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>What is Bizarre MMOdventure?
This is an ongoing project from a group of anons dedicated to playing through obscure and niche MMOs, or ones 4chan hasn't played together before.
>How does it work?
The rules so far go as follows:
>Hold a tournament-style voting contest from a list of games
>Play the game that wins the final round of votes for 2 weeks
>If by the 1 week mark everyone drops the game, we fall back to titles we've played before until the current vote ends
>After each game we alternate lists to vote on
You are free to recommend more games be added to the lists, and encourage people to vote on a game you want to play.
>Games we've played so far:
Phantasy Star Universe
Trickster Online (/vm/ general here: >>1308950
Rising Force Online
>Current list being voted on
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RaiderZ /vg/ General here, because somehow it didn't save in the OP after attempting to post it 5-6 times. Bloody hell.
How the fuck did this win over DN..
How many viruses does trying to install this private server give you?
about 3 fiddy
Just a reminder that Aion was better than any of those mmo.
It was more popular too which makes it a worse choice.
rundown on some of your impressions on the 3 games youve played so far?
Everyone change to channel 1 in the top right
I want Ultima Online, Tibia and mu online on the next list
Ultima has a /vm/ thread already
That's the R&R mode (which is even better for this underground mmo thread).
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Wasn't there for it, but it looked pretty comfy. PSO:BB was pure sovl back in the day, so I'm sure some of those vibes were present for its supposed successor as well.
Surprisingly pretty good. Excellent aesthetics, great social features, gameplay which had more meat than your typical KMMO grinder.
The server's unique features like always-available, unlimited online storage, and super generous Galder-to-Myshop currency conversions made it easy to get into as well.
Big downside was the lack of any real reason to party-up, save for Party Quests. Socializing and sharing drops/gear around the group was common, but most of us were "soloing together" a good majority of the time. Still, a high point of the project so far, I'd say.
>Rising Force Online
A lot of big ideas, executed questionably. Very cool premise, interesting stat/skill/spell attribute leveling system, clearly a good amount of depth to its combat... But unrestricted open world PvP was, is, and will always be god-awful.
During the rare instances we were able to freely grind as a group, it was pretty nice, although those moments never lasted for too long. Would have been so, so much better if the PvP zones came towards endgame, rather than max-geared players being able to one-shot you the moment you left the region around your starting city.
Also, class balance was a total joke on Banana. The transition between servers was a mess as well, a vital lesson which we will not need to learn more than once as the project moves forward.
>instance quest
>boss runs at me instantly
>res again
>he runs across the map and one shots me because I have res sickness
skill issue
destroy the plates on the front left and right leg, it nukes the boss's hp
have you tried dodging?
Do you guys actually play together? Or is it just everyone play and level up on their own but if someone wants to do a dungeon or some sort of group activity you'll have people around to join for it?

My idea of playing together is going out and doing quests together, reading the dialogue, doing voices, talking about our skills and how we can benefit from each other, coming up with a plan to defeat a boss, etc.
Just realized this answered it

>Trickster but most of us were "soloing together" a good majority of the time.

Trickster is the game I find the most appealing but yea the game design isn't very group oriented.

Dungeons and Dragons Online was a great game to get my friends together for because the quest chain felt connected and it seemed like we were experiencing world building with them. I also liked the difficulties and actual traps in the dungeons.
>But unrestricted open world PvP was, is, and will always be god-awful.
Skill issue, now get back in the execution line dirty cora.
While for most people their first and most important MMORPG was WoW, for my it was FLYFF. It was crazy popular back then and I played it during my teenage years. Even managed to get my dick sucked by a chick I met on there. Mind you, she was fat and ugly but that's beyond the point.
did you not pay attention to an entire week's worth of discussion talking about how DN's servers are all shit...?
Rather play shit servers in a good game than a bad game.
that's the entire problem, DN at 80cap+ is a shit game
Not really. DN is still fine at 80-cap, it's just not as good as 70-cap.
We wouldn't really reach the point of finding out just how unbalanced 80-cap is within just two weeks anyway.
>We wouldn't really reach the point of finding out just how unbalanced 80-cap is within just two weeks anyway.
Nah, it would've happened within the first week at the latest. 80 Cap had fast leveling dungeons too.
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ummmmm bros????
I was so upset when they changed their leveling system to a generic MMO format, completely killed the enjoyment I had for it.
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>tfw lost the RF online party play
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>tfw you're the only one unable to play RaiderZ
just install windows 10 dummy
close and reopen the game
that got me past the log-in screen
I can't either. Whenever I change zone I crash, still trying to fix it. What's your issue?
>spend your electricity and bandwidth to send M$ your telemetry information while having your desktop randomly screenshotted several times throughout the day
Hard pass.
I never even made it to a login screen lol
I tried all sorts of shit from restarting the game, reinstalling the game on a different drive, and trying all the .exe files (only the launchers work.) Same error every time: trying to open the game from the launcher and it immediately crashes with some dumb .dll error.
your info is outdated gramps. get with the times
When you installed the game, did you also install the other two things? I think it was physx and directx. If you tell me the .dll I can be more specific.
it's a win7 compatibility issue, you can't really fix it
They were already installed.
It's ntdll.dll which, according to google, isn't actually the .dll's issue itself but could be figuratively anything.
>No Dragonball Online
>No Warhammer

What is even the point
warhammer got bodied because the last game was pvp and had a shitload of people camping the starting town, it never had a chance
We have a thread 'personality' who believes all games with PvP are the same thing, and will go out of their way to ensure no civil genuine discussion occurs about Warhammer Online or other games with PvP.
RaiderZ was part of the reason I dropped out of college.
Probably my favorite MMO of all time.
Pic rel is me two other guildies on last day of official servers.
When does it start to get challenging? At the moment I'm spamming autoattacks and can't be killed, I've never dodged or blocked since there's no point.
So what are the rules to this? Is it only for currently still running official servers or can private servers be nominated as well? I was gonna suggest Rusty Hearts since I just found out there's a private server and don't know if there was any official servers that came up after it was shutdown.
rusty hearts got a private server? sweet
nothing wrong with private servers, just gotta let allegreza know and he might add it to the next poll. or maybe not, cuz there's a lot of games on there right now.
Suggest any game you want. A lot of these games are only available through private servers.
mid 20s depending on the playerbase.
if not then late 20s or in the sewers
every mob after that will generally be annoyingly strong unless this server is changed or you outgear/level them
>rusty hearts got a private server?
Yeah, never tried it though.

>reach level 20
>buy a broom/board
>fly all over the game from 1 continent to the next with zero loading screens
>get to see all the high level monsters and bosses without being hit
>uninstall game
Peak FlyFF experience right here. Every MMO should have been like this. I'm still amazed the devs could make a game like that with near zero loading screens.
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Anyone else keep getting stuck on the splash screen?
Yes I keep splashing on my screen when I'm about to log in I don't know what's wrong with me. I've tried to jelq the problem away but it keeps happening
Try pressing alt+enter, It helped someone else.
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doesn't seem to be working, I tried all launchers and executables, even the .bat file they provide. Reinstalled, turned off antivirus and restarted pc. It was working fine earlier so idk what happened
The fact that it was working before is weird, try going to my documents/raiderz and delete or move that folder. It might be some cache or setting issue. Otherwise, run recovery.exe to check file integrity.
Can someone go to
>my documents/raiderz/save/mlog.txt
Tell me if you get messages like
>Compiled shader file does not exists.
I'm in crashing purgatory and I'm trying to see if this is a normal error or not, the game is constantly compiling shaders to a folder so this might be normal.
Yeah I got a bunch of those. Game works fine.
Thanks, I only crash on loading screens for some reason. I'm going to download another server and see if this is a global specific problem.
Did you try launching the game with the other launcher?
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are these the wrong bonbon mushrooms or something
That's what it has been doing for me. Launcher -> splash screen + immediate crash. I have to manually close the process afterward.
Yes, I can play the game perfectly but when I change zones it crashes to desktop. I tested another server and it doesn't happen, so I'll take it up with the server dev on discord and hope I can fix it before everyone is done with the game. I might just play anyway, it depends how often you have to zone in this game.
try lowering your res below 4k, if you're running at that resolution
yeah that did the trick I think
did the server die
did the servers just die?
Since the server seems to have exploded, I'ma just repeat the thing I was going to say before it died; apparently gems get removed if you enhance your gear so enhance your shit before you slot in any gems. That or the game decided to arbitrarily be a bitch.
We did it clique! We destroyed the server!
>discord discussion on the server about adding a higher level cap
so why did you guys want this server instead of the other one?
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uhhhh.... sisters?
nice skin condition you got there
wow rude, she's just basketball american, it's not a disease ok?
Delectable negress anon, please deposit her in the stables for breeding ASAP.
I'll put the server downtime to good use - gonna do my research research and vote in the next poll.
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Well you better catch it then!
yes of course, me too
>6 gorillion votes to ToP
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Let me in
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Server is back up bwos
Of course my refrigerator is running, why would you ask?
Mating press all casters.
On that note, weren't we going to use the other poll site with tokens? Or is that only for finals?
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Pack it up boys, Skelly and I found heaven
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Apparently EQ2 Origins launches on the 19th. The beta required a sub but I don't know if Origins will. It's their take on some sort of classic server for EQ2. Dunno anything about EQ2 but maybe someone who knows can shed some light on it?

Could be a nice potential game for next round.
I played EQ2 on release, so my info might be outdated. Its main attraction was raiding, the leveling cycle iirc was pretty standard in that you move between questing hubs and suck up exp. If you have more specific questions I can try and answer them.

I can give you another bone if you want...
EQ2 was quest slop? Didn't it come out before WoW?
quest slop mmos are so boring
But I already have 206...
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guys I think this goblin is lost
I think we should vote for EverQuest 2 or Age of Conan or Star Wars Galaxies because most of these games are fucking terrible on this vote.
Guys I'm thinking about buying a bikini. It's only $75
which of these games you people played was the most fun? I guess trickster?
worth it
psu is my favorite so far, raiders is the best since psu.
Honest? They were all kinda shit. PSU probably the closest to a decent game but it's got some pretty big annoyances in the UI and controls.
yeah PSU had the most SOVL and also encouraged team play
trickster had potential but it had one pitfall too many
Why are these schizo niggers shilling RaiderZ so much when it was Ferentus the winner?
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and up the mountain we go
Because the poll's integrity was compromised, and the real finals of it took place in-game in the previous MMO to avoid anyone potentially spoofing votes.
These were the actual results of the finals, despite what polltab says: >>1331216 / >>1331232
>18 votes total
More than 18 anon showed up, but some didn't bother voting because they were fine with either game winning.
The in-game vote was mentioned multiple times in the last thread, so if anyone wanted to vote but didn't show up, that's on them.
Ave said he gave out 20 tokens. I'd say we're missing at least 10 votes.
>Makes up another unofficial poll to prevent his favorite game from losing.
lol, is this the power of American democracy?
The amount of tokens given out were equal to the amount of people online in RF/Trickster at the time of the ingame poll. Hopefully next time there will be plenty of time to hand out tokens to everyone before the next one.
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I hope you guys played bellato on RF since they're the only race that's unique
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Yeah, we did. Although the elves have summoner and the robots get launchers, I think? The balance isn't great but I enjoyed playing it.
glad you took my advice
and what's the intention of it? the best game will get a general thread? i hope psu does.
>didn't read a single post in the thread
I am genuinely in awe.
bwos I have no motivation to log in
log on suffer through a couple quests and log off
What level are you? I could play with you anon.

I'll even buy you a bikini to entice you to stay around <3
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buy me a bikini
Only if you'll be my personal clericslvt.
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i'll do my best
should i fap or should i hope the servers come back up soon so i can get back to playing with (You)?
Name? Which one would you like.
fap with me and play with me
but the server is down and I'm gaming with (You), (You), (You), and (You)...
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>not buying one for everyone in the guild
nta there are m*les in the guild though
buy me the one you like the most, i'll wear it for you and dance
So I was doing some online shopping while logged into RaiderZ Global and a few hours later I have multiple fraudulent charges on my card

Guys??? Keylogger much??
he lying, i literally bought the VIP and tons of zen with my cc and i'm good
that's a bit out of my budget...

No one in guild has Zen, liar.
anyone know the odds for getting a bikini from a lootbox? $75 is steep, so I was thinking about maybe throwing $10 at gacha and seeing what happens...
Just throwing it out there, you can click and move your HP bars and the party HP bars if you don't want them in the corner
ngl the previous poll was fucking loaded compared to this one

what sort of polls does that token using site support? could we maybe try the next vote by starting with a "what are you interested in playing" multi-choice poll and then putting like the top 8 most popular of those into a tournament vote to see what we will play

the current way we're doing it has too much kusoge in them
yeah need to mix them or something
I wouldn't say any of the games so far were good, but the experience is, when you play with the group, that's the point. If the list had actually good games then you'd want to play them longer than two weeks and we already have generals for those.
why do you need to have the games that nobody wants to play in the votes?

maybe not good but it had more interesting games than this one
the original idea of esper (the one that came up with this) was to play all of them, even if they weren't particularly good methinks
if this keeps going for long enough we would still have to work down the list
This one has a lot of good games with proper servers though.
Such as?
nta but I'm hoping one of these wins
>Star Wars Galaxies
>Anarchy Online
>Rose Online
games that are exclusively fun in a group but boring otherwise.
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I don't care what game wins as long it has summoner classes or something like a battle pet
just poach an anon and make them your pet/minion
hot. do me

Cope copety cope.
Play the game or come back in two weeks, there's plenty of mainstream slop to keep you busy.

captcha: TNTNT
My favorite obscure and niche MMOs: SWG and AO!
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Can't log in sisters
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Keep trying to log in but I get DC'd within 10 second's

AO is absolutely terrible in its modern state. Yet another game destroyed by devs trying to modernize it.

SWG would be fun but it looks like it might already be losing on the first round.
>missed the first round of voting
3 hours left
what about the first bracket?
are you dumb?
We're still in the first bracket. Some games are seeded, if you're looking at games already written into bracket 2.
The game was destroyed when it was put on life support and abandoned. Huge duping bugs never getting fixed and being rampant with nothing cracking down on them. Has nothing to do with the irrelevant pay2win store filled with items that get duped anyways u dumb nigger.

