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Now: Turnip Boy Robs A Bank
Next: Chameleon Twist
Later: Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards

Stream: https://www.twitch.tv/gamesdonequick
Schedule: https://gamesdonequick.com/schedule/48
Previous: >>681387130
the only thing Israel has ever done right was (rightfully) treating the Doctors Without Borders organization as enemy combatants
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trans rights are human rights
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Fuck trannies!
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i also hate trannies
stop trolling
He's my favorite racist.
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GDQ in a nutshell
>Turnip Boy [Commits a Real Life Felony]
haha it's funny because he's a cute cartoon turnip, he wouldn't do something like that haha that's so funny exdee haha
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I af miged
What do you guys this who at ESA said this?
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They already barely did anything for stream 2. Usually TTS donos and let the runner go. I think it was the DQ11 run where they didn't even tell him an extra goal was reached.
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migging as fast as I can
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dont open
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>turnip boy runner streamed his wedding

Kinda weird. Other than that, scouting ahead, everyone seems normal except for Argick.
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>fat chick
no one cares
wtf does mig mean, where did it come from?
They knew these threads were tearing their dicks off to her prize segments.
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Migged successfully...
We might share the same sense of humour my friend! What do you say we exchange our facebooks, eh ol' chap?
think niggertranny, think
it's short for Miguel, the founder of SGDQ
Of course they did, Edenal called her "prize mommy" at the end of the first even she did prize hosting for.
Find me one other place that was openly calling her that.
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migrate you idiot
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how new
>dress like a sexual object
>get treated like one
HRT must be like a coke addiction.
Anyone have a timestamp for Bayonetta 2? I missed it and it's not on YT.
Twitch chat and their Discord were as well.
fr, these motherfuckers are ugly as sin but somehow have the confidence to post these photos
this is the person always spamming "rent free"
where did you come from where did you go
where did you come from miggerman joe?
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trans.... RIGHTS!?

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>it's not on YT
nigga just click the youtube icon
Hello guys, just watched the house of the dragon episode, i am alredy free to "enjoy" this shit with you guys
any decent round today so far?
>pride month 2

Well, I have to admit, this one got me. Maybe they do have a sense of humor afterall.
>lets get a shout out for pride month 2
>no response
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Did you know that David Hasselhoff participated in a musical? I thought that was an interesting tidbit.
Thought you guys might want to spend some time between runs watching something
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What about trans wrongs though?
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waste of time
there will be no good runs
They are saying that unironically tho
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But she's a woman.
She's a sexual object and an individual with no worth (if she isn't giving birth and taking care of her man).
I don't see the issue.
I've never heard of this game is it good?
I wish it was dying faster but am glad it is dying at all.
Thanks lad. Somehow this is not listed on their YT channel.
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For any trans people lurking, Jesus saves:

It's never too late.
yes anon, that's why its funny
What is with the pride shit? Pride month was last month, there is not "pride month 2".
Fuck, give these people a hand and they'll take the entire arm.
pride month 2 XD
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Please donate your hard earned dollars to warlords in the congo
yeah, yesterday was painfully bad, feels like its going to be te worst so far
I can't tell shitposts and genuine opinions apart anymore.
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So every dollar donated goes to welfare leech boat migrants?!
It's disappointing how many people in the ESA threads were simping for that obese braphog. Well now she destroyed your autistic little hobby guys, oh well
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Prizemommy noticed us.
It's crazy how such a so-called inclusive event ends up being immensely exclusive.
I had a dream that a cute asian girl gently put her lips to mine and gave me the softest kisses before getting into bed next to me, and then I immediately woke up.
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last gdq i got silenced for mentioning this ad during an incredible crisis run
>More troons
Fuck it, I'm gonna play Darktide.
did you take care of your throbbing mr ecker
Now that gay month is over and they still saying trans rights every 5 seconds?
>dev comm
fuck no
Shill run coming up
Pretty gud
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>she doesnt know about second pride month, mrs frodo
That was me.
Turnip Boy Gets Busted With 26 Grams of Coke.
>grown man wearing a baseball cap

What other worth does a woman have?
Try not to flip out like your programming dictates, and think about it.
most of it goes into the pockets of gdq staff
Why does every runner look like the same guy
Isn't that what happens every time a woman comes into a male dominated hobby?
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no negativity in the dojo
Edenal. No question about it.
What a weak mig.
turnip boy shamelessly rips off nuclear winter and that other game
Otasa hime.
i'd come into her male dominated hobby
I believe that every human being gets to define their own worth.
Rank these GDQ forced memes from the past 3 years best to worst:
>Yes Chef!
>Pride Month 2!!
as if their jannies understood that, safer to just rope you
>Creates a black people containment event
This looks like a polished Newgrounds game.
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So, you wanna make this go further or what?
Fuck, ORB is ancient now, isn't it.
AIRBOAT>yes chef>hooray>fag month 2
HOORAY-AIRBOAT less annoying
Pride Month 2 halfaway
shan't even type the worst, the fucking TV cooking show fad died at least 2 years ago CUT IT OUT
pride month 2 > hooray > airboat > yes chef
I have a headache.
>male dominated hobby
that's a transphobic transphobism
but that was just a couple years ago, right?
The cogs on the background layer of this game are incredibly distracting.
”The more self-satisfied virtuous delight you take in extending membership to everybody, the more emotionally necessary it becomes to identify some non-members somewhere. Traditionally, human societies drew clear lines between themselves and outsiders; inclusion and exclusion both had their place and they were both subject to clear rules. In liberal universalist systems that embrace all of humanity, however, exclusion happens sporadically and in uncontrolled ways, generally whenever the harmony and unanimity become unbearable.”
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Trannys arent human like blacks
the fuck is this game
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That's the whole point of progressivist. They are never satisfied.
Where does the money even go? I looked through their site and cannot find an answer
I used to enjoy gdq but this year its become strictly background noise to me. Feels bad man.
he's right that historically that is what women were, and with freedom they still haven't done anything to suggest otherwise. Men still take up the majority of achievements among human advancement. If it makes you feel better, men have mostly just been hard labor like farmers and soldiers/bodies to be thrown at the enemy during war
>just found out Marn is on his death bed
yeah it’s been over a year so far now
And that right there is why there are too many troons.
Hey guys let's focus up on the run
Damn for real?
cute belief
is this just modern indie pixelshit block FT. troons?
shut up tranny
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>SRB2 in a few hours
that's gonna be good, right?
A morally good anon, rare to see these days.
whats the difference between mean and median? in simple words please
>2024 game
why is this new game even in
>Argick run
Draw your own conclusions here
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Rest easy my dear. We'll continue later.
one is bigger
The run is boring shit.
bitch I can hardly remember the names of my coworkers, I don't know who these people are.
I'm going to the gym, you guys want anything?
imagine following Kungfu into the bathroom and spying on her taking a big dump
i think she is just making it as a publicity stunt, i dont think she is taking any drugs
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It's funny that it was all the anons who weren't around for the interview desks and shit with Marel and co being useless non-runners who were there to be eye candy and had some weird link to the charity.
this run is an advertisement. the dev is literally on call. fucking shameless.
Even for a speedrun, this is a remarkably repetitive game.

