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>What is /feg/?
/feg/ is the general dedicated to the discussion of games from the Fire Emblem franchise.

>Fire Emblem Series Summary

>Fire Emblem Series Emulation Guide

>Fire Emblem Heroes Event Calendars

>Fire Emblem Heroes Links and Guides

>Latest FEH Trailer

Previous: >>482791696
nono kissu
the other thread was made by the threadschizo who hates fire emblem informatio being in the OP
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Nowi sex
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I don't get it
I wish manaketes were real
They are
Cute and canon
This is the one
The other thread is winning
No it isn't
Does it matter? Neither will hit 750. Without jugdral, we’re dead.
Why do you think a remake will save us? We need a new game and it needs to be like Three Houses
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>FE4 remake will be announced in September 2022 Direct
Aw dang it!
>FE4 remake will be announced in February 2023 Direct
Aw dang it!
>FE4 remake will be announced in June 2023 Direct
Aw dang it!
>FE4 remake will be announced in September 2023 Direct
Aw dang it!
>FE4 remake will be announced in June 2024 Direct
Aw dang it!
An FE4 remake would sell worse than Engage and kill the franchise
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Why does /feg/ keep archiving?
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>Guy who leaks Engage with full on screenshots and details randomly mentions "FE4 remake is also happening bros XD" at the end
>Jugdrools eat it up despite the lack of proof, claiming the Engage details right means the FE4 remake claim is right too
I would feel bad for Jugdrools if they hadn't deluded themselves into thinking an FE4 remake was happening before we knew anything about Engage. They've been delusional for like 5 years now.
Now that Citra was taken down what's the best 3DS emulator to play the FE games on 3DS?
...still Citra? You can still find and download it. I imagine there are a ton of forks for it by this point too.
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I see a Nowi thread, I choose a Nowi thread
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Flayn owes me sex
Would 3H fan be considered a different fanbase from the rest of FE?
100%. Three Houses is such a different game from other FEs. Many 3H fans are 3H only. Maybe 3 Hopes too but that's it.
Elements like the school system are a huge appeal and probably won't be repeated in future FEs either.
I remember a 3Htard saying Engage felt like a new IP and it turns out the only other FE game he had played was 3H
does anyone else play multiple fe games at the same time
i currently have a playthrough of fe6, por and fe3 going and alternate between them
i feel like starting a new 3h run too i have a problem help me
This image but Felix's hand
This image but my face
This image but Claude's hand
This image but her anus and/or vagina
Everyone hates Nowi and moved to /v/
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Generic female paladins breaking your "lance" with their insides
Imagine being the only woman in an army of only men
oh fuck I want that
all SRPGs really feel like garbage once you play Thracia uh
Why do people even want a FF4 remake? It will strip everything that made the OG fire emblem unique cause modern Nintendo only appeals to e-celeb brainchildren currently.
FF4 already got a remake on the DS and it's actually way harder than the original. Cecil is handsome though
why is this thread so much slower than the one on /v/
Nowifag is a pedophile and trans
Because /v/ threads are image dump threads for the most part. Also troons filtered by NowiGOD
The /v/ threads are slowing down too. We need a new game announcement.
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Yes. They're either newfags that happened to own a Switch or fags who want Persona Hogwarts. Either way, they don't care about the series as a whole.
I saw pic related when the trailer released and instantly knew the game was going to be shit.
Shout out to one of the first pieces of Engage fanart which:
A) Worked with Mauvier being playable, which one may consider a spoiler; and
B) was gay sex between Mauvier and Vander
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when does /feg/ play in general soccer sim game? did we play already? did we win?
Our GM quit and now we're dead in the water.
Blame the Nowi goons for chasing everyone away
damn that's sad.
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I didn't think this would ever happen
But Mercedes english voice has grown on me. God damn. I unironically think it's cute.
>troons filtered by nowi is a bad thing
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dead series
dead thread
Here's a nice video
no one cares about the nowi thing. it's whatever else people were doing that ran people off and the fact FE discussion is super dead right now with no new game, except for the usual thread on /v/, which is obvious why people left because generals have a tendency to be cancer after a while
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rate my rankings rankers.
This video autoplayed for me once and it is extreme unintentional comedy. Within the first five minutes he admits to only playing 3 houses then talks about how engage feels different from the rest of the series and how 3 houses is true to the rest of the fire emblem franchise. spoiler]the sad part about the video is all the other 3 houses only tards in the comments agreeing with him[/spoiler]
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ha haaaaah you messed up the spoiler
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never reply to me again
Get nam'd
>Anna good

