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Now: Puggsy
Next: Lone Fungus
Later: Live A Live

Stream: https://www.twitch.tv/gamesdonequick
Schedule: https://gamesdonequick.com/schedule/48
Previous: >>681377080
trans people are invalid
trans rights
mygged :3
I thought I hallucinated playing this game at a friend's house as a kid.
why...? why..........
Remember to stay hydrated, stretch, and eat your sports candy today, /v/!
>Live A Live later

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Up and throbbing.
another gross creep on the couch
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Migging happily
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I migged
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Just in time.
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That was too close
Puggsy (formerly Pug Pussy)
>Later: Live A Live
hoooooooly shit
need prize girl gf
GDQ doesnt look that bad just going by this chart
>wasn't here for the only well received runs

Though I hear those runs were just good comparatively? This marathons been shit so far.
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If you can't do twenty squats without feeling uncomfortable, you are not in a healthy shape.
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shit my bad for making a bad OP had to do quick copy paste job as thread was on page 10
Later: Turnip Boy Robs A Bank
I'm such a baka ._.
why the tranny hate? they are harmless members of society. You should redirect your rage towards the violent individuals and the unfair economic and political system. They are just men who like to dress as women and be wholesome, who cares
I hate their voices so fucking much, it evokes a primal, visceral revulsion that could never go away, no matter the amount of brainwashing so I struggle to see how so many people got duped into tolerating their ilk
People are just worn down and rate anything that's not complete horseshit as an A or B.
Game looks like fun actually
why would you design a protagonist character this retarded
Puggsy had its own physics

Also it is a puzzle game. If you just go through levels without meticulously going through the whole levels, you will hit a wall and have to backtrack.
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This but unironically
it was a different time
Can't just be on the couch, has to never shut the fuck up
Is she trad?
I'm not healthy at all and I can do 100 squats in under 10 mins, I just like squatting during loading screens
Good morning anons
I fell asleep after the Halo run, did I miss any fun runs?
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>bayonetta 2
sad, I was actually somewhat interested to see a run of it
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you're forgiven, this time
A 1 second time out won't stop this man

That's not even enough time to reflect upon what he did
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This is a reminder that homosexuals and trannys are not natural and are caused by being molested/raped as a child. These "people" are demons and need to be destroyed
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this webm made me very uncomfortable
isnt this sexual harassment?
whos the pugs-pugs here, fellows?
what's the name for this block?
What extension is that?
man their kids are going to be fucking ugly
according to lovare it is
7tv has mod logs
shitty garbage block
troon block
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Good morning, no one is watching this
"let's talk about me and my mental illness"
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14 chairs per row, 26 rows that i can make out per column, probably more like 30-35. 3 columns.
that is a minimum of 1,092 seats, up to 1,470.
they must have gotten a terrific deal on this venue since its 4th of july week because i don't think they really thought they were going to need this space.
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She's a married woman
holy shit I didn't know it was this bad
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Jfc what are those teeth and gums
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just gets lower and lower each passing year
what went wrong
Her husband is a literal cuckold
Why is the player cam crooked? Even if something was up with the tripod, couldn't they just stick some stuff under one of the legs?
puggsy so cool
Don't worry, anonymous will chip in to still make this the biggest donation total ever
there's actually 4 columns, they keep one of the columns completely out of the shot (I appreciate this, I don't want to be on cam)

But yes outside of opening and closing it's never anywhere even close to full.
We have to save agdq.
two events a year are too many; they should do one every two years or so
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GDQ is not a safe space thoughever
this is sgdq
I just tuned back in, what is David Jaffe playing?
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I'm not feeling it, but that's probably me being tired of watching these events for a few years. So far I don't think we have had something like that elden ring glitch run at... I don't know, was it ESA winter?

I'm annoyed that I am going to miss the Kirby 64 run because of an appointment at that precise time. it's one of the few that I wanted to watch.
>this is cancer not trans stuff
what's the difference?
I question myself why I'm watching this shit sometimes as well
Any good runs I should check the vod for?
Nothing but meh runs, 2 good runs missed when I slept. Every time.
More like THUGgsy
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no theres 3, off their event page
>large nosed.. uhh...
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What the fuck happened SGDQ 2017, was that peak no fun allowed plebs banned?
>jewish trees.
>with the large nosed...
Uh oh, almost mentioned them
>Look out for the large nose

Way ahead of you, buddy.
Genesis games looked so good... why can't modern games look as good?
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did they change the angle of the camera to hide the hundreds of empty seats?
>click on stream
>first thing i see is a troon in the background
>close stream

damn what was i even expecting
It's funny (but kind of sad) that they seek validation from a yearly twitch event that has over 20k people talking in chat.
>painting warhammer minis with SGDQ on in the background
i literally could not be more comfy
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The absolute fucking state of that floor.
I had Puggsy as a kid, interesting game, has a unique atmosphere. Really difficult though, at least to a kid.
kek they did
huh... that's new. Wasn't like that last year. Wonder if they're trying to make it look more attended
I have a few chat enhancement plugins that keep and highlight the deleted messages, and some of them, are... weird. Not being political or offensive, it's hard to understand why they removed it, except for one talking about a blacklist.
Thanks I can't stop seeing it now
Why is she hooking up with an extremely ugly jeet?
just your standard pre-stained pattern to hide all the convention floor whoopsies
what I'm getting from this everything related to female anatomy is blacklisted including the word "woman"
What drugs do I have to take to make Genesis games?
That's clearly sexual harassment. He's lucky she didn't write a post on the miscreant.
This shit was made by brits, wasn't it? Zniggy-ass looking game.
>ugly ass bitch
>still unfaithful

