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ffxiv dawntrail. comfy thread. if you want to shitpost use the other thread please.
>tfw you want to go adventure with the people on the right side
>you are forced to constantly engage with the guys on the left
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Despite everything, I enjoyed the story.
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Still gonna shitpost here too, nerd.
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you can only post in this thread if you
speak to wuk
cheer on wuk
ask wuk
follow wuk
guide wuk
lick wuk's boots

how do your posts make wuk hear feel and think?
Everyone on the left gets sidelined until its just you and Erenville engaging with Wuk Lamat
fine by me. Can you at least not use copy and pasta answer like the shit we been seeing for like 3 days straight lol.
bro, i was sicked of raha and shotla.
I really, really hate the story. It is embarrassing how hard they're trying to use memberberries from ARR and ShB to try and make you give a shit. This has bad modern hollywood reboot/sequel syndrome. It only gets worse the closer you get to the end
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Kinda the same.
It felt short though. The earlier expansions sold the unique nations a lot better overall, Tural was weirdly shallow in the MSQ. (Alexandria was more in line with what I expected to see out of Tural)
Do you *actually* engage with people on the left? I'm at lvl96 questlines and I'm pretty sure Krile had less than ten lines in the expansion supposed to focus on her, so far.
Remember that at anytime they could ship Yshtola, Thancred and Urianger to the first
an anon playing on the jp servers that can speak japanese should start dropping hints and convincing them
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>want to do MSQ to get it over with so I can level jobs to max
>friends keep inviting me to do stuff and I can't find it in myself to say no
What the fuck do in I do? Go to another world to hide from them or what?
I fuckin love Texas and Sol9
That's all
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Krile does get some of the spotlight eventually but only towards the tail end.
Starting to get REALLY fucking annoyed of the story telling me other characters are having a much better than I am.
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>Cool moment
>Completely retarded if you spend more than 2 seconds thinking about it after
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Y'shtola lost
Alisaie lost
Minfilia lost
Venat lost
Krile lost
Tataru lost
Momodi lost
Mother Miounne lost
Lyse lost
M'naago lost
Kurenai lost
Brayflox lost
Feo Ul lost
Zhloe lost
Khloe lost
Vidolfnir lost
Ryne lost
Gaia lost
Sadu lost
Cirina lost
Fordola lost
Yotsuyu lost
Yugiri lost
Ysayle lost
Garuda lost
Scathach lost
Giott lost
Cylva lost
Lyna lost
Cloud of Darkness lost
Lakshmi lost
Barbariccia lost
Meteion lost

Wuk Lamat though... She FUARKING won!
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>Upon speaking to Wuk Lamat, several cutscenes will play in sequence.
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>We need to come to an UNDERSTANDING
>That I am the MAIN CHARACTER this dlc
>and that I LIKE TACOS
Hate looking at female hrothgars, I have to actively look away from the screen when they shove Wuks face in. Uncanny shit.
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>I love my people so much I want to make sure they live forever which is why I let dangerous animals kill them constantly despite extreme aether shortages to the point where 1 in 10 can have a corporeal form.
Genuinely, truly, What in the FUCK did Sphene mean by this, bros?
average thread impressions climb in positivity as more people actually complete the MSQ
Haurchefant moment totally wasted
but damn did it look cool, a knight must always look cool
Have fun with friends. It's a better experience, the shitty ass garbage piece of shit unenjoyable trash msq isn't going anywhere.
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this unironically wouldve been the perfect expansion to put more dungeons during the msq, i don't understand why they thought this pacing was ok. this had to have been a nightmare to develop around.
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>I'll let out Valigarmanda, then I'll get ahead in the race!
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Did you get them all /v/?
>dynamis isn't mentioned again
This is one of my biggest gripes, they made it such a huge deal in EW only to get completely forgotten
Didn't wake use it to defeat jaja
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>Azem's 9th reflection
and then the next test required everyone to be present anyway, so all he got from it was sitting around doing nothing in cat town until we arrived
so it literally didn't matter
it really was a dick dastardly moment complete with the backfire
so doomposters lost?
It's actually just the people that cult worship yoshi-p, he can do no wrong, slowly finishing the msq and filtering back to these threads, and then people like me will go back to the shadows because threads become an insufferable load of shit again
So the preservers who wanted to experiment on krile are the next big bads right?
Howard Moon WON
I've raged and shitposted for the last 4 days, I'm just tired at this point, will finish the shit then unsub and I'm never coming back. Fuck Yoshida for shitting up my game.
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>tfw glam is still low rez
Garleans are from another shard
they always lose. They want people to hate and quit, but people wont quit just because of a "mid" msq.
Put on a shirt.
Yeah, dying to defend a hologram makes it bad.
A month or so from now the cultists will have control of these threads because everyone normal will have stopped caring. FFXIV threads are going to get really psychotic and insular.
more like Gayaliens lmao
>No Emet "Remember us" or Haurchefant "a smile better suits a hero" flashback yet
says the schizo cultist
They're artificial beings created by Emet to try and make vessels that could house Ancient souls
Embracing how fucking silly all the 90-95 stuff was made me enjoy it a lot more.
Pretty sure we can't use dynamis on our planet because the aether around us prevents it, at least to the extent we saw before. So unless we go into outer space again we probably won't use dynamis. You're gonna have to wait 4 more expansions.
that sword looking clean tho
some people enjoy eating shit too. you're one of ems it seems
no i'm going to the beach
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one line
Great taste in pants, I exclusively glam them and sandals.
Yshtola is fucking the western sherrif catboy

And graha/tia are fwb who take turns wearing a wol wig while fucking
So Beastmaster is going to be us using a regulator and loading it with beast souls right? They just cant show it off because its major spoiler. Its shown twice in the MSQ then just dropped
>The bright-haired iconic bandit leader of the region (real safe and unified nation you built here btw) personally runs up to your group and says "Hey princess, you need to come back to town right now because you just have to!"
>He runs off snickering, Wuk says "Gee golly, I'll go back to town alone then, you all wait here in the middle of nowhere!"
>WoL, greatest adventurer in Eorzea, just watches her go
>Krile and Alf, two of the smartest most insightful mind in the universe just watch her go, and then BOTH COMMENT AT SEPARATE TIMES THAT SHE'S TAKING A VERY LONG TIME AND OH WELL WE SHOULD JUST WAIT LONGER
>The rest of our entourage just stand around like gormless puppets until they get so bored that they decide to call Wuk on her magical cellphone
>Only when she doesn't answer do they all say "I wonder if anything happened to her?"

The writing was weak up until now but this was the moment I lost all hope for the xpac. I finished the game last night and even though the second half has a more interesting plot the actual writing remains some of the worst in vidya, and easily the worst it's ever been in XIV.
I don't even care about the mary sue furry, don't let hatred for her obfuscate the terrible writing.
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If you enjoyed the story of Dawntrail, make sure to buy the other award winning works of the Main Scenario Writer, the lovely Yuri Visual Novel series - Nurse Love Addiction and Syndrome.
60% Off Right NOW!
The game does get better. After it’s all done it manages to climb from total dog shit to just your run of the mill “wasn’t that great”
>beastmaster instead of being tribal is actually a digimon tamer
I'm glad they showed off wuk lamat in endwalker
it meant I didn't make the mistake of preordering the wuk lamat show
I main black mage so I definitely escaped hell
>Get to section 9
>Everyone acts like its a bustling and full city
>Cutscene ends and its empty as fuck, maybe five npcs to talk to and ten to see.
>"I'm sure it'll get better when I beat the MSQ"
>It doesn't.
I'm not being over dramatic when I say this feels unfinished. They should have it's emptiness be a plot point, or populate it a bit more with random npcs. For fucks sake, the wild west towns are more populated than this.
Not-canada is still clouded on the map
You post this every thread and it's just not true.
It gets even better when the next quest chain has her going from getting bodied by random bandits in that quest to beating the brakes off Bakool Ja Ja's ass along with his entire band of merry men. It's honestly fucking hilarious.
>very positive
xiv bros he clearly wasn't trying his hardest
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>I fuckin love Texas
I wish it wasn't just a zone which sole purpose is to be a mandatory filler episode with cowboys and shit, I want a good reason to stay in that zone and listen to that fucking banger day music
I will be so fucking mad.
Because 1. That sounds like a cool class
But 2. I've been waiting for beast tamer for so long if they change it last minute after Bozja I'll lose my fucking mind and quit forever.
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it will be low effort shit
>I want a good reason to stay in that zone
Which person is spending countless hours every day camping threads for a game "it" doesn't play on a French Bicycle Tire Repair website?

