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>What is Bizarre MMOdventure?
This is an ongoing project from a group of anons dedicated to playing through obscure and niche MMOs, or ones 4chan hasn't played together before.
>How does it work?
The rules so far go as follows:
>Hold a tournament-style voting contest from a list of games
>Play the game that wins the final round of votes for 2 weeks
>If by the 1 week mark everyone drops the game, we fall back to titles we've played before until the current vote ends
>After each game we alternate lists to vote on
You are free to recommend more games be added to the lists, and encourage people to vote on a game you want to play.
>Games we've played so far:
Phantasy Star Universe
Trickster Online (/vm/ general here: >>1308950)
Rising Force Online
RaiderZ (/vm/ general here: >>1346125)
>Current game being played
Clockworks Flyff (https://cwflyff.com)
>Current list being voted on
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Some quickfire links to various Clockworks-related resources and such:

Main page:
Register/Download/Etc here.

Clockworks Wiki
General compendium for all things related to this specific private server. Classes, leveling routes, important NPCs; you name it, this place probably has it.

Soapy's Scuffed Guide:
Basically the wiki, but in Google Doc Guide form.

Prepare to fly by the seat of your pants in this server, lads.
This will be our first taste of a "mid-rate" private server for one of these particularly grind-y KMMOs. While things may seem to progress ludicrously fast for those unprepared, treat this as an opportunity to toy around with classes and see what you'd prefer to play. Shouldn't be tough to catch-up with rates like these!

The respective /vg/ General for Clockworks Flyff will come just a bit later, to allow for /v/ threads to breathe a bit.
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Oh, and we'll be playing on Channel 6 for our two weeks here.
Housed on the east coast of NA, so EUbros should still get decent ping (probably better than some west-costers, honestly).
I am virtually new to Flyff and I'm looking for a class that is very newbie and game knowledge friendly, kind of like Huntards in RO. Seems crackshot might work are any other classes braindead or low learning curve?
/v/ bread
>>>/v/681234614 (You)
>>>/v/681234614 (You)
>>>/v/681234614 (You)
>didn't even link /vm/
Slayer is more straight forward if you're really worried, crackshoot has to consider positioning and when to stealth to not fuck over teammates.
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I fucked it up AGAIN...
Don't listen to that anon if you choose the class that I'm choosing I WILL PK you. You have been warned...
Where's mu online on that list? Where's tibia? where's ultima online? where's neverwinter nights 1 (not mmo, but can be played as one) where's warcraft 3 revenge of the niggers map?
what's the lowest level dungeon, are they just an endgame thing?
New Polltab now means new Directpoll, so I'm putting it up early here. Tokens will be handed out in CW FlyFF after like a week or something when we figure out how much progression is good enough to set as a requirement.
Vote link: https://directpoll.com/v?XDVhEtkbDZzsDWGfV10yg40dO5yJl6VO4Y9bm
Results link: https://directpoll.com/r?XDbzPBd3ixYqg8C8sEYLNtQkSy378JSA3kXmvTfT1RyVFZE
check the wiki :-)
smooooch azoos poster
Quite a number of folks have arrived already, great to see!
I've bestowed even the lowest of ranks in the Guild with the rights to invite others, so if (You) see a confirmed Anon without our banner, feel free to toss it to 'em.

Parties are crucial for success in Flyff, as just like players, they too can level-up and gain new perks and abilities. However, they're limited to just eight players max, and their bonuses go away if the party breaks entirely.
For the sake of those arriving, be sure to grant an invite to any Anon missing a party if you can spare it, or join someone elses' ongoing group. Ask around in Guild Chat for currently-running parties, I'll make sure to have mine up as often as possible.

Further, the Achievement Panel (Start Menu -> Features -> Achievements) has a pseudo-tutorial of sorts, in the form of the "Vagrant" and "Beginner" tabs.
Flyff can be pretty overwhelming when first starting out, especially on a server with rates as high as these, so make use of those categories as guidance to learn the ropes.

If you're lost or need an invite to the Guild, and don't see any recognizable faces around, just toss me (Allegreza) a whisper and I'll get 'ya sorted.
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>This character creator.
Boys... I think we picked the wrong server once again.
Hi is flyff worth playing if my schedule is going to be iffy for the next week?
Not a lot of hours to play and don't want to drag behind. Maybe I'll just log in to socialize and explore.
the server is 100x rates, you can reach max level anytime you want.
>No Star Wars Galaxies
It's over...
why can't i make an account? it says match the requested format no matter what i put
I got this when I was making an account, for me it was removing the space from the personal question that fixed it
>get in game
>no direction on what to do
>not a single player talking in chat
>everyone is afk and not moving
the real MMO experience
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i'm not using any spaces
was dylan a boy or a girl
im asking this because I want to know if I have to beat you up or not
if gay prepare to pay
The UI in FlyFF is an absolute mess.
It's all over the place, text that doesn't fit, horrible default hotkeys, different themes for different windows, can't scroll with mousewheel, buff icons in multiple places on my screen and 20 different fucking buffs just starting at level 1 what the fuck is this game
And why is Charizard here?
I feel really buff now. Thanks Fly For Fun Online
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As mentioned previously, parties are a core aspect of Flyff in general, due to the bonuses they can provide.

If you're not in one already, hit-up the Partyfinder (Start Menu -> Features -> Partyfinder), and filter by Guild Member Parties only. Even if you're not in the area to receive EXP for kills, you'll still be leveling the party itself up, and granting Points to use on various party-wide buffs.
Upon using a Red Scroll bought from the Consumables NPC in Flaris, those buffs apply globally to all party members, no matter where they might be.
Party Level does vanish if the party breaks, but it's super easy to level it right back up on this server. Still, I'll be having my own party up for as long as possible, at the very least.

Bonus party fact: Seraphs and Forcemasters in your party can idle next to Buff Pengs, allowing fellow party members to receive both the standard buffs AND every buff that Seraph/Forcemaster knows as well.
Definitely worth it to raise those classes here; and Ringmaster/Seraph can actually deal damage on this server, imagine that!
dis Flygga got a dragon ballz
this is a mental overload
my brain
powerlevelers and cliquegamers will choke this project to death
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>sphere grid
This game really needs an auto grinder like a mobile game.
It already feels like a mobile game.
>click enemy
>touch peepee
>enemy die
>click new enemy
>touch same peepee
I gonna like flyff
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Hour 2, im done with Flyff.
See you in 2 week.
>Not a single 1 game previously mentioned got added to the poll
So are we really just going to vote on the same 10 MMORPGs?
Yes, we will, until Aion gets elected.
Do I just ask for an invite here?
Alright, someone invite Laventale before I hit the hay, please.
generic questslop with nothing to do until endgame and the chance of being openly pk'd by max level players with no downside.
How do I join the clique private channel?
we only scout for people and invite them if they fit in. try to be friendly with one of the high ranking clikeks and you might be lucky
How's the move control? AWDS or full mouse like RO?
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the spirit of ghost stallion from raiderz lives on in alicia
There's WASD tank controls and regular mouse click to move.
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And so, the first evening comes to a close. Made a hell of a lot of progress for just one day's run, no question there.

