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This game is exhausting. Is this what MOBAs are really like?
Sex with Abrams
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Femdom with Geist
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>get carried by the team
Win's a win I guess.
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The black woman of Valve unoriginality.
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>the only post under the "resources" page on the forum is a russian localisation
Jesus fuck
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After spamming Abrams for a few days this is the best build I came up with.
Feel free to own noobs with it anons.
Ability upgrade order?
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>Fighting a 4-5 stack when im trying to play Geist for the first time
>20 minute long stomps now everytime i try a new hero

I thought prior patches addressed MMR/stacking but i guess not. I guess cause i won too many matches as Mcginnis im suddenly expected to play like a god?
gentle maledom with Geist
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Yes, learn to love it
This one's matches don't even last that long comparatively
Ivy has nothing down there
She's a statue
>she's a statue
this means i can carve a pussy down there
That's why you will keep coming back to it.
>game is called deadlock
>no keyed heroes
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She WAS a statue, you mean
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how many anons have submitted hero ideas?
thought of two after napping but they're probably not very good
>return fire
have you actually ever noticed it doing anything
i took it on kelvin for one game and came to the conclusion it doesn't proc from pocket's fucking toxic shit and sold it
It works for bullets you fool, not spirit damage

buy it on seven, use your 3 and reflect while jumping into your ult so people shoot themselves with electric bullets
isnt it both weapon and spirit damage?
How do we deal with the (((Yoshi))) problem...?
hero ideas is cringe and retarded. Half of the posts are garbage OC donut steel with AI slop. It's a containment board.
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Nothing procs off Pocket's toxic shit, it explicitly mentions in its tooltip that it's abnormal damage that doesn't proc anything
It doesn't proc your weapon effects, no, but the return itself is procced by any hit you take
It's great on heroes who have a low magazine gun with high single bullet damage.
Forbidden information ahead: This means Kelvin is one of its best carriers, and shotgun niggers like Abrams are actually some of the worst
What are some good Lash upgrades?
it definitely returns fire and shocks the shit out of people when I build my fork in toaster 7
im wouldn't even draw concept art just throw text ideas for generic look
Holy shit is this real???
you'll want some tankiness
stamina is super useful
spirit of course
anything else is just icing on the cake
I know, I mean like less obvious ones. Obviously armour, burst, is good. But what about mystic slow? Is that useful? What about surge of power?
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Nice try Russian
mystic slow is something i take on a lot of heroes
slowing from basically all abilities is good
lowering enemy vulnerabilities can help compound damage
gank items like slowing hex, curse, knockdown are great
What's the best 6.5K thing for Lash? I always get Leech for him
please purge them aleady
It's the only resource too. Also how do you think Yoshi feels about them spamming his profile with orc babble?
>vindicta player
>tank infernus player
>build every 500 gold item player
>never go to urn player
>non heal/tank dynamo player
>troon roleplayer
>mcginnis doesn't do the slows spam build or ult spam build
>le I will build every class of item instead of building for my hero player
>take all farm to build retarded items player

Literally never win if I get one of these on my team
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how do you humiliate talon pickers?
never won against him today
what a pain in the ass
I'm not sure if it's standard but I Quicksilver reload on 2 everytime . And extra charges
Slowing Hex
warden's jail is basically a free stun/kill on flight
i was having fun with jer though...
>>build every 500 gold item player
I love doing this
Im usually top of my team :)
There are people who dont buy tier 1s and immediately go for glass cannon or echo shard or some shit and die instantly
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>just played a game with another anon
>got utterly destroyed on lane by some Haze, every time we left cover we instantly got hit with a dozen headshots
>check his profile
>russian with a VAC ban
>obviously cheating again
>complain to Yoshi
>pic related
love Valve so fucking much, its unreal
based ivan slayer
good work, crabot
you and testytesty huh
so what is the game like anons? i don't have a key, watching gameplay only goes so far. I used to play a ton of LoL and obviously i am familiar with FPSes.
if you're used to LoL, a lot of lane phase/team fighting will carry over naturally. closest I can think of is TF2 with extensive movement ability and LoL/dota builds
post your steam retardbro, ill invite you
i was gonna invite you, but then you said that ur a leaguetranny
that's nice of you anon, thanks.
that's fair
thirs person shooter dota
There's a lot of high mmr league players in this playtest and they enjoy it. Give it a try.
i played against an haze like that before
hope it's the same guy
ya mobas have supernatural highs but also super lows

i like the game but i hate the mentality i get into when a teammate goes 0 for 14
What was the region change command? Something like citadel_region...
type region in console
the console autocompletes
>i like the game but i hate the mentality i get into when a teammate goes 0 for 14
This will unironically kill the game, I stopped playing mobas and Overwatch because the idea that no matter how good Iam it doesnt matter because people who cant get with the program will bring you down. leaves your mentally fucked.
could someone please invite me. Been wanting to try this

Is it true this game has autoaim?
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i guess not then
see >>681249293
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i was in the dota beta, my last game i was playing mid i went 18 and 3 as blood seekers, most kills , best k/d and xp per min and lost

that made me quit the game
what was the profiles name
I don't know why you idiots even bother trying to find something in their profiles to complain about, you just know someone is going to invite them anyway even if it's the most cancerous sharty /t/v/eddit profile you've ever seen.
Let it go, the comfy times are over.
nice try, leaf
cos it makes (You) seethe
Give me the new Ivy and paradox lewds
I fought a vindicta that was landing every single bullet and melting my HP i should have sent the match ID to yoshi

So many matches i get now i peek out for a second and im almost dead
download the replay and share it on discord if you think shes cheating, its pretty obvious when you watch it
I see constant threads over here and A LOT of people in many different discords talking about the game (mostly dota players trying out deadlock), and it feels like it has a very high retention rate because the only complains I hear are about balancing but nothing when it comes to broken/bad core gameplay.

