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i made it again XD
Why yes I do want to play a freeroaming farming game where I can enjoy fruits of my labor in a house that I built from scratch while a storm is raging outside.
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>lemmy had a mental break down and posted a 10 page essay on reddit because people wanted to know why its been 3 years since any update
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>long time blindly loyal fans point out a bug with the game that they fixed
>they give you all the process they went through to find and fix this little bug
>ban them from your forum and send them threatening emails
>game still isnt fixed
>have to patch it manually
>5 years and still no LoD so the game runs like shit on a 14900k
lol how many fucking years has this shit dragged on?
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>GPT: Lemmy, a developer from The Indie Stone (TIS), expresses deep frustration and exhaustion over the community's criticism regarding the development timeline for Project Zomboid. He explains that predicting release dates is challenging and often inaccurate, leading to backlash when estimates are missed. Despite their efforts to avoid releasing broken or rushed updates, the team faces harsh criticism for delays. Lemmy highlights that they prioritize large, meaningful updates over small content drops and emphasize treating their staff well without enforcing crunch. He compares their development time favorably to other games like Rimworld, insisting their pace is reasonable. The continuous negative feedback, despite the team's transparency and dedication, has led Lemmy to withdraw from community interactions for his mental health. He feels that the team's efforts are underappreciated and that the criticism undermines their commitment to delivering quality updates for free. Ultimately, Lemmy suggests that maintaining open communication might not be worth the stress and strain it places on the developers.
Most people dont give a fuck about the content updates because the mod store has everything you need. The issue is that most basic fucking systems never worked and still dont function lol
So that dumb asshole gets all the hate he deserves for spending 3 years making a fishing fucking minigame that zero people asked for
Don't forget they "hired" the modder who had a decent NPC mod up and running within a few months and put him in charge of the fishing minigame and crafting system literally no one wants or uses
Why do so many developers do this?
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so fucking sad, this retard needs to sell off his game so someone can actually finish it for him
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That was always the end game, I'm glad they're expanding on it.
>drama thread vs comfy gameplay thread
build 42 will be like the second comming of christ
Why? How?
Can't wait for NPC to be released in 2050s, so i can finnaly create my fully self sufficient village!
>turn based
a lot of stuff
real basements
crafting rework
forging weapons
farming rework
fishing rework
post apocalyptic jobs
a lot of stuff
Zombie events? NPCs?
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>game is boring if you play it like this
Don't play it like that?
how does any of this green bar fill up shit make for a fun middle and late gamethough?
this is all lategame
>make for a fun
watching green bar fill up is not fun lategame though
go read it yourself and fuck off
>real basements
doesnt add much but being able to to multi-story underground will hopefully have the military base multi-level basement be a giant dungeon, which would actually ADD something to the game, however knowing zomboid that's not coming with 42 or 43 and someone will have to mod it in before the devs do anything productive
>crafting rework
literally no one cares or asked for this, if you want actual survival craft there are better games for that, should've been a mod not a focus for devs
>forging weapons
i find top-tier weapons within 1 hour of play and ive got sub-100 hours in the game total, its completely not needed
1/3rd of what we were promised, a good addition but not enough
>farming rework
food is infinite, not needed
>fishing rework
not gonna lie i honestly didnt know this was a mechanic, which means its fucking useless
>post apocalyptic jobs
??? there are no NPCs?