Servers such as these can often feel a bit overwhelming if you're not accustomed to their faster pace, so it's good to see so many acclimating to the new environment.
Should be said that things /do/ start to slow down somewhat around the 90s to 100s or thereabouts, unless you're a particularly proficient AoE class in 2nd Job (I.E if you're a Windfield Elementor or AoE Ringmaster).
Of course, even that can be circumvented for at least a little bit, by way of the 5 free stackable EXP Amp Scrolls available from the Consumables NPC in Flaris. Just takes 100 Vote Points, which thankfully isn't a hassle to get on this server, unlike the rodeo of sketchy vote sites we went through back in RF.

While the early goings were certainly frantic, it's always nice to chat with the lads and direct newcomers in the downtime between indiscriminately wiping out the local fauna. Going to have to expand the Guild size soon at this rate, we're already nearing the Guild Level 1 cap of 30 players (29/30, last I checked).
My party from the start is still up - at least for now - should anyone want to join-in. Will be afk for a good ~8-10+ hours, in all likelihood, so it's debatable if it'll remain up by the time I'm back. May as well take advantage of it while it's still here (although rebuilding Party Levels is mercifully easy on this server if it does break, barring the Scrolls invested into it).

Will make the /vg/ General for the title sometime later today, depending on the status of the /v/ thread at the time.
Upon logging into my burner discord[\spoiler] account I was surprised to see the RaiderZ server gone from my servergroup list. Surely it must have been an accident on their side! What better to do but log into my RaiderZ account to fix this obvious error with an active admin! I logged into my account and was greeted with this message. The server is still online.

True endgame has been reached...

sorry seph hehe[\spoiler]
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making spoiler and uploading images is hard GODDAMNITTTT
flyff sucks
the music doe
nah, just this server. CoM we would be fighting bosses and running dungeons already instead we get important features that are hidden behind paywalls that you vote for, pokemon and other goofy shit.
you retards literally always play the worst server
>pokemon and other goofy shit.
the genshin and other animes costumes do feel a bit out place
It's because you put this >>1348931 furfag retard in charge.
what the fuck is a CoM
The other server option: Chronicles of Madrigal.
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>Chronicles of Madrigal is a modern re-design of the FlyFF experience.
>re-made custom classes
these servers always fucking suck, gooks might be inept money hungry bastards but private server admins are always out of touch ideamen who create the most vile shit.
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is that all there is? I got in a party but we never played together it just seemed like a waste of monster spawns, everything I did was click things and wait for them to die
what a great game
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As someone who has played a literal shit ton of MMOs and almost every one on your list, theres a reason those are obscure and dead. Some of them are okay, like dragon nest. Not spectacular, but whatever if you want something to play. But others like Dragonball Online are absolute not even worth the 10 minute install. Others arent even around anymore, like Warhammer AoR can only be played on a private server. Almost all of these listed here have atrocious cash shops that would ruin the game if anyone in your group/anyone you're competing against have used at all.
And many of these have completely allowed for skipping the newb content to put you right where their remaining players are (like rift) to encourage you to use the cash shop.

Please dont play any of these listed.
>babbys first asian MMO
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you say that but new world still has the best pvp in any mmo right now, it's not even close. The problem is that they made everything to remove the open world pvp for the same reasons in your pic. It still has instanced pvp which is cool. Also stagger mechanic needed to go. You're just trying to shitpost
I played almost every mmo out there, just skipped flyff. It seems I didn't miss much
>everything I did was click things and wait for them to die
you clearly have not played asian MMOs where absurd grind is the norm.
I just said I did.... but ok I'll explain to your a little further: every asian mmo has more things to do besides clicking on mobs and waiting for them to die
>every single other asian MMO has more things to do
Figured you were being obtuse. Big surprise there.
So is FlyFF dead or are we going to a new server?
I've not been able to play until today but I am very confused.
>you clearly have not played asian MMOs where absurd grind is the norm.
this is like that smug faggot saying wow slop quests were the norm

when are we going to play good experimental mmos like ao/swg instead of samey kmmo shit botted into the polls by huehues and pagpag eaters
PSU was different, RaiderZ at least had great combat. I wouldn't say either of them are experimental, but I also wouldn't say that they are WoW-likes.
If you want something different feel free to bring extra friends in to sway the vote, more people is better.
I don't think you fully grasp what we're doing here. It's not to play Anon's favorite MMOs. The games here are unpopular games never played as a group before on 4channel. SWG was popular and has been played as group from this site before.
I've played most of the dogshit MMOs on the list and I'm looking forward to treading through the waste of trash to find the best parts of each of these crapass games.
If you don't want to play nobody is making you. But I and a few others here are just going to keep going.
What's the official reason why the 4 MMORPG mentioned last thread aren't on the poll
Lonk said no.
Can Lonk tell me the status on FlyFF are we swapping servers or sticking with the paywalled Pokemon branded one?
aww yiss
My favorite niche and obscure MMOs: SWG and AO!
Me too! There's Face Of Mankind, Matrix Online, Guild wars 1, Entropia Universe, if anyone remembers those?
My favorite obscure MMO is Classic WoW
haha it's so retro
I forgot to mention Planeshift and Wurm, maybe even OpenMW online multiplayer counts.
Follow the achievement system for rewards. It's like a beginner's guide
That didn't answer my question. I haven't downloaded any client yet because I'm unsure what we're playing.
see OP

>Current game being played
>Clockworks Flyff (https://cwflyff.com)
I saw people saying that server was bad. Thought since it was day 1 you might have swapped.
I'll give it a download.
I love solo mmos so much bros
We're at two party-based MMOs in a row. Feel pretty bad for ya
I remember reading that if almost everyone drops the game they
ll go to the next but I doubt that will ever happen since the clique will continue playing together even if everyone else quit
>I saw people saying that server was bad
Where? There was one guy complaining. Probably you.
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What class are you maining?
Where's the Flyff thread!!
I hope this doesn't go like RaiderZ and RF
>The same 6 people run off at the start, chatgpt rushes ahead while rattling off wiki advice.
>May see them pass sometimes but you won't play with them now.
>A few of the left out people make the best of it and goof around.
>Game dies off after week 1, 2-3 autists from the first clique play alone or sloppily until next game.

I miss esper.
guy that makes thread is sleeping

I wish the clique wasn't full of wiki fags power leveling through everything
I want to relax and enjoy these games not bum rush them like I'm trying for a world first
>I wish the clique wasn't full of wiki fags power leveling through everything
Reminder Allegreza ditched us in RF to get power leveled by BRs.
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>I want to relax and enjoy these games not bum rush them like I'm trying for a world first
Do you want to play Chronicles of Madrigal server together? It's the low(ish) rate server for flyff that focuses on party play. It has graphic support for 4k displays, every dungeon is viable(not just skipped), every class has a unique purpose in parties and no pokemon or other weird shit.

