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Now: Donkey Kong Country 3
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Stream: https://www.twitch.tv/gamesdonequick

Schedule: https://gamesdonequick.com/schedule/48

Previous: >>681936809
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Opinions on Swanky?
>still over 2 hours till pizza tower
why do i do this to myself
When's the next gdq? I haven't actually watched these before
>they randomly made this boss harder on GBA
...but why?
>tranny tower
poyo isn't the same without pedobean spamming it....
Fifth for Donkey Cock fucking sucks and only millenial dipshits pretend to like it because they're nostalgic to when their uncle hadn't raped them and their parents weren't divorced
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I have migged.
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>... poyo...
They're held biannually during summer and winter. exact dates aren't known until later
Who fucking knows.
They did weird shit for this port.
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Hey, I recognize that guy. He really likes to get into these events, huh?
How do I enter Caveman mode?
Based dono denier.
>can I get a donation in real quick?
>in a bit
oh man he shut down the dono guy from doing those shitty poyos
His song is underrated https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LoU0gOLzvZw
Calm down, Jaydyn
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Not again Ton.
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Anyone got an updated chart
Realistically, how many years till GDQ bites the dust. Or how long until they cut one of the events (SGDQ).
Yeah and he's not had a single run go well. He nails this every other time he plays it though. Just not at GDQ.
'uck 'iggers
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Manm the ost of the gba versions kind of blows. I get they had shit to work with, but still
it's not going anywhere
t. reader of the threads of fate
these get threads?
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>Finnruns ON NOW July 3rd-7th
Stream: https://www.twitch.tv/finnruns
Schedule: https://oengus.io/marathon/finnruns10/schedule
>ASM July 15th-21st
>ESA July 20th-27th
>RTA August 8th-15th
>BSG August 11th-17th
>Final Fantasy Relay IX August 16-19th
>Flame Fatales August 18th-25th
There will be threads
GDQ is eternal. It's secretly bankrolled by the Gates Foundation to spread propaganda about vaccines.
>underwater wind

you mean currents?
Going OOB is so boring to watch
but... there is wind underwater
Someone really needs to pie Bill Gates again.
100% of the time.
This year will be no exception
Just wait until Fast 50 next year and the writing will be on the wall
>Underwater wind
A current?
"This level has underwater wind because that makes sense..."

Is he talking about currents?
Yes, out of all the smaller event threads we have (ASM, RPGLB, RTA etc.) it is the most active one. Grim.
I said it out loud too
Yeah but looks and acts like wind so it just comes off as wind.
I was just about to say that. What the fuck kind of interpretation is that. Wind underwater? Fucking lol.
The majority of people who come to these threads don't come here for speedruns so yes. Frame Fatales is more primed for what they come for.
Updated char for THIS event you absolute fucking moron
>GBA version
>Making your kids watch Hotfix
That's child abuse.
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>forcing your wifes daughter to watch speedruns since birth
the dark lord is pleased
Why are people exposing their children to this?
rude cunt, no chart for you
>GBA version
yea they're comfy
meds immediately
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post RTA
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I predict that they will bully and force a merge with another, smaller but rising event, or sell the GDQ brand to some megacorp and cash out
Why are there literally no good games being ran this year
Are RPG Limit Break threads comfy? I want to catch it next year.
A lot, GDQ gets a ton of corporate funding and keep snowballing it into more funding.

ESA's in a much worse state with that, they want to go hard corporate backing but they weren't doing well even before this year.
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I only have the experimental one where chartanon only counted the ratings from the first 3 minutes after the run.
Why is astroturfing so cancer?
>trying to groom her into a gamer girl
she'll never play mario 64 blindfolded, the best you can hope for is simstism
elden ring is at the end which as it should be
rockface rumble is really fucking good music for some reason
Don't you ever get tired of being such a bitch and crying that we watch for the autism insteda of the epic incredibly technical skills on some shitty 1995 game nobody cares about?
Sure, deny it. But being powerful means invading every space, even smaller ones.
It's funny to think about how an event doing less than 2 millions would lead to its downfall, as if getting more than 10k for charity wasn't good enough.
Then again, Teleton also died, so...
They don't survive unless its paired with something else. Like last year RPGLB was paired with ASM at the same time, and this year it was paired with NSG I believe. They don't really get their own threads because they don't sustain, they're just mentioned in other event threads.
KaramariGODS win again holy shit
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I’m up next guys, wish me luck!
it'll be a sad day when the less presentable hosts get replaced for more advertiser friendly people
i dont think its going to die because its not hitting 2 million
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what the fuck
>that purple
katamari saving this event
How much did they make last time?
fake chart
>only counted the ratings from the first 3 minutes after the run
why does katamari still have 200 votes then lol

but yeah, this is how the chart should be. three minutes is plenty of time to get votes while discouraging people from same-fagging SSS or ZZZ for 20 minutes straight
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a whole new generation of financial support for his mono treatments
Most people only go to check out the final day trauma dump segment.
I kneel.
your shaky headcanon is not reality, sorry.
I fucking hate Glan so much holy shit just die
I have a sister that raped me in AoE2. Also raped mates too. Don't underestimate girls, anon. They have different brains and sometimes that makes them OP as fuck.
Threads? Yes. Charts? No. This was probably the only time the chart survived to the end.
Can we get rid of charts and ratings entirely?
God why do they keep doing those. The first time that happened I just sat there in some sort of surreal shock listening.
the bitched out other chart anon now falseflagging lol lmao
Bull fucking shit. We have charts every time
>crazed gunman laughs as he shoots at you

