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Now: Chameleon Twist
Next: Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards
Later: Sonic Project 06

Stream: https://www.twitch.tv/gamesdonequick
Schedule: https://gamesdonequick.com/schedule/48
Previous: >>681393761
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my muffins are done
Do you think the hotel staff pity the event for attracting so few people or just grateful that clean-up and noise is kept to a minimum?
motion sickness?
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>This game may trigger motion sickness
holy kek
>motion sickness warning
The fucking state.
Are you going to eat them all?
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Another thread
Another mig
nice dude, good job.
What gender is the person in this picture?
They look fantastic.
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What's the point when by the time you see these you're already dead?
looking good
I dun fuckin migged.
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Very nice
I'd eat one.
Who watches this faggot tranny crap nowadays? Not me that's for sure
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I'm giving this kirby runner an A because no one came to his couch and there aren't any people sitting there who want to make the run about them
Don't leave us hanging, anon
Migged in a very comfy fashion.
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migging as fast as I can
Way to go anon they look good
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please hire an escort and make her eat all of them in lingerie please
Looking good buddy, not get a tall glass of milk to go with them
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Can I have one?...
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>frame perfect
>2 frames i think
Somehow I doubt it's actually frame perfect
But Kirby hasn't started yet.
speaking of escorts, I've thinking about hiring a hooker so we can watch GDQ together
Don't even want to fuck her or anything
Should I do it?
>warning for flashing lights
>warning for motion sickness
>no warning for loud noises like applause
I fucking miss Cosmo every single day of my life.
this webm is so cursed holy moly
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Couch doko? Only one lad sitting in there.
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I'm going to go ahead and be the only person in this thread that respects you as a human being enough to tell you your muffins look like diarrhea from a cheap mix
me in the back
unless you have near infinite money, you'd regret it
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They should have a warning every time a tranny shows up on stream
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>put eyes on an ice cream sandwich
>get paid as a creature designer
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7 years of progress, gone.
2024 is the year of the baldy.
I love Chameleon Twist. Sad we don't get many games like this anymore, maybe the next indie trend can be 5th gen style scotformers.
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Comfy game and comfy run so far. Bros, I am content.
>10 years ago
You couldn't fucking waterboard that out of me and he just posted it on social media? Fucking spergs.
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This runner is also running Bomberman 64 100% later.
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>tfw i shaved my head and grew a mustache
>tfw im not bald
you're right
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Meant chameleon twist, it's on while we type here so my brain just registered a pink ball running around
About time someone would come and post some Scissor Sisters
I hate this, i have a blåhaj because it's cute and it's a good size/shape to hug in bed, better than a daki imo, but because of all the trans people with them a few of my friends have asked me if i'm trans, and it's awkward having to explain that i'm not every time
Do it, you wouldn't be the first guy, unless it is you again.
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he's making a comeback
he uploaded a video yesterday
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>You couldn't fucking waterboard that out of me and he just posted it on social media? Fucking spergs.

Chibi literally ERP's with his legal first and last name on Facebook
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Chameleon Twist 2 had a more chameleon looking chameleon
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You shut your whore mouth.
how does it feel to be bald? or losing hair?

have any of you accepted it or do you comb over?
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>captcha solver stopped working
its over
On our way to SDGQ so I can let some guys run a train on my wife! Wish us luck, fellas!
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She's into it.
I wish they would include that shit on the schedule. Then i would know better when to avoid runs.
>"No I'm not a transsexual I'm just somehow gayer than someone that cuts their dick off and fucks dudes"
Are you under 20 at least because christ.
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Feels good honestly. Hated my curly as fuck hair.
>not every time
Pretty sure i've seen this guy in the "draw your gamer pose" threads
Got down 4 messages before I needed to stop.
Try to beat my record, you can't.
Holy fuck
is this spastic bulletproof?
Rate this run
I've been balding since I was like 20 and just buzz it very short every week or so
Rate this run
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Looks good anon.
Rate Chameleon Twist
fine i guess b
A (friends)
I'm not gay either
B for Bald
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B for Bald
B for Bretty good
B for bald.
very nice vibes
Didn't watch it but the thread was alright, C
pretty good
something nice after 12 indie pixelshit games ran by troons in a row.
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B I guess, was cozy.
You know exactly what i mean, you retarded faggot
B for Bhameleon

