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Hi, anon.
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>Trying to find how to get to a chest
>3 Anzu group on roof just AAAAUGUGHGRHRH for 5 minutes straight
>Eventually just give up to look for a rail
>level 44
>still using Stormcaller Song because I somehow still haven’t found an essence with a better ice attack
>beat the game on hard
>can't beat Demifiend and Satan
>download Safety diff.
>beat them, got trophies
>but I can't force myself to use theit essence or start Godborn mode
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How the fuck do I get to this asshole.
I had to do demifiend on casual and Satan on normal. They're fucking hard.
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>beat one fake Agrat just to see the fight
>ok time to bumrush her
>find there's a cheevo for doing that twice
Is this a good game to play stoned?
asking for a friend
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r8 my squad and Beano
What level should I switch to WORLD OF STR and/or get access to elemental phys skills?
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I take fat doinkz while I solve Oni Trivia.
Seriously this has happened only with oni-type demons and 3 times so far.
Are there any penalties to a demon dieing too many times? Can they leave your roster on their own?
This is the one I fell in love with. I don't know how to make her useful thoughbeit
Drop down from above
thanks for the warning senpaitachi
what the hell were they thinking putting gae bolg on a demon with an AoE magatsuhi? cu is broken and made shiva a joke.
No, but if you try to negotiate with a party demon while they're dead, their mates will attack you to avenge them.
Nope they will always stay
Scathat also has invincible accuracy while she's in the party with Cu. You can build her for Figment Slash and she'll never miss.
Is Cu Chulainn that good? I thought Gae Bolg just did a guaranteed crit, didn't seem that great
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Is this ever relevant in the actual story?
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....you can change beeno's position to not be first in the party?
That is what I tried to do for like 30 minutes, bit couldn't find a way up there, but there is small platform betweem where I was standing and the miman that was put of sight
It's kinda relevant in CoV
it's guaranteed crit + pierce and gets boosted by his own passive, crit zealot and force pleromas. while it doesn't reach the same highs as figment slash or parasalene blur the damage is respectable and is consistent a press turn button. he has plenty of space for high restore too making him self sufficient. with scathach in the stock he also has a magatsuhi AoE, boosted by pleromas, that also sets atk and def to -2. it one shot all shiva's adds and evergreen dance means I can charge up another magatsuhi skill in 2 turns.
I think level 40-50 STR start outcasling magic, at least for me with yoshitsune and artemis
It’s piercing guaranteed crit so he can be at the front of the party and you’ll ALWAYS get a press turn plus he has the elemental AoE maga move to tank enemy stats
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>fuse garuda and skadi for zaou gongen
>get slime instead
>didn't save before the fusion
At least you got a cheevo.
I keep forgetting Zaou-Gongen is in this game.
He’s an oddly forgettable demon, despite being literally Spawn.
shes good as a full phy or with some support. the problem is theres better physical demons past the other area
Good build, I'll try it out when I get there. I haven't yet needed anything too well thought out (am early in Ueno)
Reaped IP
Raped corpse

Persona 5ied

Walmart ass persona vengeance
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What are her hobbies?
Getting throatswabbed
intercourse with Demeter and she screams harvest time when I explode inside her...
Important in Vengeance, mostly a footnote in Creation until the very last area.
explain how she's wrong here
game poorly communicates this but yes you can freely adjust your party position at any time and having beano in 1st slot is rarely the optimal spot
>level 44
>can't find a better multi ice attack
You got a thing against King Frost or something sperg?
That killed my sanity also. I wonder if it's you going in and out of a set range that triggers the voiceline, because fuck me would they not stop.
Browsing reddit
is that a toyota
it's probably because there's always like 3-5 of those fuckers flying around and out of all the flyers, they seem to bark the most.
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Fucking finally I was able to be Demi-Fernando on Hard. Beelzebub is a fucking savior in that fight. I eventually added Safeguard to my bino because he kept missing Moonlight frost and losing me turns, but the exact attempt I did that he never missed once lol.
Cu chulainn never left my party as soon as I got him
>Gay bulge
>Unique magatsuhi with scathach
>Also genma for lucking for money
man im gonna enjoy killing Dazai
Garbage game
Posting the same retarded thing to get (you)s every single day of her life cause she’s a retarded zoomer faggot that needs to have her cranium bashed against the concrete
Does Alice fall off or can I keep her with me forever and ever?
Man, it's pretty funny that with 6 routes you kill him in 5 despite it supposedly being a Law game.
Anything is possible with essences and grimoires.
>think that Anzu would be less of a headache to deal with since they're way later in Shinjuku than they were in Chiyoda and level scaling means they're not evasive anymore
>Vengance decided to give them the ability to fucking null physical attacks randomly for no fucking reason
Did they still not fix the hyper aggressive Anzus?
It's not an issue that needs to be fixed lol. There should be more enemies that harass you rather than chase you for 1 second and give up.
Shouldn’t be a thing but the game is not tested or well designed
This >>681351223 is me, and she played a pivotal role in my Demi-Fiend fight by sealing him the turn before he'd have full healed with Mediarahan. She has a good stat-spread with magic and luck.
It's one of the better mainlines THOUGH
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let me see
>xe is from SEA
>xe is a tranny
>xe is a pinoy
>xe is underage
Persona 1 Persona 2 are SMT games, i fucking magine that
just stop replying to him you bumbling fools
This bitch has never been go-karting and it shows
Have you guys been using any of the unique Magatsuhi moves that require specific units? I like the idea in concept, but I just don't have enough team slots to carry Jack Frost, King Frost, AND Black Frost for no good reason.
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They don't stop because i'm right.

None of my arguments can be denied.

All you retards have is


omfg who fucking cares using a Mitama retard
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the qadistu one is good
I basically never used them once. They seem interesting, but it's too rare for me to have all of the required demons in my active party at any given time (especially the ones you mentioned where there's a large level gap between the required demons).
OH my fucking science is that Demi-Guy from Vengeance? Bruh Breh his theme SLAPS
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Even though I don't like the boney limbs, she's one of the most attractive new demons.
You must be a very sad and lonely little boy.
I feel a little sorry for how you turned out, but at least you're making yourself useful by keeping the threads alive.
I used the scathach and cu attack a few times, but that's really it.
there's some on really good demons like cu and odin that only require one demon in the stock.
Cu Cuthulains is very good and the cats will carry you through the early game
That is a good point. This monkey basically guarantees every single VV thread hits the bump limit.
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Which in turn encourages more threads to be made for us to enjoy.
Tottally breh bruh

le new demons slap i love bossgirls so le hekkin much
I should go all in on Almighty pleroma's for Agrat and dump her Fire/Ice spells?
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You sad fucks necrobump the Persona 5 Vengance threads regardless, half the posts are mine and that completely ruins the thread and that's a good thing

