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Updates and Discussion for English and Japanese games, visual novels, RPGs, etc which contain yuri.
Last Thread: >>4321080

Lists of Yuri Games:
https://www.mediafire.com/folder/4oc1uvr5vl96m/Yuri (Generally non-VN games)
http://store.steampowered.com/curator/6864182-Hella-Yuri/ (Anything available on Steam with lesbians in it)
https://vndb.org/g1986?fil=tagspoil-0.tag_inc-1986 (VNs tagged Yuri Only)

Yuri Game CGs:

New here? Need a starting point? Try the /u/ recommendation survey results:

Related threads:

Yuri Gacha General: >>4236995
Hat World: >>4107813
Neptunia: >>3779723
Signalis: >>4230341
LIly LYric cyCLE: >>3649128
Baldur's Gate 3: >>4203885
Arcane/LoL: >>4320799
-Sword of the Necromancer remake announced for 2025
- Death Becomes You: Yuri Onsen Vacation released (Free bonus VN for Death Becomes You. Allegedly works standalone)
-Scarlet Defiance: The Wall Between Us released (a short PROLOGUE for a yuri VN. Mind the price)
-Mistwinter Bay released (RPG/kingdom sim hybrid with selectable gender and f/f romance options)
-Sensei I love you so much! in Early Access (fandom sim with all female cast and yuri implications in demo, but level of /u/ in the full product kinda unclear)
-Yuri Sword Saga released (Shoot ‘em up, seems to be mostly yuri fanservice with little substance)
-Midnight Memories: Sonata of the Soul (Metroidvania/Platformer with /u/ romance options)
-New Arc Line in Early Access (CRPG with /u/ options (warning, the EA is REALLY rough and apparently only 1/3rd of the full game)
-Heaven Burns Red EN server launched its PC client (gacha/JRPG/VN with slowburn yuri and lots of gay girls)
-Romance DLC for My Time At Sandrock (farming sim/RPG with /u/ options)
-the end of an obsession released on itch.io (free ebihime yuri VN sequel to “it gets so lonely here”)
-Distant Oceanic Getaway demo released (yuri VN)
-CrocApoca!! [Crocodile maiden at the End of the World] will definitely come out on the 20th of December. Believe it. For real.
Steam Autumn Sale (right at the edge of winter for some reason). I feel like a broken record for some of these. They are on sale basically all the time. Might exclude those obvious ones next time.

-Volcano Princess https://store.steampowered.com/app/1669980/Volcano_Princess/
-Baldur’s Gate 3 https://store.steampowered.com/app/1086940/Baldurs_Gate_3/
-Cyberpunk 2077 https://store.steampowered.com/app/1091500/Cyberpunk_2077/
-CRYMACHINA https://store.steampowered.com/app/2258500/CRYMACHINA/
-Assassin’s Creed Odyssey (WARNING: Do not buy the First Blade DLC or if it is included in the version you buy, disable it) https://store.steampowered.com/app/812140/Assassins_Creed_Odyssey/
-Crusader Kings 3 https://store.steampowered.com/app/1158310/Crusader_Kings_III/
-Dragon’s Dogma 2 https://store.steampowered.com/app/2054970/Dragons_Dogma_2/
-Horizon Forbidden West https://store.steampowered.com/app/2420110/Horizon_Forbidden_West_Complete_Edition/
-Divinity Original Sin 2 https://store.steampowered.com/app/435150/Divinity_Original_Sin_2__Definitive_Edition/
-Pathfinder Wrath of the Righteous https://store.steampowered.com/app/1184370/Pathfinder_Wrath_of_the_Righteous__Enhanced_Edition/
-Mass Effect Legendary Edition https://store.steampowered.com/app/1328670/Mass_Effect_Legendary_Edition/
-Mass Effect Andromeda https://store.steampowered.com/app/1238000/Mass_Effect_Andromeda_Deluxe_Edition/
-Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire https://store.steampowered.com/app/560130/Pillars_of_Eternity_II_Deadfire/
-Life is Strange: True Colors https://store.steampowered.com/app/936790/Life_is_Strange_True_Colors/
-Signalis https://store.steampowered.com/app/1262350/SIGNALIS/
-Potionomics https://store.steampowered.com/app/1874490/Potionomics/
-This Bed We Made https://store.steampowered.com/app/1243850/This_Bed_We_Made/
Remember: this thread is only to discuss a game's yuri content. If you want to talk about the gameplay or other aspects besides the girl love there are other boards for that.
There are more...

-Esperia: Uprising https://store.steampowered.com/app/1138210/Esperia__Uprising_of_the_Scarlet_Witch/
-Stray Gods https://store.steampowered.com/app/1920780/Stray_Gods_The_Roleplaying_Musical/
-W40k: Rogue Trader https://store.steampowered.com/app/2186680/Warhammer_40000_Rogue_Trader/
-Rune Factory 5 https://store.steampowered.com/app/1702330/Rune_Factory_5/
-Persona 3 Portable https://store.steampowered.com/app/1809700/Persona_3_Portable/
-Starstruck Vagabond https://store.steampowered.com/app/2448930/Starstruck_Vagabond/
-Fields of Mistria https://store.steampowered.com/app/2142790/Fields_of_Mistria/
-Haven https://store.steampowered.com/app/983970/Haven/
-Virgho vs. The Zodiac https://store.steampowered.com/app/920320/Virgo_Versus_The_Zodiac/
-Keylocker https://store.steampowered.com/app/1325040/Keylocker__Turn_Based_Cyberpunk_Action/
-Kimi to Kanojo no Lilivaganza https://store.steampowered.com/app/3099840/Kimi_to_Kanojo_no_LILYVAGANZA/
-A little Lily Princess https://store.steampowered.com/app/449250/A_Little_Lily_Princess/
-All the FLOWERS VN shttps://store.steampowered.com/app/452440/Flowers_Le_volume_sur_printemps/
-Fatal Twelve https://store.steampowered.com/app/620210/Fatal_Twelve/
-Please Be Happy https://store.steampowered.com/app/844670/Please_Be_Happy/
-Nurse Love Duology https://store.steampowered.com/app/485040/Nurse_Love_Addiction/
-Cute Bite https://store.steampowered.com/app/1586960/Cute_Bite/
-Lilycle Rainbow Stage!!! https://store.steampowered.com/app/978870/Lilycle_Rainbow_Stage/
-Detective Ridelle https://store.steampowered.com/app/2172490/Detective_Ridelle/
-Seabed https://store.steampowered.com/app/583090/SeaBed/

...waaay more than this. But I think I got a good spread of games. Never ask me for anything ever again.
Nobody asks you to spam this nonsense at the beginning of every thread. There is a reason I don't put it into the OP.
You've been told dozens of times now that as long as it connected to the yuri it's fine. Can't usually separate plot and gameplay from the romance.
>I don't put it into the OP.
You should. Threads always go to hell because people tries to use this thread as discount /v/.

>Can't usually separate plot and gameplay from the romance.
You absolutely can, because they're separate things and only the latter actually matters.
I appreciate the list but you listed potionomics twice and forgot the link with one of them lmao
So for crpgs with yuri elements is there really anything outside of BG3, Divinity, Owlcat games and Dragon Age ? I've tried looking into it but I can't really seem to find much. Apparently there's a lesbian companion in bg2 but I've been told bg2 is pretty weak in terms of writing?
>they're separate things and only the latter actually matters
You know that you come across as a shitposter when you make posts like these right? If you were trying to make a genuine case, you lost all credibility already. I recommend dialing it back to a 5 on the 10 scale.

I copypasted the title one too many times and the extra one stands out because of no link, so suffice to say, I noticed.
Well, you can look at the list of games on sale I just posted and you will find at least one more. Pillars of Eternity 2.
The Enhanced Edition that you can get on Steam has a lesbian vampire LI added to it compared to the ancient original game. There are also hundreds of BG1 & 2 mods/modules you can use to add f/f romance options if you are so inclined. These are games with a long history of modding.
As for the writing... BG1 and 2 are both rather mid in that regard, but that's just par for the course in most old CRPGs. Not everything can be Planetscape Torment (and that's for the best).
Well thank you anyway I appreciate your list even if I own most of them
Would you recommend PoE2 at all?
Full disclosure: I never played it. I bounded off the first game hard. But the first game also had no f/f romance, so it's an easy skip anyway.
PoE2 is allegedly much better in every regard and that includes the romance. Several f/f options this time around.
Yeah that's where I was as well. I remember being excited for a new crpg when it came out only to end up bored by the plot and lack of romance. Maybe I'll pick it up it's on sale for 75% off
Which ones don't you own then if I may ask? It might help me weed out the superfluous. Although some classics simply should always be recommended.
I still find it funny how a game about escaping a city being attacked by Godzilla, EVAs and other giant monsters has a full on lesbian kiss if you pick to play as a girl
This thread went from zero to full autism in just ten minutes, is that a new record?
It's the same anon at the start of every thread. Best to ignore him.
What even is this game? You run from kaijus in a city? Is it kinda like Disaster Report where you try to escape a city and gather survivors? Is that where the kiss happens?
>Is it kinda like Disaster Report where you try to escape a city and gather survivors?
Yes it's from the same devs
I don't know if I'll be of any help or not, I have some of the VNs on my wishlist but haven't bought them yet due to budget. I don't think your list is redundant or anything I just bought a lot of games on sale and there haven't been a ton I've bought since then!