Move Merrin up
Goldmary is good
Zelkov and Yunaka are great
Lindon has good Dire Thunder uses
Diamant is perfectly usable
Fogado is good
trans fantasies
But I want to sit on Yunaka as she's a great bench warmer.
wait or is it the other way around?
conquest or engage, which one should I replay
I haven't played conquest since 2016
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sorry no one used your thread
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i've only beaten the game once so far but is there some kind of agreed meta to the early game building of 3h characters?
i feel like it would generally be ideal to do something like
noble/commoner for +5 hp
go into myrmidon or fighter for speed or atk
get death blow or fiendish blow from brigand or mage
get darting blow from peg knight
get +20 hit from archer
then transition into the actual advanced class you want to play on that character

i think this would work on pretty much any unit or is there anything better that i'm missing here?
It’s basically that but hit 20 isn’t really necessary. Maybe a cheeky armor cert for mages and mage very for armors to get a free +7 def/res if you can waste the training time
I hope the way you get skills from 3H doesn't come back. It feels good doing it in a game like Dragon's Dogma (1 and 2) with it's augments, but doing it in FE in such a non commital manner feels cheesy/gamey. I'd rather it be reclass progression locked where you can choose between two advanced classes after leveling your base class, and then two final master classes at the end of both advanced class paths, and so that way you'd work out what path you want to go down for the skill combo you want that way. each class would have one or two skills you'd learn while leveling to the next re class level threshold. You'd need to actually think about what skills you want and what class you want that unit be as the chapters go on.
how do we defeat the dragon menace?
Dragon teeth
need timerra sex
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PSA: for most Chloé builds you can declass her to Sword/Lance Flier for the final chapter and still have her perform well. This is mainly if you want to have a classic peg knight for the credits+ her default outfit.
Anna is pretty great. Zelkov and Yunaka are kinda held back by how late they csn reclass/acquire Pass.
Annette’s Cringe and gay husband
Annette’s Based and straight husband
Full nelson reverse mating press until she stops being sad.
Cute blue-eyed generic.
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I just wanted you to have these alpacas.
I don't do threads retardo
Imagine keeping your thieves as thieves
feh won
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If I ever get rich I'm getting a gold digger wife like Charlotte and letting her baby trap me immediately.
Why the hell would you do that
If I ever get rich I'm getting a dragon wife like Nowi and letting her baby trap me immediately.
You would get thrown in prison for statutory rape
That makes no sense
doing the sex a kid is illegal
member when fates first leaked (just the jp release) and this place was poppin' for literal months
I was on gfaqs then
You guys really need to get your resident schizo under control.
Nowi is an adult THOUGH?
How powerful is dark Eliwood after he slays Ninian?
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alt outfit ff looks like edeltard
booba good
Why even post this censored version
To make people ask that exact question
Built only for Almyran and Faerghus cock
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>/feg/ will say this is good design
Me in the background kissing Shamir
It is
Not me
Should I raise secondary weapon ranks in 3H in battle or via teaching?
Starting a new game and I want to turn Lysithia into a Falcon Knight but I'm wondering if it's better to give her a lance and struggle trying to fight with it, or just let her use magic in battle and do all the lance stuff at the monastery even though she has slow growth in lances.
Can I make it as a singer if I learn Azura's song? All the characters are always saying how good and beautiful of a song it is
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I ain't clicking twitter links on /feg/
Yes, I can't *imagine* it, but with a *little* training, they will *grow*. You know, the same type of *growth* of a particular *member*.
My clitoris btw
no one wants to see your chopped off dick
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what do you think brother?
If she was real I would instantly breed her
Thank you anon
Are you doing NG+? It's probably best to paralogue grind her lance rank with a rusted weapon or something
Need charolette sex
need hilda sex
All gold digger girls are creampie bait.
Made for Cyril
Kete kissu
I wish Myrrh was my gf
She's 12 you sick fuck!
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did engage convince anyone here to transition?
Stay in your containment general
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What do you guys think of Banner of the Maid? It's basically Fire Emblem with massive tits everywhere and shitty english translation, but the gameplay's really good.
Fire Emblem already has shitty English translation kek
Well at least the grammar makes sense.
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kek indeed
Can you S-rank her?
No romances or supports, but there are factions with reputation that you can max but that's about it.
It's gonna take more than "Fire Emblem but everyone is a poorly translated Camilla" to get me to try this
Gay, Fire Emblem is still superior

