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Now: Kirby's Adventure
Later: Incentive shilling
Stream: https://www.twitch.tv/gamesdonequick

Schedule: https://gamesdonequick.com/schedule/48

Previous: >>681940631
Trans rights?
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educate yourselves, chuds
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I have successfully migrated.
i do not find kirby games particularly enjoyable
i have transitioned
Don't forget.
Shoutouts to the marble with the screaming man inside.
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Oh I'm miggin
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Rubie is so pretty
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Congrats on Migging!
Help yourself to a party shot of Kungfufruitcup
Tony Khan must be running GDQ now because I don't see them reaching 2 milly
Damn, the Rocko's Quest run was one of the best GDQ runs ever.
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What's the appeal of Kirby games?
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why did I waste a week watching this shit
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What'll it be?
GDQ has a special announcement later tonight.
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Coolmatty is such a fucking dickhead.
>hat tip hat tip hat tip
Imagine being to fucking faggy you run to tell GDQ staff about a game that made you cry from being upset.
This sort of thing should have you beaten in public.
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chad rocko was a light in the darkness
>including tip in the $10
do americans really
fucking hell mate
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to shitpost with your bros.
>creator is a significant donor to right-wing causes
What's wrong with this? Like half the people are left and the other half is right?
for people who are used to playing above a certain skill level I would imagine that would be the case
there aren't any real puzzles to solve, the secrets are all superficial and the enemies are easily avoidable
a lot of people aren't really put off by any of that though
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the ceasar salad is kinda tempting
t. grocery store ceasar salad without dressing is already 5 bucks
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Have you ever said it before /v/?
they do and it's fucking awful
Americans think tips should be mandatory like I should tip you $40 for doing your fucking job
At least it's not as bad as the anons hyper focusing on colors in level design and thinking they've uncovered the secret trick to program shit into peoples brains.
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>Finnruns ON NOW July 3rd-7th
Stream: https://www.twitch.tv/finnruns
Schedule: https://oengus.io/marathon/finnruns10/schedule
>ASM July 15th-21st
>ESA July 20th-27th
>RTA August 8th-15th
>BSG August 11th-17th
>Final Fantasy Relay IX August 16-19th
>Flame Fatales August 18th-25th
There will be threads
So is that why your first thought is tranny about anything?
You want to fuck trannies?
What a faggot.
with the might of a thousand suns
I just don't care about Kirby
Ummm don't you know that supporting republican candidates is equal to trand genocide, CHUD?
no one here is anyone's bro
Cry about it.
But this also didn't last long at all because they ended up running Security Breach, but that run was a trainwreck and not a noteworthy kind of trainwreck.
>tranny enabler projecting
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Kirby is from women and children. I will not be taking any question.
This run is so low energy despite these guys having done runs for so long
>Five Nights at Freddies (creator is donor to right wing-cases)
I think every donor to GDQ should also be banned for donating to left wing-cases (GDQ).
Did they set up any dilation stations? They might need em
>There will be threads
Lol no there fucking won't. In this entire clusterfuck list the only events that will have actual threads are ESA and GDQ:FF

