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Get me NINTENDO on the phone.
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>nintendo magic
please no
eldensnoys seething
what are they referring to?
yes, progression issues are the scooby fragments
nintendo magic means make it piss easy
enemies progression scaling with your characters kill count
think the general idea was fine but their placement was weird to say the least
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>The Nintendo magic in question
ESG x Nintendo alliance is real
Sony lost
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>selective footage of a staged encounter, wailing on single enemy with a high powered weapon.

1) Horroblins are always in packs
2) Horroblins are ceiling dwellers. The trick is shoot them down where they become vulnerable and useless. You can't convince me this isn't fun and engaging combat.
3) we can quite clearly see the red "X" on your map at this exact spot where you obviously died fighting these things, so they were clearly a challenge to you.
>t. two wielding bonobo
Maybe start using what these open world games has to offer instead of limiting yourself to one single item for 120 hours
>Death mark in map
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Oh look, the NDF came immediately
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Looks like you need to fucking go back to school you fucking idiot. He said PROGRESSION and not combat. You outed yourself as a brainfuckingdead retard just based on your reading comprehension.
can't wait for thursday
They should also universal rewards in the mini dungeons. In BOTW and TOTK, shrines always give one spirit orb to upgrade your health and stamina so even though the rewards aren't unique, they are always useful. In Elden Ring, doing a mini dungeon give me a unique weapon, spell or spirit ash but more often than not I would need to respec all of my stats if I want to use it (and upgrade the weapon, which can be an issue since some smithing stones can be very scare during some sections of the game), so the reward is never truly useful.
>red X on Minimap


You got slaughtered here by this boss LMFAOO
I found one just before Bayle yesterday, and thought "this is a weird fucking place to have one of these".
But then I realised that I could just have had Bayle as my fourth boss (Dragon Man, Drake, Senessax, Bayle) and it made sense. The open world really complicates things.
They should have given out more scadutree fragments than needed, just like the golden seeds in the base game.
Nintendofags should stick to Nintendo games
i can literally do this to every enemy in the game except bosses with Carian Sovereignty

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I dont understand
Make it piss easy? Is that what they want?
>I dont understand
>Make it piss easy? Is that what they want?

I think they mean 'make it better designed' I reckon.
So in this case make every weapon break and also allow you to consume infinite, overpowered meals? While also making hoverbikes to circumvent anything? And also have a collect-a-thon where the end result is being given a literal piece of shit?
Oh god no piss off with that garbage.
Enemies scaling up into invincible damage sponges and punishing you for not rushing the main quest is the worst part about BoTW and ToTK.
but elden rings already has plenty of generic caves that are tedious and boring
Better designed, as in a better designed world, better designed mechanics, progression being dictated by the player's own wits and resources.

It's hard. And very few developers can do create something that complex.
Yo this gameplay BUSSIN'
>better designed world, better designed mechanics, progression being dictated by the player's own wits and resources.
nintendo isn't good at any of those things. they should copy from soft
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So in this case better world and mechanics being treasure hunts for a piece of actual feces
Note that this is identical to their first game
honest question, so enemies in these zelda game pose any threat at all? are they at any point challenging?
>So in this case better world and mechanics being treasure hunts for a piece of actual feces

No it's to allow the player to tackle adversity on.their own terms, engaging in a 60 hour handcrafted main quest, hundreds of hours sidequests, 150 mini dungeon and tons to explore in a gigantic system and reactive world.

Other games look positively juvenile compared to TotK. Like I said, can't expect everyone to be Nintendo.
Another humiliation ritual thread so anons will bully dragonirian into suicide
>so enemies in these zelda game pose any threat at all? are they at any point challenging?

Yes. Check the previous webms and you'll notice the RED X in the minimap, indicating the player got fucking slaughtered.
>high powered weapon
>still takes million hits to kill
What a retard lmao
>Take the finale of Wind Waker, for instance, which requires collecting the Triforce pieces before accessing the final area. Or, in the recent open world Zeldas, how your chances of survival are vastly improved by discovering all the shrines. Shadow of the Erdtree's fragments feel similar to me, but it's a tedious quest - one of directionless wandering with the vague hope of stumbling upon a precious item.
do people not like exploring? or do they just use youtube guides to play a game
>red X on Minimap

Imagine getting slaughtered by regular low-teir enemies
>so enemies in these zelda game pose any threat at all?
Yeah, I'd say so. I mean, I could charge into most hordes of enemies in a souls game and as long as I can get a single swing off to hit all of them I'm good.
With Zelda most enemies attack in packs and rarely do they focus on just melee, more often than not it's mixed so while you're dealing with the melee attackers the long ranged enemies are taking potshots with arrows
If they didn't they wouldn't be comparing it to exploration focused Zelda games.
>Nintendo Magic
What does this even mean?
They should have mostly dropped from bosses
or be right there like after gaius
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>Getting the triforce pieces in Wind Waker was good
>Collecting Scadu was tedious
Are you shitting me?
Why is that enemy reacting to getting hit? Where's the challenge in that?
He's not wrong
>Hit enemy with a big ass mass
>The enemy cannot reciprocate at all and falls to the ground
If anything, this is more realistic than the shitty sponge enemies from Soul games
The fragments are only somewhat annoying if you want to be maxed out on a new character, but you really don't need to be maxed out since the main path gives you enough.
This won't be good. Fromsoftware fans can't handle criticism very well.
Nah. It kind of works in BotW because the system is designed around cycling through equipment constantly, but in ER it'd just make the overtuned enemy damage more obnoxious.
What ER should actually steal from BotW is making the open world actually enjoyable to traverse and constantly giving the player useful rewards for engaging with said overworld. ER feels like a DaS3 open world fan hack rather than a game designed around its open world.
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The fuck does that even mean? Like you do know the game is on PC and Xbox, right? It was never a Sony exclusive
never reply to shitposters
You say that as if people didn't play botw with 3 hearts for most of it to rush stamina
What progression issues?
>link spent 40 in-game minutes smacking this dude around
my problem with them is that they didn't seem to make up their mind on how to give them to you. there were those random pot shadows that functioned like lizards, and how the spirit ashes ones had altars that make them obvious. then there's the fuckin hippos that also drop them when you kill them. just stick to one way to tell where the fuck they are easily, they did this with golden seeds(mostly) and sacred tears already.
They do. They only expect you to get to around 12-15, retard. Which is why they rebalanced it. They don't expect you to get to max skibidi
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>red X
This is giving me "Bloodborne vet triple carts to low rank Maccao" vibes. Why do souls fags even try other games? Just stick to your glorified NES punchout combat
>Missing out on early Master Sword
You guys really commented on the red x like 50 times. Or one guy did 50 times. Comes across a little defensive don't you think?
>soulsborne fags when 100% of combat isn't auto parried until the enemy's eye shines and they wink at you letting you know to attack them
That enemy would be dead in 2 seconds if any other fanbase was playing. You literally got solo'd by that random mook too, red x shitter.
like with all zelda games only early on. once you start getting hearts it always gets too easy with the exception of maybe the oracle games. the BotWs in particular give you plenty of those temporary health items which function as full heals. even with ToTK toning down the durians there's still plenty of places to get temp health items regularly.
>shitty damage
you'll survive
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>red x
Sound like the word works
They do the same with that webm of the Bokoblin camp in BotW
>clear entire camp of Bokoblins but a single one
>it's an archer knocked off his post in melee combat range
>spam pokes because literally why wouldn't this work
crazy how the adventure series has better more realistic combat than the combat series
>expect you to get to around 12-15
really? oh shit, I've been rolling around with only 5 blessings and I have like 20-22 skibidi fragments in my inventory
I didn't want to overlevel
>hates on TOTK for how the cave only has armour
>loves ER and for some reason doesn't mind all the caves that just have armour in them. Armour that most likely doesn't even have any special effects unlike in TOTK
>if you're lucky you can get a sorcery or incantation that only some builds can use and is most likely worthless to you

I super love both games. But what gives?
It's a phrase made to trick the retarded into thinking Nintendo fans associate everything with sony.
It's not too dissimilar to ootsnoy which was made to assist with shitting on Botw and totk and making Nintendo fans look as irrational as they are.
eldensnoy type post
ER is just as bad, maybe even worse.
>They do the same with that webm of the Bokoblin camp in BotW

Yeah, they have to make these faked scenarios, or out of context situations, that nobody will experience, and try to pretend that's what the moment-to-moment gameplay is.

That's what cope does to them.
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Wow, Switchfags REALLY haven't been taking that TotK video thread well, huh
Somehow I get the feeling that the person posting these Zelda webms haven't even played the Souls games.
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>a bit of Nintendo magic
You mean to lose GotY?
>Enemy actually reacts to you hitting them (Stagger / knockdown)
I miss this shit from Dark Souls 1. Now everything just has permanent hyperarmor.
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you'll get em next time champ
Nin Ten Magic - It's in the game!
and you'll get that award with your next BotW expansion pack, champ
>that TotK video thread well, huh
That one where Eric had another total meltdown and banned someone just for mentioning his name?
Japs need to update their ui
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>t-t-the jannies are also Eric!!!!
is this really where we're at now
didn't need it
either eric or ACfag. doesn't really matter which forever online beta did it, they're both just basic bitch trolls
Oh, sorry.
>t-t-the jannies are also all Eric (or ACfag)!!!
THAT totally comes across as sane now.
you'll survive
You should see how a typical greatshield + spear player fights in elden ring.
Just because samefagging your own posts for hundreds of times in singular threads, daily. Over and over again. Is completely insane. Doesn't mean that anyone who is pointing it out is too.
That went on for awhile
Fortunately for you evidence was posted in that very same thread.
And if you look in the archive you can see that post was deleted as well

Regardless of what you want to believe there's a mod or janny helping him for some reason by issuing false bans under "ban evasion".

If this post is deleted then we'll also have more evidence that he or whoever is helping him is currently here.
I should also add this.
This only happens when an image is removed and they just so happen to be posts where his image was posted.

