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New heroes this week, surely :)
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Sex with Abrams
Deadlock more like tranny lock
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Did the stupid turds designing this game not realize if you allow tanks to be tanky and deal a lot of damage there is no reason to go anything other than a tank?
>jump in middle of temafight
>press R
>win game

Is seven really this ez?
*summons the anvil*
not on my watch
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>it's another no accomplishment pro player from a different game stealing all kills, farm, and camps as a tank/support just to run it down and not carry
When will these niggers stop
First ebeg of the thread https://steamcommunity.com/id/Wunderhund

>lite is strange positive review
>he doesn't like cute lesbians being gay
>smite negative review
Where does this sticc get off having such a tight ass?
how do you cope with having multiple 0 kill 0 assist players on your team
i'm at wits fucking end here
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requesting to provide the phul access saar

i love dota 2 and valve yippee!!!

>jester profile award
I don't care about this game and neither have I played it, but the only hero I need is this gargoyle
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>>jester profile award
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>Press R on 7
>My gun reloads
GOD I want Ivy to bite me that would be so hot.
She looks like the kind of gargoyle who'd only awkwardly nibble your arm, while rubbing her slobbering tongue all over it
Oh yeah no question that when I ask her to chomp down on my shoulder and really get those fangs in deep she'd look at me worried and if I insisted she'd probably become angry and leave.
We'd still be friends but yeah that would ruin our relationship.
Ivy nibbles in her sleep
>game is so bad that even in alpha it has to pump out more champions to remain mildly enjoyable
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Watching the opponent's hp pool go from 100 to 0 in a sec or snipe a low HP guy from bum fuck nowhere really is dopamine inducing kek
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>5 ivy games today
>4 wins
Remind me why you aren't playing this fuckugly loveable healcreature? She's still good-ish even though they've nerfed her again and again.
i like watching the hp on the enemy in the lane next to me and popping over for a quick snipe if i see he's getting low
they always expect it when you're in their lane, but never when you're in the lane next door.
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>just do bad, very sloppy all match
>we lose, but it was sort of a stomp
>I say that I'm sorry for playing like shit
>Most of the team on voice comms tell me that it's okay
>play better than the enemy team
>lose just cause hero difference
It sucks I'm at the point I can tell who's going to win or lose at the start of the match based off comp alone, very bad sign for a competitive game
they reported u anyways after the match ended
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That's always how's it been in mobas, though?
I do feel like whoever has Dynamo is guaranteed to have a much easier time winning, though.
Bro were you just in my game as haze
>That's always how's it been in mobas, though?
The issue is this game has an INSANELY small roster compared to other MOBAs which makes the issue far more noticeable
This is why shops are cancer and hots is the only moba worth playing
Build for dynamo?
Eh... in my opinion the game is still fresh for a lot of people and the recommended shop doesn't cover items that were made to counter specific style of heroes like Hex or Anvil or in some cases boots that cleanse any sort of slows. I think that most of the players just purchase what is recommended and hope they brute force the other team.
How does it feel to get swatted out of the sky?
The default shop items are torte de linni tier bad recommendations.
dont worry torte de linni is cooking up his own builds that are even worse and releasing them soon
How the fuck did you come to that conclusion?
Majestic leap and/or mobility items + playing darts on the shop = collect win
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The bitch playstyle that I learned from playing Veigar against zed/Core Skywrath or Counter-Strike in general helps making these moments pretty rare, desu.
I do find it a tad bit annoying when Wraith surprises me with an ult and I couldn't do dick about it, though.
some random 500 items -> majestic leap -> all in on improving ult's cooldown, duration and reach
>when Wraith surprises me with an ult and I couldn't do dick about it
There's a 3k item that makes you completely immune to bullets and melee
Dynamo needs to get gutted.
Literally the only hero in the game with an outright busted ult.

I really hope this game doesnt go down the path of shitty hero shooters where the game boils down to click overtuned R = win teamfights like in overwatch
Yeah except all spirit damage from her shots goes through just fine so she can just build tesla bullets or w/e at the same cost.
Huh, that's a neat idea. I usually went with the silencing one and jumped her first before she could jump me but that's a safer alternative.
Tesla Bullets is worth about 1/4 of her DPS at MAX because of its horrible internal cooldown
You're saying that reducing her damage by 75% or more during her ult for 3000g isn't worth it
Just trying to put it in perspective here
They've been nerfing dynamo and lash every single week and they're still retarded.
In fact Lash somehow just keeps getting better because the meta devolves more and more into meme fight + the objectives and new urns benefit Lash even more.
What about this? Sounds good on an vindicta to counter left click heroes and pretty cheap.
I don't understand how you get such high damage on her ult
I've itemized specifically for it but it doesn't get THAT strong
Also, when I hit them it doesn't register, yet if I miss them it registers; how
>I don't understand how you get such high damage on her ult
Read the tooltip and you'll know
Yeah. Hey, anon, who were you?
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This is your lane partner for tonight
Say something nice about them
cute feet
I was bebop. I had a rough game too.
that stupid faggot really lives for the esports clout huh
>He builds gun vindicta
LITERALLY all your abilities have retarded spirit scaling and you decide to go for gun items because ''SHE USES SNIPER RIFLE ;)''
Every fucking time I get a 0/13/2 vindicta on my team, I open their inventory only to see nothing but orange items.
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I love this image
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>pyotr has farted
Anon all of your moves scale of of gun damage too. The bonus spirit damage is a % of your gun damage. That's how most gun heros work.
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gimme a key man
post steam retard
can i delete you after sending a recomendation letter? is it works?
No more keys, Will.
wait is the game out???? did i miss something
this is the only reason people play this garbage hero
well that, and feet, of course

