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New day, a new day to enjoy the expansion. Thoughts so far? try to use the spoiler tag for ffxiv dawntrail.
Decent msq, godtier bosses.
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Kill all cats and lizards
Literal low IQ subhuman savages that ruined an entire expansion
cover is already the most niche skill in existence why do they feel the need to nerf it every expac
Despite there being way too much of lion girl Naruto, I did enjoy the MSQ. Perhaps not as good as SHB or EW but it did manage to stumble into a decent ending at least.
>Give Anima its own slide and hype it up
>It's a throwaway dungeon boss
>Give Eliminator its own slide and hype it up
>Also a throwaway dungeon boss
they gotta stop doing this shit
I had a FC add me and the first thing they say is "we like metal slug but feel free to talk about other games too." That was kinda cool.
I believe that dude was supposed to be the 2nd trial but they went with zolaal ja instead mid development
Also god the voice of his fight is annoying
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>Almost a entire expansion with raha and y'shotla
tears of fucking happiness. I hate the cathag with a passion.
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>The PeluPelu's quest involves raising funds to the equivalent of a million gil
I'm fucking offended. I have hundreds of millions of gil in my fucking pocket. I can raise a million gil in the span of time needed to take a piss. There should be an option to just fucking pay this out of pocket outright out of indignation
If I
>think magic is cool
>don't like cast timers
will I enjoy Summoner? I'm not overly fond of summoning things to do damage for me, but Carbuncle is cute and it doesn't seem as stationary as Black Mage.
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idiot. literally impossible for the wol to carry around 1 million in his f pocket.
well summoner spell effects are plenty magicky
and i dont know what they did in DT but you literally had like, two and a half GCD's worth of hardcasting as a SMN and the rest are a gorillion instants cast in the attack rotation
still not going to play world of warcraft, bro.
tranny rights are men's rights you chud
>14 replies
looks like it's over lads pack it up, yoshi p failed.
>two and a half GCD's worth of hardcasting
It's two and half too many for my taste, but I suppose it'll have to do. I'll try it out. Always really enjoyed magic, but the only game I could stand to sit and hardcast in was vanilla wow and that's only because of how simple the game is.
If i can theoretically carry 160 pieces of metal chest plates on my back i can carry 1 million metal coins in my pocket
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If they wanted spic accent, why not actual spic girl for English dub?
Because apparently he had 0.1% spic dna
And that is perfectly fine!
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5 or 6/10 story with good battle content, expansion will probably be fun but msqfags will be seething for the next 2 years, monkeys paw game
The WoL has access to mallet space, this is canon in the story of the game
>cultists unironically defend trannies and dangerhair writers now
what happened? addiction?
Well of the magic classes people dub SMN an honorary ranged DPS, which all have nothing but instant cast abilities
All the other casters have varying degrees of hardcasting with instant cast abilities you need to use strategically to get around while still contributing damage
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because nepotism
he's unironically a friend of kate and she made the recommendation
Total Wuk Death?
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>these stocking with bloomers
Do you smell that? Two month old unwashed fat rolls, badly dilated troon holes and cheap green hair dye. This reeks of Sony censorship.
>honorary ranged DPS
Sounds good to me. I played MCH and BRD for a while some expansions ago, and I loved the mobility. I got Warrior to 100 and wanted other roles to play. Will probably level Bard and Summoner then. Thanks.
Wuk evu is one of the few character that is funny in this expansion.
Welp, time to go start FFXI.
Can't be worse than this.
Today I'm going to play Final Fantasy XIV: Dawntrail!
Unbelievable that the progressive narrative culture is so strong in CBU3 that no one was comfortable saying that the voice work is unacceptably amateurish. Some real emperor has no clothes shit
I can't imagine his bit playing well with non-jp va. I like him though
Refer to >>681477056
Can I just leave twitch on mute to get the mount reward?
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New art, handily you can cut off the left side quite easily
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Wuk Lamat is so bad I was relieved to see Graha Tia
Graha fucking Tia and I hate that faggot
well shit, usually this is just implied
where's the gag where WoL just pulls stuff out his ass
Based gatherer chad
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Krile's story was the most interesting part and they barely remembered to include it
My poor, poor wife
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>Streams played in the background or via inactive tabs won't count towards the hours watched criteria.
Is what the campaign announcement says.
They overdid it a bit but yeah I liked him. Can't say the same about Wuk Banana Seasick Lamat for the first 4 fucking levels.
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please run your posts by wuk lamat to progress
how does she feel hear and think?
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But that's my wife you bastard.
I honestly am confused how this rubbish story was approved and made it through production.
Is that the furry whose entire bit is to overreact and then immediately become normal after someone tells him to calm down? The Japanese get so much fucking mileage out of a handful of jokes. It's like those fuckers don't know there are a lot more bits out there to try.
I hate the spic accents.
Only an amerimutt would consider giving Aztec and Inca civilizations spic accents
i thought so too until
>leave the cat hag outside the door so we get a forced gondola ride with him in the romance district
there's no winning in this MSQ
even texas was only decent until you started hunting for that bracelet gift and all the stupid shit around it
Just cut the middle left
Everyone but the twins and Urianger looks like a freak.
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femhroths won
>make an interesting dynamic with the lizards
>throw it all out the window to shoehorn a disgusting boring hrothshit instead
Hrothgar were the biggest mistake SE has ever made
>expected a hardcore heart devourer culture at some point
>it's just 11 herbs and spices diplomacy
New MCH stuff feels pretty good. The opener especially is nutty, I can't believe MCH is the lowest DPS when it feels this improved.
activist plants like to abuse the fact that corporations are extremely slow and inflexible.
by the time she hired the tranny it was already over basically.
company structures only worked in the past because the expectation was that everybody would aim to make the company succeed, if only to keep their jobs and maybe get a raise.
they dont have short term defense against such bad actors.
koji was the only one in the position to sniff her out but from the looks of it he is perfectly fine with that.
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What did he mean by this?
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>Alisaie is with you for most of the msq but every time the group goes someplace she gets grouped with Eren or someone else while you have to babysit Wuk.
Yep. No winning. This is all I got.
I hate how FFXIV mods work, they're never universal you're always locked to specific glamour pieces. Can never change your fashion or they stop working, I hate it
No they didn't.
Too furry to be attractive unless you're damaged in the head.
Hrothgars continue to be the worst inclusion to the setting
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Wuk really fucked up WoL's hopium supply
The beach outfits being level 100 trust glamour feels like a huge spit in my face.
Numbers can always be adjusted. Fun can't.
The new Manafont is throwing me for a loop. Do I stay in fire phase as long as possible now? Am I still cutting the first one short sith an early Despair.
>AGP smirk
I feel like the writers really wanted me to like lemutt and that just makes me wanna do the opposite.
Someone should shoop one of the giants over the furry and the nigger bunny
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>Hey!, we hear you like "remember us" scene from 5.0
>here more
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These people don't kill themselves before 30 normally?
I'm still on copium that we might get a genuine beach holiday relaxation sequence with everyone in the post-MSQ
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Not even half the soul of this
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>You have gone too far this time, Zarool Ja! Killing is bad, and wrong! There should be a stronger word for killing, like badwrong, or badong. Yes, killing is badong. From this moment, I will stand for the opposite of killing : gnodab.
This person looks fucking hideous. If I had a face and hairline like that I wouldn't dare show myself anywhere in public. Do they have not a shred of self awareness?
I wish Bakool Ja Ja could become Dawnservant and wipe ot all the furry cats shitting up Tural
I'm trying my hardest to forget
The perspective is fucked here
I need that picture of Mablu saying
>I love Wuk Lamat and everyone will come to love her too they will!
That was a huge foreboding red flag right there
>has two Lalafell
>double the soul
Checks out.
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>bad things... are bad! peace... is good! good peace!
Very nuanced, Hiroi.
Yeah? Why not? All your instants reload you can stay forever there's no need to worry about running out of AF time anymore
Man these subhumans don't even feel comfortable saying a man isn't a woman in a public arena. They are so cultish they literally cannot handle simple reality.
Our HEROINE... and Alisaie, Erenville, Alphinaud, Urianger, Thancred, G'raha Tia, Estinien, Y'shtola and that one guy no one knows.
>hype it up
They told you from the start, at fanfest, that it was not an 8-man fight.
Here take that gay tacos, and your next task is to burst some crust from each other ass.
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>Finish 7.5 MSQ
>WoL walks out into the night
How would you feel?
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Anon don't leave us with an image for ants
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>Zenos dies
>storyline instantly takes a drastic nosedive
What does it all mean?
They split the human sacrifices stuff between Mamook and Alexandria.
>oh thank hydaelyn
These people are spiteful demons and unironically think like this.
lol that can't be real
official art for endwalker was kino
>xi and xiv subs still aren't unified
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This has to be fake right? There's no way they knew what they were doing, but still okayed the story right?
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A Loporrit should have been part of Green'raha's crew
Okay, that is kino.
During the media tour Yoshi P said it was something to do with xi being avalible in some countries that xiv isn't and visa versa
According to the devs, FFXI is still very profitable. Apparently they would only lose profit by unifying the subs...
I'm so sorry they ruined your expansion my poor cute wife...
God, she is so fucking cute.
