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Is this the most trustworthy man in all of vidya?
Eat a dick, Mastema
havent reached the part where mastema shows up but I hope he's as funny as he was in SJ
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cute school shooter
I love my anti-car edgy wife.
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I have no idea what I'm doing.
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>You seem cool. Don't come to Drivers Ed tomorrow
you should be focusing on Str or Mag, not both.
>Those skill potentials
Wth do you even spend your glory on?
I know you'll see this, faggot

You're the idiot who skipped the dialog of the game that explicitly, EXPLICITLY IN PLAIN ENGLISH said that the Schwartzel was caused by pollution, war and negative traits of humanity. In the middle of the game, when the world is faced with uniting for survival, they decide to ignore everything you told them and send a team down to try and kill you and it takes a demon possessing your dead CO to even salvage the operation. If you think the reset ending where nothing is learned, only the grunts that survive the game's events (out of pure shit luck, like the MC) kind of learned something, is a good ending, you're illiterate. Full stop, illiterate.

And people keep jerking this game off and to date, I'm the only one that mentions BASIC plot info given to you before even halfway through the game.

Hit me up with that one-line response where you don't use anything from the game to support your position. I play the games, you read tvtropes.
I'm not getting enough. And mostly on more party members and skills.
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>Hopes: She would beat up the bullies herself
>Fears: She goes full edge, while offering nothing useful

>Level 55
>75 Str and 61Mag
I see someone didn't buy/abuse the DLC using Almighty attacks on early level DLC enemies.
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He fills me with the urge to buy Skyrim again
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Just beat that Level 46 Ghirimekhala with a team over ten levels under, my Bino was level 33

This game is so fucking cool man, that was satisfying.
I just put him to sleep every turn and the poor fucker couldn't make a single move.
>Yuzuru just casually infodrops that Koshimizu is Tsukuyomi and that he plans to become a Nahobino with him
Does that make Beeno Amaterasu or Susanoo? Guessing the latter because of lightning and water powers.
Is there any faster way to grind for Shiva than killing those fuckers near the staircase to the 4th floor of the Emperyan?
I'm level 84 and it took me like 4 hours to go from level 80 to my current level and i only have 10 gospels that i want to use once i reach level 89.
If you're 84 you can already beat Shiva.
Beano is Susano, Amaterasu's Knowledge achieved CHIM or something and the demon Amaterasu just noped out of existence.
>>Yuzuru just casually infodrops that Koshimizu is Tsukuyomi and that he plans to become a Nahobino with him
It was unironically translated badly.
>fight Yakumo and Nuwa
>"Magatsuhi charge? heh, I'll just use a Phys Blo- AIIIIEEEEEE"
The game is finally punishing me for relying on those
anything to pierce Nuwa's defenses
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is an Ailment Beno playable? Playing on hard and phys early game is making me want to drop it.
Kinda disappointed that the Moirae Sisters along with Shiva and Parvati (or Vishnu) doesn't have their own group skills at all.
Moirae Sisters do though
Moirae Cutter
>When user, Lachesis, and Atropos are in the active party, MP cost for all allies are reduced in battle.
They all have that for each other
Real talk the gameplay sucks
The story sucks
The characters are cringe

People didn’t like nanashi cause he didn’t hold a candle to the samurai’s but this is easily 10 times worse who the fuck is this made for? Once you come to the realization that it’s made for persona fans it all makes sense
here are the other two
>When user, Clotho, and Lachesis are in the active party, all allies' attacks that strike weaknesses have a chance to instakill.

>When user, Clotho, and Atropos are in the active party, the time all allies' stat buffs and debuffs are in effect won't decrease.
>no arguments

I win
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Was Tehom supposed to be a fucking slog or was I just doing it wrong? Feels like I slogged through this slower than Shiva kek.
>Yoko talking about how it gets to her when she sees Bino or Tao hurt
I can fix her, r-right?
Tao holds Amaterasu's Knowledge, but since she's a Goddess of Creation, she already belongs to the Pillar Empyreal and would never be able to become a Nahobino in her current incarnation, so Amaterasu decided not to bother showing up.
>Javelin rain is wrath tempest
>Deadly fury check is aramasa check, will always crit
>He will hunt down ice/thunder/force/dark weakness
>He has maximum agility so lunar hurricane will hit a billion times
>If you miss against him he foes evasion counter and kills you/your demon, if he doesn't kill he will follow up to parasene blur your ass
>If you null/repel/drain everything he spergs out and murakumo crits you
>If you don't take out a demon on xth turn, he omnipotent succession and wipes you 4x with murakumo, no amount of endure+enduring soul will save you
I don't remember anything explicitly saying that. Amaterasu having Tao as it's Knowledge makes the most sense though
It only gets spelled out in a sidequest that's exclusive to Canon of Vengeance. I don't think there was any hint of where Amaterasu was in the original game.
yeah I do remember the bit specifically talking about Amaterasu disappearing when they go over the three Proto-fiend types
Ailment builds got a lot of toys to play with.
>balance build
should honestly be fine on a first playthrough. Min/maxing luck on the other hand...
I trust him more than I trust people on /v/, that’s for sure.
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While you’re at it, get yourself some demons that know hysterical slap and/or dream fist. Both are potentially stronger than Murakumo and Akasha Arts. If you’re set on dream fist get a demon with the innate skill unending nightmare. Ailments are fun to use in this game.
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Just got the challenge mode achievment. felt great to end it on pic related.
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>Almighty Phys
Don't make me say it.
You get more than enough from the apples and Miman, it really seems like you aren't exploring at all.
I loved the "..." option because as soon as he told me that I knew he had to die. If Aogami was there I would have run him through with my sword hand. Based Dazai saved me the trouble though
Why is it that when my team is poisoned they lose half their health in one turn but when I poison my enemies they take 20 damage at most?
Moat of the enemies that use poison also have a passive that massively increases poison damage.
I got 58 so far.
jesus and you're that far? there's like 148 available at that point
>keep accidentally choosing Lawfag choices in subquest dialogue
Damn Yoko, if you want me to agree with your ideals about desire ruling man, you should do what Mara suggested and awaken me to desire.
Reminder that Yoko is not a virgin and had millions of sex with the previous creator god
i fucking love used goods
A lot of Yoko choices are stupid, like the one with the guy that wanted the demon's eye but fell in love with her. I think the only event Chaos side ending is the one with Lilim and the angels. Law is usually right unless the angels are involved, because they're always cunts.
So when Tiamat failed to destroy the world after you kill it, Yoko just summons a void monster hoping to send everything to the void?
The void is what they were going to use to destroy the world anyway. It's the big dark moon/sun that was always in the background and that ate the Magatsuhi they collected.
I notice mara's posion does a lot, the poison dmg is not percentage based right? Does it scale off phys?
I think it's damage scales for you off of your affinity with Ailments and passives that specifically buff Poison. LCK just affects chances to pop it on people/resist it yourself
I'm sad bros, I wish I played on hard. This is way too fucking easy but I'm almost done with the 3rd area and got a ways to go
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My team was already OP and I just got 3 gospel from one back to back mitama. I'm using lvl 52 full strength bino, Artemis, konohana, and idun all 52 also. Can't wait for godborn desu
Cute girl, just needs to join my party officially, accept Jesus as her savior, and stop smoking weed.
I wish the Mermaid navigator just swam through the air instead of constantly swimming underground, you can't even see her most of the time and she has a longer delay in showing hidden items.
I let the demon live because that's what he asked and I also sided with both Leanan and Anansi
>30 hours in
>at shinjuku area
>have done 90% of the side quests so far
>still no swap from Aogami Nahobino form to the new one that was in all the promo material