That's why you never "settle" for trash.
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yeah its really poppin in there. im convinced they got such a fuckhuge venue because of the holiday weekend while thinking it being the 4th wasnt going to be a big hit for them
hate this webm
any loremasters? is that jeet a troon? did they know the cam is on?
mamma mia
Is that supposed to be the "Ballroom"? Looks like the floor for a expos and events pavillion where you would place stands or machinery, and one of the worst at that I have seen. I wonder if a rug was supposed to be there and they removed it because they don't trust the attendees.
nice let's play
>did they know the cam is on?
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>went from 22 voters to 82 voters out of nowhere, and then went back to 28
You know, call me a schizo, but something smells fishy here.
>some dude just scratching his ass in the end
wtf is this
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>Looks like the floor for a expos and events pavillion
well thats exactly what it is, and i bet they got a great price on it, remember to send those bits and subs
It's like some time windows aren't as populated as others...
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Look how uncomfortable this thing is in its own skin. It moves around constantly trying to sit naturally but it cannot comprehend how to simply exist like 99% of humanity before it. It is utterly fixated on trying to appear a way before a camera and not just existing like the two other human males next to it.
thats a woman
Ok, i think I'm getting everything mixed with the ESA hotel.
it was me, I botted the smart ball vote
yes they did. they just didnt think they were live.
this was pulled from one of the many alt twitch accounts they used for frost fatales, theyd just splice the footage to the main channel but would leave all the cameras and mics hot because theyre fucking retards
go woke go broke
....was your post really necessary?
>nooo its not one person!
it was a 20 minute run at 5 AM est.
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their mods are essentially always on high alert and they've spent too long being hammers looking down on nails
but you gotta think about the type of person that wants to be an unpaid twitch janitor
Nice I'm not in this photo although I sat behind a few of these people
soooo they didn't
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>wearing a shirt that says you are loved
so gross
Was the estimate always 28 minutes?
too much tranny shit
>who cares if its 4th of July week
said the NA based event
So you're telling me there's potential gold just laying around from all the countless hours of unused footage? Funny.
Is no one going to mention how that guy gets to China digging out his asshole at the end?

Also what is this game going on now? Who dreams up this stuff.
Was he wrong?
People were having a shitfit during Smart Ball because the commentary was comedy focused.
Btw, that's a nice parallax effect on the game. I remember reading reviews for the mega cd version back on the day that complained that other than redbook music and a video intro, it did not add a lot to the cartridge version.

What are you using to get that view?
if youre asking if they knew the cameras were on, yes
if youre asking if they thought they were live on air, no.
this was taken while they were in a break between runs, they thought since main feed is off its ok.
so any drama from this? people say the girl is married.
imagine getting cucked by those things
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some anon was raped by this cowboy
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mod logs with 7tv
She posts willy nilly on twitter. Does anyone know her husband? I'm sure he's a gaymer with a twitch and twitter too.
someone in the FF threads pulled all the videos for storage after they realized we were watching. in like fucking day 5 of the event.
he popped up in the thread last night maybe he's willing to share them.

not that i know, but i know she had an insta thats now gone since this happened. i dont know if anyone sent it to her husband's twitter but i asked her on twitter what was up with this screen shot and she blocked me
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I fucking love how genesis games sound
Rate this run
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Rate this run
She is or was married, her marriage pictures get posted every GDQ. I don't know about now. I know some people are doormats so maybe her husband is a cuck and still with her.
if anyone finds her husband socials i will do it
he has a twitter, just scroll down 3 pages on hers to their fucking wedding photos, lmao.
B it was okay I suppose.
no, I don't think I will
He must know then. I'm guessing he just took it like a bitch.
D, it would've been a C had it not been for that creature in the back speaking
>shout out to my waifu wasn't able to cum
knock yourself out https://x.com/frozenflygone/status/1497343050896445440
Uhh C I guess?
Basedest character, cool physics puzzles, short run
B, not bade