The rest will die off the first day
no one cares, some of us do
Do do do dee dee dee do
Do do do dee dee dee do
Do do do dee dee dee do
Omg, I forgot all about this. I miss cringer ginger.
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Hey guys can we focus on the run instead of arguing
It's a good run. Just boring. Typical B ranked run.
Which one are you? If first
how bad does it smell that the runner has to wear a mask?
This weirdass post again. I said nothing about "programming brains". I pointed out every level they were in had the exact same repetitive color scheme. The rest, you made up yourself.
They're all tired from the mandatory service at the official dilation stations, please understand
I like Kirby as a friend.
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Really solid gameplay (That effectively serves as the base for Smash Bros' controls), and the music and dreamy atmosphere is great too.
I'm going to pre-rate this run as a C. Weak commentary, "no glitches" and it's hard to take this runner seriously with the face diaper.
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10 dollars for this almost seems reasonable nowadays
what year was that?
NSG had threads throughout the event, even if a lot was anons wanting to sniff Lovare's socks.
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I let him suck me some times
>from women and children
the fuck does that mean
kirby is the offspring of a woman and a child?
I like him as a lover.
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I like him as a parent
RTA needs an English restream
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The audience clapping along to the Kirby Dance is quite soulful.
I wish /v/ allowed audio.
I said no questions
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Correct. i would 100% make weeklong threads for it if this was the case, but it does not, so no.
If you're attending any kind of gamer or anime convention, you'd be wise to pack a dozen of masks with menthol oil inside of them.
It's like night and day, and it has saved me from many Yu-Gi-Oh tournaments.
They're simple games that anyone could pick up and play, while also having a massive skill ceiling if you know what you're doing.
>RTA finally gets an English restream
>Punchy is the main host
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shitposting with your friends (us)
What would happen if Kirby swallowed a tranny? Would he turn into a woman?
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The only thing more fucking stale than GDQ donation memes is people who keep posting the same /v/ GDQ images for 10+ years.
this is a good thing, actually
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>Kirby absorbs Scent
Grease Fire.
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What would happen if you swallowed a tranny?
>The announcer's barely disguised fetish
is that game good?
me on the left behind orange
So, what powers would Kirby get from absorbing Scent?
I still won't buy your build engine shit, Ion Maiden/Fury devs.
Kinda eyeing Selaco though, ngl.
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Come on, I'd play a "Super Lesbian RPG", but "Super Lesbian ANIMAL RPG"? I'm not gonna play that.
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GDQ went too fast again.. how can it be the final day already!?
it's just omori but for furry transvestites.
Looks kinda gay if you ask me
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GDQ Pantsu!
I thought they invented Metaknight for Brawl?
>the Caveman, serene
>the Cane, frazzled
Time flies when you're having fu... wait.
post the improved version
why are there multiple kirbys what the fuck is going on, what's the lore on this?
Also what does it mean when I can hardly remember the runs in the middle of the weeks? Lel. I just mostly remember day one and today and a bit of yesterday.
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Nope, he's a staple Kirby villain.
Anyone else doing the clapping sound but with their mouth?
this stage music is so good
>somehow as he got older Caveman's surliness evolved into stoic charisma
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Is the Kiniku Buster a legal move to use in a wrestling match? I remember someone told me moves like piled rivers are banned in lucha libre for being Way too dangerous, even with proper training.
no, I'm not gay.
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Looks like a commercialized version of Super Lesbian Horse RPG by Ponett (the first guy I knew who trannied out).
These were innocent days.
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Did somebody just shout "fuck it, yes" when asked if they leave incentives behind?
What are you even on about?
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he's a headbanga
You know, in a way this is Sam and Tolki's fault
>GDQ was a cool event up until the end of 2014
>Tolki gets gangbanged while Sam goes home like a cuck
>pastebin is leaked and causes a shitstorm
>GDQ keeps it on the downlow but starts to sanitize and clean up GDQ to ensure this doesn't happen again
>few years later Tolki makes a twitlonger about it
>now the entire internet is up in arms
>GDQ is forced to be family friendly and make it so nothing bad happens, no bad vibes and no curse words. Trans Rights <3
All because Sam wasn't man enough to say "Nah we're going home" when he saw his friends hitting on Tolki...
What's the word?
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Men get better with age.
why did you think that?
Except for me.
Where's she taking you?
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he finally embraced the caveman persona
Argick doesn't look so comfortable there.
God this is such aggressive donation reading, he's not even asking the runners. This reminds me of when Mike Uyama was reading donations back in the day.
So is ESA gonna go the same route with the Lovare thing then?
Whatever happened to them anyways?
I don't know what's worse.
Twitch banning comments or mods banning comments on /v/ because they're upset.
she's pretty cute
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the sex chamberrrrr
so glad i got to experience this live, absolute certified kino
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what else would you be doing instead, shitposting on /v/?
>spikevegeta vore joke
>No facial hair
>Facial hair
>Gay bear
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Fuck, she's exactly who I want in my life.
Just pay for a fucking speech therapist you stupid nerd.
You forgot the "getting fat" step.
the way the japanese restream works is they just bring in people familiar with the particular run or games being played to commentate, they generally don't translate much.
I think the real problem might be communicating and convincing enough of the splintered western speedrunning community to work together on the same stream, even if each person just needs to commentate one speedrun over a discord call.
How did you find a webm of my ex wife?
wtf is that
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What is that supposed to be, genuinely
Those were the days. Hopefully GDQ dies and something new can rise from the ashes, but who knows?
he khs
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wow it's almost like showering is a meaningless habit that serves no purpose
It isn't since you're practically slamming down onto the spinal/cranium area that can easily harm or cripple someone even with a small jump. Even though it'd be cool to be like Kinnikuman, potentially ruining someone's life with it isn't cool
You really don't, she a horrible bitch when she's not being performative in front of a camera or audience.
Its been a few years. He's now suffering from Twink death and is being smart and embracing bearness.
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went dark
the classic underpants stretcher
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lmao I should have figured I'd be wrong.
Where's the OOOOORB chants?
Kirby wouldn't do that.
The "WEEEEEEEE" shit has been the closest
she's awful and now she's ruining Sony and EVO
I'm surprised kirby is allowed there, seeing as he is a well known devout christian
how do you know this anon?
plap plap plap get gassy get gassy
wrestling is fake nothing that can actually hurt the other person is allowed
boxing on the other hand...
Yeah and he molested those kids.
it takes a lot of courage to start elementary school late. I'm proud of her.
Kirby is righteous and hates evil.
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The man
The myth
The legend
All chants and slogans like "orb" "monka" or "hoyp" are dead and have all been replaced by "trans rights".
interacting with her IRL.
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What do you think of the yetee's new print?
>I think the real problem might be communicating and convincing enough of the splintered western speedrunning community to work together on the same stream
Won't happen. Too many people have bad blood with GDQ/just don't like GDQ to work with them and then at the same time GDQ, as shown by their recent smugposting and gloating over the ESA situation and how they tried to make Fast50 out to be bad in order to destroy its momentum, are very petty towards other events and are bitter and jealous towards them. They want to be the only speedrun event, and all other small events are under their umbrella. Meanwhile, ESA is splintering with ESA loyalists and then the people who fled from ESA are probably gonna try to prop up the other Euro events like UKSG, BSG etc. into the next flagship Euro event instead.
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Harutomo is going over the entire roster, brother.
i love nightmare in dreamland desu, played the shit out of it on gba
Alright Anonymous we're closing in on ~12 hours left and we're still a ways off of 2mil. I know you like to wait until the last minute but this is getting a little close.
Rate this run
no we dont, theres a strong divide between tip and no tip culture. if you dont believe me just check out a doordash or grubhub delivery forum. all the do is piss and moan about not getting tipped.
not enough children in the crowd
politics control our industry now for some reason
if you're not left winged they will crucify you
He'd just fucking die
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I want a Harutomo bf....
You must be mistaken, he's a christian, not a tranny.
does he know?
Is it scratch and sniff?
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Who knows, I think the nonsense rumours are a bit spoony like.

