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where's the bloody jokes?
Not exactly what I was expecting but it's nice to see them not abandon the franchise I guess
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Honestly thats actually kinda cool.
That is honestly fucking disappointing.
There are two kinds of people in this world
awww he's smiling
What is this? You guys are acting like you've heard of this game before. Though I guess i'm not surprised you autistic weebs have a photographic memory for anything with anime faces in it
shouldn't it be "Switch Detective Club"
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She cute.
>Not some Bloober Team thing
Oh thank god...
So dark and mature...lol....
OH NO Tendies......
you've gotta be fucking kidding me, we wanted an unexpected new ip not this literally who visual novel series
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Famicom Detective Club got a remake a couple of years ago. They're a mystery Visual novel series.
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Did you seriously expect a new IP when the Switch is in its last year?
yeah it's a fairly well known series to anyone who's not a normalfag
why are people like you even here?
Into the trash it goes...
She's in Smash 6.

Everyone did.
Pffftttttttt HAHAHAHAHHA tendies get rekt
This is 100x better than that gay ass NINTENDO AFTER DARK or whatever "leak".
I also thought it was gonna be something sick dark
Sure, why not?
The switch 2 will be backwards compatible.
Imagine going from 2 decades+ of nothing to getting 3 games in one gen, good for famicom detective clubs.
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The Nintendo Switch is just simply incapable of M rated games in 2024. At best you're getting stuff like Resident Evil (CLOUD EDITION LUL)
I liked the The Girl Who Stands Behind, so this will be cool if it is in the same quality. The Missing Heir was mid tho.
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Pretty cool that there's a new game after 30 years.
It is rated M
I doubt it. They want to sell you remasters just like they resold Wii U games.
Fuck, now I wished the bloober rumor was true
Anon, backward compatibility never stopped Nintendo of remastering old shit. You could play Twilight Princess on the Wii U, but it still got a remaster.
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I just wanted a mature horror game for the Switch that isn’t a fucking low budget anime VN.
The WiiU was a massive failure, those "remasters" are unironically "new games" for like 90% of the switch users. Also the WiiU itself was backwards compatible with the Wii, it would be utterly retarded to not have the switch 2 be backw compatible with switch games.
That's a VERY specific want.
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HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAH tendies were hyping this shit
wow this is le super dark... bone chilling... spine tingling...
I'd rather a good game series that I'm not interested in instead of a shit game.
>You could play Twilight Princess on the Wii U, but it still got a remaster.
That was to put the game in HD. Switch is already in HD
Nintendo is greedy now, that's why they're doing paid online. They won't turn down the money they'd get from doing remasters.
I guarantee TOTK Deluxe Edition and Metroid Prime 4 Deluxe Edition will both release on the Switch 2 within its first year.
it's just anime
You got plenty like Hellblade or Detention.
The only thing that would make me even more disappointed is if it were a roguelike deckbuilder
>Nintendo should revive other IPs
>get mad when they revive an IP
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Don't make me tap the sign.
I’d rather pay a small upgrade fee to get TotK running at 60 fps 1440p.
I told you it was a VN. Oh well. I knew Nintendo wasn't going to do something edgy.
>lazy visual novel hyped up as le grown man's gamerrino
manchildren will eat up the slop lol
Your sign is worthless, like this damn zombie board
be careful with the t slur
the trannyjanny loves hammering down fascist transphobic t**d**phobic chuds
Or they could just give you the upgrade for free, like Xbox Smart Delivery does.
You nintendofags are always cocksucking Xbox and Phil Spencer, do you seriously not know about Xbox Smart Delivery??
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There's some fairly messed-up shit in the first two games.
Most remasters would sell like shit when it's all recent games that are widely available
As opposed to mediocre blooberslop we were most likely to get?
>Source: trust me bro
Ports are cheap to make anyways so who cares.
do you get mad when you see someone reading a book
they need to get humbled like they were in the wii u era
only then, they actually try like they did with botw
otherwise they shit out lazy rehashes and fuck off to produce more rehashes, like how they abandoned acnh despite selling more than 46million+ copies
NTA, but yeah, because it’s always some trash called like “10 ways to destroy the past self” or “how to kill a narcissist” or some shit
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It had a trophy in Melee so some Nintendo fans act like they've been huge fans of this series all along and that it's a big-name Nintendo IP.
You know what? I would have preferred a shitter bloober team game to this.
She'll be in Smash 6, this time for sure.
Holy shit I haven't finished the other 2. Is this another remake or a new game?
I just don’t understand how Nintendo says shit like “We’re not making another F-Zero or Star Fox game because the sales would be too low” and then turn around and make THREE Famicom Detective Club games and an Endless Ocean remake.
shitty jap game
who cares.
It's still extra work they could avoid by just keeping the games compatible and available for sale
All evidence pointed that wasn't bloobler, all we were sure it was something first party. And it turned out to be a first party....just an extremely disappointing and not new first party.
This goddamn game still hasn't been discounted.
Nah, this series can be fucked up, but that's because the remakes and (probably) this aren't developed by Nintendo, and the original weren't nearly as graphic as the remakes.
I doubt they even know that. It's standard operating procedure for /v/ to pretend they're diehard fans of game series they've never played, let alone heard of.
>Switch is just simply incapable of M rated games
Do adults actually look at the parental rating of the video games they played? I have no idea how the games I play are rated lol.
They'll make more money from remasters. Some people will inevitably double dip
>movie anime weebshit gayme
Quality doesn't need to be.