Wait i shouldn't have mentioned that LOL
bump limit for what? vapid SEA monkey shitposting? why does every recent release have to have some schizophrenic loser shitting up threads 18 hours a day?
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It also means he's certainly had a net-positive impact on sales, ironically.
Is Godborn actually that hard when you can just farm Macca and buy a bunch of stat boosting items?
How does it even work? If I unlock it on my first CoV playthrough and start NG+, is every enemy lvl 150 or something?
At that point I think just a Bufudyne would hit harder
Godborne is more meant to be a mode for you to having something to mess around with your endgame build demons.
What's your argument even? I think between the shitposts you forgot to make your point
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stop liking what I don't like
Yeah, pretty much. When you beat Satan you unlock an option with Sophia to buy a miracle that uncaps your levels (999 glory), from there you can do w/e to max out your levels (use Mitama's, farm weaker enemies, etc) to get to 150 then go to Godborn.
Oh, ok. Well Satan was kicking my ass on Hard before, but hopefully after getting Demi-Fiend I can cheese him with Chaotic Will.
I was just wondering because I saw a short webm somewhere of Satan doing Megidolan on the party after debuffing them, and they only took double digits in GB.
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I love the 2nd rendition of the Haunt music.
Is there a way to tell which ending I am getting during Taito in CoV or which route my character is leaning?
The argument of the day is

Even a spinoff like Digital Devil Saga

is more of a real shin megami tensei

Than Vengeance.
go to tokyo and check which direction your character pin is spinning.
What did we think of the Satan battle theme bros?

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Holy fuck. These coomer mods are getting to be too much for me. I don't think I'd be able to get through the game playing like this.
blue board, faggot
delete this
I did that + put bloody and murderous glee on her and she basically always crits with at least one of the hits on Queen's Decree, usually more
WHOAH HOLY SHIT it SLAPS my dude frfr

i love this game and it's my first person

fucking pogg
No way they keept that
How the fuck did this retard think Nozuchi was Doi? Literally everybody uses him for Matador (the game practically begs you to) and he's one of your first evolution demons. It's like thinking magikarp is from generation 3.
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The SMT VVengance music is all over the place is all over the place, just like the game has lacks any real tone or vibe.

Some of them feel like they are from Nocturne, Others from persona, some from the original V. The music and the game lack direction they just slapped a bunch of garbage together which is a shame because V original soundtrack was very unique.

hees naked ho
this retard doesn't play video games he watches youtube videos and pretends he knows what he's talking about.
Does Bloody Glee still barely do anything to be worth the skill slot or did they buff it
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Good god, real SMT is pure sex ,zoomers and normies once again ruin everything for the true fans
I don't know why, but this theme lives in my head and probably will forever.

bald head coomer looking ass lucie
To me, that's really the only explanation. There is no way you could play Nocturne and not know Nozuchi. And this is the game he seems to like most, so what even has he played? SMT IV, which is significantly easier than V and also lets you save anywhere? SMT IV:A, which is significantly more persona than V?
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I can't wait for ReVengeance that lets us decorate the demon haunts.
He doesn't actually know anything about the series. He has some kind of autistic attachment to SMTIV but he never talks about anything beyond the soundtrack and characters so I don't think he played that either.
>SMT IV:A, which is significantly more persona than V?
you got it, look here >>681355669
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You should see him in movement, what pure, raw , blasphemous, otherworldly battle.
How the FUCK do i get to this amalgam in yoyogi? Northwest part of the map on the top floor of a building
I thought Doi did a pretty decent job of fixing the guest designs for SMTIV:A, but I think it's funny that he basically just gave up on improving Lucifer's design and gave him a giant fucking chair to distract you.
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oh no no
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IV is pure fucking garbage, if you want to shitpost at least post IV:A, IV gameplay wise is the worst thing ever.
>if a 2nd wave of enemies show up, the game can decide the enemies go first for no fucking reason and fuck you over.
>UI/Menus are pure fucking garbage and unnecessarily confusing.
>all characters/enemies are fragile as fuck and is just mechanically fucked.
if you unironically use 4 as the "best SMT game ever" then you're unironically braindead and worse than a personafag.
>m-muh heckin' atmosphere!!!
kill yourself.
Keep going. Shinjuku is a lot bigger than you think it is.

bros BREHS >>681356193
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that design was worth it just for this payoff
Give up for now. It's going to be a while before you can get it.
IV and A are a package. IV walked so Persona Vengeance could shit all over a legacy.

Time will give me reason.
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i want to give her a stripper pole for exercising
Vengeance at least fucking works and that makes it automatically better than IV. eat a dick.
>Succubus complaining about the lack of alpha males nowadays and that she's straight up getting rejected by MGTOW even when she invades dreams
Post your IV:A Hard completed save. I don't believe that you've actually played it.
I've heard this one. Thor got wasted one time and lost Mjolnir to a dwarf or a dark elf (they may be the same thing in Norse mythology, I can't remember) and the dwarf would only return it for the hand of Sif, goddess of beauty, in marriage. Thor went to Loki for advice since he was too ashamed to ask the Aesir, and Loki convinced him to dress up as Sif and fake the marriage. At the reception, Thor get totally sloshed and Loki had to keep making excuses for why "Sif" kept belching loudly and trying to start fights. Eventually Thor managed to get his hammer right as the jig was up and he ended up beating the shit out of all the dwarves present. Nice 80's buddy comedy.
Thanks lads
As long as you don't raise Vit to 999 you can still have fun with it
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It's crazy how clear cut and genius at times SMT used to be.

A fallen angel with godlike powers, sitting on what looks like a Law Throne, transforms into a creature with bug like wings and a fucked up fetus arm. In the older SMT he was literally a beautiful angel with demon wings

Meanwhile on SMTVVengezone you have to reach out and make shit up to make it make sense. Like i can NOT tell if Yoko is trying to tempt the other girl or not , the actions tell me she is but the cringe ass dialogue makes me thing it's not like that at all and i'm grasping for straws to make the game LESS SHIt.

God SMTVV is so fucking BAD
Now that I have konohana, idun, and artemis, I don't even care to fuse anything else, I just want to use them forever
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Waiting >>681356756
War and Apocalypse difficulties are both acceptable.
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Finished yesterday, improvements from SMT V are very smart and needed, the story is actually interesting now, music is fantastic, postgame/superboss stuff is great

They might've actually made the best megaten bros
I beat Hydra. When do I get out of this desert?

