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Can't believe the second part of Dawntrail managed to be better than Shadowbringers
Endless > Ascians

And unlike Ascians we get to give a shit about the people involved and they haven't been trying to kill us for 3 expansions before Emet-Selch tried to convince us that his people need to live instead of ours

I kneel
how are the endless better?
the ascians are interesting because they were the villains
also emet had been fucking with us for the whole of 5.0, meanwhile sphene is introduced super late and has no chemistry with the wol (because she never bothers to talk to him)
something tells me this is just a bait post to make people mad...
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pretty cool axe
>the ascians are interesting because they were the villains
let me guess, 12 years old? or maybe shadowbab
Not really. XIV basically needs 2 threads right now cause one of them is always bombarded with doomers posting the same pics and posts
>young Koana hid a ring for his sister behind a puzzle but she was too genki and stupid to figure it out
too cute, my heart
fuck your sister Koana and godspeed
can we not threadsplit thanks
Stop trying to get in the way of Poochie's story.
Bait thread. Apply yourself next time.
define "doomers"
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WOOOOOOW Thanks YoshiP!
Thank you for letting me dye my outfit not once, BUT TWICE for $40/$15 a month/+$5 per retainer!
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why are you trying to spin this as a bad thing?
Have you not been around since DT release?
>Same 5chan pics
>Same Kate pics
>Same Wuk pics
>Same pics pulled from reddit
thread after thread
I know some anons were genuinely disappointed. But cmon now.
>xiv threads split into 2 conflicting parties
I will have sex with all the sleeping hrothgar in yak tel
Do you do the manderville weapons with poetics now?
thats just people thinking theyre funny and reposting them
also "some" is "most", i would say its about 60% meh 30% i like it 10% i hate it
bear in mind they also get astonishingly fuck-ass mad if you notice it's been ritual-posted over a day or multiple days
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HER game
Oh man I just realized that the villains of DT are not your villains. They are Wuk's villains.
Really?! I like that since I can knock it out quickly now but I hate that I can knock it out quickly now.
whose they
how are you just now realizing this
which one of you is this? I know you're here
Is there a hispanic DBZ tier list of the DT characters around because it would be terrible if someone hadn't made it yet.
Isn't poetics fucking shit to farm anyway? You have daily roulettes which is basically snoozefest doing old content with half your skillset stripped out, and what else?
I never pay attention to where you get them. I just know every time I need to use them I am capped out lol
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>umineko username
>why are you trying to spin this as a bad thing?
I just got done reading that thread
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whats wrong with umipeak? book 1 of umineko > DT btw
i love it when they call me dawnfloppa
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This guy is a chad
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the entire of umineko is better than dawntrail you don't even have to say that
Throw ya hands in the air
as Wuk is the main playa
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>patch content is unlost reflection's azem shard seeking retribution for all the memories we killed
>he knows how to seize control of the hourglass key and it's actually a sword hilt
kinzo ushiromiya x wuk lamat sex now
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Musicbros, rejoice with me!
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>he knows how to seize control of the hourglass key and it's actually a sword hilt

>there's another half to the hourglass
>when you rejoin with his shard at the end of 7.5 you combine the halves together and do a Viper LB3 against the final bigger bad
best job so far imo

umm i'm kidda slow.. can someone pleaseexplain to me why Sphene have to kill Tural people to ensure survival of her own people.
she needs a supply of souls to keep her people alive
The mixing seems off on Yshtolas lines
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definitely the most fun caster
The servers are powered by souls, dummy.
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Won't be home for like 2 more weeks, how's bard right now?
So far it seems most jobs are even worse, somehow.
Its actual mechanics are better but there's an odd ping delay on songs, especially Wanderer's Minuet. It's not intentional, as far as I can tell.
>he doesnt use JP voices
>Finally get rid of ascians
>immediately introduce another ancient advanced civilization the very next expansion

They really have no ideas at all. It’s the same shit with a different coat of paint.
i really wish we can somehow turn the last zone back on
>great final boss, good music, fun mechanics
>final zone is a worse ripoff of the previous 2 final zones but at least it was a step up from the rest
>alright, ok, at least they ended on a high note
>poochie swoops in at the last second to give us the e8 treatment and solo the boss from 50%
it is so bad i fucking hate this
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if you're stupid and reductionist i can see how you came to that conclusion
>had his kill stolen
gonna cry? piss your pants maybe?
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You fucking retard, you posted it with a Twitter filename. All I have to do now is find whoever's posted it to Twitter and I've found you.
Lmao shut the fuck up tranny
Cope harder
>all that extra shit underneath Select a Color
Why? Why can't these devs implement something without making it either a half-measure or extra menus?
me when i'm obsessed
The only thing I don't like about it is the long cast on motifs with literally 0 damage output. I want to fucking kill myself whenever I interrupt one by accident.
i puked a little bit :(
and thats a good thing
This is a shitpost, but unironically the XIV cultist mind cannot comprehend the GW2 dye menu
What's funny is it is by far the strongest NPC you get in a fight too, can just solo it from there and put out more damage than the entire group.
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Found you.
how's GW2 going btw?
former gw2 player, i would do anything get gw2 dye system in xiv and fractals
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>After the Sundering the first thing the sundered peoples of all shards did was to start worshipping a goofy snake.
jesus christ all this for a 6/10 story
idk I never actually played it
>Amaurot again
the ian miles cheong and asmongold follows lmfao you CANNOT make this up
What other kind of Tank or Healer options are there?
There is no way to convey the level of sarcasm in which I want to say "You did it, anon" through text.
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>it's an actual third world brownie /pol/tard
Final Fantasy 14: Dawntrail, featuring classic tracks like "Shadowbringers" and "Endwalker"!