No S-ranks, no buy
That segment with Nowi should be about Nah. Whoever wrote this fucked it up
It's harder than FE imho even if there's no permadeath, losing units tanks your funds and most missions have side objectives that are a bitch to do, and the turn limits are often very strict.
>Nowi called her father a lolicon
Nowi has a dad?
so it's "tryhard FE" I play games for fun, not work
No, that part is about Nah. Like I said whoever wrote these notes made a typo.Nowi talking to Tharja is accurate but the stuff at the end is about Nah. When Nah is your daughter she suspects you of being a lolicon, but in the Western version I believe she accuses you of having a shotgun wedding
>shotgun weddings are ok
The Shadow Dragon changes to the slavery scenes is funny because I'm pretty sure the FE1 translation they dropped for $5 mentions the child slavery lmao.
I wonder who translated THAT and didn't cuck out on the bad men doing bad things
It’s bad. I quit like 10 chapters in.
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Embarrassed, humiliated Edelgard is a miracle of the universe.
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This image but which FE character? Who never got "the talk"?
Timerra is prime rape meat
She’s way too hot
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She has her charm points, at least.
Cutie pie
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Creampie cutiepies
She is so cute with Dimitri. The best 3H ship
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>Enters the chatroom
Her hand is backwards
It’s ok. Reverse Collapse is GOTY 2024 for any SRPG fan.
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Awakening was the last good Fire Emblem game. the reason? there's no homosexuals in there.
Dimitri dies young if you pair her with Marianne
Truth nukerald
Yeah, fishing Alear is pretty cute. She's so focused.
Should be called stupid bitch pie
1200 you mean
shit testing
Master Noble/Commander if you're Bernadetta/Dedue
Fighter/Myrmidon/Mage no need to master it
>Tier 2
Brigand for Death Blow or Mage for Fiendish
If you dont rely on CAs and are extremely fast, get Darting Blow
If you do use CAs or arent fast enough to double, go Archer for +20 Hit
Certify Thief on a fast swordie for utility. Certify Armor Knight if you want extra bulk.
Adjutant Fodder should go Brawler. Eg. Raphael and Caspar.
>Tier 3
Paladin for Vengeance/Swift Strikes. Frozen Lance bots might get some use here too.
Sniper/Grappler if you dont have particularly good combat stats and need an offensive unit as their CAs can carry.
Wyvern is better for units with good overall stats/skills.
Bishop for mages with Warp or other strong Faith skills.
Warlock for every other mage except Hubert.
That should cover the entire first half.
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I made a fe8 clone for fun, since that's the game I'm the most familiar with
are there any mechanics I should port over from earlier / later installments?
>FE Fates
>Entire mechanics removed
>DLCs never translated
>Complete Soleil assassination
>Swimsuits removed
>Drugs references removed
>Some characters romances removed

>B-b-b-but what about 3houses!?