I really want to play it but if I solo I can't try any of the cool stuff like bosses or dungeons. We won't reach max level but idgaf if the game is fun from the start instead of at the end.
lmao really?
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This game is a struggle and I've barely begun.
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I am making progress
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why is there a trans button?
you can open the neuz.ini file in notepad and edit it that way to make it easier
Are you in channel 6?
The last /v/ post was 8+ hours ago. Someone >>1348931 could have bumped it but wanted to let it die instead.
Less shitstirring now that there's no /v/ thread? Sounds good to me.
everything feels so disconnected in flyff...see you next mmo, bros
I had low expectations but am still disappointed
Yeah, feels like a solo game
we could have chosen rose, top or sots
why flyff???
We should have played Shaiya.
lets play neverwinter nights 1 the original campaign, so we get to gangbang aribeth's elven pussy.
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Lets play this, this is RPG.
I feel like there's a huge problem in server choice related to the guild leader picking rates and servers favoring powergaming/i-need-max-lvl-before-i-can-have-fun types, so we end up on all these retarded custom content servers with insane rates and skip gear with people who logged in hour 1 like 30 levels ahead, with no sign of stopping and no desire to join the greater group outside of their pleveling clique because their experience can't begin until max level, to them, then the 2 week period is over before they know it. RF altruisms first 3 days were more fun than this and that's saying something.
at least half of those dropped the game already
looks like most people logged in today
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The social element in this game feels lacking to begin with, so that is probably not helping...
I need a friendly and informative autist to give me a list of consumable buffs that I should be buying.
Of the two RaiderZ servers we picked the one that is almost identical to official.
The other server, Revolution, has a bunch of content patched together from all the unfinished stuff in the game.
I think the right choice was made here.

FlyFF, I could do without the pokemon shit.
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holy cow modern FlyFF is completely soulless. completely changed character creator, changed Flaris music, and a hundred features nobody playing for nostalgia cares for. I'll probably hit cap but I don't know if I'll continue after that, as the progression system looks completely altered.
to get an idea of how unrecognizable this game is, here's a shot of Saint Morning in 2006, now go there using the warp feature. they completely gutted my nigga...
but this server means i can get max lvl quickly you dont understand i cant settle down unless i'm max lvl I CANT
It's impossible to navigate with the map
Metafags/powerlevelers miss the point entirely and ruin yet another multiplayer experience, how shocking!
it takes three days to reach max level, you have no excuse not to be playing with us.
NTA but then what? the game sucks
I clicked on monsters for almost 6 hours on the first day and that was enough for me. I was in party the entire time btw but never interacted with anyone, just a couple messages on guild chat and that's it
who did you ask to group with that declined?
I didn't say that. I was in a party the entire time but we never interacted with each other besides chatting just a couple times in those 6 hours. What I'm saying is that the game has no party play, you play solo.
>but muh endgame
do not even mention this please
>I didn't say that.
I'm pointing out that you only had to ask and people would have killed stuff with you, like everyone else in the guild.
NTA but read his posts. He was in a party, still the gameplay doesn't really make you interact with others. You're basically still killing mobs by yourself and the exp share is almost nonexistent
We're playing some Alicia again tonight, hop on if you're interested in some more Mario Kart with horses.
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please join
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Room #11, password rage under magic singles.
room almost full, pls join
put in links for this stuff
Care to explain?
Just another pserver or is there something special about this one?
an MMO I completely forgot about that we could include is Bless Online. interesting thing is the game released and failed multiple times, twice in Korea, and twice on steam. game looks gorgeous, deep character customization from the Black Desert era and the combat is some weird combination of tab target with dodging. everything else? unknown to me. but I'd like to go through it someday to personally learn why it failed so spectacularly. perhaps we have a kuso-kino on our hands
>you only had to ask and people would have killed stuff with you
Even in the party its like we follow the two fastest levelling people... I miss our relaxed time on Trickster...
Players may want to socialize, explore, emote, bum around the cities, etc and not power to max level and clear [content], get excited for next [content].

I feel we'll have to experience a few more of these 2 weeks sprints of powering to max only to be left with a fraction of players and not actually clearing much of what the minmaxers were aiming for before people slow down and start enjoying themselves again.
> game released and failed multiple times
looks cool i would be interested but this makes me want to play lineage 2
my computer hates this game
>let's eat shit for 2 weeks until everyone but our small little group quits
why not make a discord between yourselves, then?
>played the KR release
it sucked
>played the JP rerelease
it was ok
>played the NA re-re-release
it sucked
>played the console re-re-re-release
it sucked
>played the console re-re-re-release port to pc
it still sucked
released recently low-mid rate 250 pop you can farm boss monsters for talent points in a custom talent system
What do you mean by eat shit? Why are you so upset?
Current room is #2005, under speed racing.
this sounds 100x more fun honestly desu
>Proposing new and interesting MMOs that were not mentioned here
No, we're only allowed to play the games the clique chose on the first thread. Notice how none of the MMOs mentioned last thread were added to the poll
keeps putting the thing in quarantine no matter how many times I tell it not to
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The MMOs you suggest likely won't be added to the current two lists we're swapping between until they start to get sparse, but none of this discussion matters because you can go back one thread and see that most of you faggots complaining don't even play the games this thread is playing to begin with. >>1348240 This dumbass even outed himself with something extremely easy to verify if he had the game downloaded.
I'm not liking this game but we shouldn't change servers or games in the middle.
We can always go back to playing Alicia horse and Raiderz, I know well I'll do that.
There's literally 0 reason to use two old lists instead of updating the list every poll.
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Alicia is so fun bros! please join the horse racing whenever you can! perfect way to relax after the grind!
you might need a locale emu for korean (thanks averin)
very fun and nice game! props to shiro for winning so many races on his first day!
>implying MrHands was taken
I guess I really shouldn't be surprised.
that was his first horse
Matchie a cute! A cute!!
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>google it because i thought it was reference i wasn't getting
Dude's died doing what he loved...
>but it seems promising
How can it seem promising when there's literally nothing known about it?
friends got into the close beta and they had fun
did they nuke our guild from the server?
Yeah, everyone in CloverZ got banned.
Warhammer Age of Reckoning is actually one of the few good games in our polls. It's just a PVP focused one but isn't about getting ganked, instead it is about focused and "fair" PVP content.

No p2w of any kind. No cash shop even.
Last time I checked this is not playable in English. Why the fuck is it there.
>most of you faggots complaining don't even play the games this thread is playing to begin with
Why would we play when you, clique faggots, obviously rigged the results?
That's a blast from the past. Had forgotten all about this. I remember trying to play it in the early 2000s and it was basically so broken and unfinished that I didn't get much playing done. No clue what the gameplay is like.