It was good. That is, an A comparatively to the rest of the shit so far. I don't think we're getting any actual S runs this marathon.
hahaha i heckin love the floppy hat my fellow sisters
>my wife who wasn't able to come
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B, solid run, nothing to complain about.
the music they're playing between runs is pretty comfy this year, is there a playlist available?
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yeah im pretty sure hes just a fucking cuck
whos gonna tweet the webm at him
Interesting, this one is not using the GEMS driver. Database says "Krisalis/Shaun Hollingworth "
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>I get to talk to our subscribers
and streamlinkers
this fag looks like a massive cuck, he probably got hard when he was the troon groping his wife
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>look up next runner

for fucks sake
It was just girls being girls, guys. Women show affection by sitting in each others laps and kissing.
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They're just friends hugging, it's not cheating are you dumb
My god when will Trump do something? Our great nation is collapsing!!!
They are kissing
Maybe if they spent less tine talking about the gays and curing migrants, they'd have more people show up in the crowd.
chat is this real?
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where nails?
>/v/ is so starved of affection that they think any affection is tantamount to hardcore fucking
>those disgusting fingernails
dont chew your nails
I'm pretty sure "friends" don't french kiss each other, unless you're some weird faggot
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What the fuck am I watching, where are the games? Where are the speedruns?
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>its just friends hugging
>and groping
>and kissing
Mfw i have no face
: |
trans rights my fellow sisters
This latency is wild. Shout out to the tech crew!
back to your polycule cage ben
I'm gonna be about an hour away over the 4th. Will they just let me walk in if I show up with how low the attendance seems? I'd 100% go for a half day trip if you can.
How does your nails even look this bad? I cut them once a week and they look immensely better than that shit.
Except one of them is a man.
stupid yuri bait show
Why is everyone here so hateful :(
i thought you said you weren't doing it this year
Did they stream the Ecco speedrun? Or was it skipped for some reason?
I feel like they're too greedy for that
How was that Splatoon run?
Mental illness got em
Do you think donators who write essays actually think they're funny, or is it just the type of Con autism where they're in like company so they try their hardest to stand out
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The competing chart anon was the one who quit
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>he doesnt hug, kiss and grope his friends
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>my birthday today
>the schedule today looks just shit
oh well
lots of artificial SSS/S/A ranks. it was a solid ZZZ run and the real numbers show it
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both (read at your own mental risk)
I'm sorry sis but remember every mean post is ironic
Nothing but shit runs, shit commentators, shit runners. Lots of time wasted on bullshit that isn't even speedrunning. Why would anyone have anything nice to say?
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theres a convention ticket cost, who the fuck knows now though because these retards took all the information down
that's good news. there's no need for multiple charts
spikevegita stop spamming ZZZ on runs that are fine
>tranny again
>modern shovelware
>pride month 2
>tranny runner

holy fuck i'm out
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That's a man.
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*pride month 2*

sure tranny
The long awaited sequel to Pride Month.....
spike would love a run like that. peak fake humor, peak reddit humor
happy birthday anon
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Why even have a pride month at all. Just make it pride year. It never ends
oh no
I gotta go.. do a thing..
we got abysmal dogshit
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>pride month 2
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See you all at ESA I'm out
>tranny runner
>tranny couch
Why is this GDQ's schedule so uninteresting? I think the Lufia 2 long run is the only one im actually interested in
this gon' be good y'all
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happy prideful birthday anon, say the line big man!
yeah im not watching this shit, i literally have to go take a dump
there it is, thats what these faggots will do to not mention the 4th
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I tried scrolling down his twitter
dude's the biggest onions-facing funko-popping SNL-enjoying cuck, but not a hint or mention of getting divorced or cucked by a pajeet/a.
Instant Z.
runner has healthy skin and cute little titties, not bad desu
ok this tranny looks fine so far
Pride month 2 let's hecking gooooooooooo
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I came to this marathon to die
sorry I'm not a transphobe but I can't listen to a guy try to sound like a woman for 40 minutes
go to the bathroom and take a shit!
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Why do these things think that dragging out vowels is "cute" and "feminine"?
I don't think so
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>tranny tranny tranny tranny tranny tranny tranny tranny tranny tranny tranny tranny tranny tranny
he's trying?
I literally don't recall any runs when following our girl's screen time.
happy birthday, at least pride month is over
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>tranny run
Instant ZZZ
happy birthday
This event is so dead
stop that
>What rights dont you have?
>We want total dominion over the gregorian calendar
he isn't even trying, unlike the one during necrovision
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fuck this I'm out
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>double tranny
>absolutely disgusting
>imagine experiencing night terrors two nights in a row
>imagine losing two children inside of a year
>imagine both of your arms being cut off
>imagine jumping out of a moving vehicle and then being run over
He just sounds like a normal faggot not a woman. So does the fat faggot on the couch.
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The actual fuck happened for AGDQ '17 to have the literal peak viewership at the time, but SGDQ '17 has the worst?
trans rights are human rights
I didn't even know there was a day... so it probably started as a day, then a week, then a month. You know what comes next.
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Open up anon, here comes another indiepixelshit sidescroller allegory for mental illness.
Make it as special as you can bro. Get your favorite guilty fast food meal and play your favorite game. Or hang out here and laugh at speedruns.
thanks anons
the line
I think couch person likes mushrooms
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Fuck this
Someone rate this run an F for me
>double tranny
>shitty quirky hollow knight inspired metroidvania
here's my rating because I'm not sticking until the end
Are you implying that the thread's full of tourists who don't give a fuck about speedrunning? These are all organic /v/ posts, anon.
>40 minutes of this shit
Let's just rate this run now. Is anyone really giving this shit anything higher than an F?
I agree, with some makeup she's even prettier!
i cant believe how slow this game moves and this guy is still fucking up the ledges
i wonder why viewership is the lowest it's been in 7 years
I thought mushrooms were an allegory for warlocks?
this was a fun game, recommend playing it instead of watching
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40 minutes huh.
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>anytime there is these abomination troons running games the view count drops
Is it hip to be ugly? Why is there not a single attractive one?
don't forget to stay comfy!!
Imagine suffering from a real disability and everyday is litteral hell, and then you see those fucktroons pretending they're just like you
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I hate GDQ
Sounds like you're just mad you were banned and ignored by everyone in chat.
We have reached the point where the the people who love victimizing themselves don't even pretend to be offended anymore because your shitposting is just unoriginal
I meant the info he's providing in this run lad, but you do you do
Where are the females?
Has thread schizo appeared here yet?
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don't be a bigot
That's frost fatales.
I swear, whenever I think we reached the bottom of the barrel of shitty indie Metroidvanias, the hole just gets deeper.