She needs more souls to keep her servers containing all the Endless and Electrotape running
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>Ian Miles
>Copious amounts of gachashit porn
south american or south east asian?
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LoTA and Syrcus look like shit now. Which graphic settings do I need to change?
it ain't deep sleuthing work but scrolling through his twitter it looks like we caught a very specific doomie

it really was....... one person......
>need souls and aether to keep her people alive
>her own world is out of souls and aether, invades the source for souls and aether
She's only delaying the inevitable.
but of course..
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this has to be ironic
I love listings that are so obscene that the seller must be super happy if it catches even a single lazy retard.
Most sane DT hater
how much would 7.5m even be if you just RMT'd it instead
it can't be more than like 5 bucks tops
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behead trannies
>lolicon apologia
>fauci conspiracies
>pro-Israel posting
Doomsissies aren’t sending their best
Wouldnt it be cheaper to just buy the gil?
So is that like an EX or ultimate style mount or what?
Way cheaper
No you outright buy it for 7.5m gil.
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I know its early but fuck man. Do I just use the trusts?
It's sold by an NPC at Solution 9 for 7.5m gil
So if they got Athena's power to create soul, they could create infinite free energy right?
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I detect a current approximately 1734 yalms to the northwest!
>Thinking about leaving my fc just to make my own purely for submersibles and more space
Everyone is using the trusts when they can, during first days, because they know every other earlyfag is using them too, only exception is the final trail which is no trusts
wtf lol
Athena could not create souls, she was able to imbue inanimate objects and entire buildings with life. In chasing godhood she only became capable of doing the same shit Matoya does with brooms on a much larger scale.
Tfw I had to use PF for the lv100 trial since you can't do that one with NPC. I think you can just follow Y'shtola for that one.
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Damn, I do want the sci-fi motorbike but I'm sadly poor.
I thought it was a bike+7.5mil gil package.
I refuse to use trusts because this is the only time the game's content is genuinely fun, when nobody knows what the fuck is going on and apes out. The only time I've ever used Trusts in the entire game is the 87 dungeon.
Go do Eureka or variant dungeons for shit to sell
enjoy your 9000 minute queue then until all the normalfags and wagies catch up
Guys I think the devs are just pretending until TWW. That way when TWW releases, all the hype will be about the new DT patch. We're finally going to beat wow!
First boss of Deadwalk is based. More of that please.
How difficult is it to start your own FC then get rid of others?
My queue for Trial 2 was like 3 minutes.
just but gil from mmogah
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Should I just do the final trial with Trusts at this point?
You can just pay people gil to sign the charter and then immediately kick them after it is created. Not hard at all really. There is no required amount that needs to be in the fc at all times for it to function.
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Lvl 100 dungeons have been great
>buff cactuar starts casting some proteans
Sure, I've seen it a million times
>he makes the bigger and I get hit by 2 and die
Oh shit
I need to do Eureka but killing overland mobs is so boring
trying to dps in an expansion where both the new jobs are dps is suffering
im going to have a heart attack
You on Light? I'll give you a healer boost
Why is dawntrail abbreviated as DT? Its all one word, shouldnt it be D?
Subs are a gigantic waste don't bother, instead prep for a single .2 or .4 patch and craft for a week. Less effort and you'll make more money in 7 days than you would in 3 years with your subs.
shut up
You can't do the last trial with Trusts.
You're going to wait your 30m like a good boy
I had to yesterday too
oh I didn't know the hub npcs sold eywwear

>literally buck broken
>mom walks in
Is there a place I can check the new housing stuff?
Free Companies with fewer than four members are not allowed to post a bid for a Free Company plot.

You can't do the current final trial with NPCs which is why I had to join a PF
Every class just having a single role was always the worst part of the game for me, especially since FFXI was so crazy with class combos.
Maybe FFXI is too much though, since you need an addon just to deal with the 10 gear swaps a minute you are doing.
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when is the ff7 expansion
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We will never revisit 1.0
imo it's better than FFXI having jobs with a class role of "paperweight" like dragoon
>Consecutive stack AOEs that leave puddles on the floor followed by a knockback
fun fight
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Not everything Final Fantasy is about your boyfriend FFVII.
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And this fucking thing is just Hades but child friendly.
Verdict on VPR/PCT? On the fence whether I actually wanna bother. How long does it take to boja grind to 90?
FFXI went off the rails later with class design and features later, it was actually a lot of fun but such an incredible grind for both gear and master levels.
He's unironically in Dawntrail, did you not see him fixing the train?
It’s time to remove airship and submarine exploration from the shackles of FC only.
Viper is mind numbing, kinda flashy but the most boring shit in existence once you actually start using it
It is also akin to pulling teeth to level, don't make my mistake, I regret ever trying this piece of shit job and wish it was anything else

Picto is very fun, probably the most fun caster
Yeah but once you set it up its basically passive income. It does take a long time to get to that point though.
Really bland thematically but having a 2.05s GCD speed in ARR content makes it among the more interesting jobs to play at low levels even though it's still pretty basic, job itself is like getting Gunbreaker as a DPS. Not sure how Viper plays at 100 but at 90 the whole Not-Enshroud thing it lifted from Reaper is pretty much just there to give it something resembling a burst mechanic, and it's over almost as soon as it starts
Haven't tried much lol
Oh boy.... I'm at 99 MSQ and Krile still isn't received any screen time at all, do they eventually give her anything?
>"haha I can't wait to test my skills against our friend"
>does nothing
>"well, time to leave"
>final trial tries to hit you with feel bad for me, I lived under my fathers shadow and couldn't handle it
fuck offfff, write better next time
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OP has been tirelessly defending this pile of shit, truly sad
no just remove them entirely, it's way too much passive income
>Y'shtola and G'raha show up.
>"Oh thank fucking gods, please, I'm so relieved to see you guys, even you G'raha, you're usually clingy af but even you aren't as bad as-"
>Shoves me into a romantic gondola.
>"...nevermind, you're still a clingy fuck that can't take a no."
she gets her stuff almost right at the end
Anon has been tirelessly posting this pic, truly sad
gonna cry?
I'm surprised it actually has instant kill mechanic
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anon has been tirelessly crying in these threads, truly sad
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>final trial
anon you're not even close to the final trial
Yeah... like... a little bit...
Just enough to not accidentally take some of Wuk Lamat's time, you know, which is... almost nothing, the strict necessary to get her whole story out and say it's done.