Keylocker, Kimi to Kanojo no LILYVAGANZA, Nurse Love, LiS, horizon, A Little Lily Princess, Dragons Dogma, Rogue Trader and PoE2.

I hope to get at least the last two during sale.
Wow, got it in one. That reminds me that Disaster Report 4 had some moments where female protag can hit on women.
Mostly the niche stuff then. PoE2 is real cheap this time around, so it should be affordable. Rogue Trader is basically on sale every month, so don't feel a need to hurry on that one.

I personally would recommend Nurse Love and A little Lily Princess if you want any more yuri VNs.
Yes in Disaster Report 4 you can hit on women and be gay, nothing really much comes of it but they voiced those lines, so you know they knew what they were doing.
I think what they were doing was to reuse the male scrpt to save time. But that's an honored Japanese dev tradition that has benefited /u/s many times.
Your kaiju game seems quite a bit more involved, considering they animated a full on kiss. But considering the subject matter, it probably won't come out in the West ever. The licensing alone would be hellish.
There's Black Geyser, but I'd put that on hold until they release the DLC as that will also include expanded romance content.
>I think what they were doing was to reuse the male scrpt to save time. But that's an honored Japanese dev tradition that has benefited /u/s many times.
But they still had a woman come in and voice those lines, is my point.
Yeah! I might try to pick up some of the ones I'm missing VN wise too. I put off buying rogue Trader since I was told it wasn't as good as WotR in terms of romance.
>Sword of the Necromancer remake announced for 2025
Did they realize they fucked up with Necromancer 2 and are trying to curry favor with the old fans?
Pretty much yeah, they still want the money of their original yuri fanbase audience who made their success possible.
Oh has anyone tried out Roots of Pacha? I saw it was on sale for $13 some on humble bundle and was thinking of getting it before the black Friday sale ended
Are any of these good?
Probably the end of obsession. It's supposed to be a stand alone sequel to "it's so lonely here" but I like Ebi-Hime so I'm obviously biased
I ended up trying out "My boyfriend's mom" and its shit, but it's not shit for what the title suggests, straight girl correction is my jam, All the BG art assets are AI generated and it appears the guy just uses some stock character designer for the CG. Wouldn't surprise me if the script is largely generated and he edited it

Same goes for the rest of his catalogue. Not sure why they'd accept this one, that speaks volumes about how little they care if they let someone who treats the genre as his fetish in between everyone else
Yuri isn't a fetish, it's a lifestyle.

How's the yuri/shipping in this franchise?
Not worth it, in my opinion. I enjoyed 2 alright, but I didn't care much for the implications that robot girl has a crush on old soldier dude. There was a log or something you could pick up at some point about a lady with a girlfriend or wife or something but whatever, idk. I think the shield lady in 3 is gay but it's a prequel. I think she has her girlfriend still in Tales from the borderlands, but seriously, if you're in it just for that you're going to be disappointed.
Go back to whatever hole you crawled out of.
No it is shit, because she has a fucking boyfriend. That's literally where the post should have ended.
Good to know that you read all that and went "Well if the AI fetish slop was *my* brand of yuri it would have been okay"

Fuck off

inb4 /v/ is the only place slop is used
You should stop using /v/ slang, that much is obvious, but fuck off with the "t-that's just your brand of yuri!" bullshit. Bisluts actively in a fucking relationship with a male are off-topic. You would have been lynched for even suggesting that shit in any other thread.
You have one chance. Just one. If the bislut only dates the boytoy to get to the mom and has not actual real relations with the guy, only then do you get off the hook. So what is it gonna be?
Why would I continue to play it just to appease you? And no I won't stop using a word because you don't like it.

And it is board relevant because it was part of the yuri game jam, so I'm allowed to post my thoughts on it since I gave it the time of day, you delusional retard
Yea that's what it means stupid, I vented that it shouldn't be there because it was Ai generated slop and the """"author"""" of it just treats the genre as his fetish

Did you just see the word slop and fly off the handles?

If so, slop slop slop
Athena(NPC in 1 but it's not that important and one of the playable characters in Pre-Sequel) and Janey Springs meet and start a relationship in Pre-Sequel and that carries over into subseqeuent games. That's the main thing, you get some odd NPC or some girls admiring some specific aspect of other female characters but that's the big one.

Either way Borderlands is a play it for the gameplay kind of thing.
Moxxy is also everyone's ex, including half the female cast. I'm not saying that makes her a good /u/ relevant character, I just find it funny to imagine that so many female NPCs just randomly had a thing with Moxxy.
It is because it's fucking lazy. One of the entries was colored with fucking crayon and isn't even a game. But it's still leagues better because it's earnest and respects the genre

The hetshit stuff is only there so the mc bangs her bf's mom and becomes a homewrecker, but that's the only part that sticks to you

We literally both agree that it sucks but you *need* to have the right opinion on it
>Volcano Princess
It's always so cheap that a discount barely makes a difference. Everyone should own this game.
>The AI shit is irrelevant.
Why all the sudden fighting?
Have any anons picked up any good games from the sale yet?
If you're looking for a cheap way to get Heart of the Woods and Please Be Happy, fanatical has a deal right now where if you get 3 games they're worth a little over $3 each

Unfortunately they're the only two yuri games on there afaik but you could get something like 100% orange juice for your third
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I can't hold back anymore. I need to post this right now. I can't consider this game ambiguous/subtext with that kind of text ingame. Nora has it bad for Sensei.
She is literally treated as the tsundere heroine. What's she supposed to be tsundere for if not for sensei?
Blue girl also called herself sinful for hitting on a younger college girl and rizzing her up... I dont see any subtext.
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Yeah, that subtext must be really ambiguous so that we can't really see it behind all this delicious gayness. Just to be clear, I don't think they will kiss on screen but this is just written as absolute gay.
>20th of December.
now it's January 2025 lol
At this point I think he just keep moving it ahead every month solely to boost the meme.
Considering how gay it is, I think doing a yuri fan pairing as the circle's main thing is the most natural. I love how easily you can just make everyone hardcore yuri fangirls so naturally.
I'm really bored, what's your favourite VN released in the past two years?
Wanting wings
Please be happy
Thank you anon, UsoNatsu is new to me.
I also recommend It Gets So Lonely Here
Class of '09
Thanks. I'm not a big ebi-hime fan but the premise sounds interesting.
Fuck you
There is something inherently funny about ebihime cornering the yuri VN market.
Well she works hard to get her dykes out. Definitely beats studio elan on yuri vns by a country mile

I would say winged cloud does just as many but I hear they mostly suck so they don't count
Amazingly an irl lesbian friend loves this game but that might be because it's so toxic
I think Winter Wolves/Celso Riva is the funniest of them all. Started as otome before branching out, then tried to keep it otome but somehow ended up with the tales from the under-realm series having 3 entries.
As someone that doesn't believe yuri has any commercial power at all, this is quite interesting.
>Started as otome
No, his first games were het BxG and he's been all over the place since then. He's done every combination including many games with choice-of-protagonist. The difference seems to be that the yuri crowd is still willing to buy short low-effort games that he can dump out fast instead of the big RPGs.
We should pool our efforts and start a yuri VN company. There is money to be made and we can aim at an ignored market: the one that can't stand bisluttery / hetshit and shallow baiting.
>There is money to be made
Steam is chock full of VNs and they aren't what I would call high quality.
If people are willing to pay for AI-generated shit, imagine how much they would be willing to pay for actual quality work.
>There is money to be made
Not nearly enough for a 'pooled effort' company. The people who survive in this business do it by having as few staff as possible.
> an ignored market: the one that can't stand bisluttery / hetshit and shallow baiting
Yawn. There's already plenty of yuri VNs out there that don't include bisexuals.

If you want to make an impact you're better off targeting KS devs (who are desperate for attention) and telling them that you'll only back them if they make pure yuri games. And then actually back them when they do. A lot of KS devs are so desperate that you could sway the course of their games for less than the cost of even trying to register a "company".
>If people are willing to pay for AI-generated shit
Being full of AI-generated shit doesn't prove that people are paying for it. In the best known case it suggests the opposite. THe main AI yuri dev used to pay an artist but claims that the games didn't sell enough copies to be able to afford real art so now it's all AI all the time.
>The people who survive in this business do it by having as few staff as possible

>THe main AI yuri dev used to pay an artist but claims that the games didn't sell enough copies to be able to afford real art

We don't need to pay or hire anyone because we'll do the work ourselves.
We can make the yuri VN we want to read and make money while we're at it.
>Someone else will do the art for free!
Good luck, Anon.
Someone else? No. We.
We will do the art and the writing, the coding and the testing.