I used to just mute tab but I now stop the stream just to make a point, no matter how irrelevant and futile.
looks fine, honestly. I see uglier women every day
i can fix her
I'm willing to see past the tranny thing... they're not even entertaining nor funny. And the game sucks.
Didn't he only do it for one GDQ and one ESA? Damn he didnt last long.
It's not that irrelevant.
What went wrong with america
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What's his problem?
Weird how they all attempt to have the same sense of humor of "purposefully bad puns so you laugh at how intentionally not funny it is". Why do they never attempt anything else?
weird flex, hope your life gets better?
Im grippin right now
I actually enjoy playing mediocre platformers and metroidvanias but this game looks so damn sterile and lifeless
will do, gotta wait till after 11pm before I officially get my wizard powers.
Got some beers to drink and get my elden ring char ready for the dlc, then I got some nice steaks for dinner. Its all good.
i opened this up, and saw a woman speedrunning. these people must think i'm a fool. there are no world record holders that are women. furthermore, these women wont be having sex with me. i've closed the stream and wont be participating.
>indie 2d platformer
>only 2 trannies in a day
Troonbros what the hell? Is gdq commiting trans genocide?
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Reminding everyone of the two wives who played Hades together
you'd think if you made a mushroom character it'd be more inspired and have thematic abilities
instead it's
>uses a sword
>but not even a physical sword
>just a movement line
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game seems decent
shame about tranny runner
fuck you. those two faggots flew to ESA to do the same shit right after that
There is nothing even a quarter as bad as all you dramaqueens are moaning about
A multitude of things but being entertaining on a camera takes if not a degree of skill some natural charisma. The event throws on people who are awkward even in their own social groups and puts them in front of thousands of people.
You must be the one fan of Chasm.
We were never having a good time. It just gets progressively worse.
>1/16 runs so far has had a tranny running
What this tells me is that /v/ is clearly lying about GDQ being a "tranny event".
I have a confession to make.
I am having zero fun with this Elden Ring DLC. I think I straight up just hate it.
Oh sorry lets be fake positive and talk about how entertaining the run is. You first.
>goes tranny, but can't be bothered to use anything but his normal voice
you're wrong, give it a shot. fwiw it has a lot of funny tech (speaking as someone who didn't like look anything up, there's just obviously weird stuff) but it doesn't force it on you. the art is bad but it's one guy. I think it was my second favorite mv of last year
I'm thinkin' I'm not going to be watching 30 minutes of this.
How is the audio desync so bad? If there weren't already 2 reasons on stream to mute it, the desync is a solid third.
Millennial Humor
yass queen slay

frost/flame fatales has now become the tranny containment marathon because its so heckin validating. last events tally was 60/40 troons to real women
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gb2/bed/ jordan
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has minhee done her run yet?
Honestly I still prefer a twink confident tranny over the blob type that's so common in these events like the one on the couch. No homo.
I'm enjoying it. But I'm on a boss right now that kills in 2 hits. It's genuinely not fun. Once he's dealt with, it'll get better though.
yeah its really a bit of a joke that were made to watch this. it is very likely that satan has made AGDG actually to cuckold us. thats the level of petty behavior we can expect from the devil.
Why don't indie devs make something different? Why don't they make an action game like Devil May Cry or some shit? It's always the same fucking thing.
>Wake up
>Open stream
>See easiest jump in the world being fumbled
>Look over at runner
>Yup, checks out
>Close stream
Did i miss anything good since halo?
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It's unironically on my wishlist lmao. I know people hate it but I figured for a low price I might give it a shot, and it's pretty damn low right now
eeeh maybe i just don't like how lifeless and uninspired it looks, plus the main character has completely unsatisfying animations
>game seems decent
it looks beyond generic, the kind of thing you'd play on your phone while waiting 15 hours in the ER because you forgot your book
Tourists got sold on it being a peak hatewatching experience, and if they can't get it from the stream they'll imagine their own.
all I know is there will be more trannies for Mario Romhack bullshit.
this. the schizos are getting hysterical again
Thought it was just me. A refresh fixed it.. I think. I guess it still looks a little off.
It's not a birthday event for you, you retard.
speed ball was good if you liked last years wild arms
You aren't alone. From's dug themselves into a design hole. It's not just you, this actually is worse than the past Souls. It's even worse than the main Elden Ring game. Where are you at?
? No they didn't, the only one playing Hades at ESA is some chech guy
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RIP ESA Stream 2 now we won't have gems like this
yes it is. i did this all for him.
Yeah I hate Elden ring and the dlc just reminded me why. They removed everything I liked about souls games to focus on everything that I do not like.
I swear, if Balatro is being run by tranny, I'll...
>It's unironically on my wishlist lmao. I know people hate it but I figured for a low price I might give it a shot, and it's pretty damn low right now
I don't even hate it, it's just really fucking bland, it's incredibly pretty but it's really boring.