Yeah no, Krile has officially been sidelined hardcore in her own expansion. Way more than Estinien and Y'shtola were for the 6.X patches, even, and that was already pretty mean.
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>female au ra raen
>cotton candy hair
>heterochromia cotton candy eyes
>online store slut glam with two-channel cotton candy dye

she joins your party finder, wat do?
VPR is melee DNC but more button presses making it more tedious than anything. PCT is great and has a nice flow of drawing them spells with a few instant cast between the holy in white and hammer stuff.
do mamool ja have retractable dicks
that's a man in a dress
get your autism checked out
They have a cloaca, a clussy if you will.
Your picture just reminded me, am I the only one whose currency UI element broke with 7.0 release? It just has a solid black box for the icon and doesn't display any numbers.
They're probably a woman irl, avoid
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>Nothing actually cool from Mexican/Meso American culture
>when a Jew hating washed up celeb did a better job decades ago
I am going to find this faggot and behead him with a machete
this movie fucking sucks why do edgy bitches always have the worst opinions?
they like things out of spite not love
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>mfw bigoted chuds are in the proximity
Athena's THEORETICAL god power, yes but all she was doing was plucking souls out of the lifestream and putting then in shit so actually no
Plus I'd bet it'd be a net loss anyway, even the so-called gods weren't self-sustaining
I see you post this all the time and have no fucking idea why
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This is your tank for leveling roulette, how do you open?
>doing hunt trains in final zone after MSQ
>dozens of people go "man this zone sucks now I'm gonna use new game+ to make it look like it was at first"
Imagine missing the point of that zone this much.
Yeah, MB. I guess I just wish it was over too much
Mine broke too, it's because you had it set to poetics prior. To fix it go to currency and hit the settings cog
its hilarious
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Athena sucks, her ultima is weaker than Ultima weapons ultima, we actually needed shielding by hydaelyn but for hers we just take the full power of the heart of sabiks ultima and live. Pathetic.
personally i think the original look sucked
Strayborough Deadwalk is peak of XIV dungeons, I kneel.
Tender Valley is also good.
literally me with Ultima Thule because I hate that the song never stops because the haunting ambient noise was so much better.
I want that song to give me feelings, I don't want to burn it out by having it loop for fucking 40 hours
I see now, it focusing on the clenched fist
I thought you were trying to look for a bulge or something. Which is why O was confused cause you can't see shit
Carry on
Honestly thought dswntrail was going to be about travelling with friend to the new world full of savages and finding the city of gold through a treasure hunt with the team. But instead it’s travelling as a background character to the new mc on a ffx pilgrimage so they can become the hokage
Dude, by EW we're so much more powerful than in ARR, it's insane. Notice how we in Euphrosyne we also tank the behemoths big explosion that we used to have to hide behind shit for? It's not the same
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it really isn't
>Perfect opportunity for Meltigemini and Zorn & Thorn.
>Nah Hades reskin.
Ok game.
You need to let go.
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>emergency patch reverts dawntrail
>7.0 now starts with this

Your response?
ultima thule constantly playing that song was a genuine warcrime
listen, I know au ra have a rep and everything
but I would
Fuck you, I'm taking all those gold bars with me
nigga I didn't dl a 50 gig graphics update to not have graphics
this but merlwyb
hope you like crazy bitches
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Any definitive guidelines on what the best settings for DLSSTweaks are?
>Condition me to act and think as protagonist since 2.0 or for almost 10 years.
>DT is not about WoL story, you are not suppose to be center of attention!

They why don't give me an option to fuck off and enjoy the beach with my scions?
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>Strike Healers when they get to the 100 dungeons.
the game has never given you options to begin with
They are making people pay again for a 15 year old game.
Don't tell people paying you to move on.
It's still more effort than crafting for a single patch. I do both and while the passive income is nice it's not really all that impactful. I'd only consider it if you already have money (it's a LOT of money or time to setup) and want to toy around with another retainer, ideally on an alt character.
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How did we go from THIIS KINO https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-qO_m-g1fyE to 7.0?
The giant red text in the middle of the screen has emboldened them.
>(You) couldn't protect her smile
>(You) let the Wukage kill her
>In the end, (You) couldn't protect anything at all
How do we cope with our WoL constantly getting cucked and shat on?
this except ryne
Holy in White is DPS loss for single target so you only use it for movement or to get Comet in Black.
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>pre titan goes up
This except me plapping nanamo
>hates lyse 2
>likes lyse 3
you are brain damaged
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>Plugins already updating to 7.0
Not even a week holy shit. Dalamud is probably out for some people.
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i hate him so much
Honestly i'd rather play through FF12 again with that asshole Vaan than play dawntrail again, it's so fucking bad, it gets interesting then the troon opens his mouth and ruins it, every scene is ruined by poochie.
reminder she canonically looks like a child beneath the glamor magic
don't care until we get corsair
Official launch tomorrow then 2 weeks the normal raid releases then another 2 and savage plus weekly times?
>gets her head bashed in by a tranny
Is GNB a fun tank to main?
So what does Yoshida suppose I'll do for the next 2 weeks until I get 2 hours of content per week?
It's natural to hate DT. Sorry your campaign failed
HW and SB were mostly about Alphinaud and Lyse, not WoL.
Can you only have one comet in black at a time?
Forgive the shadowbabby, he knows not what he says
What the hell did Alphie do to you, lol.
What the fuck?
The fuck is a 'hokage'?
Stop lusting for evil women.
yawnfail wishes it had kino like this
NTA but that is true, are you actually denying this?
gem farming
he is french, a child, and has a dumb stupid idiot haircut.
>People push back against DT being ass

lmao fuck off.
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She has something lewd tattooed on her back right?
There's so many Pictos in pvp it's unreal
I am. HW was WoL's adventure with Estinien and Ysayle to stop an war that raged on for millennia. Alphi was tagging along, shutting up and knowing his place.
I hope the second half is some semblence of good. Shadowbringers and Endwalker were fucking rides, especially towards the end. I dont know if I can survive and expac that doesnt sky rocket in the last third.
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I take back every single bad thing I've ever said about Lyse. I'm so sorry!