Should I bother playing Ryoma's map or just try and take him down? I'm thinking it might be good to capture one of those master ninja they have better stats than my Kaze
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would play it if it was in japanse but i'm not touching chink games
I want to be Mist
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y feg ded
No games
Too busy playing Dark Deity
Alynear is cute.
What's Lyn's canon underwear? She's got figures, we can check.
Because Engage was the worst game in the series and killed it
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*sits on you*
Enjoy your long winter you fuckers
It's summer where I live, albeit evening is upon us
Can I eat her?
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>>Anna good
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Is Great Knight any good for Xander?
Makes his speed shit while making his defense amazing.
Problem is that enemies will not attack if they can't do damage.
So no, go with a Silas/Kaze Friendship seal instead
paladin xander is just way better
Just beat Rivals and unlocked Nell as a CO
Playing conquest, God I hate the gay ass theater boat level.
I miss snow.
Hero Xander’s better than both.
For me it’s the rainbow sage map
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Wew lads had no idea if I would survive this room
you've seen nothing yet
Be sure to capture the boss he's a terrific unit to have
swordmaster marianne
i'm doing it
I capped her in Mortal Savant before Gremory in Hopes
WTF Sommie is huge
They gave him a stool
How nice.
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There must be something I am missing here because it's over after the first turn for me
>He did a blind playthrough of conquest
You are bricked
You can pair up units on the start screen. Do that with the spots up top
I'm wondering if I should just deploy Corrin and Xander with their pair up back ups and try and duke it out in the hallways where I get warped to until the pair can take on Garon
*does a dance*
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>Not gay
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Never was into men
Knishin knight or sniper mozu? I'm assuming sniper because quick draw + Bow fair does alot of damage?
I'd keep her as a flier until lategame maybe
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late night Nono bump
Three Houses in the peak of the franchise. It's all downhill from here.
true true
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>I-I'm the cutest little sister, right anon?
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Xander and Corrin solo managed somehow
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Brown Camilla
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Oh come on we were not done? And I can't even save
good so kill yourself then
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I'd even like if it was a bit like Awakening and Fates with lots of base classes having a shared Advanced class, and the adjacent Advanced classes having a shared Master class option. Something like this.
Chaotic warfare.
And of course I die. Might just switch to normal and breeze through this I'm ready to move on from this dawn brigade roster of paper thin units with only Corrin and Xander being able to actually battle. As good as the highs were in this game the lows are damn low too
You can bookmark at the start no?
I think that Awakening and Fates perfected the class system. It made it so that even if you had separate characters in the same base class they weren't going in the same direction.
And characters can end up in the same final class but perform very differently depending on which class line they followed. Per my shitty example, Mercenary, Myrmidon, and Thief can all ultimately become a Trueblade. But you're choosing between enemy phase damage, attacking first, or thief utility based on the base class, and Myrmidons get to pick between more frequent burst damage or chances of instant kills with their advanced class.
Unfortunately this means either more advanced classes will have single weapons or master classes will have additional weapons unless you want to have them lose access to certain weapons on promotion.
Balls deep in Nono
Is it a coincidence that the despite people talking up 3H the most popular route is the one with the most IS like story?
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It's always better to give the master class an extra weapon. After all it's supposed to be promotion not a demerit.
Post Petra and Hapi and Catherine and Igrene and Aversa please
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>Be me, just finished my first playthrough of Three Houses. Decide to check out /feg/.
>MFW everyone's still arguing over which house is best. MFW they're actually serious about it.
>"Golden Deer is the best route and Claude is the only non-psychopathic lord."
> mfw triggering both Edelgard and Dimitri fanboys.
>"Edelgard? Delusional. Dimitri? Literal war criminal."
> Anons start losing their shit.
>"Meanwhile, Claude's out here thinking about the bigger picture and unifying Fódlan like a true chad."
> everyone's keyboards are on fire with angry responses.
>"Also, Fates is peak Fire Emblem. Conquest's map design is leagues ahead of those old GBA snoozefests."
> Watch as the Sacred Stones enthusiasts cry in the corner.
>"And Awakening? That game saved the series. Tharja is best girl, fight me."
> Elitists are typing furiously, calling me a faggot
>"Heroes is the superior way to experience Fire Emblem lore. Those old games are so outdated."
> Wait for the impending shitstorm.