Looking good for EU bros. We get to sleep through the garbage and enjoy comfy NA graveyard runs.
I like Argick so i will enjoy it.
a can of girl sweat
It's a roguelite run basically a let's play so the run is shit.
i’m starting to think this is the endgame. a cute girl who believes they’re a boy, that’s the dream. assuming they don’t commit too hard like Indigo White is, though i think she’s planning on getting top surgery
Get me some doritos
a mug of chie's urine, chilled.
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T-Tim bros...
What are you playing during this garbage block?
Mean is average. Mean of 1, 2, 3, 4 and 1000 is 202.
Median is point that half of values is bigger and half is smaller. Median of 1, 2, 3, 4 and 1000 is 3.

Mean and median are usually close unless you have a significantly lopsided distribution.
Soaked gym shorts.
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>quit watching years ago because of unreasonable bans, retarded censorship and litteral tranny pandering
is it watchable again or would it be a waste of time?
His tiny heart can't pump enough blood..
Mean is the average of all the scores, median is the score in the middle of the highest and lowest score, IIRC
I hope he's ok, dude's pretty old.
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Can someone QRD me on the event so far? Any wild tranny shit happen yet?
it's all that but turned to 11
its like a thousand times worse
Animal Well
Nothing, but I'm about to play more Make a Good Megaman Level 3.
I swear these people are all sick. Usually in the head but if it's not that they have something with their heart or some shit caused by obesity or general sedentary behavior.
Does somebody actually buys and plays this kind of mediocre at best, all the same looking, so generic it can be ai-generated by now indir shit in 2024?
As someone who has been through two drug addictions, because I'm an irresponsible retard, it does seem to be that way. The way they talk about "transphobes" is exactly the way I felt when I was addicted, that everyone was in on a grand conspiracy to make me unhappy and that if they just left me alone to get high things would get better
It will continue to get worse until it dies and the cycle repeats.
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Half of these speedrun threads run on the assumption that the most recurring runners are common knowledge among anons, mostly because some runs are incredibly divisive because of whoever's running it.
If you have no idea what to expect from Argick, watch one of his ESA runs as if you ask anons around here, chances are it's a 50/50 split between liking and hating the guy.
Does this announcer know how to pronounce "dollars"?
He keeps saying "dorras" and it's annoying the shit out of me.
>heart issues
Bye bye vaxie
id wager impulse buyers that never do play the game do, or those that play a game for 1h then leave a best game evurrr review only to never touch it again
The no response is your QRD
dorras the explorras
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never mind then
thanks anons
Ecker you better put the ad marker on this run you fat fuck.
I rate this run D for developer.
Developers are useless in speedgame commentary.
"That's so interesting!"
Is he the ultra high energy guy that won't stop talking through an entire run?
Has anything funny happened yet?
that's SO interesting
Where's (3)?
I'm just here for Kirby 64
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Extremely naive.
Roguelite speed runs are not fun stop doing them
[Sincerity check:Failed] That's SO interesting!
If you’re not able to hate-watch the way we’re doing it’s not worth your time
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>indie pixelshit with troon commentators
oh, also people that don't play a lot of games so they don't realize how generic this stuff is. usually you see those more for FOTM games though, which then leads to comparing every game to current FOTM in the same way persona invented jazz
>he doesn't remember the new blood devs shitposting and causing massive seethe
The winter event are so much better because the literal children are still in school so they only shit up the threads on the weekends.
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One of those, ye
to go more in the specifics, they ask him to put up an angry scotsman act through donations, from time to time
Smart Ballsack, depending on which side of the field you are with regards to what constitutes fun.
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>You are not currently banned from posting on 4chan.

So once I saw the Lone Fungus tranny runner say something to the effect of "Welcome to Pride Month 2.0" I muted my TV, turned off the stream, sat back in my chair and thought long and hard about whether or not this is the peak of it all. Something in my gut tells me that very soon there's going to be a reversal of public opinion on leftism, and GDQ knows this, so they're being completely unhinged right now to I guess get it out their system.

I mean think about it. They have a tranny staff member and despite having negative charisma he's actually been on the camera MORE than Proto was before. Every other fucking run, some back-to-back, has had a tranny on the couch, to the point it's no longer a coincidence and must be deliberate. They could not wait until even a full 24 hours to begin relentlessly spamming TRANS RIGHTS, and all of this tells me GDQ are terrified but know they can only double down, not back off.