It's for the people who didn't poopsock the entire expansion over 3 days, so they have the chance to get the MSQ done, one or two alt jobs to max and start crafting/gathering/EX progging
They really think cissies is gonna stick at some point.
They've been trying for 20 years now.
youre actually retarded
She can eternally service my cock
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>noooooooooo i wont kill zalool ja
>not even if he kills my people infront of me
>nooo i cant!!
>i will kill you now that you killed him lmao
Is there a more retarded "villain" than this?
The lizard forest zone is one of he coolest looking areas they've ever done
>this guy made me feel more for him in two minutes than wuk lamat has in the past 30 hours
The second half is so radically different it feels like a post patch story except you're still only level 96
>Sphene directly and indirectly asks (You) for help
>Aware of it
>Do nothing
>Let poochie murder her
Stop the launch. Redo the storyline. I will never get cucked like this.
stop sexualizing underage girls, chud
post patch content anon the after credits scene clearly hints at it
For whatever reason the story doesn't really start until about level 96/15 hours in of the msq, then they try to cram an entire expansion in in 10 hours.
good question actually
looks more like the script is part of the dress and those scars(?) are perfectly placed for wing imagery
She's an adult middie.
Final zone would have been even better if it didn't have any bgm. Make it completely silent like how it is after you shut down a terminal. Go hard on the death of a civilization.
the pushing back is coming from a guy whose fucking twitter handle is "final solution 9"
She's an AI with a directive to love and protect the people of Alexandria, including Zoraal Ja especially since he was the commander of the military
she was always going to kill you
Not looking good for wuksisters
>The Final Solution Ninth to combat the troons
Fucking based.
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>every other expac
>big hype buildup to the final dungeon
>ok we're done doing menial tasks and chores now, lets go
>no fluff cutscene or anything you just enter
Wuk Lamat was the one going on about understanding each other, I picked the option that called her a soulless machine and was gunning to kill her ass since the moment I first laid eyes on her.
I just hate XIV because you spam threads on /v/
If they wanted to ape FF9, should have had her turn into the Blue Meanie instead of a PSO2 reject loli
So how long before Yoshit Piss hits the panic button and brings back Emet?
There are so many negative posts in these threads you cannot possibly be attributing them all to one dude without severe mental illness.
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>people liked Emet and Meteion, right?
>hold my sake
>Small chest = child.
Why does Moot of the Asian variety allow Australia on this site?
so what would you guys have liked to see out of DT that wasnt what we got? what would you change? what were you hoping for?
Great standing at max distance and killing everything with sub palette
>sole ruler of alexandria
>let a retarded lizard in
>he completely rewrites every single law somehow
>you then can't do anything when he kills your citizens
woman moment
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look how fucking flat she is
GOD that's hot
you can't underestimate how schizo /pol/tards can be, he has hundreds of twitter accounts shitposting all the time, he samefags entire threads by himself to get people to hate DT, he's even infiltrating 5chan to try and get japanese folk to hate it too
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I'm not gonna cuck you Koana don't worry. She's all yours
I'm still leveling so I'm not sure although someone said you can't get more than one
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A story that wasn't poochie, where whenever poochie is offscreen someone asks "Where's poochie?"
it felt like they wanted to do Amaurot/Dead Ends again
but it sucked
I want Koana
the "smile" song is complete garbage and embarassing. especially during that train montage which is a failed attempt to invoke the trolley talos scenes
anon? she literally has heckin boobs in the screenshot
actual beach fun holy shit
>We could have met up with meteion
>See what she was up to
>See what she found now that she is exploring again
>Instead we get >>681435701
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>Twitter is the only place that's actually defending Dawntrail
Are twitterfags just genuine subhuman retards with no taste?
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Wuk Lamat says foreign interventionism is good.
We SHOULD decide who is the ruler of Cuba
The only good thing to come out of Dawntrail.
Nope. Still not buying yawnfail
Condense Koza and Yak'tel into 1 bigger zone. Make another North America zone.
Get a different writer. Stat. This fucker they have now is writing on the level of Dragon Ball filler. He's better off seeking employment at Toei where he can add all the crying children, filler exclusive characters that take over the story from the main characters and retarded villains he wants.
FFX, but slaying nu-primals/demigod beasts like the 83 trail, instead of the 7 gym badges shit, more of two-head acting like a Dick Dastardly for a few levels more, instead of bitching out so quickly, have Wuk fuck off and do the defences with catman the moment the Solution 9 arc begins and have two-head join you for vengeance as a party member to fight the zoomer bots.

I have no idea how to fix the ending, its too retarded, sorry.
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small... perky...
You know they're gonna do that either way. The least they could do is make them reversed.
I’d be fine with taking second if the character was better and retarded
You could have saved her anon but you didn't, why did you save her? Why didn't you protect her smile?
we've done nothing in this game BUT foreign intervene, the scions are literal glowies. whats the point of shitposting about this now
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Obviously no it's not one person but if you wanna argue about how genuine the "push back" is then you've got /pol/'s strongest warrior on your side. A guy who struggles to post coherent thoughts that aren't nearly 14 year old /pol/ and /b/ memes and follows Asmongold and Ian Miles Cheong on Twitter.
So what are the chances Alexander has something to do with Alexandria
Nigger, the two headed cartoon villain releases an apocalyptic bird to kill everyone including his own race but doesn't get disqualified and everyone is supposed to feel bad for him for some reason and COUNTLESS other shitty writing examples are just a hard fact in the story. The last 2 levels of MSQ are literally fanfiction tier.

It is fucking horrible and deserves to be treated as such.
she's getting paid millions to become the main lore lead and head writer for FF17, which unlike FF16, will revive the franchise and become a mini-franchise of its own like FF7
Zero is also involved?!
Wow the 97 dungeon bosses were actually kinda tough
Yes but they simply know better than everyone so it's their right to interfere. They're on the right side of history which takes precedence over your sovereignty or the people's right to know.
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she did show up kinda sorta
>Second trials boss theme
Yep, Soken has fell off.
holy shit taste
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I personally did not enjoy Dawntrail whatsoever. The story is dogshit, while the battle content is good. The fact the story doesn't even begin for more then half the runtime is insane. I am genuinely worried for the game's future when so many of the casual players do not give an iota of a fuck about the combat side of the content and only want to play the story.
I don't care who agrees with me; it's not gonna change my opinion about the terrible fucking writing.
My cute wife...
You're right it was shit, so shit infact it made me want to take a dump just listening to it.
stick to racial tensions within tural. mamool ja and yok huy in open rebellion. have the stakes be higher than something stupid like
>technologically hyperadvanced civilization attacks capital city with roboarmy
>dozens perish
the phys range role quests are literal dogshit. first time i skipped scenes in them even if they weren't always great before
>when so many of the casual players do not give an iota of a fuck about the combat side of the content and only want to play the story.
they are the ones ruining the game
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>There is only one person on the entire internet who uses sepcific meme reaction images
>There is no way that other posters see a reaction image, like it, then download it and reuse it themselves
>No it has to be the same person using this exact image and nobody else
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>Actual exploration and old civilization, not some retarded tard wrangling mixed with sci fi shit when we've had that so many times
>Actual beach summer adventure with the scions
>Actual search for ancient treasure with racial tensions
>The tensions bring in rebellious factions now with way more development
>The treasure would be something that the old world starts fighting over, hence our involvement
>More shit to do with the ocean
>Wuk is a side character on the starting area, nothing else
>The story focuses on the world and the WoL feeling out of place when there's no massive thrill, slowly learning to truly enjoy the role of Azem the traveller and what it actually means