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>Wuk Lemat is replaced with Jack
How much better would the expansion be?
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This guy is a thigh-man.
Yoshitter has always been jealous of XI, hence the constant sabotaging
Normal people love the story, self-inserteincels.
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"You were my only friend, all along. Forgive me, Zenosbart."
>this is the WoL recounting events to him
>WoL canonically glossed over everyone's contribution (scions, koana, deadbeat dad) and their own to praise the mutt
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I miss him so much, bros
5 seconds of Krile is more interesting than anything the mutt did
The subscription systems are different.
>WoL, Estinien and Jack conquer the new world
This xpac is too fucking gay for his chad energy though.
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Every time I have seen a spoiler on 4chan and thought there's no way they wrote something that stupid for this fucking hack writer's OC, I have later confirmed it to be the genuine article.
But please, keep hoping against hope.
>Adding another level of complication to XI's system
Please don't it took me half an hour to figure out how to resub
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>Forgive me, Zenosbart.
Yoshi seeing Erdtree drop the ball with story and wanted to outdo them
Would be hilarious if every expac ended with a Zenos fight, just because
Don't even need to give it an explanation, just have him show up at the end, fight you and then go away til the next one
i hope the japanese start rioting to get shit rewritten i swear to god
average thread impressions climb in positivity as more people actually complete the MSQ
I hope you're on the right side of history anon
What the fuck is the blue lizard's fucking problem
Erdtree's story is kino
I haven't seen that.
Nigga's skull looks swollen with fluid, lmao
pseudo fatherless behavior
He lives in Tural
Nothing excuses 90-95 NOTHING.
his parent liked the adopted kids more than him
That gunblade is NOT that fucking big ingame kek
Miss me yet?
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No, I've only seen them go down.
I was naive like you once.
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Estinien I want to Marry you. I want to have your children, Estinien. Estinien I want to live a long happy life together and give you everything you want. Estinien.
Why do you keep running from me…
My poor sweet wife should have had at least equal screen time to that fucking cat. Why couldn't they have split it like they did in SB with Lyse and Hien? Less time with Wuk would improve the average impression of her dramatically, the insistence is oppressive
miss what
he shows up half way through and never goes away
My wife's thighs aren't that big either but you don't see me complaining.
Or rather desperate faggots lile you samefag more aggressively
Dawntrail is liquid shit
devs get a bonus with every nerf they apply
No you made me go on a gondola with you and the game literally stopped me from clicking to progress the dialogue faster.
He's a Zenos tier sociopath, only incredibly stupid
Finishing it made me angrier, I was enjoying the final zone content until Wuk lamatt came to save to poor defenceless WOL in the last trial
He's Vergil. He's a deadbeat loser trying to fill the void of his deep insecurities, in this case it's outgoing his father to leave a greater legacy.
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I never once disliked Graha
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And loaded, the start is so fucking shit that the less shit and actual gameplay of the ended is always better than the shit start. But shit is still shit.
He's meant to be a dick-ass shounen rival to counter Wuk Lamat's shounen protag energy.
QRD on the expac? I already have to gloss over 6.1 to 6.5 to even get to it and there's tons of new releases I'd rather be playing. Story seems predictably shit, how are the job changes?
wait if this isnt amanda then she only sang for the trailer?
Sheer unbridled entitlement
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He still has terrible oneitis for Ysayle. Poor guy, it is all that incel dragon energy he absorbed
Post 95 is Mamook right? I'd have to agree in that case, I was struggling to stay interested until then and it has been decently paced since.
>bots immediately tries to attack a person stating a fact
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>Knock knock knock
>Oh hey, WoL, can I come in?
>Ugh this is so awkward, can we go outside instead?
>Okay, now that we're here I just wanna tell you I love Tural and I really wanna be Dawnservant! You know, the thing I've been telling you this whole expansion!
stop padding stop padding stop padding stop padding stop padding stop padding stop padding stop padding stop padding stop padding stop padding
>how are the job changes?
Almost universally awful, I think only PLD and GNB are happy. PCT seems good. Definitely go play other shit, there is no need to rush for this slop
>how are the job changes
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God that shit was garbage, was soken being fuled by the cancer or something?
You know how Stormblood had a shit story and pacing but the actual content was good? Imagine that but more extreme. These are some of the best dungeons and story trials yet, but the story and chaarcters are horrid. Like, I'm getting actual party wipes in these dungeons
Mental illness.
SAMs Third Eye is less shitty but we're still on that annoying road of homogeneity for the most part.
>we forgot to write inn scenes for the other scions
Make sure to remind people defending this with vague smokescreens of "muh media literacy" that this MSQ's writer started a theater company and wrote stage plays that went under.
>be wrong
>think nobody will notice
It's worse than you can possibly imagine.
why did they advertise Dawntrail as an adventure when it isn't one at all? It's an escort quest.
SE saw EW do massive numbers despite it's padding and decided that unnecessary filler in the MSQ is key.
It is but they pretend it isn't, they use this as an excuse to not do anything for the game.
Why is Sphene so fucking CUTE!? Give me an expansion with her and not furry Luffy.
unironically yes, he wrote to the edge to convey his feeling about having cancer and that is one of the best tracks in the game.
>samefags because nobody agrees with xim
MCH is happy too, everything we got is a hit. The extra charge on Drill is such a fucking QoL boost and I love what they did with stabilizer.
>Golden City
>It's just an amusement park with a piss filter over it
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>"ok everyone split up!'
>happens multiple times
>"wuk will pair with wol!"
It's no wonder that it went under when his writing skills are worse than your average anime filler.
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No, if anything the final zone cratered whatever redeeming qualities the MSQ had for me.
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pretty sure they also gave this guy his own slide for shb
they always show one trial and a dungeon boss man
So this is why we have a furry as the main character and the aztec lizards sounding like mexicans?
You think he'd aspire to a more subtle and creative story line rather than reheated shounen trash and memberberries
Estinien had more fun in DT than I did
Dragoon, Reaper and Ninja are good
Samurai needs adjusted or something
Don't care about Monk
I don't like Viper
Pisses me off he bites the top and just gets a mouthful of the lettuce and tomato only. Dumb fucking cat.
I think even they were tired of her and were just trying to dump her off on you.
Overall I found Wuk's voice very flat, especially at the end during the third trial holy shit that was bad. "sphene you don't have to do this."
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But he’s always so nice and we’re cool, he talks about how cool I am and he’s always glad to see me and
I wish he’d stop running away! We’re meant to be! if anyone was meant for the WoL it’s him! Ohhhhh Estinien….
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We were robbed...
Philia had some major plot relevance, since it was the lightwarden for the first zone
The Eliminator is just there
Ok so Alexandria can't be the 12th because it was absorbed, obviously, but then HOW was it affected by the lightning calamity? As far as we know, reflections aren't affected by then, only the source.
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>mfw Hildibrand quests from the Dawntrail writers
>all this screentime and glazing for Wuk when they literally just Lyse her into being a leader for a country that'll maybe show up for a few minutes in a future expac
amazing it's like they never learned from stormblood
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you are literally samefagging.not the same person asshole.
>reskinned dungeon bosses on existing rigs
So this is why I payed $40+sub. Sasuga Yoshida. And fuck all the fags that shilled that the dungeons are good. Y'all are a bunch of limsa afking cocksuckers.
>Couldn't give less of a fuck about the rite or the alexandria bullshit just hanging out in mexico because he hasn't been there before
God I wish that were me
Haven't quite finished the expansion yet but
>ascians know how to travel between shards
>there's the ascian masks thing in the volcano
>key is very mhach queen
If there's not an Ascian and Void connection... the expansion keeps throwing these "hey this sounds/looks like X" that go nowhere. Or no one voices the obvious at least, even if it turns out to be something different.
MCH blows shit up. I like it. There's way less time spent pressing 1-2-3.
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>Talk to Wuk Lamat
It is amusing that Estinien is essentially just well adjusted Zenos
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Different shard getting primed to be lighting calamitied.
It actually pisses me off. I was looking forward to Krile getting some good screentime and she's practically a tertiary character who's only purpose is to provide a code for a door.
>people using souls to power themselves and escape the death and life cycle
>scions just stand there and accept this because it's their "culture"
>get to the end and turn everything off
>citizens still using soul eating tech
>nobody fucking mentions it or tells them to stop sucking souls
This vexes me to no end.
>A boss is automatically bad if it's not a new model
So Omega is shit now? kek
>Husband makes it into the poster
>Does fuck all, just gives green cat a peptalk then fucks off for most of the expansion
Fuck you Yoshi you promised he was getting screentime soon
at least she had a reason to be there. the twins had absolutely no purpose to be there.
it dey cultcha whitey
>well adjusted Zenos
That's WoL.
Estinien has nothing in common with Zenos other than that he's absurdly strong for a normal person.
>Hildibrand cutscenes turns its entire focus away from slapstick to present some boring cultural custom that Hildibrand inevitably messes up in an inoffensive way and the scene never ends, complete with overreactions
Wuk Wuk Binks being another Lyse is best case scenario.
Worst case they will try and fail to make her the next Estinien
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And her code doesn't even work, she needs baby jeed to open it for her lol.
>it took him 5 minutes to edit the (You)
You should take a moment to think about how many problems would occur if someone walked in and turned everything off, a city of millions(?) of people who have been living that way for hundreds of years suddenly having their entire way of life ended.