did the OG version have this?
by trannies for trannies.
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They are for profit, officially a service provider for charities and they desperately wanted to expand their business which failed spectacularly (Hotifx, women speedruns etc.)
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Went back and found the actual chart (except for the fake Katamari rating, the one on the experiment chart is the TRUE Katamari rating)
>only counted the ratings from the first 3 minutes after the run.
Why is he like this? He did the exact same with the bayonetta runner he simped for
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ASM will be great. You fuckers better be there.
Holy fuck this level looks terrible.
no. the original had much better music also.
based sister
No, you just heard the reticle lock on.
he's talking about fatales events, not gdq
no shit
he says wind because its literally the wind mechanic from DKC2 taped over the underwater level
Shut up, Glan
Any truly great platformers released recently? I'm jonesing for something but preferably newer this time.
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what is the bestest donkey kong game?
what is it with Rare and malicious snowmen
What's next, ban off topic posters, wojak shitters toad uploaders, thinly veiled threads and other cancer? Haha no.
>monetizing people who do it for free
really a sad state of affairs this society of ours
I reckon she'd easily get to 2000 evo too.
Comfy if you can get them to live, but they usually don't, even ESA Legends didn't really manage to keep threads.
Neither do I, but it's funny to see people think that way.
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Here's his other experiment, what the chart looks like with no Z or SSS ratings.
Gotta suck playing a game and having everyone talk about the next one instead
DKC2 easily. best atmosphere, best soundtrack, best bosses
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>prolapsed snowman goatse shits @ u
nice fucking boss nintendo
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I can't resist that sex pest kemoshota mouth on my hog.
Simple as.
Uh, are you telling me that this SGDQ has been good after all? /v/ bros...
Holy shit calm the fuck down, he was just posting charts and people were asking "Hey what if you did this what would it look like" and he posted. Its not that fucking deep dude nor is he doing it again.
I don't have much faith in it but I hope Wannafest does well.
What do you predict the final donation amount will be for this SGDQ?
does still play games? what kind?
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Oh God, not you again.
Chartposting killed these threads
I'm not really enjoying this.
2 million
she plays with my balls
I count more than three exclamation marks
what gacha is that?
The commentators are too low energy while the host is doing the high energy final day incentive pushing shit and its a weird clash.
That's the DKC3 experience
2 mil
Definitely DKC2.
The others really don't get the intense atmosphere right.
They went kinda baby with DKC3 and DK64 and onwards.
voting shouldnt take more than one minute, its not that difficult and most people have their votes revved up 0 seconds after the run
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is there even a 1% chance a baldurs gate 3 speedrun is any good? the glitched ones sucked ass.
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>Thank you for supporting doctors out of bounds
Did a donation actually just make me laugh?
No, it's just the old-style normal runs are something like a revelation now among troons, adverts and failed non-runs.
Wash piss and shit y'all.
why is there such a big difference for katamari?
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All you guys do is complain and enjoy maybe 1 in every 10 runs. Why the fuck you even watch this?
Shartanon is the only reason to come back and watch these events
According to who?
>Wash your hands
2.4 mil
Why is chartanon not allowed to be criticized without several of you chimping out?
fuck off, it's a good idea, prevents retards from just same-fagging their S/Z votes because they don't agree with the majority opinion. comparing the charts, the majority of runs have no difference in median, with only a few having ~half a letter grade difference in mean
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I'm mostly here as a waiting room for the FGO 7th Anniversary Anime Expo panel livestream.
Rareware, in 1996: Let's make every other level an autoscroller
to complain
Are you ESL or black?
Does RTA have English restreams yet?
go wash your hands
>Washing hands is a buzzword
That explains a lot.
2 million is not possible at this point I think.
I don't know, they all bleed together except arknights which I played for longer than I would like to admit
whats your favorite ost from the game
Wash your penis
Doesn't play much anymore because of her being influenced by other women about it.
Other women are super bitchy about it.
It will happen
Oh hey I haven't seen you all event, where've you been?
according to anyone who has been in even one of these threads and seen the torrent of rating posts that come in five seconds after "rate the run" is posted
Can you prove any runs had their rating change due to samefags? Unless there's proof this happening there's no reason to change the way votes are tallied.
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sponsors are gonna drop a FAT dono
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>FtM trannies be like
>Chartfaggot is now going full Nazi so he can control the votes and filter away "wrong votes"
>doubting anonymous
This is so boring
Randomly telling anonymous strangers to wash their hands is weird.
No, that's you.
Very much gay bear sex percent chance.
Watch Bouch on youtube for some real cool challenge BG3 runs.
Not quite on the Paul's level (PBUH), but who can replace him...
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thank fuck this is the last day, we're almost free
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>Sends newfags and tourists just discovering Harutomo for the first time into a seethe.
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I refuse.
These events need it.
I hope this one sticks out. Only God knows how much these retards need it.
classic conformism enforcers, what a shame
fuck this shit run. rewatching one from better days. join me.
>ASM July 15th-21st
>Xenoblade Chronicles 3 07:15:00
>Final Fantasy IX 09:30:00
>Golden Sun 02:20:00
>The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword HD 09:00:00
Yeah I got a feeling it's going to be very comfy
>BSG August 11th-17th
Link doesn't work for me, had to remove the schedule-1 part. Looks like BSG is kinda ESA-lite now, lots of recognizable runners outside of the benelux like TinyTim, AEtienne, Heinki and Metako. Also, I'm not ready for 5 hours of the German.
QRD on katamari
Anon...how do you think they're even hitting 1 million plus consistently nowadays?
They use the literal thousands they get in sponsor money and "donate" it to the marathon...
It's more obvious with the very clean and safe donations
You say that like anyone actually does these weird instructions.
And they just continue sitting
What's the word?
>ZZZ spammers: Seething because it was a furry vtuber
>SSS spammers: Trying to counter ZZZ spammers as they love furry vtubers
>Everyone else: I don't care about the furry vtuber shit he ran well still.
A couple of ZZZ and SSS spammers were probably just doing it to make the people taking charts too serious mad too, and it worked. Had like a full on meltdown that lasted 3 threads.
Chartanon being a complete spastic and getting away with it because this thread worships a literal fat faggot
>Worst version of the worst DKC game
What the fuck weird kinda accent does v0oid have? Can't place it, Dutch?
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Yeah this run has changed a bit.
It's heaps of clips now. Used to be far more heavy on the gameplay tricks.
It's making one anon seethe and it's very funny.
Pretty cool.
The bird
>he doesnt have $10000 to spend on donations
Thanks. I'll update the link
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They couldn't handle Haru's cuteness.
Why are they inviting him when he was the trouble causer in Lovare's callout post?
>uh can i get a source on that
i care less about the integrity of the chart than the threads being shat up by samefags and rating drama they cause. there's no reason that three minutes shouldn't be enough time to get a consensus. quit being a sperg
he's from quebec
That's an ugly boss even by DKC3 standards.
I really enjoyed BSG the last couple of times, hopefully they'll grow just enough to fill the void left by ESA imploding.
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>people genuinely doubting that they're gonna raise 600k in THE 12 hours+ remaining
wtf is this boss?
So no proof?
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Fair point.
some autismo is obsessing about its chart rating
Less players, easier leaderboard.
much, much worse...
Welcome to the GBA ports!
I don't get it either.
It's really slow.
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boss looks like it was made in a rush because they forgot
If in doubt they'll pull out some incentive and stall the last two hours.
prove to me that you're not an annoying faggot while i compare the charts
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It is basically a grift at its core which works because they can deflect any investigation or complaints by pointing towards the amount of money they rake in for charities.
But ultimately they are:

1. Officialy aid and hired to do this now, which is why they are so anal about "representing the charity" and "muh brand" and "muh marketing"
2. While the proper donations go directly towards the charity, they get all the money from sponsors, their pay from the charity, twitch subscriptions, ad money, merch sales etc.

They claim of course that they need all this to pay the bills, but they don't publish any receipts and offer no transparency, so its just "trust us we are just about covering our costs".
Eh he always finds one run to seethe about every event, its gotten old at this point. Didn't see him in threads all week but then when one controversial run appears, there he is.
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What was Rare also making in 1995?
Jet Force?

I think it was maybe rushed a bit.
Rope trick was the First neat trick of the run
nice zip
Too late
I see, I don't agree with fucking with the chart just to make people seethe, but he's been getting away with that for literal years (calls all SMGalaxy runs I AM MR GAY for example) so I'm not sure why it's now a problem.
See above. Why get mad now??
where is edofatpoyo?
Prove there were samefags.
We said that last event and the event before. Prepare to have your mind blown and become GDQpilled.
Because unless anything gets proven by anyone allegedly involved, you should treat those as made up rumors to spice things up and explain the unexplainable for us.

lmao I'm out.
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what kind of secret signals could he be sending
>fucking with the chart just to make people seethe, but he's been getting away with that for literal years (calls all SMGalaxy runs I AM MR GAY for example)
Holy fucking newfag.
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>create a charity in which you and your friends/family work at
>claim it's non-profit
>but pay yourself and your friends really high salaries working there
Why don't more people do this?
Blast Corps, babyyy
*banjo music intensifies*
>I'm not sure why it's now a problem
it's not it's just one autist hilariously seething every thread
>Why get mad now
He's been doing this for years now.
The reason why he keeps fucking with the chart is because people are just taking it too seriously. By altering the results in a silly way, its showing that this is just meant to be a bit of silly fun, nothing to have major discourse over.
>nintendo game
>they/them on the couch
name a greater duo
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people love to jump in when these things already have momentum, the moment the donation train starts going it's not gonna stop
and the closer it gets to 2 mil the more people will be prone to donate, as it seems reachable
You shoulda seen the thread during the ESA Red XIII run
If it's just a silly chart why fuck with it at all? Why post revisions "ironically" do you not see the contradiction there?
Barbie games get pink ratings too, and that's funny.
Channeling the Twitch Wizard energy, huh?
Zips are great.
But is it me or do the kongs move like 25% slower in this?

I'm not gonna lie, it's been a bit slow.
I can't find the second dungeon in LoZ1 to save my fucking life.
Reminder the chartanon started doing the charts in the first place was because people voted "wrong" on the bayonetta runner he liked
Sony game and xer/xis running it
It's the announcer, you absolute thundercunt.
Thats the host dumbass
Don't mind the schizo seething about charts he does it every GDQ
tranny event
The Completionist did it and you saw what happen.
Call the Nintendo hotline
Yeah, they have surprisingly been pretty fun. At the very least, hope it's now big enough for the threads to survive. Don't know if they ever can get big enough to replace ESA, but at least the Netherlands is more central for most EU runners so it should be easier to attend. So they should see some growth from ESA collapsing.
its pretty far east in the foresty area with all the moblins
overestimate soon
Imagine being a kid and your mom gets you a SNES with this game instead of the N64 which was already out at that point
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whats his deal now, is he still limping along or did he throw in the towel
iirc he had like a whole team of people and i cant imagine he can support that any more
But you can still do "some" charity work. Lets say you do a charity for homeless people, then you just sometimes bring them food and take "wholesome" pictures of it when in reality you barely work or do something but still take in a big paycheck
theyre gonna get 2 easy, they havent added in all the corporate sponsors
Dumb anon it's the GBA port you stupid fucking faggot
aw no i missed dkc3.....
why is it playing the GBA music?
Are you allowed to say' it's joever after the debate? i tought the leftist would disallow that meme
>vooid identifies as vooid
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It was the best run ever
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PCF is also a highly dubious charity. They have good scores solely based on the fact they filed all the proper paperwork.
But their Wikipedia is a clear self advertisement, and the charity watch sites have no information on their actual effectiveness (as per $ donated, how much does actually arrive at the intended purpose)
In other words PCF is in itself not very transparent compared to other charities (like MSF), and since they are essentially intertwined with GDQ now there is a lot of room for defalcation
oh nevermind i thought they were gonna do the SNES version
eh whatever
I think you can probably work that out for yourself
kek did he sound like that in the SNES version? I remember his voice being really deep at least in DKC2
Is dkc3 the weakest entry? Worst music, lame bosses.
But wasn't the reason why it even got noticed because they never donated to begin with. That anon's plan is to be a normal charity, but just take a big cut. Which is honestly what a lot of charities already do
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It was the worst run ever
Yeah it sucks
The GBA sound effect choices were always so TERRIBLE, my god.
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i checked the vod it was a normal run but everyone here likes the runner hes run different katamari games a bunch of times
>went for my walk during Quest for Glory
>it was apparently super kino
what the fuck
roya rainbo
celinabros... we lost...
Rate this run
Rate this run
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bro there's no way even a tranny would make it THAT bad, wtf happened
Why is the word 'Gamers' considered the new Nigger in the tranny world again?
Don't forget it's PREVENT cancer and not cancer research, so the money you give them goes to doing shit like doing that stupid "touch your buddies balls" poster and making pamphlets telling people cancer is le bad.
i love sound affects, actually

