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Post recommendations, covers, and screenshots of lesbian JAV.
First rec is DASS-455, a vanilla story where an apparently openly gay lesbian from the city fucks the rural innkeeper's daughter. I can only understand some of the dialogue but they actually seem to take a very realistic approach to the woman being gay and issues she faces in her life. I like the traditional clothing and setting too.
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Next is GHNU-78, a Precure parody porn. I found this in the Precure thread and enjoyed the fights and how rapey it is. The special effects for the fights aren't bad, for a JAV.
BBAN-028 is a lovey-dovey vanilla porn called Lesbian Anniversary. I feel like most people who like lesbian JAV already know about this one.
I'm going to post some screenshot of this JAV I've been trying to find the code for. An older woman blackmails rapes a schoolgirls and eventually keeps her tied up her attic.
That looks like Yumi Kazama
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Last rec I have is AUKG-493, called Cohabiting Lesbians. Very flirty and cute drama.
Thank you, but searching 風間ゆみ レズ didn't help, she's done other lesbian JAV but I couldn't find the specific one I'm looking for.
If I can find it, I’ll let you know
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So, I’m not sure if it’s the right one, but I found RBD-436 and it looks like it
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Anyone got more " Mom and daughter being seduced by a third girl leading to 3P relationship" recs? I got DVDES-662, MESS-023, CESD-225
That's it, thank you! This one's really good, I love how the younger girl is so innocent and resists every touch. And Yumi Kazama is so dominant and confident in this.

Anyone have any rape recommendations like this one? Doesn't have to be age gap.
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Also I recall there was a fourth one where the mom looked unfittingly young but I don't remember the name.
Any jav with oyakodon concept?

Link for anyone interested:

What's /u/ take on Debokoko Heart and i've been hearing they are making great sales this year.
There are English subs available. They directly said "LGBT"
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DASS-470 is a strong contender for best lesbian JAV of 2024. It contain NTR but from the kind of a wife leaving her creep husband for a lesbian. It has subtitles
Are there any JAVs where it's one physically larger(either more muscular, taller or just physically bigger without veering into fat territory) woman being dominant with a smaller woman?
Probably a dumb question but where do you find subs for lesbian JAVs?
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BBAN-078 is my favorite. It was the last lesbian shoot of both Ai Uehara and Ayu Sakurai. They went to absolute town on eachother.

Shame almost no female JAV career lasts long. I would've loved to see both of them shoot more movies.
Is there a good source for it? Found a torrent on nyaa but nobody is uploading and the quality I found on streaming is shit.
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I really like BBAN-440 for size-difference/soft domme elements. Sorry for the shit quality screenshot.
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Is Bibian getting a run for it's money, Debekoko Heart is very interesting Lesbian JAV title.

This one's 1080p. That's really good for a porno movie from 2016:

Is there any good site/directory/etc for subs for yuri JAVs?
I use https://javgg.net/genre/lesbian/ for subtitles. They're ripped and in direct download. As you can see, not all are subbed but many are.
Thank you so much for the link
Any recs for gangbangs? I think 2/3 on 1 is the sweet spot for me because any more just gets noisy.
I ask about and then find this one a few months ago but I still don't know what the code is, was hoping the studio had put out more of this.
LZDM-063, LZDM-050, LZDM-058, BBAN-497, and MIAE-098

All POV and threesomes
Can anyone help me plz? I'm try to find a jav about (from what I could understand since I don't speak Japanese) a magical girl (?) who is hired by a rich woman to apparently find a girl. She finds two girls working in a cafeteria, she has sex with both (separately first, in a really hot threesome later). Also she has some kind of magic dildo with a lot of color lights and she knows how to use it. At the end she keeps both girls for her as sex slaves and tell the rich women to fuck off. Also it ends with some bloopers, really unusual on the javs I've seen. Thanks in advance
i can't Japanese pron with all the censorship...

I hope there is an uncensored/de-censored version of this
I love the word 接吻, they never should have borrowed kissu
Any good ones with Gyarus or at least one Gyaru like lets say, Alice Otsu?

If you're into BDSM, the Empress series:




Problem is none of them are subbed. However, here's a subbed work that isn't Empress:

Wow, thanks for all the quick recommendations. Ill take a look. I find it funny too how Alice seems to be the dom gal in all of them lol
Any JAV actresses who do primarily/only lesbian content?