so no, not "a lot of stuff" its just some animals and a bunch of not-needed menu systems no one cares about
hi lemmy, when are you guys gonna do some work instead of shitposting on 4channel and reddit all day?
ive read it and i know whats coming and it boils down to green bar fill up.
>but MP!!!
thats cute but this is primarily a SP game and when im in my base, i do NOT want to waste 3 months to make a clay brick. where are the zombie reworks? zombie hordes? combat rework? gun rework? sneaking rework? world events? hostile animal npcs? no? just some shitty fishing minigame and sniffing deer poop? yeah fuck off lemmy.
>food is infinite, not needed
>didnt know fishing was a mechanic
electricity is shut off after like a month of ingame time
why do you lie about having played the game
> i do NOT want to waste 3 months to make a clay brick
and I do
you can get all those other things at which zomboid is shit, elsewhere
I play for comfy the sims in the post apocalypse
but not garbage sneaking would be nice
>you can get all those other things at which zomboid is shit, elsewhere
Maybe try making them less shit, then
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project bimboid
No one actually plays the game until the power shuts off. They play 2 day's worth of in-game time until they have a base and then restart because there's nothing left to do after that.
>you can get all those other things at which zomboid is shit, elsewhere
but these things are vital to a zombie survival game. especially improving the fucking ZOMBIES in a zombie survival game. youre the biggest retard in this thread.
How many of these features wont be ready for B42?
project turn the game on and immediately have to fap
the game is too clunky for le epic tank fight like in l4d
the only thing you can do is have some zombies with cool outfits and rare loot spawn in the middle of the horde like mods already do
>/v/ runs right to virgin Ted Kaczynski hobo life instead of being a city rat chad in Louisville or adding other big city maps like Raven Creek
lol gay
food is literally infinite because there are so many fucking cans spawned all over the map you can last for YEARS without ever interacting with farming, fishing, etc. even on loot extremely rare settings
you'd know that if you didn't hide out in the woods like a little bitch
go ask the devs shizo
why didnt you just refund it
So nothing anybody asked for like NPCs?
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even the most barebones sandbox game like kenshi has NPCs, factions, and quests
this game is nothing short of an embarrassment
id kill myself if I had to open every can of carrots and make a soup every day
one raw potato can feed a man for a day
and I didnt even water them because it was raining every two days
kenshi has no quests
Keep coping retard.
Let's compare the modern world with that of yesteryear:

Modern devs from Project Zomboid:
Build 41: 2019
Build 42: ???
5 years and counting...

Now let's see what the devs of ID Software did back then:
Wolfenstein 3D: 1992
Wolf 3D Spear of Destiny: 1992
Doom: 1993
Doom 2: 1994
Quake: 1996
Quake 2: 1997

So back in the day, guys using obsolete computers went from Wolf 3D to fucking Quake 2 in about 5 years.
Meanwhile, in 2020's, 5 years wasn't enough for a single update of an isometric shitty ass game, and the lead dev of the project had a nervous breakdown because apparently he's working too fast for a human being.
Could it be that the passage of time has accelerated and we haven't noticed?
kenshi has tons of quests with unique dialogue and npc interactions, but no quest menu or tracking system, the world state does change pretty heavily though
PZ falls apart because you have to play the game in a way that is completely unrealistic to what you should ever do in a zombie apocalypse
realistically, once you've cleared out an area and made a place for yourself then you have no reason to ever risk yourself again unless a shit ton of zombies just zero in on one guy sitting innawoods like he's got a great big arrow in the sky pointing down at him
so instead to try and make the game slightly interesting you just run around playing it like it's the shittiest version of left 4 dead possible killing zombies and needlessly risking yourself knowing IRL this lands you in a horrible agonizing death very very quickly
damn that's crazy because the game literally doesnt give a shit and i survived off it just fine

maybe they should include things like that if thats the direction they want their game to go, be a shitty sims-ripoff with no depth to it while hiding under the title "sandbox" despite it being obvious to everyone that its a complete cope because these guys cant make shit

