like writing a new chapter".
>Wicked Spot ch1
Did I like this??
This keeps getting better, holy moly how does the author do it.

Btw chapter 10 will be caught up with the raws, it seems to be an irregular but on average bimonthly manga.
She pulled up the banana papers, it's so over for Nanase
>because mommies don't do that.
Thats not what my gay anime girl books have told me sofar.
Miyagi ruined the story, really the worst part of Shuukura so far.
Miyagi saved the story, really the best part of Shuukura so far.
I hate Miyagi haters sm
Fuuko should have prepared dinner for Yuni for once to qualify for the position of mommy. Or at least read to her before she goes to bed.
I hate Miyagi hater haters.
I think Yuka knows she's getting yuri feelings. And the only dense one will be Nanase. Just like anemone in heat and nagisa taking forever to realize her feelings.
Imo it's gonna go smooth and not take forever for them to be a couple
This here seems fun:
Eiyuu ni Akogareta Shoujo wa Kyuuketsuki ni Ochitemo Eiyuu o Mezasu

My Wish is To Fall in Love Until You Die ch37

Oomuro-ke ch99

Miss Wolf and Her Fox Sister ch38

Pastel Love ch4
>And the only dense one will be Nanase
Nanase already knows she's falling in love and it's pretty obvious in c, the only issue will be communicating it because they both know it's a bit of a forbidden relationship
>>4311491 >>4311424
>pretty obvious in c
in c9
What about Rust?
this is good shit, vampires are so hot
Pink for Tear
Yeah, although the art could be better, still gore + yuri is always nice.
A day with new yukiko content is a blessed day
They said the same thing about Jesus.
Scummy Gap Student ch81
One-Sided ch87

Chuutohanpa ch37

My Intern Bullied Me Again ch3

Exposing the Depth of Her Perversions
>My Intern Bullied Me Again
Nice that this got picked up by a proper translator. More OL yuri is always nice.
>Exposing the Depth of Her Perversions
>dubious consent tag replaced by rape tag in minutes
Dynasty users are a bunch of pussies
Yeah, this is NTR in the making.
Yukiko needs to start a new series already.
Addicted to Her final chapter
>Oomuro-ke ch99
>show the girlfriend
>bubble and bag conveniently placed to cover the color of the cardigan (or the lack of one)
>socks visible but useless since all three coincidentally wear the same ones
Oh namori...
How Do I Get Together With My Childhood Friend ch25
Just give us the side poly and we will forgive all this bullshit
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>that last page
The author must be trolling at this point, this whole manga must be an elaborate shitpost.
There's no way someone could write such a god damn stupid story and think to themselves "yeah this makes sense".
Just judging from the first two responses, I'm glad I dropped this like 17 chapters ago
This is the third bait-and-switch?
>they didn't get stranded and found a cabin where they'd have to remove their wet clothes and huddle in the nude for warmth only to get rescued when they were about to cross the line
I'm confused.
uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I can't take this seriously anymore
In what world someone is about to kiss you and you just think "yup i should not let this happen because we're just friends and i don't want to get my hopes up"
It's just your classic "one more chapter" with Yuzu realizing she had to properly accept or reject Minori and then finally getting together. It's annoying but if cute girls being useless isn't your thing I don't think there was any way for you to enjoy this one.
Guess it's now up to Minami to tank the rejection and properly confess so the retarded Yuzu will understand, I swear to god if the next chapter is just Minami saying sorry and staying silent until they get off I'm flying to japan and committing arson
Judging from everyone else's replies,this has gone way beyond just being useless, and the author is just intentionally writing them to be idiots. It's like Rejected in a Dream, where one girl is wondering if her friend likes her, but her friend is letting her touch her, and sending her selfies here she can stare down her cleavage. There's nothing wrong with useless lesbians, but when it's completely blatant, with minimal room for any other interpretation, there's nothing entertaining about it
She's just thinking it's gonna be one of those friend kisses (with friend tongue) which she would taint with her romantic feelings
>this has gone way beyond just being useless, and the author is just intentionally writing them to be idiots
Pretty much. There was no reason whatsoever for Yuzu to act like she did this chapter other than stretching the manga for a few more chapters. There's literally no other reading for Minami's actions, especially after being told by the (past) homewrecker that "friends don't kiss". The amount of mental gymnastics Yuzu had to do to genuinely believe going out with Minami is impossible while she's going for a kiss is insane.
While it's of course egregious, to me this is exactly the same narrative as rejected in a dream, the author does not want them to get together unless Yuzu stops running away from her own feelings and finally realizes she will only be hurting herself as long she doesn't confess and either gets accepted or rejected.
Are those stored in the gorilla envelope?
it was an asobi asobase reference
I hate Miyagi hater hater haters.
I think Miyagi haters should stop hating Miyagi so this chain of hatred can stop.
It will only stop when Miyagi stops hating herself
>Scummy Gap Student ch81
Being territorial or homophobic

