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English database for event schedules, styles, gacha & enemy stats etc.: https://hbr.quest/
HBR play order guide for beginners (made by /u/ anons) https://rentry.org/3nfxh9zm
Main Story EN subbed by defenselessperson (Prologue, Chapter 1 & 2): https://youtu.be/iYgk2QsNu74
Main Story and Event Stories EN subbed by FLEreverse (Prologue, Chapter 1, 2, 3, 4.1, 4.2 + Mari, Ichigo, Kura, Iroha, Irene, Swimsuit 3 and Swimsuit 4 events + AB collabs + Bond episodes) https://www.youtube.com/@seraph1305
U140 event EN subbed: https://youtu.be/KUVLZCdk4I0

JP/general info:
Reroll Guide: https://game8.jp/heavenburnsred/425645
Style Tier List: https://game8.jp/heavenburnsred/425643
All SheIsLegend songs full versions: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKIr2ayXySvD5RjLRZORDzg

Previous thread >>4307824
Time for another Heaven Burns Thread, where we get ready for the most content yet.

The EN server by Yostar is nearing its release and reaches its preregistrations goals and at the same time we await news for the new story main chapter on JP right around the corner.

Sumomo's event has come and shed some light on the important connection of the Minase sisters and Jasmine, which was set up so very long ago. Our very first solid post-chapter 5 event at that.

Is a new unison already on the horizon? Will it be KareTsuka? Only time can tell.
Halloween leftovers.
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Amari should get married already.
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Love seeing the couples different reactions.
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And the punchline.
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Inori top.
A new update on the EN version's adjustments. That's more than I expected.
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Spark reduced from 200 to 150. That's good.
First two weeks of log in you get lots of shit.
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Monthly subcription is pretty similar to JP, but seems to pay out a bit more. No sign of whether it will work on Steam. That is still not possible on the goddamn JP version.
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Some banners that will help newbies catch up fast. Whatever. This is the nerfed version so everything is easy anyway.
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Story-tie in events get buffed rewards as usual and beating story chunks gives rewards too. Same as JP honestly.
All of this is pretty much what CN did as well. I wonder if this was actually WFS's plan for these severs, rather than them inventing it on their own.
I think Yostar being a Chinese company and all, they just literally copied the other independent server from China. It's the closest thing to follow considering KR and TW are the same as JP.
Oh, they confirmed AB collabs on this page, I stopped reading it before that point, but then saw people mentioning it.
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Thankfully it's not going to be at launch like on CN. That would have been a travesty.
I get that EN needs to catch up in turbo mode, but when they do it will be too unfair of an advantage compared to JP. And that's not even including Cairvoyance EX
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>unfair advantage compared to JP
>in a single player game that is 2 years behind
Who cares?
>it will be too unfair of an advantage compared to JP
I don't think people at Yostar give a shit, they only care about their own server actually taking off and not dying. WFS might care if people complain loudly about it, but seeing how little reaction there was when CN did it (mostly 5ch reacted), they don't seem to give a shit, at least not at the moment.
who cares?
If you look at the monthly price, that is more than "unfair" enough on its own. But you also have to understand that asking 25 usd or whatever the conversion rate would be, for 1 month, is way too much to work in the west.

Arguably it's way too much in JP as well. Who should feel fucked by this are Another Eden players, because that's WFS as well, and they sure didn't get a discount for monthly pass'. 35 Euro it was when I shortly installed that one.

To me the only relevant thing is if the game can still be played as normally from not JP once the western version comes out. I'd never start a new account.
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IchiAo school AU.
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Whoa, they are giving everyone one free monthly pass activation? Gotta make them develop a taste for it.
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At this point I probably have to make a YotsuVri folder. They got a decent amount of fanart.
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So... who do I reroll for?
That's super cute. Uneasy Yotsun is really something delightful.

Yotsuha: Brrr... it's already getting too cold to sleep outside.
Vri: ...by the way, Yotsuha-san. You described me as sexy, didn't you?
Yotsuha: Ah... (Who told her about that...)
Yotsuha: More importantly, what's that thing on your forehead~?

Vri: This? It's a bindi. It's worn by married Hindu women.
Yotsuha: HUH?

Vri: ...please let me finish. In the past, as a rule, married women were supposed to wear it. But these days even unmarried women can enjoy it as fashion.
Yotsuha: ah...
Vri: This is the first time I have seen Yotsuha-sam move so quickly.
Yotsuha: Don't laugh~....
Yotsuha: (I imagined it...)

Yotsuha: (In a world without Cancer, Vri would live happily with someone somewhere. We would never have met.)
Yotsuha: (What is this? This is... I don't know~...)
No pre-upload today either? Maybe the people reacting to Yuki's unison leak was the final straw for them.
If you mean on JP, look in the OP. There is a reroll guide.

They did this a couple of times for big stuff. I honestly don't think they actually will ever have a solid policy on this.
Starting soon.
Fingers crossed for main chapter release date.
So the chapter is early December, nice.
They're updating their social media spoiler guidelines. I guess there will be something really ebin in 5.2.
At least that's why I got from their spoiler thing timings, maybe not.
The new UI/menu looks so much better.
I think they almost spoiled the new styles by accident, he realized before the screen went online.
Oh wow, they are actally changing how OD works and make things more balanced? How rare.
Multi hit only works with skills now. Big 1ol in general, but dark Tsukasa comps got actually nerfed by this.
>dark Higuchi
31B elements are all over the place, they didn't get the memo that other squads are trying to build actual comps nowadays.
There is the Admiral thing... and of course Aoi gets special treatment.
>Admiral was real
>it was for fucking Aoi
I guess it makes sense now. Of course Aoi will get the special treatment, who else.
Wtf does this even have to do with Aoi to give her a whole new class? Just give it to Tama, like what.
Dont give her any more shit.
She will get more shit regardless, it will be just some completely random shit instead of a theme that fits her perfectly, but was given to Aoi for some reason.
I really hate that outfit to be honest. Boob pockets always look like shit and are just stupud horny bait. Nobody cuts a hole into their admiral uniform to let the tits hang out.
This is a new archetype. They will add more styles to it over time.
Once again the desing team shows exact opposites in sensbilities. Higuchi is tastefully designed and Aoi looks like horny cosplay.
>permanent crit passive
This is getting so fucking stupid, I can't.
But why did they call the whole class archetypes because of the cosplay costume she's wearing? Based on what it does, it should be like "strategist" or something like that, that would fit the vibe of the game more.
I'm wondering the same thing. Totally random.
Not to mention this one's basically just a heal-buffer from what it looks like.
This animation is so made for a character that is much cooler that Aoi. I'm sorry for whining so much, but I'm REALLY confused by this whole thing.
Am I seeing that right? The Admiral style can just use ults without limit?
>Not to mention this one's basically just a heal-buffer from what it looks like.
The idea is that she has like 4 permanent buff effects for the team and even buffs instead of doing normal attacks, so it makes sense as a separate archetype. But the name is still as silly as it was when it leaked.
The rogue-lite hard mode only goes up to 20k combat rating? I think that's pretty doable for most endgame players right now.
I predict they will introduce over/super crits soon, when the crit gets buffed when it's over 100% chance. Having Aoi with permanent 100% crit buff and 100% piercing crit character is just kinda awkward.
This is the third steam in a row where they're trying to get showcase gameplay built around using new Minori instead of just playing the game normally. Someone at gameplay team is really mad meta autists rejected her. Maybe they have a bunch of characters like that in the pipeline, so they had to do something.
Aoi just made Critical Thinking obsolete.
Every single CN datamine leak was true, no matter how stupid it sounded.
Oh my. The people who said they will split the chapter into two were correct.
How's that going to work? Are they just going to stop like at day 7 in December and let you finish it in February? Or are they trying to makes them both seem distinct and have climaxes?
It will probably be like like if there was a cliffhanger when Ruka lost her sword in 5.1.
But let's be honest the only reason they are doing this is because they need more time to finish the chapter.

I guess now that I think about it 5.1 had a pretty good half/half plot structure. Brackenknot felt pretty climactic to end on if they wanted. Maybe they will do it this time.
So the chapter name is
>The End of the World and the White Spell
That is one hell of a title... White Spell being associated with Aoi makes me nervous... please don't bring her back.
I guess this special snowflake style means we're safe from Aoi unison for at least the next slot. Maybe KareTsuka will get it for the anni.
Don't be too sure. If the chapter title is any indicator we might be in for some more Aoi wanking in Debruary...
Welp, here is the teaser. The tornado in a destroyed world of grey is pretty heavy symbolism.
There is going to be a SiL version of White Spell, which goes right along with the second part of the title.
The way the dates are revealed look exactly like the Human Population counter on the clocktower... going down.

I think everyone was kinda being lulled into a sense of security, because this is a middle part. How bad could it be, we know there is going to be a third one! I think we will receive a heavy hit to the gut for our hubris.
So how many banners there are left this year? One for this month's event and I assume December will have about 3, one for Christmas, one for 5.2.1 (is that a chapter number or the new software version?) and the December event. So 7-8 styles. And they still have to release Shiki, Iroha and Fubuki. Aina as well, assuming the tease about the event was true. Then 5.2.1 will probably have something 31A related, most likely Karen and/or Tsukasa, but they can also just put Tama, Ruka or even Megumi there.
>I think everyone was kinda being lulled into a sense of security, because this is a middle part.
I think it's actually very common for the 2nd part of trilogies to end with the protagonists in deep shit, setting up the finale where they have to deal with it.
According to the lines, it's not just a metaphorical visual, there's also an actual tornado there. Cancer started cancer magic'd natural disasters, realizing that seraph squad can't just kick torando's ass?
>it's actually very common for the 2nd part of trilogies to end with the protagonists in deep shit
Yes the "all is lost" trope. However, this is just one chapter and not the entire story, so that structure doesn't feel quite applicable. I think many people assumed this will be a Asakua side-quest.

After the desertitifcations, the poisoned crystal fields and the electrified city I think that's pretty easy to imagine. Cancer have been doing pretty much anything to make the Earth uninhabitable. Which I still find weird, considering they supposedly feed on intelligance. Have they never heard of holding cattle?
>considering they supposedly feed on intelligance.
Not feed, exterminate. We have seen only one instance of "feeding" so far, rather not sure what it was actually. As for reasons, well you can only guess. Maybe it's some kind of cosmic anti-life force because living creatures act on different principles than inanimate matter laws.
Grandpa Narby literally said they consume intelligence though.
Aoi is so fucking stupid, it's insane. Every character with a passive skill gets 1 ult and one passive that's kinda ok, not super strong. She has 2 skills and a passive skill. Why? Give the previous characters with passives their second skill? What the fuck? And the passive is not something meh, it's a 100% crit buff for everyone in the team always. Why? What's the downside? What's the balance justification for this ability to do so much always with zero cost? This is the most insane dev bias this game has seen so far, previous dev wank contestants didn't get shit on this.
The concept is that all she does is buff/heal, so I think the point is that she needs really good skills to justify that. Of course WFS always overcompensates.
They want her to sell, that's all.
In concept I really like the idea of the Admiral class, but only under one condition: They cannot be alowed to transfer skills. Not to their old styles and not from their old styles to the Admiral style.
If this style is just a buff machine that helps the team long term, then it has a reason to exist as a separate class. But if this thing can get Aoi's block then it is broken beyond belief. Even if her ult has only 1 use, even if she does no real damage.
The downside is that you can only have 1 admiral class and it's very likely they're going to release on-par styles for this class, probably with other already premium support like Tama or Yunyun.

The 100% crit buff will rarely matter in any content that isn't farming tier, but I agree it's obviously strong. I'm way more concerned with her LB passives if we don't get an alternative admiral, but she's a permanent style so I'm still not too worried.

-1 SP cost to everyone is +3 SP to frontline every turn if they all use skills. She starts off everyone with +1 SP, so with any other +1 SP she can immediately 100% OD or Invincible on turn 1. Then she just gives +1 to all skill limits because why not I guess.
She can't transfer her passive to other Aoi's, but I think that's all, everything else works as usual.
>probably with other already premium support like Tama or Yunyun.
If Aoi got it, then Yuina will probably get one too. Well, it would actually fit her character, both visually and personality-wise, so I can't complain about that.
Actually, what if it a squad leader thing? The name would still be stupid, but the idea is not so bad(except rip Ichigo).
Had the time to think about this new admiral thing.
I actually really like that they're adding new classes. The current class system is totally whatever, just basic labels, it's nice to spice it up. I would like them to add even more new classes.
The Admiral class name is really stupid, but also whatever. Like, sure, it's retarded, but it's harmlessly retarded, nothing to get mad about.
I really dislike that they picked Aoi for it. How about we give new cool shit to characters who are actually active and relevant in the current story? Looking forward instead of clinging to our beloved most popular darling that died on release? You have Higuchi in this very banner, one of the focus characters of the latest chapter, why not give her this thing instead?
The outfit is kinda cringe. Not offensively bad like you know what, but you still know where they went with it. Besides, it doesn't suit her at all.
The skill set is filled with things that are stupidly unnecessarily strong, but that's WFS being WFS, I'm used to it.
Overall, kind of eh on this one, but I'm looking forward to future Admirals.
Considering what the class is supposed to encompass here are my picks for who actually should get it:
-(awakened) Tsukasa

But because this is WFS and Aoi already proved they don't know about theming from the get-go, I know they will give it to Tama because of visuals, purely and to whoever the devs have an obssession with like Mari. By sheer coincideence they will give one to Yuina and where it makes sense, but only because of favoritism.
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For the anon who asked about where Master Skills are last time, there is now a general stat menu that you still can only access from the character equip menu and that crown symbol in the corner is the Master Skill.
Sounds about right. Out of this list, I think YunYun and Yuina could realistically get it. Ichiko and Tsukasa are much less likely, but I still can see it. I would be really surprised if they chose Misa or Shiki though.
>I know they will give it to Tama because of visuals, purely
I mean, Tama is supposed to have the necessary qualities for this, they just never let her show them ever.
Out of 31A, I think there's a good chance Ruka will get it, it fits her as this ultimate leader and also the aesthetic they're generally going for with her styles, so we'll get the actual ikemen space admiral, not the silly meme one like Aoi.
Yuki doesn't fit the vibe for me, even though she's the team tactician too, I don't know why. Megumi would be 10/10 for this aesthetic, her admiral style would look cool as fuck, but 0/10 for the actual meaning behind it. Karen is, well, Karen.
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Ironically out of the list Shiki and Misa are the most qualified as they are strategists who use their squad to full effect and actually already act as strategists.
The only reason I included Yuina and Ichiko is for their "inspiring" qualities, which is kind of important for a Admiral type too. This is also why Yunyun isnt actually my top pick, as she is a strategist, but nobody listens to her.
Surprisingly Maki might actually fit the role to a degree if they lean into her studious side more. She is at least inspiring with fighting spirit as a boss.
The major problem with both Tsukasa and Tama is that they are always only played for jokes or as the cute types with no charisma. But at least Tsukasa does have a form in which this role would make sense, so I listed her.
Ruka might fit the archetype visually, but I honestly feel like Ruka is too much of an agressive type to suit this role which clearly promotes being a support. Ruka is charismatic, but she is a frontline fighter who gets her hands dirty. Unless the class will have offensive skills in the future I dont see it working for her.
Yukki already has a very similar outfift and role in her unison style. I think it would suit her exceptionally well both conceptually and execution wise.
Megumin is the cool girl (to us) and she pulls off the suit, but you can tell WFS prefers to put her into the pretty girl niche and only made an exception for the suit because they had to follow the cover art.
Karen-chan is too stupid to even know what buffing or strategy even are. She just attacks and inspires nobody.
I'll be honest. I don't think this Aoi is as good as maid Aoi was during her release, or the original for that matter.