Yeah that would be fine.
The real XIV thread instead of the yoshit piss dicksucker one to deflect criticism of his tranny furgag game

I'm going to assume this saddle trading is just gonna be a string of fetch quests, when they could have been able to make some cute trading mini-game or Recettear capitalism rip-off
fuck off you loser
They need their 5 extra lives to dare step outside their apartments.
Yeah I feel scammed legitimately in this regard, I really wanted her to get more time than 5 seconds because of the mangy fucking hroth hogging everything.
Speak with wuk lamat
Walk with wuk lamat
Talk with wuk lamat
Fight with wuk lamat
Flirt with wuk lamat
Eat with wuk lamat
Suck lamats cock
Where is wuk lamat?
There is wuk lamat!
I speak with wuk lamat!
I simp for wuk lamat
I kneel to wuk lamat
Cucked by wuk lamat
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7.1-7.5 will be a Wuk Lamat dating simulator.
Emergency LL with Yoshit pisshack crying and begging for forgiveness, when?
I honestly kinda like it
it feels different than the usual soken fare
it kinda sounds like the X-2 song
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It's either her, SBI, or a combination of the two. She's not just head ENG localizer, but a lore consultant now
b-but we put a cute ui element in when you make a trade...
get a job
Crazy how the enjoyment of the entire MSQ is completely based off whether you like ONE character or not. Goddamn dude.
its not even sophisticated food.
its a fucking taco.
I prefer Wuk Lamat since she isn't so desperately horny for me. She's a brocon through and through.
He's absurdly strong because of Nidhogg. The some essence of the dragon still lives in him.
Do you people skip cutscenes or what the fuck is going on, they covered this during the story, stating in no uncertain terms that it's bad and it needs to stop. Then to double down on this as a tease for the patch content they bring it up in the fucking ending credits to bash people over the head with the idea that it's a problem and it's going to be brought up again.
I miss Koji
I wouldn't let Kate even suck my dick. That bitch is beyond vile.
> We builded up godwyn and eclipse to subvert your expectations have chadahn mindraped by bussy
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>starting next expansion there will always be a chance you get the final 7.0 trial in a roulette and have to watch the wuk lemat cutscene
Not a edit wowfag, also I am never playing wow.
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They fucked up by making absolutely every step revolve around her and how she feels and how she reacts and how she fucking FUCK FUCK FUCK
The last steps of the story should have just been the WoL and the scions FUCK FUCK FUCK
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>people finally realizing they have been playing the exact same game since shb (six years ago).
you literally spend 80% of the msq glued to her ass
it didn't have to be this way if they weren't so fucking desperate to shove the writer's shitty OC character down your throat
>make 90% of the expansion scenes include said character
I've felt immense sadness over a nameless baby Mamool Ja crying over his dead parents in Tali. Nothing else in Dawntrail's MSQ has evoked that sort of feeling.
Such a waste of both Zoraal Ja and Gulool Ja Ja. I wish they were given more time to flesh both characters out. By the time he gives his spiel of being a reject because daddy didn't give him the throne, I couldn't give a rat's ass. It was out of nowhere and we didn't see the father & son dynamic with adopted siblings. Krile also sensing his dark ambitions being obviously pointing that he is evil yet the entire time it seemed that he just wanted to make Tural stronger using war. It's such a mess.
How do we save .x?
>Godwyn buildup
Lmao tell me you're a Lavosfag without telling me you're a Lavosfag.
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I am so fucking tired of seeing this dumb fucking cat's singular expression in every cutscene.
>If you replaced it with a JPG of a cat meme it would be a major improvement.
By the twelve Hrothgar are a blight upon the game
Make sure to voice your legitimate complains when you unsub from the game. For the reason, click other and type in your rants. I think that will be the only way they see real criticism. Please spread this around otherwise nothing at all will change.
The DLC made me retroactively lose respect for the base game lore and story in Elden Ring
Half of the bosses and the DEX weapons were fun I guess
I do what I do with the Praetorium. I continue watching something on my second monitor while the gameplay interrupting cutscene plays.
>brings WoW up out of nowhere
>Introduce new character
He was still much stronger than the average before that, as Azure Dragoon he was the most elite warrior in Ishgard. Getting a bunch of dragon soul is what makes him one of the only characters that can stand as a heavy with the WoL now that Zenos is dead though
no one that actually likes the game complains about this, the story shouldn't have been a straight up 5
Guess I'm never switching back to English.
>wow out of nowhere
rent free?
>make new character
>she's shit
>I have to go, Tural needs me
>Wuk Lamatt died on the way back to Tural
smn barely summons things to do damage anymore
No one said that. Go take your strawman and shove it up your ass faggot.
i just stopped playing by 94. Show them that they did poorly by dropping the engagement. Its the only way theyll change.
I liked Bozja and the Rothgar there, I fucking hate everything I've seen in Turalol
It seems really foolish of them to bank an entire MSQ off liking a single character. If X player doesn't like them, you're just cramming them through an entire expansion that will leave them a bad taste in their mouth/make them quit.
IIRC, one of the earlier LLs discussed her and there was a comment from one of the devs (I can't remember who) who mentioned that we would LOVE Wuk, I don't know what they were basing that on.
Post your FFXIV character anon, standing in idyllshire looking off towards the beautiful ocean.
By an amount too large for the human mind to fathom.
I wish anamesis worked again so I could make a shot of WoL punching out Poochie like the exploitable.
This is all the interaction your going to get for hours, enjoy it
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complain about it on the official forums, and hope the japanese cause a storm (this will actually do something)
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It's kinda dumb but I won't say no to something better than straight cutscenes. Considering the build up to that moment is literally two hours of straight cutscenes about trooncat, I'll take anything that shakes the dust off my neurons.
Also you get this absolute qt
>Thoughts so far?
Where is Wuk Lamat?
>Hi WoL wanna have some tacos together?
Then you explore a cave somewhere and fuck up bigfoot.
>whether you like ONE character or not
>Introduce new character
>She's not only shit but sucks the energy from and ruins all the old characters too
Kill yourself.
Erenville is a new character people actually like too.
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Predict how he reacts to Dawntrail.

