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new fotm is out
Oh no, one more action game is ruined.
>no pvp

how can anyone play these boring tranny games, there is no difficulty, what are you learning except being a p2w paypig
Well yeah that's why they all suck, they spend more time with a penis in their hand than actually making a good game.
game has crossplatform i've been playing for a while and there is a massive amount of xbox players i think even more than steam
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Can't help but s-s-stutter.
they want their "power fantasy"
the fact that people who play warframe and other similar games and unironically use that term tells you everything you need to know about them. they don't want challenging gameplay, they just want to feel powerful without putting any effort in.
How many of them are bots?
>already Nexon's largest success ever.
Woah, in mere hours this game has already grossed over $22 billion? In two weeks this game will make them over a trillion dollars!
>Ewwww, female breasts and butts.
There. I've just summed up the "progressive" discourse around this game for the next X number of months.
Tried it with a friend and it still wasn't fun. Trivial combat with a movement focus, but its movement systems are still slow and clunky. I have no idea who thought it was fine to launch with the single lamest grappling hook I can remember in a game.
Every game like this would be more interesting with melee weapons as the focus. Guns always all feel the same and are just "click on man" for gameplay. Abilities do nothing to mitigate this fundamental flaw, especially when mobility is as meaningless as it is in this.
there's already something like that but focused on PVP rather then PVE
into the trash
making good melee combat is very hard
click on the man is easy
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>nexon looter-shooter grindslop
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>same guy constantly spamming in every thread
Damn. This tranny is mad as fuck lol.
If only this game wasn't so fucking Chinese they could have kept in all the good stuff like tits and blood.
Isn't it korean?
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>looter shooter
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Black characters done right.
IE: making me want to fuck them.
>nobody in my maps
>questing became boring and slow

feels bad since the quests are recycled garbage every zone
It was just fixed for me 5 min ago
No, Narka is Chinese and surprisingly completely free of pay to win, but it does have $200 laser swords.
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>oh this looks kinda cool....
>people with way betting rigs then me getting poor performance
PVP trannies on suicide watch. Every PVP game devolves into a cheating hacking fest.
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Our AI wife bros...
I saw a lil bit of gameplay. Jesus Christ what a dogshit
I tried it and it's worse than Remnant, Outriders, Destiny, or Warframe
So why bother?
They haven't improved their performance even one bit from the first beta, all effort was put into skins and new areas. I guess i have to get used to the medium graphics and mostly 60fps.
>competing with FFXIV Dawntrail's release
This game's not going to get the numbers it needs to survive its first month and after that no one's going to remember it.
Why should I give a fuck about your opinion nigger troon?
dawntrail launch is not even remotely comparable to the hype between endwalker launch
you already replied so you must, you stupid retarded faggot newfag dumbfuck
And? It doesn't need to be even that big, dumbass.
>mom look I said nigger that makes me cool and not shilling a soulless gookgame for free
i really don't think DT coming out 4 days ago means anything at this point
>fuck off
Hahahaha! No one cares about your ugly ass troony. Shit looks like this tranny is fucking mad! HAHAHAHA!
>got to second map
>literally no one around
>have to do every mission solo
why are there no match making for field missions?
>soulless gook cumslurper seething over people mocking his tranny dress up game where he pretends to be a woman
>word soup "nigger nigger nigger tranny tranny tranny" because he's a newfag with 3 IQ at the same time
the irony KEK
NCSoft is not sending their best. This retard types like he has the 2 inch Korean penis we all know he does.
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shit game
shit posts
shit country
shit penis size
That's me. Laughing in you fucking face you greasy fucking troon scum. DIEEE!
>The First Descendant
Is it like Warframe Destiny or Borderlands? Runs on potato power? Crossplay?
>nexon gookslop
100 euro for a premium skin lmao
Post the skin
Does PS5 have gyro aiming?
I lasted 30 minutes doing the tutorial mission.

Most uninspired slop settings I have ever seen.
Gameplay feels like something you can make yourself in UE5 in a day or so.
>nexon decided to copy for honor for their pvp warhaven game instead of naraka
>for honor, which currently does a 3k peak on steam versus 200k for naraka
>it unsurprising dies in a record time
if they kept naraka's fast gameplay but removed the br shit and added more tits, it'd be a massive success.
>spam posting tranny detected
>no jiggle physics
and uninstalled
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Shut the fuck up you gorilla niggroid.
The gameplay is the most bland dry shit I have ever played. It genuinely feels like some UE5 tech demo.

The only good thing about this game are the Korea doll bitches but that's not enough to carry the game.
My specs are
Ryzen 9 7900x
RX 6800XT
I'm getting over 60fps at 1440p.
I just don't use RT.
I am running it from an NVME, so maybe that is something that helps with in-game streaming assets, but overall, buttery smooth.
It’s a shitty TPS
Tranny mad! Tranny mad! Tranny is fucking mad!
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>he already paypigged
>these are the best shills Nexon can get for their latest AI developed P2W gooner slop
Are you trolling or chinese? Is there a difference?
General is here btw

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this game is ass, just how I remember it from the beta. the only reason I'm playing is because of the fan service cause I'm a popperpig porn obsessed gooner
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>colon special forces
Are you a tranny or are you a fucking greasy ugly ass troon?
>f2p game took steams top seller