>wojak/frog/chud avatar with le so wacky slightly racist memes
thats a no from me lil nigga
just a heads up valve started revoking access for/from people selling and giving out keys to random people or selling them
They've been doing that for ages.
If you just got your access revoked it's probably because you mass invited 200 niggas like a retard
he's just a nigger, only if you sell them you get revoked
Yoshi told me personally. Don't fuck with Yoshi.
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If you disagree with this you're a low mmr shitter
Yamato owns, most people just have no idea how to play her and use her 4 at like 200 life left.
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Yamato is a high tier carry in higher mmr what are you smoking, its the reason shes constantly getting gutted.
>fin nigga
>basically vodkaniggers retarded cousin
And what do you think is the difference between you and a keyseller? both will add people they never met and proceed to invite them to the game.
Valve isnt going to try and look you up on the hundreds of places you can be selling keys outside of steam.
3 weeks ago yes.
Not anymore, even Hyd dropped her and that's why she's actually been getting big buffs after the ult rework a while ago.
I agree with this sentiment simply because I want the public opinion to believe that Yamato is shit so I can continue to get buffs.
>its the reason shes constantly getting gutted.
she has gotten big buffs in the latest 2 patches tho
this list is retarded
maybe except from the very top and very bottom
Fins are cool though
literally who?
she was still good even with the reworked ult everything shes gotten recently aside from the shallow grave effect on ult have been minor adjustments or a quality of life changes
When did you realize that the lock has always been dead?
Hydration is the current GOD of Deadlock, most profilic player to have ever blessed this lands
check friend request
>literally who
you don't play yamato and you're not high mmr, your opinion is already invalidated
>everything shes gotten recently aside from the shallow grave effect on ult have been minor adjustments or a quality of life changes
they literally increased her ult for half a second (on top of another buff to that last week) meaning now you can get like 17 seconds of being fully unkillable with refresher

And even more importantly, they allowed Yamato to cancel the hook WHICH CARRIES MOMENTUM so you can hook someone, cancel it, keep flying and you're now past the target you originally hooked.
These are not fucking minor.
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Okay /v/, serious theory-crafting post.

Gun Ivy, home-cooked.

Medic bullets->extra charge->basic magazine to survive the laning stage. Healrite if everything is fucked up

Health Nova first.
Long Range ->Healbane (healbane works in 90% of the matches).
Then i'm getting dizzy and losing the thread.
Healing booster - heal buff.
Suppressor - kinda good..built it a lot back in the past, dk is it worth it at all
Bullet resist shredder, Mystic Vuln - usable later..or not?

Tesla Bullets + Titanic Magazine - core items to gunning all bad guys down.

Everything else - idk..Sharpshooter is situational yet good,Mystic Slow - nice..Toxic Bullets if Healbane can't counter the tanky enemy, but imho that's a waste of souls.
Hunter's Aura? Superior C/D?

Siphon Bullets is nuts, Inhibitor is good, Exposure - not great.

Ready to hear the suggestions.

>full melee/full spirit
Only gun build please.
literally no one knows who that is
>its the reason shes constantly getting gutted.
>"uh actually she's been getting buffs constantly recently"
>w-well those are qol changes they don't matter to me!
full retard
and those buffs are huge
>you don't play yamato and you're not high mmr
Why because i couldnt give a shit about your eceleb cult. How about you hydrate off something other than his dick
Yes i know, shes good i never argued she wasnt but aside from those two which i mentioned she has gotten scaling and base damage nerfs. Ill admit gutted was a strong word but thats the internet, nigger.
Hydration, the quickest fingers in all of NA
Hydration, the smoothest yamato ever played
Hydration, highest mmr avaliable, literal #1

The one, the only, refreshing as charming!

>Why because i couldnt give a shit about your eceleb cult.
It shows that you haven't played with/against, nor watched featured high mmr matches.
You're not high mmr, you're a shitter, you don't know the game, you don't know what you're talking about, you probably think seven is broken as sin.
Esports-infected shittery in this post.
>low mmr shitter got his feelings hurt
Hello shitter
you cant really watch streams of deadlock and i play on eu so i dont know who this retard is
though im sure he isnt very good
>yet another low mmr shitter falls victim of Dunning–Kruger
>you need to watch an eceleb to be good
>got matched with xmithie tonight
>dies 6 times in lane as bebop
>also get him next game, goes pocket and hard carries
Huh starting to think this pocket guy might not be balanced
so what makes this different to like smite or something?
>you cant really watch streams of deadlock
Jesus do you people even play the game?
Hmmmm... Nah, i'm sure it was just luck. Yoshi would never, ever, leave some heroes broken as fuck.
nothing bro, it's the same game actually
Its actually a shooter and has vertical movement, a fight is gonna have layers and levels of high ground and low ground
Also its an actual dota like not a generic moba
retard hard aimers getting filtered by actual moba tactics and abilities will never not be funny

this is like people crying about Phantom Lancer or Morphing
it’s made by valve, therefore it’s automatically amazing
lol yesterday I had a Lady Geist speak up around 20 minutes to say he got his siphon bullets, I checked his build and he didn't have a single spirit item
spotted the haze player who thinks every ult is busted except for his
Okay Hydration settle down you're very okay at the game we understand
Hydration is the current #1 Deadlock player in the world, put some respect on his name
if every hero isn't on the red row your game a shit
make everyone BUSTED yoshi
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I KNEEL to the Yamato Hydration cabal
does lifesteal fall under healing or is it its own thing? eg is spirit lifesteal affected by healing boost?
theres no "basic/hard dispel" kind of esoteric bullshit right?
Yes life/spirit steal is effected by healing bonuses, there's a hard dispel on yourself yes not sure about other people
how do you get a key for this game?
you beg
beg who
stop saying this is a moba... its more of a overwatchlike.. i invited 3 of my friends who play league of legends and dota and enjoy it.. they dont like overwatch. after just 10 hours they all quit because they say its like overwatch... and i say i must agree
Beg me. Post your steam and let's see if you are fit for an invite.
Why are people pretending this ugly ass gargoyle is a fuckable design? Is it a psyop?
>laning phase
>creep economy, can even deny the enemy farm
>items are 10000x times more important than aim
you and your friends are retarded as fuck
You must undergo a humiliation ritual and post your steam here in order to get invited by someone from the thread
its funny because shes ugly as fuck
at least thats how ive understood it
Imagine not getting invited on the email era
Now all us email chads have hundreds of hours of experience without having to slob on someones dick
ur still a shitter tho
Your friends are retarded, no surprise there though because they play League instead of Dota
It's because every female character in this game is hardly memorable and the only one that stands out is ivy because shes an ugly as fuck monster girl so /v/ has no one else to latch on to, so they have to draw her as gap moe.