Considering how badly he took Ivalice (because of how tedious the pacing was and how much filler it was full of) I predict he will have a melty before the first dungeon and start rage-skipping just like he did Ivalice (and then delete the vod).
The real issue remains that everything is tied to the MSQ instead of a more organic questing and story structure.
There is no reason why something like the lore pillars have to be part of a linear cinematic. Let people roam around and click on shit and have some interaction with the world for fucks sake.
Its all so fake and gay.
My name is Bart and I like to shart and fart in Walmart with Wuk Lamat
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>Estinien got to play the expansion I wanted instead
Goddamn motherfucker
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>tfw the story is preplanned to 7.2 at the minimum
I don't wanna see her anymore bros...
At least you got to spend time with Hien in SB while Lyse took a back seat
God awful story, cool fights, viper is garbage to play
Seeing Source Magnus's wife alive was nice at least.
Dawntrail is made for toddlers man.
based hiroi securing that "children of politicians with older successful siblings" market
I can fix him!
Not even close.
>MSQandies getting what they deserve
Lmao. Anyways, content is BOPPING. They made dungeons good which is actually insane, the EX are fantastic. High, high hopes for this expansion, and with more self-insert casuals leaving the fewer complaints to be had about difficult content.
Lyse was around for less than half the expansion
>They use the Alexandria theme from FF9 for Sphene

Wish they used themes from other FF games more often. I like 14's music but I would be down for some more nostalgia pandering in the music department.
Stormblood also had Gotsetsu who was really cool.
Apparently the Japs fucking hate Wuk and the expansion is getting received really poorly over there
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>this MSQ
Holy fuck. This is retarded. The first half is literally ARR written by a retard that doesn't understand what made ARR great. The second half is ShB aped by a special needs monkey. It literally fucking ends with Wuk throwing an axe through not!Emet's ribcage, are you for real now? Holy fucking shit. And my poor WoL is there, watching all the fuckery and literally does nothing. The scions accept and love poochi just like that. Y'Shtola never talked with poochi before but called her on her linkshell to ask about WoL. And the most stupid thing of all, after everything WoL has been through, with that leitmotif, you would be inclined to think that THIS time we would actually do something to save everyone and make everyone be happy, y'know, so as to not have a repeat of a tragic past? But no, this fucking hack just HAD to try to do his something his betters already did for cheap emotional feedback and fail miserably. Fuck you Hiroi, fuck you too Yoshida you fucking hack you expect me to believe you didn't know about this shit you fucking bitch? I'm done.
Uoooh~, Mablu's dick-sucking legal loli lips!
people dont watch cutscenes
they just get mad when wuk shows up at the end of the trial (which was admittedly annoying) then they seethe on this basket weaving mongolian forum
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I... think I miss my wife
Wow the one person who can relate to this writing.
I'm kindda feel sorry for myself now for taking my precious 2 days off and waste on this MSQ.
Lyse fucks off for huge portions of the story, and is basically absent from the Steppe section completely
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Idyllshire is A) landlocked B) a complete mid city
You get one (1) picture of me in the BEST city, try not to jerk off too hard you absolute faggot nigger
good, that always scares the fuck out of squenix so i wonder if anything drastic is going to happen
What's good about them.
Imagine you are a 1/100000 miracle. Your father should have never been able to reproduce yet here you are.
Everyone celebrates the fact that you exist - but at the same time your dad adopts multiple other kids cause he believes in meritocracy.
Guy has massive daddy issues. How dare him consider other options. Me the blue lizard am the true miracle and the fact that even considers a cat and a catboy to be potential replacements is an insult to my existence.
Please love me dad - everyone praises me why do you seek to replace me?
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All of the wives will return in the final expansion.
You better not be talking shit about my boy, Wuk Evu
I would take Zero over Wuk in a heartbeat.
If only we knew back then just how bad things would get, we probably wouldn't have complained.
>Soon as he collected his dueling money he said fuck it and went to Arizona until you arrived.
>wind-up nanamo
Absolutely based
I really like her eyelashes.
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Let me do stuff!
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I'm sorry,
Lightning Returns
After Years