i especially love the crazy gunmen in one of the levels when he laughs
Grown men btw
What does the B coin mean?
I found dungeon 8 but not 2 lmao
It is in the east part but you gotta take a screen west to get there
A solid run
Dogers love
I rate it japanese autism outta ten.
the music in gba sucks but people worship it because of david wise
listen to the SNES soundtracks
He cried during a speech on how Chibi Robo changed his life.
Fine run, zero energy whatsoever, too many donations read, couch guys didn't want to be there.
after the run they made some glitch exhibit or something and one guy started reading a speech he had on his phone and everyone started to cry
the speech was 5 minutes long
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C it was a run
>Chartfag so fucking buck broken by the most minor criticism he's not reposting all his fucked up edited charts to drive home how ratings are "meaningless" when the entire reason he even fucking started making these gay charts was because we didn't like his Bayonetta waifu run

>Chartfag won't even address criticism he'll just default to "erm it's not le serious" or call you a schizo meanwhile he's literally ruining the chart in real time
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good game
mid commentary
yeah there are some neat levels but thats it.
D for Disappointed
oh my god.....
i don't even want to go watch the archives for that
B for kinda boring but not offensive
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Edobean is kill.
couch had 0 charisma whatsoever but the runner was skilled at the worse version of the game
I think he's still doing videos. I wouldn't know, because the last one I saw was when he and his team bough all games on the Nintendo stores that were about to close and uploaded them to the internet.
Man, that was a complete 180 from hero to villain in less than a year.
C for Cranky
>"touch your buddies balls" poster
Took me a moment to realize you weren't talking about some ritual poster in the thread, but an actual physical poster

I don't think GBA was the best choice and there were a lot of clips that kinda weren't that interesting. Missed a lot of platforming.
D for disappointing
It was a showcase that was like 5 minutes long for some glitches but then one of the couch started reading a speech for another 5 - 10 minutes and started crying and it was literally just him sperg crying about how much he loves the game and how important it is to his life. But like not in an admirable way.
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D, one of the worst games in the series, out of bound-ing is literal snooze tier.

Kirby would be cool if it was super star.
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I'm doin' him a B
It was bizarre.
It wasn't even the runner, it was a couch guy that barely spoke.
It can last for several more decades, assuming no catastrophic passings of the reins. The only current event that comes even remotely close in scale is ESA, and it torpedoed all of its momentum over the past year by dropping the American audience, dropping its distinctive competence (Stream 2), and getting hit by credible-enough negligence claims by a popular community figure. It'll take several years for another upstart to build the momentum that ESA had (or, less likely, for ESA to reclaim that momentum). Until there's a challenger in the niche, there's just no risk. Because of the state of the economy, GDQ can safely weather a long line of subpar donation totals without it impacting them directly.

>but Fast50
Not direct competition. Different niche, different format. Could easily dethrone GDQ eventually if it spreads into weekly format, but even that comes with the hurdle of rebranding (Fast168 is marketing poison).
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I just can't understand donating millions of dollars to print pamphlets or whatever else they do. Research like alzheimerfonden, yeah, but PCF is only about awareness at best

A, DKC runs make me easy to please
astral chain - A with samefags, B without
sly 3 - D with samefags, C without
destincy - D with samefags, C without
zoombinis - D with samefags, C without
kh2 - B with samefags, A without
morrowind - A with samefags, S without
omno - B with samefags, C without
Cause I'll be honest with you right now. Its not chart anon fucking with the charts, its me replying to you. I don't even know how to do a chart, I think Chart anon is asleep right now. All I'm doing is taking ratings from other charts and shooping them in. The purple rating is Mario Sunshine from last year. The red ratings are from the ESA Celina runs.

Chart anon isn't actually fucking with anything at all its me. The one without the Z and SSS marks were his though, cause someone asked him what it looks like without the Z and SSS ranks so he did it.
>"touch your buddies balls" poster
imma go goon for aika while waiting for better runs
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More like they'll sit on the crowd for 2+ hours while everyone yells "LET'S GO TWITCH CHAT" begging for money like they did a couple years ago
NTA but how are you proving that?
I've been seeing this meme here for years. Don't know the reference but it always makes me smile when I see it. You're one of the good ones, anon.
>went to McDonalds for the first time in 10+ years last week since my mother wanted to while we were out to go to a stage play
>got a McChicken Sandwich since they seemed decently portioned and I'd heard they were good
>most cardboard ass chicken I've ever had
Ready for kino tower? Hopefully this time not ruined by screaming about fucking titanfall 2 and le so funny randumb Zoomers playing it
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This is probably not a popular opinion but I think I'd like to see a whole GDQ of glitchless runs
I just think they wind up more interesting then a bunch of out of bounds bullshit
That's Guy D. Ping
Yet you'll still call me the schizo
Okay, lol, lmao
At least I feel vindicated now it was all a gayop
Spoilers he's asleep and it was never him all along, all I've been doing is shooping ratings from other past charts to make you seethe lel >>681943892 If you dont believe me check out the past charts, its literally just from Mario Sunshine and Alien Isolation.

And you believed it, you're so gullible.
>I've heard they were good
You've never had a mcchicken before?
You weren't missing much
A commentator (not even a runner) read a prepared speech about how Chibi Robo taught him to live or something for four minutes.
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What happened here?
stop being a virgin cringer and go watch it
do they really not allow harry potter games because of transphobia?
now kiss
comparing the normal chart and the chart with votes made after 3 minutes filtered out
that's guy, he loves a good speedrun and is always here to give his fair ratings.
I've got a hunch
No one eats McDonalds because it's good. They eat it because it's there and it's convenient and it takes no thought, or they don't know what good food is.
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Mirrors Edge glitchless you say?