Now don't get me wrong, it's new, shiny we'll have to wait and see how much it does, but there are multiple things that make me feel this isn't actually that great.

-100% crit-rate: You do not have issues reaching this nowadays. Suit Tama is very meta in basically all elements and likes to stack it twice anyways. Good luck trying to find a team where you simply do not have crit-rate buffs, but everything else. Still comfy for farts or for the rare multi DP bar enemy.
-+1 to skill cap: If this "recovers" 1 every battle it'd be really good for farts, but for now I doubt it. Realistically this won't change anything, because it doesn't allow single use skills (i.e. sp orbs).
-lb 1 passive reduces SP cost for everyone by 1, but you lose your own +1 sp per turn in the front. Aoi is a VERY frontal character, pulling aggro, guarding everyone etc. This SP loss is pretty major and a problem for a sustain, so this is quite a severe trade-off.
-the buff is pretty bad for its cost. Remember, Aoi herself will struggle with SP, unless you feed her with one of the few styles that even can. You basically shouldn't expect ever using this. This also wastes her style passive as it only helps enhances being better. No extra def on aggro, no extra heal.
-The ult is good, that's for sure. But 1 time only makes her rely on her SS1 ult to function as a solid sustain, and when that isn't usable, you won't contribute enough. And again, reminder: More SP issues.

Great for new players. Good for rushing due to the OD gain and making other chars need a little less SP. But would outside of that really any team prefer her drastically? I think everything considered, I'd call her balanced. She brings new ideas, but isn't necessary by any means.
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Imagine reading the kit and having the corage to call it balanced, insane.
I kind of get the point in that post, she's not the character that brings a new massive source of damage that wasn't there before, or compresses a bunch of roles in a way that would shake up the higher level meta, she does things you can already do. But I still think the way she does what she does is stupid. I just know that if this character wasn't Aoi, but some random ass 31F member, they wouldn't have half the QoL that this style has, it would be like 2 times more awkward to use, they would have 1 less skill and 1 less passive, etc.
>lb 1 passive reduces SP cost for everyone by 1, but you lose your own +1 sp per turn in the front. Aoi is a VERY frontal character, pulling aggro, guarding everyone etc. This SP loss is pretty major and a problem for a sustain, so this is quite a severe trade-off
It isn't. You literally need 3 people including Aoi in the front using no skills for it to be a -1 on Aoi. If you even use 1 skill it's already even. Sure, sometimes you attack normally to generate OD and have nothing to do, but Aoi partially already helps with this by giving 100% OD. Then there's the added bonus that using skills on extra turns is also a +1 unlike the normal passive. Yes, it moves SP from Aoi to the rest of the team, but across a fight you are looking at like -2 SP from Aoi at best in exchange for something like +15-20 SP across the team.

>-the buff is pretty bad for its cost. Remember, Aoi herself will struggle with SP, unless you feed her with one of the few styles that even can. You basically shouldn't expect ever using this. This also wastes her style passive as it only helps enhances being better. No extra def on aggro, no extra heal.
This is only bad if you assume Aoi has to take the role of both Defender and Buffer at the same time. Of course you don't have enough SP. What it allows her to do is buff instead of defending occasionally and adding utility for fights where you are overloaded on SP. This is literally just Higumin EX2 with her crit passive without the heal. I can't remember the last time I ever used her buff for the heal. Yes, Suit Tama has kicked her out of the meta, but not everyone is going to have Suit Tama. Unless you're aiming solely for max damage there is 0 reason to not bring this Aoi. Which, to be fair, is a big chunk of the endgame and her original defender style could already replace a healer in many of those fights.
I wonder if there will be debuff-based admirals. Considering you can only have one, maybe another new class, offensive archetype instead of defensive?
I don't think Aoi stays so little in the front you lose 2sp over the cause of the battle. Every ss1 ult is 2sp. And as a solo sustain you'll be in the front at least half the turns with a defender like this.

And as for the max damage.. that is what it is. Aoi is actually pretty good if you can't sustain with just one character doing so, as the damage loss is normally drastic. But if for example you could sustain with Muaa and her, you almost have suit Tama performance. This is her strong point. The question is just.. how often will that be the case? And for a solo sustain, her auto buffs are nice, but the least rare thing you care about.

We need more styles like this, where you have a combination of offense and defense. Muua is really the only other general one. Every other style is very limited by element, and they all share that they suck as solo sustains and aren't really worth taking if you can sustain with a non buffing solo sustainer.
Aoi is definitely a step above them in terms of sustain, but crit rate vs. mind eye / hit buffs.. you know. Trade-off.

This is why I call her balanced. She has the potential to end up getting better.. or obviously worse in case other characters end up being actually broken. Easy to think of stuff that'd be better. And I would not put it past WFS to do something like "turns all non elemental attacks into piercing critical if they don't have it yet (5x)" as a passive, with an active that casts a non elemental field.
Every skill use evens out the turn. You have to have her in the front normally attacking (or buffing in admiral's case I guess) to go -1. There's so few fights in the game where the best option is to put Aoi in the front constantly to feed SP to spam EX1, I can't even remember any, and even fewer where you put her in the front to actually tank for turns after using her taunt. The absolute most common situation for the latter is having her fill out the DPS slot, where you spam for tokens and def up anyways which means she evens out every turn she's in front.

You are normal attacking with Aoi like twice during the entire battle if any. Longer fights don't even help with the differential because every skill use is +1 SP. If your fight takes 15 turns and you spent 5 turns normal attacking with Aoi, it's still like -5 SP for Aoi and like +30-35SP for the rest of the team.
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I think Admiral Aoi is "balanced" too, but that really comes down to how much you need Angel's Wing, and how much effort you want to put into the new game mode / sharts battle (if you still care about that)
>Wave / Arts / Galaxy / Tower / Dungeon
I mean there's no two ways about it, she's completely broken in these modes with her free attack buff and 100% crit. Not to mention the 100% OD ult, extra skill use, SP -1, etc, etc
>Score Attack
This one is hard to tell until I use her in action. Really she only offers the 100% OD and SP reduction. That might be enough to use her as a replacement for Suit Tama if you can get Mind's Eye from somewhere else, but it's definitely team dependent. As of now I think she's a great sidegrade, but maybe the 100% OD does push her over the edge with the turn based SA format. Like maybe it'll help you get that 1,000,000 if you couldn't do so before because of a slow team, but who knows
>Main Story
Depends if they start ramping up the difficulty again and Angel's Wing becomes a must-have.

I was also only half joking about whether or not you want to put any effort into wave because it does generously give you 1.5k quartz. It really baffles me how they released a new game mode, but also released two "cheat buttons" right before it, trivializing the whole ordeal. It could've been interesting to team build for wave, but now it might as well be called the Aoi and Sumomo mode. I can't fathom how broken the next Wave style will be when we're already at pseudo permanent buffs and spammable instant kill ults. Now all we need are regenerating debuffs and a cracked SP generating engine. If this is the same philosophy they are adopting with the Duel (pvp?) game mode, it might be the most toxic case of constant gacha powercreep in awhile
Aoi's SP reduction/skill count up properly works on SP orbs and stuff like that. For example, Megumi with an orb and her master skill can do 0cost +3SP 4 times.
What content do you play? If you don't even need her ss1 ex, you are doing something really weird with party building. And if you do, as I said, every ss1 ex is 2 turns in the front.

And there are also plenty of fights where you want to aggro ST attacks or else you get screwed, thus taunt.

Mind you, I'm only talking about endgame shit, before that nothing matters anyways. But that should be obvious, that's literally every gacha out there.

Sounds like a bug, when it explicitly says max 1 use abilities don't work.
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I'll admit, getting a good score in the Hard version of the new arena mode is really tough, especially with all the debuffs on the party. My fire party barely cracked 42k.
SA and Hard Mode... What else is there? It's not that you don't need her EX1, but only 1 of those turns is possibly spent doing nothing which is just -1. Every time you cast the taunt evens out the SP. And like I said, every EX1 means a longer fight, which means every other team member has gotten more SP value also. I don't play EX stages on star battles, but I can't remember which previous one I've brought Aoi to either. Obviously I don't bring her for Arts Battle. The only thing I use her for now is Skullfeather, but if I feel lazy for the month and do Dendron I don't use her there anymore. I did use her to get the Dendron badges I guess.

You can do normal to break ~70k or so because the turn bonus is going to make up more than your base score. Some of the debuffs clearly screw you over more than others. I temp. gave up on 100k after 2 hours of trying or so because I switched to practice mode and it felt bad that I wouldn't get the rewards it even if I did get it. Sumomo/Aoi would make this so much easier since it's mainly SP problems trying to get the turns down. Also the first 2 stages are actually somewhat useful for building OD, if I had pirate Aina I feel like it would be free too.
The fuck? Where did SA go?
They didnt start a new one yet. The old one ran out today. Kinda weird though, considering there are missions that require you to do SA.
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Hate the style, but more AoIchi is always good.
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Suganyan Admiral is never gonna work.
I think SP orbs are 1 use base, not 1 use only. Skill recovery works on them too, right? 1 use only are bride Sharo, this Aoi, and... that's all, I think?
Oh look player guide videos. That's useful. If they make a playlist I can put it into the OP and save us a lot of trouble.
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>1 use only are bride Sharo, this Aoi, and... that's all, I think?
Bungo's Master Skill is also a one use only skill and that should be all of them for now.

My opinion on the new mode is pretty low honestly. It's not so much the mechanics of the mode, but rather the fact that Life is needed to earn any rewards, unlike Score Attack. With the cumulative score ceiling at 3 million points, you pretty much have to dedicate all your Life, and most likely some Life Stones, to this mode if you want all the rewards. Changing that single limitation would improve my opinion of the mode. I would still prefer normal Score Attacks to this mode though.

As for my run, I used the power of yuri to get 100k. I planned out the first two battles but had to get the first red card of 60% higher enemy DP which screwed up that plan. Then I got unlucky with the last two cards lowering my OD by 300% total, which would have been 400% if I went with the red card for the last one, but I managed to get enough OD for the last attack thankfully. It took me 21 turns to get this score. I'm glad I don't have to worry about getting 100k now.
>life and lifestones
Are you really whining about a nigh infinite ressource that people already don't know what to do with? You don't have to max everything out in one day, you know?
We're not making it to 200k, are we?
What are you talking about? The counter has been going up rapidly over the last few weeks. We'll be at 200k by like Tuesday next week.
I'm shocked the artist even bothered to include Karerin's hands, considering this is obviously just fap material for dudes.
Very curious how they're going to handle the release of these Admiral Styles, but hoping that they're at the least not restricted to just A, B, C and G. Would really like to see Ichiko get an Admiral Style, especially since she actually would've really suited Aoi's outfit, in my opinion. Especially with the whole cape and hat thing that Ichiko already has going on.
So, did Carol get a special animation for her master skill? I don't think I can ever bother to unlock that one myself.
I wonder if they will all have this aesthetic or if they will try to differentiate it. Like a more serious sci-fi admiral in a lean outfit, normal naval admiral, fantasy/historical naval admiral with old-style otufit, pirate admiral, etc.
So I've been thinking. Soon we should have everyone with 2 SS styles. Isn't it time for ss2 generalize?

Generalize has been a very old concept and by now people tend to swim in its mats, more than they could possibly use. Meta-wise only a few would be big increases. But I can't help but feel that shit is planned considering Mari's swimsuit happened. No way she just coincidentally self buffs with crit-rate crit damage and mind eye, the exact same shit her ss2 provides once per battle. As she was released, she was never better than Ichigo (an aoe attacker) in fire, because you need another stack to compete in damage + a hit buff, while Ichigo has hit buffs and can just suit Tama.

Will be interesting if they do this. With more and more SS releasing, they probably should do something about it, especially with rebirth being reworked now.. and actually a HUGE FUCKING BUFF that I've not seen anyone mention yet. Every level is +1 to all base stats, which is the same like a fucking LEVEL. In a game where levels are basically everything, that's insane. It's essentially this year's "level cap increase" without increasing the actual cap, which makes it a lot more limited in use. But still.
I think they do too much balancing around the fact that ults can't be transferred to do that. I can see this working fine for the initial set of year 1 alts, but the modern alts are often completely insane to let every style of character have it.
I dont see why. It's not more tedious than Hisame, Bungo or any of the other "do X 150 times" skills.
What a strange reply. Because I don't even use her? Why would I bother with it just to see what her skill looks like once? When I'm just curious to see if they continue to do nice animations for them or not?
What a strange way to apporach the game. Just get all the Master Skills regardless? Chances are you will eventually use Carole anyway when they randomly give her a broken ability nobody expected.
No, I will spend my time the way I want to, thank you. If you haven't seen it either, you can just say that or not answer at all.
You will not spend your time the way you want, you will waste it procrastinating like you did your entire life and wallow in self-pity at where all the time has gone. Toodles~
I checked them all, and while there's the occasional good one (i.e. Mari or Isuzu), most are entirely useless and the good ones aren't THAT good either.

Like in Mari's case you fix her newest style, which is simply too bad right now. Isuzu's newest style can benefit of the ss2 ult, but it stacks badly with her ss3 ult, removing efficiency.

90% are just elemental attacks that are as useless as the ss1 equivalents you can share around. At best they can be used for hit count.

You also have to consider SP economy. Just because something is technically usable, not every char has the SP to do so.
So.. uhm.. let me get this straight. They made new missions that require you to do prism battles and score attack.
But they also released a new endgame mode that REPLACES the score attack that should be happening now and eats your life?

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Aoi's new memory episode... I was scared it would be waifufag fansevice again, but it was the exact opposite.
Holy shit... I think this episode gave us major hints as to how the Garden of Memories works. At the end Ruka remarks on how happy this scene/place is... and then she wakes up. And 31B clearly had a similar dream or was influenced by what happened in it. Them clearly acknowledging this was a dream despite having the same approach where Ruka talks to a character to hang out puts everything into a new perspective.

I mean it's in the name, but Garden of Memories relaly might just be a space that saves fragments of peoples memories (which sometimes are real events like for Wakki or Akari's memo stories).
Both Aoi's and Kura's memory episodes hinted at the fact that they are aware that they are dead and Ruka is doing them a favor.

This is really interesting and also a bit confusing. I wonder if we are going to get an explanation in the main story soon and that's why they are getting more bold with it.
Higumin's memory episode was even more amazing in a way. This is 100% the first memory episode that is straight up post 5.1. The autumn base is one hint, but the entire thing is basically requiring you to know Higuchi's backstory from chaptert 5.1.

Higumin straight up slips in that she is reincarnated and happiness is something from her past life... Yukki even says that she can't just reveal that to Wakki and Bungo. This is insanely spoilery.
The only reason it's not taken seriously is because... once again it's a rap battle episode. MAEDAAAA!!!

Joking aside, it was really interesting. Higuchi went through several styles of rap and Wakki being the underdog making even Yukki cheer her on instead of freaking out as usual was quite cool. I literally heard the rhythm of the recent Isuzu event's SiL song in this rap, so it might actually be Maeda who wrote this.

