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what went wrong with ffxiv?
Got too gay, anything that is gay will eventually reach a critical "too gay" point where the whole thing will just fall apart.
Dawntrail's story is awful, boring, and incredibly poorly written. That's really it.
ShB/EW Tendies are seething at the story and DT Snoys are coping hard over the hate
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Video games, stupid faggot, VIDEO GAMES.
savage and ultimate raids unironically ruined any sense of class identity in the long run
wow is better (factually)
Casual WoW for queers.
It would be dead long time ago if u stripped the final fantasy part off of it.
The classes had the most identity when savage was the only content in the game lol (hw)
Unironically this. 3 catgirl(boy) races was the line.
Who is this ginger, bald faggot lmao, there's no way anything he says holds any value.
cope. dawntrail is genuine dogshit.
>for queers
That's just normal WoW, retard.
Dawntrail had new MSQ writers after whatsherface got promoted to "supervisor" and they had only written a few side quest chains before. Surprise surprise, they dropped the ball
In their very slight defense, this expansion always seemed like a beach episode sort of thing so it was probably never going to hit the highs of previous expacs but instead of embracing that and going off the rails, they played it straight
Shit might be worse than Stormblood somehow
Additionally YoshiP should have never let Square and their DEI initiatives cuck him out of keeping troon shit out of the game
Was never attempting to be an MMO in the first place.
Yes let's pretend XIV playerbase isn't 80% homosexuals and trannies
I fucking hate this bald faggot so fucking much
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I'm kinda happy all this shit is coming out now. Even the XIV main sub, which is usually toxic positivity, is angry and disappointed at the expansion. I've been waiting so long for the game to be looked at critically so they can start fixing shit. Yoshida has been given a free ride for far too long and the cultist fans who treat their game as their personality are to blame.
>he actually thinks WoW is any different
Lmao, you must be new to MMO's.
wow genuinely has fewer gay and tranny players
They've been given a free ride because the story was usually of decent quality or the content outside of the story was at least somewhat enjoyable. DT has nothing going for it at all.
It doesn't though. Let's also not forget WoW has trans characters in the game and even made one character trans for brownie points a few years ago.
it is different, there are deviants in every mmo but ffxiv is 90% tranny gay shit, wow is maybe 30%
The fact it's gone over a decade now without any truly innovating changes. If anything they keep dumbing shit down. The game is sustained by a core of shitters who have nothing better to do and the newfags leave as soon as the novelty wears off, which is usually after one expansion at most.
This is the biggest cope imaginable, anon. You are completely delusional.
ok tranny
let me guess his name is some variation of beard or his beard is 80% of his personality
It needs an e-celeb champion with actual talent.
Just like how Asmongold put WoW on the map.
Better than anything WoW has to offer or Korean shitty MMOs
What happened to Tomar?
it only peaked for like 6 months because people wanted to shit on blizzard, and a lot of wow tubers who eventually went back to wow tried out the game. you guys are just retarded and thought they were going to stick around
All these retards talking about how Square "forced" Yoshi-P to include troonshit in the game when Yoshi was probably the one pushing for it.
No, hes just a dumbass in general, make a complete clown out of himself and begged Asmon to ban anyone making fun of him from chats
probably forced main quest, quit after realm reborn. super fucking boring and shit story, otherwise fun game
>make visual novel disguised as MMO
>99% of people only do msq and erp
>make an expansion with bad story
>devs hyper focus on balance and meta even though everyone buys savage/ultimate clears or straight up cheats
Typical case of not knowing your playerbase
>release game with like 10 hours worth of content
Not enough tits and ass
>forced blur
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The literal developers of WoW are trannies, the NPCs are gay, trannies, and gay trannies, and the players are furries, gay, trannies, and gay furry trannies
Look Tomar its you
Yes. Wow has gay and tranny devs. Ffxiv has gay and tranny players.
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Right isn't even true. There is a male character with a female voice actor in solution 9 (only in eng btw lol).
gonna be honest. dawntrail is not gonna be a fun MSQ to be an emotional vampire with
Wow has both lmao, don't kid yourself. They wouldn't have gay trans pride parades in-game if there wasn't a huge amount of them in the playerbase
>DT has nothing going for it at all.
The graphic update is good.

that's it.
Not on Switch
Sure but it doesnt have ffxiv many
>EW was shit
>DT is starting off shit
I might finally be free.
>kill off multiple sexy goddesses for no reason
>add troons next xpac
Anyone thinking there isn't some sort of sweet baby shenanigans going on is in denial
>Game is dead
>Over 100k people watching FFXIV streams for a shitleaf mount on twitch all day today
Are you now saying they don't matter?
Are you admitting they don't matter?
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Snort a gallon of dicks of your neo-vagina

Shrek 5

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>thirdworlders will do literally anything for free content
>100k is somehow impressive when there are 5 billion of them
Dawntrails story is good and only faggots are angry about it. That being said I'm glad this is happening because my only complaint is Wuk Lamat's english VA is actually trash and has 0 reason to have his role. And like >>681527145 said its long overdue that the studio got some hate. They have been half assing content for a WHIILLLE now and ignoring player feedback that they are starting to turn into 1.0 devs again. Also I hope the dumb danger hair cunt localizer gets shit canned and the eng VA gets cut loose forever.
FFcultists are hypocrites, nothing new here. Wait for WoW threads when they are going to raid the threads and play down any Twitch record the next expansion will surely gets.
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They literally don't matter
Twitch fags don't watch games, they watch streamers
Whichever streamer is popular will artificially prop up a game if he plays it
>Third worlders play FFXIV
They do, they can afford the $15 a month sub?
Nigga last time that was posted some wowfag responded
>Well DragonFlight's launch had more viewers
So shut the fuck up
ANON, most of the 'faggots' are angry at half assed gameplay, and the story being unable to be enjoyed because of the troon cat
AI generated post
>twitch views
You lost and got raped Erictranny
Expansions are lazy, they aren't even trying with the new races that somehow still can't even wear hats.
Community is generally insufferable and the shift away from engaging gameplay to Anime-tier storylines has left a lot of people feeling like it just isn't the game for them any more.
Who the fuck is eric, stop calling your boyfriends name you faggot.
Weren't you yesterday saying Dawntrail killed FF14 and now you're seething at seeing 100k+ viewers on Twitch for FFXIV. Try this, not be mentally ill.
Brazilian sub is like $6.
>Filter cultist
>Filter slop
>Thread misses 90% of the posts
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Saved this for next time you start melting down about how twitch doesn't matter next time you're arguing with a WoWtranny.
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Shouldn't you be spamming sissy porn shartcatnig?
what was yalls favorite song this expac
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We need to go further
Why is this catfag spammer so mentally ill and hates XIV?