I was told the game is like 40 hours when the fuck does it happen
>have done 90% of the side quests
That's why you don't have it yet, I'm in the same boat, think I'm almost done with shinjuku
35 hours in.
It happens at the end of Shinjuku.
Tao is so cute bros, how can anyone prefer yoko? That ear makes me diamonds for some reason. Especially with the short skirt mod
I hope for the next entry they go back to normal exploration and dungeon crawling. Making the areas the “dungeons” is retarded
The only thing that matters is that we get a qt AI companion that constantly calls us Master.
Burroughs made me diamonds.
>Mind fucks Dazai with his finger
>Turns him into an edgy lawfag
What the fuck did he do?
Beat True Demon recently on hard for Nocturne. Does IV and IV:A have an all content route? Or do you have to go through a specific order to experience everything?
In IV I would say Neutral is the all content route. You defeat all the bosses and have to do most of the games content to complete it
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I'm in the second area
is anyone else as slow as me? has everyone finished the game already?
IV neutral gets at most of the important bits of IV, then IVa essentially has one route with a slight split at the end that changes little, so you could probably go through both games only once with neutral IV and whatever for IVa
IV has Neutral which requires doing basically all the Challenge Quests and keeping your alignment kinda in the center
IVA is just making sure you don't take Law or Chaos which double as game overs. Bonds/Massacre are basically the same path with some differences narratively and a party change
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I had no idea he was this big, first time seeing him in the Haunt despite running him for a bit
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>front-facing kresnik isn't real, he can't hurt you
So how do you change your appearance? . Yes, I've beaten the game. And I've seen some people with the second form fighting Satan instead of the long blue hair.
pretty sure you can activate the Satan fight before fighting Tiamat. I just ended up remembering to check Mastema once I was about to end the route with Lucy's fight
the fuck blud's doing there??
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>he deleted it
Coward freak.
I see. Thanks for clearing that up.
Repost it then, nerd.
Came here to ask about this too
heard that there's some sort of talisman or something
Kresnik is cool when he isn't ranting about the vampire he already had me kill
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How the hell do you find Jack Frost attractive
confirmed it the Samael fight unlocks when you first enter the Empyrean, once you do that quest you can immediately do Satan
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I want to fuck Nuwa
Does Pandemonic Feast remove the "only hit minimum possible hits when there's a single target" part of multi hit moves? Or does it simple raise both floor and ceiling by +2 and you still only hit the minimum on a single target?
It's going to be fun fucking around trying to figure out a way to beat Satan on a non-NG+ file that doesn't involve the Omnipotent Succession + Omagatoki Charge cheese. Wonder if it's even possible.
I remember being so excited to use all 3 for the Norn fight then it turns out you're better off switching them out for phys demons. Luckily I fused them into a kickass Norn.
Retard, Atropos' innate skill makes any weakness hit have a possibility of instakill, just have everyone punch the Dis and take her out
Seems like it raises the minimum and maximum by 1. Just tried Glacial Blast on Hydra and it hit three times. So still just the minimum amount, just one with one more hit. You'll need Omagatoki: Dance for max hits.
>you're better off switching them out for phys demons
I'm trying to make a Vengeance tier Artemis, but with only a couple open slots, it's hard.
Meant by two, fuck.
Damn. I was mostly focused on the perma-buff part and forgot about that. Aren't most boss adds immune to instant death?
Is there a way to use Binos second form in a NG+ on the old route not Vengeance?

What can you carry over from Vengeance to Creation?
I've seen cheese like this
your party is beano any beast dis/norn arioch
beano has the healing spell that doesn't cost a turn it's like a better pass
beast casts adversity returns itself to stock
dis/norn returns itself to stock at no press turn cost
now you have beano and 1hp arioch
entire stock dead to boost arioch innate, 20 dead demons should grant 100% damage boost
figment slash, free pass, figment slash until the boss is dead, satan has 100k hp arioch should hit for about 20k if everything is set up correctly
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i replaced inflaming divinity on albino by mistake. where i can find aogami type-B essense/husk again ?
how's Red Rider for a phys based Superdemon?
Not sure what's wrong with the image you posted, but this is what Jack Frost looks like for me whenever I see 'em running about: https://files.catbox.moe/9b870h.jpg
>pubes on Black
I want nuwa on my team bros
Has anyone tested if yabusame shot crippling blow + taboo works on boss addons like demifiend or satan?
Meet Yakumo in tokyo and you will unlock nuwa as fusion
>met Agrat and defeated her in one shot since her clones gave away her weakness and spells beforehand
Dreading the incoming Quadistu fight which apparently involves all 4 at once though
You can use ailments as much as you want for most of the game but I'll warn you the very final boss nullifies all ailments so save a New Testament if you don't want to eat shit.
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>finally found a Bufudyne essence
>no excuse not to replace Stormcaller Song and it's unique animation
Of course it doesn't. Neither does it work on Abcess demons. It does work on red enemies though, but at a much reduced percentage.
I have had it with those motherfucking snakes!
It's not too bad
I thought so too, but then she wiped out all my active demons by getting crits six times in a row with queens decree.
Don't know if it's too much of a spoiler since it's just mechanics but it's played out more like a summoner duel between you and Lillith, which is kino
She used it twice in my fight, but I got real lucky and she didn't crit with it either time. After that I just blasted her down with my freshly fused Nue and Artemis.
I found it pretty challenging since I had no good way of hitting Lilith's weakness outside of 1 demon with dracostrike. But then I realized that Lilith and Naamah literally can't attack
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I say that, and when I say it, I look just like that.
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It should work on abscess demons when they're weak to light or dark they can be instakilled but at really low chance.
Just wait untill you get to the samael fight
How many area are there? I'm in the final qadistu fight in shinjuku, I'm excited to get my new form
Wait yeah you're right, I may or not have instakilled that lvl 99 abscess slime using Mot's Agidyne. I wasn't sure since its HP was low anyways.
just one more full sized area and one shitty dungeon ahead
I am a literal braindead retard when it comes to finding mimans, it's over
The game is literally made for people like you
>use aerial view
>look around to see if there are any red dots
>go to red dots
There, that's the majority of mimans found.
Imagine trying to find them without it, that was the base game.
the 4 qadistu fight seems intimidating at first but when you realize that they can't charge unless all 4 are alive and tetrakarn breaks the fight
What’s the best way to approach the final Qadistu fight? Who should I focus on killing first or can they all just basically revive each other?
you want to kill everyone except lilith at least once so you get their essences.
Lilith can revive everyone else, others can't revive. Fight instantly ends when Lilith dies.
Empty those pockets, bitch.
the price this little nigga is asking is a steal
I'm at a similar place, that's sad. This game has been so fun I don't want it to end.
Well he's wrong, there's two shitty dungeons ahead.
Then do CoC afterwards, dumdum.
I just finished it, if you kill all 3 except lilith she will waste her turn over and over reviving, so just balance damaging lilith and re-killing who she revived. Hopefully in a single turn
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boom bitch
But there's no Yoko
desu I didn't find him that scummy in previous games but it was far too blatant in Vengeance.
Any time Mastema is involved with Law you know it's going to be the worst alignment. Vengeance leans into this, that he's such an unlikable faggot that they made a new Law alignment that's separate from him.
Tao is better
Tao does fuckall in Canon of Creation.
What's the next decent tank after Hayataro? Dog nigga has been crazy good for me.
>3 MP taunt w/ accuracy/evasion buffs
>Diarama + Patra
>naturally learns a skill removing one of his only weaknesses
>high power phys move
You can just keep leveling him with Grimoires cause there isn't a better tank for a long time.