Well I would say that, but look at the "dude" that screeched autistically about spoony now. Now I think Spoony was always right and did nothing wrong.
He should stop fucking around and make vids again.
I could hear game's music
Solid B.
Just a solid run, nothing exceptional though.
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I remember I saw someone once doing a move like it called the Full Rose or something like that and the question never left my brain after that.
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He's back!!
B because I like the game, but not A because of OOB stuff.
C+, pretty decent but average run
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A-. Great commentary, comfy run, minor mistakes.
C, all the poyos and shit always bring it down a tier
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how does it speak????
Are the rumors true?
They should lay off Midjourney and git gud with civit.ai.
Also the degenerate who did the lettering deserves Scent's dungeon.
She let the mask slip a handful of times, usually when donations weren't on track to exceed their targets.
Oh I thought you said Catholic
I've got my $10,000 donations lined up don't worry :)
>Guy tells the tranny he's glad he's doing the weird voice

mongolian stew
veggies meat in a sheeps stomach then filled with heated stones
Did she end up having the kid after all? Her GDQ bastard?
Mexican wrestling rings tend to be way harder than American or Japanese rings from how they're constructed so taking a lot of hard flat bumps on them is not advised, hence why a lot of the high flying or fast lucha libre is more flowing looking than more realistic or theatrical wrestling styles.
I can't recall the wrestler but he mentioned taking a straight back bump from the ropes in his first match for a Mexican promotion and got the shock of feeling like he'd bumped on the floor outside the ring. So he learned to bump lighter there.

Anyway to answer your question, it would be "legal" but not advisable. The muscle buster is the same move but falling backwards onto a bump, rather than dropping straight down like that, and the muscle buster you have to be careful with, it's a tenuous position to be dropping someone in. Samoa Joe does that move and 99% of the time no problem, but the 1% time it hit wrong the opponent broke his neck and his career was over, that was a freak occurrence but still.
I'd also say piledrivers are safe enough, executively smartly, the illegal move thing in Mexico is more of a kayfabe thing (since a bad guy could do a piledriver behind the ref's back and be a real bastard in story for doing it).
You wanna know how I got these scars?
couple years after this, tolki did a tweetlonger about it crying rape. then stiv did a tweetlonger saying it wasn't rape, she was dtf. nothing since then. one of the alleged rapists, giant waffle, took the "don't apologize, just ignore it" route and still gets good viewer numbers on twitch
C kinda boring
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Senranbros we still have a chance!
this lovely kirby adult diaper
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>last day
>only 1.4m
Is there something that's causing the feed to delay by multiple seconds compared to previous years?
Did she get pregnant?
The cheeks keep getting bigger. Someone save us
yes. See:
Yes i did, i did not say tranny or public school teacher (lots of overlap there)
idk why the stream audio keeps getting delayed to oblivion
C for Cirby.
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>that audio delay
>he doesn't have an airloid
Yes, if you mention it in their chat you get permanently banned for negativity.
Is this corvimae creature an actual female? Looks like a dream woman.
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it's on twitch's side
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B for Baphoment (to which Kirby is far more satanic)
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I'm doin' him a B
I can grant you the same low inhibition as GDQ trannies