What are the chances that this game ends up like artifact?
nah hes( >>681250728 )right.
i got invited pretty quick, but someone felt it their duty to reply saying my account was a throwaway (with over 2k hours in one game).
...this guy is also right
>ai generated frog pfp
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>Lose 4 matches in a row
>2 of them against a stack of people i already fought
>One of them was 15 fucking minutes

The game has gotten to that point already huh
dude you have 10k more souls than them you can stop jungling now
nice try, leaf
Did anyone just get a mass disconnect? Like all my teammates and half of the enemy left in the same second (they joined back). Server problem?
>AI slop frog
hey 15 minutes lost is a lot better than an hour
>mutt servers
Couldnt be me
i was solo lane all the way to the right, team mate comes over i think to help, just eats my jungle and leaves

check his lane, it's completely abandoned and almost to the shrine

hes 10 k over any one on the other team and 15 over any teammate

we lose a shrine

game last an hour

we win but i hate every god damn minute.
So the point of Abrams as far as I can tell is to be the tankiest motherfucker around. Thanks to passive restoring 20% of all damage taken and further improving survivability the more you upgrade the passive. He can take advantage of his health pool with slows, stuns, melee, and berserker item granting tons of damage to his shotgun. Your job is to die hard and rip apart anyone standing close to you. Your weakness is long range spammers like talon. Never fight solo against a talon in early game laning phase. You will always feed. Until you can afford the almighty slowing hex. Also try to not be predictable with melee spam.

Abilities: 3 > 1 > 2 > 4
Passive instantly makes you 20% tankier. Helps a lot with enemy harassing you early game. Next is 1 because it is another free healing source. Rest is 2 followed by 4 obviously.

Upgrade order: 3 > 1 > 4 > 3 > 2 > 4 > 3 > 2 > 2 > 1 > 1 > 4
The idea is to upgrade passive as soon as possible. But it may be smarter to upgrade others so they have lower cooldown as well. Abrams needs all mobility he can get. After maxing out passive you want to max 2, allowing you to deal more damage after hitting some hero with it. After this I don't think it matters what you upgrade between 1 and 4.

Early game: Avoid solo laning against talon at all costs! You need to wait until you can buy Slowing Hex before daring to solo lane talon. Healing rite and close quarters are generally your first picks. Providing solid increase to damage and heals at a cheap price. If you reached 1200 without buying items consider slowing hex. Healing rite can be skipped if enemy hero is noob. Make sure to get the melee lifesteal and spirit strike too as well as melee charge. These are well stated items that happen to improve melee as well. Melee upgrades are very good against npcs. Melee charge is really interesting considering it basically gives infinite ammo against npcs. You can easily farm creeps with it using healing rite and bullet lifesteal...
I'm making one right now, it's pretty much finished, just gotta stop being lazy and finish up the drawings
Mid game: Keep upgrading your defense as needed. Try to get Berserker and lifestrike. Lifestrike allows your melee to significantly slow enemy heroes. Hopefully giving enough time to shotgun them to death after they foolishly trigger your berserker item by trying to burst you down. If you are lacking green slots destroy your healing rite. Do not buy debuff remover unless you have a good reason. Try to buy point blank last. Torment pulse gets low priority too. While spirit damage to nearby heroes is nice it is so tiny compared to your melee and gun. It is just a filler bonus health you can get from a spirit slot. Knockdown is all around good counter to common cancer heroes like seven. It also gives bonus stamina.

Late game: Colossus as soon as you can afford it. You can consider saving money to buy it earlier as well, if you think you can get away with buying it at late mid game. Do not try selling a green item to make space unless it is healing rite. When all your slots are maxed at super late game 2 green items will be missing from the suggested items list. Healing rite the first of course. Second is either return fire or debuff remover. But those super late games don't last very long considering respawns take over 60 seconds so the moment a team kills half the other team game is pretty much over.
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Yeah you get it, They need to either give people the ability to leave freely in casual games with no punishment and let people backfill and gain levels and gold in a way to balance it out. its honestly the second worst thing about games like this is that you cant leave when theres people obviously being retarded and sometimes its on purpose.
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Don't trust /v/ propaganda
Yamato is actually broken
zero, this game is already great. core mechanics are amazing, and if its best to get into this now.
>and if its best to get into this now.

how the FUCK do I get into it, last thing I heard you need to be friends with sonmeone on steam for 10 years to get an invite from them.
they rescinded that recently, you just need to be friends now I think
>This will unironically kill the game
Ah yeah, like all the "dead" mobas nowadays, you braindead retard
is the Ivy archive updated?
>What are the chances that this game ends up like artifact?