That being said, tanks fall off later in the game when enemies start spamming more attacks that hit the entire party.
>Kill Agrat
She's the most dangerous out of the 4
>Kill Naamah
Easy press turns and stops buffing/debuffing
>Kill Eisheth
Not much of a threat if someone resists physical
>Focus damage on Lilith
She is tanky but not a huge threat. She'll waste turns resummoning the others, but for me she only brought Naamah and Esiheth back. Kill the former and let the latter be chipped down by AoEs then killed when she is low on health.
Did I fuck up, or there are barely any natural demons from lv 80 and upwards? You used to see a couple of demons for every 2 levels or so, usually more. Now my possibilities are Chi You Lv 77, Aliat Lv 81, and Vishnu Lv 87
thats about where the normal demon fusions drop off, majority of the rest are special fusions
>My two favorite demons Mastema and Beelzebub don't work well together on the same team

Onyakapon, taunt any ally with attack buff and can just tetra/makarakarn them then boost them with donums
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What the FUCK is his problem?
onyakopon is god tier, best support demon i had and hard carried me until the end of the game

What a comfy fucking boss theme
>been simping for Tao
>character icon in Tokyo is spinning counterclockwise
oh no
There isn't exactly much game left to put them once you hit 80, just the final and super bosses.
onyankopon is cool especially when you find out that king of tales is tarukaja x4 so the rare case you're debuffed to limit you can just bounce back up immediately
That's what NG+ is for. Seems most people agree that the Law path is better though. Tao's so fucking hopeful that I have a hard time betraying her hopes, whereas with Yoko seems like something she'd expect and get over quickly.
Angel pussy
bad writing
persona melodrama
trash game
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Born to be cringe
Forced to be based
Accepts and embraces the dichotomy
Mastema's Innate is...interesting. I imagine if you were to max him out or make him at least tanky it could be pretty damn good.
>be 681474371
>be gay faggot
>have aids
>wear diapers for anal leakage
When will the game let me explore the rest of Khonsu's area?
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>let’s sister get kidnapped 3 times
>fails to save her all 3 times
>sister basically says don’t bother trying to save me you couldn’t protect me all those other times go away
>gets sad and tries to become nahobino so he can have new purpose
>gets killed by the comic relief law cuck

Jesus Christ Atlus
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>Tao's so fucking hopeful that I have a hard time betraying her hopes
I like Tao's personality and optimism better than Yoko's whole depressing ass attitude, but there is also something about yoko that is just really cute.
Maybe she just appeals to my inner captain save a hoe.
>That scene where she appears all menacingly in her Masked goddes form saying that that the yoko Tao once knew is long gone.
>instantly reverts to her more human panagia form when she realizes the nahobino that Tao is with is you and says how glad and happy she is that you survived.
Mermaid's unique animation is just too good so I kept it anyway.
He's worth keeping around. Crazy good for most of the game.
Falls off a bit when enemies start spamming AOEs though.
Though he's a solid damage dealer the entire game since his unique is crazy.
You forgot he place the blame at Dazai while he was a newbie at demon summoning. He also just left the students at the fairy village to your care but was expected that you save the sister as well.
>Aramasa and rooted soul level 55
You should have got rid of them at level 20
they respawn on the same spot, at least on CoV.
Is Dazai any good now in Vengeance?? i do like how badass he became near the end and acted in the OG but nothing really came out of his bullshit story in the last parts.
Please tell me he's actually cool and meaningful this time around (without spoilers)
>unique but underpowered
Sure it's cool seeing it the first 20, maybe even 30 times if you're a bit on the retarded side of things, but after that who gives a fuck. Replace it with better ice spells at that point if you MUST keep your fishy stink waifu
Wait smt 5 is fixed now apparently? Did Vengeance add a story finally?
You get to use him as a guest character for a bit, he's decent but not spectacular for the part of the game you get him.
After that he goes full edge, and going by bodycount alone, he's more "badass".
Alilat is pretty good.
She has healing and support affinity, no weaknesses, resists or nulls all ailments and her magatsuhi skill fully restores her hp and sp so she can keep spamming debilitate and luster candy.
He got touch by an angel and his mental state just went downhill from there.
Yeah, that scene was nice and all. But the fact Tao has been riding with us for a while at the point all Yoko's posturing has no effect on me. I might just keep the file where I do take Tao's hand just so can rewatch it, after I do the chaos route to get the bad taste out of my mouth. I did the same thing in IV:A when deciding to go for the ending where Nanashi kills all his friends on my second playthrough
I actually just got to his character shift in CoV a few minutes ago and I will say it’s a bit better handled in this route but still not the best. He actually attains his new found confidence after “saving” someone. He’s usually away but it’s explained he’s basically just following Abdiel around and she influences his character shift. It’s still pretty cringey mind you but better than CoC
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boom bitch
Also in the 2nd area but thats because ive been playin the elden ring dlc. Lvl 35
Can i jump straight into CoV or do i need to play CoC first
Play CoV first. Its MADE to play first since CoC story is that bad.
>tfw can't fuse away my underleveled demons like Alice and Dormarth because autism demands I only turn cute girls into other cute girls
I don't have enough grimoires for EVERYONE
No I kept it, the game is not hard enough to try hard even on hard and the super bosses require you to have a tailor made party anyway.
wtf I never noticed her hands are webbed
Thanks brehs, sounds good enough for me compared to OG
>abdiel went around killing ra, baal and zeus's knowledge
How did she know they were their knowledge?
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WTF??? neither did i... what is this crap. Is she a frog too or what
autistic fucks like you have an easy but paid solution : the DLC mitamas.
Arent you glad Fatlus thought about your autism?
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Re-fused the skeleton witch and now she's fucking JACKED.
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fish's fins are "webbed" anon
He looks ridiculous near anyone normal, like he ran away from a retrofuturistic sci-fi piece from 70s.
so quests that aren't marked to expire never get cancelled, no matter how far I push the main story? so i could go unlock the new form and then do most of the side stuff?
>ignore red bar
>ignore essences
>ignore demon stat and level boost items
>doing fine so far (beat Namaah)
Am I incredibly good or is Normal easy enough to ignore these mechanics?
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Normal is babby
Correct. The original game didn't even have any timed quests, so unless it says otherwise, you're free to engage with it whenever. The caveat to that is that in Canon of Creation, one of the endings requires you to finish a few quest lines before the alignment lock, but CoV doesn't have anything like that and you were still free to do those quests whenever you wanted if you didn't want that one ending anyway.
Normal is so easy, women and vtubers can beat it.
Yeah but did you see her HANDS? her hands look more like a frog's than a fish dude : >>681470879
It's uncanny shit
kek based.
That reminds me i need to play the Raidou games , but i wonder if i should just skip the first game and start with the second..
This was a bit of a civil war between Bethel, so getting information on that for assassination might not be that hard. Just spy on the god's movements and Trisagion the human that the rival gods are approaching. Hard to make a move directly without another god knowing.
Tempted to buy the DLC to autismmax and get a team of level 150 monstrous stat waifumons (and my boy Hydra), but I’m not usually a completionist in RPGs, and I know I’ll get bored before then.
>keep fighting bosses that are 10+ levels above my beano and 15+ above most of my demons
Why do I keep doing this to my self?
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As someone who's going through the first one right now, it's pretty rough. But if you're used to rough in some way and are interested in the setting, skipping it entirely might not be in your best interest. I wouldn't even say it's hard so far, just janky.
Don't you break the game with that?
Or are there like insane diminishing returns?
Now after
>5 mainline games
>5 Persona games
>many side entries
Who is the largest or most major deity, demon, myth, etc that has yet to appear?
You get to 999 in everything then nothing can really threaten you outside of higher level boss rushes. Even just 999 Vit, and True Masakado can't do anything past like 20 damage per hit.
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You beat Satan to unlock the ability to by a miracle that require you to play either two or more cycle or just grind the DLC. Then you go godborn and get the ability to buy those. Regardless, Grimoire can be bought at the final stage of the first play through
yea but i read the 2nd is superior in every way.. more demon roster, being able to summon 2 demons at once etc.
Also if you play the second one you might get burned out. So thats probably why i think starting with 2 isnt bad.
But i get your points too.
It's surprising that we still don't have Izanagi as a regular demon. He's important to the original novels and he's Yu's Persona in 4, but you've never been able to use him in the traditional way. Not even in deep cut spinoffs like Giten Megami Tensei or Spiral Nemesis.
your mom
Have Adam and Eve appeared?
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Yeah, in NINE.
We can't all be like your mom who is in V's whore squad
to be honest i justwant fusable yellow baldie YHVH
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A good amount of Egyptian deities. The one with animal heads