I was too cruel to you.
How about if it was this cat instead, anon?
Same as it ever was
Same as it ever was
Same as it ever was
Same as it ever was
the trials on normal are better than all the extreme trials combined in endwalker
Nightmare blunt rotation
You pull two packs in a single hallway then fight a boss, you do that two more times and then you fight the final boss.
They also look like an early ps4 game now.
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>i fell in love with Some Fucking Guy
She was an amnesiac darkness monster learning to be human again, I actually enjoyed her content. Wuk is unforgivable.
It's actually baffling. Even Stormblood had the Doman guys and Zenos shenanigans, Heavensward had Ysayle / Estinien / Alphinaud, Shadowbringers had Albert / Exarch and the Crystarium / Emet / Ryne & Thancred vying for various amount of screentime. Why is this game's story so reductive now?
There is twice as much cutscene in DT than in earlier expacs, it is incredibly padded for length
i hate how much lyse looks like fitgirl in that picture
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Shill me your favorite melee job in pvp. Need something to change up BRD.
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>I told that dumb motherfucker to go check out the ""golden cities"" in that shithole they call Tural like it was some great adventure...
>And he fell for it!
>Then he got stuck babysitting a retarded cat HAHAHA
>He wasted his whole time doing chores and picking up animal shit too!
>They made dungeons good
I don't get why people are saying this. They are the same as ever.
The guy who wrote the least enjoyable patches since 2015 is now main story writer.
This is how all the characters who fall in love with the WoL feel. You cannot compete with hyper dense adventure autism
>actually has an adventure
>still does good deeds without getting bogged down in political bullshit
>the one hype fight in the MSQ he also does before we show up
how did he win so hard?
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>Why is this game's story so reductive now?
>It gets better past level 92+
>The first dungeon is so fucking good
>It gets better past level 94+
>The dungeons are kino as fuck, they're really good
>The 1st trial is Barbie level
>It gets good when you get to Wild West
>It gets good at level 97+
>The Vanguard is really good
>It gets good at level 98+
>The last trial is really good
I am here
>The expert dungeons are good
>The extremes are good
>The raid tier will be god-tier
It's one of the copes.
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You guys were too harsh to her and I even said it when it was over
The amount of people complaining about her was insane, if only we had known... Maybe... We could have done it differently
Faster pace, tiny sliver safe zones, multiple mechanics going off, some things we hadn't seen in a long time like a faster version of O3 sand puzzle, packs of mobs that do continuous AOE until they are killed.
It's nowhere near as lengthy as EW tho. That shit dragged.
Mablu love.
I miss this murder nigga and his gigantic dumptruck so much
FFXI and FFXIV stories thrive off of their ensemble casts, I am genuinely baffled why they made the Stormblood mistake again, but leaned into it harder. I don't even hate Wuk, I think if she had like 50% at most of the screen time I would be fine with her because I can still tap into my inner retarded teenager and enjoy some shonen slop from time to time.
>Look Hythlo he has to talk to that fucking cat again, look at how miserable he is!
they genuinely need to fire this guy
The difference is that EW had stuff going on
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I doubt any trial in DT will make me smile harder than I did during Rubricsnte and Barbericia
you just did
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At least some stuff happened in EW cutscenes and kept me wake. Now its snorefest.
What's his fucking problem? Was Azem that much of an asshole?
People will shit on the textures on the fabric, but who honestly gives a fuck when her lips are that kissable? Seriously.
Reaper is actually kino in pvp, I always have fun jumping in and out of battle and trying to survive to unleash a 20k potency aoe basic ability
But honestly I think all the pvp classes are fun as fuck, just depends on what you're in the mood for
EW definitely had stretches that dragged, but it also had hype moments that picked up the pace. There's almost no fucking duties to interrupt the cutscene monotony in DT
And you may find yourself living in a Island Sanctuary
And you may find yourself in another part of the void
And you may find yourself behind the wheel of a large regalia car
And you may find yourself in a residential area, with a Y'shtola
And you may ask yourself, "Well, how did Wuk get here?"
>1 alpaca wool
I could have farmed thousands of that
>1 hatchet
I could have made hundreds of those
The first 80% of After Years may be a lazy retread, but, the final part on the moon is fucking kino.
Nah man, there were way more solo duties and shit in ARR.
Expert roulette has more teeth than all of Myths of the Realm lmao
its a universal constant that Estinien always wins. Didn’t yoshi P say Estinien was his favorite character? I bet in 8.0 we’re going to be mucking through aetherial swamps rolling turds into gold while Estinien is just chilling on a beach somewhere drinking moonshine
DT was the most villainous act Emet has ever committed
Get sundered already you fucking bitch!
rubicante was boring as fuck, barb is the only trial in endwalker that ok and even then it was only for the phase change
True, but there were painfully slow parts too, like all of Labrynthos and Mare Lamentorum.
Hades has been plotting his revenge for over 10,000 years
>They keep bringing up paying for stuff
>I'm literally gil capped
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>I fell for a man with no gil on his hand~
I-I liked Golbez...
Sorry Anon, you didn't expect there to be creativity or acknowledgement of WoL's skills in this visual novel, did you? What did you think this was, a roleplaying game?
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Why wasn't this lil' dino nigga the claimant instead
golbez was boring anon
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Top notch, anon
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Fucking hell
>you missed me bitch
>Laha is here too but he's crazy now
Because you have garbage taste
>Fuck up on mascot boss.
>Can't move like a sperg and then gets a dunce cap on your head for 8 seconds where you can't mash your buttons.
Maybe this will finally teach some people.
Sorry, if you actually had agency, Wuk Lamat wouldn't be able to learn that people trade with each other. You wouldn't want her character arc to be compromised?
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>finally meet erenville's mom
>the first reaction we see is wuk lamat's and not erenville's
And /v/ expects me to believe that they hate the ancients and never want to hear about them again when the replies to this are the most positive posts I've seen in days
He wasn't born in the first half.
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>The huge gash in the ocean is never talked about besides one npc or whatever mentioning that it could have been where Hydaelyn stepped on Zodiark.
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>log in
>get my WT Journal
>make shit for Zhloe and Charlemend
>think about progressing the MSQ
>log out
Can I have my money back?
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>"Well, how did Wuk get here?"
I enjoyed Tataru's Grand Endeavour.
Mhach and Pandaemonium were good, keep him away from MSQ.
>/v/ is obsessed with trannies

whoa no way
Yeah but the character exists. Just delete Wuk and move him to the first half of the story.
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>we will never have kino of this caliber again
I'm actually sad, this was the first expansion with no twist or hype moments and the worst final quest. Unless the cat joining the final fight is supposed to be hype.
Poor Krile and Eren got burned hard. Finally get to the part of the story that is meant to be about them and it is still all about Wuk. What a fucking nightmare
God, Dean Winchester is so hot
we're done with them, we need to move on, just don't give the msq to a failed stageplay writer jesus fucking christ
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It's already been 5 minutes time to remind you all

>Trading menial labor for more money
You could have just let us be hired out as armed mercenaries to raise funds, if you're gonna do that
No refunds Gaijin, don't forget to leave a tip
eren's mom in jp is sexo
6.0 was the end of XIV. Right now SE is just gonna continue to milk it on a shoestring budget for as long as they can, it's unironically over.
Just got through the expansion MSQ. I liked it. Wuk's VA was fine outside of 'loud' moments, where she just didn't really seem to shout/scream/whatever, which I assume is just lacking confidence or control. Fairly amateur but not the end of the world.
Story did focus on her too much at the expense of Erenville/Krile, or even Koana/Zoraal Ja.
Cochinita Pibil is fucking delicious you should make it yourself the story made me feel represented for having my favorite food in it
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>"Well, how did Wuk get here?"
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You unbelievable motherfucker.
I wouldn't even be mad at this point if this really was all just some grand 10-million-year-in-the-making prank.
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>This is your only savior now, say something nice about it.
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do you want some tacos?
cowboy + solution 9 + living memory made me really like erenville, now i'm just sad that the expansion wasn't more about him and krile, hopefully next expansion he stays and travels with us.
No.... 8.0 will save the game... Just watch...!
are we psychopaths? Seeing krile and eren bond with there parents and then making then pulling the plug

also why does eren have a different accent?
Yeah I accept that now, I knew it deep down.
I don't think I've ever eaten a taco
>moral is to stop clinging to the past
>moral is to stop clinging to the past
>moral is to stop clinging to the past
Do the Japanese know how to write anything else?
You know, I was pretty tolerant of how things were progressing until the final zone but now that I'm given time to reflect I'm just becoming increasingly annoyed about the whole MSQ. At least the battle content is good because it would be what in the goddamn otherwise.
That one moment of Urianger opening up to Koana about how it is hard to be a weird autist had more sovl and character than the entirety of Wuk's thousand hour arc
>level 99 dungeon popped in 2 minutes
>level 99 trial has been going for 8 minutes and the estimate went from 20m to 28m
I want to say HOW but I also know that people are actually rerunning the dungeons to level tanks and healers while nobody reruns trials because some dipshit thought they should have zero rewards.
how does estienein keep on attracting kid fanboys?
>write stories about not clinging to the past
>except the stories are desperately clinging to past memberberries
Probably wasn't originally supposed to be involved in any of this so they just gave him the typical bunny accent they were using at the time and now it's a weird left over.
Dragoons are cool
Bros, I think I might be a skipchad from now on.
Alright but be honest lads.
Would you fuck her?
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Are you literally me
I just hit a point and snapped into negativity because of Wuk, I dislike her greatly
Their parents are dead. It's escapism, it's not right.
I would.
It's crazy that the moment Wuk isn't involved the story improves drastically and instantly decays when she comes back.
Yeah but I'd regret it.
Why the fuck was I even dragged along with the Capybara ride. Spend some alone time with your mother before you delete her, dumb fuck, I know you're the kind of person who probably can't open up with people around gawking at you. I don't need to present for literally everything for fucking fuck's sake.
Gitgud. I've been skipping since Zero showed up.
so the perversvor faggots are gonna be the next big bad group?
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you get a QT girlboss instead, that is cubic tonnes more interesting than the fucking cat
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>alisaie has a cute bu-
I would feel really gross about it
>every minute it goes up another minute
Missed opportunity that Estinien wasn't just randomly doing shit in the backgrounds of half the cutscenes of us babysitting Gulaal Ja Ja's dipshit teenager.
I'm already bored. didn't skip cutscenes or anything either. Completed MSQ, unlocked expert dungeons. what do i do now?
I would not. I’m the goddamn Warrior of Light I can do better than some ugly tranny cat.
Yeah that too.
He's cool? He's what WoL used to be.
Flat butts are justice!
It's ok. It's been a nice experience to remember fondly. You don't need to remember it got ruined afterwards.
she is literally the exact same as the cat, she is her mirror and narrative parallel, if you like her but dislike the cat youre just a massive hypocrite, or you just want to fuck her.
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I would breed Y'shtola so hard, you have no idea.
>You should stop looking back to the past, our legacies are tools to build the future.
Yes they can write infinite amounts of page filler about food.
I'm only level 94 and I'm bored. I don't even want to play. I'm going back to Elden Ring.
No, that's not true
I simply just want to fuck Sphene
>that face
>the cat fucking kills her
>after she asked (You) to save her
>poochie still gets praised
I fucking lost my marbles on this one.
I miss Zenos
I miss the Ascians
I even miss the fucking Stormblood crew