You decide!
By the way Summer Trend and Falling Blue are chinkshit baihe getting regular MD updates that Goggled isn't posting.
Why don't you post them then?
put on your goggles and start posting
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It really bugs me how the CCP will not allow any spice in their yuri at all, if yuri wasn't so niche I wouldn't read anything from beyond the great firewall.
>I support lesbian
>But you are just attacking another lesbian
>I said I support lesbian, not lesbians now stay away from my girlfriend fucker
He doesn't post a lot of things, I try to post some when I catch them, if you know new series please post them so I can add to my bookmarkers and post them when there are updates.

The CCP has nothing to do with this, you have uncensoured Baihe, it's just the publisher standards and honestly it's not like it's not obvious when they are eating each other, I kinda appreciate how creative they are sometimes
The party has everything to do with it. Pornography is illegal and intentionally broadly defined. Even if some or most publications fly under the radar not every author is going to be willing to risk prison time. Censorship of that kind will always have this effect.
I don't think anyone would be doing it if there was chance of prison time anon.
You have no idea how many smut writers were jailed lol
There comes a point where endearing insecurity crosses into clinical retardation.
We've passed that point half a dozen chapters ago.
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>I don't think anyone would be doing [thing that can make money] if there was a chance of prison time anon.
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Oh yes, they definitely are becoming millionaires with porn if not stopped.
She’s shit, it’s only right that we hate her. Sendai deserves better anyway
Sendai disagrees, and would probably hate you for your wrong opinion
I'd was gonna call mashiro a whore but then I remembered she was a literal whore... what the fuck this is not okay
Miyagi is training Sendai, she's a good dog who will always come back home.
Me, feeling angry? No, it's actually hilarious. While I believe the author is doing this on purpose, if by an off chance that he isn't, it's even more funny.
Is this weekly? Monthly? I see the official site releases split chapters but they don't have any timestamp. I can't take this shitshow anymore
Gyaru Maid to Akuyaku Reijou ~Ojou-sama no Happy End shika Katan!~ ch6
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No point posting this truly horrendous "translation", and that's not even referring to that typesetting...
Yeah, notKita should have fucked the MC for at least 2 full chapters.
notKita should have sat them in a room and outed both of them right there before leaving them alone. It's literally the only way for these autistic dorks to confess
This might genuinely be the worst typesetting I've ever seen
I would take the classic 2000s "white box clearly pasted over the original speech bubbles" over this
Kinda agree. I can at least understand people who do left aligned, size 12 Arial, because it's the lowest effort shit you can do. But this person actually put some effort in picking fonts, doing the border and shadow, using colors... all while genuinely thinking it looked good, only to make this
Is the translation thread working on this quietly, or is this the best we're gonna get?
Slow Start vol12 extras