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I'm expecting it to be a knockoff of Uri's The Strange Men series
>Famicom Detective Club[c] is an adventure game duology developed and published by Nintendo for the Family Computer Disk System. The first entry, The Missing Heir,[d] was released in 1988, followed by a prequel released the next year titled The Girl Who Stands Behind.[e] In both games, the player takes on the role of a young man solving murder mysteries in the Japanese countryside.
The budgets for VNs are much smaller
based on what hype? Please droolie, tell us what you wanted, I need a good laugh ate an helpless retard today
Because unlike F-Zero and Starfox, people inside Nintendo care and push for other IPs.
I can guarantee you Sakamoto got to develop whatever he wanted after the big success of Metroid Dread.
Nintendo works like that.
There has been countless cases of parents complaining about M rated games after buying the M rated game without looking at the fucking M rating.
It got a really good remake two years ago.
Probably because F-Zero and Star Fox are expensive to make. The other 2 make sense because they're cheap so they can sell less, it also adds variety to the library which is something Sony and Microsoft absolutely don't value. Same with Another Code Recollection, super niche game to remake, but cheap as fuck.
>I would have preferred a game that I would never play to a game I would never play
Genuinely, why?
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>it's tranime slop
This is also true, when you have people in the company that cares about games and want to develop them only because of the love for it stuff like this happens.
New game.
I'm still not getting what you are trying to say there? Why does it make you laugh?
Thanks for the Wikipedia summary. We really needed it.
Nintendo is a Japanese company
>twitter posters don't like it
Maybe I should look into this series.
even worse it's AI tranime slop
That's as awesome as the fact we're getting Visions of Mana, shit like this should be encouraged.
you are the problem.
I complain about them but I've played all their games. I have SH2 remake pre-ordered. Observer and Layers of Fear are still their best.
Because they never actually said the reason is sales. Their reasoning they gave was that they couldn't come up with good ideas for a new game. Now whether you believe them or not is up to you.
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New game with Ayumi
i am fine with this
i dont mind tranime slop if its an actual game like astral chain
i give zero shits about powerpoint games
In the end, /v/ is as dead and retarded as xitter. This fucking place deserves a nuke, it's broken beyond repair.
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a VN is very cheap to make compared to an F Zero or Starfox
Right he’s stupid to expect those things from manchild: the company.
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>She'll be in Smash 6, this time for sure.
Ayumi as the phoenix wright of Smash bros
>an Endless Ocean remake
That was a new game too.
Is the girl cute? Does she at least wears a miniskirt?
>fdc sequel
Based, I love to see smaller titles getting some love. I do feel a bit bad for anyone who was hoping for a serious horror game.
I wish they kept the 80s anime look.
>wahhh why aren’t you happy with generic visual novel?!
>You wanted something different from Nintendo?!
>/v/ has fallen! BILLIONS MUST DIE!
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Ayumi is pretty cute
Oh so you're a slop gobbling retard, gotcha
Beat me to it kek
80s bros we live
Stop crying like a underage retard
Yeah, it used to be /v/->Twitter->/v/, now it's Twitter->/v/->Twitter
dont you see interactive chinese comics are for hardcore gamers
actual video games are for casual retards
Wish they kept this style.
Does this mean we're getting an Advance Wars sequel too?
>Stop crying like a underage retard
pot kettle black anon
nah the demake gigaflopped
>dont you see interactive chinese comics are for hardcore gamers
Ironically enough I've never seen a casual play or even know about VNs, it's always people who are really into video games.
Will this one get censored too?
The remakes had insanely high production values for VNs, tons of unique CGs and everything was animated. I remember a scene where the MC interrogated about ten people standing around a building and each had a unique sprite despite having only one line. If the new game is longer than five hours with the same production values, it's going to be neat.
Bro, we haven't even had a new Donkey Kong game in a decade. Thanks to F-Zero 99, DK is now the most neglected "notable" Nintendo franchise, even beating Star Fox by a couple years.
Why are they still calling it Famicom Detective Club
I’m not the one being an overdramatic bitch saying /v/ should be nuked for not fellating your gay VN.
Doom 2016, Doom Eternal, Death Wish Enforcers, that shmup with naked boobs i forgot the name of.
Japan is the primary market for this title.
that's the series name
>Remember this meme!
The current average /v/-chimp is bereft of any wit or comedic sense.
Why ia the shitposter going berserk over this reveal like anyone is seriously upset?
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>yeah it's a fairly well known series to anyone who's not a normalfag
Careful comrade, I've played Saya No Uta and I have no clue what the fuck Famicom detective club is.
What should they call it instead?
Even before the remakes, the fanhack translation of the SNES version of Girl In The Back was pretty popular 15-ish years ago.
At least that eerie promotion will probably bring attention to this series now and boost FDC's popularity a bit
Killing this board is the reasonable thing, that the only way to destroy the rampant retardism.
Ayumi is a classy girl.
/v/ really has no chance
The problem with Donkey Kong is being too similar to Mario. That's why it doesn't have a dedicated team working on it constantly despite superb sales. It's already been 10 fucking years since the last game, they couldn't even complete a trilogy.
Current Nintendo Console Detective Club. That way it won't go out of date
Anon, I'm pretty sure Famicom Detective did worse. The Advance Wars remake was very low budget.
even the zoomies on tiktok played saya no uta
are these still digital only i cant believe these chinks omg
Because Switch Detective Club sounds more retarded.
I find it funny how the Satellaview game has been officially memory-holed.
>japanese Columbo is the raincoat killer
Yeah, funny how tendies got yet ANOTHER game coming this year while Snoys have nothing
This new one has a physical release.
And wow he's played one of the most famous visual novels ever made. So unique
Why was this not at the Nintendo Direct?
Does ANY Satellaview game get acknowledged by their own series?
