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Now: Dirge of Cerberus: Final Fantasy VII
Next: Middle-Earth: Shadow of War
Later: Mirror’s Edge

Stream: https://www.twitch.tv/gamesdonequick
Schedule: https://gamesdonequick.com/schedule/48

Previous: >>681610085
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Dump it Now
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I'm not here
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What's her endgame?
I just transitioned
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Holy kek these prizes
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What's Corvimae holding?
>Finnruns July 3rd-7th
>ASM July 15th-21th
>ESA July 20th-27th
>RTA August 8th-15th
>BSG August 11th-17th
>Final Fantasy Relay IX August 16-19th
>Flame Fatales August 18th-25th
There will be threads
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Thread rules:

Stay Hydrated
Wear your mask
Social distance
Stand up and stretch
Check in on yourself
Take your meds
LGBTQIA+ Lives are Human Lives

>over halfway through the event
>still under $500k
is it over?
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i can't believe aerith dies
How did these events get invaded by trannies?
What's the lore on this Plum meme?
Something like this would be better suited in a set. Have the whole Super Mario Kart roster, each in their own little frame.
what's with rainbow skrillex in the center of the frame
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>he bogged himself to look fatter.

what the fuck is wrong with these "people"
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I forgot the image
just migged from sleep
what did I miss
Don't worry, several anonymous $10,000 donations will show up last minute to break records.
Hoping this SGDQ 2017 playlist is complete. I'm going to see what did I miss. I should wait until 2024 is over, though.