All things considered she is unique because she's a monster girl that with a simple design that's not meant to be in your face sexy/ugly compared to most female characters that are either barbie dolls or ugly as fuck modern AAA design so I can see why she gets the most fan art.
I don't particularly like her but I can see the appeal.
I love her cute death yelp tho
Oh and Yamato is also very noticeable but now that I think about it her blessing and downfall lies in her massive forehead, while it gives her a unique kino-esque look, it also makes it literally impossible to draw her as cute/sexy now that I think about it.
I really hope they dont redesign that part of her.
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Because she's so ugly she's cute
does she also have a button of the back of her trousers to make it easier to get past the tail?
about how long till the email from valve?
I was told a day or 2
sent! ;)
>hots tranny
sent ;^)
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i decided on using the press to hold function. that way its much simpler.
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the E button is not used in this game. pretty weird.
Im changing the Z and X item buttons to Q and E. C and V slots will stay.
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Sort of, it's more like a big hole for the tail
I really fucking hate the targeting of the point target abilities, half the time it will hit the creep standing in front of you and the other half the time it just doesn't work even if you're spamming it

I wish it would just activate it on the hero under your cursor instead of requiring a second click
post steam retard...
This is my personal issue with the game
The item bindings are shit, for the first time ever I actually have to use my mouse macros and I hate it but there really arent any other options.
Shift F
Shift mouse button
around that time, yes
I already played Dota using WSAD to move the camera, the biggest thing that fucks me here are needing the crouch, reload and parry buttons handy because that's basically 3 extra now
what a dumb fucking complaint considering you can remap literally everything...?
already got an anon to send 2 days ago
are the people in this thread fucking bots holy hell
fuck off, ungrateful ape
shut up pussy
Nobody knows what causes you to get in instantly or to have to wait multiple days but most people just have it resent I think

They sent me the invite a few hours after the Bulgarian anon sent the invite to me, shoutout to that guy
problem with all of these is that as a wasd movement game you have to take your finger of off one of your movement buttons to click on them
Yeah there's a lot of stuff that you need to keybind which forces you to use some uncomfortable buttons for some of them
what are you using these buttons for
do you rest your pinky finger on A or Capslock/Shift

You aren't wrong for most of the keys but those get less important abilities and you move the rest over to in range of your pointer finger which should be resting on F
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does one need to remain as a friend meanwhile waiting for the invite?
no, but you arent getting invited, anti-social weirdo
you dipshit, the invite interface literally asks you who the person is in relation to you. This went from friends and family of valve employees to russians selling invites and its probably ran with an automated program that checks that you're friends on steam
why are you so mad? youre not special cause youre in the beta bro. valve isnt gonna hire you.
schizo moment
have some self awareness dude you've done nothing but be retarded in this thread and I'm the only person still trying to help you it looks like
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I remember trying to play deadlock when we only had NA server
Every other game had some high pitched dumbass jake paul sounding white kid crying about something every 5 seconds and blaming his team.
I played EU servers for dozens of hours now and never witnessed a toxic moment and mics are only used for gameplay, not complaining.
When I outplayed a seven at the laning phase with abrams he said "wp". Did this ever happen to you?
There are tons of russians but they do play well and speak english at high mmr so all is well. Games are hard but fun and satisfying.
If you are EU I suggest tryharding to win 5 games or more so you get out of retard pool into better games.

I feel really bad for some of you NA anons. Not the ones shilling literal who E celebs and blaming their team (it's another episode of posters). They will never git gud.
im not that guy. im just cringing so hard at you people who think they are in some special secret club and are gatekeeping. super fucking gay.
>pleeeeease give am invite
>but im also too cool to be friends with /v/tards on steam
kek kys
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i bound my melee to another button now i can't do a heavy melee? any reasons why?
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I haven't played EU servers, but all the burgers I've seen on burger server have been fine enough people to play with/against
God I just hope this game gets a sizeable aus audience
>he's not in
it's okay though because you dont want to be in
theres too many buttons. just remove parry and remove heavy melee. that shit is so pointless if youre not a complete scrub. so easy to react to. i think its more than half a second for fucks sake.
if nothing else you will probably have just 200 ping to asia servers
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I don't think it's about gatekeeping as much as people walking on eggshells and making sure they won't make a mistake which ends up in Valve just stopping people from being able to invite friends.
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i am, pussy. youre lame as fuck and probably a ivy spammer. one of you is the gay abrams poster i swear to god.
i think you should go back to a more retard-friendly game like overwatch or something

shitters like you are the ones who play lol isntead of dota, dont try to destroy the game for the rest of us
kill yourself
melee is low skill as fuck. thats def what LOL players would use.
It's higher skill, when you start having to fake hit them, when people in your MMR knows how to parry.
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look at how slow this shit is
you gotta be joe biden or some shit to not be able to parry this shit
bro you have a gun just shoot them before they get to you lmao dash away dude like you said just parry my man hahahahah how is getting butthurt from being melee'd real
thats what im saying nigger
i dont get hit by that shit and neither is anybody who is average at the game. its pointless to have parry and heavy melee.
>run into hallway to bait someone in
>heavy melee them

>sleep someone with haze
>heavy melee them

okay now that the baby mode is over

>heavy melee charges and then gets cast in whatever direction you're facing, you can literally turn 180 and heavy melee them
>you can charge around corners with it

someone already pointed it out but in case you didnt know, you're not very bright
ok just got an invite. is there anything else I need to do? do I need to sign up anywhere or is this supposed to be that secretive
you can go on their forum/discord, you'll have your forum pw in the invite email
How do you make it through life being this fucking helpless, retarded russian 13 year old kids figured it out without speaking a lick of english besides FUCK YOU

there's a forum for feedback and bug report
>run into hallway to bait someone in
>heavy melee them
>sleep someone with haze
>heavy melee them
>heavy melee charges and then gets cast in whatever direction you're facing, you can literally turn 180 and heavy melee them
>you can charge around corners with it

you react to the sound, not the visual.