>not weak to fire
Come on!
the game give you enough sutras and grimories to keep at least 2 or 3 demons,so just explore a lot and keep your babes men,i would say that artemis falls off in the very late game because her unique skill dosent pierce but nothing serius
he only talks about the story and never brings up the actual gameplay, i highly doubt he's ever played a single SMT game in his life.
I don't know why people complain about Doi designs when 90% of the players prefer using cute demons over Kaneko shit ones.
is having goddess mao in your party mean you're locked out of chaos affinity for the ending so you can't get the skill that lets you override demons skills?
What carries over in newborn mode? Specifically out of Miracles, periapts, talismans, compendium (default and/or custom demons)? Would I have to hunt all mimans again?
SMT games are good for their characters, the tone, the music and the gameplay. I don't play on le hardest mode evarr cause it's le way to play

i just have a blast playing them and i'm not having a blast with Vengeance but i can see why you think it's a good game considering how poorly designed Hard mode is
I still can't believe we haven't gotten any of the guest demons from SMT4 in any of the later games, even the ones that Doi redrew. What, did Atlus forget to retain the rights to them or something? Yeah, there were a lot of misses, but demons like Napaea and Minotaur would fit right in with the rest of the roster.
Does the navigator you use matter? I like Amanozakonahole
what do you think of Nocturne?
>never plays on hard mode
>still calls it poorly designed
good job calling yourself out
>loves IV
>doesn't like Vengeance
it cant get worse than this. please put a bullet on your skull.
Jesus fucking christ.
I didn't expect Godborn enemies to keep their stats and levels if you recruit them.
When can I switch navigator? I got the Mermaid option but she refuses because I have Amoamokokozunogirlface
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That was my guess, honestly, and it looks like it's being confirmed by his silence. He would know his complaint about not having stakes outside of boss battles is nonsense if he actually played the 3DS games that literally introduced the save anywhere feature.
>y-y-yeah I've totally played them I just play on easy mode
Ok post your toddler mode clear then. Any Megaten, honestly. You've already disqualified yourself from making gameplay criticisms by admitting you suck, but now I just want to confirm if you've played anything AT ALL
Western MegaTen fans fell for the Hardcore Gaem meme while Japanese fans are way more lax with some notable exceptions. The Japanese fanbase thinks Western fans always overthink stuff.
Pretty sure you keep Talismans and Periapts. As for Miracles, the only ones you keep are the ones you used to get from picking Law or Chaos (but you just get all of them in CoV), namely the ones that let you fuse and recruit demons of any level, potentially auto-succeed in negotiation, and whatever the hell the fourth one was.
They find stuff at different rates with some finding enemies more often, some Macca, some jewels, some stat boosters and such. There was a chart for the vanilla release but there's no updated version for Vengeance yet.
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>Imagine getting filtered by Hard mode in VV and your only cope is "I-It's just poorly designed ok?"
>Would I have to hunt all mimans again?
yeah some of them get specific items like decarabia get a lot of gems
after the blue bird leaves you, must be very soon some navigators are story locked and can't leave you
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Bit slow since ps2 games needed to load rooms /floors and what not but a fantastic game. I really like it. You can tell a lot of love went into making a great game.

You can also tell a lot of money went into SMTVV to make it pure slop for tards
we may get some of them in P6
You have to wait until you clear the first area. Then you get stuck with Amanozako again for a chunk of the second area. After that, you're free. The original game didn't give you any choices until that point, so Amanozako's still mandatory early on.
Early area 2 iirc, shewill say she has to leave for reasons she can't disclose or some shit, you will definitely know
I want the most mitamas
Everyone regardless of alignment gets Tao in the 4th Da'at

I have no clue what determines the skills you get in CoV; I got both rank and inheritance, but others got just rank
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We got one in Dx2
Ippon-Datara gets ambushed all the goddamn time, but I still feel like Amanozako is the one that digs up the most Mitama.
Koga Saburo is in Dx2 but that's SEGA entirely. Nips really hated the guest designs beside a few like Minotaur so Atlus wants to stay clear. The Archangels from IV drawing the most ire.
Old post but it should get the point across
both alignments get rank and inheritance violation, i think this only mattered in CoC.
> I got both rank and inheritance, but others got just rank
Really? I also got both and I assumed it was just a QOL thing to stop your alignment from messing up team-building for the superbosses.
Stop raping older games
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>1 random nip
>this is his drawings btw

ok dude whoa they really hated them
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I'm definitely in the minority here but I liked 4's Archangels. Well, definitely not at first. The in-game art for them is fucking garbage. But I like how Doi drew them for the poster/box art. I've always thought the four Archangels were boring as hell.
Atlus old budget fault. And now that they have all the persona 5 money in the world they keep chasing the persona dream

kinda sad to see really.
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Ok, not only has he obviously not played Nocturne based on his complete lack of knowledge of the game, but he both admitted that he plays on easy mode and STILL can't provide evidence he's actually completed a single Megaten game even then. I think we're actually dealing with a series "purity" schizo who has not beaten a single game in the entire franchise. Jesus Christ.
He can't pinpoint a surefire influence for the music, what influences would y'all say Vengeance's OST has?
Tranny MC
>long hair = tranny
vikings are trannys now?
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All of them and a bit of desperation, always trying to appeal to a wider crowd and nostalgia fags.

Souless and nonsensical at times would be a good way to describe vengeance's soundtrack

So form what I can gather, it's safe to ignore posts if they have Costco pictures in them.

Why use Costco, who knows?
Don't lie, you were fapping at Nahobino bussy while playing the game
Vietnam has costcos you cretin

>imma ignore SMTVV

GOOD, shitty costco game
I like it. Not my favorite track on the list, but it's pretty nice to listen to.
I kept hearing some weird roar sound in the desert Netherlands and it took me forever to realize it was the soundtrack.
>he doesn't know
He likes to browse SMT on the internet at least.
Interesting tidbit is that in CoC the conception 18 years ago happened in Chiyoda, whereas in CoV it happened in Shinjuku (aligning with Nocturne)
Which npcs say where the conception take place?
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What combination Magatsuhi skills would you want to see in the future?
>Mermaid and Mandrake breaking opponent eardrums with a duet
>Decarabia and Forneus giga buffing each other
>something with the Fiends
>Beeno, Tao, Yoko Almighty/Light/Dark beam that changes to a duo after the alignment lock
>Dormarth and Nyami Nyami doing a mini Tom and Jerry routine that inadvertently damages the enemy
Kill yourself qanigger
I would like a real SMT game
nta but I remember in Shinjuku, some random demon NPC in the streets mentions that the hospital where it all started is up ahead
>with Tao
>after the lock
A Nahobino/Amanozako one would have been nice
Maybe throw in Demifiend and his Pixie too, though you'd barely get to use it in that case
Cat and dog seek (You)r attention and try to one up each other while teaming up

Might be a different NPC but I learned about it from a Miman in Shinjuku, then in Chiyoda in CoC the fiends said it
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the boss rush fights are definitely one of my favorite features in this game.

also our Beelzebub is smaller for some reason...
i was kinda surprise that you have to do the quest with the 3 sister and they dont have a magatsushi skill,so yeah i would like one for them
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noooo you can't just use a 1.8x charge to blow up a boss in one turn that's not how this game works on hard mode
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>Switching to mermaid mid-fight for no reason