no shit lol, its a f2p game.
So how much grinding is there if I'm not an idiot that pays $30 for a character? And are those $20 mod expansions required?
>unironically defending fucking NEXON in the current year just because its tangentially supporting your superficial political beliefs
the whole game is grinding since it's a warframe clone
ultimate descendants are meant to be the longest grind you do, not to outright buy them for
They're afraid of how hardcore it is. People don't call it Chinese Tekken for nothing.
Ults are $60, aren't they? I was talking about normal characters.
actually he's an egg waiting to hatch, which is why he's defending his digital dollies, which is all this game is. The gameplay is completely PS2 shooter tier.
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See? It's a SEAnigger tranny defending his latest f2p sloppa
Fans of these games are always so aggressive, lol.
Lmao nice damage control gooktroon.
>Third Person
Dead on Arrival
The grapple hook is pretty fun desu
Why would you pay money for skins you can't see outside of menus, idiot?
man, i hate the br focus so fucking much. part of the reason the game is so punishing is because you only have 1 respawn before you get kicked back to the main menu. at launch, there wasn't even that 1 respawn in solos. you died once in a br match and that was that. back to queuing for 5 minutes then loading and looting for another 5 minutes before you got instantly wrecked again by a better player. bloodbath is a shitty chaotic spam filled botfest and so is the spirit well mode with 12 players on a team. far too many. if nexon or some other dev studio just took the same basic framework but cooked it into a moba format or something, with infinite respawns in a match, new people could learn so much faster by constantly fighting. i hate mobas too but it's still better than brs in many ways.
because they spend like20 dollars, which is like 6 months wages in their shithole, and these games always die, and then they are left with nothing
That's why they seethe so hard when people talk shit about the usual Nexon trashpile being a typical Nexon trashpile
>50 fps on 1080p and raytracing ultra on a 4080
is this fucking normal???
am I seriously forced to use "frame generation" to get above 100 fps?
It's literally just warframe with sluts. Why is everyone so mad about it?
It's worse Warframe, and Warframe already has sluts.
>releasing ue5slop during summer
do they want our PCs to fry?
Feels sloppier than Warframe did and that game is ancient. Has distinct F2P feel that I thought F2P games had stamped out.
Its better than outriders anthem and firefall
Not a high bar but its playable. What may or may not kill it is how monetized it is. Even after playing i cant tell how bad the monetization is. Characters seem to be expensive but i have no context on how much time or effort it takes to get them ingame without paying. If its a few days thats ok, if its months of daily grinding just to unlock anyone fuck that.
Never prevented people from paypigging on call of duty/apex legends etc etc
>third person
Oh boy, can't wait for all journos baiting "Why first descendant lost 90% of their user base in X months" or that youtuber that talks about dead MMO/online games.
Works fine on a proper os like Linux ;)
graphics and tits and ass are nice but the gameplay is SO FUCKING BORING. this is the videogame equivalent of saccharine. if it had come out 10 years ago maybe it would be concidered fun but holy fuck its got no personality or inventiveness. I give it a month or two before the idiots that hyped it up realize its cardboard.
The game has a quadruple amputee fucknugget
But they arent in a wheelchair for diversity points
But is she hot?
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>oversexualized girls
no thanks
hey that's great, thanks
Man, the guns sounds like shit
Heard you can't brute force things with any build, they talking about raid bosses/endgame or just the game in general?
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>complains about oversexualization
>posts pedo game
>the gameplay is SO FUCKING BORING

It's honestly nuts to me just how bad it is.
Any Anon here could pick up Unreal Engine 5 RIGHT NOW and make the same exact gameplay within less than a day.

Destiny 2 gunplay feels orgasmic but the rest of the game is shit.
Warframe is old as fuck but the gameplay is still satisfying and makes you feel like a robot ninja going fast.

This game just feels likes some amateur game devs first UE5 project.
PvE chads win again. Only trannyfaggots are going against others. True chads fight back to back with humanity
>posts nexon charactrer
That's the Warframe killer. We're finally back on the menu and this one is going nowhere for at least a decade. Keep crying.
>Have to wait fucking animations to finish before you can swap weapons
Holy shite
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you missed the part where I posted a nexon game on purpose, but I don't expect anyone who thinks "pedo" games are a thing to be that smart
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Nice looking characters but shitty amateurish animations, gunplay feel like shit, braindead reskin enemies, every missions is the same, google translate tier dialogues and story, also motherfucking looter shooter with very limited inventory space. Everything other than character models look like fucking shit. This feel and play like some UE5 indie game
>Nice looking characters but shitty amateurish animations, gunplay feel like shit, braindead reskin enemies, every missions is the same,
Welcome to the Korean games industry.
No it doesn't. It just has vaguely female bodies in latex with melted plastic all over them. It only appeals to bdsm fags.
Who cares?
Feels just as sloppy as warframe to me.
I hate the BR focus too, I don't find it unenjoyable but Spirit Well is so much more fun it's kind of sad. At least it's not too difficult to get into learning now with dueling servers, the arena in the lobby and casual modes.
I'm hoping the new map will be fun, it seems to have a lot of anti tryhard features and stage hazards so it'll be a change of pace at least.
completely pointless to play this over warframe when every system is a watered down clone, the gunplay is much worse too
its pretty solid so far but it seems like one of those f2p games that spams your inventory with garbage to try and make you pay for more inventory space. i have gotten hundreds of useless weapons and augments.
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They were so close to making a great PvE game. Why the fuck do they have to skimp on QoL menu management, responsive gunplay and enjoyable intermission content.
That's legitimately the only issues keeping this at being a 6 rather than an 8.5/9.
aptly named.
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>you can see her breast skin through her outfit
Time to goon.
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ok its released. so whats fucking new??? from start to where i left off on alpha and beta, its all the same shit im just playing for the 3rd time in a row
wheres all the new shit and revamping they were talking about?
>rushed to get bnuuy
>she kinda sucks and is mid, especially compared to the starter girl with frost powers

Welp. Interest in game went to 0.
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>Sexo gooks, not manfaced mystery meat mutts that asexual zoomzooms love
>Doesn't run well on toasters
>F2P judaic trickery
It has at least one thing to trigger the average autist
After doing the first two zones, a handful of bosses, and one big boss, I've found it pretty fun. I'm glad the Batttlepass grind isn't too bad since you can get two tiers per day pretty easily. My only major complaint is unlocking new ascendants is going to take ten minutes or more just trying to discern all the fucking different currencies, materials, and drop locations.

Bunny best girl, fastest girl, and most fun girl to play since she zooms around at 500mph pulsing packs dead with her third skill
>paypigs already
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I downloaded this yesterday and just finished playing for the first time, i picked Ajax because this guy looks like a Giga Chad and completed the first cooperative dungeon in solitary.
pretty fun so far, visually looks great and the gameplay is fun enough for me but this is the first game of this genre i play so it can just be me.