i just dont see this ever being used by good players. its way too risky and doesnt scale with your ability to aim
you can also heavy melee at someone then turn 180 degrees around while they parry and it will go on cooldown for 5 seconds
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Interdasting. So the rune spawner model was originally meant for the sewer hand npc. >>681358981 Maybe some runes will have a chance of spawning the creep, like some sort of trap. Or maybe that just means the hand isn't going to make it into the final game.
we will m8. deadlock is definitely an alive game and valve is going to give us some nice ping to play with.
Dota and tf2 aus population is still decent.
This post is incredibly gay
i thought all aussie dotards play on the seamonkey servers?
okay now post a video of you parrying in fights where a million things are going on
that's exclusively for really good players looking for better matches. plenty of shitters about
>over half the cast need to be nerfed
awesome thanks. waiting on the email
haven't gotten an email yet mate, calm down with your relentless seethe, its not that deep
Is this game even officially revealed yet? How are people playing it.
man, nu4chan really feels like fucking facebook or twitter
just braindead retards who dont bother even reading 5 posts in a thread, waiting to get spoonfed
post your steam and hope some nice anon invites you, retardbro
Everyone itt is larping. I emailed valve for an invite and never got a response. Shit looks like sfm animations
Get on your hands and knees, post your steam, and beg me for an invite. If I like what i see, and feel generous, I might just invite you.
Yoshi here, can confirm, i received your email, but you seemed like a very cringy faggot so i decided yo ignore it
no its like the edd ed n eddy threads. this thread is just a bunch of trannies writing gay fanfiction and trolling newfags
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Excuse you, I've never written gay fanfiction in my life.
We don't. It's just biggest psy-op of the year. Game is nonexistent. We just using leaked valve screenshots of a game. But don't worry - valve already cancelled it. Characters in thread generated with vision-models, items description - with LLMs. Bitching about strategy and tactics -- just a headcanon. Don't post your email here or even worse - your steam account.
this. so much this.
>start heavy melee to bait parry
>turn 90 degrees so you don't hit them
>now parry is on cooldown so you just heavy melee again
Even better.

>start heavy melee from max range
>they parry on reaction
>it still hits them in the face due to travel time
anyone got the list of commands to use the unreleased heroes?
I got filtered and uninstalled after laning against McGinnis 3 games in a row. Horribly designed character maybe I’ll be back if they add in the new heroes this week
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>pick ivy
Seven's ult is no longer a cylinder. Was this ever mentioned in changelogs?
lmao noob

monster bullets or just shoot them from far away

McGinnis is total noob bait
huh? i dont recall it ever been a "cylinder"...?
It was always a cylinder. Up until fairly recently, apparently.
dunno what do you mean by recently, ive been in for like 2 weeks now and its always been in a giant radius, basically crystal maiden's ult
do you know what a cylinder is? it used to be a cylinder. now its a sphere. dota is a 2d game so that comparison doesnt make sense.
there is up in dota.. like towers for wards and stairs around the map with river... think before u speak idiot
Should have picked something broken, like Lash, instead.
kevin's ult should be a cilinder
spheres are just stupid
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>i just dont see this ever being used by good players. its way too risky and doesnt scale with your ability to aim
Firstly this game takes 10 times less mechanical skill than overwatch. You can't even headshot with Vindicta ultimate.
Secondly melee is not a meme. It scales with bullet damage and melee items are extremely powerful with Abrams. a 1200 cost item extends your heavy melee range and instantly reloads your gun on hit against enemy player or npc or even creep.
You can ultimate into heavy melee to apply 60% slow. Follow up with shotgun to finish them off. Slowing hex and knockdown to deal with gay snipers and seven ultimate respectively. Anvil and hex is also great for preventing players from escaping. If the opponent can predict your melee among all this shit they deserve it really.

Unironically try to play melee Abrams and share your opinions with me. I need to perfect this build.
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I'm not talking about radius, dumbass. Blue is how it was, red is how it is now. Cylinder had no height limit too as far as I remember.
Why should is be a cylinder that sounds dumb as fuck
Bro, your Hunter's Aura?
stupid sphere apologist
iceginga can fucking fly, that's why
we got the ice balls, where's the shaft???
>spend hours making a new hero idea
>people don't care
>no one here is even calling me an autist
>people here will say that's what I get
>this confession has meant nothing
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>Most played is Mcginnis
>Try someone new like Wraith
>Enemy team has a Paradox, Yamato and Abrahms demolishing us and i cant build or stop all of them myself when my team literally has Dynamo and Haze who arent helping

If hero MMR is a thing then it barely factors into your real MMR. Youll get shit on cause your real MMR still thinks youre a pro.
post search keyword faggot
i'll check it out l8r
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it was electroswing. Though idol is the funnier answer
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Removed Debuff Remover and Siphon Bullets.
Added Hunter's Aura.
I played two heroes for the first time in sweaty high MMR matches, and then had 3 20 minute stomps on heroes I have played before, where people just run into the enemy team one after another going for their epic solo ult play of the game.
Either the hero based MMR thing fucked something up, or weekend Deadlock is just as bad as weekend Dota.
I posted a thread about this on the forum just in case something is actually fucked up, I recommend you do it too.
>hero based MMR
What's this?
dedlock in twenty minutes
Was added last Thursday
- Added a hero based mmr system, so when you join a match with a specific hero the matchmaker adjusts the skill level it assumes you are at by a percentage up or down based on your experience and performance levels with that hero.
Its so fucking stupid cause what does experience and performance even mean in this context. You didnt die 10 times in the match? You must be a god with the hero then.
but i want to be dead and locked in a casket NOW dammit
its supposed to be reminiscent of a snow globe(sphere). a cylinder would just be stupid as fuck

russian has his videos publicly listed

yoshi ban this man
I can see a lot of effort went into this.
Valve hire this man
i fucking lol'd

ill give it a read one sec
I'm not exactly certain why pocket has damage amp as a bonus for his 1
now it definitely sounds cool as fuck.
but gameplay would amount to schizophrenic 180s with ult?
probably based on your wr on that specific hero
how'd you even find this in the first place?
>Firstly this game takes 10 times less mechanical skill than overwatch

do OW babies really believe this? when it came out almost ten years ago we all thought it was tf2 lite, and that's already a casual game kek
hell yeh
not bad but the theme could be better, doesn't quite fit with the 20s noir