Your entire levelling experience will consist of shit that has been untouched for 15+ years. The only difference being you can now get dailies for them which involve killing the same enemies you were going to bash anyways but for an experience and tokens for your board.
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Tales of Pirates(3), Rose online(1), Secret of the Solstice(1), Runes of Magic(6), Star Wars Galaxies(3), Grand Fantasia (1) and Ether Saga Online (2). This board has played ROSE a few times together. Screenshot was taken last year, and it was a neato experience. We also did ToP, RoM and SWG.
>Grand islamic shoes
Wooooah there. Is the ground always so cluttered?
nta but when I tried it a few years ago I was met with the most generic quest slop new player experience

I don't think I've ever been turned off from an mmo quicker than that
It depends on how many people are grinding at the spot, but yeah it becomes a clusterfuck lol
ROSE is very charming. The jobs also offer a nice amount of class variety. The skill rework was questionable though.

Oh no, you dredged up the traumatic memory of that place again. Damn you! That place is soulless as fuck compared to prior starting zones. It's only redeeming quality is that once you know what to do you can get through it in like 3 minutes by bribing the guard with a stolen credit card. A new player could spend so much time there that would be better spent in the subway that it's criminal.

Too long, too boring, too much running on a slow character. It's basically in the asscrack of a travelling station so the scenery is soulless. There's a few things you need so that 3 minutes turns into 6 to do a few boring missions but a new player could easily waste an hour or two there.

There used to be bots that would shout guides for that place but I didn't see them last time I played. Definitely one of the shittiest new player experiences and they took away some banger zones for that asscrack.
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yes i am and anon #2 answered me. thanks.
Starting to realize if I can't keep up this experience just ends up feeling lonelier than playing on my own.
Not really sure what to do about it, other than quit the project. Don't really have the time to grind mmo's full time so... eh.

The other games weren't as bad, raiderz is just really unfriendly if you fall behind the pack. Try and catch up, if you still can't, then just wait for the next game.
no disrespect, but you whine too much and don't play enough. if you get past the golem you can start partying up with everyone. early levels in mmos are always solofests
I don't think I'm falling behind, but I feel like I'm getting bored more easily...
>you whine too much
on that much we can agree

just can't think of how to solve the problem, figured it was worth bringing up here to see if anyone had an idea I hadn't thought of before I just abandon the whole thing
acquire an anon wife/husband to live a slow life with on the frontier
I would grind with you, anon
I really wouldn't worry about it. Just play at your own pace, there's people around every level bracket and even higher leveled ones are willing to do lower level content. You're just feeling a little fomo and that's fine.
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tfw no anon willing to adopt me and play with me
it's not too late to get adopted, there are plenty of anons here who would probably do that
next round of voting has started.
>Round 1 had a high of 30 and a low of 19 (in three different matchups, at that)
I wonder how many people researched the games.
you can safely assume its being cheated. the only voting that matters is the one done ingame/with tokens
Why is Grand Fantasia in the poll when they have a new server coming out but the date hasn't been announced yet? We should play it once the server comes out.
easier to vote for what you know instead of spending a half an hour of your life researching an old game you might not even play
it was everquest 2, i'd say that's legit desu
Everquest 2 has some sort of classic server launching and people probably wanna check that out.
The same reason they didn't wait a week to play the new NA RF Online server.
If you have to pay (be an 'All-Access member) to access the beta then I am willing to bet you have to pay to play the Origins server.
Just like pay for a month then.
/rog/ can fuck right back off to /rog/ don't fuck with our polls we ain't playing your ro clone
great, the /vg/ schizos are back
It's more that people really don't want to play Rappelz.
>Ether Saga Online
DOMO cope choice
>Everquest II

>Tales of Pirates
comfy ds visual
trickster but the world is 3D

>Runes of Magic
looks like everquest, players can be sluttier?
flying is neat, lots of jobs?, popslop

>Granado Espada
looks and sounds posh
>Rose Online
looks like flyff but you dont fly

its about factions(discord groups), visuals are sparce
>Atlantica Online
jrpg mmo where you have 9 niggas in a grid? dont know how group play factors in but its interesting

>Perfect World
novelty of being a chink mmo
the closest well come to maplestory

>Secret of the Solstice
>Uncharted Waters Online
based on console sim kino, filtering inevitable

>Age of Conan Unchained
7th gen slavrpg made into an mmo? i like
>Grand Fantasia
cute, best to play before the remake come out in fall if servers close or pop drops?

if you're game was unfairly judged in the <1 min research you should have said something earlier RETARD
>Ether Saga Online
>DOMO cope choice
Chinese Pokemon, it has the best pet system in an MMO to date.
>Runes of Magic
>looks like everquest, players can be sluttier?
WoW clone meets Final Fantasy XI but with an even ridiculous cross class system that works no matter what you mix it with.
>only voting that matters is the one done ingame/with tokens
Way to torpedo the whole initiative by birthing a shitty clique, might as well get a discord up and take hrt pills while you are at it.
>t. vote cheater that got outsmarted
>anon hasn't logged in today
it's so over
why can't i get someone obsessed with me like this...
have you tried being in the clique..?
The [Shadow Council] does not exist.
real answer, it's just plain luck and most anons won't approach you directly even if they do be like that
it exists but it has less power than anons say it does
Because you're a cheap whore who throws themselves at the first willing person.
Take the wallflower pill and the oblivious "IDK if anon is is being ironic or not so I'll shrimply assume they are being funny" pill
I was literally on all day
Anon... I...
I hate women so much
I think I finally understand why so many people seem to think that all MMORPGs are trash. The short of it is because they kinda are. Looking up various games trying to figure out what to vote on in these polls and playing these games with you guys sort of led me towards this realization. Aside from a couple old games, most of these are truly terrible.
fine, i won't talk to anyone but my friends now since everyone finds me annoying
Because the entire shtick of this general is to play shit MMOs, not good ones. There is a reason they only get played for a brief period of time.
that's what anons that main healer are for
it's to try obscure mmos to see if there's anything of value in them
and most of the time the answer is yes, it's just rarely enough to make up for the shortcomings. The appeal is that with a group you'll have more fun even if it's shit, and it's an easy excuse to try games that 99% of anons ordinarily wouldn't even think of touching. They're the shit you scroll past on the way to the game you want. We're digging for gems
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>game crashed again
At least it gave me an error pop-up this time. I'ma take a break for now desu, go on without me mountaingang
climb safely!
Have you guys tried mabinogi?
I know there's a thread on this board for it but I think it'd really fit this idea well.
definitely not a popular game and with it being Remastered it might die entirely in it's current form.
maplestory 2 would be a good one.
seal online
maple2 doesn't have any servers, just an emulation project
it had one server for a bit but it was run by some retards that paid for a source without having played the game (and thus knowing how to fix it) so it died after a while since it was just as p2w
I love mabi, but you'd spend a good chunk of the two weeks just levelling skills before combat doesn't feel like shit and doing those "new" Blaanid quests. It's the ultimate comfy game but it's not very cooperative.

There are some games on the list that have a similar vibe, domo from the last vote was one of them.
why isn't domo in the current vote?
I've only done psu, trickster, and RaiderZ now
but Raiderz is already my favorite
I just spent 5 hours grinding bosses and it was genuinely engaging
I don't understand
RaiderZ has fun bosses I'll give it that. But the quests are a chore, the environments are boring, the music is forgetable
but damn I like this combat, slamming my massive sword into the ground feels great
there are two lists of games and they swap each vote, so the tournament that led to raiderz winning had an entirely different list. Domo will return in one or two weeks.
Ended up playing this again for like 3 hours because of this image. Saw like 2 people.
most games on here are dead, we bring enough people to do everything we'd want. Except for SWG, unless we all take up crafting I think we won't be able to buy everything we want.
>We're digging for gems
This is the part why I'm here. I'm not sure if we'll find any but I'm desperate enough to look.

I played a lot of these games in the 2000s and early 2010s even but somehow it didn't quite hit me how bad most of them were back then. I think I wasn't looking at games through the same lens as I am today but I guess the fact that I never stuck around for too long spoke for itself.

I think one of those private servers with the game in it's more oldschool state would be cool to visit as a group but two weeks might be far too short to really enjoy it. I don't know if they do weekly rebirths on those servers or what but two weeks is just not a lot of time for what I know of Mabinogi.

Crafting part of SWG would be rough if stuff isn't available on the market. That's another point where 2 weeks might not be enough.
Post your Raider
i have never seen this person
I have seen this person
Just ask for the racist player
unless you're going full group ironman you're more than likely to find people selling what you need.
Everyone is pretty much waiting for Mystic ROSE to come out of beta now. We could always use any of the available servers to play on though.
It's not a real experience unless we intentionally and specifically choose a shitty server in favour of a new upcoming option.
>join the game
>my favourite person leaves

what is even the point...
stop making this vaguepost... you're getting anons hope's up...
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>tfw still in game
good thing I'm a literal who so nobody cares about me taking breaks because my attention span is shit
How can I get an anon bf
namedrop or suffer
why did he leave bros... he was so nice...
>Mystic ROSE
seemingly no website so not soon enough.
masks come back....
have you tried asking?
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Server go down?
it went up
>server died again
fuck I should just keep my other game open and play it during downtime this is getting nutty
>tfw no asian in me so I can't play two MMOs at once
still playing rf and trickster on my second monitor
I'm not asian but I could be inside you...
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serious question, has anyone found a bf through here? if so, i might join
like a serious exclusive real bf, or a meme internet-bf?
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if only my crush was here to enjoy a meal with me
Looks like supermarket microwave meals.
cook for me then
stew looks lush but
>eating anything wet on a paper plate
i'm poor
>This is a gourmet meal in USA
those are the gourmet paper plates that sorta resist liquids, your not fooling me big spender
kids meal
fuck off tranny
If you're poor you can't afford throwaway plates.
tranny thumb detected. future relationship rejected.
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>>Granado Espada
>looks and sounds posh
Played it back 2008-2014ish

>great huge OST
>interesting setting and characters
>beautiful maps
>BIG beautiful maps

>everything else that isn't mentioned for Pros
>gear based
>pay2win heavy

This can be seen as either pro or a con depending on what you like but the game has no character creator and is story character focused. Instead you collect a vast amount of interesting characters from the story and add them to your family and can swap them out at anytime. Where every character has a unique play style or weapon. If you're a fan of mobile gacha games than this system might sound familiar except there's no rolling for new characters and you just get new characters by playing through the story. There were premium characters but they were in the few maybe less than 1/3 and even then you could trade them to other players.

What really hurts this game was how pay2win heavy it was. Your gear matters more than your levels and skills so you can just buy your way to the top and be ready for endgame. I guess the idea was since you're collecting a massive amount of characters, you could easily jump into a new character by moving all your gear to them.

Pic related is just some of the characters, there's a lot more but I can't find a good list to show them all but yeah, there's a lot of waifus you can collect.
>its about factions(discord groups), visuals are sparce
Wrong and gay, official Shaiya is about spending 5k USDs to buy basic gear to farm
Primate servers shaiya is about killing the same mobs 10 million times to get pvp gear and spend all the afternoon spaming the same 6 skills while changing your 3 elemental tops to avoid getting deadly hit
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Also if you have a pretty decent PC, you can leave this game running in the background and go play something else because this game has a built in afk function so you can grind levels while you go play something else. There's tons of story and side quests so I doubt many will reach a point to where they need to start leveling right away.

I'm actually not sure what happened to the official NA servers. Last time I played this game it was ran by t3fun or something but when I went to their site, its pretty much gone. I see it moved to steam but I don't think they carried over old accounts or being run by the same people. I'm also seeing 4 different servers with one of them being Korean and I also noticed there was a mobile version of this game coming out. So I have no clue what servers people are playing on.
Thought this idea would be fun, but I was mistaken. I missed the other games, and it seems cliques and friendships have already form. No one is willing to play with those they don't know.
I refuse to play with anyone without actually forming any clique.
I am antisocial.
There's three distinct cliques that I can pick out so far, with a few flip floppers.
is this schizoposting? who are these supposed cliques?
it is schizoposting
he's actually the main clique leader and he tries to disseminate misinformation to take the target off his own back.
Anyone with eyes can see.
this is my first game and people seem decent enough
i see some soft cliques and in-jokes around but most anons have been surprisingly decent with only one or two faggots
Name and shame.
i am one of those faggots, I will be even faggier in future
>quote by man with eyes but cannot see Mount Tai
The [Inner Clique] does not exist.
i did and it was seemingly taken care of/is a known issue
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As the Shadow Council clique leader, I agree with you.
So many reasons for nope but
>this game has a built in afk function so you can grind levels while you go play something else
any game like this is shit.
show clique diagram schizo
Brian is the key to all of this.
Eric, you need to stop playing now. Get off the web and start filling out job applications again. Your Mother is worried about you, Eric.
idk who any of these people are
That's because brian wants it that way.
>get a new button to press
>game feels significantly better to play since it's another combo opener and extender
>this combined with the purple weapon and free upgrade rocks to +6 it lets me delete mobs on my own in a relatively short amount of time
this game's difficulty curve is dog desu
I can say this game sucks solo.
Almost like it wasn't made for it.
can we add Toram to the list ?
Also Aqw3d for actual bizarre mmo
>people don't know Dr. Brian
It's over. These threads are good as gone.
They're all playing right into his hands.
Dawntrail releases next week bros...
I am not him (I wish I was) but I do know that it is BRAIN not brian. Next time make sure to double check because he might rain down his unwavering fury upon you if you do (once again I am not Brain I'm just trying to set the record straight here).
>people don't know Dr. Brain
It's over. These threads are good as gone.
yeah it definitely wasn't, but for the game to be extremely anal about grouping only to suddenly give you gear that lets you combo mobs to death is rather silly
Toram is already on the list. It would've been more fun than this shit.
now that no one wants to party with me, i can finally quit. i wish it could have lasted a bit longer
what current game are you playing
RaiderZ Global
If you hop on post here when you're lv8-12
I'm level 11 and I'm lonely :(
If you're trying to crossboard link, it's three, not two.
What level are you?
how long does it take to get to that level
4 hours I guess? I've just haven't spent time playing and got behind
I'm going to say it.