/v/ made Katawa Shoujo, and they're pretty much imbred animals. Imagine what we would be able to achieve if we start working together.
Here me out, when all of our characters have extra limbs and digits we'll call it a "horror vn" and imply that it was done on purpose to add to the uncanny feature!
There's no possible way this could ever go wrong!
/u/ is literally the only place I've seen with a stick up their ass about it.
Your "lesbian" friend also likes when the lesbian in the game started dating boys because protag was such a bitch she gave up on women? You know, the evil explicit anti-lesbian propaganda? The whole game is trash, but it's even worse for /u/.
Because it is specifically anti-/u/, retard?
I find funny how it even cites those "lesbians are the most abusive of all sexual orientations" """"""""statistics"""""'"""" certain people spam 24/7
This thread in particular is honestly the worst on the board. I swear every month we have to loop the same shit over and over again until it all gets deleted. Then we take a break for a while so we can start all over again. Like just look at the post above and below yours and tell me we haven't been through this already? It's exhausting I swear.

Anyway, if you're the same anon who said you weren't familiar with usonatsu, I hope you enjoy it. It's a slow burn but I was really impressed by the end. There are some voice dramas that are releasing soon with alternate routes I don't know that they'll be translated though
We have a lot of talented artists.
Why are you so against the idea of we making the VN we want?
Look, several of us here already have made VNs. Some for free, some for money, at least one as a living. It lends a certain cynicism to the fairytale of "we'll just all work together and donate all our free time and never argue or lose interest or die and magically after five years a halfway-decent game will be birthed from the sea"
>retards bring up the same games that shouldnt be brought up here
>anons react normally
>wOrsT thReaD in the Board!!!!
You never went to the General or new releases. You are some retard who is obssessed with getting angry about this thread being like any other on 4chan.
Arguments get repeated? It's because tourists keep shitting it up with the same BS.
Lurk ffs
I was just joking around. I was making fun of the idea of using ai art
>game that shits on lesbians
>"but why is /u/ so against this?"
This is the low IQ stuff we need to deal with every week. And crossies have the gall to act offended about the backlash.
I think she likes it causes it's super trashy, not that deep
My doubts about this "lesbian" even existing are rising every post you make.
That's cool, but she's a real person. Obviously not everyone is like her. Just wanted to mention that an irl gay woman likes it, that's all
Go start it then.
>make AI images
>trace over them in MS Paint
>call it a deconstruction of retro analog horror
GOTY, baby
But that would require actual effort, which people who use AI can't do.
I actually did that for one of mine. It's part of practising. Would this be considered wrong?
That would be transformative and actually novel so yea go ahead.
Yes, you aren't practicing shit by tracing.
Let's do it. Let /u/ do something! I'll help if others are on board.
I don't think so. As a child we learned in school to write words by tracing a pre-written path of the letter. That's why I think, it's the same thing for anything else. Training your muscles to at least be aware of what you want to draw instead of forcing it and be frustrated by the outcome. Building muscle memory so to speak. You know without thinking how to write an "A" I'm just using the same technique I have been taught. And that's how I learned it at least. However, I want to be in-depended of an AI at the end.
But you're just building up muscle memory of tracing over something that already exists instead of building muscle memory for making something from scratch.
You're training yourself to be stupid!
Ok, I'll sign up to make mean spirited and frankly inconsistent critiques on everyone else's work.
So like a creative director?
>Rogue Trader

So did someone actually play it since it came out? Haven't seen anybody talk about it. Even without the extra love interests update there were supposed to be two female LIs.
The Sister of Battle of non-romanceable. It's lore accurate, but it still makes you want to suplex a Carnifex.
Wait until all the dlc is out. It's still good now but it'll be better with more time.
I second this. You don't play Owlcat games before the major DLCs are out. You should buy them whenever they are on sale though.
Your options in base game are dogshit. Bdsm goth assasin from dlc might be better, but that's not a high bar.
>It's lore accurate
Well, mostly lore accurate. Most Sororitas remain chaste so that they can serve the Emperor in mind, body and soul.
It is.
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Lore accurate my ass. Owlkek robbed us.
You misunderstood anon meant
L'Oréal accurate.
If only. Whoever decided that the bowl cut was to be the official Sororitas haircut needs to be put to the torch.
I haven't played it but this discussion suggests that there were problems with the romances being really hard to get and many people being forced into an ending with a male LI they'd barely spoken to

>The Sister of Battle of non-romanceable.
ah thats a bummer

what about the elf looking navigator girl?
Cassia can only be romanced by the male MC. The actual elf girl, Yrliet, can be romanced by the female MC.
Oh nyoooo, well thanks for the info
Goddamnit. Can nothing ever just work normally? This is the Gale romance bug from BG3 all over again.
I hope they fix that in the free romance option updates...
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>Death Becomes You: Yuri Onsen Vacation
This was originally a game jam entry last year, but they made it a free VN and released it on Steam. It's actually a nice example of a Game Jam project without AI art shit or any catches.
I guess the dev already proved themsleves with the original Death Becomes You. I just wanted to point out that it's more quality than what you usually see from Game Jams.
those designs are ugly though, should've used AI instead
You are the most boring shitposter with the least interesting bait I have seen all week. It's almost comforting how low effort you are.
i wouldnt say ugly but they dont inspire me to....think anything either
They are fucking AI. They just drew and painted over generated images, but did a lazy job, so the proportions, expressions, and hair, are all off. The coat and ribbon are fucked, etc.
Oh have we now arrived in the era where people just accuse anything of being AI art, because it isn't visually pleasing to them. Guess we had to get her eventually.
>Defending that cheap-ass art
You people deserve this kind of products.
>being too stupid to even remotely understand the conversation
You deserve to be treated like a moron.
>because it isn't visually pleasing to them
People who have no eyes shouldn't try to discuss art.
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i'm sorry is this better?
It's really not that hard to tell if you look at it closely. While it is traced by a person giving it something approximating a style, a lot of inconsistent details give it away. Look at things like the hair and noses as well, they don't make any sense.
>they don't make any sense
I know this is just the usual shitposting trying to start a fight about literally anything, but after decades of Yaoi Hands, you think anime anatomy not making sense is proof of anything?
I know you want to shitpost but yeah, it absolutely is.
>play Life is Strange
Max: "Final Fantasy: the Spirits Within was the best movie ever."
>stop playing Life is Strange

I'm the kind of idiot that thinks AvP was the last good movie in either franchise, but even I have limits.
Instead of wasting your time with shitty VNs and defending AI art, you should check Steam: Strategy of Lily's demo is available.
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>Removed the "contains romance between female characters" disclaimer from the game description

Welp. Forget I wrote anything.
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I think it's still there? I found this at the bottom of the description, and Wayback Machine showed it was there back in 2023.

I guess it doesn't rule out the possibility of being subtext, but the description is still there, for what it's worth.
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Not on the Steam client; probably they haven't updated the web version.

Playing the demo and it indeed removed all the gay from the initial trailer. I think they got cold feet, which is a shame.
There's a fandisc out now for Speakeasy:


> Dahlia makes an excuse to get out of work for a day out with her favorite girl.

> SFW, GxG


> One thing leads to another when you and Dahlia enjoy some time together on the speakeasy's roof.

>NSFW, GxG, Contains: semi-public sex.

but the rest is boys, it's mostly otome
>Not on the Steam client; probably they haven't updated the web version
There's no separate data set for 'steam client' vs 'web version' in the backend. Did you fail to click the 'read more' and scroll down to the bottom?
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>Did you fail to click the 'read more' and scroll down to the bottom?
I'm afraid I did.

Still the demo has been lesbianism-free so meh.
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Here's an interesting query
Do you think prostitutes will be in GTAVI?
Will Lucia be able to pick them up?

I'm going to guess yes, with the added expectation of R* adding male prostitutes too.
No, it's just easier to give up on this, then to hope for crumbs so small not even ants want them
I don't understand why some people lick those crumbs on the floor when they can eat proper meals from a different table.
Because it's a huge game that lots of people will play. But for some reason people on this board think we're still in the dark ages of yuri. Just cause most AAA devs don't wanna take the chance doesn't mean there aren't games with real gameplay that don't treat yuri as an afterthought
Speaking of demos for games with potential yuri content, has anyone played 无梦少女 DreamlessGirl?
>doesn't mean there aren't games with real gameplay that don't treat yuri as an afterthought
Not on the level of an AAA game or a quality game. For example Crymachina is the absolute best we will get from an action game standpoint.
I haven't touched GTA Online in forever so I don't know if they've ever added anything but the game basically did not have any real options for a heterosexual female character. If you made a female character, there is specific dialogue like Lamar flirting with them and the PC getting annoyed but the only indications of anything resembling a sexual preference is the player option of hiring female strippers and hookers.
You are on the wrong board... or maybe the wrong side of existence in general, you fucking dumbass. This isnt a place to voice your second-rate """quirky""" opinions and act like a brainlet about irrelevant shit. If you drop a yuri relevant game over this, leave.
That is pretty suspicious, but then again, it's just a demo.
Probably yeah. Women in crime movies or whatever being bisexual is practically a cliche now.
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Sometime ago I actually bought the main game just for Dahlia, as I really liked her design and the setting was also something you don't see everyday.
Of course you pay for just 1/6 of the content, but I really liked her route and her being a openly lesbian shady businesswoman Casanova in the '20s.

