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Behead all Bebop players
I still haven't gotten in to this fucking game. At this point I've lost hope.
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Sex with Abrams
Why would you want to have sex with another man? Are you gay??
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Can he work with a gun?
>he's not in
just post your steam, retard, someone will invite you
>wants a an invite
>Too pussy to ask for one
Stay a loser
Reddit's game of the year
post the character console commands
selecthero hero_astro - Holiday - Cowgirl themed hero
selecthero hero_viscous - Viscous - Slime based support hero
selecthero hero_wrecker - Wrecker - Robot cannibal hero
selecthero hero_Mirage - Mirage - sand hero
selecthero hero_shiv - Shiv - Knife based self healing hero

selecthero hero_rutger
selecthero hero_Kali
selecthero hero_Thumper
selecthero hero_Slork
selecthero hero_gunslinger
selecthero hero_bomber
selecthero hero_yakuza
selecthero hero_tokamak
selecthero hero_cadence
You forgot nano/calico.
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Pretty sure the entire EU server is treated as low-trust at this point because I get disconnecters or afk vatniggs every single game now.
Also Calico can't be spawned in with selecthero, you have to use citadel_create_unit hero_nano and then take control with the alt menu.
This game is fun I can imagine getting fucking shit on in a actual pub match
aka you're laning against mcginnis
what's the command to get to the regular map in sandbox
russians ruin everything they touch +1
map street_test
why would we invite randoms instead of people who actually know how to play dota 2
140 hours already bored
>match starts
>snow mongrel instantly starts talking
>he's the worst player on our team
uh oh, is it more like Dota than a third person shooter? Damn.
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you think the big man actually reads these things or is he just liking everything that looks like it was slightly thought about
Btw don't expect a Deadlock trailer at The Internationals. It will get booed by Dotards. Its will be marketing suicide
The game is like 6 months away from being shown and that's a best case scenario where the internal version has a ton more work.
>lash player on your team goes 1-14, never hops in the air once for his ult
>next game lash on enemy team goes 42-2
>dynamo on your team doesn't use his ultimate once in a 30 minute game
>dynamo on their team scores a 5 man black hole with refresher
>talon on your team 0-5 at 5 minutes
>talon on their team 5-0 at 4 minutes
>ivy on your team 'oh shit we have an ivy?' 'yeah i've been delivering the urns :3' at 30 minutes
>ivy on their team literally stronger than a fully kitted Abrams shitting all over your front line

uhhhh deadtards????
>Robot cannibal
so... how does that even work...?
welcome to ASSFAGGOTS
nah, im almost certain they will introduce it with a 6v6 "all stars" game with dota pros, just like they do the dota all star game every year
he reads them, he or someone on the team even reads the community heroes too
>he didn’t like my feedback on haze’s hair
It’s over Hazebros, the bun is staying
no it's probably already been changed but this is a gameplay test so they arent updating hero visuals
Ivy lewds now!
Ivy hairy pussy
Ivy hairy butthole
I am once again requesting a key. I am in desperate need of gargoyle wife.
>He thinks he can pass the humiliation ritual
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I will at the very least attempt it.
I'll do it for her.
>this is a gameplay test so they arent updating hero visuals
They explicitly ask for art and visual feedback too, it's not just gameplay.
Granted the real build probably looks way better.
Trying to pass as an ivyfag so that the low iq ivyfags think that you are one of them.
very smart.
I had thought holliday was pretty much done, but after messing with it it's pretty apparent her 3 needs some tuning. I feel like it should have faster acceleration or something.

Shiv feels very much complete, so hopefully he'll be first wave. Calico also seems complete but I don't how to feel about her ult, it feels like a placeholder ability
the other valve devs also check in on those, so I'm assuming that's more of a collaborative effort. yoshi is the only dev that (or is allowed to?) interacts via likes or thanks as far as I can tell
you seem like a giga-zoomer, nope
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Im sorry Anon, its already too late for me
Its terminal. I love Ivy.
kys, cringy mongrel
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nah, there's a thread in the bug reports where a valve dev is pretty gratefully thanking some guy for his work finding a bunch of graphical glitches and mesh issues
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>he puts his real name and location out as public information
Cmon now man
check your invites
I should have clarified I meant private feedback forums, I've noticed GregC, MortenP, and PhilCo (who once did a cool interview for interlopers) in the regular forums. Occasionally the Valve account will thank someone for bug reporting. Or I could be wrong there too, but I haven't heard of any reports of the other devs besides Yoshi in those
why does ivy talk about urn running when you level 4 I thought you can't use abilities when holding the urn
Yoshi is basically the community manager for these kind of things, he reads everything and whatever is not complete garbage (which is gonna happen a lot) is forwarded to the proper teams in the project.
What they might find useful probably gets a reply, like or asks for more.
she's stupid idk
You used to.
Everything you see and hear is gonna be changed, remember that.
Like the old Yamato ult where every single character has lines of "YOU CAN'T HURT HER, RUN AWAY, SHE'S INVULNERABLE"
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>anon adds me to friends
>asks for e-mail
>"sent ;^)"
>still can't hop on deadlock
Its over
it will take a few hours

while you wait you can learn to play dota
You can if you use them like a second whilst charging the urn-carry. You can use Mo & Krill's burrow ability whilst carrying an urn for example.
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Man, game reminded me how frustrating it is when you're literally the only person keeping the game alive and one teamfight is enough to lose
>check community heroes forum
>it's darius from LoL
>check other hero concept
>it's another LoL style hero based on stacking