The most average run. Ever.
yes, i think they made it clear they don't want to support jk rowling
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What the fuck
That's a valid reason

women lets playing a smash clone poorly
it's not even cringekino its just really really bad absolutely not worth watching ever
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I just want to chime in regarding one of our resident ritual posters, if you would be so kind:
Reverse/Nega-Guy D. Ping having the file format of "yug" be .png instead of .jpg upsets me very slightly.
They couldn't have been just people replying late? 'Cos I voted on some of those about 5 minutes later and I only voted once
i agree. It's more enjoyable to see players optimize a game in the best way possible, not
>Okay here comes the SRM out of bounds glitch where I put in Super Mario Bros and then swap the cartridge to Jak and Daxter which will allow me to skip to credits after pressing A once during the second cutscene
are there any good collage makers or should I try to do it all in gimp?
I eat mcdonalds sometimes because with the app and deals I can get a 1000+ calorie meal for less than 5 bucks which is next to impossible here in southern california
Hows it schizo to fuck with you? I never said I was chartanon you just assumed it, in fact I even said I WASN'T chart anon and that I was grapping old charts from past threads here >>681941431

yeah Harry Potter is never showing up at another GDQ ever again
a shame cause the early games were fun to watch
The fucking edit is so good, I love the anon that did this shit.
just use photoshop, the layers help
thanks for explaining it anon
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This is literally what the charity money goes to and what they do
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Ton that choice was a bit strange. Not gonna lie.
I've been hearing about his obsessiveness over it before too. I kinda don't get it.
Why did everyone hate Twilight Princess?
Or the threads were slower at that time and votes come in slower? Some of those are early morning runs like Morrowind, when threads are not as rapidly paced.
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>nintendo game
whats with this overlap
>NES game in 1993
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I will never forgive this game for making me hold up to fly
B, did literally everything right but it was a boring commentary
> "There's actually significant restrictions for non-profits that would impact the flexibility we have."
Also this is the reasoning behind them not being or going nonprofit, according to coolmatty.
Yeah no shit.
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Get a load of Mr. Moneybags over here!
Honestly this isn't that hot of a take. Glitched speedruns aren't really that impressive since most of them are either

>This glitch lets us fly across the entire level, skipping every single mechanic
>This game is so fundamentally broken that we can reprogram the memory into just getting us straight to the final boss/credits
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nice lmao
>not .gnp
its the jap block
it was ok but people here have a hateboner for SpikeVegeta and it went over estimate twice
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Kirby run without edobese, we have failed him
Advertisement is cancer and corporations deserve death.
Kill them all.
GIMP also has layers tgo
Co-op randomizer.
I refuse to step foot into Mcdonalds ever since they got rid of the Chicken Legend.
And it's not even Mega Man 6!
Instant choke.
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>swordsmankirby using a real controller
why are you posting a certified nyagger though
some late comers definitely get filtered out, but the assumption is that if enough late votes are coming in that its enough to shift the whole median, then it was probably driven by samefags trying to skew the vote because they disagree with the consensus
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no multi-hour drifting
bros i havent had mcdonalds since middle school im getting cravings
BALDUR'S GATE 3 will be the real banger!
>Not gnp.yug
Gimp isn't made for human beings to operate.
Damn, when he started reading I was like "Oh this isn't so bad. Kinda cheesy but whatever."
and then he started crying
I felt this with the Mass Effect 2 run this year
>I'm just gonna noclip out of bounds and run to the next point that triggers a cut scene!
Thats not imperssive, I could do that by just noclipping with the console.
I haven't saved a single thing from this event.
randomizer is viewer cancer every time without fail.
Spikevegeta is okay. Way better than Ardick
This is why I hate most PC speedrun games, it's just OOB and console command skipping everything
NES and SNES had quite the overlap in lifespan.
The nip just now wore a mask as well
>runner wearing a mask

Somebody should tell bro that the lockdowns are over
thats why it looks so good
huh? oh yeah, I paid for that, bossman!
Vegeta hating aside, the run isn't the most thrilling experience either, so not a lot of people would realistically rate it high.
If you get "cravings" you're definitely a fat retard who ate goyslop yesterday.
i like Kirby, I need to play Forgotten Land and Return to Dreamland soon
this may be hard to believe but before you were born society wasn't so awash in mindless consumerism that everyone would rush out to buy the new thing as soon as the new thing came out
>Is this going to affect my run time?
At this point is mask wearing just code for "I'm ugly" or something?
I like how whenever Mr Shasta talks it just sounds like ANHEREOVASTHEREWEDONTHAVEINGTHING
People always get sick as hell at these events I don't blame them
I'd do the same if I was there
whats goyslop
>classic sovlful game
>no freaks
gqdbros we're so back
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McD's goes straight to my cheeks
Slop for goyim.
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I like spike but I think the problem is that /v/ is full of too many Zelda speedrunners who already know every detail of runs and so are not as blown away by things.

I've been watching Danny and Gym for years annihilate these games.
That said, I'd heard TP got a few breakthroughs recently so I might check it out.

OoT is in a rut though. SRM has kinda spooked the community. It's too powerful.
The last nintendo made NES game came out in like 1995 or something, the last NES game overall came out in 2001. It continued even after the death of the SNES.
He's Asian it's part of the culture. Don't be racist.
You might be right about that.
NES had an install base of like 60 million, for that time period that's gigantic and not something you just drop immediately when the SNES comes out, even if it's not the flagship anymore some more games still come out for it.