The conclusion was really wholesome... and it really shows off how much Higumin has grown. Sometimes I just can't believe how much they cram into these tiny memory episodes.
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Remember, these are the unlock conditions for the new Master Skills. Hisame's is still the most annoying to do, because you cant just auto it in arena mode and you have to actually spam her ult which costs more SP than you can get first turn. It's a nightmare.
How big is the time investment to clear dailies/ do the events?
Is the game snappy or laggy as hell with lots of loading times?
I know it's a reading game but can I do that on my own pace without missing out on events that don't/ rarely rerun with strict time limits?
Not these basic bitch questions again... I dont even know how we can prevent these. Hang up some signs with the same three answers? Fuck.

Dailies fast.
Not laggy on PC.
No time limits on events. They all get archived.
Events are there permanently, no reruns or any of that crap.
Can finish it with a 1-2 minute fight that you can auto.
I don’t get why you have to bitch about it every time either.
Having half the thread be the same stupid questions asked over and will be annoying. It's better to efficiently direct people to solve their own questions.
I'm looking at this from a long term perspective.
I 100% agree. But bitching about it every time won’t exactly reach new players and the same questions will continue being asked.
Best thing that can be done is a FAQ.
Problem with that is that the official will not make an FAQ for questions this basic and pointless. Playing the game for a little bit is enough to answer these yourself.

Guess there is no way around it. I'll have to make a damn FAQ that I can put into the OP. I'll think of what to put in there. At least some of the basics should be answered by the tutorial and videos, so I don't want to waste effort.
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Alright, I made a basic foundation for a new player guide. For now it's a stub, so if anybody can think of any other often repeated questions to add to this let me know.
Looks good, thanks
>can call it blunt or strike like literally everyone in the entire gaming industry, including this game's files
>called it crush
I think EN translators are just contrarians.
Gotta justify their existence by not just copying a dictionary or their bosses might get the idea to automate them out of the process.
"All" you need is Admiral Aoi lb3, and shiki + yunyun s do the rest.
I don't remember if they said it during the stream, but the new chapter special stream is on December 7th.
We already know the release dates of both parts, so it's not that interesting anymore. First part comes up like a week after that stream.
Ah yes, such an uncomplicated set up with no conditions at all.
That also doesn't help, because you need to keep using the ult over and over.
Well, auto arena should be fine? (not the afk thing, the auto repeat) You can set up auto so her nuke kills reliably.
Knowing WFS they know what they did there.
What nuke? Hisame's ults all suck except her newest ice version. And the point is that you want her to use it fast so she needs to be fed SP. I guess you could pair her up with Yanagi and make her exclusively use the SP buff.
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Arena isn't hard. Her base SS ult costs 10, has anti dp and comes with a free enhance.

Anyways, this new mode isn't too great. I think it's a cool idea, but this iteration wasn't.
First: Dual element very awkwardly shilling the limited styles. I don't think you should design shit like that.
Second: RNG pure. The cards decide everything. Some things are downright impossible if they come up. (i.e. 3 turn restraint, not allowing you to change characters between front and back)

Also this mode is too long and difficult to really grind on a daily bases. It has potential though. I think it's quite nice. Get rid of RNG, make it like SA, where you do it pretty much once for high score and then "remember" that score to collect your max score rewards via skip. Score attempts can cost life I don't care. But it should give you a good chunk of EXP when spending life via skip. (would be nice to chose any 6 chars for exp like that)
Haven't kept up with the game since year 1, have there been any notable new pairings since then?
Megumi was my favorite so I hope she's got a gf by now...
anon where do I even start...
yes there have been a lot of new pairings since then and the exisisting ones got some development, especially RukaYuki. and Megumin has whole arc for herself (and it's pretty good, you'll probably like her even more if she's your favourite). Tama is her gf of course.
Hope you're planning on getting back to playing, you're missing out a lot. Don't know where you stopped but you should at least play until 4.2 and catch up with as many events as you can.
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No, Megumin does not have a girlfriend. This is not the kind of game where you will get confirmed relationship at the halfway mark. I still think MeguTama is the weakest of the 31A ships.

But yeah we got plenty of new ships and lots of strong developments.
Thanks, I might just get a fresh start on global but if that doesn't look like it'll survive I'll just hop back on JP.
Also one more question, did the yandere(?) Russian girl get her own pairing or is she still after Ruka?
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Sharo is both still after Ruka and also has her own side-ship.
she's still after Ruka but it seems like one of the writers is trying to pair her with YunYun, her Chinese squadmate.
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I finally got done with the major play order guide update.
There is now a section called "event conditions" which will list in more detail what content is connected to what. Of course I still recommend the two play order routes that we already established, but this new section will help with the finer details I hope. It can also be helpful to people who don't want to play stuff in the exact order listed, but still want to fulfill all the conditions required for events.

I added a "Helpful" column that suggests some content that will help with the references done by the event.
Obviously some are more elaborate than others. Especially the later events have a bunch of conditions.

I'm really happy with Rentry. It has neat formatting tools that made this guide much better than a simple paste could have ever been. Either way it was really exhausting and I think I'm done with the guide now. From here on I will just add new chapters/events/memory episodes as they trickle in.
russia x china... okay...
When can I start to use life? The intro is taking so long, but the dailies need at least 3 life to be used?
>woman can't like sex it's obvious made for males
>the 4chan board is full of lesbian women
Yeah, sure.
Don't even try. There is a difference between two girls in an artwork having sex and a POV shot that only exists for the observer to self-insert. This pic is clearly just about the disgusting Slutkasa style. If the artist cared about yuri, Karen would actually be properly in the art.

We don't need you shitposters here.
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What is wrong with you? Why would you care more about some irrelevant daily mission over the Prologue? This game is 100% story focused. You are here to play the story. If you don't care about it, this game is not for you.

The ressources you get from the daily missions are insignificant. As a new player you get a bunch of ressources given to you for free already.
It's already super weird hearing that shit elsewhere

But here? Where people see focused on the plot and it's characters?

At that point go to /vmg/ or /vg/
You shouldn’t worry about dailies that early on, it’s just 110 Quartz which is a third of a pull.
You’ll get some stories that cost you 1 life to start from chapter 1 day 4/5 or so, and on day 11 you’ll unlock a place where you can spend 3 at once whenever you want.
Thanks, I guess 4/5 isn't too far away. Is there any point in getting all the choices and grinding in the arena? There's really nothing telling you what level you need to be
Different choices often have different responses and follow up jokes, but nothing mandatory. I personally repeat it to hear all the responses because they’re quite fun, and it’s quite easy to fast forward to the choices with the skip button.
Boooot. Check the damn thread. >>4326101
You don't need to grind in the arena at all.
I added the question about levels to the FAQ. https://rentry.org/vufyc93m
Just check out the chart.
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Sharuka surpremacy?
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The fourth wheel.
I managed to grind out Inori and Hisame's Master Skill together. Just a party of the two of them and disable all skills except Hisame's ult and Inori's self-buff. Just keep it on auto till they are done.
You can do the same with Maruyama and Ichiko. Just use their relevant parties in auto in the arena.
Mari... literally just buy one of the newest items in her shop (if you are at chapter 5).

My strategy for Carole is to use her in level 4 orb boss fights, let her DP get broken by the big ball (guaranteed break if you dont have any defense buffs) and then kill the orb boss right after. This will take the longest because you need to spend stamina or tickets to do it.
Isn't there a free Needlebird fight somewhere in the Tower? The one that can insta-break DP with its special move? Maybe that's exploitable.
There's the Arena in Chapter 2 that has a Needlebird battle you can use to more easily solo with Carole.
Thanks this actually works. Have to do it more manually than the others, but at least it's just 82 times.
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I know max 1 use ults can't get another use via Aoi. Does that also apply to skill recovery? I feel like it kinda should..? But that would also make her a lot worse in FARTS.
There's also Muua who has a relatively pointless ss2 ult that could see use like this.
I always feel like Muua's SS2 ult is underappreciated. Aside from the 5 extra SP, being able to restore uses of all limited skills is great. It restores ALL abilities of that one character, not just the ult. It works on orb abilites too mind you. I never hear anybody mention that part. So if the character has 2 ults, a heal and an orb skill equipped, Muua can refresh like their entire repertoire.
If Aoi can restore her ult then that would be like a skill use dynamo.
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After grinding out the special condition and then getting Carole to level 5 (it was really hellish) I finally got her Master Skill.

So now I can confirm that she indeed gets a unique animation and a voiceline for using it. The way the camera spins around her as she rises up with the fist is pretty cool.
I suppose that means only active skills get that kind of effort. After all Ichigo got a very similar skill, but hers is passive so she gets no animation or voiceline.
I mean, they introduced one use only skills before this Aoi's effect was added. So yeah, you can't recover them either, that was the initial effect of this limitation.
It's only 3sp she gives, and she pays 10. It's frankly not worth it. Which fight requires you to have so many uses?

Aoi's passive is handy, because it's free, but Muua pays way too much for no real gain. SP transfer skills (pay 6, give 6) or even Kozue's ss1 ult are much better if you want to have others get SP.

They added it past the skill recovery effect though, and that only says you can't recover skill recovery skills as its limitation. Nothing else.

>幸運を引き寄せ 味方単体のDPを中回復しSPを3上昇する さらに スキル回数を1回復する(スキル回数の回復スキルを除く)

So it's kinda shitty they retroactively nerfed it like that.
This phrasing doesn't mean that it restores every single possible skill ever, but recovery skills. It says that it does the skill recovery effect, and explicitly excludes the recovery skills. If another skill has a property that prohibits it from recovering, that doesn't contradict this.
>This phrasing doesn't mean that it restores every single possible skill ever
Anon.. that's what the sentence means. There are plenty of words existing that you can use to make it into a "works with some, but not others" thing, but that hasn't been used.
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Instead of speculating, just wait till someone gets the style and tries it out...
No, it doesn't. IIf it explicitly said that it would restore every single skill except recovery onse, then you would have a point. But it doesn't, it just recover skills count, the other skills can have their own effect related to that, this description doesn't deny it. For example, if they introduce a berserker type of character that can't get healed for a few turns after using a skill, would you complain that they retroactively nerfed healers because their skill descriptions say it heals the party?
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Pocky day
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>Izzy's ASS IV
Uhm... I...
It also says Yukki's BOOTY in the other window, what the fuck am I even looking at. I hope it's just early test server wackiness or some shit.
Boy, I can't wait for people to talk and ask about characters and events whose names I don't even recognize.
Everything I see from the actual game footage feels schizophrenic, like they changed their translation team in the middle of the process and two teams had completely different visions of how they wanted it. And I can't even tell which vision is supposed to be the "final" one.
From my perspective they actually did react to people's misgivings with the localisation issues and are frantically trying to course correct. Which is better than trying to stubbornly keep the shitty localisation that changes everything for some non-existent audience.
I don't even care about the translation at this point. What they NEED to change is that god ugly font
I guess that's how they translated KETSU. Izzy... Izumi?
It's actually releasing in 3 days, what the fuck. They really had garbage-tier promotion doing absolute bare minimum until the release, damn.
Who the hell announces that kind of thing 3 days ahead of time? Don't gacha usually have countdowns?
I sure hope that was enough time to fix the localisation scripts they clearly were in the middle of changing.
They haven't even announced anything yet, you can see this banner if you disable adblock for a moment on animenewsnetwork, they bought ads there.
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yeah this is nothing new, I don't remember exactly when but I do remember seeing them say that it will release mid November. I think it was when they started sponsoring those Youtubers.
Nah, there has been no such confirmation until now. The only thing we had to go on was the app store's release date, which is not trustworthy and often a placeholder.
They might hit 200k pre-registrations today, only 2500 to go. I honestly don't know how they pulled it off
Bots. Every gacha manipulates the numbers to reach their end goals. This isnt some serious count, it's completely in the company's control.
To be honest, this counter is quite realistic to what you would actually expect to see. When some gacha announces that they have 20 gorillions pre-regs, you just know they're botting it like crazy.
The rise of preregs has been unnatural consistent despite no real incentive for weeks. And there has barely been a spike since they actually released ads. There is very little reason to believe that anything since the start of the Discord server has been natural. The first 30k or so seemed real because the announcement spiked lots of new preregs and then it dropped and petered out over the week until it barely moved a 1000 in two days.
HBR has a niche appeal and Yostar did very little to make people aware of it, so it's word-of-mouth type of game.
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No release date, but they say it will come out soon, so that's almost a confirmation. They also posted this flyer. Seems they really want to drown new players in gifts.
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There we go.
Just a small note, but if they launch it in the middle of the month, you can't complete the monthly missions (you need at least 20 logins I think), so you should never purchase that due to their changes of how they work to begin with.

I'd hope they don't launch it in the middle of a month..
They give you the first sub month for free.
It is confirmed, the EN server launches in 3 days.
This doesn't matter. You still won't get all rewards.
It matters because you arent wasting money dumbo.
I just remembered that CN server actually got 31A VAs to do countdown video messages, had daily countdown posts and shit and EN is like a hobo server.
Most gacha do countdowns between 7-3 days. It's not that unusual. It's not like CN was some kind of big mega-success either. They didnt even make it to 1 million downloads. Which for gacha in CN is rare.
>It's not that unusual.
It's almost like the point was that EN is fucking weird.
>it's not unusual
>the point is that it's weird!
You really didn't get it, huh?
What is there to get? When you "It's not that unusual", it means that the post implies that it's unusual at least on some level. Which it didn't.
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If you say that it's weird that would imply it's not unusual... EN has a 3 day coundown, it happens all the time. Nothing more to say.
How many of those gachas announced the release date at the start of that 3 day countdown?
No PC release after all?
The prereg site still says there is a PC release, so I would think there is.
There is a PC version, but we have to wait until it's time for them to drip feed this information with another tweet. Even though it's 3 days until the release. They could just have a page on the game website that answers these questions, but they still haven't launched anything beyond the pre-reg page, maybe waiting for the actual release date.
By the way, did they get scammed by the content creators? There's no way their test server only had like 3 youtubers on it, there was probably a lot more.
What does scamming have to do with this? Most beta testers arent influencers.
... anon. Why are you so fucking retarded? Yes, you don't spend money BUT YOU STILL GET LESS FUCKING REWARDS YOU IDIOT.

Let me give you an example: You get 3k quartz for free or 6k quartz if you do it next month. What's better? Your fucking argument is 3k now.
Also the moment you spend money on the sub, the free pass indirectly costs money. Why? Because the rewards double from month 3 onwards, which in turn means you retroactively pay for the first month. (you pay 2 times, with month 1 + 2 giving the combined rewards of month 3... ONLY IF YOU ACTUALLY GET THE FULL REWARDS)
Mind you, you can do what the fuck you want. I don't give a shit. But unless something got changed (could be), people should be aware of how this shit works and that they'll get more by getting the free pass next month.
>people should be aware of how this shit works and that they'll get more by getting the free pass next month.
So just share that information with people. No need to be so dramatic about it.
Anon... whoever made this bot, fucking fix it. This is embarrassing now, how many times you reposted stuff. Look through the thread or get reported for spam >>4326405
They finally updated the web page to actually be like the JP page with trailers, videos, character bios and story summaries.
Do I need to reroll in this?
You don't need to. You can if you want. It's not that serious.
Megumin's code has changed into "Yer Savior has arrived" (but the description still call her Chosen One).
The windows client is out on their site now and you can predownload it.
It's probably yet another translation thing they decided to unretard, so it's in the middle of the transition. I just hope the actual game isn't like this, with a different kind of translation in every random dialog.
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Gotta give it to Yostar, these comissioned artworks are pretty good.
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Which pairings in this game get the most "fuel"? Aside from the protagonist and glasses girl who presumably have a ton.
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It kinda depends on how romantically interpret certain actions... but generally 31A, the main squad, has the three main pairings, so they get the most support.