its thrid person shooter dota
its 3rd day
im 6k mmr in dota
charging the urn carry silences you, maybe before you get on it at all. I died yesterday in a game because of this, trying to fight on a bridge and got silenced by it baka
How the fuck isn't bepop nerfed jesus fucking christ
just don't get grabbed bro, respect the sightlines
>>it's another LoL style hero based on stacking
What the fuck does this even mean, stacking power?
Since when is stacking for late game a lol design?
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I wish I could have games that were that close lmao.
ah so you're still learning the ropes that's okay laddie we were all there at somepoint
It's not even about the grab, thenigger fucking defeats abrams in melee despite no melee-specific upgrades (besides close quarters/spirit strike)
You can charge carrying an urn for approximately 1.5 seconds or something before you are silenced, so you can cast a movement ability on urn before you are silenced.
there's a lot of things you can do to stop the combo, debuff remover completely negates it
>Revolver of the Stolen Queen: increases head damage from a revolver +35
Level 1 ability: if a shot hits the head, its damage will not decrease due to distance (the effect lasts up to 35 meters)
2nd level of ability: when hit in the head, Nori receives 1 stack of the royal brooch, each stack lasts 4 seconds in turn, when receiving 3 stacks they are reset and a sky ball appears above the place where the enemy stood, if Nori shoots at the ball, the rollback of her 4 abilities is reduced by 15 seconds and the enemy slows down by 15% for 5 seconds, the ball levitates in the sky for up to 3 seconds and then explodes
Ability level 3: if Nori kills an enemy player while he was wearing at least 1 stack of the royal brooch, she receives +300 souls

>stacking for late game

that's not what I'm talking about, read the ability description
90% of LEague heroes have a "Hit enemy hero 3 times to do something special" mechanic.
In fact, literally their newest hero has this mechanic.
Riot are creatively bankrupt.
Monkey king passive?
PA new passive?

Saying that one hero having a stacking mechanic is instantly league is retarded, it will happen.
I do agree the ability is convoluted as hell though.
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I lost 4 matches yesterday and won 1 match

All of which were 20 minutes or less

Send help
I did specify "LoL style" stacking, which is notorious for being convoluted. old style LoL would be Jax, which follows dota conventions (third strike you get some simple bonus)
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On the one hand, I'm getting bored of lash, on the other hand, I keep winning as him

What do I do?
keep winning until you get into matches where it isn't so easy to win

also I just select the entire roster these days, this is the alpha testing no need to sweat for mmr
McGinnis can just play TI3 furion, huh?
how do you expect someone to invite you if you dont post your steam, retardbro..?
Are there any resources for finding good builds for all characters, outside of the game's official discord? Items, leveling up spells, etc.
I'm never sure what to build on Yamato and Paradox, or what strategy to have.
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Damn. Just like my last 10 games in a row! Please fucking kill me.
aight I'm e-begging
please brother give me access I beg

The community builds in the game have some good builds
>until you get into matches where it isn't so easy to win
He's playing lash this will never happen
>2 Jester profile awards
yea.. no
I'm korean wut
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from my buds
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This is my first moba and i'm having fun. Are mobas actually fun or is Deadlock just good?
>tranny flag getting removed in real time on yoshi's latest game broadcast
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30 minutes until i get laned against a paradox/bebop combo again and abandon my lane to do something else
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anon came through. thank you brother
Just stay in your lane and cs from distant pussy. You can't aim?
Paradox even with nerfs still has better lane control than most of the cast just cause of carbine

Then you get slowed by the carbine and the bebop grabs you
theyve been doing it for the past week, seems like theres some based chud janny in the discord now, kek
>cs from distant
bebop has an insta fuck you beam and paradox is a sniper + has grenades
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Same! Its nice to see Anons helping each other. Does the heart good.
I hope this is some random you were hoping to get made fun of because holy shit
bebop beam can't reach across the field

you're not wrong about the carbine/hook combo though, shoulda drafted someone with grenades sweetie
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>have a great laning phase
>some subhuman nigger feeds wraith or some other retardproof hero and we lose
i fucking hate mobas so much its unreal
So you cant play until they open servers for the day
>have a great early game
>some retard rages and leaves over a few early deaths
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>vatniggers in your game
>suddenly the match quality plummets
also if this guy is here you're a faggot for thinking russhits are actual people
they open in like 10 minutes, a lot of people just swap back and forth between the EU server and the NA servers though the EU servers are filled with people who don't speak english and I wish this was the worst of the problems with the EU servers
Bebop's lazer is literally instant and hitscan if you hold down the aim button so even if you want to hang back and deny creep souls by taking potshots you probably wont
you dont even know how much i wish for normal tdm or objective based shooters that arent cod to come back. all this pseudo competetive dogshit is aids.
i fucking hate dota 2.
key pls
lash has no eyes
>hates dota 2
>wants to play dota 3
what did he mean by this?
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>Everybody says build kelvin for his ice beam cause its good and got buffed to be even better
>I feel like im whittling the enemy away