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I asked someone this very question but only got like semi-obscure stuff that most people haven't heard of, like the bunyip or the Hopkinsville goblin. You know what everyone has heard of but we haven't gotten? Santa.
That one game doesn't count
>No more half measures walter.
How did they get away with this?
Damn. Santa would be cool.
we have enough fate shit we don't need more
Don't reduce the oldest epic in civilization to that.
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King of Jobbers
There's a lot of Greek gods that have only shown up as Personas, like Hades and Apollo. But outside of Demi Kids, Poseidon has never made an appearance.
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When will they finally add in GIRUGAMESH
excellent pick anon
>tfw no Shin Megami Tensei Odyssey
Just get proper King Arthur already and not a girl that require human semen to function.
It's cute so it's ok.
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On the american side, Paul Bunyan, John Henry, and the Flatwood Monster
Where was Arthur in P5 when the holy grail was acting up?
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Just get the gothic one with tits.
Oh and Johny apple seed
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This was quite the dangerous abscess. Did not expect 8 press turns with a way to hit almost every weakness.
I'd like the greys or modern conspiracy theories in general
The level scaling in the original game made this unironically one of the hardest fights. You pretty much had to stall them out with poison while turtling up.
>Have say goodbye to the cool moonbeano form.
I honestly liked tsukuyomi and his form better than aogami and his beano form.
I wish we atleast got cool new susanoo form when he comes back.
these guys are super weak to ailments or taunt + makakarn usually just ends their turn in first action
Raidou 2 is my favorite game in the franchise but the first one is arguably better in a lot of ways, it’s also really easy in the default mode so you should have no problems, because of that I say don’t skip both games also had the most interaction with your demons until vengeance.
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Soul Hacker seem to have lots of those kinds of demons

Yeah its nuts, still fighting them lol.
With all the other bullshit they evade a lot so its just rng now too.
Anyone else dragging Lahmu or Agrat around for guaranteed crits from Multi-hit magic?
Could Flat Earth be a demon?
There's rumors demons but flat earth is supposed to be the actual planet with (You) living on it.
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If someone didn't tell me that golden apple was nerfed I probably wouldn't even notice. This is how much you heal with bowl of hygeia and no heal plaeromas, it's still a lot of healing and if you wanted you could double this healing number by just stacking heal plaeromas.
And the DLC lady is supposed to be even better? That's nuts I tell you.
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Sex with bino
pve poggers my dude i love streamlined gameplay
pve poggers my dude, wanna theorycrafta with the brown demons?
I always wonder what the formal suit hanging on the wall is for
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>And the DLC lady is supposed to be even better?
DLC slut's passive is that her heals are 2x when she's fully buffed. But it seems like for her unique that it's enough that she's fully buffed after it's used to proc.
Sakuya isn’t broken because she heals HP she’s broke because she heals MP
She also restore mana, which is the only heal in the game that does that.
does 60 pwr mean 60 hp?
The Creator is a Nahobino fusion of God and Jesus in this story, right?
If you only have 1 in Magic yeah, it scales with the stat on top of having a % heal component so it's more than that.
I feel bad for people that started with anti vengeance.

