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It's over

they need to retire this game already
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schizos lost
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HER game
chuds lost
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HER game
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I noticed that not even the avatarfags, who are always white knight the game, are attempting to sweep it for Dawntrail.
Both 14 and smt5 should not have released so close to elden ring dlc

They were asking to be destroyed
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Wuk's game
I genuinely had no idea it was possible for a XIV msq to be this bad. People bitch about SB but next to this SB deserves a pullitzer.
>the game is dogshit
>but that's a good thing!
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I got all three and VV was the only one that wasn't a complete disappointment. Turns out paying full price for a fixed version of a game I already paid full price for was a better decision than seeing Radahn turned into a braindead cockholster for a psychotic femboy or watching Poochie drag his girl balls all over Ishikawa's legacy.
game got REALLY preachy at some points
First expansion to not hit a new peak.
she is not coming back after this, right?
SMTV has been out for nearly 3 years, anyone who bought the re-release was already part of its fanbase, either a PC/Sony who really wanted to play it legit, or a Nintendie wanting new content, Elden Ring wasn't going to affect edgy pokemon
boy, if you have to flex on the shitpile that is NGS to feel better, then things are really dire
>open steam
>more friends playing xiv than elden ring
>nobody playing smt5
We don't know that yet
Unless you are talking just about steam
>I need gamer news sites to tell me how I hear think and feel about something
sasuga faggot
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She seems like the type of person who demands that the female cast remains aloof and independent, because having them show interest in the player character would be potentially patriarchal.
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the consensus.
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They're going to Kathleen Kennedy her and promote her while they double down on everything people didn't like.
Imagine the online seethe campaign if she were to be fired from the usual suspects like Kotaku lmao
The game just came out, dumbfuck
im not going to make it lads, i started skipping cutscenes in the giants area and now im doing a fucking cook off, I mean watching Wuk doing something, god forbid the WoL does literally anything
I cant tell you how disappointed i was when i found out the final boss wasn’t whatever creation that destroyed their land in the form of a giant machine. I knew from the leaks that only the final trial would have no trusts so i thought, surely it’s because the foe is so dangerous only you can fight it? But no actually Wuk Lamat could have easily handled it, and she in fact does in the end anyways.
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I get you, Emet
I finally get you
fuuuckk... more?
>english localization
Play the japanese version.
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>DT Main Scenario was done by a Yurishit VN writer
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>Elden slop is le good!
Hold my beer
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reminder that a group of jobless discord spammers spends 20 hours every day spamming these threads with the same posts

the goal is to control the flow of conversation and to have an iron grip on threads

they even began to change the md5 hash to avoid being tracked
Why do they want to destroy the gaming industry? Western industry wasn't enough now they are trying to do the same thing to the Japanese games.
>Square-Enix in charge of not making pants shitting stupid decision
Wuk lmao
So this...is the power....of DEI....
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umm.. obsessed much?XD
xiv didn’t need any help from elden rangz to destroy itself
Holy based.
Does Koji even come to the office anymore?
So basically its a gameplayCHAD expansion
Retarded coomer
Here's the real non-doomsissy thread
>FFXIV is entering it's Cataclysm expansion
Sometime you need to let go when the original idea is finished and the milking starts.
Have you get at least one set of ilvl 700 tomestone gear?
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nobody is going to use your thread.
Wouldn't they be using the same images instead of different reposts on the site?
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That shouldnt piss me off as much as it does but fuck sake
mmmmmm cat pusy
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>doomtrail apology thread
no thanks
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the spam is usually followed by vagueposts not directed towards any topic of conversation to drown out the thread and create openings for them to reply to themselves repeatedly

Im in the level 95 range atm, and I can say with confidence this is the worst MSQ even including ARR or SB. What were they thinking???????????????
what is wrong with you?
I'm pretty sure that's why SMTV:V had its date moved forward, otherwise it would have released on the same day and time as Elden Ring.

Out of all the three, it's the only one that fixed the story rather then shit on it apparently(I didn't play Erdtree).
gee I wonder what could've given that away
Sadly people like her rarely suffer an consequences whatsoever. It's why her type are always the ones to lecture about how consequences have actions to people they don't like.

More like that the female cast not even exist beyond 'safe' types like Alisaie and Woke Lamat. I'm wondering if there are even any new waifus introduced in DT that aren't furries, lalafell or that one bitch on the cover. I guess the role/crafting quests have a few, though even then the gathering quests have a couple of faggot viera because female viera are outright not allowed anymore unless it's a very small role.
>3 inch long sharp nails stab into the palm of her own hand
god she's fucking disgusting. every single aspect of this character was expressly designed to make me fucking hate her
What gear do I get for EX? Will artifact be ok or will I get shit on?
The twelve are gone
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Where was the fanservice for straight men in the entirety of Dawntrail? This is the beach episode expansion yet I dont see a single women walking around in a bikini or something similiarly revealing. Literally ALL the females in Tural are covered up. Are women no longer allowed to be sexualized in FFXIV?
Nigga,, you've reposted this same fucking post more often than the doomers
>mfw bigoted chuds are in my proximity
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the seething responses never stop but all this does is draw more attention and cause more people to make fun of and mock them thread after thread

>beauty and the beast
Where do you get the AF and what do you need unlocked
SBI removed it
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FFXIV really got you Doom sissies in a melty again
Not something you were supposed to bring attention to
Look at the names, people are reposting what they saved from here since it is bad enough to be entertaining.
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I've seen this exact sequence of posts every fucking thread
(at least you aren't dumb enough to use the same image hash, to avoid getting called out as easily)
one of the level 99 msq. when you finish it you will be right next to the npc you buy it from and the game will tell you. sorry I wasn’t tracking which quest it was because I was skipping as fast as possible
You have to max out your trusts to see them wearing a swimsuit.

I saw that info being leaked before Dawntrail released and I was afraid that the expansion would be just fanservice. I now wish we got that instead.
just do the MSQ, one of the 99 quests takes you to the stall that give it
doing roll quests lets you dye them
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hey I can play this game too!
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you will commonly see them use the excuse of filenames but 4chanx and mobile apps scramble filenames to fit the 4chan timestamp template