It ain't me bro.
I bet you're totally right, it makes complete sense
I hate it already, shit
I was so upset when I got all the aethercurrents from that zone cause I knew I would never return to it. If only they let us do some fun shit in these zones.
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I would feel bad for people who were hyped for this expansion, but a lot of them were smug cunts who mocked anybody pointing out that there were red flags during the leadup to Dawntrail, so fuck them. You get what you fucking deserve.
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I regret spending my recreation money this month on this fucking piece of shit and not on something like smtV or elden dlc.
/u/fags have no standards so it doesn't mean much
>Which person [psychotic babble]
Yeah that's the kind of mentally ill insularity I was talking about.
Is there even a dungeon there for the msq? They hardly utilize that area
a month from now I'll be over the fact that ffxiv ended with 6.0, that I saw it march into the grave with 6.x, and that somehow its coffin was shaped like a cat with too much vocal fry.
zones in this game will forever be vessels for the msq
nothing more
one of the EX dungeons is there
So why didn’t the resistance just give the garleans some of their food? The whole war could have been avoided.
>the lizards come from pandora
Anon, why did you copy what I said in the other thread here? It doesn't need to be posted twice, I'm pretty sure people agree either way.
I had my sub set to renew for 3 months tomorrow and I just changed it to 1 month. Glad I caught it in time, almost wasted money. Silly me for thinking this was gonna be the shit and keep me occupied.
There was no huge two headed guy who could easily slaughter both sides making them cook food. Also Ala Mhigans surely have as garbage a cuisine as their culture.
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>mfw bigoted chuds are in the proximity
So you play FFXIV then?
more like people finally get past the story and want to forget about it so stop talking about it and focus on the good content. but that doesn't make the story any less ass
It's the garleaas with the shit ass food retard
You can keep posting this though, this is always a little funny.
>he doesn't know but he said it anyway and made a fool of himself
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>still best girl
Her just fucking off the second she realized what was going on was so funny to me. Wish she took me with her.
If we still had job quests I feel Fray would have a lot to say about how much of a thankless adventure Dawntrail has been, but Yoshi-P doesn't want soulful things like that in the game anymore.
That's fucking retarded.
>reach a new area
>we should split up and look around, WoL you go with Wuk
I'm so tired
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you mean the other way around???????
just the Vanguard for the MSQ, and a lvl 100 post MSQ dungeon
>Grand Company supply dailies sometimes have no starred items at all
Really? I was using that distinction to be cheap with raising exp
Based af.
How long do I have to watch someone on twitch to get this mount?
Fray would have physically fought WoL for going along with the succession bullshit.
it’s not texas you fucking retard
3 hours
>here is your garlean pizza
>here is your ala mhigan mosquito burger
>let us mix the two!
In my head that's how the war first started now
>Oh my FUCKING god, dude, are you actually collecting SHIT? WHY?!
what mount? I don't wanna watch twitch
How about people rate the MSQ by zone then?
>Wuk lamat duty
that was extremely fun, and had some cool mechanics.
Please speak to exactly 3 or 5 npcs
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Wait, that weird furro bait that shows for a sec between skips is a woman? I always assumed he was a dude.
No one asked.
combat design and mechanics have been godtier. We are in for stormblood 2.0
Ala mhigans food is so shit it makes gridanians want to kick out all the refugees
why did they make her clench her fist so much, like seriously i feel like by the end of it they were just doing it to fuck with us
>dungeon gear is recycled trash
I don’t agree with this
>the 1000 year war was started by Thordan I giving Ratatoskr an Ishgardian rock salt
>they were so embarassed by the reaction they decided to just assume they killed him for power
the big brown ball
so are the fags who bought a ton of butterfingers mad that their mount can now be gotten by just turning a stream on for a day?
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It's clear there desperately needs to be a change of staff if future writing is going to be even remotely salvageable. With that in mind, who needs to be given the boot? Who would you bring on board to save the sinking ship?
In my opinion that Daichi retard needs to go, and Kate should've been gone years ago so her getting sacked is long overdue
Gridanian food canonically sucks shit though.
Can I get rewards having it play on my phone app version but with the mini screen where you can still use other apps?
because this million dollar game has 3 total cutscene animations
We will never be in Stormblood 2.0 until they bring back job identity.
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Is there no connection between Alexandria and Alexander? Are you fucking shitting me?
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Why are you brown
the main msq guy needs to be demoted or fired immediately, thats the main one
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I was in a pizza thread that just got nuked so I'm gonna use this as an opportunity to post what my response would have been. Ok was one of those bland "actual Italian" pizzas.
>Let me guess you need more?
implying going from sad Solution 9 aftermath to the clown tulliyolal day theme isnt jarring juxtaposition
Just got to solution 9 it's very based. Shame Wuk won't shut the FUCK up
Reminder that stormblood was the beginning of the end for job design.
Who's likely to be streaming for a long time? I'm just going to mute this shit and have it playing on my phone
Everyone wants ishikawa back in charge, but we all know that won’t happen. The best we can hope for is maehiro, since he is currently not working on anything now that XVI is wrapped up.
no clue, I usually set it to 160p muted and leave it on my 2nd monitor for these things
What mount?
Bring back Maehiro. Ishikawa can work on FFXVII.
>stormblood 2.0
yep, and we already got our new Lyse with Wuk Lamat
but at least Wuk Lamat deserved to be in a position of power instead of having it handed to her just for existing
That's a nice cheese and tomato sauce pie.
Don't see what it's got to do with pizza though.
Cider Spider has been doing 12 hour marketboard pvp streams
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Hey trannies and faggots.

It is me. Again. Just dropping by to remind you that your next expansion was nothing but a Brazilian ladyboy's wet fart, with horrendous music to boot.

Since that diversity slop (thank Kate!) is more than a year away, may I suggest you migrate to a better game that is also receiving a better expansion as soon as later this summer?

That game is Guild Wars 2. Flee this sinking ship while there is still time!
It started a really bad trend, but the negative effects of that trend were only felt by a few jobs at the time. The 4.2 WAR redesign for example was a travesty, and it laid the foundation for the current dogshit design all tanks suffer from.
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the jobs were dumbed down
the content flopped
the story became cringe
and in the end many wished they'd never played ffxiv at all
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>sphene did the emet pose
Hiroi gets the boot, Kate gets sacked and blacklisted immediately, whoever sucked up to those two also gets fucked. Yoshida is moved from XIV, immediately, how many games he needs to fuck up before SE wakes the fuck up? Whoever decided to partner with SBI also gets booted.
yeah my mind went to that idea immediately as well. they will never do pet shit again in this engine
Krile could unironically be removed from the expansion and barely anything would change
In story context its cool, outside knowledge makes it dumb
Should of delayed the reveal till some point after it to give it more weight in the moment
its where the super FATE boss for the mount is so at least you'll have a reason to afk there for a while
>Yoshida is moved from XIV, immediately
Hold on there, who would be a preferable alternative?
>flee the game where the english dub is bad, which isn't even the main language of the game
>go play a game so inundated with tranny shit you can't go a minute without having it bashed across your face
lmao fuck off and die
>but we all know that won’t happen.
Why not? Genuinely asking. Did they poach her to work on other square enix shit or something?
>Fantasy Arizona is fine from the invasions due to all of them being cowboys packing heat.
What did the writers mean by this?
Does this work if I play game full screen on one of my monitors since it says Streams played in the background or via inactive tabs won't count towards the hours watched criteria. Making it sound like it’s on background
if anything I would go back to ffxi. I think I’m done with western slop (which now includes japan) completely. I’ll probably play f95 games and gacha shit but not pay money to do so.
>finally get beastmaster
>but it's with a tech gimmick
>go play a game so inundated with tranny shit you can't go a minute without having it bashed across your face
but enough about wuk lamat
I fully believe charrfags are how we ended up with hrothgars
Please stop pretending that the only problem with Dawntrail is Wuk's english language VA.
it's japan they do not "demote" people
now she's in an oversight role she cannot go back to being a writer-slogger
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Sakaguchi is re-hired and put to work on XIV.
an armed society is a polite society
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THAT is a pizza. THIS is a piece of cheesy bread you feed to your malnourished vegan girlfriend. Learn the difference.
Haven't played yet since EW raiding burnt me out from boredom but this song slaps pretty hard.
i would assume yoshi would need to maneuver through exec bullshittery to get her back on board, and it's square enix, they want to take all the good talent off xiv to make flop after flop
the 2nd Amendment is the only true sacred text
Why are you posting delicious food in a thread for a shitty game?
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Shall not be infringed.
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>Yeah, I'm tired of playing this game where (you) are treated as some lackey who has to do all the work but a shit NPC gets all the credit for it! I'm moving to Guild Wars 2!
>aw shi-
Anyone would be better since they would be going in having a shit ton of expectations placed on them during a shitstorm which would keep them humble and alert. Yoshida is too drunk on his own farts to see what's in front of him and is acting like a boomer where he refuses to change although it's very apparent his "winning formula" no longer works. If you ask me for a specific person I don't know who works at square to be able to give you an answer but I think that whoever was in charge of Stranger of Paradise would be good.
1 hour for the ten exp foods
3 hours for something else I forgot, aether tickets maybe?
6 hours for the mount
And it has to be in an open unmuted tab supposedly