Of the side-pairings it is without a doubt Adelheid x Mari that got the most support. They got TWO events revolving around them already.
Akari x Misato also get a lot of play and mention.

There are many characters with obvious crushes and lots of pairings that are set up, but progress is slow.
I'm honestly so glad that they actually did listen to people's complaints. It might still end up being bad, but at least we didn't get "phage" and butchered Megumi's code.
How explicitely /u/ is this game ?
Confessions between some characters, implied sex with one character (like reallly lowkey implied), some outspoken lesbians who flirt with other girls.
But if you are looking for romantic kisses or dating, the game's not that far yet. It's a slowburn.
to add on what the other anon already said, there is lots of casual mentioning of marriage between 2 girls. It happened too many times for me to count but marriage between women seems to be normalised, at least within the military base where the characters live
Very excited to see the Indonesians ruin any yuri conversation in any global groups like with r1999

Thankfully Assault Lilly is so low key globally they don't know about it
Can't forget that one guy who came in and was like "Yuki Best Straight Girl!"
It'd be really funny if you mean on this board
I'm probably live under the rock. Why indonesians?
They have the same incel energy as Koreans but can manage very basic English
SEA waifufags are a cancer on any global/EN gacha scene. They yap nonstop in broken English and can't speak 2 sentences without some variation of the word "seggs" and constantly try to shit on any potential yuri.
You'll see them here spout it too because they are so used to censoring themselves

But you'll also see them post those unfunny images of ? (no matter what your stance on this is, they specifically do not want to see anything of the sort)
So who should I reroll for?
I just downloaded and installed this game, music is nice on the start screen so far.
The music in general is one of the best parts.
Can you shut the fuck up about this off-topic stuff here? This is a yuri board. Those retards don't come here and when they do they get banned. You should worry more about /vmg/.

So please, less of this inane doomposting.

I knew this would just repeat infinitely. Here's a guide for beginners. https://rentry.org/vufyc93m
That doesn't tell me anything
You asked who to reroll. Do you not understand what a style tier list is?
Tier list isn't reroll list
You fucking idiot... who do you think you should reroll for? Maybe the high tier styles?
You are the idiot here, your shit list is never going to be used as reroll list as it doesn't tell anything other than muh high tier, there isn't even a fucking basic ass recommendation much less telling what they are good for in the game

Also I don't expect the fanbase to be this fucking rude.
You act like an idiot you get treated like one.
What more information do you need beyond High tier = roll for it?
This is not a game where this shit matters. Being obssessed with rerolling and meta is for numberfags only. That's why for basic bitches like you, all you need is to see high tier and roll for it. Everything in tier 1 will be a tremendous help to you down the line. It doesn't require a fucking spreadsheet.

Did you get it yet?
Anyone around that actually know their shit about basic ass questions and isn't a retard bitch seething for no reason?

Because this sure is one stupid faggot
>I dont understand tier lists waah waaah
You are begging for people to spoonfeed you shit that by all accounts doesn't matter and even when someone helps you, you act like an entitled bitch. You really don't deserve anything.
There is a thread for numberfags on >>>/vmg/
Ask them.
Jesus you fags sure have a pure schizo, my condolences
Wait is the game out already? Where do I download it?
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We are going to get a lot more dumb tourists like this now, aren't we?
Predownload, not launched yet.
Let me tag OP, so people can find it >>4324483
Predownloads are a thing now? How big is the whole game? Might just wait for the mobile release
36GB. I think 9-15GB on mobile?
The mobile predownload also comes out today at some point.
You're on 4chan, litterally what do you expect?

Lurk more
It wouldn't be that bad, but yostar is a huge brand and it has a lot of eyes already as a result
Girl who gives a fuck

Maybe killing yourself would be faster than figuring out how a tier list works
Is there multiplayer and clans in this game?
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Go read the start guide on the official page, watch a video, and then fuck off
They all say "we hate men, especially you"
So how do you interact with other players?
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You don't. It's a single player game, beyond some ranking for score based modes.
You can Pre-download it for PC already, also that 35+ GB is misleading, it will ask for 60+ free space when you are downloading.

It is like the most basic ass question that usually gets a lot of answers including memes and trolling, 1999 thread for example told me a lot when I asked the same question a year ago or something, I just didn't really expect fags here to be this schizo with this much seething from many
At least it pretty much tell me the level of fanbase and threads here are
>it will ask for 60+ free space when you are downloading
Uhm.. that's a you thing. Your operating system is tuned to that. You don't need double the free space.
>everyone is a seething fag because I was not catered to in the way I wanted
You really need to do something about that entitlement. You got your answer and weren't happy. Who cares? You even got linked to a thread where people will answer that question in more detail. Holy shit...
>It is like the most basic ass question
Exactly. So why are you surprised that people don't write essays for you to answer the most basic bitch questions? I could understood if this was a new game, but it's almost 3 years old for us.
I am going to do my part for global.
>600 USD per month budget set for this game for the first 6 months
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Anon, unless you're filthy rich, please tame your spending habits. It's just a game!
>6 months
That's a while. I usually guage if I like a gacha at most 3 months. Then again, I dropped a lot of the newer ones on this board before it apparently got 'good' so maybe I rethink that...
I wanted to write a more in-depth tutorial for the styles, but it's annoying because it's a moving target. Soon after the release, they will release AMari gacha, and you have to update it so people know those are good to get too, then there will be Muua, Yotsuha, miko Megumi, waitress Aoi, etc., so you have to update it again. In the end, you do all this shit only to end up with the list that JP already had all along. Pointless. Though it's possible to elaborate a bit on the initial set of styles. Like saying SS2 Higuchi is the best support pick as a crit buffer and stuff like that.
Yeah this is exactly why I didn't bother maing an in-depth reroll guide or tier list. It's too annoying and barely benefits anybody, because new OP styles come out every few weeks and people will ask if they should roll for them anyway.
I literally put the JP tier lists for the current meta into the guide so people can see what styles will be long term relevant too, if they care that much.

But for a newbie it's enough to know that high tier means good. And hbr.quest is in the OP, so they can totally look up what each style does anyway.
Ah yes, a few character names you like best is definitely an essay. Definitely.
You didn't ask which characters people liked the best, you asked who to reroll for. You got a list of character styles. If you need to know anymore, look into the OP where literally everything you need is already provided.
Wouldn't be better if we have two separate threads, one for the japanese version, one for the english one?
If we keep all in one it will just be a mess, both when talking about styles and, above all, about spoilers. When 5.2 releases the old players will of course post all about that so there will be surely lots of new players involuntarily getting spoiled and in a game like this where the plot is the focus it would just suck.
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I don't think this board's mods are going to be happy about something like this.
We already considered that, but that's an insane proposition on /u/. Just send the new players to /vmg/ if they have any balance related questions.

As for the spoilers, we already spoiler tag everything in the new chapters for a month around here. It's something we do out of respect for each other.
I did ask if people wanted to also spoiler things for the first month after the EN release, but people were mixed on it.
A month? That made sense before, but surely not now. Do you realize that the English chapters will surely take a lot longer to release?
Doing it like this in January we will have people openly talking about 5.2 spoilers while the EN players (which I guess will be the majority) are still at chapter 3.
Let's make a vote about it.
Should we spoiler tag ALL story content for a month?
There is a "longer" option too.
Personally I think 1 month is enough time for new players to orient themselves and see if they wanna stick with the game. If they do then they will have to learn to avoid spoilers themselves.

After that month we can maybe consider spoiler tagging post chapter 3 stuff. Not sure how many would care to do that though.
Global won't have enough players for a thread
On an english speaking board there will be more people playing a JP only game rather than the EN version?
HBR doesn't get memes or marketing in the west, so yes.
HBR won't be popular enough to attract many casuals like FGO, for example.
I am pretty sure everyone who wants to play is already playing anon, there really won't be a lot of new players, certainly not enough for a full thread
We're talking about the /u/ population here, not in general.

Do you think that most people here either know Japanese or that they are willing to set up OCRs and stuff in order to get a shitty machine translation?
A lot of people here used translation software for over 2 years, so yeah I think that worked out fine.
There will be new players for the EN version and I think they will outnumber the old players, but that doesn't mean it will be super many. Even very popular stuff with global servers like FGO or R1999 doesnt get that much traffic on this board.
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The poll runs until tomorrow a little after the EN server launches. I think by then we should have some better understanding of what people here generally lean towards.
>they will outnumber the old players

That's my point. If we could manage to have a thread for all this time by ourselves, why can't the EN players, who will be the majority, have their own, where they can talk about the plot without being inevitably spoiled of future events with months in advance?
Are the mods really stingy about this? On a slow board like /u/?
Because this is a thread with a lot of tourists, so there are way more temporary players here. And because /u/ doesnt want duplicate threads. Just accept the rules, sheesh.
I'm sure that all the anons here with a stick up their ass who immediately start screaming as soon as a new JP player makes a question (or even when someone repost a picture that was already posted 3 threads ago) will be able to keep a mature and serene approach when all the EN players will arrive and become the majority.
Have fun.
Make up whatever you want.
I get that you are really salty about how people made fun of you for asking dumb questions and getting mad over the proper replies you got, but do you gotta be so whiny?
This argument has been going on for almost 12 hours across two threads on two boards.
I've been playing since day 1 so I wasn't talking about myself, but I'm not surprised that anons without an ounce of empathy (and who can't understand or don't care how bad the spoilers situation would be for EN players) would assume that I would necessary talk about myself.
So you are defending how that newbie anon acted? Not much better.
Just so you know, I started the poll for a reason. Because I actually do care how other players here wanna handle it >>4328602
That is assuming there would be a lot of EN players, or that they would come here
Other than two or three anons we just alienated, I am not seeing any new interest around/u/
I don't give a fuck about EOPs and their dog ass translation, I'm about to spoil the shit out of the story when part 2 comes out.
What the fuck are you talking about? Spoiler tagging stuff for newly released chapters applies for everyone who plays JP. Many people here can read Japanese, so it has nothing to do with that.

But if you do spoil shit we will report you into oblivion until you are banned from the board, so keep that in mind.
CN is releasing 4.2 in a couple of weeks. They launched in late July, so it took them less than 5 months to get it out. I wonder if EN will follow a similar schedule.
They didn't launch with 4.1 though, right?
Yeah, they released 4.1 in September. CN launch content was about the same as EN, there were some differences like them having AB on release and some campaigns being different, but in general it's very close.
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I wonder what that's about. They already set up two new trophies on Steam (not visible yet). Are those both for 5.2? Last time they took forever to make trophies for 4.2 and released those alongside 5.1.
The thing is that CN is handled by Bilibili which are way more competent than Yostar
They are visible to me, it's the remaining 5.1 trophies(day 7 and 14)
You can see what they are in the global achievements tab
>5.1 day 14 achievement is Misato
They really didn't think it through when using Yuki for some random ass early chapter.
That's the first thing I tried and they are not visible to me.
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Not sure why are they posting chapter 3 content before the EN even released, but sure.
Same as Dance Dance Dance or Burn My Soul. I dont think posting the SiL songs before you see them in the story makes any sense. Even the original Japanese launch trailer had the decency only to use some snipped of Burn My Soul.
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You can't tell me she wouldn't be popular with the lesbian melting pot at this base.
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This poll is turning out to be quite divisive, eh?
>this item is not available in your region
oh, okay. does this mean it won't work on PC either? i wonder if this is jap or burger autism, or wherever the fuck yostar is
It shouldn't be JP, you can play JP version from anywhere. So it's something yostar. Try pc anyway, maybe they just fucked up somewhere.
For crying out loud... never heard of region lock before? The PC version isn't region locked, the phone app is.
>you don't have to run windows version in applocale with your clock set to tokyo time zone
Japs losing their touch
Hello, there is a /vg/ thread now so I don't think the spoiler tagging is necessary. I will also go there and this way JP players are not annoyed.
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You would willingly go to /vg/? You poor unfortunate soul.
Sorry, but most /u/ anons will not follow you there.

But hey, it looks like /vgm/ and /vg/ will take some of the brunt then and these threads can become quieter again. Win-win.
Is JP trying to bribe me? I got Sumomo in the last banner and Aoi in this one. But that was after I actually wasted all my quartz on Isuzu's banner and got nothing. WFS giveth and WS taketh.
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But... why?
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15 hours left and it seem we are getting some clearer results now. A mild mannered majority so to say.
hbr.quest has added EN server version to the settings, so you can check how they translated style-related stuff if you want.
>Serious or Witless
Was "Stupid" offensive to EN translators or what?
Uh... so now we cant see the direct JP->EN translations anymore and have to use the localized names and terms? Whose idea was this?
Woah, Seraph database has transalted titles and descriptions for monthly events all the way up to the idol event. https://hbr.quest/events
That must mean the files for the game are that far ahead.
Most of those translations are actually alright.
>She was harsh on Aoi
The Requiem description uses Aoi instead of Erika. So maybe they fixed that shit after all!
>That must mean the files for the game are that far ahead.
I'm pretty sure they reverted Megumi's seraph code when they started translating ch.4. It was probably an "oh fuck go back" moment for them.
My thoughts exactly. There are many examples now of them changing stuff to make sense, like Yanagi being a butler instead of a lady's maid, so I assume they got to her event.
WFS is going to handle Magia Exedra in the future, so what are the odds of a Madoka collab for 3rd anniversary?
I only saw the anime and movies back in the day, but at a glance, the games' settings look similar enough to bring over some characters into HBR.

Based on this news:
WFS is gonna take on another gacha on top of this? That doesn't really bode well... I hope they put a newly hired team on it or else they will spread themselves too thin.
>Madoka collab on 3rd anni
Not gonna happen, way too short term. It's probably gonna be AB3 so they can get the full AB squad.
If they do another type of collab like Madoka it will wait until 4th anni. And even then I feel like they want to stay purely Key related as they have done literally no other collab or crossover with HBR in anything, not even skins or emotes.
I don't think it's realistic to get it that soon unless they've been working on it for a long time, but in the long run it's definitely possible. It mostly depends on what Key side thinks about it, Madoka itself is a collab slut franchise, so you don't even need to ask, they're always ready.
>region locked
thanks for nothing
>doesn't own a PC
>doesn't know how to use emulators
All things considered and despite the many issues, I'm kind of excited for global. It feels a little bit like playing HBR for the first time again. A feeling hard to recapture. Not as exciting as 5.2, but still nice.
Why are they scheduling launch hour for 9am in UTC-7? Are the servers physically located in Phoenix, Arizona or something?
BTW thats 45min from now.
Surprised that global servers are in Murica?
EN server is officially up.
>Megumi's line translation
Even after fixing the initial retardation they still don't understand the importance of Savior as a word and try to replace it with random shit about saving the world or everyone, amazing.
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The line... didn't change. Still as bad as before. Too bad.
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Holy fuck, can this bitch stop screaming for five fucking seconds?
You can really feel Maeda's behind this, he takes jokes way too far.
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No, she apparently fucking can't.
Shit taste, her tsukkomi is perfect
Calm your tits. Yukki will eventually break and start making quiet tsukkomis too.
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On another note, I'm loving how retarded Ruka is.
Even in chapter 5 I still found it annoying. There's not a single thing Tsukasa for example can say without a remark from her.
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Ok, this is not even remotely close to the original joke, but I gotta say, it made me chuckle anyway. 1 point for dumb translations.
They call Tama's ship the Iron Tiger now... do they understand that names dont need to be translated?
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Yuugen did draw one for EN too. I guess Yostar can do something right after all.
At least they kept the "token loli character line".
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That one anon who is a huge fan of Megumin is now a Psykid.
I was planning on picking that up as well desu, hopefully it turns out nicely
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Didn't they replace this term with something really cringy before? Another thing they reverted for the better.
>Devs learned not to trust Crunchyroll with anything
This is a good sign
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The poll is officially over!
The results are as follows:
44% voted that we should spoiler tag all story content for 1 month.
27% voted that we should not spoiler tag anything.
27% also voted that we should spoiler tag the entire story for more than a month.