Good run.
slightly above average
aight france v belgium starts now, cya chumps after
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Gotta go with A. I want to give it an S but it doesn't really stand out. Comfy AF.
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I'm doin' him an A
Comfy honest to god S.
This donation reader has a hot voice
god i hardly complain about the donation readers but kungfu's voice sounds strained and I CAN"T STAND IT
>No obnoxious couch
>Cool game
>Short n sweet
>Runner wasn't annoying
B he did well hope to catch his bomberman one
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Lol no fucking way! Americans are still wearing masks? Explain please
>two colonial empires using slave labor to settle their grievances
europe never changes...
Solid A.
Why is Kung Fu so giggly today? She silently laughs after every sentence.
A, I'm being generous but I am just nostalgic for the game and I liked the runner
Hobz is balding, in fact a lot of them are.
lmao i forgot about this fucking guy
what th efuck
Once you hit your 30's you no longer have to give a shit and just let it rock
weirdest part is this dude wasnt even gay or a she/they, just some pervert
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Never forget what they did to my boy
not sure myself, but my bald friend says you get over it rather quickly after shaving, and it hasn't really hampered his ability to talk to people like many claim
probably helps that he is also extremely fit and a firefighter
This would be 11th place on the leaderboard, I think. The runner had previously gotten a 3rd place time three days ago.
B retty comfy
S for superb couch!
The OGs are pushing 40
probably giving it a grade above what it deserves but it was a nice palate cleanser after a TRASH block
Maybe Hitler was right about some things?
jesus christ how horrifying
is Unity a good engine?
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Does it vibrate though?
Earlier someone saw me watching and looked at Prize Goblin and said:
>Jesus that guy is missing a few of his horcruxes
Wanted to share.
she must've had some incredible sex last night
post-coital glow
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>speedrunning unity fangames
>"everything is completely different from the original game except how the characters look"
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pineapple shirt bros... we won
I do NOT want to know what's on this guy's computer
Can I have his number?
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>remaking a dogshit game from the ground up instead of just letting it fade into obscurity
Sonic autists are something else
are they still spouting (((trans rights!))) every 15 minutes???

Do they not know this will reduce donations?
>zoomer sonic autists are dudebros
kinda based ngl
The perfect capper to a wonderfully terrible run.
you fucking chud, gdq gets record breaking donations despite the viewership continually decreasing
like physically or stored on it
you can't say both, you have to pick one
I'm sure the lucky winner of this fine vibrating plushy will add a fleshlight in it
I need one of those shirts. They're kino
Stored on it, I already know it's a dusty RGB case
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my GDQ/ESA folder has gotten quite gigantic so when I go digging all the forgotten memories come rushing back
that's hot
I don't trust this remake, they might accidentally make it a competent video game
that dude definitely gets off by choking women more than they ask for.
ah good old times when the world was still sane
dios mio
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I don't get it. She already wanted it...why knock her out at that point?
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I love Sonic runs
Pure autism kino
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They look hard as rocks
>vibrating so he can jump off the table
nigga thinks he's slick
I'm up to remaking shitty games instead of just "playing it safe" and just remaking beloved games of the past, as if these couldn't be either emulated or rebought via digital stores/game collections (sometimes)
Like that time Konami remade Castlevania: The Adventure on the Switch and brought up an actually-competent game to leave the original on GB as the unfunny caricature it is
That gibbering imbecile in the red was insufferable
what's he apologizing for
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>black hand
I have to watch that run every year. It's a tradition. Favorite gdq run of all time.
Chad rocko
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blessed weird art prizes
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85 dollars
apparently he's seeing some loaded lawyer milf right now
said the t word with a hard y
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Vote Shadow or vote wrong
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Anything funny happened yet or is it just the same old sanitized shite
Kirby was supposed to start 1 minute ago. What gives?
>I'm bulbasorry I tentacle raped you
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>Got shit going on today

Guess I'm pulling an all nighter cuz I don't wanna miss Tism block.
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Rance speedrun when?
>two normal looking guys talking
JWU yikes wheres the inclusivity?
my bad, it was one of three "ReBirth" games they made for Wiiware
Calling it the worst starter, if I recall.
Any Red Bull fans in the thread?
The deepest lore.
do it again
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These prizes are so shit
did a child draw this
Just give me the Kirby so I can finally go to bed holy shit fuck those delays and fuck the tech crew
Smart man, I'd get a sugar momma if I could but all the girls I know are broke ass hos.
Is that dancing bald guy still banned?
wtf is dot doing there
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Worth 200 dollars
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What is this fucking pseudoscience? There are lots of genuine causes for giggles
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not taking this slander standing down
those estimated prices put Pawn stars to shame
imagine taking every post seriously
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I can't stop laughing
150 dollars as its worth