So yeah, last thread was an unequivocal loss for Eric and his janny tranny cohort.
ACfag is 100% a janny
You DO know that jannies can't ban people, right? That's a job for the mods. And if Eric had any sway with the mod staff, don't you think Nintendo threads would've been banned?
Ok then ACfag is 100% a mod
If that was true, then anyone who even posted fanart of Zero Suit Samus would be banned on the spot. And JRPG threads? Poof, gone.
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>ACfag removing his own crux
Then what would you complain about Doug? You need those threads to exist.
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actual Nintendo magic in question
>posts the headline but nothing from the actual article
I’m not giving you clicks

The universal rewards are runes/exp and upgrade materials, something that the game dumps on you by the truckload especially in the DLC, and even if you can’t use a weapon the item description helps give context to the world

Dunno about Darren but Arthur and Dragoniran do exist and post frequently in Zelda and Elden Ring threads, or rather Arthur sticks mostly to Nintendo related threads
Posts mentioning Eric are occasionally deleted en masse because of the dipshit ESL spammer that constantly mass replies and spams the “you lost Eric” line to anyone he disagrees with and jannies are just cleaning them up, not everything needs to be some grand conspiracy with multiple people colluding behind the scenes
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>you're totally a mod, but you don't delete anything you hate
Magic = babification and 37 releases of the same shit with a new skin or power that isn’t in the next release.
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And you're sure that had nothing to do with you spamming the same asinine shit in the thread over and over, and device/IP hopping to keep doing it?
>111 results found
>in just one thread
>And if Eric had any sway with the mod staff, don't you think Nintendo threads would've been banned?
No you idiot. That would only result in whoever is doing the banning being removed from the team for blatant abuse.
Same with this >>682884723 since Nintendo and ZSS are incredibly inoffensive.
you delete a lot of threads in a temper tantrum. your god complex is utterly average and expected. just basic bitch internet mod ego. stain.
>you can't just delete threads on a whim, otherwise you lose your mod position
>actually you delete alot of threads in a temper tantrum

so who do I believe?
They really should have just made the skibidis come from side bosses or something. Or some combination of bosses and world exploration like they currently have.
you're free to believe whatever makes you the most comfortable.
>Nintendo magic
Being designed for children?
Here's the key part
>Some builds can use
There's not a lot of replayability in TOTK, You explore an area once and that's it. In elden ring exploration and finding items that aren't worth anything to you right now is still worthwhile, because you're cataloguing them for the future. That spell looks really cool, I can't use it now, but maybe next run I'll make a point of playing a caster and trying to get this spell, Oh, for that build I can use that armour I found in that cave earlier, and that sword from that boss
You're meant to play elden ring multiple times on multiple builds
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>Dunno about Darren
Darren was Dragonrian before Dragonrian being a random account Eric found and spammed to create a Nintendo boogeyman.
Arthur never existed at all and once you start scrutinising his actions, especially the girlfriend thing and then there's "his" image being posted out of the blue with no doxxing taking place whatsoever.

>Posts mentioning Eric are occasionally deleted en masse because of the dipshit ESL spammer that constantly mass replies and spams the “you lost Eric” line to anyone he disagrees with and jannies are just cleaning them up
Not only is that same poster Eric himself who revealed himself in a classic Freudian slip in a famitsu thread but this >>682884050 stands against that idea since it was the only ban that came out of that thread and since it was just a cookie ban which the anon in question confirmed with this post
And the fact that the ban screen has no IP on it everyone could have evaded that and had a screenshot of their own to post.
>not everything needs to be some grand conspiracy with multiple people colluding behind the scenes
Not everything has to be but you'd have to be terminally retarded to ignore facts
nintoddIers play this tranny shit unironically...?
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>"Eric is a janny"
>"actually no it's either Eric or ACfag"
>"actually wait he's not a janny he's a mod"
>"and he's totally out to get me, he bans me for ban evasion for totally just posting info"
>not acknowledging >>682885262
How interesting.
>In elden ring exploration and finding items that aren't worth anything to you right now is still worthwhile, because you're cataloguing them for the future.
That's true for TotK too though.
And in TotK, the majority of the caves aren't worthless for your given character.
>Oh, for that build I can use that armour I found in that cave earlier, and that sword from that boss
Oh come on. Please. The vast, vast majority of armour pieces don't even have any effects. And are thus worthless outside of fashion.
You got a red X on your screen, boy, how do you feel about that ?
You know ACfag, you're actually far more pathetic than Eric is.
being too stupid to explore for scadu frags.
>>"and he's totally out to get me, he bans me for ban evasion for totally just posting info"
NTA but what in that post indicates ban evasion?
Also the post you just replied to acknowledged the Eric tranny spam and how it turned out to be Eric all along.

For someone who lives and dies by evidence you really don't like when it doesn't agree with you.
nta, it's not interesting. It's utterly average behavior for a volunteer internet mod.
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>relatively slow day (at least for bans) so there's indeed a conspicuous "ban evasion" ban still publicly visible from a couple hours ago, but for spamming "le trannycession raped eric" slop
You picked a bad time to be a bad faith spamming retard.
never saw that screen before. Is that only accessible to mods?
>Switchfags REALLY haven't been taking that TotK video thread well, huh

The one where the guy called it masterpiece? Most of them say that.
>In elden ring exploration and finding items that aren't worth anything to you right now is still worthwhile, because you're cataloguing them for the future.

I've never heard so much shit. I remember pulling my hair trying to ascend a tower only to rewarded with a fucking magic staff I couldn't even USE because my character was a different build.

What a load of shite.
so where's the ban for making death threats against me?
>nintendie fagic
in your head
why nintentroons want all games be like their slop?
>calls people snoytrannies for thousands of posts
>Calls others pathetic
That's based as fuck, I love collecting all sorts of armours to make my character look as based as possible. In elden ring I always try to make themed characters that look as good as they can be
>he didn't like his cool staff
sounds like a u issue bro
Really can't lie your way out of a paper bag can you ACfag.
yeah because a ban wasn't actually issued.
and neither were death threats
Hey genius, if I was a mod, then how did my post get deleted in this thread >>682863803

funny thing is that a guy calls me a snoytranny and then calls tf2 "GAAS western lootbox slop" and his post remains un-deleted.
>That's based as fuck
So why shit on Zelda for rewarding the player with costumes?
>red Xs
If Zelda is so easy, why are Fromshitters dying to easy bosses?
>if I was a mod how could I delete my own post!
Also if your post was deleted we wouldn't be able to see it not to mention you can delete your own posts anyway.

Like I said, you can't lie your way out of a paper bag which is why you have to play this asinine victim card where you make up attacks against you that never happened.
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>why nintentroons want all games be like their slop?

You can Google any random "Best Games Ever" list and, without fail, the Top 20 will be completely saturated with Nintendo titles.

Nintendo's hardware and software has continually shaped the way we play games for 40 years straight.

It's funny watching retarded kiddies on 4troon fart blood and shit themselves with jealous rage because they can't cope with reality.
We're not the ones cooking up conspiracy theories about being targeted by the mods, but okay
I disagree.
Nintendo and from link up?
Need it or sneed it?
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>Also if your post was deleted we wouldn't be able to see it not to mention you can delete your own posts anyway.
4chanx or the archive. Both let you see deleted posts. Here's the kicker though: why would I delete my own post?

>Like I said, you can't lie your way out of a paper bag which is why you have to play this asinine victim card where you make up attacks against you that never happened.
And you're making up narratives that don't make any sense. You claim that I'm a janny/mod with zero proof. If I had even a tiny bit of that power, posts like >>682887998 would be banned on the spot for copypasting the same comment 100 times over.
I love how he gets under your skin
Instead you're the ones so rectal ravaged by Nintendo's success that you ended up doxxing yourselves.
>would be banned on the spot for copypasting the same comment 100 times over.

But your image shows they're all completely different comments.

Are ya feeling OK there kiddo?
I'm not shitting on zelda actually, I was just responding to the guy saying he likes both but prefers elden rings loot and I explained why that's reasonable, I like TOTK armour rewards.
You're copypasting the same console war rhetoric.
>if you don't like TOTK your'e a /v/troon
>the steam deck is for PC vegans
>you fart blood if you don't worship Nintendo
How is this reasonable discussion? Furthermore, I'd like to know why it's okay to say this blatant console war bullshit, but people lose their minds if I complain about something like TOTK's poor framerate, or Splatoon suffering from its P2P servers and lack of a proper server browser.
All fights in botw are unironically like that. Fights are only tricky when it’s your first time or you’re undergeared
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Nintendo Hate Derangement

Maybe just go play the games you like instead of being obsessed with Nintendo?
>why would I delete my own post?
As someone who frequently attempts to force narratives about being called names and mods protecting Nintendo I think the answer as to why you would need to is obvious.
That said, if the post even existed why wouldn't you just link to the post number so we can all see it like this anon did >>682886220

>And you're making up narratives that don't make any sense
On the contrary, everyone other than you has posted actual evidence of their claims while you're here trying to muddy the waters with things no one said like you specifically being a mod, the initial post said that Eric either was a mod or had a mod on his side which is a factual statement given this isn't the first time someone has been banned for merely mentioning Eric with his name being grounds for a ban in famitsu threads under ban evasion.
I loved Elden Ring and Breath of the Wild. I didn't love Tears of the Kingdom and I'm not loving Shadow of the Erdtree thus far.

There was always something interesting going on every minute or so. With Erdtree, I feel like I'm riding for 3+ minutes before I see anything interesting. In BoTW, everything felt like it belonged in the world and was specifically catered for that world. ToTK additions feel tacked on, and the world feels much emptier despite having more things to do.
He's poor.
I wish I were joking but ACfag is literally too poor to afford a cheap desk for his PC and only plays indie games and romhacks because that's all he can run.
Funny enough, I'm replaying OOT right now a relatively new romhack named "The Ultimate trial". It's fun because it fixes alot of the problems in the base game, and offers a new experience.

>That said, if the post even existed why wouldn't you just link to the post number so we can all see it like this anon did
So you want an archive link? Okay.


>On the contrary, everyone other than you has posted actual evidence of their claims while you're here trying to muddy the waters with things no one said like you specifically being a mod,
I can literally point you to the post that makes that claim.