It's funny looking at their subreddit try to figure out why viewership is now the lowest it's ever been, despite being in person, no longer having Draconian vaccine rules and lifting bans on most top runners. My nigga, the reason GDQ is dead is because of YOU. It is your terminal faggotry and inability to realize how alienating YOU are that turns everyone away. Nobody likes YOU, they would watch this event if YOU fucked off! No amount of coping or deflection will change that YOU are the core problem here.

Reminds me of pic related, honestly. How does no one seem to notice that the GDQ staff aren't actually chill runners anymore, but fucking drama major SJWs? Oh wow, yeah, it was definitely Covid and Twitch policies that led to us falling off, and not us shoving horse-faced dykes and troon spergs in the camera whenever physically possible to do so.
And Im just here for you
>persona invented jazz
i'm stealing this
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some water from the vending machines, I'm about to do my own workout
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Unironically what is stopping anyone for making their own GDQ and not having it filled with troons?
there is no hate watching without shitposting in their chat, and there is no chat to shitpost in without getting instagibbed
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The way people feel about this genre, and I'm not saying you're wrong, is how I feel about metroidvanias. And I like metroidvanias. No one does anything new with either of these types of games. There's at least a baseline of enjoyment that most clear easily but the ceiling of originality is incredibly low. Even Metroid Dread felt like it had absolutely nothing new in it.
oversaturation. see the dozen bootleg GDQ events
That's SO interesting.
Are you from Canada as well?
Happy Canada day!
i aint reading all that
It's already been done hasn't it? Didn't someone cry about it being all white guys?
Anon we shitpost here
You need to have established personalities to draw people in/find success
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you'll have to deal with zoomer ecelebs
Based post, anon. GDQ has definitely gone off the deep end with their woke shit. The trannies and SJWs have completely taken over and turned it into their own personal pride parade. No wonder viewership is tanking - normal people are sick of having this crap shoved in their faces 24/7. You're right that they're probably doubling down out of desperation as they see the tide turning against them. Hopefully this is the beginning of the end for their bullshit. Let GDQ die and something better can replace it without all the forced diversity and virtue signaling.
Will the yetee produce (you)r event?
based artist
Yeah both genres have been bloated by indie shovelware to the point nothing is new.
I can't stand hearing grown men saying "aw" It fucking repulses me.
It happened this year already. The organizer was accused of being a literal White supremacist misogynist transphobe because he hired his friends instead of scouring the Internet for the five minorities who are competent at videogames and entertaining enough to stand on their own.
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not just any someone, it's big mike ximself
I mean you’re correct but there’s no stopping this event going down the path they’ve chosen so who cares?
What kind of music have you been into recently anon? I've been really into Jungle after getting into the drum and bass rabbit hole.
aww :3
Was that Fast50 or whatever the event we had a thread up for was? That was a good marathon
it was coolmatty, the guy who ignored health concerns and lost an arm, some fingers, and leg
been enjoying some Elvis as always
You don't care you're just feigning interest to collect more to incorporate into your personality
Went to bed during that metrodivania shit afterimage game.

Any cringekino happen so far? any god tier runs?
don't worry, the yetee and anonymous will make it up with a few 10k donations
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Because GDQ jumps down your throat and rips you to shreds and blacklists you because they wanna be top dog but they hide it under "ITS UHHH... [insert phobic thing here]"
Electro Swing.
>all these people subscribing for like 70+ months
>none of it goes to charity
tricked lmao
what a faggot
this has got to be the most reddit memes indie game i've ever seen
freudian slip on my end
Why ask the question you know the answer to
>talking to NPCs
Just run Nuclear Throne man, this is putting me to sleep.
Anyone that thinks there's someone worse than Keiz on the GDQ staff is delusional.
They have to recoup venue cancellation fees anon!
>Frame Fatales is like 90% dudes
kek based
I hope the dev patches all there little speed running tech
He's the Woody Allen of speedrunning
For every ESA blackspot, GDQ's had seven that it wants to ignore while pretending to be pure
Remove the trains and people will find a new collective to hate and revile, so little would change.
She's 30+ btw.
But dis has da turnip boy robbing da bank!!!
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>this run is STILL going

jesus christ
How’s long will white Americans put up with this shit? I don’t get how you can take this bullshit daily
>turn stream on
>most ordinary looking overweight millennial man in existence is running
Bro what
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>this voice
What a dogshit game
>adults giggling
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based kraut
you can tell by the fact she looks 30+
Well at least they're having fun.
Someone should remind him which event had an 18 year old gangraped at it.
Here's a hint: It wasn't ESA.
Didn't know this was on, any good runs so far?
better that than do something and be called a racist
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>If there are no troons they'll just find another group to hate
It may be an esoteric fallacy but you still committed it.
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>all this troon bullshit actually makes me miss bronies. they werent as bad
I witnessed the brony fandom from the start and they were the first iteraton of the bioleninist, all-defects-welcome, basedmen-enabling progressive movement. It was cool and justified to hate them and their cult-like push into all the other communities. However within that fandom there was a genuine and honest explosion of creativity in all its forms. Even when at worst the concept of the art pieces were "what if X but with ponies" there were some really good artists involved and shit was anything but soulless. Some of my fondest memories of my brief delve into that fandom involve listening to all the mellow or adventure-feeling soundtrack-style music pieces that artists produced in response to short stories about OCs going on adventures and the like.
I still remember the Antipodes story and its unofficial soundtrack a decade later, I wonder where those dudes are now.