Allegreza is too close to Al Jazeera and I do not like that our guild leader and the whole organizer of this event is associated with that sort of stuff.
>fly back from business trip
>feel a little off Monday, don't think about it too much
>feel like shit yesterday, stay home
>take covid test just in case
well it was nice knowing you all but I guess I'll just die now
99.98% survival rate
after I got better I went for my usual cycling and after 10 minutes I just passed out and broke my wrist/
so be careful if you think you're 100%
you won't die if you didn't take the shots
>t. Brian
Personally I wish a thousand blessings on Imam Usman Abdul Al Egreza and may the Shaitan touched heretics of the west that cast doubt on his holy missive be struck down by the light of almighty Allah. Alhamdulillah by his light be freed brother.
I wish ether saga won next because anon said it has some pretty dope pet systems (I love pets!) but that's not happening /sad that's okay though
What sorta stuff? Monotheistic death cults created by an older desert tribe? I'm not a big fan of sharing a planet with Islams, Mormons, and Christians either :(
Gave me a chuckle, man
Uhhhh...... based?
You forgot your nose and little funny hat o:^(
It looks like shit, if i were served that, i would leave without paying.
Can we play Scarlet Blade next? Or at least add it to a vote? Yes, the supper lewd coomer mmo.

Do they even have private servers for it?
>Scarlet Blade
Holy fucking shit. Now that's a title I haven't heard in fucking years. I'd forgotten about its existence entirely.
>Can we play Scarlet Blade next? Or at least add it to a vote?
How about at most we'll drop everything and play it right now. Let's do it.
>you're a desert tribe member if you're aware that the desert tribe created organized monotheistic religion
Was that supposed to be an own?
The sluttier the better.
I'm lvl 18 and got left behind too, I'll help anyone lower if they need to get caught up,
Can't really do the dungeons here solo, or progress without beating them.
Looks like you got NTR'd out of enjoy the game.
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Ruh roh

heh cute
my pc is a minor ape
Is RaiderZ the last ride before Dawntrail comes out? You realize no one is going to play these shitty games after then, right?
I will now play your game.
You comin'?
I'll be playing in 3 hours, will be glad if you could help me
I don't even play XIV.
not likely I'll have time then, rip
i'm even thinking of resubbing. i never met as many mean anons in xiv as here
why would I pay to play xiv when I can play kusoge for free
I'm at 26, willing to help anyone with their stuff, just ask around in the guild.2y4vh
>no one
I will. And when you niggers are bored with FF, we'll play together again.
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i don't want to ask because it feels like i'm forcing people to party with me when they don't want to. begging people to hang out with me is the worst feeling
>playing semitic games to distract from being exposed
Would expect no less.
>i never met as many mean anons in xiv as here
that's /vm/ for ya
though desu I've only run into a few bad eggs here and I haven't dropped the game quite yet, even if I'm getting close to doing so
The only bad eggs are the attention seeking ERP homos
sorry, meant for

>t. Brain
I only saw a few anons joke about that.
it's just jokes, but some schizo aspie thinks it's all for real
Yeah nah, I'm good.
No way to kill my interest quicker than being piggybacked.
If the only role I fill in a team is burden I'd rather just play alone.
Then don't ask for help, just ask if anyone wants to join you for x content. If they're higher leveled or around your same level or whatever it's their choice. Don't play hard to get, your current standpoint in this is pretty much cucking yourself into playing alone when you don't want to and thereby feeling like shit regardless of the outcome.
If someone bought me Zen I'd have more motivation to continue playing.
Just wait.
do your dailies whore
typically jokes like that are prodding to see who is cool with it
either way, if some of them do in fact do it with each other, they haven't been obnoxious with it (yet)
no? you never joked about sucking your irl friends dicks? that's pretty normal banter that normal humans do. sorry you never got to experience it
Name and shame. Who are the biggest coomers?
Me. I have multiple watched threads in [Redacted] right now.
The [Redacted] does not exist.
This but unironically I shrimply don't do it with /vm/ desu
what the fuck have these threads turned into
>majority of anons are ff14 drones
thread quality will go up when fagtrail comes out
Even RF had more people online that this.
Do we have that many trannies here?
Where's that "minigame poll" some of you keep bringing up?
I'm more interested in those than some gay ass mmo.
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I suppose any proper MMO needs an escort quest and a snow zone. And it seems I've come across both at the same time!
It's the clique poll, sorry, you're not invited.
That's only for the night before a new game.
>in the clique
now I have the power to clique others like God intended
I don't think there's any minigame rule yet.
sounds to me like this community will improve massively in the near future
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>typically jokes like that are prodding to see who is cool with it
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In a loose way, behavior like that is how basic relationships are formed: finding out and learning who you are compatible with (platonic, business, romantic; whatever) leads to friendships and so on. It is very much the norm of the past decade of internet social behavior with everything becoming hyper-censored and ran by narcissists.
Be sure to take your 'autism' when you leave for Dawntrail :)
I'm not afraid anymore.
I'm going to kiss boys, even if brian is watching!!!
next time dont pick a server that crashes multiple times a day and freezes every 10 minutes
holy based
>No classes until Monday
I'm going to spend this week online
how do you emote btw
H > Skills tab > Emotes from dropdown
what server do you play on?
Server dead? Am I free ?
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I am ALWAYS watching

Also it's BRAIN
he just said brian, why would you think he's talking about you?
>latale on the list
>xivtroons try to erp with anyone they meet in any game
what the fuck is wrong with them
>what the fuck is wrong with them
Not sure, you tell us? You seem to be the expert on faggotry.
>You seem to be the expert on faggotry
but I don't erp
how far forward do I have to skip in this conversation before you two have sloppy sex
lost all my will to play thanks to these faggots. I just wanted to play normally but if everyone is trying to own the trophy of biggest homo then I'll pass
why can't you retards just be normal
>newfag redditor cant handle the bantz
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It's on the list, but losing to Perfect World.
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>Secret of the Solstice losing to Uncharted Waters.
sots bros...
Agreed. I don't know what I expected considering it's 4chan but it wasn't this.
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bros be like "noooo don't say i have a nice cock, you are raping me"
Is the game crashing for anyone else?
When another man jokes about kissing you and it gives you a boner, is that gay?
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you never played, be honest schizo
No, it's only when you make them kiss.
we make frens here
i'd fuck the shit out of that twink
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>third round of voting is up.
normies out
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>Flyff Vs. Rose
Biggest match-up of the entire tournament right here.
if Shaiya ever wins, should we play go with the classic experience an play a 4th or 4.5 episode Private server or play a more updated private server? Playing the official servers is out of the question, it sucks.
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No no, I believe that's Tales of Pirates vs Flyff. Pirates won it in the past so we'll see.

To those interested, it looks like this, quite kino if I do say so myself.
To my memory it has a guild system and a mind branding soundtrack
>PS1 3d background with sprite-based character fantasy japaenese-looking mmo.
Lets go SotS bros.
this just looks like ragnarok
This is a good thing..
why not play ragnarok then
Wrong thread, retard. We have a general.
Last time I checked it got archived
depends on how shit the individual servers look
no it didn't
Because it's not ragnarok. It just looks like it. Ragnarok looks good. Mechanics or actual game is different. Can boil your argument down to why play any of these mmos at all?
man, I hope it wins this time because it looks so comfy
I'll fuck you up, son
do not reply to me again
I'm actually cool to play any of the games currently in the bracket, looking forward to the next game.
Shill me on Perfect World.
I think I'm into EQ2 more than anything else in this current bracket but I am perhaps biased due to already having it installed and slightly tinkered with. Nothing endgame or even remotely close lolol
Current guild roster check?
>nobody playing RaiderZ
cool xianxia atmosphere, nice itemization
utter garbage everything else
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>tfw I'm nobody.
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One of the best mmos ever
Hard to call it obscure since it is/was one of the most played
Untamed WW@
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>wc3 custom maps
boomers get out
You missed out on a golden era
I pity you
I personally prefeer the classic experience because after 4.5 they implemented customes, pets and wings that clash eith the general style of the game
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tfw no time to grind with frens
bros... another one killed by the clique...
by the number of votes we can assume tales of pirates will win next
how cool is this game? I love pirating myself desu
we can assume somebody is botting, like they've done before and the final vote will happen in-game with real people. No clue which game will win.
The [Inner Shadow Clique Council] does not exist.
I can't believe all the good MMOs I got to experience in middle/high school will never be enjoyed by zoomies because they're too impatient.
They're going to be playing Subway Surfers and Fortnite until they die.
I'm not a huge fan of Tales of Pirates.
I played on launch and held highest level for a bit. Dropped the game after a few weeks. But I guess this entire is about playing for a few weeks so eh
I voted only for mmos I never played
has 2 weeks gone by yet, this game looks like shit
When is the wc3 minigame night?
We play island troll tribes, we play legion TD, we play pudge wars, we play green td, we play castle fight, we play run kitty run, we play hero line wars, we play run gay run, we don't play dota, we play BLEACH V ONEPIECE BITCH
Hell there's MMO's in there, guilds of hyppos RPG!!

nice try brian

I am a nostalgia goon so I will vote it until we play.
Great, I loved it 17 years ago.
>When is the wc3 minigame night?
I play almost exclusively w3 meme maps.
all i remember from 2007 high school wc3 was dota (obviously), footman frenzy, some TD where you hurled poop, and angel arena(?)
DBZ Tribute
Uther party, Revenge of the Niggers, Vampirism fire, SWAT aftermath, hero siege x, mad balls, LOTR builder, Trinity ORPG, line tower wars, hero line wars, Metastasis, are you a lucker, 8 bit raid, platform escape gay bar.
Lets play w3 map "Darkness vs Live" I love that map.
I don't have w3, I never gave blizzard my money
Tarisland should be our nest game.
I recently found my wc3 battlechest box (in real life.)
>p2w mobile highly advertized wow clone
no thanks
School shooting simulator hosted on w3, join.
There was also a wc3 card game, that was sick I remember.
I recently found my WoW TCG starter box set that I never played lol
As someone who played during beta and is playing now, it's not very good.
I thought they would fix up a bunch of stuff and remove gender locks but nah it's mostly the same and only 2/8 classes have no gender lock,
fucking lazy ass devs.
Voice work, text, and UI sucks across the board. Voices won't match text or will cut off early, text wraps incorrectly or also gets cut off, and the UI is just a mess from top to bottom. Both on PC and Mobile.
There's also a delay between my attack landing and seeing damage numbers. The health bars react really slow. The mini map movement is choppy instead of smooth. The vertical camera sensitivity is way too low with no option to change it. RaiderZ has a better character creator. RZ has more hair options, more face options, more tattoo options, actual gender options for all classes, and a big one maybe the biggest fault of Tarisland. Gear does not update your looks. Everyone looks the same. You can't even mix and match gloves and boots and pants and whatnot with cash items. It's Fortnite skins. Fucking trash. It's like these people have never played an MMO and only know about WoW raids.
>unc is voting multiple times again
its over
>was looking forward to eq2 maybe
I hate any and all naval/sea sailing games so I simply will not be playing any of them.
Who cares. No one is going to miss you.
>cared enough to reply
I hope you get through whatever it is you're going through.
so when we play flyff and on what server?
Bold of you to assume Tales of Pirates won't be cheated into the finals instead.
Is there any downtime between games? Or is there an immediate rollover?
It's not cheating if we love 2007 kino and piracy
a day with minigames
>Shaiya beating PW
gramps pls
>shaiya beating PW
po'd fr rn og

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as it should be.
Shaiya is Kusokino
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can't believe gunbound won the poll.
can't wait to play it will all my /vm/ buddies
are they firing lazers out of their ass? What sort of sick shit are you into Anon.
Shaiya love
I played ddo yesterday for 8 hours

pretty cool game
PSU thread should also be linked on the OP, methinks
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>perfect world
>one of the best

idk why anyone would expect anything from mobile trash

toram being almost playable is the exception and it still suffers from a bunch of problems relating to its mobile origin on top of the usual f2p game issues
>idk why anyone would expect anything from mobile trash
I truly do believe the future of MMOs is with a mobile/pc/console crossplay game.
then you're a braindead retard
>pc/console crossplay game
XIV sucked.
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>Mobile/PC crossplay is the future
Unfortunately the majority of South Korea agreed with you, which is why every MMO released from there within the past 7-8 years has been made with mobile as its primary platform, with a PC client as an afterthought, if one exists at all.
If you were wondering where all the wild PC KMMOs went as the 2010s rolled on, that's why.
Death is a preferable alternative to mobile, hence the western MMO market.
>this discussion
I'm eternally reminded of how retarded I am for not finishing my shitty 3DS + PC crossplay Ragnarok MMO clone back when I was in college.
The new iPhone being able to perform better than a steam deck for RE4 remake and with the mobile market only going up and up it is becoming a main platform for games. Genshin is crossplay and makes a ton of money, Wuwa is crossplay and makes a ton of money, gacha shit is starting to come to steam, and I'd rather play and influence the direction this genre is headed than sit on the side telling everyone they are retarded when it's clear what is going on.
No it's not. I love MMORPGs even a lot of shitty ones. I do not want to stop playing them because they also let kids with they phones play. When real MMOs eventually get on the mobile platform, and they will, I'm going to treat the kids like pvp fodder and free gold from scamming the fucks.
> I'd rather play and influence the direction this genre
bud thinks he's some big streamer kek
it's got fucking nothing to do with the performance

smartphones cannot be used as a platform for gaming that isn't bottom of the barrel trash catering to mindless normies
yeah selling literal shit to retarded normies makes a lot of money but that doesn't mean they're good games

if you play them you support them
real MMORPGs haven't been made in ages
so Flyffs really going to win it eh. are there any decent, mid-rate private servers for that? or are we going with official?
I actually want SotS to win but I have to be realistic...
>all these sour susans
So much pessimism in the mmo space.
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>ToP shot up from 2-7
>Shaiya from 1-9
>after posting this
alright fuck this, we were going to do the finals vote in-game anyways. might as well get it started now
>If my game doesnt win that means the poll is getting hijacked!
As the Shaiya shiller I'm ok with either of the 4 games, Shaiya is an objectively bad game I know it, but I really dont want to go through all the vote drama again
Do Yogurtin have any private servers?
Also add Tera for next poll
I don't care about playing any of the 4 games, but giving cheaters an inch, especially with how much fun it sucks out of the polls, is really lame. some faggot is trying to be clever too by upping the numbers for the losing games
I don't think there's ever been a proper build for Yogurting.
Tera would be nice but I heard they have the scrolls to skip content and level to max, we'd have to decide whether to use or throw them away. that'd also mean no one to play with outside of cap but ourselves
There are about 8 FlyFF versions, and each plays differently. Earlier versions were grindy, while newer ones have quests. Assuming it wins, who will scout this nightmare?
Flyff is incredibly grindy and p2w, so we should prioritize a mid-moderate rate server with the least p2w. I won't install clients but I can scrounge up reviews on them when the polls are wrapping up
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>I don't think there's ever been a proper build for Yogurting.
Sad, I've found a reddit thread about a guy saying he was going to open a private server with all the leaked files and stuff but he dissapeared and his account is deleted, so I guess he didn't released it...
>Page has music on auto play
>It takes a few minutes to start playing
>Comments interface is like old facebook
AAaaa I can't with this level of SOVL, I'll try it
Seems like you have to DM the GM on discord to make an account but he seems pretty chill. server is mostly korean but there's an English channel
Tera has only shit tier servers.
What's made it the main platform for games is it makes a shit ton of money abusing whales and nobody cares, the standards are ludicrously low there. Smartphones in general are a dystopia unto themselves.
Except to make them fit on phones the games have to make ludicrous sacrifices in design and function. This is just 7th gen all over again, you tell me how many pc ports from consoles weren't a fucking crap chute.
The reason they're trying to double dip on them is to bring the mind bogglingly garbage design of gacha to everything, as evidenced by the way AAA games are going, so if that crash is coming, right now before PC is turned into mobile gaming 2 would be ideal.
You know the mobile market is sitting and waiting for actually good games to show up? All you'd have to do is make a game people would find acceptable on PC, and make it work on mobile and they'd devour that shit. But they don't and they have no motivation to, because Soulless Whale Milker 9009 Fat Mommy Boberts edition will make them 4 billion dollars a month because it's where sheikhs run their gooning sesh's.