>>the steam deck is for PC vegans
Woah now lets not just go crediting random people for my signature move
>I'm playing a romhack that fixes a lot of the problems with OoT

LMFAOO I'd love to see walk into any game development studio and announce you have a romhack which "fixes" OoT.

You'd get laughed out the fucking door like the retarded moron you are.
>LMFAOO I'd love to see walk into any game development studio and announce you have a romhack which "fixes" OoT.
It was called "Majora's Mask" and alot of people loved it.
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>ootsnoy starts ootsnoying
>Darren was Dragonrian before Dragonrian being a random account Eric found and spammed to create a Nintendo boogeyman.
Dragoniran has an actual steam account and a history of spamming in ER threads about seamless co-op, and would post his ER videos in threads. He got chased out of them but people still accuse him of being around, he was real. If there’s enough to show Dragoniran was a real individual I imagine Darren is too
>Arthur never existed at all and once you start scrutinising his actions, especially the girlfriend thing and then there's "his" image being posted out of the blue with no doxxing taking place whatsoever.
Arthur is a name given to a notorious tripfag that was later reused to refer to a notorious Yuropean spammer who has literally posted in this very thread due to both having an unwavering console war allegiance to Nintendo. The face pic belonged to the tripfag but is still used for the spammer because let’s be real, he probably looks like that too
>Not only is that same poster Eric himself who revealed himself in a classic Freudian slip in a famitsu thread
The problem with anonymous posts is that anybody can make them and it does not take much effort to mislead people. It could easily be Eric spamming in an attempt to discredit Switchfags but it’s also equally as likely to be a low effort shitpost by someone else entirely. There needs to be more info
>it was the only ban that came out of that thread
A basic ctrl+F for deleted posts shows multiple in that thread and all of them mention Eric, again harkening back to jannies just wiping any mention of Eric to remove the obnoxious spam
There’s a difference between fact and assumption and nothing under any scrutiny suggests Eric either has mod connections or is a mod himself, and the way you guys play detective over trying to find all the patterns to a resident schizo to blame everything on him is extremely tiresome and only bolsters his actions from the attention he gets
Majora's Mask is downgrade from OoT in every way. American tweens seem to love because they delusionally think it's "dark". They care about nothing else. Everything has be le dark and gritty with them.
What tower?
>Can't like OOT or else it makes me a snoy
>can't like Majora's Mask because apparently it's worse than OOT in every way
>but I can't hate either game because they're "masterpieces made by Nintendo"

You guys need to make up your minds.
you'll survive
Yeah, because I'll be enjoying OOT romhacks, mods that the problems of alot of Nintendo games, and plenty of multiplats too. It must suck being a console warrior like yourself, but I don't share such troubles.
>So you want an archive link? Okay.
Oh now that paints a picture, you started off spamming your usual softcore splatoon porn, made yourself known when more posters other than you were in the thread, complained about yourself pretending it wasn't you, were immediately identified because of a tf2 image you use a lot and then deleted your own post acting as if a mod did it.

>I can literally point you to the post that makes that claim
Now here's the kicker, because you're known as someone who will try to alter the narrative by samefagging and pretending to be other people that can't actually be used as evidence here since we can't confirm that it wasn't you saying it.

Basically all your efforts amounted to hot air.
But I did find this post where you're defending unskippable cutscenes so that's a plus.
happy for you!
>can't come up with a single convincing argument

Maybe just give up?
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>those posts didn't exist!
>nobody ever claimed you were a mod
>okay you were telling the truth, but you were samefagging! you also spammed Splatoon porn!
>no I can't prove any of this, and it was revealed to me via cryptic images in my dreams, but that's valid enough!

I don't know why you hate me so much man. I just like to discuss video games. This means criticizing them too. And maybe one day we could see eye to eye.
>I'll be enjoying OOT romhacks, mods that the problems of alot of Nintendo games, and plenty of multiplats too. It must suck being a console warrior like yourself, but I don't share such troubles.

Imagine only playing fanmade slop rehashed from the work of actual talented developers.

I guess this degenerate existence of livijg off the crumbs of consoles games suits you.
>I just like to discuss video games.

No you don't. You do nothing but shitpost. You're either a troll or an absolute moron who understands jack shit about video games.

>This means criticizing them too.

You've been seething about Zelda for EIGHT YEARS and you still haven't made a single convincing criticism.

You are simply utterly seething with jealousy.
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>Imagine only playing fanmade slop rehashed from the work of actual talented developers.
Well, if you're curious, I also enjoy many other games. Romhacks are just a nice addition to them. Not sure why you think it's impossible to improve upon a game. You yourself lamented the Zelda series for being "OOT clones" so clearly you think improvement was not only possible, but required. To imply that positive change can't be effected by devs or fans, would be to imply that TOTK and BOTW are no different from the OOT clones you cried about so much.

Playing Super Metroid and OOT with skippable cutscenes is objectively a better experience. Playing Terraria with Magic Storage is a must. Playing TOTK and BOTW mods to make legendary weapons unbreakable is groovy. Playing Metroid Dread with a randomizer really improves replayability.

I'm sorry if you think so lowly of your fandom that you think a good idea can only come from Nintendo themselves.
>I don't know why you hate me so much man
It's the god complex. Very simple stuff. Mods being egotistical control freaks is the most expected aspect of online discussion. You're like the 50th person like you I've encountered on this site alone and I hate them all equally.
And why wouldn't the mods strip someone of their position, if they had a god complex and regularly abused their powers?
>I remember pulling my hair trying to ascend a tower only to rewarded with a fucking magic staff I couldn't even USE because my character was a different build.
You mean one of the sorcerer’s towers? No shit you’re gonna find a sorcery item in a sorcery themed location
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so this is the power of nintendo magic, woah, just what from needs, more of this
Are you asking me to make your argument for you?
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>criticize brand
>get called a tranny
Your logic is completely fucking warped and depraved as usual.

Romhacks only exist because of the work actual talented people put in place. They are a mild amusement to fans of the genuine article.

It's laughable to hear you say that you think playing an OoT romhack in 2024 in any comparable to the mind-blowing experience I had of playing in OoT in 1998 and seeing the gaming landscape change forever.

Nice to see you obsessed with Nintendo games, they really are the best.
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seems like From took some notes
>launch title for the switch 2 is a new soulslike by fromsoft, in a unique setting, exclusive a la bloodborne
What would your reaction be?
>post the worst excuse for videogame combat ever witnessed by man
>a nintenyearsold immediately defends it
not purchasing or playing a fromsoftware game like I have the last 30+ years because I get no enjoyment from beating NPCs no matter how "difficult" and subversive they're scripted to be.
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>that FP bar
Good lord
Like I know we're having fun here but you guys don't seriously think BotW is harder than Elden Ring right? That's just objectively not true. Even if the guy died to some jank le physics enemy that has 20x health and 0.2x damage (and one le move), that doesn't invalidate the fact that the average grunt enemy in elden ring has a more complex moveset then BotW. If you applied the same health/damage ratios that BotW has to elden ring, elden ring would still be the harder game because there's just more complexity. This doesn't need to be said
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Not really. You can just dodge and get risk free dps.
Combat is vastly simplified when you can just abuse Flurry Rush on any battle.

The only thing preventing you is weapon durability. Which is indeed fucking retarded.
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>he was real
That's what that anon's post said, Dragoniran was real but has absolutely nothing to do with us just like Darren. It was just a random account Eric found that he tried and failed to associate shitposting to.
>Arthur is a name given to a notorious tripfag that was later reused to refer to a notorious Yuropean spammer
Everyone knows about kurokawa thundersword, but he was never doxxed and that's the problem. We have Eric's shit because he doxxed himself thinking Megaman 11 was a switch exclusive and defending MN9 or something like that which led us to his YouTube account Zharkos and his genuinely disturbing screeching which let us make images like this.
The videos on the account were also made private around the same time which is pretty damning evidence that it was him.
Then this was found of someone who looks remarkably similar to him in high school back in 2012 also called Eric
Needless to say we actually have proof of his doxxing and how retarded he is in real life.
But all we have of Arthur is his name and a single picture that came out of bumfuck nowhere, we don't even know if they're real and unlike Eric no one has tried to ban the mention of his name or remove his images. So it's unlikely that the guy even exists and was just a proto Darren and Dragonrian.
The fact that the girlfriend incident even happened when there was absolutely no need to do such a thing doesn't help that point either.
>The problem with anonymous posts is that anybody can make them and it does not take much effort to mislead people.
The problem is that Eric is a very, very well known person who's surprisingly hard to imitate just because of the dedication required to be that annoying. Not to mention you need to buy a 4chan pass to match his frequency since he has one.
The chances of it being another anon aren't zero but it's incredibly unlikely.
why is that sword so powerful that it can flip a boss?
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>Anon replies confused
>HAHA got you it works
>A basic ctrl+F for deleted posts shows multiple in that thread and all of them mention Eric,
If you had actually done that you would have noticed that there's a consistency as to which posts are deleted and that it was impossible for a blanket ban to have happened to everyone who mentioned Eric since not every Eric post was deleted.
Anyway, there are only two kinds of posts that were deleted
1) posts that explain who Eric is or warn people of him
2) the Eric tranny posts
The ones that mention him but either say he doesn't exist or downplay his actions stay up. Which wouldn't make sense if they were just blanket banning mentions of him, which on its own would cause a ton of problems given how common the name Eric is.
There is one exception though, when that banned anon came back posting this and his other posts
Explaining how being banned again would only confirm that Eric is behind it and destroy his hard work. As if calling everyone erictranny didn't do that anyway.
>There’s a difference between fact and assumption and nothing under any scrutiny suggests Eric either has mod connections or is a mod himself,
Except for the fact that there's an obvious bias in what gets deleted the banned post was criminally inoffensive and didn't even include a picture of Eric, simply explaining who he is accurately.
Yet he was banned for evasion. Something that's only used for blatant repeat offenders and spammers, that one post is unique, there's nothing to say he was evading. The only thing he did was disturb Eric's narrative that he doesn't exist giving us the evidence that he does.
>and only bolsters his actions from the attention he gets
If attention mattered he would have left years ago when we stopped caring about him but he didn't, he just continued to spam and shitpost because he's legitimately butthurt about Nintendo still existing for some unknown reason.