It is quest slop. No party play whatsoever.
I would play the fuck out of L2 if there was a non-p2w low rate English server but it's all p2w filled with Russians, SEAnigs and BRhues.
Why are these in the poll even?
>Emil Chronicle Online
No English server.
Dysfunctional unplayable official server. No private servers.
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Apologies, was M.I.A for a frustratingly long amount of the day, unable to compose our usual pop-up General on /vg/. It was intended intended to go live ages ago, but I'm only now sitting back down at my desk to post it (Sunday tends to be a rather spotty time for me in general).
/flyg/ is (finally) here, for those wanting to discuss their times in the title in a more organized manner: >>>/vg/484200184

Recommendations brought up/discussed in the thread are being tallied for an eventual list refresh, once we whittle-down more of what's already there.
Quite a number of existing titles on each list are certainly not entries into the MMO genre anyone would be clamoring to play above all else, but that's also sort-of the point of this project. Experiencing mostly ancient, fairly archaic, and often quite cryptic MMO imports with one another, to see if those titles still hold some merit despite their obscurity in the modern day.
If new titles were regularly added to the lists, many of those especially ultra-obscure picks likely wouldn't be played whatsoever. New entries will have their chance to shine in due time, and it's certainly good to shout them out here to be researched later, but we'll be working with the existing two lists for at least a while longer.

Unless, of course, it comes to light that any titles currently on there are either unable to be played, or lack any sort of English language support/translation, as >>1349819 brings up. Under those circumstances, those titles will be reviewed, and if proven to indeed be generally inaccessible, removed from the list/vote thereafter.
Much of the lists were compiled by Esper prior to me inheriting them, under the assumption that all titles were sufficiently researched before being added, so pardon if there are a few odd eggs currently sitting in the batch.
Then you can post a screenshot that proves it is real.
I think Esper just whipped up a list of everything he could find or remember the name of. If researched I think we'd discover more than half of these games are in practice uplayable in current year.
did the xivtroons go back to their game yet? is it safe to play now? I'm not into people trying to lure me into their erp sessions every time I log in
Im waiting to pounce on you when you log in
I don't image many xiv fags are playing these games. Only normalfags play that game and only fucking weirdos play this trash. It's just the way it is.
that could be pretty cool. how does the pvp stay fair?
was it the previous thread or the one before that there were a bunch of them gushing over the new expansion

hoping they all left
That never happened.
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Anyone know anything about Bright Shadow Online? Looks like it could be some baseline level of decent. Screenshots show some sort of party action but there's practically no video of it on youtube aside from an old MMOHuts video and a couple trailers.
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Like as far as generic anime KMMOs from the late 2000s go this looks alright.

Can't be worse than FlyFF, right?
nothing can be worse than flyff
Is there actually anything to look forward to after killing monsters?
killing more monsters
Should I dump a list of actual good AND obscure mmorpgs?
Let's see it. I'll judge you based on your list though.
You haven't played many old kmmos have you
Kill monsters, pretend to enjoy unbalanced pvp, and chat with your friends. Those are the three staples of early 2000s kmmos, and Flyff is absolutely one of those.

Sure, go ahead.
between levelling up and getting practical experience and reading the wiki, I think I have an idea of the intended experience here:
1. levelling straight to 120 for master is fine. Right after that is where dungeons really start coming into play.
2. the Savage Wilds dungeon available to master 60 - master 80 characters provides rings, earrings, and necklaces AND a hefty weapon upgrade. I did not do Savage Wilds. I will never be able to do Savage Wilds. I feel shafted.
3. After Savage Wilds, grind grind grind until Dekane Mines for armor set.
4. Grind grind grind until 120, then do Red Meteonyker for 120 gear
5. light grinding for 130 gear and then really lean into pumping it: jewels, cards, +10 upgrade...
6. After that, dungeons and mobbing for gear and levels
There is an endgame raid dungeon available that would be cool if we could tackle before our time is up, but even if we don't get there, checking off the list of dungeons would be a good metric for substantial completion.
There's tons of private servers in English, based on the official english server by Run Up, which was shut down in 2010. Not sure what you're confused about, probably over the fact that it was always sort of a dead game anywhere but Japan, where it was shut down in 2017.
Dark ages
Shattered galaxy
Age of wushu
Chronicles of spellborn
Ace online
Dragon's prophet
when it was brought up in a previous thread anons concluded that it only had one server that didn't have a proper english translation

you're the first one to contest that information
Dont worry, no one would want to erp with you
>All kmmos are like flyff
Imagine being this retarded
so we're stuck with the MMO you chose and we are unable to actually vote in what we want to play. gotcha.
im not surprised esper hasn't come back
he said he would be playing ff xiv instead. if you adore him so much go with him
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>almost the entire thread is some retarded skitz pretending to be multiple people upset with the choice of game
>he was also doing it the last thread
sheeesh and i thought /v/ was bad, this board is DEAD and full of the mentally ill
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>Not a single person talked anything remotely good about Flyff before and after we started playing
>Surely all the people who are disliking it it's one person
i do shitpost, but i'm not the only one doing it.
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I think most can agree that this game leaves a lot to be desired - regardless of whether you're having fun or not.
All of these playable? I know Onigiri's on Steam. Go ahead and lay the groundwork for these if you're not just shitposting.

Not a board problem, just have to accept MMOs attract these types.
Flyff was held in better regard than Shaiya at least. It sounds like people are just getting filtered by oldschool kmmo design.
Add NexusTK if you're adding Dark Ages and Shattered Galaxy. I know Nexus has private servers at least
All the critic of Shaiya came from people who never played shaiya. Literally called it questlop, when Shaiya quests have no rewards and you don't really have to do them, and something about being pvpers food when all pvp happens only in the PVP maps which you wouldn't go unless you WANT to do pvp.
Literally not a single person said anything remotely good about Flyff
Since we're making a list
Final Fantasy XI (the private server, fuck paying retail price)
Lineage 2
I mean, the private server has the same number of people as most MMOs on the list...
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>find house customization
>options are insanely limited
the stat bonuses are cool I guess...
>linage 2
would totally play this with people here.
always wanted to try and get into it but felt too late to the party where everyone already knows the ins and outs of the game while i know absolutely nothing.
>I mean, the private server has the same number of people as most MMOs on the list...
FFXI pservers have some of the highest fuckup rates from admins, while the official servers have been pretty alright and stable in playercounts.
I said nice things about FlyFF and I did it (for free)
The problem with FXI retail is convince anyone here to waste 13USDs (similar price as FXIV btw) for an PS2 era MMO that's mostly empty.
The private server linked on the FXI thread seems cool
if it wasn't for the lack of people and how exp works it'd be actually a 8/10 game
I mean I'm not going to disagree on the price, and even on a pserver it's a decent experience either way.
I am very biased because a friend pulled me back into the officials recently.
with each game everyone gets more closed off. with raiderz and its party limit, it felt more of a circlejerk than anything else. but now with flyff we're at the end stages. by this point theres no real reason to keep creating threads like these, the tightknit friend groups have already been firmly shut.