which their ability to be able to track that sounds like it borders on illegal to me, like how youtube got in trouble for the way it was tracking if people had adblockers or not
>whoever sucked up to those two also gets fucked
rip koji
Maehiro wrote the award winning heavensward and was immediately then put on XVI so he could write something like that again and make SE money
Ishikawa wrote 2 expansions that were received even better than HW so it’s obvious they would put her on another project, just like what happened before
Of course, this is a short sighted decision, because it leaves you with no standout, ambitious, or even talented writers left on the team if they all keep getting promoted when they do well.
Are bards still irrelevant compared to dancers and mechs, or just dancers?
MCH is now the worst job in the game unfortunately
No, BRD is the top dog now. MCH is the one in the shed.
the problem is while yoshi is the way he is, he at least keeps squenix at bay from completely over monetizing the fuck out of the game cause you just know they really fucking want to fuck with it.
he should be rehired and given veto power over the entire ff franchise
unlike in ffxiv, the devs listened to the players and killed trahearne
as is tradition
Twitch always had very aggressive checks for if you're active, even if you use picture in picture mode it'll still drop your stream to like 240p because it thinks you aren't active.
I'm not agreeing with you, but saying that it's not likely to be different from what they already do.
lmao, barking up the wrong tree with that narrative anon
love makes fools of us all
Tbh I'd take all the cash shop cancer they can shit out and just change all player characters to AF gear sets via mods if it meant the game gets to be good.
I'm probably going to pick up this expansion a year from now when they release new forays. What jobs survived the "streamlining" and are still fun? Preferably melee (including tanks).
the game wont be good with someone that easily bends the knee to fucking squenix the most suicidemaxxing company on the planet
You can just let the stream play in a tab and mute it from your sound mixer, it just werks.
Season 2 had that other SUPER DUPER SPECIAL bad plant lady that was smarter, better than everyone and won
I stopped playing during HoT but I heard people complain a lot about the Destiny Children too for the same reason
I'm currently level 87 with pictomancer, how is it that strong without its full kit? I feel like I deal as much damage as a black mage without the long cast time, it's unreal
It's not good now even with Yoshida supposedly keeping the Square fuckery at bay. We need someone to fuck shit up. I either want to see this bitch burn the fuck out over the course of 2 months or be glorious again like in the old days. I don't want a prolonged death over years of shitty decisions and bad story like with WoW.
They're going to get rid of wuk lamat.
Enjoy it while it lasts, it's getting nerfed to fuck for sure.

>Oh god, another fucking talk to Wuk'Lamat quest?
>How?! How did we go from Endwalker to this?!
>Help... a shred of battle content, please...


>Please hold on! It gets better at lvl97!
>A-At least... the dungeons are better than usual...
>We will have more content than Stormblood!


>You just want instant gratification! Let them cook the next arc!
>It's a worldbuilding expansion! It's supposed to be slow!
>You just hate trans people!

Those who played and decayed... those who had enough and unsuscribed...
And the very last of them wished they never played at all.
>Dragon Sight is finally gone.
>Can merge some of the off-GCD bloat thanks to that one new feature.
>But the expansion sucks
Monkey's paw
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viper is fun
>muh shiny buttons
dont care
im a flashy and fashy anime boi
you are pretending like we didnt have lyse that was completely swept under the rug after massive backlash. we just need japanese forum posters to also be angry.
>They're going to get rid of diversity shield
kek, lmao even
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>mention trahearne
>but, but scarlet!
When the plug ins are back online, xivcombo will probably reduce the number of buttons picto has by half.
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Hey trannies and faggots.

It is me. Again. Just dropping by to remind you that your next expansion was nothing but Kate's wet fart, with horrendous music to boot.

Since EOS (thank Kate!) is no more than a year away, may I suggest you migrate to a better game that is also receiving a better expansion as soon as later this summer?

That game is Honkai Star Rail. This is Firefly, my bitch. She spent the entire "MSQ" on my dick and whenever I wasn't on screen she was asking "where's MC?" Shit was so cash. Flee this sinking ship while there is still time!
So this expansion is 4th wall breaking commentary after all?
the game part of the game is "fine" especially in dawntrail, the battle content was actually made more challenging so they weren't kidding about that, if 8.0 really is the massive job overhaul then i would wait to see if they actually shake things up. the msq being bad can easily be fixed by demoting the godawful writers on right now, and with the backlash they are getting will probably happen.
>china game
no thanks
The shitty streamlined design we have today is not going to change because it helps then with their production pipeline and is cheaper. The game is not going to change. We're on the third expansion of the Shadowbringers design philosophy, and that philosophy always calls for further streamlining. This game will remain as is.
Nah im playing Zenless in a couple days, fuck off.
Does Yoshida really not have a say in this at all despite being on the board of directors at this point since every other aspect of square enix is haemorrhaging money like a stuck pig? Won't be able to keep this shit going if they keep losing all their talent.
You would think at the very least they would have wanted to make sure the new story arc gets kickstarted off the best way possible after EW if they wanted to keep people invested. The hack they got instead got a carte blanche and immediately turned it into complete shit to the point that I can't imagine anything in Dawntrail will ever be relevant again
>Honkai Star Rail
>Not a MMO
>Not a RPG
>Not even ACTION
Fuck no.
I actually might
he has leverage but even he doesn't have complete say, dream fitting being an example of that, even if it's super tucked away.
the arcadion lala is an ascian
>Venat's message is that you life can only get its true value through the good and the bad at the same time
>next expac is actually suffering to get through
Anon…yoshida IS the one who promoted these people. He always wanted to make a GoT style fantasy single player game, and maehiro also wanted to write for that. And after XVI didn’t do as well as planned, it’s obvious why he would want to try and do it again and redeem himself by making an FF that actually revives the franchise
The other projects poaching XIV talent are very likely all CBU3 ones. Yoshida wants this. He wants to be more than just the XIV guy. He probably isn't happy with the fact that he brings more money to the company than figures like Nomura nowadays, yet remains confined to a game in a niche, dying genre that most people don't take seriously (MMOs).
>next expac is actually suffering to get through
Truer words have not been uttered so far. I'm actually skipping everything and I am still not done yet. In EW by the 4th day I was farming the extremes.
I would have liked that test so much more if wuk was paired with bakool jajaja. Now im not a writer, but I think that would have been a good way to foreshadow how hes not entirely a bad guy and eventually comes around
So does my game being full screen on one monitor and twitch tab open on other just muted with lowest quality still count?
He's an ascian who saw the shit WoL had to endure throughout Dawntrail and felt bad enough for him to create a tournament for him to have fun in.
If you mute it from your sound mixer yes. If you mute the Twitch player or the tab it won't count.
While we don't know how far they are willing to go with their Job Design Overhaul, considering that the devs repeatedly shy away from shit that is too much of an inconvenience to them, I don't think it's going to be as big as people hope it would be.
Bakool showing some cracks and giving her the stone back of his own volition in some manner would have been far better than the random power up she got to beat him and his gang right after getting kidnapped by random jobbers.
why would i play honkai when zenless comes out and that game actually looks like fun instead of an auto battler
what was that h gacha that came out on iOS a couple of months ago? I can’t remember the name
I play this game too, it peaked at Belobog. Xianzhou is your generic china sloppa. Penacony is a mess storytelling-wise and all stakes present in each patch is just lel-we won't actually die because shit writing (see Aventurine). And now we're going back to China again!