Anyway, he's just another lolcow like CWC.
I always thought Arthur was that tripfag named something like Gladium Tortarium.
It worked.
Fully charged R2 attack + low poise female enemy that uses the same human animation rig as players and common mobs
They were both his trips, kurokawa was used in that one image.
It's not really a boss. It's an elite enemy that was given a boss health bar. Elden Ring does that a lot to pad things out. The tutorial boss of the game is a regular soldier enemy with a health bar.
>So it's unlikely that the guy even exists and was just a proto Darren and Dragonrian.
The name isn’t actually his but the person it’s referring to is real and has been posting in this thread this whole time
Which posts? God I hope you pick mine
>The name isn’t actually his but the person it’s referring to is real and has been posting in this thread this whole time
Reading comprehension
Darren and Dragonrian are separate people
They both exist and have YouTube and steam accounts respectively.
Neither have ever been here and are just randomly selected accounts
The guy consistently double spacing his posts and always arguing with ACfag
>inb4 they’re the same guy
They aren’t, one is EU and the other is a dirty leaf. They’re online at completely different hours but with enough overlap that shit gets thrown

Not them, I mean the anon regularly referred to as Arthur
>It's laughable to hear you say that you think playing an OoT romhack in 2024 in any comparable to the mind-blowing experience I had of playing in OoT in 1998 and seeing the gaming landscape change forever.
I actually did both, zoomzoom. Experiencing the original made me appreciate the romhacks even more.

>Nice to see you obsessed with Nintendo games, they really are the best.
They're good, but Terraria and Minecraft alone have eclipsed my playtime with every single Nintendo related game AND romhack combined. So Nintendo is moreso second best.
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GladiumTonitrua used the trip !!zcFZLXRSEqn and !!/p4X/afQbt/ but before 2017 !!/p4X/afQbt/ was Kurokawa Thundersword who also used !!avKqJRa3PLn.
!!zcFZLXRSEqn and !!/p4X/afQbt/ were being used actively around the same time for some reason though so it's likely that two people were "Arthur".

In fact we only know his name is Arthur because his "girlfriend" dropped it. Which would mean that this anon
>The name isn’t actually his but the person it’s referring to is real
Is bullshitting for some reason.
At least Nintendo would have come up with a better story than bringing back prime Radahn.
There is only one thing I want from Nintendo games in Elden Ring and is Z targeting. Everything else is sublime.
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Gotta make the game for 3 year olds to entertain the manchildren until the next Pokéslop releases
TotK has 0 progression. After every temple you watch a word-for-word identical cutscene. Even if you already collected the tears to the point you know exactly what happened to Zelda, the journalist bird will still say things like "Is that Zelda??" as you go on a wild goose chase to find out if the guy stealing chickens is actually Zelda.
I should also add that !!avK Arthur also denied that the post was real but the trip in said post was from !!p4X Arthur who posted regularly until 2021
Nothing about him makes any fucking sense which casts doubt on him being a real fucking person.
I’m not bullshitting you’re just leaving out a key part of this
Kurosawa and Gladium are the same person but around 2016ish is when this specific anon showed up and people assumed it was Kurosawa/Gladium posting without a tripcode due to similar posting patterns and referred to him as Arthur as a comparison. The name stuck because he also unfortunately stuck around because this board manifests the worst kinds of autists and ritual posters
Nintendo story:
>zelda gets transported to the past where a goat fires a kamehameha to defeat ganondorf's army of 2000 walruses
>zelda uses her nintendo® switch™ to fast travel away from ganondorf (yes this really happens)
>the goats get tricked by *teleports behind you/it was a hologram*
>link sends his broken master sword to zelda in the past
>zelda eats a pebble and turns into a dragon
>forgive me, zelda
>link the promised consort acquires prime master sword from dragon zelda and the power of love or some shit turns her back to normal
>zoomers cry because she was a sad dragon for 1000 years
>ending is a qte
>Terraria and Minecraft alone have eclipsed my playtime with every single Nintendo related game AND romhack combined.

LMFAOO you have spent close to a decade seething in Nintendo threads.

Your shit worthless taste will die with you.
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You've been seething for even longer at the mere mention of criticism, and you do it even in the threads where I haven't posted. You've even had the opportunity to explain what's wrong with my viewpoint, or why you think Zelda is better than Terraria, and yet you've never done it.
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Die mad in Zelda threads lmao
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>die ma-ACK!
These aren't criticisms. They're gibberish nonsense lmao

TotK rapes your favorite game.
>gibberish nonsense
And yet you've never refuted them.
This man, hire NINTENDO
fromschlop or ninslosh, which is worse and why
Your viewpoint is invalid because it's based on your hatred for a fanbase. And your criticism is worthless because you never praise anything because that is shilling. You really boxed yourself up begging for (You)s. Sucks but at least it wasn't me. Maybe one day everyone will forget who you are and you'll be free from the consequences of your own actions, but not as long as myself and many others are still here.
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>weapon durability is good but the game gives you too many weapons


Utter fucking gibberish nonsense.

LMFAOO you are now YEAR EIGHT of BotW seething and YEAR TWO of TotK seething.

Why did you waste your life seething on 4troon? XDD
Opinions can't be refuted. They simply exist.
>Your viewpoint is invalid because it's based on your hatred for a fanbase.
And yet it's okay for you to call people OOTsnoys if they criticize modern Zelda? I also don't see you disavowing shitposters like >>682897754

Funny how you turn a blind eye to bad faith posters when it's convenient for you.
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I mean they're right here. Skibidi fragments was a really poor bandaid for progression especially when they're placed seemingly randomly. The way BotW did it was much better in that shrines were spread evenly throughout the map and were also not mandatory if you wanted to speedrun.

Mitsubishi should've focused less on the empty open world and more on the legacy dungeons, which were way too short imo.
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>nintendo fans cry about shitposting, but they're okay with posts like this
Anon, even if I did factor in those anonymous posts it would only be more evidence that he doesn't exist since there's no consistency to the posts we can identify. One Gladium was a hardcore tendie who attacked all non Nintendo games and another one was an ardent defender of the Witcher 3 before it was ported and cyberpunk.
One Gladium had a kid and took a break from 4chan because he and his "GF" had a kid and one doesn't have any kids.

The more you dig the less it makes sense. The only explanation is that the guy is horrendously schizophrenic or he's just trolling everyone.
there's also a third option given he usually coincides with ACfag in the archives and both hate women in their games.
Stop replying to yourself.
But there is consistency, you’re trying to make all the Arthurs out to be one consistent person when that was never the intention of the namecalling. The Arthur that spams in Zelda/Nintendo threads is a different anon from Kurokawa, and only got the name because of the similarities. People still continue to use thre name because it stuck around
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You've been seething on a hentai pedo image board for EIGHT FUCKING YEARS.

BotW and TotK will still be considered amongst the greatest games of all time when you wake up tomorrow.

You will come back and seethe again, wasting another day of your worthless life.

LMFAOO what are you doing?
>the worst aspects of Wind Waker, BoTW and ToTK
>Erdtree is somehow even more tedious than that according to the article
Not like it matters to me since I'm not bothering with Elden Ring's DLC.

>do people not like exploring?
Give me shit worth exploring and I'll go explore. If I have to scour the map there better be something worth my while like boss battles or materials that could potentially unlock new weapons. Take Monster Hunter World for instance, big maps with worthless nooks and crannies. Once you find the campsite you've seen everything worth exploring and never have to do it again. You can't even fish for speartuna which had been access to a weapon tree for over 10 years, instead relegating unlocking the weapon to the most boring monster in Iceborne.
Expected deflection.
You are saying you are ok with shitposting by using shitposting to defend your own shitposting.
Better than AIslop you enjoy.
The Scadu fragments were a necessary addition to account for the level scaling of the DLC, the problem is in their execution and not being dropped or acquired by mandatory bosses in any way. When articles about the DLC’s level system came out I and many others assumed it would be more like Sekiro rather than random drops in the overworld
Criticism is not shitposting. Not blindly worshipping a corporation isn't shitposting either.
>7 years later
>shadow of the erdtree comes out
>has the same map as the base game
no thanks
What are you ever referring to? What's AIslop for those of us that don't speak in buzzwords?
Then just don't bring anything from BotW and TotK then? The Zelda series alone has a total of 29 games.
You're blindly criticizing because you hate a fanbase. You already admitted this. You're blindly criticizing because you can't praise. You already admitted this.
And why shouldn't a game be held accountable for a bad fanbase? If you want to come on here and talk about how your game is a flawless masterpiece and how it made a bajillion dollars and sold millions of copies, then it's clear the game is encouraging bad game discussion. and it would be one thing if it was maybe an isolated case, or someone that clearly doesn't represent the whole fandom, but when the entire fandom joins in on the shitposting, then yeah maybe the game itself deserves to be condemned.
>The Arthur that spams in Zelda/Nintendo threads is a different anon from Kurokawa, and only got the name because of the similarities.
Anon, they used the same trips, you know what a trip is right? In fact the infamous girlfriend post here >>682894918, which is now his earliest post, uses the same trip as his most recent post in 2021 so that Kurokawa and that Gladium are the same person but that Gladium never posted in Zelda threads until much later.
Like, more than a year after the original release so well after everyone stopped talking about it.
You think procedural generation provides good adventure. That's a fucking joke. Those of us with a full brain and pattern recognition capabilities got tired of minecraft before mapping the 4th quadrant. There is no semblance of intelligent design in AIslop so when a terraria or minecraft fanboy criticizes adventure it's just meaningless shitposting.
I disagree. You can certainly design the DLC with proper level scaling or even make it static. That said as all of us has been saying the execution sucks. Just make more of them like golden seeds or Zelda shrines.
You’re misinterpreting my post, I specified that the Arthur so frequently referred to in these threads is not Kurokawa and doesn’t use a trip
>And why shouldn't a game be held accountable for a bad fanbase
Are you asking me to make your rebuttal for you?
A good game would encourage gameplay discussion, and at the least wouldn't encourage console wars and shitposting.
>I specified that the Arthur so frequently referred to in these threads is not Kurokawa and doesn’t use a trip
Which is obviously wrong based on what we know, unless you're just going around calling any Tom, Dick and Harry, Arthur. Not to mention you can track when he doesn't use his trip though his filenames since many of them are unique.
So you're saying that Nintendo makes good games since all of their games have fostered discussion.
>You think procedural generation provides good adventure
I can't stand procedurally generated anything, where'd you even get that convoluted implication. Nor did I say there was anything wrong with exploring as a base concept. My thing is if you're giving me a world to explore then just having nothing at the end of the road is not satisfactory for me, because then why bother at all? Becuase you never know where the journey'll take you? Weak fucking excuse.
But it’s not wrong for the reasons I laid out, you’re focusing too hard on trying to make them all the same person when they never were to begin with
Gladium/Kurokawa Arthur =/= anon Arthur that sticks to Zelda and general Nintendo threads arguing with ACfag all the time
>Zelda threads are nothing but console wars
>Splatoon and Xenoblade threads are nothing but porn dumps
>Metroid threads are just people trash-talking other metroidvanias

You call this good discussion?
you lost Erictranny
Criticizing a game to stick it to the fanbase is shitposting. The most common form. You aren't unique or special.
The amount of seething this post made lmao.
I'm happy to criticize the game by itself, but when the fandom doesn't want to have a sensible discussion, then yes that's going to sour my opinion of the game.

