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Lyn was raped by bandits in the hot Sacaean summer of 2003.
Why else would she dress like that?
lyn would be doing the raping actually and she should do it to ME
Why do men love forcing themselves on women so much? I just want to make love with my husband
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Honestly back in the day it was due to the lack of video games, television, and illiteracy
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That’s actually Maria Sivenkova and it’s assbaby spawn THOUGH (and it happens every day)
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Marriage with Marianne!
Schizo wouldn't have posted in the Lucina thread, but NOOOOOOOOOOO let it die
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Fire Emblem girls should be cute, smitten, and lovey dovey lovebirds exclusively with Fire Emblem boys.
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I love my wife, Annette
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and she fucking loved it
Does deathchaos know you’ve been posting him here, anon?
Did her quads blew as well?
Fire Emblem?
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it's over
That’s what not getting another game does
get fucked
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Time to save this thread with gameplay discussion. Pic related is known for Heals on Wheels utility, but isn't even that bad at combat simply because Anima is op
I want a PR remake so badly.
Well, IS doesn't want to kill the series, so tough luck
I'm 100% sure more people would buy it this time around given more people know what a FE is.
so it could flop again? KEKAROO
yeah right likes TMS KEKAROO
Just like how Echoes got better sales as a remake of Gaiden! Oh wait, it still flopped
she's a mediocre unit in a piss easy game, it's not that hard to become OP
Same can be said for people who ask for Engage 2 or Warriors.
>Piss easy
Post your ironman
>Just like how Echoes got better sales as a remake of Gaiden! Oh wait, it still flopped
Absolutely nobody tell her.
Except that Engage sold pretty well, and only infinite growth retards would complain about its numbers
Anything under 2 million is a flop and remake sloppers think any remake could even break 1.5 million
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You see this? It(s remake) sold more than FE3 and 4.
o-oh but thats why they gotta release it at the beginning of the next console life cycle! that'll make a difference I swear!
if you compare JP only sales of Echoes it actually didnt even outsell Jugkino 4 kek
thats why people say its a flop, if ameirgoyslop enjoyers couldnt buy the game youd see it
You would actually have a point if it sold around 3H numbers are somewhere between Fates and 3H. Selling less than half the previous entry and less than the last 3 main entries is indisputably a bad thing, especially since the Switch has an enormous attachment rate at the time Engage came out compared to 3H and even the 3DS
>if you compare JP only sales
Japan is literally a backwater region compared to the rest of the world sis. That's where the real dimes are drawn.
And you want a repeat of that with a demake instead of IS giving it all they got to replicate 3H success with a fresh new game
It literally has the second highest sales numbers consistently outside the US, retard.
Where's the Westoid seether when we need him? We have a perfect example of anti-Japan racism right here
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Because women love rape and selected for men who also love it
What the fuck are you talking about, retard? I literally said nothing about any remake
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>Lyn was raped by bandits in the hot Sacaean summer of 2003.
kek hes a schizo so of course he imagines shit when it isnt there and is nowhere to be seen when an example of the actual thing happens
>Experimental games sometimes sell less
Woah... Better just make the same game forever because we need GROWTH
people were shitting on demake sloppers and then you came out to deflect with
>b-but what avout Engage 2 sloppers!
so yes you did mention it, your original comment was made in defense of a demake
Engage is not experimental at all. It’s the same exact shit we’ve been getting for over 30 years now but with a new gimmick and a gay artstyle mean to attract a “newer generation” of mentally challenged weebs and otakus like you.
>Implying Houses wasn’t experimental
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better artstyle
Why is removing her shirt on the right with only panties on but has shorts on on the right after obviously just removing her shirt with her arms still in the sleeves?
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Because Lyn sex
Experimental in the sense that it was meant for an audience that doesn't like TRPGs.
Why is this toothpaste so cute?