This game's lore is great but its story will always be held back because of its gacha nature. The best thing to salvage this shit along with Genshin is to make it an actual game and take its time.
>He's actually Altima
Take off my ride.
>8.0 launches
>MSQ is still SHIT
>The "Job Design Overhaul" is just making your basic bitch combos 1 button like in PVP
>Everyone gets 1 more nuke on a 120 seconds cooldown
How bad will the shitstorm be?
Alisaie and Krile are there the entire time and get sidelined. The whole expac is shit. They should have just made the Scions into role quests
XIV isn't about Bakool you media illiterate chud, it is about Wuk Lamat
The content is okay once you force yourself through the story.
The consensus is already that it was shit and people have been talking about it for a week already.
Now they will be doing the same daily grind for 3 months until there is more msq to talk about.
He was a bully and stepped on her tacos, he doesn't deserve screentime.
>attack but with type of buff that class is known for
>war gets regen, pld gets shield etc etc
what's in the pipeline for now?
What's your cope tactic when normies hate the game in a week?
Seems only me and you noticed it
>Savage tier in 1 month
>Alliance raid and another extreme in 6 months
>Eureka3:Bozja2 in 1 year
It's over, it's like they learned nothing from Endwalker.
Normies (Normal people who don't screech like children when things change) love it.
Yeah, 2 months for the normal version I think
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holy fuck. guess I have no reason to boot up this game for an entire year
We already established that everyone loves Dawntrail and that everyone who dislikes it doesn't play the game. Better luck next time.
As a cat owner I can't take Wuk Lamat seriously even in Japanese. It's not possible when her face resembles that of the retarded companion creatures I live with that make high pitched noises to beg me for food or company.
No they don’t.
>Zone 1-3
2/10. Absolutely the worst part of the entire expansion.
>Zone 4
>Zone 5
>Zone 6
Probably like a 4. Zone 5/6 had a shitton of plot but needed way more presence IN the plot to really make an impact; their late appearance and rapid ramping up of the stakes feels like last minute rewrites slammed into DT because the writers felt that their 'low stakes adventure' wouldn't be able to carry the story. I'd actually say they were wrong, though: if the entire expansion had been like Zone 4 I would have been very happy and had a genuinely good time.
>it's like they learned nothing from Endwalker.
>it's the same formula since ARR
>also we're getting a field exploration in DT which endwalker did not
the problem with endwalker wasn't the timeline, it was the content being put out your disgusting larper
You did not play the game.
7.1 will come out in 4 months, that's early November 2024, not 6 months
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>Alliance raid and another extreme in 6 months
>Eureka3:Bozja2 in 1 year
go back now tourist, you don't even know when patches release.
>it's the same formula since ARR
yeah, I loved 4 month patches in ARR. wait...
B-but it was supposed to beat Endwalker with the actual release!
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Remembird grapes
>it's the same formula since ARR
Guess what xivsister? It does not fucking work any longer! I've said this for the past 3 years but if SE refuses to change it's straight to EOS. You can't even bank it all on mazed faggots like blizzard does it since XIV does not have that kind of content.
>no eureka for a fucking year
>Got 3 dungeons per patch
>2 trials
Yeah I did love arr patches.
>Oh noes
>It's not 6 months it's 4
>That's gonna make a difference
>When you're gonna lose half your playerbase within 2 weeks
My niggas be retarded as usual.
it works the content itself needs to be good, which was the problem with endwalker when all the content was fucking boring.
the manafication change sucks


you forgot nashu and zero
Is that all you can say? Even when most of the thread is just people calmly talking in detail about what they didn’t like, proving they played the game?
NTA but didn't these threads vehemently argue that Island Sanctuary was good? Supposedly only people who love World of Warcraft disliked it.
>lose half your playerbase within 2 weeks
you mean right when the new raids release and when people will be too busy gearing up for the savage version releasing in 4 weeks?
I am
A frothgar
>Gives you full mp
Retard BLM, kys.
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go back gay nigga
source: my anus
I don't think he's that involved anymore, there's no way blm gets shipped in this state if he wasn't distracted by other projects
It's easy to talk about datamined plotpoints and pretend you played the game, but everyone knows you're bullshitting. People who actually play Dawntrail love the game.
Yeah turns out that FFXIV is the most popular MMO in the whole world and a huge cultural phenomenon but nobody actually plays it.
>he thinks 2 hours of raid per week are gonna keep me subbed
Stay mazed sissy.
>have to cast a blizzard spell
>mana doesn't tick until the spell lands
there were much better ways to do this, blm is fucking miserable in any content under 76 now if there's downtime off a target
Uhh not that I saw. Most times when IS was brought up (it wasn’t brought up much) it was shit on. Like the void story (people never defended the void story, they just got tired of people talking about it because everyone knew it was shit and they didn’t want the same conversations over and over)
I have never seen this, especially after it was found out that island sanctuary is just an automated grind for 3 months to buy a shitty little mount or minion
/poeg/ leaking
manafication, not manafont retard.
Path of Exile is an actual game so I don't know what you are trying to say.
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For me, it's Sparkle
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This. How the FUARK could anyone NOT like Wuk Lamat?!
>he hasn't seen the depths of mazed posters
pure anon
Anon, she was promoted within the company.
Ishikawa and Maehiro likely aren't coming back because they were almost certainly given FF17 to cowrite, as they are by far the two most loved writers in the company. Pretty sure Ishikawa was Maehiro's protege anyways. You can sort of see it in their writing styles and their love of killing hot women.
Guys a friend just leaked to me something he says is labelled ダンジョンメーカー (dungeon creator) or ダンジョンクリエイター (dungeon maker) it supposedly has some ties to loporrits, thoughts?
But I fucking hate this shit.
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So, that's it then? XIV is just the slop game from this point on?
Guess it was fitting if anything that one of the rehashed themes of DT was to let dead things go.
Yknow it’s not even early access anymore? The whole story is on YouTube. This ‘defense’ isn’t gonna work anymore. Especially in threads with very little shitposting where people are still negative (just in a more reasonable way)
>Cast bliz 4 once
So... Judging from what I'm reading in this thread, I'm guessing as a storyfag (I did most of the content save for savage raids (solo queuing is shit, and the fact that there's always at least one autist in statics makes that option not much better), but I don't see myself having the time or willingness to do it again for any future expansion) I'm better off just skipping this and just rushing through it if the next expansion doesn't suck, right?
i love the game, i don't love dawntrail. it's not hard to say this. stop defending subpar writing.
Maybe something to do with Cosmic Exploration?
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>blatantly says exposition out loud
you can’t make this shit up
Why not have any GCD restore mana in the ice phase to retain some flexibility? New BLM is so braindead it's painful
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>Black mages thought they were getting the Ultima spell
Let's all laugh at them AHHAHAHHAAHAHAAA
I literally just won the bingo!
just use any dub other than english and you won't have to put up with a man pretending to be a woman with an accent, other than that, the story is alright
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>Koanas machinist LB is better than actual MCH lb
You can't just say how your characters feel!
That makes me feel angry!
how is the drama around the first promise losing to the shade of his dad even relevant when he lost the cooking competition, he's out anyway isn't he? he can't win
>and their love of killing hot women
Why? Why do all the hot women have to die? Every fujobait femboy meanwhile gets to live a long healthy life with a well secure 401k? How is that fair?
Ignore the sissies telling you the story is alright. I play with the JP dub and I think Wuk is shit. The story is bad and you have a literal poochie front and center for all of it.
It's alright for a botttom of the barrel JRPG. It is not alright for FF14. Alright for FF14 is Stormblood, which is still MILES fucking ahead of DT. At least Stormblood had Azim Steppe. This expansion has nothing.
mazed is a wowg term.
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I love that the wowfruits, tabata cockeaters, and now PoEslop has gathered here. Go off sisters!
so what were the rpg elements discussed in April
Before he got disqualified he could have beaten up Koana and stole his stones.
Azim steppe was ass, pure unadulterated ass. You seem to have forgotten when we had to go around each tribe and rim each one.
Stormblood also had a fun villain who actually interacted with the WoL. Sphene barely seems aware of you being there.
>Contrarians are now shitting on Stormblood to try to do damage control for Yawnfail
How about no?
This poor anon has fallen victim to Woke Lemutt's Talk-no-Justu!
>someone who is paid a professional wage to write an engaging story
>can only shit out slop that is the intellectual equivalent of the brave little toaster
I really like the new manafont, can't wait to see how sps blm feels.
Azim Steppe has one of the best solo instances in the entire game. I personally enjoyed learning about all the Tribes, they had very fantasy-esque schizo beliefs which was pretty cool.
Dawntrail's culture tour is unironically too close to real life which makes it boring as fucking shit.
Congratulations to Stormblood for no longer having the worst x.0 story!
When did SE start hiring Sweet Baby Inc again? My cope is that it was recent enough that they couldn't have been involved in the Sharttrail writing process but that's wishful thinking
>Forspoken out of nowhere.
You know the shills are desperate when they randomly bring up this forgotten flop like anybody actually likes it.
do you...know Asia is a real place?
Both are dogshit, SB was dogshit you're just getting mixed up with SB and its patch content, looking at SB without it is just as bad as DT
>Contrarians are now acting like shitting on Stormblood is some new concept that just started happening.
Lysefags, when are you going to fucking realize already that nobody likes your braindead bimbo of a waifu? I get it, you have a fetish for absolutely useless and stupid nepo babies, but the rest of us don't, so it's still shit.
Already been over an hour and not got any twitch reward for watching these streamers…
I don't know why they would want to being up a recent SE product that completely flopped due to the new writing style in the first place.
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New gear looks HOT
Everything in solution 9 and beyond is so on the nose pozzed its unreal, it's like they saved all the pozz maxing til last with sprinkles of aids inbetween 90-98
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>survey the designated locations for damage
>market place
>there are like 20 people nonchalantly crafting amidst the ruins
Yeah anon. I know Asia is real. Do you think normal Mongolian people believe that they are constantly reincarnated every time they die, and try to become exactly like the person who they claim to have reincarnated from? You met IRL Sadu and didn't lock that down?
At least they've retroactively make Lyse a better character by putting the same character in but worse in every way.
it had to at least be before the development started on forspoken. consider they hired madtv nigger lady and that required all the face scanning and mocap which would have to be done very early in the development cycle
Lyse is my aryan bimbo wife and you're a faggot.
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>99 trial theme
the xpac is good and the only bad part is wuk
post your favorite bangers
>watching Arthars stream
>he's doing the extremes
>mechanically boring
>look like shit
>mechanics start repeating before 30%
Okay, who's the faggot who lied to me, again?
sbi needs to be added into the credits if they were involved and they are not on there
The zalool ja theme is schizo trash I agree
>the entire xpac's story revolves around wuk and she hogs 90% of the script/screentime
You can see how that becomes a problem
What the fuck is this credits theme.
Why is this woman singing totally off-key.
Ah yes, Lyse my favorite Ala mihgan. Just look at her dark skin and pronounced features. In other news Drew Berrymore has just been elected as president of Mozambique.
Saying its illegal for them not to be on there is hilarious, you do realise credits are just to be nice and have nothing to do with any laws right
I played through dawntrail over the weekend, it was fine. However after spending the day watching someone play through the older expansions it's a sever step on down in writing quality overall. We never got a moment nearly as gripping as Aymeric talking to the dragons about how he had to get his own father killed, noting close to a villain with motives as nuanced as Emet. No sacrifices made by characters we didn't meet that long ago. The dialog writing even was a crazy step down.