>hmm, I think this game could use a few less load times
>I think it would be improved with a better framerate
>I wish the online wasn't riddled with P2P and had a dedicated server browser
And all of this is met with

Tell me why a fanbase AND the game shouldn't be condemned for this behavior.
>They're good, but Terraria and Minecraft alone have eclipsed my playtime
>I can't stand procedurally generated anything
You were saying?
>inb4 that's not me
>Take the finale of Wind Waker, for instance, which requires collecting the Triforce pieces before accessing the final area.
That part sucks absolute ass though.
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See >>682899936
>being disappointed in a bad fandom is shitposting
>said fandom calling people snoy trannies and encouraging console wars is fine????
not my first day on 4chan
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>You were saying?
That you need to step away from your computer. Seriously.
See >>682899936

You're making this way more complicated than it has to be. And if you really have a problem with a fanbase then you would have no problem with petnames for fanbases. But you have extreme issues with being labeled. So it appears you don't even have a clue what you're upset about.
>Gladium/Kurokawa Arthur =/= anon Arthur that sticks to Zelda and general Nintendo threads arguing with ACfag all the time
The problem is that the one with the trip has argued with ACfag before you dumbass.
Or what? You'll delete the thread?
He probaly fell asleep. If a enemy takes 50 hits to kill why does he fall over after one hit so you have to stop, wait...stop, wait. Couldn't pay me to play that shit
Sounds stupid. That makes the players not want to kill enemies. And a game where you don't kill enemies isn't fun.
>reach very end of DLC
>missed 2 out of 50 scadu fragments
Yeah. Granted, the difference between the threads you experience and the ones I experience is your absence.
Hell, splatoon is one of the few multiplayer games that /v/ plays together still.

Anyway, if you're the variable that changes gameplay discussion to those shitposting threads then logically you're the catalyst if your removal brings back the discussion.
After all, you weren't in the splatfest threads over the weekends and that was nothing but gameplay.
>The casual wiki (almost) completionist
>That makes the players not want to kill enemies.
no one kills normal enemies in elden ring after two hours of gameplay
You want realistic in a game with dragons? What kind retardation do you have?
You're still not explaining what I'm doing wrong here. If fans don't want me to think lesser of the game, it's on them to be better messengers.They say not to shoot the messenger because of the message, but if he comes into my throne room and takes a dump on my carpet, he's going into my personal prison.

>Anyway, if you're the variable that changes gameplay discussion to those shitposting threads then logically you're the catalyst
Interesting theory. However, allow me to offer a rebuttal.


All threads I've never posted in. And yet, where is the gameplay discussion?
Everyone has at some point or another, but I don’t keep tabs on every tripfag and am simply explaining why the name Arthur appears so frequently in these threads and others since it refers to a specific shitposter separate from Gladium
Anon, that just means that Arthur was never fucking real.
Doug deserves his own Kiwifarms thread
Arthur refers to two people, one as a supposed actual name for Kurokawa and the other as an assumption for a specific anon that frequently posts with the same style and format. That doesn’t mean they aren’t real people, only that the designated name is not their real one. It’s still used to refer to actual people, not some madeup strawman
>and the other as an assumption
You are literally just admitting that you're calling random people Arthur
See >>682899936

You're criticizing a game/console/brand to stick it to the fanbase which is the most common form of shitposting. 4th time I've repeated this.
>but I'm the actual truth teller! MY criticisms are legit!
No you just have a God complex. That was already addressed.
But it’s not random people, it’s a person with a consistent method of posting that is visible to anyone who spends time in Zelda threads
>No you just have a God complex. That was already addressed.
Does this mean my criticisms are wrong? You disagree with my mindset, but you cannot condemn my actual criticisms if you cannot refute them. If anything, it just sounds like you're using a convenient excuse to ignore criticism. For example, when I say things like

>I wish Super Metroid and TOTK had skippable intro cutscenes
It doesn't matter what you think of me. You cannot discard this criticism as shitposting, unless you can argue why it isn't actually criticism.

>but you're condemning the fandom!
And yet I have directly made a criticism against the game, and it has nothing to do with the fandom. So you cannot condemn the criticism itself, yet here you are acting like it doesn't count as real criticism.

For wanting a skippable intro cutscene?
Criticisms are opinions, neither right or wrong.
>criticisms are neither right wrong

>your criticisms are fucking gibberish nonsense

Interesting how you had a different opinion not even an hour ago.
Not really. That's someone else and he's criticizing your criticisms. He doesn't need to do it politely either.
>it’s a person with a consistent method of posting that is visible to anyone who spends time in Zelda threads
Okay here's the thing, we've only ever had two consistent posters in Zelda threads.
ACfag and Eric.
They both have specific tells, words, phrases from screaming shitch or you lost get raped to ACfag's rambling about cutscenes being 100% evil which you can conveniently see here. >>682901836

From what I can find in the archive and my own personal posting in Zelda threads Arthur doesn't have that, even with his trip on he just says completely normal things that aren't unique to him, that's why you can't actually give examples and just have to leave it at
>it's consistent you just need to lurk Zelda threads!
The only semi consistent thing I've been able to identify is double spacing, and I say semi consistent because it comes and goes.

And to make things worse, on more than one occasion I've been called Arthur myself for simply stating a fact and I know for a fact that I'm not Arthur.
I fucking hate Nintendo and their shit fanbase so fucking much
>spams jumping r2 colossal or lions claw
same shit lol
>he's criticizing your criticisms
Calling me a PC vegan, a tranny, an OOTsnoy, and a faggot schizo don't seem like proper criticisms. Tell me, how does "die mad on 4chan" improve the discussion?
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Having not played Elden Ring, I can confidently say that fucking nothing in this world should ever take creative or mechanical inspiration from BotW/TotK. There is absolutely nothing enjoyable about traversing Hyrule, nothing rewarding within it, and the enemy scaling is so fucking stupid and makes no sense because the player's own health/armor upgrades can easily, with no intention, outpace the scaling. And since the enemy variety is so small, and the movesets and AI don't change and are already pathetic, it's like fighting the same three fucking enemies for 60 hours while witnessing some of the most inane cutscenes/dialogue/lore in written history.
Again, don't know anything about Elden Ring, but if I was in a room with Miyamoto, Aonuma and Miyazaki, and the latter was taking advice from the others, I would shoot Iwata's rotten, festering corpse twice and then burn the room with all of us inside.
>Calling me a PC vegan, a tranny, an OOTsnoy, and a faggot schizo don't seem like proper criticisms
You'll survive
What the fuck does this even mean?
>judging a game because of a bad fandom
You'll survive.
>make travelling less tedious
>give the player more reason to explore
>give the player more than just combat and baby puzzles to do.
>we've only ever had two consistent posters in Zelda threads.
>ACfag and Eric.
There’s a few more than that
>aforementioned Arthur
>the Eric spammer who may or may not be Eric himself
>that one guy in his late 30s/early 40s who despises OoT and has been angry about it for 20+ years, frequently bringing up Zelda 1 and ImmSims
Probably one more I can’t think of, but yeah Zelda threads attract some shitty people
>They both have specific tells, words, phrases
As do the others listed like saying lma0o or calling people N64kiddies
>even with his trip on
For the last time, he didn’t use a trip. It’s not the same person as Kurokawa, and the only reason I don’t reply directly to his posts ITT is because he doesn’t need more attention than he already gets from ACfag
>And to make things worse, on more than one occasion I've been called Arthur myself for simply stating a fact and I know for a fact that I'm not Arthur.
The faults of being an anonymous message board, I’ve been called Eric and ACfag before when I am neither. But that doesn’t mean both of those names are not referring to other posters
>Enter DLC
>Start exploring off the beaten path
>Smithing stone [3]
>Somber smithing stone [4]