I truly truly do but on the other hand those fags are too stupid to appreciate real smt
Not really.
The lore is.
>in the days of old every god/demon was a beano AKA true gods.
>then at some point YHVH reffered to as the god of law took away all the beano's knowledge turning them into demons.
>YHVH sealed the god's knowledge inside the fruit of a tree..
>Lucy makes humans eat said fruit and now the knowledge of the gods are fused to the soul of the human who ate the fruit holding their knowledge.
>This is why demons are obsessed with human souls.
>then YHVH created the condemnation which prevented demons from fusing with their human knowledheholder.
>It's never exactly stated what the condemnation is, but it is highly inpkied that demons who tried to fuse with their knowledge during YHVH's reign turned into mimans.
What's the easiest way to level up before the final boss/to do the super bosses? Also which navigator is best for getting loads of incenses?
Mermaid 's perfect ass...
The gospels and demon statues you saved up over the course of the game.
You did save them right?
Agrat's version only affects fellow Qaditsu. That said, I'm running the Qaditsu party and gonna take them to the final boss so yes
Haha Capitulate to Pleasure goes brrrr
Just started recently on hard and just beat hydra and the side-quest bosses related to the mermaid(YHVH bless dampeners). Been a while since I touched a megaten game so got some questions. How freely should I be using the rare candies I get from the random mitamas for bino, the demons and as similar note the demon power statues out in the world? For levelling I'm assuming dumping everything into your main damage stat is still an option or do I have to invest in AGI/VIT? Hopefully not too spoilery but how strict are the restrictions for the game's endings? Is it anywhere as silly as SMTIV where you have to juggle Law/Chaos points to get the neutral ending or more like making decisions at key moments?
this will be my first smt game, can you max all stats, I do that in dragon quest as a way to unwind grinding for seeds of strength etc, is there a similar mechanic here or what ever your stats are at 99 is what your stuck with
Brahma, only two out of three Trimuvati for 30 years
I know the attacking stat of you4 choice + vit are important, but should I put some stats into luck or agility or are the points the game asigns for you + any agi/lck balms you find enough to get by with?
stats go up to 999 in this game and by the time you're level 99 your stats won't go much higher than 150ish maybe 200 if you dedicate everything towards one stat, grinding to 999 is for autismos or godborne meme mode
Abdiel has been keeping the secret of the condemnation for 18 years. Remember Lucfifer made his declaration to HER. She's probably been using those 18 years to keep tabs on all the would-be usurpers
so how would I go about grinding each stat to 999 then? I have max stats in every dragon quest game except 11 and 10 so I am very autistic
Beano always gets a balanced amount of points but I put a couple into Agi anyway because it does affect accuracy and it affects getting player advantage
you have to defeat superboss in canon of vengeance, start NG+ go to godborne mode, grind a motherload worth of money and buy balms and incenses until your stats go to 999
In base game you would just repeat new game+ until your stats are 999 because the permanent stats for main characters are static and do not respawn until NG+
Save gospels for the endgame.
Since exp gains are scarcer in the endgame.
In CoC it doesn't matter you can literally pick which ending you want, but true neutral requires you to do a handful if quests which can be missable if you make the wrong choices during one of those quests.
In CoV there is only a law and chaos ending.
If your neutral during the alignment lock you can pick between the two.
thanks and what about my waifu demon, can I max my one true love? I don't know who it is yet
Don't use gospels, the nahobino level up, unless there's some demon you absolutely have to have. At the end of the game you get just enough gospels naturally to make the jump to level 90+ for the super bosses. Grimoires and Incense feel free to use as you see fit, you get enough grimoires to keep a demon or two all game and you can eventually buy them. Statues I would use sparingly as they obviously are more useful to use late game when you have a max sized stock and are trying to get a bunch of demons to super boss country. The original story CoC the story allignment choices is entirely optional, player allignment only affects some sidequests and bonuses, CoV uses the Strange Journey method where neutral players can choose story allignment but if you're law or chaos by the end you are forced into that route.
if you have dedication to grind stats to 999 i'm sure you can take any waifu with you
Oh yeah about grimoires.
You can easily find 100+ of those over the course of a playtthrough not counting the ones you can buy at the end of the game.
Most people use it to bring their waifu/bromon along the entire game, but there are quite a few early to mid game demons that have a unique skill or innate that makes them worth using for most if not the entire game.
Good to know thanks. Started with CoV as I just decided to roll with whatever my first option landed me but I'm assuming there''s an NG+ to loop back and see the CoC stuff or would people suggest doing a complete fresh save for that?
the game is very generous about grimoires to the point I often hit the 99 limit and I have to use it somewhere I don't really want to, if you ever feel like boosting 1 demon level will help you a lot don't hesitate the game practically drowns you in these things
and that's without the dlc, I don't know how crazy dlc must be
Slav mythology in general is hardly represented, and the majority of those appearances were in Devil Children 20+ years ago
Has Jesus been in one yet?
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what the fuck lady? when did you grow a spine?
If you beat the super boss of COV you unlock godborn which makes all the bosses level 150 and a miracle that increases your lvl cap to 150.
But what it actually is for is to make a new playthrough not a steamroll appearantly.
Yes, it just takes time, though you'll still have to make dedicated demons with specific skills for super bosses.
Not just bosses.
Every single enemy in godborne is level 150, with stats scaled to level.
what a great song, I love this zone
>fix essences in SJR by guaranteeing an essence drop after you unlock a demon's skill line
>for whatever reason drop that improvement in SMTV
>fix fusion in SMTIVA by including a calculator, robust search options, & option to pick between reg. vs original demon during fusion
>drop that improvement in SMTV
holy shit fuck ATLUS, incompetent fucking retards
what are you talking about. that str mag split... only way that is possible if they fucking put one point in each stat and didn't focus on str at all. and why counter? that shit is retarded if you aren't using a taunt build.
How did you get Mephisto at your current level?
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My game has turned into basically a solo run after figuring out vit build + life drain auto strat. I've beaten *so* many bosses with this. If they can't self heal, it's over. The only thing that's scary is poison. This is on hard with no grinding, no gospels, no almighty boost skills, only a regular life spring and still using the toilet dude essense... Any other vitGODs out there, I strongly recommend tossing life drain into your skill list and spending some glory on almighty. It's such a good backup.

The best part is when bosses spam seal, auto skill will guard for you so you just wait it out really fast.
you get a quest in tokyo diet building to beat him up, if you complete the quest talk to one of the npcs near entrance and ask for demons and mephisto will join, I beat him at like level 55 or so without level scaling it's not unreasonable
>reg. vs original demon during fusion
Pretty sure this is still a thing. Press (R) or the right bumper in the fuse menu.
I liked Siegfried for any physical bosses. I used the taunt with the defense buff and drain takes ALL the press turns not just 2 like null/dodge does.
that same idea can be done with ANY of the elements so you always neuter the bosses turns.
Yes I got all that. But since the game has so much christian imagery, and there's also Maria, I assume that Jesus is also real. What I'm asking is basically what does that mean? That "God" is also separated from his Knowledge, which was inherited by Jesus?
Doesn't exist. That function only exists in the compendium view.
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is this innate completely broken or does Concentrate not count as a "charge effect"?
they do count but it's 10% chance
How are you guys doing so much fucking dmg? I'm like level 70 and the most dmg I've gotten was 1.5k from murokama? I use frolic, buff up twice with luster candy and use crit magatsuchi. even if i did charge the turn before it'd only be 2-3k at most. I'm seeing 8k-30k posted in thread.. I even use all my balms when i get them from pickups or quests. I have like 140 str. i also have almighty boost, I don't have access to High almighty yet. should i replace glee for critical tyrant?
No, because "god" is the one who stole everyone else's knowledge so that no one can challenge his rule.
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How???? My fusions only get at least plus 20 per stat.
oh. Fuck me, why did I even bother. What a worthless innate.
It can even procs for the quad attack omagatoki skill
I too wish skill descriptions weren't fucking garbage
there is a magatsuchi that keeps your charge/concentration for that turn.
Normal or hard difficulty?
Also isn't that boring?
>This is on hard with no grinding.
>it's auto skill with only lifedrain.
I think it'd be boring but some people like breaking the combat in dumb ways
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>NPCs who slightly change their dialogue to acknowledge your backtracking
Gotta be one of my favorite genders
Sorry about speedreading, can't do otherwise at work.
Can you fight shiva at any point during CoV since there's no true neutral or is there some cutoff point?
It's hard as I said.
>isn't it boring
I like seeing the animation for the boss's unique skill but then after that I just want to kill him while listening to the music or tabbing out. If I can absolutely dab on them with a solo auto rush that's even more fun to me because that's like an insult. Saying it's boring is like saying regen tanking is boring, it's usually extremely fun to bust the game. Figuring out how to bust the game in different ways is what's fun about JRPGs

It's also fun seeing people in threads cry about getting one shot and then I'm fucking invincible on the hardest (right now) difficulty, in opposition to the constant stream of safety mode users in these threads.