Kys retard ironic weeb
Never said it wasn't. 3H's experiment was a big catch since it managed to get not only the attention of veterans looking for something new, but normalfags as well. Meanwhile, Engage scared off the normalfags, while the main fanbase stuck with it
It wasn’t experimental, you braindead faggot. The ring shit is literally another iteration of the pair up mechanic from Awakening like battalions were in 3H except now there’s a super move. Insane delusion to believe people that liked the sprite artwork of the old games and simplistic gameplay of them “stuck” with Engage when it has the same mechanics they’ve been screeching about since Awakening but with an even more obnoxious Vtuber artstyle. Meanwhile I’ve been playing since the GBA games released and only ended up emulating Engage because I couldn’t stomach the way the game looked and ended up hating the stupid super moves with a passion
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Reminder that Fire Emblem is an anime series to its core, and that Engage fundamentally experimented with several of the series' mechanics beyond the rings, which were experimental themselves
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I love Karla. She's the most beautiful woman I've ever laid eyes on.
We get it, you don't like FE.
Stop posting on /v/ Bartre
Sex with Karla
How much do you love Karla?
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I love Karla so much that I would cheat on my wife with her.
>Bartre is a namefag
Basedman is just a chill waifu aficionado, don't worry about him
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That bad huh. Gonna try to make Fir early with Karla?
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Yes, indeed. I'd love to make a little cyan sword kitten with her.
Lyndis R Caelin
Stop cheating on your wife, firfag
Oyakodon afterwards? Fucking Fir and Karla together once she's here?
Lewd Bartre
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A rare MAlear can be observed in his natural habitat
>blows raspberries on belly
Cecilia's biggest weakness is she was simply given the worst intro chapter imaginable for her unit type. 8 Mov unit reduced to 2 because desert and those mediocre stats and people tend to overlook her.
That's what I was gonna say. Isn't he looking for his daughter still in the Western Isles? Fucker needs to hurry before she joins her mom in the raped by bandits list.
She was also in the same map where you get Sophia, the worst units in the game so they associated the two together.
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>Lyns molested shota tactician in the spring of 2023
What the fuck?
This is a Fire Emblem character
You ever actually used her as a unit?
What if they made a FE... but it was all desert?
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divine dragon
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dwagon sexo
I want a PR remake so badly.
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How would they not with that slutty outfit?
see >>681447394
It's not gonna happen
see >>681447453
Enough time has passed.
Amazing how much better the art look without the shading.
See >>681447804
Once a flop, always a flop
Pretty soon (as in 2 weeks from now) we will have had 1 fire emblem released in the last 5 calendar years. There’s never been a larger drought
Imagine IS actually made a good FE game
We got it last year.
That’s probably the very reason most anime and manga don’t actually use shading.
I said good, not shit, anon.
>I said good
I know, that's why I said Engage and none of that pre-2006 shit.
Woah, let’s not get crazy now. Next thing you’ll say is “imagine a new F-Zero game.”
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>implying bandits could ever put a dent in this bitch
>gba kiddie
Eat shit, secondary faggot.
Sis, we all started with the GBA stuff.
GBAfags are the oldfags of FE now retard
Oldfag, no one bought those games. We all started with awakening or 3H
>Oldfag, no one bought those games.
They were easier to get ahold of than everything that came after.
Sorry, but that’s not reflected in the actual sales data.
I didn't buy them and emulated them because at that time it was a departure of what I was used to and the designs looked colorful and goofy
Switch games literally leak before they get officially released
>my computer is from 2002
Ok colombian
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Just bought this. Hope it's legit. Been a pain with the number of bootlegs out there and then there was one auction I won but the seller wouldn't ship the game so I had to get my money back.
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how do i feel happy again bros
Do novel things instead of the same old
Think of Sommie.
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Look at the text on the shell. If it's noticeably thin, then it's a bootleg. If you unscrew and disassemble the cartridge, and the teeth look like the ones on the bottom left, then it's a bootleg.