I get it, they get disarmed if you beam them enough but i thought the damage was the big appeal of ice beam? How do you fucking kill anybody with kelvin? You NEED to land headshots? Melee them after ice beam?
Icebeam is fun but meme, basically a pseudo support. Gun or ice bomb.
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Attack speed Vindicta is pretty nutty
I fuck him his ult all the time too by doming myself with 2 people instead of 1v1 and get shredded
holiday is boring as hell what are you all smoking. Needs rework.
Ult is okay. You separate two people from the fight and if you are tanky slippery enough can survive, but yeah, always felt like it was a chrono like Dota Void, but nah, i can say that Kelvin one of the most closest to support hero from the game
shame she is garbage otherwise. or rather theres a few broken and retarded heroes that completely demolish her if she isnt fed.
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I've tried league and dots and didn't like either. Deadlock is just fun
I just had a game where the enemy team got literally 0 kills. I think I would uninstall if I got buttraped like that. Brutal
>after weeks finally got a verbal "thanks for the feedback" from Master Yoshi
How do I learn the items in this game it kind of reminds me of MVM shop in TF2 but it looks like previous pieces of something build into a full item?
I like doing beam Kelvin, but you have to itemize perfectly and not be behind farm.
I go T3 beam, T2 nade, then T2 ult for specifically healing and securing rejuv. After that put points wherever you want to.
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mmm. Kinda torn about that one. I like to think of her as the old school Dota late game hard carry where essentially you're kinda piss poor early game until you get your 1.2K item (essentially sniper, decentish early game killing potential, late game you're scary). Also the ult is a sure way to just always have a way to bounce back with a guaranteed 1K souls per kill
>piss poor early game
literally just go ivy vindicta duo and win your lane off tether bombs
what items help make beam feel better to use
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>5 minutes queue already
>change name to gun
>this pleases gun very much
How do I tell what my mmr thingy is?
I won the last 6 games and I still get into games with retards.
Matchmaking times are significantly longer now.
Duration, Cd, Vulnerability, free choice.
You'll only really notice if your match has spectators or you're playing with people you've seen in featured matches.
Retards are everywhere though.
smoothbrain take, I wish for a perfect 6v6 with everyone who knows what they're doing as much or better than I do
The issue is that the pool for high mmr is way too big.
You have the same 40ish guys that always perform relatively well and then like 100 extra retards on that same player pool that perform like complete dogshit.
Yesterday all my games had 3-9 spectators and I STILL had people going 0/15/1 with 8k souls 20 minutes in.

This is made worse by high mmr being able to queue with complete newfags that haven't played a game yet which really fucks everything up.
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>Match with like 10 spectators
>The grey talon has no 500 items and no gun items at all

Ah so this is the legendary high MMR i hear about
i think the recommended watch tab is just games with high amounts of spectators regardless of mmr
deadlock is more a overwatch clone than a regular moba which is why its full of retired overwatch players
Deadlock feels closer to Smite than Overwatch, tbqh
Once saw a mcginnis buy echo shard and warp stone and proceeded to get 0 kills so im glad 10+ people watched that happen to them
>deadlock is more a overwatch clone
In my HUMBLE opinion:
Reach is most important to keep yourself safe and for chasing
Duration is nice, but you want it to do more damage so I say go vulnerability instead
Cooldown is nice but it's not really needed; in a fight you usually won't ever see yourself using it twice
If I'm doing beam Kelvin reach and movement speed are key for my build. The health item that gives some movement speed and lowers slows on you makes your ice path beam chasing that much more efficient.
>it's a shitty abrams player goes crazy on your retarded team because nobody buys CC (besides you or no matter how much you ask them) or knows how to parry episode

kelvin feels the most feast or famine to me (i dont play haze or yamato)

If I get a decent start I generally max grenade asap for the waveclear. I've never felt like a killing machine on him though. the disarm is nice but it doesnt feel like enough damage and players dashing out of range is frustrating as fuck. Ult is difficult to use so I end up just using it to heal for a continued push, obvious rejuv protect or catch out someone trying to dive in and out.
4 recommended games are always the games with the highest cumulative mmr.
Do note that there's usually 1 more game full of spectators which is full with the OW pros and have beens.
We just played this match and the guy who left was an amerimutt lmao
>I like to think of her as the old school Dota late game hard carry
she gets progressively worse the longer the game takes
>smoothbrain take
no i dont have moba brainrot
idk man seen some pretty dogshit plays in those (((highest mmr))) games
Does she really? It feels to me that I could just delete Haze and other similar "carry" type heroes in seconds. Unless they were just worse players than me?
yeah and what is smite?
smite gives no shit about aiming upwards.
she does. you either get fed and just outpace the other teams items or are behind in items and get shat on. she is also ridiculously easy to shut down since she doesnt have a real escape tool and most of the retard friendly heroes have at least some kind of a disable.
you are fucking retarded if you think this game is anything like overwatch other than the fact that you are shooting guns
this is an assfaggots trough and trough
>tell myself don't go to their retarded play because it will end badly
>go to it anyway because of peer pressure and fear of getting flamed
>it was a retarded play and ends badly
>happens like 5 more times
I would have to hear this straight from yoshis mouth to believe that
I tune in sometimes and and will see the dumbest fucking shit imaginable
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>its another "game is a 40+ minute slog because teams have 5 snowniggers each" episode
chain feeding is way easier in this than dota for some reason. Splitting a lane instead and waiting for a reset in a better location with more numbers is usually the right call.
Even players like hydration still go 1/9 in some games.
Doesn't man everyone in high mmr will play flawlessly and this goes for every game, doubly so in a new game.
dont know if this is your first assfaggots but thats genuinely the barrier you have to break trough at some point while climbing, you have to fight against the instinct to help those retards and do something thats actually productive and will not put enemy even more ahead
When i watch people play infernus they either go all in on afterburn or all in on naruto run

Why is that
>be pretty good at shooters
>first game after dicking around with bots/sandbox
>go 38-2
easy game
hope your mom gets cancer, faggot
So I can see this threads have absolutely nothing of value lmao. I'll stick to just playing and enjoying myself and not bothering trying to discuss it with subhumans.
2 max is higher peaks but requires committing your hero and your down time is 9s with max cdr
3 max is low committal and almost as much damage but your downtime is only your reload
both work with different builds
but Im not talking about having a bad game, Im talking about people doing dumb shit as if it was the first time they've played the game
So basically now 3 with melee recharge is what you wanna buy
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>I'll stick to just playing and enjoying myself and not bothering trying to discuss it with subhumans.
>Im talking about people doing dumb shit as if it was the first time they've played the game
Here's a fucked up thing; if you queue with a completely new player as a high mmr player it will only give you a warning in red saying the match quality will be horrible.
That's it.
That new player is sent to play with people that have played the game for 200ish hours.
I can tell you're a third worlder
who are the tanky/initiator characters for whom shooting skill is not that important? abrams seems obvious, and lash
Mo and Krill, Dynamo.
>>Behead all Deadlock players
Literally, every single one of you needs to kill yourself, STAT
>Just played a game where the enemy team was absolute dogshit skill wise but got all the hero luck by getting all the aoe/push heroes so they just constantly split pushed and backdoored till they won cause they could just mindlessly spam their no-cost spells and demolish lanes