Very suspicious
Why is Idun so broken? I think is the only demon worth carrying through the whole game
the bullshit you can pull with magatsuhi skills and innate skills in this game is so funny, i'm glad they expanded upon the gameplay in funny aspects like that
I didn't have any other demon with pandemonic feast and without that axel claw would only hit 2 times, with mermaid it can hit from 2 to 4 times and I got lucky with 4 hits without her this kill probably wouldn't work
its definitely mermaid's innate skill
>While in the active party, allies with Omagatoki effects will have multi-hit attacks' Accuracy and max possible hits increased.
But Critical is the best skill??? what were the devs thinking giving you the BEST skill at the start of the game
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>It's been over a decade since the based minotaur has appeared in anything.
If there was one demon I could wish back...
it kills the gameplay doe
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>The oldest recorded civilization in the world is the Mesopotamia civilization
>In their myth of creation, they depict the first Dragon Slayer, Marduk, who slayed an Enraged serpent deity called Tiamat, her body was used to create the sky, the rivers, etc
>Throughout history, myths and civilizations, there have been many Heroes who ascended to greatness by slaying a Dragon/snake
>Susanoo just so happens to be a Dragon Slayer too, as he slayed Yamata-no-orochi
>You need to refuse with Aogami, to become Susanoo to slay the primordial Dragon
I liked this far more than the Nocturne-lite shit they did in CoC, however I wish you were able to meet more Dragon Slayers/ Demonized bull deities, not just the Tyrants from the Demeter quest
All the demons get comically smaller to fit into the battle screen. It's most noticeable in the Demon Haunt when you see the demons in their full size and you see Zeus towering above Beano while he's just slightly taller in battle.
>the desert Netherlands
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It's really funny in some cases.
Making it useful at the moment you have less resources and skills?
Does this game have too many side quests, or were IV and IV:A the same and I just forgot?
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I used the omagatoki savage and felt really proud of myself.
I don't know how you could forget IV's sidequesting if you ever did the neutral route. Apoc had a lot too but they were updated automatically so you probably completed them passively and they didn't feel as numerous as a result.
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>use savage
>cant afford any of the skills
>savage wasted
I really wish i would've played on hard. I feel like a bitchmade faggot desu
When does Artemis fall off?
I'm fucking shit at finding mimans, I always forget they exist unless I blatantly come across one so I never look around
its never too late to do another playthrough

once you get cleopatra or beelzebub. you can always just say "fuck it" and turn her into another figment slash clone.
For me it was when I got access to debilitate so her somersault lost value, then later cleopatra did it again.
Still kept her around to endgame when she was around level 90.
fellow /vn/bro, are you liking V?
like in the very late game,in the last 3 bosses and
for the super bosses
Either never or at the very end of the game. Astral Saintstrike is just a little worse than most of the endgame physical options against a single target.
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I'm going for the true neutral ending, shoul i do nothing here?
yeah it's fun
Based Mermaid Chad.
yea, dont kill him
Yeah, do nothing.
you can actually kill khonsu ra but not the base khonsu in area 1, it's dumb like that
Ask your old pal for help
I dont remember, last place Im 100% sure I didnt have her anymore would be the Demon Castle
Does Mermaid's passive add a set number of hits, or is it based on how many hits the original attack did?
If it's the former, something like Axel Claw would get a lot more bang for the buck compared to Artemis's Astral Saintstrike, no?
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The way it works is that it adds +2 to maximum allowed hits, random target skills always hit for minimum amount when there's only one target except when you use dance. However mermaid passive only works when you have some sort of omagotoki effect active otherwise it won't do anything.
Axel claw at 4 hits has 480 power which is a lot, astral saintstrike by comparison would have 300 power or 340 with extra 2 hits granted by pandemonic feast.
The mermaid passive gets even better with omagotoki dance which forces multi hit skills to hit for maximum amount of time so if axel claw was used with dance it would hit 6 times for 720 power and there are far better skills than axel claw for this combo.
Im level 64 (CoC, Hard), and I've never paid attention to innate skills
You don't have to, but if you do you can do some crazy combos
>how poorly designed Hard mode is
Huh? How? I played both and I can tell you that Vengance pretty much fixed any major difficulty spikes in Hard, to the point where it's not that difficult anymore sans the times where you punch up and do challenge quests ahead of time.

Like one of the biggest walls in V Hard had was the Hydra fight which now is basically Tutorial boss tier. So, I cannot tell how do you think it's any worse balanced than othet games in the series.
Was Hydra that bad in vanilla? Vengeance is my first playthrough and he was simple.
Yeah he was pretty hard, keep in mind levels meant way more than stats in the original so if you got to him too early you were basically fucked.
Maybe not that bad but level scaling was so egregious that picking leanan sidhe was a better bufu attacker with 0 ice affinity than apsaras who was merely ONE level lower but with +2 affinity
I knew the Dutch were demons.
>Nuwa (Snake) has 2 pajeet snakes as her ingredients
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does murakumo scale of strength?
how long until the repack?
Probably never
Will I eventually have to stop ignoring that red bar during battles? I don't ever use the special skill for it and took the heel MP and HP every round it is full because I never bother with the skill.
Same. I don't even use Omagatoki skills because they feel like cheating
At least Vengeance doesn't turn into fucking rocket tag like IV/A
That healing skill is one of the biggest scams in megaten history it restores 3% HP and 1% MP per bar. The innate skill beano has and cannot be changed grants 5% MP when your bar fills up. It takes 5 turns to charge up a bar.
Well damn. Made a bad call buying that.
Why would you choose to miss out on free damage?
>start smt3
>something about people dying
>serious and dry tone
>occult hippy gives me a magazine
>can't find the hospital

AAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaand uninstalled , if the game doesn't give me an objective and a world mark i'm not playing it.
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>can't find the hospital
weirdest nocturne complaint to date
Its funny because it gets a lot worse with all these vagueness, despite the game intentionally railroading you to the next spot
Which has better/cooler unlocks chaos or law in vengeance route?
Chaos gives you Yoko and Mastema, go for chaos.
what would you do if Alice from the hit multimedia franchise Megami Tensei suddenly materialized in your room?
there are smt 3 mods that add maps and pointers if you want that
throw that kusogaki outta the door
fuck you and your stupid hiranya
tell her that we don't wear shoes indoors
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Nah i'm good, i was merely pretending. I only wasted like 15 minutes finding it.
shout outs to my girl Succubus for saving me extreme amounts of Macca by seducing every demon I negotiate with
I NEED Dormarth sex.
Well actually, I used the frost one very often for most of the mid/endgame. You just need the demon in your roster not your party.
Breed her but despair that it wasn't Mermaid that appeared.
So I'm at the final leg after killing Sucker and his ugly wife. How does the ending work in CoV with Shiva? In the base game I got to right before the final ascent, left and used Mitama's to grind my endgame party for Shiva since, IIRC, that effected the ending?
I wanted Dante from the Devil May Cry series.
Shiva is not required for any of the endings. I heard someone say that beating Shiva lets you choose to fight a harder version of Lucifer for the final boss, but even that doesn't change the ending.
Loki has no fucking right calling out someone else for cross dressing. I know what happened in those fucking stables, Loki.
>Zeus rematch
>he uses impalers animus
>guard with all my demons.
>he still does 200 damage through guard
Does anyone else try to fuse as many new demons as they can just to read all the lore bios about them?
Most people here have already read most of them from the previous games.
I read them every game.
Kinda wish smtvv was a real game and not this abortion of whatever the fuck it is, if they keep going like this we are going to end up playing with pure menus and fights since that's what most nu-faggots consider as good game design.