Check something like Abyssal City out if you want a bad but fun Metroidvania.
what the fuck are you talking about? there are indie games in almost every genre
>completely unsatisfying animations
i agree. but yeah, try it if you like MVs to feel like "wow, I wonder if anyone else played it this way"
It's a pixel art metroidvania inspired by the dev's favorite childhood games. Creativity is null.
Fun mushroom fact, I have a bag in my closet inoculated with psilocybin natalensis spores.
And it's also not 24h I hear? If true, that shit's going to cease to exist in the near future.
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And this
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don't mind me, just posting NoSleepCoffee
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sidescrolling pixelshit is like the least amount of effort to praise ration
Please tell me this game was made by one person.
stop staring at the facecam and acting like a professional victim and actually watch the run?
I saw the final boss and just skipped it, I'll get it at a discount. Elden Ring wasn't that good that I'll torture myself for no reason.
People bitched about that for the last ESA, it was fine.

The shit with Lovare is probably going to do way more damage, a ton of staff have walked over it, even the dude who does the end of event discos.
>ESA 2015
>12+ hour crash bash stream
>runners were so tired they were practically falling asleep and hallucinating
Good times.
Nobodys going due to Lovare MeTooing it, so yeah, its fucking done. No way does it live to see winter.
its a troongame tho
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It's also on my wishlist. I actually pirated it a decade ago and didn't like it, but my taste in games has changed a lot since.
My recommendation for a perfectly mediocre Metroidvania is Death's Gambit btw. I recently beat Pharaoh Rebirth too but that one's genuinely good, and more of a linear platformer with backtracking

Also I fucking love getting rare-ass achievements just for playing through a game, feels so good to be one of the few to see a game through
gotta go fast
did they confirm anywhere stream 2 is dead?
its not, people are jumping off with lovares metoo
if what she says is true then the organizers are mouth breathing retards that dont understand the basics of running a convention with more than 10 attendees and its a miracle this didnt happen sooner
I can ignore the face but not the voice.
She's kinda cute
Good to see, that even normies are getting sick of tranny shit.
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This gem was also this year too.
Was fighting some snake faggot. Phase 1 is fine, then phase 2 Im like "What the fuck is even happening?"
At this point, if the next not Souls game is like this then I'm done with From Software games.
Lovare was on a marathon recently. Was this before or after that? I forgot the name of it... it was UK Green or something and it took place in April or May.
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>runner still jumps into around 50% of all enemies
Huh, you're right. This is the only stream that has that issue though, they likely still do some weird video/audio splitting in the backend.
What? How?
>runner is a FFXIV streamer
It's not looking good bro
So what do people do differently during pride month anyway?
why are they talking about pride month 2? forced meme?
I don't understand why you chimp out when you hear a man's voice. Do you not watch male runners? This group hysteria feels artificial.
>No more Tiny Tim calmly guiding a low functioning turbo autist who can only grunt and is seconds away from an autistic meltdown because he choked.
>No more Tim using his IRL teaching skills to guide him into a PB
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so true!!!
TRANS RIGHTS /v/!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
a way to avoid talking about the 4th of july
>trans event
>has a trans runner
>transphobes lose their mind over her
Why do they do this?
>it was fine.
No it wasn't
>The shit with Lovare is probably going to do way more damage, a ton of staff have walked over it
Good, it deserves to die.
How long have you been alone
It sounds like Edenel was being an idiot, Planks was looking the other way, possibly Metako as well. Ladeur was probably too busy with her head up her own ass.
>forced meme?

Which meme isn't forced in 2k24?
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>even the dude who does the end of event discos
dont like his runs but his sets are solid
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Okay, I hate this run.
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Alright yall im headin to the cafe