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>see dirge of cerberus on my twitch followed channels
>oh sweet i didn't even realize there's an AGDQ going
>open stream
>first thing i see
can i get a qrd on wtf did i just watch?
All of the autists that were already involved converted into trannies because the internet convinced them that they could belong
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that looks as ridiculous as that fucking picture Tim Buckley made of link
Be lusted by freaks on her 30s
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the prize hosts remind me of different aspects of chaos
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They changed it in the remake.
by not gatekeeping their hobby
I just dropped a fat dirge in my toilet
cringe of cerberus
I refuse to elaborate.
>venue hall is always empty
>never even filled half the seats for any "prime time" runs
they're not even gonna reach 1 million
it's over for GDQ, just like ESA
That's hot
>JRPG run
Well I guess I have 90 minutes to work out, take a shower and get lunch.
happened from within. You can take random screencaps from old gdq runs and count several people in them who eventually trooned out
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So what's the lore behind this guy? The edgy role is already taken by Sephiroth in FF7 and I never really payed attention to his backstory.
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My wife loves this game. I have a hard time getting into it though.
They should comission something from the guy that did those posters for SA
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they need to stop playing that classical super mario bros remix between games... It's getting old!
is this game real? never heard of this
Why would you do this to yourself.
Dynamited Ant NT
Get pregnant by a tranny and make her husband raise it
Autistic people are extremely susceptible to social manipulation. It infected one and the mind virus spread.
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He was in love with a babe. But some poindexter beat him and impregnated her so hard. So he lived the rest of his life in a cuck coffin in the basement where the poindexter did some experiments until Cloud and friend found him
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Everything besides the base FF7 game for the original Playstation is not canon & should be ignored and anyone who says otherwise is a paid employee of Square-Enix.
no its ai generated
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>no memory card run
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How big was anon?
Wow, really!!
millenials be like yo this gameplay is fire
I'm begging you to take a shower
>10 apm
1 action every 6 seconds
Lol it looks like he's WANKING lol
What are you going to do about it?
first trick first fail
>I love curry thiiiiiis much
>masturbating as part of a skip
did GDQ really allow this?
does that mean that one mistake can reset the whole run? nice.
What pizza toppings should I get?
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I don’t know if video games just suck now or if it’s because I’m just old and no longer have hope.
I like the pretty twink Link in the upper right
he's a vampire sort of
Bottom right is alright
this nigga is unironically rockin a hoobastank tshirt
Oh no....uh oh....
there's something hilarious about fully shaded bad anatomies that i cant quite explain it
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Based and correct I still enjoyed the remakes though
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fuck her skin looks bad.
I don't want to know how bad her ass and vag skin looks like
>hoobastank shirts are now vintage
adorably cute
is there something wrong with hoobastank?
Why is her skin so bad? Does she not shower?
Hekkin cuet and dentist's dream
I fucking love it.
they spent so much time and attention on shading and lighting, but absolutely none to the actual subject
I bet she smells vaguely of stale shit
is anyone theyre in person
does it smell bad
Anyone got a recent chart?
Dirge isn't a verb.
wash your cago shorts, they're starting to smell
get dirged on, nerd
Dollar store Ana De Armas.
dirging rn
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uuuoooooh i'm dirgin'
Is this the one with Red Sephiroth?
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curry, mushrooms, peanuts, and banana
she's what homeless people find in the dollar store's dumpster
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Sausage and mushrooms, or anchovy and bacon
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>read chat
>i remember i sold pokemon emerald to buy this and then not even an hour in i got an infinite stun lock on me
I think everyone has a story where they gave up a good game for a bad one.
bruh the only similarities are that they have eyes
Swedes are fucking unhinged.
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Bro she's something dripping from a dumpster in the alley near the dollar store.
It's because you can tell the artist thought it was INCREDIBLE
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post the charts or just tell me how was the Lufia 2 run, I had to sleep.
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I just realised this this isn't actually a PS1 game.
Olives, mushrooms, sun-dried tomatoes, jalapenos and pineapple.
>one more attempt
Final Fantasy was never good, you were just a kid
She would be too with the 20 pounds of makeup removed.
trans reader
yeah, it looks like shit.
this but Sonic instead
Holy one letter grade degradation.
F tier...
uh oh
What's happening exactly?
One of the key traits of autists is that they can't comprehend lies. While they're aware of the concept, they never gain the ability to tell effective lies and they never gain the ability to detect non-obvious lies in others. When you hear a tranny talk about how transitioning fixed everything, you know it's a cope. When an autist hears this story, they believe it, because they can't understand why anyone would tell lies to feel better about their mistakes:
>felt different for as long as they could remember
>bullied for non-manly hobbies
>uncomfortable with body
>transitioned and everything is better now
The autist identifies with the past life and is immediately primed. The tranny naturally takes the autist's feelings of identification for the sign of an egg waiting to be cracked. This leads to a rapid back and forth of the tranny pushing girlish things on the autist, the autist responding positively to being included and feeling like they belong, and the tranny taking the positive response as a sign to keep pushing.