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Damn, Nintendo really would rather resurrect a visual novel series that's been dead for 30 years before making a new F-Zero
ACfag won
>skeleton without lips happens to be smiling
They knew their fanbase would overhype a cryptic teaser so they used that to promote a niche series
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Yeah I can’t believe so many retards can’t appreciate such kino-ludo gameplay.
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You have no idea how crazy popular Columbo is in Japan.
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Oh fuck me are we REALLY pulling out the "IP consolidation makes sense because muh vague similarities" sour grapes cope for DK that was used against F-Zero for years
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>ugh saying /v/ should be nuked is so problematic I can't even right now
Where do you fags come from?
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only FE used some of the Satellaview stuff.
rest is just forgotten
Can you imagine the seethe generated if they had the payoff for the emio teaser in a direct be a famicom detective club sequel?
F-Zero 99 still gets updates though
Hi Eric tell ACfag that AC is a movie game
The Smiling Girl...
God, shut the hell up about Star Fox and F-Zero. I like those series but people bitching about Nintendo going back to older IPs that aren't them is fucking annoying as hell
It's not IP consolidation
DK doesn't have a dedicated team, that's literally the only reason
Tell me how i know you're a seething Smashbabby
There are almost 30 million switches sold in Jap land my man. Japs really like visual novels and they're cheap to make. They'll likely make more money on this than a new star fox or f-zero
Anon... that's not a skeleton, it's a rotten corpse, it still have lips.
I guess crying that Sakamoto isn't making a new F-Zero is slightly less retarded then crying that IS isn't making a new F-Zero.
>Hi Eric
dragonirian pls
Mages was really happy with the sales. It did better than the Science Adventure shit they're known for. They said they would be interested in making a sequel and looks like it happened.
why does /v/ hate FDC now?
Remember when they announced that Kirby eShop game and Matt McMuscles whined that it was taking time away from a new Star Fox or F-Zero?
Muh F-Queero
wasn't mages in bankruptsy? or nintendo just grabbed the staff?
/v/ hates reading
>Matt McMuscles
Of course it's an FGCfag
I don't think he was involved with that one so it might as well be fanfiction.
>low budget
this is extremely high budget you idiot, the remakes too, you literally can't find other visual novels like them
Because this board is full of children who only watch Arlo and play just the most basic Nintendo shit. Anything that doesn't have a playable rep in Smash is worthless to them - honestly Sakurai should have just made Ayumi a playable character in Melee so we wouldn't have this issue today
it's summer, that's your answer.
I’m just calling out cringy overdramatic posts when I see them.
Nintendofags seem to love making them for some reason.
/v/ has always hated it. Faggot tendies tried to force the shitty switch remakes but no one gave a shit because they were babie's first VN
Even the Arino detective subgame in Gamecenter CX 2 is deeper than FDC
Partly full time shitposters, partly people disappointed emio didn't lead to something grimdark mature, partly salty fans of underrepresented series.
You mean seething fighting game negroids
Mages filed for insolvency a few years ago but they're still hanging on.
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/v/ is in the game too
Holy shit, we're actually getting a new Famitan that isn't a remake?
They should also remake the 3rd game.
I can only hope they have another kino vocal performance on par with Shinichiro Miki's in this game.
People expected a game not a visual novel when they see something with mystery marketing
stop making shit up to fit your narrative, previous FDC threads were kino.
The acceptance of visual novels on /v/ has always been shaky, at best.
It's now a "modern" Nintendo franchise so they have to seethe about it existing and can no longer use it to claim that they "used to be a Nintendo fan but now Nintendo sucks"
They should have expanded Retro so it could handle both Metroid Prime and DKC by now, instead both series get neglected.
Nintendo wants people to forget the Satellaview.
You should be calling out your own posts then.
>FDC was dead for 30 years
>F-Zero was only dead for less than 20 years
F-Queero babbies btfo
Nah they are still active. They released a konosoba game in steam this year
Does this mean the next Famicon Detective will be of the quality of Steins;Gate?
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they know they already lost
>the ending might be divisive for some people
So is ayumi going to die
That would have just resulted in them having to pay even more employees to do nothing for 10 years.
The trailer straight up pretend that it never existed, so that not gonna happen.
I'm checking the archives from last week and quite a few people actually correctly guessed it was FDC
A new FDC is cool, but I can't help but feel that the teaser was not a good idea and created a lot of false expectarions? I think everyone assumes Nintendo is not like other companies and doesn't make trailers that are too far off from what the game actually is... usually.
>protagonist is still unnamed
Would be neat if they let you transfer save data from the remakes to carry the name you picked over.
Because nobody knows what's a Family Computer is in the west
The ones that entertain
And the ones that observe...
oh thanks didn't know that, cool for them
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is it good? I like detective games
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Sure, at least she's getting a game.
too much credit anon
It was all a simulation
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The studio probably wanted to do something weird to bring attention to the game and Nintendo allowed it. I would say they're confident in their product.
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That's a shame, but at least we're getting a new game.
I guess you can count Little Mac too, literally got into Smash after Punch -Out Wii happened.
Wasn't the canon name Taro Ninten?
The first two games are pretty quaint, products of their time I'd say. Still, there's some entertaining writing and I appreciated the more serious approach as opposed to most anime vns. I was interested enough to see them both out at least. Solid B grade stuff imo.
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I see your Murasame Castle and raise you Mach Rider.
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>1:14 The Smiling Man is said to offer crying girls a paper bag with a smile drawn on it, in exchange for their life.
>2:21 The script cuts right into the heart of what I had in mind from the start, so the story's ending may be divisive for some people.