At least this one is obvious with a logo that doesn't even try to look like the original
I've gotten two bootlegs sold as legit in the past and the teeth were the giveaways. Got refunds for both. You don't even have to disable them. You can just shine a light on them,
I waited a few years after they came out before emulating
I'm also not Colombian so I don't get the reference
Point is I didnt buy that kiddie slop it was basically to me what Engage and other nuFE are to us now
Reminds me of how I bought SD for $30 Canadian, and it was actually perfectly legit. Odd, considering how much mark-up there usually is
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>those via-in-pad trace connections in the teeth on the bootleg
>Point is I didnt buy that kiddie slop it was basically to me what Engage and other nuFE are to us now
Tryhard, this is a kid's series.
I wish life was easy but unfortunately I have to deal with humans
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Can we get some cute please?
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He's King of Cute.
Deathchaos status?
chaotic death
currently hate keeping the engage map editor with his trannyjerk consisting of the retard duo heritor and troonling
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id vote for sommie
>has the best endgame boss fight in the entire series
>is an amazing unit that crits almost every turn and has great availability
>the only one not stupid to blindly trust their kidnapped sibling raised in the enemy nation
>fucks camilla
>is literally a spaghetti spilling tsundere and one of us
Why do we hate Takumi again?
Fuck off, namschizo
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you're mentally ill
Sucking Kobazco’s cock while they had all the secret engage mods and documentation
>>fucks camilla
I play Mamui solely to do this, that cuck is never touching a hair on my sisterwife's head.
for anal only
But then how would you make Noire?
Someone say anal only?
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my first copy of fe7 was a bootleg and it had the completely wrong label, couldn't find a pic online but basically it was the box art but pasted on the cartridge. it literally cracked open like the cartridge cracked open it was so low quality.
Azura is canon love interest though?
to hell with having sex with your cousin, I'd rather fuck my ara-ara sister.
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I would also check if it has a number imprinted on the stocker like this. If it has one, chances are higly likely that it´s an original cart.
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fuck your sister
Retard is about to accidentally expose her boob
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they are not retards!!!
Femanon? 0_0

I want to make love with you too honey
…Was never good after New Mystery
Bro have you seen how she dresses normally?
And that’s a good thing!
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dwagons are so cute
Tranny are not women.
Now post Veyle and Alear from this artist
THIS. Bootleggers can’t pull off the imprint number.
Male Corn sides with Hoshido, the Corns that side with Nohr and neither side are both female. Male Corn is never pit in a position in “canon” to marry Camilla.
This is all backed by the box art, the DLC for Fates, Heroes, and Engage.
That’s just how Nohrians dress, you bigot.
and you can canonically suck my dick bitch, I'm still fucking Camilla as Mamui and you can't stop me.
>That’s just how Nohrians dress
Still better than Hector needing to be by Ephiram to raise a stiffy.
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From the river to the sea Cheve Will be free
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Hectorbluds....is this true?
Looks like a perfect empty spot for Goku and Vegeta to fight
You Karla anons are so funny, keep putting on the good show, I’m actually enjoying it, still better than the occasional shitflinging schizoposting
Fir x Noah = Mia
Literally Who?



>iPhone filename
Stop pretending to be a regular poster, or do the world a favor and finally eat a bullet.
I'm unlocking Rosado's supports now for completion purposes and Goodman I havent cringed this hard since Forrest
These nonbinary characters don't belong in this series
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Generic Lancebreaker FemPal my beloved
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Ain't no way.....
Learn Japanese, he's a lot more tolerable then.
I remember picking up something like this and this ended up being Sacred Stones instead of Blazing Sword and it was my first FE game in 2008, good times, was also playing the Mother 3 fan translation too.
Spread love to other anons

I love you
I’ve never met a group of people more pathetic than the /feg/ regulars here
You and us know what you need to do anon...not that hard.
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>/feg/ regulars
>>not a single bushGOD post yet
I played with JP audio and he sounded like the biggest twink faggot of all time. ALL. TIME.
Timerra and Framme's C support made me horny
It's just two girls being really girly
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Don't mind me, just casually plapping my precious baby sister.