In short, once the first tranny appears in an autist colony, transitioning spreads rapidly and naturally.
i miss /srg/ bros
run ruined
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jesus christ
uematsu was also a bad composer
If her skin is so bad, what's your skin routine bros? You DO have one right? You have healthy, pristine skin, right?
Cringe kino coming up?
Does it just not exist anymore? When did it die?
the enbotchening of dirge of cerberus
2006 even
he wanted to do the skip with keyboard and mouse for easier mashing but its broken
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My skin routine is to put water on my face.
Why even bother speedrunning a game where you have to mash like that a bunch? He's just asking for fucked up hands
you're right, its my pronoun
dirge am enjoying the run so far!
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Sure thing, Frozenflygone.
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Water you say?
I use an exfoliate once in the morning then lotion after I shower.
My skin has always been pretty good but I still do it anyways.
The newer games aren't any worse the fans just grow up and realize how mediocre the series is but look back at the older ones with rose-tinted glasses
moisturizer after shower
no clue. i just remember lurking back in the day. probably died a long while back
Final Fantasy should be banned from GDQ
Spin-off or not, these runs are always boring
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Cute sheep.
no people actually look different anon
Bro what, I didn't know Final Fantasy had an action/3rd person action game before we ever got the Final Fantasy VII remake.
Shut up fag, I'm enjoying this run
I only eat gourmet sausages, coffee, cashews, and handfuls of mixed berries. I take two walks in the sun every day, totaling 45 minutes in near 100 degree weather. I rinse in cold water for 5 minutes every night.
Warm neutral soap wash every day, mineral scrub and a moisturizing mask weekly, all applied by my wife.
Why do you ask?
I don't wash my face.
Yea, more games exists than what my favorite youtuber plays. It's fucking crazy
Hey, Scent.
zack psp
pepperoni and jalapenos
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They don't have any remotely similar features
i rub shoe polish on my face
>Why do you ask?
so i can pirate any techniques that seem good I don't already do
When is your 18th birthday?
People will bad skin usually just have horrible diets consisting of processed shit, i.e. the average american
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I dont bathe, so when all the grease from my hear naturally drips down my face it acts as a natural humectant.
16 years ago
proper skin care will give you corvi cheeks, do it anons
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In the morning if my face is a little puffy, I’ll put on an ice pack while doing stomach crunches. I can do 1,000 now. After I remove the ice pack I use a deep pore cleanser lotion. In the shower I use a water-activated gel cleanser, then a honey almond body scrub, and on the face an exfoliating gel scrub.

Then I apply an herb-mint facial mask, which I leave on for 10 minutes while I prepare the rest of my routine. I always use an aftershave lotion with little or no alcohol, because alcohol dries your face out and makes you look older. Then moisturiser, then an anti-ageing eye balm followed by a final moisturising protective lotion.
I meant hair/scalp, shit.
Whoohoo, very nice! Good color.
kek I was waiting for this
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Is this just Gungrave: Final Fantasy edition?
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My diet consists of doughnuts, energy drinks, burgers, and potato chips.
all you need
anyone got a webm of the runnner mashing
it looked like he was jacking off
what do you want it for?
Hey! Runner here! I was actually jacking off haha.
nothing, i just thought it was funny
Ana's got some 10/10 titties
the zesty mario runner with the wiimote? wish I had it
reaction images
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>lv 3 means level 3
Cerave cream helped out with the weird dyshidrosis I suddenly got on my fingers last year. Would recommend again
what does Selcouth mean?
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Has there been a full audience yet? Maybe these hotel conventions can be toned down.
He wants to fap to it.
Did FFVII really deserve all of these spinoffs and whatnot?
eww stop fingering your asshole anon
aaaaaAAAAAAAA what the fuck
nigger, you are one google query away, you lazy cunt.
there was yesterday for the celeste run i think
Not really, no. It's all fanfiction tier dogshit.
I've seen it like half filled at most and that was on the first night.
I almost forgot about frozen pizzas.
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Holy shit, the viewership for this event is abysmal. They haven't even cracked 60K yet. The last event at least hit 80K once and broke 60K a few times. Donation pace is also about $65K behind where AGDQ was at this time. Is it finally ending?
I just splash my face with water a few times a day whenever it feels greasy. Haven't had acne or rough skin since my teen years.
Why are they deadnaming kate sith?
>posting from innsmouth
i'm enjoying this run
You sure you didn't come into contact with poison oak? That's what my skin looks like after some poison oak.
I bet she smells like french fries grease.
I went to a dermatologist to get some topical medicine prescribed.
yes, it was essentially the Titanic 1997 of video games. Massive gamble with new technology, extremely ambitious and it paid off
>tfw have skin disease
its over for me bros