For starters, its made by icefrog, not by some clueless boomer who has never touched a video game in his life and got all the money in the world to create his dream autismo experience, like artifact
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Would someone kindly invite me?
>Yamato is actually broken
In the same sense, my cellphone from 2004 is broken, yes... being DOGSHIT
>throwaway account
What makes you think that?
oh just a hunch
>Melee battle
>Both Parry
>Both Spam crouch
>Both go our separate ways
Rare wholesome Kino
>minor fall
>body shatters into a hundred different chunks
>stronger towers
>mega creeps
Simple as

Dont @ me
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Why do you use terms that you dont know the meaning of...?
seamonkey means South East Asian not south american you fake racist.
>south america
kek, go back you braindead newfag retard
post yours pussy
you are not white
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Nothing but seethe
Neither of the americas is white, retard
you NEED to go back
man, im so curious how artifact went down behind closed doors. did everyone just give up when the MtG guy just ran off? why'd they let a non-valve employee head a project anyway?
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Trying too hard, newfag.
>ran off
I thought he was fired
>Sea monkey
Your geography is more embarrassing than anything you've posted. Certified mutt post.
>enclave avatar
>south american
I thought I was being personally being called out kek scared the shit outta me
Icefrog's paracock....
Ivy has a hairy pussy and butthole
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Shes just like me fr
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>why should I care where brown countries are or which is which
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you need a steam account 20 years old and friends with someone for atleast 15 years , have every valve game, have over 200 games and atleast 25 work shop items and 30 reviews
I wonder if anyone actually fits that criteria
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No one invited me. Its over.
implying icefraud doesn't browse these threads you FUCKING RETARD FUCKING NERF MCGINNIS YOU WATERY TOAD FUCK
Yoshi already browses these threads anon
has he actually ever confirmed that or is that just supposition on your part
I'm not in but I'd be hesitant of adding someone with only one friend
I used to have zero friends but i know the guy in real life so it feels weird to delete him from my list now.
People have mentioned things here and they’ve been adjusted quickly in the next patch, like when we talked about how busted Haze’s old T2 smoke bomb was.
We don’t invite burner accounts sweaty
How do you know he's sweating?
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Damn you got me, i created this account 3 years ago, put 1600 hours into tf2, and 900 on path of exile for the sole purpose of getting into Deadlocked. And i would have gotten away too if it wasn't for these meddling kids.
I can smell it
>>stronger towers
>>mega creeps
there was someone here in one of the deadlock threads a few days ago saying something to the effect of "maybe your feedback will be listened to if it's real feedback and not schizo rambles". honestly, that really could have been him lol
what's the september date supposed to mean?
Wait what?
There are people cheating already?
It's a closed fucking alpha with like 3k people
what the fucks wrong with Russians holy shit?
they can't into vidya
This is someone that was begging for an invite a few days ago, so you faggots did this yourselves.
Haze players are the biggest bitches in this game. Its the Riki of Deadlock
Announcement + open beta during TI

Finally, I don't get to play the same sweaty fucks for the rest of the year
i'd say they have a lot of art passes to do before then
most npcs getting in would immediately complain about muh graphics
i think the biggest reason we don't get any new heroes is because they aren't going to release any more of them with their shitty alpha art and everything is going to be a in more finalized state on release
Any australians looking to play post steam Id and I will add.
I want to experience this game with ideal ping sooner rather than later
How're you supposed to build Pocket? His kit feels pretty good to me for the most part but I just cannot get value out of his ultimate and I don't know if I should be stacking spirit power
How do you actually get to play this game? Is it only through invites? I missed the boat on when it dropped. Is it better than CS2
yea i can't recall the details of shiv too closely but i have noticed he has quite a few small details like shimmering shiny materialwork on his shirt collar
and no obvious disconnected arms from torso like other characters
I wouldnt be against fort and some minor walker buffs

Fuck buybacks tho
People can invite their steam friends, so you need to post your steam and ask for an invite.
Honestly, I'm kinda impressed with the number of heroes so far. I feel like 19 heroes for an alpha is already a lot. Don't most hero shooters have a lot less on launch?
I see, thanks. How many people did they roll out the initial wave of invites to?
Also can someone spot a nigga an invite?
>He fell for the ''post your steam'' humiliation ritual
Bro no one gives a shit unless you're some underaged ESL from South America.
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Some kind gentleman invited me yay!
sent :)

>trailer plays in front of huge dota audience
>wooo yay
>ends with "sign up now for closed beta, summer 2025"
>valve from childhood
>halflife in the 90s
>thousands of hours in dota 2
>thousands of hours in steamvr and alyx
>no deadlock invite
nice cool thanks gabe
post profile retard
>banned before the game's even out
i wonder if it's permanent
>Yammy's faggot strike does 500+ damage 20 minutes in
I hate these retards. If their character isn't the most powerful in every way they cry like little niggerbabies. Same shit with Genji in Overwatch.
why? to placate your useless curiosity?
That is when the Racoon City incidents started.
>implying people give as much of a shit about Mobas in the gaming sphere 2024.
Maybe dead was the wrong word but I do know that generally alot of people know what mobas are and what you do in them and many have grown a disdain for them. Generally though outside of their little hugbox Mobas and their players are not looked too kindly at especially professionally were everything feels so manufactured.
So why are accounts with VAC bans even allowed into the playtest? This should be an immediate denial.
Game looks like shit
If I had to give it a reason, I'd imagine valve willingly wants some cheaters just so they have something to work on their anti cheat with.
Better do it now than on launch.
>I couldn't get in
boo hoo
Huh? It genuinely looks terrible.
havent played game? opinion is worthless
Nah, this one's a pass for me. Looks like shit. I have no idea why retards are playing it.
>replying to a sour grape zoomer namefag
big mistake
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>Lose a game where I had 30+ kills
because it's fun :)
didnt even see the namefag. You're right my bad
>sour grapes
why would I even care about some game that looks like fortnite. Smite 2 is going to be 100 times better. Deadlock looks fucking TERRIBLE. You people are stupid.
It's not just mobas though. CS and Valorant also have really toxic communities.
Hi Stewart!
What's so fun about it? It looks like another cookie cutter MOBA clone. It looks bland and boring. I don't see why anyone would choose to play it instead of another game.
My guy, when you have smite pros talking about moving straight to deadlock while shitting on Smite 2, that says a lot about smite 2.
>listening to pros
I don't care what a bunch if pencil-necked virgins think. I watched videos of this game. It looks like shit.
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we got another one
If you use filters
filters out any namefag.
>get an ivy teammate
>another ivy teammate
ivys are so fucking useless holy shit