Is it because he's a closet fag?
What gameplay? Its hardly changed. And no they arent. Like it or not the hate is because of her being the focus not because of the troon. 4chan is not the entire internet and this is primarily a troons game.
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Cat website
I been asking him to post a pic of his character in a Dawntrail zone but never got a response. I think he was watching streams and acting like he was playing through the expansion.
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>Cat website
He's legit mentally ill, he used to spam AI threads.
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>>Cat website
My cat looks like this kek
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Its been known for awhile now that doomers don't play the game.
>Watching streams and acting like he was playing through the expansion
You know, I always had that thought that some people talked about the game but only from what they had seen in cutscenes or repeating word for word what some eceleb fag had said about the game rather but saying it as it was their own thought.
But you're right, a quick way to prove it would be to see his character posted with timestamp.
I played it, and it was shit
Try better
also have my generic ass catgirl DRK at S9 as proof
>if he doesn't dox himself then Dawntrail is good

The expansion stinks and I'm only halfway. Skipping cutscenes is the only way anyone can enjoy this shit.
He's mad someone stole his emeralds
>3 shit expansions in a row
is ffxiv even salvageable at this point? not even wow has ever had 3 shit expansions in a row
>Dragonflight if you really hate gays
Its 2 and a half right now
>20 minutes
Yeah nice gen retard.
What? You can post a character without showing what datacenter/server you are on.
Weak excuse.
Shadowbringers was good, except the coof hiatus.
>25 minutes queue for the last trial
It's the easy copout for discord troons that make FF generals all say, don't worry about it
>if you don't post your character and social security number, you didn't play the game so you don't get an opinion
>if you do post your character, then why are you playing a game you don't like lol?
>Shadowbringers was good
is this our new cope?
I've posted my character with screencap before and they just said I bought my account. There's no point in arguing with these retards, they're here to ruin discussion.
This is literally the consensus, even Endwalker was divisive while ShB wasn't.
>doesn't count
lionel won
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>reach the part people say is when the story gets good
>it actually gets much worse
So much actual bullshit going with an npc that reeks if it, but go tour a farm lmao
Fine, heres another one of me waiting for the final boss queue
I'm retarded and forgot the image

The WoWfags really be telling people XIV is dead while posting in an XIV thread. Meanwhile a WoW thread hasn’t gone past 50 replies in multiple days.
Holy grim
I still cant get over "out goldsmith cant eat hot food! What do we do???" "What if we feed him cold food?" "BRILLIANT!!!" I swear I saw more complex issues in Dora the Explorer
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>just slap a skill on the 2 minute timer
This is lazy
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Worst MSQ by far
Kill all lizards and cats, low IQ subhuman savages that ruined an entire expansion
They ruined the original with ARR, killed any traces of XI's SOVL with every subsequent update, forgot their identity in a chase for quick zoomer money and it's now doomed to die with zero cultural relevance just like every WoW clone out there.
Endwalker Hildibrand is a better low stakes vacation adventure (with a sci-fi twist) story with a more endearing cast than Dawntrail could ever hope to be.
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Will only happen once enough people know how vile he is.
Why do I have to spend an entire zone pretending that shutting down someone's ERP instance of ChatGPT-14 is somehow an emotional moment
motherfucker looks like he worksout at the library.
You got a forehead like a coffee table
>Erenville's mom is an ultra milf
>immediately dies

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This game is for faggots mate.
>Weren't you yesterday
not everyone is your personal internet nemesis, schizo
Just got through the MSQ. Took me longer than expected.
I'm so torn. I actually liked a lot of the worldbuilding, the IX nods, opening up new possibilities for Reflections stories. But fuck me if the villains weren't terrible and they somehow managed to write a poochie a hundred times worse than Lyse. I don't even care about the voice actor controversy anymore, it's the least issue with that character.

It's very similar to Stormblood but with a far worse Lyse and slightly better pacing because the two halves have their own internal pacing.
Worse, it's for women
We like the two minute meta. Don't you?
>Plugins are currently unavailable due to game update
Xivsters.....its over
The world building and final area plot threads work, they suffice.
It's because literally everything, and I mean EVERYTHING, revolves around Wuk.
Dark knight bros, be honest was loosing plunge, getting a nerfed blood weapon, worth getting a new combo that you can only get at fucking level 96, and even after unlocking it, it won't be available to you for like majority the conten because it's so high level. Do you feel robbed again?
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lol jfc
it has been extremely funny watching average thread impressions climb in positivity as more people actually complete the MSQ
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thank you kate

It was way worse than StB. The disdain the writers must have for their audience rivals that of lalafell whenever they see other races.
FFXIV cultists have done more damage to the game than anyone for constantly praising the obvious flaws. The critics care more about the health of the game than fans do. Cultist fans are dangerous for a product because they reward mediocrity and are blind to very basic flaws. They defend the pointless overworld zones even though it is something that could be easily fixed. FF should have open worlds that matter, if monsters were more threatening and dropped stuff that people wanted you would see more of that.
True. It's logical, since everyone who actually plays Dawntrail agrees it's excellent.
Did you get TROLLEY'D faggot
Those little head things look so stupid, why couldn't they have been placed on the chest so it doesnt look like it's just floating?
Do i really have to enter my CD coordinates again if i want to play past the early access period
>kill someone
>they type “zzz”
What did they mean by this? Did they fall asleep?
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What did she mean by this?
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>those job designs
>no content until bozja which was delayed
DF and DT are the same kind of filler expansion with shitty boring stories with good gameplay, DT just has a worse story and always has worse gameplay
This. It's embarassing that people try to do revisionism to make believe ShB was good, when it's commonly agreed it was the low point of the game. Thankfully, Dawntrail is a much needed return to form.
I was really liking the final boss until that final phase too. Not even Soken pulling out a banger could save it at that point.
I just hope they realize and put her out to pasture immediately same as Lyse.
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>the fucking poochie just cockblocked me
>for the hundredth time
>after she pulled a zenos
>and stole my fight
You keep saying this yet it has never been true.
To sell at the mogstation as fashion accessories or be used for beastmaster.
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Yep, its stormblood 2
I'm sorry your raid failed, but the community loves Dawntrail.
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>wow and runescape and gw2
>stories and quests make you interact with the open world and its areas brilliantly through combat, exploration, puzzles and more
>your character stands around like a fucktard cuck for 30 seconds then walks then stands around again then walks and then listens to other npcs speak for 8 minutes and you do fucking nothing engaging whatsoever
ffxiv is dead and will shutdown soon
Sniff the chocobo
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First half of DT's narrative.

>English 4/10
>Japanese 6.5/10

Wuk is a fucking boulder being carried by the english supporting cast that will never reach the finish line and a 100 pound pack for the japanese supporting cast. She is simply an annoying 1 dimensional character with a billion voice lines.

7 fucking keystones but it feels like we got 11 different captain planet styled PSAs. You can do that shit 1-2 times per expansion, you can't just turn on the faucet and leave it on like this for the entire first five levels of the expansion, literally multiple times PER ZONE.

Second half of DT is much more interesting, Shalloani was made to be heard in english and since the dumb cat is absent it's a decent time. It does feel much much shorter MSQ wise than other zones and is, unfortunately, pretty much just filler in the overall story but it was enjoyable filler at a minimum.