>this game
you are probably baiting but if you seriously think this game is "oversexualized" then you must be so scared of sex that i even a evangelical nun would be more permissive than you.
>Warframe but it has no movement tech and runs like shit
stop posting this you bug faced gook
>sexo bnuiuy bros buy the skins haha sexo
wow very real posts, not marketing at all
I would had preferred to make my own character, if they actually expect me to buy cosmetics
>requires steam
fuck off
I feel completely the same. It's a fine game to play when there's nothing else on. I assume most of the hate are russians and other eastern europeans upset with Black Desert drama.

are you fucking mexican or something?
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Who are we maining?
>who cares?
people that don't like being nickel and dimed?
next tell me how genshin has no pay to win features because it's PvE you cocksucking chink faggot
>>Doesn't run well on toasters
What? I have 1070 and run stable 60 fps, gpu temps are 60C.
How are you being nickle and dimed? It's free. You don't have to pay anything.
learn the meaning of words, it's not "Pay to Win", this is a Pay to Rush, there is no PvP here, you can't pay to win anything, you pay to avoid to hours of grinding needed to easily complete the game.
how the fuck do i play with other players in those open areas i can't find anyone and i got bored to death and had to turn off the game since objectives took too long
I love the bizarre gymnastics of the F2P model
>here's this $60-70 game, have fun

>here's this F2P title
>it's fully of inane garbage and busywork and wants you treat it like a full time job
>but if you spend a few dollars here and there you can get to the actual fun part of the game
>What? I have 1070 and run stable 60 fps, gpu temps are 60C.
While my rx 5700 xt drop to 44 fucking fps on high/1080p with no FSR optimization is a joke it's now running worse than during the first beta
This shit is boring
Need to get the poison bitch and then I'm out. I love poison bitches.
$70 live service games have the exact same shit now
Log in and out again. I got dropped in a world full of people doing stuff, made everything a lot smoother.
And has cooldowns on the abilities and no way to quickly recover your energy and ammo. It's like it was made by the AAA slop devs that hate player freedom and giving you more power.
fuck outta here
Install CachyOS, amd sucks on windows
I'll post my review of this game.

>This game is god awful generic slop. Works on Linux but don't even waste your time. I could not believe my own eyes seeing how god awful this game is. If you're a games journalist you will love this game for how easy it is. It's literally impossible to die unless you AFK in the middle of a battle for 5 minutes. This game is a heaping pile of poo made for brain dead morons.
Based. Had it preloaded a few days ago and now it's time for a hardcore gaming sesh. Will be buying the battle pass.
>Getting sub 30 on low
Maybe it's time to retire my rx570.
so everyone is stuck with the same 3 characters and the only way to customize them is by paying?
why do you care? the gameplay is shit made for retards who have zero hand eye coordination
The quests are really repetitive. I'm doing the same handful of quests over and over again, only in different maps.
no you can farm the other ones quite fast, only the ultimate versions take more time
do the brownoids that play this shit even have money to spend on it?
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Dont you mean flavor of the week max?
>verification not required
customizing characters is the only thing I like in MMO type games. if we all play as the same guy I really don't see why it's large scale multiplayer at all
but just premade outfits, not clothing slots? I feel like thats a missed opportunity for all the dress up fags like myself
niggaer play the sims 4 with EA DLC unlocker.
4, you get the bunny character quickly too, the rest is grindan.
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does anyone have a list of the voice actors? the guide sounds oddly familiar...
Downloading now.
Upgrade your PC, retard.
Nah free to play games always have some kind of bullshit woven into its DNA. With Warframe its crafting times and its the same here aparently. Going to wait and check out Synduality: Echo of Ada.
but then I don't get to stand around a hub and look at everyone else's outfits
you'll never understand
>why is the beginning of the game easy
Its a fotm retard
They will make quick bucks from the chuds
there's easy and then there is brain dead retard mode. my guy this game is dogshit made for disabled children who don't have hands and use their nubs and chin on the controller.
It worked thanks.
Yo anons, are stats randomzed on items/loot in this game? Or is it like destiny/warframe with set stats?
I hate being that guy, but most unreal games don't stutter as bad as shown in the examples mass posted around. in reality it's a small 0.1 percent hit to your framerate, and at worst it really is a stutter, but I find that to be the case in a select few games. Try summoning a friend in code vein to see what a real unreal stutter is.
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>this game is dogshit made for disabled children
so, also old ass people..? finally a game my mom and dad can play (who never touched a controller before in their lives). thx
Maybe if your parents are fucking retards. Mine are 50+ and only know how to play PC games with mouse and keyboard.
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>korean MMO
I can't figure out how to play with people. I can only just start missions solo.
Rejoin the area if it's barren.
Sometimes you get bad luck, but usually there's a pack of players bouncing from quest to quest
Yeah... mine never even touched a game, controller , nothing.
At least my dad was based enough to have bought me Wario land 1 when i was a kid, so there's that i guess.
>shill it as warframe clone
>its destiny clone
disappointment immeasurable...
Game is mediocre and coombait is only for one premium character you have to grind. Fuck off. Give me my 3 hours back.
so how is the p2w situation?
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Just did the tutorial with zero performance issues. Wish me luck... in the real game..
the coomer skin is $100
If you play 2.5 hours everyday you can get one of the suit for free after a month And half. This game is very forgiving and free to play friendly
classic gookshit lmao
how much for a suit if I don't want to do the daily hell grind?
So has anyone figured out if farming Ultimate characters is doable or not?
>Hand Cannon
Anyone else?
Why does nexon even try anymore? They only had 1 decent game and it was a fucking mmo.
To bad she sucks I hope they buffed her for the release
Pretty much
>Common Ammo comes so fast where LMG's just better damage dump then the Assaults
>3-burst shots suck while Hand Cannon hits like a fucking truck for Green/Orange
>Purple is Sniper or Shotgun, and Shotgun both doesn't hit hard enough and takes too long per shot to be worth how rare the ammo is, so sniper with heavy weakpoint investment just works better.
But really does feel like you should be going White/Green or Orange/Purple for your 3 weapon slots for each fight just because of how ammo drops work.
it'll only take half a year of doing dailies
>pass doesn't pay for itself
Is fortnite the only game that does this?
You can craft them
constant lag and disconnects
so far every other mission has been bugged
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maybe it'll be a really good map, we'll see i guess. no motivation to play ranked or immortal war atm. also funny how they're backtracking on the removal of the jiggle physics, plus these new swimsuit skin leaks. returning to coom since the nft shit wasn't making as much money as they wanted? lol.
>nexon looter shooter
I refuse to believe actual humans are interested in this slop, just like I refuse to believe actual humans post on twitter
Yeah, lmg just feels so much better than any other whites when they're on par with each other, and fuck the burst guns. Scopes are alright, but hand cannon can doeverything they can while not becoming retarded when you try to hit someone touching you. Although I think they have damage fall off, so maybe the scopes have their niche.
Meanwhile shotgun and rockets suck ass compared to sniper considering you wont ever find ammo
I think the Yu-Gi-Oh duel masters game also does this, you can earn the 100 gems needed for the pass just playing the game.
Fortnite was the only one that ever did I think but didnt that stop? you only get like 800 now dont ya?
I still don't get why a game like this would spend so much effort on dialogue, VA and just talk talk talk talk. Does anyone care? Is there some community out there heavily invested in the characters and lore of The First Descendent?
Enlisted does it too it gives you even more than you pay for
naraka does. pretty sure lots of other games too.
I think COD warzone does it
Why did the cocksuckers remove jiggle physics??
Yeah let's remove one of THE bigger features why the game caught attention in the first place. GENIUS
I know little to nothing about this game. How coomer friendly is it? Can I play all hot characters or am I locked to just one of them and that's it? How much power do I need to run this game?
rocket league does it too
Played about 60 minutes and uninstalled. It looks great, runs pretty well on my machine at least, but man does it just feel like every other third person shoot ever with a korea slop skin (which I don't mind)