Yeah 20 years ago, didn't 't even changed them, they just kept the same Bios from other games, fucking disgusting.
How good is Astral Saintstrike compared to the normal lategame melee attacks like Akashic Records and Catastrophe?
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The boy known as Yeung Mahn.
>we are going to end up playing with pure menus
it always fucking was, what are you on about?. did u think these games were action based? are you retarded?
>we are going to end up playing with pure menus and fights
wow so just like nocturne, strange journey, soul hackers?
>Astral Saintstrike: 20 x 15 = 300
>Akashic Arts: Akashic Arts 275 Normal 350 Crit
>Catastrophe: 290

From the SMT V V Fusion Calc
There's a platform right below you, it looks too far down to jump from but it's deceptive. you can hop from there right up to that little shit.

That was my 200th collect-o-guy
Same, justified it in my head by telling myself I will do the godborne versions on my final run or at least doing it on hard with an overlevelled meme team of cats.
>Akashic Records
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>makes all your support/healer demons look useless in comparison.
She is legit broken. Nerf her.
every time i see Morgana out in the wild i suddenly get hard and want to jerk off to Morgana porn
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This place is far gone, we need a reset. SMTVV is an embarrassment of game design
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>I like cum, please cum in my mouth!!
ok bro, chill out. take it to >>>/trash/
Thanks, no real reason to switch it then
I'm fuckin dumb
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One more dogshit game (that's SMTV btw) rejected
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>Complain about menu
>Show what's essentially a reskinned menu
Look you are too fucking stupid to understand but SMTV has no level design, it's basically empty rooms full of clusters of monsters that you can farm.

Then the gameplay is so one sided and boring cause you get to have every demon, every skill, everything at your disposal so you just end up going trough the motions.

It's souless incarnate, it's a dogshit SMT game and one of the worst JRPGs ever made.
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How brave, you posted a game you've never played.
>Played Vanilla V
>Found out Tao joins you as demon
>Grinded her out, dumped all incenses and sultras on her
>Reached Empyrean, fucks off
>Can't summon her again
>Only get her at lvl60 again in NG+
>Fast forward two years later
>Play Vengeance
>Decided to hoard my incenses for NG+ demons
>Found out that Tao can be summoned from the Compendium
>Grinded six playthroughs worth of incenses, sultras and skills.
>Unlocked the new level cap miracle
>Get Tao in CoV Law ending
>Dump it all into her
>Magic stat rises over 350, every other stat aside from Strength breaks the 230 mark
I love Tao and thank fucking YHVH that you can do it for Tao and Yoko
If you can't kill her in one turn you need to lvl up.
Use Matarukaja and magatsuhi skills, critical paired with succession and finish her in one turn don't bring any support demons with you in active party only offensive ones . You need MAX burst damage here.
I'm saying that you moved the goalpost you double nigger and you're still doing so.
You went from complaining about menu to complaining about level designs.
SMT1-2 were piss easy, Nocturne is a meme and is only hard because the RNG is weighted against the player.
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ass jumpscare
I buffed all my stats and took down all her stats. I also got lucky with the seal gem. Switched around and nuked her
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What do I drop for high almighty?
>Let Satan use Ratetsu feast because I know it can be entirely negated AND I get a full heal
>can use recalcitrant exultation almost every turn
It is legit such a meme that this demon exists
is there a way to pierce through ailment resistances?
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>Ice age
>Killing Wind
That's not ailments
ailment my nigga ailment
Profaned Land or Ziobarion. You get better demons with either unique skills or better innate skills to make up for it.
Profaned land if you're not doing any ailment shenanigans.
So who is the best Hama-demon?
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fuck this shit, kill yourself zelda, kill yourself BOTW, kill yourself
collectibles in large 3D maps is cancer, CANCER
What's the percentage for Namaah's Captiulate to Pleasure? Feels like it has a Profaned Land level of activation even against bosses. Completely shut down Norn and the Bethel Heads
You can't pierce resistance but Omagatoki HIT and Loa double the proc rate which basically invalidates resistance (also stack). Dekajeon resets increasing ailment resistance too
Screw the elemental magics and get either ice pierce skill depending on what you want.
Just pay the fox bro.
IV had some Krautrock and 80s electronic (stuff like YMO but every japanese game composer every is influenced by YMO), but V had hiphop and "latin-esque", he specifically at some point mentions these genres in the soundtrack notes. I'm not done reading the VV notes tho.
the Splatoon influence is also there, someone said he has talked about Splatoon's music in his twitter but I can't find the specific tweet and I honestly don't remember seeing it either.
80%, it's the strongest charm spell of the game.
If you didn't hoard 1,000,000 Macca and refused to pay for anything, you didn't beat the game
Should I know what the words nabohino and qadatsu mean? Cause they keep saying them.
thanks I'm off to fusing Loa
Nahobino gets explained later on.
Qadistu is just the name of the group.
Nahobinos are just mimans who didn't become mimans
Qudutsu is just the name of the whore group
The automobile has allowed for enormous population growth and the expansion of human civilization. There are some countries where it's less needed on a civilian level, but countries like the US, China, Russia, and Canada would simply not be able to function without cars.
Is Tao the answer?
Has Tao ever been not the answer?
whats best mc build now?
Both of them are explained in game. Nahobino are true "gods" like YHVH instead of lowly demons. Qaditsu are demons priestesses who work sex magic, basically a stand-in for Cult of Gaea
Is Yoko a based retard?
Based. But I swear there was a image floating around which says that the answer is Tao.
Neutralchad here, all of you are retarded
Too bad they took out the part where the more damage she takes, the more parts of the statue she's attached to break off into more encounters.
It made a nice nod to her small novel of titles.
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So compared to Masakado, how much harder is Demi Fiend? Cause I just barely managed to beat Masakado on hard.
It was one of the demon quizzies thingies were the demon in question was tao.
*Lawfag proxy
It's always phys. It will always be phys.
>law without serving the angels (demons with bird wings)
Uhhh based????
Angels are just a product of the fucked up system that has some Demon/Human/Ayy lmao rule over all of creation without the perquisite omniscience to make it work.
Neutrals think that by culling the angels every few kalpas and replacing the big mean god in the golden throne with a random mortal that might or might not have the qualifications to run a fast food restaurant, let alone a universe, that they can somehow achieve their secular-flavored Millennium Kingdom, failing to realize each holder of the throne before got into power through that exact means.