The only people that would want those markets to merge are retards or sociopaths.
You know what's fucking depressing about mobile gaming?
Go check /vg/ or /vm/ or /v/ or wherever the fuck all the gacha threads are, just look for the anime gooner pics, not hard to spot
and then scroll through there and tell me how many people you see talking about the actual game, not which picture they're gonna marry or whose feet they have carved into the wall above their bed. The game. Gameplay, mechanics, pictures of gameplay, discussion of gameplay, cooperation, exchange of information, likes and dislikes relating to those things.
The official servers are actually still up on console, but I'm not sure how many anons here even have an Xbox or Playstation. Not even sure if the servers are connected.
I'd play Tera through PS4 with you niggers
I mean, those anons probably have been playing for years and gameplay remains the same. There's no much to talk without repeating. You get more gameplay talk with every new update though.
t./uma/ resident
Ain't gonna happen with this group.
>All you'd have to do is make a game people would find acceptable on PC, and make it work on mobile and they'd devour that shit.
This is false. Mobileshitters don't have any taste. They don't play good games. They play predatory garbage that aims to exploit them by giving them quick dopamine hits. As long as those normies infest mobile as a platform you won't see good games over there.

The only genuinely good mobile game I can name is Lara Croft GO. That game did a good job utilizing the touch screen and overall making a game that fits mobile and is still a good game. It's a one time fee b2p game as well. The only time I've spent money on a mobile game.

Also your point about
>Except to make them fit on phones the games have to make ludicrous sacrifices in design and function.
Assuming the userbase somehow gets fixed, this becomes the main problem. You can't make a good PC game and then adapt it to mobile without making sacrifices. If you want the games to be crossplay you're making the PC players pay and suffer to support a mobile experience. That is not the way.

That is the sort of loser that those games exploit as their audience. They're simping for virtual girls instead of streamers or OF thots.
A note on Secret of the Solstice. There's only one server up that I can see and it's been running for years.
Website has some info on classes, stats, etc.
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forgot pic.
>can obtain everything in game
What game are you guys on?
RaiderZ, the 4th game that's been played. The 5th game will be started this Sunday.
*Saturday for burgers, extremely early Sunday for eurobabs.
>That screenshot.
Guys, lets play this one please.
Webpage died. Not sure if we can expect shitty server stability judging by this?
This game is really goofy, it's ran on a leaked and edited version of the Ragnarok Online engine.
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who knows
>this is the game currently winning top spot
You fucking niggers.
Sounds like fun
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'Oy there!
Figured it'd be worth looking up some potential Flyff private servers ahead of time for us to debate, since the sole Secret of the Solstice private server was linked just a few posts ago (>>1343007). Better to know what we're getting into well in advance, rather than hastily leap into a questionable choice later on.
While this list is FAR from exhaustive, feel free to chatter about which one of these servers might strike your fancy and suit the group's tastes as a whole:

>Prologic Flyff
- Scaling rates depending on level (starts out at 4x EXP, gradually scales up to 60x EXP towards lategame)
- 150 level cap
- Variety of fairly lightweight QoL features
- Guides and resources unique to this server
- Minimal pay2win

>Clockworks Flyff
- Upper-mid rates (100x EXP, 50x Drop, 100x Penya)
- 150 level cap
- High amount of QoL features
- Several resources/guides to draw from
- Mostly-low pay2win
- Seasonal model equates to wildly varying population

>Chronicles of Madrigal
- Fairly low rates (exact values unknown)
- 120(?) level cap
- Extensive overhaul of dungeons/bosses (parties required)
- Equal questing/grinding balance for leveling
- Considered to be the closest thing to a "Flyff 2" by many in the wider Flyff community
- Minimal-to-low pay2win

- Noticeably low rates (10x EXP, 1x Drop, 1x Penya)
- 121H level cap
- Intended to be a "classic-esque" experience.
- PKing is auto-enabled for 20 minutes at the top of every hour (why would they do this?)

>Entropia Flyff
- Ultra-omega mega high rate server (10,000x Exp, 8,000x Drop, 8,000x Penya)
- 175 level cap with rebirth/prestige leveling model
- Debatable pay2win, depending on who you ask
- Great for screwing around or casual play, probably not the best first impression for first-timers

Worth mentioning that Flyff is a /proper/ KMMO grindfest at its core, so even "low" rates might look startlingly high if you're unfamiliar with this style of game. There's good reason they're this seemingly absurd.
>predictive programming of what the clique wants us to play
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Also, if anyone has done research on potential servers for Tales of Pirates or Shaiya, feel free to share them here!
The more information we have on the table about these ancient games, the better we can tailor our experience to making our time with them as memorable as possible.
When Flyff had their big official resurgence they retooled the game to run purely in a browser. Do any of those servers use that technology? I'd rather just play with a client if that's an option.
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To my knowledge (and admittedly cursory research), all of these servers use their own standalone clients, rather than the HTML solution employed by Flyff Universe.
Would've added Universe to the list of potential candidates, but good lord, it's somehow even more pay2win than the original game it was intended to replace (which is damn-well saying something).
Even if I personally prefer quite a number of changes made to the Universe client, private servers would be our best bet for this one, whenever it gets its time to shine.
The first 3 seem pretty good to me. Can't really see a huge difference between the first 2 servers. But yeah, bottom 2 sound like a bad idea. Thx 4 scouting.
It's practically the same case as Tera online where another company steals assets and makes their own game with it, but a lot more goofy.
It's not an OC-donut steel ragnarok private server by random people.
so why are we voting games where multiboxing is required again?
Clockworks would be my pick. The new "season" launched in may so there might actually be other players leveling, it has achievements which sound lame but flyff can be a little aimless in the loop of just infinitely grinding and achievements give you some optional goals if you want them.

My concern is that since it's 100x exp, gear will never matter. I've played high rates in other games and you grind in whatever the game automatically gives you because you'll outlevel it almost immediately.
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>comparing TERA to Ragnarok
>Bluehole stole engine assets from some gook company to make their MMO
>DNC Entertainment stole engine assets from gook company to make their MMO
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That Anon is referring to the big fallout between NCSOFT and a collection of internal devs who would eventually go on to form Bluehole, over stolen source code for an intended Lineage III project back in the early 2010s.
Both projects were heavily reworked using the ashes of what came before, with Bluehole releasing TERA and NCSOFT releasing Blade&Soul within about a year of each other. Anyone who's played both titles can easily tell they're spiritual siblings in many respects, yet each has their own unique identity and flavor.
Pretty cool to know something sort-of similar happened with Ragnarok/Secret of the Solstice. Always love learning about MMO devlore.
can we not start in the middle of the fucking night
You WILL kowtow before the NA clique.
From what I saw there's a fair few options thought the top two are a boosted one and a native experience one, I believe the boosted one has custom content. I'll look into it if it makes it into the finals.
Yeah the time change has been a nightmare personally, never around for prime time.
I personally hope SotS wins. it may be the more unique mmo in terms of progression without relying on WoW style questing.
also how is Shaiya at fucking 15 votes when I see almost nobody talking about it? not even a server mention. guys?
It's absolutely being botted.
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Not to mention how unusually high the vote numbers are compared to thread activity. looking at poll numbers from the start, there's a voter count around low 20s. and yet further in the tournament we have numbers past 30 when we should expect the opposite.

given that, we should get the semi-finals to finals vote done in-game. tokens can be reused for multiple polls so this shouldn't complicate things
Shaiya beating
>Perfect World
>Atlantica Online
Shaiya is questslop with open pvp, so it's pure garbage but so are the other three games you listed. Atlantica at least had a unique combat system but it's solo questing, may as well be a mobile game.
well personally I voted for games I never played. I liked pw but nowadays it's boring af, you click on quests and wait the autopathing to take you to the npc and repeat that a thousand times until you get to level ~60. Then you just spam dungeons in party. it's boring and would make people quit on the first week
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Tokens have been handed out via the ingame mail for RaiderZ if you meet the minimum requirements for progression (level 18, or around the point you'd be doing Contaminated Garden).

The poll is paused and will be available to vote on with your token once we've reached the finals for the polltab tourney. Here is the link to vote: https://directpoll.com/v?XDVhEtmjiNdXQwqR7rRQYzxreDm3frdP7UAN

Here is the results link: https://directpoll.com/r?XDbzPBd3ixYqg8EGN2C0aJ0W4oUZ0EPOJsLWpEnU0DyX8a

It's nice that we can hand out tokens early like this since it gives more than enough time for all timezones to get their hands on their tokens.
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>how is Shaiya at fucking 15 votes when I see almost nobody talking about it?
The same reason why Tales of Pirates somehow jumped up almost 10 votes in the past 6 hours and is now tying Flyff, despite virtually no discussion or server research in this thread.
Sure would be nice if we found a voting site with formatting like Polltab which wasn't so frustratingly easy to exploit.
why are you guys playing flyff again? Or am

not sure what we're doing about the obvious botting in the semis but just in case, I did some research on Tales of Pirates. The longest running server that's stable is Rage of Saga, they have 20x rates but 7000x rates for fairy/pet growth, I have no idea why that's a thing but I checked and 2 other servers also decided to do this so I assume pet raising is commonly considered hell. Up for 13 years and 250 people online atm. Cash shop does have items with stats but it's a pve game so idgaf, there's no paying for storage space or any of that shit. To be clear, I think this info is for the future. Finals should pretty obviously be flyff vs sots.

They also have a nice item database on their site which tells you what mats you need.
i'm not sure how to read this sentence
Playing Tales of Pirates would just be giving in to the demands of the retard that's botting. At this point, the moron's harming the chances of us playing the game more than helping.
I think he's trying to force the website to random the choice on an even vote. Considering Shaiya is one vote ahead currently it's possible he wants that in the finals.
Most likely yes to the second half of your post, but no to the first. We've seen this pattern crop-up before, usually starting in the semi-finals (but it can occur earlier).
Whichever sad fuck keeps doing this tends to either pump the shit out of the game they want to win to a laughably obvious degree, or artificially keep both seeds very suspiciously even with one another until the final 5-30 minutes, at which point they'll vote for whichever is the least popular choice. Considering Shaiya is the semi-finalist with the most negative sentiment surrounding it, I do agree they're wanting to force that one through either out of spite, or just to troll.
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The Directpoll is now active, with the semi-finalists split into two polls that I'll present each day before creating a poll for the finalists. The tokens you were given in-game can be used for every poll as it's brought up.
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After much discussion, Ave and I have come to a compromise in how best to approach the tournament bracket:

Starting from the semi-finals of any active Polltab tournament, we will be moving to Directpoll to decide the two finalists (as shown here >>1343730 + >>1344284). To mimic the feel of the existing tournament-style bracket, each semi-finalist match-up will be voted on separately.
The same Directpoll link and token will be used for multiple successive votes throughout this process, eliminating the need to post several new voting links to the thread once one has been established.
Tokens for voting participation will be distributed in game based on a reasonable effort requirement, to prevent unscrupulous types from rigging the polls via alt spam. These requirements will be nothing major, just a milestone achievable by a few days of play to assure (You) were actually present.

After both semi-finalists have been decided, and the results of said polls are publicly shown to the thread, the vote for the finalists will take place on the last day of our current title; immediately after the in-game farewell photo on the end of the second week, or about 3-4 hours before we move on to the next title. (The exact specifics of this are still being somewhat debated. Finalists on the final day, for sure).

This essentially means that votes on Polltab after the semi-finalists have been decided are null and void towards who ultimately ends up winning.
While this will not prevent cheating in the lower brackets and preliminaries, the damage of such will be minimized as best it can given current circumstances.

This will undoubtedly be somewhat messy at first, and certainly create some unfortunate visibility issues for those who aren't actively following this project day-to-day. But it's better we take control of this situation now, rather than repeatedly being at the mercy of sad individuals who do not want to abide by the cooperative spirit of this project.
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*coughing* Knight online *coughing*
Why are you a furry?
Not much of a choice when you are a 40 years old incel.
Average Secret of the Solstice gameplay, repeat 1000 times
What happens if someone's megapulling on a map you want to grind at? Do you just not get to level until they leave?
that person is already max level, if we play we probably won't get anywhere near level 200 maps.
Posted a previous response but there was much better examples.
Yes, you will solo occupy a map for long periods but theres the alternative of grinding the money map instead of exp.
Example of the same map at a lower level.