yall want somethin?
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h-hey boss... c-can I get a trans rights??
Every month is pride month, you racist, sexist, transphobic, drumpf supporter chud.
you have to soft land after the month is over, just ignoring it makes it look like you don't give a shit
so you joke about lol month 2 for a couple of days so people know you're still an ally
I mean I'm not surprised, they let the Kraut run rabid around the event and do dumb wacky shit with no punishment, which scared off Celina. Of course Lovare doesn't bring that up though as it's her husband's buddy.
Enough to think quacksilver is cute but not enough to think allison8bit is
>no more tim (heart problems)
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please tell me these are bots and not real humans
If you're not looking at the face, what does the voice matter? You just hear some guy talking without looking at him.
complete retards if true, wouldve taken no time to properly sort all of this out and now their entire event hast collapsed
There's an undeniable artificiality in these voices. I'd respect them more if they didn't choose the most grating inflection imaginable.
damn.....speedrunner duke_bilgewater really got himself banned from all future GDQs after posting this......ice cold....
never said it was good.
it looks like knock off hollow knight with the soul artificially sucked out and replaced with cutesy pixelshit but the gameplay with the quick attack and pogoing and shit is pretty much just a great value hollow knight.
I want you to wish me luck.
My run is next, I do requests on triples.
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Fag month is over stop bringing it up.
Has there not been another one of these? This has got to be at least a decade old.
>GDQ knockoff is a complete shitshow
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Why do channers feel threatened by some random emote?
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She was at NSG doing the prize stuff, anons in the threads wanted her socks.
based defensior
Before. She was at Nordic Speedrunners too. So people just thought "Oh she's back at ESA then. she must have just been sick or whatever" and nope, she unleashed that. I think NSG and UKSG split from ESA after too and are g oing solo. They'll probably both try to be the next ESA.
the real humans are bots
That's all people like this care about. They have no personality or prospects besides what gets them off and flags.
TinyTim isn't trans, anon.
>17 mins more troonery
ah but of course
not seen this post in years
There was that comfy SMG2 run too, that game is always kino. I'm disappointed that the only SMG representation this event is a romhack and the runner is that guy who always does boring randomizers
Post picture of the actual food when you get it.
Does anyone have the chat logs of that guy whining because he paid 2k and they didnt read out his messages?
ok keiz, wouldnt act this hard in your worst sgdq yet
You would be surprised. Just don't be like "haha 100 big ones." It's a Tax Write off, not an indulgence for your guilty conscience.
chicken tendies of course
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>they let the Kraut run rabid around the event and do dumb wacky shit with no punishment, which scared off Celina
WTF I love the Kraut now.
Just admit you want to drink Tiny Tim's clitty juice
What the fuck why does she look 30 pounds bigger here
There's stuff like UKSG, BSG, NSG and Hekathon who all seem to be distancing themselves the fuck away from ESA now for obvious reasons.
You seem awfully sure the run won't spill over.
troons hate july 4th and are commies that wish for the US to be taken over with communism because they think it will be better but it wont be and more than likely trannies would be shot on sight in any commie country
Because we're sensitive and easily triggered by symbols and patterns we've been conditioned to fear.
more like gross/creepy
get something fresh, idiot
>AI interprets the loose strands of hair as coming straight out of her forehead
>tune in
>double tranny run
>'pride month 2' every 5 sentences
I go back to sleep
yeah, find younger me and tell him to bet everything on the Patriots every year
Caesar Salad sounds good i'll have that
A17 was peak un-modded GDQ, where the chat reached it's pinnacle shit-show attendance. As a last-straw result, S17 was the first event that they made the chat sub only and started heavily moderating. So of course everyone left, and then it took a bit to rebuild. Also shitty schedule, shitty tech crew, etc. but mostly not being able to clown on runners was the biggest hit.
In that case, that's fine. I just want a marathon to talk about with my bros. Whether it's ESA or some other shit.
It's fucking weird that this started happening during his runs, the /pol/ children are jumping at shadows.
He just said "happy pride month 2" again like it was a fart that he was holding in.
>happy pride month 2
>a handful of unenthusiastic claps
How long before GDQ is totally dead
I side with ESA on the first accusation.
>The people who did it weren't part of the event, they were just in the hotel
>It didn't happen at the event, it happened at the hotel that hosted the event
>Therefore it's beyond the ESA team as its a hotel issue
>Its a hotel issue, go to hotel security.
It wasn't fine it stunted the whole marathons viewership hard
>elemental lords
Why couldn't any of these been mushroom themed? This game is so fucking lazily made
>moves to a different event
>STILL dresses like a whore
say goodbye to NSG lads in a year or two lads
>troon running a literal childrens game

what is the point of this? this games looks so easy and brainded why would anyone speedrun this shit
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Did this dude raid his grandma's wardrobe or some shit? Why do they always dress like this?
Did that donation just say “trooning”?
>wake up
>turn on the stream
>it's a tranny

He's a very confused individual.
you're right, and im leaning more to ESA too but anyone she told could've went to the hotel themselves and made sure it was remediated.
thats what a competent event organizer does anyway
this game seems like a lame knock off of hallow knight just saying
>speedrunner Brexit is real
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You should come along to the smaller event threads then. UKSG, Beneleux, AUS, PACE, RPGLB etc. You might like it, A LOT slower than this though and they usually die during dead hours. Sadly the third most active one behind GDQ and ESA is Frame Fatales
>Worse than 40 year old platformers
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>Two hot dogs
Rent free
its funny how he has to hide his balding head
literally nothing happened
the most egregious thing is that someone sniffed her hair
she wont even name the people in question, yet complains some people that made her feel uncomfortable still attended esa events after
this is the most boring metoo case ever
They only have 3 classes to choose from
>Roller Derby lesbian
>2005 hot topic mall goth
>enemy gets to do 10-second long combos with cryptically hidden tells for whether you should roll, jump, delay roll, teensy-delay roll or ultra-delay your roll, or wait before counterattacking so they don't extend it into a 15-second long combo
>You wait until they're done
>You do two attacks with a light sword
>Game decides that's too greedy and you die

This is boring. Every boss is the same wannabe-epic godhood master with the same epic orchestra behind them. There used to be the plausible expectation of beating them first try but that's long since gone as memorisation is the one recourse left. My favourite fight of the DLC was the Lamenter and he was some cooky optional gremlin most people likely beat first try - but at least he was FUN and tested me in different ways.