One thing is clear, the people who voted for a longer duration still agree that it should be at least a month, so we can combine those votes, meaning that more than 3/4th of this thread agree to spoiler tagging main story content for a month. The only way for the opposition to have gotten the majority was to beat both of the other voters combined, which didn't happen.

I think it is obvious that the majority of this thread wants to be nice to new players and keep these threads safe for them until they find their bearings. So I would ask everyone to please put any major story content into spoiler tags until mid-December. Minor stuff or bond episodes don't count as usual, only plot relevant content.

Basically by the time chapter 5.2 comes out we can stop using spoiler tags for anything up to 5.1 again. Which is quite convenient, because we will be using spoiler tags for everything 5.2 related by that time anyway, so the place might still be mostly safe for beginners for another month.
Who do I get for the tutorial recruitment?
So now that this is coming out in English is it yuri or subtext?
It's out as of today.
It's yuri. Several girls are blatantly gay, and we can presume they all are, but at this point in time most of the relationships are subtext. The main couple have plainly stated they are in love, but they haven't started dating or anything yet.
You were correct, that was a terrible place to go to
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WFS just officially lifted the spoiler ban on chapter 3 across all social media.
This means people are now allowed tl openly talk about the major twist of the game. I think this marks a change, finally. They are confident that people have finished at least chapter 3 and can move their content forward.

Never go to waifu and gameplayfag boards. It never ends well.
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The new batch of official 4koma is apparently up now.
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This should put your mind at ease, this is from a nice Onee-san to the token loli character in the group
This one was in the previous one, but yeah, the new one is also there.
Thanks as always 4koma anon.

Shiki can't be stopped. Lesbian queen.
A-san broke the format!!
They'll get bored in a week and, if the thread survives after that, it'll be like r1999 one.
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I know it's still in a more jokey context, but they don't really shy away from the gay lines at all.
Tsukassie... Merry... Cappy... They are doing halfway well with the jokes, but those nicknames are killing me.
I still don't get what's the point. it's not like Tsukassie is a real western nickname.
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I am happy to report that the EN translation did not fuck up the first Yuina bond episode. We are in fact in maintext territory on Ruka being a lesbian.
Seems it's not just CN that gets some cool animations. https://x.com/dillongoostudio/status/1857830998370615512
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extremely cute ship, I want it to be real
I thought it was kinda fun that Sumomo never figured out Muua is a masochist. They get along on more normal terms. But at the same time Sumomo's aggressive personality would really turn Muua on.
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>gay thoughts
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How is my SS looking so far? Not that I'm going to reroll since I'm more of a "play with your favorites" person than "play with what's good"
It's fine. Nothing spectacular, but you don't need to worry about it anyway. With how much stuff you get as a new player right now you'll be getting a few more SS styles before you beat chapter 2 anyway.
Because it's so easy, try to play with a story accurate team though, okay? You'll get your chance to play all those shiny other styles soon enough.
Wow they actually have a HBR food truck collab... in Los Angeles. I guess their servers are there because they are there.
If anyone wants to try this shit it just came out on global
use this code for a free 1k gems when signing up

/vg/ has a general about it too
It's funny, but because it's yostar's client and not wfs with their anticheat or whatever they use, people can play EN on steam deck and stuff, unlike JP.
You really think people don't understand what a friend code is moron? You just want people to give you quartz.
The translation is puzzling, to say the least. First I see them actually finding ways to translate things that I thought were really hard to adapt. Then I see them butchering the most basic sentences imaginable, you could literally type them into mtl and it would do a better job.
It goes along with their treatment of nicknames and suffixes that are all over the place. The translation feels oddly bipolar. Like one translator wanted to do the usual localization thing where they change everything to be different and the other tried to be as accurate as possible.
Though i dont think they ever make any nonsensical sentences, sometimes it's just the general sentiment instead of any actual translation.
Did they make Ruka gayer in the translation or was she this thirsty in the original too?
Simple answer- the job was so big that the translation was done by multiple people and at least one piece of software. The software did the bulk of the work and then it was reviewed by human translators who, when they came to a phrase that no longer sounded right in English, the humans changed them to make them sound right to THAT translator that was working on that particular piece.
What was lacking? A human super-translator to play through the beta all in one go and make sure that the work was consistent all the way through each patch. Either they didn't think of it OR they were so marginal on either budget or time to release that it just didn't happen.
In some cases she is gayer in JP.

I doubt this was machine translated.
I'm not going to sugar-coat it, that's a bricked account once you hit chapter 3. I would reroll or save like my life depended on it
Why do you need to lie this badly? Shoo.
Why do you want to enforce such a terrible play experience on people? Sure you can PROBABLY get through the story content with a heavily unoptimized team like that one, but it's such a slog that I can't imagine any new player sticking around for. If this game had friend supports and quartz retries then none of this would matter, but that's not what this game is now is it. Are you the person who is trying their hardest to sabotage new players just because you hate noob questions?
The moment you said anybody can be bricked, let alone in chapter 3, you revealed you are a dishonest numberfag.
And this is a fucking starting team. Anon is gonna pull way more styles quickly.
You're planning to take on both phases of flathand with neutral damage (phase 2) and destruction % as the only multiplier? While you try to outheal with S tama? Like it or not they'll have to make room for a S buffer and a debuffer, which might not even be MLBed enough to tank. Like I said you can probably make it through, but it'll be a genuinely terrible experience coupled with the time they'll have to dedicate to farming good accessories. That's why I advised them to save for something good
This is the nerfed chapter 3 that is barely a challenge. They will pull more styles. Get over yourself, weirdo. Acting like having even the slightest adversity or lack of optimization is somehow a death sentence.
We used to beat the unfered version of Flathand with damn 4 S styles and Free Ruka. These days having 6 SS synergy be damned, is enough to beat anything up to at least Flathand 2.
Is this yuri? I downloaded this game that it's now available in ios.
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On EN they just announced Inori's event.
On JP we should be getting a new event next Friday.

I'm in no rush to beat all the EN content, but I certainly wonder if we are getting that Aina event on JP. Fubuki, Iroha and Shiki still need their SS2s before the end of the year.
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Thanks, much appreciated
What even is a meta team in this game? I haven't rolled yet, and I have no idea how easy it is to reroll, if that's even possible.
Never played JP version and I haven't really followed this game at all but I have seen some Tsukasa x Karen art on my timeline before.
When in the story does their relationship start to develop?
Those free monthlies, I can just wait for next month and activate them then to get full rewards, yes?
they have their first big moment where they were officially confirmed as a ship at the beginning of chapter 4.1 after shit hit the fan in the main story. We are now waiting for the next chapter to be released next month (JP server) and it will be Karen's arc so we hope to see more development. Other than that they get their moments in segments called "memory stories". Karen x Tsukasa are different from all the ships in this game (in a good way) but I can't explain why because then I would be spoiling you. Play the game in JP if you can read it even a little, you can always use OCR translation to help you. If you play in EN then you will have to wait a few months for chapter 4 but the good news is that you won't wait as much as we had to back then.
The bits are seldom but noticable all over the start. Then it takes a solid shape at 4.1 and since then the pairing becomes more prominent. Also the next chapter 5.2 might be good for the ship
yeah anon, it' not going to go away
It's a single player game with no real need for a meta beyond "Stack buffs/debuffs then burst damage in overdrive." Buffers/debuffers are the most important in that regard.
Later on there will be units that kind of break the game, but none of those are in EN yet and won't be for a while.
Ch2 Spoiler
I knew it was coming, she's been setting up death flag for at least 10 day before the mission, I was expecting it, I saw it coming and I still couldn't stop myself from crying at Aoi's death... Fucking hell...
That's how they get ya. There's always that hope that it wouldn't got that far. And the writing messes with you until the very end.
Now play Requiem for the Blue so you can get your second stab in the gut. Because there is one thing you need to learn quickly. HBR always hits twice.
I forgot to go to the arena during free time. If I go back a day then go to the arena, can I still get the bonus exp?
Is Yuki Ruka's love interest? Man, she's so loud...
They also added her mentioning her savior shtick to some lines where she doesn't actually say the word. Unironically, it feels like 2 translators were wrestling with each other while translating.
yes. don't worry she'll get quiter (as long as Ruka doesn't say teheperinko)
So what exactly is meant by "Devastation"? Is that just saying it increases damage regardless of if it's DP or HP?

It's the quiet sweet moments that matter the most anyway.
in general they really overuse the whole screaming to show shock schtick
It refers to the percentage you see when you break an enemy. That percentage is a damage multiplier that applies to all further attacks to an enemy's HP. Blasters have skills that raise that percentage more quickly than others.
Is the EN version up to what chapter?
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I feel like a beggar to bring this up, but anyone playing/trying EN hasn't done the friend code thing yet? Here's mine
I haven't either, so you can post yours and I'll add the first one I see.
Done, keep your word px63oqs245kkjk7r
last maintenance killed rerolling lol
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I hope they keep it.
Really? I was surprised by how quick rerolling was here, I thought it was intentional.
Looks like the Ohshimas took the 'we have to repopulate' thing seriously. I must've gotten at least 7 Ohshimas.
the time will come when you understand how precious the Ohshimas are, newfren.
EN has 3 chapters out as of now. 4.1 is next but it's unclear when since global just launched
Don't worry, added it. Don't promise to progress super fast, but I'll get there later.
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There's a mission about clearing Chap 4 Part 1, so isn't it in the game already ?
Holy fuck, I'm so done with Yuki's shit. Please tell me this annoying bitch dies.
Sorry but she's the main heroine and love interest. No she doesn't get any better. She's not much different than other Jun Maeda heroines.
Stupid question but how do I get back to the event? 'Continue' just takes me to chapter 2
yeah don't know why it's there, maybe they will release it sooner than we thought, idk. It's really weird to include a mission for a chapter that hasn't released yet, don't think that has ever been done before
>she's the main heroine and love interest.
I don't know who decided this would be a good idea but they should be mauled by a honey badger and deported to canada
Shit taste. Yuki is great
She's an annoying bitch at best
Please, I'm begging you. How do I get back to the event story?
Which event story ? All event story are in the event tab
Is there anywhere to see how strong skills are? At this point I'm just assuming the ones that cost more SP do more damage

Eh she's also my least favorite of the main cast but Ruka also comes in 5th for me so it's not to big of a loss. Though it is a shame that they're the couple that will probably have the most focus
Wrong, she's a cool handsome prince at best.
Is there a list of the SS's that have dialogue lines when you set them in the home screen? I have a couple SS, but the only one that has lines is the free Ruka one.
Maybe they just forgot. There was a mission about data transfer too, they removed it yesterday.
>get 2 different SS of the same character
So which Karen do I use? The exclusive skill for Little Red Rebel Hood seems better. Is that the main deciding factor?
Anon... when you chooae one of the home screen options you can see a sparkle symbol on the styles that got an L2D.
Now we get whiny bitches like you too? EN was a mistake. People like you belong shot in the gutter.

>liking Ruka less than the pointless loli mascot
you're the one I see whining that nobody likes his character
You would take away literal delusions from a post instead of what was actually said.
People like you ranting about your irrational hate for any characrers need mental help.
>Is there anywhere to see how strong skills are?
They later added proper descriptions to JP, but EN probably won't see them any time soon.
The anon is confused because EN started on the patch where they gave l2d to some older styles, but the mainline l2d styles that started it are not even close to being released. So there are only like 3 l2d styles in the game and it feels very random.
yeah his specific post goes a little far in the amount of hate he shows Yuki, but you seem to attack anyone who shows any amount of dislike for Yuki, civil or not. Also while being biased and attacking someone for liking Tama
What are you talking about? I have never reacted to someone hating Yukki before this. If this idiot had ranted about how Megumin should be killed off for whatever retarded pet peeve he has I would have said the same thing.

In fact I remember some moron ranting about hating Wakki and wanting her dead too ages ago and I reacted the same way. We dont need mental cases like that here.
yeah but I wanna know which ones to maybe roll for. also, do the ones that aren't the protagonist have lines that talk directly to the protagonist or are they just an internal monolouge like Ruka's?
>rolling styles for homescreens
>lines to Ruka
Most of them are intentionally vague about who they are talking to. Usually you have to infer from context. Sometimes they address someone by name, but its rare.
Chapter 5 spoilers
Reading the Operation Perseus prologue, besides the girls being able to summon there seraphs, they also have the unconscious ability to control gravity which is interesting.
The deflector being based in narby wormhole powers manipulating gravity is pretty interesting. It's surprising they only brought it up in a side mode. Then again that's also how Transport basically functions. At least we know why normal people cant use deflector.
NTA but where is the event tab?
At the right of the story tab, second half of the half-circle
If they ever developed iPS cell babies, Ruka alone would return the planet to pre-Cancer population levels.
Also, I'm a moron and rolled all those quartz I got from the first day on the banners that don't guarantee SS. Is rerolling impossible?
Thank you. I couldn't find the event tag
remembering the anon who said Indonesians are going to ruin this fandom, well... trannies might do it first because they're all out claiming that Sharo has something to do with trans pride because "her teddy bear has trans flag colours on it"
EN was a mistake
Oh shut the fuck up. Stop regurgitating some random shit you saw someone post on xitter and blowing it out of proportion.
Nobody in any relevant HBR community is saying anything close to that. Dont make a mountain out of a molehill when there are thousands of waifufags talking about how they want to fuck these characters. Have some priorities.
Wakkie is fun and silly.
If Yuki isn't talking down, berating, or complaining, she isn't talking. Every time the rest of the crew says she's flirting with Ruka it comes off as a non sequitur written by an author who thought "oh yeah these two are supposed to like each other, better tell everyone they're flirting here" because even he realized it didn't come off as flirting. Fuck, Yuki is even a downer when everyone else just wants to go do something fun and has to be dragged along. It's like someone wanted to write a character who would contrast all of the wacky personalities but went way to far in the other direction to the point she comes off as an unlikeable bitch who demeans everyone around her at every turn and is incapable not having a stick lodged so far up her ass that you'd be crowned King of England if you pulled it out.
TL:DR, Yuki a shit.
Such a superficial take.
It's weird how I didn't mind it much at all early on but my opinion of her just got much worse after chapter 4 when she wasn't even yelling much anymore. It's especially grating when everyone's having fun and all she contributes are insults and snide comments.
I 100% agree, it's a pity because she has really good moments sometimes but it's not worth all her bullshit most of the time.
The red one. The reason being you will be able to transfer the ult of the default to red one but not the other way around so... The only exception is if you have default Karen at LB3. In that case she is much better thanks to her passive
How do people not understand what a tsukkomi is?