....oh wait its lemmy at the helm! nevermind we just wont release any updates for 3 years then have a meltdown on social media!
>Completely unrealistic
In a videogame? No way.
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No people are literally getting stupider and more incompetent with each generation
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>all this shit
>game still runs at 5 fps due to the way it forces draw calls on every fucking thing on screen multiple times per second because nobody thought to add any god damn level of detail filtering
as you are clearly a reddit drone consider fucking off back to redit.
Sandbox RPG Kenshi, which took 12 years to develop.
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>kill or enslave lord john rambo nobunaga V
>troops in [faction A] get replaced by troops of [faction B] or monsters
>thats all
yeah sure kenshi has quests
>maybe they should include things like that if thats the direction they want their game to go, be a shitty sims-ripoff with no depth to it while hiding under the title "sandbox" despite it being obvious to everyone that its a complete cope because these guys cant make shit
thats so annoying too because all these moodles are meaningless, oh its a -25% debuff to speed okay. who cares. watch the reworked traits be
> -2 for smoker perk, fixed!
youre character can be stressed depressed and nothing will ever happen to you. they added the sims but forgot to add consequences.
your point is valid but no one is under the delusion that lemmy et al. are anywhere near comparable to carmack and ID
the 90s had hundreds of small studios try to do what zomboid did and failed horribly, specifically because they weren't as autistic, smart, and talented as ID, now they can skate by because of crowd-funding, digital distribution, etc. so you get more but lower quality by-large
This shit drives me insane because it actually affects driving. If I zoom out I am capping my speed but if I zoom in (retarded) the game's FPS isn't fucking console tier.
works on my machine
>game still runs at 5 fps due to the way it forces draw calls on every fucking thing on screen
No way this is true.
>uses children's movie gag as an argument
>all those people who didnt play the game but want to talk about the drama
fuck off to the other thread subhumans
Just sell the game to another company and shut the fuck up already
by 1 guy in his spare time with almost no support and released in a state of completion, not some rip-off "uhhhh maybe we'll add these things!" 15 years later
>released in a state of completion
I lik kenshi but lol
The only thing Kenshi is missing for me are relationships. I'd love for a lineage/family thing similar to CK's.
But sincerely, how do you implement NPCs on Zomboid?
Getting shot will be ass, having ally npcs alerting hordes will be ass etc
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people who use "whom" incorrectly should be shot. just use "who" for everything if you don't actually know it. like 1% of people use whom. nobody is going to care if you just use who. but by trying to look smart, you just out yourself as a fucking retard.
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>How many of these features wont be ready for B42?
No one knows, especially considering this.
The dev of this game makes yandere dev look sane
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t. rosewood baby
you can join the big boy discussion when you drive through Louisville industrial district one year on and your PC actually survives.
A 7950X3D gets 5-10fps in this area, anything weaker crashes rendering the game unrecoverable until you mod in a tiny screen size so the CPU can calculate the layered tiles without exploding.
zomboid before millions of dollars: 5+ years for an update
zomobid after millions of dollars and 5+ hired teams of russians working on the game: 5+ years for an update

so do the devs just tell everybody to not work during the week? how the hell is this acceptable?
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Fuck, I meant to post this.
>Another epic kayfabed shoot against ghosts
Somebody rape this asshole!
You get a cow, pig and chickem(ai on par with cdda human npc)
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>(ai on par with cdda human npc)
(which the devs will have to throw away and make again for b43 because of those pesky modders)
>He compares their development time favorably to other games like Rimworld
That game actually released. Like, several years ago.
It also gets regular updates/DLC at a timely manner.
The bookmaker also doesn't say shit about timelines or anything else, he just starts shitting out blogposts a few weeks before a new release.
You have to go into the internal .lua files and change the amount of RAM the game lets you use. No shit, it's like playing fucking Minecraft in 2010.
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>wont be able to talk about the game on /v/ now because someone said something on reddit
fuck youuuuu devs
Crafting rework got delayed to b43 thoughever.
>The only thing Kenshi is missing for me are relationships
>Any interaction with other faction besides murdering their leaders
>Trade and economy being more than just "get your free cats!"
>Npc doing anything besides attacking or ignoring you
Don't care
>Animals reproducing, having any use besides battle and carrying stuff(you don't need that at all)
Nah i am fine
I have 128gb of ram and can fill it all with zomboid if i wanted too
It will still crash because ram is not the problem, excessive cpu use is the problem so good fucking luck if you dont have an X3D cpu with a shit ton of L3
ok so what new features you want to see in kenshi 2
The only things worth two shits in that list and it won't even be finished for real.
but lemmy said he hates when people praise them for releasing an update
for him it will be yet another blow from satan himself
>how DARE people like what we put out after other people complain about our lazy ass artist approach to game development
I literally listed them you retarded mong
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you sayd you dont want them
>kenshi 2
Literally an excuse so they could quit working on Kenshi 1, that shit is never coming out and if it does it will be Bannerlord all over again
yeah he's comparing it to rimworld DLC, which is stupid on it's own.
and then he goes even further as to compare their internal "we wuz ackshually working on it for longer than u thought" timeframe with the official releases for rimworld DLC. and when that's STILL an unfavorable comparison for him, he sperged out on social media senselessly despite quitting social media
Thats exactly how the npc mod is lol
dont care
it will be great and I will enjoy it
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>nd then he goes even further as to compare their internal "we wuz ackshually working on it for longer than u thought" timeframe with the official releases for rimworld DLC. and when that's STILL an unfavorable comparison for him, he sperged out on social media senselessly despite quitting social media