the attempt to cry and mock this chain of posts enacts the streisand effect and draws more and more attention to their antics
See >>681426419
The most fanservice straight men get is by leveling Y'shtola trust to 100. That aside not much unless you are a furfag or a pedo.
Nigga she's replacing YoshitPiss after this
she seems to be the type to fall upwards
They are in order with the times, not random.
Use image dimensions and you’ll see
quick name a single woman in your life that can bear your stench
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What's the Wuk version of this?
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It really is a cult, wow
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FFXIV got you doom sissies really melting down this time
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doomsissies arent faring well this thread!
Mods, snap this mans spine. Thank you
No. In fact they're going to double-down. They always do this.
Yoship always had Koji to keep him on the straight and narrow. He's never had to deal with someone like Kate
>first they did it with alphianud following you around
>then they did it with Ysayle the heretic to make her seem less insane
>then they did it with the fucking mhigger
>now the trannycat
They've been waiting to steal our accomplishments this whole time we had like 3 expansions of freedom
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I just can't. I think I am genuinely done.
if im a cutscene skipper why should i care? i guess them hardly changing any of the fucking jobs can be an issue but i enjoyed my main in EW so i dont really care
You niggas are here 12+ hours a day shitposting, I see the same images (doomer or hoper both) at all times of the day. Give it a fucking rest.
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get a job
>hottest female in the entire expansion is an antagonist from a job questline
doesn't that imply that you're here at all times of the day? why don't you give it a rest?
Stop the transphobia right now or else i'm gonna trance
Okay but what's Pablo's take
Honestly trying to just write up one for wuk lamat makes me mad thinking back on the story details
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>common reaction image getting posted multiple times
>proof of anything
I suppose you think everyone that has ever posted this gif is the same person too
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how come you could fit the lord of the rings trilogy inside of the dawntrail msq 10 times over, yet the quality of the writing, characters, and exposition is so pathetic in comparison? shouldn’t the story in a video game be better because you have essentially no limitations that you would with physical media?
FFXIV got you doom sissies stuck on a loop, nuclear level meltdown event.
>8,455 hours
stop idling in limsa, nobody cares about your half naked catgirl
Who's Zoral ja's mom? How does fucking a two headed mamool ja work? Does one head look away or something?
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how do u serch image hash like dis?
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I'm yet to even play the MSQ. I'm leveling Picto/Dancer to 90 first
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of fucking course
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>its the exact same "party" glasses guy reaction image
>its the exact same sequence of posts, with the image hash changed to avoid getting called out for being a black pot
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you lashing out at these random posters tells me what im doing is working and you are absolutely seething and shaking in anger at being exposed