Aoe is not just for high levels, thats just the game
does this mean cheaters btfo?
This game looks really comfy, thanks for the videos. Should we post on /rog/ to get them in?
To add onto this, heres the same map at 160 to show the period you grind the maps for

And further low level examples:
I wouldn't say its much like ragnarok, asides from graphics theres not too much in common.
Reminds me of parties mobbing in magma2 or niff.
is running a party worth it in this game, or is it more like trickster where everybody sort of does their own thing?
Feels alot closer to the early 2010s mmos to play which makes sense for a dec 2007 release. This isn't exactly a bad thing but its very different, not to mention the solo grind life.
I can understand the ragnarok comparisons as an ro player since they basically copied prontera culverts, even has my favourite song in there.
Short answer is no
>Willingly inviting /rog/
Let's not, please.
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>they don't know
The clique started this didnt they?
I see the confusion. Xen Rebirth is a 1x rate server and most jobs can only AoE farm reliably in their 60s. If we play a lot, the highest we'll get in two weeks is around level 70. It's a non-issue since we won't get there in time but even if we did you could just choose to play together instead of using the niche technique to solo. Every game we've played had a way to cheat or powerlevel and I just assumed we were on the same page about not doing that stuff since it isn't fun.
I checked briefly and 70 quick on this server, mage and knight begin aoes before 60 so I'm not sure what are you saying.
Again, each job has aoe skills intended for mass mobbing. That is not cheating or powerleveling that is how the game is played.
monster grinding is better than quest grinding, too bad it's basically a solo game
What do you mean by quick? I literally have a 143 character on xen and I'd be surprised if people got to level 70 within two weeks without getting boosted somehow.
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Absolutely, theres some decent party leveling methods for the first levels atleast here. I'm checking if its too comp dependent or if it doesn't last long.
Lets play a x1 mu online server for the next round.
>t. cheater who can't fuck with the semi-final/finals bracket anymore
Only partially btfo'd. Rounds 1-3 can still be cheated if someone gets desperate enough, but I also get why they don't want to micromanage every step of every bracket, since that would quickly become a huge pain in the ass for everyone.
Rather they micromanage additional steps than micromanaging an extra minigame night that nobody asked for. Clearly, Management(TM) ENJOYS the micromanagement and logistics of running this shit.
We've only had one minigame night in total so far, and it was an idea anon were clearly posting about in the thread before it became a thing. Plus, Alle has gone on record stating he doesn't want to spend more time micromanaging things over actually playing the games with other anon here.
I don't know whether he or Ave are the ones handling directpoll, but organizing up to 20-22 different 1v1 votes, one by one, at different times of the day/week, before even getting to the semi-finals sounds like complete shit for both the anon handling the polls, and the anon needing to vote in them. Cutting polltab off at the semi-finals isn't perfect, but it's better than what we had before.
NTA but I only played classic which was supposedly harder but it wasn't too comp dependant up till lv160. The newer maps only had bosses as field enemies which required a proper tank or someone with very fast flee / movement speed. Healer was always required due to their buffs, but many relied on multiboxing for them. I see we have the enchant system too. Unless balanced for this server then it should make things a lot easier. Xen stones were added to make yourself more powerful than intended so at higher enchantments even the weakest class could tank and dps.
>Healer was always required due to their buffs, but many relied on multiboxing for them.
>tfw want to heal frens but healers are always 4th class citizens in these games and shouldn't be played
Feels bad.
What classes would you suggest we lean towards, given the two week time limit?
Luckily for you there's Templar, they can dps/tank and minor heal/heal over time essentially replacing potion spamming. They are really good at mid/late game too. Mage is definitely a requirement since their aoes are too strong. Archer, Knight and Rogue play the same role in a party of grouping mobs together. It requires a little bit of more effort for Archers since they can die quickly but if done right they can also join in on the dps side of things. To play it safe you can go with a Knight but you can choose either of the three really.
What happens if you don't mob the whole map, can you just level normally? I usually player healer, so if this game wins and everyone wants to solo mob I'll probably just skip this game. It sounds cool if we can walk through a map and kill things pack by pack.
>there are people on this site older than my dad
I'm sure 1x would be too slow given the game is of asian descent but is 20x a good rate or would that just blitz us to the end?
That's good, gives us a lot more legitimate agency for not too much more work for you guys. is it just a vote a day now?
People will RUE the day they picked flyff over ToP.
You're blind fools drenched in member berries, ALL OF YOU
Son, get out of this thread before I come and give you some rough love. And not the sexy kind, faggot.
kys furfag
Fortunately, this information is irrelevant because this version is rebirth, and reading through their modified content suggests more options for progression. On classic, people would go over higher leveled maps to grind on stronger enemies. The exp per hour was not as good, but it gave you a reasonable amount of exp to progress. For pure healers (not templar) you will always need to be paired with someone. I don't think every single anon will be able to solo mob because there won't be enough maps, so everyone will have to group up in some way. This is one of those games where there were no channels to swap from, and it is highly unlikely that this server will included that feature.
>For pure healers (not templar) you will always need to be paired with someone
thanks for the info, that sounds great. Hope this wins over flyff then, since healers don't seem welcome in that.
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I'm surprised Flyff is winning so handily here.
>Templars can buff, heal, and tank
It'll be fun IF we play on a server with enhanced pang buffs, otherwise somebody will be forced to buffslave. We should really have decided on a server before the vote because it's an entirely different game between servers and I'd rather try sots if the alternative is a "bad" flyff server.
>We should really have decided on a server before the vote
lol imagine if anyone with a third IQ digit were involved in the decision-making process
Rebirth is the mobbing spam version
>deciding on a server for every single game on both lists before you vote for anything
I think that's beyond the effort anyone is willing to put in. Looking into server options during the semi-finals gives you more than enough time to find actual, functional private servers.
isn't flyff basically a singleplayer mmo?
alright we build our own servers
it is. people voting for it are unironically stupid.
the clique is not "people"
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Shaiya Veteran here,
If we want the authentic classic experience without the lag, p2w, p2p and cut maps, the most closer Server to what was Shaiya at it peak is Shaiya Classic. It's on ep 4.5 , the original server is on ep9 I believe.
I played it a few times before and the level progression is decent, it isnt too fast and doesnt feel like a chore. This is the best you can get with Shaiya since most servers dont have leveling so you start farming for lv60-70 pvp since day1.
By the way, those anons who called Shaiya a questlop, are very ignorant. Quests are useless even in the original Shaiya. They never gave good exp. Leveling in Shaiya is basically, make an alliance, the tanks attract all the mobs, other races kill them, repeat x100000
>Max Level: 60EXP
>Rate: x50
>GOLD Rate: x3
>KILL Rate: x1
>Linking Rate: Max Linking Chance is 50%.
>Lapis: Max Lapis Lv6, Elemental Lapis Lv2.
>Items: NO Custom Items, Ending Equipments Lv50-53

If this wins we'd have to decide what faction do we play in. The alliance of Light or Fury.
Light has Humans and Elves while Fury has Undead and Vails. Light Gear has better aesthetics

Ok, I checked the server and seems that they boosted the quests rewards in this server so it's actually possible to level up by doing quests, which usually ask you to kill x number of mobs

pic rel is when I reached lv70 cap in Shaiya Latino 2013
>farming for pvp since day one
Where can I find a community of rational individuals to play early warhammer online with? instead of being designated to having a game cut off from consideration solely because some mid-late 2010s psychotic spammer decided he did not like the game question mark.
I miss when MMOs had cool UIs like this
is it quest slop?
if people want to play it then they'll vote for it, I don't really understand your question.
>I don't really understand your question
generic disingenuous 2016+newfaggotry
you are obviously the one that doesn't fit here, why don't you fuckoff? i bet you haven't even played any of the games
do you get the same points for killing a level 1 vs a level 70? I like pvp but not if we're going to get farmed for points with no way of fighting back. Also, can different difficulties party with each other? I'd probably rush nm to 40 to unlock hard mode and use that character since you get more points when leveling.
>blind naivety taking the world at face value
You do not fit in.
>personalized healer on a leash
where do I apply for one?
Tight holes please.
>decide on servers ahead of time for +30 games
ok get started genius
make sure to come back to the thread with your decisions so we can change our mind 5-12 times on each.
I-i'm available...
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NTA, but this is an unknown about Shaiya I'd like to be informed about as well.
We already went through the ordeal of being ganked without any hope of fighting back during our time in RF, which obviously wasn't fun. Whether or not this holds true in Shaiya would directly impact whether I ever vote for it in the future.
your fault for playing bellato, aka the cattle of RF, biologically made for farm
I actually wanted to play cora instead of bells, but since everyone mindlessly stuck with bells once we moved to banana despite it being a terrible decision, and I wanted to keep playing with other anon, there wasn't much of a choice. There was zero reason to play anything other than cora once we got to banana, but whatever, it's in the past now.
That's another point of consideration whenever we get to Shaiya. We'd need to know ahead of time which faction is the clear winner, so we're not rolled 24/7.
You'll do.
You will heal me exclusively, you need to get my permission if you want to heal for others.
Naturally I'll be deciding what cosmetics you wear as well.
I wanted to be an elf whore but people were too insectoid in their mentality
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No. Shaiya has a system that if mobs are 10 levels (aproximately) higher than you then you don't get any exp. Basically if you see their names in dark grey, they won't give you exp.
Shaiya has PVP zones. PVP 1-15, 20-30, and 60.
High chances most of us won't even get near the lvl 60 maps if there's a person from the rival faction hunting, the maps are pretty big and you can lose them pretty easily. It also helps that there's 4 maps lvl 60
You're getting killed in Deep Desert? go to Deep Desert 2. DD2 is full of darkies? Go to Jungle. Jungle has pvp too? Go to Karis.
There always ways to avoid the enemy faction.
This poll was rigged as hell and both games in the finals are terrible. See you in two weeks.
Anyone voting for flyff should kill themselves. It's an online single player game.
And Secret of the Solstice isn't?
At least in Flyff, there's a reason for healers to party up with other people. I better not catch you niggas multiboxing, or I'll be so disappointed.
good thing me and my friends are skipping this, horrible games
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I'll swap to the next set of semi-finalists in the directpoll in roughly 7 hours. If you have a token and haven't voted yet, you still have plenty of time. With 31 tokens handed out in RaiderZ in total, there's still a chance for ToP to top Flyff.
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Anyone unironically pretending that FlyFF is a solo game is just shitposting, partying is broken as shit in the game and the longer you party the more OP it gets.
In fact it's one of the games I can think of where not doing party grinding is the worst decision you could ever do.
Fuck, even the party has levels itself that you can grind up to gain skills for said party.

The biggest issue with the game itself is that the servers are landmines in terms of quality and the last time I ventured out into trying a few, half of them were broken and really jank.
Does the distinction between solo or party focused MMO even matter? RaiderZ was party oriented and there were still complaints.
Shitposting about games you don't play is a time-honored tradition on this site, unfortunately.
But yeah, if you're not partying-up in Flyff, you're doing it wrong. Some classes CAN solo, but you're almost always better off being in a group at all times whenever possible, if only for the stacking bonuses.
people don't mean literal solo, they mean multiboxing a party yourself, at bare minimum everyone will have their own full support ringmaster. The difference between having a full suite of buffs is night and day and if somebody plays a rm they will have to hybridize to get exp, making their buffs weaker.

Maybe there's a server out there that fixes this but I've never seen it done.
Have fun playing your solo MMO with the only other 3 people still left, furry. I would be surprised if you can even keep a general alive lol
Dang I guess it was just me and the cheater that liked tales of pirates.
I thought some people were actually interested.
Maybe I'll just make an account on their classic server and play it on the side when I get bored of the picks.
it doesn't matter for keeping people playing past the 2nd week, there's always a big dropoff. clearly the answer is to shill on /v/ more to bring our numbers up
nobody wants to collect rat asses for quest givers for 40 levels
I like ToP....
I wanted to play it but the clique didn't allow me to vote because I dropped their shitty game because I was left behind and couldn't make any more progress. I played for over a week, I just didn't make much progress. Fwiw my vote wouldn't have changed anything.
what hours did you play? when I was on there were always a few players helping the lowbies including myself. did you ask try asking for help?
No shit, after 2 weeks is when the next game is played. I just think that discussing solo or party MMO doesn't really matter anymore since anons are going to find reasons not to log in either way.