And just like that the expansion would've been kino, but alas, we just HAD to have Wuk forced down.
Anon they're all like that, the villains are literally hyldibrand level of absurdity
You should also be more than cognizant as a seasoned player that X.0 patches are pretty much universally dogshit and full of job mistakes that later get ironed out. You've forgotten Shake It Off and Energy Drain already, for example.
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>Whiteknight anon is so obsessed and schizophrenic that he went out of his way to stalk twitter to find a single Dawntrail critic who has used even one reaction image also used by posters on /v/ to use this as "proof" of a doomer conspiracy against his belovd Dawntrail
Also nice samefagging. Are all of these negative reviews one person too?
Sure, but if all of them leave, it's fucked. Square is already imploding. 16 was a bit of a flop, 7R was absolutely a flop, Forspoken was an enormous flop, the Avengers game flopped.
Dawntrail NEEDED to be a straight-up Shadowbringers tier BANGER to salvage the dumpster fire state the company is in.
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I enjoyed this part a lot
yes, even when I got trolley'd
nibirun anon who missed the twitter filename on the heckin' woke lemutt image and runs over to defend the honor of a true and honest 4channer
I seriously can't believe it. When we finished the Temple of Autism gameshow shit for the first 50% and returned to the city I genuinely thought they were going to finally bench her and finish her arc. But no, her shitty VA and character ruins the ENTIRE thing to the very tip end of it all. Dawntrail is the first time I've EVER felt like not playing this game ever again. First time EVER, I even lasted through the darkest times of ARR and Heavensward.
The discourse would have been much more coherent if they didn't purposefully pick a troon to deflect all criticism away, even from people who played on JP dub
Culture war shit is the grim reaper of discussion and they do this shit on purpose
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>succession ceremony if finally fucking over, means I can finally fuck off and never see lamutt again
>erenville calls me? sure why not, I can tag along for some cowboy shenanigans probably his mom is smoking hot too
>based Estinien is there too? Fucking rad!
>fucking Endless started to ruin everything
i genuinely would rather that happen, it's squares fault and they already constantly siphon money out of 14 to fund flop after flop. the game is just monkeys paw incarnate
>>Whiteknight anon is so obsessed and schizophrenic that he went out of his way to stalk twitter to find a single Dawntrail critic who has used even one reaction image also used by posters on /v/ to use this as "proof" of a doomer conspiracy against his belovd Dawntrail

This sounds familiar.....kind of like the one ResetEra corssposter doomers use to say all defense/praise is from

It's actually hilarious that Dawntrail defender-kun is outing himself as not only a schizo but a far-lefty who has /pol/ living rent free in his head. No wonder he gets triggered at criticism of Woke Lamutt.

But why are any of us surprised, when it was already outed that the resident whiteknights are literal ResetEra invaders camping any and all Final Fantasy threads on /v/.
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You've got resetera in your corner running defense for this pile of shit story because of culture war shit so don't pretend this is one sided.
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>Artifact avatar
Ain't no fucking way
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Why are Twitterfags defending having another character literally cuck them out of their own story?
>you don't like my tranny cat queen, you should literally end your life over a video game
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All of those posts you replies to?
Me and my 53 phones.
I'm him. I'm the guy.
holy shit she got even hotter
Sunk cost trannies will always defend Yawntrail, it's like WoW. The first step to fixing XIV is to get Yoshida to fire the tranny voice actor and Kate.
jesus christ that burst of schizo posts LOL

Zurool Ja has his son from the beginning and being able to leave behind a proper legacy for him that isn't as suffocating as the one his father left for him is his main motivation, none of that initial "We must needs bring war to bring peace!" farce. His desperation to surpass his father should be the main focus of his character from chapter 1. He should only turn into the ruthless monster he becomes post golden city after witnessing Koana and Lamat beat the shade of Gulool Ja Ja together

Koana doesn't need to change he's perfect the way he is only flaw is that he has to bounce off of Wuk Lamat. He needs more interactions with Zurool.

Bakuul Ja Ja is great, but I would've played up his desperation and arrogance up more rather than just making him initially a meathead who wants to beat up and take the keystones. for instance instead of freeing Valigarmanda for no reason he could instead free him AFTER attempting the trial but losing to Horah Loux but still thinking he's hot shit so he wants to take on the blm bird as proof he's strong.

Sphene and Alexandria should be introduced into the plot much earlier rather than having to do a filler episode in cowboy turn before they show up.

Gujool Ja Ja should still die but he should die defending the city from Sphene's mechanical soldiers rather than from Zurool who instead witnesses this and goes on a bender about being unable to surpass his Father properly and instead gets obessed with proving that he's better than Lamat and friends

Cut down the Alexandria bloat.