you really dont have a job or anything else in life
you are a loser
>just because someone posts the same image doesn't make them the same person
glad we agree, anon
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>WoL, come with me
>WoL, can we walk alone for a second?
>Let's get some fresh air, WoL
>Let's divide into teams. WoL and I will go together, then everyone else on the other team
why am I forced to accompany the retarded lion bitch EVERY single time?
They're not even hiding the fact that the writers hate attractive women anymore
it signifies the decline of square enix and ffxiv as a whole; a point from which there is no turning back
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hey guys where u peein
siamese twins are a thing, you know
I'm sure there's interviews
if you skip a cutscene and pretend to care about story, you're just an idiot
Keeping track of this shit means you are as mentally ill as the spammer. Plus it also shows that you spent way too much time on 4chan and in these threads to recognize such posts
Who cares? We need Ja Rule's thoughts on Dawntrail.
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ya seethe doomsissy?
Assisting her is your primary reason for being there.
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The only people that did not fuck up their jobs this expansion.
DT's story was horrendous, particularly in the first half. Its pacing is worse than ARR and that's devastating for Squeenix.
I don't understand their desire to make their story segments as obnoxious and drawn out as possible but this could serve as the final nail in the coffin for XIV as many people seem to be giving up on even finishing this msq.
They brought back two fucking beast tribes just to waste the player's time with. They made it so the story doesn't ACTUALLY start until halfway through its duration, which is like 30 hours in. None of the characters are interesting except for the villain, who you only see sparingly. The WoL's involvement in the story takes a massive back seat to forcing Wuk Lamat into the spotlight for whatever reason. The scions' involvement is also largely arbitrary and at this point they need to be retired to allow a fresh new cast, but SE keeps forcing them for some reason.
Nothing interesting happens in the story until you make it to the Solution 9 part and that's only like the last 1/4 of its duration. This xpac is an affront to FF and SE better hope that their raid content and Field Operations are good because otherwise I will unsub after being a supporter for 10 years and probably won't come back.
DT is an embarrassment. XIV is on death's door and they are testing the community's patience while doing nothing to address the many criticisms that people have.
If Kate and Daichi Hiroi could replace the WoL with Wuk Lumat, you can bet your ass they would.
Why did she give control of the military to the lizard? All she needed was for him to open the gate, kill the lizard, then she could have waged war on Tural herself without having lizardboy kill her people.
I guess so male hrothgar players have another furry they can ship themselves with. Too bad 95% of those people are gay. Even among furries there are better options.
>newfag doesn't know how image names work
Tourist spotted.
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only woke brownies skip cutscenes
Anons really wanted another expansion where you are Etheirys Jesus and all the scions stand and clap while you solve everything?
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>trannies when you post an image more than once
She's 100% tainted this expansion, I really wish they would just leave well enough alone. These people have to ruin everything they touch, hopefully the Japanese player base will call a spade a spade and give enough negative feedback for her to be reigned in before she makes things worse.
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>DT is set to be one of the best expansions XIV ever had
>But everyone's just seething about trannies
Yep, business as usual.
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It's her turn
>WoWbuck article
Someone had their own story to write and this stupid fucking MMO was in their way.
>yes the first 3 hours were irredeemable shit but you didn’t stay to see the resolution at the end
On the cat to assert dominance.
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Anons wanted an expansion that didn't resolve around a shit character. Oh well
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I keep yelling KWAB at the screen throughout the expansion
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>femroes are ugl- ACK
Literally the only reasons why I'm still subbed is because I'm in a static with some irl friend and we're planning on doing extremes and savage together. Also hoping that wuk gets the lyse treatment and fucks off forever.
You know what really sucks, this is it for two years until the next one. The patches wont shake things up, the devs are too scared of change. We are stuck in the Wuk show for years to come
I wanted an expansion where the player character goes on a journey to an exotic land. I wanted to explore it myself, not just be a side character to some annoying furry.
Expansion needs more IX wank
that's weird, you should see a psychiatrist or something
no I actually just wanted to relax and get away from the scions
>the agressive so called anti doomfagging only comes around this time of day everyday
Why is that?
Because I'm endlessly posting the same image and having the same circular arguments around the clock
I never thought Lyse was all that bad anyway. I think much of the hate for her was overblown just because she's an attractive woman, as that seems to be the norm with the XIV fanbase.
think im gonna filter that word just like how i filtered the twelve
femroes owe me aggressive femdom facesitting
isn't this guy a WoW fanboy
Stop fucking noticing things fucker, you're ruining the narrative
>only 1.5k queues on aether at peak hours
>entire article is him praising it and being excited
did we read the same thing?
So, where's the graphics update? The game now runs 10x worse with everything maxed out but I can still count pixels.
I wanted my character to be involved in the story
oh, i didn't realize you were enjoying reading the same shitposts 12 hours a day, never mind, please carry on
I wanted a low stakes adventure with new characters. The fact that I got a small glimpse of it in the cowboy land with Erenville is just salt in the wound.
How is baby sitting a retarded cat furry an adventure?
How is another shard rejoining and possibly triggering another calamity low stakes?
A lot of the same people are trying to ban people not liking a worse version of her just because she is uglier and voiced by a man so...
umm anon, the server upgrades and overflow servers??
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>Lindblum and Conde Petie are mentioned
>Didn't actually see them
this forced woke lemutt outrage is hilarious
And yet we love Fordola.
Get a brain retard.
always ex wow fags
no one is even talking about the tranny VA that much, people are shitting on the story everywhere
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>krile's parents are from another shard who fled to another shard who fled to the source
I had a friend beat it and tell me it's better than Shadowbringers. When does it get good? I'm on the level 99 MSQ and doing the 2nd trial...and it feels like fanfic. The boring first half is almost better than the second half because at least it doesn't feel like shitty fanfiction wtf?
>raid content looks to be some bullshit shonen tournament arc
Looking pretty forward to it honestly
they just switched religions
now explain the preorder bonus rates
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This is the video game equivalent to implying the only parts of a movie that matter is the scenes before, during and after a climactic battle.
Who's "We"? Fordola is ugly as shit and generally kind of a cunt. Also enjoy the cripples' sloppy seconds.
FFXIV's target audience is used to doing everything in the purview of pleasing cats.
You seriously fucking underestimate how onions people are. I've seen many hardcore poopsockers say this is the best story expansion ever.
I read it while taking a shit earlier and he liked the Expansion and even said he thinks the Steam reviews are a bunch of low hanging fruit. He acknowledged criticisms but said he's enjoying it and wrote why. So, if a WoWfag is liking the expansion, I don't know what to say.
I'd recommend people read the article if you don't believe me instead of browsing a headline.
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can't teach a shit eater to eat actual food
when you finish it
Tranny VA is not your shield
Huh? There's no cock there
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what is this bitch supposed to be exactly? butterfly llike the tassels on the back of her dress?
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EW Release on Steam: 95,150
DT Release on Steam: 92,039
Thats WAY closer than the preorder metrics Lucky Bancho showed weeks before Early Access
of course wowfags like it, the style of storytelling is exactly the same as wow
>player character stares into the distance as the actual main character does everything
Yup raid logging has been a big problem for XIV for a while now.
>It gets better past level 92+
>The first dungeon is so fucking good
>It gets better past level 94+
>The dungeons are kino as fuck, they're really good
>The 1st trial is Barbie level
>It gets good when you get to Wild West
>It gets good at level 97+
>The Vanguard is really good
>It gets good at level 98+
I am here
>The last trial is really good
>The expert dungeons are good
>The extremes are good
>The raid tier will be god-tier
Story and raid content are about equal priority for me. I honestly can't see how people who only play for story stick around unless they are literal shiteaters.
At least the raid content is looking good this expac, even if job design is at it's worst.
It's incomplete and only applies to assets used in Dawntrail exclusively. The rest will come in patches
How do you know that, anon?
if the headline doesn’t match the point of the article it’s not valid. I don’t believe in sensationalism
Reverse image search. That roe makes futa content of herself
What jobs got the coolest new skills or gameplay changes? Or is everything doomed?
They stick around to talk to their friends and occasionally do roulettes
it's the common
>it's shit
>but that's a good thing!
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The dev team still has time to hard pivot the story and write out the cat. It'll be a couple hours of overtime for a few weeks but if they want to save the playerbase they can still fix it..
tell me straight anon, does it every get slightly better? im doing a fucking cookoff right now
ffxiv has its own launcher. you’d have to be retarded to play it on steam
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The story is the most childish dogshit. Test to become ruler is to collect gym badges by doing retarded chores. Even have Team Rocket trying to steal our badges.
the circles could be supposed to represent a loop aka infinity aka endless
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So is this a first case of Zoomers who were too young to play Heavensward, and Stormblood on release getting their real taste of a FFXIV story expansion without the build up?
The only reason a lot of you only kept with Stormbloods story was because we told you it got better with Shadowbringers.
Well this is your Stormblood moment.
do you like wuk lamat fat cock in your mouth?
He's right and you can be as mad as you fucking want, I don't give a shit. Voice your fucking game if you want me to give a fuck about those parts of the story because 90% of the unvoiced shit is unironic filler.
Why does it feel like the FFXIV community has this issue of it gets GOOD 100 hours in bro? Like it feels like even when you get to the """good""" parts, it's still 80% filler and then you have to wait for more good parts hours inbetween bad parts.
This is where I am as well. My patience is gone. The only reason I'm not cutscene skipping is because I'm looking at my phone.
Wait so is Wuk set up to keep being a major focus beyond Dawntrail? If so I hope that is resolved in post-DT content because if we get another expansion that revolves around her I'm gonna dip.
do you use cool and good interchangeably? if so, PLD won this expansion
It fucking doesn't and I've been queued for 15 minutes for the level 99 trial.
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>mfw he saved my party post
>mfw he doesn't know that partyposting is exclusively used when people are really disappointed in a massive drop in writing quality
I hope that absolute fucking tourist eats glass.
SB was good and I'm tired of the redditors hating on it because they hate politics
that was actually the part that felt the most like a "this should be a singleplayer game" for me
Those are people who play for the social aspect. I'm talking about the pure story enjoyers. There's probably not a lot of them around though.
we have to see how japan thinks of it, its impossible to criticize wuk in america without getting attacked by rabid culture warriors
but if the japs hate it then it will definitely be changed
The Doma segments of StB were good*
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I can't pee without my markers sorry.
>Finished MSQ
>Decided to start leveling other jobs
>Found out my game is bugged since LoTA and Syrcus Tower + a few other places look different than usual
How do I fix this?

The original Milalla is from Aloalo Island in The Source which somehow went to another shard in which Alexandria exists with the interdimensional key when Calamity of Ice happer in the Source.
Why did Kate ruin dawntrail with poochie- I mean Wuk Lamat?
DLSS with SMAA from reshade looks really good, if that’s not enough you can force DLAA using dlsstweaks, there’s still shimmering here and there but it’s so much better than it was before
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>Anon discovers what clickbait is
>I'm not cutscene skipping is because I'm looking at my phone.
kek I did the same. Browsing /v/ on my second monitor while Wuk Lamat monologues about tacos again.
>use the petition copypasta a few times in these threads
>retards think there's an actual petition
The mhigger segments were still km better than anything related to labyrintos
In Pursuit of Sphene is I think where it unlocks.
The ilvl difference between the Artifact gear and the tomestone gear is only 10, and the reward you get from them is 10 above that.
Because they're cocksuckers and can't tell it straight that if you don't like ARR you won't like the rest. Maybe they're being insecure or something. Anyhow, point is that ARR is a fucking masterpiece compared to this shit. I've personally played through ARR on 3 different characters and I've always read through everything and I always found something that surprised me or entertained me, when hindsight knowledge was involved I found it even better. DT is a fucking embarrassment.
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chuds lost
diversity won so hard even the reviews are diverse
>(You) get an invite to participate in a contest because you're hot shit
>king's kids are in the contest as well
>story is about you organically travelling through the realm and learning shit and completing challenges
>there's a minor ancient evil or some shit
>you don't win the throne because reasons