That's really wrong. Yukki mellows out and gets a lot better with time. She has plenty of moments where she actually has fun with Ruka. She shines in a bunch of events and story moments.
How are you just ignoring her finding raplort with Megumin, gaining respect for awakened Tsukasa, genuinely worrying about Tama, building a equal friendshil with Higuchi etc.?

She literally addresses it during her breakdown in Chapter 5. She is the type who is bad at showing interest or excitement. She has fun with the others, but her face doesnt show it.
Her being dismissive if others with harsh tsukkomi is an intentional character flaw and she even got called out for it several times.
>How do people not understand what a tsukkomi is?
Oh, it has a name. I guess I don't find it annoying and almost completely opposite to what's entertaining or funny to me anymore now that you've pointed out the term for it.

It's not like I hate her. It's just a lot of little moments that have built up over time. I especially noticed my patience wearing thin in chapter 5 when there was not a single thing Tsukasa could say without a remark from her. Her being intentionally annoying as a character flaw is working. Just her being aware of it doesn't make it go away and it doesn't make me not roll my eyes or take away my enjoyment of a scene a tiny bit every time 5 girls are having fun joking around and Yuki's dishing out insults. If that makes her more endearing to you, then great. You enjoy different things.
I know what a tsukkomi is, she's still obnoxious, moreso than any tsukkomi I've ever seen in anything.
>She literally addresses it during her breakdown in Chapter 5. She is the type who is bad at showing interest or excitement. She has fun with the others, but her face doesnt show it.
Her being dismissive if others with harsh tsukkomi is an intentional character flaw and she even got called out for it several times.
Shitty writer realizing he wrote a shitty character and needing to backpedal.
>characters having flaws is shitty writing
Go watch some narou isekai or play some pandery harem gacha where the girls are all super likable and into faceless SI MC to not anger the audience
What a retarded take
It sounds more like you intentionally act like a retard about her tsukkomi while intentionally ignoring her good characterisation.

What a moronic take. Let me guess, you havent even made it past the prologue yet? All of this was set up and already alluded to in all previous chapters.

And it's not like the others in 31A dont usually deserve it. Not to mention that Yukki gets bullied a lot herself. Nothing is one-sided.
Not liking a character is fine, but calling a character's flaws "bad writing" is just stupid.
>write an super obnoxious character
>you just can't appreciate high art
Are you the YIIK writer lmao
Aw, did it upset you that you got backlash for your low IQ takes? Someone like you would play YIIK and be surprised it was trash.
Thinking flaws is shitty writing and exploring and devloping a flawed character is backpeadling is a retarded take. You can think the character is obnoxious but if your reply to development is "they're backpledaling shitty writing", you just look like you want the kind of flawless bland characters you can find in shitty isekai and such stuff where the priority is a shallow story and characters to pander to people who want to imagine a perfect world where no one is mean to them (and those who are are villains who deserve violent retribution by the super OP self insert)
All this wold be solved if they had let you choose which girl Ruka date, obvious not every girl would be avaliable but like Yuina, Sharo, Aoi somehow would be fair enough instead of forcing you to be stuck with a annoying character as the heroine.
>flawless bland characters
Like the rest in hbr, because people generally don't have issues with them?
>if you don't like this character you obviously only want this (vile thing) and nothing in between
Literally YIIK defense
This is retarded self-insert waifufag talk. You are not Ruka. Just like you cant choose her personality or backstory, you dont get to decide who she gets paired up with. Regardless of whether Yukki was her love interest, she would not disappear from the story, so the entite argument makes zero sense.

RukaYukki as a ship are perfectly fine. They have gotten a lot of great development and are much better written than probably 90% of the generic pairings you like anyway. If you even care about yuri pairings. You sound like the type who likes self-insert harem MCs.
This is some garbage bait.
Sorry, sister. Yuina, Sharo and Aoi are apparently shallow flawless bland characters made to pander to people who want to imagine a perfect world where no one is mean to them
You can't like them
Doubling down on the bait doesnt work.
Even if they did something like that, even though it makes no sense for this story, the optional heroines would probably be someone like Megumi or developing the initial interest she had in Karen, not the options you want.
How many timess do I need to say that the problem isn't disliking her but saying development is "backpedaling shitty writing" and that writing a flawed character is "shitty writing"
Also, your dislike is certainly not global, so if "people" are to be judges of qualiy, it'd seem Yukki is not as bad as you claim. Unless you want to admit using "people" as an argument is wrong
Stop taking his bait. He is intentionally ignoring your argument by acting like an autist who cant parse human language.
When your idea of a fix is making the MC a self insert by letting players choose her love interest like self insert games do instead of letting her be her own character and choosing who she likes without player input, you aren't proving me wrong about you wanting a self insert pandering narrative
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>making uncalled for rude and snide comments in response to damn near everything is"tsukkomi"
>also ackshually she's a tsundere
Characters being nothing but flaws and then trying to fix it later because you forgot to properly foreshadow her being more nuanced than an obnoxious bitch is absolutely shitty writing.
I'm halfway into the second chapter and she's done nothing but be a rude bitch
Maria's "I'll kill you" every line is less abrassive than anything Yuki has said.
It's absolutely a backpedal when you fail to establish nuance early on and then try to write it in later.
Nobody said she is a tsundere.
There has been plenty of nuance in chapter 1, 2 and Mari's event which you all should have played by now. If you didnt notice that just implies you are actually incapable of literary analyses. Congrats

No more feeding you.
>I need everything about every characyter spoonfed me from the start
No wonder anime are so rushed currently. People really have no patience for slower narratives. Newsflash: Maeda tried writing faster paced single cour stuff 3 times (Angel Beats, Charlotte, Day I Became a God). He failed all of them. He does better with slower pace. Slowly exploring and developing characters
Will Ruka's compliments on the girls' curves (the bath scenes) ever stick? Both times she tried, the girl in question (Yuki and Megumi) got angry and left.
Also, I wonder if she will compliment Tama's body too.
it depends on the girls and their personal characters. See how Ruka reacts when she bathes with Isuzu or Shiki
>foreshadowing is spoonfeeding
Kek, ok illiterate.
NTA but as another new player and from >>4327692 , I should wait till month 3 to use the free monthly passes?
I’m not gonna blaze through the game so I don’t mind taking it slow and doing some dailies in the meantime.
So for Yayoi I'm confused. Does her brain damage somehow prevent her from aging too or is she really just that short where even the other short characters seem tall next to her
She's just short. Wait for dangobungo's event for her background.
Carole has that typical "native English speaker that's clearly voiced by someone who's clearly not a native English speaker" and it makes it sound forced and awkward. Reminds me of Alice and Karen from Kiniro Mosaic
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my possible shipping

Ruka x yukkie
Megumi x tama
that would come at the cost of making other pairings shallow or non existant. "Oh, can't have Yuina in a relationship or at least not one that has a signifigant impact. Anything that would result from that would be lost to people who pick her as Ruka's love interest" I'd much rather take more developed side couples at the cost of the main couple not being my favorite characters
>Reminds me of Alice and Karen from Kiniro Mosaic
I would consider this a compliment
They could have just kept it to 31-A.
that would still suck as the rest of 31-A would be left without significant relationships. Perhaps worse since they're main characters
the last mission lists 12 days
Does anyone else has the issue where the game freeze whenever you try to use claim all after reopening the game and leaving power saving mode ? It's been happening without fail and it's pretty annoying
I'm seeing some art of Ruka shipped with that blonde aristocrat team leader and it looks like they had a special duo SS memory together? Is she Ruka's sidegirl?
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For some dumb reason the translation gave her a New York dialect that sounds nothing like her.
You need to leave power saving mode, go to the main menu and then restart the game. It's the only way to circumvent it.
Just keep playing. You'll find out soon enough.
Is there a list that shows what you need to clear to unlock each level of the Flashback Battles? I want to grind gear, but I feel like lvl 3 is going to unlock any moment.
She is from New York. I just wish that if anime and video games is going to have a native English speaker, they at least get someone who is so it doesn't sound like they're struggling to say a single sentence. Even if it's only for the English parts
Working in New York doesnt mean you start saying shit like "shlepping" on a normal sentence.
You're asking for the impossible. And having two VAs would only break immersion as finding an english VA who can sound like the JP VA is almost impossible
Learn to live with it
From some rolls and shit, I've also noticed german, italian (?), indian girl get given accents and random words in their language in translation even when their japanese dialogue is normal. The translation goes out of their way to give everyone not japanese some quirky shit to represent their origins and is annoying
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Oh, they did a style teaser.
I bet it's Iroha.
>population is at critical levels
>murder, let alone serial killing, should therefore be punished a lot harder than it is regularly
Nah, let Karin roam around. In fact, let's give her superweapons!
Who's next on the list? Michael Myers, Jason Voorhees, Art the Clown and six Ghostfaces?
I'm pretty sure she mentioned having an explosive device on her so they can kill her at will if she starts misbehaving.
Enlisting criminals in time of war is common, especially in the apocalypse. They have her under control.
Just finished Ch1 and Mari’s event (JP), should I try get the items in the event shop or just continue reading other events?
Does power save mode run as fast as your team cleared it? So if I reduce the turn count from 3 to 2, it should be clearing 50% faster?

And does it count the time I was 'thinking', so a bigger turn count but at full auto would be more clears/min in power saving mode?
It doesn't matter how many turns you use, it depends on on real time you clear the stage with. But it has some bullshit like it takes your clear time and adds 30 seconds but doesn't drop lower than... I think 1:20.
Ah I see, thanks. I just stared at it auto running my 19s clear, and it increased the win counter at 49s.
How come they haven't made an anime of this yet? Is it because of the backlash Maeda received after the loli nun anime?
Maeda is done with making anime and what you mentioned is a big reason why
Why are the chapter 3 recons mission so long ?
Thought so. That's too bad, I think it would be a major hit if given proper budget and at least 24 episodes, for once.
No way this would have gotten more than 12, given what we see with other gacha adaptations
Only FGO and MagiReco managed 24 episodes and both are part of popular franchises. HBR isn’t and Maeda’s name could have lost a lot of power after the Day I Became a God shitshow
>How come they haven't made an anime of this yet?
Such questions are impossible to answer because you have to know what's going on inside.
It could be that we will never get it because they don't want it or they couldn't make a deal that would satisfy them.
Or it could be in production right now and they didn't release it earlier because they were waiting for a specific studio that was busy with other projects that had been booked earlier.
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Stream starts now. Let's see if we get that Aina event and a story trailer.
Does anyone really care about the game releasing on Googleplay for PC if we already got Steam? I doubt people who are region locked by Steam will fare better with Google play.
Fire Aina and fire Iroha. Interesting... the rest of 31D has ice tho.
Called it.
Am I seeing that right? Another fire field?
Aina is basically Suit Megumin, but for fire. Iroha has a really crazy fast turn 1 fire field that also reatores SP.
The predictions about an Aina event were right. But eventually you gonna be correct by shewr chance anyway.

That covers the Iroha style. Now we need Fubuki and Shiki SS2.
>5.2 stream guest is Ruka's VA and not Karen's VA
It was not a prediction, it was always planted in the last event story.
Always check the chara dialog, which doesn't have any relation to the current event.
you mean the one they're doing a week before 5.2 releases? but that one is about 5.1, it's natural for tomori to be there instead
Has that ever been accurate? Because I remember plenty of events with untelated character appearances that didnt foreshadow anything.
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No, the one that will reveal the chapter and everything.
Wow people complained about Wave mode so much that Shimoda had to come out and apologize and change it...
They're nerfing turn bonus in score attack, so older damage based comp/styles are less in a disadvantage against modern turbo speed styles.
When he said they want older styles to shine more, I thought maybe they will do another round of buffs or introduce some new mechanics, but it were just some mode tweaks and random "trust me bro" promises.
>Iroha has a really crazy fast turn 1 fire field
I still don't understand how some characters just get these insane effects with no downside, and some characters get riddled with retarded limitations for no reason. Aina still has 1 use on her perma ult even though it doesn't do anything insane.
There is one condition for doing it: It must be in the element field beforehand, or you won't get 0 SP.
It will only work for Orb Boss and Dendron or you'll need to pay 14SP.
New Arts Battle season with a new 31D deck. They seems to revolve around drawing more copies.
But they changed a main mechanic! Nkq you can just desteoy Cancer cards without fighting to get levels. But no OD and SP gain. I think its only bronze enemies. And the amount of turns it takea depends on the power level difference.
>There is one condition for doing it
Yeah, but it's common to use field characters to overwrite enemy fields. It's basically
>if you want to do one of things you're supposed to do in the first place, your ult suddenly costs nothing
So what, we got three fire fields now, but ice is still stuck with SS1 Mari's field? Who are they saving that big field for?
Probably Megumi again. All other ice debuffer archetypes have already been used.
It's not like a debuffer needs to get the field. Give it to Shiki. Would make sense if she really is Christmas related.
It's not that debuffers need to get the field, it's that they already use all the other types. Normal ice debuffer is Miko, perma ice debuffer is Miya, resistance removal is Hisame. So if they want to make a new ice debuffer, they either have to invent something new or just make an another fielder yet again.
Speaking of it, maybe Kura will get the field? They tried to make 30G a proper ice team after all. Or maybe she got her field master skill because she won't get the field, so they compensated for it like that.
You forgot that there is no reason to assume Ice Megumi will be a debuffer. We got plenty of class changes before.
There's no way they'd make another debuffer when all debuffs are available between Miya and Hisame. Together they have all aoe version of def down, ice def down (including permanent), fragile and res down.
Another fielder would need to be a buffer at this point, and ice really lacks that anyways. Ice still doesn't have a hit buffer (ALL other elements have one now, though thunder Yunyun is REALLY shaky with Admiral Aoi out now), and a mind eye buffer would also make sense.

I'd say something like dark Higuchi, but with a field instead of dark enhance would probably make the most sense.
>have a SS, Moonlight Seika
>see that I drew another
>it's Moonlight Seika again
Happened to me in the Starlight Revue gacha, with the difference that I actually paid to get that repeat. Thankfully, this Seika was free.
By the way, there will be 2 separate streams in 2 weeks, one on 5/12, then the chapter reveal on 7/12. Not sure why, but whatever, I guess.
Dupes are actually useful though.
Okay, so about that 0 cost Iroha field? They did the big brain.
Her dark field got an upgrade. It costs 6sp now (first time only), and fills OD by 30%.
After this you can cast your fire zone for free AND get 5 SP.

Likewise you can also play her in dark to begin with, and buff dark crit-rate an crit damage. I honestly don't think this is very useful (admiral aoi exists now, so crit-rate buffs are not useful) but it's a funny thing. Also the single target only problem.

Downside is, her enhances are simply not up to date, so she's REALLY weak, but on the flipside REALLY fast. 2 turn big fire field and everyone gets +5sp and 30% OD.