Unfortunately this fandisc has even less value, since only 2 out of 18 scenes are about her, the rest is het or yaoi.
If there is something I've learn after decades of playing billions of demos, is that the demo always reflect the final game and there is no such thing as "they will fix it on the final game", "the final game will be different".
Rare clit mention desu
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>Mistwinter Bay
This really is a budget game that looks like shit, but it actually is pretty fun. Romances are not much to write home about, but being a lesbian sovereign is always one of my favorite tropes.
It's not a kingdom sim by the way, but more of a city sim with the same interpersonal stuff you would find in a farming sim these days.
And hey, after your lesbian marriage you can adopt some cute daughters. Just don't burn down the city too many times.
I didnt say anything about fixing things. I'm saying the demo might just not gonna go anywhere close to where the yuri starts happening.
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>Sensei! I like you so much
I think, one update is really effing with the system now.
Of course, I had to abuse it. Of course, I also had to abuse the free level up for the "fluff" tag by the mall where another bug enables Sensei to almost infinitely farm social skills, wander, increase AP and then study the fluff tag. Damn, Gu Shi is a hella of a drug.
That UI is a bit cluttered.
True but hat world, potionomics, signalis, and little goodie two shoes are great games in their own right and have great yuri content.

And if you don't hate butch women, Last of Us and Horizon are still well made games
Signalis was embarrassing. It's "remember that old game?????? / remember that old anime??????" = the videogame. In a way reminded me of Borderlands.
You haven't played it.
You might ask yourself, "why the seemingly non-yuri post?" But I dare say "no, behold! It makes sense!" You can only gift one freebie a day but it seems you can also now infinitely gift an item. Which turns the huge amount of items into a glorious and wonderful way to cheat the system. It's the best way to help Sensei get all the affinity from her followers and see all the cute scenes. You only need to go over 200 points to see all scenes and 1000 is the limit to reach max. affinity.

Those stickers are adorable. You earn them by completing tasks. Once unlocked they appear on the desktop and they can be dragged and dropped anywhere on the left side. You even can change the place of the actual UI bars (Stamina / Willpower / etc.).
Does it hurt being this stupid?
You're a fucking retard. There's nothing wrong with disliking a game but that take is dog-shit. Borderlands?
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Really good news, Deck Nine is suffering big lay offs because Life is Het performed very poorly. Teach those fuckers to mess with the Yuri fanbase.
Love to see it.
Yeah fuck all those expendable coders and asset artists who had nothing to do with the story decisions.
If you arent going to play the game correctly, then just stop. Exploits just make the entire game pointless. Might as well watch an LP on youtube.
Amd I do indeed ask what is with the non-yuri post. You basically just confirmed the game has none.
Literally nothing about the game is more het than the first. You're fabricating some bullshit ragebait. Can Chloefags get any more salty? Get the fuck out of here.
Pls take your copy pasta to /v/ and never come back...
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I play the how I want to play it. And I do enjoy unintentional exploits in my game. So I am just going to ignore any further comment on this topic.

However, I had to mention it because it leads to the ability to unlock every scene with all of the girls instead of grinding for one girl per playthrough. With freebies you only get 4-5 points of affinity per day. An item gets you 9 every time you use it and you can gift without the daily limitations (for now). In that regard Nora is still pretty gay. With 200 affinity she introduces you to her mom. And as I understand it, that's pretty significant in a relationship.
Let's say it's really written gay as hell but I still don't think they end up for with a kiss.
>And as I understand it, that's pretty significant in a relationship
Please don't self report like this
I don't understand. Isn't it pretty significant? At least for Asians? Isn't Nora basically asking Sensei to marry her at this point? I'm sadly not that familiar with Asian culture so I'm just taking a wild guess here. But manga's made believe meeting the parents is a really big deal.
Report the spammer and move on. Not worth engaging with this mindless shit.
>I can't play games properly, so I cheat
So you are a little bitch, got it.
>somehow this non-yuri thing is yuri because...
You speak of a relationship, but there is none in the first place? Even that screenshot is no different from a mom talking to her daughter's friend.
Nobody is asking for a kiss, but it sure as hell should be more explicitely romantic.
This is important in many cultures. You're self reporting that you haven't met your partner's parents and or single

That's the joke
It's not meaningful for friends though, especially when they still live at their parents place.
If Rockstar decides to make a GTA with a lesbian protagonist.... it will be a gritty story where said protagonist will be a sociopathic butch and her tale will be full of violence and dark moments; exactly the kind of gay /u/ doesn't like.
Meanwhile you people are deluded into believing it would be sone ebihime tier cutesy moe story or cutesy moe with prostitutes like Asumi-Chan.
>If Rockstar decides to make a GTA with a lesbian protagonist....
Good joke anon, they barely could make a female one in 6th game and they had to tie her up instantly romantically with a guy love interest as double play goes so no one could ever make her gay.
No chance ever for that.
Look what Ubisoft did with AC Shadows, some double MC bullshit and you can't even play only as the femae shinobi and you have plot mandatory mission you can't skip or avoid as the boring black samurai guy in it forced on you for "representation".
Okay hold on now
I am ride or die for /u/ games, like I skip m*le dialog and dont even level up m*le characters in games with ensemble casts

But GTA6 having two protagonists is clearly them making sure there is a m*le option for the normies that make up the bulk of the GTA audience, and has nothing to do whether they can/would/want to make Lucia gay or not.
She isnt gay. They are literally a couple. It's not a possibility she just isn't.
Again it has nothing to do with sexuality. It’s business.
This place is so fucking nu-core /v/. You people are pathetic.
And they brought their /pol/ stench with them.
Most of the posters on the /u/ game thread are /v/ refugees who came here due to /v/ become a place where discussing videogames is literally impossible, only to bring that same poison here.
It's so easy to pick them out too.

/u/ anon: "It fucking sucks that you have to play a dude in the game for some missions. I only want to play the ninja girl an romance other girls."
/v/tard "It's so bad that they force you to play the black male protagonist, because they just want to force their representation and diversity on us!"

These /v/ refugees just see yuri as one of their fetishes and try to exploit this to push their same old agendas on this board too. Not realizing their shitty board culture isn't compatible with /u/.
Accessory murder is also a crime
Or you can just get Rise of the Ronin instead.
No forced male MC. No forced het. And plenty of /u/ options to pick from.
I haven't seen any evidence of forced het in AssCreed Shadows either. RoR is only on PS5. You can't expect everyone to be able to access every game.
>Or you can just get Rise of the Ronin instead.

I wish but Im not gonna buy a shitstation 5 for that
>I haven't seen any evidence of forced het in AssCreed Shadows either.
Nor I. But I have not forgotten or will ever forgive the shit they pulled in Odyssey.
Valhalla, for all it's faults, didn't repeat that mistake. The backlash was immense from every single direction for once, so Ubisoft backed off. I highly doubt they will repeat that mistake ever again, at least in this franchise. If the game has optional and multiple romance options we will not get another The First Blade situation.
That may be so, but Ubisoft's still got an entry in the Dammaz Kron.
Will you shut up about ubisoft already? You're like those people who go to a BBQ van and complain they don't sell vanilla ice cream.
>Or you can just get Rise of the Ronin instead.
I wonder if it will ever get PC port, then I would gladly buy it.
>Wants high budget yuri
>Doesn't support it
What a hypocrite you are.
Not either of these anons but just wanted to say, as a Rise of Ronin enjoyer, please don't buy a PS5 just for the yuri. It's a fun game with some cute girls, but they're a very minor part of it. It's fun if you want a samura/ninja game with yuri in it but don't buy it just for that please.
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>please don't buy a PS5 just for the yuri.
Are you the same prick who bragged about pirating KSOTR? Because you sound like him (yes, I'm sure he's a him).
Isn't this about the sex fiend who devours women?

Didn't know it was still getting translated. Nice
I don't even know what game you're talking about? I mean, I guess you can buy a PS5 for the yuri, but I wouldn't buy a PS5 just to play Rise of Ronin for the yuri. And to be clear, I HAVE a PS5, I BOUGHT Rise of Ronin, I even like the yuri in it, but there's not nearly enough in there to spend that ungodly amount of money on it.
There is quite a bit of volumes to read now.
Pretty much, if a person has money to burn they can buy PS5 just to play RotR and then throw PS5 away cause I honestly don't remember any other titles with some worthy yuri content to play on it which weren't released on Steam.
But what does this have to do with blideo games...
Im not gonna buy a console I'll use once every 2 years when I can buy yuri mangos with that money
just realized the wrong thread and cannot delete old post sorry
No porb.
You can't erase your mistakes imouto.
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I guess you didnt get the memo about waifufagging, huh? You can start posting about yuri any day now.
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Infinity Nikki has been confirmed to be hella gay.
New demo up for something that appears to be an all-yuri game but with a rather unappealing title
Looks cute. The dev totally has some sort of puke fetish though, this game aside the studio is literally named throwpup. Not that there's anything wrong with that but imo it's a bit harder to enjoy disturbing psychological games when you know the creator is cranking off to the themes and ideas.
>it's a bit harder to enjoy disturbing psychological games when you know the creator is cranking off to the themes and ideas.
isn't that a majority of visual novels though?
I dunno, I'd hope for most creators it's a mixture between 'they think it'd make for an interesting story' and 'they personally get excited by it.' When your whole ass studio is named after vomiting it's kinda clear you're way deeper into the personally gets excited camp.
Amazing how people are willing to endure cursed abhorrent fetishes so they can get a sniff of yuri.
I dont think we'll ever get out of the dark ages mentally. People will always think that we need to subsist on scraps
Insipid replies as usual. Most yuri VNs arent fetish games.
Most yuri VNs aren't disturbing psychological games either, unless you're that one VNDB user who went around tagging every single yuri/BL game as "Protagonist with Pyschological Problems" before the owners banned them.
To be fair Yuri itself is a fetish

Is het a fetish?
I was thinking the same but didn't want to feed the troll. Damn, hiveminds are real.
He got deleted last time he posted that bait, so just report him and move on.
Het is a sexuality; so is lesbianism.
Yuri itself, the subgenre of romantic / erotic fiction, is a fetish.