>Continue the adventures of the Utsugi Detective Agency with the return of familiar characters—including the returning protagonist from previous games, and Ayumi Tachibana, who is now playable in certain sections of the game for the first time in the series!
Imagine Ayumi's last playable section is being offered a paper bag by Emio...
Star Ocean bros....
This is the Nintendo YouTuber mindset. Thinking Fire Emblem and Pokémon and Xenoblade and Kirby prevents Starfox and Golden Sun from being made. It's almost like different developers specialize in different genres and franchises. The reason franchises stay dormant is there's no one to make them or no desire to make them. I don't know why this is so hard to understand.
>skilled in naginata combat
she did not beat the game
Does this mean Ayumi now has a chance of actually being included in the next Smash?
>See a woman
>Immediately think of dicks
Why are you so gay?
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I wish they kept the look of the SNES remake.
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Who the fuck made F-Zero GX and what are they doing now? Wasn't it in collaboration with Namco or something?
They really just looked like the typical style of the time, both back then and now. Though I guess Emio has to be set in the 90s since the characters don't seem to have aged much, so I understand wanting it to look like 90s anime art.
A little disappointed that it isn’t a new ip but pretty happy since it means Nintendo is continuing their effort to work on their more obscure franchises. Who knows, maybe we’ll see a new advance wars or starfy 6 after all.
Do you think they have the balls to kill off Ayumi
man i called this and people told me i was retarded.
I think Nintendo sort of set themselves up for disappointment to hype this game to the level they did.
>fucking /v/ trannies got annihilated in both threads
you love to see that
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>skilled in naginata combat
>enjoys heavy metal music
Dunno, old /v/ used to love and shill Tomato's translation of Part II SNES.
You might be right but you're still retarded
Same reason why Advance Wars didn't change the name when it went to the DS
Ayumi showing her hot forearms again.
Ayumichads WE WON
Anime chads keep winning, normalfags keep seething
What the fuck is this>? I was expecting something in the vein of Fatal Frame
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Paranormasight was good so maybe this will be good too

too bad its a switch game so I'll never play it
Advance Wars was the fourth name the series went through, it was Famicom, Game Boy and Super Famicom Wars before.
Finally someone says it. Would've been the first few posts in the past. Normies have infested this board.
Sega, the studio that made it was called Amusement Vision, they died and their corpse was used to make RGG Studio (Yakuza devs.)
But it says that the newest victim of Emio was a boy
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Maybe they'll bring it back as a tv show.
>Endless Ocean

The previous games were amazing and the sequel is the most awful aberration ever. I can't believe I actually spent money on this shit
Fire Emblem: New Mystery of the Emblem was a remake of Fire Emblem 3 which also included the Satellaview Fire Emblem stuff as extra content
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Show me what you've got, Sakamoto. Complete your redemption arc.
I can never take these posts seriously because it doesn't matter what it is. You retards will say, "Wow big Nintendo fan pretends he actually played the first SMB game on the NES." Except you won't, right? Because it's fucking retarded and makes you look like a huge faggot, right? Guess what you look like now.
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It's a bizarre turn of events, failed normies invaded this place and they refuse to entertain an idea different from what society puts into their brains.
Didn't F-Zero 99 include Satellaview tracks?
Notice you're still not talking about your game again, poser faggot.
Nagoshi lol
Huke is single handedly trying to save the company
They didn't know it existed an hour ago
He needs to actually write something good first.
That'd be like killing off Maya in AA, no way. At most I'd say they have her step back and bow out from future games.
bro, a fucking interactive book, lmaooooo
fr who asked for this 0 aura ahh game
and tendies actually pretend this is good while criticizing sony's walking sims
Nobody expected thr Switch to get anything but ports this year, and yet it has, so why not?
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Damn, that's lame.
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That Miyamoto + Itoi conversation with the controversial 30 Million line touched on this. Miyamoto wants to work on big selling titles, which requires having a "good idea". He doesn't want to sell something that merely breaks even. That's why you don't see him all too excited to push for those IPs. Though it's telling he's convinced Pikmin can be a massive seller despite it not reaching that point.
Bait harder, Eric
Can't you just emulate?
The remake ran pretty much perfect, right?
That isn't how marketing works. They would obviously save a new IP to show with the new console instead of tacking it onto the switch when everyone is waiting for the switch 2
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This seems lame, but I don't play VN.

What are some MUST play VN?
What else?
Didnt famicom club and Another Code remakes sell like shit
I rather have a detective visual novel than some retarded jumpscare horror unity asset game.
I mean, Pikmin 4 sold better than the best selling F-Zero, which is still the original SNES game btw.
>Raging Poop
>Steins Gate + 0
>Sex with Cthulhu
It was called Famicom Wars DS in Japan and I think the GBA ones were called Gameboy Wars Advance
Low budget games don't need to sell Marios, lil timmy.
It's crazy how there's little to no portraits in the remakes and all the characters were drawn and animated with the backgrounds. It was a labor of love.
Visual novel selling even something around 100k would be considered a success. You really underestimate how cheap these games are.
famicomdetectiveclubsisters we're eating good!
Isn't FDC a 1st party title....at least in jp?
Shit has FAMICOM in its damn name!
Miyamoto is hardly involved in game debelopment anymore, and the argument that "A Nintendo game that sells 30 million should release every 3-5 years" fundamentally understands that most games they release don't need to sell that well.
Yes, it's a first-party IP created by Yoshio Sakamoto, though the recent remakes were worked on by MAGES and most likely this new game too.
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go back
Jesus, he's just asking, you fucking faggot.
>fsn on top
>ddlc in the list
Whoever made the list should be hanged
No. Rather that's been half the debate was they could have used Satellaview content but refused.
schizoposter alert.
