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Now: Mass Effect 2
Next: Outer Wilds
Later: Undertale Yellow

Stream: https://www.twitch.tv/gamesdonequick
Schedule: https://gamesdonequick.com/schedule/48

Previous: >>681558383
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I've migged.
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>click on stream
>see literal tranny running the game
>see literal tranny on the couch
>close stream
this shit gets worse every year
>Undertale Yellow
i'll migrate this time.....but don't do this again......
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mmm sounds fair, is probaly first time for ludwig fans saw a WW speed run. maybe we are the problem
stop fishing easy replies , here's your (You) btw
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You can smell the runner's pee through your screen!
Anon, I don't think she's trans......
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With the cost of living being as high as it, thank you for letting troons live rent free in your head
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>click on stream
>the screen is purple
so...where is....you know.....this little things....the dolls...the fumos?
GDQs now are way to inbred to attract new blood
that's undertale
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Is this even a real thing?
We were always at war with Fumos
Yes, my Italian girlfriend has it.
Open for vistarts saar. Do not redeem the entry
is your italian girlfriend real
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>the runner
There's newfags every event asking about context or how to get webms with sound or even just clearly acting different from the usual people here
no its what fat girls doctor shop to get as a diagnosis for being lazy
yes, i have it (male)
Oh yes, the ICONIC "whiteboard joke that doesn't really land because it's impossible to see on stream" Corvimae bit.
I'm giving this run an F just for that
I can't see shit on that flowchart
clearly you meant the actual event and not the threads, I'm tired, sorry anon forgive me
or do what you must.
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tell me when he is done, please
shes so precious
It's been over a decade, I forgot how much soul Mass Effect 1 and 2 oozed. Especially the soundtrack.
that's a yellow wizard if I had ever seen one
oh my GOD shut the fuck up nobody cares its not funny
It is in a sense. However, it’s kind of the medical equivalent of a catch all for whenever doctors don’t know/care.
what the fuck are they doing
these gdq staff members cant help but attention whore when they're on the couch huh
this is kino actually
I just came back from fapping. Has anything noteworthy happened recently?
GDQ hates fumos because incels like them.
We can't have fumo fun because of this. Their senseless virtue signals is what kills the fun of just some happy smug dolls on chairs to make the crowd seem more alive and cute.
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Cute they/them!
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This is a game?????? What do you "play", exactly?
He/Him actually :)
he did this same skit with another game last year, it was just as funny then
its really this intricate? i just did all the side stuff and picked who made the most sense.
So educational
I can't get over his fucked up chipmunk face.
Tranny didn't get enough attention and they begged the runner to pull this cringe stunt so they could make a segment of the run about them.
In other news a bear shat in the woods
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you already got whats coming to you
your penis
mass effect is one of them hentai things
I did the same and had no deaths. It's really obvious who you should pick for what role and if you did everything then it's pretty much guaranteed everyone survives.
You know what I learned from that?
If I ever decide to play Mass Effect 2 I'm going to just look up what people to send where.
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Oh my god shut the fuck UP I want to hear the suicide mission's soundtrack
I remember watching drunkwario being featured on this platform and then turned out he was a pedo. Seems like a lot of these speed runners are deviant weirdos.
I think people would be more accepting of trans if they just stopped talking
they always fucking shoehorn themselves into everything and ALWAYS have to say SOMETHING
what the heck? that's not how you play games?
and muted again
You don't have to if you pay attention. Just do the loyalty missions and when they ask for a tech guy, send a tech guy and when it asks for a team leader, send a team leader.
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I'm beginning to hate videogame derivatives
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are mass effect 2 runs always that bad?
Wrong. The character is a girl and the person playing them is a male.
alright who is gonna try to be the most annoying person in the world next
as another anon said, the term freak gets thrown around a lot these days but this guy really, really fits the moniker
where do they find these fucking people?
He. =]
so which persons on the screen are troons?
>always the same b/c-tier runners that check the diversity boxes
>always the same games
>always the same stale jokes and donos
>always the same globohomo ultra safe chat
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all of them
its not that hard. the games like "dude who do you want doing the biotic shield, the master biotic user or some guy"
The spirit of a migger transcends one body
if you have to ask they've passed anon....