Eh OP has a point. The rewards are shit for exploring. At least in Zelda you get more stamina and hearts.
I know
what the fuck is this thread
is this what all nintendo threads are like
This is why Nintendo games are not worth playing. Disregard anyone who says otherwise.
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No, but not even necessarily because they're pushovers. The real issue is there is almost no gatekeeping. For 99% of the game, you can just walk by enemies and suffer no consequence.
>inb4 but in TotK, you need higher level Fusion materi-
No, you don't. Ganondorf (and every other mandatory boss) is a pushover designed for even "mid-game" Links to defeat with ease, nevermind the Master Sword which is just achieved via watching cutscenes.
I effectively 100%'d both games (minus koroks) and the end fights were so pathetic. Exploring, adventuring, upgrading, etc... makes the game worse. Hell, even climbing ruins the game because all it does is allow you to get to X with even less blocking your path than the nothing there already is, and absolutely everything at said X, whatever it is, be it a town/village, a shrine, a sidequest objective, etc... it's all complete bullshit. None of it is interesting or well designed or rewarding. The entirety of both games reminds me heavily of the first 30 levels of FFXIV's Main Scenario, which is all in all effectively an elongated tutorial and Act I of the story.
Some of the worst games I've ever played, but I'm glad I played them. Having such low standards going forward makes even dogshit that I revisited, like Cyberpunk 2077, look like a masterclass.
No, I would not recommend Cyberpunk.
Like weapons breaking after five hits and having the same three monsters recolored/reskinned populating the entire map? Yeah fuck off tendies.
Then delete it, you good mod you
yep, fanbase is in full self-destruct mode despite the switch being a """success."""
What do you do with stamina and hearts?
Samefag. Crazy how ACfag needs to do this.
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Meanwhile, you don't give a second glance to this shitposting.
It’s really only Zelda threads that are this bad, and we haven’t even gotten the Eric spammer to show up yet
you'll survive
No, it's just when ACfag and Eric are around.
Granted they do lurk in almost every Nintendo thread purely to shitpost about Nintendo but eh.
>the Eric spammer
That's just Eric.
If it was then wouldn’t he have started posting by now
>was correct
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>shitposting and porn spam never happen naturally, it has to be the work of these boogeymen who we created, that are all powerful, omniscient, can be in a thousand threads at once, have moderator powers, and yet don't ban people left and right
Nobody said you were good at it. In fact you're one of the worst trolls I've ever seen. You seem to be completely unaware that you're even trolling at all.
>it's trolling to not worship a corporation
>if you make even a single criticism, that's shitposting
>if you'd rather discuss the games, then spam porn all day, then you must be [long list of buzzwords]
Yeah modern Nintendo is so great at progression.
Forget having the most enemy variety of any open world game ever made, Elden Ring should have had like half a dozen enemies and just given them some quick recolors with higher health and damage. Genius game design. Miyazaki could never hope to surpass Fujibayashi, creator of the greatest game of all time Skyward Sword.
>N-no you!
Holy fuck this image has unleashed so much fucking salt, what is even funnier is that even if you played as "intended" and abused the physics engine to the max that mob would still take 40 in-game min to kill
>make traveling less tedious
The concept of making traveling less tedious is fundamentally incompatible with the core concept of encountering and overcoming challenges in FromSoft games. This conflict is already a problem with how common it is for players to simply ride past overworld combat encounters, and making traversal even easier would exacerbate it. Traveling in Elden Ring is also only tedious if you're either retreading old ground looking for something you missed or beelining things (flask upgrades, equipment, bell bearings, etc.) with foreknowledge of the game the world.

>give the player more reason to explore
Exploration leads you to some of the most valuable items and experiences in the games. It's not just arteria leaves and smithing stones; people seem to neglect that you find like 50% of the game's dungeon content by exploring.

>give the player more than just combat and baby puzzles to do
I'm not going to read the article, so sue me if I'm misinterpreting this incorrectly, but at this point aren't you just making a different game? FromSoft games are about combat, exploration (dungeon-crawling or open world), and immersing yourself in a fantasy world. Zelda has basically been turned into an open world immersive sim, which is obviously not what FromSoft games are:
>[immersive sims'] core, defining trait is the use of simulated systems that respond to a variety of player actions which, combined with a comparatively broad array of player abilities, allow the game to support varied and creative solutions to problems, as well as emergent gameplay beyond what has been explicitly designed by the developer.
Furthermore, Zelda is in some serious need of this so-called "Nintendo magic" as well, because all there is to do in BotW / TotK is ignore combat because it's awful, complete simple puzzles, and make your own fun by ignoring how shallow and easy both of these can be.
No. Yes. Maybe.

Pick at random
I've seen more stellar blade gameplay (a game that sold less than 1 million copies) than I have seen zelda tktok gameplay (a game that sold 30 million copies) posted on /v/

I don't know why the fans never show off their game, it's not hard switch has that 30 sec replay feature
The fanbase would rather talk about sales and metacritic and occasionally spam porn. Any attempt at discussion or criticism is met with shitposters.
Opposite for me
This is literally every souls game already so what is the problem?
That catacombs should actually have useful things in them. Not just some gear that isn't unique in any fashion whatsoever. Or the spirit summon for some enemy that is awful compared to a proper summon.
>random non nintendo game pitted in a proxy war against zelda by someone who hates nintendo
All day every day since Mario 64. The free shilling is great.
You've probably seen webms but confuse them with Breath of the Wild because they are practically the same game.
There’s not much to really talk about is the issue, and if you dislike one aspect of the game the defense force comes down on you like wild dogs. /v/ might be the only place online that actively defends the poor writing in TotK.
BotW/TotK had fucking horrible rewards.
>weapons, equipment, and enemy summons aren’t enough to qualify as unique rewards
Clearly the answer is returning to the old Zelda formula and rewarding unique items like the Hookshot, Iron Boots, Hammer, and others that shake up the primary gameplay as rewards for completing dungeons
no theres definitely more botw gameplay posted than tktok, anyway I invite any zelda fans to post their coolest gameplay. Impress us! Show off cool games.

I don't think this is the case for any game, I've seen people say "there's nothing to talk about" for over a decade across various subjects, I think people just don't want to talk about certain things or are otherwise incapable (ie, didn't actually play it so they have nothing to share)
But some of the best items in the game (weapons, spells, ashes, consumable recipes) are found in catacombs. Also armor, for fashion.
>well, not for my build they aren't!
I guarantee whatever your build is, there's valuable shit in minor dungeons.

Meanwhile, in BotW, shrines usually contain
>1-2 chests containing rupees or a weapon / shield which does not scale with your progression
>some shrines have a treasure room that might have another degradable weapon (elemental sword, big boomerang, etc.) or, rarely, a piece or armor
>anyway I invite any zelda fans to post their coolest gameplay. Impress us! Show off cool games.
Not if they don't do anything unique.
Not if they don't do anything unique.
>and enemy summons
Not if there is nothing unique about them to merit their use.

Say what you will about the costumes in TotK but at least they all unique effects.
And you can always count on a shrine giving you a heart/stamina piece.
The only interesting parts of BOTW and TOTK is the physics engine, everything else feels sub-par compared to pretty much every other Zelda game. ALBW did a MUCH better job at designing an interesting world that actually requires you to engage with it and the game world is almost equally as open ended thanks to the rental mechanics.

Nintendo should take the loss of GOTY for TOTK as a massive wake up call, their game engine is interesting and borderline black magic but everything else is a massive step down from their old Zelda formula
okay so you're just trolling
>Nintendo should take the loss of GOTY for TOTK as a massive wake up call, their game engine is interesting and borderline black magic but everything else is a massive step down from their old Zelda formula
It reminds me of another engine with a lot of features: source. Tons of stuff can be done with it, few licensed it, fell to disuse after less than 10 games made for it by the studio that developed it
>post dmc tutorial
>Yeah this game isn't cuhrazy like i was told
How many armor effects in TotK are actually unique and not status effects you can get from elixirs?
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i did the same thing to rellana lol
The fact that they're on armor is what makes them unique.
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Dark Souls has really spoiled me with all the moveset variety. Meanwhile BOTW/TOTK literally has 3 different weapons:
>1 handed
>2 handed
All weapons of a weight class have the same moveset, which is a 2-3 hit combo, a charged attack, and a running attack.
this encoding...
Don’t go down this road anon, ER has more unique ashes and effects on weapons and armor than the total amount of gear in TotK
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i tried my best ok, this was the previous attempt..
This was my biggest complaint with Lords of the Fallen (2)
>find new weapon
>oh sick
>try it out
>identical moveset with maybe a single digit number of exceptions
Weapons still have their respective niches, but finding a new weapon doesn't excite me like it does with Souls / Elden Ring.
I still can’t believe they didn’t even try and add at least one new weapon class, like at least make halberds not use the same shitty spear moveset for fucks sake
480-540p, VP9 enabled, constant bitrate 4MB limit with WebM for Lazies / Retards unless you're a ffmpeg wizard
Tendies... how do you excuse this one?
what's the nintendo magic? adding some nuts n bolts mechanic and making sure you dont get that much fun juice for it?
>weapon didnt broke
is this modded?
Monster Hunter has more than Elden Bing
More unique or more total gear?
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>all those seething replies
nice job anon
Lmao, the best armors in the game is literally limited to 4 choices
>Max damage "Barbarian" set
>Max armor "Knight" set
>Frog suit that just lets you ignore a significant mechanic entirely
>Zora suit that that is quite literally required to beat one of the temples if you don't stock up on a LOT of rockets or springs beforehand

Almost every other effect on armor is either completely redundant since better versions of the buffs exists as elixirs or redundant because the special effect the armor gives you is fucking pointless. In shying away from rpg mechanics the game doesn't just shoot itself in the foot, it blows both its kneecaps off with a double barrel and then desperately starts sucking on the barrel of the gun while wishing that there was a 3rd shell in it.
>we can quite clearly see the red "X" on your map at this exact spot where you obviously died fighting these things
holy kek
>stellar blade
lmao even
kek moreover
More unique and total gear
But the game has a sexy waifu in it! /v/ told me that this makes a game a 10/10 masterpiece! Did you guys lie to me?
What game specifically
You'll survive
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So does this thread confirm that tendies are the ones behind most of the Elden Ring seethe threads? Many are obviously actionfags and DD2 fags but this thread i feel like confirms tendies are the ones melting down that a game surpassed their garbage braindead easy slop

fucking pathetic. More and more everyday im starting to realize that most shitposts against most games here are from them. I wouldnt be surprised most BG3 hate threads are buttmad tendies mad about it stealing GOTY
Gen Ult
No it basically confirms it's the antitendies, since they're the only ones obsessed with proxy wars between unrelated games. Tendies just laugh at snoys shitty games. We all have PCs and other consoles
It's worse than that, I'm afraid. Console wars have begun to taint every thread. We just had a splatoon thread earlier where I criticized the game for suffering from P2P and not having a dedicated server browser, citing TF2 as a good example of how an online game could go, and everyone in the thread called me a snoy tranny over it.