What did the tranny movement bring to the table instead? Same pastel color palettes everywhere, repeating the same dogmas ad-nauseam, same tumblr or pseudo-anime artstyles with the same furry or human characters wearing the same "girly" trendy clothes, and a permanent thought policing that makes people feel like they're walking on eggshells even when a tranny is not around. No music since you can't push the TRANS RIGHTS dogma with melodies, and no stories either since there's no common mythos to pull elements or inspirations from (and no one is going to bother reading a short story about the writer's barely disguised acceptance fantasy). What little they culturally produce is neither genuine nor honest, it's all corrupted with the implicit political message they keep pushing.

Bronies were annoying but by God, trannies generated nothing of value and were nothing but an absolute net negative on all forms of online communities. Comparing one group to the other is like comparing a large cyst to a stage 4 marrow cancer.
how is run still on...
When's the next one? I wanna make sure I catch the threads for it and make some funny donos if they don't pick a sham charity
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You're not part of the Keiza club anon?
aight put me down for a Z
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Z tier just like that
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Speedrunning is an inherently trans activity.
Its for attention, thats literally it.
kill miggers
Twans Wites
>come home to see the stream's still open
>trans rights item pickup or something
>close stream
Alright, that's a Z from me, seen all I need to see.
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>thought the game looked cute and fun
>look it up on Steam
>suddenly hear them say Trans Rock
>see Trans rights shit
fastest way to lose a sale retards
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Wonder if he is the hair sniffer?
Oh yeah, I dunno why lots of GDQ people smugposted over the Lovare ESA stuff. GDQ has a VERY checkered past and lots of skeletons in its closet, and stuff like this usually creates a chain reaction of more people speaking out. So I cant wait for Keiz to be on twitter like "I SO SOWWWY, WE DO BETTER I PWOMISE :((( DONT LEAVE US!!"
CP? CopyPasta? Combat Power? Can't fucking see it with the sunlight on the phone.
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>trans rights
I almost wanted to play this. Almost.
My favorite part of speedruns is when the runner or couch says
>can we have a moment of silence to listen to this song?
proceeded by 3 seconds of absolute silence because the game volume is too quiet, followed by
>okay so in this next section we really need to hit this jump..
No need to be cynical anon. Just wanted to talk about what I like and hear anon talk about what he likes.
Rate this run
Is autism and being trans associated ?
The bronies became trannies
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Now you can spend that money on the upcoming Anniversary GSSR roll instead, onk oink!
/mlpol/ happened in the late-stage fandom already, but it was top kek.
As for the early years, Hunter Thompson's "The Wave" speech comes to mind.
I hate them
Z for trannies.
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The Pokemon Crew at GDQ! (Except Corvimae)
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Isnt it so weird how trannies cling to the word "trans"? you think theyd want to ignore it and prefer to just thought of as "woman" but they absolutely love the word that defines them as not real woman for some reason
being 30+ still playing videogames is associated with being trans
trash, shameless shilling
Z for tranz rightz
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F - made me want to "fucking kill myself".

What a shit show. I tried to watch it atleast 5 times, but had to stop every time.
Gamemaker shit.
i cant stand this
despite all the other controversy, my biggest problem with gdq is the dubious financials. wasn't it shown that the staff was skimming a bunch off the top?
Z uWu
they hate the term when its used to differentiate them with real women
Automatic ZZZ you know why.
Because they wholeheartedly believe in the axiom "trans women are women" not because it assigns them to the ingroup, but because it OVERWRITES the established notion of what a woman is.
oh shit chameleon twist
Soon as you mention it mono mike appears in the thread to damage control
>tranny shit into a prize segment
no. no one has been able to prove this and most retards cant even define money laundering.
the fact of the matter is both msf and pcf are dogshit charities
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It's basic child behaviour. Appeal to your principles when you're strong, and to others' when you're weak. Grin when you're cheating and cry when you're caught. These people can't grow up. They never learned to grow up. They are mean children who learned not how to mature, but to seem a bit more mature in their condescension of others.

>even the game's end credits say in all caps "TRANS RIGHTS ARE HUMAN RIGHTS"
F, what a sleepy run
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I'm doin' him a Z
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got bored of the shit runs and started making muffins
F, it was shit
Why do you think this shit is still going on despite the people running it having no jobs outside of the events
I only caught the end, so I'll have to watch the vod for that one. Oh well.
What flavor?
How do you make muffins? Dungeon Meshi has put me into a cooking mood lately
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>This event has weird financial incongruities
No one invoked the term until you did, doesn't change that following the money in GDQ is a blackpill.
based, what flavor? Pic reminds me of apple sauce muffins.
The girl on the bottom right is cute
>the Argick block is coming
I'd rather watch trannies tbqh
It was the final bastion of 00's internet. Memetic spam that would evolve out of thing + old meme with thousands of crossovers was what people used to do all the time. There was a large chunk that were pure poison, the kind of people who couldn't make friends any other way but to join a community who'd tolerate (haha) their bullshit and ended up just being egomaniacs, energy/emotional vampires, etc. Those kinds of people get kicked out of everywhere because they plant their feet in the ground and refuse to compensate, change at all, or compromise with anyone around them.
I played ball in that court for a long, lomg time and it's no surprise a bunch of autists and catroon retards got pushed over by the much loud, narsassistic fags who would eventually be a dominant part of trans 'culture'.
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thats a lot of mental gymnastics
>weird financial incongruities
ok retard, please post these financial incongruities.
i fucking wish one of you retards would.
That looks like a Pastafrola in the flour package. You're south american aren't you?
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>GSSR is less than a week away
>still struggling to pick which one to roll on