Also I personally dislike not having instant access to abilities like Wraiths new card attack, having all three dependent on it seems harsh and then the charging gimmick is movement which is something that should basically always be happening unless you're inside a warden trap so I dont know how I feel about that as the charging method
Extra Stamina is really nice for added mobility. Ammo Scavenger and Medic Bullets might be necessary depending on how fucked up the lane matchup is.
I generally recommend all the spirit counter items because shit like Withering Whip can just completely shut down several heroes and he has the slots open.
If you want a T4 gun item, Crippling Headshot lowers Bullet Resist too and any bullet in the spread hitting counts as a headshot.
I saw your kit, I didn't mention it here because I only post the really retarded ones. if I have to be honest, it really just feels like infernus with a meter, not my cup of tea.
you see dat shiet? ehehehehe....
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>Welcome to the Deadlock Early Development Build!

thanks a bunch Big D
based black bartender
Deadlock more like Deadcock(because trannies, Deadlocks core audience, have cut their cocks off)
wait, is it the 20's? I thought it was the 30's
also, way I see it, you should be able to get out of mach 0 with one dash, which is why it's smaller than the other levels, so as long as you don't spam your dashes, you should still be able to cast another ability before running away.

>should basically always be happening unless you're inside a warden trap
Precisely, he should be hard to shoot, so stuns would hard counter him. And I made it so that his best movement ability has a long cooldown to not be annoying to play gainst
Easy access hole
That way she can simply fly over to you and land her butt right on your face.
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also, because I thought it was the 30's, I based it all on pulp heroes like the shadow
I think the time is a bit up in the air and its fantasy anyway but the shopkeep mentions a real world musical "south pacific" that released 1949

So hitlers dead, Japs lost, and communism is the great menace.
>Ugly ass gargoyle
Doesn't her popularity kinda imply that she is good looking to a lot of people in some way. If I were you I'd be looking at what makes you think she's so unapproachable.
>Is it a psyop?
Honestly I think it's the opposite and I am actually dreading what they are gonna do to Ivy to "correct" the fandoms perception of her as the cute waifu character.
it's not bad, try to work some esoteric shit like magic/ghosts/demons etc into his theme
thats not true. i remember people fawning over ivy and making fanart back when we only had the leak of grey talon and ivy.
Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose.
Enjoy the moment my friend
tons of people post their shit on the forum by uploading it to youtube, just click on 'watch on youtube' and you will see half the time it's public
I'll leave that up to valve if they want, in the 1% chance they actually add him in, I'm kinda done with the whole thing now and gotta let it go, lol. I should have mentioned that he is supposed to be an underdog way in over his head, which is why he doesn't have any special powers, like batman or rorschach
you need to compare your kit with the others in the game, they all follow a similar formula of damage or utility for all phases of the game, laning, farming, and teamfighting.
>#1 ranked
>no ranks
Uh ok. Sure.
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alright I'm in let's GOOOOO
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>express delivery gargoyle ass
Yes please
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>Spectate a match with tons of others watching it too
>Other team is complaining about the enemy teams geist who insists on doing gun build and hates queuing with them

I dont want to believe these matches have the best of the best
Gun Geist players are dumb as hell
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It's all so tiresome
they dont, the high spectate games is when the trannies invite their fellow trannies to watch them play
the highlighted games are just games that already have the most spectators
>see feature live matches
>pocket in both
>full gun build
Am i missing something?
Pocket's gun is good, it does damage when you shoot people with it
The top matches are just the ones with the most spectators, but if they're there despite no spectators, they're actually high MMR.
So if the players are noticeably shit, people are either just watching because of e-celebs or some high ranked players are teaming with low ranked ones.
>Yoshi replied to my post with a question that I can only answer after playing a couple matches
>didn't want to play today
*throws rocks imbued with suppressor and inhibitor at you*
Nothing personal twink
>It's a team feeds during laning phase and fucks off to jungle all game while you keep dying trying to defend episode
"Do you know how to play?"
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Requesting Ivy posing as Superman Starman.

>TFW you picket the healling support items for Ivy.
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>make post with some feedback
>yoshi calls me cute and asks for my number
uhhh dotards???
Health nova and health booster with her level 3 tether is extremely good
Does MMR actually exists or this is just a joke?
Abrams is a cringe character—That's the incentive to not play it.
there is mmr, but its not very accurate with the small playercount
explain warden then
if only there were items that obliterate him
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tale old as time
ever played dota in the last few years?
icefraud has a strength fetish apparently, meta has pretty much been "just pick tanky heroes they can carry it lmao" for quite a long time
How do I check it?
dont think there is a way to see it. you can try heavy meleeing your opponents, if they parry, then you are likely in decently high mmr
this also happens in league, maybe even worse, tanks can dash in from a wall, or all the way in from the other side of a fight and oneshot you before you can even register what happened, trying to attack them alone is a death sentence because they can deal absurd amounts of damage by just buying armor. And people who are not playing tanks have to build defensive items. It's gotten to the point where 'phreak', (the league equivalent of icefrog), is telling adcs to just build defensively as if that was the entire point of playing a damage dealer
>tank has to build damage to do damage
>damage dealer has to build tank to tank
what's the problem
Defending anything but shrines is a low iq bait.
All ''towers'' in this game are worthless and do nothing and hardly give you a defender's advantage because they can be outranged.
It's best to just trade towers/guardians and farm unless you got dynamo lole.