Rest of the stuff is breddy good, even in english since wookie has a bit less VA work and we get some other good characters instead. Still not...optimal but reading the subs quickly and left clicking wuk's line in english works well enough.
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Her voice was so sexy even if it didn't fit.
Shill here. The mood at Square Enix HQ is very grim indeed.
they're very pissed at you for killing them and are calling you boring
>shitposters are both shitting on the game and pretending it's flawless to try to make people mad
Do they think people actually fall for this shit or something?
I was really tired by the time I got here and wondered if I was just confused
>everyone who hates the game is a shitposter
>everyone who loves the game is a shitposter
Faggots love cunty sexy women
Women are the ones who hate sexy women
>Dogshit first half of the story
>Picks up in the second half
>Dungeons/Trials and Extremes all very good

It's a complete re-run of SB. I'm looking forward to the bullshit the raids are going to throw at us.
What the fuck is this shit, some sort of bestiality imagery? Holy shit I'm so fucking mad. Also WHY is it that the first time I'm hearing the KINO AKINO song is the end credits? WHAT THE FUCK, did Yoshida even looked this over before release?
dogshit the mmo
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>fucking awesome fight with great mechanics
>kino music
>suddenly tranny cat starts yowling like he got a steel toed boot to the balls
>music shits the bed and turns into auditory diarrhea
>mechanics disappear and turn into raidwide spam
very cute anon, very cute
You need to spend less time on the internet.
Why was her name Sneed?
I didn’t think anything of it until I saw how woke dawntrail is. now it’s all making sense. dawntrail is the point of no return
Is that the Colossal Titan?
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Because Garnet but she wears yellow so she's Sphene instead
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Her voice fit. It's just Erenville's that didn't.
It's another Nael situation where choices were made for the localization earlier that no longer fit with the direction the Japanese versions takes afterwards.
bird wife
>he gave up
Time to find another strategy, discordsissy.
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Yes genning a zone doesn't count retard, record yourself in PF
Still waiting for that recording.
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The final zone looks so good
Haha yeah...
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Nothing it's still the most played MMO in the world and silently keeping Square afloat.
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is that the updated sim? I only watched the original one
>Tempest but golden
Holy kek
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Bring it back yoshitpiss
What the fuck is the matter with you?
Anon this looks nothing like tempest…
this looks like a 2006 game lmao is this real
City, tall buildings apparently means it's the exact same lmao
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Okay, I finished the story. I just want to say that I'm really so fucking disappointed. Like we get an expansion like once every 3 years. I already expect the gameplay to not change and still be shit, bar some minor adjustments here and there BUT I do expect a good story. Everything until now from 2.0 to 6.0 was AT LEAST good, with the best moments being really fucking great. Now here I am, after several dozen hours of Wukkie the Wukage of Light being front and center and taking up all the screentime and I feel empty. Who the fuck thought this was acceptable? Why do this? You can't tell me Yoshida wasn't aware of this crap. I fucking despise Square Enix with a passion that will never be matched. God, I'm so fucking mad right now.
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>unfish the fishes
>face become more popular than ever
Can you post some 2006 games that look like this? I would like to play them
Well, yeah. Before it was kind of ugly at best, and hideous at worst
Worst final zone by far
What the fuck were they thinking it's the exact opposite of Ultima Thule
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The REAL problem with this expansion is that you are all a bunch of almost 30 year old grown men still expecting that a game for teens and young adults appeals to your jaded and misguided sensitives.
It's an animation of what happened to people in the oceangate sub
Sorry but zoomers don't play this shit. It's all boomers here.
Amaurot 2
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this looks better
To shreds, you say...
If you really made it to the end and STILL used the English voices, then you deserve to suffer you fucking retard
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>get told I have to kill all the endless which is easily hundreds of thousands if not millions of people by black rabbit’s mom
Oh no
Anon I have no idea what this game is
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genocide is okay when we do it
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Realistically, we don't have time for this bullshit.
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Jeet enix at it again?
They really glossed over the whole thing forcing all the characters to have kneejerk reactions about this kind of artificial immortality being unnatural and souls being sacred.
Not really ok with killing krile parents after she without them for 10 years
nah zoomers play plenty, it's the first mmo to get popular during their gaming ages. Also raiding with them makes you feel real fucking old quickly t. millennial
another DEI failure? AHAHAHHA
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I don’t think they really glossed over it much? Seems like they thought it was super unnatural and people just using souls was crazy to them. Plus the queen would need even more souls from the other shards she stolen them from so she was legit just prolonging her suffering
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The machines were interesting
it doesn't
Redo the expansion. If you let people play through this after everything we had so far it's over.
No fucking way Brazil has regional pricing while Mexico doesn't.
Fucking faveliggers.
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I get the "us or them" angle, which is basically the same as it was when we were at odds with Emet-Selch.
But the incessant hammering it in that the characters felt it to be unnatural, and memory alone without a soul not counting as "alive" felt like bad writing to me. In proper sci-fi, that gets wrapped into a moral dilemma. There's no moral dilemma, we literally are just killing these people off and it gets handwaved by us "getting to know them" for 10 minutes before we pull their plugs.
>FF should have open worlds that matter, if monsters were more threatening and dropped stuff that people wanted you would see more of that.
XIchads win again
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Sounds about on par with the usual English voice acting in this game.
Jap voices has always been the non-faggot choice.
looks better than ffxiv tho?
looks a lot better when you turn off the piss filter post MSQ
nah the ffxiv screenshot crushes it, and I like half life 2. Try not to involve it when you are being a disingenuous anon
For all the various references DT makes to Adoulin, you'd think they'd at least think about stealing the otherworld. But something like Reives is probably unironically too hard to code for the XIV team.
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is is true xivsisters? has xiv gone woke?
Oh hope this is real because it would be really fucking funny and fucking dumb at the same time
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How much you want to bet his dude dm'd him
It's the reason I stopped playing, so, maybe, I guess?
When I found out this expansion was gonna have a tranny voicing hours of dialogue I decided it wasn't for me.
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>it's real
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cope xiv looks like shit compared to games released 15+ years ago
Oh sweet new boogeyman just dropped.
Hey Brandon, it seems you're new here.
Not sure your point stands when I really enjoyed EW's MSQ. That was just 2 years ago. Fag.
Based, he's fighting the good fight.
Unlike you niggers
whose Brandon?
So, did Yoshida react in any way yet?
You sound like the one coping if anyone anon, a unremarkable mountain with no stylization doesn't really help you. You could post better
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This is so fucking stupid, you can tell dude is a retard and I will never forgive him for making Firefall fail with the 3 million color bus
It looks like shit because it was built to run on the PS3 and any changes since have been minor tweaks to shading or textures and not addressing the underlying issues.
Desolance WON
Xenofaggot fucking LOST
Rent free.

stop replying to yourself
The worst part is this will help push things in an even gayer direction hastening the death of the game.