nah anomymous will donate several million
>Donation pace
Don't worry, I'm sure some generous anons will step up.
I don’t hate these guys, but this run doesn’t feel interesting at all. I watched 3 hours of Lufia and had a better time
just like me
Had something like this on my glans
I was basically in my house all day since I work from home so I doubt it.
probably herpes
don't interact with avatarfags
Cannot be bothered looking and giving traffic to those weirdos sites - was there a Celeste run and how much they were jerking off the game simply because of one super tiny flag?
I get this on my foot, but not nearly as dense. Usually seasonal, and in the same spots each time.
Organizers simply need to do a better job filtering the runs. Watching a run where the runner makes frame perfect jumps, memorized cycles, has good rapport with the commentators is fun. Watching someone do mashing glitches to skip swarths of the game is not fun.
>Random chart used to tout “OLD GOOD, NEW BAD!”
Are we not gonna count views for YouTube vods? I don’t even know why you have to keep saying “oh it keeps getting worse” when you watch this event solely to shit on it.
They didn't say anything about the game, but the Celeste runner was trans and there were constant "TRANS RIGHTS" donations
I get this once a year every spring after the weather warms up, and then it goes away in like a week.
Inshallah all you "work" from home people get some mysterious illness and perish
Yeah, primetime yesterday. Realistically, that's all the justification needed for the hotel size. If they're getting full use out of it at peak, then the safe assumption is the off-camera areas (tournaments/arcades/board game tables) are getting plenty of use in the downtime. There's more size considerations to these things than "are the seats full at any given time?".
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I'm actually a 60kg Scandi twink.
Just enjoy the runs :)
>organizers need to cater to my specific tastes
nah it's fine, you're just a picky faggot
too fat
the organizers cant even pick normal intermission music let alone speedruns that arent made by their own or close friends
I weight less than you
prove it
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someone should speedrun gungrave gore
hey wagie, hurry up with the burgers
I'm going to smear them on the walls of the bathroom and watch you clean it up
>1 hour 20 minute estimate
I haven't been watching, are they ahead of time?
Please can this end?
Why did everything that ever came out in the PS2 era seem like automatic masterpieces? I remember cooming in my preteen pants when I first played this game in the 2000s.
How tall?
I'm 162 KG.
You can be my son.
>Are we not gonna count views for YouTube vods
Sure, go do that and report back.
Why do they always say something is going to be scary? It never is.
hows your heart condition going bro?
Games were actually games back then, and developers always had new, unique ideas in mind
What is your donation announcer reader tier list?
Good, actually. My knees, however, are fucked.
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Hi Rebel
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Mute > *
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you too
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>You should laugh at the friend requests Rebel, you know they're funny.
>No, Rebel! You know it would hurt your friends feelings! And think about the event organizers, you should shut off Steam notifications!
hahahah what if we made our own stream and the donations went to causing cancer hahahaha
where are the flashing lights and violence and gore and blood banners?!
Rebel is far bigger than that. You're looking for a bare minimum of 200 kg, plus more to account for however much over 1.6 meters he is tall.
t. American
Based taste
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Everything was an absolute classic.
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>He doesn't know about the final hour ten thousand dollar donations that get sent every five seconds to suddenly make them beat their goals.
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The deal with Celeste is it was released in 2018 and was a platformer with a plot about a girl overcoming depression and reconnecting with others. A couple of years later, around 2020 or 2021, the lead developer went tranny and named himself after the girl in the game (Madeline), and then made a DLC "epilogue" that not only negated the ending of the game, but retconned in that the girl AKSHULLY was trans and now the whole game was about being trans (or as he claimed, when making this DLC he "realized" that the character was actually trans).

It's one of the very few times trannies have actually successfully "claimed" ownership of a game so they tend to prop it up nonstop. Usually they just claim anything they see or play is "trans culture!" without any actual effect or relevance but in this case they got the dev to buy into their nonsense. I do not acknowledge retcons of course so she remains a girl. as in the game they released in 2018, but it's not a game I would play over and over anyway, I played it and that was enough, it's done.
Man, I had Hyperthyroidism and was severely underweight as a result. 67 kg at 183cm.
You must either be a child or a skeleton.
>poorfag units and questionable english
Not buying it
tldr: the game is shit
Where did he go?
Remember that these must both be read in Tiny Tim's voice.
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i thought the girl's name was celeste this whole time. if her name is madeleine, then who or what is celeste?
Any good run my fellow niggers?
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Holy fucking shit you can't ask that.
You're climbing a mountain called Mt. Celeste in the game.
The mountain.
>quiet time
>empty auditorium