what's the reason for revoked access? cheating?
>early access niggerism
another reason not to play this game that looks like shit
name a decently large gaming community that isnt toxic.

Maybe only city builders and mostly single player titles have helpful communities, even if they start off decent PvE games devolve into metafags and cancer too.
Aside cheating is there any other reason they could revoke your access? Griefing?
imagine being this afraid of the internet? The lack of grass (and pussy) is what does this to people.
probably not, i get the same guy afking/dcing in a lot of my games, i'm assuming its just for cheating atm
Excessive toxicity and abusing bugs
Anybody with a cool ass revolver in this game? Been hankering for an FPS with cool revolvers. Love me some revolvers. Like actual cool ones, not like the one that McCree has.
being a rusky
Geist and Holliday
Yeah but aside cheating is there any other reason?
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Nice, Ill have to look into it then. Thanks Anon.
Leaking game footage
>dude you should engage with attention seeking retards because...

one of the reasons 4chan works (to an extent) as it does is because of the anonymity
namefags are all scum. simple as
I am pretty sure the dude you replied is the namefag who took it off to avoid the filter lol
Any HL leaks in the code?
How does one go about getting a key to this game? Is it invite only atm, or is there a site you can apply for one?
I made one very recently, i hope ppl will like it.
Invite only currently. They invited some OW/Apex/Whatever players who then invited their friends and it spread from there. You have to get invited, they may have signups at a later date.
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Sorry white boys, smoking some doobies.hookin with Bepop.
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You can get an invite by posting your profile. Plenty of people in here have been invited.
who'd you steal access from?
Give the Steam account back, Jamal.
does the profile have to be public, or can it be private?
you must post your public profile for assessment by your peers
Public :)
every aspect of the gameplay feels satisfying to me idk, i'm not here to sell you on it, why are you here
>I don't see why anyone would choose to play it instead of another game.
Do you read what you type? Just read it back too yourself
A big part of it is the valve personality and charm, which the game absolutely has for the characters that are more on the finished side. The dialogue lines that characters have for one another can be great, as can the shopkeepers individual lines for the heroes. The game itself is fun and feels relatively unique in the space. Still is pretty rough thanks to being a legitimate alpha.
you're not supposed to touch the screen jamal, it makes it dirty
Post match ID
Until I see it's high mmr this post might as well not exist, I literally went on a 20 winstreak on haze pre buff
>1st time laning against talon
>his 2 is a long ranged very accurate shotgun, and oh he flies i guess
>his 1 is an accurate hitscan poke that works like paradox's 3

how to win against talon = just shove all your creeps in his lane, contest his denies and he has to decide if he wants to cs, poke u or lose his lane desu, his bow's fire rate means he can't shoot some of the floaty orbs so ye goodluck harassing me bitch

talon is a worse paradox on lane but if you shut him down early on he's just a flying frog
>talon is a worse paradox on lane
I don't know why you fuckers are posting massive statements like these when you're probably on your first 20ish hours.
Talon is a bullshit laner but he sucks lategame. He shouldn't be spamming fly at first, he should be spamming traps and his snipe, especially after he gets extra charge + mystic burst. He is so fucking annoying, and then the fly comes in after he has already been sniping you off CD.
she literally is (at least for me), laning with paradox is aids incarnate and im at my 60th hour desu, will this play time carry over to beta?

i mean he couldnt really hit me with traps even if he wanted to cause of the creeps but ye he's still annoying af in lane. also the talon was playing weapon dmg,not spirit bursty type, he didnt even get the 500 extra charge item desu.
Then he had no idea what he was doing. Even if you're gonna go into weapon damage Talon you want the extra charge item and probably mystic burst. It is extremely strong on his snipe for most of the game.
richard garfield has good ideas for card games but no idea how to run a business/make said game profitable. He just assumed you could run artifact as a digital card game like he did magic 30 years ago and it would be fine. Additionally games were guaranteed to be 45 minutes. Nobody is going to spend 50 bucks to enter a digital card game where you can't even resell the cards, so it was DOA.
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Now Sent ;) me
Sent! ;)
>girls exists in this like OW and Valorant

very based
Do NOT invite him
This is a notorious avatarfag from /vg/
Inviting him will doom the /v/ threads and he will do nothing but avatarfag with his shitty manga pages
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Braiding my cute wife's hair
only played with one real girl who fed as bebop, and the other "girl" was a tranny using a "sexy girl" voice modulator
The only '''''''''''woman''''''''''' I played with was an american tranny trying to sound like a girl with his disgusting nasal voice when I had to play on NA because EU servers are not up.
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>carrying nails on your belt
What is she, some sort of handyman?
I was not aware that Ravi denotes an avatarfag.
why is lash carrying around sausages?
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Absolutely Mystic reverb. Nothing comes even close since the the gimmick to reverb is it does 40% of the damage of the ability to all targets hit in an aoe around them. So diving people with your 1 after wrapping them up with your 4 means you can wipe the whole enemy team since they're all on top of each other.
>niggas dont run lash with punching shit
>unload an entire mag into your enemy then punch them to reload for free.
>Majestic leap if you fuck up or are too far to latch.