The fact people take this game seriously is actually a joke, any game where a team can go 12-42 and still win is objectively bad, the lack of a mana system and not being able to actually pick your character is going to fucking demolish any chance of this game taking off, Artifact 2.0
I always see dynamos do a lot of damage with their gun though
You don't HAVE to

You can build dynamo with weapon damage and/or melee, or you can go full utility.
Doesn't matter because the ult wins games by itself.
Sounds great. I really like Lash but he seems a bit less tanky and retardproof. Think I'll focus on Dynamo, i like that ult.
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he used the correct pronoun
>this game is bad because you can play as a team and lose if they did badly!

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>Doesn't matter because the ult wins games by itself.
As god intended
Heroes in roster: 19
time to feed
Except Dynamo ult is fucking retarded and covers a completely new axis, with reach items it literally covers an entire lane + double jump height.
Also refresher is very easy to get and Dynamo himself has 2 other ultimate level abilities.
>feel like the only reason i can stay ahead of some laning phases is because i've memorized the kits of most of the heroes in the roster
how do moba players do this with hundreds of characters
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I wonder if there will be some excluive skin for players who are playing the game before launch now.
99% of the cast of heroes only have 4 abilities. It's really not that hard to remember.
How do I stop ganged by multiple people?
This seems to be my biggest skill issue right now.
grind thousands of games, literally.
i personally find it fun to constantly learn new things about heroes i thought i understood, even if its frustrating knowing if i knew that before i would have done better
althought that can also be a good thing, makes it feel like im constantly improving by expanding my knowledge, same goes for items theres already about 100 of those
Use your ears, if you don't see them in the map, assume they are going after you.
minimap awareness
can you put it on the left yet btw, i fucking hate the right map
pay attention to the map and only extend beyond your base alone when you can see most of the enemies are elsewhere or youre super fed
if youre doing it to farm, before wandering away from your towers doublecheck if theres any enemy creep waves closer to your base, those are safer
or you can just loosely follow around the most fed person on your team and hope theyre cooperative to help you if youre attacked
>purge vids in left ear
>bible in right ear
>dota on main monitor
>subway surfer on 2nd monitor
develop gamesense
ask yourself:
>would i gank me right now?
if yes: run
>Add a special item for the closed beta players at the release please)) preferably tradeable)
I hope it's untradable so these slav fucks trying to cash in and pay their month's rent with it get fucked
They werent playing as a team, learn to read dipshit
How do you counter Abrams?
Kill yourself
Kite and dont get close.
I'm gonna kill myself if the devs actually add a character from the fucking "hero idea" slop page.
toxic bullets
pocket 4
dont worry, its just a glorified fan-art section
items were added because its incredibly simple to add those compared to heroes, the fan heroes is only there to stop people from trying to make those kinds of posts in the actual game design subforums
please i only have two more weeks until im no longer unemployed

>its easy you just have to learn 496 abilities
>the 80~ items
>the 124 aghs sceptres and shards
>all the passives and facets
>and all of their cooldowns interactions and quirks with eachother

and then you can start to enjoy the game :)

and then when they eventually patch things and you have all this knowledge that doesn't apply but you think it does and then learn that you've been doing it wrong for years because that skill hasn't pierced spell immunity for years now
>People sweat in a beta where hero select is literal RNG
This playerbase is gonna be even worse than LoL's
if you're super pro:
>would I gank me right now
if yes: I'll just farm one more wave, i'm sure to get away with it :^)
if you're Lady G
>would i gank me right now?
>bait them into walking into ult and dying
>sometimes teammates play badly

>Enemy team always has the 20 killstreak Wraith
>You have the 0 kills Wraith
>your team gets the 0 14 3 Infernus
>their team gets the 0 7 5 Infernus

It is very rare i see a decent Infernus. Worse than vindicta as a magnet for new bad players. Like just run away nigga.
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That level 40 2023 winter sale badge is wild.
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>yamato in my team
Can i ban heroes already?
1. do headshots do any extra damage? if so does it count on creeps and guardians as well?
2. is spirit damage what comes from basically all skills? if not, how do i tell what type of damage something does?
>PLaying Tank
>Get Wraith ulted
> Then get Lash ulted
>Then slept by Haze
>Team :O
Ok...this is getting ridiculous
Yes. Yes.
Yes, altho almost all skills interact with spirit in some sort of way.
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>only 1am GMT
>only 4 players in queue
Christ. How much of EU is russian?
thanks anon
sounds like a job for reactive barrier!
>how do i tell what type of damage something does?
if the damage numbers that pop up are purple, its spirit damage
90% easily
Throw me an invite anons please my buddy and I wanna try :^)

>ivy on their team literally stronger than a fully kitted Abrams shitting all over your front line
that is literally me
it's just deadlock i tried lol and dota and it's miserable
or maybe it's just that since the game is too new (a literal alpha test) then the usual assfaggot nigger breed hasn't fully flourished yet
it's another "retard carried by lash thinks he's good at the game" episode
>First match i play is like 25 minutes tops and we win
>Next match our bebop and wraith are feeding a geist who has 20 kills
>Also nobody buys decay or healbane for abrahms and he always lives

There is no MMR
>it's another abrams that don't want to initiate
>90% of players still don't know how to parry
Free wins for Abram chads.
>get bodied in lane
>team ganks and dives and makes my life a lot easier

Sometimes infernus' and hazes are alllright
>it's another "bebop misses 90% of his hooks" episode
moe and krillin is busted in 1v1s lmao :D
until after the 30 minute mark and he quickly becomes useless alone
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Just invite me bros. I swear I'll be good bros. I just want to play with Gabe's newest toy bros.