Combined with the really bad Aina, quite a welcome breather, unless you wanna cheese more in fire.
Still, I'd like to see some new faces.
I really don't vibe with what they did with the recent fire support styles(Aina, Iroha, Carol, A-san). They all feel so random, the element started reminding me of how this year's ice styles feel.
I need a max repel because I'm sick and tired of all the random encounter i've to deal with when I'm trying to progress into the story///
Well, the funny thing is, Iroha ss1 with the ss2 secondary skill is better than dark Megumi or the Yukki field style when it comes to pure damage.

For fire though? I agree. Megumi is still kinda your best debuff option, unless you wanna hyper rely on Isuzu. And fire Aina brings all the worst of perma def down styles together, without what makes her usually good. So the usefulness of a new fire field is.. debatable outside of strict aoe scenarios, where obviously also Adel would start to struggle being useful.

I'd think maybe they thought about supporting the limited split fire dark styles, but those are strictly single target and not useful in aoe scenarios either..
You will "love" 4.2. then, where random encounters might be more difficult than some bossfights. Unless they release it already nerfed.
>Unless they release it already nerfed.
EN is on the 2nd anni patch QoL-wise, they have all the nerfs backed in.
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Thanks game
Chapter 3 spoilers
Didn't expect Tomi to grow on me so much through the chapter and her socializations, she was such a genuinely fun character and her interaction with Ruka were tons of fun. I do wonder if my favorite character of each squad is eventually going to die... After the brutal scene of her death, though, the "We're all narbies" reveal, feels almost comical, that was such a whisplash
Flat hand was tons of trouble, I don't really know how to get stronger anymore now that I'm close to the level cap, barely pulled the win
Her name is Kura, nobody calls her Satomi. And Ruka's real nickname for her is "Kuracchi".
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>new 31A banner
>Ruka's featured style is 2 years old
They really need to do something about it. It's cool and all that she appears in every unison, but when the main character of the game doesn't have a modern available style, it's just weird.
Which is actually really bad, because they will be way overpowered for a long time. They have all the mechanics in the game you were only supposed to have for 5.1 onwards, which means every single SA is also massively easier.

I hope this is because of acceleration. Though normally acceleration comes with more pulls to compensate and not more stat power...
>Which is actually really bad, because they will be way overpowered for a long time.
This sounds exclusively like a good thing
I think that anon is on the side that wants new players to struggle so they actually appreciate the game, sense of progression, etc.
From what I have seen, new EN players who beat chapter 3 considered Flathand really hard. Probably because to beat Chapter 3 already you would have to rush the game.
Is there a reason to boost up your lower rank units on anything but skill levels?
Luckily I have yet to get any dupes minus the Ruka dupes you get for completing the story. I did get 2 different Karens though
This swordswoman event isn't going to go away is it? I don't see an end date and I've been going through the story fairly slow. Still on Day 4 of Chapter 2
Events are permanent, you don't have to read them right away. The main time-limiting part of events are the Score Challenges that run alongside the event, because (and only because) they give event tokens for getting a high score. If you want the tokens from Score Challenge you can do so without having to start the event as well.
>Have to wait until the 31-C banner ends to get GGP to unlock the final character
>She's a depressive POS
I see why they weren't giving her to me. They were trying to save me from her. I despise characters like this
You don't learn the game like this though, and for some people endgame is interesting. Not everyone will like it of course, but having literally 40 more possible levels than on launch, plus the keys (up to another 15 stats to all) and on top of that the multiple nerfs the game got (border lowered, resistances removed) makes a lot of the game into a giga joke unless you really hard rush and don't play the game.
And if you like endgame, it's also scaled for something entirely different, unless the English publisher actually modifies it. (haha)

Also define "hard". Wouldn't be surprised if it's "first battle I couldn't auto" hard.

The thing is, all of this is fine in JP, because eventually you will get to the content where you need to learn to play, even if it's still easy. But it's not in Global. And JP also has real endgame designed around all of the boosts, again global won't (likely) have any of that for quite some time.
Ugh read this. It should solve most of your questions. https://rentry.org/vufyc93m
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Nobody cares. Seriously, are you the same moron who ranted about Yukki? Can you contain your /vmg/ tier takes for us? Please?
Nothing worse than some idiot trying to shove his opinion about characters he knows nothing about down people's throats.

This is still a /u/ thread and you will just have to deal with any ship and character we post.
EN players are even worse than JP players on that part. I have seen people ask how much they need to grind so that they can just auto the bosses of chapter 2 and 3. Someone actually did auto RedCrimson after just losing over and over and lowering the difficulty.
Some people have literally not the will to actually play the game. You'll just have to deal with it.
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The new boss has a new type of debuff, but it feels no different from a stun. Like a repaint.
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>not allowed to voice dislike of a character without being a hetfag
>shitposting about characters one knows nothing aout
>being offended by the backlash
I'm not going to like a depressive POS regardless of whatever reason they came up with for her being one. They're just annoying characters. It's difficult to care about any relationships a character has when you hate dealing with the character. It's why I couldn't give a shit about Hilda x Marianne despite being a popular ship
And your personal taste and ridiuclously stupid jumping gun antics has no relevance here.
>you can't discuss the game in the general for the game
So do characters just not matter? Might as well just replace them all with gray blobs
You aren't discussing a character, you don't know anything about the character to discuss her to begin with. You are just retardedly ranting and this is the final reply you will get from me. Stop pretending to be brain damaged, you know what this is about.
she fits a archtype I hate, that's all I need. I don't need to know why she's the archhtype I hate. Doesn't stop her from being the archtype I hate
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Different anon here.
Kind of sad actually, because the game is not nearly as difficult as it used to be.
Nothing ever comes close to JP chapter 3 finale pre-nerf, pre-lvl updates. EN would be so pissed, if they had to do that fight with a team like pic related.

No orb skills, no key accessories, random accessories that had to be farmed slowly in the 'A' dungeon (the one that was removed from the game), no elemental +10% rings, no teardrop enhancements, no +10 style levels, no SS1 skill upgrades (old clock tower back then), no lower difficulty setting upon losing, A ranks starting at lvl 45, S at 60 and SS at 90 was the real challenge. All that on top of only having ~20 SS styles with few elemental fields or de/buffs available.

Also, don't forget that life could only be spent one at a time, so leveling up a new SS style took quite a bit more time and effort. You couldn't just one-shot prism battle bosses like you can today. Additionally, life stones were not handed out that frequently (at all?) in the first couple of months.

Sure, some people just want to see the story, but struggling through a battle is part of the experience. It adds to immersion, similar to playing story-accurate.You don't quite feel the characters' struggle, if the chapter leads up to a grand boss fight that feels no different than some random dungeon encounter.
In a regular VN, you would get long, descriptive battle scenes with sound effects and more voice acting (VNs by "light" come to mind). In HBR, we get gameplay instead.
>couldn't get through the Day 4, Chapter 1 battle within the turn limit (5)
>expect 'game over' or 'try again' or similar screen
>the game tells you to try harder and that you won't pass the aptitude tests at this rate, and keeps going as usual
Huh. I'll have to grind the crap out of my team, then. And maybe roll for stronger units.
You actually brought A-style Aina? That's quite demented. I remember those days. I did it with only 3 SS styles (one of which was fucking Free Ruka) and everyone was only around level 80-90. My buffer was S Iroha for crying out loud.

Story accurate was not even a notion at that point in time, no way in hell could you beat Flathand with a 31A/KuraMona team unless you were just insanely lucky and got 6 SS styles for them.

I think I redid that fight like 10 times, always going back to power up my team more after every failure. When I reached that third phase I despaired because I had no ressources left to beat anything else... good thing that was scripted.
I really liked the challenge, but I'm also not really wishing this experience on new players. However, now that everyon gets super overpowered teams and a million support mechanics on JP, I wish they would revert the nerfs. Fuck those Irene spammers who just one-shot story bosses.

You really, really don't. The chapter 1 final boss is only aimed around level 40. And you can beat it way underpowered. All you really need is to learn the mechanics well and minimally upgrade.

I just did it with a story accurate 31A team on EN and all of them except Ruka were A and S styles. It's not hard at all.
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After recently randomly checking some fragile damage I started thinking that the style bonus "debuff skills improved" aren't working with fragile for whatever reason.

Now I tested def downs, but it seems to not do anything there either? I get values that I'm expecting without any further boost. LB boosts do seem to work. I happen to have Aina's LB3 and her debuff becomes 30% better as advertised. (with capped skill effect ~39% def down instead of the 30% aoe def down)

Anyone knows what "Increase Debuff Skill Effects" does, or if it ever actually increased debuff potency? Because if it does literally nothing, I have to reconsider calling styles trash that aren't having that but use debuffs (i.e. the limited ones of Yukki/Ruka), and that's exactly how it looks like right now.
IIRC, you're actually required you to hit the top of the stat check to utilize that bonus.
Won't work, my Aina easily hits that. Or my lb4 Isuzu.
Maybe just for chances, or it was bugged at some point.
Does anybody else have ‘connection issues’ on EN IOS?
I say ‘connection issues’ because I would come back from arena power saving mode, rerun the stage and when I press to go into power saving mode again, it tells me connection lost and to check if I have connection (I do in general).

Then I’m sent back to the splash screen, and the game won’t load past that. When I force close and reopen everything loads, and the game is already auto running the stage in power saving mode. So I don’t understand at which point connection was lost.
People have a lot of random technical issues on the EN server. You will just have to roll with the punches.
I haven't progressed far enough for element types to matter. Is it like Pokemon where fire beats grass, which beats water, which beats fire, or there's more to it than simple rock paper scissors?
No. An enemy can be weak to any type or element and resistant to any type or element.
I'm shocked how well I can beat 140 35 these days on SA. Guess I actually did improve gradually without noticing. I used to struggle with 120 not too long ago.
Did Akari's VA change in this event already? Haven't finished the event yet, so I can't check the credits, but another anon mentioned that she would retire or something?
Nope, this was still recorded by her old VA. They record stuff months in advance, so we should still hear her in most content for a while. I bet she is still in 5.2 as well.
Just a matter of enough LBs. We didn't have an actual challenge in SA for quite a while. Even off-element I could get a score that always beats my best on element score I ever had.
Well, dark got even better with the last banner, so it's not too weird.
I'm baffled that they released fire Aina as is, even after feedback on ice Mia was that she was extremely underwhelming. I guess the youtubers overhyped dark Megumi too much when she was released, so they think there are no issues with their archetype kit at all.
Nah, the Isuzu event SA gave me a lot of trouble. My light team is alright, but having to fight without properly stacking OD was rough. I couldnt even beat it at 130.

You need to fully scale potency+100 for a 10% increase, going up every 20. The % increase is % of the actual debuff, not additive. So on Isuzu's fragile, (2xint+luck)/3 has to be >= 559 on 140 to start getting an increase, capping at 659 for 10%. On fragile, this means double stacking is 110% instead of 100%, which is only an overall 5% increase, but because damage rng is +-10%, you need to get a reliable average to even see it work. Also crits don't apply on debuffs even if it's an attack that crits, it only applies for damage calc on the hit. Also since we're here the -50 stats on crit is actually a hidden debuff, so when you use unison Yuki's hacking, it's only really -50 instead of -100 for damage as if she wasn't bad enough, and misfortune just doesn't do anything for damage.

Even on LB4 it's hard to hit the cap+100 for 140. It's easiest to use Isuzu because her DP damage debuff is huge, but if yours is LB4 you might have a hard time finding a DPS that can already cap even with -50 on crit. Use unison Yuki, single cast of her debuff, and a dps that already caps and doesn't inflict weakness to whichever enemy is right on the border for you and a +12% should be easy to detect after a few tries.
actually 5.7% so even with Isuzu, it's just hard to test because of rng, but should still only take a few tries.
Okay, so you need a lot more than just cap. That's silly, and really unlikely to ever matter. So in the end it does mean that for most purposes the actual non debuffer classes aren't even worse at debuffing. Good to know. This means stuff like swimsuit Tsukasa's aoe fire def down is gonna do pretty much the same as any other aoe fire def down even on her buffer style.
Dark Megumi is ST, which is why she's useful. Aoe debuffs (other than fragile) are weaker and as such much less useful as aoe fights are rare and even if you get them, those aoe def downs have the lowest priority, because no other buff or debuff magically gets worse just because you hit 2 enemies...

One day they'll wake up and make all aoe def shred the same power as ST.
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This cg in chapter 5 honestly just felt like a kick in the balls
The numbersfag youtubers were definitely overhyping Megumi, but I guess they couldn't have had the foresight on how Captain Aina would so vastly powercreep her. But I think it stands to reason that there has to be a purpose behind releasing these incredibly SP inefficient perma debuffers when the meta is so focused on speed. That or they're just punishing Aina for having such OP styles and these perma debuffers will end up in the same boat as the "super" breakers
I keep spending stamina on event battles, getting overleveled to where I'm at in the story, then still not being able to claim the lifestones in my giftbox because more gets put in there. My team is currently 7500 power where story suggests 4000 and I have 40 lifestones sitting there. 99 is really to low of a cap
Those bastards lied to me. They advertised Aoi as a girl that says bokon a lot but its been almost ten chapters and she's never said it past the first scene
Why the hell are you not just using a different team for the event battles than your story team?
>10 chapters
Do you need your meds?
I assume he means days
because I'm the type to use one team for everything and just swap out a character if the game tells me I can't use them
That's dumb. Make a team for every squad and make several teams based on elements. You will thank me later.
I've always been the type to use what I like and not what's good. At best I'll work to build what works with characters I like without using the ones I don't
That will 100% not work for harder content. You NEED elemental teams.
But that aside, if you actually do intend to play story accurate, there will be events for every squad. You have to have a 31B and 31E team at the very least because their events force you to use them (not just a suggestion as usual).
Who you like is irrelevant to what is story accurate. You are just lucky that early chapters have that excuse about Ruka being able to conscript any other squad member to her team for "learning". This will not exist in most story scenarios later.
Lorewise, what's the difference between socializations and recollections? They read the same, but one of them is repressed or something from Ruka's memory?
There is no answer to that yet. The Garden of Memories is kind of a mystery. But there are several recollections that actually are canon to events and the main story, so they are not necessarily fake.
You clearly are new, so I don't want to spoil you, but there are a couple of recollections that give us hints at something more. Ask again after you beat chapter 3.
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I beat Aina's event.
This one has some really crazy ideas I gotta say. Despite not being anything too special I really just vibed with it for some reason. 31D have really grown on me and can actually hold my attention just by interacting.

To think Aina's mother's skelleton was roaming the sea in a submarine for 40 years while its speaker played a lullaby for Aina... that's absolutely fucking nuts and some real Maeda level scenario (except I dont think he wrote this one lol).

All jokes aside it was really quite touching. And i love orcas. Not to mention I learned some fun fish facts!

Not too sure about how they handled Tezuka's reaction to Aina mentioning her mother. I think she was just being cautious about any contact that could reveal the truth about the time gap, but luckily for her Aina's mother had already been dead for 10 years even before the timeskip.

Very sparse on the yuri once again... I think AkaMisa had some really subtle growth, because Akari is more open now and doesn't hide from Misarin anymore. Fubuki for once wasn't trying to clamjam them either (but damn was she funny in this event). Still... we are at the level where Misarin gets jealous of Akari hanging out with Aina alone. Clearly they still need a lot of work.