There. I fixed this dogshit MSQ. Anything is better than this babysitting simulator.
I do be trying to vote with my wallet
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Why does it seem nobody on social media like rebbit or twatter are calling out the bad writing? Bakool ja ja literally unleashes an apocalyptic monster to kill his own kind and everyone else but then we're supposed to feel sympathetic for him and he's not so bad :(((( and then there's the part where it's basically Israel vs Palestine but it's all solved over a nice dinner because it was tasty and they mixed food together :)))). Oh and Wuk is fit to lead over KKona because...uh....she just is okay?! The main villain in the second half is a fucking Saturday morning cartoon and the entire thing is fanfic past level 98.
After Heavensward, we had a lot of expectations of what was going to happen with Stormblood and they halted dead the pacing for half an expansion.
It only gets a bit better in the texas zone (level 95) simply because wuk isnt with you and its a fun side story, then it goes back to being boring despite the interesting plot. It doesn’t get better unless you like the final zone which honestly doesnt have much going for it. 2nd and 3rd trial are cool, dungeon bosses are nice, music is nice. Thats it.
Shit is better than diarrhea, wow
Then they will tell you just buy the skip to the latest expansion when the next one is out since everything is a huge slog after defending it endlessly.
I did prog during ARR, HW and SB after that I just logged in for story. It's just a fun thing to mash with friends and talk about every couple of months.
Bullshit they don't, we always have said that. I almost quit during the later 30s in ARR. You are either a tourist or a dumbass.
oh make sure to use profile F if you force DLAA since the one it defaults to isn’t meant for dlaa
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I feel like Dawntrail was a humiliation ritual for the WOL.
they would first have to be able to identify bad writing
I'm not stuck with anything. I'm unsubbing. I regret buying Dawntrail. I knew it would be shit, but I enjoyed every other xpac so wanted to have faith in the devs.
the main character is a tranny and that basically makes it untouchable
Because whenever people try to call it out they get shut down by the cultists who react to any and all criticism of DT with "transphobe" or "doomsissy"
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alphinaud dies in 7.x
>You have to max out your trusts to see them wearing a swimsuit.
And is Y'shtola actually wearing a swimsuit (like a bra and panties) or did they put her in shorts?
>Bakool ja ja literally unleashes an apocalyptic monster
It's okay because it doesn't kill anyone.
They are, it's just that more people are positive than negative. If you look up Dawntrail on Twitter and go to recent, there's absolutely people that are saying the writing is not very good
>I don’t believe in sensationalism

Too bad they'll keep doing it because it actually works
>about tacos
bitch pls it's all about that thing I can't pronounce
xzibit plibit
>max out your trusts
Excuse me?
People who complained about bad writing left years ago when EW shat the bed so hard the writers were begging players to stop paying attention to the story and finding all the plotholes.
>shitty DLSS implementation
>90% of all textures still blurry and pixelated mess
>slightly better shadows and some more shiny aetherytes
>gpu melting
Thanks for nothing I guess.
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Really just vomiting the exact same sequence of posts every few threads.
Its time to switch it up, trying to hide it by changing the wording and rehashing the images doesn't work if you still act like an NPC
At least come up with something believable, Yoshi P wouldn't kill off his favourite character
a bit embarrassing maybe, but I have all the encyclopedia eorzeas on my nightstand and i always like to read through them a bit before i go to sleep
arr and eorzea lore in general is really underrated imo. i wish gridania got more love especially
>texas zone
where are you from, boy?
That's the part about shit writers writing shit characters. Everyone in the story goes down 2 standard deviations in IQ in order for the shit characters to do anything without realistic backlash. Bakool should have been disqualified for unleashing the serpent, and disqualified again for kidnapping an elector. But nothing happens to him.
I still have no idea why people that have never left a city can only think about how many themed restaurants they can go to, even when trying to write fantasy stories.
EX1 only drops weapons and EX2 for accessories
The patch 7.1 trailer is released with the name "Wuk Lamat's new beginning"

How do you react to it?
Just like the 1.0 disaster was a point of no return?
>still blurry
Try doing this
Easy to do by leveling jobs to lv100 at the same time
it is extremely funny reading the doomers. It's the same fucking talking points they used 3-5 threads. One faggot will state something than a other fag or he will samefag ask him "is it really true?" or "tell me does it get better?" and he will come in with literally a copy and pasta answer. It so fucking funny.
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I think you guys owe someone an apology......
iirc it's basically the summer glam from two years ago
>arr and eorzea lore in general is really underrated imo.
Ishikawa took a steamy shit on it all with the ancients.
I bet PSO2NG is a better game.
sounds like some mechanic I missed, is it just grinding the dungeons with the scions or something?
6 major patches to late
He and Ysayle should have died in a horrible explosion caused by Nidhogg
I’m not american i just think it looks like the texas i saw in some movies.
Okay but why are there less retards this time?
no I liked the ancients too, ishikawa really didn't do much with eorzea, good or bad, the most you can say is the killing of the twelve but she wasn't even responsible for that
Another sparsely mentioned issue with Dawntrail is the naming scheme. I get that it's supposed to be south america/latin inspired but the language and naming really does not help. I cannot remember the names of any zones or characters except Tural, Solution 9, Heritage found, and living memory. Everything is a mismash of letters like quetwotat or xitatyoa or wuauuquua.
play the alliance raid and the field exploration zone because I already paid for the expansion and then unsub and never touch the game again because any chance of it having quality, creativity, or originality gets lower with every dei hire
Him releasing it makes me have to go check on 3 NPC before proceeding
that's a bigger crime than killing someone
The funny thing is that despite the backlash from the MSQ quality, Dawntrail is still doing great numbers-wise.
God I hope so
Can you kill Graha too please, hate that faggot cat so much
the Dark Knight Quests where the best Role Quests overall
I usually stay quiet but with all the comparisons to Stormblood, it seems obvious how few of the players commenting on it were actually there when Stormblood dropped. Everyone running in full AF across the bridge to Shinryu was the coolest shit. Not to mention he proceeded to fuck up numerous parties just trying to get through the MSQ. Running through everything at first was fun too, people seemed pretty positive about it, especially the Steppe, Yanxia, and the buildup to the final boss. Not so much the Ruby Sea until Susano showed up.
you can recover from ignorance. you can’t recover from an ideological change. I’m a bit embarrassed for you that you can’t see the difference
She didn't call yoshi p a fucking retard when he told her to force 2 expansions worth of story into just 6.0, she's fully complicit in the story turning to shit.
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It's too late.... You guys bullied her too much and now she's gone forever.
It really, really isn't, maybe PSO2 vanilla back in the JP server days, Microsoft ruins everything they touch
>hey guys i'm not gonna resub for the next tier, kinda burnt out maybe resub the tier after or next expac. see ya
ark mount makes my pp hard
I was just giving you a hard time. with the red rocks and foliage it’s probably closer to the southern arizona/new mexico or northern mexico
Not that anon but I've done that, but honestly Wuk's face still looks kinda blurry, is that just their way of doing the fur? I can't tell. I hope you don't mind me not going and finding a screenshot of the retard though
No one cares about Fordola
well I'm glad I decided to finish aloalo a few days ago lmao
That game is what people think XIV is, endless ERP, and not much else
I straight up dont believe it, even without playing it.
Does it take hours for any gameplay to happen in it? If no then its already way superior.
>Not SEGA being retarded
PSO2 had many long stretches of being shit long before MS touched it
>ugly as shit
Oh, so you're a faggot. Got it.
Most people loved SB at release, it was only like a year later people started hating on it because they realized they actually liked hw story more, only the drk and mch were crying and now they have it even worse
I never doubted her. Never.
She can fill the story with as much catboys as she wants, at least they're bro tier and not completely furry like the hrothgar.
Speaking of which, hrothgar were a mistake.
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Using myself as an example, that's just the fur effect on our faces.
>alpaca mount won't let you spit on people
One job yoshitpiss
I was a bit late to Stormblood, was 6.1 by the time I started, but Shinryu was still kicking ass by the time I reached him, just something about him was genuinely great, gameplay wise vs the rest of the x.0 finales