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How the fuck do you play with Mcginnis? Just pure spirit power?
>Sweet Baby Inc detected
>seven with chinese accent calls us AFK because he dies in a 1v1
>provoke him by pointing out his shit ulting that hit no one
>tells me to kill myself etc etc.
>report for toxicity
Enjoy your ban, Chang
why do you fags always have the shittest fucking avatars
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gargoyle gf
>sits on 4k hp
not my problem bro
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Did they fix matchmaking? I've had some excellent games today.
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>20 kill geist
sorry about that brother, i was briefly a dota "pro" and also was consistently top 500 in overwatch so im taking to this game well i'm only a few games in but im rolling people so hopefully i get to my proper skill bracket soon
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Why does Wraith just get a "I win the 1v1 now" button? It's also a "lol get ganked" attack too
they recently changed it to be hero-specific mmr, so maybe the change took a few days to calculate, could be that
christ get a life
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The black woman of Valve unoriginality.
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Because I suck dick.
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for me it's the other way around
>do well in lane (solo)
>dual lane next to me eats shit and both players go to my lane and i get triple ganeked
press ethereal shift
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Show off and post your match history's
>Britbong chud
Added. Anything to reduce the russian precentage
bro yoshi is gonna get you
new community hero kino posted

Ability 4 (ultimate): Prism!
The ultimate of Prism would be to become a prism and "escape the heat". For an observer, the character would stretch both her hands straight up in the air and get a beam of light right into her, which is her "channeling the ultimate". When she's done channeling the beam, a fast "smoke bomb" with glass chards goes off. When the smoke clears out, there would be decoys of her dancing ballet, line dancing, or doing some other "decoy" stuff; these decoys can be targeted by minions, in which case they can take up to 2 hits from the minions before shattering, and these decoys would slowly be changing colors across the spectrum of the rainbow.

From the players perspective, the beam would function like an invisible grappling hook, making the character invisible and pulling the character towards the closest availible line for 3 seconds (can be cancelled mid-way) to get away from the heat. If the character touches an availible line, the ultimate is cancelled and they are automatically attached to the line. The character would also be changing colors the same way their decoys are changing colors, for around 15 seconds. This gives the player an "exit" from a bad spot. This ability has a very long cooldown.

> Fully upraded ability also makes prisms of nearby friendlies in a small radius. However, the beam is channeled on them slower so they can cancel the pull if they don't want to go. In this case.
not getting b& today, sorry
>community hero
Not reading
SCULPTED for ugly bastard talon cock
>it's another dynamo ult idea episode
wew I just got carried by the overwatch pros
>he can recognise "overwatch pros"
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The Russian's don't know what's about to hit them.
The Ghost of Deadlock just flew over my house
I googled their names since they were talking
you most certainly did not do something so autistic and boring
I'm sorry anon
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Only if you are Russian.
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Any match 15 minutes or less gives me body pain, people like matches ending instantly with no fucking mid game? 30-35 minutes is ideal.
i prefer 20-25

Win a big teamfight, get mid boss, win game. Simple as.
Shotguns feel too underwhelming in this game for some reason.
15 minutes is a literal stomp and 40 minutes is like "ok neither team is capitalizing"

Both are bad

future yamato otp
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Why does Lash have a can of peas and a link of sausages on his belt? Is he a bum or something?

Kek do you think Lash is actually a homeless ex-boxer with delusions of granduer?
Man's gotta eat
nation of origin?
what does rejuv do again?
whats a good self cast button to use?middle mouse sucks
reduce respawn time by 75%
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How do you build pocket?
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Please anons my legs are okay
Thanks for the advice, Brazillian from sharty here. Next time I ask for an invite I'll change the country in my Steam profile and swap away my basedjak avatar.
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>get shit on for 20 mins
>build full grenade geist
>win anyways because they can't push and one grenade every 5 seconds takes half their hp

It just keeps happening
I honestly prefer gun geist
Anyone got an invite? Could use a break from dota https://steamcommunity.com/id/ok123letsdothis/
I probably would as well if I didn't had 110 ping because no east coast servers.
But throwing a grenade and seeing the health bar of their entire team disappear is too much dopamine.
>Lost 5 games
>Vindicta+Talon on my team
Fuck this game
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>paradox still a lane rapist but actually falls off now instead of shitting on the entire game

good work icefrog
no, it was me

post lady G build fellow connoisseur
Rip, fixed.
What is the point of raping lanes if all of the dangerous lategame enemies are all long-ranged? Nobody cares if an Abrams can't farm, but a Seven will farm either way.
>now only 99% private
map control, flex options, gold/soul snowballing. if abrams and sevens get big despite early lane rape, then that means your team couldn't capitalize on the snowball
I mean that's how all mobas work. The annoying thing is when you have tank niggers farming camps even though the souls aren't good on them
You are very correct. I was a bomb Geist and then they set up EU servers and all of a sudden I can kill anyone in my field of view as gun geist. When I tried playing Gun Geist with 160ping I got buttraped
Think this will be playable on the steam deck? For sure it will have a native Linux build (right?…) but wondering how well it will do on the handheld that isn’t super fast
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Been playing Dota 2 since beta in 2012, KotL main since ~2014, can I get an invite? Can send a spare copy of 7 Days to Die in exchange if desired. /id/108
How do you open the console and open your stats?
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>Had first match after like 70 hours where people on both teams ragequit despite being 20 minutes in