The mission structure makes me feel like I'm just doing world quests on WoW in every location on the map, and this is the very start of the game.

Menus are bloat fests and full of gamepass / unlock wait time shit that I just don't care for at all.
bait & switch
Have koreans realized that signing exclusivity deal with Amazon Games to publish in the West has a proven track record of killing their game in the west? based koreans growing wiser
>new zone
>run to join a group on the 2nd mission
>follow them to 3rd
>join someone new to the zone on the first
>finish zone in sub 10 minutes
SF6 does it too.
How the fuck do you level up your Mastery?
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>3rd person shooter
>looter shooter
4 massive redflags just in the opening blurb, pass
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Sexo bunny is making me consider at least trying the game but how good is her ass?
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Should have learned the lesson with Stellar Blade's bait & switch.... buuuut here we are again scammed by these gooks
it was removed ages ago. they readded it back in recently, unannounced. maybe it's permanent, maybe it'll be removed soon, who knows.
Oh?! That's actually cool, I dislike set stats on items/loot like Destiny or Warframe
one of the asses of all time for sure, 2B has nothing on ult bunny
May I see it?
I don't think this game is going to have any descendents
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>tangentially supporting your superficial political beliefs
Shut up faggot rope yourself
yeah i have a 4070ti and a Ryzen 7 7700x and this shit is choppy on high settings
I'm watching shroud shit on the game and chat is losing it. Very entertaining.
Alright I'll take a look at your game nexon shill btu if it doesn't run on my PC I'm gonna leave a shit review.
don't forget to buy the skin for 80 dollars first
It's choppy as fuck. Yeah, my 3060ti isn't state of the art but it should still manage all right on medium-high settings. Also the menus are janky as hell. Game freezes for 1-2 seconds every time you switch from one into another.
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jesus christ
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yeah and you can roll all sorts of dif stats, picrel is purple rarity so it gets 4 substats as well as the obvious main stats and each substat also has a rarity per effect and a number of the effect so there really is a lot of rolling for a good weapon late game I'd imagine, but then on top of that you have the warframe modding system with no rng (i dont think) so you can choose how to upgrade the weapon with that
Where did this game even come from, why is it like top 10 on Steam out of nowhere?
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Why do people get mad at this game? The usual suspects were just as mad at Stellar Blade.
Ugly people resent beauty.
Anon that is clearly not a black face, more Arabian or tan white than anything
Can't believe these retards couldn't be bothered to hire one native English speaker to tell them what names sound stupid and what actually work.
Nobody is mad
Anyone who has to clarify they aren't mad are actually steamed.
Yeah coombait is basically non existent.
>Chill Power Boost Ratio 0.015x
I know it's the beginning of the game, but shit like this is still funny to me.
the funniest part is the english voice over is very good, they hired actual actors and it sounds professional
but they were forced to speak chinglish with retardsd transliterations of names
>First boss is called Greg