The PS2 and DS also had games coming out after the PS3 and 3DS were out, especially as plenty of poorer countries lag behind first world ones by a few years in terms of console adoptions.
I get convention crud whenever I go to a white collar trade show, I can't imagine being around a bunch of unwashed neckbeards for a whole week and coming out unscathed
two more years
Sometimes I wear masks to hide my ugly teeth
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Wind Waker bros stay eating!!!
Man, I remember being an idiot kid and telling everyone that the SNES was eternal because "the graphics are in the cartridge, not the console". How else could you explain the visual quality difference between Mario World and DKC?
You don't need to make Kirby noises, it's fine.
This is almost as hard to watch as the Trannyversary speech, holy shit.
I have no chin and beautiful eyes so yes
There is only one good Zelda run: Twilight Princess rupee staring
It's been proven scientifically that the masks hardly do anything and they still wear it. It's the left's version of a MAGA hat
but masks work the other way around, you prevent others from getting your cold. It doesnt prevent you from getting sick at all
With how bad it smells in there, I'd fucking wear one too
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>got do caught up in reading up on kirby lore to make a witty reply in advance that I forgot to vote on the previous run


>all that red
grim as fuck
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That's a dog woman, anon. Wrong character.
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Depends what kind of Collage you want, if you just want a set of images spread out in tiles like pic related I have a python script that does that
If you want something more custom like rotating shit around and putting them behind gaps then yeah gimp or photoshop or photopea or whatever tickles your fancy
That was fucking pathetic and sad jesus christ I've been moved by silly things because of the shitty state my life was in. In the worst period of my life when I was battling alcoholism Kingdom Hearts made me cry because it resonated with my feelings of being alienated from my friends, it's still not something you should do in front of thousands of people. You have to have some composture. I will never understand why zoomers try to normalize being an emotional wreck publicly
I started counting how many filtered post stubs (this includes posts replying to posts that include those words) I got when I filtered chart and rate when it went over 1/4th of the thread, started when the thread was at around 400 posts. Removing rate the run it's still probably like 1/6th or 1/5th of the thread even. I don't even feel like sticking around for the last day seeing how much this shit has infected the threads see you fags at ESA.
>something weird is about to happen
>twitch screen glitches
>ermmm actually even though this is glitchless i will be performing a MINOR glitch which is not a MAJOR glitch that would invalidate the run erm AHEM see now in this glitch less run I will be performing the credit warp glitch which-
all factually incorrect but go ahead and continue believing your headcanon
>ate all my snacks already
>too lazy to go for more
:( this isn't comfy
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>the clapping has started
They do quite a bit if worn correctly and changed frequently. Most spergs are incapable of both, though.
So much this, I used to work at a bunch of conventions, it was like playing one of those plague games with watching it spread between groups, except there was no president of Madagascar.
Now play this over his speech
Whenever you read some buzzword in here, just assume it means "thing I don't like" and you'll be correct 99.9% of the time.
In what ways ? annoying runner ? shitty couch ? donos ? wtf HOW
Googled it and the last PS2 game released was 2013, a year before the PS4 was released. Thats wild. They stopped selling PS2 in general in 2012, they were STILL making them until then. It truly was the most successful console ever.
0/10 run
No, it's because randomizers are fucking shit for viewers. They shouldn't even be a category. If you're so bored by speedrunning the same game and the same route, either speedrun a different game or just play a game normally. Randomizing a game artificially is fucking retarded and goes against the whole point of speedrunning which is meant to remove random variables as much as possible for efficiency and speed.
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A man (male) announcer reading donos during a Kirby game is going to be rough. Poyo!
the little enemy info shown during the pause screen of an ex version boss doesn't count as having lore
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>Bragging about using filters
Literally cannot think of anything more pathetic
This will live on forever as one of the top-tier gdq cringe moments. I'm cool with that.
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that's the thing tho. We all have silly stuff that makes us cry. But those aren't moments you should be sharing in public with everyone
>see you fags at ESA.
Uh oh.. a-anon...
You would need a skintight N95 mask to have any effect. You're a retarded cultist goybrain.
>Depends what kind of Collage you want, if you just want a set of images spread out in tiles like pic related I have a python script that does that
I'm trying to do this. I might still try it in gimp just for muh experience
Sorry, but not even Gymnast could save it. Even crazy no-logic randomizers struggle to be interesting, like the one ZFG did for Fast50. But now Gymnast is chained to Spike's skill level, so he can't even do a randomizer that showcases his skills and knowledge of the game
Stop asking questions. Stop thinking. Just consume and donate.
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I think you're eating around the edges of the real problem with speedrunning in 2024

All the big older games have been done to death
Randomizers and races are not interesting unless you already know every detail about the game
Romhacks runs are worth next to nothing
Interesting newer games are way too few and far between

I think speedrunning as a subculture is headed for a total collapse as all the randomizers/romhacks make things way too insular to attract an audience or do these kinds of showcases
>not banned for negativity
GDQ mods are slACKing
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That one's amazing. Low%?
Where Link just stares at a rupee for 17 hrs until he clips through a door.

I don't even.
What a weird thing. And it's so slow.
Zelda has weird shit like that. I blame "God dev".

It is honestly spooky what that game has produced time and time again with new glitches. They're always so fucking weird.

>MM milk hookshot (remote hookshot)

That's by far the weirdest one. It makes sense in detail but it looks so fucking weird.
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I always find it impressive how well Kirby's Adventure looks for a NES game.

After three days of being banned for posting a suggestive-looking Bentley during Sly Cooper's run I am finally free!
see you at ASM!
people whining about glitches are the most annoying thing in these threads. fuck off newfags. back when these marathons were still good NO ONE bitched about glitches. if you think watching someone use glitches to go fast is bad then you need to kill yourself, zoomers.
Man, let it go. Just enjoy the runs.
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I get wearing one while in the convention itself, even if the prevention aspect is kinda dubious. But why do it during a run? You're sitting far enough away from other people that getting infected isn't that big of a concern. And you've to give commentary, which the mask actively makes worse.
You bought into the scam hook, line and sinker. Not my problem though I actually live in sane society unlike you
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>They told her off for causing a reddit shitstorm
this is why you only post soulless frogs
it is what 4chan deserves
glad you could make it with us back in time for Poyo!

yeah they're really strict when it comes to furry stuff.
>this glitch
>the glitch where link just dies repeatedly

MM is fucking annoying because of 1st cycle, it has by far the best tricks.