>Fogado canonically eats Clanne's butt
Huh, both Solm royals with both retainers
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why is it always rape and cucking with you guys
too bad you will fuck your right hand you lonely loser
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Was it like this before 3 houses? I don't remember it being like this before 3 houses. I'm not implying it's 3 houses fault but the correlation is there.
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Why did they make her so plappable?
I can never get over how Felix is a pedophile. Like, damn, nice.
And that goes for everyone in this here thread!
I don’t know, it’s weird. Especially since /feg/ loves Felix despite him being so similar.
She’s kinda genuinely stupid and pathetic to the point of being endearing. She’s also the embodiment purity and innocence.
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>under 18
>all his wives are too
>skip 5 years
>all above 18
He's in Fates and uses bows. I think that's really what gets him so much flak.
She literally has DID and is a danger
No, Eirika getting raped by Valter and Tana getting raped by that fat ugly jailer guy have long been memes along with Lyn getting raped by barbarians.
To a lot of zoomies, one year gap is sus
Every generation seems to want to push the AoC up And up
It was a mind control crown so literally nothing was her fault.
And that's a good thing
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That why onii-chan needs to keep her under control by screwing her brains out
But that was just 2000s edge. Very different from now.
I can’t believe that little slut won. Just look how smug that little bitch is.
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So you're just gonna pretend everything before the chapter Marni dies didn't happen or something? There was no crown then. I like Veyle but she seriously has mental issues.
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So she was getting mind controlled even before the crown was a thing. But she would break out of it habitually. The crown was meant to completely erase her original personality.
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>But she would break out of it habitually.
Huh, so just like a dissociative identity disorder where there are two personas
>t. Post wall roastie
Calm down, Ivy.
Zephia states she was using her magic on Veyle iirc.
A little different since it wasn’t caused by a psychotic break but a prolonged brainwashing instead. I think the collar and chains on her are supposed to represent that in addition to visual hints of her abusive history.
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Little sisters were made to bear their big brother's seed.
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I remember when everyone thought it was clever to spell it "raep" in those memes.
It was
God, I hated it just as much as I hate the su1c1d3 spelling. At least 1337 h4x0rz was ironic shitposting
schizo, reply to this post if you love Nowi.. Don't reply if you hate her
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Resident canon husbando of Nowi, reporting in.
Not you.
Well then, schizo, if you love Nowi so much, then there is a thread on /vg/ here >>>/vg/483557591 that you can post in instead
Why would you sacrifice the general like that?
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Are you implying that /feg/ is a good place?
Does any thread deserve whatever the fuck this is?
Sweaty babymaking sex with Anna
Only Nowi threads and /feh/ desu
Do you hate the modern "sewer slide" that people say to avoid saying suicide to avoid demonetization
That's it. It's somehow worse than "unalive"
is this true?
What if Nowifag unalived himself in a sewer slide? Kek
Why can't this FE poster post FE content?
I don't get the hate for Nowifags. The cuckshitters are way more obnoxious.
If I was a genie, I would make any and all scat posts autocall the mod team
>autocall the mod team
>Instead of instantly dying
Nowi is a bad character and unit. The only reason anyone likes her is because they are horny for a child and they deny that every time
Kek why not just kill namschizo or use your magic to create a mental hospital, change the mental health politics of Vancouver, and then make it do he's legally admitted into a padded room
In awakening though. Like it's Robin, Robin's spawn and then everyone else who is just equally worse than Robin.
Who's TWP is that
Aversa is pretty good because she has shadow gift. Chrom and Lucy also have aether so that puts them ahead of most of the other characters.
Nowi is an adult
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the schizos here hate her because they got trolled too hard. that's literally it
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>got trolled
>Unironic rampant Discord shitflinging for MONTHS
The Miriel thread was the best one and you fucks still tried to memory hole it
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Why did my ... tingle at this image?
I have this and Sacred Stones with the box and everything. Am I rich now?
not enough lolyn x shota doujins
what is she looking at, bros?
what randomizer are you using?