Also are there any new mobs on higher levels or is it gonna be the same vulgars or whatever till 50?
Imagine feeling superior over the kind of video games you like. Bitch, get a job and put some effort into that.
Idk what that guy is talking about because in the first hour I found exact duplicates of 3 different weapons
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>korean f2p grind
Stop, you officially don't know what words mean anymore and need to stop talking
This is not a video game it is a second job, people who play this are not gaming they are working
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quality writing lads, real top shelf stuff
I was wondering how this game and Naraka had like 200k players but 75% the reviews are russians or chinese kek
Peaks occur at around 7pm for China too.
it was super highly wish listed and had a successful demo, but it's also got full cross play with PC and consoles which drags people in to play with friends they normally cant
well yeab but that's greg
I see, thanks!
it's using those Korean numbers
so is this the kind of game where you want to disassemble every piece of gear you don't use because you want a fuckton of crafting mats later?
It's hilarious to me how every single negative review on top is spammed with jesters.
>what are you learning except being a p2w paypig
What happened to just having fun?
Half the reviews just say to go play Warframe. But Warframe has its own issues that are masked by the community of that game being EXTREMELY casual
>almost 30% of players already have 5 characters
>these are the people leaving mass negative reviews
The image here shows off all of the enhancement items and crafts you'll need to be mater later on uses all of the materials you get from junking gear.
he is farming clowns, nothing more
You can keep something with cool passives and keep leveling it up
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classic greg
I enjoyed the recent open beta well enough to play it during downtime. I'm gonna paypig for Valby once I'm out of the wage cage
>Is fortnite the only game that does this?
Always makes me wonder if Epic knows something other studios don't, or if they just randomly decided to be generous like that.
Performance is fine on my xbone
Fun game but it is an obvious mobile tencent game called up to console
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This nigger didn’t even play one hour of the game. There is literally a black npc that you meet early on.
> None? I don't cosign forced DEl but crap like this makes me reconsider that position.
This is the sort of retarded shit you attract when you go on your gay campaigns, normies are stupid and listen to YouTubers too much
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You faggots are very desperate.
him and the the intelligence agency begin called "Colon" is that good, asian stuff.
Playing it right now, this is fun, there are a lot of activities and missions to do in cooperative and there are a lot of people playing it right now so there isn't much waiting time.
most people who are interested in the genre have played warframe and destiny. Warframe is as wide as an ocean but as deep as a puddle, people burn out of that game super quick because DE refuses to push for more endgame content and long term grinds
>Bitch, get a job and put some effort into that.
I have one and I do. That's why I don't waste time on p2w grindfests like warframe, instead I play games that care more about skill than time investment.
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He's right. Where are the brown waifus?
invis chick is kinda brown and has some of the best looks if i recall
Plays a lot like destiny. Not really what I'm looking forward, never liked destiny.
>pass doesn't pay for itself
unironically what turned me off from buying it, how greedy do you have to be damn
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Sharen is not a brown waifu.
I played the beta and it was pretty underwhelming.
Just go from area to area doing the same mission type over and over.
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I really want to have sex right now...
They are going to go the Lost Ark route and add a whole new Wakanda setting, but in this case they'll have an actual Black Panther character. No matter how hard Koreans try not to have BBC in their games, they get cucked into adding it once they try to pander to global markets since Americans worship blacks.
This make no sense, literally nothing can be worse than Destiny
I like it so far (just started), movement is like warframe but different and the female designs are nice and not pozzed. I like that some missions are brief so you aren't locked in to a 2 hour quest necessarily.
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Don't think I didn't spot you making this ironic post nigga. I see you.
I'm playing this solely because it isn't woke
it's fun and the girls are nice. I like the grapple, you can move around like spiderman if you want to and take high ground easily. im glad the sniping guns have more than 5 bullets.
It'll take a few missed passes but you can earn enough free bux to pay for the next once you pay for one.
You are coping.
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>meanwhile an average positive review
>skipping every cutsene
>only story thing I've noticed is that some actual faggot declined a mission and ran away
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I just did the tutorial and a bit of the first area but it feels like warframe + destiny but leaning towards warframe movement/abilities. movement is good, guns feel good, enemies drop health/ammo so you aren't starved for resources, and the level has a bunch of mini quests you complete and then later a boss (I assume?). If you like warframe then it's pretty fun, not a shill just my initial impression. And it's nice that a game in 2024 isn't making ugly fat characters the default.
the game takes no skill. your retarded down syndrome brother could play this game. or are you that brother?
How much are you getting paid and what's your discord server?
you seem upset
Answer the question marketeer.
I'm not beholden to your whims, peasant
I didnt say you have to be esports superstar to be good at the game. but it's fun for what it is, and costs $0 so there is no investment that needs to be made (im staying f2p)
All I'm telling you that your shilling attempts are downright embarrassing and way too transparent. It's comical that you still avoid answering it btw.
Yo is that Astral Bladerella from the hit Playstation Exclusive game experience Astral Blade?!
hey dumb nigger, nobody said that you said that. you're a retard playing a game for retards. the game takes ZERO skill. Literally none you could take a 5 minute break during a battle and come back still alive. why are you playing a game made for RETARDS?
>20 billion different weapon/descendant currencies
>never know exactly which currency is where
2 Currencies, period. 1 Descendant Currency, 1 Weapon currency.

When I go to the shop, let me pick the fucking Descendant or Weapon I want from a pool of >one< fucking currency. Stop giving me fucking 30 of [Insert character here], 30 of [insert character here] and 30 of [insert weapon here]
Dude who are these people lmao
this isn't a nintendo switch game anon
>the start of the game is EASY
>therefore the whole game is EASY because the first hour was EASY
this is how dumb you sound
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>average shill
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kinda reminds me of the commander from nier desu
>you're a shill
>shill tard
Amazing video game discussion.
don't care
oh is your argument that I need 500+ hours in the game to reach the somewhat challenging content? you're playing a game made for retard babies and gooners who have one hand on the joystick and the other on the keyboard. faggot.
What are you learning from getting shit on by doped up sweats and cheaters?
So are the skins entirely paid or can you earn then through in game currency?
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what do you want to talk about? it's pretty generic
Buy an ad, shitbag.
>consolewar defense
poor person detected who can't afford all the toys
The First Descendant. Another game proving that hot characters can't save a game from being boring.
So far the biggest gripe I can see from reviews and such is UE5. Its just too intense even at the lowest settings for a lot of hardware just a few years old. My 4090 and 14900k can handle it just fine but if you have an older PC, I think you might struggle to maintain 60 fps.
I played it on my PS5 and that shit lagged a LOT.
seems like some of them are quest rewards or something, they saw earnable in game and don't have a purchase option
the fancy stuff is real money only
yes UE5 is big gay and will be for like 4 more years
bro I ran this piece of shit "game" on Linux with a 2600x and a 3060 at 100+ fps. the games problem is it fucking sucks ass and takes no skill

blame the shit game on unreal engine. it's not gonna make your faggot game better.
So far, pretty run of the mill.
Nothing too out of the ordinary or confusing like warframe. And since it just came out, there isn't 14 years of bolted on and later abandoned content.
Might try to see what the endgame is like, and if it's p2w shit, then I'll move on.
the devs are just shit at optimizing, UE is a great engine in great hands
I'm not saying the game isn't boring. Warframe seems better in every way but the fact it runs like ass doesn't help
I think its a great engine, but I don't know if UE5 was the right move if they wanted this game to reach a big market. Not everyone has a rig built in the last few years. And I'm not talking to run at max settings, I mean just to run the game. Warframe can run on a potato if you turn the graphics low enough.
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Is there anything more pathetic than the faggots who beg for likes and awards in their reviews?
Niggas my cpu is running at 80c its so fucking over.
advertising the review on 4chan is more pathetic
pftHAHAHAa naw i dont think so
I'm playing this shit hoping you get to spam magic later on
These pea shooters ain't cutting it man
This board is really low-IQ.
I'm not going to like your review
shut up faggot, your post is as gay as that faggot review
They should have went harder on the sex appeal on the steam page, this is going to flop
>Not a single character skin in the battle pass