This is the most soulless, boring and insipid expac I've ever seen. Completely devoid of character.
Japanese leftists dont know anything else because their nation still clings to the past
okay since it didnt explain was the shard the golden city in fully rejoined or is it just one area that got fucked up?
Can I play the game without buying the new expac? I just don't want to be sidelined for the Wukage to shine
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I'd rather watch season 2 of Genlock
>she is literally the exact same as the cat
no she's actually cute and voiced by a real woman
she also had a far more compelling desire to help her people and isn't preaching to you about peace and tacos for hours
You act like Yoshi p wrote the script lmao
remembird us, remembird that we once lived
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Just skip till 97.
It's not clear, but if it was rejoined it wouldn't still be around.
He approved it.
Just imagine someone else.
They did a mini-rejoining with the mysterious azem macguffin
>Go to village full of pushy merchants
>Estinien no where to be seen
They can't even do their own gags right
not rejoined - the grail thing let them crystal tower the dome to the source, but the rest of the fucked up world seems to still be there.
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Maybe she shoulda spent more time talking to me instead of focussing almost all of her attention on Wuk while I just kinda stood around.
They're both voiced by women in every language but EN. Thank you for confirming you're a dubmutt, your post can be safely ignored.
I think it was one area that got fucked up. The timeline doesn't work with it being the shard that got rejoined in the Calamity of Lightning because the Aloalo lalas emigrated there during the Calamity of Ice which occurred thousands of years after the Calamity of lightning.
Imagine how bad this lighting would look pre graphics update
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>but famileeeee
I miss Clive...
> The guardian of solution 9s new king is the queen of another nation
uh does now else find that weird?

wait doesn't that mean we have a direct portal to a still there rejoined world? Why didn't she use the aether from that one instead
>no she's actually cute and voiced by a real woman
imagine not playing in japanese and imagine using this as an actual reason
>she also had a far more compelling desire to help her people and isn't preaching to you about peace and tacos for hours
her "desires" are the exact same at woke lemutt, they literally have a scene together agreeing on said reasonings, you are delusional and are just thinking with your dick right now you absolute retard.
The shard Alexandria originated on was not one of the shards that got rejoined by Ascians. Living Memory itself is still on that same reflection, connected only via a gate above Everkeep (before Sphene closes it in the MSQ) and the gate in the Skydeep Cenote.
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She made /v/ seethe..
I was expecting some gag where Estinien was trying to pay them way too much for a beanie or something and the Pelu were refusing because they only believe in honorabu trades
Honestly I’m relieved, with how hard they pushed the fucking seasickness gag I’d hate for Estinien to be treated the same way. Fuck I’m glad he was barely in this expac so he wasn’t butchered. I hope he had fun.
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Who wouldn't love CHADstinien? He is heroic, badass, free spirited, dripping with raw masculinity, and FEARED by his enemies
Meanwhile there's JOKE LaBITCH who everyone only claps for because they are told to
So Otis was supposed to be a Steiner stand-in, right?
16 was when I knew for good that CS3 was cooked.
I suppose they must have moved to another shard that was poised for a lightning calamity but hasn't triggered a rejoining yet
The funny part is that most of the clothing don't even resemble clothing mesoamerica had at the time. Tural as a whole takes more South America so even the whole taco joke falls apart.
>why are you taking out the RPG out of this jrpg
>But did we?
she wasn't looking for just aether, she was looking for souls, since that's what drove the zanarkand death spiral city. I think? They used the term aether pretty freely in the end area.
Whats the easiest healer to level?
I played Baldurs Gate 3 while waiting for Dawntrail. Ben Starr got fucking robbed. Astarion's VA work is nothing special. It's not bad but it's nothing impressive.
I have had cats as pets my whole life, that gormless fucking cat face just makes me think of them and a cat is not fine too in this case.
you will never be japanese and the us will own your country for resources in a decade
that's if you aren't begging us for gibmedats to fight another nation like u**r*ne
yea so wouldn't her world have souls? Itd be much easier to harvest form there. Unless shes unaware
>uh does now else find that weird?
Even the credits acknowledged that people were conflicted about that part.
>this is your brain on dubfaggotry
Thank fucking god for that. EW flanderized the fuck out of Estinien, he felt like his proper self again in DT.
sage? unless you mean easiest to play, then white mage is braindead, but you’ll have to start from lv 1…
even has Steiner's JP voice actor from dissidia
Scholar because you can do it by playing Summoner instead
Or Sage because it's piss easy and starts at level 70
Everyone on her world that lived outside the dome is fucking dead. There's nothing left.
What was he THINKING???
her world was completely fuckin ravaged by the Lindblum WMD to the point it's shocking it wasn't rejoined, seemingly the only things left were the dome and Living Memory.
so what the fuck was up with the catboy with the female EN voice actor in Solution Nine?
He has a soft spot for kids because his little brother died
>exact same as the cat
but is clearly not the cat
Her world got rejoined to the source as far as I understood
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>Dubfag has an autistic meltdown
I have no clue but he couldn't even make a devil may cry clone properly, imagine if he tried to make a real RPG?
well that sucks. One of the few unrejoined worlds left has no people left...
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Can we get a TWEWY collab and have her deleted by the angels?
Extremes? They're really good this time around.