Based muffin man.
they keep adding glory holes?
RPG "speed" runs are the worst part of speedrunning events.
just banana
forgot to put a topping on them FUCK
Those types do not want to be women, they want to be a special third gender called "trans". People with actual gender dysphoria, which are extremely rare, do everything possible to be that gender and would never identify as "trans" first.
Not even /vt/ has a fraction of the OC that /mlp/ was able to produce. They treat the HoloCure developer like ZUN when all he's made is shitty rehashes of other games.
gross ass bogged creature
My favorite bogged tranny!
It's the entire identity and all its baggage that makes it intolerable to begin with. If I met a qt woman(male) that passed and acted like a normal human being, I'd be totally fine with it.
what happened to the greasy guy?
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Nuclear fire needed.
There is like 7 people in the crowd...
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Keizaron does NOT handle drama very well at all. See:
>The Yugioh Forbidden memories incident, >When his girlfriend tried to use Keizy to get a bunch of people banned because she said they were laughing at her in an elevator and they claimed they were on their phone showing memes and barely noticed her
>When his girlfriend got accused in the discord of being transphobic because she said It/It's aren't valid pronouns and Keiz backed her up
>When his girlfriend (noticing a pattern?) got accused of cultural appropriation as she keeps claiming she's "native american" and is "poc" because she has native american ancestry
>mfw going into the womens bathroom just to listen to them piss and fart
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Oh shit
GDQ... is dying...
is it a tranny?
this is repulsive to watch
wrongamundo little buddy
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Is that a female version?
how are his cheeks so perfectly spherical
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I can tolerate Argick, he's just an energetic sperg and he's actually managed to become somewhat entertaining and sociable over the years
I can see his accent being a negative but not nearly as much as the average tranny voice
Is that a woman? What is happening with its cheeks?
This is his successor. Do you rike?
Is anyone else having massive audio latency?
How the fuck is this not fixed yet?
bro... hes gone... hes a woman now
Smartphones killed all the OC.
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I dont think ive ever witnessed someone I dislike seeing and hearing more than this creature. Its actually painful to look at.
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Why did they do this to the prize segments. It's so fucking bad now.
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xhe took the call
It's like a fat Ray Liotta.
botched cosmetic surgery
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I’m up next guys, wish me luck!
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Where the FUCK is he?
i think that's just you dawg
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This threads were so nice before charts. I miss old /v/.
This is him, he transitioned
the injections bogglin is not a woman and never will be
What's up with her cheeks? Is this some weird cosmetic surgery?
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That's fucking gay
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nigga that's nuts!
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Corvimae clearly wants to be a "prize goblin" like Sent, but because he's a tranny he can only uglify himself so much before his dysphoric insecurity takes over. So somehow, he is a tryhard at something as easy as being a gross slob.
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Open at your own risk.
Why aren't they-them lips in sync?
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Oh my god where is the prize goblin at least he's funny
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She cleaned herself up and transitioned, this is her now.
jfc that quilling "art" is uncanny af
What's the matter, /v/? You complain about Sent every year. You always ridicule Sent. You complain about Sent's hair and Sent's teeth and Sent's socks and Sent's jeans. Well now you're free of him.

Are you happy now, /v/? This is the future you chose.
Serious answers, why are there so few people this time around? I never remember it being this bad
prize troon
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anyone else not even having fun this time around?
jesus christ how horrifying
this is making me super uncomfortable. what a gross looking ugly person
Oh, you're right. My bad.
>twitch chat spamming ORB every time the cheeky lad is on
lmao they know
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>gdq viewership and donations are plummeting year after year
>I know! lets hire this goblin to shove on the screen
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excuse me, what?
Hell yeah bro. Diving into ass everyday ain't a bad life.
pause the stream then resume.
Don't make me call the cops again, Jake
the socks or the cheek implants?
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Do you miss her being on the prize team?
people are crazy in the head
It makes me glad that this shitshow makes less money every year. Hope it all burns.
You know it's very unprofessional of them to touch prizes like that, and when they talk and keep them really close to their mouths. Imagine all the spit it must have gotten so far
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me too, kumiko, me too.
did the previous goblin troon?
Everybody knows that Sent is literally /ourguy/, most beloved staff member.
well you already need to be a high degree of crazy to have been born a man but attempt to pose as a woman
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the threads are the only thing that keep me watching
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I'm having fun as always, made some webms, couple pics too, got to make more references only you freaks get
life is good
No, just diluted the pool of people who actually gave a fuck about their hobby. Accessability to the internet meant that what used to be a place for hobbiests, semi-tech savvy, or insane people became a place for casual chatter. No need to make time in your day to sit down at the computer at home on your own, now you can just browse whatever site you like while sitting there with friends. The amount of people I see who are out with others and have their phone out the whole time is sickening.
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Don't they know the Sent grease adds value to the prizes? This person looks like they've showered in the last month.
Where the fuck is Sent. Get this clown out of the prize segment.
We don't bully because we hate. We bully because we want to see improvement.
Imagine how the threads would explode if in next GDQ, Sent swapped his fat for muscles, had a clean face, combed hair, dressed well and a white smile. We'd make a memetic messiah out of him.
I mean, it's always been one goblin or another. The normal one is probably just asleep.
i enjoyed the smart ball run
The Stivitybobo situation.
She came out recently and said it was rape.
Elaborate, how would the floods of sub90 iq retarded whites and third world subhumans diminish the existing online communities' ability to produce OC?
please clap
Have fun with the kirby 64 run. I hate missing this one. In 15 minutes, I'm paying a dude to put a long apparatus inside my mouth and fuck me for a few hours. [Spoiler]I fucking fucking hate the dentist and I don't want to be here.[/spoiler]
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>tfw gdq might crash and burn all on its own before someone can audit them and expose the money laundering
Wait, did they fire Sent? No more Prize Goblin???
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Why are all the benches empty?
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that curry breath? no.