I just want them to translate the famicom mukashibanashi games.
Retro is completely worthless without being tard wrangled and micro managed. The founder blew company money on hooker pool parties and Lamborghinis and hosted porn on company servers. There were multiple teams split across multiple projects and not one was viable. Nintendo got them to work when Miyamoto had them scrap everything and make Metroid. After that they made Donkey Kong and Mario Kart 7. But that period after Tropical Freeze Nintendo didn't assign anything to them so they were probably twiddling their dicks again until Prime 4.
>Tendietubers are now all internally debating whether they need to pretend they give a shit about FDC or not
At least they have something to debate about.
You will never be Japanese
That's it?
I actually played both games earlier this year when I had no internet in my home so I'm mildly excited for this. I only hate that it's a bit of "try every possible option to progress" at times.
They are low budget games made to be successful after only selling a few 100k. They probably weren't even planned to be million sellers when they were greenlighted.
he should lurk more
Tendies don't care about FDC but actual kino enjoyers do.
Fuck off
I thought it was going to be something like Silent Hill, I know the switch is the switch but not everything needs to be a VN
VNs are VERY low budget
Good, I like to see cubies e-celebs suffer
I know. That's why I want them translated in English dumbass.
I'm trying to remember if AntDude played the remakes when they came out. He's pretty much the only one into the more niche stuff, e.g. he also played Another Code Recollection at the start of the year.
They are based on Japanese folktales, America doesn’t give a shit about them since we have our own adaptations.
I still want to play them. Also Yuyuki is based on a Chinese story.
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>try everything to proceed
>girl who looks behind punishes you on your final score if you looked at certain things/talked to certain people too much
That also bothered me
Real men play Jinguuji Saburou, none of this nintentoddler shit.
Ironically the Switch has a better VN audience than Starfox or F-Zero ever had.
I can't find any of these posts that actually called Emio being a new Famicom Detective Club. At most it was a maybe.
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what did he mean by this
He'll turn your frown upside down.
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>behind punishes you on your final score if you looked at certain things/talked to certain people too much
I've never seen something so minute and inconsequential that could make me not want to play a game.
i wonder if the people who are defending this are actually interested in the game or if they are just the unpaid nintendo defense force.
Just use your brain instead of trying to bruteforce everything lmao
Why would anyone be against it in the first place?
>Nintendo should revive old IPs
>NOOOOO not that one, gimme falcon punch man bizarre adventure
go fuck yourself, I enjoyed FDC
Niche IP, nobody played these games.
Fuck you nigger I loved Famicom Detective Club ever since some anon recommended the SNES remake with a fan translation in a Suda51 thread many years ago.
I'm coming at this as someone who always showed my Lawyer badge.
I played the remakes and enjoyed them. This announcement isn't as exciting as the thought of a big budget first-party Nintendo horror game, but it's still a nice addition to the releases in the second half of the year. A month ago it looked like there would be nothing coming out and now there are a new FDC, a new 2D Zelda, a new Mario & Luigi, Dragon Quest III Remake and Metroid Prime 4 actually exist etc.
Gonna buy it because it made faggots on /v/ mad
Niche titles have their niche audience, not everything needs to be super mainstream.
You mean white people didn't play it right
>he's just asking
>literally insults anyone who knows about it already
I came across FDC when Arino played through it, it was pretty funny but I didn't remember much of it.
Then when the remakes came out, I wanted to try them.
the best thing about this is that these kinds of projects exist because Nintendo can let the devs do them
Personally, I really enjoyed the 2 remakes and thought it was refreshing to see such a forgotten series in the nintendo library get given a second chance.
>niche ip
>sold more than slop blade
lmao even
based fuck xenoblade
why the fuck are people projecting their insanity on a teaser that didn't really say anything but Emio? now they set themselves up for disappointment
Splatoon on Wiiu?
also, laughing at every retard that kept saying it was a Bloober something game lol
Crazy how they copied Mach rider’s design for F-Zero
Oh no, more games.
>Why did people speculate theories on a purposely cryptic ad
I wonder why
That was 2 years before Switch came out
speculate yes
but going autistic and assume it is something else and blame it on the thing?
Someone explain to me why FDC is allowed to have an M rated entry when no other Nintendo franchise is?
Low budget and thus low risk?
people were expecting
...horror vs getting detective mystery
...an original IP vs getting a new entry to an old IP
...action-style game vs adventure/VN-style game
...what they'd consider a "mature" game to look like vs getting an anime style game
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Man, zoomers will call Blazing Dragons a VN too won't they?
developer pet project
>That Miyamoto + Itoi conversation with the controversial 30 Million line touched on this. Miyamoto wants to work on big selling titles, which requires having a "good idea". He doesn't want to sell something that merely breaks even. That's why you don't see him all too excited to push for those IPs. Though it's telling he's convinced Pikmin can be a massive seller despite it not reaching that point.
#1, Nagoshi proved miyamoto was lying and said GX was a success

#2, Itoi got rejected multiple times by Nintendo because they made Shiggy the decision maker at who gets to pitch games and Itoi just went around him and pitched to Yamauchi. Shiggy never wanted another becoming a thing
FMDchads fucking win!
Ayumichads fucking win!
Blooberfags btfo
leakers btfo

I am very happy with this outcome
I bet my left hand you never even touched an F-zero game in your life.
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I can't wait for her to die and leave us sad and alone
anon, F-Zero, Pikmin and Star Fox are his "babies", regardless on whether they sell or not, as long as he wants to make them, he will
>googled this shit
>f-zero schizophrenia from reddit
of course
If I had to guess, nintendo probably barely have FDC on their radar and it's mages pushing it entirely. Nintendo are just looking the other way since the remakes were received well enough.