part of me was thinking it was the games' fault. but really, this was just the inevitability of any vm match-making to begin with isn't it
no clue if it has a server or not currently available
We're not allowed to play pvp games because our resident anti-pvp thread personality said so!!!
>not even 48 hours into this current game
>but now with flyff we're at the end stages
if you can't name them directly they don't exist, schizo.
t. pvpschizo
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I miss tripfags. They were much less obnoxious and easier to get along with than the common reddit/facebook/9fag leftovers we've gotten for the last decade.
stop shilling your gay discord circlejerk please, just fuck off. nobody is interested. nobody cares. you are literal faggot trannies and gays and nobody wants anything to do with you.
to anyone browsing this thread, this is a literal discord circlejerking thing and you shouldn't get involved or bump these clique groomer's threads.
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I know most of (You) aren't posting in /flyg/ because it was made so dreadfully late after we started it (or maybe you didn't know a /vg/ General was even made), but if you're still playing (and quite a good number of you are despite all the shitposting here), you'll probably want to give this a read: >>>/vg/484229683
This and I preferred it when we had loose organizations or random/cycled guild leads instead of allegreza rushing to take it over each game, lol. The atmosphere of this project has pivoted hard into power and wikigaming.
I refuse to min/max these games.
If that's the path we go I'm dippin. I don't play modern MMOs because of the FOMO gotta do this gotta do that, that's inefficient, etc, etc
as opposed of brain rushing to take it over? at least allegreza plays the game
you could learn from keeping the thread clean
I may be a bit of an Allegreza fan but having Brain as guild lead was pretty fun.
The entire game is structured around pvp. You gain experience and gear through pvp. 'Ganking' and high-levels roaming around low level zones isn't a thing. Every zone has a pvp area with objectives which usually boil down to capturing a spot. You can make a new character and be pvping with other randoms by the time it takes you to run across your starter zone to its pvp area. maybe 10-15 minutes idk.
why not plays this for one week and change to the next then? Why stall?
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>but now with flyff we're at the end stages.
Except we aren't anywhere close.
Most of us are still in the level 80-100 range. Hell, we're still getting new players arriving even now, leveling up from the very start.
There's two prestige level tiers on Clockworks as well, so once you hit level 121, you go back to level 60 (albeit rebranded) and have to re-level up from there again, getting stronger with every pass. Plus, as mentioned with the linked post on /vg/, we haven't even stepped foot in our first proper Party Dungeon yet (which is around Level 80-M, achievable in about a day or two's grind, depending on your class/commitment).
I do understand not groking with this style of KMMO. It's particularly grind-heavy (much as many games of this ilk and vintage are) and quite solo-oriented 'til much later on; a style we will absolutely encounter several times during this project. But there's no need to spread misinformation on things in the event you might be dissatisfied with the current game selection. We'll be playing every one of these titles in due time, and not all will be to everyone's tastes.
i could be wrong about thus, but we get an influx of new anons each game, but they rarely continue onto the next. kinda a shame
you talk like a retarded faggot
pretentious piece of shit
The problem is that Dungeons are exactly the same as killing mobs in lvl1. The gameplay is that, click 1 buttom, wait until it dies, click another buttom. Repeat x20481421 with 0 interaction with other players
I don't mind grind heavy games and I'm tired of that being used as the reason people aren't liking Flyff.
It's not a good game, simple as. Grinding is cool, partying is cool, having no sense of direction unless I follow two concurrent wikis is not cool.
Flyff sucks, ain't no way around it.
I'm gonna put in my two weeks but I ain't going to enjoy it much unless this game drastically changes.
Can't expect everyone to follow to each game. Could be any number of reasons from not liking the voted game or IRL shit. Just have fun with the anons that are there.
I liked brain as guild lead because he was more fun in his stupid ways
>Most of us are still in the level 80-100 range. Hell, we're still getting new players arriving even now, leveling up from the very start.
>There's two prestige level tiers on Clockworks as well, so once you hit level 121, you go back to level 60 (albeit rebranded) and have to re-level up from there again, getting stronger with every pass. Plus, as mentioned with the linked post on /vg/, we haven't even stepped foot in our first proper Party Dungeon yet (which is around Level 80-M, achievable in about a day or two's grind, depending on your class/commitment).
I know you can't see the nuances because of your autism but I think responding to I don't feel included with a leveling guide pretty much sums up what's wrong with you. People aren't stopping to have fun because if you stop grinding the 'correct' path, well..
you arent a prisoner, just do other stuff and wait for the next title instead of burning out on ones you hate
lead just needs to be online when most anons are
how many people are online in the guild right now
picture pls
no? that's not what a lead is supposed to do at all. if you can't actively help people you don't deserve the tittle. simple as
you can fly off the main island and go explore
"a lead" as in guild lead? meaningless title just there to form the chatroom (guild chat), you just need to be online when most others are or delegate invite perms after
That's the ONLY functional way to make a 4chan group work. It's also often given to the least interested. These groups always fall apart due to power tripping faggots. If you have been around long enough then you would know.
Red Meteo what?
a dungeon
Problem with XI is that many of us have already played it on Horizon. The threads might've died out but it wasn't that long ago.

It is also not a game suited for just 2 weeks.
>any tripfag
>in a tier beyond trash
>These groups always fall apart due to power tripping faggots.
aka allegreza
Many of these games were already played by an anon at some point. That's not really a reason to ignore it
>It is also not a game usited for just 2 weeks
Just like RaiderZ and PSU?
It seems like Darkfall went offline a few years ago but its releasing once again on steam. Age of wushu private server got v& and Onigiri dropped global support... the steam version is broken and has a lot of p2w. Shattered galaxy has a sequel releasing sometime this year named Collapsed galaxy 2 every other game listed is fully playable. I suggest >>1350078 NexusTK as well, its a small fun game with a lot of simplified group content. While not obscure I also back >>1350080 anons picks especially FFXI just don't go in with the mentality of reaching endgame. It's a great game where everyone will be able to party up regardless of how far one progressed because you will always be leveling another job to supplement your main one.
There's a difference between someone having played it literally all of these games have been played by someone here but the prominence of it to the point that it has had a general of sorts on this very board and even for a moment in /vg/, and very recently at that.
we need to play games that are truly party play not these single-player mmos
what's the point of organizing all of this if the only interaction with each other will be ERPing on guild chat, if I wanted that I would be playing ffxiv with those mentally ill people
>if the only interaction with each other will be ERPing on guild chat, if I wanted that I would be playing ffxiv with those mentally ill people
I think that's the xivtroons' goal
unlike ffxiv that actually forces you to solo some things, you can party from lvl 1 until endgame in every activity, there's nothing stopping you.
and yet everyone plays solo
Vote fore FFXI in the next poll
>Don't make me play obscure games I need familiarity like my remaaaakes!
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Say it.
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It's time toram bros
wrong thread
right thread
my thread
It only had a few threads and most of the posters didn't play it. And for some reason it was the target of a discord raid with all their drama. So actual game discussion was almost zero.
>Implying the Clique leader would let you choose anything outside his premade list.
Fuck no retard
Go play with the people that are already playing FFXI
The games on the list of recs is greater than the amount of poll options.
>mobile p2w slop
yeah nah
Nice schizo theories you got there. FFXI threads have been around before Horizon even came about.
>If I played it that means everyone played it
Read the thread, faggot, it says "obscure and niche" Troon fantasy XXX is neither obscure and niche, now gtfo my thread.
I can only play big name MMOs and I refuse to play anything else. If you try something new, have an interesting combat system, or give the player any freedom I want out. That shit is dumb.
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>toram being vote botted this early on.
Troon fantasy has a general thread, go there, faggot.
back to XIV troon
Bad faith dishonest tranny post.