I just looked at the sgdq YouTube and I see like 5 people wearing face masks… what the fuck. The pandemic ended in 2021
cool so stop watching
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Sorry, Shepp's property
was this guy banned?
There might be some edge cases where Mordin can die if you take like Grunt/Garrus to the final boss and your hold the line rating gets fucked. Might need to also have someone strong escort back the crew members for that. Otherwise it's just picking the obvious people to do their thing.
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Why are you watching then?
theyre at every fucking event anon, you should know the answer already
either learn who the runners are or stay in the dark
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I’ve never played a mass effect game but played kotor2 (never the first). I understand that I should obviously play the first two but I remember when the third game came out everyone shat on it hard. Does that mean I just shouldn’t bother with the series at all? I hate when things aren’t resolved properly, but I’m actually fine with things that just ended without full resolution of various things
Damn she's cute. Wonder if she's part of the Frame Fatales.
my guess
>sanjan - she/they: probable troon based on pronouns
>mikewave- he/him: not a troon
>corvimae - she/her: definite troon from apperance
(you) me when the next run is on
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turned into a pillow...rough...
The ending is kind of shit BUT the big negative reaction to it was mostly because they did the one thing for an ending they explicitly said they wouldn't do.
ME3 got overhated because of the extremely high expectations. Not saying it's fantastic, but playing ME 1-3 is worth it if you like sci-fi RPGs.
Wait you can use Jack for the biotic barrier segment? I thought the Asari MILF was the only safe option.
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agreed, most sterile boring event and weakest threads, this has been the most mind numbing GDQ i've ever seen
the funny thing about this is that the camera cuts off halfway down his chest, but thats actuually where the shirt ends (yes, he wore a half-shirt that exposes his entire belly)
>most sterile boring event and weakest threads
You've clearly never seen RTAiJ or posted in the threads.
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Replayed all 3 games in the series ~3-5 times each. It's a legitimately good series. The ME3 ending controversy is overblown and was largely fixed by the DLC epilogue.
lol ME3 has a shit ending that completely ruins everything. unless you want to stop right before the ending then it's better to just not play ME3 at all
the reaction is pretty much for the story and ending which shits the bed completely. otherwise i enjoyed playing through the rest of the game. but the story is like star wars sequels tier.
The series is still worth playing especially if you're there for the characters and not the overarching plot. If you enjoy KOTOR's formula it's a lot like that but with more action and cinematic moments.
Sanjam is a woman. A lot of biological women in these types of communites go by they/them because it makes them "unique" when in reality it's the furthest thing from the truth since they all fucking do it.
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don't listen to those fucking retards the ending was just a fucking color change and then kikEA asked you to pay for more shit in dlcs
It got right fully shat on.

Pirate them no need to give a dime to a faggot company
>I hate when things aren’t resolved properly
Good because all your choices throughout the games only affect the color filter chosen during the ending cutscene.
ok so I got 1/2 troons and correctly identified 2/3 of the people on the cam. my intuition isn't doing too bad
i meant of gdqs, even tranny fatalles had better oc posting than this
they hate jacob???? are you allowed to do that???
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>Hurry up, morons. I've got another run after this, you know.
This gook is all gums and not in a good way
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no chart?? how was Sunset Riders, and the Mega Man runs?
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Nevermind. I thought it was 1:10:00.
there is not a single human on this earth who likes jacob
Another game what took longer than the time limit
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9pm and only 50k. Is this event finally dying?
I care so little about this I didn't even notice.
The chart got fucked during the Katamari run due to a spam between two autists who hated or loved the tranny vtuber
heh get owned loser I saw your goof
i'm sure his mom liked him
>we need a giant Terminator for... for FOR REASONS
Oh shit did UTY already pass?
omg...a human reaper....SHOOT IT IN THE HEAD
haha what a dork
Killing Saren in the first game was a huge mistake.
Is confusing the 8 for a 0 a running joke I'm not privy to?
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meme tier
It's chewsday innit?