We got a bad cartoon villain for the first bit into a very typical underdeveloped one with daddy issues with a interesting but almost a retread of one we have not long ago.
The shit villains and horrid pacing never gave the very limited new characters time to grow.
>Dawntrail's culture tour is unironically too close to real life which makes it boring as fucking shit.
Is it, really? All of the tribes are so blatantly vapid and artificial.

>The Trade Tribe who trades stuff
>The Craft Tribe who crafts stuff
>The Bird Tribe who does agriculture to have food (??????????)
>The designated asshole tribe who is very mean and not nice
What happened to stuff like the Nightblessed in ShB? In DT they just drop their simplistic character gimmick for Wuk Ligma to understand a MLP-tier "morale" and fuck off. I feel like I had more in-depth knowledge of Ishgardian society by lvl53 in HW that I have of the entirety of Turali society by lvl96 in DT.
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Seeing as how SE literally avoided answering one of their shareholders on that question and changed subject as fast as they could I could bet big money that they didn't put them in the credits just to avoid the shitstorm.
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Do kids actually believe that by law companies have to be credited? That's hilarious.
It gets better at EX5.
Is penumbra working? I will change all femhrots to miqos. Fuck that furry shit.
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my wife is such a goofball
>Lyse, Yotsuyu, Fordola, Yugiri, Lilja
Stormblood was hot chick heaven.
Rhatalos extreme is also the best trial this game ever had.
wow it's a good thing she's not shitting up my side content then
>Trying to do frontlines and have fun.webm
>looks like a fucking cat
>with alloy's hair
What the fuck?
lmao I hadn't even noticed but you're right, all the tribes are just completely dedicated to one shtick instead of having an actual complete, well-rounded society.

It'd honestly be more accurate to say Tural is formed by castes than by tribes.
Orbonne Monastery....home
I've seen more praise for SB in 4 days than I ever did in the last 7 years. I KNOW most of you are fake SB fans, I KNOW most of you hated everything about that expansion, I KNOW most of you still believed Lyse took all your credit even though I'd correct you year after year, but now it's suddenly a beloved cult classic you queers love all along, huh? Fuck off. You hate DT and you hate SB, but you're all so pathetic you can't be honest about it for one minute so you pretend you were a SB supporter all along. I remember enjoying Eureka while all of you complained about the grind, I remember enjoying Dark Arts and Royal Road and Tornado Kick while all of you whined about HW glory days, I remember enjoying Omegascape and UCOB while all of you complained there was nothing to do. I remember crossing Shinryu's tail while everyone still jerked off Thordan EX or Skip Soar. I remember Ivalice, Heaven on High, Rathalos, I remember everyone hating everything about SB, and I especially remember how the praise for TGC didn't start until after his first nerf.

I KNOW majority of you are fakers or secondaries, so keep my favorite expansion OUT OF YOUR FUCKING MOUTH.
Why do hroths have hair in their armpits? If they were like animals they'd have a patch of skin in their pits where theres nothing growing, just like dogs cats etc.
>on the Zerobuuz content right now
>not sure if I want to play Dawntrail
Man, if I wanted the FF XI/ WoW MSQ experience, I'd play those games.
I miss my wife...
I'm so tired of Wuk's stupid I Can Haz Cheezburger face. A cat cannot be the protagonist of an RPG.
>male hroths get shit on because they are associated with the average furry
>females get shit on because wuk is a annoying character that gets forced down your throat and doesn't have anything interesting to justify it

