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/v/ - Video Games

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We thought of this idea on /v/ to play through random niche and obscure MMOs we vote on. Preferably games that 4chan hasn't already played together so the experience for everyone is the same. The rules are:
>vote on a game
>whichever gets the most votes gets played
>make a dedicated general for the game on /vg/ or /vm/ and play it for 2 weeks
>towards the end of the adventure vote a new game

>Previous games:
Phantasy Star Universe
RF Online

Next MMO: FlyFF
Guild status: In the making

>Private server:
FlyFF Clockworks
Register/Download/Etc here.

>Clockworks Wiki
General compendium for all things related to this specific private server. Classes, leveling routes, important NPCs; you name it, this place probably has it.

>Soapy's Scuffed Guide:
Basically the wiki, but in Google Doc Guide form.

>MMO backward is OMM
>Omm like the gurus say
Meaning of this
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>hey wouldn't it be fun to play old outdated gook games with a bunch of flaky spergs from 4chan
The point of mmos has always been long term commitment, not pump and dumping them one week after the next. This is why the genre is dead.
>very high rate private servers
Can the tank controls be changed?
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>>Previous games:
>i missed out on anons playing fucking trickster
fucking when was this
6 weeks ago.
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(Featuring charizard from the Poke'mon series!)
somebody call the nintendo ninjas
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/vm/ thread as well for game discussan
I won't be here if the thread dies so whoever is up pls bake in my absence
you missed out baka...
>he wanted to be a furry
Don't play flyff.
It's genuinely fucking awful. Easily one of the worst cashgrabs of the era.
sure it wasn't as bland as rappelz or something but it was BAD.
we're not your personal army faggot
this is a really cool idea. Are you only doing FTP MMOs or are ones with a mandatory subscription (e.g. GW2, Wizard101) considered?
Remember when this was suppose to be the Maplestory killer?
Which channel?
stop shilling your gay discord circlejerk on /v/ please, just fuck off. nobody is interested. nobody cares. you are literal faggot trannies and gays and nobody wants anything to do with you.
to anyone browsing this thread, this is a literal discord circlejerking thing and you shouldn't get involved or bump these groomer's threads.
I'm in.
Channel 6
What does you coming here after 2016 have to do with the thread?
Link the Discord and all evidence it exists. I will crush this shadowy clique cabal once and for all.
idk dude i'm not involved with this shit all i know is every weekend these faggot tranny groomers come here to try to bait people to their /vm/ thread because nobody goes on /vm/ and they're desperate for new blood to groom
they have too many boykissers too!!!!!!!!!
How tf can I make a character with a hairstyle and not a prefixed fashion head? I can't turn this shit off.
lol newfag fuck nigger
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>no evidence
Thanks for keeping the threads bumped, retard.
im not even new i've been here since 2022 tranny
kek i made your little clique mad or what
now you're falseflagging me too?
you're bored fucking losers with too much time on your hands, that's why you're mmohopping. it stands to reason you're discord faggots too, that's common easy sense.
rope yourselves soon please.
they hated him because he told the truth
meant for
is there a way to scale the ui? can't see shit
no and it's fucking terrible. Universe or CoM both have enhanced graphics support.
>fashion option in character creator
what the hell is going on
they disabled actual hair styles and colors, instead you use one of the fashion options they gave you. You can unequip them after but you still can't change your hair unless you pay 4m to the stylist.
Based troon hater
the mmos you guys have picked so far are ass
probably a literal underage
the real mmo was the gay butt buddies we made along the way
I like the ost
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>try to get people on the video game board to play some video games
Genuinely, why are you like this? Get an actual hobby, anon.
shut the fuck up
why would they do that kek
now my UI text is all fugged up
>Get an actual hobby, anon.
You first troon, mmohopping isn't a hobby.
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>This character creator.
Boys, we picked the wrong server again.
this is true. i was baited into one of these servers and it only took these fags a week to degrade into homosexual roleplaying. I wish we could just play games but trannies have ruined everything
>I'm not new
>I'm literally a toddler whose only just started using the site
Are the trannies in the room with us right now?
>press C to unleash a set order of skills
That feels clunky. I think I prefer RO's style abit more.
this is why tanks are told never to attack, just taunt, because you'll get animation-locked.
that's the point, man
guys what if instead of playing mmos we kissed instead...
Guild is NoFlyingAllowed alot of us are at the starting zone still
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You can get voote points through the website. VP is used to get cosmetics from npcs and I don't know what else. You may need to actually vote this time unlike Banana.
if there's a pserver option then yeah. I think W101 specifically got removed from the voting list because of the paygate after a point
can we please just play the videogame
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This game looks like crap. /v/ should just replay Haven and Hearth like it did 12 years ago
Trickster Online made me turn gay
I used to be a strong jawed muscle man
now I'm a twink wtf happened
The entire point is every 2 weeks is a new game.
Maybe we'll eventually get there. But right now is FlyFF
many such cases.
what MMO do I play to go back to getting pussy instead of having a boypussy?
Flyff was fun but well the classes were kinda shit with not many skills and leveling was a bitch since AOE was rare as fuck. Assist was a cool class tree boom get hit with a yoyo by some random person injected with a shitload of buffs.