Not as a product, it'll survive off balmung alone. But the story will go straight into the shitter.
>So much actual bullshit going with an npc that reeks if it, but go tour a farm lmao
We came to shut down your interdimensional disneyland hellhole for tapping in to our soul supply to keep your shitty memories going in their loops
schizo retard kys
This is really embarrassing. Japan doesn’t want to be part of the West’s culture war. To Japanese people, this just looks like bizarre American behavior. Japan isn’t thinking “OMG we need to please the culture warriors who don’t want sweet baby wokeness in our game!! Execute Wuk Lamat and bring Venat back into the game immediately! Then we can be a cultural beacon to Westerners who don’t like DEI!” They’re probably just rolling their eyes and laughing at us.
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What the fuck are you talking about retard
only people who care about ff14 anymore are the rp trannies.
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>all the various ominous poses and weird sentences to make sure I understand she's evil and gonna betray us
This expansion was really written for 10 years old, it's hilarious. Can't believe there wasn't a shot where she crossed her fingers behind her back, but I'm pretty sure they wouldn't be able to code that anyway.
and you said I was the one coping lmao
Is this copy pasta?
is it just me or is war within is starting to look kinda kino compared to this disaster....
wuk lamat isn't even in the same league of shit as the OCs they've been churning out since BFA
>what is inspect element
>tranny dogshit vs tranny dogshit
I pick neither
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did he win?
He is the only one who did.
He's right, but he didn't win. It's a lose-lose situation.
When are the ecelebs starting to shit on it? I see a distinct lack of doomers on youtube.
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Alexandrians are named after rocks and gems. For whatever reason they couldn't just call her Garnet (Garland more like) and instead named her SPeEeeeEn
Most of them haven't started the story yet and the ones that have are cutscene skippers like Xeno
Anon, you know they all skip the story.
>what went wrong with ffxiv?
too many cheaters
>Memories Memories Memories Memories
>Awww shit were finally getting Memoria in XIV after the brief visit in Bozja.
>It's Metropolis Epcot.
God, Sphene is so fucking hot. Kinda sad she's probably fucked off for a long while.
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It is when each eternal fatfuck fake person requires way more than 1 soul to keep them going that isn't even their own soul.
God. that hair looks awful in game. Lovely concept art. Most of the "curly" hair is awful in the game though.
i don't even see why they bothered having anything related to IX since it was barebones and amounted to nothing
Post her pits.
Everyone blames Wuk but this is the fucker who wrote her.
Uhm....... actually, sweaty, Kate wrote the MSQ????????
I'd rather barebones than whatever the fuck EW did with IV
Got lofi Tantalus and creepy carnival Jesters of the Moon out of it at least but yeah outside of just playing [Sad IX track] every time Sphene shows up on screen there isn't much actual IX stuff going on. Feels like they didn't want to blow much budget on actual IX enemies and locations so instead they got the art team to draw some IX enemy references in Solution 9 and the writing team to namedrop IX locations in npc dialogue.
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>everybody going through it in the final zone

Ourguy and ourgirl don't deserve this shabby treatment!
Fuck Dawntroon. Let's talk about whay REALLY matters. Gaius. His voice is so attractive.
It got old.
Vertical progression MMOs like XIV and WoW can only stay good and worthwhile for so long.
Can’t do that on mobile retard
>The Protector and the Destroyer 98 quest is fanservice marvel tier avengers writing slop
Holy fuck you niggers keep lying to me telling me "it gets better"
Unironically true. All of the women given focus in DT are either furshit, potatoes, or flat as a board/children. Not a single attractive woman in the entire cast.
Well yeah if you are determined not to like it of course you won't anon. Should just stop playing now. The city defense was pretty hype honestly.
you objectively have shit taste
I don't think someone who posts about >marvel tier avengers writing slop is qualified to say that honestly.
Dragons vs starships was cool and you are just real fucking lame my dude
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>Tried to redeem the twitch drop
>This service is currently unavailable due to maintenance. Please try again at a later time.
ShB and EW streamlined the game to death and destroyed job identity. There is a huge swath of the playerbase that is neglected because the content is either fall alseep at the keyboard easy or savage with no real middleground. The content also just isn't good anymore.
I thought this dude had died and must have skipped the cutscene where they mentioned he was knocked out, I was even wondering if the AI villain was pretending to be him or something.
I don't know why he's still alive to be honest, zoraal doesn't just knock out people. he threw his own minion into hell.
Eren definitely deserves it for being an autistic mopey faggot that makes me babysit Wuk for the entirety of the msq while all he does is charter buses and keeping Alisaie from me.
I related to Erenville. It's stupid. They're off playing stupid games while the world is about to fucking end, and he's gotta erase what's left of his mom.
Get lost you faggot redditor
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lemme in
You are very cute anon, hope you enjoy 4chan
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Sounds like a non Machinist issue.
>woke lemutt pops up during the last boss to "save" you
I thought the same. I guess Zoraal is just that limp wristed and had no idea how Chad Roe's are.
Did Sweetbaby have a hand in DT in the credits? Were they consultants? Is this the Sweetbaby expansion?
Yea we know she stuns the boss and does like 10% damage
Nobody has verified, so I guess not
>dude it was frickin poggers!
You're proving him right.
yeah they held yoshittrannyfuckerpiss at gunpoint and demanded they make the main character of the expansion a furry voiced by a tranny
I said it was cool, you are the one using that faggot ass language
Thanks to whoever mentioned setting the 3d resolution scaling to 99. I like the more crisp look of the game. Also had Gamma correction set to 50 for some reason and it looks much nicer at 0.
they are not in the credits.
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>you're racist if you don't like the shit MSQ
I wanted a party of all the different Tural races to come with me on an adventure, not a stinky hrothshit and the scions with their souls removed. It could have been a Mass Effect 1-tier adventure but NO YOU JUST HAD TO FUCKING FORCE YOUR SHITTY NARUTO CAT IN EVERYTHING FUCK YOU
You never thought about how fucking stupid it was that they made an off-screen alliance with Radz-at-Han just to explain how anyone survived that attack.
>game exists
>game does well
>game presents actual competition to the status quo
>trannies enter
>game starts getting shit and loses all popularity slowly
Almost as if attention-seeking shitnormie trannies don't play games
Was it zoraal ja himself or someone his lackey hired
You are a low IQ retard that is easily satisfied fuck you people ruin gaming as a whole you have less than 0 standards. You are the type of person that thinks Boruto is a good anime
After Zero and Wuk it's clear that the fella has a severe need to shove his own characters into the spotlight.
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Bros... Zepla is mogging Xeno... it's fucking over.
Trying too hard man, I literally laughed out loud at how dumb you made yourself look. Like I said you are real fucking lame if you don't find enjoyment of a bunch of robots getting shot to shit for landing in cowboy town I feel for you. Also Boruto sucks don't project onto me anon
Imagine how nice this website would be if everyone who gives a shit about e-celebs all just dropped dead.
Alphunaud being present shpuld immediately warn you that political elements will be involved. Dude could make a living off his rolodex alone, and vrtra owes us
Estinien was the one who arranged it tho
Hiroi didn't write 6.x and we don't know who will belonged to
that's the story of the whole second half
>let's fuck around and get to know these villagers while Zoraal Ja is literally waiting to fight us and threatening another invasion if we pussy out
>Sphene is about to invade our world and steal everyone's souls, better help this soulless robot we've never met find his wedding ring even though he's going to be deleted in 5 minutes
what an awful song
that disney princess song that plays after the last trial is 10 times worse though
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it's impressive how we went from amaurot and ultima thule to this fucking slopfest called living memory
I found it funny when they kept saying they had plenty of time to do this before the center usb stick became vulnerable and then the second you delete the Aero stick it's suddenly urgent.
we lost bigly xenoxisters...
"speen! I finally understand you! " Wuk Lamat said as she bashed Sphene's head in
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I like Living Memory but they deleted it. What the fuck is the matter with these retards?
that's the whole point. but they'll probably do something gay and have us rebuild it.
Waiting on RIOTs mmo
I don't care what the point is, it was a beautiful area and now it's fucking grey slabs.
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Someone already has this
>a fucking cooking contest
does uh, culinarian grant anything fanciful for this or should i just work through it anyway, this shit is already retarded as is
Yeah it's not hard, you just had to spam frontline/CC nonstop since launch.
yeah there's a throwaway line about you being a cook and too bad nobody is letting you cook.
works on my machine
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whats a matter? can't let go of the past? gonna rebuild the city and fill it with phantoms of your friends? fill it with memberberries to stand up and clap to?
They just say "Hey, you're a cook too!" and you just cook the food offscreen anyway.
that's an insane amount of pvp in the past 5 days.