God damn, that was boring. Modded too.
c, I fell sleep for 20 min
'ate soi space games. simple as
no thanks
>You come to me, on the day of my daughter's wedding
i hate when mr fat cheeks opens his mouth
Where's the real "RATE THE RUN" anon?
Z too many trannies
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Z a mih 'niod m'I
It's like lyme disease, it's fake.
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Which sponsored game will bail them out?
Alright run, but nothing crazy. Girl is a cute autistic and would hold hands.
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B. Good run but some parts were boring.
B, it was a run
ill give him a D
Z I almost fell asleep
D ropped 10 minutes in
C it was a speedrun
Take it off you sweaty caveman
The green light looks right
Does Prize Goblin ever bathe?
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>game went over estimate by 6 minutes and no one cared
I'd burn that jacket
hes getting the coat all greasy
I swear to god scent got more bald since the event started
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F ucking boring
this greaseball is the only soul left at these events. I remember his first prize segment he was so nervous hes really come into his own. He didnt used to be this greasy though
Do they think this retarded shit is funny? Is there anybody who actually finds this funny?
With all that grease he's getting on it, it'd be a genuine fire hazard
Probably the Yeti like always.
holy shit it's KingCobraJFS
D idn't watch
The zoom on the beard made me close the stream. Tell me when he's gone
Sent was one of the 12 apostles
i like this guy
Fuck man the day started alright and now every run is a slog
and now the prize goblin
I just had a warm deep stomach bolognese fart and I swear my brain thought "yeah, that's how he'd smell"
Scent is /our/ guy, newfag.
Let's see you do better in front of a crowd of 100,000,000000for safchrity.
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Did I miss Outer Wilds or has it not started yet?
kinda boring
Ah yes, my favorite Mass Effect character, Lobster.
I wish he removed all of the hair above his neck.. do something, Scent
Looks less like corleone and more like Bobby baccala
been and gone.
Who tf would pay for an animorphed mass effect poster
i like his lip smacking
Prize Goblin has more charisma in his greasy beard than anyone else at this GDQ. The day he's gone is the day GDQ is truly dead.
its over anon, you can come back now
C pretty boring
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suck on this insensitive cocsucker
He really brings the oldschool autism we miss so much
B okayish
why'd he start fucking the plushie
>pans down
>still has his hobo pants on

absolutely based
His hair ;_;
TMDWU. sponsored by bond tactical soap and the yetee
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Thank you for being honest
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SGDQ will never be as fun as it once was.
I'd argue that it's no longer as good for charity.
Just let it go friends.
>not using a ""valid"" excuse like not wanting corona
you fucked up
Looks like he's about to guide a Hellspawn away from Malebolgia
damn warrior of light got hit by that ultimate alimony battle
there is going to be a kaizo relay race with super mario make later on in the event. atleast its not a pokemon kaizo shit.
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>Mr. Game and Shout segment
Poor hygiene makes one look even grosser. Plus growing your hair out is a dead giveaway on its own.
This is how much they had last year at around the same time.
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me rn
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'Ah you think grease is your ally? You merely adopted the dank. I was born in it, molded by it."
>there's a b/w run later
threads will be unbearable
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Pretty dire prime time slot. I remember all the big games are usually at this time.
Honestly thought it would be a bigger difference
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>zesty taste
how many dorito bags you guys bought so far?
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400k now
I bought pringles out of spite.
you've been working hard tonight anon
oh boy I can't wait for the skill-less trannies that pretend kaizoshit is anything but retarded to shit up the thread
>400k in less than 3 days
>but /v/ will say GDQ is dead
you guys are in your own reality
Boring as fuck.
C- I guess? Didn't seem to fuck up any, but running oob is just so uninteresting. Couch was dead too other than the autism fueled TED Talk on how the last mission works.
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>They'll expect one of us in the grease fire, brother..
dang, today's been amazingly MEH.
Well, the ratings seem higher across the board than usual. For what that's worth.
>9 overestimate
Has anyone made a list of how many runs went overestimate per each year of AGDQ and SGDQ? Cause I swear this year it feels like it's been way more common than usual.