the people complaining seemed to have forgotten it has headshots that do 2x DPS
nerf wraith
she has top scores in every single game and it is not even close
They need a spy or sniper character. Someone who hard counters tanks but suffers against someone faster than a snail.
problem (at least in league) is that tanks build tank and do more damage and are tankier than adc.
>approach anyone
>press 3 and click head
>dead every single time
Is that easy. Never fails.
12k hours in dota here boys

pls send invite
When you see vindicta/infernus with at least a 1.0 kdr and most of their items aren't from the default recommended list then you're starting to get up in MMR
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sure bud
Maybe in low MMR. Just use withering whip
*sand blasts you*
Pocket, Wraith and Paradox are still too strong. The incremental nerfs to Paradox's carbine did absolutely nothing to stop people from building her like a better Vindicta. Getting your HP deleted across the map and slowed so her teammates can catch you out sucks.
every hero should be strong
that's the valve way
stop trying to neuter this fetus of a game
Then why yamato sucks big d.
Also Dota 2 really need a lot of heroes buffs rn.
*Leaps over her shield with majestic leap*
*Ground pounds her into a stun*
*Finishes her off with two heavy melees*
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>Nobody wants to do Roshan after a Team wipe
Jesus Christ I hate Overfags/TFfags
>nobody wants to do rosh after a team wipe
>they call a rosh when the enemy team is MIA and all alive
>rosh is predictably stolen or they were all murdered before rejuv could be claimed

I've lost at least three games exclusively because of bad calls
The only reason why people say Yamato is shit is because she doesn't have ''press one button and win'' for shitters like you
>tank has to build damage to do damage
That's where you're wrong, retard
anon, that's disingenuous. You forgot to mention that that's one character out of all the adcs, during late game after buying several items, considering that she can be oneshoted by anything and everything at any point of the game with basically no ways to escape, considering that she will not be able to get to that point unless she has the advantage, considering that tanks can do as much damage as her while still having 5 times the amount of health by just buying defensive items
There is an incredibly unfunny reddit tier subsection of people who think it's soooo funny and quirky to pretend ugly creatures are attractive and cute.

They are the imageboard equivalent of middle age women who love the minions
Yes lash we get it you get to fill every role and do anything you want but im talking about the rest of the cast.
>They are the imageboard equivalent of middle age women who love the minions
lol that is actually spot on
>"It's important to give back. That's why I'm taking 3% of my winnings and donating them to Lash Back. My charity dedicated to children who uh kinda suck."
God, I fucking love Lash
I've seen porn with aliens and insects in sad panda so i'm sure degenerates can like the ugly ass gargoyle.
It's not about liking the gargoyle its about the fact they constantly have to remind you and bring up the fact they like it, like vegans
not that guy but seriously I think too many of the standard fps players get tunnel vision for a confronation

>oh there's a sniper and her team down there so I must try to trade shots from the front line instead of flank from the tunnels
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>Its a grey talon and vindicta lane episode
>The vindicta is suspiciously good at landing every bullet

How many vindicta players get banned for cheating already?
and you are the equivalent of the subsection of people here who think every female character should, or rather HAS TO look like a surgered up korean idol with no exceptions. Ironically, you would probably be attracted to traps without even noticing.
>they constantly have to remind you and bring up the fact they DONT* like it
You are actually describing the hag schizo.
Ivy isn't ugly what are you guys talking about
personally, I would even go as far to say that she is a cute
>and you are the equivalent of the subsection of people here who think every female character should, or rather HAS TO look like a surgered up korean idol with no exceptions
Swing and a miss
What's not to love
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>Don't shut the fuck up about something
>"hey man that's pretty annoying can you chill"
who are you talking to
Dress McGinnis at 5:50 where my architect bros at
Aside from cheating snipers are always strong at lane phase. Something about map design needs to change to fix this shit.
is there a kind anon that could invite me? 5k dota hours

their projectiles go fast as fuck

comparatively Geist's bullet feels like a snowball
>strong at lane phase
I rotate between 10 different characters. The only ones I don't play are vindicta, seven, wraith, grandma talon, and nigfernus
Surprisingly the least retarded player in Deadlock right here
this but Yamato too

I can't figure out how to make it not suck eggs, your ult gives everyone enough time to pull their dicks out for you to suck
>suck eggs
>your ult gives everyone enough time to pull their dicks out for you to suck
This is a sign your team is dogshit
pocket wasnt even strong prenerf
maybe in low mmr, which i guess would be where you are
deepest lore
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But they have a Black Scottish Drunk?
>pocket isn't strong
>character that can avoid all burst damage on reaction and gets AOE slow projectiles with damage amp stacks isn't strong

yea ok
i meant paradox
though i also dont think pocket is that strong, he is more like a A- maybe A type hero
Deadlock has a strong Scottish lavalamp woman, that's pretty woke.
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>Slava Ukraine!
I can just sit back then because I know the game is lost lmao.
>writes description of a hero's abilities

wow this fucker is OP what was icefrog thinking
Shit, we got niggas with lightbulbs for heads and geriatric indians, this game is lightyears ahead in diversity
>dota heroes are busted in their particular niche