Niggas so simple to figure out all he needs is run speed so he can fuck off when focused.
For the love of God kys. You russian dogs are ruining the game
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I just had a lash on my last game 1v3 with equal souls.
Seems balanced to me.
>play grey talon
>get rekt by lash in a solo lane
>contribute not much during game except capping urn when safe, split pushing and owling the fuck out of already won/lost teamfights
>get carried and win

Spirits soar like eagle, enemy die out like the buffalo

(grey talon needs pow wow drum and chanting during ult)
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I just chose the longest named place I could find, Anons. I'm from the US.
Abrams also has a hand cannon revolver that shoots shotgun shells. I think you’d like that
Suuuuuuure, Ivan
>I’m not a third worlder, I’m just being ironic
That ogre sniper lady from Dragonfall is cool. So is Glory. Good game.
Damn straight Anon. Good taste.
I want to braid her pubic hair haha
its kinda crazy how Deadlocks characters BTFO Overwatch in terms of how fun they are to play.
I never played overwatch before so I actually looked up the kits out of curiosity and I was gobsmacked how fucking boring they were
I was an overwatch fag for a bit but what’s really insane is how bad the characters are personalitywise. I’ve only been playing Deadlock a month and it’s unfinished but the characters have so much charm. The overwatch characters, even the ones I mained and liked, are just so toothless and flat. Lash talking to himself about bebop is way more interesting than the snooze fest that is the preround dialogue in overwatch?
I don't understand everyone sleeping on my Lady G she's big pimpin with the grenade build
DESU I can kinda see what Valve is going for in this game, the depth of the characters come from the items you buy which alter the way you play your character, I know paladins does something like this and its good it keeps each individual character unique and fun to keep playing but honestly maybe the thing that should change is the removal of the speed based items like boots and shit and let everyone just have a sprint so they can duck and slide freely,

>TFW Speed Paradox coming to snipe you with three at high speeds
Bitch runs at 17 Kmh when charged holy shit.
fuck holding down a buton to sprint
>how to counter wraith
reactive barrier
reflective armor and I feel like wraith would delete himself
so what happens when you and an enemy both activate return fire? does the reflected damage keep going back and forth?
Overwatch character prelude dialogue:
>now now lets all have fun XD and enjoy some HECKIN WHOLESOME (childish shit)

(hamster ball and junkrat were ok i guess)
Who got model/animation updates?
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>54 mins match
>constantly getting burned by fire nigger
How do I counter this?
spirit resist
Debuff Reducer
Should've done that but I was too busy building full damage to run down on Vindicta and Paradox.
The problem was his burn damage was so severe that the fountain failed to heal me.
metal skin
That probably means he had Healbane and Toxic Bullets, for which either Debuff Reducer or Unstoppable would be your best bet anyway
Return Fire doesn't work as good as you'd think it would
you can apply all the dot bullshit through skin
t. infernus enjoyer
>debuff reducer vs infernus
Do they know?
>get matched with chinese players
why are they so fucking bad holy shit, worse than russians iswtg
shasha is good tho
he's black (I dont like blacks)
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>he thinks he knows
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disgusting creature
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HOLY FUCK bros look what Yamato has been hiding.
oh damn
yum ASS ho
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Be nicer you fucking fag
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>dies 6 times in lane
>just ziplines into the same lane over and over and dies on respawn
>ignore me when I ask him to at least go to another lane so I can splitpush
>goes 0/14
>when we finally get a comeback fight, he drops kelvin ult on the rejuv, walling half of our teammates out and 3 of them INSIDE the rejuv, allowing them to get it for free

And his autistic little fucking butt buddies start calling me "toxic" for pointing out that he's griefing and asking him to stop.
And this was supposed to be a "high mmr" game that had like 6 spectators, why the fuck is this allowed
Miku is so lucky...
so laning best buddies (and potential ships) are
>mcg + bebop (aggresive push + hook)
>paradox + talon (how 2 win this)
>vindicta + seven (cc and kill)
>kelvin + lady g (bomberman)
those are stakes
she throws a stake down to pin someone in an area
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shipping myself with ivy
>60% wr today
>"You know what let's do one more to push it to almost 70% wr"
>proceed to get the absolute worst games known to man
>last game went over by 1 minute
second worst feel.
couldve had 3 mins to spare and the guy doesnt load. worst feel
so, new heroes fucking WHEN???
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How do i farm better, win or lose I'm usually middle/last but i feel like I'm having impact but not carrying
Playing in the high mmr bracket and my "carries" are like 5-10k souls on me
do i just need a jungling route guide or should i just leave the camps to the other guys
But if you call that out you get banned what a joke
why is Yamato's head so fucking
it's distracting
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Buen trabajo :)
Well played!
Sometimes the stomps are really bad, like there's not one redeeming player in the team.
gimme a good reason to ever pick vindicta when talon exists...?
Watch a replay of good players and how they route.
But the gist of it is
>Clear lane wave
>go clear the nearest jungle camp or two
>use your spells and make sure they hit multiple targets, you dont have mana dont be cheap, items are fine to use too.
>go back to clear lane wave
>always destroy crates and urns for souls and buffs
>on your way back to base there are 2 medium camps in the corner of the map that are often worth snagging if capable
>When moving between lanes always grab jungle camps on the way
You'll start memorizing jungle camps and the efficient ones and their locations with time, personally I never bother with red camps alone because they take forever and arent worth the time.
Vindicta snowballs and auto wins several lane combos allowing said snowball
Vindicta snowballs harder if you use assassinate properly
literally generating infinite souls from nothing
both heroes are dogshit with 0 impact 90% of the games
>"Thanks for the feedback" - Yoshi
>only received likes