Took a long time
Why faggots private their Steam profiles like they catched a few rape jokes? Only women are allowed to private
Nobody likes
Nobody cares ''taste in games''
Nobody wants to be your friend.
>Kotl main
I can feel the sweat from here. Post steam profile retard
How the game is already infested with russians?
How are you supposed to build and play Pocket?
Make sure you have -dev in your launch options
Access the debugger with F6 in game. Then do it like this vid.
For your stats in general.
It produces mustard gas. Don't do this anons.
Got one from a kind anon thanks bros
hybrid weapon and spirit damage
mobility = survivability on him because of his FREE teleport and FREE invincibility
Thank you ano-

Mirgage share the same animations and gun, they aren't actually very far along
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Which hero has the smallest dick? Is it Pocket?
pockets packin
Ivy has the smallest penis
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Thanks lads
you clearly care, and a lot
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it's cold, okay?
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i do i become a ivyGOD?
my soul gets ripped to shred whenever i get to hear my Marble Princess' death squeal
>he's queueing for another 40 minute round of the game he only plays because all the flashy lights and sounds distract him from his weary soul
the only way out is through, anon!
When is general release? 2025?
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Fuck you
Fuck this thread
Fuck Valve
Fuck Deadlock
Fuck anyone who supports Deadlock
If you support Deadlock/Valve you are a bootlicking nigger
Fix TF2
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Buy more tanky items so you don't die
In my 200 hours so far I've never seen an Ivy player and go "wow they're good". There's no skill expression for that character
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>Play someone who isnt Mcginnis for once
>We get our shit kicked in cause our carries are worse than their lane pushers

A yamato with 16 kills and a paradox with 20 while we have a bunch of 1/10s
>supports Deadlock
Nigga it's free. Poorfag mentality & a Tf2fag.
Wait, is it out already?
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That's because you and everyone else are ungrateful niggers who don't appreciate it when your health bar goes up instead of down
I saw a single one that was a monster but the rest of her team got their shit kicked in so it didn't amount to much. They stacked regen but I don't remember the rest of their build.
Pushing feels like it could be better. I've only ever seen one game where a team made a comeback from losing shrines.
yeah, it's called "I have life steal"
Shitbull had it coming.
>a week later
>tf2 is still fixed
wew, I feel better about the russian deadlock cheater problem now
More like Deadgame
the game fucking sucks, the art style fucking sucks, the characters especially fucking suck. I'm convinced this isn't even a valve game and these threads are not organic at all.
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Announcer keeps mentioning something being delivered. Am I missing something? Also I wonder if their ever going to fix the AI bots getting trapped on the environments.
There's two urns that fall from the sky onto the bridges between the outer and inner lanes that can be taken to the center of the map for team-wide soul rewards
Snuggling with Ivy
Deep hot breaths as she sleeps
Waking up with very shallow non-bleeding clawmarks because she was a bit grippy when snuggling
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They still need to be kicked off the forums
Welcome to Dota. Riot will try to say "Oh you can counterplay any 1v1!" and build their game around that and shit the bed. Some heroes are good at 1v1 and some aren't.
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2 weeks ago everyone was chill. Now every game has a russoid hacker, some faggot raging in chat or acting like they're in the world series talking shit. Feels like valve can't keep on top of removing the flood of dipshits.
this isn't a valve problem or even a deadlock problem.
the average gamer is just socially inept / retarded.
if it's a pvp game, it will be there.
what happens when the game goes from friends of valve employees and their friends in pertituity => randoms from reddit and 4channit
>40k-90k 15 minute games where it 2-3 of our team is just literally brand new
it hurts to even play some of these
>you get the dynamo that goes 2-13 and never lands an ult in a teamfight

>you get the seven who doesn't even jump a single foot of the ground before he uses ult
Sometimes there's no time.
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There isn't a full lol
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>dude afk since he got raped in lane
I guess valve does nothing to afk abusers, right?
They do, reminder to report all griefers and leavers
croft gat faggot
uma delicia
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Redesigns reveal when
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doing good bros
I'm only a Pocketfag wanting to play new heroes. How do you play or build Lash/Kelvin?
>dick dick dick....
what exactly did paracox mean when she says this?
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what is wrong with him?
Can someone repost the plant creep animation that is suppose to replace the current creeps? I remember someone posting it in the past threads.
Do you even have to ask?
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i build lash like this, i get all the t1 items first then buy improved burst
after that it sort of depends on the situation but i like to get improved stamina
also improved reach is very unnecessary, don't buy it unless you are overflowing in souls
i neglect weapon a lot but i don't care honestly
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I like his Neon Prime look desu
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>Play with psalm
>Keeps going in 1v3 trying to do hero plays, dies and then bitches about it
>When we get rejuv we all agree (INCLUDING HIM) to go back and buy, some of us had a shitton of souls because it was a big long fight
>He straight up goes in alone, dies and then starts talking shit about us again
>we get rejuv AGAIN, we win a fight but wraith starts ratting, I die during that fight
>call it on mic, ping spam it, game does 30 billion warnings warnings as she kills both shrines and patron and weakened patron
>he doesn't zipline back and we lose