Who do they think they are fooling?
fuck, why wasnt the game called Mt. Celeste or Celeste Mountain
Why is he climbing a mountain?
they have to say it because if theres even half a second of dead air somebody of screen sends greetings from germany
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Because both of those names sound stupid as fuck anon
What the hell dude
99% of these games aren't interesting. All the runners are sterile and fungible just like Euros who lack any humor, all the good ones in their categories already banned a decade ago. I haven't even watched the streams and don't feel like I'm missed anything from the sound of it.
they said that for the donation reader
Does Celeste Mountain have bottom surgery or a dick?
Is there room for the event to improve, or is it going to be the same masochistic experience until the last day?
>went tranny and named himself after the girl in the game
How embarrassing, he actually did the "she's LITERALLY me" thing.
what do you mean why, what else are you supposed to do with mountains? NOT climb them?
at least i would know they were talking about the mountain and not the girl by looking at the front cover
Why not? It's a challenge of will and perseverance.
Look at the grease marks on that sword
why are they standing up
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chart doko?
There are barely any speedruns, letsplays with some people that pretend they are speedrunners is what you get nowadays.
>verification not required
Celeste is much cleaner and easier to remember
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abandon hope
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Dios mios.
He wants to make love to the mountain.
Why would I waste time telling the eurocuck units he doesn't understand when my superior American education allows me to do basic conversions?
>restart console
wait i thought he took the memory card out
>6 hour awful block
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In this case, it's a console choke.
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The mountain is on the cover
it's not really choking if the controller isn't working
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any sightings? it's about time they let it out of its cage
ayo dis goofy aaah white boys tryna dance or some shit
It all begins to make sense.
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Never existed.
>they agreed on a group flex when none of them have any muscles
Somehow I doubt this person actually "cried".
>spend entire day in here troon and fag bashing
>twink starts attentionfag posting
>"omg are you breedable? Are you looking for a bf?"
This script doesn't make any sense retards, make up your mind if you hate fags or not
And if you do, gtfo
>Powerwash Simulator speedrun
How the fuck do you speedrun that game
who knows man, the repetition of 3 million gives me flame atronarch vibes
They're FF fans, what did you expect
Remember when they stalled for a fucking hour and then kept bumping up the estimate so it didn't go over?
hatefucking sissy fags with my FAT BASTARD COCK!!!!!!
by speedruning just the Spngebob dlc, learn how to read retard
Another serving of shit, please. With extra side of undigested corn.