I don't know if this is true of any of the really prolific ones. Including the really prolific ones who shoot a lot of lesbian films, and who may even be lesbians in their personal lives, like Yui Hatano, Shiina Sora, and Miki Sunohara.
Some anon from /jp/ mention that they are lesbian/bisexual JAV stars living together with other women.

Take it as a grain of salt.
I doubt there are any JAV actresses who can still make a living being in JAV if they say no to doing straight stuff. But there probably are quite a few who much prefer doing lesbian content and only do straight content for the money.
Why is there so much less lesbisn porn shot in Japan? In America, almost every actress does it.
I know literally nothing of the JAV scene but maybe because the "first lesbian scene" movies make a lot of money and actresses want to "save" it for a good moment?
In America, lesbian porn is loved by men. In Japan, men don't care for lesbian porn and it's mostly sustained by women who are a minority in sales

Lesbian porn's more popular with women in Japan too?

Every time I begin to doubt whether women really are more likely to be bisexual, I'm hit with more evidence it's true. I'm sure a lot of it's increased sexual tolerance, but there must just be a powerful human instinct to pursue and mount pretty women.
Actress are paid less doing lesbians films than hetero ones, but I think it's the same for western porn but with probably a smaller difference.
Do you have numbers, or are you just making shit up?
Last I recalled, it was a notable difference and always has been. But at least until recently, there were a lot of major porn stars in the US who only did girl/girl, and not just ones who had boyfriends or husbands. Whereas I can't think of any Japanese equivalent of Celeste Star, Jayden Cole, Sabina Rouge, or Shyla Jennings.
I wonder if part of it's the behavior of the actresses themselves. In America, there's a long tradition of porn actresses who get boyfriends switching to either GG only or GG-plus-boyfriend/husband. I don't know of anything like that happening in Japan. At least not regularly enough for it to be notable. If JAV girls get real boyfriends, it seems they just retire.
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This is a little outdated but as you can see, lesbian is in the top 3 on women but not even in the top 10 on men. It's even surpassed by shemales
This was noticed a century ago. The reason is le patriarchy
There was a good recent one with a gyaru cucking some loser and seducing his love interest who’s like a goody 2 shoes
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So far there are three titles in the series. They're very shoujoish at their core. DASS-452 and DASS-486 have subs

The evopsych reason of our ancestral harem environment incentivizing and rewarding situational lesbianism makes intuitive sense.
I have no idea where you found subs for DASS 452
Hmmm, I kinda expected the tanned dyed blonde gyaru kind.
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Does anyone have any recs to something similar like MNDS-003?
Basically it's Miki Sunohara taking another actress' lesbian vcard, but it's filmed like a documentary where they go on a date and stuff to get to know each other before filming the scene.
My bad. I confused DASS-452 with DASS-456. The latter has subs

And yet they still produce the best lez porno.
It's RBD-436
Really great new video!


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just linked up: need it or keep it?
Keep it.
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Gotta have the first strap sucking I've ever seen in a JAV honestly.
Actually lemme correct myself: strap sucking and strapzuri. Which is honestly kind of weird but also cute so we'll take it.
>scene where they put a condom on the strapon
Can't ever be too sure, I guess.

Kink.com shoots also apply condoms into dildos (strap-on dildos included; hard to tell due to how colorful dildos can be and where the condom can be found on the dildos). Done off-screen but it's clear even dildos have to be used without anyone getting an STD.

Pic is an example from the WhippedAss shoot Asking for Trouble (starring Lorelei Lee, Kara Price, and Kaylee Hilton).