All you have to do is make a contract with me
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lol no
the fuck do people do with these pearlers? do they use them as coasters? hang them off the wall? straight into the plastic trash?
Fucked up setup that has increasing amount of audio drift, should be easy enough to fix but they've done nothing to sort it.
not getting any audio delay with alternative twitch player
>Random references to FFXIV
But why though?
It's okay we're gonna come in clutch with several $10,000 donations in the final hours and push them over $3 million
hey can't you just enjoy it for what it is? It's a charity event dude who cares :)
C. Boring game, boring commentary, skilled though
> "And wh got another 100000 dollar donation from ANONYMOUS, no message, thank you soo much"
Cmon now, that whole controversy probably didn't help, but almost every GDQ has some type of controversy regardless
GDQ becoming sanitized was a long time coming with how much more popular and mainstream it slowly was starting to become
When you have loads of big sponsors and essentially become a cooperate event, their only choice is to try and play it as clean as possible
>one of the alleged rapists, giant waffle
>ugly soiboi pajeet
>getting cucked by that
>2 million dollars or dedede gets it
I got your joke, anon
how did he look before transition?
>app allows americans to decide whether to tip or not after the person possibly giving them attitude about it leaves
>they choose not to tip
He kinda looks like Caitlyn Jenner in the face
right? I'm not crazy am i?
Most of this is just for hentai + sex scenes and you think "Yeah that makes. They couldn't show that on twitch".
Then you get to Five Nights at Freddy's + Harry Potter.
It was solid.
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Please go easy on Mr. Divorced and Unemployed guys.
FFXIV and trannies go together like bees and honey
It fixes itself when I refresh the stream tho
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another trinket to clean
she's a 6'4 cute girl anon uwu
>wrestling is fake
I wasn't aware Rey Mysterio killing Perro Aguayo Jr. was all planned.
I wonder where he might be now.
it was originally a kids toy but womenchildren like it so much they became the main market for it
Wait, what if it was Corvimae who made those "GDQ thriving, ESA dying" posts all this time?
Is it normal to have a total mental collapse when you're asked not to wear a hat?
>game creator's uncle has a friend who posted a problematic tweet one time
>dev did not confirm the transness of their female lead
>game set in european medieval times has concerning lack of BIPOC representation.
>game allows only cisheteronormative romance options and does not let you fuck animals, in a post BG3 world not acceptable.
Even ESA went hard on trying to clean stuff up, used to be ok with swearing and stuff and procedurally got to the point of suspending English_Ben for things getting a little laddish duing that RE4 run.
He can get a wife why can't /v/?
>40 year old divorced unemployed father saying "eepy" unironically
I like how /v/ got the exclusive on this at AGDQ with that one anon who claimed to be a GDQ volunteer and posted badge as proof. Since they were correct on Game and Shout it means they were correct on everything else (Including the most to least asshole tier list)
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>Take el bump, ese
Why he lose job and slampig?
Thank you Brock
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why does he look like this?
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He's already dating again. The ogre has game.
I firmly believe that the tranny movement would be nowhere near as strong and prevalent as it is if FFXIV never existed
i don't mind him on the prize segments, just as an announcer
Corvimae is thread schizo. There's my theory.
here, it's been in every fucking thread (and I'll miss it when it's over desu)
what did they say?
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I would like like that if I could
thats not how they work.
these apps ask you to tip up to three times BEFORE you submit your purchase.
the tip is typically blind to the delivery person, usually - and depending on the delivery app.
in most of these apps you can also "adjust" your tip after your delivery.
he, allah forgive me, socialize
Botox for some reason. We need to find a pic of him before he went down this route.
that's just a stone
holding food in his cheeks for the winter
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Has anyone here ever donated and won anything?
>He bought $DDD?
>Doomp eet.
I still remember there was a ton of drama around that black chick who would show up attached to various runners throughout the years, and kept doing shit like taking her poodle into a no pets hotel room and something about Caleb making her have an abortion.
March, go back to /hsrg/
>If you're directly supporting me, you're literally helping to kill me
That's just the way culture is now.
If they played any of the games, the fanbase would take that as "supporting" Scott Cawthon and consequently killing trannies.
Never reveal any details of your personal life over the internet.
i remember that poster but can't remember what else he claimed. what were the asshole rankings? i vaguely remember him saying keiz was actually really nice but i might be confusing keiz with someone else
You're halfway there. It's mostly Balmung server users who are trannies, but even then, a decade ago they would be in Moonguard on WoW.
Lol how can someone be so shameless and just say this shit into the void to total strangers.
>shakeups in tech
im not kidding.
no, I would never donate to shit like this
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At least he will always have GDQ to provide meaning and purpose in his life, just like us amirite /v/ros :)
just look at him.
ok the bob-omb battlefield diorama is actually pretty cool
>since they were correct on one thing it means they were correct on everything else
He claimed that Sent doesn't smell that bad (doubt that) and that he is way too stressed over his job
What was going on here?
about to donate $100 what subtle /v/ reference should I make?
It's hard to accept you don't look like you wished you looked like.
You don't win things, you "win" them but GDQ is very well known for never sending them out.

It's why some prizes kept being seen year on year, it was the exact same fucking prize.
I'm not white or have a huge dick or have enough money to make up for those things.
holy shit
he actually looked handsome
what has to happen to mf to ruin ones body this hard
i see
i've used uber eats in my country and the only time i was asked to give a tip was for the delivery person after the delivery had been confirmed. guess it's different from app to app and depending on region too maybe.
APPEARENTLY that's going to change this time around, and they're going to lax their screening policy for things like donations and such to help with "engagement with donators"
We have yet to see, but it's probably a safe mood with all the drama going on with it right now
Try to step back and return a bit to grassroots
I forget I just remember Hobz at top and Ruby rock bottom.
I remember him saying Keiz just likes to "play the heel"
>we have a 3 MILLION dollar donation from the yetee, they say "Choke."
so how FoTM is Pizza Tower?
Closeted activities
Talk about your love of pizza tower and cheese pizza.
lose job
bitch leaves

women amirite?
he said Sent was the biggest asshole imaginable
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That actually explains a lot, thanks Brock.
I remember Chris Benoit used to wrestle as Pegasus Kid in Mexico. Crashing his head against a harder mat would explain why he went mad quicker, I guess.
Oh yeah, the ugly but stacked black girl, I remember that
She was an actual hooker
Kinda crazy, probably went to GDQs for easy money
What is the motivation for becoming a tranny? What's their motivation for turning into a mutilated abomination? Do they actually think chopping their penises off makes them a female?
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>about to donate $100
>Mario 64 Randomizer
What is there to randomize? Mario jumps into the Bob-omb painting and ends up in TickTock Clock?
Cope a curry tranny pulled frozenflygon
Yeah that he gets way too into incentives being met and stuff and gets legit stressed over not meeting inecntive goals.
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I've never looked like how I wanted.
I'd feel uncomfortable if I did.