God I love Fire Emblem

#GoldenDeerMasterRace #FatesSupremacy #AwakeningSavior
cool story bro
Sounds fun when done a few years ago.
But now you are just baiting a corpse.
>You sure this will help me unify Fodlan?
>Yeah sure, don't worry about it. I mean, WOOF.
reddit moment
Yes, you are reddit.
im so tired of that reddit animal from engage
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You're gay.
characters with high crit rates tend to have good hit so why bother with hit+20 over darting blow
I like defense maps and maps with offensive and defensive objectives so much that I think we honestly just need to go whole hog on it.
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Rout maps are the best
Why didn't they nut up and make Lyn a proper Nomad Lordess?
Better question is why they don't call female Lords "Lady"
Anna and Framme best friends forever!
Reddit shitpost threads are so gay. Imagine wanting to shitpost but you're still the Weenie Hut Jr. of the internet.
Imagine hunting down the ten elites before fighting Nemesis. There so much map and alt route/ending potential you can get out of that.
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Based. Who did your Claude and Byleth bone?
Me in the middle left, except Felix is on the far left
Cute ginger girl hands wrote this
That's what all /feg/ femanons look like
Femanons in the chat tonight, post leg hair to verify
Timerra owes me sex
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>enters your chatroom
Fates had some cute generics.
Instantly banned and removed
Why tho?
She is hot
What is this little slut good for?
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Hitting the bench
Killing armors.
Est things.
Being cute.
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>free saber
What's the best romhack? And why is it Andaron Saga?
Order of the Crimson Arm
It's the one we all think about in our heads but never actually plan to make.
Mine's so sweet, Bros.
TMGC because the lord can end up in a lesbian sixsome.
they're all bad because they're made by dirty westerners
Cone itchy wah pardner
*bows deeply* よろしくお願いします
My experience as far as romhacks go is watching the introduction tavern logorrhea to the first chapter of Andaron on Mangs stream and I have to disagree on the grounds there has to be something better out there. My faith in humankind will not let me believe otherwise.
Wearing the enemy's uniform to deceive the enemy is also a war crime, retard.
I don't know if I like them but I certainly have fond memories of those because I tried hard and stayed focused on those. Rout maps I don't even need half my brain to clear them.
Maybe an all defense game is a bit much but alternating between both offense and defense and writing the story with that aim might be good.
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Kaze does translate to "wind" after all
Nowi is sexy
Fact checked as TRUE by real Ylisse Patriots
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I want the cougar with the high body count
Doesn't that mean she's killed a lot of people?
I don't think real Ylisse patriot love people different than them
Chrom's dad is the perfect example.
She's so sexy she cured their racism
I got scared for nothing it is nowhere bas as Conquest. These revelations generic don't even have any skills it's been pretty boring so far
Not much, what's up with you?
NTA, but currently struggling with FE6 hard mode in chapter 4.
>yelling at nowi
>beating nowi
>making nowi cry
Don't do that!
Just let her die on her joining map
Imagine Leonie playing volleyball naked so her boobs are swinging and her ginger bush is on full display