Gujool Ja Ja extreme
Source Magnus has a cool wife.
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We're at the point where DawnTrannies cannot defend this dogshit expansion and instead resort to trying to dox anyone who doesn't like it.
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When the same twitterfags got astronomically pissed at Zenos over the bodyswap scene
remember that 90% of these people defending poochie are also probably modbeasts and ERP enjoyers
>alt twitter account is doxxing
horseshoe theory is real
I see the doomer discord arrived
You look like a mall ninja.
I see the trooner discord arrived
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Unironically why the FUCK isn't Melwyb everywhere?
Isn't her crew with her as the captain the ones that canonically mapped the new world?
Imagine if instead of cat bitch pandering we had fun pirate/corsair adventures with Melwyb...
What was with that weird ass musical number at the train segment? Completely out of left field
Viper at high levels is fucking annoying with the amount of double weaving after fucking everything. At least until you run out of resources and have to use the 1/2 combos where it's a lot of nothing for a moment
>mad cause >>681437068
caught you in real time LMAO
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itt: total doomsissy destruction
>Why can't these devs implement something without making it either a half-measure or extra menus?
Spaghetti code is always the answer to why can't the devs do something.
stop avatarfagging
I thought there was no way anyone would be able to defend what I just experienced the past few days in this MSQ but I really underestimated how happy to eat shit XI/v/ is. How did /v/ of all places become more rabidly defensive of the game than plebbit and the official forums?
>Which flavor of underage internet retard do you want today sir?
>until you run out of resources and have to use the 1/2 combos
I like viper but those moments feel really awkward
also no msq mentions bruh why did I even lvl it
wasn't the post patch scene only arcadion reopening?
did I miss something?
if yoshi p wasn't a faggot we could've gotten blitzballer + corsair + pictomancer and then beastmaster as limited
still can't get over how much potential they wasted on this expansion
You know, it's astonishing—no, downright baffling—to encounter someone so utterly detached from reality that they resort to the despicable act of doxxing just to defend their precious Dawntrail expansion. It's as if this anonymous keyboard warrior has morphed into a digital stalker straight out of a dystopian cyber-thriller, hunting down innocent Twitter users like some deranged Ascian from Final Fantasy XIV. Seriously, what twisted logic drives someone to believe that violating privacy and causing real-life distress is a justified response to a video game's shortcomings? Are they under the delusion that by unleashing personal information into the wilds of the internet, they're somehow championing a cause greater than themselves? Let's be clear here: there is no heroism in cowardice, no righteousness in malicious anonymity. This behavior isn't just misguided; it's dangerously delusional. It's like watching a train wreck in slow motion, except instead of steel and smoke, it's pixels and forum drama. How disconnected from humanity must one be to prioritize a digital crusade over basic decency and respect for others' privacy? It's a spectacle of absurdity, a tragicomic display of online bravado masking profound insecurity and a desperate need for validation. So, to the self-appointed defender of Dawntrail, the would-be Ascian of the virtual realm, here's a reality check: your actions aren't heroic, they're heinous. Your methods aren't justifiable, they're unjust and indefensible. If your goal is to protect a game you love, start by reflecting on what it means to be a decent human being, because in the grand scheme of things, no expansion, no game, and certainly no digital crusade is worth sacrificing the fundamental principles of empathy and respect.
cissy is never going to catch on as an insult.
finding your account in sena bryer's replies is not being doxxed
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If only that is what the expansion was buddy, if only
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>only bibo trannies and furries are still playing
Doom chads won
when can i buy a DT story skip?
I've been playing since launch, and every hour that goes by I feel justified in my decision to stop at Endwalker. Everything I had seen from pre-release regarding the new expansion gave me a weird vibe.

I never really played WoW past the first week of launch, but I think I understand what those players went through now.

Fuck this shit.
>literally third world andy wowfag
The content is actually great, too bad it takes 8 hours of talking to Wuk Lamat any time you want to reach a dungeon.
>reddit spacing
>parroting reddit opinions about a game he hasn't played
>I never really played WoW past the first week of launch,
anon, that was 20 years ago, what the fuck are you talking about?
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It is so odd they did a very similar story almost exactly 20 years ago that was so much better.
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total doomchad victory
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Look upon your chads
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How is CoP remotely similar to Dawntrail?
Dawntrail? More like DUNGtrail, amirite boys?
Why are the writers so obsessed with using "racial tension" as a narrative device when everyone already knows that there is only one socially approved way it can be resolved? It just makes it trite and boring.
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>ok we're done doing menial tasks and chores now, lets go
>no fluff cutscene or anything you just enter
This was every Endwalker patch and you were still surprised.
You get a call out during the solo duty against el lizardo padre but I think that's it
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ummmmmmmm based
xi had actual charm and waifus

xiv is fujo niggershit for dilators
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>enjoying any given game
>take break to lurk /v/
>nothing but seething

every fucking time
this account had to of been created to bait people theres no way, this is too on the nose
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This time it's because a seether's Twitter was found.
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go back wowfag
I'm wondering if it isn't too but there was pretty abruptly a seethe-out about being "doxxed" just now because of that account.
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>Can't believe the second part of Dawntrail managed to be better than Shadowbringers
It definitely is a shame because the front half made me unsub. *shrugs*

Shill thread

Dawntrail is fucking shite
Dead civilizations trying bring themselves back even if it kills everything else.
Female sidekick that is the main focus of the story.
Your old group mostly being out of the way for most of the story while you explore a new (or thought lost and now entirely changed) frontier.
>go to old sharlayan
>get a tear in the eye from the music
man, where did it all go so wrong
You guys pay a monthly subscription fee?

For this?

Sounds like retardation not gonna lie...
>ACK-ing on tranny voice actor's timeline

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>Shadowbrinders ended well
>Start of Endwalker was good until Zodiark was fought way to early to be replaced by Sad bird hates everything
>story went full retard
>Dawntrail goes even further retard
I want to go back. Stormblood wasn't even this bad.
that was very obviously a joke post anon
living memory made me wish this was an erenville expansion
Dawntrail is CoP if the entire time we followed around the 3 taru-tarus and they were the main characters. Then at the end when we are fighting promathia they swoop in and cast tri-meteor and kill it.
You spend on your time posting the same pic in XIV threads

For this?