My Intern Bullied Me Again ch4

Like, Share & Subscribe extra 2

The typesetter on this seems to be awol, so if anyone wants to step up before the ch6 raws expire, swing on by the TL thread.
Why, yes, I found the 'Grow' tool in GIMP, how could you tell?
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>Like, Share & Subscribe extra 2
Song Li's so stupid. I'm really gonna miss her.
>My Intern Bullied Me Again ch4
>My Intern Bullied Me Again
>role reversal
Yes, yes
Yeah I'm going to miss her too. I don't know when exactly it happened, but Song Li became easily the best part of this work. Probably when she was showing off her more dorky side/wearing her emotions on her sleeve. It was cute how she had obviously never been in love.
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Will she win and defeat the double yaya fate?
>My Intern Bullied Me Again ch4
Are all chinese useless lesbian masochists that like being bullied?
Does this look like someone who enjoys being bullied to you?
But I rather like it when they do the bullying because they so smol.
>Listening to the Stars 42

Since goggled chink hater won't post this
>Slow Start vol12 extras
Between the character swaps and the balloon tits, this feels like a stealth art flex.
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>balloon tits
Friendly reminder that Tokumi Yuiko is (or was) a massive Saki fan, and probably the mangaka who released the most Saki fanbooks ever.
I think this one is really cute but the main couple is really boring.
Yeah, I like the sidr couplee more
Everyday Life in St. Trund (Strike Witches, EriTrudeHeide)
Holy FUCK this author's annoying.
The Main Duties of the Vice President ch1-3
>idiot couple
my favourite
The Moon on a Rainy Night ch23
The bully losing her hearing is still painfully contrived, but Kuzushiro made it work decently enough. The rest of the manga is still amazing though.
I'm glad Kanon is seriously pondering her feelings instead of running away, kiss soon(tm)?
Yes, Saki will kiss old women soon.
Her Mountain, Her Ocean ch 52
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Yeah.. That picture is artistic and nice but if you run any business the CCP deems to be "immoral" or "indecent" it's curtains for your business/art.

The issue is that picture (and others like it) are a result of being forced to self-censor in the vast majority of cases. It breaks my heart because these talented artists have to decide between their physical well-being and depicting "deviant sexual acts".
? I only know cr7 sorry
The art reminds me of School Zone...
rip i loved u nigga
>My Intern Bullied Me Again ch4
Masterpiece from A to Z, i'm glad to discover this manga. Chinese do it yet again. I felt so embarrassed for the autistic boss... And it's hilarious too. Can't wait for the next chapter
What did this series do to deserve getting picked up by such a garbage ass translator
Got an official release.
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very readable
So, Zenkowa when?
when it's ready
I want off Kosuzume's wild ride.
>My Intern Bullied Me Again ch4
Oh shit here we go, I hope this turns out to be like green tea bitch
You want no real bullying? Laame
I admit, I am cheating by wearing eyesight enhancements but even those can't decipher what's written here.
>In northern regions, the summer vacation is even shorter because the winter is so long, it's sad, huh?
But yeah, I shouldn't have to blow it up to read it.
Thanks, the original is a bit better to read but the font size for that translation is all over the place. I understand trying to fit it in a bubble is important but some are even too small in a way bigger one. This is an ophthalmologist trick to make us get an appointment.
>Slow Start has been in serialization since 2013
How's aunt Tokumi Yuiko doing?
She's a granny.
Everyone’s a critic
Granny Kirara mangaka sounds cool
If she's really a granny, that is.
By local standards, it means she's in her 40s.
I honestly think she's about 45-48
Considering the earliest work listed on her Mangaupdate was from 1996 that does seem likely. Funny how she started long before Ritz's first manga.
Project Yuriforming ch1
Chuutohanpa ch38

One-Sided ch89

Sono Hanabira Artworks
>Project Yuriforming ch1
Yuri from the single page twitter hetmanga artist? Sure, I'll take it.
>Project Yuriforming ch1
We have Yuri Seijin Naoko-san at home.
Great idea, shitty execution.
>reads yuri
>doesn't understand humans' emotions
How does it make sense?
>checked the author
>it's a hetshit author
Obviously. I thought it was Ouchi when I saw the link.
They should have kissed the alien to get out of the room, show her who's boss of this planet.
Nothing uncommon