Is that naniwa? Always knew that dude must get bitches
Poor Kungfufruitcup, she had *nothing* to work with with the last runner or the crowd. Everything fell flat and the runner ignored her and every single dono. sad!
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She give you this look

wat do
ENOUGH with the Undertale tracks
What a guy
6/10, needs more muffin top
Yeah for being a predator
Wonderful, as it should be.
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Is anyone actually watching for the speedruns?
based muffinman
He just streams himself flicking his arms all day? Oh no
Muffin bro saving the marathon.
this has awoken something in me
Inhaled too much GDQ
>this will sell our donations
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>wanting to see a man's fat belly
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same i need muffins asap
This SGDQ just might be a little more soulful than usual.
Do people really watch shit like this?
Cool but muffins taste like shit. Good work regardless
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get the fuck out
belgium - france starting now!
curtissimo 41%
what the fuck
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Obligatory "Oh fuck I missed the first day" post. How are you bros? Has there been any kino?
this is the only one that kinda makes sense
The main course are these threads, I come here 4 weeks every year, that being SGQ and ESA threads
A tier run?
>muffins taste like shit.
not really
>one couch commentator has no pronouns

absolutely fucking BASED
t. muffin
anon BTFO
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name my band
>lizard cooked by the sun
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nice job, muffin man
"we gave up"
Barely Passing Ladies.
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Do they have the storage wars lads valuing this shite
the molestors
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I hate comments like these
The Embarrassments
that sylveon (male) dress is really cute
too bad no real woman would ever wear it
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the queertet
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>Kirby 64
literal baby game, never seen anything so braindead easy
that patronising chud needs a quick permaban
They really think the staff read those (they don't)
I just joined as well. Found the latest rating post here >>681393983
It's a chinese dress with low quality print
looks like utter shit, anon
why was this thing a meme for like 72 hours
Thats every Kirby game.
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just joined for the first time since shinobi and about to get comfy, what did I miss?
This game is so overrated, the collectathon aspect of it is shit
>you want a good ending
>go back through several levels with a random ability to find some obscure shard
No idea how kids beat this game
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>stream at low volume
>food on the way
>hyrule warriors booted up
comfy time!
The Kiddy Touchers
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Thats every Nintendo games
when is zfg
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Thoughts on this bird?
halo 2 was ok
Joel, check the bathroom
the protomen
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Was Chibi Robo any good as a game? Never played it but remember it being promoted like crazy at the time it came out. no one ever talks about it or says it's their favorite game
Not to that degree
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Thanks anon
He got sucked into a randomized MM run.
Most didn't. Games were made easy to finish for kids and a bit more challenging to fully complete so older kids/parents could also have fun.
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Come the fuck on now
don't forget to stay comfy!
I'm very CONCERNED and also a DOCTOR maybe
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>A pikachu stitched blanket? Do you have any idea how rare this is, that's an easy $50 right there
Crudely drawn bulbosaurus? That's a hot $25 right there, easy, no questions
Some Mexican government assholes tried to peddle that as an actual genuine alien specimen even though that's clearly paper mache.
Forgot hobz used to be borderline chad
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not yet but i cant wait for this trainwreck to happen, argick's so fucking oblivious my sides are in the stratosphere KEK bobbeigh did something while he was at ESA which got him shadowbanned and argick's fucking friends with the person it happened to HAHAHAHAHAHAHA fucking brits i swear to god

i cant wait to see what happens and if gdq wants to take action THERE IS NO FUCKING WAY gdq doesn't know, but recent drama showed that ESA dont communicate)
The estimated price is the funniest part of these.
characters talk too much in a repetition sense to the point where it gets annoying
pretty cute game though
>they had to use the card illustration for a point of reference.