After playing all routes all least twice, I would argue Revelations is actually easier than Birthright. Most enemies do not have any skills even on Lunatic (whereas this is not the case in CQ obviously but also in Birthright) and while a lot of maps are tedious to complete, they're not actually that difficult at all, save for like 2-3 exceptions during the second half of the game. With the large roster size and all the ressources you get (and all the royals) it's pretty easy to make a team where most of your characters can 1 round a lot of endgame enemies.
All Fire Emblem women are clean shaven until proven otherwise.
I hope that in the next FE wyvern riders won't be overpowered like they are in like half of the mainline games.
What are 3 new classes you would like to see introduce in FE. Bonus points if you can come up with a class that feels distinct from any existing classes.
she's not a cougar. She scares them all away with her baggage before she can do anything
High def high res mounted staff user
High mag high speed tome bow infantry
Uhhhh high skill and luck lance unit for crit setups

A lot of the Hoshidan classes were pretty interesting ; maybe bring those back.
Animal tamer you can choose from some animals like wolf and lion and giant bird. Each animal has a spot in the weapon triangle so you need to use them strategically. You can only bring one animal per map too because this is not pokemon. Flail/morning star user high risk high reward unit that attacks multiple tiles at once. Scout unharmed rider with the best vision in fog of war. Has a sight of range that grants combat bonuses to allied units fighting in it
Chicken wrangler.
Wrangles chickens.
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>series has been garbage since kaga left
I wish awakening never happened dear lord.
Little bitch trying to portray Kaga as the bad guy. Disgusting.
You're weird
Kaga games are shit
Kaga FEs are but vestaria saga is fun
Give a reason why I should keep Nowi alive
The last good Fire Emblem was 6.
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Are you serious? Guess I won't be recruiting him this time
What do you like about it specifically?
New Boris
The fact he can use save states like any FE6 fag that exist
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The cutest little sister wife
how else can you manage the single roll RNG?
In defense of >>484195480 the first 7 or so chapters can be a pain in the ass on hard mode. But (legitimate) arena use is so easy that there's really no excuse after that.
Surpassed, irrelevant series
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AW bros, we won
No, not by that garbage
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Au contraire
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You don't have homebrew installed?
hiimdaisy knockoff
Now that's a good remake!
good. it deserves to die for what the faggots and trannies did to it
good. no more faggot dating simulator
they are all bad unfinished because all the devs are faggots with brainworms and lack of ability to continue to work
I wish I was in that boat with Rhea.
Now if only she had Camilla's power.
How long will youtubers try to keep doing this?
For as long is it gets free views. That like asking how long with the 3h fandom continue their mental gymnastics on which route is canon.
the route arguments will only keep happening because it's been so long since 3H has come out, that I'm pretty sure 90% of people's perception of the game at this point is fanon/headcanon!
It's been that way since the second year. Hell it only got worse as time went on.
too weak for this world
All stock DS and game my friend let me borrow his special edition cartridge
in all fields
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You're right where I want you
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Hi, /feg/.
In FE6-8, does a unit's death remove their supports from other units' support limit?
I member. Also people going crazy when we found out the siblings could S support. Also fiddling with Live2d of the characters. And being salty that the game took forever to localize.
Yes. At least, that's how I unlocked Algimas' and Clair's support in OotCA, by killing Sven
Thanks. Marcus might need to make a heroic sacrifice later in my run then
I firmly believe people only hold 6 up because of Roy being in Super Smash bros and, like FE4/5, wanting to feel like the superior weeabo by claiming an unlocalized game is the best in attempt to gatekeep against casuals. I like FE6, but it has serious design flaws that hold it back from being the best to me.
now that fire emblem is dead i can finally say that i had my first boner with eirika
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peg knights x chivalrous cavs
Should wyvern riders count as armored unit?
Fire Emblem but written by Nasu
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Do people here prefer Brigands or Pirates?
I hate both. I don't want villains on my team
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I'm cool with pirates since it's possible for them to have some class and be cool. I look at brigands and just see bumbling destroyers of civilization.
hey that nowi doujin got posted on sad panda