Do you think Hiroi will get a standing ovation for Dawntrail?
>woke lemutt
I actually kind of wish I'd avoided spoilers for the last third more after all but man the rest was so fucking boring I didn't think it was ever going to get slightly interesting
I never bad-mouthed her not even once. SHE should apologize to ME for leaving
>Revisit procs
Holy fuck why did they make it such a jumpscare
Yeah, you go to duty and then trusts. If you haven't been doing it yet, all your trusts(With the exception of Graha, Estinien, and Krile) are level 70 and need to be grinded up through dungeons. They don't level at the same pace as you do either. Also Ryne is available but she's not able to be used outside of SHB, she just has a cap of 80 and so only has one alt costume.
He'll do a full dogeza at the next live letter before being fired, trust the plan
He won't even be invited to speak at fanfest.
because the writing is fine and it upsets you nobody is agreeing with your shitposting narrative
Trusts is just doing dungeons with Scions instead of Wuk Lamat
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he'll get a bullet in the empty lot behind the diner
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discord tranny bros...why is the rating going up???
the only applause he'll get is when he commits seppuku live on stage to atone for this dogshit
>Does it take hours for any gameplay to happen in it?
Nope, its just a lot of gameplay grind and rare drop farming, its just Monster Hunter with faster movement and more casual anime shit.
>that EP5 dumpster fire
They let the guy who was responsible for that, take over for NG, thats why it went to shit so quickly
>not listening to beautiful german voices
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I appreciate that Sphene is not literally a character from FFIX but they could have mixed up that theme a little more
oh no
this can't be happening...
>the writing is fine
Come on man, even if you like Wuk there is major problems with shoving peoples WoL into the background
NO NO NO NO NONO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
She gave us Runar though, the best hroth.
Because all the people you would see complaining on social media are ecelebs and those guy won't due it due to fear of getting cancelled or being blacklisted by SE. The regular folk complain on steam, forums, 4ch, 5ch and reddit.
>plot doesn't start till 97
>this is fine
>lowstakes adventure turned into stop the end of every reflection
Writing is not fine. While the second half is much better then the first, that's going from arguably the lowest FF14 writing has ever been to like a 7.
>because the writing is fine
The story is childish rubbish
Nobody has a fucking personality. If you covered the name in the text box you wouldn't know who is talking.
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someone found out who the schizo spammer is
>that hair
improved graphics my ass
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Twitter is nothing but mental health gays crying about all the backlash
Even the WoWfags didn't go this insane over it all
>Found someone's random throwaway joke account
Congrats, I guess.
Nice looking WoL
Not gonna like, all the cuck and ntr shitposting with Runar and Y'shtola was hilarious.
He'll be lucky if he doesn't get stabbed during a fanfest
guy better walk around with a vest if he goes
I'm going to be real. That's probably not even the spammer. That image was posted well before you tracked down some random idiot's Twitter account.
wrong, because its me.
IDK man he seems pretty based to me
who gives a shit?
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Y'shtolafags having meltdowns will never stop being funny
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he's a hardcore /pol/tard
Putting aside the shitty textures going on there, the dumb thing is they added polygons to the faces and pixels to the hair but not any polygons to the hair so say, the ring curls look like total fucking ass.
You don't understand, this one random account is everyone in every thread at every second.
Maybe you will understand when he adds it to his own spam posts he has been putting up for over 18 hours a day lately.
Yoshida will make him go on all fours on camera and bow his head for 60 minutes while repeating "I am a shitty writer."
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Filter out all the wowfugees and troons out of my game. I need this to go back pre-Shadowbringers.
>date from 6.55 always cropped out when this is posted
wonder why?
>continuing to be trolled by some random anon even when you leave 4chan
I hate 7.0 MSQ and I don't use twitter.
What now?
The seething was funny, but I do really think they'd make a great couple. And it would help flesh out her character more because let's be honest, all the scions peaked in SHB.
God.... the damage wowfugees did to this game can't be overstated
shills are working fucking overtime trying to create a new Barry because their narrative is fucking crumbling and everyone hates the game lmao. Jesus Christ, I didn't think the FF fanbase could get any more fucking pathetic but it happened
No prob
Thanks m8. It's a farcry better than my previous self as buff-lala. I'm finally the form I was always meant to be in this game.
whats the point of leveling crafters when I can't spend purple scrips on master recipes yet?
resetrannies in full force out today
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Does everything they feelin pok ,j? 7


3j0 [ ANON!!!!!!utl
are you stupid im not judging im just asking
The night theme for Urqopacha has a leitmotif from Syrcus tower's theme