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this cast has my main man FERN. This nigga lookin' ZESTY, this nigga lookin' MOIST, he's got sugar in his tank, he's light on his feet, he's a Ill bit fruity, he plays for the other team, he dances at the other end of the ballroom, this nigga theatrical, this nigga good with colors, this nigga gonna coordinate yo curtains wit you cushions and that shit gonna look good! This nigga lifts shirts, this nigga on the down low, this nigga be a tollet trader, this nigga gardens uphill, this nigga packs fudge, he's a friend of Dorothy, he feels the love that dare not speak Its name, he loves to dance, he's of the Uranian brotherhood, he indulges in the French vice, he has an antipathic sexual Instinct, he's fluent in Polari, he's a refugee from Sodom, he's on the wrong bus, he bats for the other team, he's temperamental, he's 'one of if you catch my drift.
>there's a reddit page for the game
>it's filled with people begging for an invite posting their hours in dota (all under 1k)
its a running joke you autistic fuck
Why is it that every time I see someone asking for a key their profile looks absolutely miserable to play with
How should I know, I don't use reddit and it's like a dozen threads
game is zoomer trash, and attracts trash zoomers... it is what it is
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Should I bless them with metric tons of ivy porn?
leaked lore?
Put the servers up so I can test my new seven build
It's literally dota 3

if you can't keep up that's on you
just ward his jungle camps
Main Menu - F7 - "citadel_region_override 1"
Not playing with Russians on 200 ping
I'm in the Caribbean and my ping is the same on the West Coast and EU servers, around 100.
east coast US, if I connect to the EU servers my shit rubberbands hard late game
>zoomer trash
at least put a little effort in next time
Okay, I've seen enough threads of it to finally give a shit.
What the hell is Deadlock. (Not to be confused with the game Ratchet: Deadlocked)
we made it up
This game doesn’t actually exist, you’ve been duped
we're just pretending sorry
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dota with gun
It's not real, it's just an sfm artist collab and some privately funded garrysmod shit
where did you find this concept art of ivy
dota with cute gargoyle (my wife)
Wow, that sounds forgettable.
waahhh i just want to install everything or have them have no ability to fight back
it's actually going to to become the next big event esport with all the backing of valve
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God that's some dota 2 oldfag shit, blast from the past.
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ya love to see it
Game is actually behind NDA. It's not allowed talk about it.
SSJ Lebron James Viscous skin when?
>always top net worth and dmg to heroes
>friend is inmortal in dota and ask me how i always do it
>legit dont know how i do it
Any tips that i can give to my friend? I just tell him to actually kill the creeps and do not just let them die to other stuff but it seems thats not enough.
Always be fucking farming.
That said if you're both top net worth and top damage there's probably something fucked up going on there.
Usually the heroes that want to farm and need to farm will do so to win the last 2-3 teamfights that decide the game, and since you spent that time farming you won't have as much damage as say, a lash that was meme fighting 24/7 and got fed off his retarded hero.
you have to shoot more
thinking of a new anime idol idea, she would have nothing but AOEs, what kinda ult does she need? I was thinking some sort of ult where she AOE stuns and damages the entire enemy team!
What about a spell where she goes up on stage and it makes all her AOEs way bigger but she can't move and her song starts playing really loud
maybe but i've spent about two days drawing up concept art i'm sure valve will hire me for and put into the game, this is an original character DO NOT STEAL
kill yourself
reported for transphobia sweetie
Literally unplayable now.
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when you btfo the enemy 3v6 feels good
Is 55% winrate good? I feel like most games are a coin flip desu
Lash on the other team had 10 kills before the first tower fell again
What prohibition era archetypes still aren't represented?
>it's a vindicta tells us this is his first time playing her episode
Chinese immigrant
some "great gatsby" type high society bon vivant
In 200 hours I genuinely have never seen a Lash do badly
Even if they somehow lose lane with that abomination they have 8 kills in the next 10 minutes.
I assumed Pocket was supposed to be the wealthy Chinaman
how do you check your win rate?
rum runner
that butler with the robo arms kinda has that high society thing going on
He honestly just looks like a finn
>wealthy Chinaman
>prohibition era
niggas they were all railway building bums, pretty much slave tier
>mfw all the black characters in Deadlock are criminals and murderers
How do you guys buy counter active items without falling behind in the arms race? If I spend 3k on some disable I feel like my build is 3k set back
yeah but he's a black woman now
>enemy swaps so im 1v2
>they buttfuck me
>mine 2v1
>somehow fucking loses tower to the enemy
You know it's weird, Deadlock 100% follows the modern progressive character design trends but for some reason I don't hate them at all. I think they're really charming.

Perhaps this whole time I only thought I was racist when the truth was that art divisions were fucking shit.
Idk I just counted them manually.
by killing the enemy with your new counter item
lash ALWAYS goes on up to a ten person killstreak in 10 mins, but they they kinda fall off and start getting killed to end at 10-9 if they aren't any good. to me it just means his early game combo (grapple - slam) is too overtuned
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I’ve always hated mobas but forced myself to learn dota before getting invited to the deadlock beta. I kinda see the appeal now, it feels like a competitive risk of rain with PvP and TF2’s MvM items. Can’t imagine going back to the top down view of mobas now, feels like ass.
Nigger at that point all they have to do is buy a reach item and they now cc anyone within their quarter of the map
They can make such a massive difference that they easily make up for the cost. Easy kills on out-of-position Gay Talon or Vindicta, Pocket dying to silence and having to buy an item to counter it, Wraith getting disarmed and not getting kills with her ult, etc.
They're absolutely worth it.
by figuring out what your core items are (usually ends in a t3 item) and then going for the value CC items depending on the state of the game
no, things like seven spirit and melee abrams are both "not op"
its just that people do not fucking use acme anvil/parry yet so yeah seven just jumps into enemy ults and you either run or die
Seven is the fastest farmer in the game, if they're not retarded they get a bkb and you cannot do shit about it.
those items still give you stats, they are just not that efficient
any industrial grade worker: shipyard/dock/sailor. mining. factory/ironworker.
entertainment: flappers/dancer. stage magician. carney. musician(trumpet)
anything eldritch. havent seen anything which is weird being the occult thematic of this game
would be smart to represent the chinese/indian from a purely market/money pov. i'd advise against wu kong though im getting pretty fucking tired of that. unless they mixup the design
ironically, I don't think they have any gangsters yet, unless that's what 'the boss' is supposed to be. They could also add a flapper, a street urchin, a stuntman in reference to Buster Keaton, or some sort of magic slapstick trickster like Charlie Chaplin
yoshi has disappeared, deadlock is cancelled...
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>competitive risk of rain
i almost sort of get what you mean but that made me giggle
nah, he(icefraud) is too busy fixing the meepo abuse bug in dota 2 right now
If anyone has a key, I'd appreciate it.