Samefagging and larping as me.
Only one person likes to throw the word troon at everything. You're not fooling anyone schizo.
>obscure and niche
This doesn't apply to 80% of the list then, since they were popular once. You're pretending as if people know FFXI exists
>obscure and niche
>>>>>>>>>>>Phantasy Star Universe
>>>>>>>>>>>RF Online
>obscure and niche
l0l lmao
No you don't understand, it's only obscure and niche ONLY if that particular faggot hasn't played it :)
I'd say RaiderZ and RF are niche. You don't ever see them brought up in MMO threads, unless it's me posting about RaiderZ.
Trickster is in nearly every MMO nostalgia thread and PSU is mentioned whenever someone says anything about POS2 and how PSU was better.
You could definitely go more obscure though but you also lose the chances of their being a good private server or even a working one. I doubt anyone is hosting a server for Dragon Gem or Windslayer or 12sky. So you have to find a middle ground of some sort and I think these lists reflect the middle ground decently well.
There is definitely a better way to handle adding and removing games but this project is still in its infancy and has a lot of room to grow. Being absolutely negative when your nostalgia game isn't chosen doesn't help the MMOdventure at all.
the irony of this post
Please point out specifically where the irony is. I am really curious.
sorry lads but this threads a bit too mentally ill for me
>semi lurking for a while now
>finally get some free time
>selected server 100x rates and a cash shop like 10 pages long
what the fuck
is there really no better server than this dumpster fire?
i genuinely hope toram loses because i'm having fun playing it on my own time and don't wanna play it with /vm/
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i love xi but it'd be a terrible choice for this place for multiple reasons
>parties of 6 in a game where role is VERY FUCKING IMPORTANT, cliquing is literally guaranteed to happen
>has a /vm/ general, had a /vg/ one at one point
>the current private servers are somewhat of a meme, and private servers for the game have always been fucky with schizos being the ones in charge of running said servers
>game is extremely grindy, most anons probably won't even make it past the dunes if they get left behind (especially with how much of a slow start the game's combat has)
>quest-gating (whether it's equipment, access to areas, or even jobs) that unironically requires full parties in some scenarios
>only 6 available jobs until you reach level 30 with one of them (admittedly this could be a decent incentive for the NEETs to rush 30 so they can level up as something else with the others, but still most people wouldn't want to be gated behind playing either warrior, thief, monk, white mage, black mage, or red mage)
I bet a good chunk of anons wouldn't even manage to get subjobs unlocked within the 2 weeks.
If people can't get subjob in 6 hours let alone 2 weeks there is fundamental issue at hand even on era.
Vote for DOMO it has a job system like FFXI
The [Inner Clique] has decided we will be playing DOMO next.
>implying we won't see a Ferentus Sweep instead
Legitimately do want to see if that game is any good, it's so mysterious.
i would vote for DOMO if it wasn't against Toram
will consider it though
I can't believe you retarded gorilla niggers are voting for RO2
I can't wait for Ferentus and SotS
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Now THIS is what a win-win looks like
>the current private servers are somewhat of a meme
not like my Pokemon Flyff server, which is serious job.
>>quest-gating (whether it's equipment, access to areas, or even jobs) that unironically requires full parties in some scenarios
Like RaiderZ
>>only 6 available jobs until you reach level 30 with one of them
Flyff classes are also locked by level. You know we dont really have to complete/pass the whole game in 2 weeks right?
Don't understand why there's a subset of retards that insist on playing FFXI when they can literally go jump in the FFXI general that already exists. It's like they have some ulterior motive but just saying this you get called a schizo. They're probably from the FFXI general themselves and just want more of a dopamine rush of having more anons play their shit game even if it's for two weeks.
More like a lose-lose
they're resorting to outright lying about "most of these games have been played before". probably by individual anons but not played by 4chan together, which is the premise. playing a fucking game that already has an active thread for it is just beyond retarded.
There is and they've been posted. I dont know why we didn't drop this trash server after day 1.
Guess we're sticking with it now but it's going to 100% impact how many people stick around.
This server was a very poor choice. There's also a lot of content straight locked behind paywalls. I do not know how impactful they are on the game or if they are even part of the vanilla game, either way paywalls are scummy.
Can we just get this over with and play World of Warcraft?
I hope Warhammer doesn't lose again so early and doesn't lose to fucking spic ball.
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bread another horse
so lewd
>we didn't drop this trash server after day 1
I did. And if there's other people with enough self-respect then I'm sure they did too
Post your name so we can blacklist you from ever playing with us again, coward.
are you retarded? I can easily change my name anytime I want. I'm not a namefag like you faggots. My nickname was stfu
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Hahahah alegreza starting to show his true colors
The [Inner Clique] reveals itself at last.
one of those posts was mine
third worlders and ESLs fucking love DBZ - the White Man’s Warhammer sadly stands no chance despite being the superior game and IP
Ain't no way you're getting to 18 in 6 hours without some sort of cheese.
>antipvp fag botting DBO against WAR
literally no one wants DBO to win. stop lying
>one good pvp game on our lists
>no can't have that
>but let's vote yes on a bunch of these games with shit tier pvp as part of the experience
if you have a pl you can easily because you don't need to worry about getting gear. The biggest slogs in ffxi are upgrading your gear and seeking for party, actually leveling isn't that bad.
The only person who has said anything positive about pvp is Warhammer-anon. Everyone else playing hates it as a mechanic and has actively avoided it when it's an option in game.
I saw a Daldoonian vision last night while resting. The bi-copies I've been nurturing in my yard have finally taken to the coalescent pheromones I've been using. Once taken into my body my receptors should be able to more readily comprehend what I'm seeing. I've spoken to a few gypsy palm readers and other religious figures to assist in my digestion but to no success thus far.
Having played these MMOs I can tell you that I'm untainted so far. I cannot fathom the likelihood of this remaining the norm but the strength of my connection with the Daldonians cannot be broken. I've taken blood and given blood. I'm secured in the eyes.
>only one person has said anything positive about pvp
>Everyone else playing hates it as a mechanic and has actively avoided it when it's an option in game.
Low testosterone autistic faggots that hate clashing with other players. You know who else hates pvp? Women, zoomers, redditors. Go back
>Active thread
>if you have a pl
while I know the majority of anons playing every mmo here are weak faggots I have to agree with them on this one. PvP in mmos is always a gear check so if you start late you'll just get farmed by tryhards. I would love to play some old pvp mmos but we need to find some good server launching and start on day one to have a chance, unless we play those 100000x rate servers to reach endgame gear in a couple hours
Is Alicia Horse the best game this thread ever played? It sure feels like it is.
How do you lay like that on the hors?
There's multiple anons who've brought up WAR here. You're just hating on it because it has pvp.
>doesn't read any posts about pvp
>all games = same
Why would I expect anything else? You may as well have not even replied for how vague of a generalization this all is.
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i can teach you if you hop in into Alicia right MEOW anon. ALICIA BROS WHEN ARE WE PLAYING
I love pvp when it's only available in certain zones and maps like Shaiya.
Penis Longator
>PvP in mmos is always a gear check
Not saying that gear doesn't matter in WAR but it is also a case of being only a gear check. Party play and organization matter far more. It is not a game where a single overgeared dude can clean up.
>PvP in mmos is always a gear check
This wasn't even true in the last MMO we played, RaiderZ.
That game had easily obtainable specific gear sets for PvP. It was largely equalized in this sense.
Swords of Legends Online also did something similar except instead of having to obtain the gear you're just given it.
Guild Wars 2 is the same way.
Hell even FFXIV has equalized gear.