I seriously don't get the moaning about questing. That is just standard for MMOs. Okay, you don't like it. Are you just going to sit out every game that has questing? You're here to play with bros and not just shitpost, right?
>That is just standard for MMOs
No, just the trash ones. It's telling that you're the kind of gamer that's ok with questslop AND playing solo. I want to cooperate together not watch other anons running next to me, there's a big difference.
He didn't. All he did was whine and cry that he couldn't solo and refuse any help that lots of people offered. Meanwhile, a veegabone chad got to almost lvl 40 soloing and never complained once.
>killing mobs in a zone for hours in a party
Hell yeah, peak game design right here! I love cooperating with anons.
>killing mobs in multiple zones for hours in a party, but with quests attached
Questslop themepark zoomercore GARBAGE.
yes. quests are literally bad game design.
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>a veegabone chad got to almost lvl 40 soloing and never complained once.
madlad deserved a hat for that
Yeah, but unironically. Does anyone read quests? no. It just forces you to abandon your comfy spot to take more quests and it's just one more thing you need to sync with your party. It also kills exploration, you look on the map for the big glowing marker and there's 0 reason to look anywhere else on the map because you know there's nothing there, or worse you want to explore but people tell you not to because a quest will send you there later.
>since anons are going to find reasons not to log in either way.
yeah but why can't you just say "I want to play elden ring instead" or something instead of shittalking games other people might be enjoying?
Why do people feel the need to attempt to ruin the experience with others?
It's like some deep seeded FOMO thing. If they don't mesh with the game or can't participate it's like they don't want others to enjoy themselves either.
looking at Flyff jobs, is there any reason not to run a full party of billposters? It seems like they can do everything with no downtime.
that's not me, that was the other guy, I got to 18 bitch
I even managed the garden quest on my own
but then at cata the server went down for maintenance and I haven't bothered to show back up
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pookie... why did you let ToP lose...
Classic Flyfff wasn't and that was the only Flyff version worth mentioning. Don't know how bad its gotten today though.
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Next set of semifinals competitors are active in the directpoll. It's Shaiya against SotS and whoever wins gets to fight Flyff.
FlyFF is just a garbage game thats why I don't wanna play it.
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>It'll be fun IF we play on a server with enhanced pang buffs
In doing a bit of remedial research, both Prologic Flyff and Clockworks Flyff offer enhanced Buff Pangs, sorting out the buffslave issue to a good degree. Entropia Flyff does as well, but that server has ludicrous rates and wouldn't be good for first timers.
Not sure if Chronicles of Madrigal offers fully-enhanced, Ringmaster/Seraph-tier Buff Pangs, but given the more measured pace of that server compared to either Prologic or Clockworks, I'd be surprised if there weren't standard Buff Pangs hanging around the major towns at least.
Not having Buff Pangs on a private server is pretty rare these days, unless you're on an explicitly oldschool one like nFlyff.
Freedom vs chained to collect 5 wolf asses
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Not everyone who reposts cat photos is a furry, anon.
Shaiya Classic is fully p2w, you can buy every piece of gear in the game.
In a game where a level 60 is allowed to sit at a map entrance and eat us for free kills, I don't think this is wise. If you want to play a pvp game then at least choose a high rate so you have a chance of fighting back.
I tried momma, I tried
you're a zoomer so I understand your point, in these new games you had everything handed to you
>where a level 60 is allowed to sit at a map and eat us for free kills
Nice way to show that you have 0 knowledge of Shaiya. You will only see a lv60 of the other faction on the pvp maps.
I dont think you'd go to an endgame map when you're level 10.
Factions have different maps and can only see eachother in the pvp maps I previously mentioned.
guys, sots is not going to be a fun party experience. Players will all fan out and pull mobs back to a central point where the rest of the people will spam AoE skills. This means the following roles are 100% not needed:
>Single Target Damager
If we agree not to AoE farm, that's different, but I know people on here are going to want to powerlevel like in previous games and the rest will be forced to try and catch up. Shaiya at least will have a normal party dynamic right from the beginning.
sots is basically just modern day renewal ragnarok online but worse
partying is only good if everyone keeps a distance from eachother in order to minmax the respawn system
that's sadeg I remember in RF my favorite past time was going to the level 2x areas and killing everyone
>because I was left behind
nigger there were constant messages in game asking everyone and anyone if they needed assistance with anything
dungeons, bosses, leveling, where to get gear, etc
there were 3-4 different leveling groups all at different areas and none of them 5/5 party at all times
if you fell behind this time it was your fault
every class can AoE
this comment has a very
>i have free time during the bizarre active hours of the main cliques
air about it
I'll be honest, when I had time there were 5 people on total and none of them in my level range
I thought my comment had a very "there are active players at every time of the day stop being a loner virgin and talk to fucking people" vibe.

How many did you ask for help? Did you ever bother talking to players outside the guild? There's a beginner chat and designated people in game called 'GS' that will help you through difficult content if you can't group.

All the resources for success were there regardless of how much time you had. Would an hour a day get you max level, no, but it would give you a lot of fun had you given the game a chance.
>All the resources
Amounted to someone showing up, instakilling everything for me and then leaving. There's nothing engaging about that, if anything it makes me feel like a burden so I don't bother.
As for 1 hour a day, I managed to get past the garden on my own, no desire to try cata or spend my free time in the day grinding hellhounds for hours to still not keep up with anyone. Not exactly seeing the "lot of fun" involved in any of the presented options.
Well considering you said there were 3-4 different leveling groups while you were online, that would account for the majority of the active players unless you mean 4 duos.
The remaining few simply have no sense of community outside of the strict time window of approved NA activity.
No one is actually ostracized
People don't even say hi when you log on outside of those hours, it's people afking or grinding their own shit in solo overtime.
Don't listen to him, that guy already had a character on the server, he shilled it very hard during the previous vote and there's a chance he botted the poll to make sure raiderz made it to the finals. The game is just badly designed for party play unless you sync up your play times.
learn the lingo
lol, I've never actually caught somebody trolling before. Anyone who actually played the game knows you're talking shit, how unhinged a person do you have to be to straight up lie just to make things more negative? Is something wrong with you?
>your experience differs to mine so you must be lying
you said yourself you're online when there's 4 different parties on while you play so you have no frame of reference
that's literally impossible outside the active time, unless you count single players as parties
have you considered that everyone is just avoiding you
you're obviously mentally ill so it's not that unreasonable of a thought
so much for that then
That was my first post to you, I'm nta. I know you're lying because I've had a weird schedule recently and I've been online at virtually every time across the two weeks we've been playing and the atmosphere in-game is nothing but helpful. What is actually wrong with you that you didn't even attempt to have fun with us but you instead chose to inject negativity into it.
No pvp games because one of our resident personalities hates anything with pvp and is determined to make sure nothing related gets in anymore.
>inject negativity
My experience was negative for reasons I don't blame the clique for, but do involve them and I'm voicing it. I understand it'd be more pleasant for you if I wasn't having fun silently, but I actually want to be involved believe it or not, just not in a way that feels like a waste of time for both me and who I'm partying with.
If that's a problem then I guess you can not invite me to guilds in future and that'll be my answer for where this project ends.
whats the current mmo? more dogshit anime shit? if so, fuck that.
that's coming up next
The vast majority of mmos have anime/cell shaded graphics. Take them away and you're left with what, 10? mmos.
the other extreme is lineage aesthetic
edge painted on thick
I'm talking about MMOs that dont have geneic anime slop such as mechs and futuristic dogshit, that shit is beyond soulless and cringey.
There are a good amount of non-anime mmos that feature more Western artstyle. One good one would be Ferentus.
your husband left you because of gundam didn't he?
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red = costume
Moderately breedable.
Gundam is peak slop, only the original was good.
Secret of the Solstice
>freedom to level where you want
>encouraged to explore the world to find good locations to level at
>railroaded through the world on a chore checklist
>add broken immersion because every player is doing the exact same quests as you are yet completing a mission has no effect to anything but your xp bar
why am i blacklisted then
as a player who is often 'left behind', everyone is happy to help if you need to catch up...if you dont have the time to invest in these games, then it is inevitable you'll always be behind. it wouldnt be fair to make everyone wait for the minority to catch up.
I found that to be true in this raiderz gameplay. It seems the majority of people here are neets so if you have a job forget playing together
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I made the RaiderZ thread, moved to /vm/ for low activity
Isn't the next game going to be SotS or ToP though?
that's just a thread for a game already played
there's only a bit left, but a few players mentioned wanting to continue with the title. so it can serve a double purpose
Let them make some threads like they did Trickster. Other random anons will see and try it at least.
then why not play with the other people with jobs? The difference is people who are social and people who are terrified of talking to other people. Obviously the latter are going to play alone, because they do their best to make sure nobody knows they exist.
Jobs don't all start and end at the same time.
this seems vaguely related to our interests actually
I think that's already on the minigame list, which gets played the day before the next new game starts. Last one was s4 league.
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Speaking of minigame lists, the next poll for Minigame Night is live!
Just as before, this will be a ~24-hour vote for a smaller title we'll be playing for just a single night, prior to the big MMO switch-up the following day. Once the vote ends, we'll play whichever game came out on top for at least a few hours. In the event of a tie, the winner will be chosen at random among the tied titles.
Should mention the previous winner (S4 League) has removed from this vote, to incentivize us playing other things besides just one or two minigames over and over. It'll be back next time, no worries there.

Just to get ahead of the curve (and hopefully not piss people off about doing this too late again), here are the download links for all of the games featured in this minigame poll:



Alicia Online:
(Download might be blocked at first, installs/plays just fine)


Survival Project:
(Follow download instructions, added account verification steps shown on the site aren't necessarily necessary if you just want to play for a night)

Tales Runner:
(Saves you having to join their Discord just to download the client, if you're allergic to that sort of thing)
There's 1 thicc thing about lineage, and it isn't the paint...
I'm not the same guy you're arguing with in all those posts so no need to be passive aggressive with me. I played on the weekend and actually talked with lots of you guys and was briefly in a party and had fun. it's just that when I logged again the same people were 10 levels higher than me. That's fine, I realized these games aren't for me anymore
>Survival Project has a private serer
Thanks for sharing this anon. Might get a week out of this with my group of 6.
if/when Flyff wins when will we decide on a server? Will there be a vote on minigame day or is it more informal and the organiser just picks one?
I feel like we should always aim for the classic/authentic experience unless it's absolute shit like RF
>passive aggressive
>anon directly responded to you
Dark elves running bent over ass up was great.
Subterranean hags are the best.
Just don't show them the dwarf females, whatever you do.

captcha is gay: H8VAG
So it is!
Very nice.
Schizo anon...
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should I bother logging in to grab my key? I took a break for multiple reasons but I might just skip the next game
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Won't make much difference.
I think flyff will win and there aren't enough people to sway the vote, but flyff is actually pretty fun with a group, especially if we play something like clockwork where they change the boss ai to respect the idea of tanking, so hopefully you join us.
not sure if i want to play a game where everyone already knows the meta strats but me
That's just unavoidable with these old games.
Even if 95% of the group is completely new, you're going to have at least one anon who played whatever the current game is to death as a kid/teenager, and they'll know how to shoot ahead of everyone else. Happened with Trickster, RF, RaiderZ, and will almost certainly happen with either SotS or Flyff.
Just focus on your own enjoyment, and take notice of when people are talking about where/when to level at what locations.
why is it so late for eu?
i'm honestly impressed that like 12 people got to 35+
the combat was boring
even when you eventually got enough buttons that you weren't spending 90% of the time autoattacking it didn't get much better
even dungeons basically amounted to pulling a bunch of shit and ungabunging it while they are spam cc'd
questing was boring
music basically non-existent
story awful
most memorable thing was how bad the voice acting was
with how restrictive the skill trees were you had very little real customization
Can we reconsider playing on Universe? It's stable and I really don't want to deal with the same shit of the server going down.

Clockwork Flyff that another anon keeps mentioning hasn't had a news post in over a year and the admin is mia. That server has a league system so we'll join during season 5 which has been running for a year and any day now season 6 could start and our characters will be transferred onto the mega server, we would need to restart to actually be part of season 6.

I haven't checked the other private servers that have been mentioned but I have played on Universe before and there are 0 connection or stability issues, you never have to think about it.

As a sidenote, SotS constantly goes down and that's with a population of <50 people, it should never have made it this far.
Not playing p2w garbage. I'd rather not play at all.
I would really rather not play on a server said to be more p2w than classic Flyff. for me personally that's something even nostalgia couldn't cloud. I'd get it if there was only one server, but there's so many choices for an enjoyable experience with that title.
the downtime stuff wasn't a huge deal in past games, it was just shittier here if you were hours into a dungeon and lost all your progress
>even dungeons basically amounted to pulling a bunch of shit and ungabunging it while they are spam cc'd
lol, hope you enjoy either of the games in the finals. I don't think you like mmos.
how about just stopping being poor lmao
You say exactly what I'm thinking
it is really telling that you think the majority of mmos are like this
not everything is korean slop with no skill designed to drive a power fantasy for people after wringing as muich money as possible out of them with a masochistic upgrade system
permastunning everything is such bad design
FFXI is the perfect game to experience with a group like this, but two weeks is just not enough to get much done.
Is there any other mmorpg with a similar system to FFXI's level sync?
Haven’t dropped by over a week, what’s the state of things?
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We're moving onto the finals now. Directpoll's been updated with your choices.
Two weeks is enough to reach lv60 there. Level 40 would be a good goal though.
Guild Wars 2 and Swtor both cap your level to that of the area, so a max level person can go to the starter area and group at their level, that's the best implementation I've seen. Level sync was actually not thought out well because people just stayed at the same camp forever, completely ignoring all progression except for your exp meter going up.

Older mmos are usually quite easy to catch up in, you just join a high level party and let them kill while you leech large amounts of exp. It's only more modern games where they penalize you for killing stuff above your level, giving you shit exp.
Raiderz had a turn-out of about 15-20 people. Everyone has stopped except for maybe 3 people. The next game will most likely be Flyff but we haven't decided on a server or if as a group we're going to encourage multi-clienting or not. Not sure who's winning on the minigame poll since I can't see results.
>we haven't decided on a server
Shilling for Chronicles of Madrigal. I've never played there but I like the look of the class changes, specifically the seraph. We might not reach max level but it seems like they added plenty of group content during the leveling cycle so we'll have stuff to do.
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thank u to the anons who are trying to make this project more fun for everyone~ figuring out server stuff is a big help
Been away due to personal reasons. We still playing RaiderZ? If so, until when. If not, when's the next game?
RaiderZ is technically still active but everyone has stopped. Minigame will be tomorrow and next game will be after that.
So do we play the new game on Saturday or Sunday?
New game starts in 35 hours and 16 minutes from this post, roughly.
Did a bit more reading on Madrigal about dungeon changes. Party dungeons can be scaled to match the number of players you have, so if we don't have a full party we can still do stuff. Raid tier dungeons optionally let you pick hard or expert mode which make it even harder but the drops are better.

An old dev comment says the leveling cycle is about 40-50 hours, not sure if that's still the case but I know some of the people playing raiderz managed to hit that.

There's lots of other stuff added including crafting but I didn't want to read too much and spoil myself. I hope we go with this server and ideally have a nice mix of classes so we can try bosses/dungeons.
Servers with custom content are shit.

the only acceptable changes to make to a game are increased rates.
just checked it and its an entirely different game.
quest slop+crafting+skills just unlocked by leveling with no levels in them, no class advancement - you start as chosen class since lv1.
basically someone just took flyff and decided to try and make it a "modern mmo".
Sounds like shit
it is and its also runs like shit with constant stuttering
And the next minigame starts in about 10h20m from now or so, if you wanted to join that.
It costs a few bucks instead of being free like everything else, but Dead Man's Hand could make for a fun minigame!

It's a great little party game to play with friends!

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Quick(ish) post before heading off to bed.
Scouted-out Clockworks Flyff, Chronicles of Madrigal, and Prologic Flyff. ~20-30 minutes in each, nothing major, just trying to get a feel for what might be best for this group's interests.
Some thoughts:

Clockworks Flyff:
+ Super easy to try out multiple characters/classes, due to fast leveling rates.
+ Many borderline mandatory consumables (X-Vitamin, Refresher Hold, etc) can be bought with Penya from NPCs at reasonable prices.
+ Has Buff Pengs, greatly lessening the buffslut conundrum.
+ Extensively well-documented.
~ High EXP rates mean most quests can be entirely ignored.
- Noticeably short early-to-midgame might be a turn-off for some.