I want to quit, but I'm too afraid that the run that redeems it will happen immediately after.
>tiny mountain jpeg that bears no connection to the rest of the art
>art of girl taking up most of the cover in the same art style as the rest of the cover, and the fact that celeste is a feminine name
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>the doritos meter is gone
I like breadable boys, not fags that want to be a woman 24/7
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>i want sex crazed dudes not sex crazed dudes
by powerwashing fast...? you're asking that question for the wrong game, anon
I really didn't need to hear these guys moaning today
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I 'member
'member the halo stall?
Remember to stretch guys.
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They were standing for 10 seconds and moaning like they did a whole marathon wtf
Only watching for trainwrecks at this point
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>Fat Americans pretending to be healthy
>the lead developer went tranny
>retconned in that the girl AKSHULLY was trans and now the whole game was about being trans
Anyone else notice absolutely every time one of these creators goes tranny, they always make every game or movie or whatever they work on after that revolve entirely around "being trans"? Like because he later became a tranny, suddenly the game he made previously can't be about a depressed girl anymore, now it has to be about "being trans"?
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Reminder to stretch anons
7 day awful block*
I think it's wonderful that Elden Ring is being played near the end considering that last summer, we had the epic ascent to buttstank! We had just a few minutes left to raise smells to get to buttstank or the event was over! We got to buttstank for an Elden Ring encore! I cried when we hit buttstank! Greatest moment in GDQ history (IMO)! <3
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
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This game doesn't look bad i always told this game was awful
or this runner is making look good?
This is true, and in fact I also assumed it was the name of the girl as well before playing the game, but nonetheless, the mountain is on the cover.
It's all smoke and mirrors, it's a shit game.
Can someone rate this a B for me?
>plot about a girl overcoming depression
no straight man would play or make a game like this
there you go anon
This run is just as depressing as a dirge.
Please finish.
This guy has fucked up most of these hover aim things
kiwi, banana and pineapple with nutella
thank me later
>Awful Block starts at 1:40 AM
Well fuck you too I guess
The plot is barely existent in the game, it's 99% abstract platforming.
Was there any major skip or trick that this runner didn't fucked up?
is there some other event going on? just random calping in the background
I don't think I could find a pizza place that even offers those in my entire state
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>so yeah, the plan is to release this game about some side-character of a 10 years old game, on a totally different genre, console exclusive and at the end of the console lifespan
Do you think the people in the audience care about speedunning?
that's just a bunch of fat girls walking in
I like the lesson that you have to abandon depressed people because they'll drag you down.
Why else would they be there
What else are they there for? Sex?
The only good square enix games in the last 20 years have all been made by Yoko Taro
Hotel room orgies
Her foot are cute honestly.
The mid 2000s was FF7 spinoff city, they franchised it out. Advent Children, this, Crisis Core, that anime thing whatever it was called, appearances in Kingdom Hearts, etc.
I believe a sizeable portion of people there are just virtue signaling
How fucking hard is it to lift some fucking weights?
That looks like kino fuel.
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>Donation pace is also about $65K behind where AGDQ was at this time
SGDQ always gets less than AGDQ, so that's not really that concerning. Compared to other GDQs, it's also not that bad either.
(this year is the black line)
Why are Americans confused by the word Dirge?
anyone has the run ratings
>was there a Celeste run and how much they were jerking off the game simply because of one super tiny flag?
bizarre ironic post when it's always these threads that start hyperventilating and throwing shit at the shit because of said tiny flag no matter how quality and tech focused the run is
Only a proper slut would engage in something like that. Surely no female who attends GDQ would sink that low and dishonor herself and her family
i dirge you to stop
Depends on how heavy they are, I guess.
“People” eat this
nothing is stopping you from trying the game yourself
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I wonder.
very if you dont have any drive to do it
for a warehouse slave like myself im forced to lift shit
>I do not acknowledge retcons of course so she remains a girl. as in the game they released in 2018
I support this mostly because I'm tired of instantly surrendering stuff to trannies. I don't even particularly like the game or its time of platforming. But it's really tiresome how often some faggots on twitter go "___ is trans!" and people are just like oh, guess it's tranny stuff now, gotta let it go". Quit rolling over.
Kebab, shrimp and mayo
They think it is a verb for some reason.
Fucking ketchup is so expensive in bongland
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"Quality" " tech focused"...
a fucking any Sonic game is more tech focused with more frame perfect bullshit than Celeste ever saw
Who the fuck cares about all this
It's a good game
Genuine autism is a wonder to behold.
lol butthurt
So...why was this game bad? Has anyone played and can elaborate? It looks cool enough.
holy based
now drizzle some sauce au hollandaise over it
>europeans cry about american pizza
>meanwhile european countries put fucking fish sticks on pizza
god I hope she doesn't
Because unfortunately it has become an inextricable part of the discourse around the game. Make a thread about the game right now and see what the responses are. They won't be about gameplay.
They're fish fingers actually.
>fish sticks on pizza
sounds delicious
worst pizza is italian
I'm gonna be honest, I couldn't give less of a fuck about this run.
they're actually bâtonnets not fingers
Vincent is just like me, a neet friendless dirgem
what fucking fish has fingers??
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Not very hard. You can even shitpost in between sets.
Its going over estimate isn't it?
vincent is a cuck tho
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so why doesnt vincent just call upon his FF7 buddies to help him?
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>3 levels to go
>9 mins left
what's even sadder is that B^Uckley was copying an existing piece
might make this dogshit run somewhat decent
However, two types of fishes viz., a Coelacanth fish called Latimeria presently endangered and hence protected, possesses lobe fins which have skeleton similar to the fingers of the amphibians. Similarly, the lung fish (Dipnoi) have lobe fins with a similar skeletal structure.
I don't care if people are retarded. It's a good game and I shall say as such.
He fucked up a lot of tricks I wouldn't be surprised
>Yep, that's me alright
you can't be a cuck if she never was yours
The game is really good
The retcon is really cringe
The dev larping as the MC is INSANELY cringe
You should still play it
All true!
can someone explain to me what it means to dirge my cerberus
https://oengus.io/marathon/ESA-Sum24/schedule/schedule-1 updated ESA summer schedule is out btw
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good morning miggers
anything good happened after the guy having a mental breakdown over chibi robot?
I just now woke up.
god Chibi was so fucking BASED, gone too soon
Kirby's Air Ride race was banter kino
how was the katamari run?
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Scent greased up a helmet
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thanks I'll add it to the list
I'm just giving context. I said clearly at the end I completely discard all of that nonsense..
qrd on chibi robot breakdown? I was not here
>no stream 2
>no longer 24/7
Who gives a shit about ESA anymore? It's dead to me.
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Tasmanian Red Handfish
it's on youtube now
>no stream 2
they gave an update on the Macbat 64 runner
they never actually existed
I bet you will be shitting up the threads like a faggot still.
Based run
Gay run
Keyed run
Looking good. Umihawa Kawasr is on my watch list especially.
Straight run
why is he spoiling the game? is there nothing else to talk about?
curved run
it's a video game
1 minute left
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Just got back from work, last run I saw was the catastrophic Quake II run. What did I miss?
>they STILL havent updated their main website with the schedule
incompetent in a countless amount of ways, its time to move on
>reading a speech off his phone
Dude you're giving a shoutout from the couch, not accepting an Oscar.
Any last words before overestimate?
esa's hours of non video game shit is cancer
that's fine if you want to do stuff offline for attendees but it's dumb to drag others into it with live video
gay trannies
how is any of this connected to ff7
Say it with me