Because then I'd be a 2D psychopathic super saiyan.
Instead I look like a skinny Jiren.
reading this in Brock's country boy voice makes it much funnier than it should be
That's some fucking Minecrafter named dream. I'm over 30 and I even I know this.
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Tendies all day, every day.
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If you donate a thousand dollars, Pete will finally kill you
Is it worth it?
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region based very likely, they also change how the apps operate for the delivery drivers based on surge.
tipping fatigue reached critical mass when post coof saw the rise of tip screens for fucking self checkout and self service kiosks
i have low self esteem and confidence
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Another I wanna be the guy run for the runner to choke on and use savestates
Tha's not what botox is anon
mention trans rights
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Cute how they're rooting for their artistic child
That isn't the same person
gruess gott
>prize goblin having a nervous breakdown while threads are reveling in a missed incentive
kinda feel bad now
I could hire a hitman to kill me for that money
I recall he said Keiz came off as insecure and self-conscious about other people liking him
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thats so awesome that The Yeti is actually in the audience today
posting one or two tweets about how "Sorry they said I can't wear my hat anymore :(" "So sad I can't do my tradition!!!" is fine
what she's doing is not
That's not him. Stop believing every shit you see on this site
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based, thank you
Sounds like Planks doing some spin, I'm pretty sure it was fundraising who were tasked with filtering donations, and they're mostly gone now.

They don't have the people to screen it anymore.
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I was about to ask; whose parents?
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something about being a headbanga
I theoretically could win the lotto as well. Doesn't mean it is likely or realistic in the least. An exception does not make the rule.
weird flex but ok
>Runner begging people to come in and actually watch the fucking game
Kek based
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i barely have enough money as is and you want me to donate???
someone keeps posting it just to trick faceblind autists
Who's the lady?
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Z rank already
before covid for sure
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It's not a flex. I'm not happy about having acquired and retained this knowledge.
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holy fuck how can people be this new
the man is prolific minecraft youtuber Dream after he removed his mask
the tranny is just another tranny that dug his roots into GDQ
Disperse from our SGDQ thread.
as selfdestructive these alphabet people are it wasn't that far fetched i guess
But does Tran support Palestinian trans rights too?
The Harry Potter one is dumb, those old PS1 games were pure soul and don't do anything for JK.
Why would trannies invade the IWBTG fangame scene of all things
IWBTG still having an audience is baffling.
oh boy
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>twan right for twans wights
>trans rights shit before the run has even started
i smell a ZZZ cooking
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>select custom
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holy who this
I'm not afraid to say it; I really did not like this game.

To me, fangames are about making something new. The original IWBTG was a brand new and unique adventure built on classic video game sprites and references. It was a novelty, but it was really interesting and captivated me when I first discovered it in middle school (along with Boshy and Kill The Guy). I feel that, for the most part, games have continued to follow this trend. This game, however, does not feel like that, and instead feels like a reference-fest with little to no originality par the final stage.

I understand that the past blind adventure games for Fangame Marathon were always like this. However, as time went on, people began to get sick of this trend of rehashing retro games and reprogramming them into fangame stages. So why is it different for this one? Why is this game so praised when it has some of the most uninventive stages in the entire blind game series?

I guess I can start with the few pros this game has: the 3D work on this game is phenomenal. It's a feat of programming excellence to get fully 3D environments working in GameMaker and looking beautiful as well, so props for that. I will also say that even though stages are rather uninventive, they do a decent job of looking visually accurate to their source material. The choice of games was also very creative (thank you for not picking another Mario stage!).
>tranny rights
please stop. this reminds me of demolition man with extra nice speech
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>Tran is facing right to say Trans' rights
Wasn't the focus of this charity to be about Doctors?
What fucking rights don't they have???
The timer hasn't even started and I can already feel the kusoge energy flowing
the players are too meek and or busy playing to gatekeep
It was a surprise how neat those runs were at ESA, especially the co-op ones with that Finnish chick running them.
dude in the middle without pronouns looks like he's being held hostage
>Flashgames were muh childhood
My parents weren't poor so I played real games.
A literal who.
My biggest issue is that this game has very little to no originality. Every single stage except for the final stage is as close to the source material as possible, with the only changes being the level design and the Kid replacing whatever protagonist is present in the original. This is just so baffling to me; why would I play this when I can just play the original. This is especially true for stages like the Parappa stage, which is essentially 1-to-1 to the original game with no changes except for some lyrics being changed to be fangame references (haha). The Gunstar Heroes and Sonic CD stages follow closely behind as they are incredibly similar to their source material. This game, out of all of the blind adventure games, has the lowest level of creativity. And it's not like the bar has always been like this: there are some standout stages in previous games (Kirby Golf, Contra, Castlevania IV) that go further than the source material and add something uniquely "fangame-y". This game does not reach that level at all, and it's disappointing to see.