that was really funny
Doesn't this game only have zombie, and faster zombie?
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Fuck the shit brain devs the game is great multiplayer with mods, its just the underlying technical problems that become such a chore to deal with that everyone quits playing after a few hours.
Like seriously, who thought it was a great idea to have massive stacking debuffs for each level of status icons but never tell the players what they mean without looking up some autistic debug menu readout. Then people die, say its unfair and refuse to play again.
doesnt real life only have a human and a faster human(black people)
I really wish they would add the ability to mod in new enemy types. Standard zombies get boring after awhile. Imagine an RE mod that could add lickers, hunters, crimson heads, Nemesis, Mr. X, etc...
Oh my bad anon
Hope you don't struggle too much with remembering how to breathe each morning
Fun fact, running an unmodded ARK server has the server idle about 8 gigs of RAM lower than Zomboid idles. Per-player, ARK's server load adds anywhere from 6-8 gigs per player while Zomboid's adds upwards of 11 per individual- even if they're in the same area.

Zomboid for a server manager is about as heavy (though heavier than) THE HEAVIEST Minecraft modpack, ATM9.

Point being the optimization is atrocious, more atrocious than anyone staring at what the server load actually looks like can imagine. Getting it running in Linux is it's own fuckery and about as fucked as getting a minecraft pack to run/writing your own unix_args from scratch to control Java/stop it from being a faggot.
Something like this exists but what the zombies can actually do is so finite they're just a statboosted monster with a custom model and rigging.
No? Are you some kind of non racist?
like you said
it's fun with mods
I know. I am a modder for the game. That's what I mean. I want to be able to attach custom AI and such to the monsters without override all zombies, but right now that is impossible because there is only one enemy class.
shut the fuck up retard zomboid uses 500mb typically per player slot and idles around 2g for the world server +100 mods which you can read simply by opening a server control panel
No, not the software panel from some hosting company, the fucking servers own hardware monitor. java is dogshit but the game isnt that dogshit
kenshi 1 is running on some ancient engine
maybe its a good choice
>get wanted poster
>kill guy and carry corpse to police
>get reward
what's missing? a brown person spouting exposition at you?
>Multi-player is great
Vanilla PVP is a game of who has an M14 and shot first.

Modded PvP is a game of who has a .50 cal and layered up on so much armor it's now about whose armor durability gives out first to trading 50 cars.

Both suffer from being able to abuse the camera to remain unseen while firing with mod towns being the worst offenders- especially Raven Creek from having such tall buildings and walls/geometry that refuses to fade/pop out of view.

Multi-player will never be peak until this is fixed or in settings where firearms are so rare you don't want to spend a bullet on someone.
>but not enough to spend hours writing essays on Reddit :^)
Good luck with that the moment all your players fuck off to Louisville or Raven Creek.
every single fucking update
>remember that shit we talked about constantly in our weekly i mean monthly i mean when we get to it devblogs?
>yeah 2/3rds of it is being pushed back to the next update
>see you in a few years!
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>pvp in zomboid
bro are you just retarded or what? this is for surviving with the lads
i know i know, /v/ has no friends...
and any different type of quest
>quests in zombie games
oh boy more katie needs zombrex, hard pass
>bro are you just retarded or what? this is for surviving with the lads
pvp is a sneak peek to come if these chucklefucks add NPCs. it will bite them in the ass if they dont fix human to human combat, ie PVP.
Maybe my lads want your lads' stockpile so our stockpile gets even bigger and comfier. Usually we're cannibals and if we can take someone alive we make a big scene/experience out of eating them.
Okay it's good to know it wasn't just my friends and I who didn't see the use in like 50% of these systems. Who the fuck forages?
I try not to think too hard on what's happen when an NPC on the west side of a building behind a wall yet to unrender spots you, or God forbid they're one floor higher than you- then direction doesn't really matter unless they're by a south or east window.