Apparently if you use the Deflecting Hardtear, you can turn blocking into Sekiro Deflects, and that makes the game a lot better. But then you realise you're playing a poor man's Sekiro.

I want From to do an entirely different game after this. I know they invented Soulslikes, but I'm done with their take on them
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Bayonetta 2 run was THAT bad? I guess sleeping through was a good idea.
Umm...you play as a fungus, it's clearly different
On their discord, apparently to avoid taxing their volunteers. The schedule will be uploaded this week to confirm
Dang, I wanted to be a Stealth Archer
>hire prostitute to be your prize whore
>she destroys your event because autists are icky
this is why scent is kept around. he has no right metoo'ing anyone
funny thing is if you say anything you'll be labeled a bigot, the viewers are powerless and they're laughing at them
AND the fungus has headphones on
not paying for any of that shit. id rather go to a different place.
>get back home from work
>load up GDQ
>male voice and face
it's all so tiresome
Oh, never mind. It was THAT bad. I didn't see the tranny part.
Its gonna be fun to watch the bloodbath against each other in the fight to become the next top Euro speedrun event.
women, not even once
minecraft dungeons started at 3:33pm during agdq. i shant be watching it, as i've seen more than enough. satan is working at agdq. and, hes also working on minecraft dungeons.
Grilled vegetable wrap please
Are the masks so they can’t smell each others putrid stench?
The DLC is a flanderized souls game. They need to make souls games punishing instead of difficult again.
what happened to live a live?
Oh cool SGDQ is on --- of course its two disgusting she/hers
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the chat is a cringe goldmine
based schizo
easy fix to this is just dont have woman at your event.
this is the kind of game ai will be making first before branching to other genres
the devs didn't intend for this kind of build so it has very limited options
TempestMask on commentary
You mean Leave A Lithe?
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No smelly people allowed at GDQ
you’re not alone
this is the lowest viewership sgdq has had since 2017
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autist on the couch wouldn't shut the fuck up and the runner sounded like everything about the game annoyed him
>Super Metroid and Alien Isolation ZZZ
It's more of a western-world post-pandemic excuse to hide their manly faces, much like how a lot of chinese and asian crossdressers or trannies have used masks when doing porn since forever for the same reason, since it's always been normal for them to wear masks in public when sick.
Imagine how bad you have to smell to get kicked out of an event of speedrunning autists.
imagine if they both had cornrows and talked ghetto and we would all get banned if we called them white instead of black. How is that any different then pretending to be a girl?
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Imagine being a woman signing up for a female only event only to find yourself surrounded by dozens of fat mentally ill men in dresses. I wonder what this does to the psyche.
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Never forget
My Queen
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>first time tuning im
>tranny runner
well if true and probably is considering how winter went ESA is dead. Guess I'll have to find a new small event
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Remember to do your part and always vote Z for tranny runs.
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I disabled the emotes and I only see text instead. "Doritos Doritos Doritos Doritos Doritos Doritos"
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On discord. They say its to avoid "volunteer taxation" but in reality its "all our volunteers left"
Rate this run
>85 Z ratings
>0 F ratings
>0 D ratings
>0 C ratings
>0 B ratings
>0 A ratings
>0 S ratings
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bland-ass game
I was going to shitpost about it being girls just being girls but lonely indian dudes will do anything to touch a woman

How recent is this? I can genuinely see drama arising from this
game was very generic, but the commentary was decent enough
can't believe I watched it all
I don't think they have many people left now, I've noticed they've removed the team page on their site some time after March.

I don't think there will be, most of them are the same people just shuffled about with who is running each one.
boring hollow knight clone like every indie pixel shit nowadays
fat mentally ill men in dresses that are "lesbians" and still creep on you 10x worse or just straight up hate you because you're effortlessly infinitely more desirable to the community. You're honestly in a safer space at a non "female" event
honestly i was wondering why theyre doing two streams at all, seems like a lot more workload esp if you stream over nights
Didn't they get a new biofem host this year to even it out? Swablu whats her face.
not bad>>681393074
shitty pixel art platformer run by two mentally ill perverts! doesnt get any better!!
D, would be a B if not form the two things during it
Z, fuck trannies
Z utter dogshit
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Watched the latest Ahoy video during this trash. Pretty good.

Let's go gaymers

Boring shit
ZZ for double tranny + boring run
D, boring as fuck.
Took me some time to remember who he was. That's the Mr Rogers-like calm guy, right?