Valve are never going to hire me as ideas guy are they?
>personally I never bother with red camps alone because they take forever and arent worth the time
Huge fuck up, level 3 camps are insane value and several heroes can solo them relatively quickly at 6kish souls.
Mcginnis can delete one with like 4k souls using ult
What's with her ult?
I hit their model, it doesn't register.
I miss their model, it does register.
speaking of neutrals. do they have heads for headshots?
How do they interact with items that give headshot bonus?
hey yoshi, delete mcginnis, thank you :)))))

why is this braindead fucking hero in the game???
I had a feeling that might be the case, sadly some heroes just dont have the abilities to clear them fast and efficiently enough to be worth it.
oh thats easy
because slacks is griefing with her by intentionally not engaging with the enemy at all and hitting buildings and actively lamenting him getting kills in the discord because he's aiming to end the game with 0/0/x scorelines
It's over
But thats the issue.
You can literally do 0 player dmg whole game with her and still win, just tard afk push PvE for 30 mins.
Its way worse than prime rat furion in dota back in the days
yea it'll stay like that because slacks likes it
played a game with slacks mcginnis earlier he was 2/0/16 and we ended in 15 mins lel
next patch, as confirmed by yoshi
Sorry bro hes gotta do it for the content ;)
I really hope they fix the schedule for when we can play, what is even the point of blocking off so many hours of the day?
I work from 9pm to 5am, I get completely fucked
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People say McGinnis is good for ratting, but what do you do when someone like Haze starts hunting you?
I thought I had it bad
I get home from work at midnight central as a security not-guard
Pop metal skin and/or warp stone
You can go anywhere you want
Just die, switch the lane and continue pushing
the essence of ratting is pushing both outer lanes so when that happens your team should be killing the other lane
>want to enjoy the game
>only get an unstable 40~fps mid-late game because my cpu/gpu is too shit to handle the game without optimizations
I cant wait till the game gets proper optimizations so I can fully enjoy the game and stop seething at missing some skillshots.
just put everything on the lowest settings, game still doesnt even have graphics mostly lmao, it looks more or less the same as on high
Can someone who is able to invite people add me and invite me in 30 days? If you're interested post steam id and ill add you
invites are almost instant now, retardbro
>If you're interested post steam id and ill add you
you are the one who wants in, you are supposed to post your steam
>matchmaking is over for today
>I guess I'll play the tutorial or smth
>turns out you need to fucking shoot soul orbs
>you can slide out of a run, but run just doesn't work
>If you're interested post steam id and ill add you
I don't deserve the honor of inviting you sir!!!
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If i post my steamid will you invite me?I want to play it so bad
>If i post my steamid will you invite me?
fair enough, I didn't expect to be invited desu
ill invite you, as long as you dont have meme frog/wojak or weebshit avatar
Give me a good reason you deserve to play and ill invite.

Failing that post bussy
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>friend asks for invite
>doesn't play the game
I stopped playing League and DotA and my quality of life increased tenfold. Am I gonna degenerate if I play this new ASSFAGGOT?
of course
post steam profile
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>Am I gonna degenerate if I play this new ASSFAGGOT?
Only if you let yourself.
Just post your fucking steamid you sperg
I'm a well off salary man with a family and a social life. I squeeze in one or two rounds of deadlock in-between my workouts and cooking dinner for my family. Things are only as destructive in life as you let them be.
as a long time dotard, this doesnt feel that bad, games end pretty quick and you dont seethe that much that you wasted an hour+ just for some retard to throw at the very last minute.
also no ranked yet, so you dont get caught in that tard grind mindset.
Reminds me of the dota2 beta, before they added mmr, just people having fun
Deadlock? More like Leglock'd by Vindicta
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What hero should I try out next?
>Love Seven
>Love Ivy
>Like Bebop
>Like Hazel but can't aim well enough to properly play her
post it and we will see if you are fit to be invited
you like meme hereos, so lash
WTF is the art team doing? Update this fucking shit already
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playing with AI video
results are disappointing to say the least
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Not that Anon but if you got a spare invite I'll take it
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Brave of her to walk with such hand holdable hand and such a kissable snoot
yeah, theyre not thinking
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can you just post the regular vn slides
these are harmful to my eyes
Is this game similar at all to SMITE? I like SMITE.
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your wife is free souls for the enemy team
pictured: my wife
Not when I play her, frend.
It all started because their Wraith decided to tower dive me.
what do you mean, looks great
I'd love an invite and complimentary roast
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>tfw you have a quarry to settle
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Built for Abrams.
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>tfw no quarry to settle
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Your wife is low IQ and from New York
Don't you feel ashamed at all?
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she saved Spanish Harlem bro she's a hero
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>port over all Dota heroes and give the melee characters a gun