Good lord nexon is evil.
>90 dollars for a skin
You didn't play the game. There is no Warframe movement in this at all.
Steam seriously should delete these. I'm sick of seeing ASCII animal/hentai images coupled with
> Got a cat here. Friends passing by can touch him and click Like to pet him once.
How is this crap any different from YouTube comments? Where's the quality control?
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Is there a healer class in this game?
The women are cumbaiting enough for me to take my erp to a game for the first time.
that retard is a paid shill of course that nigger never played the game. you couldn't pay me to play this shit game either
kys >>>/trash/
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on the other hand:
>absolutely no incentive to buy the shit battle pass that doesn't even pay for itself
they're saving you money, really
Played with a friend for about 30 minutes before I deleted it. I no longer have the patience to play these soulless, dull, generic, disposable, bloated, trite, F2P FOTM games anymore.
Inagine looking at all the games in existence that you could spend your limited time on this earth playing, and going with this fucking unironic slop, instead.
The cope f2p fags have to come up with...
it's $0, or you can pay $60 for a shitty luigi's mansion remake, pick.
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>Big bad is named Greg
Whos idea was this?
delusional, destiny is a great game people just shit on it because they ask for $100 upfront instead of spread out over 15$ a month subscriptions so low iq retards and poorfags flip out and call it a scam
NGS the paid pass is just 100 SG which you don't get from it but plenty of otehr sources.
I choose to pirate because fuck all game devs I hope they all go hungry and stop making games.
It's either your favorite current boogeyman or people who have some actual experience with Nexon and the scummy shit they pull
Take your pick
So it doesn't.
I'll skip your fotw shill ad then.
This game NEEDS furry women
Warframe schizos literally seething this game has hotter girls to play as and Black Desert faggots that are still seething nexon isn't investing in their game.
Were any of the descendants skills buffed or made more impactful? My biggest complaint was it didn't seem like you can really play using mostly skills like in Warframe where you can do ridiculous shit like sucking enemies into a vortex and afk farming while sitting in a corner. Characters like Valby or Blair were just really not interesting
DD2 devs begging for players.
warframe is the absolute shittiest of all of those kinds of games though, on top of that it's so visually unappealing I can't see why anyone but a normalfag or tranny would enjoy it. destiny was fun before it had the absurd level of power fantasy shit it has now. now it's just gay. this game is gay. why can't we just get something like the division again but not shit like 2 was FUCKKKKKKKKKKKK
There's a healer babe. two healers. I wont you as my healslut
that's probably the only way this dumbass game could survive. by fleecing you retard furries into buying skins for $90 a piece.

nobody cares, this game sucks worse than that shit game
You need to understand who Nexon is before you start making assumptions. The coomer shit is fine, the fact that it's fucking Nexon of all companies is not.
I'd rather waste my time on 4chan, for free
>being hostile to someone who agrees with you
So your issue with me is that we share similar opinions?
Though I've been trying to keep as far away from destiny and the like as possible ever since I dropped that piece of garbage, I looked at the characters and none of them are appealing or interesting
Game is subpar at best. Kinda hope it dies in a month and nexon axe it.
I think you're a retard for thinking destiny and the division were good games at any point
Division was always shit the only good thing about it was the winter city setting and the idea that you may need to try surviving in it. Then you start playing the game and it's total garbage
Im very confused on this game, on one hand overal studio quality and like character stuff looks great, but it feels very idk "cheap" to play? if that makes sense something off about the movement and stuff feels like it should have more "weight" to it
Destiny has great gunplay, Division has a great open-world.
Finna download that jawn when class finish
>Destiny has great gunplay
True but sadly D2 is trash overall
>Division has a great open-world.
You only need to play 1-2 hours everyday to get good at a multiplayer game in like 500 hours of playtime which is nothing even if you work and have a social life. You shitters are huge copers.
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I got whiplash from the difference in quality of the two videos on the store page.
also nexon is garbage. I remember having to rent guns in combat arms back in the day and from what i understand all their other games are microtransaction hell.
miss me with this shit
Have you looked at destiny pvp
stopped reading at:
>third person
>unreal 5
They were fun at one point. The gaming industry has failed to improve on what made them bad, instead they would rather pump them full of microtransaction slop instead of making a good game. Why does that piss you off?
Nexon should get axed instead.
are you asking me why dogshit mtx games piss me off? is this rhetorical or are you a blithering moron?
>Warframe but even more P2W and chinky
I've never seen someone get upset at being agreed with.
They didn't spend any time developing the gameplay. It's clear all of their resources went into the cash shop to milk paypigs.
Good news, all you have to do is kill the bosses and you won't have to spend a dime
those games were trash and always have been trash. your COPE is that they were ONCE good. no they were NEVER good.
The lack of trading the shit attempt to copy mods and the overall copy paste of destiny style patrols have really made this meh. They took 2 long standing games and mixed them together without understanding why they've lasted so long.

Also the abilities are ass compared to WF and the gunplay is so much worse than both D2 and WF i can't even believe it lmao.
Irl pajeet lol, you'll never be White
not going to play your "game" Nexon shill
>new fotm is out
Not really played the open beta
Kinda kino
But far from fotm
melee combat feels awful when its done poorly, especially in a networked game where latency is a factor
It's a bit wild that the devs are apparently tasteful enough to make great trailers but then the story isn't a grounded character driven thing. The music is just there. Nothing in the game really has an identity and it feels like mechanics are stuck at 10% of where they should be.
Why are you such an angry little guy? I thought the conversation was about the devs of these games not improving their games and instead pumping mtx into them.
time is money faggot and I'd rather waste it shit posting and seething right here on 4chan instead of playing your dogshit chink game
Mogged by Viessa...
those games were designed to be pumped full of MTX. that's where you fail to see the problem. It's in the design.
Looks plapable
so how long until the korean shills reach the "blame the tendies" part of their playbook?
Nobody knew that at the time though because during those times when it came to mtx it was either map packs or straight up economy shit like TF2 with time limited strange hats and earbuds which people paid hundreds for. The idea that devs would forego improving the game just so they can sell you retarded shit like dances and cosmetics was absurd. The mtx in destiny didn't appear until like 3-4 years after it launched which was when I checked out because I knew what was gonna happen. Guess what happened? Exactly what I thought. Pretty sure the division never had any besides the expansion packs that included new modes like survival. Idk why it pisses you off so much that I think focus on mtx instead of a good game is why I don't like these games anymore.
No one will play this in a week. This game is nothing.
how is that coping im offering criticism
This "quests" or missions whatever are so shit and same-y lmao also worst gunplay in a recent game i think
>also worst gunplay in a recent game i think
Idk about worst but it's pretty bad. I wanted to like this one a lot because of the hot girls but if the gun play isn't good there is quite literally no point
I miss combat arms
>I wanted to like this one a lot because of the hot girls but if the gun play isn't good there is quite literally no point
are you starting to realize the truth about fanservice and skimpy outfits? that they're just a marketing tactic used to elevate otherwise unimpressive games through coombait? i'm not even saying we shouldn't have attractive characters or that female designs should be made deliberately unsexy, but if a game is blatantly made to appeal to porn addicts that's a sign that it doesn't have anything else going for it.
>have a cool concept of a speedster character
>still needs to use guns
why is purple ammo so scarce jesus christ
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>it's ok when every other company does it
>complains about it
go back.
Game runs at a locked 30 on the steam deck, how bad are the PCs of people struggling to run this?
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>load in a zone
>see people way off in the distance fighting some big event
>take out sniper and ping an enemy to get added to the event
>Warning you are out of bounds, mission cancelled in 9.. 8... 7...
>what the fuck
>way too far to sprint basically an entire map
>event failed

u-umm... o-oops...?
Its basically Destiny 2's Public Events. I guarantee you trains will be formed soon where people just farm the shit over and over again just like Destiny
>performance mode on PS5
>drops below even 30 regularly