There is new orange scrips which you can only get at lv100
Why does Heritage Found have the Genshin Impact theme in it's BGM?
it won't save their dying game
Pictomancer is so fucking good
I love it
I feel sorry for this little guy. Why couldn't he have been in a better story? Otis as well. Did Hiroi have to ape Ishikawa to this extent with the grimdark and edge? I thought we were going on vacation not to fucking see people die en masse, again. You'd think an expansion literally called A Legacy of Gold would involve shit like actually and fully saving the day and making everyone happy but no, motherfucker just had to try to parrot his betters on IX music.
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>reminder that a group of jobless discord spammers spends 20 hours every day spamming these threads with the same posts
This seems to be the case for basically any new game that comes out. I'm starting to get tired of this place...
My favourite part of this shitposting is that the "doomposters haven't played the game" spam is clearly being posted by someone who hasn't played the game.
It takes time for it to sink in. It's like when everyone complained about poochies awful voice actor in English, they defended but now it's pretty accepted they suck and you should switch to Japanese. Dawntrail will be remembered as Kate's legacy that's the only bonus.
>krile meeting and later saying farewell to her parents is better than literally anything wuk lamat
they really did her dirty holy fuck
So I've seen people whining nonstop over tacos and Puke Lamatt, but what about the second half of the story? All I've heard is that it's a copy paste of Emet Selch but with very little else (presumably because people based it off the leak and haven't got to the end yet).
>sensible vipers have both swords on their waste like the trailer
>we get some kirito bullshit

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Look /v/ I found a bunch of topless dudes. But where are the topless girls? Nowhere to be seen, of course.
The doomposters literally haven't played the game thoughever
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I have to say xiv has to have my favorite fanbase, you think they hit the cap on mental illness and then they just find a new step to take.
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there is a reason he would always lose his mind when you call him a /pol/tard
wuk lamat has anal worms
Man I'm just glad she's finally gotten any sort of focus at all. It's been a fucking decade.
define "doomposters"
It was obvious that it would never work out. They're from different shards and Y'shtola can't stay in the first forever.
>Hydrogen bomb vs coughing baby except both games are dogshit
Their entire forum now being "I am not transphobic but.." is hilarious at least.
Pictomancer feels really weird to play in PVP.
that's literally what is is there, there's not much else to go off of
the final zone is kinda dogshit because you run around doing menial shit that you'd do at the beginning of an expac when you're supposedly supposed to stop the big bad
People who say the story and characters are shit without elaborating or providing explanations on why it sucks
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>If a cutscene has Machinations playing it's unimportant and can be skipped
What about this is false? There has literally never been an important cutscene with Machinations playing in the background.
You want me to rip it?
The second half of the story is a bad rehash of Shadowbringers with Sphene taking the place of Emet. Sphene's plan is to gobble up everyone in all the reflections in order to keep the memory AI clones in her dimension whole. Almost all of this is revealed to you at the end of the 5th zone and the start of the 6th.
Currently at the start of Zone 6.
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Sure looking forward to getting accused of being that guy every thread from now on.
dragon's dogma 2 ended up being an overhyped mess anyways so what the fuck was the point?
I skipped all the cutscenes, but I like the dungeons. The mechanics were novel enough that running them the first time was pretty cool and difficult (for a casual played like me), but they are easy enough that subsequent runs aren't a pain.
well, there are some people like that, but most people who say the story and characters are shit explain why
get a job
>my trust levels are still in the low 70s
Vague shit that's easily repeatable like "Wuk Lamat is glued to your hip the entire time!!!!!" doesn't count
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I wanted an expansion where I play as the main character yes.
You've been told multiple times why, but all you do is deflect and say that it's actually good.
Mine are 77ish.

I'm not leveling them to 100.
I'm not even staying subbed longer than a month.
I'm done.
The Jobs don't play any different so I'm not missing anything gameplay wise either really.
Hopefully 8.0 is a massive step up and apology for this garbage or I'm never coming back.
how many times do you retards think you'll be able to get away with this fucking retarded tactic? you lost lmfao. accept it and go back to /reddit
Did another character ever ask you to hold their hand? This feels a bit like an OC donut
Anyone who doesn't shower FFXIV with universal praise 24/7.
Nah I'm fine with taking the backseat if I had a likeable character to follow.
Except that is perfectly reasonable. People want the WoL to be main character and get annoyed when every cutscene focuses on Wuk instead of WoL. It's not just the contents of the story that matter, but the presentation.
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Why go there when the doomers are posting screenshots from there already
try to contain your seethe
Wait what? I was under the impression that you got a different trust for each expansions dungeon.
That thing is ugly
>Didn't afk level using trusts
You missed out. Not really, but it's one way to level.
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>how many times do you retards think you'll be able to get away with this fucking retarded tactic? you lost lmfao. accept it and go back to /reddit
>everyone I argue with is the same person
I've literally never even argued about the story being good or bad, I'm just saying that a majority of doomposters haven't played the story lmao
a new barry is being born right before out very eyes anon, it's beautiful, he is going to grow big and strong and mindrape these insane schizos a third time in a row
Thats not vague, that is exactly what it feels like.
You've been calling everyone who elaborated on their greavances at length a doomposter all day every day since DT dropped, you disingenuous faggot. Kill yourself.
Maybe the actual story wouldn't seem so rushed if they entire first half wasn't all about Poochie.
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Where can I get that shirt? Imagine wearing that to the gym
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I can say one positive thing about the Wukage of Light.
She's saving me money.
>Y'Shtola suddenly appeared from nowhere and spoke for the first time during this expansion
I hope he ascends to barneyfag
>Dawntrail defenders are literal lefty troons
Why am I not surprised.
>having to switch jobs for MSQ to split EXP because I'm already 99 and doing 97 quests
Please less cutscenes that give 10 billion EXP and more having to actually play the game next time
The only people complaining about this is the anti ff discord crew.
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Why thank you
>A FFXIV Barry being born
Is this what Ilberd felt when he jumped off the ledge to summon the new primal?
I'm going to masturbate to Wuk Lamat.
Here's a basic explanation.
this is what's called a delusion anon. you are literally delusional. I pray you get the psychiatric help you need before you snap and hurt someone
>since DT dropped
You mean since EW moron.
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The Wukage to a T lmao
My cute retard tomboy wife can't be this cute.
Your response?
Wuk Lamat sucks (like a lot holy fuck) but I like most of the other things about the expansion so far.
Even as Hrothgar go she doesn't really have anything going for her.
>playerbase's collective seethe at dawntrail creates a primal
What other things? Everything is about her. Even the part you thought would be about Krile.
>you see the game told you it was gonna be shit, you cant complain that its shit!
you will never be a woman
give me the uncensored and i will
trannies trying to justify sunk cost
I didn't care for the little nigga
where did he come from anyway (aside from his daddy's balls)?
>the mentally ill troons on twatter defending their own
That is pretty disappointing, even ARR didn't need to make the stakes as high as entire civilizations for the most part. It was more interpersonal, so it just feels weird to have a conflict like that on something that is supposed to be low key.
Thanks for the exact details anon, keep us updated while you go through it if ya want. I can't see it getting any better though
that nigger is midnight black wtf
>let the wol breathe
That's all we do this expansion. Breathe and watch from the back while Wuk Lamat does everything.
why do trannies always resort to rabidly defending something that's actual dogshit? not just xiv but [anything]
I can't tell you much but an insider just told me the reception is so bad they're thinking of giving out free passes to skip the dawntrail story in the future.
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Deeply unserious motion
>where did he come from anyway (aside from his daddy's balls)?
I think in-between Kate and Sweet Baby they forgot how children are made.
I like the zones, and the music, and the dungeon, and the one trial I've done so far. Not everything is about the dumbass story you know.
We haven't been the focus since ARR. We were a focus of Shadowbringers because we were literally delivering the planet from everlasting light, but that's it.
That outfit looks good though
why the fuck to people use their in game characters as their pfp on social media? jesus christ, that's really sad
with hrt they're basically pmsing 24/7 with the added anger of not being able to be a real woman so they're extra insufferable
there's a small chance wuk won't be the main focus in the patch quests. with SB lyse's story pretty much ended, and the patch quests were more focused on tsuyu. we can only hope the same with DT.
but this is true and real, it's time to retire that fucking song
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They were raised on media that told them this all the time so they make being positive contrarians their entire personality
What happened to Koji?
they hate yoshida's guts for XVI
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it's hilarious because at one point I thought to myself "fuck I'm ACTUALLY cosplaying Kirito lmao"
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Pictomander is fun but having to hardcast your paintings on the new trials and dungeons can be hard. Theres a ton of shit to dodge
Mental Health Gay mafia gaslights everyone
Lol sphene literally reuses Emet selchs angry hand motion animation just before she flies into the sky, pathetic.
For those who have played the expansion or some of it. Is Krile involved? My biggest gripe with her as a character in the other expansions was she didn't do jack shit. She was in Eureka but even then she just sat at base camp. Did they give her shit to do this time or is she just there?
Jesus, that one guy also spends day after day in the 14 generals trying to find people to erp with too.
I always use swift cast on my paintings
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uh ohhhhh
>Is Krile involved?
I'm almost at the last trial and I don't remember when I heard her voice last, I'm sure she spoke when we took the boat from Sharlayan but after that it's hazy.
She's a background NPC and given attention for 5 minutes then becomes a background NPC again