Like really, how does liking TF2 make me a snoy, let alone a tranny? It doesn't make sense, and I've never heard an explanation from a Splatoon fan to justify this. They could've just disagreed with me, or said they weren't fans of Tf2, but they got downright violent. I just don't know what I said wrong.
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Are these tendies in the room with us right now?
Survive what? Being bored to death? Well yeah, I deleted the .xci of TOTK after finishing is the first time so now I never feel tempted to commit seppuku by boredom
you'll survive
It’s been confirmed ever since TotK was delayed only a month after ER launched and made sales records for Bamco, followed by it getting GOTY
>not pictured: weapon breaking immediately on the next enemy
All ACfag btw
holy shit lmao
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Even though you're wrong, don't worry. You'll survive.
I didn’t mention terraria
Wouldn't you get stuck if you didn't get the right gear and have to deal with enemies who are way stronger than you?
>TOTK and BOTW mods to make legendary weapons unbreakable

I have no clue why the devs didn't implement this as standard into the game in the first place, in BOTW there would only be 1 weapon that would be immune to breaking and that would be the master sword, that would make the MS an actually fitting reward for the time investment and I even think that they could have added higher requirements to it just to force people to engage with the weapon system a little longer.

In TOTK they could have just hid all of the legendary weapons underground behind strong AF mobs/mini dungeons (except for the master sword obviously) and that would actually make the trek underground worth the hassle, they could even do something like forcing players to upgrade the weapons to make them stronger in line with the enemy leveling in the game by just reusing the upgrade hags, that would actually add some structure to the game through a few long-term goals outside of just finding every shrine.
>Nintendo magic
the honeymoon phase ended much faster than i predicted. not even rabid zelda autists are defending TotK.
Why doesn't botw or totk have any kind of guns? You're trying to tell me the people of hyrule have all sorts of magical technology that can create motorcycles and living statues with laser weapons, but nobody ever thought of creating a firearm? Not even a simple musket or flintlock?
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And ruin the artstyle/aesthetic? You gotta remember that Zelda is a game about medieval fantasy. guns just wouldn't fit the world.
Fall damage immunity.
Gloom Resistance.
Battery efficiency.
Freeze immunity.
Burn immunity.
Enemy mimicry.
Super windsail power.

And as you already mentioned
Damage boosting
Armour boosting.
And waterfall riding.

These are all useful and unique effects.
I honestly think the lame weapon moveset and the enemy's health are much bigger problems than the fact that it can be hitstunned to death.
>gloom resistance
>damage boosting
>armor boosting
These are all meaningless when you'll never die to an enemy in the first place. I mean stealth, really? In a game where you can one shot 99% of enemies with wacky fire penis robots?

>Fall damage immunity.
When are you ever going to use this? It's not like the game doesn't give you infinite crutches to avoid falling in the first place.

>super windsail power
And when will you ever realistically use this?

>waterfall riding

You can already fly over everything, what's the point?
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>10,000 years plus tip and the best Hyrule can do is a half dozen rudimentary "cities" and a capital city the size of two football pitches that gets it ass blasted at the first sign of trouble
Semi-related, but how the hell did the presumed skeleton crew that was stationed at Fort Hateno defend the village against Calamity? Why did Ganon's forces just stop advancing anyway? Zelda makes an ambiguous sacrifice to stall Calamity himself, but he still maintains control over his immortal army, but they just sit there for 100 years waiting for (You). I don't fucking get it. This is literal baby shit.
I despise The Witcher 3 for a variety of reasons, but its worldbuilding both in atmosphere and visual design has a newfound respect after the dogshit that has come after. White Orchard has more personality, logic, gameplay, characterization, story and aesthetic that any of BotW's major hubs, and that's the fucking tutorial area. Goddamn, Nintendo is lazy as shit.
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fpbp what the fuck are journos smoking this time, when will they stop sucking off nintendo, especially when they can't even articulate why
At least in OOT Ganondorf was shown as vain and didn't want to kill everyone at first, he just loved causing people pain and fear, but even then the world showed the effects of him being an evil dick.

>Kokiri forest covered in monsters, many kokiri probably killed
>gorons about to be fed to Volvagia
>Zora domain frozen over
>gerudo basically live in fear incase Ganon ever stops having a use for them
>even unleashes ancient nightmare demons like Bongo Bongo, to terrorize the people of Kakariko

Meanwhile Calamity Ganon controls all of the evil monsters in the world, AND he has control of the divine beasts, and yet they... just sit there and do nothing. I guess Vah Ruto was going to flood the world or something, except he had 100 years to do it and didn't.

This is the amazing storytelling they praise so much.
>When are you ever going to use this?
When you want to dive headfirst into the ground at high speeds instead of flying or gliding like some cuck.
>extremely situational usage for people who, for some reason, hate the glider

Ahh, so a "make your own fun" moment.
>Ahh, so a "make your own fun" moment.
No. It's faster. And easier. Not that avoiding the damage is difficult. But in combination with it being faster you can just turn your brain off and still save time. It's a win-win.
But in terms of "making your own fun" it does allow for stupid shit like extra high aerial attacks.
How many times are you going to realistically be doing that? Just jumping from high places and intentionally taking fall damage like that?

>it does allow for stupid shit like extra high aerial attacks.
Which I couldn't imagine you'll ever use because, again, wacky flying fire penis robots.
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>>super windsail power
>And when will you ever realistically use this?
When you want speed? What did you think?
Also fuck whoever recorded this video. You can go a lot faster than this easily.
Funny thing is that, in BOTW, you could just time stop a rock and travel ten times as fast. So fast infact that the world had trouble loading in.
Actually no. Unless you do the wind-bomb or the fucked up grab-hover-glitch. Then the powered up sail is a lot faster.
It's a lot faster than stasis.
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For reference, here are BotW's equivalents of these events
>Ahhh, Link please save us, we can't fly higher than we would ever need to because if we do this giant mechanical birb's wind output is pushing us down. Also it's specific to this one little area, so if we fly fifteen yards outside the village, we should be good, but again we don't have any actual reason to fly that high anyway. SAVE US, LINK OH MY FUCKING GOD ONE OF OUR WARRIORS SPRAINED AN ANKLE, JESUS CHRIST, THE HUMANITY
>Link, Death Mountain might erupt, which may or may not have an effect on Hyrule as a whole, we're not really sure. You might want to stop it. We don't really care because we're essentially completely cut off from the rest of Hyrule except for a few merchants who trade gemstones for... something? I don't know, I guess it's a hobby, because we, Gorons, exist entirely within the ecosystem of the volcano
>LINK, HOLY SHIT, IT'S RAINING SO GODDAMN MUCH WHAT THE FU- wait, we're fish. I guess we'll let you know if it starts to potentially impact Central Hyrule, but its been tame for a century now, so don't worry about it
I genuinely don't even remember what the Gerudo subplot was about. Wasn't it just a camel producing a sandstorm that was wandering in a circle? I guess it would suck if it suddenly walked slowly towards the town, but damn, have these sand niggas not seen Empire Strikes Back?
Also makes me laugh because as of TotK it's established that the Gerudo historically have access to horns that can be used to command Molduga to an ambiguous degree, Dune-style baby. Send one or two or three or four of those fat fucks at the camel and whoa, Calamity is averted.
Holy shit, I'm really feelin' it, Mr. Krabs.
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IMO neither of these look fun to do. Just seems like pointless filler.
Yeah the Gerudo's subplot is that Vah Naboris is in the desert walking in circles and shooting lightning at empty pieces of terrain, and yet the gerudo city is still standing after 100 years.
Why not just ride a horse, or teleport? There's no context to ever sail for long enough distances that you'd need superspeed. Traveling Hyrule is not a gameplay mechanic in and of itself that's entertaining, like it is in games like Infamous, Spider-Man, GTA or Far Cry. It's just a distraction to prevent the player from recognizing how little genuine gameplay there is, that is contexts for gameplay that aren't taking the piss, which just for fairness' sake I'll include sidequests in, despite them all being the worst shit ever.
Why do you think people were clamoring for the hookshot? Because it's a fun mechanic. Climbing is not. Attacking a piece of cloth with a leaf is not. Even horseback sucks ass in BotW, especially horseback combat, holy fuck.
>and yet the gerudo city is still standing after 100 years.
The divine beasts only went wild after the shrines and towers resurfaced.
>Ganon infected them for 100 years
>but for some reason he was polite enough to not do anything until Link came back