This is very harsh for something so innoucuous
thats how hetfags see us?
I just realized I had her blocked on twitter because her hetshit was showing on my feed lol, it's because even thoug most of her artwork is hetshit, from time to time she does some yuri shorts too, so it's not like this came from nowhere.
The Engagement of the Disgraced Witch and the Cross-Dressing Princess ch09
She's 5'5"? Who could ever love someone that GIGANTIC?
Your womanlet mother
The power of lolis is too strong, almost claimed another Onee-san
Nice try but you need a little more time for your odekopathy to work, also:
>Casual BDSM
Convenient Semi-friend Kirara Max guest chapter

Let's Hang Out When the Black Plague is Over ch2
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What did she mean by this?
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She's eaten out a Korean.
>Let's Hang Out When the Black Plague is Over
When are they gonna have dirty, sweaty, disgusting medieval sex?
Nee-san, please share church 1.
She'll need little sis to send over some protection against those medieval germs first.
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last one
dangerous seducer of nee-sans....
Perfection. Thank you very much.
This series must be selling absurdly well (for something with only two volumes) to be pushed like this by Houbusha
you are welcome, btw remember that you can take screenshots pretty easily with firefox
Destroy It All and Love Me in Hell! Chapter 16 Speedscan.

Oh....Oh. Oh shit. I knew Kokoro was mentally not in a good place, but damn. She's going to rape Kurumi at this rate
Well, she'll try at least. But it's Kuwabara so it could be a fakeout. Like Kurumi fights her off. Or Azuma comes to the door conveniently to apologize for the bullying.

But if Kurumi does get raped, then Kurumi's mother, Akane, Naoi, and Kudou all have some level of involvement in the series of events leading up to Kokoro going nuts. Kokoro's parents too. She's clearly been unwell. Oh, yeah, the teacher too. She was the only one ignored during his meetings with everyone after the fight in the classroom.
>snitching again
No amount of DV can improve my impression of her. She is just pathetic.
Everyone always said that Akane was too cheerful for this manga. And now it's obvious they were right. Whatever happens with Kokoro, Akane will likely blame herself for encouraging Kokoro to take action.
Naoi is probably going to show up after the bitch at her house tells her kurumi called and yelled for her before hanging, maybe
They're at a love hotel. This was pointed out in the chapter. And I think Kudou plans to seduce Naoi with Naoi being too protagonist dense to see what she's doing yet. The room having a heart theme kind of implies that's what's happening.

I think Naoi's too far away to intervene before anything happens even if Kudou actually decides to tell her about the call. She probably won't because as stated her plan was to party.
She thinks the cake is hidden inside Kurumi's panties
I don't know. It just feels like a rape angle here. I don't think it'd be shown on screen, but at least very heavily implied. I hope it doesn't. I like Kurumi too much. I don't think Azuma is the type to be apologizing, she seemed scared shitless when Kurumi stood up for herself. So I think Kurumi would have to be fighting her off
"I Wanna Touch You", Then Love Begins ch2-1
Or it flashes back to volume one, and Kurumi grabs a knife from the kitchen they're standing in and stabs Kokoro with it. You know, when Naoi told Kurumi that just about anything can be a lethal weapon.
Wataten ch125

Managing a Wild Idol ch18
>Wataten ch125
Koyori might be generally useless but she is a pretty competent lesbian.
Some thoughts

- Why does it keep showing the sign for Kokoro's family's shop? We don't even know the name of their school. Is it hinting that Kokoro's actions will ruin her family's business?

- Punished Akane arc upcoming. Maybe the reason she started working there besides accidentally motivating Kokoro into doing something stupid, is to rat out Isanuma and the teacher's cover up of the classroom mess to her parents after her mental breakdown comes to light.

- I get the feeling that Kurumi's reaction next chapter is going to surprise Kokoro in a negative way. Chapter 14 would be for nothing if Kurumi jumps to a negative conclusion about Naoi without speaking to her about it first.