Wuk devours all screentime
Because the VA is a tranny, so the "must defend at all costs" instinct kicks in for other trannies. See: these threads.
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That's just what malera do, anon. They're all erp addicts.
>Is Krile involved?
No. She's a cheeleader for Wuk Lamat like everyone else. The camera pans to Krile whenever they talk about the Golden City but when you get there Krile has 5 minutes and it's back to Wuk.
i fucking miss kablam
>that 2nd boss on the 97 dungeon
where's the minstrel
"how about fuck you, you dumbass bitch *farts and leaves* you can pick up the bill sweetie"
is how I would respond if I was in this situation. how about you?
Oh, that's.. really shitty. I was hoping she would have a chance to grow. Not even any bullying of alphanaud?
So now that Dawntrail flopped, what's next?
My ass
I want to know one thing and one thing only. Do the mobs and bosses do a decent amount of damage?
lol no
she just have focus every time someone talks about the expedition and thats all

Idk why is she even with us
>no option to fix Sphene-chan with (Your) dick of light
Shit game/10
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Bros, it's not fair, her JP voice is pretty cute. Why do americans have to ruin everything?
The Scions have no personality this expac. They don't act like themselves.
Because NIN already has hip sheathing.
for me, it was life with loopy
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>random npc throwaway line: "yeah our lalas said laliho too!"
what the fuck
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>Not even any bullying of alphanaud?
Bro those character moments are LONG fucking gone. I'm at level 97 MSQ and there has been zero fucking banter between the Scions. Wuk's presence is having a negative affect on everyone involved.
Times change old man. Its mviera now.
Everything in dungeons and trials seem to hit softer than previous expansions on release, honestly.
you don't play the game. go back to your pathetic /pol/ twitter account
You know (((why)))
That was because Doma got hosed in 4.0 so they could wrap up Ala Mhigo and forget 1.0 ever happened.
The Scions don't interact with each other at all. They either talk to Wuk or serve as walking deus ex machina.
It's a fucking tragedy. Erenville as well....
She gets one quest chain involved with her while 90% involved Wuk Lamet.
Yes, Some mechanics on the second half can be pretty brutal for a dungeon boss
Shh don't let the playerbase hear you say that. They still think all miera players are wholesome and valid.
She gets blackmailed into helping Wuk become Dawnkage to get more information about her grandpa
keep crying, troon
>play monk during arr
>devs get lazy and mash dragoon stuff into it so half of the slaying shit is ugly edgy armor
>now viper and ninja share gear so ninjas lose the peak aesthetic for generic leather vests
jesus christ brandon, relax. this is getting really unhinged now
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Suck my dick Sena Brandon or whatever the fuck your name is.
Dilate, tranny
the zones and the music are nice
some of the characters are ok
but damn, Costa Del Sol in Rebirth was a better beach expansion than this
There already was no real aesthetic to scouting
At best we shared with the other melee, at worst with fucking casters
uh oh grummzcord raid
1-800-273-TALK (8255): The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline offers 24/7 services to talk to a skilled counselor.
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>that information was uploaded... to the cloud
I am putting my foot down. Modernfaggotry needs to be taken out back and beaten to death.
>Not even any bullying of alphanaud?
Her entire character for the expansion is her going through a loop of "my earring, my grandfather, the city of gold". She has no dialogue that does not directly mention any of those three things.
you've called me like 10 different things in the span of 1 thread
Really called it
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>Still nothing tops these two scenes
Yoshitpiss should just sepukku right now live on stream
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bring her back right fucking now
The last boss of the 97 dungeon almost seems stupid because it's spamming so many AoEs that it doesn't actually do any unavoidable damage to speak of and I watched a tank and a DPS clear the entire second phase on their own (and still couldn't figure out why I got killed by the cleaves)
doomies are so pathetic lmao
>leveling crafting again
I'd forgotten how much I enjoy this, a shame it only comes once every few years
So reading most of the complains on steam, reddit and here, pretty much everyone dislikes Wuk Lamat for some reason or another. Some say she's a bad VA, some others say her part of the storyline is boring, and most of the post here are just complaining that the VA is a troon.
>wanting sphene
no you are in the wrong this time, sphene was dogshit
She's the only interesting character they introduced this entire expansion and ack her immediately but let Wuk live and steal the glory. I'm never buying another fucking XIV expansion again, especially since the writing has gotten so bad
its cuz the dwarfs in conde petite in ix said 'tally ho' iirc
You won't like it when you find out that everyone in the second last area wears mogstation modern clothes and they all have neurolink and mobile phones
I don't really get why these memories need a constant supply of souls when we've have memories stripped from a soul survive as echos on their own fine before.
no anyone complaining about wuk is literally just one guy, he's known for making hundreds of accounts and spamming threads to try and control the narrative.
yeah but that's the dwarves in the first
they just slap this into DT for literally 0 purpose other than "you member????"
>the door to firey hell
Reminded me of that one meme image of a frogposter telling you to fuck off back to normieville, but the other way around
You only think that because she was handled by a dogshit writer. This expansion can be saved if Yoshida brings Ishikawa back immediately and makes some adjustments. He won't do that but a man can hope.
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right, on this board we love elezen women
did you just stumble across this revelation you fucking schizo?
>Emmelanein but with boobs
Giraffe bro, you okay?
>an actual attractive female
>of course they not only kill her off but they have her killed off by the one female that's actually allowed to have screen time
You can practically feel the malevolence in this writing
I played in jap and I still got to the point where I audibly groaned whenever wuk showed up
the game is a memberberry game
I kinda agree but Wuk fucking sucks
check the thread, we have proof. this /pol/tard twitter larper is creating hundreds of accounts seething about dawntrail, he's invading 5chan too to try and get japanese folks to hate it too
and this thread is turning into a memberbarry game, with how insane the defense force has gotten now
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there's no sense even arguing with this level of complete insanity. kys. you will NEVER invent a new Barry faggot. you will NEVER twist the narrative around this dogshit game lmao. keep trying though. I know you will. in literally every thread
>anyone who doesn't like yawnfail is one person
reali zivvie hours in here
Sorry tou got exposed anon.
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She's badly written AND badly conceived
She exists only to make you feel bad that a genocidal villain is an ostensibly benevolent cute girl. If it was some old fat fuck you wouldn't even give a shit, it's classic lookism exploitation because the devs are frauds. Everything about Sphene is as predictable as the rest of this anime bullshit, not in the least because we already had these kinda stories in this game.
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Remembird us... Remembird that we once lived...
oh i get it, you're him.
we found your account, you're a fucking ugly annoying transphobe and bigot. get a life bro.
Nah, let them summon a new XIV Barry, the WoW threads will be fun
Then stop talking like a collective, making the exact same complaints and points. The expansion is tens of hours long, surely you can find something new to bitch about.
Lali-ho is in like every game with dwarves, once you've established that lalas are the same race as dwarves then its free reign to use it anywhere
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Oh my fucking god its actually the same as Emets bird, the shoebill. Thats so fucking hilarious.
everyone agrees that wuk is the main problem with the expansion. why do we have to make up new things to complain about just to satiate your victim complex?
>She exists only to make you feel bad that a genocidal villain is an ostensibly benevolent cute girl. If it was some old fat fuck you wouldn't even give a shit,
That argument always reminds me of Omega lol.