>The Barely Passing Ladies

lmao that is amazing
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It's ridiculous
I played the hell out of it. Very unique game that always comes to mind when I think of the gamecube era.
fuck grackles.
t. starling gang
had some fun on the 3ds one, they are extremely grindy and same note though
I can never understand the words coming out of shasta's mouth
Rat bastard pieces of shit that kill the birds at my feeder and never shut the fuck up.
>third worlders
>scamming and believing in obviously fake shit
Imagine my shock
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Kirby is trans coded
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God I wish I was eating a muffin right now
smart ball
Ayo dis nigga just called KING DeeDeeDee a THEM
Kill yourself pedophile
how are we watching lads?
What kind of game is it similar to? It looks like you're trying to collect things?
fucking gay-ass GDQ tranny injokes
I genuinely like her voice.
me on the left
How did he change so much?
Why did they never use the combo abilities again? It's the best part of Kirby 64.
fucking kek
kirby is an ultimate nigger goy
Go back to your containment board
I'm swapping when the match gets in the last 20 minutes
Yup, so it became a meme because it's clearly fucking retarded and everyone meme'd on it until they found the next thing to meme about.
>Ayo dis nigga just called KING DeeDeeDee a THEM
What the hell is up with that?

>here's King Dedede and because of manip They jump up

I really don't understand how people become trannies, it's just so bizzare
they're in Squeak Squad
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this is so heckin safe and wholesome.
really heartwarming to see them still practice social distancing 4 years after everyone stopped carring.
euro on the tv
gdq on the right
vidya in the middle
thread on the left
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This game has such a good soundtrack
football is the most aryan sport in the world cunt
>Suicidal Tendencies

Suciaial Tenndies. Your choice anon.
katamari i suppose
>since shinobi
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Yes, but it's starting to get too expensive for me.
what is the appeal of kirby
Is that a mildly negative comment? That's a timeout for you. Next time will be a permaban.
Can’t beat women
So join them
this guy wants to be ass to ass and elbow to elbow with nerds that smell like shit
>blueberry cobbler ice cream in front of me with the stream on one monitor and vidya on the other
yeah im thinking its /comf/ time
Those people probably stink
holy based
people will tell you it's a hidden gem, it's actually boring as fuck once the gimmick wears off.
diveball so boring
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he cute
Why is it loved by brown people largely then?

the true Aryan sports are wresting, golf, polo
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wouldnt mind next to these two dumptrucks
>people giving a mediocre low energy kusgeo run high scores just because it doesnt have a tranny to ruin it

the bar has never been so low
Japanese bros is this true?
>japanese memes are shit
who would've known
haha that's a good meme very funny :)
what is up with japanese memes?
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The actual fumos are valued at less than all the trash
Taurine is suspected to be fueling the colon cancer crisis
Based. Got the footy on tv and the stream on laptop.
Do we have some infiltrators at the event? I'd like to see what's going on in the other rooms
ACK xerself sister
I love how she took the opportunity of #metoo blowing up to try and excuse her behavior YEARS after it occurred as "ackshually I was raped" and not "I was a stupid whore who regretted what I did because I was caught".
they allow fumos now?
collection? ehh kinda I guess
you clean stuff up like rolled up paper balls and empty wrappers, then you unlock the toothbrush to clean up dog prints and stuff and you get access to more areas with stuff like ladder unlock, a little hover mode, bigger battery upgrades
btw if you emulate it on gamecube the game has a softlock. there's a race but the timer on emulator goes by too quickly so it's unwinnable and you can't progress the story anymore
It's sort of a metroidmania. You clean stuff up and get points to buy upgrades and gizmos that let you explore farther into the house. You meet characters and do little quests for them too. Most of the gameplay is platforming with a little bit of combat.
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shes HERE
GDQ has always been run by mouth breathing retards, why are you surprised?
Better than /v/ still with endless wojank edits.
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>tanned cirno
I miss the time when japanese memes were just silly ASCII cat people.
I still haven't beat the True Arena because fuck bosses being untargetable for 30 seconds
idk how/why people that hate/obsess over trannies watch this event, genuinely. imagine spending a whole week turning bright tomato red rage mode.
>Provided by SethRah
I would say those things have no value, at all.
>Two actual Fumos are estimated at 80 bucks
>Crack addict Chibi Robo is 75
I paid fucking $95 for my single Fumo, what are these people smoking? Is Chibi Robo sharing?
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the american mind cant comprehend the beauty of football
primal fear evoking wendigo lookin ass
I used to believe in "innocent until proven guilty" until these fucks started showing up
now I'm cool with them just being lined up and executed on the street because I am 100% sure that dude has groomed children and has many illegal images on his computer.
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who the fuck are these panels for
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nice trips
Is this what they mean by having a gun to everyone's heads? If you don't use gender neutral pronouns you get pulled aside and talked to, and you might even get banned.
It's baby's first platformer, has cute characters and enemies, copy powers are fun.
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Yea, as NTR bait
Cups are the only thing that's kinda complicated when it comes to the systems. Other than that it's just worst teams go down a division, best teams go up.
is it really unemulatable on GC? ive had it sitting on a swiss memory card for a while now
That's one of the most scathing insults I've ever read.
Most people just laugh at the trannies, not get angry.
>rock + snowman = tea pot
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It's a real event it needs panels all the big events have panels
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Her problem?
poio xD
Funny thing is GDQ still has fumos banned.
Brown person detected.
Curling is a sport for TRVE ARYANS, like ice hockey and competitive ice fishing.
thats a curling rock
I don't really care unless their voice is annoying
Pretty sure that microplastics, corn syrup and gayness are far more damagin to your colon.
Why not use they/them? Isn't that what you're supposed to use when you don't know someone's gender?
what are we snacking on? Got meself a fag and a cup of tea
If they don't identify as they/them, you'll get banned
that's my experience with it, but its been a couple years so my memory if pretty foggy. otherwise the game ran fine, 100% look up ways to circumvent this before playing though. maybe you can do like ds2 does and throttle your own FPS? I don't remember what the timer is tied to though, might not even be framerate
just finished some ramen noodles and about to crack open a 2 liter of doctor pepper
Wtf is a fumo and why are they supposedely banned?
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I think Kirby 64 has the best soundtrack in the series.
Fucking bigot. You always ask before saying their pronoun as it's fluid and may change mid conversation.
just forgo the pronoun bullshit and refer to them only by name
An empanada and some tea
They ban the audience having a lot of crap like fumos and signs and hats because they treat them like "statements".