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I love outer wilds and it's funny how they're trying to squeeze so much out of it. Shipless category sounds ambitious
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let me run some Biden math for you
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look, if fritolay wasn't charging like 5 dollars a bag I would have bought some
where's the girl marker?
The practice room has a snes set up wtu a Pringle game on it. It's pretty neat.
is that a tranny on the left on the couch?
its just a normal any % run. its not random like iron mon is.
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>Mr. Suck and Fuck
100% base game shitless
Fug, I'm not going to watch this one because I still want to play it and don't want it ruined for me.
>Dev couch

Might be alright.
I have to go for an hour, anons. I don't want Outer Wilds to be spoiled for me.
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now i am become game dev, patcher of games.
they should be on all the charts
snape kills dumbledore
Putting aside Mr. Lame As Shart look at that lineup, this might be good
Why are they playing on Russian?
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they did my chibi robo fucking DIRTY.
It's basically the same, what's your point?
Spoilers? Well shit... maybe I don't want to watch then
ash wins the pokemon league
meant for >>681566770
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I knew I forgot something.
I'm sorry for disrespecting women.
Watch the viewer count drop now lmao
bros I matched with a bratty 21 year old japanese girl as a 32 year old man... we're all going to make it...
why is the S after the A, it should be before Z.
the answer is universally because it saves time over english
Did you start talking to her yet? Matching doesn't mean shit anymore.
this is MUCH worse than just using a ship........
Am I gonna understand why Ninja Gaiden is a trainwreck or did I have to be here?
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I'm leaving soon though...
Just watch it and you'll understand
What lineup?
>undertale fangame
>outer reddit meme game
>some game nobody has heard of
>lufia for 4 hours
Sly Cooper might be ok but only furries run that
>puzzle game speedrun
>racing game speedrun
>boring stuff the whole rest of the day
Tomorrow is dead
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>suddenly russian
just watch it, it's a short run, look at the estimate
Trainwreck incoming
>beating a space game with the power of troll physics
this is an instant A for me

I'm talking about this run, anon
This is gonna be the over estimate kind of run huh
Amazing start.
death 2 inc
Way less trannies this year.
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do I smell CHOKE
its over
bets on number of attempts?
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This is terrible
I'm craving peanuts rn
Falling asleep to this boring game
Lads...strap in.
This is gonna be real
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>runner throws himself into the sun over and over for 1:15
could be kino
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What's this game about?
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backup save load soon
Don't shittalk Lufia, that's a good game.
so if it's so hard why didn't he just practice it till he could get it?
>runner already 2 hours behind
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Strap in, anons. Or go to bed.
her zipper is half-open...
why the meme category? is 100% with the ship boring?
>Rick and morty requires knowledge to understand (reddit meme)
>so does outer wilds (reddit beloved game)
The scale in this game is really weird.
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>Middle-earth: Shadow of War
>Blade of Galadriel Any%
Yes! YESSS!!!
Fuck, I thought this was gonna be the Outer Worlds. See you in an hour.
my only guess is because it's been run before
being gay with your dad
yeah we are meeting up on Friday for lunch. Idk it's weird, I very rarely get these way younger matches. It's so exhausting only talking to 30+ women all the time
>5 he/him
This is trans genocide.
I'm not watching this one because of all the people saying not to spoil a second of it.
Lufia is good. Just played through it a month ago for the first time. It'll be a comfy run but not the most exciting. Best game on the schedule for the next day
So instead of using the ship he just glitches himself slower to the planets with the gun, great?
brungo is a trans man
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I keep getting the fucking name of this game mixed up with Outer Worlds.
I always confuse the two too
>GDQ Daily Recap
>not redbull daily recap
lel, did gdq get dropped from that sponsorship?
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>the hubris in this run...
>...don't they understand this changes everything
was that Mr. Divorced and Unemployed doing a black woman impression? uhh y'all?
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Okay I can see why that was hard now
Good on you.
Though if you haven't played it after four years of /v/ shilling it I don't know why you think you ever will.