>Replaying Awakening again
>Want to marry Miriel, but I also really want to marry Nowi again (plus, Miriel's genetics are kind of shit, and Laurent is someone who I always forget exists)
>Option paralysis ensues
Something happens like this every time I play Fates/Awakening, the girls are all so enjoyable.
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after genealogy's remake in 2030
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engage2 first
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How can I make myself actually stick with a fire emblem game? I really like Lyn, but I can hardly get past 3 chapters of her game before I just stop.
You simply aren't autistic enough to play FE.
Do you even like SRPGs
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I'm at chapter 16 of Conquest, should I get Shura or the boots, genuine question. (playing on hardest difficulty)
Shura as a backpack acts like a pair of boots
I don't know. Maybe I do, but for some reason I just lose interest. I like the characters so I want to like them.
I got kind of far in sacred stones, but quit half way though as well.

But he takes up a unit slot
Ignore this retard >>681487748. Don't tell me that you want to miss out on the only pair of boots in the game?
>>681487624 (me)
Wait, I just realized he doesn't give a child unit, then boot it is, I guess.
Enjoy Ninja Hell
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Enjoy having no drip
reddit moment
1.6 million is pretty good regardless of what you're trying to say. It's 3H which is the anomaly here.
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3h attracted the tranny audience
1.6 million is less than half of the previous game
Since Awakening it's been a linear increase in sales with each release which Three Houses follows, the only anomaly is Engage selling like shit because it's a shit fucking game
they hated the divine dragon because she told the truth
kys faggot
I am waiting the next Fire Emblem Warriors game to happen in next year.
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Good, I need to punish Eveyle with my Divine Cock again.
Except 1.6 million sales for a strategy RPG is still very high and something other strategy game series would kill to have.
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I hate 3houses and edeltard but edeltard is also a cute bisexual girl that has some sexy art of her girlsexing byleth
Hopefully it follows up on the OG Fire Emblem Warriors instead of doing something like Three Hopes again.
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i dont mind as long as i can slap dirt to 3hrts with engage's cast
Why is Fire Emblem 6 so fucking good
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Is she richer than Céline? At the very least, she doesn't command as much respect as Céline who is both loved by the commoners and nobles.
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Take this!
>except cope cope cope bullshit bullshit bullshit
Face it tranny, your shit game killed the franchises steam that's been building up since Awakening
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Not into this furry dyke
try jade
Do Chole and Goldmary.
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She doesn't even smile LMAO
I hate this shitty photo mode
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Fuck Chloe
>She doesn't even smile LMAO
i think you could xml edit her smile
Franchise steam? Out of the new games, Engage and Fates are the only good ones. Who gives a shit about sakes, you dumb tranny, you’re not getting a cut of the concession.
Your game is shit
It sold like shit
It sold like shit because it is shit
Post as many tranny dogs as you want faggot, won't change a fact
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my virgin pantiesless wife Lyndis
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Probably, you can even change the Emblems outfit but their head skin color is different and looks ugly...
engage and fates GODs won
No one can compare
i think you can disable the glow as well. i think i have read (past tense) one of the mods or request in gamebanana had it removed
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I'm right here faggot
Too many HRT pills make you forget how to reply?
Isn't it about time you start posting dead gooks and scat?
dont you me you tranny
Being a sad faggot because your game is shit? Good, you should be upset.
we chads got nothing to say to trannies
You're definitely some fat fuck loser and probably brown too
People will say Engage is bad… but then say FE4 is better. No nigga, Genealogy of the Horse War is not fun.
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Still more fun than 3H.
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jesus christ, the camilla I know would never wear such wide bikini bottoms.
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Your FE4 remake bro
I'm highly expecting a Fire Emblem Warriors adaptation of Fire Emblem Heroes, not a sequel that continues the events of the first Fire Emblem Warriors game.
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2.4 million sales say otherwise
That's what you get for having trannys in your trash weeb game faggot
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evil nazi anime girl getting groomed by her teacher and turned into her wife.