>Omega spends an entire raid series throwing us into death battles.
>Talks about potentially destroying a lot of shit.
>Tries to erase us from existence.
>We defeat Omega.
>But there at the very last cutscene, Omega turns into a super hot robot woman in skimpy clothing and does the sideways leaning pose while looking all puty and sad.
>Cid: "Y-YOU JUST FELT LONELY, D-DIDN'T YOU" *boner poking through his pants*
So, what's left is some loose ends about the regenerators and the hourglass key for the patch story. Honestly not excited about it.
What the FUCK was Zazool Ja's motivation anyway?
He said barely anything the whole expansion, fucks EVERYTHING up and then dies.
Stop lusting for evil women.
It's honestly such a whiplash compared to the primitive jungles that are the rest of tural. As much as I like solution 9 it feels really out of place.
When are they going to stop recycling shit from XI?
Barry continues to win... Absolutely incredible.
So Wuk, a single character of an entire country worth of new character is the only bad part of the expansion? That seems like less a complaint and more a glowing compliment.
It's meant to.
You just reminded me how much I hated the end of the Omega raids, didn't even bother to do O12S, just beat 3 and called it good.
Everything can be excused if it's a cute girl, stop being cucks.
>nooo people can't share complaints about something
>it must be a new Barry
>it can't possibly be that the game is the problem
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One character is about 70% of the expansion.
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I'll be honest bros, watching all this hate for Wuk makes me hard, like it makes me want to hate fuck her so hard. Am I weird?
The expansion is 15+ hours of WUK LAMAT and then 10+ hours of schizophrenically pisspoor pacing. Everyone has similar complaints because you'd have to be a literal drone to slurp up the complete slop they threw at you for half the fucking runtime.
Even in the second half, you're unable to escape from her. The brief moments of reprieve are great and characters can finally breathe, but you're only ever away from her for maybe 40 minutes to an hour at most before you're dragged back into Wuk Jail.
She eats up every other character's agency and screentime, what do you want people to complain about? The fucking stupid Sphene plotline? How nothing in the expansion matters? How the stakes bounce from low to high to low without any care for the player's feelings? The most obvious thing most people are going to notice is Wuk Lamat is ALWAYS on screen, no matter what.
that didnt happen in any of the expansions chud
VA tranny/Kate's localization so just like the voice they're now longer defending they'll defend this until it's universally hated then pretend they were merely pretending to be retarded.
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I will literally never stop lusting for evil women, until the day I die
People are afraid to be critical of the game because they need to be seen supporting it due to political reasons. If they criticize it they’re criticizing the woke aspects of it, therefore they have to just smile and grimace through the writing because it’s the Right Side of History.
I chucked at this honestly.
He was labelled the golden child miracle child but couldn't beat troon and rabbit, thats it, thats literally his motivation
Why does everyone hate Wuk but they love Igon in Elden Ring?
Nah, you're just a potential Lysefag that was subconsciously waiting for the furry version.
he was using war as a business to end war as a business
also daddy issues
Yeah you're weird, also Ardbert had more fan art as soon as he showed up than wuk does lmao
Unironically daddy issues. He was propped up as the miracle child since a 2 head normally cannot bear children, and everyone expected him to be the second coming of Jesus. Then he lost to Wuk.
Expectations were too much for him and he constantly felt like he had to surpass his father, and the only thing greater than uniting Tural is uniting Eorzea/Garlemald, which is why he wanted to invade Garlemald.
He could have been a great character but all his motivations were explained in a couple unvoiced lines.
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>[Heavy voice]: No!
Why was the nutkin in the trailer if they show up for like one scene total???
>from XI
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>noooooooooo i wont kill zalool ja
>not even if he kills my people infront of me
>nooo i cant!!
>i will kill you now that you killed him lmao
It's rather impressive they can still upscale textures from a ps2 game and they hold up.
Because it's funny
My didn't love me enough (he adopted other kids)
My dad didn't give me anything (he wanted the throne automatically despite having really bad motivations for the throne AND being a terrible leader)
I suppose, but it really doesn't feel good.
Give me XIV fantasy atlantis or something, not nvidia gpu city.
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>the Right Side of History
Speaking of which,
haha that's our spheen queen
>sole ruler of alexandria
>let a retarded lizard in
>he completely rewrites every single law somehow
>you then can't do anything when he kills your citizens
woman moment
>writes woman leader as retarded and incompetent
I'll give you this one and this one only, Hiroi
the damage has always been 100% self inflicted from the ff fanbase. Once again ff14 can't even out do 20 year old content of other games.
>I can't rewrite authority
>except when I can
you know what? story sucked this time

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