Also, all you need is one slot for lifedrain so you're still the support dude like in a normal vit build. I got loa for ailments and I got buffs for extended setup max damage strats.
>SMTIVA by including a calculator, robust search options,
This is just making it for retards, Raidou 2 fixed fusion, every game after it is just making it braindead.
Car sex with Yoko.
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Why do they hate him so much? What did he do to deserve this?
Does life drain more than Energy Drain? I run it on my mixed almighty build since it's just a better regular attack. Never considered Life/spirit drain might still have some value.
Scratch that, I know what he did wrong.
>Carnage Fang
>unique passive buffs phys and doubles your crit rate
>puts more points into magic anyways.
Dumb fuck's really that addicted to throwing magic shards I guess. Of course he'd fail at life
I think you still have to defeat him/unlock his fusion before entering the Empyrean to fight Shin Lucifer, not 100% sure tho.
Chaos always loses
does she do anything after yuzuru dies? or is it just flavor text?
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boom bitch
Just fapped to Yoko lewds
Brahma is in DDS2
Brahman is in DDS2, but they're not actually the same figure in mythology. Brahma is same standing as Vishnu and Shiva while Brahman is like the Hindu equivalent to the Universal Will
That’s Bhraman, they are different things.
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isnt this innate broken?
Thanks for the correction, i actually didn't know that.
Not really it has two if statements
>if it has ailment
>if its a qadistu ally
that's a lot of ifs especially that the best qadistu attacker uses almighty so pierce effect does literally nothing
Life drain is 120pwr and energy is 80pwr so yeah. Energy drain isn't actually needed because eventually the full maga regen miracle will give you more mana than it costs. Since demons can't run out of mana like in Nocturne, I don't think the MP drain is worth it most of the time.

I'm hitting 100ish with +7 no manual points into magic. Currently, the refresh gives me 30 hp too so that's 130hp a turn, and I get hit for like 20, boss fights get me for like 80 with pierce crap, so I still outheal it.
I don't think they did Brahma or Ahura Mazda in the recent games.
link pls
This, tried on switch and it was shit, tried again and it still shit, holy shit how can Atlus fail so hard when SMT4/4A/SJ are just slide shows with RPG elements.
Earfucking Tao!
random foes multi hit attacks always hit the minimum amount on single target right? it was lik that in orig game right?

if you have pandemonic feast that raises max hits by +2 does it still do minimum hits as it doesn't say it raises the minimum hits
if you have pandemonic feast it can hit from minimum to minimum+2 hits it's random, not guaranteed 2 extra hits
It's very funny how irrelevant Yuzuru is that even Dazai is more important for the story than him. Hell he was only killed by our edgy law boy because you needed the new beano form.
Do you guys use inspiring leader for your favorite demons so they're not too low leveled?
I just use grimoires.
I think they nerfed exp gain for stock demons, seems after a certain point they require a billion exp for 1 level up even though they are lvl 50
With nerf to miracles passing xp and stats not anymore but it used to be quite meta to put inspiring leader on pretty much everything because next fusion could gain like 3-5 levels, with the nerfs you're lucky to get 1 level up.
Did Shiori and Lahmu manage to merge in the second fight? Storywise shouldn't the Nahobino be godlike?
Eisheth benefits from it tremendously. Voracious Apetite is definitely one of the strongest Chaser Attacks, I usually have her paired up with Namah who can force charm pretty easily, only phys resistance demons are her bane
It's not a true fusion, Lahmu gets a power up from his knowledge but Sahori is fighting against him. His class also doesn't change to Nahobino, he's still a Vile.
I can't find the fiends after hell biker, I assume they're in the new map but i can't see them anywhere
you have to talk to sophia when you get to map 3 and she'll put a marker on your map
You have to get to the Shinjuku Medical Center first, a cutscene triggers then they'll spawn
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>Satan starts summoning 3 demons
The story isn't very well explained then again I was playing on CoC.
Does murderous glee affect her crit rate? I figured it was just tied to her innate skill's activation rate.
Does Luck impact insta-kill chance?
Has anyone managed to beat Satan on hard?
Yes, same with counter skills.
You still need to hit a weakness however.

Yes, there's many videos on youtube
Drain MP was definitely a tactic for solo run in Nocturne, but here it seems like every enemy has infinite MP so I've never tried that.
I did heal with Life and Energy Drain on my solo run in V, tho.

How did you pass the Hydra and Nuwa on solo run / hard? What lever were you?
I used Cu Cuthulain+MC+Masakado+Sakuya
MC uses taunt, luminescent mirage, and chaotic will to shut down Satan during Megiddo ark turns. Cu hits whatever you don’t want Satan absorbing. Masakado spams his unique move and Friegul. Sakuya mp battery
one of the few new songs that fit the original game theme... sort of
There are a couple of skills like Godbow or Evil Melody that don't require a weakness to trigger instant death. Also some abillities like the instant death counter/magatsuhi race skills and the innate abillities of demons like Matador that just require a critical hit to activate. Look up Matador's luck build paired up with Loa, he instant kills everything with Yabasume Shot.
Masakado is only available in Creation route, right?

I beat Venveance route first, but could not beat d-f or Satan. Now I'm playing Creation route on NG+
On NG++, will the quest for Satan be available as soon as I beat Mastema (near the end of the game), or...
Don't have masakado cause I'm doing CoV first sadge. He's ass raping me so I guess I'll do him after I get masakado.
What's stopping you from using any other pokemon instead of those now that you can transfer skills like lustery candy?
Masakado is making me feel insecure about my nahobino
He's so much stronger bros what can I do
No, I'm asking anon where did he get Masakado. If he's ony Creation route and Satan is on Vengeance, this means he beat him on NG+ and not NG
Whales who bought the DLC
i fucking hate this nigger
unironically the worst character in the game, and this game has Abdiel and Yoko
*techno beat* oo ah *techno beat* oo ah
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Pity that doomguy hasn't gotten the secret superboss treatment yet.
Name one thing Mastema did wrong
That's crazy, the game already showers you with stat points and items, i'm almost sure the game is AI generated because the difficulty curve makes 0 sense
How's that a pity? Homogenization and nostalgia bait instead of making a good game for once, what a rotten nu-fanbase.
Almost never lets you fuse him pre endgame/ng+, half the time route locked.
I think it's a combo of her ingredients having fuckhuge stats and her jumping to level 129.
Supposedly yes, but I have my doubts now. Before I re-fused her, I brought her to a boss fight and I still had both Bloody Glee and Murderous Glee on her. She never crit a single time.
Yeah I was on NG+
Satan isn’t really intended for NG
He's trying to stop me from breeding female demons.
Friendship ended with Battle -Dance Crazy Murder-, now Battle -Beelzebub- is my new best friend
Neck yourself trannoid.
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I clapped

>Nocturne only tourist
How should I be distributing my Beno's stats if I'm going for a Phys build, just dump it all into STR or should I be spreading it around?
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>at the final staircase of the Empyrean
>only Shiva, Demifiend and the final bosses left
>don't want to do it
What do?
VIT is always an important stat. A few points into Agi for accuracy won't be bad either. But yeah, mostly just pump STR.
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You have no idea how happy it makes me knowing that EO,Soul Hackers, Devil Survivor, PQ, Strange Journey and other good games are dead and buried. Out of the reach of your faggot ass hands.