Has anyone played the previous game, Demon Turf?
True, my yuri goods and media are objects imbued with a sacred power, by definition a fetish.
Now this is just wrong though.
It's a decent time if you like 5th gen/early 6th platformers and you're looking for something to do while waiting for Mario to get his brother out of prison and get a new 3D game out. It ain't punching in Nintendo's weight class but at least Playtonic has decent sense when it comes to publishing games vs making them.

Yuri-wise not really much to work with outside of cute girls existing.
Maybe we gonna live long enough to get AC game set in Middle East, China or Russia with female protag too who will be able to romance girls in the game.
Maybe Ubisoft will die within the next 5 years and we'll be rid of the stain they spread.
Humble bundle has a bundle right now that has wotr, bg2 and rogue Trader on sale for $30
Yuri set in post-war Japan
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Twitter screencap confirming romance
A new high budget Yuri VN. Finally
It probably will be bought by Tencent and we get delicious female Asian protag adopting all those cute girls into her assassin harem.
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What the fuck is this? Four games of Suoh being horny for tomboy pussy, and this is the ending I get? Mayuri puts JK pussy on hold, so she can hang out with a dying old bag? The true ending better be pretty fucking good. It better involve beating someone to death with their own wheelchair.
Maybe you should wait until you get all the endings before you freak out.
You do realize that Mayuri has a prior history of running away from her gay feelings, and that she's desperate for a mother figure, right?
Never forget what happened in Odyssey's Dlc >>4342286
I heard it pulled the "it's just a phase" bullshit. Is that true?
Do five seconds of research.
Why are you people such cretins when it comes to reply to questions?
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They made a Fanart game and released it on Steam!

The story is set seven years after the original story. MYGO!!!!! has not made a mainstream debut. Everyone has their own lives to live after entering society, and they are not that concerned about the band. However, Taki, as the band leader, has always been working hard alone, constantly creating songs for MYGO, until one day she feels unwell and finds that the clock of her life seems to be counting down...
>Iwakura Aria is a brand-new original visual novel from MAGES. The Iwakura mansion holds a dark secret. Ichiko the new young maid joins looking for nothing but safety and security, but she would soon find herself entangled with the beautiful daughter of the Iwakura household. Unravel the secrets of the Iwakura mansion in this gripping suspense visual novel.
>Heart Pounding Revelations – Play as Ichiko, housekeeper to the Iwakura mansion, and uncover the chilling machinations at play as you grow closer to Aria and her dark fate.
>Change the Future – With nine different endings to unlock, the choices you make affect the outcome of the future and the life the protagonist is living 33 years after the events of the main game.
>Unlock Secrets – Use the map to explore different rooms of the mansion to piece together key information needed to uncover characters’ hidden secrets.
>Ichiko’s Sketchbook – Carefully detailed drawings of what captivates her interest, these drawings can also reveal hidden clues to the twisted heart of the Iwakura mansion.
>Renaissance Dream – The story comes to life through painterly illustrations and cut-out frames which piece together multiple images into one scene, by illustrator Hyakunen and graphic designer Fumi Nakada.
>Gripping Connections – The bonds between the women of the mansion pull together the story, from friendship to love, these strong emotions underpin the suspense which builds with each chapter.

Looks cool, I love the artstyle.
>The Iwakura mansion holds a dark secret
Jap VN bingo:
>rape lair
>domestic abuse
>split personality
>historical lookalikes
Man, Infinity Nikki has just enough goggleable stuff to make you want to believe even though you know it's the type of game that's obviously intended to just be friendship everywhere.
I mean... yeah, it's from the publisher of Steins Gate but the scenario writer's only other credit on vndb is an otome game on the Switch.
She had a gf named Kimi in the previous game so it could go somewhere if they want to
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>love the artstyle.
The artist is nuts
UsoNatsu is shitty, shitty art style like some hetshit hentai. The fucking cunt artist sold breast models of the characters she drew at an event.
At this point, I think many of you are annoyed that het men can buy these things. That being said, it's weird to just have tit mouse pads (I'm assuming that's what you mean)
That's just wacky merchandising. It's kind of cringe but that's about it.
What id really want is a yuri VN with the artstyle of steins gate
Split Fiction looks like it would have the potential to develop the MCs into an enemies to lovers thing but it is hard to say from the little we saw and chances are it will just be friendship, but it would be cool if it was more than that. Witcher 4 would definitely have something since its Ciri. Heck even Okami could be goggled as yuri if the game uses Amaterasu.
Probably a 50-50 shot of Intergalactic having content as well.
Not much hope that naughty dog would intentionally make multiple games in a row with a lesbian MC. Not that they made the romance in tlou enviable in the first place either.
Looked like she was chasing some dude, so I'd say 70 to 30 against /u/.
What? Link?
>The artist is nuts
I'm not sure if in the trendy way, or in the ICD-listed way.
This author feels that she is creating something that is indistinguishable from the "les" porn on pornhub, just like the fanservice hetshit porn she once drew.
You gotta give her time to improve, lord knows being in the het tiddy mines is tiring and soul crushing
LOL. The cunt must be love hetshit so much that even taking it into her so call Yuri masterpiece. Some Jap women are just hopeless
Can you cool it with the casual misogyny maybe
Just like how she sell her characters to fan service. I prefer her to go back hetshit like before rather than fetishizing yuri
misogyny? Maybe that's the way I treat to miserable traitors.
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>angry ESL hours
Yea dude actually fuck off with this shit. I doubt irl women feel safe around you
The only thing that I can assure is the potential audiences of these shitty galgames will make irl women feel sick around them.
irl lesbians make irl women sick?
Also given the artists pixiv, there's a very high chance that she herself is a dyke.
Like most yuri artists.
Tons of hetshit and fanservice.

As a dyke in ur dream.
I just saw a shitton of yuri. If you mean the POV ones, even those are from a girl's perspective.
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Why are you here if you can't even take casual banter?
>playing galgames
You are the only one talk political there.
Nothing but strawmen as usual from this retard.
I just wish /u/ automatically banned people if they posted on /v/ so we don't have to deal with political talk
Severe midwit shit right here
>boo hoo there's non fems

Fuck off
It's more that they obviously care too much about faggy culture war shit
>muh DEI
Its the retards thst think /u/ is /lgbt/ and don't understand yuri is about beauty and love, not ugly goblins and checkbox crossing.
The inevitable consequence of allowing 3DPD and western shit on this board.
That'd be a better "no u" if you didn't go completly apeshit everytime people mention characters in western games being too ugly for them.
Don't feed the troll, report the troll. Same as always.
I mean, it's pretty obvious how the incrementing on shitposting always happens when a massive scandal erupts on /v/.
She's like normal sized, the hell are you two on about
Normal in burgerland maybe
Read the desc, the game is set in curryland.
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>thin, tiny
Anon who has only ever seen ballerinas via cartoon.
Thanks for reiterating the point.
So it is just that she's fat and you don't like it.

Also, grown adults shouldn't weigh 38kg.
Some Chinese women would be happy to weigh more than 45
I guess it was foolish to hope for Tomb Raider reveal
Has anybody tried Crescent County's demo? I'm not expecting anybody to get to the advertised lesbian kissing but "Crazy Taxi but you're a witch on a broom making deliveries" sounds fun.
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So....is it reasonable to expect female romance options for Ciri in Witcher 4 or what? I'm only aware of her being you-know-what
Can you stop using codewords?

>is it reasonable to expect female romance options for Ciri in Witcher 4
I'd say it's not unlikely. She's dubiously bisexual in the books, and you could bring it up in Witcher 3.
There is basically 100% certainty that she will have something gay. It would be cool if it had a slow burn romance that was integral to the plot like 3, but this is all original story now so it's anyone's guess how they'll handle it.
You can just say bislut, you coward.

You couldn't just "bring it up" in Witcher 3 (although the option to say Ciri prefers women was great), but there is a canon side-quest where Geralt meets the daughter of an innkeeper that Ciri was clearly fucking while she taveled and Geralt can only shrug at it and say that's his daughter alright.

So they are quite a bit more proactive and healthy about it compared to the books where Ciri was more or less rape-stockholmed into a relationship with a woman.