hrothgars are in absolute shambles right now
You know what, you're right. I just got so distracted by all the dogshit writing that I completely missed the total lack of actual CULTURE in the fucking culture tour. They spend so much time infodumping you that it becomes a slog of information, so I hadn't even noticed how absolutely bland all the tribes really are.
>Krile introduces the gang to her parents
>Here is Wuk Lamat, Vow of Resolve of Turilolal
>Here is G'Raha Tia one of my colleagues in the Students of Baldesion
>Here is (You), an adventurer
You fucking bitch, remember that time I carried your ass through Eureka? Now you introduce the cats before me, do you?
>>>>>>it's a good thing she's not shitting up my side content
>dawntrail is fine
>severe step down in writing quality
>dialogue writing even a crazy step down
>bad cartoon villain
>shit villain and horrid pacing; limited new characters
after having said all of that yourself how do you still think dawntrail is fine
i miss my wife, also the new nin set is great i finally can stop wearing the stormblood set now
??? yes?? are you okay nigger???
>best alliance raid
>best zones
>actual content to do (relics and Doma)
>10/10 weeb aesthetics
>all those slutglams
Stormblood was always good.
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>Reached the western cowboy town
Finally the slog is over, the real KINO can commence.
i kneel.
you know the overwhelming majority of players don't even raid right?
Savor it while it lasts.
Don't worry, you won't see Wuk again.
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>take down a team of kidnapping bandits with no effort
>Wuk Lumat got ambushed and her ass kicked by them off-screen and the bandits have no worries about any of this
>Koana tries to say it had to be a surprise attack
Yeah, whatever makes you sleep, siscon. Anons were right, this is stupid.
dawntrail can do all of this we are already in the best zones department, we need to be free from msqfags they unironically have ruined the fucking game with their retardation and casualness.
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>alloy's hair
Oh God, I never noticed.
its my first time actually getting a gatherer to cap level on release
whats the priority for orange scrips? gear maybe?
Kill yourself, you would not have ever posted that in full confidence until this weekend.
>dealing with le hecking facist cops #ACAB #BLM
>picking up shit
People shitting their pants about Stormblood is the reason every expac afterwards is worse.
If they hadn't cried so much at hagakure then SAM would've never been ruined.
If they didn't melt down at Ivalice or bitched about Mist Dragon maybe casual content would still be fun.
Dawntrail is exactly the expansion they asked for.
Ninja is fun and the combat is good, the dungeons have been interesting. It's not good or bad currently and everything hinges on the fights coming up to push it one way or the other.
It even looks more stupid when you put them together. Who the fuck at Square looked at that shit and thought it looks good and it's a serviceable design for THE main character? You have the stupid cat meme face AND that fucking pulled back thing on the top of the head. What the fuck YOSHIDAAAA?!?!!?
I always wanted to bang Lyse and i still wear full Shisui for every job.
Keep crying.
they don't do savage raids, but they'll still do the normal raids just to gear up
I honestly don't give a shit who voices who. Unless the voice acting was egregious I'm fine with whatever if the character writing is good. I've just had a pretty bad feeling about this expansion from the first trailer. I get that the narrative they build up for years is over and they're starting a new thing now, but do they really expect people to be hyped up for a fucking summer vacation? There's summer outside right this fucking moment.
Not a fan of the JP dub when compared with the EN one, though. FFXIV is one of those rare jRPGs where I like the translation enough to prefer the dub.
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So, my wife shows up, justifiably leaves immediately, just to show up in a cutscene defending Arizona, pops up for the 99 trial, is the only fucking character trying to stop Sphene from trying to steal Azems key and then formulates a plan how to open the door to Disneyland but has to stay behind so G'raha can get a gondola tour with me.
I would be annoyed, but all in all she did more than most of the cast.
DT will bring us back and purge the faggots that only play this game for the fucking msq
>looking at SB without it is just as bad as DT
Fuck off.
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b-but the story is baaaaad!
why wouldn't you compare 4.0 and 7.0
It's not even an actual summer vacation story. They probably marketed it that way to lower expectations after realising it was too late to rewrite this garbage.
>Y'shtola shows up, solves the plot, gets kicked out from most of the story as a reward
meme is real.
why did they reuse animations here
You really think that when people compare expansions they're talking about post game patch content? Oh you silly silly fucking child.
I try to get people to at least run roulettes with me right now as they are back to the game for a bit because FF14 is so devoid of actual multiplayer gameplay.
It is so funny to see Alisiae going from being WoL fanboy before effortlessly switching to be a Wuk-head.
Because she's just like fuarking EMET SELCH from the hit expansion SHADOWBRINGERS
Elezen women owe me sex
I would replay Stormblood story over DT a thousand times.
Of course they are you fucking retard. People always talk about Eureka when they discuss Stormblood.
>8% towards first ffxiv twitch drop
You can just lower the volume to 1% and have it in another tab you don't have to have a new browser open. If you have a tablet you can just put it on there instead.
>dont like your shit?
>just come and play our vile shit instead
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>In Alexandria - Pyros
>At the pools there's a pair of fiddies in swimsuits
>The first swimsuits I've seen during this summer vacation
>Wuk deactivates them
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Please remember, 6.1 is the new player experience. New players will not have seen anything of ShB, so they will feel very differently about Sphene and the latter half of DT.
It is literally not made for you.
Because all the things Emet mentioned are things he made and put there for you to discover, It was him all along who set everything up for you to have a wild azem adventure cause he likes you.
You'll get to frolick on the beach with Wuk Lamat in 7.1 :)
Hit 100 on Viper this morning, I have finally awoken the power to go FULLY apeshit.
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>up to where Valigarmanda is released
>Alisaie looks to you and asks what should we do
>WoL looks to Wuk
just fucking kill me already
nta but thats the point he's making, people only like sb for the post patch content not for the on release expansion, and comparing that to DT is stupid, you should compare on release SB to on release DT
>New players are getting value brand Emet-Selch who doesn't care about the WoL.
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When they showed the art for this thing, I thought it was going to be like the size of Sin
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I would ask "who thought this was a good idea after every past story has been about a collective of characters or at least small squads that all contribute, rather than a singular character focus," but this is the same dumbass writer that wrote the abomination of spotlight focus that was Zero. No wonder his theater group failed.
Emet doesn't' care about you dumb fuck, you just look like his friend.
>Emet specifically created several Poochies he put around the world to lead us on a wild-goose chase of various babysitting missions and used the Rejoining as a cover for it
Is he the most evil antagonist yet?
Stormblood had way better job design from the getgo even if there were some awful blunders such as deleting energy drain.
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Remember when they played that disney song about unity and understanding over a montage of people building a literal bomb train
>psssst you know the lalafells that disappeared from one of the previous times they fucked shit up? they have a shard hopping relic and went to another shard that we also tried to fuck up
I feel like we're being trolled
The start is great, the first 3 zones give you some really cool world-building for the southern part of Tural, and some interesting analogues to cultures from previous expansions. If you dont have some sort of ADD or your IQ hits three digits you will enjoy yourselves. After lv. 95 the story ramps up slowly with a second story arc of this expansion, but at some point it will speed up fast.

Doomposters are as always just reactionary retards who repeat a couple of out-of-context quotes. Anybody who thinks Wuk Lamat is a Mary-sue has no idea what a mary-sue is and their fuckwitted opinions are to be dismissed.
I thought it was going to be a trial. I was waiting for Zoraal to pilot it or something but it never came to be.
He literally gave you a chance to redeem yourself in his eyes precisely because of that resemblance though, and he literally came back to save your ass in 5.3.
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>God I wish I could see the look on his face when he finds out what's really waiting for him in the New World
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>Sphene is literally Emet and Meteion rolled into one
>Wuk is us
>Each slate is just the ARR beast tribes
>Yok huy fight in the dungeon is literally a titan reskin
>Savage eden titan reskin in another dungeon
>Reskins everywhere
>Only new model is some weird fucking bird thing with no arms thats using the skeleton of stone vigil hard final boss
>The Originics boss is literally a reskinned absolute virtue/eden
Spoilers for level 100
Krile and her parents feels so off, I know that's the point but I think a bittersweet payoff would have worked better. With Krile just kind of accepting there's too much distance between them all now. The scenes afterwards killed a lot of the parents mystique
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square enix needs to die
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This grift is next level I swear.
Also, one of the swimsuit fiddies literally has an animation for licking the ice cream cone, JUST IMAGINE.
>Expansion all about diversity comes to a climax as everyone comes together to suicide bomb a foreign nation
Stormblood has Gosetsu, Zenos, Magnai, Sadu, Tsuyu, Fordola. And I liked Lyse's concept, girl that grew up in a peaceful first world country forced to take leadership or a war-torn 3rd world country, and struggles to empathize with her own people.
>If you dont have some sort of ADD or your IQ hits three digits you will enjoy yourselves
You unironically need to know the straw millionaire story to understand the trading plot.
I also said that yesterday and got called a secondary and told to go back.
It was literal nigger tier music, with a nigger choir, I couldn't even understand a single word, I refuse to believe soken composed any of it it sounded so fucking bad.
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After the cutscene I just went to stare at her for like a minute
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im at the cooking part
does it get better soon?
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>Alliance Raid Series
>Raid Series
>Bozja Zone
This list is IRREFUTABLE.
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most people havent finished the msq when I asked this before but
what are these things in the final zone?
dynamis mixed with memory filled aether?
She is already contemplating dropping the WoL as her fav... Wuk'd...
The hunt for the Keystones and the City of Gold is easily one of the worst plots I've ever had to deal with in this entire game. I thought Labyrinthos chores while playing a small portion of the EW theme on loop for two hours was bad, I thought helping someone fix railways for golem trolleys while a man cries about his dead family was kinda overdone, and I hate the Company of Heroes for sure even after fat got trimmed. But somehow "slow-paced, world-building opening" was played not only to a fault, but far, far, far, FAR longer and stiffly than should ever have been tolerable.