Nah, have it follow up on the original FEW with an epilogue following up on what happened to Darios alongside playable Engage cast and potentially having the SD/Awakening/Fates cast get summoned back during the final part of the new epilogue as added reinforcements and new History Mode maps focusing on Engage and it'd be great. Maybe even take a page out of Hyrule Warriors Legends and add additional characters from other FE games that would otherwise have to wait to get in.
2.4 million retards who don’t know fun lol
2.4 million people who aren't gay trannies like you
The only reason it got 1.6m was purely because of Three Houses success carrying on.
Now go look in the mirror so you can feel suicidal again, today might be your lucky day
I don't know how they stopped the ball so hard on FEW. Dynasty warriors 3 on ps2 had like 50 playable characters. It wouldn't have been that hard to include more people outside of the fates and awakening royals.
>Now go look in the mirror so you can feel suicidal again, today might be your lucky day
Speaking from experience anon?
Speaking from statistics, like how your shit game statistically sold worse than the 3 main titles before it
>Fuck Chloe
Yes, I'd like to
I'm sorry, but Echoes is in-between Fates and Three Houses and that one did significantly worse than Engage and the aforementioned titles.

So statistics indicate the game sold much better than one of those titles you're implying.
you cant anon. you can only fuck 3hrt trannies now
Goldmary is marriable though.
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Goldmary is probably my favorite waifu from Engage.
You mean a REMAKE most people never heard of?
Is that how desperate you are, comparing it to Echoes to try lauder it as a success?
Your game is as shit as your life
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YOU will watch while the Divine Dragon cums inside
He's probably not including Echoes for some arbitrary reason
Salesfaggotry is so gay why are you replying to him
As long as it's F!Alear and by cumming inside you mean her girlcum
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It's plapping time!
No he's saying your statement is factually wrong and you sound like a retard who doesn't know what he's talking about. Echoes was one of the 3 ganes before and it sold worse. That is a fact.
You said main title and Echoes is decidedly a main title.
Oh definitely.
His complete meltdown and seething is fun enough to watch, so I'll keep at it until I get bored.
>you're wrong!
>you're retarded!
You're game sold like shit because it's shit
It's killed the series for a second time but you're too busy looking at the trannies in it and thinking "he's just like me!"
All you have to argue with is the technicality of whether a remake counts as "the last three" it doesn't because you know you're wrong
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>tranny this
>3houses that
this is a lyn thread
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All I'm getting is that you can't count.
Except it's still 1.6 million units which by series and genre standards is pretty good and nowhere near being a series killer.
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never post that picture again
I didn't hear you
No. I just want the Fire Emblem Warriors adaptation of FEH with all books adapted into the game with the addition of a 10th book only exclusive to that game (excluding its characters as they will also appear in the FEH mobile game).
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Best I could do to fix that picture
Nice work
No, Lyn raped Mark in the hot Sacaean summer of 2003.
Lyn should be triple teamed by Mark, Eliwood and Hector
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The ONLY reason I ever played this game was that I could marry my sister.
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For me? Its for brothers
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brothers deserve cute sisters
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Why is she so rapeable
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Remember. In FE4, Lachesis was just a devoted little sister. All the bs about her and her brother fucking is fanfiction by the fujo who wrote the manga.
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Lyn should be tripled teamed by me, myself, and I.
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its normal for devoted sisters to sleep with their brother. It's completely normal.
It’s literally been canonized by Heroes
Also remember Oosawa spent like 30 chapter in augustria dedicated to this plot line and the entirety of Gen 2 was about the same length.
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Built for rough sex and nakadashi
so why don't you guys just post on /vg/
not even being a dick I just don't understand, this is a daily general thread no?
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This has been answered a million times, go read threads
Our wife Lyn is fine, she don’t need nada
no im not gonna do that lol
if people keep asking it a million times maybe you should take the hint...?
sure anon, never mind that 3 million people liked 3H so much they... skipped buying its sequel game.
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And a good thing they'll hopefully never come back.
Lyn's bush...
Roughly and repeatedly fucking her into submission and creampieing her multiple times
Fucking based!