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dragon ball worlds
>Mr divorced and unemployed
Made me laugh harder than I expected
me when I wake up to some new GDQ webms being posted
Because I own it and am reminded of it every once in a while, tell myself I'm going to play it, then forget.
no GDQ just renegotiated the sponsored segment, Red Bull still sponsor them with items
what is the context?
It's boring shit anyway. Woah time loop (you discover in 5 minutes anyway)
Why does Katamari have triple the votes of any other run so far
wasn't that ESA?
are pronouns finally required? usually i see a couple people per day with none but i don't think i've seen a single person with no pronouns yet this year
thats what people always say but this shit seems boring as hell
you can arrange a divorce on the chibi robo game.
>tfw ywn be retardedly excited for something like this ever again
prove it
For some reason the chibi robot game had a divorce square they were all aiming for. Game and shout is going through a divorce. Hilarity ensued
esa had only 1 sponsor last event, that's another reason it was dying, then the new scandal is just nailing the coffin
It absolutely is. This game is incredibly boring, if you buy into the story and aren't put off by the ugly aliens and wonky physics you would enjoy, but you really have to love the story
yep, pronouns are mandatory now for GDQ!
Try looking closer at the image
dam, i saw metroid fusion and thought it was just ok, commentary was pretty annoying. if that's the highest rated run of the marathon then things aren't looking good
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Why indeed
>the katamari run count changed again
Just delete the whole thing.
pls ignore the katamari schizo
so it had triple the votes of megaman 9?
I think he went back and counted the votes that were still being posted like half an hour later kek
refer to
Watch this gave me the same feeling as watching corviemae taking the stage from yet another person because they didn't have 30 minutes of constant praise and attetnion.
try smart ball instead
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furries and weebs went haywire on a mediocre cult game.
>yep, pronouns are mandatory now for GDQ!
That's fucked up, but it was obvious from the moment they started using them that it was going to happen
The Killing Time was the highest rated run so far thoughever
furries and weabs need to die out no cap
No they aren't. I didn't add them on my badge at all
thoughbeit only cause of the thread
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another hour of fucking whoosh whoosh whoosh whoosh whoosh whoosh whoosh
wave at the camera
holy kino
There was one guy who tried to show up without pronouns and the staff pulled him into a checkpoint intermission and beheaded him as "a lesson for the unbelievers".
Fucking unbelievable stuff, it really is a cult.
You really shouldn't believe random anons that easily
Used to be sus votes got discarded, kind of weird they arent now
I'm at home today and probably tomorrow. No good runs on the schedule I want to be there for. I'll be back on Thursday and friday
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there is no person more detestable than game and shout
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>4 hour SNES RPG run later
>chill balding oldfag with deep voice
peak comfy soon bros
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>tfw they mentioned sagan after i made this.
this game was kino but I hated having to grind
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>Undertale with Mr Gay and Cringe after this.
>the new scandal
keizeron, corvimae, shovelclaws
>You really shouldn't believe random anons that easily
You really should explain what's incorrect if you want to refute something.
shovelclaws is cute so it gets a pass
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You're right. Katamari run deserves an S!
The grinding in it isn't very intense compared to most Jrpgs from that time desu. Maybe 2 hours in the whole game and by the end I was op as fuck anyway
Was the dev in chat just QA or something? Was hoping for some cool insight or something.
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>shovelclaws is cute so it gets a pass
because it's subjective what counts as "sus" and throwing votes away ends up causing even more drama
cute at what, kid got groomed by discord before his balls dropped. tragic single mother victim
the lovare thing, someone(blacktastic?) sniffed her hair and she thought it was creepy
I think this is one of the two engineers that worked on it
This is one of my favorite games of all time, and the concept of this run is great, but the runner is having some major issues.
Lets meet up there nigga
whats your badge name
It was her choice.
hes on the couch
>kind of weird they arent now
Retards just don't read spoiler tags anymore
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reminder that the osrs run has no chance of being good
is lovare the prize mommy or that fat girl with the thick accent
did you just use its wrong pronouns on purpose shitlord
>it's nu-OSRS content
What makes you think it ever had any chance of being good?