Say what you will about Stormblood, they IMMEDIATELY told you what was going down, demonstrated the conflict and losses involved, and rarely wasted time when in the meat of their arcs. Lyse's doubts and bullshit were literally just handfuls of sentences versus this. I can see why people think the later parts of the expansion are way better, but Wuk isn't the sole problem - she's just a retarded symptom of it.
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lol, lmao.
I miss Ryne bros
Only secondaries know about previous expansions and the models and content in them apparently.
True fans just got here and bought a story skip.
complaining about models using the same skeleton (because that's what they are not reskins) is pretty silly. This expansion didn't do it anymore than anywhere else in xiv
Retard who failed to do anything useful
Shit character in SB solely existed to be a Sephiroth lite
Not in stormblood base expansion which is what we're talking about
Bitch with an insane attitude problem who should have been killed by us
Joke of a character
I don't get why everyone is fellating the dungeons so hard. The are the same boring shit as always, bosses are just faster and use a lot of "Can you guess how big the AoE will be?!" type of mechanics. Once you get used to that its the same snooze fest.
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>mfw helping ixali make a balloon in ARR was more fun than all of DT MSQ
Are there underwater sections in this expansion? because I'm in the last zone and they didn't use a single one in the MSQ
It gets better at lvl96. Why can't you have some patience? The good part is just at lvl98. I don't understand why some people can't just hold on for the payoff at lvl99. Everything makes sense when you get to lvl100. Besides, it's to set up the next Story Arc, so it's obvious it's not gonna ramp up until 8.0.
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She remains best girl. I don't think she has a single scene with Wuk.
A couple of sidequests have underwater bits, they need to implement a few for spear fishing
Recolor VanuVanu eat reeds is not world building.
>Positionals removed
>Skills removed
>Animations removed
>Shorter simpler rotations added
>Most "new" abilities just replace an existing button after using it
>Only one new button to press per job
>Buttons auto swapping to the next button in the combo added
>VPR is a fucking mess of a job too simple and braindead even compared to RPR
>ilevel and level sync completely out of control again resulting in content being "Monster hunter world"-ified where everything dies incredibly fast before anything happens
>Massive numbers that no one cares about compared to in arr breaking 1000 damage felt amazing
>No different damage types
>No more synergy besides 5% damage buffs which benefits everyone
>No more damage over time abilities because that requires too much thought to reapply
>But both new jobs have you staring at 30 second buff timers
>No pet management because of the off chance one ability gets ghosted that only happens if you're spamming the button to make the pet move
>Plugins not banned that enable your class to play itself just like Hekili for WoW isn't even detected either
>Custom launchers that are effectively cheats aswell but not actioned by SE which could easily detect and ban it
>Already basic jobs like dancer had depth removed removed just so they don't have to go into melee range because raid troons
>Machinist rng removed
>Gunmage/bowmage removed just to make them into spam jobs that have zero weight to any of their skills
>All tanks just the same except WAR which is vastly better than any other tank in the game no reason to play other jobs except for LB nerf
>AST rng removed
>All healers given a million ogcds yet every tank and dps now has party wide heals, don't even need a healer anymore can tank only all content
>All jobs being reworked to work on less than 10 buttons turning the game into a moba with somehow less depth and characterisation than a moba
Zenos's speech about why mankind should love violence is more fun than anything any character in DT does. I love how much he chews the scenery.
it's insane how good the trials are this time around
So, the DPS balance is completely fucked right now... PCT and VPR are just better than the other job in their role by every metric.
I've never seen a unfunny version of this joke before
This so hard, they could literally do this for every boss by tweaking boss cast times if they really wanted to.
Small indie company, please understand
>I don't get why everyone is fellating the dungeons so hard.
Because the story is so fucking long and boring when you get to actually play the game you are ecstatic.
For some fucking reason, she calls Wuk on the linkshell to tell her the mcguffin is ready instead of you, even though they literally haven't traded words at all in the whole expansion at that point.

Which is just yet another sign of how Wuk Lamat is the poochiest poochie to ever grace this game with her presence, even characters who don't know Wuk default to addressing her.
>mamook plot is that race mixing and abortions are bad
how did the lizards get away with being chuds?
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>Missed opportunity to have a fun wacky unforgettable summer vacation adventure
>End up spending it with a retarded cat learning about uninteresting bea-allied societies and their boring culture
>base stormblood better than DT
>arr beter than dt
nice bait.
Everything I hear indicates Viper is undertuned. Lots of buttons for not so much damage. It's just that there's so many Vipers that it overwhelms really getting a good idea of how much damage a single one is actually doing. Pictomancer, on the other hand, is leaps and bounds better than the other casters unapologetically and thus became the best DPS by a mile.
post the dungeons tab in duty finder right now anon, one of you
Why would she call you? Have you done a single thing in the entire expansion so far?
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>felt like I was behind because of pissing around this expansion like EW and tried to stretch it when I should have gone to bed like 2 hours ago
>checking my screenshots and realize I didn't finish ShB until the evening of final release either
>Retard who failed to do anything useful
Being six months at sea on a tiny fisherman boat to warn Yugiri that the war is restarting, helping us activate Omega, defending those people from Yotsuyu, then holding a fucking castle ceiling to save our lives is nothing? Gosetsu was the fucking mvp of SB.
I heard people talking about PCT being the new BLM in numbers, haven't seen one positive thing about VPR
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>The problem with SB was that Lyse stole all your achievements by doing nothing
>So clearly what we should do is erase you from the story
>8 hours of Heavensward cutscenes is enough to tell a complete fantasy adventure story with plot twists, character development and world-building.
>8 hours of Dawntrail cutscenes is barely enough to get you to the first trial.
More is not always better.
VPR has very shitty burst, but overall their damage is just consistently good.
WDym what for?
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95 boss 3 and 97 boss 2 are more inspired than almost the entirety of the EW normal raids. Every boss in the three level 100 dungeons are genuinely really fun, and far better than everything before it. Trash in the experts actually sometimes has mini-mechanics, like the constant healcheck before Boss 3 in the GHOST ZONE. Some dungeons even actually hit you. I play tank and if you do not properly kitchen sink w2w some of those pulls are rough but I did it on DRK with randoms so it might just be a skill issue on either me or them.
Dungeons are actually pretty fun. They're more like an extreme trial with less punishment than a boring snoozefest. If you genuinely think they're bad, then I don't believe you've been to any of the dungeons past 91/93 yet. Which is fair, because this expansion has 8-12 hours of bullshit filler in between dungeons and its an agonizing slog to get through.
I want to see what you have unlocked
Post patch content doesn't count retard we are comparing base games
>want to ride Eren's mom around
>have to play viper and picto to do that
almost died because the cubes in one of them have cleave, honestly surprising to see.
ARR was good and soulful with an actually good community even if it was flawed. DT is utterly soulless and the community is all BPD tenderqueers and ERPers. You didn't play ARR when it was current.
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FFXV is better.
Swapping to japanese exposes how off the localizations can be and I dont know shit about japanese.
Even something as basic as Fug Lematt calling her adopted siblings brothers while the english text calls them by name all the time.
Half of what I mentioned and the single most important part was in base SB.
Also nice arbitrary rule you just pulled out.
>do msq slow
>miss extreme grind rush and will never get a clear
I hate this.
then why don't they fucking do that
trannies were hitting on people in wineport back then as well anon. You might have not played back then but I did
I miss her and her dads
anon just save yourself and skip everything up to the wild west zone, and then once thats done skip everything until you get on a train and then dungeon, and then start skipping again when you get bored. Don't stop skipping until its all over
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You know why
I have unlocked the capstone 100 dungeons and everything, and I am not impressed. Everyone says the Cactus one is hard but once you realize what they do it is piss easy. Ghost House dungeons is fine, first boss is just shit tho.
wdym she often refers to them as her brothers in english
Holy fuck Viper is MISERABLE in level-synced content.
>people in the thread shit talking the dungeons couldn't even post a picture that they had the dungeons unlocked
I'm shocked
>skipping so hard I actually pressed a choice that didn't shit on Wuk
>SE will think I like the tiger
Dear God, have mercy on me a sinner.
that happens in tons of localizations, I guess it's because we don't usually call our brothers "brothers" when we ask them for something?
>lose AoE combos, all burst options, and combo finishers
It's funny that Viper borderline feels like an afterthought with how little consideration it seems to have had for playability beyond "WOO ACTION CHANGES THE JOB!"
then DT is just better in the dungeon aspect purely because they did do that, and they should keep doing that from here on out, i like having to react to things more, and packs actually doing stuff and things hurting, this is a gigantic step in the right direction, also expert dugneons should be that EXPERT dungeons, they should do things that stand out from the story dungeons. also stop having expert dungeons be the last 2 dungeons on the list whenever a new one is released, just fucking have them all in the rotation.
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I still have every caster DPS but RDM not even unlocked and the RPR unlock quest in progress and I started playing 2.0 EA lmao