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>4 secs to go
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it was ok when they had a 2nd stream
but how much of the game is left now?
Dirge of Cerberus Remastered

yes or no
In short, the Earth was still in "kill all humans" mode. Vincent fixes that.
Does Uyama personally execute you if you go over estimate?
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F of the cerberus
>over estimate
nice "speed" run
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Over estimate, instant F
Was going to be D for Depressing Dirge,
Those are the rules.
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this game looks very edgy
I miss this kind of edgy honestly
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I thought Bigjon wasn't coming because of the health and family issues
you have to bathe coolmatty
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honestly estimate is problematic desu
For missing all the skips and going Overestimate this will be F from me
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Rating it an F. This one isn't train wreck kino like ninja gaiden
I like that part in dirge of cerberus where vincent goes "It's dirging time" and goes over estimate
Okay smart guys why don’t you do a speedrun and try to beat it in those times if these professionals can’t.
GDQ agrees, which is they remove the estimate for a lot of bonus runs
Gackt is fucking gay, I like the song he did for the Texhnolyze ED tho
can we all agree that dirge was cool
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You choose the estimate you aim for.
final fantasy is a fucking weird game.
Ma guardalo come si nutre sto maiale
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you're in luck! my run's up next, wish me luck!
Bad Undertale run and comfy run of a weird game called My Friendly Neighborhood.
Man i love Jill's legs.
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>estimate was only 2 minutes over his PB that he hasn't surpassed in over a year
they seriously need to vet these estimates better
estimates are usually between 15% to 40% higher than the runner's PB because we all know that shit can go wrong in RTA marathons
and yet, time and time again, that's not enough
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this guys run is 1:17 on speedruncom, why the fuck did he set a 1:20 estimate? did he expect to get a record dumbass
kek I love when they do this
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I'll have you know, I've never been overestimate in a speed run.
>5 minutes over estimate
Actual Z tier run.
What makes speed running "fun"?
It seems incredibly boring and repetitive
so is this the final boss or what
Any% me daddy
they already broke the time limit
get it? haha
Rate this run
Rate this run
good lord what an idiot
I thought that lankyfag was gonna say OVERESTIMATE