Going to ignore the fact that she is a machine constrained by AI and speak about this in good faith. She killed herself by erasing her memories until we beat them back into her during the trial. She was lying to you to manipulate you during the scene you posted, which she admits to later. There were numerous opportunities for her to reverse her path but she straight out tells you multiple times "this is the way it's going to be because i said so."
Even if you somehow feel pity for a robot that doesn't have real feelings, she chose to fight (for the right to murder innocents I might add) and lost. I don't understand how people can have sympathy for her.
do viera not have child models? I assumed it was supposed to be a young character but they were clearly just a normal adult viera male. kate shoehorning in more tranny shit i guess
There was also a bunnyboy that met with Erenville
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>"cutscenes" are STILL characters standing in a circle and /emoting at one another with absolutely no scene directing
oh cool I'm not the only one who noticed that
weird because my friend was playing in JP and that NPC had a normal male voice
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I didn't have to listen to a tranny throughout the entirety of DT's MSQ.
>she wasn't looking for just aether
wasn't she also looking to drain aether too as a substitute for souls? i remember graha stating that eventually she'd run out.
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krile is the azem shard of the unlost world. Screenshot this
Is the role quest worth doing?
Yes to the point I was genuinely surprised they didn't take his name
That one was just fucking weird honestly, I wish I clipped it because it genuinely baffled me
It wasn't even a 'female VA doing a male voice' thing which has been a thing since forever, just straight up a girl's voice; and it was only the EN dub too
soul machine broke
I would hang myself, but luckily that will never happen
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I did the MSQ with English VAs just because I like Krile's voice but not sure if it was worth it because of you know who. May just go with Japanese from here on out.
The lost Lalas are originally from the Source speedreader-kun
yes we know that americans push trannies but that doesnt mean I will ever participate in your satanic faggotry.
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if you want to dye your dawntrail af, yes
But Alphinaud mentioned firewood, surely you at least clapped for that right?
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>Tobli is Mablu's dad
yea but the souls that would inhabit there descendants would be of that world
Krile's JP va is excellent, very fluffy
Krile's parents make it pretty clear the Sphene had no choice but to prioritize the Endless over anyone else. She feels bad about it but literally did not have a choice because she's manipulated data. I think my misgivings there are that the 'bad guys' in that sense are completely faceless.

My understanding was that she was looking for souls, and that she'd eventually run out because her entire nation is a constantly increasing cost, the number of Endless literally cannot go down, eventually she'd run out of worlds to devour to power the living memory.
>I don't understand how people can have sympathy for her.
Because everything she does she does for her people. Like Bakool did. Like Emet did. Like Ilberd did. Then comes the troony tiger that wants to be the Wukage just because.
How is Pictomancer?
I don't get why people are harping on the tacos honestly. She says it like all of three times throughout the entire DT MSQ in JP.
The major issue is how little everyone but the scions, sphene, erenville and wuk seems to care about the WoL even being there.
Krile somehow has a Source soul, so no.
Redmage armor not red is heresy
So is Viper just non-ranged melee dps Dancer?
Marika's story in Erdtree reframes the whole game in a very cool way. Nothing in FFXIV compares to finding the Shaman Village.
Ive been playing on and off since Heavensward
I dotn know how to use dyes
Royal Blue goes on everything.
I mean, isn't tural still pretty isolated from the rest of the world? I don't think the WoL would be known to absolutely everyone there quite yet, right?
Complete with the inability to do actual damage, yes. Except Dancer at least has actual raid utility, Viper has NOTHING.
Even if that were the case, but I don't think it is all the shards draw from the same aetherial sea, Krile would have to have less dense aether than everyone else and share the same echo as (you) and Ardbert. But she explicitly states that she's equally as aetherically dense as everyone else during the msq and she has a different echo to Azem's plot context powers
one of the most fun jobs in the game, everything unrelated to the msq is good to genuinely great, remember this is ffxiv the most monkey paw'd game in existence
That would required Krile to have a thinner soul as she'd just be a part but she doesn't. Though that kinda goes with 'what shard is this' in things they should really explain in the post patch.
I am mad at myself for not clearing this expansion before PICTOMANCER FUCKING NIGGERS got here, between one of those and a Viper fuck if I can see half the goddamn fucking shit the level 99 trial does and then the PICTONIGGER level 3s early too. I had to turn off alliance effects in EW but now I have to turn them off just for 8 mans, thanks Yoshida you squinty eyed retard
there are still different shades of red
if your born on a shard you'll get the soul of that shard
It's really not, people just like to parrot shit they hear. It's more like RPR meets GNB to be honest
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>zone 3 day theme
Pelupelu girls are just shrunk fiddies?
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>Gondola ride with G'Raha
Female WoLs got their womb poked by his barbed cat dick didn't they? I imagine that male WoLs got at least a fellatio. How did Ishikawa win so hard?
80-90 leveling still congested?
But Krile says that she has a Source-equivalent soul in the MSQ, so you're wrong
I can't be the only one who thinks of Nalbina Fortress every time I go to Yak T'el, right?
Makes you wonder if an incarnation of a sundered ancient must always exist on a shard. IE, if the WoL dies, is Azem immediately reborn somewhere in the source? Was First Azem reborn somewhere in Norvrandt after Ardbert's soul was finally allowed to move on?

Krile was born in whatever shard Alexandria comes from even though her race wasn't native to that shard. Is that enough to exclude her body as being a host for the sundered ancients soul? Interesting to think about.
>share the same echo as (you) and Ardbert
remind me of the one zone classic wow with dinasour
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>She feels bad about it but literally did not have a choice because she's manipulated data
she's coming back isn't she
okay i could have sworn souls couldn't cross over
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>tfw the devs keep putting in lolis, but won't let us make them.
You think it is coincidence that the WoL and Ardbert share the same unique echo?
>I mean, isn't tural still pretty isolated from the rest of the world?
That's not an excuse to completely ignore the rest of the people present in dialogue. ARR didn't completely ignore the WoL even when he was anything special yet.
They talk almost exclusively with Wuk in the MSQ.
You get like 2-3 throwaway lines about the WoL being strong, but even that's done through Wuk, Eren or the Scions.
If it weren't for the side-quests i'm not even sure what the point of us being present in Tural would be.
The Emet and Hythlo stuff in EW made it clear that souls don't necessarily immediately leave the aetherial sea and get plonked into a new body. They can hang around there for a while
It's BLM but better and more engaging (currently)
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>There always must be one
Uh oh, I smell something there coming straight from the great enemy.
we're going WoL and the Reflections of Madness now
any proofs?
>bejitabro is a lolifag
Like clockwork
Maybe Krile's mother was pregnant when they went over, with timey-wimey handwave nonsense to make things line up
Yoshi-P has actual stated the reason they won't add playable kids is because he knows the playerbase would ERP as and with them and he doesn't want that legal heat on him.
And he's based for that, problem?
Can fiddies even have Mablu's lips?
ONLY in EN by the way, every other language he has a male voice (and it is a male viera, confirmed by the appearance data)
Really doesn't sit well with me, there's one thing adding characters like that in general but warping a singular dub to fit some agenda is really, really fucking scummy and lame
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Nobody tell Yoshida that they already do lmao
More proof than you have that Krile is an Azem shard, your theory is explicitly rebuffed by her in her own words in the story
Padjali are pretty based and I'm honestly glad that they're kept out of the playerbase's filthy hands.
I mean what you say makes logical sense but they have to work around the fact that if Krile had a lesser soul Y'shtola would have been able to see that since HW.
still waiting to prove your headcannon
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My Wol-chan is slamming clams with Y'shtola on the beach after an evening of Magaritas.
move. comfy thread. use the other thread for shitposting pls.
why are you on the wrong side of history anon stop denying these characters their lived experience
>Krile is an Azem shard
Disproved hard by her being 1. A nerd 2. Femcel 3. Useless
What hrotgals could have been.
>muh content
Jobs are shit. Content can never reach the heights of Heavensward and Stormblood if the jobs are this bad. Dawntrail content only seems good because you got used to Endwalker's dogshit combat design and Shadowbringers' mediocrity.
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>WoL but with a reflection ai constantly pestering him
yes finally merchants that wont sell me substandard copper
That's the only thing that could save the game. So it won't happen.
Emet and Hythlo were both unsundered though right? I wonder how it works with sundered souls. Do all the pieces of Azem's soul come out of the lifestream at once? When First Azem is reborn, will he look exactly like Ardbert did?
and they lap it up
You're walking around with the famous princess of a country during their nationwide succession ceremony. It makes sense that the foreigner with her is a little less of the center of attention. Mostly I imagined WoL just bemusedly watching everything pretend it's a threat. Pretty much nothing came even remotely close to being dangerous until the very end of the MSQ, where the mcguffin potentially allows the boss to be a threat to the source. Even when there's ooh scary sky ships, you just call your buddy Vrtra (one of 3 huge fucking dragons who would probably help if asked) and it's not really a problem. Fifty fuckin people died in a low tech coastal village from a surprise attack by the big bad threat. That's damn near nothing.
>Krilles mom walking normally while holding her
Oh so they can do a walk like they didnt shit their pants
Her special regulator shows up in the after credits, so yeah probably something with her will continue.
Did he appear? I've been skipping every cutscene that looked like shit.
My headcanon is still that he wears my femlala WoL like a cocksleeve.
Its just too bad we're never gonna get any actual dates since the main cast has to stay completely platonicaly amicable to everyone forever for marketing purposes and to avoid retarded otakus going into a nuclear meltdown.
Only Emet, Laha and Elidibus were unsundered. Venat as well I guess, sort of. Given that all the shards we know of, Gerolt and whatnot, are all identical, I think we can assume that all the Azem shards probably looked like Ardbert/Meteor, with (you) looking however you want as a gameplay contrivance.
Missed out on the earring.
She's probably going to be part of the raids
It's one of the only good cutscenes in the entire story. Vrtra shows up and wipes the floor with the entire enemy fleet to the Endwalker theme and then fucks off back home. It's honestly kinda hilarious that the blue lizard son thought he could actually conquer the world. Guy would get fucked instantly.
Yeah that's how you solve Zoraal Ja being a bitch and sending his ships to attack when the Wukage breaks his regulator in a cutscene. Koana called up Radz'at'Han and said hey let's be buds so their giant dragon showed up to shit on all the airships, making a complete mockery of Zoraal Ja for ever thinking he could be a real threat. I am not even sure they mention him again after that.
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>Ketenramm walks out of the palace and goes IS THAT A FUCKING DRAGON
Actually got a chuckle out of me
My protagonist!
so what was the point of disbanding the scions again?
So that they can be re-assembled under Wuk Lamat's leadership
When that happened It made me realize how good we had it in EW. I wanna go back
what did they do to textools? Why did they make this shit more difficult. What the hell is this "begin transaction" and it won't even let me check for problems
I always assumed Hythl9 died before Hydaelyn sundered everybody so I qualified him as unsundered in that respect. Unless Hydaelyn also somehow sundered all the ancient souls hanging out in the lifestream. You make a good point with all the Gerolt reflections. I guess with that logic, the other guy's theory about Krile being Azem falls apart.