he needed a break to roll in more filth and rip up his clothes
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Any notable runs since Ratchet and Clank?
holy fuck cringe
I'm waiting for the good runs now
The runs used to be so bad they were good to laugh at and make fun of, but there's not even cringekino anymore it's just boring.
I like this new raspier Fruitcup.
Gaylo 2 Legendary
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>sonic block with argick shoehorned into every run
scent atleast isnt the worst thing your ears have ever heard
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what the fuck
I'm not even watching the stream, I'm having fun in this thread
despite becoming a pudgy librarian i would still love to hear her voice squeak while i breed her womb (no contraception)
its like that scene when rocky tries to kiss adrian
Speed running golden age is over now we are in the dark aged
Thread goes so fast that no one will notice that I'm NOT gay
>Argick made a big post about leaving ESA in support of Lovare acting like THAT would be an incentive to change, and not something people would celebrate.
Thank you Lovare.
a crowd of greasy balding men in black masks. fat troons in grandma clothes. and empty chairs. its like some demented backrooms
It's been really bad so far.
also >>681398234
Watching the same mentally ill freaks is only fun for so many years.
should of brushed your teeth more often sweaty
now the tooth jew is gonna get ya
Genuinely are you people even watching or is it just based on if you like the runner? These are objectively terrible and inaccurate scores. I can't understand why you even bother to do this if this is the result.
Next is Chameleon Twist.
Its just tons of shitty fucking games this run. Like 4 or 5 good ones and some are at weird times like 3 am. Mentally ill people ruined this something good as usual.
This Windy Valley orchestral mix sounds like an elementary school band.
It's ok he's going to GDQ now instead so you won't miss out on him.
What the fuck is a Lovare
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This guy likes girls!
>Argick has now left ESA
>He's gonna be littered all over GDQ now
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POV: Its July 6th and sgdq is boppin.
*yawns in your ugly face*
some sort of fat chick
You can't create your own worth if you believe in determinism.
Since determinism is the idea of your future outcomes being predetermined by physical factors like your biology.
Free will is a religious argument (the thing that made Civil Rights happen in the first place).
are you the live a live runner?
Yeah, you seem real "lively", baldy.
That's a remarkably shiny head.
He ate them
>smart ball
what happened?
>deadpan depressed bald guy
>no couch
Okay okay okay
I still can't believe they bothered bringing this shit back to a physical location after Covid.
That would have been the perfect chance to to ditch locations all together.
I fucking HATED this game as a kid honestly
Wow, is that Northernlion?
I like his voice, very calm
>black hole charisma leukaemia patient
you need a fucking telescope not a camera
99% of the people here are to hatewatch and shitpost all week. its fun.

yeah that really frees up his time to shit up every single other marathon besides gdq. this retard is in ausrun, segathon, uksg, everything.
>no couch, he has literally no friends
he is just like me
This is a very strange looking runner.
This guy's couch is stuffed animals????
same as mega man 9 except americans were asleep
hey its malcom from malcom in the middle
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The equivalent of Sent, who tells people to donate to maybe win her sweaty socks.

Anons unconditionally love her.
Cringekino is at least people having fun and being dopy on screen. It might not be your or my kind of humor, but there's still an energy about it.
How often do we honestly get runs like Jak and Daxter with Bonesaw? There's always only a few really great runs a year.
I'd take stuffed animals over trannies.
So this is gonna be one of those slightly surreal runs huh?
Strange considering on the GDQ page before the event began, they showed how many people registered for the event and was just about at max. Where did they all go?
holy shit a real woman is on commentary and a normal bald dude is playing an old game. this is sick
Mid morning Chameleon Twist ASMR, my favorite.
i somehow thought this was kid chameleon, i am dissapoint
come on man, dont be liike that
so BALD = COOMER now huh
that's his dakimakura, he's just old school
You can't even see what is going on from all the way back there
This nigga sounds like he makes youtube tutorials teaching you how to reinstall your audio drivers.
he's surrounded by friends and family
not all bald, only that kind of bald
They've gone with too big a venue, haven't they? How full was it during the opening?
>slams into the door for 25 seconds to get the clip
she hit the wall hard :(
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Holy fuck, that is one cool as gorilla.
vaporeon holding a picture of my wife's (kungfufruitcup) butthole
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Uhmm, didn't they claim they were only doing this to pay off their Florida venue? Well that was like a year and a half ago... so why are they still doing it?
They've had to change the camera angle to hide how empty it is
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Bald chill ASMR voice... I like it.
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...yes that's exactly what he sounds like. Fuck.
its 4th of july week, most people arent going to bother attending the whole week during america's peak grill out with family holiday. the runners might be sweaty neets but the people paying to attend have jobs
I always wonder with these games nobody plays is it just one dude speed running these games.
Unless you're in your 60s you have no idea whether or not it'll happen to you. Don't be so quick to laugh anon.. God gives us the hair we deserve..
To be fair Kid Chameleon runs end up having to be no major skips runs or else the run is like three minutes.
Brushed more than enough. Joys of being a fucking mutant with a structurally weak molar. Patched a few times, it was guaranteed that it would require a crown, dentist is surprised it lasted 30 years.