I'm sure that she will get the option to sleep with random women, same as Geralt, but my guess is that it will be extended to men as well... also if there is a story related romance, I wouldn't hold my breath. It will probably be het.
Not really /u/ related but I just don't know why she would undergo the mutations to become a witcher. She is already overpowered.
Assuming she didn’t just lose her powers after the ending I could see her happily renouncing all the bullshit with her bloodline by doing the trials.
I'm more curious HOW she managed to go through the mutation. I suppose one can handwave that her special bloodline is why the procedure didn't kill her (there's a reason it's usually done on male children, because it's 100% lethal otherwise) but the guy who knows how to produce the mutagen is dead. So did she just go to another witcher school? Or did she figure out how to create the mutagen herself?
I agree
>So did she just go to another witcher school
She has a lynx amulet so probably.
I hope they choose the Ciri lost all her powers at the end and then decided to become a Witcher due to Geralt influence plot going.
Her time/place traveling powers are overpowered bullshit for a protag.
>also if there is a story related romance, I wouldn't hold my breath. It will probably be het.
If that happens I will simply won't buy it since there won't be a way to ignore it.
Obviously. Just like you definitely did not buy Witcher 3.
I didn't, I only buy games with female protags where I can romance females in them. That's why I didn't buy that new SW slop.
For someone who is allegedly not a /v/tard you sure use /v/ lingo a lot.
>Geralt gets mauled and Yen kidnapped
>that forces Ciri to go trough the trials cause she doesn't have her special bloodline powers anymore ending from W3 and she isn't bound to her original destiny
>some new witch helps her become Witcher thanks to Cat school new mutation
>Ciri on a mission of revenge to save Yen and avenge Geralt
It's perfect yuriwise especially if they gone CP2077 romance route and let us have at least 1 female love interest than fixed romance for main plot.
I doubt they would kill Geralt. And frankly there was enough chasing Yennefer in the trilogy. I'm sure they will find something more original. As long as they don't go the book route with it's damned epilogue for Ciri.
Well games ignored books endings and changed the plot much to cater to their own story, Ciri becoming sterile Witcher and using elixirs breaks her book lore and her prophercy
/destiny to be breed by other for god children too. Her becoming sterile Witcher fixed the book plot for game being even more /u/ related than Sapkowski baiting bullshit.
We also gonna get new Naughty Dog game with female MC named Intergalactic: The Heretic Prophet, trailer looks cool so there might be something in it too.
I'm pretty sure the dumb epilogue was her going to Camelot and hooking up with Lancelot or some shit, because she can shift universes and all that.
But either way they don't care to keep the endings intact and that's for the better. Doesn't mean they won't force a het romance. I'd be cautious at best. And to me at least, playing Witcher 4 without the prior games and books is kind of pointless. This really is a series that cares too much about lore.
It's not called Witcher 4 without a reason. I never get how someone would just jump in with the latest entry like with the retards who started Mass Effect with 3 and were at a loss at what was going on.
The combat teaser at the end looked really….not that great though
I’m surprised that’s what they went with
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>watch the trailer
>80 hours
>small girl x girl romance tag
Is it worth?
Also I'm reading about the characters here and I'm weak to girl goes on a journey to save her female friend plot
I'm not encouraging anyone on /u/ to read those books or play those games of course, but rather that playing 4 for potential Ciri lesbian stuff will not work out too well.
Never heard of it but considering the description and limited information I'm guessing that the tag implies strong gogglable female friendship and nothing explicit ever stated. I think the main question is whether the existence of men will bother you.
Who gives a fuck about the plot and lore? As long as there are lesbian romances you can ignore everything else
Games that usually have a focus on story kind of rely on understanding it.
Are we allowed to say the bitch is too butch?

Like she could be married to Princess Peach in the game and it still wouldn’t balance them out as a couple
Even you must understand that this bait doesn't work.
What’s the problem?

Millions of chuds bought Witcher 3 without playing the janky pieces of shit that were 1 and 2. Why can’t /u/ jump straight to 4
>Millions of chuds bought Witcher 3 without playing the janky pieces of shit that were 1 and 2. Why can’t /u/ jump straight to 4
You shouldn't listen to retards who tell you to read all the books first, then play all the released games and then go for future W4.
W4 obviously will have some introduction to the game world setting in-game to ease new players. And even if not Ciri own new story is not really connected to books anymore cause she never becomes a Witcher in them so we should not really care now about Sapkowski book lore at all. games are their own continuity at this point.
Why would you pay attention to the story when you're in for the girl on girl romance? Also as >>4344296 says, the game will have a bit of exposition for newcomers if you're that desperate to know why the King X rules over kingdom Y and is the father of princess Z.
I said stop taking the obvious bait.
I don't even get it, if you want just the romance, why not play a visual novel? Don't have to play 30 hours for a sliver of whatcha want in a game that will probably be almost 100 hours
You are taking shitposters as seriously as real people, that's the problem.
I just think it's embarrassing that even behind anonymity one would choose to be this much of a faggot even in current year.

>You are taking shitposters as seriously as real people, that's the problem.
People who want to play games with some gameplay and also them wanting to have lesbian romance in it aren't shitposters.
That you have some strange obsession over the issue that people bring games here which aren't your typical VNs is something else though.
It's like your only recourse after being unmasked is to spew more bait like you got diarrhea. Don't wast my time.
Meds anon, they are the only thing which I hope can help you.
I always feel bitter seeing high budget 20 hour+ muder mystery BL visual novels and wondering when we will get the yuri equivalent of those.
Don’t bother with the wannabe thread police
Why wasting money and resources making a high quality VN when yuri fans will buy the cheapest shit and ask for seconds?
It's more the other way around - a lot of people will only buy the cheap shit if they buy anything at all. Support for long, complex, dark shit in yuri is rare because people get obsessed with purity.

If you gender-bent a BL murder mystery novel everyone would freak out and demand more fluffy one-true-love schoolgirls.
>because people get obsessed with purity.
Nah, it's because yuri fans have no standards and don't value their money and time. On the yuri game thread people very aggressively defend five hours VNs with atrocious art or AI generated art.
oh right you're just lying for fun again rather than actually interested in yuri. is there a fetish for this or are you just that bored?
Case in point.
I'd love for a yuri game with the art quality of otome shit like Code Realize or Hakuouki. But I guess there's just no market for it.
>Support for long, complex, dark shit in yuri is rare because people get obsessed with purity.
"Long, complex, dark shit" and "purity" are not mutually exclusive, and I doubt those high budget BL stories have a lot of scenes of guys sleeping with and/or being raped by girls, so I don't know why you're bringing up purity in the first place. There's obviously not a lot of support for high-budget "yuri" VNs with rape and hetshit in them, but that's a given.
me saying that it's a lie that anyone aggressively defends short games with AI art is a case in point? okay jan.
A lot of yuri fans seem to be obsessed with one-true-love and never dating anyone else which is the purity I meant in this case, sorry.

> rape and hetshit

It is a shame that most people who try to write 'edgy' yuri almost always go straight to het rape though. There are other options.

As far as I'm aware, gay rape is pretty common in those darker BL games though? I haven't actually read many because it's not my preference but the ones i've heard about are heavy rapefests.
I've also heard that yaoi is big on male-on-male rape and sexual harassment, but I think there's plenty of room to write a "dark" story without it. Chrono Jotter, for example, gets fairly dark at points without ever invoking the rape card. I think if it didn't shoot itself in the foot with a poorly MTL'd English release, it would've been way more popular on /u/.
Can anyone explain the yuri in Potionomics? I mean it’s a deck builder, right? How much romance can there be?
You date people between deck building. Dating people gives you more cards for deck building. It's literally the same principle as Stardew Valley and other "date women in-between doing the main gameplay loop" games.
What is this Awaria thing I'm seeing?
haha I guess you could say that anon is UNAWAREia tehe :)
>tells a troll not to be bothered by people laughing at him
Has this ever worked, you halfwit?
I really want to get Cyberpunk+Expansion since it's on sale.....please tell me it's totally worth it for Judy(?) romance...
new game from the Helltaker dev. You play as a maintenance girl fixing stuff in a tunnel while dodging shit thrown at you from ghost girls, upon winning you get to kiss them. Free on steam + itch.
Based on the spoilers I heard for the DLC it isn't worth it for the romance alone unless (generic ending spoiler) you don't mind tragedy. Also the steam winter sale starts in about 2 weeks so it may be cheaper if that matters to you.
Once more looking around F95.
The DLC has two extra endings, but you don't have to choose them, so you are just misinformed.

Nobody asked.
Fun game and setting. My fingers are too sore for hard mode though.
I always knew that dev had it in 'em. Helltaker already had the lesbian angel girl who only went to Hell to smooch hot demon girls.
>Nobody asked.
use this spreadsheet to find lesbian porn games on F95
use this spreadsheet to find lesbian porn games on F95
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Now that the year is closing I can safely say that 2024 was a step down from 2022/2023 for yuri games, but at least it ended on a good note.
>The DLC has two extra endings, but you don't have to choose them, so you are just misinformed.
One. It adds one new ending to base game. Unless you're speaking of the endings in the DLC directly.
Generally people care about playing until the endings in a story based game. Saying you can just stop playing before the game ends to avoid something is ridiculous.
Would you buy it or pirate it?
I mean you only even see the new ending if you make one specific choice.
Crymachina is, for all intends and purposes, the definitive yuri videogame and only sold 100k copies. If there is no demand then it's natural for the yuri game market to wind down.
lol, lmao even
Girl samurai maiden is a much better game in the gameplay department and has more yuri....