Wanting everything, all the time, cheapening the experience. What experience? The experience of dodging demons and moving from point a to point b?
You should be putting everything in MAG if you want to go for a strength build.
yeah I felt that way too until he stopped critting against lucifer negro with every buff up and every debuff applied, FUCKING CRIT YOU RETARD
if you aren't dying, dump it on str, I did it all the way to masakado and lucked it through with repel/drain affinities lol
I am just going to say it, Jouin High School has the ugliest school uniforms in all of fiction.
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They literally put 10 Mad Gasser and like a million Nue's for you to farm in 5 minutes and overlevel the game since they all have the same weaknesses and attacks

bro this game is rotten, that's fucking crazy.
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>The experience of dodging demons and moving from point a to point b?
>Post a game where Estoma is near mandatory
>restart the game

Sorry, just not going to waste two lvl 80 demons on a lvl 23 slime
>beat the game on my run which includes no fusion
>compendium at the start of NG+ is around 4%
>didn't buy miracles that reduce compendium prices, but I have 2,5 mil Tokyo Dollars
>ok, now we fuse for trophy
>LitERallY the first fusion I did was accident
This is what I get for doing it at fool moon.
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What's so bad about moonman appearing as an optional sueprboss.
if even he cannot crit, then what hope do I have
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I laughed at this scene. Love the reaction from the rest like they were thinking if she may be autistic
Fan "service" of the lowest quality. The game is so lacking and so simplified, how about fixing the world design and difficulty "curve" before adding even more nostalgia bait.
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Toki is so sexy
The point of the Neutral ending in SJ is that humanity will always have to face it's bad parts but it can and will succeed in doing so. Neutral has always been the correct choice in the series.
I honestly just started skipping the scenes after the blonde guy dialogue on Da'at 3. This is just too much for me, this is not SMT.
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dammit mot stop breaking the game again
crit aura, I was just hoping with a billion buffs and murderous glee on masakado he could 100% crit with his innate
Has anyone tested if creamapi works for this game? Want to get it but I'm not shelling out for the DLC.
You don't want the DLC, it trivializes the already streamlined game
Not every one can be a cool villain like him who teleports around.
We had this conversation before. Maybe not with you, but with that other anon who was clearly a bully in school and didn't like the replies he got here.

Bullying itself is not the reason for a person to commit murder, but this shit IS happening in real life. Also, do I have to remind you anons that when Lahmu appeared before 2 girls one of them pushed the other toward Lahmu so that Lahmu can kill her while the other one is trying to escape. Did you miss this part, or are you conveniently ignoring it?
I'm aware. They would be for repeat playthroughs.
Got this nigga from an accident and now he's one shotting most things with his innate I guess? Haven't read it
same thing as matador, 40% instakill if crit or striking weakness
Whats the best way to farm Macca? Just collect from the vending machines in Taito over and over? Or demand money from demons?
Yes he is. He is my favourite friend
>Or demand money from demons?
Feels to random exactly when demons start to beg for their life.
It's worth asking them for macca but I'm unsure how great it is to farm.
Gold Mitama DLC or simulation boss battles with Gemma luck
wait you could save anywhere now? FFS
Playing CoV, just reached end of Shinagawa. Is it just me or this boss is eay too easy? My Anahita alone carried that fight and I was playing on hard.
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you literally move from point a to point b, farm a cluster of X type with a turbo nigger rape party that can wipe their element and then you move to the boss , insta-save before fighting him, you use spyglass, restart fight if wiped and then you rape the boss.

This is the modern day smt5V experience, also there are no dungeons so saving everywhere is overkill OOH! and i almost forgot, there are railroads that function as checkpoints so you don't even have to walk at all on certain leylines. Did i mention Dagda appears as a giga nigger boss? You love Dagda don't you?
Nobody loves Dagda, anon.
>Isabeau is alive because it follows the neutral route from IV
Apocalypse was a mistake.
fucking SEAnigger retard
3 is easier than 5. You didn't play either of them, so of course you don't know that. Useless ESL scum.
You're mixing V structure (4 regions with no real dungeons, etc) with QoL stuff. It can be a different game and still have all that, which makes the game less tedious
Yeah, I love Dagda. He was pretty based and made IVA memorable.
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Sorry did i said Dagda? i meant Demifiend look! everyone loves that guy.

>which makes the game less tedious
It makes a game boring and it goes against dungeon crawling design... oh yeah no dungeons and no design, just AI generate garbagio
The best mainline SMT (Nocturne, IV/A, VV) are not dungeon crawlers, cope with that.
he hasn't played any of them though
You are a fucking retard.
>Nocturne, IV/A
>Not dungeon crawlers

They are.
You are a fucking retard.
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>day 18 of an ESL moron attempting to "troll" a thread about a game he hasn't played in a series he hasn't played for 10 hours a day because SEAtards have no job other than finding dogs to cook and raping their female family members
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Probably. But SMTIV/A, Nocturne have dungeons and you crawl them. Not being a grid-based movement doesn't mean you should be allowed to design something as horrible and empty as SMTV/V when IV/Nocturned had good level/world design.

I'm 500% sure the game was made with AI. Sorry what's the word company use these days so they don't get shit on for using AI? Procedural Algorithm?
I almost 100% sure he wasn't a thing on release weekend.
>Squares are dungeons! And not squares, verticality, non linear paths, and exploration are not dungeons because they are le outside
If IV areas count as dungeons then why don't the five different areas in VV count as big dungeons?
I can't believe Atlus ruined the SMT franchise with this game...
(The only experience I've had with this series is a Lets Play of Strange Journey the game with a literal Costco as a dungeon)
Did you know that killing Mitamas with items (gems) gives you a better reward than doing it with skills?
he probably needed 2 days to get filtered by this game's Matador like he got by 3's. That's what caused the everylasting asspain
yeah but that Costco is sick, and I won't let some retard who didn't even play the game ruin an amazing game like SJ by association
He's been at this for years. Unless there are multiple crazy people who have very strong opinions about Nocturne, but provably haven't played it.
Because V/VV's areas are all interconnected, they don't have loading screens when you change rooms or elevations so they're not dungeons
How hard is Demifiend on Hard if I don't go for a cheese strat that kills him within 3 turns?
SJ costco bad because my tiny brain can't comprehend dark hallways
hard you are risking fighting him for 30 minutes or longer and he can undo the entire progress in 1 turn
at least the Italian shitposter last year played the fucking games. He had screenshots so we knew he was progressing
Guess SNES doesn't have a single dungeon crawler.
I have a question.
Is it possible that Italian anon = Aigisfag?
They should add in a Fearsome Critters rep, like a hidebehind or a cactus cat.