In conclusion, I fear this game represents a bad omen for the future of fangames. Fangames are the GB Collab, or the Farewell Medley, or Freezemind, or any other unique experience. And if fangames are starting to become overproduced, rehashed nostalgia fests, I don't want to be in this community anymore.
Oh they're starting the shillfest early today.
Having a diving headbutt as a regular move isn't a good idea in any ring. Dynamite Kid also did that and he didn't turn out well either (though his problem was being a horrible asshole rather than brain damage, but still he became a cripple).

But that kind of violence isn't out of nowhere. Mick Foley got battered over the head for 20 years and he's a housecat.
The right to give children HRT without parental approval.
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omg is that THE Dan Salvato randomly on the couch?!
>second jump
who bitch this is?
I know the discord screenshot where that was mentioned was posted a couple of times but I didn't save it
>died thrice already
okay it's over
From back when gdq was good, I think she's also the girl that famously got her chair sniffed.
the right to fuck your children without consequences
this is meant to be a iwbtg clone? it looks fucking piss easy
way too many fangames and indie games only 38 people have played this year.
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looks like 2017, this was the first time that particular image was ever posted on /v/
and yet he's dying a lot
looks like a temporary bass player for Children of Bodom
wow its the car from street fighter
did you clap?
I donated in a moment of weakness some years ago, was watching with my partner at the time and we both let ourselves get caught up in the hype towards the end. Ended up winning (and actually receiving) this burlap Zelda silkscreen. Ended up giving it to a friend that's a huge Zelda fan, it's still framed and hanging up in his living room like a piece of high-art.
The original IWBTG is piss easy too
Where's the angry german dude running these games? that's the only fun thing about these games
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>The creator of DDLC sounds and looks like a total faggot
Shouldn't be surprised
whatever happened to that one german dude who would run IWBTG clones at ESA and always turn it into a trainwreck. i miss him, those runs were always a good time
not that bad
Next game is sponsored by Something Autistic
that's really sweet
r u a fag?
We're definitely gonna see a splinter. I think ESA will continue on, and be more sanitized to try and regain face, and we'll see UKSG or BSG or something also start to rise up further and be more casual and relaxed.
this is on par with those boring fucking kaizo mario runs
Fifteen thousand and they all fucking suck
I'm going ESA the actual speedrun event
This is like finding out what the hosts of your favorite podcasts look like
When is ESA?
Is they supposed to be dying? Is that tech?
wtf you guys said GDQ didn't give stuff!!
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She looks like siri
he's a bank robber
Asking for a friend

do they clean the couch throughout the week or by the end of the week does it just smell horrid?