That was awfully nice of him. And it was nice for his infinitely expanding army of bokoblins and lynels and moldugas and hinoxes to not wipe out the rest of civilization.
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Why the fuck does swallowing an infinity stone turn you into a useless dragon?
I was kind of expecting Demon Dorf to be super agile and eratic, like Haku (Spirited Away) when he's high strung and injured.
But they're just boring. Slow, lumbering, pointless, and make no sense, particularly Zelda's. How the fuck did the Master Sword even get in her forehead? I don't know. Whatever, fuck it. Yo, your Mary Sue is making ANOTHER nonsensical ultimate sacrifice that will result in, you guessed it, zero consequences. Holy shit I can't wait for the sequel where she has to spend 100,000 years doing fuck all, that'll really up the ante.
Still unironically better than rollslop.
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To be fair it demonstrates perfectly why journos would love it, they can't handle anything more than that.
There's a theory going around that they rehashed the dragon fight from BOTW, where you kill the tumors off of that one snow dragon. It would be hilarious if they did that due to running out of time, since they spend at least 5 years on this game.
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You weren't supposed to post this.
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>Better designed, as in a better designed world, better designed mechanics
Elden Ring is way better than nu Zelda in both of those aspects.
>progression being dictated by the player's own wits and resources.
Progression in the nu Zelda games is dictated by the fucking skibidi shrines and farming weapons and zonai shit. Nothing to do with wits.
What happens when you die in BotW/TotK?
It's literally a children's game. It's not even meant to be challenging.
They pose a threat in the sense that difficulty is totally fucked and some can basically oneshot you randomly, but you can easily get insanely overpowered gear, cheese them, pause and spam food, or just ignore them entirely because combat is worthless.
Also if you do die the autosave is so lenient that there's zero stakes or tension. It's an extremely casual game that does a decent job masking that fact.
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>So does this thread confirm that tendies are the ones behind most of the Elden Ring seethe threads?
There is also Halitosis dickriders and trannies whose brains have been fried by the hrt and so are too shit to play any slightly challenging game.
Except it's the same no matter what weapon you're using. Finish 2-3 hits and the enemy goes flying away and you have to chase after them.
You die and return to an auto save spot unless you have a fairy on your inventory.
Eldensnoys seething at nintenbones
You lose like 10 seconds of progress because the game constantly autosaves. You don't lose any items or weapons you used.
Tendies are currently the biggest spergs on this board by far. Nobody would fault you for assuming they're behind most shitposting. Anything they deem a threat or major game that skips their system will be shitposted by them.
Tendies exposed themselves after the Steam Deck was announced. They just went insane over it and still make seethe threads about it.
What happens if I walk away?
Shut up.
They started becoming deranged during the Wii U era for some reason but remained tolerable since the console flopped so badly. They started getting cocky after BOTW but the game was good so it wasn't the worst. They only became insufferable after spending years not winning any GOTY awards and also seeing PCfags emulate all their games.
Nothing, it's preferable since fighting anything but bosses is a pointless waste of time to perpetuate a useless cycle of breaking and acquiring weapons.
Blatantly untrue, go find one of those Nintendo seething threads
>nintendo magic
NTA, but the hell it isn't they invade every deck thread and spam the same shit.
So post one
The juxtaposition between young and adult timeline is great and serves the story and motivation well, but aonuma is a hack brainlet who has no clue what made zelda good and just winged it until he gave up and churned out this shite.
I think I can overlook the misguided implementation of weapon durability, especially in service of some great combat encounters. I mean these games came out after other titles like Monster Hunter Tri, Dragon's Dogma, Bloodborne, Devil May Cry 3, The Witcher 3, Kingdom Hearts II, Kingdoms of Amalur, Shadow of Mordor, Tales of Xillia 2, Lords of the Fallen, Nioh, and Okami. So the combat and all mechanics that encompass it should be on par, if not significantly better than most of the aforementioned, right?
>We all have PCs and other consoles
Then you're not a tendie. Tendies are flagrant fanboys who deepthroat the corporation. Just having a nintendo system doesn't make someone a tendie.
>their game engine is interesting and borderline black magic
It is not black magic, it's just havok. Indies have made similar more complex mechanics before even botw was out, see scrap mechanic. But because nintendo did it journos and hacks start throwing "magic" around everywhere because it's easier to say that than actually know what they're talking about and they all ride nintendo's dick after failing to grow up. It's the same type of 35 year old manchildren and zero standards women who will go out and put black panther at the top of the greatest movie ever made list.
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>Indies have made similar more complex mechanics before even botw was out, see scrap mechanic.

It's always funny seeing troons seethe this hard. Janky laughable indie garbage which play absolute nothing like BotW.

It reminds me of troons shitting themselves saying "I-I-I don't need TotK, I have Garry's Mod!"

Fucking KEK. Yeah go play that shite and pretend you're playing Zelda.
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Shut the fuck up tranny lover.
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>be playing kino like Terraria
>can kill the first NPC I see because he annoys me

>be playing TOTK or BOTW
>have to be a slave to everyone, even if they treat me like garbage
>have to be thankful for the privilege too
Classic game journo clickbait. Guarantee that article says nothing interesting. Probably spends the first couple paragraphs telling you what elden ring and nintendo are.
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>be playing kino like Terraria
>can kill the first NPC I see because he annoys me

What a degenerate schizo. Yeah go play your 2D indie shite pixel trash instead of seething over Nintendo.

I'd just like to point out that I went for an 8 hour sleep and you've been here the entire time still farting blood over Nintendo's masterpiece.

Seek professional LMFAOO
>I totally took an 8 hour nap, after boating on my yacht with my 10/10 wife and 5 kids, while making millions of dollars on crypto and NFts

You're a pathetic larper.
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YEAR EIGHT of your Zelda meltdown continues.

Today is yet another wasted day of your life, seething on 4chan, without sleep.

Have BotW or TotK flopped yet?

>Nintodlers thought this shitty gmod rip off was GOTY material
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>your zelda meltdown
He says while trash-talking every single game I like because he can't stand praise for non-nintendo products.
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Keep seething on 4chan. That will help. It will soon be YEAR NINE of your meltdown. I'm sure it was worth it.
wait until you find out about ootsnoys
It's really magical how it ragdolls every time after pushing the attack button twice and can't fight back. Webm says all you need to know about why journos love this.
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>Red X
>ootsnoy image
You lost Erica
Modern Nintendo fanboys have been attaching snoy to everything, even older Nintendo games when old Nintendo fans express being unhappy about the absolute state of things. Doing so let's them attack anything and everything and still say they're only doing it against snoys and that it's why snoys are the ones who are really the worst and not them.
>It's not too dissimilar to ootsnoy which was made to assist with shitting on Botw and totk
Nah, the retard who started that literally has a rent free seething hatred for the N64 and was, ironically, a sony pony during that time but has since transferred his undying allegiance to Nintendo with the Switch.
Now this is schizoposting
strange how you dodged the point. You accuse others of seething, but you hate every game I've ever brought up.
>regular low tier enemy takes a dozen hits with a high-powered weapon to kill
how is this a good thing?
Because it makes snoys seethe uncontrollably.
Arthur will flip flop between saying older zeldas sucked and needed to die and saying older zeldas are the greatest games ever made depending on what will get him the most attention. I'd tell you to stop giving him that attention, but I know better as I've seen this retarded never ending spat play out far more times than I care to admit.
like "ootsnoy", it's sonygggers trying to make "snoy" lose its initial meaning of (nu-)sony fanboy because they hate it so much
in short, it's retarded shitposting
god this is so shit how can anyone who isn't a toddler enjoy this trash is beyond me
Maybe I should stop giving him attention, but like the erictranny spammer it's just hard to ignore him blatantly contradicting himself.

>all zelda games are masterpieces
>but liking a linear zelda game means that you don't understand game design
>Terraria is shit because it doesn't have a 90+ metacritic score
>Tf2 is lootbox gacha tranny shit that only has a 90+ score because of paid game journalists
>the same journalists I praise for loving BOTW and TOTK

He's like a trainwreck of conflicting opinions.
An OoTsnoy is a fag that grew up on mature zelda like OoT and TP. Once the franchise went into permanent baby mode with SS and beyond, snoy CHADS moved to better games on the playstation like Dark Souls, Demon Souls and ER because they are the realized versions of OoT and TP

TOTK scared most true zelda fans away in favour of tiktok minecraft shit for zoomzooms that never played before BOTW
enjoying games in function of how other people will react to them doesn't sound very healthy
"Ootsnoy" was literally started by a rabid botwfag getting assblasted that anyone had the audacity to consider oot the superior game.
Don't forget that it evolved into calling people Cubesnoys too, since people were showing fondness for Wind Waker.
Nintrannies be playing a game for kids and getting mad at this
That's not even remotely correct.
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There are no bad Zelda games. Some Zelda games are simply better than others. Even the worst Zelda game is better than 99% of all video games ever made.

BotW and TotK are considered amongst the greatest games ever made.

Terraria is not and never will.

This reality has made you fart blood for almost a decade on this hentai pedo board. Literally wasted your life seething over great video games for no reason other than sheer schizo jealousy.
Slow news day, eh?
The first instance of Ootsnoy came from one of Eric's boogeymen pastas to make it look like Tendies were unreasonable retards like him. It was never meant to be an insult but a specific person.
>how is this a good thing?

Well it can looked at two ways.

1) fucking wailing on enemy is fun

2) it shows smarter players that button mashing like a retard isn't a very effective strategy

What's exactly do you think the problem is?
Tendies are unreasonable retards like him. It's obvious he's not the only one saying it, if you're right that he's even the one who came up with it or is saying it at all.
I see tendies scream and spam ericericeric and sometimes acfag all the goddamn time yet hardly anyone calls out the most autistic tendies who are just as bad if not worse. The most I ever see anyone call out, and even then barely, is arthur, who's right above you spamming the same shit day in day out, and that's about it. Where are the tendies calling out the "erictranny you lost and got raped" spammer? Or is that eric too, just like everything is snoy? Sure makes it real easy.
Who funds these faggots?
Just a mentally ill faggot
Best thing you can do is to ignore it
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It's been 15 months since TotK released.

It's one of the most acclaimed and successful games of all time.

It's personally the best adventure game I've ever played on any system.

Who the fuck are you trying to convince at this point? Half a dozen random anons on 4chan? Do you think shitposting on this cartoon schizo containment forum will make the game flop or something?
>zelda was always great, better than 99% of all video games ever made
>so great yet they deserved to die because they were old and stagnate and I'm going to mock anyone who thinks otherwise and spam smug celebrities and journos over it
>but I'll still constantly erroneously compare totk to the first game in order to claim it as the ultimate zelda though
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Nice X retard.
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Mald more ACFAG
>yet hardly anyone calls out the most autistic tendies
Because the most autistic tendies tend of just be Eric and ACfag.
>Where are the tendies calling out the "erictranny you lost and got raped" spammer?
Case in point, that is Eric. We all call him out but you people can't fathom the idea of a guy with a decade long irrational vendetta against a faceless Japanese company being unstable.
>Or is that eric too, just like everything is snoy? Sure makes it real easy
Yes, you do make it easy. Unlike you we were blessed with common sense and basic pattern recognition so even though you don't have a name you can be identified quite easily.
Not to mention, these "Erictranny" and snoy screamers only coincide with you and no other time.
We all point these things out but for some reason you never change your approach.
Ironically in being the most fervent Nintendo shitposters you've only just revealed that tendies don't even exist.
Man I am sorry for your mental impediments. Must be tough living like this.
EldenSisters...our response?
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it never ends does it
skibidi fragments = korok seeds
korok seeds are better.
>Harman Smith is writing for Eurogamer now

I thought he was from Seattle?
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Souls only exists because of PlayStation.
>tendies trying to defend this
And this is why nintendo has gone to shit. Pokemon, animal crossing, splatoon, zelda, zero fucking standards and know they'll make bank off brand alone without having to try.
What is there to defend?
And why is it ok in ER but not in TotK?
This whole fanbase war is terribly forced and artificial.

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