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anon what the
hold on there's someone freaking the fuck out at my do
raids is really the only thing to speedrun apart from a quest maybe
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>Argick as host
>Keizaron on the couch
prize mom

dev couch is always such garbage. they never contribute anything and it feels like most of them dont even play their own games
i love this game but holy shit this is boring. novelty of the category really wears off after the first 20 seconds of staring at the ground and shooting the scout over and over
the former but the latter also describes her
ok I'm out of here. too many trannies itt. too many trannies on the screen. shit run. shit runner. hope this event dies a painful death
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cox is good content
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>set an alarm 30 minutes before the run is supposed to start
>the run is already 20 minutes in
>too many trannies itt
their mods dont even watch the game since they're lazer focused on keeping the chat clean
Are you a TF2 bot?
she have 4 big problems with ESA
1. 3 tards follow her in the elevator (only for staff to point you need staff card) she panic hard and rush to her hotel room and have shit time to point of crying
2. while shilling one guy grab her head and tried to kiss her and sniff her hair
3. She planed to do a interview to some dude, but ESA staff made her wait 20 min with other dude. later she discover that guy was acussed for molesting other girks
4 I forgot
This. Why the fuck have they got the devs there if we aren't learning about the game. We can watch a speedrun explanation any time ffs
I NEED to rape this thing
That is so incredibly petty
nigger, this is the most men we ever had on screen all week.
he's counting himself
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Dis you? I'll be in the practice room sometime then playing balatro or stardew likely during downtime
>mediocre cult game
kys normalfag
Unironically couldn't think of a worse combo
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I heckin love outer wilds!
when they have a dev who actually has something interesting to say, it's inevitably ruined by the autistic runner not wanting to engage. perfect examples are the infamous metroid prime 2 run from years ago and doom from last gdq. one exception i can remember was one of those new blood boomer shooter runs from a few years back where the devs were great. they gave good commentary and were excited for the run and the runner actually talked to them
I wont be there till tomorrow night and haven't went yet this week.
Ill look around, I'm a 6'1" white dude with brown hair and probably will be wearing a band t shirt.
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Why do Reddit games always have the worst runners.
That sounds like half the people that will be there, lol
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no wonder why real women stopped attending these events

can't have shit
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none of the things good about this game come across in a speedrun
Well I look like I passed football tryouts while also being bullied for being gay if that helps
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Raids are garbage. Anything past the original 2007 content is garbage.
https://pastebin.com/sSEJm6vk I fast read it so maybe I got few things wrong
that describes 50% of the trannies there
This but unironically.
wow, you can see your legs in this game, nice.
Same height and hair color. Probably black shirt khaki jeans
This is also true
they should speedrun 100 barrows chests instead
A speedrun of outer wilds of all games? Why the fuck would anyone want to speedrun this game? These fags will do anything to get their stupid name on some leaderboard huh.
You have to have an extremely high IQ to enjoy this run.
Last GDQ's Doom was fucking incredible, I think the dev kept interrupting the runner or donation reader to announce he was getting snacks or going to the bathroom, at one point asked if this was like a LAN party or something, just completely in his own lane. The runner was completely bothered by it, that guy is a legend.
There was a blade 2 run that was certified kino. Dev had plenty of good stories
I have amaterasu tattooed on my wrist
Only 2 actually based games on there (hotline Miami and prime)
I'm sympathetic. The game has interesting physics, I could respect someone wanting to spend more time getting REALLY good with it.
im sure twitch chat is very high iq
>undertale yellow
so, they're actually running a fucking fan game? why?
too bad he didn't
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I LOVE OUTER WILDS! I wish marshmallows were real...
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This thread is really, really gay. Extraordinarily gay.
I'll be there tomorrow night if you guys wanna meet up. I have a shaved head and a curly mustache that makes me look like I'm a powerlifter from the 40s. Legit can't miss me.
the dog version or the huge titty mommy version?
Wish they were able to get more level designers on the couch. Hearing their reactions to the runner just skipping all their work is fun.

there's a reason the game was dead in the water until they started adding new content
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HuGAWD even got his own rating
why not, they do romhacks all the time
The Itachi version I just liked his eye
I got the tattoo for free after driving someone to a street fight
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Think this was me in back. I'm on TV mom
Isn't this the game that the devs are shilling 24/7 on /v/?