If you think all PvP in MMOs is gear based it just means you haven't played enough MMOs.
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I spent 14 hours in MSPaint to whip up this barebones basic example for you, anon. These are a pair of starter zones (specifically for humans (bottom) vs. chaos (top)), the general location where you spawn, and the zone's pvp area. Every zone has a pvp area with objectives to capture and where you can easily fight against other dudes. There is also instanced scenarios with different objectives (cap the flag, deathmatch, king of the hill, etc.) that you can queue for. You can queue for scenarios as well as pvp in your zone's pvp area from level 1 but you definitely want to grab a few levels so you have some basic skills.
it's an afk animation
you expect me to read every post in this thread? sorry I have a life

fair enough I never played warhammer if that's the case then I'm all in for it

you're pretty retarded
nice selfburn
no one came to play alicia...
This project was better before Allegreza started min-maxing every single aspect of the game and forcing it down players throats.
>He does good research on the game!!
I don't want to be shown the 'correct' way to play, it's fun to go in blind into these games and see how people experienced them at the time as well. This has turned into a chore and a race to becoming MAX LEVEL on muh high rate servers, instead of a fun adventure with other anons. Esper was the backbone of this thing and I can see why he left
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Kinda based.
This guy was straight up GRINDING, so the stfu name fit quite well. Server kind of shit, I agree, then again 1x FlyFF probably would be torture, surely there are better servers in between. Logistics are probably hell, wouldn't know since I'm just a freeloader here. I'm fine with just shitposting in shit server for the remainder of the time at this point, but definitely not immersing myself in this game as much as I did with RaiderZ kino.Alicia is the better game currently anyways.

Would like to get to know this anon better, but he prolly doesn't feel the same. Keep being awesome, grindchad.
Let's just play Alice until the next game
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feed your horse real food
>I'm not a namefag like you faggots
Do you not understand the concept of using the same identifier when you engage in a short-term activity with the same group of people?
you're too lewd
I was eating... joinin rn
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i dont get it... why am i lewd?
Esper left because he's playing Dawntrail
>white hair
>short hair
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How do I invade your ranch
sorry only white hair allowed
B-but I'm your childhood tomboy friend...
How do you get gems in Alicia?
from gift boxes you pick up at races, or at least that's the only way know
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stop ignoring my message brian
magic singles, room 47, password rage
I had fun for a couple hours since I had never played flyff but that's it, see you next game or maybe never

I do and I find it stupid, but you're free to be a fag I couldn't care less
4/8 join join join
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Bro your hair...
It's for Alicia Online.
>I do and I find it stupid, but you're free to be a fag
Weird hill to aggressively die upon.
>Each Alicia tutoril gives 200 carrots
my horse is going to fat AF(as frick)
carrot vs seafood pizza
NTA could you explain to me the reasons for that?
you get infinite carrots from opening the gift boxes anyways
>hitting level 18 in 6 hours while also getting all of the subjob quest drops and accounting for map travel time
>if you have a pl
okay you have no idea what you're talking about, opinion discarded
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Thanks for horsing around with me
Its a single quest you absolute tool. They are obtained while partying
t. did it blind new to era and ffxi
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thanks as always eyelids
you too and everyone else
i dont know what i did
i thought you were the host. thanks to whoever made the lobby
oh, yeah i was
who is the anon playing sots?
me, i was falseflagging sorry.
who's that handsome feller in the back?
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Did I miss out on playing funi hoers gaem today?
I was. I got to level 116 and stopped, partly because the exp to level is insane now and partly because I keep thinking how fun the game would be if we played it together. The game is so fucking cozy and the person who said the only way to level was by mobbing the entire map is completely full of shit, you can just explore and slam things. Did you have any questions about it?
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you don't fit in
Same anon, same..
yea how active is the market? and did you enjoy it?
you definitely fit into >>>/b/
/b/ probably has higher quality discussion, now that you bring it up.
half of us are from /v/ retard
It's a shame.
just opened it and the first post was a cuck thread.
that's embarrassing for you.
And I'm sure they discuss cuckoldry more civilly than /v/ ever discusses video games. Your reading comprehension is embarrassing.
>heres why i prefer reading cuck threads to /v/
>NOOO its your reading comphrehenshun
aww is the cuck gonna cwy because he got outed?
dying on cuck hill defending your hate for /v/ is weird but be my guest.
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can you two just kiss already haha
that's not even me cucky.
umad? lmao
>Literal cucks ITT
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There's no market at my level since everyone(30 people) is at endgame. Imagine if /v/ started their own server, it's that small. I loved the game itself, good music and lots of exploration with no restrictions, you can go anywhere and just try to kill stuff. It would be fun if we played it and figured stuff out and explored, hopefully the next game open like this one and we can do that.
How fucking new are you?
does anyone wanna play da horsey game with me :)
/v/ has frequent threads talking about how better vidya discussion is on literally any other board. Been here all summer, huh?
I will play horseie gmae later 2nite
Beated the tutorial for now and I'm eating dinner
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all the anons in this thread must be kissed by me
stfu gay
enjoy your dinner!!
It's well known you get the best anime threads on /v/, but
>going to /b/ to discuss anything now
To add to this when you enter a pvp area your level and stats are scaled to the cap of the area. I'm not sure how exactly it works with gear but it helps a lot.