I just saw spiderman with three women named Lucina, Elsa, and Morrigan swinging above my house!
kill yourself for suggesting that
What should I do with Sakura? Grind the C rank in bow for shining bow? Go for magic? Reclass into falcoknight and use her as a rally/staff bot? I'm leaning towards the third option at the moment
Fire emblem is dead
>grab tiki hips
>shake violently
Just its career
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the perfect unit
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>sniper mozu
Kinshin knight is better
Rip every game post Sacred Stones.
At this point I want an FE4 remake solely to see just how much art FirstAid0 will produce
3H sister's our month is over....
I hate fe
Biggest FE fan btw
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God lucina is so hot
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God chiki is so hot
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I prefer my dragons fully grown
>I prefer dog shit
Cool dude thanks for sharing
wtf I thought /v/ loved /feg/
Killer bow sniper mozu is the best unit in conquest
Does Marisa count? Or does she just suck at making small talk?
I don't think that bait works as good as it used to.
nowi kissu
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's feet
I miss three houses discourse
How is that bait? I haven't played Conquest, is she like a meme unit or something?
The first time I played RD I used a 100/100 savefile of PoR to maximize transfer bonuses. I'm not sure if that's why Sothe became so overpowered he could dodgetank every enemy in the game, trivializing map design and making me lose my drive to play with less than 7 chapters completed. Did I make a mistake?
>I prefer top quality
Same dude thanks for sharing
You get invincible characters that trivialize maps regardless: Tauroneo, Nailah, Black Knight, etc even without a maxed out Sothe. Radiant Dawn is just kind of crap and boring for the first ~15 chapters at minimum honestly
It was a funny kind of retarded. Watching people who only played one route, and still barely did that, trying to 'discuss' the story was just too funny.
Just seeing everything they could make up almost made it worth it.
If you played AM it was enough. The other routes were Fates tier garbage that added nothing
That's what they say about all the routes.
It's still the truth. Edeltards are Edeltards, VW is just memes and no one cares about SS
>no one cares about SS
What about /ss/?
See. I missed this. It was funny then and still funny now.
The game gave me Rhea, Petra, Catherine, and Mercedes for my routes so I was good in the end. Any route I can't have my waifus was a bad route as far as i'm concerned.
Sounding more and more like an Edeltard...
Also for >>484386605
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Would impregnate and marry
she's a villager/ trainee, they're all memes except for cyril
Is it? I remember not picking Kinshi for her on my last run because of its garbage STR cap.
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Are any of the child units in conquest good?
It really is a game that gets worse the more you play it, that's why the people that defend it the most are people that only played one route
Caps don't matter in Fates, and certainly not more than flight + 1range
you can do early effie x silas or arthur strats and get a great unit + other goodies from it, but other than mostly not worth
kana and elise+odin ophelia if she inherits vantage.
Emblem of Summerfags, save us
dark knight should have been allowed to use nosfaratu in fates so that way it wouldn't be the worse class.
Fiora got her butt creamed before marriage
I played through 3H 10 times, 8 of them on maddening NG+
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seems like a high skill sword against a low skill lance
He's using a Lancebreaker, THOUGHEVER
Shigure is good after you take him out of peg knight
I want to be a femsoldier in an FE game because the player will baby me and give me special treatment even though my stats are bad
We get it, you're a homosexual incel, you don't have to flaunt that fact.
Don’t bother, that autistic freak will be here until he dies
You seem to think women don't visit /feg/
Faggots sure love LARPing as fujos and yumes whenever they get called out.
I hate boat levels
I don't remember most of them being difficult, just annoying. Which one in particular?
they aren't that hard you shitter
Not him, but boats are usually boring for the other reason in that there’s a tile or two wide choke that is the plank and you put your tank there with a mage behind him and press end turn
You literally don’t even learn about the main villains in AM nor have any clue as to why Edelgard did what she did. AM is just Dimitri goes crazy and we bring him back to sanity and we get no answers about anything else including Byleth’s origins or what happened to Rhea
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I deserve a micaiah gf

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