>he says this while ignoring the developer video that literally accompanied the announcement
It's a murder mystery, not exactly E material.
MURDER mystery game
Sakamoto is a Nintendo OG, if he wants to make a sequel to an old franchise of his 30 years later, he can now that he delivered with Metroid.
Every Nintendo game has to go through Shinya Takahashi to be greenlit. Yoshio Sakamoto is not some nobody at Nintendo. Nintendo is very protective of their ip, as I'm sure you know, and would never "look the other way" if someone used it without permission. What are you even trying to say?
also what the fuck is this "gx is a success" it barely reached Double Dash's half sales
>Remember this meme!
that's literally how memes work
like I said, the fag didn't even see the producer video
with that said I'm guessing he isn't as interested as TSUNKU for another rhythm heaven game
How many casuals have you seen play VNs? How many of them even know what a Mages or Type Moon is?
There's alot of different genres there.
You can't put actual visual novels like Planeterian where there's 0 choices and all you do is read the next textline, with some interactive adventure games like Phoenix Wright, Danganronpa or Zero Escape.
>You wanted something different from Nintendo?!
But retards are whining for another Star Fox retread
I actually see a lot of women into VNs, take of that what you will.
Is this series any good?
Do you think it's likely they'll kill off the most remembered character
Like I said, I blame zoomers. They'd be calling Blazing Dragons a VN.
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Rating is all about how many people will buy your game anon. Most Nintendo games try to sell them to everyone. This is a visual novel point and click game. It's already a niche detective game so the age rating really doesn't matter in the end if they are not that expensive to make.
>Famicom Detective Club
Played the two Switch games this spring and enjoyed them quite a bit.
>single player MMOs but Japan
>Release date: August 29, 2024
Man, I don't have a Switch and really wanna play this.
How good are the emulators?
It'll be backwards compatible simply because all their competitors are and also because the hardware likely won't be much different, so it'll be hard to justify, unlike, say, the 3DS to Switch.
>visual novel
Just use youtube
>simply because all their competitors are
So? When has Nintendo ever given a fuck about what other consoles are doing?
Good, a game like this shouldn't be a problem in Ryujinx, maybe even Yuzu though I don't know if it still supports newer games after it got discontinued.
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F-Zero died with 99
Star Fox died with SF2's NSO release
Switch emulators just need some decent CPU. it will run like shit if you have a 10+ years old CPU even if you have the latest GPU. Some game will run better than others. This one should run fine though.
>half of the most recognizable video game franchise
Not too shabby
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>Sakamoto made Emmi in Metroid Dread
>Now he makes Emio
the image that DESTROYED /v/
You think he'll come back or does the employee contract say he's either N or Out?
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>All these retards seething over a game they were probably never going to buy anyway
>retards don't know the difference between a VN and a Jap Adevnture Game
I hope they go wild.
>bing prompt
Literally told you faggots it was a new famicom detective game in a previous thread and nobody payed attention
I don’t know, horror game fans might want to buy a horror game that isn’t a complete shovelware asset flip. Pretty rare these days actually
>tokyo mirage sessions all over again
Never change Sloptendo
This is such basic knowledge he got wrong that I'm convinced Anon is underage.
but not successful
Horror fans don't buy horror games on the shitch though.
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Sakamoto said divisive ending, what do you think that entails?
Does anyone have the chud looking guy from the first game hanging from a noose?
eric going overtime already
ive been here for 10 years and ive never heard of this series
That’s fair
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Nintendo never promised anything, and TMS was still a good game at the end of the day
Fuck you
The graphic rape scene of Ayumi in the climax
Was it really necessary?
It's what smashfa- i mean f-zero "fans" deserve
>and TMS was still a good game at the end of the day
Congrats on being one of the 5 people that bought that garbage.
>TMS was still a good game at the end of the day
>people unironically using Other M as a measure for Sakamoto's "writing"
>not FDC
>Nintendo never promised anything,
They gave us exactly what they teased
Its nintendofags who got caught up in their own delusion and are now throwing a tantrum over their fanfiction not being reality
His latest work was other m. He is just washed.
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>Never the guy
>Never drew a dime
>Never cut a memorable promo
>Never put anyone over
>Never had the balls to step out of his tech demo comfort even when Miyamoto threw millions at him
>Only had one good game
>Main evented the lowest drawing Nintendo system of the '90s
>Main evented the lowest drawing Wii U exclusive of the '10s
>Tanked the buyrate of Star Fox Zero so hard his sequel was cancelled
>Was barely ever in the AAA picture outside of the SNES and N64 because he was never a big enough deal
>Only the 12th best member of Smash Bros 64
>Only the 6th best member of Star Fox Assault
>His furry muppet design was cringeworthy
>His ugly bellshaped head was cringeworthy
>Shit taste in video games
>Shit gimmicks
>Failed at getting over with the Ninthings crowd so badly he was reduced to a bonus character in Starlink which also failed to draw dimes
>Only significant achievement was being one of 12 N64 games that actually sold more than a million copies
>Is the Nintendo equivalent of that one insufferably mediocre middle manager whose sole professional """""""achievement"""""" is staying in the same shitty job for 30 years
>Drew so poorly in his 2016 game that Inkling of all people had to take the spotlight off him
>spent the latter part of his career buried by superior young talent
>The biggest impact he had on the business was giving Miyamoto enough leverage to swindle money from sad millenial furry manchildren who can't grow up and let go of the past
because clearly the setup, character, and the like for Other M is comparable to FDC
It's more recent. Granted, as badly written as it was, I think there could've been something there if it was an original story and wasn't badly tied to a historic IP.