>there's a reason the game was dead in the water
That's a good thing. Everyone who played it were satisfied with the little time capsule that it was.
can you say the no-no word so we know it's really you?
How's the smell there?
retards will always think a game is dead with no updates even though they haven't scratched 1/100th of the content in the game
It's /v/edditors doing it for free.
that fucking pew pew sound is gonna be embedded in my ears all week.
yeah the one guy was involved in like art design or something so probably doesn't have the same and the other guy was kind of vague about what he did but didn't sounded like some physics programming or something
it's a good game, anon. very comfy.
I actually never passed by anyone that smelled bad. The arcade room did kinda smell vaguely of BO though.
has frozenflygone been getting curried
I know, I played it already.
which one?
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quick /v/, name my band
twisted sister
She was yesterday but since I wasn't there today I couldn't confirm.
>please clap
>please clap
twister sister, now fuck off.
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Mom Dads
twisted sister
just save it for the end of the run retards
I don't know shit about this game. Is it a full reset each time he dies, or is there still some progression made?
I fucking hate that guy in the audience laughing at everything. Have any of you spotted him? I hear him but I cant localize him, help me find the fucker please.
sister twisted
twisted sister
Straightened Brother
I don't blame the devs, I blame the self important runner. The run is ALL they have in their life and they are not gonna give up their time to let the devs talk about their game.
Twisted Misters
wow that was pathetic. z tier run
you keep your ship logs
Twisted Transistor
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That's me. I'm enjoying myself
Why don't they ever speedrun pikmin here
uuhhh, that was a pretty big choke, no?
they do, and it's a group of trannies every single time
holy shit i cant believe he died there that was the worst possible time
I blinked, what the fuck killed him this time?
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you called?
he bonked 'is 'ed
Me :3c
ran into a vine
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suddenly coming to a halt
Thank you for your refutation, you are correct
Slaming his face into a branch
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wait he die?
>couch tries to cover with useless conversation
>runner sits quietly in shame

I hate this part.
the game was fucking boring cause the only thing to do was slayer (THE reddit skill) and pvp
it had less average players than rs3's current death spiral
Hi Keiz!
leave him alone, he's doing something very hard.
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>who need ship anyway
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>gender studies answer
>They're turning the freaking ships gay!!
>pronouns in space
and now its even more reddit than ever
Puts a smile on my face.
People like you ruined the game. You were so mad about what RS3 has become you had to ruin OSRS. All of you faggots were crying for them to add the GE and then the rest is history.
Fucking knew Kiez lurked here. We fucking hate you dude, stop self inserting into every event
fujos have been doing that since the beginning of time
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bold move bringing pronouns into it
aight fuck this, which elden ring boss is moonmoon currently stuck on
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Kiez kinda reminds me of this
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i regret waking up for this
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>game and shout starts talking
>i mute
>unmute some time later
>uhh... we can probably fit in a donation or two
>i mute
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just broke into keizaron's room and shit all over his bed
cheers lads
>its never going to end
So if a ship is a she by that logic, it can be fucked?
How do you know he lurks here?
from the art I've seen, yes
He's literally replying to the tweets about him in here. If there was a cam on him at the event you would see him on his phone
>All of you faggots were crying for them to add the GE
no I fucking despise the GE, p2p trading will always be a hill I will die on because I enjoy when games have friction.
I'm just not against games evolving and adding new content because it gives players something to strive for
in some ways sure, like all their retarded pandering to ironmen, fucking the economy to please them
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he is?
All I see is some /v/irgin posting my boredom doodles on a 1 follower account.

If he was, i'd have more motivation to do shit
You know what, you're alright, anon. I was too harsh on you. However, I still think OSRS is shit. That's why I play /v/scape instead.
He is way too sensitive to ever be here, he would be crying on Twitter right now about people being mean to him
outer KINO. I still think it shouldn't be streamed for big events because it's truly a game you can only play once. then only live vicariously through other people playing for the first time.

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