Who works, who doesn't?
I think mirana would be dare I say, fun.
Cmon, man, it's just for singleplayer games, read the description for the group.. I just want TO PLAY SOME DEADLOCK!!
>pick abrams
>game puts you in a lane against sniper
>auto loss
really need some form of lane pick phase
I think Invoker would be pretty cool.
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he's already in
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>Techies on a map that is 80% small alleyways
Is she low IQ? She just seems a bit set in stone and unemployable.
I hope they actually try to think outside the box and don't just do dota style maps.
With full 3D you can do a lot more interesting map design.
yesterday I was in lane on Abrams and Krill vs Vindi and Talon, it was so fucking funny and frustrating
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She COULD have a job as support if people would pick her and give her one.
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>Pick Seven
>Get put in lane against Vindicta / Grey Talon
>Automatically lose lane
Pango definitely
if he doesn't make it in i'll become the new Artifact spammer
>Pangolier rolling in 3d space
Muh dick
All illusion heroes would break the gane
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Anyone willing to invite a valve slop enjoyer?
sent :)
Bro they're just colors. Just fucking leave and swap with someone else. Do you also let the game pick all your items? Are you stupid?
we need your steam account autist kun, not just email
definitely meepo
what's wrong don't have the cognitive processing to shoot 5 guns?
>have to tab through all of them at light speed just to keep up
free carpal tunnel
You'd obviously have five simultaneous screencasts that are all controlled with the exact same inputs.
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how is that any different from just having one character if they're all controlled with the "exact same inputs?"
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>play normal do nothing toxic
>ennemy player insults you when he wins
>anon's surprised to find out that other people have damaged egos
>got an invite a month ago
>only played 2 bot matches
Feels good man
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why does haze's sleep dagger trigger burst fire?
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>he doesn't know
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Cuddling with Ivy
because you haven't reported it on the forums yet
>Ivy used her vines to bring you in for a tighter hug
Hallucinate we got you son we know you're a 4channer we're gunna get you now
lol I didn't make that post but I did make a forum post about it for them
I wish I had a dedicated Ivy main gf(male)
How am I just hearing about this game now? How close is it to release?
If there's still invites going around
like a year
it's in not even in beta yet, still 'closed Alpha', so it could potentially be a year or more. It was previously a project called Neon Prime, a futuristic scifi game, which was scrapped in favor of a more 1920s steampunk magic aesthetic
Kissing Ivy
Ingratiating Ivy
Succubusing Ivy
In bed with Ivy
Make love with Ivy
i'm spamming Ivy today, wish me luck sisters
wtf im maining this hero asap
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>try to play EU
>everyone leaves the millisecond something goes wrong
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elaborate on that
i planned to seriously design a shitty invoker with a gun after "getting" how this game plays
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>pick abrams
ugh, deadtards...???
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>>try to play EU
>>everyone leaves the millisecond something goes wrong
I figured begging with email was still a thing
How are you supposed to build Infernus?
Shoot fast, be fast, stun people so you can magdump them with your pimp hand. Use things like healbane/toxic bullets/ricochet to delete lifebars. Start your ult from 4 blocks away and be on top of the man you want to explode. Farm every single jungle camp on the map by 4250 souls.
if you're like me who can't aim for shit either do ricochet + quicksilver m1 infernus or the singed/2 fire trail infernus that doesnt really m1 as much but just spreads dots (very fun) in and out kinda guy.

notable items for him are infuser (op 500 item for him) soul shredding bullets and mystic vuln desu.
bit hard to invite you if you dont accept the request, you know...
his best build is getting the gun of abandon
let me guess, you bought melee items?
it's a "mcginnis takes walker and double towers in the first 5 mins" episode

>quicksilver m1 infernus or the singed/2 fire trail infernus that doesnt really m1 as much but just spreads dots
This is objectively wrong. you should be building burst fire and using the oil slick to ramp your damage. Then you just pop out and poke from afar to maintain max stacks. The oil slick lasts until the dot wears off completely but doens't amplify the dot if you do it after you've put it on them.
is abrams really only just the designated melee retard character or can he actually do anything else?
Just shoot the turrets. They're worth a shitload of money and not particularly strong. Anytime she throws those fuckers down just two tap them with heavy melee or burst them down with your gun. Or better yet, use half the casts aoe move to kill them in one cast. Ivy/penumbra/seven/bebop/geist all eat turrets for fucking breakfast. Use your souls advantage to just walk over her in lane when the turrets are down. She doesn't really have an escape and wall isn't scary if you're right on top of her. All she can do is shoot you which you should be able to deal with since her gun is garbage unless you hold still and let her spin it up on you.
why wouldnt i
gaahdahm. mah fugin dig
>>681284603 >>681293639
where are people pulling this content from?
this and all the unreleased heroes. just data mining?
>walk up to turret nest on spirit mcginnis with mystic slow

uh huh
I hate AI being fed only indiaslop for animation so everything is either tweened or already used interpolation. And standard practice being having all the learning data being 144p is fucking shit too.
He is actually tank first. Melee items just happen to give good overall stats, heal, debuff, reload on melee hit and Abrams wants to stay close to enemy to tank and deal damage so it fits him perfectly.
This build here >>681245068 should give you an idea.
mele damage falls of later on, so you should build around your shotgun too, it hits like a truck
melee typically falls off, but i've noticed it's really great for smacking around people trying to hyper carry with no vitality, usually wraith, vindicta, talon, etc
pretty sure that's where you're wrong bucko, melee damage isn't bullet damage so bullet resist doesn't work for it, right? You can stack bullet and spirit resist to the moon but he's still going to heavy punch you for 300 or more with his 10 stacks of berserk and 2500 health
thats why im asking because id rather be able to actually do something with his shotgun than just go around pressing q like a retard
bullet shield soaks up melee damage
Bro your warp stone/ fleet foot? Are you telling me you buy no movement items???
>he considers fleet foot and warp stone core movement items