Weird because 27 million people didn’t come back for Age of Calamity and Tears did just fine.
Age of Calamity suffered from being a shitty "what if" time travel story that falsely advertised itself as a prequel. Also it was a gameplay downgrade from BotW, whereas 3H gameplay was so shit the musou was actually the more tactical of the two games, so any tactics game fans would've preferred it.
Babies with Lyn!
>can't have video game threads on a video game board.
/vg/ is and was created as an autism containment board.
This, I'm not autistic enough to browse /vg/.
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Gentle loving sex with lyn
*looks at your post*
*looks at thread*
*looks back at your post*
Babymaking SEXXX!!!
Clearly it failed
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Black or green bush?
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shaven smooth
Still would have babies with no matter the bush status.
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It's okay to be a lesbianon
Who is your actual waifu?
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It's a mystery
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Basedman can never be tied to a singular waifu.
Veyle should cosplay as all the little sisters in the fire emblem series. Lachesis, Priscilla, Eirika, Sothe, Lissa, Elise, Sakura, and i'm sure i'm missing a couple.
she'd look really cute in the other little sister's outfits.
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I edited this picture to take off her panties
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now take off her bra
Based! We need more pics of embarrassed bottomless Marianne.
all fire emblems should go nopan!
But that's nsfw!
All Fire Emblem girls need to submit to babymaking sex with I
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Don't know about him, but for me it's Tana, with Ophelia in a close second place and then Adult!Tiki, Lissa, and Goldmary thereafter.
have her cover up her tits with her hands then
>Adult Tiki
Gonna make the pedos lose their cool with that one
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Her swimsuit is godlike, but even in her own game marisa and eirika beat her
Joke's on you, I enjoy lolis, hebes and adult women.
Afraid so
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Don't give a shit about what they think; Adult Tiki is great!
Marisa is probably my second favorite girl of Sacred Stones, but Tana outdoes her. Wouldn't mind having threesome sex with both Tana and Marisa though. Eirika is outdone by L'Arachel.
>>681508573 (Me)
I made a bush version too, but I tend to get banned for pubes even when the original non-pube version is fine
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>Adult Tiki is great!
Very based
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A Fire Emblem character
literally me rn
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>but I tend to get banned for pubes even when the original non-pube version is fine
I never thought I would say it, but based jannies
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Marianne love!
I see
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that 'becca isnt looking so good
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I want to floss with Marianne's downstairs
she looks like she goes commando
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Roy got to suck on those. What a lucky guy. Shame her shit stats passed on to him
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Same reason as why she doesn't shave, too much work
>lolis, hebes and adult women.
JC Tiki game when IS?
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>banned for pubes
oddly i've never been banned for posting pic related, you must be doing something wrong.
Lots of good green haired girls in FE7
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cute green haired girls are pretty much a series staple.
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That's Fury. Palla has a headband.
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Are they green down below too?
Naturally. And there's a little pink hidden in the green
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>side of greens
yes, i'd like to add the second from the right to my order.

DO original copies sell high? I have one.
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Don't know why the artist didn't include her headband, but that's clearly palla.
made for oyakodon.
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Same. Kana needs a strong mom.
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Wife material
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Green girls facefucking me please
Sitting next to Lumera in the cool but wasted character bin. It's not fair. How do devs keep getting away with it!
why is this fish so slutty?
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Fire Emblem girl bush on my nose in my mouth
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Canonically rapebait
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despite being a quiet girl, she grew on me
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didn't know Est had any friends in that category.
Kek What A Raped Bitch
That's fine, I raped the bandits in the fall.
this post made me realize for the first time that engage doesn't have any green haired girls aside from emblems. what happened?
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FE has top tier dragon people. Wish they got to be in my party more.
As bad as Heroes is atleast I can do that much.
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We need to give her like a dozen siblings.
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My cute little sister and her foreign concubine
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pegaponies go nopan!
I want to get pregnant soon~
Plap plap plap making a baby with you~
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