They will literally open fire on you and you will have no idea from which direction.
too bad the gameplay for fighting players is so bad it makes the game shit
hope you enjoy your little ERP session with your bros though
you guys might be retarded
every update or so my friends and I would try zomboid again to see if we could enjoy it for longer than a couple hours. Never could. Now we're all done with the game entirely thanks to this last update taking so fucking long and now the dev having a little public mental breakdown

Into the junk folder with starbound and castle story and cube world and all the other shit i bought based on unrealized hype
its okay the next update wouldnt have made it fun anyways
>have a base
>dont you want to spend 5 months building a clay brick house?
>immediately close the game
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>The playerbase would be wrong, if that's what they preferred.
>Look at the minecraft community
Well, it was pretty funny, I'll give you that.
This game has atrocious combat. You can lose a 500 hour character to janky bullshit.
you dont get it
> set zombie pop to insane.
> Set guns and ammo to abundant.
Oh hey gameplay.
>Set guns and ammo to abundant.
That still doesn't stop the zombies from simply being tedious rather than more difficult.
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skill issue
Game is ultimately based on a grid and zombies have priority. You used to see them snapping into grab/bites rather often.
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> Shooting stuff is boring.
Ask that irl in Knox county and see what happens. Oh wait the game was made by British/Canadians lol.
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> Explicitly state guns and ammo
> Webm shows knife.
Reminder that short blades are not working properly either.
yeah the shooting in this game is even worse
mask stays on
>Stab Short Blade cannot inflict critical attacks with regular attacks, which reduces their effectiveness significantly compared to other weapons;
>the critical hit chance for Stab Short Blade only increases the chance of instantly killing a zombie with jaw stab, while the critical damage multiplier has zero effect.
I know, I was just saying that going bang bang wahoo does improve the situation somewhat.

The game is poorly balanced around it, yes. That's why you go sandbox and fix it. Granted I shouldn't have to.
I never used them
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Why did he even bother writing all this bullshit?

Everyone knows you're lying, you're slow and lazy. Even you know it. But you try to defend yourself and instead everyone unravels the lies in an increasingly retarded comment chain.

Nobody thinks better of him at the end of that spectacle.
>The game is poorly balanced around it, yes. That's why you go sandbox and fix it. Granted I shouldn't have to.
Then you have to level up shooting by using shotguns only.
Also remember to chug beta blockers because panic somehow reduces damage?
> Not using xp modifier in sandbox.
> Not using xp passive in sandbox.
I agree. Literally unplayable otherwise.
I missed one.
>Short Blade does not receive bonuses at levels 3, 7 and 8;
Solo/indie devs are like any other form of indie artist, they are deeply insecure and base their entire self-worth off of their art. So if anyone so much as puts in a feature request it's like a personal insult, like you're saying they lack something and aren't good enough.
Actual professionals won't take it personally because they understand it's just a product their company made. Now look at this >>680734092 post. They equate not having a meltdown every 5 seconds with "selling out" or "becoming a soulless company". Yeah. Turns out The Indie Stone is in fact a corporation, and is soulless like all corporation, and they're just pretending it's not as an excuse to inflate their own self-worth, thus taking everything personally
>getting this triggered over it because it's true
That's a dumb comparison. Not all devs are lazy fucks like the PZ team. Second, Id had John Carmack so of course they made massive steps with engine advancements. The dude's life basically revolved entirely around programming.
>This game has atrocious combat. You can lose a 500 hour character to janky bullshit.
the fact the target shifts 150 pixels south when you enter combat mode is an insane choice
Slowly wiping out hordes is fun as fuck however, at least for me. Is this autistic? It's so satisfying, every time.
The ATRO mod is a godsend
Advanced Trajectory Realistic Overhaul? I installed it a long time ago but haven't actually bothered trying it and now I'm just waiting for the heat death of the universe or B42.

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