I read that as Hildibrand
>He doesn't know

Zoomer SMTV trannies think Strange Journey is overrated because Old bad New Good and i'm not even joking.
He was super legit on original V. You need to build your entire team for the fight and pay attention to his phase transitions
What is the point you are trying to make?
That they were rotten to the core, and they deserved to die. Obviously.
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I have not seen a single person express that opinion. I have seen people put SJ lower than other titles because they don't like Wizardry or EO type games and that's fine, and I've seen people say to skip the remake in favor of the original, and that's also fine.
For me it's Tehom's boss theme.
Of course not. You're not actually crawling dungeons you're walking.
Forget SMTV can someone please tell me what the fuck's wrong with Costco? We dont have them where I live.
>Non-Dungeon Walkers
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It just feels like a AI made SMTV/V, the game design is souless and it feels like you are moving trough a Costco... Nothing wrong with costco doe, it's better than Wallmart
Nothing is wrong with Costco. The ESL claimed to have a membership when he clearly lives in a place without them as well, is all.
Costco is fucking great
What did you mean by this unironically
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I dont understand at all.
Its worse than a bad food analogy
i wonder if it's the same retard that claimed atlus stole towers blocking the map from ubisoft
>insta-save before the boss
Ah yes. Something you totally can't do in IV and IV:A
I do love Dagda <3
Yes that is a map of the outside of a videogame in tokyo please help me rub my braincells together because I don't understand how that's like a grocery store interior like Costco.
it's not squares so his mind breaks and he can't comprehend it
Is that Da'at 1? BRUH i love that level
Don't attempt to understand third world IQs.
wait I thought he was pretending to love 3 though? So why is he crying about the game that is closest to 3's level design now?
>they can't troll you if there dead
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remember how in da'at 2 you are following a straight line? And there are clusters of soijacks inside werehouse? Then on the next werehouse there's a cluster of pyrosois?

Remember how in the tower of Da'at 3 it's full of empty rooms with stars and a bunch of retard demons running around?

It literally looks like the inside of a costco, completely souless.
It's insane how much of her dialogue is basically lifted straight out of TGT.
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I'm taking Idun all the way to the end. I will not abandon her to the DLC whore.
why abandon her when you can use both, nigga
I did take her all the way to the end of my first playthrough and didn't use Sakuya once despite her being my party.
I'll be using Sakuya for the post game superbosses though. The MP restore items in this game suck.
>That dialogue in the haunt where she mentions her husband right after you gift her a lavish demon box
Atlus did it on purpose I'm sure.
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what's up there? do you think they will add 3d platforming in smt 6?
I didn't fight him in base V, but I heard there was a strategy where you constantly switch in a demon that reflects/absorbs physical. Does that still work because I heard some posts say it was patched out.
I want to go shopping witu Qaditsu and watch them but Wonderbread at costco
Yeah, try switching demons that absorb phys, he will spam Freikugel on you.
I deleted both her and the DLC whore.
No I don't remember a shipping yard and warehouse inside a Costco.

I have however seen Jack Frosts.
I deleted her and use the pink alien angel with eyes everywhere because she looks cool.

Also does anyone know how to get the blue angle like that or what level he is? I dont have enough demons registered to get him somehow
The thing is Demifiend remembers resistances, so switching in a phys absorb that he already tagged will not work. This is true in base V too.
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I only max luck
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and for the final time
boom bitch
What do you mean by "already tagged"?
this nigga poisons
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This one?
I fed all my Luck Incense to Namah. Capitulate to Pleasure is my new best friend
It really feels great to have all these powerful demons near the end, Im a fucking god
>14k damage
Safety difficulty?
If he already registered a demon as phys repelling/absorbing, he'll switch to Freikugel even if you put them in the stock and then swap them back in.
Got to say starting on Hard, losing the slime tutorial fight, getting pursued relentlessly by demons until you fuck up enough of them they start running away when they see you. They really nailed the feeling of getting more powerful
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best inquisition team?
So does this mean that you get around 20 turns where you can exploit this strategy before he switches to Freikugel?
Who is tighter...Tao or Yoko?
Should I get Vengeance if I only did 1 route in base SMTV or should I finish all the other routes in NG+ first?
Also should I play 3 before Vengeance it's been sitting in my steam library untouched.
Ok, How are you level 99 and near the end of the game after 32 hours? Did you skip almost every side quest?
Theoretically, if you put repel/absorb phys on 20 demons. But that's kind of inefficient when Phys Resist works just fine
He deadly fury checks and remembers, that was the strat with repel phys, you hope to kill him before you run out of stock, the other strat is adversity return all to stock and kill him in 4 murakumos, vengeance has new cheese like strategize + arahabaki and impalers figment slash him by swapping a demon out 8+ times
Get Vengeance, you know the original game routes are all still in the game along with the new campaign right?
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This is my 2nd run and I've done nearly all side quests available. If I missed a quest that means it's demon haunt only quest and I don't know what all of those are, I've done one for Idun and one for Fionn
Oh. I started NG+ and my time is 'combined'. I guess you started Newborn then instead of Reborn.
Does dodgetank beano make the fight easier? It seems that a good strategy is to minimize the number of turns he has.
I hate NG+ so this is a fresh new game file, I always start from scratch unless there's NG+ exclusive content but even then I'll rarely do it, I'm not starting NG+ to just fight masakado fuck that.
Seems to not work as well anymore. He will still attack into it eventually, but not nearly as consistently as what I see from the original.
Dodgetank is used in arahabaki strategize strat to get extra press turns along with baal
Still doesn't make sense that you started a new file and beat it in 32 hours, unless you skipped everything.
Do you have this build
or something else?
They changed his AI, he checks with Javelin rain unless you already have a physical null+ on the field
Javelin rain has priority over all behavior
Ok, so exp, money and glory can be farmed with mitamas DLC. But how can you farm MP recovery items?
Fighting Giris in area 4 drops Chakra pots occasionally but it's really slow
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Well I don't know how else to convince you other than showing I've even done all the fiend fights, this isn't even that fast I'm sure speedrunners could do it much faster.
It's just a generic figment slash build, I'm not watching that but it's probably close enough.
So how do you do that satan unlock thing again with 2 saves?
Can I just beat the game normally, then load up a previous save file and do all the superbosses or do I have to beat shiva first?
Yoko walks everywhere while Tao gets ubers
Tao played lacrosse.
When you beat the game save the clear game file on a new slow.
Load the previous save - the one before the final battle - and you will have a new quest available.

The game ''detects'' clear save file, which is why you have this quest available. Shiva only affects the final boss I think.
I'm asking because I want to beat the game at 80, then load a save and eat my gospels, so i was wondering if I had to beat Shiva at 80 or not, but I guess I don't.
Whats the last demon needed to fuse Beelzebub? the Lv 93 Deity, how the fuck do I get that one?
Baal, you need to do Demeters sidequests
>Lv 93 Deity
that's baal you need to do quest chain for demeter
Baal I think.
You need to do the Tyrant killing quest.
You should beat him at 80 anyways if you're cool
You can definitely beat Shiva at level 80
And you should DEFNITELY beat Shiva and do few other side quests before final area, so you can fight level 99 Lucifer.
Ok, and how do I reach that area? I've seen it and I thing I need to find the rail to reach it, but I have no idea
I already did all possible sidequests except demi fiend.
I just don't want to make the final boss easy by getting to level 99 with gospels.
But if I beat shiva, won't I need to eat the gospels anyway?
That's why I'm thinking of just doing it normally, reloading and doing everything at 99 again.
Dig up a rail.
there's no rail, start in first layline in shinagawa and just jump down to the highway and from highway to the mountain top looks like a swirly thing on the map
Thanks, I missed that somehow.

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