Chronicles of Madrigal:
+ Very high degree of polish across the board.
+ Reworked classes look quite appealing if you're familiar with Flyff already.
+ Party Dungeon focus later on sounds really neat.
+ Much-improved boss monster A.I.
~ "Modern oldschool" sort of feel, somewhat similar to Flyff Universe.
- Startlingly low rates (felt like ~2x/3x EXP, 5x Drop, 1x Penya to me).
- No NA server, EU or SEA only.

Both servers share many QoL features, such as auto-loot, unlimited map teleports, etc. Both also have insta-promotions to subsequent Jobs, and fully-leveled, instantly unlocked skills upon reaching their level requirements.
Despite some hesitations about that last one, it's actually pretty great. Allows for normally-shafted classes like Ringmaster/Seraph to spec into buffs and damaging spells alike, and enables easy experimentation between weapons types for classes which offer it.

Prologic Flyff:
- Pass.
Despite what appeared to be a reasonable-sounding progression curve via its rate scaling model, you're often inundated with additional, non-removable, stacking +50% EXP bonuses, which rocket the actual EXP values well into "very high rate server" status.
Plus the client had some weird glitches, a poor translation, and just a generally shoddy sort of vibe. Not recommended.
So did the clique decide on flyff?
Repeat after me --

keep that attitude up and the clique will switch to the worst possible server like they did with RF
Which clique? There's at least three I've noticed.
it looks like the votes being rigged again for a game nobody actually wants to play so I've decided to just start on sots and play that for two weeks, it's clear to me now why Esper immediately left after seeing how anti-fun you fucks can be. If anyone else wants to just play games together instead of shitposting you're welcome to join with me and I'll see about getting a guild as soon as I can.
Sis? You can't rig the vote, you need a token from being level 18+ in the current game.
There's only a single person who has said anything positive about flyff, everyone else has said nothing but negative things and yet magically flyff is getting multiple votes. I just want to play games, not delve into the psyche of unhappy trolls who just want to fuck with people.
Post your character. Right now (You) seem like the troll, anon.
You said something I didn't like so you're trolling.
The tokens for voting in the directpoll were handed out in RaiderZ to people who actually played the game, so rigging it isn't simple like polltab. You're free to go make a thread for SotS, but these posts are probably just from the guy voting multiple times per round in polltab.
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>music basically non-existent
>Pirates of the Caribbean tune.
>Banjo Kazooie tune.
i prefer dwarven pussy.
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To the person who just voted for secrets of the solstice that server has stability issues, see pic rel, it's literally down right now. You can check their discord and ctrl+f "down" to see for yourself.
This seems like a post from someone that didn't do any Epic dungeons, didn't try doing any of the harder Hellhounds, didn't touch Rescue Mission, didn't touch temple of renas, didn't do any pvp, didn't fight ghost rider, didn't clear twilight garden, couldn't figure out how to properly make a hybrid class, and really just wanted to play final fantasy 14 with their obsession with story and music.
^ he*kin owned
it's on maintenance rn
>even dungeons basically amounted to pulling a bunch of shit and ungabunging it while they are spam cc'd
this is fixed in the level 40 dungeons
you cannot group mobs because they are either immune to your CC of have skills that go against mobbing. Example would be the mages that stun you if you don't focus them (they will not go to the pack), the mages that drop meteors, enemies with pushes like spears or again mages, and the water ball guys.
When does the poll for the final game end, does it continue during the minigame day or does it end when the minigame starts?
What time is the group pic?
Nigger, that's the only server. A month won't change that.
Yeah, I'm saying take it off completely. There's a max population of about 30 and the server goes down very often, if we add another twenty people none of us are going to be able to play. I actually think the game looks fun but everytime we lock ourselves into a game with shit servers we lose people.
Now I want us to crash the server on purpose, but if it really is shit and it wins, we would go to Flyff.
>no strong forceful anon to leash me and make me his personal pocket healslut
why even play
Post your name and I'll do this for you in the next game.
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my name
Give me a clue if you're serious. I'm hard.
I've not seen a single person in any of the 4 games we've played named "hard".
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Nice try, but everyone knows the TRUE BRAIN doesn't spell his name as Brian. IMPOSTOR!
new game when
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Reminder that the minigame poll closes in ~28 minutes! We'll be playing whichever one of these titles wins, once the vote is up: >>1346206
What's the point of a minigame? What if people would rather stay on Raiderz
Then they get publicly hung by the clique
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just be yourself, anon
Brazilian total conversion(no english translation) with full edgy self inserts and furry mythology. Got it.
I knew this would happen.
We've alerted the pedophiles again.

No swearing please.
Unfaithful healsluts don't deserve to be leashed and controlled, they have to solo as punishment.
That's how you get shadow priests.
>publicly hung
god damn the dirty talk is getting worse in these threads.
This person is dangerous, don't meet them in isolated places.
i'll always be faithful to my master and do whatever they tell me to... p-please i don't want to solo... i-ill do a-anything...
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Against the odds, the horsebros have done it. Alicia Online is our minigame for the evening!
If you're brave and bold enough to dabble in Mario Kart: Horse Edition, please head to https://aliciagame.com/ and follow the site's download/installation instructions. It's possible you may have to authorize the download for it to actually start, but in personal testing, the game itself installs and runs just fine.
Fair warning, this /is/ a bit of a tutorial to get through upon creating a character, but it shouldn't take more than ~5-10 minutes. Will make a stater lobby to direct folks towards in just a few minutes. Hope to see (You) there!
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Once you've completed the game's short tutorial (and/or have taken a bit of extra time in customizing your rider/steed), head down to the "GAME" tab, and click "Race" to open the title's room browser.
Lobby name's the same as ever, with the usual password to accompany it, of course.
Will have the room open for a good bit, feel free to swing by. If it's not there, it'll likely be back soon!
I'm not seeing the room. Is it under Magic Single?
Should certainly be.
If it's still not showing up, I'll try remaking the place without a password.
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i hate korea
In chatting with one of the locals, it seems joining a passworded room isn't quite as straightforward as one might expect. Appears password-protected rooms don't appear in the room browser; you'll need to know who to join ahead of time.
Once you're in-game, please toss me (Allegreza) a Friend Request, and I'll be able to invite you to passworded rooms directly. Will be making a temporary Guild soon to unite under, just to make things a good deal easier.
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Once you've tossed me a friend request, I'll add you to the temporary Guild for us in-game.
This will make things far, /far/ easier to stay organized. Be sure to send that request, I'll get'cha sorted out!
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I've been stuck here or get disconnected in the tutorial after naming my horse if it gets past this screen.
>no mod to make your horse's cock flop around when you race
how do you type in say chat
I'll be playing RaiderZ tonight
I want that guild ntor clear
'Eyyy, looks like it's coming together. Private/Passworded lobbies DO appear to work, they're just invite-only for some inexplicable reason.
Definitely make sure to toss me a friend request once you're in-game and settled. Will throw you into the Guild shortly thereafter, which will act as our global chatroom. Should make things significantly easier to orchestrate further lobbies and such afterwards.
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>ice boss appears
>It's ICE to meet you!
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stuck on the launcher using the public account
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Apparently, knowing the Room ID is another way to access lobbies, even if they're not shown in the browser.
For the time being, our current room is ID #13. Search that room number up in the Game browser, and you should (hopefully) be prompted to input a password (which is "rage", of course).
If more than eight Anon are here, one of us will branch-off to create an overfill room when that time comes.
Restarting my PC fixed this and now I can go through the tutorial.
So what did the clique decide we're playing next? I'd rather get that set ahead tonight, ahead of time.
horse cock....
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Looks like you can't invite people to a Guild if they're in an active lobby. Bit inconvenient.
If you're not in the Guild already (and there's quite a good number of you), make sure to pester me about it, and I'll gladly add 'ya when I'm able to do so.
raiderz extended by another week
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Appears we've breached the carrying capacity a single lobby can hold...!
As such, if Room #13 is full or can't be joined, I've started an overfill lobby so you're not just putzing around your Ranch for a game to start. Join on Room #16 if that's the case - same password, naturally.
I can't make the download links to work. I click, a tabs open and closes but nothing happeans
Go incognito mode and copy/paste the link from that into another tab of incognito
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room in 13
I just tried in another browser and worked, seems like Brave really hates horses!
16 is new main room
it's not happening nobody is on
what level do you need for ntor?
Also it'd be better to post this in the raiderz general
ye I'll join. I can't get the client to work again anyways...
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the clique is sabotaging my internet so i'm unable to join. i hope one day someone bring these knaves to justice
i was hybrid at level 11
>you don't understand, the game gets better 200 hours in!!!
lol, lmao even
why can't clikeks do this? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QDrwhLt7yeo
I am on approach, prepare to kiss boys.
sorry i already kissed all the boys in this thread. they are all in my harem
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post horse riders
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You will be stacked, consider your boys kissed.
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Rate my gay tomboy
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This game is too erotic
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Magic Races were pretty neat, very Mario Kart as expected. Now to see what Speed Races are like!
Remember, you're able to join a friend's lobby by right-clicking on their name and selecting "Join" if they're in one. Green icons mean they're at their Ranch, yellow icons mean they're waiting in a lobby, and red ones mean they're actively in a race.
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this guy slings horse girls no problem
These two guys have a secret on a mountain
should be rage
Should just be "rage", as always.
welcome to 4chan :)
It's full...
New main lobby is Room ID#2004. Apparently Speed Races are a lot more common in this title, or the room numbers for them just start out at #2000, one of the two.
Pass is "rage", as ever!
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Made a cute little flag for our horsegirl guild
i feel so excluded
Why are we jews
So we win the race war.

I also put the chaos emeralds on there for added zest. And some rings to represent the riches.
hybrid at 11 isn't hybrid that's 1 point in another tree
you did not learn how to hybrid
absolutely disgusting
thanks for contributing to the death of mmos
i dun get it
yeah, clearly I never put another point in a different skill tree
It was ok but I'm glad it's over.
my crush is playing with horses instead of me...
I plugged in my coffee maker.
Looks like I'm a barista now!

I can turn the key to my car.
Nascar here I come!
You weren't faithful to them, you don't deserve their attention.
Speed Race is really cool, much more skill-based than Magic Race tends to be.
That said, we're trying all game modes here, so now it's time for TEAM Magic Race! Room ID's changed to accommodate that fact; join Room#1005 if you're up for a ride, password is the same as always.
I said this earlier, the host is rigging the vote to be tied so they can make a "random" choice, which will be flyff because it will cause the most chaos.
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ok i will vote, but ill wait to the last second
WTS > vote
should i vote?
Please rigger, rig it for SoS, I don't want to open 10 instances of the game just to play
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which game would my crush vote for...
I just received an email from the president of Mumbai.
It's rigged.
It's always been rigged.
Can I play healer as a straight male?
straight white male healers owe me sex
yes that meme is old and busted
play what is fun nobody cares
Ok, new question.
Can I be a straight healer and get a cute mage boyfriend?
Magic Teams are absolutely cutthroat. Whoever wins claims victory for their entire team, so it's all about trying to screw-over the opposition as hard as possible towards the end. Brutal.
Back to Magic Singles for now. Room's updated, ID #17.
Ntor in raiderz isn't happening it looks like.
1-2 people on max for the past like 12 hours.
What a shame, oh well time for bed.

I should have just played the horse game instead of waiting...
playing sots is just playing a ragnarok online private server, except somehow worse when you think about it
Isn't flyff the same? We already lost with this final.
We should have played shaiya
How long can you put your weight on your knees comfortably?
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The real Alicia Online starts here.
how about we trade votes
i'll vote for flyff and you vote for sots
Horse girls are trained to ride...
Whew! That was pretty neat.
A surprisingly well-made little kart racer this game is, one which boasts undeniable charm and SOVL for days.
Personally think I prefer Speed Racing over Magic Racing, as drafting, boost management, and finding solid racing lines felt pretty skillful, but I do see the appeal in a traditional Mario Kart-style "anything goes" approach (and I believe is the more-popular gamemode among the title's community anyway).
Genuinely never thought I'd get the chance to play Horse Game in [current year], much less with a bunch of Anon from /vm/. Thanks again for giving this silly side-game a shot for a night, lads, this one was something uniquely special. They just don't make wild MMOs like these anymore; an arcade-y horse racing MMO, fully earnest in what it sets out to achieve. Delightful stuff.
You 'lot are more than welcome to carry on after I've hopped off, of course (had to make dinner at some point)!
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If I stay still for a long time, though I have an injury in my left knee-cap
Is best cock
Same goes for horse pussy, nothing else compares
What about uncomfortably?
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Everyone knows that human cock is the best cock. Even mares love it
it's slightly unconfortable
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i can stay on my knees all day too... please... don't leave me... ill do anything for you...
When is the guild pic? Will you do it in Ingen, because I can't access the other places.
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game was more fun than i thought it'd be
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play with me tomorrow
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Raiderz is dead m8
Stop living in the past
Download the next game
when are we starting
we already started bro, we are even nearly done already
Nobody cares about your game.
it's so over for me
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i care, i asked and i wish him well
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Thank you for reminding me, honestly thought I must've posted about it already.

The farewell photo for RaiderZ will take place today, two hours before we begin our next mainline MMO.
If you don't know when that might be, check the link below:

Ingen will indeed be where the photo is taken, although I haven't quite decided on a spot yet. Have a few backdrops in mind, some being easier to reach than others.
Once the photo has been snapped, the Directpoll Finals for the aforementioned mainline MMO (found here: >>1343730) will close, and their results will dictate which title we play next. (Unless Ave does this early for some reason, that side of things is out of my hands).
If you haven't voted yet, make sure to check your mail in RaiderZ for your Directpoll token, and make your voice count.