Somebody's probably got the gif of a kirby cutout getting taken off somebody from the audience on camera.
doritos BBQ
cherry tomatoes
One year they took a sign away from a cripple with one eye
she has covid
She has strep throat from.. well..
Ramen and two eggs
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Goddamn that raspy KF voice
Just come over here and let's enjoy some saltines and tomatoes, enjoy the big game.
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rubieheart looks like she pretends to be
SANITIZED and heckin' TRANNITIZED, sisters!!!!
This game is cozy as expected of Kirby
Fuck sportsball
Why is KFC losing her voice? Hasn’t she had a mic?
>have covid
>been feeling tired and coughing
>probably hit 40c one night
>worst part is my sense of taste being fucked
is this the chick reading donations?
What happened to the Ecco run?
Blueglass descended from the roof like the phantom of the opera
Statement for what?
Going for hahas in a videogame speedrun fundraiser event?
Fucking autists
>lost my senses in 2020
>never fully came back

Ruined muh life
sometimes when I go a week or two without talking to anyone, then I drive somewhere and sing in the car I will lose my voice
perhaps she's a social recluse too, just like me...
Just call them "you" at all times, alternating between a questionable New York mafia accent ("You's guys") and a questionable early 1900s black American accent ("is you is, or is you isn't my baby") depending on the sentence.
What happened to the echo run
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nope, that's another qt
No, just collecting them
>waiting for them to take a sign that say trans rights
oh wait they wont do that.
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thank goodness they got rid of it, I remembered a transphobia incident where this emote was posted and was about to have a microtrigger micropanic microattack
Built like a fuckin linebacker
Everything about this person tells me they are universally untrustworthy.
Jesus Christ Kibry if you keep jumping off those waterfalls you're going to die.
What are Grample's pronouns?
Shit, that sucks anon.
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Is nickelodeon brawl stars 2 worth the extra $5 for the humble bundle? I guess the breakaway game too. Being totally serious here.
Balatro is gonna be fucking shit although the game itself is kino
29 seconds seems like a long time for an emote
Now that's a fucking skinwalker.
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run before she gives me the most painful toothy bj of my entire life
not really
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You gotta remember this is a corporate advertising event, GDQ doesn't want anything getting in the way of that.
you won't even find people to play unless you join the discord to set up matches, it's that dead
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It was totally innocuous as well. There's no "statement" in a sign reading KILL ALL GEARS.
is that a fucking skinwalker? what the fuck
Does anyone remember when mr_shasta made a pastebin to announce that he was bisexual? LMAO
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they need you
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I’ve become complacent. Still alive
I don't know who that is.
fucking lol
Explains why they rarely get returning runners lmao
How about penny's big breakaway. Worth $5? I'm not baiting. How would it hold up to Hat Kid or Cavern of Dreams?
one handed handjob
Tubby on the left side of couch with the nasally voice
I would.
Caleb hit that?
>rick, me
>wall, your mom
need to her force feed me milk
she has the crazy eyes
anon please raise your standards
Chocolate milk.
Grilled some chicken breast and cut up some potatoes to eat with kimchi and bulgogi sauce. It's my new staple meal, filling as fuck, spicy, and delicious
love eck
simple as
They also push popular runners up the announcer ladder till they're not allowed to run anymore, and a lot catch onto this and resent it.