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i fucking love the deisgh of towers/ancient in this game so much

i love those based retards like you couldnt believe
Not exactly a at the time relevant but where is my lobster johnson/the shadow/the phantom expo?
They look like fucking dogshit, it should be an actual demon not this garbage.
I can't wait for the change.

mid-boss is retarded though and needs a new design+name
It's more about how capitalism seeks to pump out fake products, at a cheap price, to generate as much profit(capital) as possible. So they will hire people who have no passion, because they are cheaper, to pump out garbage. They will of course also follow diversity guidelines, because in their view it means their company looks safer to invest in, from an investors perspective. Valve is a private company, which hires mostly people are a passionate about what they do.
i hope they make a unique design for the dual-towers at base, maybe make them stronger too weird that theres guardians, giant cool walkers, then just towers again
Isn't there a weird statue supposed to be for those in the files.
In risk of rain you have to race against the clock to get upgrades and not get behind the enemy ai. In deadlock you have to race against the clock to farm and not get behind the enemy team. In both of them you get enjoyment out of being overpowered against the enemies and using broken builds.
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just begging to be drawn like a smug pepe
this is also what i use for items
i use right click for melee
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Send me a deadlock invite mates
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The black woman of Valve unoriginality.
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>seeing your player stats
>-dev in launch options
>F6 for debugger
>set pic related to visible
i agree theyre super dope. kinda greedy but i hope the other patron get its own unique design
shut up and get my fries, brainlet
Lash and Warden have the same head model the game is doomed
>Lar Gerd, Jowzjan, Afghanistan
If you have less than 500 games on your account, why do you even bother asking for an invite?
>tranny games only
yeah, mid boss def feels like a nexus prime leftover, fits that cheesy space-opera big ayy lmaoo work theme
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I don't know what game Deadlock is, sounds boring. That picture is cool though. That would be cool in like a comedy/horror game where you have to traipse around your small town and there's several red herrings on why (insert tragedy that befell you or your family here). Like Alan Wake but meets Stranger Things so there's some levity and fun npcs. You have to go search for a clue in the woods and you just see OPs pic and it's a dumb side quest or something.
Which ones? Rift was pretty fun desu.
kek, kino
How cooked am I if I just purchase every item in order from the "recomended" tab in the shop? I'm like 5 games into deadlock and trying to get the feel for the game in general without looking too much into items, but now that I read more into them I feel like there are obvious winning combinations when it comes to itemization, but I dont know if the recomended is good enough as it is or if I should be making (or copying) my own stuff.
Extremely, recommended is dogshit.
could us an actual moveset too, walkers have more attacks than the giant boss at the center of the map
seething amerimutt FEARING the afghani BULL
Spectate and see what the good players are buying, seems to favour hollow point ward, headshot, close range for the right weapons and all rushing veil walker
why would I be seething? I have access, you don't lol
I love my cute witch wife so much bros.
>Go fairly positive with Grey Talon
>get negative because the enemies are ganking in our back
>"Hey guys could you help me with the gankers?"
>*heavily russian accent* "5-7 SHUT THE FUCK UP"
>"Fuck off, go die in Ukraine"
>they get mad and totally lose their shit when I tell their grandparents should have died in the holocaust
who's in the wrong here?
you for playing talon
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Looking forward to punching my teammates into danger
the russians, for not having died in putins war yet
cute slime girl
>lane phase
>you're against a bebop who does nothing but camp his guardian and throw hooks out
How fun and interactive
let his wave beat yours
I miss 6v6 1 urn brawls
Now bebop just hooks the carrier to mid while no ones looking
i dont even know how to find that in the window i spent like 20 minutes looking and search doesnt seem to work
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yes. And I'm sad because it was a stomp. They had the gankiest heros possible, Wraith, Mo, seven. Constantly getting stunned and grabbed gave me aids. So I couldn't get much payback on the bebop who kept teabagging me
shut up BITCH
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Do you reckon they're going to punish faggots who constantly disconnect? Getting it every single match now.
as long as ur reporting them, yea
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get used to it green horn
they do, especially if you whine on the trannycord for a bit
reporting them helps, but they also have a cooldown at a certain number of left games, so they are definitely tracking each players left matches already
Game needs more itemized interrupts. Doesn't even have to be real stuns.
I hate that they had to add this fucking zigger designated hero
Im not playing dota now I should not have to suffer the same fucking shit
>2 faggots fed lash, cried about how imbalanced he is and then left
deadlock NEEDS SEX. icefrog let us have sex in game!!!
>lash grapples, pounds and then headshots team, goes on immediate killstreak

that's every game tho

if you add too many CC, the meta can easily start revolving around them and the tacticts will simply be "dont get caught or you die in a chainstun", it happened to dota to the point where the had to globally reduce ALL sources of stuns.
Having two urns allow for two urn brawls where it's 3v3 for one urn and 3v3 for the other one. It's pretty fun.
We actually had a chance to win tho.
I can see that which is why I stipulated that it doesn't have to be real stuns. A 0.1 second ministun would do wonders with how powerful big channels are right now without making CC locks so strong. You need 6500 to access cursed and there's no other way to stop abilities if your team didn't semi-random into one. I think Mo and Haze are the only characters with on demand interruption.
There's already slowing hex, silence and knockdown
you can't because time to kill is very low on DPS heroes that actually land their stuns
wraith 4 is just 2s upgraded but its already enough to burst your ass down if you dont get away in time or have any way of preventing it
>Oh you have an ultimate on a 2 minute cooldown?
>Sorry sweetie I have a .5 second stun on a 8 second cooldown
I made a long feedback post about the urn and how the changes will make the game more boring, including debunking the le 3v3 thing and iceyoshi didn't like it. So expect the boring double urn to stay
I had originally had that move only hit enemies, but having it hit friendlies is way more cool. and yes, someone on the team does actually refer to the community forum, or maybe it's just a coincidence :D
how long until the NA servers are up
shut the fuck up retard
Bro? Your wards?
So....an hour and a half...?
No it's Monday, try 4 and a half hours
why is it so fucking late
How about you try THIS *unzips dick*
this, with Abrams

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