Same applies to Scenarios which are WAR's version of WoW style battlegrounds.
no way you got from level 1 to 18 and finished your subjob quest in 6 hours as a new player, it is not difficult but it is also not something you do in just 6 hours
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that fish is DEAD and is not being kissed...
1-12 is only 3 hours so reaching 18 within 3 using sync and a properly geared group shouldn't be that hard. If luck is on your side then getting apron and worm happens while grinding. The skull is unlikely but there are many high leveled players that are often offering free skulls to new players.
I did
Slayed countless rabbits while learning how to play outside San'd Oria
Then asked where to level when they no longer gave xp and a kind player suggested the desert area, after an ardious 20 minute walk I arrived and joined the newbie party in chat.
We slaughtered dogs, crabs and ghouls at 18 for the last item.
Finally, we were all tasked with the intensive mission of talking to an old man in the desert town and handing him 3 items.
(Viewer discretion advised, elite level ffxi gamer quest may be unsettling for some audiences: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VzTNFW0Ezu8)

Was easy and fun, that 2 week estimate is something else
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But that's gay!
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Post kawaii launchers.
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Does anybody want to play Blade & Soul with me
What happened to that classic server they were going to release?
Is NEO Classic out globally yet?
I'll play Alicia
No idea, haven't looked in to it. I use to play this with my friend and downloaded it yesterday again years later.
Sorry lad, I'm not "Alicia". We can still play, though.
No update since January where they wouldn't commit to a release date.
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>db vs warhammer bracket at 32 votes.
can you niggers at least try to be less obvious?
I hope both games fail.
Hate spics and hate warhammer fags
Alicia was working fine for me earlier today
now a bunch of issues
yes but only when neo global releases
so never, sorry anon
>mfw when last voted warhammer was ahead
don the dress and dance for me in star wars galaxies. now.
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alicia gamers, lets giddy up
lobby uppppp
My team plays so I won't be able to join today...
I'm ontop of your barn, eating your hay.
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Where my horse bros at
I'll do some races in like 20 minutes, nigger
What room?
Magic singles
room 36
password: rage
3/8 currently
5/8 currently
Warhammerbro, if I vote for your kusoge can you promise me it'll be fun and we won't just get bullied by the people who know all the meta strats to win each time?
We've swapped to speed singles, room #2008 pw rage. Should still be 6-7/8
no, come
two of us just left
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me when alicia
Computer 100% out of commission.
BSOD'd to death.
Can't even do Alicia game
my first guess is drive failure. my second guess is ram failure. hope you can get whatever it is fixed soon, anon
don't die one me
As long as your gpu isn't dying you will be daijobu
i think there is at least three of us in the thread (vocally)
there is no "meta strat" Tier 1 is level 1-15 which means we're just floundering away at each other and the capture objectives in the starting area pvp spot is just holding a point and fighting off other players who try to take it. scenarios, the instanced pvp deals, is like 6v6 so that can easily be in-house too.
>We slaughtered dogs
Didn't play.
Why would you even expect anything out of that? BnS had decent combat in a kusoge. At best it's going to be the same shit it was in launch which isn't great.
Computer illiterates make me laugh.
Those Korean mmos kill PCs every year.
They clique sent a virus to finish the job.
Power supply failed.
I was I was literate enough to fix it but RMA accepted, and I'll be fixed shortly. Besides opening power supplies is bad practice anyways.
Hopefully it didn't take anything with it.
waiting for u..
>No equestrians online
it's so over...
Toram bros... what happened?
it's 4th of july vro
Horses built the back of America.
Playing Alicia is the best way to show your appreciation for them.
ain't nobody wanna play that mobile trash
Toram is one of the least mobile trash MMOs on phones.
It's mostly about grinding and killing bosses at different difficulty levels. It has p2w crap but the shop doesn't even load if you're an English player so you can ignore it.
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grinding for mats maybe, there's no grinding for exp at all. Later on bosses only come with one-shot mechanics so people just run invincibility builds to cheese through it, there's no build variety after level 125 or so. The only way to level is to do the main quest which is 100% solo and automatically takes you to max level but it takes 50+ hours to run through it before the multiplayer can begin.
Nothing about this sounds bad. Except the solo part but I don't believe you.
The [Clique] has invoked excommunicado.
I voted for Clique Online.
You don't believe the msq on a phone game is designed to be completed solo? You should look up gameplay footage, or just try it yourself for a few days.
No, I don't believe it's 50 hours long.
So when do you guys start the next game?
10 days
The car's on fire and there's no driver at the wheel
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>Dragon Nest losing on the poll.
It's the only game I was really stoked about playing on the whole list.
>lurking an mmo thread on /vg/
>a couple guys start talking about forming a WAR guild
m-mite b cool
it's more of a minigame, not sure why actions games are on the mmo list in the first place, we just saw how shallow the combat is with raiderz and permastunning enemies.
>dragon nest minigame
fund it
That's Habbo Origins
RaiderZ had the best combat we played though?
RaiderZ has easily been the best experience so far. If anything, comparing Dragon Nest to it is a reason to vote for it.
hoggie log on already please
eyecutie come log in for savage
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who /alicia/. giddy up your horses
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Magic singles, room #5, password rage. Come race!
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6/8 for racing, gonna start in a minute.
>HOERS gets more thread activity than the main game.
It's over...
mobile trash is mobile trash no way around it
>the main quest which is 100% solo and automatically takes you to max level but it takes 50+ hours to run through it before the multiplayer can begin.
why do they make these? why not just make a game where the multiplayer starts at level 1?
Would be cool but pvp feels blobby past 15. Scenarios are decided by which side has the most level 30+ players. Grinding out 15-25+ during a double scenario exp weekend is nice, not sure if thats still being done.
>cheater memed Knight Online past DN right before the round ended
it was losing like 8-13 earlier
Even if that one was blatantly cheated, I'm sort of fine with saving DN for later.
We just finished playing the only other action MMO on the list, RaiderZ, not that long ago. Makes sense to space those out, as we really don't get many of them in the current lineup.
anyone know anything about Bright Shadow Online? it looks cool graphically and I've never heard of this game before.
sway my vote from Ferentus
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can we play rakion as the next off game?
y not?
Dragon Nest has way better combat than RaiderZ
You can find some screenshots here but I don't know anything about it either. I'm honestly fine with either it or Ferentus. Both seem like they should have some sort of party content for us to enjoy.
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>it's not a REAL mmo, it has shallow combat.
the clique only likes chibi shitgames
Fact : Every MMO will have flaws.
Wouldn't Rakion be better suited for minigame night? Or is there far more content than I imagine as to fill out 2 weeks?
>minigame night
that's what i meant by "off-game"
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>Warrhammer vs Knight bracket at 16 votes.
So uh... I kind of agree with you, but what do we do about this now? At what point do we disqualify Knight Online? Or are we supposed to just let each of the brackets in this seed get fucked over throughout all the bracket?
>each of the brackets in this seed
>each of the pairings*
cheater will probably try to push knight ahead when the round is almost done

warhammer should go into the semis
There is always the chance that a more wanted or popular MMO will compete against something you personally prefer. Warhammer even has been talked about casually throughout the past two polls.
We should change to a single big vote. When we start a new game you choose two random games from the list and then put up a token vote for the full two weeks. Not only would that eliminate cheating but it would give us plenty of time to fully research every possible server option.
>missing the point entirely
way to out yourself rigger nigger
>predictable vagueposting
an hero, nigger

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