Now, if he could stop talking about motorbikes or anime while holding a drill for at least 90 minutes.
Someone could probably convince me this game never existed and I got Mandela'd into a different universe where it's a universally loved classic.
>sniff chair
>chair hasn't been used the whole event
Why even attend?
man let it go. enjoy the runs.
Doesn't look like it's anywhere close to "crashing and burning"
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>exceptionally bald soft voiced runner with two stuffed animals as his couch playing Chameleon Twist
....alright, this is fine.
they for sure got a great deal on a hall with it being a big holiday week. literally nobody holds a convention during the 4th unless you're a bunch of retards like these guys so they could basically name their price.
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Anything over trannies.
>pick the biggest venue you can
>require everyone to be double mask vaxxed in 2024
>wtf why does it look so empty???
The GDQ staff might actually be mentally retarded
nosatlgia critic sedated edition
This is a literal babby game.
>viewership all time low
>donations all time low
>year after year downward trend
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These are the kind of runs I like
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Do bald gamers prefer bald protagonists?
They like pocketing the money now, they go out of their way to hide that admission too, like there with grey text on a white background right at the bottom of the page.
they dropped the requirements to recommendations about a month or two before this event. it was for sure there for agdq and prior.
I'm balding, should I consider going to Turkey for a transplant or just cut it off?
Why the fuck did they go for that venue? Imagine sitting there, what the fuck would be the point?
>somehow break donation record eveyrtime
The physical location is the only thing that's interesting. If they did it online it would be no different to watching the normal speedrun streams. Physical gives it soul
I suppose. They could have at least set up something like consoles for people to just play or practice in the rear half though, this is comical.
Yep, all good, nothing wrong here. Don't look up "blahaj memes" in google images.
would be a good run but
>tranny shark
This guy sounds like he has a collection of antique vacuum cleaners in pristine condition.
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I wish I was as bald as this man.
I am balding, not bald yet, but i think that i will
Dont shave it, buzz it.
You'd think so, but they made about the same amount of cash when it was online, so I wonder why they bother with it.
Look at that chrome dome and tell me that isn't something to strive for.
even with a transplant you have to take the drugs
The only run I actually watched was the halo 2 one because halo games always have fun runs. All the games so far have been shit.
couch was having fun. some anon got ass blasted and spammed ZZZ. the run before and after were 1/4th the votes even though it was a 20 minute run at 5am est.
Gotta deceive the people into thinking subbing will go to the charity and then when they complain about the big reveal go "WELL AKSHULLY WE TELL YOU THAT THE MONEY DOESNT GO TO CHARITY BUT TO US, SEE THIS TINY TEXT HERE?"
Being bald can look really good if you have the face for it. Maybe photoshop yourself bald and see how it looks?
look at the ASS on that queen
Is that a fucking blahaj on the couch
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i trim my hair to 1mm once or twice a week
nice ass on that queen ant
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my man, they have the WHOLE place.
i told you, nobody holds conventions this week.
Ok then I won't.
Is the audio desynced? This is the second time I've noticed it.
>warning for flashing lights
>no warning for blad glare
>deadpan depressed bald guy
omg... he's just like me...
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100% based
Wrong shark you fuckin idiot
I like that brand of autism. We need more of that.
if you look at the human donations before the anonymous money laundering comes in during the final few days, its lower than ever
This guy looks like /ourguy/ the wizard with a skullet but after a diet and a shave
Yeah I noticed it with the trans goblin section too.
its been desynched since last night shout outs to the tech crew and all working behind the scenes
>no fat bottomed girl that makes the rocking world go round warning
For the orgies
Not exactly my favourite cause for donating. ESA summer 2024 seems to be going with Alzheimer. That's where I am putting my money.
No? I lost my hair when i was 16.
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I will respect that, may your ignorance be blissful.
He's choking hard bro guy
reload the stream
what a golly chokester
Somebody probably still has the Twitch chat caps of one donor losing their shit about it and being told to shut up before getting banned.
Nah this is a soulful N64 game, has fun multi-player too.
Ngl this looks like a comfy game and a comfy guy, just a bit too low energy imho.
You think they'll get enough twitch subs and bits to cover all this? Or will they have to start skimming off the charity donations?
great, i just remember the reddit post of a tranny after getting his dick chop off with that shark and complaining about the smell, not knowing yet that he will have to live with that smell from now on
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I kinda wanna give it an S, bros...
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*sighs loudly*
I like this guy. Fuck off, these seats are for my toys.
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>he's quiet and soft-spoken
This is the type of game I'm glad I'm watching, not playing. I don't think I'd actually enjoy playing this much.
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Saving an important announcement for the next thread
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S for Shiny Dome.
That's not even the same shark.
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all subs and bits go directly to them
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this run is comfy
truly a breath of fresh air after two back to back garbage runs
Funny thing is, MTG had this same venue a year and a half ago, and they fucking PACKED it.
it's fucked on the youtube videos as well
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>not lively at all
Fucking lol is this what you think about all day. Talk about negative charisma.
nightmare photo
That's what I mean will they get enough to cover the venue or no?
I can't even tell if he choked or not
Sleep tight, pupper-san.
Yeah I can't believe someone isn't going HUEHAHAHAHUHEHEHEUHA all the time.
yeah, they were smart enough not to do it on a big american holiday week though right
okay I'll bake gimmie a sec
nobody else bake
lmfao no way they're serious
just woke up lads
fucking missed silent hill

finna smoke some weed to wake n bake brb
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is gdq making anyone else feel genuinely depressed? its like being forced to look at how gay, sterile and shitty everything is these days. Im not even really a doomer, but its just awful this year. I can feel the bad vibes through the screen.
Oh shit I just realized this is burger freedom week. Why the fuck are they doing GDQ during it?
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considering what week it is i dont think they paid that much for it. id love to know if they clawed back out of breaking their florida contract by now
you feel any vibes at all?
If anything, that'd make it EASIER for a bunch of nerds and dorks to show up. Most desk jobs are off for the 4th so you use a few pto days and you got your week.
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Go post that in the twitch chat, screenshot yourself getting banned for it and the post the screenshot on twitter and reddit. Then post the screenshot of getting banned from reddit on twitter
i feel nothing, like im watching some ai generated event
They've done it before a time or two.
gdq has been like this since 2016 lil bro where have you been?
I transcended depression a long time ago, now everything is hilarious
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He choked gracefully and recovered with a smile.
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Just so you know, this same runner is running Bomberman 64 later.
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literally why
I dont feel anything, it's completely devoid of """MUH SOVL""". Could be also that I've gotten older too
They get an immense amount from corporate sponsorship and other shit like that.
bros the movement in this game actually looks fun
betting on international viewership and cheap venue price >>681399517
if you listen to some of the donations its people working from home, they might be nerds but most of them still have families. this week was boneheaded. they might get their donation but the venue looks dead.
I'm having a great time. I didn't even know Moby speedran games.
my dude this CANNOT be a prize what
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it makes sense from a free time perspective, as more people would be allowed to go, but it's not just free time, it's a celebrated family holiday which takes priority over this stuff
thanks for the head ups. gonna watch it
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So we can all agree they chose a terrible time to hold the event and have been tapering off because they've been doing this for a decade and not because your hyperfocused culture war jihad is finally delivering retribution by making them... slightly less popular.