do they buy a new couch for each gdq or is that one that's uses for multiple events?
Isn't he a smash player? What die you expect
I don't know, what happened to witwix?
So I guess this is it now, the runs are essentially over and from this point on its just gonna be them trying to plug incentives hard and beg for donations to the detriment of the run. We're not gonna be seeing actual runs now, just background noise for "LETS GO TWITCH CHAT LETS GO"
>that facial expression at the end that he's truly alone and nobody really cares about his presence
yeah no that hit pretty hard ngl
He literally picks something up from below his chair.
Why are there no attractive speedrunners? If there are, name them. I'm genuinely curious.
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>"Quiet time please"
>donation immediately starts being ready
They send out a small percentage of it to make the scam less obvious.
This is the gayest run yet honestly in every sense of the word
you're joking but they really are trying to do that shit
I guess we'll see
Becoming more sanitized would be the worst possible move, but they need to appease the current sponsors they have or else they risk losing what they have now and need to search again
I remember when they got their first 'big' sponsor and had the event in a giant warehouse
Good times honestly
That's not how history will remember him.
>died multiple times already
its over
y'know, listening to the podcasts, i expected the cumtown boys to be kinda ugly, fat, gay and jewish, but i didn't expect them to be THAT ugly, fat, gay and jewish...
farming twitchbux on the pokemon treadmill
the guy running right now does't look too bad
There's a girl who runs re village. Katlink maybe? She an actual beauty
Ateatree has no situational awareness at all. Just constantly starts reading donations without asking runners. And in this case read it right after the runner called for quiet time.
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if it's random then how does?
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This host is the fucking worst. talking over interesting kirby tech, talking over quiet-please moments, SHUT THE FUCK UP "THEY"
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Didn't they run this as ESA?
I'm still holding out hope for Pizza Tower, the guy who runs this is pretty good. He is a squeaker and has a homestuck pfp so be wary
Balls on screen
turned out to be a domestic abuser lmao
Stop posting cropped scat porn
Trihex can get it.
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>blindfolded Mario 64
>pizza tower
Kino sandwiching that piece of shit crab game
He still streams occasionally but fell off hard.
Spoken like a true seat sniffer.
Yeah. It's weird to see how most of the hardcore matches wrestlers are incredibly nice outside of the ring.
The guy running this does not look like he sounds like that, I keep thinking the long haired guy in the back is talking.
dan salvato has such an unfortunate voice, damn
Aren't failed cops supposedly smart because of the whole IQ filter thing?
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>out of all IWBTG fangames you could have chosen
>its wannafest again
to the surprise of nobody. wonder why fangame marathon went to shit.
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>Tranny tower next
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Goemon was the shit
there was this spanish resident evil runner once
gorgeous girl. believe she cosplayed as one of the chars during the run.
It's IWBTG with 10x more production values.
absolute disgusting basic bitch
>cool looking IWBTG comp-hack
>runner fucking sucks
I miss when games like this used to be run with such a level of speed and skill that my dinner would get cold.
He MIGHT be able to squeeze in a normal run depending on how the donation reader feels, but the shilling is already starting to ramp up, he may be on too late.
My favorite parts of this GDQ has been when the mics feed back into themselves and you get that awful loud noise.
love that
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Is that John Oliver?
This one doesn't even loodk hard
They might go the opposite and embrace leaning more right, it feels like Edenal doesn't want political donations andw as the one behind that, now that he has no Metako etc. he might just do things his way.
how is this speedrunning? it's just lets plays
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Anything missing?
I think BSG is more centralized for doing that, while I think we might see UKSG end up taking up something like ESA Legends since a lot of the runners who were really into that were from the UK.
Don't worry anon fangame marathon is in 4 days to see more cool runs like...... all the non IWBTG stuff they've been forcing in there the past few years.
They're trying really hard to dissociate from IWBTG fangames.
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This literally doesn't look hard at all
Why does she have her tongue out in every pic? Does she have some kind of disability?
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RIP Funk
This SGDQ has been so mediocre. I have barely been entertained at all this week. Even the threads weren't as fun as usual. Wtf went wrong?
Isnt this the tranny that ran the carwaching game with her husband and then tried to get with the zoomy at esa last year?
oh they really are his parents! aw
>Does she have some kind of disability?
anon... she is a speedrunner
>Even the threads weren't as fun as usual
I agree. Usually these threads are fun, but they've felt so sterile this year.
Her big ass nose ruins it.
There's that latina girl that speedruns Resident Evil games. That other one that did Elden Ring with a DDR machine as a controller and Luzbelheim is pretty handsome for a guy that speedruns FF8.
Thank you for making the traditional post, GDQ is now complete.
Stop posting this fucking e-thot, you turbo faggots
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This wouldn't happen if you guys stopped complaining and started spamming doritos in the chat like everyone else, just saying
This guy SUCKS
i stopped watching a while back. they still have not released that blind adventure game based on flash games from a few years ago. im disappointed with the direction they are going with the event itself
FASF is better
Ah they were actually his parents, thats really nice
Alright asshole I'm only being cheeky.
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>parents are going to watch in person as he goes overestimate
he's so cute
chartfaggot/steam deck tiny dick faggot has run everyone off the board with his bot spam and ban evasion over the last few months so these threads are just mostly tourists
Say thanks to him
...and CHOKES
I like buttholes because regardless of what this person thinks they are, they're gunna have a butthole
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>Glover save file incident
This feels oddly familiar?
Did it say Cum or something?
She really has those nosforatu vibes. Fuck it's so funny.
because she's a slut
Knowing you're solving captchas to report images of an attractive woman is enough for me
Boomers don't care. They see their precious lil sonny on a stream and are happy. Sometimes ignorance really is bliss.
This and the Kirby run have been terrible what a terrible way to end the event.
No, that's just Eidgod, she's called Eidgoddess now.
>45 minutes over estimate
>breaks down in tears
>parents rush the stage to embrace and console him
would be kino tbqh
Does anyone have the gif of the guy bouncing in his seat in an empty row?

He denies a tranny the spot next to him, but seems to almost lose all of his autism the moment a real woman sits beside him?

Also does anyone have the tranny parade gif? I'm such a retard and forgot to save them, I'm sorry.
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>i fired him from his job
based donator
Some anon said it best:
Shes thick in all the wrong places
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Glover filename
This Wario section makes me wish they'd just skip to the Pizza Tower run
>Solving Captchas
>Verification not required.
It's telling you where to aim.
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These shit games are only tolerable when run by BBF_ and only if he's choking
Yeah you don't get five of those in a row dude
>tranny tranny tranny tranny
Brother step outside for some air, your brain is rotting over this unhealthy obsession
This sucks
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Sorry to let you down but this shit is going overestimate
Sup, bros?
holy soul
Its funny cause I'm growing more fond of her, especially when the person at GDQ posted in these threads says she acts the exact same off camera. So knowing she's just this chaotic goblin made me like her more.
kungfufruitcup. it's an old webm. she's fat now.
lmao, now I remember
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TWEWYChads got a super hot runner a couple years back
I feel like you gotta at least mention all the money laundering schizo posting
that blueglass laugh in the back
>the power of brazil
Unleash the power of Brasil
I stopped watching for a lack of interest too, and the only games that I was interested in were the blind games that I wanted to play blind later so I didn't watch those either. And completely agreed on FASF, even if I don't understand shit. Organizers there deserve some props even with the certain hiccups.
>the power of brazil
imagine the smell
Imagine giving con artists money.

Sorry, I guess I should have said true and honest women.