Game runs with 120 fps+ dlss quality but for some reason it's choppy as fuck. 40-50 latency
Most dev time is on programming and making content. Adding cosmetics is ancillary to the core of game development so if anything having a lot of cosmetics just shows how inefficient the pipeline for any given project may be i.e. the artists have too much idle time to kill making cosmetics nobody will buy if the game is a broken skeleton. There've been very few meaningful improvements to the gameplay or content of FD since it's first beta I get the impression that this was a 2025 release given the boot by Nexon after seeing development stagnate. Nothing about FD has a level of polish expected of a finished game.
>worked fine in beta
every time it's a curse
Dummy there's jiggle physics when they talk during dialogs
it hurts bros go on without me....
SMTVV and Unicorn Overlord are full of hot girls and fanservice and they're the best games released this year. You trannies always try to gaslight with "every game with fanservice is bad" but no you just don't like fanservice. Don't even try with that "I want hot characters too" bullshit, nigger shut up. You aren't fooling anyone.
>Unicorn Overlord
This game sucks
Nvm I had frame gen on. 90 frames on ultra and 4k with dlss? So it's like 50 native? cringe
You know what sucks? Your mother
Pretty gun game. Love the characters. Gameplay is basically warframe so it's fine. Already dumped a couple of hundred on skins.
thank you for keeping the server up.
Only one person posted ass >>681507458 in this thread. I hate you guys. Also is this game even worth playing? I wanna smell these girls ass holes
>Unicorn Overlord
Nice phone game retard.
It's literally 36GB and free to play, go try it
kek vanillaware games have never been the best of any month let alone a year

6/10 shovelware based artfag boomers
How easy is it to unlock other charactrs as a F2P? All I care about is getting Valby. Can I get her in a decent time or is it some shit where its 60 hours of grinding or pay 10 bucks to get her now?
It's exactly like warframe so it's grind to win. You can grind out any character including ultimates.
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here you go, funnily enough I'm the same person you replied too. im about to unlock the bunny character I think
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I kneel as a filthy f2p
The only way anyone currently has 3 characters is if they paid. The third character takes 16 hours to unlock if you don't pay.
>Ultimates over 70 dollars
Koreans really are the jews of asians. No wonder japs hate them so much
>play game
>have fun
>pvp tard screams and spits blood that they cant spend 500+ hrs complaining how shit the balance is
Too obvious marketeer.
Im trying the game if the bosses are fun i will play it
Np. I'll probably dump a couple of thousand on it if they release sexy slutty skins for the girls.
yo bunny is like a fucking wet piece of paper if you dont have her C and V skill up you get fucking destroyed the fuck is up with that
i'll never trust Nexon again but you have to admit its funny how easily you can take complete and total control of the normie crowd just by showing them a bit of an asian womans ass.
I mean everyone is getting sick of seeing ugly bl*ck women in games so can you blame them
good thing there's naraka bladepoint for exactly that
What am I wrong about? It is grind to win. You can get anything except cosmetics by grinding. Why are you schizo'ing up these threads so much? Are you some anti coomer just hyper mad?
is it enjoyable without spending any money at all?
Bunny is so sugoi...
No shit dumbass, I fucking love ass. Any game to show me some nice ass, will most likely get me to purchase / play it. It aint hard people! Give us ASS
naraka has other game modes besides br, i dont even play the br mode whenever i play naraka
>gameplay is basically Warframe
You're trying too hard but it doesn't work.
It's third person with hero characters that have 4 skills including an ultimate and a passive. One of them is literally volt. I've been playing warframe since the beta. So what is your problem? The coomerism? What exactly is your issue?
BASED! Time to slop it up, bros! Where we droppin'!?
only if you dont mind having the game as your second job with all the grinding you're going to be doing.
The point is that gameplay sucks ass and the gunplay is atrocious. It's nowhere as satisfying as Warframe.
what the sigma on god give me that inv already bruh
These are all your opinion which I don't give a fuck about. The gameplay is obviously based on warframe and because of that it's pretty good gunplay and gameplay. If you liked warframes gameplay and gunplay this is probably the closest to it out of any game out there.
So again, what's your problem? You've been shitting up these threads like a hyper schizo for hours and hours. Are you just butthurt there's another warframe like? What the fuck is wrong with you?
It's really popular in China, less so in the west much because it's kind of janky, runs like shit (Unity, single threaded) and it's difficult to learn.
It's the good kind of f2p though and game itself is good so it's worth trying.
asian women are at the top of the pyramid now it really is that easy you could dangle that pink meme asian hair doll and people would still simp
I played in Alpha because all of the characters were basically free
Is that still the same way or is it so difficult to get in-game currency that it may as well be pay to win?
They probably did and the diversity officer they hired didn't give a shit
I mentioned this in patch notes for Alpha but I doubt they read anything in English to begin with.
I like Bunny's butt and most of the women have good asses
That said this is way more insufferable than it was during Alpha. Nexon doing a bait and switch? Why I never.
is that an elf
You choose 1 out of 3 to start, then you get Bunny about an hour later. The rest you have to grind/pay to skip grind for
I had a list of reasons as to why this game sucks but I realized all the complains are obvious to anyone who's actually human.
probably has something to do with how they're taught to be women by their mothers
What the fuck is up with the data collection? Nexon should be paying me to play this game.
>characters are 300, 600, 900 premium currency
>the packs they sell are 250, 520, and 1060
every fucking time with these f2p games
During Alpha you were basically given the parts for the other characters. Which I suspect was a marketing ploy to make people excited about them. That said, I only liked the girls anyway. And Bunny + Valby were the onesI used the most.
Wtf are you talking about? I have 3 new characters and I didn't spend a dime.
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>data collection?
yeah someone pointed that out
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There is no price manipulation in Ba Sing Se
>no webm of gameplay in this entire thread
This game is shit.
did you miss the NEXON logos when you installed and booted up the game
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I'm just not into shooting guns in videogames anymore, I think.
It's all just kind of boring.
You have serious mental illness issues. Please get help.
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All my webms are from the alpha test.
Yeah, this alone is giving me second thoughts. I don't care about giving info away to third parties but I really fucking care about installing spyware that gives my info away to third parties. It's why I skipped Helldivers 2
google it faggot
>UE5 So the game has the capacity to look really good, and female characters are hot