Now I'm wondering what would happen if an unsundered was reincarnated in the way Azem was. Can they just not since the world is sundered? If they did, wouldn't they be disgustingly powerful?
This and everyone constantly going "Warrior of Light what the fuck are you talking about, man?" whenever you and the boys start talking about Ascians and Reflections were the funniest parts. The entire story is such a non-threat the entire time. They could have had WoL just taking a nap for 90% of it and waking up to kick someone's ass and lost nothing.
Now that penumbra exists TexTools has pretty much given up being a mod-loader for the most part. You can still use it that way, but it's probably not gonna get any better. Just use it for what you need until the dalamud devs stop being fags.
I had always considered Gerolt and Rowena always looking the same across shards as a gag, but then there's the trolley crew showing up in Texas
So how the fuck did Koana even know Vrtra and how did he convince him to fly halfway across the world to do that? I could believe it if it was WoL doing the asking but still.
They disbanded to stop everyone and their mother from turning to the scions over every little thing. Stopping some retard who's stumbled into being a potential world threat is fair game though.
They practically wink at the camera when they say they're doing it too so I really don't know why this shit is so hard to grasp.
Yeah, presumably any rebirthed Ancient would be a super magically dense beast like Solus was since that was just Emet larping as a mortal. Hythlo agreed to be sacrificed to Zodiark, so he was sundered when Zodiark was sundered, but presumably since all the Zodiark's died at the same time all the Ancients who powered it reformed as 14/14 Ancients in the Aetherial Sea, or maybe not they don't really tell us, just an assumption based on one Emet and one Hythlo showing up, not one Emet and 14 Hythlos
I don't think it is a gag, aren't Unukalhai and that Elezen kid from the ShB mage role quest also identical shards of each other?
Some other people like Alphinaud were around so I just assumed they were probably like "I know a guy". Vrtra is pretty much ride or die for us after all the shit that happened so he was probably like hell yeah I can come blow up some wannabee allagan fucks.
Consider: that is also a gag
Alphinaud and Y'shtola hang back to help defend, one of them presumably just called him up and asked for a favor after the whole saving his sister from eternal damnation stuff.
Presumably Thancred and Urianger called in the favor on Koana's behalf
>aren't the Hyur and that Elezen kid from the ShB mage role quest also identical shards of each other?
Oh right I had forgotten Hythlo agreed to be sacrificed. You're on top of your lore, good stuff anon. Our conversation has led me to think about a lot of interesting possibilities.
My god, this is really is someone's OC isn't it?
He was given an award by a British award ceremony so he at least got something, but he was absolutely robbed
Yoship said the unsundered souls released rom the moon aren't gonna be any more special then the regular sound when they are reborn
everyone kinda is writer's OC...
Its crazy how DT makes even STB look pretty good now in hindsight. Or at least good in comparison because everything that was bad then is back now but way worse.
Even if you consider Grenoldt and the trolley gang looking the same to not be a joke, recall that Ardbert was born generations earlier and shouldn't really be the same person unless you think every ancient reincarnates as the same ass every century. (Tenzen isn't Ardbert so probably not)
I didn't play Stormblood on release. Skipped it and came back to the game mid Shadowbringers. So I played Stormblood and Shadowbringers back to back and honestly liked Stormblood more.

Dawntrail is kiddy crap. It's hard to believe it's the same game.
I was thinking for most of the story that Wuk would have died for the retarded shit she does if we were back in older expansions.
So Beastmaster is going to be us using a regulator and loading it with beast souls right? They just cant show it off because its major spoiler. Its shown twice in the MSQ then just droppe
I meant self insert OC, not normal characters, EVERYTHING seems to be about her and everyone saying how cool and awesome she is. Who's responsible for this annoying lion cat thing?
>want to finish tonight
>just finished the level 99 trial and it's already nearly 3:30am
Ugh I hope not. I was really hoping they would give us a really in-depth pet system.
impossible unless you absolutely skip everything. the last zone is a gigantic slog where all pacing grinds to a halt
go to bed
there's still a lot left
Then you are foolish. There is no way they are doing that. They aren't competent enough.
I know. That's why it hurts.
I mean I'm fine with finishing at like 8am as long as it's still real degenerate hours, but even 5 hours sounds iffy
Why Emet who was Ishikawa's OC was ok and Wuk Lamat isn't? He was also forced onto us and EVERYTHING seems to be about him and everyone saying how cool and awesome he was. He even had a line that made every fujo cry and even got himself into EW.
>villain of the arc
>interacts with the scions and MC almost exclusively
>barely anyone else registers that he's present
Yeah totally the same thing
Wasn't he responsible for like everything that happened in the story from Allagans till Garleans?
>Hurr durr le smart and strongest Magus Emet/Hades they/them who shaped history into his liking isn't someone's OC
Emet is a tragic character who earned respect by working hard, often alone, for thousands of years without giving into despair. At the end he loses it all but hes okay with letting go. Througnout the course of his story he changes tactics many times which shows his cunning and adaptibility, often times on the fly.
Wuk Lamat never worked for anything that we've seen, is already or very quickly respected by everyone we meet with her, never accomplishes anything by herself, is never significantly set back by anything during the entirety of our time with her, she's just lame. She never experiences growth besides that one fight with Bakool Ja Ja wherein she just suddenly decides to get stronger and thus beats him. She never changes tactics either, her entire MO is "make people love me and failing that, kill them with my axe"
No, he was part of a group who were responsible.

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