Can't believe Haru got away with hacking GDQ..

Boring, lots of mistakes and overestimate
B. Wasn't as bad as I thought it was gonna be.

Over estimate
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OVERESTIMATE, so a B because I like Vincent and FF7.
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B minus
Then why do these expert runners go overestimate all the time then? Everyone acts like it makes the run bad by default but it’s been happening for almost everyone, even the DDLC creator on Yoshi’s Story.
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it would have been funny if it malfunctioned & showed his real face
no because modern budget usage is cancerous enough, no need to put it to all sorts of rereleases that just seem like needless drain, dirge or not
piss game, two real tricks in the entire run, over estimate
i'd give it a D for Dirge but i actually laughed at some of the puns
would have been a B if not overestimate
I told you all the runs today would be middling to shit and I haven't been wrong yet
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D for Dirge.
Strange Final Fantasy spin-off.
I wasn't intrigued with the run. It was pretty boring. Too much button mashing. But good commentary.
but what about your urge to dirge
This run is so bad I'm gonna need you to squat like that to get your finest liquor, under the cabinet, $20 a bottle if I'm not mistaken

No stream 2 is a catastrophe, but the list they have so far isn't bad. You guys told me ESA was dead

Simply because everyone is gonna rate it for the dumb “overestimate” shit even though I guarantee none of the anons in this thread would come close to beating it, even with practice.
let people enjoy things
HOW THE FUCK you are the person who chooses the time and you still mess it up by going overestimate. How stupid you must be?
D for Dirge of Overestimate
D for dirge
Gotta take a shit, guys. Be right back.
not anymore
alright, we'll pause the event
if I set a tight timer then surely that will force me to break my limits!
Good luck!
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It wasn't that interesting, but it's probably due to the game just being a piece of shit by itself.
as I said, all runs today will be middling to shit. Still right as of now
new bread
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>Big Jon and RebelDragon running
All is not lost
next four game seem interesting. power wash sim probably gets boring fast though
Nothing interesting until Half-Life 2. Might as well watch some anime or something else.
who was the runner and what time did he get today?
Here you go friend!
I can come hold your hand for support if you need it king, just holler.
Mario Galaxy and Half Life 2 might be alright
Isn't this the game with the orc hierarchy?
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holy shit
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Nothing interesting until halo 3 tomorrow night actually
>only 1 gta run
the fuck
he's got to be taking the piss
reality isn't this fucked up
If I did not have to have to work tomorrow, I would grab the bottle of vodka and mix something. Doubt that even spirits can make this tolerable.
Going overestimate cuts into other runners time and forces the tech crew to work double time to make the next run is ready in shorter time. Its not just its a shit run because they can keep within their limits.
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They're not beating around the bush anymore, are they
Kaiju battle. One will defend humanity. One will destroy it. Which is which?
RebelDragon defends humanity against BigJon who, in his quest to surpass all bulking limitations, has decided the only thing left to devour is the world itself.
hack and slash games are so fucking corny.

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