Level 90+ culinarian? Better step the fuck back, Krile who has made zero mention of an interest in cooking is in charge
arcadion is just going to be soulless reddit humor slop isn't it
seeing the guy who runs it being a twirly mustached lalafell in a tuxedo all but confirms it for me
better than doing MSQ
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>mfw slowly realizing they are just rehashing Amaurot
Why is this writing team so creatively bankrupt? For a story so adamant about letting go of the past, these guys seem really unable to let go of Emet Selch.
that's an ascian. and it will appear as a simple tournament at first, but then something nefarious will happen
Bro I just want an area I have to spend the next 2-3 years doing stuff in to not look like shit, that's all
I haven't looked at all into it, what does it take to get it?
They really need to shitcan the new writer, this is by far the worst pacing and writing since ARR.
>the ascian lalafell is still a jew carnival games grifter.

god damn what did they hecken mean by this?
I want to fuck this lala
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eh, fair. but i think the lack of color makes it unique and it doesn't beat you over the head with the sad music like close in the distance does
I think tranny VA is bad but grummz is a fucking major league faggot who should neck himself. Along with Stuttering Craig, Blabz, Yellowflash, Arch, that dumb Christfag cunt Melonie Mac, any nigger who appears on Side Scrollers.
The story will have you bond with a new fighter who joins your team. As you progress through the tournament, you'll learn that the organizer uses the tournament as a cover to drain the lifeforce of the contestants to give him eternal youth. The final boss is his true form, a largely muscular behemoth. It's gonna be kino.
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>hey here's a big dramatic moment of a supercharged beastie they couldn't even kill 80 years ago, and the retard lizard let it loose to gain a lead, finally a break from the retarded fetch quest hell
>only a few people get moderately injured by proximity
>take care of it easily, to the point that a character has to make an aside note that it was weakened after 80 years to justify how easily it died
>not only does the retard still get to compete, no one but the main heroes repeatedly criticizes him for committing crimes and potential genocide just to win kingship
>oh and it didn't get him a lead anyway because now it's time for cooking, meaning this entire trial effectively happened just because the devs hit the "oh fuck we need a trial after a dozen hours" button
>immediately go back to normal and nothing is really learned or gained besides filling out extra parts of the keystone hunt bullshit
God damn. It's like they have to write justifications for gameplay and hate doing it more than they actually want to make anything interwoven.
Neat, thanks.
The writer for ARR could run circles around this retard. I knew we were in trouble when I saw what he looked like. He looks like a retard fruitloop. I really hope the Japanese don't receive this well, it could save the game. The people in this thread that like DT want the game to further degrade. Im starting to think people like >>681551943 are falseflagging praising the game because they want it to fail longterm
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6.1 is where new players are eventually going to start the game. They won’t know about Amaurot or Reddit-Selch.
fuck you
The next expansion should have the villain also have a city he wants to revive or prevent from dying but the city is just a perfect replica of Heavensward and you get a Heavensward kit when you first enter, and as you progress through it you lose buttons and job mechanics and become a modern slop job.
You wish faggot
Thank you for your input
This pic is representative of Dawntrail as a whole
>stopped doing raids
>stopped doing Bozja for armor glams and relics
>stopped levelling my non-max jobs
>no will to play
I took the MSQ for granted, never realized how much of my game's enjoyment was from the MSQ. Maybe it's nothing and in a few weeks I'll be back to normal but holy hell. Even in SB if you didn't like Lyse (I did) you had wacky Alisae and Alphinaud adventures, Gosetsu hamming it up, Magnai trying to make Lyse a concubine, Sadu wanting to fuckfight the WoL into either one's submission, Zenos being Zenos, Fordola digging the hole deeper. Meanwhile,
>Alisaie: WoL pray talk to Wuk Lamat instead of me
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>cooking contest is in teams
>"Oh hey, I guess they're gonna put us with the bully contestants so that retard can learn the meaning of coop-"
>actually they just put us with the guy who has been our unapologetic cheerleader for the past 2 levels
the cooking contest was rigged in wuk's favor anon. both with the banana leaves and koana being her partner. her dad arranged it.
I really was looking forward to Tritoch from FFVI being in FFXIV... Not like this VIbros...
I'm in the last area and my honest opinion on Wuk is she's... just okay, I guess? I feel like the brainlets who keep on parroting the "people hate Lyse and Wuk because they are women" takes on the dumb bird app are either willingly or ignorant on how both characters were handled from their introduction onwards.

I can get Wuk not being everyone's cup of tea, but she's consistent pretty much the whole way through even if it gets a little eyerolling at times, vs. Lyse and how she was as Yda to how she ended up throughout Stormblood. Name one memorable trait of Lyse, go on, try to.
>The entire MSQ was rigged
Worst is, you're right. And I'm supposed to believe Zarool Ja is the bad guy here? This twisted game needs to be reset.
It was zoraal ja, he says he saw him when he got knocked out.
>Name one memorable trait of Lyse, go on, try to.
She's a bitch
ARR is only at it's worst when it tries to be generic MMO shit like DT. ARR has a ton of great stuff when it's willing to have a proper story. Waking Sands being fucked up and burying the old Scions is still such a cool moment. Not to mention in post-ARR the sense of dread as you can see as Alphinaud's crystals braves plotting behind the scenes, Wilred's disappearance, a monetarist, the shady overly-eager squad leader.
this entire scene needs to be either cut or reworked
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I'm not sure why this character even exists.
you jest, but i think gulool ja ja was the fair one. the story did a good job of demonstrating that various factions had different interests so as such they'd be picking tasks that their favored candidate would have an advantage in
to make us question just how fucking old roes can get.