Two hours after the farewell photo, the new General for the winning title will be made on /vg/, the next Polltab tournament will go live, and we will begin our two-week journey in either Flyff or Secret of the Solstice.
Again, if you're unsure when that might be, check below:

You'll notice things start about an hour sooner than they did previously. This is a minor accommodation for our EU brethren, although still quite late for them indeed. There's really just no winning with timezones.
I'll make an rallying post directing guildies to sign-on for their close-up about half an hour before the photoshoot begins. Hope to see 'ya there!
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Should include this as an addendum:
If the winning title of a Directpoll Final features multiple potential servers to choose from (such as Flyff), a follow-up vote will be held deciding which server we commit ourselves to thereafter. The voice of the people must be heard over such a crucial decision, and will duly receive their time to sway the group accordingly should things come to it.
Obviously this additional step won't be necessary for titles which only have one server to their name, but it's still worth mentioning.
>Two hours after the farewell photo, the new General for the winning title will be made on /vg/
this was suggested earlier but it'd be a good idea to have the threads on /v/ until a guild gets made. even one thread brought a lot of fresh faces for RaiderZ, and I'd like to continue that to keep the project healthy.
another problem is the number of players being too low to do parties and a lot of anons feeling left out. for me I wanted to do a bunch of bosses and dungeons in RaiderZ but we shrimply couldn't coordinate due to low numbers and being in diff timezones. also check out the thread for other activities we can do for final day >>1347531
i shan't be coming
already deleted the game
but you can put this post in the image
Making a thread on /v/ is a good idea but the low numbers is just because raiderz was shit. There are 16 votes in the poll now, I'm sure some people just skipped the game entirely and didn't get a token so call our total numbers 20ish. That's enough for multiple parties to be going at the same time easily, if they like the game enough to stick around.
I'm just joining, do we coordinate roles like healer/tank ahead of time? I'm fine with playing whatever we need but I dislike having to reroll midway through because we don't have enough of something.
RaiderZ was better than RF for me and the retention felt roughly the same, or a bit worse. a bunch of people just stop playing for any reason and that's fine. the anons who stopped due to not having enough people to play around their lvl is a problem that I even experienced. at least more numbers will lesson the drop we always get after the first week
there has never been a lack of either
any alicia bros
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I do agree with the sentiments of making a Bizzare MMOdventure thread on /v/ as well, although I'll have to leave that to someone else who's interested in maintaining it when the time comes.

Apologies for not being on RaiderZ for the past few nights, by the way.
Tuesday is usually when I've been pre-scouting potential servers/conducting research on likely tournament winners, Wed-Thursday tends to be when my late evening shifts hit and keep me out of the action, the Friday before we move MMOs has become Minigame Night and requires my full attention for that day, and I'm often busy with real-life matters for most of Saturday morning/afternoon, which prevents me from easily playing until we're close to showtime for the Guild photo + next title.
Whereas most Anon can freely continue playing the current mainline MMO all the way to the end, I often have to stop about 3-4 days short. Which is a shame, I was wanting to see what Temple of Renas would've been like, would've been a good send-off accomplishment for our time in that title.

Not too often, as we have several Anon who regularly prefer playing tank or healer roles whenever they're available.
That said, more tanks or healers is rarely ever a bad thing, if that's what you like to play. Definitely conduct some research as to whether either role is really needed/desired for the game in question, however. They often are, but aren't always 120% necessary depending on the title.
the guys complaining about not getting groups just got filtered
i looked and one was level 10
one guy was complaining constantly about how he had to kite things and kill them only using his 30s cds on a sorc in Teressa plains
sister everyone is basically autoattacking at the level
everything was trivial to solo up until golem, and then until garden
that isn't to say the combat isn't dogshit once they no longer give you the temporary weapon form drops
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oops, I hope that post didn't come off as singling you out. it was about anons being absent or online at different times that can't be helped. as always appreciate all the hard work you do
>I'll have to leave that to someone else who's interested in maintaining it when the time comes.
I can handle the first thread and include any guides ppl post. the next thread and after should be left to whoever's online, if there's a dupe it's no problem, /v/'s traffic will sort it out. if the guild gets made really quick, I think we can give maybe 2 days of shilling on /v/ until migrating
> I was wanting to see what Temple of Renas would've been like, would've been a good send-off accomplishment for our time in that title.
a couple other and I want to run it, let's hope we get a chance before leaving. let's believe raiderz...
the temp weapons were a neat idea. I really liked the bosses around monastery and riode, after that things got annoying playing as a zerker
what would've been actually a really good idea and cool would be the starting area has those weapons
but the abilities they give you are actually a sample of what would you have at say level 20 or 30
basically letting you try out all of the classes and then when you are done with the area they let you pick your class
RO kinda does this with the training manuals in the novice grounds, but they give you like 1 skill
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come play alicia bros...
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Oh no worries, guess I just felt sort-of guilty about being such a conspicuous no-show for the last 1/4th of RaiderZ's run. Wasn't due to the game itself, I can assure you.
Do sort-of get where that Anon was coming from, although I wouldn't agree the game's combat was bad at all. Bit awkward due to latency sometimes, but an interesting mix of action combat blended with themepark-esque design.

Global had a noticeably slow leveling curve, meaning you'd often have few moves in your arsenal to work with for quite a long while when starting out. I myself didn't feel as if my kit really came online as a Cleric/Sorcerer mix 'til the late 20s upon arriving at Riode for the first time, 30+ hours in.
Not sure if my own experience there was similar to other classes, but if so, I can see why some didn't have the patience to tough it out 'til their class came into its own. An occurrence we will almost certainly see repeated several times over, as we go from title to title.

Would gladly do so, if I didn't have to go to bed soon.
Savor your time in Horse Game, lads. Who knows when you'll get the chance to ride with your bros again?
Might win a future minigame poll again, granted, but we'll probably have a good few titles to go through 'til it gets its chance to shine a second time.
so which private server we play?
no one, the poll is still tied
Posted in the wrong damn thread....

Hot take. Ending one game and swapping to the next on the same day is kind of bull shit.

We should have one day of rest in between, and this is when the minigame should be instead of cannibalizing the main game.
Request denied.
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bread a new horse
i wasn't invited to breed eyelids' horse with him....
Minigames are held while the main game is still active so players have the choice to play either one, especially since the main game is normally pretty dead by the final day.
That said, not having the people to run ntor on the final day is pretty tragic. Hopefully this is just a rare occurrence.
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horse has horse parents
>Wins most races they attend
>Becomes a master breeder in record time
>Equally cute and lewd
How do they keep doing it bros, this anon was built to play this game
wtf compliment me too...
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am not cute and lewd, am modest and respected
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you're as beautiful as the starry night sky
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Alicia was probably just a one-night thing, but for those who might try it out again on their own time, here's a resource on basically everything you'd need to know about the game:
inb4 one of us is max level with a grade 11 horse by the time it's picked again as a minigame
can't we just play this instead of the other games. i feel like both finalists suck
>horse game MMO
>died out
girls love this shit
star stable is still alive
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Please add these games for the next mmo poll
is alicia still going?
yogurting looks cool
I wish uma musume played like alicia
You can't date your horses in Alicia, though.
Someone is rigging it for Flshit
please add Knight Online to the next mmo poll
If anyone still cares RaiderZ is giving everyone VIP this weekend. You will get zen just for being logged in.
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It's in the other list.
I told you guys, he can generate as many tokens as he wants. The previous votes had 12 voters and this is up to 17.

I'm level 42 now, and I need to be 66 plus grind out some money before I can make a guild but I'll post when I'm able. This game is comfy as fuck.
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Newish ms2 private server is popping off, sorry gentlemen may skip this one
this looks like mobileshit, what's the combat like?
Game I want to play wins? Fairly voted for, or if it's rigged who cares?
Game I don't want to play wins? Rigged even if we use tokens handed out in the currently running game to vote for the semi-finals and finals.
Simple as.
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guys...can't we just have fun...?
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I thought /vm/ was a comfy place, but it's plagued by schizos just like any other board.
/cm/ is the chill board, we should move our threads to there.
>look at board list
>go to another board
As easy as that. You're not escaping unhinged retards just because you're on a slow board even if someone in charge finally makes the decision to implement per-thread ID globally.
what private server? I'm interested
Hey I'll be playing this instead of SotS or FlyFF
sorry bros.
next game I'll create many accounts and level them up until the required vote bullshit and rig everything again and there's nothing you guys can do about it
ok brain
I'll merely befriend you and ask you to stop in the name of democratic friendship
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Playing Raiderz in Alicia.
We'll see.
So what happens if there's a tie?
Thanks doc
We have to kiss, sorry I don't make the rules.
The Clique choose the worst game (Flyff)
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What are the timezones for this group? Im CST mainly active from 2p-8p.
It's one big timezone of grind. A grindzone.
Cunny standard time?
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Timezones are pretty scattered, I'm EST
Ah thats cool, just checking to see if this was a EU thing or not.
There's a group of EU guys that play frequently
>There's a group of EU guys
>20 votes
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Well this is a little awkward.
Would appear quite a number of us are attempting to clear the Temple of Renas in RaiderZ before becoming available for the big farewell photo, comprised of some of the most dedicated Anon we saw in that game.
Gave them about an hour from now to knock that place out, so they aren't conspicuously absent from the final 'shot. New RaiderZ Guild photo is now at this time:

Sorry for the minor delay there. The start of our foray into either Flyff or Secret of the Solstice remains accurate to this post: >>1347622
Hope to see (You) all at Ingen about an hour!
When do we stop beating around the bush with this thread and get to the point.
When is the Marathon mode month long Puzzle Pirates event?
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>he's rigging the vote by generating extra tokens again.
>22 votes
>more players than have ever logged on to raiderz.
I won't be able to start on time. It would be nice to know which server options we were going with so I could pre-download the client to both finalists.
He's mad they haven't gangcarried him yet.
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The only Secret of the Solstice private server:
Clockworks Flyff:
Chronicles of Madrigal:
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Retarded frogposter. 32 out of 38 people met the requirements to receive a token, now it's the last day and people that quit halfway through are coming back to vote.
In a bit of a pickle with SotS as the GDrive link doesn't work and MEGA allows up to 5gb downloaded within a certain timeframe (hours 'cooldown' in between) whereas the DL is 5.1gb.
Welp we'll see what happens!
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Someone please put the SoS zip in gofile or something
Uploading to Dropbox now, should be ready in about half an hour.
It's either Flyff or a two week break for me
It's either Secret of the Solstice or a two week break for me
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it's either one or a two week break for me
it's either taiwanese maplestory 2 server or two week break for me
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it's either cock or two cocks for me
Sluts are disgusting, I want my healer religious wife.
I'm good on the project, I think. I just feel excluded all the time.
Better off playing these on my own, y'all have fun, I'm gonna go find Esper and Naka.
s-sorry... i'll try harder... don't leave me...
fags are disgusting
if there's ever a pvp game i will target you
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Now, come to Church with me.
If they can't even host the download links properly what makes you think the servers are going to be able to handle doubling their server pop? If you voted for sots you are trolling, there's not a single acceptable excuse for choosing a server you know will go down constantly.
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Alright lads, I know you've waited long enough (moreso than expected)...!
Fall-in at the location shown here, Ingen at Ch.1, and we'll get this photo 'snapped. And from there, the closure of the polls, potential start of the Flyff server poll (should that one be crowned the winner), and one hell of a hurried batch of thread-making from me not long thereafter.
t.Wants to open 10 instance of the game por buffs
There are people that want to play Solstice and not Flyff, hope you understand now.
>b-b-but the download page
>we will never have a .hack mmo be real
Mabinogi is the closest thing, but still very far off
>he lacks critical information
i couldn't join the close beta, but it seems promising
There is a .hack mmo and its up rn .hack//frägment

of course a german wants an MMO that is a literal MMO simulator
ok when we start playing flyff or whatever? I'm not reading everything
The clique is already playing ahead, if you join now you will only be forced to farm for them
There we be. Bit of a shame nighttime fell as we were getting ready, but them's the breaks.
It's been a pleasure tackling this harsh and unforgiving land with (You), lads. Here's to surviving our next!
And the alt, with an absolute mess of nearly-unreadable nameplates.
players in the back SHAFTED
>The grass blocks you, don't sit there!
>That big fucking bird blocking your face should do, much better

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Here's your winner, will update the directpoll in a moment for server selection.
be fast I don't have all day
It's up, use the voting and results links at >>1343730 with the same token as the semifinals and finals.
azoos poster owes me sex
can u show who all voted?
I'm so fucking done with you people. This project started out really fun but there's always some power hungry fucks that just want to troll and ruin everything. Enjoy playing by yourself, you win.
If you log onto RaiderZ you can see who's at or above level 18. They all received a token for voting.
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Looks like we're going with Clockworks. Main guy can take it from here.
Hold off on the /vg/ thread for a day
This. Let the /v/ thread have a chance.
I'm playing XIV for the time being so I'll have to skip on FlyFF. Have fun all.
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Thank you again for helming this side of things!
We march on Clockworks in ~15 minutes. This may be quite the whirlwind of a ride for those unfamiliar with Flyff, but I'm certain we'll make good memories there once we've gotten our land-legs on those floating islands.

Discussed this just a moment ago in RaiderZ.
As a compromise, I'll include a few guidepost links to the Clockworks server (basically what I would have included in the /vg/ OP) as the 2nd or 3rd post of the upcoming new /vm/ MMOdventure thread, able to be copy/pasted into the /v/ threads easily.
Our /vg/ hub will be made later on tonight, allowing the /v/ threads to breathe for a bit.
I can't believe you
>check clockwork cash shop
>you can buy a bot that afk farms for you
so, the entire economy is going to be off-limits then?
I'm glad ff14 troons aren't playing this one
maybe I'll give this flyff a try
Channel 1?
Here's a rundown on what the classes do on Clockwork.
I was just reading this. I'm leaning toward Slayer, Crackhead next; Mentalist last. Latefag here.
Looks like support billposter is a no-go.
Making this new Edition a bit earlier than usual, since it's pretty silly to continue using a thread which is over a thousand posts long.
Not really, between fights you have no downtime so there's no need for healing there and when you kill packs of mobs you aren't getting hit. Healing is only a thing when fighting a boss and then you want a proper healer, not a hybrid.
The fuck is a bank PIN?
Just gonna play both a ringmaster and a billposter if it's easy to catch up.
Your credit card security code
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/v/ bread is here
I think you can open lobbies in the PS2 games, could make for a fun minigame
Where's mu online? neverwinter nights 1 (not mmo but can be played as one), ultima online?
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play flyff with us
>regular password formatting too long for flyff
I'm going to need to reset it every time, this is stupidly annoying
Not a real MMO.
We could add this online/offline lobby based .hack game for the minigame poll
It has an offline story but we can do dungeons together
nta even if I had all the money in the world I wouldn't play p2w trash
it's pointless to vote on the last round or two when the cheaters started rigging the poll from the first round meaning what's in the semi-finals was up to them

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