it was in the files of an earlier build, I believe valve removed it later
The close range and berserker items makes his damage go through the roof and he is the best tank. Plus reflect + colossus combo to make enemy kill themselves by shooting you. Buy slowing hex + knockdown to rape snipers, seven etc. Charge melee to reload instantly with heavy melee, also slowing the fuck out of enemy for shotgunning their faces. It all comes up together.
ricochet + toxic bullets + spirit lifesteal + rapid charge and quicksilver on the 1 is funny
on teamfights you just click on creeps and cripple the entire enemy team
perfect for shitters like you (and me)
newbie here, but i was wondering, are boots mandatory on every hero in this, like in dota..?
can confirm this build is fun, shitter here
ricochet is just a fun item, i wish it made sense on more heroes
Having offsprings with Ivy

Yoshi we know you're lurking if you're not in Church with your family, care you weigh in on the matter?
it was a patch change from a few weeks ago
the entire Lady Geist experimental visual novel/story is on youtube
what boots?
there are a few boots items in the game pretty sure, one gives you passive move speed if you arent getting attacked, the other is active, i think theres another one too, but as i said im still pretty new to the game
how is a differing playstyle objectively wrong u retard?

>doens't amplify the dot if you do it after you've put it on them.
i just tested and it literally bumped the afterburner damage (and refreshed it) are u high?
its not that you shouldn't but you are playing against people who don't even know parry exist so yeah no shit you get fed
theoretically melee is something that you should use when enemy can't really parry(as in they are sunned, can't run away, etc.)
the moment people start actually getting used to it and using parry abrams is going to be an F tier hero

I played against 2 abrams players so far that were seething because they couldn't just run me down and melee me to death
there is no such concept as "boots item" in this game
those are just items that give some stats and among them there is movement speed
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You get multiple of these every single match on EU servers. Russians are a fucking nightmare.
melee is still viable in mid/late game in chaotic teamfights, most people are too overwhelmed to parry on reaction I find, and parry cooldown can be suicidal in those situations as well.
I pick up the extra stamina on almost all, that extra dodge is just valuable as fuck and it combos into improved stamina later for a second air dash

the extra movespeed (Sprint I think it's called) I only pick up on heroes that I really need to close the gap on like bebop or warden/abrams
>build every 500 gold item player
Low mmr shitter detected
500 gold items are insanely high value
>le I will build every class of item instead of building for my hero player
Item categories arent like that you smooth brained lolbab.
There are orange items that are good for tank/soul builds and there are purple items for gun/tank buils etc. Imagine not buying hex vs vindicta/talon etc ''cuz it's purple!''
I seriously leveled up and made the game so much easier for myself when I started to buy more 500 cost items than you would initially think is appropriate

I'm not saying max out all slots but, 2-3 more than you would think you want
my first dozen games were terrible cos i had no idea how to build my hero, used to buy 1 or 2 500 items and try to save for the expensive ones and i sucked dicks. when i started getting like 5-6 of them my games improved drastically, its so easy to start snowballing in this game and you need strong start for that
what stops me from buying CD items for every hero?
lack of souls
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I still want into it but I don't know how
don't know any anons who have it on steam
>getting shit on in medium bot match
am i ngmi? i do well against the bots, but my bot teammates are just folding in all the other lanes
Do monster rounds give bonus dmg to jungle creeps or just lane creeps
all npcs
post steam
get invited
it's that shrimple
pretty sure it even works on turrets

bots cheat and get free souls
building a hex against this team as bepop was the funniest shit ever
i feel this game doesn't need zoom in
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anyone willing to post some media on unreleased heroes n stuff
unreleased as in not made available to the playtest currently
let me guess, you play counterstrike?
Where did tf2schizo go? I miss him
I don't, and he probably crawled back to /tf2g/ now that Valve is mass banning the bot hosters
depends on the character
>nu-neo-nu-/v/ is spamming generals for this new 3rd person mobaslop that's not even out of alpha yet

Grim. Hope everyone here dies painful deaths
stay out of match making, I'll say that much
check the archive there's been vids
I just realized you can heal the patreon...
delete this
When are they gonna extend the matchmaking times? They should start earlier desu
you can pretty much play all day long, with like 2-3 hours downtime during weekdays
it doesn't and it's a waste of a valuable keybind in a game with some real button bloat
i have melee on mouse2
>play on 200 ping with a bunch of ruskies
i got like 100 hours in it and i've been playing monster hunter last 2 months
during laning stage zooming puts you at a disadvantage: you need one eye on creeps in order to know who to focus on, what needs to be shot so you can last hit as much as you can, and the other eye on lane opponents so you don't get ambushed, take too much damage and punish their recklessness
the game is more about ammo management and positioning than aiming during this stage
anything after that is all about proper skill usage, farming routes, pushing, ganking
no use case for aiming whatsoever
damage fall off makes sure that anything beyond 40~ meters disappears into the ether
you fucking WOT

are you saying I can heal all the NPCS? this changes things a little
Amm... Isn't this just a skeleton of slark?

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