unless he's the key to a fountain of youth sidequest. he'll probably also be spearheading the adventuring foray. he's also prime fodder for a variant dungeon
Woke Lemutt is literally built like a man, who signed off on this character design?
I misunderstood that part and thought that we were getting swapped to a different contestant as a pseudo leadership trial and thought it was a neat way to learn about another contestant. Then was instantly let down into what you were saying and then even more so into the teams being the safest ones.
he's one of like 8 notable npcs in the entire expansion anon don't bully him
The problem is that "consistent" means she's basically just looping her character points repeatedly. She starts the same way she ends: she wants to keep her father's peace, learning and bringing the people together. She doesn't really "grow" so much as she understands each culture, but fundamentally nothing really hits any highs like past characters learning from mistakes or how to become better people/leaders.
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>Sphene is literally Emet and Meteion rolled into one
>Reused the emet angry hand movement on erenville (before final memory bank) and sphene (after bakool)
>Wuk is us
>Each slate is just the ARR beast tribes
>Yok huy fight in the dungeon is literally a titan reskin
>Savage eden titan reskin in another dungeon
>Reskins everywhere
>Only new model is some weird fucking bird thing with no arms thats using the skeleton of stone vigil hard final boss
>The Originics boss is literally a reskinned absolute virtue/eden
>Final area looks great but after the msq it looks like absolute sloppy dogshit clearly trying to cut corners so they don't have people staying in the zone past msq and so they don't have to make the rides actually rideable
>Final zone has no unique mobs
>Wuk ruins every scene the moment he starts speaking it's actually somehow worse than when Lyse used to speak
>Just keeps getting worse and worse
>Lalafels retconned into being world hopping aliens all from one shard (not the source)
>Last trial is completely ruined by a mid combat cutscene of her power of friendshipping
>The credits music is literal nigger diversity is our strength LGTBQ pozzed shite
>Then she barges into our inn room AGAIN
>Then post msq cutscene ruined by shitterfel to top it all off
Have you noticed how despite OP's image you were actually the first person to actually try to move the thread away from discussing a video-game?
You absolute fucking mongoloid.
at this point, they just need to find out that yoshi p is pedo/rapist and it's going to be a reverse 2021
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For me? It's the part where you finally leave your city state, and it switches to pic related. Got me hooked on the game, even with the various obnoxious downtime moments in the MSQ.
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You could have replied by pointing ways he can be wrong or how the troon makes the game better, but instead you attempt to invalidate people opinions by yelling "AI". In short. YWNBAW
>Name one memorable trait of Lyse, go on, try to.
Lyse shouting at cripples and elderly to go to war is one of the best moments of SB. Her worldview is basically created from war stories that glorify sacrifice and death, Sharlayan education and having the Scions at her beck and call. She can't empathize with her own people, or understand why they are like that. I think it's a great character dynamic.
The irony is that you're the NPC
where did this XIV go. what happened
>If you hate being oppresed, just fight the oppressors!
Kek, thanks for that reminder.
Every person involved with it was promoted.
>this expansion always seemed like a beach episode
Which is all well and good in a TV show you watch for free. Imagine asking people to pay for that shit. I'm waiting for the next expac and just rush through this one's MSQ.
>Name one memorable trait of Lyse, go on, try to.
She actually beat up one of those greedy fish fucks on her own provocation to deal with his bullshit, something most of the cast just refuses to do unless someone's trying to outright kill them. Fuck's sake, DT is filled with moments where NO ONE WILL DO ANYTHING just so the plot drags on longer.
But do you agree to TWD?
The scene where the old resistance leader tells her to fuck off because she's a sheltered brat who hasn't lived with them through their struggles was great. Her arc was pretty bad overall, but I appreciated how SB wasn't afraid to have some level of grit and give some agency to its setting. DT feels so sterile in comparison.
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>that part where Sphene reveals her true form
>The credits music is literal nigger diversity is our strength LGTBQ pozzed shite
I agree with everything but you nigga better be not shitting on my AKINO.
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just got to the credits
what an utter disappointment
2nd trial was so good, last one shit the bed halfway through with wuk barging in and rushing it to the end, what the fuck were they thinking?
You will never have a good take.
Try buying a new PC.
someone give me the qrd on this pc
So our WoL gets to go back to being an Adventurer, in a place where they are entirely unknown, with no world ending threat on the horizon and people out here think it sucks?

I'm enjoying my working holiday so far. Good food, good people, learning about new cultures. A+ 10/10
>with no world ending threat on the horizon
Sis... that script is already outdated...
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how do you play pictomancer
>gets to go back to being an Adventurer
only in the sidequests.
>So our WoL gets to go back to being an Adventurer, in a place where they are entirely unknown, with no world ending threat on the horizon
That's Estinien
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She's been giving credit to everyone along the way and it's only the Turali subhumans who seem to ignore WoL's achievements. I don't see the problem she's been a bro so far.
But we literally get Amaurot 2.0 and Emet 2.0 and Wuk is WoL 2.0. The only thing that changed is who the main character is.
I want to go back. I can't even relive my memories of old castrum meridianum and praetorium because they turned them into generic light party instances.
>5 crysta has been deposited into your account
Do you think they're ever going to make crafting relevant again or is content just going to keep being too easy to justify it and everyone just getting gear from dungeons or MSQ instead?

No, none of those points are why people think it sucks. I don't know where you got those arguments, but they're misrepresenting the discussion.
Reminder Dawntrail is technically released exactly 5 years after Shadowbringers
People posting this sentiment are fucking retarded or baiting
I no longer like Mablu
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So fujofags and homofags.
Meteor x Erenville or Meteor x Graha?
Craftards I have not started in 3 expansions and I want to do it now

Is the order events something like
>cap gatherers to 100
>cap crafters to 100
>scrip turnins to collect materia

When does the money making start my gear is total dogshit
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omg the other thread has just become an unusable culture war battlefield
I didn’t think it could get any worse than this but making threads completely unusable with culture war nonsense is not something I expected. Every thread from now on will be
>you angry cuz grifter!
>you angry cuz troon!
ad nauseam
this is truly truly grim
Why are the side quests more engaging than the MSQ?
how do you even create villains as interesting as the initial Garleans without them coming off as a retread or overly retarded, anyway
now we've seen most of the world and there's no more empires to spook their way out unless there's arbitrary secret society megaempire bullshit beneath the earth, and it would require traveling to other Shards entirely just to see anything of an actual ENEMY FORCE that we don't just kick the shit out of shortly after they appear.
how's this for a take

the role quests being 70's-80s era saturday morning cartoon villains is an improvement over endwalker's
keep pushing that narrative sis everyone will forget how bad the MSQ is one day
It was pumped up by wow ecelebs who quickly jumped ship once the milk ran dry and ran back to wow
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lol no, Estinien does that.
I don't give a fuck, this nigga cucked me.

The sphene stuff really fucking pissed me off. WoL literally has a flashback about her and all their 3 interactions and decides to do something, finally. The Wuk comes in, fucks it up and the hebe dies insert credit rolls.
kys lalatroon
bad news anon, crafting is a pyramid scheme and the real way to make money is selling crafting gear and turn ins to people leveling up crafting.
kek that fucking nigger. he really is the true adventurer.

We'll always be a weapon of light. which i wouldnt have minded if it was krile doing it for her arc.
They also reskinned Cuchulainn in the final dungeon and Scathach in the previous one. It was all incredibly low effort and underwhelming.
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you idiot, the MSQ is horrible. but now we’ll never be able to criticize it because we’ll just be called the big boogeyman
reskins are fine, there is a cactus that is just a light remodel of titan and he's pretty sick.
idk he sounds better in japanese
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>Krile sidelined for TACO FAMILEEE PEACE
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I mean Omega demonstrated quite astutely how you can easily menace the WoL just by using the fact that they can't be everywhere at once.
They used him twice actually.
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>he can't simply be happy with a character for what it is
>he has to go on a hunt to ensure no aspect of that character's characterization breaks his dogma
imagine living like this, I could never
they've been reusing rigs from the start anon. the boss of the deadwalk is hades. maulskull is titan maximum, etc
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Eliminator was disappointing
We've already destroyed a better civilization, what's one more?
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Erenville is OURBRO the fuck is wrong with you.

Dressed down the dumb cat multiple times in every zone, carried us through most of the problems with solutions, and most importantly bombed around with us in Shalooani while we left faggot cat behind.