Others like Susan end up resenting that they can't get up that ladder and onto staff.
You can accurately make the chart in your mind by checking if the runner is a minority easily enough.
tfw your black ass ego so big you cant stay away from fellow influencers

makes sense, guy always was so strangely positive and presented himself as perfect in every way, then there was the falling off with other black streamers and saying ESA sucks and no one should ever go to those events
>mfw it makes sense now why he talked shit about them for so long
Doing "I'm a simple man" messages in 2024. Imagine such a void of personality.
What's with the deleted posts?
tangible butthurt lmao
English Ben posted his penis again.
No pretty on target. The chart is a popularity contest and not connected to the runs at all. This is standard 4chan stuff.
I think someone just posted CP behind that laughing pepe image using 3rd eye and now the mods are going scorched earthed on anything replying to that post.
Tranny janny going wild
pedo "meme" embed
>playing kirby and the amazing mirror as a kid
>stuck on 99%
>have everything unlocked
>scour the entire map 4-5 times
>never reach the 100% boss rush unlock
fuck this series
Fat lard obscuring his penis with goyslop
>thread on my end shows deleted posts
>they seem normal until another anon links what THEY see on their end
how the fuck
I'm a simple woman. I see Corvimae, I PUMPKABOO
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chartjanny posted his disgusting hairy italian body then banned everyone that replied to it... again.
This, plus the ones who make being a fake woman their whole identity.
Kirby picks up power stars like they're coins. He's so many leagues above Mario's power level it isn't even funny.
>Scour the entire map
Don't the stage screens show you which levels you're missing shards in
So he did a public service then got it. Get fucked chartcucks.
Find me a single vidya character that can top Kirby.
I'm a simple man. I hear Kirby music, I think of anon walking in on his parents having sex.
thats because their the amazon knockoff
Missed everything, anything interesting happen yet?
You weren't here during Lone Fungus then. I think a couple anons had heart attacks
Kirby is literally an eldritch god of hunger. I don't think anything can "beat" it.
I wasn't attracted to her until now
Have any of these ugly fucks been in a gym? When you look at these people and think Gamer then it's no wonder the average person thinks bad things. These people are living stereotypes
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Sonic 'tism block soon bros
I can't wait
Halo 2 run was good, as always.
Megaman 9 was fun for a while until they drove every "joke" into the ground.
Chameleon Twist was comfy.
Holy shit, I vaguely remember that.
I thought the Mega Man 9 run was pretty fun, but people were divided on the "friends in a discord call" style commentary.
levers unlocking shortcuts to other levels also count. you might have not used those

i know, it's dumb
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she's the best gdq girl, well she and kffc
Dude be serious. Even the most bad faith argument couldn't get by with saying this.
baker are you baking
>stays up longer than >>681404341
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I think you're right
The police don't get called to deal with Bara DDD.
its cooking
this thread is not very comfy :(
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>Bara Furry Porn
>Fat guy posting his cock again
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Only the late night threads are comfy anon
Everyone knows this
hawnk shuah
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right here friend!
I wish chartecker posted his cock, fucking cocktease bear.
godless nights ahead...
What happened with Live a Live?
Nigga on the couch wouldn't shut the fuck up
Anyone the getting numb to the degeneracy and back into enjoying people playing games? If nothing else, watching a crew hang out on a couch with controllers is comfy.
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>fucking hate all this tranny shit
Dedede is based though

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