Will level Viper just because I level every sword job though
King chud even says it vexes him that Wookie still calls him that
Should have just given them pvp combos.
The problem was always there but it was easier to avoid. Did you play in Balmung? There was a /v/ FC there, and I know Balmung was ground zero for this shit.
>just realized zero would have loved those spice tacos
Level 50 Viper has a toolkit that wouldn't be out of place in Sastasha.
>(You), the Warrior of Light, Savior of the Star, Champion of Hydaelyn, the Little Spark of the Future, have to fetch ice creams for the midgets
If you do the mechanics correctly, there is so little damage coming in that you legit don't need a healer for any of the dungeons up to and including the Expert ones. WAR or PLD can easily heal themself and 3 other DPS through it.
I didn't even bother trying in EW after what a shitfest it was the 3 expansions before that. Bitches couldn't even do Bismarck.
Don't fucking say that now or we'll actually keep Wuk.
>Wanting Zero and Wuk Lamat to mingle
based suffermaxxer
Zero wasn't great but honestly I wish we had brought her along. Her dour edginess would at least have been a fun juxtaposition to the all the irritating tweeness.
>doesnt even solve the issue, Krile and parents think you are weird
>G'raha needs to do le funny eating noise to make them laugh
Krile got done so fucking dirty lmao
you are definitely not gonna enjoy pfing the extreme this time around, the casual shitter playerbase that has been coddled for fucking years are not gonna be fun to play with.
What do you even want to see? I thought these were a huge step up from literally every single dungeon they've made in years with their new formula. Admittedly its not as good as Criterion trash yet, but the fact that there was a genuine healcheck in the Ghost House makes me really excited for more dungeon content in a way I unironically have not been in forever. They're finally playing around with arenas in a way they have not in YEARS. its unironically fantastic. I get to have fun in content that isn't Savage or Ultimate level again. I'm genuinely extremely positive for the future of battle content like Trials and Alliance Raids, can you imagine a Bozja with what they're cooking right now? If they don't backdown on the casual level difficulty these fights are going to be genuinely super fun to do even in roulettes.
My only fear is that the writing will not improve.
Nah I was on Behemoth where we had a bunch of kiwis for some reason.
I do miss how you had to be in the zones to que into the raid because it formed a nice raiding community but oh well.
>what they're cooking right now
I hate this meme.
make sure to provide positive feedback for the battle content so they dont get the wrong idea about the shitty fucking msq
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I started off hating the fuck out of Zenos and being mad that he didn't stay dead, to actually ending up liking him, to doing a 180 and now really wishing that he'd come back because I'm bored to tears and after finishing this expac I wish everything would just burn to the ground.
In the end that fucker truly was just the best friend I've ever had.
>Krile's parents
What the fuck is their problem? You literally see your daughter for the first time ever and that's how you react? What the fuck?!?
Someone post the trust costumes
How long until 7.1 again? I NEED to know how they're going to follow up from this shit.
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I miss Fandaniel. I find him relatable now.
>Thank you Venat for creating a world full of suffering!
Doesn't seem so agreeable now, does it?
>you dislike the lizard people?
>they caused all the land's problems?
>why do you not slaughter them where they stand, my friend?
Congrats you people beat the MSQ and can look forward to the next expansion in a few years, enjoy having nothing to do now.

Someone spoil the entire Dawntrail MSQ for me. Do it. I'm not going to play it anyway. Who is WUK LAMAT faggot and how does it end? You make her/him king/queen of the RAINBOW MYSTIC Island and suck his dick?
i have savage and the ultimates to look forward too, + i want to level all my jobs to 100 this expansion
Oh you mean Wuk speaking to her sibling and calling them "brother/sister" not talking about them to other people. That's not really a thing people do naturally when talking to a sibling in English.
Wuk Lamat is everything. Wuk Lamat is the Alpha, and the Omega. Wuk Lamat occupies the screen at all times, for the screen is it's domain. Wuk Lamat gazed upon our game, and in thunderous voice dictated "Let there be Wuk Lamat". And every Scion and every npc beheld Wuk Lamat and saw that it was Wuk.
>I pay money to do 4 fights a week
spoiler and then you assist suicide society
kill yourself ESLroach
i'm not a week 1 clearer and non of my friends are, we prog like normal people. why would i want to clear the content in a week by grinding for 12 hours every single day that does not sound like fun.
Hey that "r3tarded" (i'm actually shaking right now) is the writer's self-insert OC. Be respectful. No negativity in the dojo
Wuk Lamat spends half the MSQ collecting the plot items while you stand around in the background occasionally sucking her toes. Then she becomes queen of Wukanda along with the only sibling she has that isn't a retard. Then another shard starts invading and Wuk Lamat goes to stop them while you stand around in the background occasionally sucking her toes. It ends with you going into disneyland in another shard to unplug Krile and Erenville's mother from their life-support then kill an AI who's like a mix between Emet-Selch and Meteion.
I feel like every expac is now going to be another shard. I don't want that. I think I'm done. Endwalker was a decent ending. I can live with that.
>yeah i'd say they're best, above EW's
>fuck eureka, just a worst bozja, hated that shit when it came out
>absofuckinglutely not, do not call the fringes, the peaks, or the lochs the best zones, you are delusional
>again, fuck relics if it means doing eureka
>not amazing, but it is good
>zenos fucking sucked in SB but got better as MSQ went on

worst MSQ by fucking far. you could've pointed out it had the best normal/savage raids (though i wouldn't be offended if someone liked alex or pandaemonium the most aswell)
eureka is better than bozja 100%
Everybody who quit when the credits rolled on Endwalker made it out the best.
xiv making a "saga" was genuinely the worst thing it could ever do
did you skip or just not get to the later msq
Yeah. I have to finish DT now since I was stupid enough to buy it, but this will be it. I really don't want to continue watching characters I like not even act like themselves because they are now written by someone who doesn't want to write them.
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Guys.. alexandria needs souls, they could have let the mamool ja in the forest keep trying to twin headed babies and cause only 1 out of 100 lives they could have the other 99 souls.... explain to me why this wouldnt work without alexandria having to kill everyone
a sustainable baby murder economy for peace
pretty sure they can't make more babies than Alexandria needs souls to sustain themselves
>Introduce a new character
>That character is the MC and gets 90% of screentime
>The scions do nothing
>The WoL does nothing

Kek what shit writing.
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Souls aren't infinite, when one is consumed the supply permanently diminishes.
They all ready consumed all souls in their reality.
>Imagine paying money to play a game where you are the sidecharacter and the MC you're supporting is a furry stupid cat who's probably a self-insert...
I would've bought more games with that money thanks to Steam sales but nope, I had to preorder collector's edition...
For real though, this went beyond "you have to make space for the new character to be introduced" to straight up "none of this has anything to do with you, the entire story would still work if you hadn't gotten involved".
It was Estinien's journey in HW and Lyse's Journey in SB. Why is this a big deal now? Because the character is voiced by a tranny? Get over it.

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