Oh was it a rando?
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>no major glitches
>uses glitches
Games that come out at the very end of a console's life cycle tend to be like that.
quick, tell all the surgeons
>You're a retarded cultist goybrain
Oh. You're one of those people, huh...
Well if you get bored and want the script, here it is: https://pastebin.com/dq6SsRr0
I didn't make it, just got it from other anons
what happened i was busy shitting earlier
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Define "glitch".

Zelda h
What happened to Edo?
No major glitches just means they don't use the credits warp.
Your obsession with her is really concerning, anon.
Can this attention whore just kill herself in her hotel room or something
The controversy would be interesting
Sorry anon, chartanon decided to exclude ratings that aren't made within 3 minutes so yours isn't going to be counted.
too fat to move
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>This is a glitchless run
>So I will be doing this one glitch
How was the MGS4 run? I went to sleep when he started the second chapter. Was the whole thing just throwing smoke grenades and walking through the levels?
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It says no MAJOR glitches, dumb fuck. Which implies shit like warping immediately to the end. Why do you get to decide what counts as a major glitch and what doesn't instead of the community of people who actually play the game? Literal tranny behavior trying to enforce your opinions on something you're not even part of.
Show me proof you watched AGDQ 2012 right now or die.
> It's a speedrun raising money for charity. It matters not :)
this sentence should be used as a copy pasta
>no argument
Yeah, a rational person and not a goy like yourself.
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Zelda has had this problem*

I think I had an aneurysm.
Hey can I rate every single run that happened so far a B? I know it's past the 3 minute time limit but come on you can squeeze me in...
>had to play the tune twice over to cover his whole sappy speech
coolmatty went on a tard spree on reddit after normalfags brought up how GDQ over policies everything
I instantly thought of "Can you stop?" and "What are you gonna do about that?" Peak cringekino
>This is a glitchless run
Not sure how you thought that. Reading/listening comprehension maybe?
No major glitches? More like no major bitches
Xenoblade chronicles lookin good
Good, let them eat their own maybe then GDQ would finally get it's head out it's ass with these draconian rules.
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Here's the person who posted this
relax buddy
holy fucking KINO
i'm gonna assume you're ESL. what flavor of nigger/brown are you?
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forgot pic
Now I see what you mean
Man watching this was pretty funny. All the shitposting like whether Link moved, the rupee being purple
>Audience member that uses hats that flap around gets told to please stop wearing the most obnoxious one she has because it distracts people
>despite being told she can use every other hat she fucking has except for the distracting one she starts posting tweets going OH THiS IS THE HAT I WOULD HAVE WORN TODAY OH WOE IS ME
I hate GDQ being no fun allowed central but yeah fuck that lady
>Appeal to authority

Your savior fraudci even admitted it, you're a drone
sadly ESA also will never do that again considering they cut out the 2nd stream..
people have complained about this shit since the days of uyama's basement
The absolute madmen.
That's obviously a they/he. Do better.
the No Major Glitches category usually comes from the running community perfecting a run for years and then discovering a giga glitch that trivializes all their hard work
So instead of throwing away their entire previous route, they split the categories
is it fat? Yes
Gay? Sure is
Bald? Uh huh
Retarded? You better believe it
but thems the breaks
>Newfags don't even remember DS Dad
It's over...
did I stutter faggot? If it's a glitchless run, there will be no GLITCHES
Where the fuck did you fail to understand my postV
please tell the docs before any operation to not wear a mask!
It was OK, nothing too cool or bad about it.
He lost the Big Boss rank in Act 3 after a frog got hit by a bullet meant to hit an explosive barrel and the autosave triggered almost immediately after it, but at the very least he never advertised the run as a Big Boss rank, so people weren't as bummed as if he did.
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Also most races are shit and are decided in the first five mins or you can't really tell unless you know the game.

That one race format that works doesn't get shown at shit like GDQ for some reason.
NMG has been the main category in Kirby's Adventure since it had 4 runners lol. We've known about the credits warp since like 2011.
Video games?
this run is pretty good so far. this game looks pretty good for a NES game
i'm not even american lmao
Sure you are, buddy. Sure you are...
>Newfags dont even know who YSG is
It's been over anon
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nobody asked
Moo more for me, cow.
I never understood why fucking masks of all things are the hill rightoids chose to die on.
So why does that purple hat tranny get a free pass?
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no, mcchickens
you are on /ck/
>If it's a glitchless run
It's not a glitchless run. Work on that reading comprehension.
that faggot is NOT a Piccolobro
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>they are stalling and here's why that's a good thing
Its how you can tell a lot of the people seething over it are newfags/tourists because Harutomo appears every year, and at Japanese speedrun events, so at this point people who have been watching a while are used to him, yet the people in the thread were acting like he appeared for the first time ever and had never seen his avatar before and saying he was a girl and shit. Like we went through this years ago.
Whats up with the crazy sound delay
Any disaster runs this year?
>hi gamers im gonna die
whats with zelda attracting every suicidal tranny
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This is making me want to play through the Great Cave Offensive again, the best Kirby entry.
by this logic, just set the incentive to 10 million and hold out
I never said you asked. I'm just correcting the lies that you told.
its been like this all week
shout out to the tech crew and all that
I think I've watched speedrun marathons the longest out of anyone on this website and I kind of want to kill myself because of that.
Yeah it's pretty punchy.
Also poyo~

A whole lot of them
Kirby sure is boring as fuck to watch.
Most of them, lmao
I want to start a great offensive on KungFuFruitcup's cave, if you know what I mean.
I like whenever you criticise the charity aspect its always:
>Its a SPEEDRUN marathon we're here for SPEEDRUNS, just enjoy the runs! The charity stuff is a bonus
Then when you criticise the speedrun aspect:
>UHM its a charity event! Speedruns don't matter that much!
there were 21 over estimates, 6 trainwrecks, and one crying segment
so far
It came out 9 years after the Famicom, it had damn well better.
Now this run is ART.
It's just so good. Perfection.
There's always somebody bitching during a NMG run because they consider anything to be a major glitch and not the shit that's just skipping to the credits from rubbing your face on the correct pixel on the second level.
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Just stop overthinking it and enjoy the runs
"Perhaps this is simply because it’s the way “we’ve always done it” [35]. In 2002, a Cochrane review did not show a significant difference in postoperative
surgical wound infection between masked and unmasked providers [16, 36]. In fact, the nonsignificant difference favored not wearing a mask."
>Woodhead K , Taylor EW, Bannister G, Chesworth T, Hoffman P, Humphreys H. Behaviours and rituals in the operating theatre. J Hosp Infect2002; 51:241–55.