I almost made it to lv 60 witih a knight way way back
where is the screenshots folder? I can't take them from desktop anymore
>Haven and Hearth
Fa far far too autistic dear lord is that game a massive timesink also the game is full of filthy fucking subhuman ziggers that ruin everything
>/v/ should just replay Haven and Hearth like it did 12 years ago
/v/ gets like a 20 man group every wipe playing it
How do I turn on my music?
Flyff is silent and unnerving
game / audio in the options, the game launches with both audio sliders at 0 for some reason
Are we playing a Season or the main server?
Ok I've been walking around town for around an hour. I've seen 2 people from what I assume is the guild and they ignored me. Gonna go to bed.
people playing here exclude you if you aren't already friends with them.
Get cliqued on faggot.
Teach you to try to make new friends.
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>join game
>don't msg anyone
>get rightfully ignored
I mean, what were you expecting? people to telepathecally know you're from here? peak nuMMO behaviour
I did send messages. How do you think I know I got ignored.
>player walking around
>type to them
>they stop moving
>eventually they walk away having said nothing
obvious what happened, I was ignored
"hey can I have a guild invite"
and they fuck off
fuck you
Did you say you were from /v/ or /vm/?
Flyff got me into mmos back in the day. But it looks extremely different to how it used to be
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Ssome of the anons in the guild in one of the previous games were cool but a decent amount of them were faggots and lobbyrats so this isn't surprising to me
I stopped bothering with these because some of them were looking for excuses to get uppity and start drama. If you really want to play a game with them then make a post in /vm/ and one of the decent anons should get to you, otherwise I'd skip out on it
i remember picking this up for like 2 weeks in high school because my weeb friend wanted someone to play it with him

i had nothing but fun with it but really have no interest in ever touching it again
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Fun fact, there was a Tirckster anime in development back in like 2009, but it never went anywhere.
holy shit, I’ve never seen a FlyFF thread on /v/. I’ve been playing on and off on official and private servers for probably around 15 years. Made a lot of memories with this game but I’m probably done for good now, as an adult I see it’s just a timesink unless you’re willing to throw a ton of cash at it, and even then there’s always gonna be more stuff to spend money on.
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fucking lmao
>I take screenshots every time I talk to someone
This never happened.
Is there a private server with a patch where Prevention didn't have a cooldown?
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Nobody answered me...
Not in the clique, nobody cares.
they're in your install folder under "Capture"
>fellow Dungeon Meshi Jarman /a/ tard
you're not in the clique. fraud!
thanks but I still can't find it...
Kino, I'm joining
Jokes aside FlyFF is REALLY bad
I might join a florensia or nostale server though
I was thinking if it's involved with discord, it's a nope for me then.
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Confirmed offsiters for falling for such obvious bait
Oh what am i saying this is /v/ discord/twitter/reddit/youtube/eceleb/instagram central
Well do go on,stay
Yeah,why can't these fags do somerhing fun like join a 1k player maplestory pserver full of wops and weird them out
Fucking cunt niggers!!!!
Tf, flyff is still around? That's a blast from the past
Is there any way to play Gunz nowadays?
Fgunz come join bro
This happened
You'll want to use the VP on 5 exp scrolls that give +50% exp rate each and stack.
Not even the most obscure MMOs can escape the powerful reach of the gold sellers. How terrifying.

Name a better OST (pro tip: you cant)
That game must be completely different now than back when I played it. I don't think I could ever play a modern Flyff. The game was fine just being a vanilla treadmill styled mmo. No dailies or daily events. No story or solo story quests that takes hours or days to finish. No level boosts. Had to join full parties just to level and manage those parties if you were the leader so a bit of human interaction was involved. Back in V7 and earlier there was only 1 worthwhile raid and you had to be in a guild just to do it.

It was just a simple mindless meat grinder. I know those are probably not popular in today's time and maybe even back then but it just shows that a game just doesn't need much to be enjoyable.
>just a simple mindless meat grinder
i really don't see the appeal
Bad proposal, everyone's just gonna play disable Psykeeper builds, cheese everything, and call it a day.
Never ever will i play flyff again, it wasted so much of my life. But have fun oder the equivalent of it.
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Is there a list of games considered by the organizer?
>private server
Oh damn. I might give it a go later.
>day 1 of playing and several are at master
Not sure these rates will give you enough to do for two weeks unless the dungeons and raids are hard later.
These are the 2 lists we rotate between each game
it's for wagies to catch up and neets to get bored

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