Now, getting back on topic, even Attackers attached a condom onto this strap-on dildo (sorry for the censored vagina). I got the screenshot from JBD-289 Empress' Game. Link:

Why doesn't anybody from America ever import Japanese actresses for lez shoots? Some yakuza thing?
JAV is a small niche in the west so there's little inceptive for a JAV performer to take a chance in America. Marika Hase did but she does mostly blacked scenes
assuming they're common use sex toys, it's for the best, just basic hygiene.
Not to get too off topic but now that you've mentioned it I'm still annoyed there's not really a blacked for lesbians. There's a legitimate niche there but the studio itself made like 3 videos total and nobody else has much interest. Huge shame.
I don't think there is really a market for that type of content. Blacked stuff is popular because it feeds into the male fantasy that a big dick can conquer any woman, with lesbians there really isn't an equivalent. I guess black women tend to have bigger asses, maybe some kind of domination by facesitting stuff could work, but that's such a tiny niche and not what the average lesbian porn enjoyer is into.
Oh yeah, the hetero stuff is definitely based on dumbass male power fantasies/insecurities but I think there's a decent amount of ammo with the exotic emphasis to work in lesbian porn. Like they're always kind of corny, but the 'girl vacationing meets a local woman and hits it off' plotlines could probably work fine. But I agree it's a niche for sure.
Black women who do porn tend to be very femmy and submissive: like Ana Foxxx, Misty Stone, and Scarlit Scandal. Domme black lesbians rarely do porn, and I can't think of any who did who really blew up. Fuck, I can't think of any who did period.
just like in JAV, IR in the US is about degrading the woman being fucked. Although in the past 10 years it's shifted a little towards degrading the viewer with BNWO and NTR tints in blacked and the men who self insert as the woman getting fucked. There's a reason why they had to pay women 5-10x the rate to do the genre compared to the usual. It's a genre ironically steeped in racism, the only real change is to whom it's being racist towards.
I mean maybe with men but ana foxx kira noir and misty stone have led plenty of scenes with women, a couple were your standard domme scenes with kink. Also they shot a bunch in the mainstream or "white" area of porn compared to others like pinky cherokee and victoria cakes who shot for a more black audience, although those lines have blurred in the past decade as the industry have a whole has shrunk.
Back to the original point, the market isn't there for lesbian raceplay because what's the point? Dogfart is one of the most notorious studios for that kind of raceplay content but their zebragirls site is your standard run of the mill GG site. I'm sure there's some fetish content out there buried but that's true for literally everything out there.
When I say "submissive", I mean on average. Ana and Kira both do take the lead in lesbian scenes, but from what I've seen of their work (and I've seen a lot, thoughless so recently with Kira after all her awful plastic surgery), both prefer to be submissive with women when possible. Though that does happen less the longer a porn actress is in the business given that they're increasingly going to be the more experienced partner of anyone they shoot with. Justine Joli certainly always prefered to be submissive, but she was fairly frequently the domme in her mid-to-late career period given how good she'd gotten at lesbian sex.

Misty may well've actually changed her preferences. The later lesbian scenes I've seen of hers she reliably took the lead:

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Downright artistic.
I wish they did a proper lesbian movie together.

You think they will?
Yes and also Deebeko is winning in sales recently.
Possibly. I know they're good friends irl which might make them reluctant to do scenes together. Also iirc Akane is retiring from the industry next spring.
Has there been any irl lesbian JAV couple that hasn't been revealed yet?
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Akane topping the hell out of Ayaka WHEN
i remember watching a travel one where it was just the girls being paid to bring a camera with them to an onsen and pretend to enjoy having sex with each other. but at the very end they walk each other to a subway station and they keep on turning back and waving at each other while one walked away. the girl who was holding the camera just held the frame at the subway entrance silently for a solid fucking minute after the other girl disappeared down the stairs with slightly shaky arms and i still think about it to this day
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It's not technically a JAV because she's been retired for years, but Hitomi doing a lesbian collab with Angela White was a fun surprise. Hearing the two names together you'd expect something super hetero but it surprisingly was just cute smooching and groping.
Which JAV has your favorite 69 scene?
One of my biggest disappointments was that Hitomi never did a lesbian JAV. She's a fertility goddess and my javfu. I know she did a single lesbian scene with Anri Okita but I wish she was raped by Sora Shiina, Yui Hatano or Miki Sunohara.
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Doubly strange since she seems to be chill with girl on girl action now. Maybe there was some weird deal with her agency back in the day or something.
We need in general a lot more lesbian Western/JAV collabs. I know money's an issue, but Japan's much poorer than the US, so surely it's feasible. There's gotta be some rich gazillionaires with interracial-lesbian fever who'd finance it.
Would be nice for sure. I know some people enjoy how separated and insular the industries are but there's definitely an audience and it'd be cute. Hitomi and Anri actually speak English pretty well too, they could have been hopping back and forth stateside during the height of their careers. Alas.
Anyone know any good tan guard lesbian javs? Non tan acceptable too. Also can’t find VEZZ-004 to save my life. Please send codes
Anyone know any good tan gyaru lesbian javs? Non tan acceptable too. Also can’t find VEZZ-004 to save my life. Please send codes
Please help me find a jav. I don't remember it too well apart from one episode where a girl was overly sensitive and hyperreacted at every touch, and the dom girl (I believe it was about either a massage salon or prostitutes place?) teased her, used oil, and iirc she wore a ribbon on her neck. Most likely it was by Natural High but I may be wrong.