I'd be more inclined to believe people caught on to the obvious money laundering rather than what revenge fantasy you're jacking off to.
did they get abella danger to read donos?
am i sussy now?
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cant, i got banned in a hotfix for free years ago

hell yeah dude, finally something watchable
Real experimental era of vidya
No it's not just bionic commando but horizontal!!!
nobody who cares about speedrunning has a loving family to celebrate holidays with
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4chan makes me genuinely depressed. People will tell you to just ignore doomposters but everyday it's a constant, never end stream of negativity. It kills any enjoyment I used to have playing video games or doing anything really. I really need to leave this place but I have nowhere else to go...
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There was a time in my life where I would've felt the same as you, and then I crossed some threshold and now those same things make me laugh. Not in some psycho edgelord way, but just appreciating that life is a truly goofy experience that can bring me joy instead of misery if I so choose. And also knowing that when things go rotten, beautiful new things will always sprout.
Bought some condoms for the venue
I will not be bagging any femcels but I can cope
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it just feels worse than ever this year, even at its worst it felt somewhat comforting or interesting. Sometimes some good energy would shine through the cracks, but it just feels like everyone has a gun held to their heads this event. It almost like the fakery and toxic positivity is worse than the trannies and gay shit being shoved down our throat, but they go hand and hand really I suppose.
konichiwa chibi-san
Someone's preschool kid is making prizes now? How cheap are these greedy cunts?
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>love sharks
>think blahaj is the cutest thing ever
>troons take it over for no reason
There's nothing good in this world
are there any cute nerdy (real)girls?
Funny, I do resemble him somewhat. I hope I see caveman in person, I want to ask him if he ever gets stopped on the street and reminded of his interaction with chibi, I'm curious
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I wonder if ill ever cross that threshold, sometimes I feel like Im about to but I get dragged back to being miserable. I do wonder when/if the pendulum will ever swing back. I will make sure to appreciate the moment where its in the middle before it swings back to whatever equally awful knee jerk reaction to all this far left stuff is.

I dont really let 4chan or anything ruin my enjoyment of things. I still love games, anime all the stuff ive always liked. The only thing that makes me sad about 4chan is how its clearly slowing down and not even election season is saving it this time.
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If you were buying a giant stuffed shark as an adult you may as well begin your transition. "Oh no they made the playground equipment woke, my 30 year old mind can't recover"
There are some. Unfortunately usually accompanied by boyfriends

For every bio women there are 2 obvious trannies though
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Crazy that there are more people posting even on this fringe pedophile nazi website than on their sub-only twitch chat. I hate that they put it on sub-only so much, completely ruined the event, without the sense of community literally what is even the point? We're watching with thousands of others but it feels like we're alone.
Oh why not this week?
kirby's asshole when he eats something undigestable
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it's been like this for years, it's why i stopped watching. it's a lack of gatekeeping. this is what women (and men who like to dress up as women for social power) do to everything you let them control.
I just realize, this event is gonna go through 4th July.
he's mentioned that its all he ever hears from other people and he hates it
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working people have this day and usually take the days around it. this year it falls on a thursday, many people will take friday off too.
no professional organization will hold any convention this week because of this, people just will not show up.
these guys thought it was a good idea because the venue would be cheap and maybe international viewership will be good.
4chan doesn't make you do anything, 4chan is just one of the few places allowed to point this kind of thing out. this is how things really are.
>this time around
It's been shit and boring for years man
Fuck you, being an adult is about being able to buy a giant stuffed shark if I want
>The only thing that makes me sad about 4chan is how its clearly slowing down and not even election season is saving it this time.
years of this site being run into the ground will do that
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i love dogshit etsy prizes so much. this is what happens when you rely on people to donate prizes.
Ohh so GDQ are doing the cheapskate route so save more money? I thought they switched the date because people said doing it at the end of May is dumb because then its not SUMMER games done quick
is MTG still pretending like COVID is a thing? because i imagine most people just don't care and don't want to bother with a bunch of hypochondriac trannies who pretend to think they'll die if you aren't wearing enough masks.
maybe, but getting a great price on a venue had a lot to do with it. they've been taking subs and bits into their pockets since they broke their contract with their florida venue. some people in the threads who worked on conventions have stated breaking that contract would have been incredible expensive.
If you were an adult you wouldn't care if other people had the same shark for different reasons, you are currently operating on preschool rules.
fat fuck barely fits on that chair
He isn't even that fat compared to most here.
lmfao, fuck off troon
I feel bad for the previous announcer, she had *nothing* to work with with the current crowd and runner. They're were both silent and she's just sitting alone in the dark lol.
Oh well at least its over
It's tough taking someone that cares about his stuffed shark's reputation seriously. You are worse than them.
I get it. I have the shark too and have like it for years. The troons are obsessed with that shark. kind of annoying. i still like mine

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