Lucifer in TN was almost right, but then he had to leave behind the omnipotent God who after enough eons will probably get bored of a no-demons world and undo their progress or try and weasel through the rules to make monsters or other inhuman shit that aren't technically demons but are basically demons.
I support Adramelech because I want to ruin Japan by injecting literal faggots into the country. It's not fair that only the west is getting ruined by homos

I support Futsunushi because raci- I mean, because it's important to keep order in glorious Nipon and make sure to only let in the (((good))) people

I support Futsunushi because I want that strength balm to deal 5 more damage

Whitechads won yet again
Why would you need ice pierce skill when you have ikuyumi?
How about
I support Adramelech because I want Yoko to like me.
Do you think Atlus will ever let us fight the Great Axiom?
Is it worth buying Vengeance if I already beat vanilla V once before?
At what point do I start using all the gospels and visiting the demon level up statues?
I'm level 81 just walked through the gate.
did you like the game? There is one new big area and some new demons. Level scaling enemies are also gone.
If you haven't bought it before, then yes.
When you tackle the superbosses
>picking with your dick
Neutralfag behavior
Heh, big STR means big number. Unga!
Neutralchads always get the hottest waifus.
No, because the Axiom/Greater Will/Will of the Universe isn't a character in the classic sense. It's the true god of SMT in a literal sense, but it's more of a stand-in for the developer/player. The Will governing the nature of reality, whose avatars (YHVH/Lucifer/etc.) act as the final boss but give the player (Messiah) the opportunity to stomp them and Decide the fate of the game world.
I don't know, Chaos put their A-game in Vengeance
is alice as a navigator a mod or a quest?
quest in 3rd area
It's a quest in Shinjuku. She's a gem finder like Decarabia
>This subquest is exclusive to the Canon of Vengeance. Players on Canon of Creation will not encounter this quest in their initial playthrough
it's fucking over...
I actually think the Axiom is closer to a beefed-up Kagutsuchi than the Great Will itself, given the ending of IV:A is basically the same as picking a reason.
They all have demon stds, especially namaah, They use sex to create evil entities.
I'm getting filtered by hydra again. Is it worth powering through to get to the new story?
Bino corrects all of them and makes them undo their evil scheme is the canon route. A Snake can never defeat the Bull.
>Is it worth powering through to get to the new story?
What do you mean? are you going to quit lol?
you don't play this game for the story
Agrat is so fucking sexy
dude. stop fucking spamming this thread. go fucking do something else you insufferable, pathetic fuck.
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>boss very low on HP
>buffs/debuffs wearing off
>mp basically empty, people low on HP
>boss is going to crit my ass next turn
>no dampaners left
>my magatsuhi is ready
>kill or be killed
>go all out and barely kill the boss with the final press turn
It always feels so good to clutch the kill.
what are the route unique demons in veng?
bait spam faggot fuck off
Don't be weak to fire. Debuff attack/defense, spam ice. Use dampener when he charges up.

Easy kill, even on hard mode.
It's ok, Mermaid is very cute too!
This was me with Beelzebub. My entire party was wiped, Bino has sub 50 HP left but it landed on a turn with Magatsuhi and he was able to one v one him. It was kino
>Shiva leaves and enter worlds
>Not making him a stronger version in CoV or CoC if you've beaten him in the other route.
unironically Kannabi veil will save you especially if you're planning on doing the later retarded fights (Shiva, Masakadoo)
>200 damage
That's literally nothing.
>lose fight
>get stronger
Not everything is like dragon ball you spic
But the new story content...
Thank you... Sleep time.
>Loses in one universe
>Enters the another one and collects more magatsuhi on top of his current pool.
Never said anything about Dragon Ball.
How do you guys build Beelzebub? I kind of want to take off Death Flies because everything blocks dark and I don't want to run Impaler's on him
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how close is your compendium to 100%?
100% it under 70 hours.
>AAAAUUUGGGHHHH (but higher pitched)
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I know SMT is pokemon for adults but seriously I could never do this shit. It's too tedious.
You've got to be autistic to enjoy doing this.
SMT V/V is pokemon for children so it's ok
The only annoying part is the enigma-race being only summonable through fusion accidents. Waste 6 hours to get all three of them.
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Is he even worth it?
It will cost me like 300K to resummon all the Qadistu
Do what? it's not that hard.
Everything can be solved with money and you never need to rng anything, besides maybe the 3 accident fusions, but those are easy as well with the miracle at full moon.
The same happened to me. I wonder if he has some built in at low health
On a replay it really feels like this game loves to waste your time, with side content that is. There's actually so much side shit to do main content probably makes up for less than 50% of total game.
Every time something persona or melodramatic happens i open Nocturne instead

I'm still in Da'at 3 and i'm about to finish Nocturne.
when do the aogamis respawn?
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Oh yeah, Beelzeboss was squashed like a fly in one round.
>beat the game on hard with no fusion
>now on NG+ I am working on compendium trophy
I assume the best way is to fuse demons and transfer just 1 skill onto new ones, so that demon will be cheaper to summon from the compendium?

I'm this faggot btw >>681345082
I started NG+ so I could get enough incenses for my demons and HOPEFULLY can beat demifiend the legit way.
I never tried a Quadistu team since I started with CoC but from my perspective he seems pointless
gogmagog gaming
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Ringo game is on sale and it has actual dungeons and world design
Do Samael and Lucifer's innate skills even grant pierce on elemental skills? The former doesn't make much sense with the elemental emphasis for 3 out of the 4 women.
Lucifer innate only affects normal attacks, yeah you heard that right.
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I've upgraded to Chi you gaming, although gogmagog would probably still be stronger because one extra weakness and innate phys null.
Just can't afford to feed him incenses.
I might just do both lmao
what happens if you go neutral in veng
not playing female MC shit even for free, sorry
Samael's grants pierce on all attacks, except maybe ailments. His boss fight can get really annoying because of that skill.
>actual dungeons
I'd rather play Hackers Memory, it's the same exact shitty repetitive, recolored """"dungeons""" but at least you actually fight with monsters.
>Lucifer innate only affects normal attacks, yeah you heard that right.
That's fucking confusing when both his description doesn't make a disctintion. Just the normal attack, not even physical skills like Heatwave?
You get to pick your ending between chaos and law
Only the basic bitch normal attack and nothing else.
What's the set up for this build?
>low iq retard