Seek help
Shit ending makes it all a waste of time though.
Nobody asked.
Of course I'm talking about the two major routes. One gives an extra ending to the base game, but that too is optional.

You absolutely have no idea what you are talking about with Cyberpunk lol
Hey Fire Emblem romhack anons. I started playing Drums of War, but cant figure out if it has permadeath. Mostly because it is super contradictory. The dancer woman comes back in the next battle when she gets defeated, but the Healer girl still appears in the cutscene but cant be selected on the next battle.

Is it like a... gameplay permadeath, but story isnt affected? Or do they just recover for one battle?
I've never had the dancer die because she gets too powerful way too quickly, but the rest of them do die. Or, technically, "retreat" to save the hacker the hassle of writing scenes that account for characters possibly not being present for them. So yes, gameplay permadeath.
I dont know if that is better or worse... anyway, the dancer is clearly an exception.
>Of course I'm talking about the two major routes. One gives an extra ending to the base game, but that too is optional.
Anon was probably talking about that base game ending above all else is all
I don't think it ever happened to me but I believe her exception gets explained later.
>Nikki getting hassled by a guy
>dashing woman with a sword leaps out of the sky to save her
They must be doing this on purpose
I really don't feel like making a winter sale post on the level of what I did at the start of the thread for the autumn sale. So if someone wants to know something, please just ask instead.
What's your absolute favorite yuri game?
Not really a sale related question... I don't have a favorite. I categorize them by genre or medium and got some favs for all of them. I'm sure you will find some of the thread's favorites in the autumn sale list.
Pathfinder WOTR question here and forgive me for spoilers. This question is for Onee-sans, so imoutos beware.

How do you get and how many endings are there where the Commander and Arueshalae live happily ever after?
Because I've quickly learned about the game is that it's waaaaaay too easy to screw yourself over out of desired a outcome because either you did or didn't do something you wouldn't know about unless you looked it up or because you failed a DC because of RNG. Heck, you can screw yourself over at the CC, because you can make your PC have the skills needed to pass the checks to get a good outcome. I know companions can help with that, but there are apparently there are some skill checks that are Commander-specific.
So which Mythic Paths and routes have the best outcomes for the KC and Aru? Because at first I thought i'd go Azata, but apparently that has a, unless you do some very specific things, you're forced to sacrifice yourself.
And i've read the Demon/Lich-to-Legend route has some good Aru content, but going that route has the commander becoming mortal and as far as i'm aware, Aru is immortal. So that ending, whicle a definite step up from forced-to-sacrifice-yourself bullshit, also isn't entirely satisfactory. Although, please do correct me if i'm wrong.

Damnit, I just want my KC and Aru to be happy.
I'm fine with earning a happy ending, plenty of games have done that. But this game seems to be on a whole 'nother level of "How the fuck was I supposed to know that!?" and just generally unintentionally screwing yourself over.

I hope i'm just overrating and the guides just make the game seem more daunting than it is
HEARTLOVEPOWERTEMPLE close to becoming the 2nd highest rated yuri VN of all time. You gals have read it right?
Samurai Maiden sales reached 100k, so they released a free Tsumugi recolor. It's something I guess.
This is why I hate people who half-assedly look things up. You always get it wrong. Either get an actual guide or play blind... this hodgepodge of half-knowledge is painful to look at.
Okay retard, here is the deal: Azata has no fucking self-sacrifice build in. The game has several endings that are not mythic path specific, one of which is one where the KC sacrifices herself. This is not a necessity by any means and has literally nothing to do with Azata.

The heaviest conditions that you need to be nearly pixel perfect for and have all the perception checks for is the secret Ascencion ending, which is indeed pretty much impossible to get naturally. I was actually really close, but missed a single obscure NPC dialogue, so I had to reload some 12 hours to get it after reading the guide.
Whether you consider the Ascencion ending the best outcome is up to taste, but it is compatible with most mythic paths.

I am 100% confident you just randomly skimmed through some guides and retained literally nothing. You want a happy Arue ending? Just use the damn Arue romance guide that everyone else has been using and that has been accurate across all patches and DLCs. It really isn't that hard.
Different anon, but you can answer without coming off like an arrogant prick.
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Also 55% discount on the game.
I don't care. Looking at that post made me violently ill. It's one thing to ask about things you don't know, it's another to assert wrong things with full confidence like you actually did your research.
I still gave the anon the info anyway.
>Looking at that post made me violently ill
You sound 15.
That must make you the annoying 10 year old, trying to hang out with the older teens and failing to fit in.
>Looking at that post made me violently ill.
Sounds like you should lay off the internet for a couple of days to weeks. That doesn’t sound normal.
Boring bait.
Last reply to you shitposters. If you are so bored, play yuri games you circus of losers.
Chill. You don't need to bite anyone's head off.
Besides, looking up things for WOTR is a pain, especially if you want to know the particulars.
Between trying to find something that either isn't out of date or isn't for Kingmaker and a Wiki that's useless, trying to get reliable information can be hassle.

>or play blind
Nobody wants to spend 50+ hours on a game, only to learn that they can't get a happy ending because that didn't meet one obscure requirement.
WOTR is far from a bad game, but it's definitely not one that should be played blind. It's one of the few games i'd say that not only is a guide recommended, but is almost mandatory.
Put "Arueshalae romance guide" into google and pick the first fucking option. Stop acting like this is some obtuse magic.

Getting the Ascencion ending or unlocking Swarm may require a bit more focus, but that's about it. Unless you just really want that secret ending that badly, your first playthrough doesnt require any kind of guide beyond the romance guide for Arue.
I don't think you're quite understanding the issue.
It's not just not how to romance Arue, but also everything else in between and after. Romancing Arue is pointless if the KC still has to sacrifice herself to close the Worldwound because she couldn't meet the conditions to get Areelu to do it instead.
>Looking at that post made me violently ill
You have to be at least 18 to post here
It's super easy tho.
Do tell.

What are the *minimum* requirements for the KC's guaranteed survival and happy end with their chosen waifu, be she either Arue, Wenduag or Galfrey?
Hopefully sequel this decade
Doesn't Trickster just get an automatic bullshit button for the ending choice?
It's not a path you should do in the first playthrough.
If you're going to follow a guide you might as well just look up a secret ending guide and do that.
>lesbian intro in VtMB
>the condoms are still there

my immersion is ruined
>play a mod
>immersion ruined
How could this happen?
>Not using a condom with your toys.
Do you even safe sex, sis?
>practicing unsafe lesbian sex
It's not so much a "secret" ending that was specifically asked for, but rather just the endings that let the KC live happily ever after with Arue.