He's like the Estinien version of what Krile was as a non-combatant all these years. The fact his mom was cool is only icing.
>and then I told Azem... LOOK FORWARD TO DAWNTRAIL
Was Emet THAT angry about the axe to the gut that he did this to us?
Wouldn't you fuck over the nigga that put an axe through your stomach as hard as you could?
He got the last laugh
Anon why the fuck are you even look up characters vas
This is made even more insulting when Endwalker patch content and cadence was retarded. And the same goes for WoW but worse. They're both basically promising less content for more money, more often. The insidious thing is that it's pitched in such a way that assumes the audience is retarded and can't see that lowered value prop per expansion pack purchase is a very, very, very bad thing for major market MMOs. Right now both companies should exhausting efforts to figure out how they can offer more for less to regain dwindling player bases, but they're battling the bottom line and passing the buck and churning a couple of what look to be immensely unmemorable expansions - perhaps only memorable in how we'll look back and say both were fucking shitty. At least SE is not charging their customers $40 extra to play the game when everyone else wants to play the game. I would watch a televised execution of Blizzard employees with a smile on my face. They're not even people, they're scum. I hope they get hit by buses.
Azem pranked him too hard
This is his revenge
Don't you love that all Krile content sidelines her? Even Eureka isn't actually about Krile.
you can't really tell if these individuals actually believe what they say, given that they have to toe the line to get any work

though she did a good job. in fact the only really poor VA in DT was Wuk herself
it seems you also don't know what video game culture means much like jannies
Anon I hope you know this is model after stuff like Disneyland
You are as bad as furries
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>tfw have a cute frothgar
>have to deal with the stigma of wuk fucking up the entire english expansion AND male hrtohgar being gigantic turbofaggots


Mihomo isn't on the verge of bankruptcy like SE.
I miss Steel Reason. Man, modern FF14 instrument style just lacks soul

Atleast I get why Ffxiv's content has dragged, they keep getting good people then promoting them away. Blizzard doesn't have anything else going on and Wow still sucks.
this still looks really nice and i think i prefer it this way
chinese gacha games invented theme parks
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The public humiliation of the DT MSQ has started.
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Sunday would have saved Dawntrail
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They still did it better, YoshiP take notes
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You could play miqo but you wanted to be a special snowflake.
>Final Fantasy XVI is moviegame dogshit and flopped.
>Final Fantasy VII Redditbirth is dogshit and flopped.
>Final Fantasy XIV Dawntrail is dogshit.
It's over for Final Faggotry.
>le heckin muscle mommy omg!!! :3
cast self destruct
square is getting too comfortable again. the creators and directors are too high on their own farts. i hope the new ceo reigns them in
srsly. feels like miqote, lala and aura are the only races that seem to get any real attention
I'm coming around to Gulool Ja. He cute
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Dawntrail is confirmed worse than Forspoken
I just finished the Mamook section and dear God almighty is this expansions's msq ever shit holy fuck. I'm almost tempted to buy a skip at fucking 95 it's so bad.

How are people not already fired for this?
Yoshitpiss killed Final Faggotry.
MSQ was dogshit until the last two levels worth of quests where it got sort of interesting, then dropped the ball completely at the last minute
dungeon bosses and trials are cool though, so i'm expecting this expac to be carried completely through extremes/savages
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It's shit
>we should base the expansion on the weakest parts of ARR and SB
Whose idea even was that? Did Yoshi-P greenlight the idea?
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the story was never good
the cultists are finally waking up
If you already hate it you're going to want to shoot yourself when you get to the final zone. It's dog shit and takes forever to slog through even with skipping everything
>mechanics disappear and turn into raidwide spam
Just like Hades and Endsinger
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I reckon in 10-15 years when this game is replaced with another FF MMO, /v/ will still be seething over it.
>He's here
It was good, the current stuff being bad doesn't make the past worse because that story ended.
Your image already tells me you're a massive faggot as it is.
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Are you trying to prove that even the most generic shit imaginable can be entertaining if you do it right? I really want Ishikawa back...
how do you fuck up a story this bad? it's so boring and stale, it beats you over the head with the most simplistic anime values. i was holding on for a bit but after wuk lamat's "IM GOING TO BE KING OF THE PIRATES!!!" it became too cringe inducing. this might be one of the worst written character i've experienced in the past 10 years.
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DRK feels so shit without plunge spam. I think it is about time I put down the job...
all final trial bosses minus shinryu act like that. except ultima but it just stands still.
They fired the only competent devs
ffxiv never changed at all
what changed was that wow players got burned out a toy they've been playing with for 18 years, finally tried something different, and now the novelty of a new game is wearing off for them
what are the chances this expansion gets major rewrites considering just how much backlash there is
Strayborough Deadwalk is better
The biggest problem with Tural is that it lacks the political density of a place like Ul'dah. Gulool Ja Ja has no advisors or managers of governance to make it feel like a real place and only a saturday morning cartoon backdrop. There are no real opposing ideologies outside of being nice vs lets go to war. I hope the patch content leads to another red wedding type situation where Wuk and Koana get a reckoning of sorts where they are forced to face they are out of their element, and Bakool Ja Ja is elected God Emperor of Tural
>tfw have a cute frothgar
Well that's a contradiction already
so not earnest views then since its them lured in by drops
>Retard compares Steam pos% on 1st day of full release and calls it a victory
>Even at this minute the positive % rose, destroying his point
Legit. I've been playing since Friday and started to skip everything after 2 hours. I only finished the MSQ about 3 hours ago and I'm EU.
Kill yourself Endwalker newfag. You have no idea what you're talking about.
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You fiends are overfond of your retarded cats.
>Deus ex Machina is now the phrase used to describe any situation where something unexpected or implausible is brought in to the story line to resolve situations or disentangle a plot.
Everything in that scene was set up before hand anon, even the blade of light has long been established.
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I only play dwarves or big ass characters.

Miqos are tiny babby sized cats and Roe's are literally Shrek. It's why I liked being Vie they could be big and have huge ears making them the tallest by technicality.

nil, the only thing they can do is damage control in patch quests
the story is the worst written ff story in history
>>681557587 (me)
this is why you gatekeep btw, the community has permanently changed as a result of wow retards breaking containment
it's not like the latest expansion seems to have a higher budget as a result of the influx of players/revenue
Nigger I like ARR and SB. This is a million times worse.
as a ARR monk enjoyer sometimes you justh ave to let it go. Save yourself the pain anon
The mechanics were retarded. It's a bunch of slow nothing that only retards could die to then a 10 second hello world/big bang tard spam and back to nothing again
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yes anon, I'm sure the devs are rushing right now to rework the story as we speak
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been playing since heavensward but go off king
I don't mean it literally never changed, but the changes they've made are irrelevant
Ah, I do too, that's why I specified "weakest parts of".
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how DARE you think something can be generic yet well executed
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I disagree, they just promoted the competent writers. If you look at Harada's comments on Soul Calibur last week, Jap work culture literally sees promotions as the only way to live a corporate life and actually treat anyone that tries to stick to game development proper as a lesser individual. "When are you going to move on from game dev?" So naturally, the competent people moved up, and now shit is filling their place.