Can't wait for these washed up faggots to get shit on when they attempt to play this competitively.
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and i'm playing kelvin like this, idea is to get escalating exposure to maximize the 3's dps
while it's funny it feels a bit lackluster sometimes
also it's important to note that while playing kelvin you ALWAYS buy extra charge and rush upgrading the 1 to level 2 so you can heal with it
alch fire is underrated and has excellent synergy with the ult, you can press 4 then immediately throw fire on your feet and whoever is inside will take all the damage
inb4 they start selling the neon prime models as alternate skins in the future.
lol some of those pros if not a lot of them are going to get filtered hard when the real dota like players decide to play if they decide to play just iq things that those players have built up for years it hard to catch up too unless you played the genre before since its not like overwatch/val/ the other games they play

plus they are finally playing a true team game
Great information. Thank you very much!
>mods tell him to stop
>does so
>slowly starts spamming pics again
just waiting for the moment they tell him to shut the fuck up again
>infernus doing his stun dash in his face
>better panic ult before getting stunned 1 second later
Why are they so stupid?
Gonna spam Yamato. Any tips?
Neon Prime skins for all heroes as early tester reward
My looks like this too except I always get armour on lash and instead of unstoppable i get leech. You need to build lash tanky
a lot of high mmr players have like shit movement. Hardly taking advantage of sliding at all.
i mean i've been grabbing armour and lifesteal lately too
I wonder what his Neon Prime back story was gonna be. Space got air locked and died in space? Cyro frozen guy?
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He used to work at a meat packing plant
i think he looks like dogshit here, his new model is far FAR better
Where did you get this? Also is there stuff for the other heroes?
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>Load in
>See this
why do I even bother queuing up
you are part of the problem pick a competent character
just have your seven ult
Racist legion commander hero when?
1 cuz in dota it's my self target control camera w.e
Someone uploaded a doc with the old Neon Prime world lore. Haze used to be a priest for the Goddess of Assassination and Lash owned a dojo.
All buttons can be properly mapped and recapped onto the deck without issues you'll have all buttons like keyboard
post it
>4 complete shitter stomps in a row where the team has no idea what they're doing and the enemy team have been playing for a month
>m-maybe i'll just play one more game
>5 complete shitter stomps in a row
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Wait I thought these were just statues?
>8 pages
Christ, is there an audio form? I'm not in the mood to read a book
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Those are the fountain turrets
and Ivy's ancestors
Figured out this is legit just by the sense of humor
ah makes sense, pretty sure I've seen this statue somewhere else on the map though
the thread on the forum pointing out that you get infinite ammo while sliding has a bunch of people assuming it's not intended or a bug
when the fuck can I play this shit
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Sewer hand monster.
post steam id
get invited

it's that shrimple
Why is everything Valve writes these days written as though JK Simmons doing Cave Johnson is supposed to be reading it? The Dota 2 blogs are similar, it's so fucking annoying. It's not quite Gearbox-tier bad but holy shit
>He's not playing
find a time that wasn't their humor
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>he's not in
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I don't know if this is a sign but this keeps happening.
Maybe I should take it as one.
>These days
Did you never read the tf2 comics?
sure saarsquatch
The ones that came out after Portal 2?
Had this guy earlier, didn't know he was a pro if he is one. He literally last hit like every kill, farmed everyone's waves, took all the camps, and didn't carry. Most annoying shit in mobas is when one nigger takes all the resources and does nothing with it and we lose.
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let me in
No thanks, try reddit.
OG TF2 and Portal were funny in different ways. Then the TF2 comics and Portal 2 sort of converged on this style of humor, and it was alright at the time, but you felt like Valve still had the capacity to have anything resembling range, y'know? Left 4 Dead had some moments but it wasn't overly-reliant on this gay "humor", even L4D2 was alright. But now it's in everything they make, even the Dota 2 blog posts, and it sucks fucking ass.
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underaged /r/4chan profile

probably wasn't even 18 in 2016
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ur brown
Holy bullet fucking dodged. You disgusting monkeys already plague Dota 2, get the fuck out and never come to Deadlock.
>Thumbs down Helldivers
>Thumbs up Palworld
Lmfao. I can understand Helldivers but Palworld is pure brainrot. Begone, go find some other game to shit all over.
Bebop unironically has to be nerfed. At least his weapon since is way too good in early game.
Reminder you're in Deadlock's best era as there are more white people playing than brown people.
>deus vult
>spic monkey
Holy kek. The memes write themselves.
I'm enjoying it mostly because the meta hasn't been drilled into my head yet and I'm just playing for fun.
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Build for pocket?
lucky you, i think im in high mmr and EVERY game i play is full of tryhards and split pushing mcniggers
He probably changed his profile to be what he perceives as 4chan to get invited.
When are they going to add juggernaut?
>Previous name was Feed & Seed
Nah. Just the majority of 4chan users these days: Brown racists larping as white nazis. Go look at /pol/ meetups. It's actually mindboggling.
Slavs aren’t white
psst hey kid veil walker is op as fuck
It does way too much. Just one look and comparing it to other 1200 items a retard can see it's overtuned.
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Guys i'm gonna get employed soon, there will be no time for me to play that game for 8 hours straight as i used to.
BTW, deadlock announcement at september 4th 2024.
That time has long passed, actually. It's mostly Russians and South Americans already.
If you got in by begging with your profile and not your e-mail you didn't experience the best Deadlock period.
Hey look! It's Overwatch but gayer.
>Gayer than Overwatch
Better pray another skeleton doesn't pop out of Blizzard's closet and they make another 3 OW characters gay. Would probably total up to half the cast at that point.
Depending on how the lane goes I grab Hollow Point (for harassment) and Close Quarters (dmg + bullet shield since we take 20% more bullet dmg)
Depending on how much healing I need I bounce between Medic Bullets or Healing Rite or Infuser.
If the lane goes incredibly well I get Veil Walker ASAP (gives us tons of Bullet Shield AND and an easy way to regen our shields) otherwise I get it later.
Mystic Burst is good (we will turn it into Improved Burst later as a CORE item) and if I'm feeling dumb I grab Mystic Reach too just for the AOE increases on all of our shit.
Cold Front or Decay depending on if they have healing no one else is shutting down (Cold Front preferred) and Soul Shredder Bullets for more Spirit Amp and Lifesteal.
Afterwards it's dependent on what I need/want for that game (Spirit Lifesteal for more healing, Improved Cooldown is good, Majestic Leap for jump-in ults, or Ethereal Shift for extra immortality, Suppressor to deal with bullet builds)
If I'm eyeing up a big item it's probably Curse.
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yep, same shit
I just tank 3 actives and 3 ults and stall them for 10 seconds with ult yet team refuses to go in until after I die for some reason
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Oh god oh fuck
>it's a you play bebop and land all your hooks but your lane partner is looking somewhere else and won't follow up episode
Where would Ivy work in modern times? I doubt she'd ever get an adult job.
I'd say Tropical Smoothie.
Her favorite would be the Beach Bum with white chocolate.
lmao reminds me of that thread where brownoids were jerking each other off and saying that people hating them are actually discord trannies trying to push an agenda because third world "isn"t pozzed" (it is)
You just know Slork will be the most played Hero.
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ok yea something's up, all of a sudden it's nothing but stomps with complete retards, must have been new invite wave
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What does Veil Walker even do? What's a Cosmic Veil?
The one-way fogwalls all over the map.
you walk through the grey parts around the map and get bonuses/shield refreshes
Just buy veil walker in sandbox and test it, they added a cosmic veil there for a reason.
>get slowing bullets, lucky shot, and inhibitor
>enemies slow to a fucking crawl
this feels illegal desu
Doesn't stop Lash from smashing you into his team
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>all this seethe
ok ill just play elden ring
>he forgot i had shifting shroud
Some guy is saying transphobic shit ingame. It better not be any of you faggots I invited.
it's yoshi, he betrayed us and removed our flag, sister....
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Men will never be women
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So how do i get in
sent ;)
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it was ME
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>people who think they have to punch the souls from the urn
>even when the enemy team is nowhere near mid whatsoever
I just like the noise
Anyone has that link with all the Ivy art ?
I figured it out but i really dont wanna post my steam on here and get roasted
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Sadly it's not nearly all the Ivy anymore
So i see. So nothing in the recommended tab.
For late game you only get Curse i guess?
>be literally across the map
>enemy turns in urn
>shoot in the general direction
>get like 5-8 if they dont punch it