Speaking of, apparently in one of the DLCs the KC and Arue can have children together. Is this a Male!KC only thing, or did Owlcat throw us a bone and let a Fem!KC have children (via magic) with Arue as well?
There are guides for all endings. Stop being lazy.
>DLC where they have children
Seriously, stop pulling random nonsense out of your ass. There is no such thing in any of the major DLCs.
The kids thing was in a dance of masks.
No it wasn't. Dance of Masks is a DLC that takes place before the game's ending and there is definitely no time to have any kids. Arue and KC just talk about how Arue is good with kids when she interacts with one of her fans (a little girl).
In the first place succubi don't reproduce like that.
It was added to the ending slides in that dlc if you pick a dialogue option about wanting a family.
She's also not even really a succubus anymore by the end of the game. Her ascending is literally what her ENTIRE quest is about. Don't be so smug if you're going to be completely wrong.
That option straight up doesn't exist anywhere in the dialogue. So either this was patched in like last month or it was bugged (which is more likely).
>she is not really a succubus anymore
....except she has all of her succubus powers. All Desna did is change her demonic nature to make her closer to a mortal. She wasn't turned into a human or anything.
>That option straight up doesn't exist anywhere in the dialogue.
I've seen some discussion about it elsewhere, so that's obviously not the case.
Retard can't read more than one sentence.
Why are so so hostile and so dead set against helping out?
Asking for clarification and/or a second opinion isn't a bad thing, you know.
And now you just fail to even follow the convo at all. Impressively incompetent.
it's just candy
Would a human/half-elf/half-orc KC's and Arue's children be Tieflings, because of Aure's demon blood?
That's one too many halves.
I was so autistic about that I used some weird ass modding tools to delete the condom model from the game entirely when I played that.
If I remember Pathfinder lore correctly, demon blood that was passed down to children doesn't always manifest immediately (i.e. you can have a family of humans where a woman suddenly gives birth to a tiefling because her grand-grand-grandmother had unprotected scissoring with a succubus).
I dodn't mean that the KC was all those things at once.
I meant to mean that would a predominantly human-blooded KC and Arue's children be Tieflings because of Aure being a demon.
Funny thing is, it works similar with Aasimars.
Which would make an Aasimar KC/Aure's family line a genetic fruit machine.
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Playing Butterfly Soup 2. I played the first one like 6 years ago and I only just realised there's a sequel. I still remember all the characters so the first one must have left a pretty good impression.
Is that a fucking guy up top? Artists who draw tomboys by just drawing a dude really irk me.
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They are nonbinary
So off-topic. Got it. Unless you are sure it's a girl with the NB mental illness you can't even post that here btw.
Cry about it. The other 3 are girls so it's yuri.
Irrelevant. You can't post dudes here, period. So if you dont know whether it's a dude, your duty is to not post it or cut that character out.
Good thing it's not a dude then
Prove it. Does the game at any point reveal it's a girl who started calling herself NB?
I thought the story was a pretty huge step down in terms of character motivations and overall story direction in my opinion. The first game had a tangible electricity to it, every interaction between the MCs felt exciting and the side character antics were almost always funny. The sequel got rid of too many aspects that the first game got right and it wasn't fun to read through like the first. Even ignoring how the cast details went out of control, it just didn't make any memorable story advancements to make it a worthy sequel. I still listen to the first game's menu music all the time though, it is probably my favorite part of the series at this point.
what happened to this game?
what happens to many indie games? the creators lack the time or money to complete it, or their personal lives get in the way, or they died of covid
What are you talking about, razz is going to publish Bloom, Queen of the Pack and Let's Seduce the Heroine any day now...
Or they lost interest.
And CrocApoca is definitely coming out in January...
If it's the same characters from the first game, then yeah they were all girls.
Finally someone who actually knows what matters.
Why are you obsessed with this crap? It's not even yuri
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>can choose female protagonist to romance crocodile girl
>this is not yuri
Can we just not fight for one damn night? It's christmas, for crying out loud. You're going to make the holy mother mary sad.
Btw, it's already been pushed off to April.
Oh shut it.
Self insert garbage that doesn't even differentiate between sexes apart from longer hair at cgs. Lowest of low. Doesn't deserve to be called yuri.
Yawn. Try a bit harder next time.
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I love how Sensei and all her girl friends are actual templates for fanfic characters in the full version. Meta. Also nice of them ot let me import my demo pairing.
The title screen is actually Christmas themed with snow and music. That's how you know a dev cares.
>That's how you know a dev cares.
Yeah, they even take feedback. Reported a bug, they answered and fixed it.
I assume english release of Evermaiden is dead? Highly doubtful that It will suddenly be released during the last week of 2024.
It was only announced a year ago, probably just got delayed.
>probably just got delayed
Yeah, just like the english release of Katahane, nothing to worry about.
Literally no news for a year now. Fuck this shit, I'm pirating it.
how often have you seen a translation announced and released faster?
Full release never...
Stop pretending you would ever pay money for anything. You are just a leech.
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Oh, fuck off. Stop pretending that you are smart.
Posting a screenshot of some random person's steam list really proves so much. This looks like the list of a schizo at that.
>Volcano Princess update queued, even though last update was over a year ago
>Baldur's Gate 3 isn't in the yuri category, even though Hades 2 is
>only own the 4th game in the Flower series
Basically a bunch of free games, a bunch of games this owner clearly just got free keys for somewhere, a Blazblue bundle that cost nearly nothing and the only shit they really paid for are non-yuri games. This looks like a list of someone who doesn't want to pay money for yuri games unless being held at gunpoint.

And this is the one you want to pretend to be?
Apparently this Chinese yuri VN was translated to English. The game page just isn't for some reason.
Make up your mind, did I steal someone's list or do I have a shitty taste? Anyway, it is obviously a screenshot from the library. Either I have acces to it or I found this somewhere on the net. In former case this is mine account, in later case you are free to search the net to prove I stole the screenshot somewhere.
>Volcano Princess
Literally got an update 5 days ago
>Hades and BG
Because Melinoe is a full-fledged character, and in BG you create a blank slate nobody.
Yeah, because I read the first 3 parts even before they came to steam.
>Blah blah blah
11 of 15 yuri titles are paid for, only 4 are free. Also I'm not obligated to buy everything that come out, only the thing I will actually play.
Anyway your rambling are getting more insane as you trying to justify your own fuckup. You may not reply to this post unless with a formal apology. I'm not planning to amuse (you) any more.
Do characters in Cyberpunk only call you V or do they actually acknowledge the player character’s (female) gender from time to time
I mean Judy only romances women, so that is a pretty big acknowledgement. I think the cop love interest is also only into female V, but that isn't too relevant for us.
If you meant this in the literal way... they use female pronouns for her sometimes... is that really what matters though?

Oh and there are exactly two scenes in the entire game where V's true name is spoken and in both cases the male and female V have different names.
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I never even said anything about taste. Reading comprehension?
>VP got an update 5 days ago
It actually fucking did, wtf? They are even fixing some of the English localisation. Plus the new free outfit. Why now after such a long time? Well whatever, not updating the game after 5 days is still weird.
>doesn't understand anything about BG3 despite buying it
Just proving even more that this isn't actually your library anon...
>I t-totally read the other parts before they were released on steam. B-believe me, I buy Jap VNs to read them, I swear!

This leech is making demands after retardedly declaring he will pirate a VN because it didnt come out when he wanted it to. Like all games you play.
The translator company has been completely silent this time. I fear they had to close doors or something
Thanks, that’s what I wanted to check
>Oh and there are exactly two scenes in the entire game where V's true name is spoken and in both cases the male and female V have different names.
When that happened and what were the names?
I can't really recall that.
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>I never even said anything about taste.
>the only shit they really paid for

>not updating the game after 5 days is still weird.
>Just proving even more that this isn't actually your library anon...
Played more than enough. Picrelated. I don't know what delusions you possess.
>>B-believe me, I buy Jap VNs to read them, I swear
Are you a retard? I've never said I bought them. I can get a game without fuckery? I buy it. I can't? I pirate it. It's that simple.
For example Evermaiden. When I first saw news about it here I was willing to wait, especially considering it was planed to release in 2024. Now the year is ending and god knows if it will be released at all. I'm not keen on waiting for who knows what. If you are good for you.
>the only shit they paid for
>is non-yuri games
Don't leave out the important part. This is /u/, it's not a matter of taste, the fact that you show us a list of non-yuri shit you buy is objectively bad. What an idiot.
>keeps posting screenshots from someone else's account
Hilarious. But in all those hours that other person played they apparently didn't tell you that you can play Origin characters, which you would know just from going to the character selection screen once. Oops.
>I pirate Jap VNs because I cant get them in English
lol, lmao even
Your lies are just compounding endlessly into the image of a total schizo. So you not only pretend you can read Japanese, but you also think the original Japanese releases aren't worth money. The aduacity of this bitch.
Jeez anon, you don't think you can just look it up?
From what I remember one time was at that brothel where they scan your brain and make the "dolls" act according to your preferences. The receptionist says her real name and V replies that only very special people are allowed to use that. It's Valerie.
The other time was in the Phantom Liberty DLC I think. If you choose the ending where V gets cured Johnny says her real name at the very end during his goodbye.
Can you even buy JP eroge as a gaijin anymore?. Hard to blame anon for pirating stuff when Visa/Mastercard and their bullshig make it almost impossible to buy this stuff legally as a gaijin
You don't have to go full weeb with that gaijin shit... Also neither FLOWERS nor Evermaiden are eroge.
And yes, ever heard of Paypal? VPNs? It's fairly easy to buy shit on DLsite.
Weeb board in weeb site. You din’t like “weebspeak”? Fuck off
Also, Ever Maiden is eroge (Flowers indeed isn’t, though)
Any game with even a single explicit sex scene is eroge. The ones actually focused on sex scenes over plot are called nukige
A game that isn’t nukige can still be eroge
Calling yourself a foreigner is retarded though. Doing it in the derogatory Jap way on top of that just sounds like you are a self-hating weeb. Get a life.
It’s a meme. And I’m indeed a foreigner to Japan. How is that lame to say?.
Should I pretend to be a native?
You don’t belong here if you get triggered by someone using the word gaijin. Maybe you should get a life yourself, and get some real problems that aren’t “some anon in 4chan’s yuri board is using a word I don’t like”
Wow, you are just the worst, huh?
not that anon, but this has got to be the weakest retort i've ever seen on 4chan, and i've been here a while
Retort? Just pointing out the obvious.
Do anyone remember any yuri in Summon Night x
X Tears Crown
I forgot if you could end the game with a relationship or love confession with any girl when chosing the female protagonist
If you think so, you really need to “get a life” as you said or go to twitter or reddit and stop whining here about shit that doesn’t matter to anyone with brains
Now that on the other hand is seriously such a lame comeback. Take a page from your own book and try harder.
I’m not trying to earn prizes here. Just point out you acting like I’m so horrible and being so scandalized over a silly word that is used commonly here (or at least used to be when I first started coming to 4chsn in 2013) is an overreaction and a sign that you don’t have the life you demand I get. How is this such a big issue for you?. Why is it such a problem if I’m being “lame” in fucking 4chan? This anti-cringe/lame culture is retarded. People acting “cringe/lame” in anonymous accounts in the internet is the most first world problem shit ever.
>getting this upset that someone called him a weeb

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