- Also, for those hoping for drama, keep in mind that the text on top of the Naoi and Kurumi color pages basically means that Kurumi and Naoi will come out of this okay eventually. The chapter title implies this too. The mirror/glass is a reference to chapter 14 when they broke the mirror and the doubts it represented. While the "dark waters" referenced the cover text of chapter 9. This time no one got swept up. "Translucent Waves" refers to waves that pass through obstacles to get to their destination. So yeah.
Kuwabara foreshadowed all of this btw.
Kuwabara also tweeted about a friend wanting to rape years ago on twitter. So yes, ZenKowa's plot for better or worse was decided long before the series ever started.
>"I Wanna Touch You", Then Love Begins ch2-1
Another one that lies in the title, she wants to see her blushing face not touch her >:(
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i swear someone claimed this was ending (as in not a concern troll gonna be axed post), or am i simply misremembering?
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>I just realized I had her blocked on twitter because her hetshit was showing on my feed

Kek, I'm the same. I even blocked yuri artists who kept retweeting random het
Turn off retweets in the user options.
>[Part 90] I Want to Learn More About Miyagi (I)

Poor Sendai, after she reachs graduation and Miyagi never once opens the door, talks or even looks at her anymore she will have to pay whoree to order her around
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Extremely hazukashii.
Fuck you Kokoro, Kudou and Naoi. Kurumi deserves the world.
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Sure, in case anyone hasn't realized yet, the entire already written and yet to be written yuri manga is contained in Kuwabara's twitter.
>I like X in stories
>later write a story with X
That's not fucking forshadowing you fucking imbecile.
Kuwabara said on twitter anon….
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How do this stuff generate so much discussion. It's like reading a really bad telenovela, with stupid drama for the sake of it, and characters being completely retarded. Her doujin were far much better.
you missed a chain
>neither my hand nor the chain felt cold
It's surely a foreshadowing of scissoring in the next chapter.
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>after graduation
why do you think telenovelas are popular lol
How long until Sendai makes Miyagi call her mommy?
Sendai x Naoi would be a better couple
Why is the dark hair always looking annoyed in the offical art?
My Yuri Started With Slavery ch3-1
Destroy It All And Buy A Classmate Once A Week!
Because she’s worst girl.

Why is Kokoro checking for Naoi’s marks on Kurumi? She is so unhinged.
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true villain of the series
She's a cat.
>Because she’s worst girl.
You're worst girl.
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That's just typical cat behavior.
>My Yuri Started With Slavery ch3-1

>I don't have to be a slave anymore
>oh no
>please go on a practice date with me
her inner gay took control
Which series
Hate is bitch like you wouldn't believe
This is her secret, she is always mad
>"Sendai-san, are you still sulking?"
If I can get one wish granted rn, I want Elon Musk to ban kuwabara on twitter.
>has feet licked by a hot girl
>is angry
Ungrateful bitch.
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I'm suprised nobody has posted The Picture yet, considering just how much kokoro is sulking in this chapter. I'm almost disappointed.
He is talking about semifriends, volume 1 is on the sixth reprint already, I have no doubts they already are planning the anime.
And thus the giant woman left to rape the person she loved while the tiniest woman learned the best advice you can give a woman is always don't do it.
>sixth reprint
Jesus christ, I know it's pretty damn good but is it THAT good? Some yuri series with more substance sell nothing.
These girls are weird
I hate Miyagi's mom, it's all her fault.
Manga is a visual medium, for many flaws Chigusa has, her art is very good for the standard yuri manga.
Substance doesn't sell. Good art plus gimmick plus catchy title does.
The art is so messy, its sketchy straight lines.
I just want to point out that due to Naoi's previous teasing, that Kokoro thinks Kurumi's into being abused. So, if Kokoro violently assaults Kurumi, it's because Naoi put the idea into Kokoro's head. But of course the narrative will likely end up ignoring thisn.
Is it that good? I’d call it pretty mid

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