His latest work was Metroid Dread
>generic anime girl for smash
Fuck off
best Summer ever
my point is that judging writing in a vacuum rather than genre, etc. is a poor way of measuring things. a person might be shitty writing scifi after all.
FDC is based as fuck. So now I am actually excited.
brilliant bait
next you'll tell me you've watched steins gate
>Geno is no longer Nintendo's biggest loser now
They're nothing like each other in the slightest and Emio was teased for a week vs the actual years of radio silence to reannounce TMS, I know is bait but there's a point where it's sad to pretend to be so retarded to whore for attention.
it's always smashfags aren't they? they're averse to anything that is not a scrimbo
VN's are already represented in smash with Joker.
>nintendo fans seethe when nintendo refuses to touch their dormant IP
>they revive a dormant IP
FDC's writing isn't anything to write home about either. It's just as terrible as Sakamoto writes but Other M was simply unhinged.
Ok. But what about point and click adventure games?
Better than another anime swordguy or another spring recovery furry.
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I for am glad its FDC, because it's already filtering the casual faggot, and very glad this means the remakes sold pretty well
>b-but they didn't even break a mil-
Sill sold enough to get a sequel unlike so many other games. fuck you.
>Emio appears in front of crying girls
>the teaser was just Emio appearing in front of (you)
Damn, did this guy just call us all a bunch of crying girls? lol
>the game bombs
Every time. Happening with Endless Ocean and Another Code too.
This has happened FOUR (4) times now with Advance Wars, Endless Ocean, Another Code and now this.
>suddenly it's bad
so this is what the "leaker" teased as being the new dark era of Nintendo? L-M-A-O.
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>FAMICOM Detective Club
>it's on the Switch
>not on the Famicom
Star Fox was always Nintendo's Sonic (arguably worse than Sonic's position too)
SMRPG, Xenogears, and Mischief Makers is one buyout/license away from freedom (still not happening)
Killing her off would piss off a massive number of fans. I don't think it would just be divisive
Switch Detective Club is too cringe.
Why would a penny budget game bomb?
Nintendo Detective Club
I named the player character Famicom,
Advertising costs
>he thinks the writing is good
Hi Sakurai
Hi Koizumi
>protagonist was considered for Melee
Surely smashfags have to take this into consideration before sperging out over it not being f zero or star fox
>sexiest Nintendo girl finally getting her due
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what if they kill the player character/(You)?
Asuka no!
Who cares about (You)
nah, i'd win
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>everyone ITT pretending like they know this game series and were fans all along
>putting words in my mouth
it's passable, but the fact that there's a need to compare Other M just shows that people like to run their mouths just like you
Yeah im sure Sakamoto sitting and talking costs a bunch of money.
>women into vns
>im into vns
heh heh... its all coming together
That or seething at Nintendo bringing back an old IP despite clamoring for them to do so because it wasn't the one you wanted
Fuck off, zoomer.
me when i spread misinformation
>cuts to protag-kun's half torso with a smiley face bag over the stump
What leaker?
You retards still follow thwsw grifters? Reminder Pyoro was going to set up a PayMeTons and bitcoin wallet lol
Do the originals emulste well on steam deck?
>and were fans
Is liking something enough to call someone/call yourself a fan?
Like this or more definitive?
anon this is not Earthbound or SMRPG
There's no way an innocent young woman would like heavy metal songs. But I still respect her tastes.
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>Thousands of Smash/Mario/Zelda only Nintendo fans seething that they got excited for an anime VN
>”Nintendo doesn’t ever bring back their dormant IPs” nerds scrambling to make the argument that this doesn’t count
This Emio fucker is more based than I realized
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anon it means she's a really great traditional wife
The Switch remakes were in past Nintendo Directs, why is it surprising it's a series people know?
>What, do you remember every game that's ever been in a Nintendo Direct?
Yes, I don't have your skill issues
Oops, Ayumi was the Smiling Man all along.
Turns out dealing with murders during your entire formative years makes you wanna have a go yourself.
Nice. Definitely getting it.
FDC's writing was only proof Sakamoto can't write, that's all there to it.
I'm not a fan, but I do know of it because /v/ talked about the remakes a few years ago. Personally I would've preferred a new horror IP, but Nintendo reviving their old IPs is a good thing too. Better than Sony who either kills them or just brings them back as soulless "remakes".
wow anon it's not like they released a whole set of remakes years ago that some people may have played or anything

I mean you would've been on to something if this was just an out of nowhere revival with no remakes released beforehand
Mhm... As opposed to the "ludonarrative" shit in Metroid games?
Redpill me about this Famicom Detective Club Remake series.
it's a remake and also it's in nu-anime artstyle
sciadv (all of them)
kara no shojo
forget the skiddie shit that is higurashi and save muv luv for later
It's an Ace Attorney style Visual Novel from Nintendo, go play it.
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>I sure hope this isn't bloober trash
>insisting being FDC is a negative
Judging by the trailer, I thought this was gonna be some Until Dawn or Fatal Frame type game.
Now I don't care anymore. Thanks Nintendo.
Where did bloober touch you?
What's a bloober?
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Want me to post my Switch history faggot?
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>brought back 2D Metroid
>brought back Warioware
>brought back FDC
Now all we need is Kid Icarus, a new Rhythm Heaven game, and a new Wario Land game (that isn't a speedtrooner game twitter artists will grift ove- who am i kidding, they do this for Nintendo stuff too)
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>a week ago people were doomposting and fearmongering about it being bloobershit
>now that it's revealed to be FDC people are saying they would've wanted bloobershit
Bargain phase?
bloobma balls
f-zero and star fox are miyamoto babies, and that grandpa only care about pikmin
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>I sure hope this isn't bloober trash
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That's pretty hot actually.