But the gameplay? The gameplay's more ShB and EW, which is not what some want but functionally is perfectly fine. I'd say DT doesn't have to worry much about that part. The writers, however, were a primary selling point for the game by crafting the stories that got the game awards and recognition beyond simply being an MMO, to the point that they spent almost all of EW restructuring the entire game to be more story-centric for players that just want to play for the plot. So when you get shit writers, it stings hard enough to obfuscate the quality that does remain.
Screeching in 4chan doesn't reflect the general consensus. Dawntrail is just the result of their staff getting poached to work on FF16/FF7 remake and it will come and go like any other poorly recieved expansion.
People already played the content. Panic rewrites are shit you do IN DEVELOPMENT like Snowbreak or Wuthering Waves.
They have utterly obliterated the game's job design. You have no idea what you're talking about.
Dawntrail is okay, thank god the combat is fun
oh no no no
Any "rewrites" would be entirely for patch content going forwards, like downsizing Wuk Lamat from being the fucking Poochie overtaking everything, but they aren't going to do shit for the stuff already released. The way the quests roll out, you actually CAN'T trim anything besides merging some quests together for a little less stop and go, and they sure as fuck aren't going to rewrite the MSQ to peel out Wuk when she's literally the focal character of the expac, that would require massive reworks. Bigger than anything they'd done to MSQ, even the ARR trimmings.
holy sauce
definitely kek
as much as I like ffxiv the second a new one drops I'll leave for it instantly. This engine is dogshit and holds the game back so much.
>Screeching in 4chan doesn't reflect the general consensus.
There's nowhere that isn't shitting on Dawntrail for the exact same reasons as this place.
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>clutches fist x20
Man, I was hoping to come back to it now that I have a decent job and then I read that people got mad over something and now I'm wondering what the controversy is even about.

I used to main monk but I haven't played it since right before the first expansion dropped, was thinking about playing either machinist or gunblade dude .
he was never won anything in life
infact he lost pretty hard in life if this is how he spends the majority of it
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dead game
machinist is all looks and not in a good spot. you'll have fun playing gunblade dude tho
95% of the playerbase could not give a single solitary shit about job design changes between now and then, nobody actually cares about the two minute meta. almost anybody who cares about actual high-end gameplay plays wow because the gameplay in that game is simply superior in every conceivable way except for MAYBE raid boss design. try talking to people outside of your static for once
The story is just bad, like indefensibly bad. The gameplay is fucking great though. Bosses and trials are really cool. Yoshida wasn't lying when he said he was shaking up fight design.
It's Zanarkand - a land of the past with an orange color scheme populated by memories of the dead, and perpetuated by a spiral of death.
no fucking way it is. Your entire post is bullshit because even high end raiders complain about the two minute meta, it's part of the homogenization complaints.
It was never good, see >>681557454
Where at? You need to get out of your bubble anon, major of normalfags I seen thought the first part is meh but loves Texas
None of that was Deus ex machina, it wasn't even a friendship beam. That's just a shitpost image.
>high end raiders
what % of the playerbase do you think even touches high-end raiding anon?
Nothing was set up or established, it was a complete asspull out of nowhere at the last minute
If it was set up it wouldn't need to wait to the last second to happen.
I haven't had a queue over 50 since the second servers came up on early access.
May be your server. I'm on Cactuar
Nothing was entertaining about that, it's bad writing through and through
there is literally people complaining on shout chat in every single join, you need to get your head out of your ass.
These creatures made me swap to JP. Next Im just gonna swap off this game
Don't move the goalposts, even casuals have complained about how healers have one button rotations and you know it.
Blade of light was set up in late ARR/HW anon, timing that was the first time they were really fighting emet and it happened quickly. How do you think it was an asspull?
Never seen this on my server
Everyone is cracking jokes and talking about the corn dude
Better chance of yoshiP doing naked dogeza on livestream

it's getting shat on on 5chan/2ch, the official forums, reddit, retardera, gamefaqs, twitter and Steam, shit has a lower user review on steam than forspoken does
its not just a couple of autists here
Bringing americans into the picture was a mistake.
They cast the character before they knew what they were gonna do with him.
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That can be arranged. He's had it too good for too long.
0. The only thing that can save us is hoping they start unfucking things in patch story.
All of that is deus ex machina and it was literally a "lets all work toghther and shoot this beam!" literally a friendship beam
a lot of the people leaving those reviews haven't finished the story yet, but it's definitely a step down from SB/EW. The ARR comparisons make sense.
I can't even call it bad writing, it's just a boring idea for an expansion and they made the best out of it. "Just a chill expansion where I play as an adventurer" is an armchair reddit game dev's idea of a good MMO plotline, there's a reason you should ignore your fans sometimes.
No it wasn't and if they were serious itd have happened the moment they met him
You're coping so hard it's embarrassing
my rested exp is already gone...
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>Hire failed stage writer
>MSQ bombs
Classic Squeenix moment.
It wasn't a beam you through a blade of light with with so much light it was literally killing you anon. A beam was not shot at all. If you want to argue semantics you'll have to apply yourself a bit more then that.
They threw a card through him the first time they did before they gave him a fair shot anon. I'll give you one more chance to come up with something.
I'm not saying it's good, it's just not that bad
>"Just a chill expansion where I play as an adventurer"
This isn't what the story is though except for the 4th zone
What was the life-changing event?
I imagine another life changing event is in store for Hiroi-san.
His company failed
people said his theater company died, not sure if true. Also him really liking dragon quest checks out a little after this expansion.
Fucked a troon wearing orange cat ears
Accepted Christ
Apparently a bad blow to the head
Wonder if he's going to thrown under the bus for how DT is doing
Literally zero. It's already released and will never change. If they want to do any damage control it will be in the following patches but even then the first patch is likely too deep into development to do any real shift. You'll have to wait until 7.2 or 3 to start to see any change.
In what way? I've really only played 11. Started 8 but never got far
The best part of Dawntrail was it ending. I don't think I will muster the strength to go through it again on an alt.
Let's hope. Ideal outcome is he commits seppuku live on air during the next live letter
>be shit stageplay writer
>get shutdown
>get hired to write another project
>work is mediocre there
>get promoted and in charge of writing an entire expansion
Special SE brand retardation.
The "backlash" I've seen for the most part in places where the devs might actually pay attention is more so people complaining about the stakes being lower compared to EW and not enough voiced cutscenes which is why there has been a number of "FFXIV players don't read" arguments on Twitter as of late.
will square enix even recognize the criticisms with the story? there hasn't been this much blowback with the msq since who knows when
the more I hear about and see dragon quest, the more I dislike it.
I didnt get my chill expansion and play as adventurer. I had to follow a cat around so she doesn't doom her country cause of skill issue.
It was a friendship beam you blind nigger then a deus ex halbert with people showing up out of nowhere
You are not alone. I spent probably 6 months doing the weekly every week to get those gear sets and I use them to this day for glams. The fact I can't use the heads is one of the only reasons I don't play viera anymore. I switched when Shadowbringers launched and then switched away once that gear released.
He should be. He wrote this dumpsterfire. Why shouldn't he get the blame?
its the worst its been
>Last area turns into a Nier Automata area
Not sure how I feel about going to this area for the next 2 years.
They were there from the start dumbass, there was one person who showed up out of nowhere but you appear to not have played it since you didn't point that one out.

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