Sounds like retardation not gonna lie...
what's the point of this
most those posts have nothing to do with ffxiv
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of course it's malboro
look mummy i posted it

At least it cost me 0 euros, what about you, retard?
Goddammit Krile is so fucking cute AAAAAAA
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Are you familiar with the phrase "time is money"?
Still don't care about your shitty tranny MC.
he got doxxed so he's going full schizo
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>Unironically doing it for free
>Dead civilizations trying bring themselves back even if it kills everything else.
That's not what was happening in CoP. The Zilart were trying to restore Paradise like the Ascians were, not bring themselves back, and that was also in RotZ. CoP is about the revival of Promathia and the subsequent end of the world that will happen if he's allowed to take form and commit suicide.
>Female sidekick that is the main focus of the story.
That's every XI expansion but Prishe is a bitter old theologian who's doing her sacred duty to find Promathia rather than a retarded manchild furry who needs to be told how trading goods works while she's trying to become ruler of a country.
A lot of those groyper types are so beyond parody I can never tell which of them are serious or not.
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she is growing extremely fast on me. I really love her. I have a weakness to genki tomboy archetype.
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am i a little insane or is this just not the same character
Where? Literally everyone besides Twitter is ripping DawnFail a new one.
jp voices i presume
>genki tomboy hime
I should love her, why does this expansion have to be the way that it is
i want to enjoy his meat
>a pakistani
>likes the animal
Of course you do, you're a literal goatfucker lmao
Hebet Selch
You aren't allow to like her.
i mean she plays that role the straightest it can possibly be
what the actual literal fuck is this gif
I could see the appeal
and then I realized I was only lvl 93
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I just did the Gulool Ja Ja fight. Pretty Kino. And he basically called her sheltered, which she most definitely is
you're literally retarded
>Suddenly Estinien, Alphi and Y'shtola appear before 99 trial just for enable trust system.
Writer already give up isn't it.
I like her, she's a cute goofball like Yuffie.
Yeah, a much better version to the same broad strokes.
Save the world from being consumed, the only real difference is you eventually finding out sidekick is stuck in a teenage body forever and frustrated instead of brash.
No. I'm not into culture war shit. My main problem is the black bunny being the narrator of the expansion, but it isn't really a big deal.
different strokes for different people
>had to of
>to of
its ok esl. take your time. i understand english is veryu hardu.
its worse than ff14 1.0
guy lost his will to live but that don't mean he has to be a downer about it
trust system shouldve never been main characters it's so fucking retarded
>using jp voices makes you "into culture war shit"
>doxxes someone because they don't like DT
you're the nigger
guys calm down he just said he liked her and explained why lol its his opinion.
>ur daughter is retarded
>"haha she kinda is"
based dad
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>Don't worry, the scary adventurer's not going to try anything
>the absolute fucking chimp out
Bakool Ja Ja steals the scene anytime he shows up.
Troon Lamat
dump succession plotline or fucking backline it, its fucking gay
initial party is WoL who is oonga boonga me adventure now i hear about golden city, Krile who wants to find out why grandaddy was in Tural and Erenville who gets roped into being a guide
add some new characters who come along for their own reasons, backline Scions and have them do their own shit but pop in and out as story demands either helping us or us helping them
just pure "fuck it we adventure and get into mishaps"
oh and add more hot viera girls, preferably tribal ones
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He's given up since 4.2
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reporting you to kate for transphobia
>No. I'm not into culture war shit
????? it has nothing to do with culture war shit, the NA voice is DOGSHIT the JP voice is good
I hope you picked the shes not ready dialogue option. Utterly kino.
no, I mean that I been using english the entire time, why should I suddenly change.
Oh fuck, Bongo Cat is on my home server. He is a super fucking annoying attention whore.
Twitterniggers deserve everything they get.
Dawntrail still sucks dick and Sena Bryer sounds like he slammed his balls in a car door when he speaks.
They aren't really trying to restore anything in Dawntrail either, the only real difference is the god wants to destroy everything to delay the inevitable for the civilization instead of them waking up a god that wants to die.
When is the WoW expansion coming out?
bongo cat's also got the complete right of it

This dude pays a monthly fee for this hyper commercialized soulless slop wheeeeeeeeeeezeeeeeeeeeeeeee
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HAHAHAHAAHHA. WTF HAHAHAAHAAHAHAHAHAHAA. I have never seen such type of face before, only old men, but not like hd old.
who cares
no not really
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I miss when WoL had sass
nowadays he's just there for moral support or being plain retarded
She doesn't use glamours, she negotiated with elders or some forest god niggas to stop her aging later than usual so she's not treated like a kid when she becomes next leader
Sorry, I meant Amerimutt Dollars
>Can the WOL chill? And focus on IDK love?
Would be nice if that happened. Would be nice if anything happened.
I asked, i cared. It won't take much for it to out do dawntrail and I want to to do better.
>"I'll kill your god. Maybe even if I don't have to."
>"o-okay i won't go on your holy mountain to kill valigarmanda without permission......."
Has Yoshida apologized yet?
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>there like one sass line
>if you choose it the other characters go "uhmm sorrry sweaty, you ACTUALLY meant to say the other line" in essence
>just commit genocide please WoL. I know under our frame of reference and beliefs the endless aren't actually REAL people so just kill them all. It doesn't matter that they're alive still by the definitions of their reflection, just do it
I would wonder how the Emet haters on twtiter from ShB are feeling, but they're all chimps who can't understand hypotheticals so it doesn't matter
DT is awful
The tranny is awful at voice acting (who knew?)
>55-page official forum thread shitting on woke lamat

Brave of squeenix to let it stay up but heads better be rolling after this, starting with tranny bryer and kate
>erenville has a normal if thick viera accent
>his mom sounds like an american black woman (which she is to be fair)
why? Would it be too awkward to tell him to drop the accent after the retcon?
>Erenville having me pick up poop for a questline that revolves around finding a missing bracelet from Wuk Lamatt to her handservant

Yeah I'm just gonna skip this. This is a genuine humilation ritual at this point.
>he bought an expansion voiced by an unpassable troon
The writing was on the wall, shills
actually every account is just the /pol/tard under different names, everyone who actually played the game loved wuk and would gladly let her take over the story
is this the time where we all go into ultra cope mode? It's not Stormblood bad but god damn Dawntrail is boring af. This is the second worst expac easily.
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$40 quality from a sub mmo
They have to completely change the va if he had to drop the accent
>Hmmm well if you use souls as currency and permanently consume them to save yourself then that's your culture and we have to respect it.
All Emet-Selch had to do was tell them that is his vibrant culcha.
>It's time for the WOL to take a break, guys
Yeah if we were actually taking a "break" we'd be spending the entire expansion chilling on the (nonexistent because the new capital doesn't even have a proper beach) beach instead of running around being Wuk Lamatt's personal goon.
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So what's the cope now?
>phone screenshot
Kill yourself.
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They are literally treating the player like a total fucking clown and yet they pay for this shit and defend it on top.