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Japanese adventure games. Both the remakes are good, but clearly based on the bones of NES games, the first game especially imo. The second game is classic though.
man someone is really forcing that "bloober is better" mindset huh
There's a lot of games in this list that you can hardly call VN, Kamidori alone has more gameplay than most AAA games.
Imagine still asking for another Star Fox game after Zero or SF2's release.

Your franchise will always be a tech demo showcase.
Melee is the best Starfox game
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so is the dev just a huge Faust fan and didn't think his lore was dark enough or what?
>Homer's wish was actually the best one, with the joke being he overreacted over something small like the turkey being a little dry
Zoom zoom played himself lol
Railshooters just can't complete
He's the Metroid guy
>visual novels are games now
lmao tendies are starving
The only based dev left at Nintendo
SF64 is a good runner up though albiet
F-zero and starfox fags are literally the last people ever to deserve a new game.
>Sakamoto is making it
Is this actually the first Nintendo developed M-rated game? I know they've published others, but I can't think of any Nintendo made themselves. Well, I guess it could still be third party just with Sakamoto producing
SF and Fzero just need remakes of their best games with multiplayer.
That's why you see unironic posts using "tranime" bu these permaunderage retards.
Cherry Pie is transfaggot falseflagging on 4chan btw
always has
It's probably EPD7 + Mages, just like the remakes
...you do realize Sakamoto works in Nintendo right?

>visual novels are no longer kino because my Snoy overlords said so.

Go back
Yes, first M rated first party
He is a good guy but no one can fully trust him
>he wanted something [a unique horror game that wasn't bloober trash]
>he got what we wanted, except not [a horror "game" (VN)]
Yeah zoom zoom. You did play yourself.
Makes made the remakes.
>Implying a new FDC game is a bad thing.
This is genuinely best case scenario. I'll take a revival of an old Nintendo franchise over a shitty bloober jap horror game any day.
The only known sales figures are for the physical edition which sold at least 20,949 copies in Japan. And this was a collector's edition which cost about $100. That's comparable to Ace Attorney physical sales.
>third person adventure games are movies but pressing A for 30 hours is pure gameplay because my Nintendo overlords said so
Absolute brainrot fambase these nincels are
anon he literally described the outcome of the image you posted
>zoomer always changing what he "likes" because of the illusion of being unattainable is gone
of course
>no anons in the threads bought or played the remakes
>no anons in the threads played the fantranslations
>no anons in the threads were aware of the games before the fantranslations
>no anons in the threads are fans of and familiar with or adjacent to the vn communities
Sure bro. Way more likely than FDC actually having fans.
Why even pretend like FDC isn't a famous and influential game just because you never cared for it yourself?
>pressing A for 30 hours
Have you played a Japanese adventure game before?
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>SF...just need remakes
man, eric really is that desperate huh
Yeah, but it's not too uncommon for Nintendo to have someone from Nintendo lead when third parties handle a Nintendo franchise.

The remakes were made by a Japanese company named Mages, so I can't help but wonder if it is them here to, just with Sakamoto leading.
You're not fooling anyone zoomie
What the fuck is up with the narrative that nintendo fans hate anime?
I've seen it pushed hard lately. It's bullshit. It always was.
that still makes it a first party game due to the staff involvement and more importantly, publishing
I've seen nintendies defend shorter games for full price. I mean I thought people were joking about it being a cult but holy fuck.
>he isn't excited to play Star Fox 1/64 over and over again
I pity you
All the switch has going for it these days is weebshit. Tendies musr have a hard time if that was true
Those games are written by THE Metroid guy including the new ones. Senior Nintendo staff is involved in development.
He's a gaslighting Smashnegro, just ignore him.
Obviously it is first party. There are other first party M rated Nintendo games like eternal darkness. I'm more curious about it being Nintendo's first M rated game they've developed.
MC is voiced by Yuuta tho
It's ironic too because the ones that truly hate anime are Xbox and Playstation fans.
On Xbox it's been so impopular that they've never had a successful anime game on there, ever, outside of JP exclusive Cave Shooters or IM@S.
Or Playstation. Where fans, ever since the PS4 era recoils at the mere sight of anime games.
I wonder if eric will have a meltdown tomorrow
>Absolutely unknown cringe shit VN that barely classifies as a game at all for a bing bing wahoo console
>Unatural shill campaign on /v/ begins
>wtf you never heard of ching chang emo detective IV: the remake: the saga 2????
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>what do you mean Nintendo isn't putting out a F-Zero fighting game?
>F-Zero died with the game that was released last year and was probably played by more people than all past entries combined
What did he mean by this
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Ah so these are the fabled nintendo manchildren I've heard so much about.
The existence of the fan translation at all suggests that there was a strong fan interest. But people still deny it and pretend like it's one of the most obscure games ever even though it's a genuine classic and one of the most influential games of its kind.
My turn now
>only going all out because it's bump limit
F-Zero 99 has Imamura's blessing and is actually fun.
Now if Nintendo can hurry up and put it out on eshop
>a new 2D Kid Icarus
made for Inti Creates
It's the hypocrisy and willing blindnesss of it that gets me
Zelda and Metroid are just as "anime" and always have been, for fucks sakes the same man who champions Metroid is the producer and director of these games.
Flop incoming what was Nintendo THINKING. We play games not fucking books
Nah, you're just a zoomer
>everything i don't like is unnatural
well i don't like you, so you're just a retard.
I'm not a fan but I heard about it.
>Cried how the remakes "flopped"
>Still sold well enough to get a sequel
Really makes one ponder
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