Stay on SMTV
There is no neutral path so you're forced to choose between law and chaos at the end
>tfw dumped incenses into him.
Fuck. Guess I'll drag him along for auto grinding items.
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Reasons to buy Soul Hackers 2
>you get nice cards, pic related
Reasons NOT to buy Soul Hackers 2
>everything else
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Just have Rampage and Crit aura.
Stall with yabusame shot until you buff/debuff with Cleo.
Switch to Vritra as it has both Dance and Feast and have fun.
Honestly the ice and phys resists isn't even necessary, just give them enduring soul. They only need to survive long enough to get the combo out and at that point the boss either dies or has such low hp it's easy to clean up.
I'll probably get Metatron for fires of sinai, although a gogmagog would deal more damage.
is it ideal to go neutral to get more quests/unlocks before the final choice or does it not matter I forgot
Well when he's at the last phase of his fight he starts using Death Flies which is a fucking screen wipe if ever there was one
Nothing is different
It's either a certain number of Full Moons or there's a chance of respawn every full moon. All the timers in the game are based on the lunar cycle.
Baal - Ose - Flauros
Lucifer - Satan
4 Riders
Krishna(please let him appear again I hate that we got Innana over him) - Odin - Maitreya
Shiva - Vishnu
Hydra - Orochi - Ananta
Fafnir - Siegfried
Maria - Gabriel
Idunn - Loup Garou
SMT newfag here. What benefits is there on changing position?
Matador is the Anzu killer with his innate ability to OHK on hitting a Crit or Weakness.
The achievements for this game are bs not as bs as ffx-2 but fucking very close
Turn order, you might have someone up front to perform a function before Bino gets to act to ensure he gets the benefit or max turns.
The first one acting has to ensure you hit a weakness or a crit to get extra press turns, otherwise you lose a turn.
Position 1 and 3 want to hit weaknesses.
position 2 and 4 can use any attacks or buff/debuffs.
Luster candy as 1
Hoshi tobi as 2
Astral strike as 3
Metatrom as 4 cuz him almighty skills go up based on how many times enemy was hit this turn
>What benefits is there on changing position?
This game uses a press turn system, you start with 4 press turns and you can extend these to 8 maximum. The way most efficient setups work is that you put attackers at slots 1 and 3 so you hit weakness gain half press turn, spend half press turn with support on slot 2, attacker on 3 again generates half press turn and support on 4 spends it. This way you can guarantee 8 actions on every boss fight provided party members 1 and 3 can critical or hit weakness which is nearly always possible.
That's the most basic setup, there are many setups that you can make with custom turn order. In other SMT games turn order is based on agility so it can be hard to get a party that acts in most optimal way.
Unless achievements for X-2 are different than PS trophies, it should be piss easy. X was much harder, in my opinion, with that 0:00:00 chocobo race and 2001 Dodge Lightning.
>Luster candy as 1
Already wasted a turn, stupid.
You should switch tobi and candy.
You get that turn back, except you get to deal damage twice.
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yhvh design is just gotos face
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I get that getting weakness hits or crits makes you do half a turn but you're also saying that if you use a 1 turn move like a buff or debuff or non weak/crit attack when you've already used half a turn it'll only actually use half the turn? Like going from 3.5 to 3 instead of 3.5 to 2.5? Am I understanding that right?
I thought so too but that's apparently not the case because I checked during the full moon and it wasn't there, now I checked at 6/8 and it was.
Just load up a save file , the game is simply not worth your time

You could be playing a better smt like nocturne
Yes, that's the whole point.
when you get a flashing press turn icon it will be consumed first when using actions that would otherwise use a whole turn so yeah if you let's say hit weakness on first action you get 1 blinking turn and 3 normal turns, only that blinking turn will be consumed when casting buff, debuff, heal, attack that doesn't hit weakness etc. Once you only have blinking turns you can't generate any more that's why with 4 press turns you can have 8 actions maximum
>somebody actually bought left alive
Imagine explaining game mechanics that even a toddler understands by mere logic and for a game that’s absolute garbage baby mode
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Damn, yeah that's insanely useful to know. I just assumed 1 turn was 1 turn regardless of what came before it and it was a simple subtraction from a 4 point total. That's especially useful for bosses where I'm going to want to rely a lot more on buffs and debuffs. Thanks lads.
My opening for bosses is usually
>Cleopatra, Luster Candy
>Kresnik, Yabusame Shot (always crit, gives half a turn)
>Artemis (Debilitate)
>Bino, pass (he's strictly a Heavenly Ikuyumi user)
>Cleopatra, Luster Candy
>Kresnik, Yabusame Shot
>Artemis, Debilitate
and attack with Kresnik and Bino on 2nd turn, while Cleo and Artemis heal. I left only 1 spell on Cleo and 1 attack on Artemis (Astral Saintstrike).
No, I bought it once. But I was the only one who bought it, so I got steelbook (which is empty). I just like both boxes.
If you want to make fun of my purchases, at least use valid points and mention games that are bad. Like Soul Hackers 2 and FF14
>Like going from 3.5 to 3 instead of 3.5 to 2.5? Am I understanding that right?

you can get danu
Why don't you have Luster Candy on Artemis instead and then use Frolic once with Cleo instead of 2 Debilitates?
How do I farm money late game?
Nahobino's Hevenly Ikuyumi deals damage based on debuffs that are applied on enemy. So while Frolic is better that Debilitate because it takes just one cast and costs less MP, 2x Debilitate is better for my Bino.
Of course, both Cleopatra and Artemis have Boon Boost, but I will replace them with Boon Boost EX when I get more of those.
Do challenge mode VR battles, omagotoki luck on last fight it should be big money.
>2x Debilitate is better for my Bino
How is it better? I doubt two applications count as 2 debuffs.
But lvl 100 is scary, I'm only at like 80.
Is there a point of diminishing return for stats growth? I'm running a Phys beano with 100 Str at the moment. Should I focus on other stats instead?
Yes, because Debilitate is -1 and 2xDebiltate is -2 on enemies.
Plus, Frolic reduces ATK and DEF, while Debilitate reduces AGI as well.
I meant that one frolic is the same debuff as x2 debilitate.
I forgot frolic doesn't debuff accuracy because nobody cares about it lol.
So yeah, I guess debilitate would be better for ikuyumi.
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best smt game released, period.
The new passives and magatsuhi skills really changed how it plays.
I only wish you could change your own passive with essences.
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I think that farming nav spots in Taito with Ippon-Datara and riberama is faster than VR battles on average. There was one chain of mitamas that gave me 160k before I even sold any of the saki relics that dropped, so that one battle got me more than lvl 100 armies of chaos with luck, which took me over 15 minutes.
>chain of mitamas
With or without DLC?
I don't use DLC
Without. I don't have it either
Oh and why ippon? Does he have more chance to find relics like the boat guy?
He has higher odds of finding battles, which is what you are looking for because you want to encounter mitamas
BTW I use the leyline in the west by the ponds because there are some spots that seem to have really high odds of being mitamas there both in the water and down the cliff where it is.
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>stuck at the qadistu sisters fight
>some anon said he best it at lvl 50 hard mode so I'm too stubborn to grind a few levels and keep recomping my party to worse and worse results
>divebombs into Nahobino
they made estoma take your magatsuhi gauge lmao
they really wanted you to get harassed by weirdly aggressive flying enemies the entire game
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Just focus on the summons first.
Also abuse aoe magatsuhi moves
If you have magic bino give him mahamaon. Hits Lillith's weaknesses and none resist so you can eventually take them all out and make her waste her turns reviving them.
Wtf. I'm doing like Max 230 damage to ONE of them per attack.
Threesome with Alice and Agrat
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did she just flash me
I got 95 STR
The father you get into the game the more you realize Cu really is the goat
Severe piercing attack that also dumps their stats.
And Cu Chulainn and Scathach is the easiest to assebmle as it only needs 2 instead of 3 cats or 3 Jacks.
always has been. I have a maxed out Cu in Nocturne and Persona 3. Great demon.
Yeah I'm still using him. He can get like 1000+ damage crits now.
They really buffed him.
Did you recruit Kresnik? He's super good in this fight because he's lvl 60 and matches up well.
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>I thought that was interesting
Which essence would have that?