I didn't realize I said tranny twice, I apologize for my lack of creative thinking.
>no Macbat 64
the shouting
Will anything top powerwash simulator for worst run ever this gdq?
>suddenly, /v/ is gay
What happened?
Reminds me of the Geoguessr sign that kind of caused them to go off letting that bearded twat run it constantly.
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>Mr game and shout being a fag
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What a fucking Chad.
God damn dono reader is EXCITED
last day of gdq is always aids because they give the hosts crack and tell them to go nuts for donations
Announcer needs to stop yelling holy shit
I wasn't here for that, what whappened
new thread fags
Powerwash sinulator happened
>the power of 7-1
its fucking powerwash simulator
its not even a fucking speedrun
also something something modded transflag
flygone getting curried? and the other gdq streams
There's a reason why people call this the gayest board on the site newfriend
not sure if thats even possible anon, it might even be in the 10 worst runs period.
holy fucking kino
Anyway, nothing wrong about 'mirin the effort of another fellow male to look good.
... out of 10!
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/v/ has always been very gay See >>681951073
>open stream
>hear that neat little part about brazil
>close it again because shouty loud cunt donation reader
>my partner
They didn't even put up a FUCKING TIMER during that run.
looks pretty fun atleast
Brazil's power is too much for me
You may as well of speedran a coloring book.
(They Also modded in tranny flags for an additonal knock to their score)
The rhythm game was worse
>mr game and shout
>bonus met
great we get to suffer more through this game
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>failing the easiest stage
i thlammed my penith in the car door
you SLAMMED your PEnis IN the CAR door
that's fucking amazing honestly
soul kino
It should be updated with Lovare exposing ESA. Also Habkename feeling up women now that its all but confirmed.
which one?
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>he doesnt know
Yo this game is crazy boring
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How is this a speedrun?
Now this is the autism I like to see
Republicans like to (often pretend to) be the bigger people, and will support and left and right media. Democrats are insane faggots and will only support left media while declaring the right to be worse than Hitler. Therefore, media is ultimately decided by the left.
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There is
autoscroller stage
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Yeah this really sucks
This game seems insanely easy for a I Wanna Be The Guy game.
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zfg looks like a chud
Now post them on the bouncy castle under Plum.
They broke up, left is dating some bitchy chick now
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god i miss that little nigga
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This is why 3D was a mistake.
Wasn't this ran last year too or something?
I wanna be the rappa?
Why is this on the last day
It's a showcase to shill for fangames and their own marathon that runs soon. This is not a speedrun.
this game is fucking shit
bros say it ain't true
was KungfuWifeCup really getting wet over a fucking mario 64 blindfold runner???
dios mios
Yes, she got real sweaty
By comparison, Boshy is a 67.1
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As a gayfag I can confirm speedrunning has a lot of attractive guy runners, especially ESA/Europe scene where theres a lot of hot Scandinavian guys. The issue is, you can't invest in them because 60% of the time when you see them the next year they've went full she/her. Lost so many good twinks to that.

Pic related, Megaman runner from ESA Winter.
Might be why he's fast and actually good at the game.
I have an important announcement to make!
I'm bored. That is all, thank you.
what a boppin fucking song no one can hear my dude
Seconding this. This is easier than half of the Mario Maker games I've seen.
>you got this
>dies immediately
Mohammad consummated with a 9 page old
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Who approved this shit
The biggest lie is Boshy being only a 67. That game should be an 80 just because of the bullshit bosses.
Yeah, it's more of a mishmash of fun things more than a ball busting challenge. I still like it.
Out of all the events ASM probably has the best looking people
ysg getting removed from stream room before SM64 during SGDQ 2013
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>he doesn't know the GOAT
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>get the weekend off
>decided to spend it watching sgdq
>it's garbage this year
you guys genuinely are the only reason why watching this event is still fun
>Lovare metooing ESA
>Blacktastic might have harrassed someone
>Habke touched up Celina (though these two are both part of Lovare metooing ESA)
>The Chibirobo manifesto
>The SGDQ 2024 Floppy hat incident
Isn't it just really frontloaded?
CD is so fucking good
I wonder how many people get AIDS from GDQ nowadays.
See? The problem solves itself.
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Any devs present? I remember there was a playtester who talked about this game on /v/ a few years back. Might have been the ESA run
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guys that look like this
this is a quartz quadrant zone only

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Who he dumped him for.
Frontloaded? Aren't the hardest bosses at the end? At least I know most people complain about sonic, megaman and of course solgyn.
I REPEAT, PAGE 9!!!!!!
>SGDQ 2024 Floppy hat incident
those are siblings
Floppy hat girl got told to stop attention-whoring, coolmatty goes on a sperg spree on reddit when normalfags find out after she suicide baits on twitter.
chick with a disruptive dancing hat got told to knock it off and she's been sadposting on twitter about it ever since
omg it migu
what happens in sweden stay in sweden
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Gross. Those speedruns suc-


Hang on, what?
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tsukihi my beloved
i still need to catch up with owari and all the stuff after before i watch monster
>what if we kissed under Plum at ESA
Hatsune Miku at GDQ
I'm built like the guy on the left
Agree. I like chubby girls but she lost the genetic lottery on where the weight goes.
damn Jhay dropped off hard
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Be careful. It gets kinda spooky.
I am disgusted at my countryman
im your bro
there he is

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