just fucking punch it you lazy faggot
and then everyone clapped
cute cat
Pussy. Left up your skirt and check if you have testicles
>game isn't even out
>already has troons
Watch Ivy/Para versus Lash/Sex lane
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why your game looks worse than tf2?
>beta game doesn't look polished
geez I wonder why
most of the tf2 bot hosters were trannies, you gotta wonder how valve feels about them internally
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Compare the models in deadlock and for example in dota. Your third person shit looks way more disgusting than a stinking moba.

Now compare current Dota to beta Dota.
Can you kind sirs invite me to play your game? I would be grateful.
Also ready to play with you in monster hunter or teamfortress (eu).
>its a beta plz understand
i havent heard this one before
this image confuses me. shouldnt bebop be looking at lash?
oh fuck was that me. I'm new and I want to make all spirit grey talon work.
The joke is that his only working eye is blocked by the wall.
nvm im a retard i like your comic
it works after you get some gun items to farm with
I feel like I fall off completely later. Maybe I just stopped getting kills, cuz I was 2 shotting people and then it was like everyone had 6 million health bars and my little 400 damage no critting beam arrows were tickling.
who the fuck thought pocket was a good idea
some designs in this faggot game make me want to punch the wall
Transphobes aren't welcome here, chud.
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>This technique used to be an uppercut, then I grew as a person. Meanwhile, Bebop is still throwing uppercuts, because he sucks.
New characters yet?
Bold of you to assume he was even born back then
Valve has a great opportunity to make a detailed background for all of their characters due to:
-Original IP (not Dota with 100+ pre-existed mishmash characters)
-A lot of experience (TF2 mercs are still one of the greatest example how a developer can lay the perfect foundation for fan art)
Hope they'll do something great with it
I got your new character right here
*unzips dick*
>this user is underage
It’s an alpha, not a beta
Stop replying to these shitters.
It's probably the same handful of retards spending all day coming up with some dumb shit to post.
Hell might not even be a handful.

The amount of seething this game is causing, as an alpha, means valves doing something right.
it's sad that even if lash's polish and extra detail is really good that this is the most sovlful he'll ever be
literally the glue eating designated hero thats also broken as sin
t. bebop
That's all you've got to say when you see a gargoyle's ass?
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>Grey Talon goes AFK at the start
>Comes back and starts whining about my lane performance a few minutes later
>Have a thousand more souls than him
>End the game with 10 000 more souls than him
Americans are mentally deranged.
I had a grey talon yelling at my lack of kills while he was literally 1-6-2, something about that hero man
what else is there to say?
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man, this game feels so much more forgiving than dota
i can suck complete dick on my lane, go like 0:5 and it still easy to make a comeback and have impact if i just afk farm for a few minutes

not sure if thats a good thing or not yet, but
seems so far that the case is rare "lose lane, lose game" like in most dota games
tbf if you are in a duo lane, a hero like grey talon or vindicta will suffer a lot more than other heroes if their duo lane teammate is bad
well we weren't in a lane together
deploy new bread
If you are in low MMR games, it will be easier to make a comeback, as people in that MMR don't know how to take advantage of a lead.
I haven't had games go too long, but other good 6500+ items would be Leech and Escalating Exposure. I don't have enough practice to recommend anything else.
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I'm all in for that, desu. Just getting fucked over because you had a sluggish start or being the guy who has to bite the bullet and face a bullshit lane combo.

At least it's not like it used to be where the guy who had a really good early game died and the person who killed him gets a retarded amount of gold like back when they introduced the bounty system way back, kek. You actually still have to be pretty smart about how you farm.
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>play solo
>having good coordination with lane partner
>having teammates gank your lane without you saying anything
>team actively trying to work together
its not every game, but seeing random people try to work together (and sometimes succeed) is a really nice sensation
it's over bros, i was about to go live a normal life, free from dota after several decades...
then they went and made this shit
wraith's new cards are pretty fun.

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