Seabird Song is absolutely beautiful and I have been listening to it on loop.
I feel like the squares in everyone's passive skills aren't supposed to be squares. It's kinda hard to tell the condition when it could be either ">" or "<"
>barely pulled the win
Unironically that's best way to end that chapter anon
Rereading this chapter made me realize people who dislike Kura are legit retarded.
So what all does a reversion do? I see the skill slots but not much else
+1 to stats and extra skill slot. That's good enough.
So seems like you mostly want to do it if you got enough skills to take up the slots. Right now that seems to only be any characters you have an SS of. Past that, the stats seem like they'd only start mattering once you can blow through a reversion quickly
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>forced tearjerker moment
If only I gave half a shit about her, Maeda. If only you learned, after all these years.
Shut the fuck up already. You are literally just hear to shit on every aspect of the game. Get lost.
You'll come around to her with enough of the main story and events.
You have no soul
>that one chapter 1 mission the day before the aptitude test where you have to defeat the two big Cancers with a weakness to Crush
>my only decent Crush unit is a S Megumi
Ah, the Yachiyo Gate moment.
Maeda didn't even write the event faggot
If you hate the Mari event, all the 31D events except Iroha's will make you want to quit the game
>not liking the cute shopkeep
NTA but do you just assume any person who has any problem with any character is the same person?
It could be worse, you could be forced to do one of the event stories with 5 A ranks and no healer (despite Tama meeting the conditions for the mission). Luckily I had an overleveled SS Yayoi for when things got hairy
Glad I finally checked what all S ranks I was missing. Feels like I haven't gotten any new units in 3-4 summons. After removing those from events, there's just 5 I'm missing. I'm probably safe to just start saving until there's a banner I want at this point
Ever since this loser came here it's just been the same thing from him.
>I hate Yukki, stupid bitch needs to die
>I hate Akari because she is some archetype I hate
>I don't care about any of the characters, so the writer is at fault that I have zero empathy or care
Begins the game -> discovers new characters in chapter 1 -> makes it to Mari's event
If you don't see the pattern, that's on you. There aren't that many new players and ihe complains about everything the same way.

If someone has nothing to add to the thread but complaints, then they don't belong here.
Why are you specifically picking out 31D event? The moron you are talking to clearly doesn't want to invest himself into any aspect of the game, so he will hate absolutely any side content. Just tell him to quit the game.
well one of those was me so I know the rest aren't. I've also talked plenty in this thread otherwise, just not in the same posts
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Sure, whatever you say. If you are on the same level as this loser then you will not fare much better. Criticism is one thing (we critisize WFS or a writing decision all the time), shitting on the game because of some personal mental illness someone here has is different.
Nobody is forced to only be positve about the game, but if you have nothing worthwhile to add and just come here to shit on every aspect of it, despite knowing shit all about anything it's not gonna be tolerated.

Have some self-control. You are newfags who barely know anything coming to a thread of veteran players to tell them everyrthing they like is shit because you know nothing about the game. It's embarrasing.
>Have some self-control
Take a look in the mirror. It's incredibly tiring to read your responses and samefag accusations to every single post that has a complaint without a million praises. And they always come without fail because you must have such a hard time ignoring them. It's like you treat them as a personal attack. Sometimes people just want to say that they dislike something to seek validation without having to say that they still like the rest of the game. You're never going to nurture the mature community you imagine you have on 4chan.
Listen to yourself. You call it tiring that someone talks back to people who pointlessly shit on everything? But you sure keep your mouth shut when those anons come here to never shut up about their personal mental autism.
>B-b-but I seek validation for my unfounded hatred of characters I dont know anything about
Then get lost. There are threads on /vg/ and /vmg/ that are more up your alley. To cry out for validation is really, really pathetic, you know?

These threads have been mostly pleasant across the years because people were intelligent enough to use constructive criticism and not just go on retarded rants about whatever insignificant personal preferences they have. There is not a single bit of worth in a post that just essentially says "I hate character! Die character!" like a 5 year old.
And some self-important anon high on his own farts going on about how nothing emotional could ever affect him and how he has a personal vendetta with the writer should just quit the game and leave.

If you don't want to be mature then you will be treated exactly like you aren't.
>it's not gonna be tolerated
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It's really annoying how half the time it will let you pick your team before a story mission and the other half it will just pick whatever was last selected
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Oi Tama....
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Damn, Ruka’s actually a glass cannon huh
Globalfag here. I'm actually really getting into the game. Launch feels pretty weak though so I'm worried that EoS will come sooner or later. I know /u/ has been playing this in JP for a while now. How's the experience for non-JPfluent people? I can understand a bit of Japanese, but I know only about 400 Kanji at most. Not sure I wanna play with an OCR

Also, do you guys know of a good site that sells JP quartz/reroll accounts? The ones I know of don't have a huge selection of characters.
how often do just the global versions EoS? Usually EoS is just the game as a whole
MagiReco? That one MHY game before Honkai?
I think Princess Connect. I'm not sure though. I don't pay too much attention to gacha I don't play.
I've seen it happen a few times, for example a small tactical RPG called Alchemist Code EoS'd while the JP version kept going
That is correct. Just wait until you see how she reacts to Shiki. The only time she is actually scared of inviting someone to the baths.
Just use an OCR anyway. With your basic Japanese you will be able to interpret the translation mistakes much easier.

Happens all the time. Global tends to be much more susceptible to EoS. But Yostar is not known for dropping gacha easily, so it might not be too scary. They clearly invested very little into HBR, knowing it will not be a big money maker.
What's the meta for the squad selection on gig ?
There is none. Just play with your strongest units and play with lots of point multipliers.
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I can't believe Ruka would say something like this? The Zullnucho Mecolli Mecolli skinned people are going to be pissed
I'm also not fluent in JP but I only have trouble when Tezuka or Nanamin talk about the military, mission strategy and such in which case I use an OCR or a dictionary. The rest of the game is most of the time perfectly comprehensible for me.
If anything, this game significantly improved my Japanese skills since there is a mountain of great content that I'm willing to (linguistically) struggle through to learn. It has been a blessing.
Symphogear XDU Global ended several years before the game itself.
I didn't expect Charlotta to be this... intense considering how tragic is her bio and backstory
please call her Sharo and please look forward for her event. also, Sharo is the way she is BECAUSE of her tragic backstory.
Ruka's a bottom LARPING as a top, when Yukki compliments her she gets all blushy.
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I feel actually dirty for using this team. I never got this far in Arts Battle, but this sure does the job.
>there will be 2 separate streams in 2 weeks, one on 5/12, then the chapter reveal on 7/12. Not sure why
I think they'll do 2 back-to-back banners. Christmas one on that week(probably Fubuki+Shiki, unless Shiki is part of the next event), then 31A with 5.2.
How do I even spend life points? Going back in time and doing socializations doesn't do it.
It does though.
Not on already cleared socializations.
Then do event and gem bosses. Those are the quickest and easiest way to use them.
Then do the ones you haven't already cleared. The ones you didn't choose the first time around will cost a life. Also prism battles like for the current event cost lives to complete.
>replaying old ones when that gives you nothing
>thinking this will use up stamina
This is a level of dumb I'm not used to. Gotta lower my expectations.
You don't unlock anything else that uses stamina until you get Flashback battles around Day 10 or so
And you get several bond episodes at once, so...?
>pull the free daily 1x
>screens are purple
>it's a S that turns into a SS
So that can happen too. I've had A turning into S before.
Even rarer is an A that turns into an SS. I've had it happen twice already. Both were A-san, funnily enough.
The new event is... standard. However I got 1 question: What's up with food shortage when human lebensraum getting bigger? How does this work? It's not like the number of humans and consumption increases. If anything it should be the other way around. You can think that it is a logistical problem except it was never put this way and the solution involved increase in production.

Can it be that most people are stored in cryostasis and then released when there is actually a place to live?
Maybe humanity got cornered in places that aren't conductive to food production.
I also have wondered about what the heck is up with the humanity counter going up by hundreds of thousands in like half a year. They made a big deal about that in 4.1 I think... It feels like the writers dont understand that regaining land isnt equivalent to thousands of births a week.
>how could there be food shortages?
They already had that problem before any of this. Dome citizens live off scraps and barely survive. Now that the military has more land under their control and humanity will expand again it is vital to get food production up. That's why they made those experimental farms in Sharo's event and why they need this fishery in Aina's. Even if in the short term humans can survive, you have to think long term here.
Why the fuck are you using nazi terminology for this anyway freak? No, actual Germans these days don't say it like that.
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I don't know why it would make a difference what Germans use when the English use of "lebensraum" only adopts one of these definitions here, but when talking about an alien species that literally makes the land uninhabitable, what other term do we use in German?
I've had that happen before once. Forget who it was, think it was Wakkie
Never had this though
None of these definitions are for human territory expansion (they are all for nature and animal ecosystems). That is an exclusively nazi way of using the word. It was part of their rhetoric when expanding into the east and attacking countries.

Habitable/safe territory can be described differently. But that's besides the point.
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If I didn't miscalculate here, could've hit top 30 and probably stay in gold all season, but oh well
Fall Season Positives
>Removal of 31B and 31C
Most of their cards were the cornerstones of the cancer resetting/looping strategy and now with them gone, there's only good old honest Tama. Good riddance
>Sumomo and Aoi now exist
Makes fights a non-factor, even ace enemies. Makes skill uses a non-factor.
Fall Season Negatives
>Summer Karen still exists
Still mandates hitting the rough double boss combo that you only get two chances to pull off or else the run is dead
>Battle skip is useless
It doesn't give you OD and halfway through, the turn cost is not worth it

Gamemode is still horrendously slow to rank and nowhere near what a roguelike is supposed to be. It also isn't the skill level grinding location that it could've been. Though the removal of 31B and 31C does make it way less RNG dependent and loop focused which is a push in the right direction
Sheesh. I only made it to Area 8. Beyond that I just didn't do any damage. So fights are most definitely still a factor.
I don't think they will remove those two card sets permanently. They will just remix which ones you get to use every season.
I don't know what the exact thresholds are for each area, but with 999 atk, all battles are a non-factor up till area 10. With Hiiragi and Yuki you can even beat area 11, but I think you will need summer megumi's card too. You can reach 999 atk pretty consistently by area 6-8 with the right deck.
>Trick or Treat says it can miss
>used it a good few dozen times with no misses
Am I just lucky or are the odds so low it might as well not exist
Used it 4 times, missed 3.
You're super lucky, it's one of the most cancerous skills in the game.
Is a miss just lower damage then? I did notice it did like 10k to DP but 66k to HP after the boss got 2 defense boosts. Enemies also just seem to have less defense in general without their shields
A miss is 1 damage. After you threw every single buff in the world at her, and every single debuff on the enemy.
A miss is like 10 damage max. The trade-off for being a gambling ult that can just fuck up is that Bungo's SS1 ult does insane DP damage.

HP takes a lot more damage if you raise the destruction percentage. That's what Blasters are for. Enemies generally have far more HP than DP.
Chapter 2 day 13, the day of socializations where they're all incapable of bathing themselves
Who is it? Bungo, Yotsuha and Kanata? Those are the only three that come to mind.
Yotsuha, Kanata, and Vritika. She drowns in numbers if left alone
Ah Vritika "the female body is the perfect mathematical equation of the universe" Balakrishnan.
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In three days we get an IreneSS2/IsuzuSS3 banner? I think I might lose my saved up currency before the new chapter. Sorry KareTsuka.
>It feels like the writers dont understand that regaining land isnt equivalent to thousands of births a week.
Or maybe they're not being 'birthed'. If restoring the population numbers to pre-Cancer levels, the Seraphim groups would be coed, or there would be regular events where the girls met males, or there would really be no female Seraphim groups at all. What's left of the govts of the world would incentivize women giving birth (instead of, you know, fighting Cancers) and punish dissenters.
>Or maybe they're not being 'birthed'. If restoring the population numbers to pre-Cancer levels, the Seraphim groups would be coed, or there would be regular events where the girls met males, or there would really be no female Seraphim groups at all. What's left of the govts of the world would incentivize women giving birth (instead of, you know, fighting Cancers) and punish dissenters.
Ch3 spoiler
Can narby even have children ?
What the fuck are you talking about? The Seraph squads have nothing to do with increasing the population or procreation you freak. They literally are the only ones capable of fighting the monsters that wipe out humanity. Cant exactly fight when you are fucking pregnant retard, can you? Your entire premise is ass-backwards.
Not to mention that there is no indictaiton narby can give birth to humans.
they look so cool together with those outfits. I already have Isuzu but Irene is so damn fucking tempting...
When do the power training battles for the limited time missions open up? So far all I've gotten is higher levels of the initial 3
Getting an SS Irene would be nice since I like her but find her S kinda useless. Unless I'm just misunderstanding her skill, setting someone's SP to 3 when they would be at a minimum of 2 anyway seems like a waste of a turn. SS Isuzu would also be nice since she's part of my main team but I've been running off of a S. Mainly to boost Karen's Blaze of Glory
The banner I am talking about is for JP, sorry. You ain't getting the broken Irene SS2 any time soon.
>Irene's S skill
You clearly don't understand 31X's gimmick. They can go into negative SP. They can basically spame their skill instantly. Irene's S skill can reset any kind of negative SP to +3.
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Speaking of gimmicks, I never figured out all of the initial release squad gimmicks...
30G = Self-buff with extra turn
31X = negatvie SP
31F = charge
31B = no healer, but quick and high damage
31E = ???
31C = lots of buffs?
31D = ???
31A = no gimmick? Just balanced?
>31B = no healer, but quick and high damage
I'm not sure that counts as a gimmick compared to the rest. Feels like they don't really have one.
>31E = ???
I think they decided to make negative OD their mechanic, but it's hard to say if they'll stick to it, the reception hasn't been stellar.
>31C = lots of buffs?
More effects on first ability use, a lot of their units have this.
>31D = ???
OD generation.
>31A = no gimmick? Just balanced?
No gimmick I can think of and it's honestly annoying, they're supposed to be the best sqaud in-universe, how is that they have nothing.
Having no healer is relevant to 31B's thematic gimmick of death. But as an initial comp they basically have Aoi take the hits, Koju uses her ult to quickly raise up Ichigo, Sumomo and Byakko to get their ults out and Higuchi either buffs of lightning fields. They can do lots of damage relatively fastl, as long as Aoi can survive the punishment.
>31E negative OD
Nah, that was added so damn late it was never the squad gimmick.
>31C effect on first use
I see, I never noticed that.
>OD generation
Who except Aina actually does this in their SS1?
>why does 31A have no gimmick
I think their thing is just that they are a perfectly balanced party. The only thing they lack is a Defender which is optional to begin with. And they get so many styles shoved up the player's ass that you will almost never play any team without a 31A character.
For banners is there an archive of banners so we can see what to expect for English? All I can find is upcoming Japanese ones and anything English only goes into reroll tier lists
>Nah, that was added so damn late
If they get a gimmick it will be late no matter what it is.
>Who except Aina actually does this in their SS1?
They added it to Iroha with her upgrade and Akari had a normal skill like that. Misato and Fubuki had checks for being stronger if they're in OD. Then Misato and Akari SS2 are both OD based units.
The EN server is like 10 months in. They have skipped dozens of banners. They will just give you new event banners and whatever themed banners they feel like.
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I want more DP focused enemies. For one thing: Breakers suck and they wouldn't suck as much if breaking would imply killing.
And then, I love me some good old Isuzu dp def downs.

Only tower hell mode does this.
Finally had it happen