I'm level 51. That's wayyy above my recruitment ability at the moment.
>I'm level 51
Doesn't matter. Do his quest and he will join you anyways.
You can get Kresnik after completing one side quests.
The axiom/great will is just the giant collective of souls where every soul goes and comes from when someone dies and is born respectively.
Kingdom hearts has a similiar concept.
Contrarianism, excessive masturbation. Really like Sonic the Hedgehog but specifically for Shadow. Legos.
Namah and Agrat are priority. Namah with Mother Earth up is a pain and she will status the party. Agrat uses a variety of elements and crits for days. Eisheth is the easy one to deal with since at this point you should have some phys resistance and phys blocks. Lilith is running VITchad support Beano build, but if you bump off the others she has to waste time bringing them back.
>Which essence would have that
It's a periapt.
You need to talk to a Setanta NPC in the 3rd zone to get it.
Wiki says near "Western Shinjuku"
This just be the power o' the Irish
I'm able to burn down all 3 of them pretty quickly. Problem is Lilith has such high HP I can't keep up burning them down and keep damaging her while keeping SP available.
>did you know I got fucked by a horse and gave birth to its child
You have no right to throw shade at anyone Loki
I feel like it would be a bit too much to be able to change every single skill. I feel like there needs to be some uniqueness to demons when you can supercharge all their stats and equip any other skill on them. It's a nice middle ground between allowing freedom of customization and letting demons have their own distinct identities.
Doing an all Celtic god playthrough is fun. Especially Dagda of the North Star
so what's the way to get most weaknesses? gogmagog, mc with slime essence, slime, arahabaki?
I'm doing the old story before vengeance, should I do Demi-Fiend in this one before I switch over?
Worst any ever made

Demons just get the skill you want and people are cheesing it harder than ever. Not fun to play
Isn't hare of inaba weak to everything?
Honestly, I don't know how it's even calculated.
It might count all weaknesses and add them up or it might only count different weaknesses, i.e. if you have 2 demons with fire weakness, it only counts as having one.
Never tested it.
if you were to believe the fusion calculator it seems to add 5% damage per weakness in your active party
How important are the joint skills? I don't want to feel forced to use demons. I like using ones I like.
Not that important, just nice to have.
I never focused on having certain sets of demons in my active party so I never ended up using them on Hard. They seem like they could be fun and powerful, but I never had any issues without them.
Nice if you have them, but more than enough other shit you can abuse if you don't.
is this another nocturne reference where he helps demi fiend punch everyone to death?
You don't have to use them at all and beat the game but they enable many powerful combos so you'd be quite the fool to completely ignore them. Just use them whenever convenient sometimes things just line up nicely.
I used frost storm just because I had all the hee hos in stock collecting exp for eventual nahobeeho fusion
To be fair sone if them are kinda a head scratcher.
Like when the fuck are you gonna have neko shogun(lv5), cait sith(lv7) and fucking nekomata(lv36) together in your party?
You have to play the extra game which sucks
Can you use them with neko shogun and cait sith in your stock? Makes sense if Nekomata is active but the others aren't so you can always summon the low levels for that skill alone (even if it would be a waste of macca)
You can use nekotama and keep the other cats in the stock, but yeah, probably never.
Only one that makes sense are the Wind and Electricity ones because Thor and Odin and Cu and Scathach are relatively close.
I actually used lots of Grimoires on Neko shogun so that I could keep using Friegul so I just naturally ended up with all the cats
Last Mission, you mean? I fucking loved that part, but I understand it's not for everyone.
Nigge lover
Mystery meat mutt
You know, a lot of these team-work based Innate skills would be a lot better if we had 6 party size just like the classic games. 4 is way too restrictive to build a team around some of these skills.
You can use it as long as they are in your stock, but I don't onow about you guys bht my stock always felt too cramped to take along low level shitter demons
Yeah. It's not as bad for the generic ones that just require type matching but for the ones that need very specific demons they're insanely niche in usitility.
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happen to me with both matador and true lucifer,i still have the picture lol
>my stock always felt too cramped to take along low level shitter demons
Same. If they wanted me carrying around magatsuhi team fodder they needed to give me more stock space.
I like them. Doing ultra specific runs with weird demons is sovl
you can get the african dan that have taunt+tetrakarm or star fusing black rider and let him learn block physical
Why do you people put exclamation and question mark before and after the sentence? It doesn't bother me, I'm just curious.
Is Murakumo still the strongest STRbino skill?
It never was
>Taunt but you can choose who has taunt

Ridiculously strong abillity.
NTA but I would guess it's so you can tell that the sentence is a question or exclamatory right away if it's a longer sentence. Like if you were reading a long quest that you couldn't tell was a question at first, it would affect the tone with which you read it.
they new light one is still more broken,im gonna try in my ng+
*if you were reading a long question
>need to evade an attack to even use it
Is it really though?
>Question marks are used at the end of interrogative sentences that ask questions. Exclamation marks are used at the end of exclamatory sentences as a means of showing great emotion or shock and surprise.
You do? How useless.
for what i have seen,yeah.The only bad thing is that you need something like 4 slots to make it work.
NTA but you have the skill that guarantees evasion once for Bino. So yeah, it's good IF you know that enemy will target Bino, or use AoE attack.
You also get a skill that guarantees an evasion.
I've seen it used with the 4x magatsuhi followed by charge to cheese Satan with 20 attacks per turn
you get a skill that guarantees evasion, a passive that gets you bonus press turns on evasion and another passive that gets you strong piercing counter on evasion, STR evade tank beano is very viable
I want to get a tit job from Cleopatra's fat tits. Thank you for reading.
It's a NG+ build though, seeing how fucking late you get it.
so why did miyazu cuck yuzuru
It seems to be best for Satan and really not much else in a NG save file, yeah.

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