Kinda wish we used T.
All true. Stream 2 was a bit of a surprise, shared to volunteers before to the general server. I think they planned for Stream 2 and then were forced to give up on it because volunteer numbers wouldn't allow it.
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bro what is this? who the fuck dressed you? legit dressed like a gypsy tarrot card reader holy fuck.
tranny playing some ai generated metroidvania while shouting the usual troon shit
People like this are fucking insufferable. Reminds me of furries or bronies during the height of MLP. Like, we get it, you're trans.
you leave Allison alone!
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Bayonetta 2 there was a woman
How do I look up this shit on Youtube?
And not even a gypsy tarrot card reader
Her name is TinyTina now, incel.
this is what happens when your a fat troon and nothing fits you so you dress like a granny
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Love to see it
Hippy woman that like India/Budha dress like that.
So what happened?
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What a crowd!
i remember sgdq used to be so much fun. I'd watch it like the entire week. Now it makes me want to kill myself. trans identifying men are ruining this world
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raiding grandma's wardrobe is how most troons get dressed for the day
More people and more runs. Also if there was a long run on stream 1, they'd balance it out with a bunch of short runs on stream 2. So there was alternatives for those who don't like long RPG runs or Pokemon runs or whatever, while at GDQ you have to ensure it. Over time Stream 2 got a reputation for being a lot more relaxed than stream 1, both in comfiness and in terms of going over estimate, doing stuff etc.
Dead grandma. All they inherited was the old clothes nobody wanted.
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>check thread
>"rate the run"
>safe to open the stream again
her run is on YT https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jErm40Ub2Hk
whats up trannies and faggots how's it going
any cool games being streamed
>guy brought his kids to the event

she kissed an Indian tranny on stream.
It's nice to have when 1 stream has runs you don't want to watch. Plus, they've been doing it for years and I think they've only skipped stream 2 a few times, mostly due to Covid.

Looks like they started doing 2 streams in 2013 which was when I started watching.
imo they should just skip every run going over 2h except for nights, shit sucks (especially pokemon)
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i just saw someone walk with a mask on stream in big twenty twenty four
these people are not real
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I really don't know why I still watch this shit every year.
>40k viewers
LMAO the power of trannies
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Which is more text heavy, leftist memes or leftist rule lists?
Hating trannies is more natural then the trannies themselves.
everyone here is laughing at you
the schedule sucks. i looked all the way to friday and dont see a single run i want to see. its all fucking mentally ill men in dresses anyways

Thank you, I'll go partake in the trainwreck.
If the choice is between a 24 hour stream or a stream 2, I'd choose 24 hours over stream 2. But apparently we get none instead.
I only watch this to continue humiliating myself. Watcher since 2014
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Disgust and fear are not the same thing.
It basically boils down to "don't be a dick" but they have to spell it out for fuckwits like you.
>people talking about ESA
>I had to do some last minute stuff
>clocked out and going home now
shit, there's no way I'll be able to pick it up between now and getting home
>that pepe rule

absolutely buckbroken
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>avoid talking about conspiracy theories
Not even being transphobic, these people are just annoying as fuck
the charlottesville frog is literally hate speech
>No political campaigning
Uhm.. what?
Yet here you are, seething that trans queens won the culture war. Hmmmmm...
Seriously, can I just show up and buy a ticket/badge at the door? These fucks look like they could use some more money with hoe thin the crowds been since the start.
I wish this rule was enforced on 4chan.
all this troon bullshit actually makes me miss bronies. they werent as bad
>It basically boils down to "don't be a dick" but they have to spell it out for fuckwits like you.
"Dicks get removed" is the tranny motto, nobody needs reminding of it
The worst smell I've come across in my life was after a game torunament some 6 years ago. Some guy walked into a ramen restaurant and it smelled like he dived into a year-old septic tank before coming in.
It's actuallly amazing someone can even leave their house smelling like that.
their politics are ok though, you know which ones
pump your brakes, it doesn't have to be one or the other
Was most likely raised by the grandparents.
>No political campaigning
Unless it's for le heckin' TRANS RIGHTS
I'm sorry that even though the deepest part of my hear wants happiness and love for everyone, I cannot overcome the fact that trannies are the most cringe people on the planet right now. You'll probably have a new wave of something worse take the heat off you in the future though.
yeah, remember the good old days on the internet when bronies were the "worst" people you could find online

now they seem normal
All they succeeded at was making everyone hate them
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why doesnt GDQ have FtM trannies? don't men like video games?
Boring game, boring run, tranny runner
First it was weebs, then furries, then bronies, now trannies. There will always be a degenerate community to hate.
First incident was definitely a security issue that needs better handling but speaking as a female I still think she’s a giant pussy for “bursting into tears” lmao christ
>now they seem normal
No, not really. A lot of those bronies trooned out as well. This is part 2 of their autism.
Now you're being extremely transphobic.
it was never a mainstream thing that you would be immediately banned on every website if you criticized. and completely infiltrated modern healthcare and politics. its become so bizarre i have trouble comprehending reality
>First it was weebs
He says, on a weeb website
They seem "normal" to you nowadays cause their community is basically dead now.
They were and still are some of the most degenerate fucks the internet has spawned
Can't talk about bronies, but the few furries I have met IRL were pretty decent people. The kind with the big suits and claustrophobia inducing suit heads.
because FtM trannies dont play video games and usually dont care about video games. these MtF trannies are just autistic speed runners who failed so they trooned out to get attention.

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