Literally the FFXIV can do no wrong.
Youre triggering my autism really hard right now
Kinda wish I had an official forum account just to complain about stuff I want changed but they'd never do what I want
It bothered me too but her voice was also hot as fuck.
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I think we all owe Titanman an apology.
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My wife
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You were already a god slayer picking up shit on the steppe back in Stormblood. You really do need a humiliation ritual since you have no humility. Or long term memory.
Glad I'm not the only one who noticed this. It makes the WoL into a psycho
i'm guessing that "final solution 9" account is related to him in some way if he's being brought up unprompted
Must suck being a worthless EOP.
>Joined April 2024
>Same post I saw here a day or so ago
you should disconnect from the server
Stop mass replying if you can't even keep it straight what you're trying to shitpost about retard
no it doesn't, they're brain copies uploaded to a database that inherently requires entire shards' worth of souls to keep fueled
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90% of the boring ass exposition dumps in this expansion would be improved tremendously if they had him come out of nowhere to do them instead - complete with the voice.
Nice try, hope you better succeed when you go to hang yourself
uh oh grummzcord meltie
How much Crysta is S-E paying you to suck its cock?
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>wearing the most Garlean legatus helmet available to a gatherer
>mass reply
>defending phone subhumans
Kill yourself.
Begone memories using other peoples souls to masquerade as a living person. *Full Metal Fields u*
We were picking a combustible
22nd of next month, I'm curious as to what the writing is even going to be, when this is the first time I've ever seen an MMO reveal the titles of 3 expansions in a row
If you see my forums account it says I joined sometime in 2023 yet I've been playing since the end of ARR, it means nothing.
>Erenville having me pick up poop for a questline
Gotta love that FF14 copies WoW even down to the literal pick up shit quests.
I mean there is a thread of consistency to it.
Live. Even if it means killing or destroying the thing threatening you in totality. Emet wanted to kill us all to save his society. We fought back and won. Sphene wants to kill us all to keep her society around. So we fight back and win again.
>more fleshed out
>Wuk Lamat has 90% of the screentime
>Krile spends most of the plot making :O faces whenever someone says THE GOLDEN CITY...
>Erenville is there until 80% of the way through
>Alisaie and Alphinaud are irrelevant
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so its canon that wol sleeps with whatever he wears
its his user
>people who like cool helmets wear cool helmets
Then why does it say you joined the Forum April 2024
with 237 posts there holy shit
You forgot the part where it was fine while the system was self-contained, the minute she learned they were gonna harvest other worlds starting with hers is when the scions put their foot down
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You were picking up shit.
>Spaghetti code
Not like we pay a subscription fee for them to fix shit
So why is it wrong to kill everyone on every Shard? They are all shadows of true people, fragmented broken copies.
im wearing emet selch oh my god pleas ei need to sleepwith hinmm.. nnghh im almost finished gnnfgh NNGHHH *splurt*
except at the end they let them continue the practice
no bongo cat's right that most of it is kneejerk whining from retards that can't articulate what they actually don't like about it, and this is if not making an assumption they've played it at all
237 posts in 60 days is about 4 posts per day, which is pretty normal, that's about how many posts I make on 4chan a day
>Fight Zoreel Ja Ja
>Sphene spergs out
>Think it's finally the end and I go into the final zone and level 100 trial
>I get sent back to Turilolal and am walking with poochie around town
I want it to end already, this is just suffering.
We make dues in the steppes
They won't, because you keep paying, stop paying, specially when the company depends on FFXIV at the moment to survive, and you'll see the change you wish to see in the world.

Keep giving them money, and they'll stay low effort.
She's more like Femet-lidibus.
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It's not their job to articulate their criticism. It's the job of the company to make a product that isn't shit to play through.
Why? The defenders just ignore every single complaint and call it all lies from people who don't play the game. I'm playing the game right fucking now and let me tell you, easily 80% of this story could be cut because it is meaningless filler, even when important things are happening. Most of the time, you have 1-2 important cutscenes and then we go straight back into the filler mines.
There is filler in zone 5. There is filler in zone 6. What are we doing here, exactly? Why are we having long pointless filler segments during the climactic acts of the story?
>Its to introduce you to filler NPCs to make you feel bad
If the story is about killing all the filler NPCs, why should I care about them when the writers don't? The first thing they do is have Alisaie call the soul thing in their heads an abomination. I'm clearly not supposed to feel bad about the mass genocide I'm going to commit, but they're desperate to have it both ways - this is both a monstrous evil, but also good, actually, that I'm going to genocide all these innocent people because they were never really alive, despite acting exactly like the living would.
>omega weapon
You can buy a boosting service to get it for just 9 bucks.
>their own story

Retard, the whole point is that it isn't your story, it's woke lemutt's. How are trancers so fucking bad at having media literacy?
None of these faggots are arguing in good faith. They are defending Wuk because tranny.
TOP is more like 100-150 last I checked. I did the fight myself though because I'm not gonna pay someone real money to do content for me.
Ultimates aren't hard, they're a timesink. Anyone can clear if they try hard enough and want to improve at the game. I'm just good enough to know how bad I really am.
>None of these faggots are arguing in good faith.
/vpol/ and Twitter has that in common.
For all the danger Vali could pose, it's not a primal. It doesn't vacuum aether just by existing. Plus it's (at the time) already forever-sealed. So why not go along with the funny little south american succession contest?
>tfw Wuk is a legitimate shit ass character that shouldn't have been added or at least should have been written VERY differently, but it's now a discussion we will never be able to have because the well is completely poisoned
I was talking about after it broke out and then the three Yok Huys tell you you're not allowed to go after it because it's on holy ground.
>None of these faggots is arguing in good faith
FTFY, grammarlet.
You know something is going to be bad when they preemptively try to create a motte and bailey around it.
and it's fine because it's self-contained, without the massive overhead of the Endless

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