>Nexon fomo slop
>Apparently just warframe with sluts
>Strong gross "F2P" feel
>Le power fantasy; dev make this seem like some new popular genre that a generation of zoomoids love
>No compelling story or narrative
>No interesting villains
>In fact, no seeming interesting enemies, enemy encountering process or challenging boss meta that a half-assed diablo copy cat could center a game around
>No enviroment for any kind of player v player direct combat or pvp achievement/friendly competition
>main selling point is fomo transactions by the most predatory microtransaction company in the history of vidya

Genuinely don't see how these get off the ground except as shareholder pyramid schemes built around insane monetization forecasting.
>bum ass style or whore couture
>outright cunts half the time
cause all you do is shoot reload and use 1 useless skill per minute against braindead enmies

even duet night abyss a phone game is looking better than first descendant gameplay https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h5xmYzQNPqk
Just buy 12 packs till you have 3k currency and then you can buy 12 300 skins clean.
I don't see how this is supposed to make money.
The battle pass is shit and there's not a lot of interesting content really.
anyone here have ultimate bunny know if she comes maxed level or do you have to level her still
>Pay to win, skip waiting, or keep playing
>Intentionally awful pricing so you have to overspend on bundles/skins
>Probably some gambling upgrade bullshit currency like BDO
Those are my guesses.
The Alpha was actually realy good and fun, but that was because everything was unbound. It cost nothing to try out eight of the characters except maybe 6 hours of time (which is nothing in a nexon grindan game).

That's generally how Nexon MMOs work, they have a generous open/closed beta period that accepts everybody, gets them excited on FOTM, and then rugpulls on launch.

For me, it's either playing 500 hours in this to unlock my 3 most played characters in Alpha or downloading Wild Life and getting a coom fix right now and saving 500 hours of my life. The choice seems obvious.
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those numbers mean nothing if you can't keep them months or years after release, it's a game they want to keep for years, so it should keep that amount of players just like dota 2, pubg or counter strike
some of these fucking mission are a pain in the ass if you try to do them solo fucking spawnin too many enemies
Gotta level her still, all the ultimates are that way. They're separate characters altogether with their own, better skills
I was watching a parody of DBZ using different tones of MIcrosoft Sam for all of the characters and that still had better writing than this game.
ooh they emailed me about this game
General audiences are thirsty, and if that black artist is to be believed: It's functionally impossible to make something sexy and expect it to not get the hobbling grocery store aunt treatment.
Runs fine on my 3 generation old CPU
Cute Rebecca Chambers
Most of Nexon's titles are f2p you stupid ignorant fucking nigger.
In the trash where they belong. Blacks/browns aren't white people with tans ugly loser.
It's pretty blatant, isn't it
That's not a bad thing for me
I'd rather it feel 'floaty' and lacking 'weight' than sluggish and like slow shit like a lot of cheaper shit does.
>buttery smooth
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days not even over and the playercount is already dropping
Those numbers do mean something because Nexon already made back significantly more than their development cost within the first 12 hours of the game's release. Nexon is a low-budget company that keeps games online as long as they have 100-200 players.

This is, by and far, Nexon's greatest hit. You would do well to remember that Nexon expands their company on 5000 player game releases. This is fucking ludicrous for them. Posting Halo Infinite's player decline means nothing to a company that already made more money today than the past 10 years. There is no chance they shut this down.
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>PS5groid can't play at 144fps like me

feels good not being poor
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Did anyone else not get their PS+ pack? I claimed it on my console and I didn't see it in the ingame mail. I'm not logged onto my account in the browser so it doesn't show here. Just took the pic for attention.
lazy gamepad support equals no support from me
So, I unlocked the framerate, which I forgot at 60fps and ... uh, yeah.
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I've unlocked the first character and have collected 10 different type of in game currencies and money. I've switched weapons after every mission and have not communicated with another player once.

Why are these sort of games all like this?
These games might as well not exist until end game.
there's another mail in the shop area where purchased goods go. it's retarded.
Nigs this game, far as I can tell it's exclusively this game, is hard shutting my computer down. I'll be playing and it will just straight turn my computer off and restart.
I'm current in my drivers and even reduced it from ultimate to high and turned v-sync off. have a 6800. I've got good voltage too so it doesn't seem to be a power supply issue.

Anyone encountering similar? I'm finna give up.
Sounds like a dying power supply
>nexon shill
>retarded zoomer to young to know about Nixon
You decided
I'm not sure what I'm about to say will help you, but I feel like saying it for the first time to someone anyway. I did my yearly cleaning of my PC from dust and accidentally connected the wrong cable to my HDD ages ago and I'd run into all sorts of problem loading games, screen going black, hearing noises from my HDD and once I switched the cable it worked fine. For a few days I didn't know what the fuck was going on.
The only Nexon game I put time and money into was the original GMS Maplestory release, and I was much younger and the world of online games was much different. There were real people playing together back then, so everything you mentioned makes complete sense.
I wonder if we're going to get a full melee system soon closer to warframe. The 'quick melee' gun bash thing we have now is fine but some swords and shit would be cool.
have you checked temperatures? Try running the game at minimum settings

they're supposed to be MMO-lites or 'squad MMOs'
is this the worst battlepass that has ever been made i mean they couldnt be assed to give the free one just a single day exp boost
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then, I hope you like games that last a short time
more evidence that a 7900gre is better than any 4070. i get consistent 90fps minimum on ultra 1440p with raytracing on. without raytracing it goes up to 140fps.
One of the most jewish games ever using waifushit to mask its judaism
tell me genius how do you think they will keep the game for life if they are no longer getting money? are you really that naive, or a shill

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