Forgot to say, the sensitive one had bright, reddish hair, and the dom one had black. They weren't schoolgirls or something, looked relatively adult and "professional."

Nevermind, I found it, DJSR-049
Any ideas what the code for https://www.cambro.tv/1188990/giant-vs-small-wrestler-les-wrestling/ is?
Tried reverse image searching, searching for "rika rina", and "giant wrestler vs small wrestler lesbian wrestling" and not much luck.
Would also like more recs for size disparity one sided wrestling.
>It's even surpassed by shemales
And a dozen other hetshit tags I suppose? How is that possible?
I've never seen a more penis obsessed country than Japan, but why?
I blame the japanese radish.
I recently found my favorite JAV. LZDM-038.

A girl is seduced by her best friend's mother. She puts lipstick on the girl to show off the new makeup a client gave her, then unexpectedly starts French kissing her after applying it. She abruptly stops when her daughter comes home, leaving the girl confused and horny.
I can't even begin to imagine what the hell マジックミラー号 refers to
BBAN-078. Ai Uehara and Ayu Sakurai.
This new LZDM movie is so hot:

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Fell in love with Sara Kagami. She's so cute.
What's /u/ favorite lesbian jav title for 2024 and favorite JAV lesbian pornstar and western pornstar of the year?
I pick DASS-470 as JAV of the year
Great pick
Do any of you know a great place to see amateur japanese or asian lesbian porn? 95% of the produced stuff does nothing for me but it's all I can find on the western side of the web, so I guess I'm asking for twitter accounts, websites, or search terms for websites that will net good amateur videos. Honestly I would even accept camshows over most jav.

Thank you.
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BOKO-009. It's a new label so it might not fully count but ahh all their videos are so cute and wholesome. It's all played up of course but the amateur angle + cute wholesome moments between the sex is a really comfy package. You almost can believe yeah they're really going out.

Let's go with Jun Mizukawa. The wifey.

>western actress
I don't really know western girls that well desu. Angela for the memes.
Actually Angela White is a great lesbian performer, even if she's super straight in real life
Yeah. And I'm certainly not gonna pretend most JAV actresses don't regularly star in het garbage with titles like Violent Semen Overdrive - Unlimited Creampies for Married Slut. It's all about being selective.
>even if she's super straight in real life
One of the strangest phenomena to me in western AV is great lesbian actresses like Molly Stewart or Mindy Mink who have hundreds of lesbian and solo videos but then like 2 real het videos buried deep in their catalogue. If not being with guys is their gimmick you'd think they'd just commit to it fully instead of 99.9% of the time
In most cases that's gotta be stuff at the beginning of their career when they were still trying to get established surely
Any size difference recs? I'm thinking a petite, loli looking actress with a thicc/tall onee-san.
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It's not really a deliberate size difference thing, but AUKG-565 has Aoi Yurika who's quite tall and also a good bit bustier than Ayaka.
Does Deebeko actually show legit lesbian couples or just pair them up exactly to work on the set together.
They're not amateurs or anything, they're established JAV performers with like dozens of scenes under their belt. It's just shot to resemble genuine amateur sex and you gotta go along with the fantasy.
Not with Molly. Her het videos came later. One of them, the only one listed on IAFD, is on PornHub Premium, which is apparently a thing.
The Neko to Tachi series is hot as fuck.
Let's get that full review.
>They're not amateurs or anything
Many of them are amateurs but they are bisexuals and could relationship with other JAV performers. I do think lesbian JAV couples are actually real.
It's a JAV lesbian series that focuses on the domme/sub dynamics of lesbian relationships. This is the newest one. Not all that long. Only 75 minutes. But it's all well worth your time:

Looking cute. PFAS-022 has my javfu Satomi Suzuki in it, awesome.
Alpha dyke
Lesbian sex has nothing going on is literally just raw chicken , no wonder why japs invented Futanari, now more often than not lesbian NSFW involves a penis.>>4334547
Lesbian sex is the best. You get to see porno bitches switch off on taking the lead, providing an intrigue you just can't get from het shit.
True amateur stuff is infamously hard to find. I'm pretty sure recording yourself having sex isn't really a thing in Japanese lesbian culture.
>two hours long
Ambitious of them.
Has this been done before?
fc2live adult at least used to have a few couples. They would mostly just talk with chat for a few hours. Maybe they'd show a toy or tease, but when the sex starts, the free stream ends.
Is it still ongoing for amateur lesbian vids on fc2.
Is it true that the Japanese lesbian community is pretty big now and different like the US lesbian community?
Looks almost comfy in a way. Sauce?
Any bus molestation? Like an office lady getting felt up by delinquents or a school girl fingered by strangers on the female only train.
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It's pretty much a subgenre. For a recent example BBAN-513 is about a schoolgirl being molested by her teacher
JAV Industry is gonna suck much harder when Mao Hamasaki retires. I don't think there's any good curvy lesbian tomboy like her who gives it all. Alice Otsu might be a very good replacement but otherwise.
The one example I can think of is Sakura Hara. She only ever did lesbian porn and was advertised as a 'real lesbian'

She didn't do that many movies tho. but her participation in the bibian lesbian technique tournament thing was pretty funny, she looked like she was in heaven lol; BBAN-227 if you're interested.
I remember that her name and Sora Shiina used to be girlfriends together until that incident that Sakura Hana retire and fans literally hated Sora Shiina for that shit alone.
Sora Shiina and Sakura Hara never dated. I think back then Sora Shiina was dating Aya Miyazaki and after they break up, Miyazaki retired from JAV.
Oh my mistake again, I thought it was Hara in a relationship with Shiina. Jesus, my memory is terrible.
I know of some couples that have ph channels like
YURIXANcouple, lilyxoxoles, lesbian-in-tokyo.
This one is so good
>youl will never be a Japanese school girl raped by a hot female teacher
Why live
Can't rape the willing
Please tell me there's at least one jav thing where the girl getting molested by lesbians on a train or anywhere is actually super down for it as if she's been waiting her whole life for this moment.
What do they even do after they retire? What kind of job can you get if JAV is the only thing on your resume when you're 30+?
That depend on the circunstances. Most JAV performers marry and become housewives. There's a tradition in Japan on geishas marrying with rich men. It's not uncommon to marry a foreigner and leave Japan, for example Yui Hatano married a Chinese wealthy man. If they manage their money, they can open a business. For example Sora Shiina opened a clothes brand after her retirement and she still continue fucking JAV perfomers off-camera. If everything fail, they can always return to JAV because the MILF genre is more popular than ever
>MILF genre
>in lesbian JAV
Huh. Also, I guess becoming an idol isn't an option.
It sucks how doing saucy onlyfans teasing pays out more than hardcore stuff, because Anri/Hitomi lesbian scenes would go absolutely insane.
Are we going to see any JAV stars come out as a lesbian or become a couple very soon?
If that happens it'd almost assuredly be after they retire. Gay relationships are still looked down upon somewhat in Japan and that's a lot of baggage for active stars.
There are some cases like Kohaku Uta hooking up with another JAV performer after retirement but you shouldn't expect much. It's still a business. I compare porn with wrestling, it's all fake but it looks good
>Gay relationships are still looked down upon somewhat in Japan
I doubt this way since most of the people in Japan support gay marriage. It's going to be a very interesting situation.
Most citizens don't really care, but you'll still get disapproval looks if you hold hands or arms with your gf (which lesbians couples do way more than straight ones), and you'd better shut up about it in most workplaces or if you want to live in the same apartment.
So yeah, they support it (except for the old farts) but prefer to not see it. So if any of those jav actress are with another woman, they obviously won't talk about it.

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