As I said you're a drone
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I wonder how much this person actually donated.
Is this the Kirby game that required a gyroscope in the cartdrige?
I thought it was on my end since nobody else was saying anything, restarted my shit like 3 times.
How have they done is a million years in a row and get this wrong
Almost all, the most disasters in an event
It's not that they believe it themselves, it's more about having a single idea to bandwagon on being pushed by as many single minded individuals as them. Like flat earthers.
>Calls other people cattle
>Repeats right-wing talking points word for word
What did he mean by this?
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>warning! this prize segment contains jumpscares and horror
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And where in our comment chain, are we talking about THIS faggot ass run bitch? Watch me BTFO of your ass real quick, it's gonna be great

>A post talking about people whining about glitches in runs
Notice how it doesn't say THIS kirby run fuckboy

>A post refuting that post by stating how hypocritical it is to say no glitches in a run with glitches
Notice how it doesn't say THIS kirby run fuckwad

>a post somehow suddenly thinking the chain was talking about THIS kirby run when no, your retarded fuckwhizz brain invented a discussion in your head

Now then little faggot. Might I ask as to why you decided to invent arguments in your head? It's not healthy. Bitch.
Get out of this thread
What's with every zelda post attracting a fucking retarded reply by a closeted homosexual priest?
Does this pic make you uncomfortable?
Oh noooooooo.

Guess you're gay now. But we already knew that.
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coolmatty is continuing his meltdown and arguing with randos on reddit again
Also thanks again for the shmup recommendations earlier, shmup anons saved my evening.
As long as the choice is up to the mask wearer it's fine. A large public event is a pretty good place to wear a mask.
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Back when you still could check how much people have donated, MTV had donated zero (0) despite the incessant trains. But obviously they took that system out
The same reason why back in the 80s they were seething about the law changing to being made to wear a seatbelt. You can see videos on Youtube of old news reports about it. Almost the exact same excuses as the masks, muh freedoms, muh cant breathe, muh I have a physical condition so I can't wear a seatbelt, muh it makes no difference. Now seatbelts are so common it seems ridiculous to rant about it.

Its just an anti-authority thing IMO. They don't like being told what to do.
What does Shasta’s pronouns say? I can’t read the second one.
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Lots of faggots here today.
Lol, "crying segment" makes it sound like it appeared on the schedule.
why do you have tranny link pics in your hard drive
Amazing Mirror
My uncle is dead and my best friend would have died at 35 if his mom didn't catch him stumbling down the stairs having a heart attack. You will die early and the world will laugh.
>autists not sperging about minutiae
brother how new are you
It's amazing what they'll excuse because the charity is there as a shield, fuckers were even excusing pushing runners to pull their runs for that shitty re-added Pokemon incentive to be put back in.
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give links, you homosexual
it's HE/HIM
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I need to mig right the fuck now
Yeah, conservatism is just what ODD manifests into as an adult.

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And Sporadic is still melting down on Twitter.
Its absolute kino. All these meltdowns on both sides over a floppy ear hat.
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He talks a lot of shit for having less mobility than a real McNugget.
Fuck him already.
To make you uncomfortable and to groom your children into killing themselves.
They're still gone btw
>404 error
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I hope xhe kills itself
what did these people die from
He/Kim. He identifies as Asian.
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>when you try to have fun at GDQ
One would believe getting a hand cut would inhibit his shitposting habits, but there's nothing that can stop a deranged individual to spout nonsense if they're dead set on it, I guess.
Because mask mandates are nothing more than performative and opposing it gets you branded as some lunatic hellbent on destruction.
No, that was Kirby's Tilt 'n Tumble on the GBA.
the word you are looking for is disgusted not uncomfortable
Didn't understand a word this cunt just said.
>source: trust me bro
uhhh where's the mig???
page 10
>cant shill for free
why would we believe fake news like this graph?
holy shit lmao
They said it.
for xer it was the most important day of xer's life
for Bison it was a Thursday
this level of passive-aggressive guilt tripping feels so (((familiar)))
it, actually, kinda, did
Trans rights and save the animals (Palestine) y'all
You have to hand it to him for sticking to his bullshit.
we go down with this ship, mateys
twas a good run, aye
not on screen albeitstd've
>trans right
>save the animals
god he got 2/3 in that donation, he should've ended it with "HOOOOOYYYYYPE" to be a complete tool
>i only know one way out and you wont like it
how did they get away with this
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Nobody actually uses seatbelts though and if they do they are within city limits where cops with nothing better to do hound you over it
No, I was right, you filthy groomer.
>anything that contradicts my worldview is automatically fake
How convenient for your narcissism.
He could really use the hand.
>last time chatter
there is also a severe streak of this in Americans in general, something about thinking they're REBELS or whatever
>never heard from again after that day
genuine conspiracy material
>even their tranny golems hate them now
Uh, jew bros I don't feel so good...
>Nobody actually uses seatbelts though
Do stupid people actually believe this?
someone should tell him to let it go and go enjoy the runs
i take it you recommend the first one? it always looked like a mess to play
We aren't conformist drones and it makes cattle like you seethe endlessly. Being American is a gift
Dude probably lives in the middle of bumfuck nowhere
Wow he really is seething
>nobody uses seatbelts
>except for people in cities, who are the overwhelming majority of the population

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